Greek Orthodox School-Solar
Greek Orthodox School-Solar
Greek Orthodox School-Solar
Bill of Quantities
Photovoltaic Solar System for Holly Family School and the Greek Orthodox
Patriarchate School
PAL10- 00099288
Funded By :
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Through The Saudi Fund For Development ( SFD)
Implemented By
United Nations Relief And Works Agency (UNRWA)
Through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PAPP)
(Bill of Quantities)
1 .The contractor must provide a detailed cost breakdown for each item.
2.The contractor must provide Technical descriptions for each proposed item and sufficient detail to allow UNDP to
determine compliance of Bid with specifications as per Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications of this RFQ.
The contractor shall indicate all makes proposed and must attach relevant manufacturer Catalogue/data.
3.The contractor shall submit the Manufacture testing certificate, country of origion, certified characteristics, test performance
curves, spare parts regular (as recommended by manufacturer , maintenance manuals and manufacturers warranty for each
components of the system for 5 years.
4. All prices/rates quoted must be exclusive of all taxes, since the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs, is exempt
from taxes.
5. In addition to the hard copy, if possible please provide also the information on diskette (IBM compatible).
5. Inspection Team
The contractor Shull facilitate the attendance of Engineers from the supervision team and the Recipient to check the materials
of the PV Solar eqipments before delivering to Site.
6. On site training
Upon completion of the installation, the contractor shall organize an on site training program involving nominated
employer's staff. Such a program shall be carried out during the commissioning phase. The cost of the training shall be
deemed to have been included in the tendered rates.
7.Contractor's Documents
The contractor's documents must include all construction documentation required for the works. They must include all
site information, structural and civil drawings, electrical services drawings at suitable scales showing final design
calculations, symbols list, site plan, and single line diagrams for distribution boards, solar switchboards, and control
Bill of Quantities
Photovoltaic Solar System for Holly Family School
Item Unit Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. US $ (Numbers)
US $
Bill No (1)
Photovoltaic Solar System works
• The system is designed to cover the Essential loads in Holly Family School
• The system will be grid interactive connected with battery backup system, which will allow many power
sources options. The system will import from the grid when loads are being more than the generated from PV
and supply surplus electricity to the batteries when PV generates more than the loads, the batteries can be
charged from Grid if PV output is not enough for loads and batteries.
• Contractor shall submit shop drawings for all architectural, civil, electrical and a complete photovoltaic solar
system works, including a single line diagram showing all the components of the PV system, DC and AC
distribution boards, PV Arrays lay out and battery backup systems connections and cables, wires cross section
for all the system to be approved by the Engineer before executing the work.
• Contractor shall submit the catalogs of each component showing the requested specifications stated at the
bill of quantity.
• The contractor shall submit the Manufacture testing certificate, country of origin, certified characteristics,
test performance curves, spare parts regular (as recommended by manufacturer , maintenance manuals and
manufacturers warranty for each components of the system.
• As-built drawings shall be submitted after handing over the work.
• All junction boxes and DBs will be lockable type.
• Upon completion of the installation, the contractor shall organize an on site training program involving
nominated employer's staff. Such a program shall be carried out during the commissioning phase. The cost of
the training shall be deemed to have been included in the tendered rates.
• The price includes all builders’ works, making good and reinstatement including necessary materials and
workmanship as well as removal of unwanted materials to dump sites approved by the engineer to complete
the job successfully.
• All the following items include supply, install, commission and operate of the complete PV solar system.
• The contractor must provide Bank Maintenance Guarantee for period 2 years for all components of the solar
PV Modules – 30 Kwp:
Supply, install, connect and operate Mono Crystalline or Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Modules with all
material needed to have complete job ready for installing high quality PV modules with total arrays capacity to
achieve 30 KWp. The item Includes supply, install &connect the following:
• PVC ducts with clambs, accessories , supports &labels suitable to be installed under the PV arrays.
• Solar DC cables appropriately sized to connect the PV solar cells together and to the inverter directly to have
a complete operational circuit with all conduits, clamps , trays and cable end terminations which shall be DC
plug and socket connectors . The DC cables must be sized in accordance with the installation requirements
applicable on site, the allowable voltage drop for DC cables between PV Arrays and inverter less than 1%.
