Anti Leukemia
Anti Leukemia
Anti Leukemia
error caused by the difference in the size of the animals used. The (3) C. V. Winder, J. Wax, L. Scotti, R. A. Schemer, E. M.
standard error of the mean (SEM) was calculated according to the Jones, and F. W. Short, ibid., 138,405(1962).
formula given by Burn et al. (10): (4) C . V. Winder, J. Wax, B. Serrano, E. M. Jones, and M.
McPhee, Arthritis Rheum., 6, 36(1963).
sji = p-N(N
- Y)’
(5) K.J. Rorig and H. A. Wagner, U. S. pat. 3,149,109 (Sept.
15, 1964).
(6) B. H.Chase and W. T. Weller, J. Phurm. Phurmacol., 16,
where s j = SEM, = mean value, y = any single value, N = 163(1964).
total number of animals used in the assay, and S = sum. (7) W. B. Deichman and T. J. LeBlanc, J. Ind. Hyg. Toxicol.,
The method and techniques developed for the anti-inflammatory 25,415(1943).
screening carried out in this investigation proved to be quite satis- (8) M. W. Jordin and W. D. Easterly, Jr., J. Phurm. Sci., 54,
factory. The method was simple and quick, and the apparatus was 1190(1965).
sufficiently sensitive for the determination of therapeutic levels (9) C.A. Winter, E. A. Risley, and G. Nuss, Proc. Soc. Exp.
of antiedema activity. Results with the hydrocortisone acetate and Biol. Med., 111, 544(1962).
indomethacin, the control compounds, compared favorably with (10) J. H. Burn, D. J. Finney, and L. G. Goodwin, “Biological
the results of others using antiedema assay procedures (2). Carra- Standardization,” 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, London,
geenin seemed to possess a distinct advantage as a phlogistic agent England, 1960, p. 33.
because it produced an edema effectively controlled by the single,
oral, nontoxic doses of the known anti-inflammatory agents used in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND ADDRESSES
the studies.
Received March 5,1971, from the School ofPhurmacy, Uniuersity
REFERENCES of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 72201
Accepted for publication July 30,1971.
(1) T.Y.Shen, T. B. Windholz, A. Rosegay, B. E. Witzel, A. N. Abstracted in part from a thesis presented by W. S. Dorsey in
Wilson, J. D. Willett, W. J. Holtz, R. L. Ellis, A, R. Matzuk, S. partial fulfillment of Master of Science degree requirements.
Lucas, C. H. Stammer, F. W. Holly, L. H. Sarett, E. A. Risley, Supported in part by Grant GM-10371 from the National
G. W. Nuss, and C. A. Winter, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,85,488(1963). Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service, Bethesda, MD
(2) C. A. Winter, E. A. Risley, and G. Nuss, J. Pharmacol. 20014 .
of this group. In this connection, it seemed worthwhile 1The plant material used was received from India. It was identified
and a voucher specimen was preserved at Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc.,
to reexamine the alkaloidal constituents of the related Maywood, N. J.
partition of the concentrate between 0.1 N HC1 and ethyl acetate, Anal.-Calc. for GeHnNOe:C, 69.47;H, 6.05;N, 3.11. Found:
extraction of the aqueous layer with chloroform at pH 9,concentra- C,69.05;H,6.22; N, 3.25.
tion of the extract, and crystallization from methanol. It was freed Its IR spectrum (bands at 1725 and 1760 cm.-') and NMR spec-
from most of the tylophorine in the form of its slightly soluble trum (3H peaks at r 7.87 and 7.49) support the presence of an
hydrochloride. The mother liquors were then subjected to counter- alcoholic and a phenolic acetyl group, respectively. Methylation
current distribution in the following system: 3% aqueous acetic with diazomethane leads to tylophorinine. Because of the low
acid-chloroform-n-butanol(3:2:1). The presence of five alkaloids solubility in organic solvents, satisfactory NMR spectra could not
was revealed, two of which were identified as tylophorine and be obtained. A comparison of the NMR spectra of the acetates
tylophorinine. The remaining three appeared to be new and were of Alkaloid C and of tylophorinine is shown in Table 11.
designated as Alkaloids A, B, and C in the order of increasing The spectra suggest that the phenolic hydroxyl is at either 3 or 6.
