Design of A Hybrid Electric Motorcycle For Optimum

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Latin American Applied Research 49:31-39 (2019)


School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Tel. +98(21)77240360, Fax. +98(21)77240364,

Abstract−− In this paper, design and conversion of have an incomplete combustion, emitted more pollutant,
a conventional motorcycle to a Hybrid Electric Mo- and increased fuel consumption. For this reason, re-
torcycle is performed. Firstly, for a reference motor- searchers have been trying to resolve this problem by of-
cycle with 125 cc internal combustion engine, the siz- fering hybrid propelled vehicles such as fuel cell, electric
ing of the main components based on performance is and solar concepts during years.
described. Furthermore, ADVISOR is used to simu- Although HEVs are widely offered in the market, hy-
late the proposed motorcycle and calculate the fuel brid motorcycles are rare and very little work is carried
consumption in different cycles. The configuration of out in this field. Until now, a vast majority of companies
hybrid design is a separated parallel or through the produced electric motorcycle but only a few of them tend
road type, in which a brushless DC motor is assumed to produce hybrid motorcycle in large commercial scale.
to be fitted in the front wheel. An optimization process For instance, Piaggio has introduced hybrid bike that
is carried out to size the components for both the per- combines plug-in electric with lithium ion battery. Japa-
formance and fuel economy of the motorcycle. The re- nese manufacturer, Yamaha, is building a prototype Gen-
sults show that a 1.5 kW electric motor in front can Ryu as a motorcycle bearing the hybrid technology but
improve the performance and grading of the motor- still a concept that has not been produced in industrial
cycle as well as to decrease the fuel consumption of the scale. Hannan et al. (2012) presented the multi-source
motorcycle on several driving patterns. energy models and rule-based feedback control algorithm
Keywords−− Motorcycle; hybrid; fuel economy; of an energy management system for light electric vehi-
performance cle, i.e., scooters. They proposed a control algorithm
which they believed it was efficient and feasible for any
I. INTRODUCTION light electric vehicle. Sheu and Hsu (2006) studied on hy-
The large number of automobiles in use around the world brid power system incorporated a mechanical type rubber
has caused serious problems for the environment and hu- V-belt, continuously-variable transmission and chain
man life. Air pollution, global warming, and the rapid de- drives to combine power of the two power sources, a gas-
pletion of the Earth’s petroleum resources are now prob- oline engine and an electric motor. Four modes of opera-
lems of paramount concern (Ehsani et al., 2009). One of tion are defined to reduce emissions and maximize the
the major sectors of the automotive industry include mo- performance of motorcycle. They use the mechanical-
torcycles. Due to extensive usage of this kind of vehicle, type clutches for easy control and low cost to put the elec-
it is quite logical to survey a way to reduce the harmful tric motor in work. Morandin et al. (2014) worked on the
effects of motorcycle for the environment and human design of power-train for HEM. Synchronous electric
life. machine is used to couple with ICE. Besides, a low
The future prospect of hybrid technology is expected weight and volume battery pack is selected to optimize
to become more expandable and popular. Many scientists the performance of motorcycle and experimental test of
show interest in finding simple, economical and efficient HEM prototype on test bench is presented. Hsu and Lu
ways to make existing vehicles to become more environ- (2010) also designed a HEM by coupling a 1 kW DC mo-
mental-friendly. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are one tor via a one-way clutch to the transmission and a gener-
of the best solutions so far for this purpose. Ribau et al. ator coupled to the 125 cc ICE. In addition, design of
(2012) reviewed different engines application in series HEM management system which utilizes an electronic
configuration of hybrid vehicle with comparison in vari- control unit is implemented to combine two power flow
ous driving cycles. Cipek et al. (2013) introduced a sim- together.
ulation model for control unit of a hybrid electric vehicle Chen et al. (2018a) worked on recognition of driver
with two electric machines and two planetary gearboxes. braking intensity in order to control and energy manage-
The fuel consumption of motorcycles is less than the ment of electric vehicles. They proposed a method based
passenger cars. This fuel economy is due to the motorcy- on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to recognize and
cles lighter weight. However, the fuel consumption per analyze the brake intensity by using the prior determined
weight of the motorcycles is much worse than the pas- features of vehicle states. The testing results show that
senger cars (Chen et al., 2014). Because of large usage of their methods are able to accurately classify the braking
motorcycle is in urban area which provides lower de- intensity levels and predict the braking pressure corre-
mand of ICE’s power, working in inefficient areas of ICE spondingly. In the another study, (Chen et al., 2017) used
is inevitable. Accelerating and decelerating during driv- novel estimation algorithm for notifying backlash posi-
ing, changing speed and braking too much cause ICE tion and half-shaft torque of an electric powertrain. The
Latin American Applied Research 49:31-39 (2019)