• Hot galvanized cable trays appropriately sized, Ventilated or Perforated type with cover for outdoor use to
1 protect the DC cables from the PV cells to the battery room and inside the room, complete with all needed KWp 30
clamps, accessories, screws, labels to complete the job.
• The price includes all works, making good and reinstatement including necessary materials and workmanship
as well as removal of unwanted materials to dump sites approved by the engineer to complete the job
• Contractor must submit manufacturer warranty for solar panel for a period not less than 20 years.
• Contractor must submit all the required certificates for each PV solar panel from.
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
Photovoltaic Solar System for Holly Family School
Item Unit Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. US $ (Numbers)
US $
Inverters – 30 KW:
Supply, install, connect and operate DC/AC grid tie 3-phase inverter with data communication unit with
Ethernet connection .The inverter with must be suited to any PV module configuration, and depending on the
system design and installation proposed and for the future extended also. (Type is SMA or equivalent).
The DC max power input rating should be equal or more than 30 KW of the PV modules capacity at standard
test condition. The inverter unit shall be suitable for indoor and outdoor installations with IP65.
The inverter AC nominal power output rating must be equal or greater than 30 KW compatible with the AC
loads design. The inverter must include the safety concepts such as (triple protection with optiprotect,
electronic strings fuses, self-learning string failure detection, DC surge arrestor type 2 ) to ensure max
availability. Total inverter capacity must be divided at least 2 inverters. The price includes :
• Supply, install and connect (monitoring and controlling unit) for all PV solar system installed especially
2 compatible with the inverters, with all needed accessories, interface modules & data cables and all connections Unit 1
needed to complete and connect the monitoring system to internet.
• Supply ,install and connect all DC cables appropriately sized in accordance with the installation requirements
and to connect the inverters with PV system designed with all conduits, clamps, trays and cable terminations
end which shall be DC plug and socket connectors to have a complete job, the allowable voltage drop for DC
cables between inverters and PV system not less than 1%.
• Inverters shall allow an adjustable power factor minimum AC output power with all necessary electrical
cables, earthing system, Conduits, trays and all other materials and workmanship needed to connect with the
main distribution panel according to the engineer's instruction and approval and have a complete job.
• The contractor must submit manufacturer warranty for each inverter for a period not less than 5 years.
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
Battery Inverter – 6 KW:
Supply, install, connect and operate Battery Inverter compatible with on grid inverters with total rated power 6
Kw with all necessary interface modules and connections for masters & slaves , electrical cables and data
communication unit, router with Ethernet connection, connectable in parallel and modularly extendable. (Type
is SMA or equivalent).
The Battery Inverter must include the following concepts such as (Ac and DC coupling, High efficiency,
intelligent battery management for maximum battery life, charge level calculation, extreme overload
capability, and battery temperature sensing and battery current measurements).
The price includes:
• Supply, install and connect Remote Control Units (RC Unit) for the installed battery inverters with all data
& communication cables and connection needed to complete the job.
3 • Supply, install and connect: No 3
DC cables appropriately sized in accordance with the installation requirements to connect the battery inverters
with DC battery fuses box.
AC electrical cables to connect the battery inverters with the main distribution panel(AC Out).
the works includes all conduits, clamps, trays and cable terminations end and workmanship needed to have a
complete job,
• The allowable voltage drop for DC cables between battery inverter and batteries less than 1%.
• The contractor must submit manufacturer warranty for each battery inverter for a period not less than 5
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
Photovoltaic Solar System for Holly Family School
Item Unit Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. US $ (Numbers)
US $
Battery Bank :
Supply, install, connect and operate VRLA tubular design deep cycle batteries, the total demand energy is 160
KWh, @ C10 , 1.8V per cell. The battery bank voltage is 48 Vdc. (Type is BAE or equivalent).
The batteries must provide high-quality and achieving superior performance, the manufacturing date must be
new and not more than 6 months, suitable for every type of applications especially for solar renewable energy,
designed Service Life 10 years with low internal resistance, designed to be deeply discharged. The Battery
should provide benefits of being maintenance free, case flame retardant & non-hazardous. The price Includes
supply, install &connect Battery temp. sensor (BTS) and the following:
4 • All necessary DC cables between the batteries together and to the battery fuse box to have a complete KWh 160
operational circuit with all bus bars, conduits, clamps, stainless steel bolts, washers and cable end terminations
and all needed materials to complete the job. All DC cables must be sized in accordance with the installation
requirements applicable on site ,the allowable voltage drop must be less than 1%.
