Death Rituals Mini Essay
Death Rituals Mini Essay
Death Rituals Mini Essay
mummifying the bodies and grave goods were a necessity to ensure immortality after death.
The Egyptians would mummify the bodies because they believed that it is preparing them for
the afterlife and that their soul is needed to be reunited with the body to live on in the afterlife.
They would remove all the soft tissue organs, the liver, the stomach, the intestines, lungs etc.
This helped to slow down the decomposition process of the body. They would place the organs
in separate jars called canopic jars and each jar had a specific animal head one it each one
representing a god that would protect the organs. After the body was covered in natron and left
to dehydrate in 40 days. After the 40 days were up they would come and wash the body off with
water from the Nile and then put oils on the skin to ensure longevity. They would wrap the body
in linen from head to toe. When the body was ready to be put in the tomb they put amulets with
Before a body is put into the tomb they would cast magic spells over the body to help
them find their way into the afterlife, to protect the body. These spells were also to be engraved
into the walls of the tomb to ensure that they will last forever. They had a book of spells called
the Book of the dead. Heka is the god of magic and she would ensure these spells. Some of
these spells helped them to get to the gods in the afterlife like Osiris.
They believed that after someone has died that their spiritual body would live on forever
in the afterlife which is why they did these things to ensure that this would happen. During the
funerals they would bring offers for the body such as food, treasures, spells, ritual objects. They
would put grave goods into the tomb like copper, beads, amulets, pots and personal belongings