powertrain modeling is implemented by hybrid automata.

Then the hybrid observer state was designed to simulta-
neous identify backlash position and half-shaft torque.
The proposed observer is validated under highly dynam- Electric Motor
ical transitions scenario of vehicle states. They also used Battery
vehicle road testing data to validate the parameters. Chen
et al. (2018b) established a dynamic model of driver neu-
romuscular interaction that can be used in highly auto-
mated vehicles. Bunch of experiments of driver-in-the-
loop are held to identify the key parameters of driver
steering wheel. At the end, the values of the stiffness co-
efficient of the subjects are mainly within the range of Figure 1. Proposed separated parallel hybrid configuration for
2.5Hz-3.5Hz, and the values under the active steering motorcycle.
tasks are mostly below 1 Hz.
The main novelty of this work is sizing hybrid electric
According to Kejha and Venkateswaran (2008),
components based on fuel consumption. Although some
through the road configuration is the easiest way to con-
performance constrains have been considered, but the
vert a vehicle to electric hybrid one. Fallahi and Niasar
main objective function of optimization problem is fuel
(2013) designed and implemented separated parallel con-
consumption. The results are gained by coupling
figuration to a vehicle and used suitable energy optimi-
MATLAB (for running NSGA II) and ADVISOR (for
zation strategies to meet desired efficiency, low pollu-
simulating motorcycle and calculate fuel consumption).
tion, and less fuel consumption. Amjad et al. (2011) stud-
ied on battery pack sizing and cost which is played a sig- II. METHODS
nificant role in range of plug-in hybrid electric two- A. Powertrain Layout
wheelers. Also, they focused on effect of cycle life on Separated parallel architecture is preferred here mainly
cost of battery pack during a year. A hybrid fuel-cell mo- for three reasons; simplicity in control circuit, higher
torcycle was designed by some researchers in Iran, but benefit in economical, and perfectly matched to conven-
the converted HEM is the first prototype in Iran (Asaei tional system with minimum manipulations. Separated
and Habibidoost, 2013). parallel hybrid configuration, shown in Fig. 1, have ICE
In Iran, there are around 8 million motorcycles. Al- and electric motor acting on different driving axles. The
most one third of that is in the capital Tehran. Therefore, road acts as a torque coupling for this configuration and
there is a real need to reduce the motorcycle emissions. as a result this configuration is sometimes called the
Electric motorcycles are not popular due to their high through the road configuration (TTR). This special form
cost and low range. One practical shortcoming of these of parallel architecture avoids mechanical complexity
vehicles is their reduced performance in mountainous ar- and would be implemented on vehicles without any fun-
eas like Tehran. A hybrid motorcycle that keeps the per- damental modification in conventional propulsion sys-
formance of the conventional type, is a good solution and tem.
will be the focus of this paper. Honda wave 125 is selected for hybridization for two
In this paper, based on two performance indexes, a main reasons. First, its automatic transmission, by which
simple mathematical calculation of size of the motor and the rider experiences a smooth motion of the hybrid mo-
battery has been presented. Simulation of conventional torcycle. Secondly, Honda wave 125 has an adequate
motorcycle and hybrid electric motorcycle based on the space under seat of driver and upper space of fuel tank
calculated size of hybrid component has been imple- between two knees of driver for packaging additional
mented in ADVISOR. The preliminary improvement of components such as battery pack and controller.
HEM compared with conventional motorcycle is shown
by ADVISOR in two standard driving cycle (included B. Preliminary Sizing
ECE and UDDS). Fuel consumption, maximum speed The propulsion unit of hybrid motorcycle consists of two
and acceleration time of two proposed motorcycle is prime movers, the internal combustion engine and elec-
demonstrated. In the next level of this study, an optimi- tric motor. Due to the TTR hybrid architecture of motor-
zation of three component’s size has been studied. In this cycle, there is no need to change anything for ICE. The
regard, the objective function is fuel consumption which powertrain sizing, therefore, is carried out for the traction
should be minimized and two constrains are defined in- motor and battery. To this end, it is necessary to define
clude maximum speed and acceleration time. Three vec- longitudinal dynamic requirements or performance crite-
tors for optimization are battery capacity, engine power ria to determine proper sizes for the electric motor and
and motor power which have got their own lower bound battery. The performance requirements to make a logical
and upper bound to limit the search area of optimization decision of selecting components are described as fol-
problem. At the end the optimum size of hybrid compo- lows:
nents and engine is shown in many standard driving cy- • Achieving top speed of 60 km/h in electric-only
cle. The improvement of the optimum size and previous mode.
calculated size is compared. • All electric range of 25 km at a constant speed of 40