• Battery Banks rack from the same manufacturer of the batteries with dividers and all needed accessories to
finish the job. the rack must be enough to carry all the weight of the required batteries for the system.
• Contractor must submit all the required certificates for all Battery Banks .
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
PV Mounting structure:
Supply and install Module mounting structure from hot galvanized steel profile foundation OR Aluminium
profile structures suitable to the dimension of selected PV modules and PV numbers, the mounting provides a
fixed inclination of the modules 30 degree with vertical supports, plates, screws and casting concrete
foundations B250 (0.3*0.3*0.3) m3 for each leg, the structure profile includes bracing and double hot
galvanized angles for dividers.
The mounting structures and the foundations must be designed structurally to be suitable to withstand all static
5 L.S 1
loads (weight of modules, wind loads etc) that might occur according to the Site conditions. The mounting
structure components are bonded together to guaranty potential equalization.
All works and materials must be according to drawings, specifications and supervisor instructions and
Item Unit Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. US $ (Numbers)
US $
AC Air Condition:
Supply , install, test and commission air conditioning Inverter type Split Unit, composed of outdoor unit. filled
with environment friendly refrigerant such as (R410, R407c,..) and COP not less than 3.5,Condensing unit
shall be complete with Inverter compressor/s & air cooled condenser with fan, Well supported on hot
galvanized steel base on the roof, indoor unit with plasma filter as indicated on drawings to be tights installed
completed with all necessary supports, hangers, drain pipes from indoor unit to the nearest floor drain, ( PVC
Ø 1"), cupper pipes , sleeves, thermostat , Remote control and including Isolation Switch MOELLER and all
7 No 1
required electrical power cables from SDB to the unit according to drawings and engineers approval.
(Type is ELECTRA or equivalent ) .
1.2 Mulded Case Circuit Breaker MCCB 3X63A/NZMB-63A. (Type is Moeller or equivalent). No. 4
1.3 Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB 3X63A. (Type is Moeller or equivalent). No. 2
1.4 Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB 3X40A. (Type is Moeller or equivalent). No. 1
1.5 Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB 3X32A. (Type is Moeller or equivalent). No. 1
1.6 Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB 3X25A. (Type is Moeller or equivalent). No. 1
1.7 Supply and install Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB 3X16A. (Type is Moeller or equivalent). No. 6
Supply &Install Digital multimeter complete with needed C.Ts (100/5A) and with needed
1.8 protection MCB 3x6A and all needed works and wirings to get jop ready according to instructions. Set 1
Supply & Install Manual Transfere Switch (MTS) 100A- 400V Type Socomec complete or
1.9 approved equivalent with all needed fittings and accessories to get job ready according to No. 1
specifications and supervisor engineer instructions .
Supply, install and commission Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) 3 phase system. The ATS cosist
of two 4 poles contactores 125A @AC3 (DILMP125) complete with (Mechanical & elctrical
Interlock ) all needed ACU control fittings such timers , relays, undervolatge...etc , or approved
1.10 Unit 1
equivalent as per drawings with all needed fittings and accessories to get job ready according to
specifications and supervisor engineer instructions .
(Type is Moeller or equivalent).
Surge protection device of 40KA short circuit capacity to secure the over all AC system (data and
power) against lightnings and surges strikes, including connecting the device to earthing system
1.11 No. 1
and all needed accessories. Type Moeller or equivalent .(Optional Item)
1.12 Supply and install Signal indication lamp R S T with resistance 220V,with LTL fuse3x36/6A No. 2
Electrical Works for Palestinian Energy Authory - Holly Family School
Item Quanti Total Amount
Description Unit Rate
No. ty US $
US $
3-Phase Digital KWH Bidirectional Meter:
Supply,install,connect and operate a New 3-phase digital KWH Bidirectional meter 200/5A,with
all needed fittings and any other material needed to have a complete job as per drawing according
to GEDCO specifications & regulations. ,The KWh meter has monitoring LCD with all needed
data & interface cables, current transformrers 200/5A to connect with the Monitoring System .
