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Isabella Ricottilli, Kaitlyn Fitch, Amber Ortiz,

Megan Fagert, Rebecca Goterba, & Raquel Markulin
Overview of the culture
❖ Isolated from mainstream society, by living a simple and
traditional lifestyle
❖ Known for big families
❖ Do not use electricity, do not drive motor operated
vehicles, no use of cell phones
❖ Men are typically laborers, women stay home and care for
children and the house
❖ Trilingual speakers, English, Pennsylvania Dutch, and
❖ Wear plain, modest clothing
❖ The Amish have been in America since the
18th century
❖ There aren’t many pictures

Overview of
of the Amish because it is
against their religion to
pose for pictures

the culture
❖ An 80 acre Amish farm, with
cows, fruits and vegetables
can make up to $120,000 a

Continued... year
Health Care Practices
❖ Use traditional and alternative healing methods,
such as faith healing and natural remedies
❖ Vitamins, herbal supplements and regular
chiropractic visits are preferred
❖ Due to the high levels of physical activity, the
Amish tend to maintain longevity in their older age
❖ They are charged more for healthcare, utilize
programs like WellSpan
Health Care Practices continued...
❖ Believe Western medicine will overpower their
alternative health practices but will turn to
Western medicine for:
◆ Pregnancy issues
◆ Serious work injuries
◆ Serious muscle/joint problems
❖ In recent years, younger generations are
turning to Western medicine to treat
chronic illnesses in older generations
Healthcare continued...
❖ Average age of death is 72
❖ They rarely get cancer -
based on diet and lack of
❖ Common to have genetic
Initially ❖ Expensive

avoid ❖ Transportation

western ❖ Distrust of health


❖ Will counteract
their alternative
methods of healing
Amish women are at higher risk for
developing issues during pregnancy

❖ Pregnancies close together and

have increased maternal age

Pregnancy while childbearing

❖ Sometimes don’t have prenatal
care early into the pregnancy
or not often enough
❖ Preference of self care,
natural remedies and the use of
herbs for health maintenance
❖ Nurse midwives usually come to
their homes for the at home
Pregnancy Continued...
❖ Education of childbirth or ❖ Amish tend to distrust
bearing is obtained through anyone outside of the Amish
experience or older Amish community
women ❖ The Amish don’t go for
❖ They look at hospitals formal education or have
negatively due to lack of licensed care providers for
privacy, high cost, and the women having babies
lack of respect for their
Death rituals
● Funerals reflect amish values
of simplicity, humility, and
mutual aid
● Reserved approach and don’t
openly show their emotions
● The family dressed the deceased
at their plain and simple white
● Makeup isn’t applied
● Women are dressed in wedding
caps and aprons
● Community brings Amish funeral
pie to funerals
Death rituals cont.
● Amish have 3 visitations are
the homes, funerals, burials
● Funerals are 3 days after death
● Funerals are typically held in
their homes, barns, or church
● There aren’t decorations or
flowers, but possibly kerosene
● Services last about 2 hours and
● They are buried at amish
cemeteries which are hand-dug
● Wagons carry caskets and 4
family members to the
Top 10 important facts...
1. Amish kids are not allowed to 7. Ohio has the largest population
of Amish
go to school past 8th grade
2. They like slow pitch softball 8. If you’re scared during your
3. You can’t date until you join pregnancy, then your child will be
born with a birthmark
the church
4. They have their own language 9. Men begin growing their beards
immediately after their wedding
5. They have their own book of
rules 10. Amish teens ages 14-18 get to
6. Can’t listen to music or play experience the outside world
through an event called rumspringa
= running around in mainstream
Diebel, M. (2014, August 16). The amish: 10 things you might not know. Retrieved from
Farrar, H. M., Kuling, J. C., & Sullivan- Wilson, J. (2018). Older adult caregiving in the amish:
An integrative review. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 25(2), 54-65. Retrieved from,uid&db=a9h&AN=129643545&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Goldade, J. (2019, May 31). Cultural spotlight: Amish funeral traditions. Retrieved from
Helmuth, J., (2018, October 22). 10 Surprising facts about the amish that are actually true.
Retrieved from
Holmes, D., & Block, W. E. (2013). Amish in the 21st century. Religion & Theology, 20(3,4),
McClellan, M. (2019). What can we learn from the amish. Communities, (182), 38-41. Retrieved
Wickwire, V. L., (2006). Amish childbearing beliefs and practices and the implications for
nurse-midwives as servant-leader care providers. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons

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