Maximum Speed with the Constant Power (1.43 kW)

Tractive Force => Ft = P / V
Resistive Force => FR = F0 + cv2



For c e( N)



Figure 2. Free body diagram of a motorcycle.

First performance index specifies the amount of power 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
for the electric motor and the second index defines the Velocity (km/h)
capacity of battery pack. Figure 3. The variation of tractive and resistive forces with mo-
torcycle speed.
C. Electric motor
One simple approach in modeling the longitudinal per- Power and Torque vs. RPM (1.5 kW Hub Motor)
formance is to assume that the vehicle uses a constant
power to accelerate up to its maximum speed. This cor- Output Power Torque
2500 100
responds in practice to a full throttle acceleration (Crolla

Torque of Electric Motor (N.m)

Power of Electric Motor (kW)
and Mashadi, 2011). The free-body diagram of a motor- 2000 80
cycle is demonstrated to clarify tractive and resistant 1500 60
forces, as shown in Fig. 2. 1000 40

According to Newton’s second law of motion the 500

electric motor must supply the tractive force FT, to over- 0 0
come aerodynamic resistance force FA, rolling resistance 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Rev. (rpm)
force FRR, and gradient resistance force FG.
𝐹𝑇 − (𝐹𝑅𝑅 + 𝐹𝐴 + 𝐹𝐺 ) = 𝑚 (1) Figure 4. Power and torque characteristics of 1.5 kW of electric
𝑑𝑡 motor.
m and v are the motorcycle mass and speed respectively.
In addition, tractive power requirement of motor related
to speed of motorcycle with aforementioned assumption
of a constant power P is,
𝜂𝑑 𝑃 = 𝐹𝑇 𝑣 (2)
in which 𝜂𝑑 is driveline efficiency. Combining the two
equations leads to,
𝑚 𝑑𝑣⁄𝑑𝑡 = 𝜂𝑑 𝑃⁄𝑣 − 𝐹0 − 𝑐𝑣 2 (3)
where 𝐹0 and 𝑐 are defined below:
𝐹0 = 𝑊(𝑓𝑅 cos 𝜃 + sin 𝜃) (4)
𝑐 = 0.5𝜌𝐴 𝐶𝐷 𝐴𝐹 (5)
W, 𝑓𝑅 , 𝐶𝐷 and 𝐴𝐹 are the motorcycle weight, rolling re-
sistance coefficient, aerodynamic drag coefficient and
frontal area respectively. 𝜃 and 𝜌𝐴 are the slope angle and
air density. The maximum speed of the vehicle will takes Figure 5. Time history of motorcycle speed with a 1.5 kW elec-
tric motor.
place when the resistive force of vehicle equals to the
tractive force available. In mathematic terms this means: Acceleration time can be calculated by using Eq. (3).
𝑑𝑣 ⁄𝑑𝑡 = 0 (6) For a 1.5 kW constant power, the time history of motor-
By putting the right hand side of Eq. (4) to zero, the re- cycle velocity is shown in Fig 5. Estimates for the times
quired power for the motor can be estimated. Fig. 3 to reach speeds of 40 and 60 km/h are 10 and 45 seconds
shows the solution of this equation. The power of electric respectively. The actual times must be calculated by
motor to propel the motorcycle up to the maximum speed making use of the motor torque curve.
of 60 km/h is 1.43 kW. For a given grade 𝜃 in electric mode, the motor torque
Kelly Controls Company offers a 1.5 kW hub motor must satisfy:
with a maximum 87 N.m torque. At the final speed of 60 𝑟𝑤 ∗ 𝑊 ∗ (𝑓𝑟 cos 𝜃 + sin 𝜃)
km/h, the motor speed is 530 rpm at which the available 𝑇𝑚 > (8)
𝑛 ∗ 𝜂𝑑
traction is larger than 80 N (Fig. 3). Initial traction force, For a maximum torque of 87 Nm, a 14 percent grade
however, is around 300 N and this will increase the ac- for the motorcycle is obtained. Electric motors in general
celeration time. can tolerate overload force (usually with impact factor of

Latin American Applied Research 49:31-39 (2019)