2.1 Unit 2
The price includes dismaneling and removing the exixting metering units (3 ph KWH, KVAR &
1ph Kwh meteres).
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, catalogues, GEDCO specifications
and supervisor engineer instruction’s and approval.
Supply, install connect and, testing single socket outlet 16A, 220v, 2p+E for flush or surface
14.3 mounting, complete with PVC conduits, J.boxes, wiring, and all necessary accessories. (Type is No. 2
Gewiss-Chourus or equivalent)
Supply, install connect and, testing internal complete computer sockets (single) with RJ45 cat 6
female connectors,cover, Oiginal Italian Gewiss (RJ45 Data Socket Cat6 (Product Code:
GW20684)), connect it to the patch panel in the nearst Rack with FTP cables cat 6 teldor as shown
14.4 No. 1
in the network drawings, all sockets must be tested and labled(cables, sockets).(Type is Gewiss-
Chourus or equivalent).
Supply, install and commission lionization smoke detector, the detectors shall be twin-chamber
with latching electronic circuitry, two wire connectionall with all neccessery accessories needed to
14.5 complete the job, pull boxes special wires and all necessary accessories (Type is TELEFIRE or No. 1
Note: All detectors and Alarm bells must be connected with the Existing Fire Alarm Panel.
Carefully Dismantle and Reinstall in new location for the existing main fire alarm controlling
14.6 panel according to supervision eng instructions with all needed programming,wirings, fittings and No. 1
any other needed works and materials to get jop ready.
Supply and Install cable hot galvanized cable tray 10X15 cm complete with all needed civil works
14.7 and fittings cables according to supervisor engineer instructions. Type is OBO or equivelant. Mtr. 70
Bill of Quantities
Photovoltaic Solar System for Greek Orthodox Patriarchate School
Item Unit price
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. ($)
US $
Bill No (1)
Photovoltaic Solar System works
• The system is designed to cover the Essential loads in Greek Orthodox Patriarchate School
• The system will be grid interactive connected with battery backup system, which will allow many power
sources options. The system will import from the grid when loads are being more than the generated from PV
and supply surplus electricity to the batteries when PV generates more than the loads, the batteries can be
charged from Grid if PV output is not enough for loads and batteries.
• Contractor shall submit shop drawings for all architectural, civil, electrical and a complete photovoltaic solar
system works, including a single line diagram showing all the components of the PV system, DC and AC
distribution boards, PV Arrays lay out and battery backup systems connections and cables, wires cross section
for all the system to be approved by the Engineer before executing the work.
• Contractor shall submit the catalogs of each component showing the requested specifications stated at the bill
of quantity.
• The contractor shall submit the Manufacture testing certificate, country of origin, certified characteristics, test
performance curves, spare parts regular (as recommended by manufacturer , maintenance manuals and
manufacturers warranty for each components of the system.
• As-built drawings shall be submitted after handing over the work.
• All junction boxes and DBs will be lockable type.
• Upon completion of the installation, the contractor shall organize an on site training program involving
nominated employer's staff. Such a program shall be carried out during the commissioning phase. The cost of
the training shall be deemed to have been included in the tendered rates.
• The price includes all builders’ works, making good and reinstatement including necessary materials and
workmanship as well as removal of unwanted materials to dump sites approved by the engineer to complete the
job successfully.
• All the following items include supply, install, commission and operate of the complete PV solar system.
•. The contractor must provide Bank Maintenance Guarantee for period 2 years for all components•
PV Modules – 30 Kwp:
Supply, install, connect and operate Mono Crystalline or Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Solar Modules with all
material needed to have complete job ready for installing high quality PV modules with total arrays capacity to
achieve 30 KWp. The item Includes supply, install &connect the following:
• PVC ducts with clambs, accessories , supports &labels suitable to be installed under the PV arrays.
• Solar DC cables appropriately sized to connect the PV solar cells together and to the inverter directly to have
a complete operational circuit with all conduits, clamps , trays and cable end terminations which shall be DC
plug and socket connectors . The DC cables must be sized in accordance with the installation requirements
applicable on site, the allowable voltage drop for DC cables between PV Arrays and inverter less than 1%.
