Regenerative Braking System in Automobil
Regenerative Braking System in Automobil
Regenerative Braking System in Automobil
As in today’s world, where there are energy crises and the In cities, driving involves many braking events resulting in much
resources are depleting at a higher rate, there is a need of speciic higher energy losses with greater potential savings. With buses,
technology that recovers the energy, which gets usually wasted. taxis, delivery vans and so on there is even more potential for
So, in case of automobiles one of these useful technology is the economy. Since regenerative braking results in an increase in
regenerative braking system. Generally in automobiles whenever energy output for a given energy input to a vehicle, the eficiency
the brakes are applied the vehicle comes to a halt and the kinetic is improved. The amount of work done by the engine of the vehicle
energy gets wasted due to friction in the form of kinetic energy. is reduced, in turn reducing the amount of energy required to
Using regenerative braking system in automobiles enables us to drive the vehicle.
recover the kinetic energy of the vehicle to some extent that is This technology of regenerative braking controls the speed of the
lost during the braking process. In this paper the author discusses vehicle by converting a portion of the vehicle’s kinetic energy
two methods of utilising the kinetic energy that is usually wasted into another useful form of energy. The energy so produced could
by converting it into either electrical energy or into mechanical then be stored as electrical energy in the automobile battery, or
energy. Regenerative braking system can convert the kinetic as mechanical energy in lywheels, which can be used again by
energy into electrical energy with help of electric motor. And the vehicle.
it can also convert the kinetic energy into mechanical energy,
which is supplied to the vehicle whenever it is needed, with the
help of a lywheel.
Conventional Braking System, Regenerative Braking, Electric
Motor, Flywheel Energy Storage
I. Introduction
VI. Conclusion
The regenerative braking system used in the vehicles satisies the
purpose of saving a part of the energy lost during braking. Also
it can be operated at high temperature range and are eficient
as compared to conventional braking system. The results from
some of the test conducted show that around 30% of the energy
delivered can be recovered by the system.
Regenerative braking system has a wide scope for further
development and the energy savings. The use of more eficient
systems could lead to huge savings in the economy of any
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passed through it. But, when some external force is used to actuate [3] Saharat Chanthanumataporn, Sarawut Lerspalungsanti and
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a generator and generates electricity. That is, whenever a motor for an electric vehicle modiied from used car”, Second
is run in one direction the electric energy gets converted into TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering,
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a generator, which converts mechanical energy into electrical Fundamentals”, CRC press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA,
energy. This makes it possible to employ the rotational force of the 2010.
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energy for storage in the battery and simultaneously slowing the Effectiveness of Regenerative Braking for EV and HEV”,
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electricity is then used for recharging the battery. [6] Sudhir Kumar Saxena,“Automobile engineering”, Laxmi
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III. Flywheel Energy Storage [7] John M. Miller,“Propulsion Systems for Hybrid Vehicles”,
The energy (mechanical) stored in the lywheel is directly given Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK, 2004.
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battery, as it does not consists of the conversion of energies. As,
during the recharging of battery, mechanical energy is converted
into electrical energy and during discharging electrical energy is Siddharth Kishor Patil received his bachelor
converted into mechanical energy. So, due to these conversions degree in mechanical engineering, from
transmission loses occur and the eficiency reduces. As, in the Vishwakarma Institute of Information
other case, there are no transmission loses since mechanical energy Technology, Pune, under University of
stored in the lywheel is directly transferred to the vehicle in Pune, in 2012. At, present he is working
its original form. Because of the instant energy supply and high on a project in Computational Fluid
eficiency these type of system is used in F-1 cars. Dynamics. His research interests to include
Fluid mechanics, automobile engineering
IV. Advantages and Computational fluid dynamics.
Better fuel economy.
Reduced CO2 emissions.
Approximately 30% saving in fuel consumption.
The lower operating and environment cost of the vehicle with
regenerative braking system.
V. Future Scope
As in regenerative braking system about 30% of the energy is
recuperated, also the system of regenerative braking increases
the weight of the vehicle by approximately 25 kgs. So rather than
manufacturing the metallic gears and metallic lywheel, carbon
ibre can be used which will not only reduce the weight of the
system but also it will reduce the transmission loses.