2) in few seconds (Asaei and Habibidoost, 2013). So if Table 2. Motorcycle performance results.
electric motor produces 174 Nm of torque in overload Performance measure Simulation Manufacturer
condition for a short duration, the grade-ability is 29 per- 0 to 60 km/h time (s) 10.1 10
cent. Maximum speed (km/h) 107.5 110
Table 3- Fuel consumption of conventional motorcycle
D. Battery (lit/100km)
The state of charge (SOC) of a battery demonstrate a Drive cycle ECE UDDS Constant50
measure of the present charge capacity of the battery. The value 2.80 2.23 1.47
instantaneous SOC can be expressed as below: Table 4. HEM performance results.
1 𝑡 Performance measure Simulation
𝑆𝑂𝐶(𝑡) = 1 − ∫ 𝑃(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 (9)
𝐸0 0 0 to 60 km/h time (s) 4.9
in which 𝐼(𝑡) is the instantaneous discharge current of the Maximum speed (km/h) 105.5
battery and 𝐸0 is the battery capacity in Wh. The differ- Table 5- Fuel consumption of HEM (lit/100km)
ence between any two states of charge at two different Drive cycle ECE UDDS Constant50
times is Δ𝑆𝑂𝐶 = 𝑆𝑂𝐶(𝑡2 ) − 𝑆𝑂𝐶(𝑡1 ), and can be ex- value 1.35 1.21 0.87
pressed as:
Results of acceleration test from 0 to 60 km/h and
1 𝑡2
Δ𝑆𝑂𝐶 = − ∫ 𝑃(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 (10) maximum speed test, are provided in Table 2. The results
𝐸0 𝑡1 are compared with data given by the manufacturer
The integral part of equation is the net energy during time Honda. A good agreement can be seen between the actual
span of 𝑡1 to 𝑡2 , which is . During the all-electric range, and simulated results. This is an indication of the model
the motorcycle begins with a high state of charge of bat- accuracy.
tery 𝑆𝑂𝐶𝐻 and it ends with a low level 𝑆𝑂𝐶 L at the end ECE and UDDS driving cycles are well known stand-
of driving cycle. Thus the net energy is consumed by av- ard cycles. Another driving cycle, named CONS-
erage power consumption and cycle time (Δt). The re- TANT50, is a simple cycle at a constant speed of 50
quired capacity of battery can be expressed as: km/h. The fuel consumption of motorcycle under Con-
𝑃𝑎𝑣 Δt stant50 is close to the fuel consumption that manufacturer
E0 = (11) states. The minimum use of fuel is occurred during con-
According to the requirement, motorcycle must be able stant speed cycle since the losses in during changing gear
to travel 25 km at the speed of 40 km/h in all electric are absent and engine works at its best operating point.
mode. With high and low SOC levels of 80 % and 20 %, Results of simulation of conventional motorcycle for fuel