• Hot galvanized cable trays appropriately sized, Ventilated or Perforated type with cover for outdoor use to
1 protect the DC cables from the PV cells to the battery room and inside the room, complete with all needed KWp 30
clamps, accessories, screws, labels to complete the job.
• The price includes all works, making good and reinstatement including necessary materials and workmanship
as well as removal of unwanted materials to dump sites approved by the engineer to complete the job
• Contractor must submit manufacturer warranty for solar panel for a period not less than 20 years.
• Contractor must submit all the required certificates for each PV solar panel from.
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
Inverters – 30 KW:
Supply, install, connect and operate DC/AC grid tie 3-phase inverter with data communication unit with
Ethernet connection .The inverter with must be suited to any PV module configuration, and depending on the
system design and installation proposed and for the future extended also. (Type is SMA or equivalent).
The DC max power input rating should be equal or more than 30 KW of the PV modules capacity at standard
test condition. The inverter unit shall be suitable for indoor and outdoor installations with IP65.
The inverter AC nominal power output rating must be equal or greater than 30 KW compatible with the AC
loads design. The inverter must include the safety concepts such as (triple protection with optiprotect, electronic
strings fuses, self-learning string failure detection, DC surge arrestor type 2 ) to ensure max availability. Total
inverter capacity must be divided at least 2 inverters. The price includes :
• Supply, install and connect (monitoring and controlling unit) for all PV solar system installed especially
2 compatible with the inverters, with all needed accessories, interface modules & data cables and all connections Unit 1
needed to complete and connect the monitoring system to internet.
• Supply ,install and connect all DC cables appropriately sized in accordance with the installation requirements
and to connect the inverters with PV system designed with all conduits, clamps, trays and cable terminations
end which shall be DC plug and socket connectors to have a complete job, the allowable voltage drop for DC
cables between inverters and PV system not less than 1%.
• Inverters shall allow an adjustable power factor minimum AC output power with all necessary electrical
cables, earthing system, Conduits, trays and all other materials and workmanship needed to connect with the
main distribution panel according to the engineer's instruction and approval and have a complete job.
• The contractor must submit manufacturer warranty for each inverter for a period not less than 5 years.
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
Photovoltaic Solar System for Greek Orthodox Patriarchate School
Item Unit price
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. ($)
US $
Battery Inverter – 6 KW:
Supply, install, connect and operate Battery Inverter compatible with on grid inverters with total rated power 6
Kw with all necessary interface modules and connections for masters & slaves , electrical cables and data
communication unit, router with Ethernet connection, connectable in parallel and modularly extendable. (Type
is SMA or equivalent).
The Battery Inverter must include the following concepts such as (Ac and DC coupling, High efficiency,
intelligent battery management for maximum battery life, charge level calculation, extreme overload capability,
and battery temperature sensing and battery current measurements).
The price includes:
• Supply, install and connect Remote Control Units (RC Unit) for the installed battery inverters with all data
& communication cables and connection needed to complete the job.
3 • Supply, install and connect: No 3
DC cables appropriately sized in accordance with the installation requirements to connect the battery inverters
with DC battery fuses box.
AC electrical cables to connect the battery inverters with the main distribution panel(AC Out).
the works includes all conduits, clamps, trays and cable terminations end and workmanship needed to have a
complete job,
• The allowable voltage drop for DC cables between battery inverter and batteries less than 1%.
• The contractor must submit manufacturer warranty for each battery inverter for a period not less than 5
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
Battery Bank :
Supply, install, connect and operate VRLA tubular design deep cycle batteries, the total demand energy is
120 KWh, @ C10 , 1.8V per cell. The battery bank voltage is 48 Vdc (Type is BAE or equivalent)t
The batteries must provide high-quality and achieving superior performance, the manufacturing date must be
new and not more than 6 months, suitable for every type of applications especially for solar renewable energy,
designed Service Life 10 years with low internal resistance, designed to be deeply discharged. The Battery
should provide benefits of being maintenance free, case flame retardant & non-hazardous. The price Includes
supply, install &connect Battery temp. sensor (BTS) and the following:
4 • All necessary DC cables between the batteries together and to the battery fuse box to have a complete KWh 120
operational circuit with all bus bars, conduits, clamps, stainless steel bolts, washers and cable end terminations
and all needed materials to complete the job. All DC cables must be sized in accordance with the installation
requirements applicable on site ,the allowable voltage drop must be less than 1%.