polarity in the distribution. Together, these three alkaloids repre- A choice between the two is not possible from these data, and
sented approximately l0-15% of the total alkaloid content; of further work is planned.
the three, Alkaloid C was the major component. The analytical Unlike the related species, T. crebripora and T. indica, T. dalzelliiii
and physical data are given in Table I. is rather low in its alkaloid content. After routine extraction, the
Alkaloid A has two phenolic groups and two methoxyls. The crude alkaloid was subjected to countercurrent distribution in the
general similarity of its UV and IR spectra with those of tylo- system already described. One major peak represented nearly all
phorine suggests that the substitution pattern of tylophorine may be of the alkaloid. It was crystallized from chloroform-methanol,
present, with the fifth oxygen presumably being located at 14, in m.p. 253-255 O.
analogy with other members of this group. Anal.-Calc. for C&H23N04.HzO: C, 68.91;H, 6.57; N, 3.65;
Alkaloid B has three methoxyls. Its UV spectrum is very similar OCHs (2), 16.20.Found: C, 68.64;H, 6.37;N, 3.37;OCHs, 15.60.
to that of tylophorine but shifts in basic solution, thus suggesting Its melting point and analytical, spectral, and chromatographic
the presence of a phenolic hydroxyl. Methylation with diazo- data showed that it was identical with Alkaloid C of T. indica,
methane yields tylophorine. Alkaloid B is thus desmethyltylo- desmethyltylophorinine.
phorine, although the position of the phenolic group cannot be Of the five alkaloids of T. indica, only Alkaloid C showed signif-
located unequivocally at this time. icant activity in murine leukemia (G1210system) (Table 111).
Alkaloid C has two methoxyls, one phenolic hydroxyl, and one
benzylic hydroxyl. It forms a diacetate, m.p. 225-227".
Table 11-NMR Spectra of Acetates of
Tylophorinine and Alkaloid C
(1) K.V. Rao, J. Pharm. Sci.,59,1501(1970).
Proton Tylophorinine Alkaloid C Remarks (2) Ibid., 59, 1608(1970).
(3) T. R. Govindachari, B. R. Pai, and K. Nagarajan, J. Chem.
1 r 2.32,2.17 2.35,2.20 ABpattern Soc., 1954,2669.
2 2.79, 2.94 2.79,2.94 AB pattern, (4) T.R.Govindachari, M. V. Lakshmikantham, K. Nagarajan,
split (J = 2) and B. R.Pai, Chem. I d . , 1957,1484.
4 2 24 2 z5 Split (J = 2) ( 5 ) T. R.Govindachari, B. R. Pai, S . Rajappa, and N. Viswana-
5 2.24 1.77 Singlet than, Ibid., 1959,950.
8 2.97 2.97 Singlet (6) T. R. Govindachari, M. V. Lakshmikantham, B. R. Pai, and
S. Rajappa, Tetrahedron, 9, 53(1960).
(7) T. R. Govindachari, B. R. Pai, S. Prabhakar, and T. S.
Table III-Antileukemic Activity of Desmethyltylophorinine" Savitri, ibid., 21,2573(1965).
Change in Increase in
Dose, mg./kg. Body Weight Survival Time, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND ADDRESSES
~ ~~ ~ ~~~
12 -2.2 135
8 -1.5 149 Received April 5, 1971, from the John L. Smith Memorial for
6 +o. 2 145 Cancer Research, Maywood, NJ 07607
4 +1.3 138
2.7 +2.3 123 Accepted for publication July 30,1971.
Supported by Contract PH43-68-45from the Cancer Chemo-
0 The author is indebted to Dr. T. J. McBride of the John L. Smith therapy National Service Center, National Institutes of Health,
Memorial for Cancer Research, Chas. Pfizer & Co. Inc., Maywood. U. S. Public Health Service, Bethesda, MD 20014
N. J., for the data in this table. The assay was carded out according * To whom correspondence should be addressed: College of
to the protocols given in Cancer Chemotherapy Report No..25, Dec.
1962. An increase in survival rate of 125% or higher is considered as Pharmacy, J. Hillis Miller Health Center, University of Florida,
positive activity. Gainesville, FL 32601