the capacity of required battery is 0.733 kWh. consumption under ECE, UDDS and Constant50 driving
cycles are given in Table 3. Simulation results of conven-
III. SIMULATION AND RESULTS tional motorcycle in the UDDS and ECE cycle are shown
ADVISOR developed by the National Renewable Energy in Fig 6.
Laboratory for the US DOE is written in the
MATLAB/Simulink environment and is suitable for the B. Hybrid motorcycle
simulation of conventional and hybrid vehicles. Different For the simulation of hybrid motorcycle, all of the set-
variables of the motorcycle are defined in the software tings applied to the conventional motorcycle are identical
and results are presented. to those of the hybrid motorcycle. Some other compo-
nents, however, are added to the base motorcycle, for in-
A. Conventional motorcycle stance, battery and electric motor. The motor and battery
For the simulation of conventional motorcycle, the vehi- properties are scaled by making use of Advisor scaling
cle parameter values presented in Table 1 are entered in method. Another important feature of hybrid motorcycle
the software. In addition, engine performance curve also is its TTR configuration. ADVISOR doesn’t have such
must be defined. A scaling method is used to generate the configuration in its default hybrid systems.
engine performance curves (Kejha and Venkateswaran, By omitting torque coupling component, connecting
2008). electric motor to the front wheel and transferring torque
Table 1. Motorcycle parameters (Bosch, 1996). of ICE to the rear wheel, TTR hybrid configuration is
Parameter value unit constructed in Advisor environment. The result is illus-
Engine power 7.2 kW trated in Fig. 7. First direction in Fig. 7 represents elec-
Mass without driver 90 kg trical path from battery pack to the front wheel and sec-
Mass with driver 170 kg ond direction shows the power flow of ICE from fuel tank
Primary gear ratio 4.05
First gear ratio 2.615
to the rear wheel. The acceleration and max speed test
Second gear ratio 1.555 results are presented in Table 4. The 0-60 km/h time in
Third gear ratio 1.136 this case is halved compared to the conventional motor-
Fourth gear ratio 0.916 cycle.
Final drive ratio 2.64 The fuel consumption results of the hybrid electric
Aerodynamic Drag coefficient 0.27 motorcycle for ECE, UDDS and Constant50 driving cy-
Rolling resistance coefficient 0.013 cles are given in Table 5.
Wheel diameter 0.3 m


Figure 6- Simulation results of conventional motorcycle in ADVISOR

Figure 7. Separated parallel hybrid configuration constructed in ADVISOR.