• Battery Banks rack from the same manufacturer of the batteries with dividers and all needed accessories to
finish the job. the rack must be enough to carry all the weight of the required batteries for the system.
• . Contractor must submit all the required certificates for all Battery Banks •
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
PV Mounting structure:
Supply and install Module mounting structure from hot galvanized steel profile foundation suitable to the
dimension of selected PV modules and PV numbers, the mounting provides a fixed inclination of the modules
30 degree with vertical supports, plates, screws and casting concrete foundations B250 (0.3*0.3*0.3) m3 for
each leg, the structure profile includes bracing and double hot galvanized angles for dividers.
5 The mounting structures and the foundations must be designed structurally to be suitable to withstand all static L.S 1
loads (weight of modules, wind loads etc) that might occur according to the Site conditions. The mounting
structure components are bonded together to guaranty potential equalization.
All works and materials must be according to drawings, specifications and supervisor instructions and approval.
Photovoltaic Solar System for Greek Orthodox Patriarchate School
Item Unit price
Description Unit Quantity Amount
No. ($)
US $
Battery Fuse Box:
Supply, install, connect and operate battery DC fuse box (500*375*225 mm) as an external DC distributor to
protect the battery connections of the inverters . The box must be water proof protection with IP65, simple wall
mounting, suitable connections for three battery inverters and up to six DC connections inlet on the battery side,
the item includes (2 LTL 250/400A , 6 fuses 250A , cable glands, with all necessary DC cables from the
battery bank and to the fuse box and from the fuse box to the battery inverters to have a complete operational
6 circuit with all conduits, clamps, stainless steel bolts, washers and cable end terminations needed to fix, all DC No 1
cables must be sized in accordance with the installation requirements applicable on site ,the allowable voltage
drop must be less than 1%.
• The contractor must submit manufacturer warranty for each battery fuse box for a period not less than 3
years. (Type is Brand Name or equivalent).
All works and materials must be according to the drawings, specifications and supervisor engineer instruction’s
and approval.
AC Air Condition:
Supply , install, test and commission air conditioning Inverter type Split Unit, composed of outdoor unit. filled
with environment friendly refrigerant such as (R410, R407c,..) and COP not less than 3.5,Condensing unit shall
be complete with Inverter compressor/s & air cooled condenser with fan, Well supported on hot galvanized
steel base on the roof, indoor unit with plasma filter as indicated on drawings to be tights installed completed
7 with all necessary supports, hangers, drain pipes from indoor unit to the nearest floor drain, ( PVC Ø 1"), No 1
cupper pipes , sleeves, thermostat , Remote control and including Isolation Switch MOELLER and all required
electrical power cables from SDB to the unit according to drawings and engineers approval.
(Type is ELECTRA or equivalent ) .
Supply, install, connect and test Ac LED lamp 16W, Flux more
than 1000 Lumen, Color temperature 3000-4500, Power factor >
5.2 NO. 40
95%.(Type is NISKO or equivalent).
Supply, install connect and, testing single socket outlet 16A, 220v,
2p+E for flush or surface mounting, complete with PVC conduits,
5.3 No. 2
J.boxes, wiring, and all necessary accessories. (Type is Gewiss-
Chourus or equivalent)
Supply, install connect and, testing internal complete computer
sockets (single) with RJ45 cat 6 female connectors,cover, Oiginal
Italian Gewiss (RJ45 Data Socket Cat6 (Product Code:
GW20684)), connect it to the patch panel in the nearst Rack with
STP cables cat 6 teldor as shown in the network drawings, all
sockets must be tested and labled(cables, sockets).(Type is Gewiss-
5.4 Chourus or equivalent). No. 1
Note 1: cable must has one meter extra length inside the Rack
Note 2: cable must be labeled at both ends
Note 3: 60 cm from FFL
Note 4: high quality sticky plastic labled must be on the sokcet
Note 5: item includes 2,5m CAT 6 original patch
Title ………………………………………..……………………………….
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