Ha Project Amish
Ha Project Amish
Ha Project Amish
● System of Beliefs
- Forgiveness & Godliness are essential characteristics of the Amish
belief system.
- Teamwork is detrimental to their “close community” system.
- Separation from the world is a requirement of their communities.
Overview of the Amish Culture (Continued)
● Cultural Barriers
- Language barrier keeps the Amish community from easily associating
with the outside world.
- Generally forms of German or Dutch.
- Closed communities limit the potential for outside communication.
- Limited transportation keeps the communities withdrawn.
Overview of the Amish Culture (Continued)
● Targeted Community
- Manipulative salesmen use scripture to scam the Amish
- These salesmen usually offer fraud healthcare.
- As Amish communities are taken advantage of by deceitful salesmen,
there is a higher relation to distrust of the outside world to closed
Health Care Practices
● Amish religion does not restrict any medical attention or care seeking
○ Use of LOCAL doctors
● Typically prefer to self-medicate from family or friends before seeking care.
○ Use of cultural remedies
○ Faith healing, herbal treatments
○ The need to be self-sufficient
● Payment for medical care is solely out of pocket & in cash.
○ Forms of health insurance discouraged
○ Normal faith in God is considered as well as the ability to pay bills before Amish admit
themselves to a medical facility
○ Free Health clinics and the amish?
Health Care Practices (Continued)
● The mother of the family must have excellent managing skills because
she has a lot of responsibilities to keep the family household running
● This includes: Child care, cooking, cleaning, yard work, barn chores,
food preservation, gardening, and is also the seamstress who makes the
families clothes.
● However, she will receive help from the older daughters of the family
and this is when they start to hone their skills so they are prepared
when it is their time to run a household of their own.
Family Roles (Children)
● Amish boys will help their father in the fields, this is where
they learn how to use farming equipment in preparation
for when they have their own farm.
○ In school they will primarily learn how to manage finances, prepare
the fields, and how to drive a horse and buggy team.
● Amish girls will mainly help their mothers outside of
school with things such as cooking and cleaning.
○ At the same time they will begin to learn skills that are vital to keep a
Amish household running, such as being a good wife and mother.
Family Roles (Grandparents)
Pregnancy and Childbearing Practices
8. Researchers believe that the Amish have lower cancer rates because of their natural lifestyle.
9. Amish will refuse critical, life-saving medical care if it will be a burden to the larger community, and
say it interferes with God’s plan for them.
10. Amish Church members will make bank payments and perform farm chores for family members that
are sick, or are hard for income (Compensate for failing family member)
Adams, S. L. (2016, June 21). Inside The Amish Family. Retrieved November 21, 2020, from
Amish Religion & Traditions: PA Amish church, religious faith & beliefs. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2020, from
Donald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt, and David L. Weaver-Zercher, The Amish Way: Patient Faith in a Perilous World (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010).
Dordrecht Confession of Faith (Mennonite, 1632). Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. Retrieved 20 November 2020,
from https://gameo.org/index.php?title=Dordrecht_Confession_of_Faith_(Mennonite,_1632)&oldid=146406
L;, C. (n.d.). Pregnancy and childbirth among the Amish. Retrieved November 22, 2020, from
MB;, A. (n.d.). The effects of religious beliefs on the health care practices of the Amish. Retrieved November 22, 2020, from
Strouse, S. (n.d.). The health of the Amish. Retrieved November 22, 2020, from
Wesner, E. J. (2015, April 09). Family. Retrieved November 21, 2020, from https://amishamerica.com/family/
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