Typical simulation results of hybrid motorcycle for The reduction of maximum speed is happened due to
the UDDS cycle are shown in Fig. 8. increase in the vehicle weight and in turn the rolling re-
sistance force. Figure 9 illustrates that the fuel consump-
C. Simulation comparison tion of the hybrid electric motorcycle has been improved
The outcomes of simulation for the hybrid and conven- in comparison to the conventional motorcycle around 48,
tional motorcycles are presented in Table 6 and depicted 35 and 14 percent over ECE, UDDS and Constant50 cy-
in Fig. 9. The performances of the motorcycle based on cles respectively. Fuel economy in UDDS is much better
the simulations carried out by making use of ADVISOR than ECE due to the advantage of regenerating braking in
for the conventional and hybrid electric motorcycles are hybrid electric motorcycle. The least amount of reduction
compared in Table 6. It can be seen that the acceleration of the fuel consumption is observed in Constant50 cycle.
time is improved considerably due to adding another The electric motor does not have much influence on the
power source to assist ICE. The maximum speed of the fuel consumption in Constant50 cycle, due to constant
motorcycle, however, is not improved. The reason is that speed of motorcycle in this driving pattern. Since the
the electric motor has restrictions for high speeds and speed profile of ECE cycle is smooth and linear in com-
cannot assist at high speeds. parison with UDDS driving cycle, the engine tends to
Table 6. ADVISOR simulation results comparison. work in optimum region which results better improve-
ADVISOR ment in fuel consumption. Furthermore, the speed of mo-
Conv. Hybrid torcycle during UDDS cycle is more than ECE cycle.
0 to 60 acceleration time (s) 10.1 4.9 Therefore, the fuel consumption reduction is not notice-
Max speed (km/h) 107.5 105.5 ably high in comparison with the ECE driving cycle

Latin American Applied Research 49:31-39 (2019)

Figure 8. ADVISOR simulation results of hybrid motorcycle for UDDS.

Table 7. Driving performance constraints.
1.165 Constrains Description Value
Constant 50
1.343 Acceleration time (s) 0-60 km/h <7
Max Speed (km/h) - >105
ECE 1.4
2.621 Table 8- Upper and lower bound of design variables
Variable Lower bound Upper Bound Step
UDDS 1.262 ICE power (kW) 5 10 1
Motor power (kW) 0.5 3 0.5
0 1 2 3 Battery Module (#) 5 20 1

Hybrid Motorcycle Conventional Motorcycle

sumption whereas maximizing max speed and minimiz-
ing acceleration time or satisfying driving performance
Figure 9. Comparison of fuel consumption in conventional and requirements.
hybrid motorcycle. In this section, the sizes of main components of hy-
brid powertrain namely engine, motor and battery pack
while the motorcycle is under UDDS driving cycle. are determined by using an optimization algorithm. Op-
UDDS cycle is more like real-world driving cycle rather timization algorithm helps to search area of three design
than ECE cycle, however, the amount of reduction of the parameters extensively which fulfill objective function
used fuel over UDDS cycle is less than that over ECE and does not violate constrains. Engine power, motor
cycle. Vast numbers of stop and go situation in UDDS power and battery capacity are the design parameters and
driving cycle represent urban driving pattern which many the fuel consumption is the main objective. There are
motorcycles are confronted. So the advantage of hybrid some constrains in this optimization problem which are
electric motorcycle is noticed in this condition rather than maximum speed and acceleration time. Hence, the opti-
constant speed cruising. mization problem of hybrid electric motorcycle compo-
D. Optimum Sizing nents is single objective problem with nonlinear con-
The sizing based on performance, which is discussed in strains. In mathematical form, the process is:
previous section, deals with components design to reach 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝐽(𝑥) (12)
desirable performance and does not necessarily improve Subject to:
the fuel consumption. Although the desired performance 𝑔𝑖 (𝑥) ≤ 0 . 𝑖 = 1.2 (13)
is a main goal in sizing the motorcycle fuel consumption where J(x) is the objective function for minimization of
is another important issue. In fact, the main aim of hy- fuel consumption, 𝑔𝑖 (𝑥) is the 𝑖th driving performance
bridization in general is to improve fuel economy and constrain listed in Table , and 𝑥 is the vector of the opti-
thus this factor must be included in the sizing process. mization variables including engine power, motor power
The sizing of hybrid electric motorcycle is aimed at many and battery capacity. The range of optimization variables
simultaneous targets such as minimizing the fuel co- are shown in Table 8.


Two different approaches may be considered for the Optimization Algo-

optimization problem. First approach considers a single rithm in Matlab
target optimization, satisfying constrains by using pen-
alty functions and the second one reforms the problem Constraint
from single objective constrained optimization to multi
objective optimization with Pareto optimal solution. Updated ADVISOR
In this work, the multi objective optimization proce-
dure is utilized. For implementing optimization problem, Function
there should be a link between ADVISOR, which plays a
role of function for cost functions and constraints func-
Figure 10. Link between ADVISOR and optimization algo-
tion, and optimization algorithm which offers best solu- rithm.
tion for the problem. Figure 10 demonstrates this link.
Since there is no explicit or analytical function for calcu-
lating fuel consumption in each step when changing the 7

Acceleration Time (s)

power of ICE or electric motor, a vehicle simulation 6
model should be utilized for function evaluation like
ADVISOR. In an engineering optimization problem, cost 5
functions are calculated by specific mathematical func-
tions. When such functions are complicated, a code or 4
software must be used for the cost function calculation.
In this paper, ADVISOR plays such a role. The optimi-
0.85 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25
zation algorithm produces various inputs during each it-
eration and these are used by ADVISOR to calculate the Fuel consumption (liter/100km)
outputs. Afterwards, optimization algorithm evaluates
the outputs and determines whether the process must be Figure 11- Pareto solution of fuel consumption vs. acceleration
stopped or continued. By means of inputs and outputs, time in ECE cycle.
design variables and design objectives are represented re- Table 9. Values of objective variables of hybrid motorcy-
spectively. The inputs are updated by optimization algo- cle in optimum sizing in ECE cycle.
rithm and the outputs which are determined by Design objective value
ADVISOR, are then evaluated using the optimization al- Fuel consumption (liter/100 km) 1.18
gorithm. Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm Acceleration time (sec) 5.9
Max Speed (km/h) 103
(NSGA II) is used for optimization algorithm. Deriva-
Table 10. Values of optimization variables of hybrid mo-
tive-free methods such as genetic algorithm are often the torcycle in optimum sizing in ECE cycle.
best global algorithms because they must often sample a Optimization variables value
large portion of the design space to be successful (Mi et ICE power (kW) 5
al., 2011). Motor power (kW) 1.5
Genetic algorithm is a stochastic global search pro- Battery capacity (kWh) 1.4
cess which is an impressive technique to solve compli-
cated engineering optimization problems characterized TOPSIS introduced by Hwang and Yoon (1981) is
by non-convex, multi-model and non-linear objective used to rank the given alternatives of the Pareto solutions
functions. Unlike mathematical problems, engineering obtained by NSGAII.
problems involve multi objectives that must be satisfied. The basic concept of TOPSIS determines the positive
Thus, NSGA II is implemented to locate multiple pareto- ideal solution (𝑆 + ) as well as the negative ideal solution
optimal solutions at one simulation run. (𝑆 − ) and then finds the best compromise solution which
By running multi-objective optimization algorithm is the closest to 𝑆 + and the farthest from 𝑆 − from the Pa-
which is coupled with ADVISOR, the results of two ob- reto set according to the decision maker’s objective
jectives, which are the acceleration time and fuel con- weights. The positive ideal solution has the largest net-
sumption, are shown in Fig. 10. Results of optimization work reliability and the smallest cost in the Pareto solu-
problem could be depicted in three dimensional diagrams tions (Lin and Yeh, 2012).
due to existence of three objectives. Figure 11 shows two By selecting the most appropriate amount of weight
objectives out of three under ECE driving cycle in the (W) for each of the objectives, best point can be chosen.
form of Pareto solution. These weighting factors represent the influence of each
Among optimum solutions of Pareto front, there is a objective among Pareto solutions. Due to emphasizing
need to specify unique answer which represents the out- more on fuel consumption in this work, 90 % is desig-
put of optimization problem. So a multi-criteria decision nated to fuel consumption and 5 % to each of other two
analysis method should be implemented to determine fi- objectives. Optimization variables and objectives with
nal solution. The Technique for Order of Preference by respects to the following weighting factors are presented
Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is utilized. in Table 9 and Table 10.

Latin American Applied Research 49:31-39 (2019)

The engine power has been downsized to 5 kW to reduced during the optimum sizing. This improvement is
reach minimum fuel consumption whereas other objec- about 5, 13, 8, 14 and 16 percent in fuel consumption for
tives like acceleration time and max speed have been im- UDDS, EUDC, ECE, WMTC and ARTERIAL driving
proved reasonably. The procedure of finding optimum cycles respectively. It simply indicates that downsizing
solution was implemented in ECE driving cycle so far. of engine could have much more impact on fuel con-
Now this process should be considered in different driv- sumption.
ing cycles in order that the results can be generalized.
UDDS, ARTERIAL, WMTC and EUDC are other driv-
In this paper, the sizing of a hybrid electric motorcycle
ing cycles considered for this purpose. In Table 11, the
with two approaches were carried out. Through the road
results of the optimization problem under different driv-
hybrid configuration is selected in which the electric mo-
ing cycles are presented. Running NSGAII and applying
tor is mounted on the front wheel and internal combus-
TOPSIS on the output of optimization problem are the
tion engine propels the rear wheel as in the conventional
process of finding final solution for hybrid motorcycle.
motorcycle. The simulation of conventional and hybrid
The fuel consumption of the conventional motorcycle
motorcycles are performed in ADVISOR software envi-
is compared with the two hybrid electric motorcycle de-
signs (preliminary and optimum design) at different driv-
The results are validated by those presented by the
ing cycles and the results are demonstrated in Fig. 12.
manufacturer for the performance and fuel consumption.
Fuel consumption of the hybrid motorcycle which is
A preliminary sizing of the components is carried out
determined according to the optimum sizing in compari-
based on the performance of hybrid motorcycle in elec-
son with conventional motorcycle is improved up to 40.1,
tric mode. In this approach a 1.5 kW motor and 0.8 kWh
17.2, 54.9, 29.5 and 34.3 percent in UDDS, EUDC, ECE,
battery pack are calculated for the hybrid motorcycle.
WMTC and ARTERIAL driving cycles respectively.
This simple hybridization has reduced the fuel consump-
This comparison also shows that the fuel consumption
tion by 35% in ECE driving cycle compared to the con-
that was reduced for preliminary sizing, is further
ventional motorcycle. In addition, the acceleration time
Table 11. Final results of optimization problem in different is enhanced 51 percent with respect to the conventional
driving cycles. motorcycle. An optimum sizing method is also carried
out with the aim of optimizing the fuel consumption. By
C cy-

C cy-

S cy-




considering NSGAII as an optimization algorithm, a

multi criteria decision analysis method is applied to the
ICE power (kW) 5 5 5 5 5 output results of optimization problem. In this approach

Motor power (kW) 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.9 1.3


Battery capacity
a 5 kW ICE, a 1.5 kW motor and a 1.3 kWh battery pack
1.4 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.2 are resulted. Reduction of fuel consumption in this ap-
Fuel consumption proach is clear. Hybrid motorcycle with downsized en-
Design ob-

1.18 1.17 1.67 1.62 1.17

(liter/ 100 km) gine has 46 percent less consumption of fuel in average

Acceleration time with respect to the conventional motorcycle.

5.9 5.48 6.2 5.06 5.9
(s) Further work could be carried out as using another
Max speed (km/h) 103 105 104 105 103
optimization algorithm like PSO (Particle Swarm Opti-
mization or SA (Simulated Annealing). Another ap-
ARTERIAL 1.458 proach can be considered for solving optimization prob-
1.782 lem which is single objective function with couples of
1.62 constrains. Utilizing another vehicle simulation line GT
WMTC 1.951
2.299 Suit or AVL Cruise would be a huge beneficial for future
Driving Cycles

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