DGW PR 2-2: Miracle's and Parables of Jesus

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© Religious Supply Center, 2008. All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher.

Illustrations © 2008 Randi Roberts. Used by permission.

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Written by Vikki Kline

Editors: Artist: Layout & Design:

Robert Harkrider Randi Roberts Lauren Mayeux
Arline Harkrider

Published by:


Religious Supply Center, Inc

4001 Preston Highway
Louisville, KY 40213


Lesson 1 • 2nd Passover in Jerusalem / Jesus Heals a Lame Man...........1

Lesson 2 • Jesus Accused of Breaking the Sabbath...................................7

Lesson 3 • Sermon on the Mount: “Beatitudes”........................................12

Lesson 4 • Sermon on the Mount: Personal Relationships.......................17

Lesson 5 • Sermon on the Mount: Good Works, Prayer & True Treasure.....23

Lesson 6 • Sermon on the Mount: False Teachers; Build on Rock......29

Lesson 7 • Jesus’ Fame Increases as He Works Miracles .......................35

Lesson 8 • Jesus Works Many Miracles at the Sea of Galilee..................41

Lesson 9 • Jesus is Accused of Working by the Power of Beelzebub.......47

Lesson 10 • Jesus Teaches Parables to Illustrate Truth ...........................53

Lesson 11 • The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin & Lost Boy...........61

Lesson 12 • Jesus Feeds the 5000 and Walks on Water..........................67

Lesson 13 • Apostles Sent Out on Limited Commission...........................73

The Second Passover
in Jerusalem /Jesus
Heals a Lame Man
John 5:1-19

Lesson 1

r y Ve rse
Memo :17
John 5

But Jesus said to them, “My Father

never stops working. And I work,

Words to Know
Well To feel better
Immediately Instantly
Lame Crippled, can’t walk
Believe Trust, have confidence in
Passover A religious feast to remember when God
delivered His people from Egyptian slavery
Authority Power, right to exercise power over someone else

Lesson 1: The Second Passover in Jerusalem /Jesus Heals a Lame Man | 1

In this new quarter we begin with Jesus traveling
to Jerusalem to attend a special Jewish feast called
the Passover. The Passover was a feast to remember
the night when God delivered His people from
Egyptian slavery. God instructed the Israelites to
mark their door posts with the blood of a lamb so
the death angel would pass over their homes and
spare the oldest child in each home from death.

In Jerusalem there was a pool with five covered

porches. The pool was called the Pool of Bethesda.
Many sick people who were blind, lame and
paralyzed would lay on the porches waiting for
the water to move. An angel of the Lord came
down to the pool and stirred up the water. As
soon as the angel did this, the first person to go
down into the water immediately was healed, no
matter what sickness or disease he/she had.

A man lying on one of the porches had been sick for 38 years. As Jesus was
walking by He saw this man and knew he had been sick for a very long
time. Jesus asked him . . .

Do you want
to be WELL?

2 | Miracles & Parables of Jesus

The sick man answered Jesus by saying,“Sir, there is no one to help me get
into the pool when the water starts moving. I try to be the first one into
the water, but when I try, someone else always goes in before me” (John

Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Stand up. Pick

up your mat and walk!” (Luke 5:8). Immediately,
the man was well. He picked up his bed as Jesus
told him and began to walk!

The Jews heard that this lame man was healed on

the Sabbath day and became very angry. They told him
that it was against the
law to carry his mat on
the Sabbath. The healed man said, “The
man who made me well told me, ‘Pick up
your mat and walk’” (John 5:11). The Jews
asked him who healed him. The man
could not tell them who it was because
he did not know. There were many
people around, and Jesus had already
left the pool.

Jesus later meets the man at the Temple.

Look up John 5:14 and find

out what Jesus tells him. . .

Jesus healed
this man on the
Sabbath Day!
(Put your answer in the circle above).
Lesson 1: The Second Passover in Jerusalem /Jesus Heals a Lame Man | 3
Because all these events happened on the Sabbath day, the Jews began
to do bad things to Jesus. Jesus told the Jews . . .

Sabbath was a “My Father never
day of REST to stops working.
the Jews! And so I work too!”
(John 5:17).

The more Jesus said, the angrier the Jews
became. First, the Jews thought Jesus was
breaking the law about the Sabbath day.
Then Jesus said that God was His Father,
making Himself equal with God! He was, of
course, but they did not believe this.

Jesus said to the Jews,“I tell you the truth. The Son
can do nothing alone. The Son does only what
He sees His father doing. The Son does whatever
the Father does!” (John 5:19). Jesus told the Jews
that He has God’s authority in all that He does.

4 | Miracles & Parables of Jesus

Multiple Choice
1. Name the pool in Jerusalem that sick people could enter and be made
well when its waters were stirred.

Jordan Bethesda Jones

2. This pool had _______ covered porches around it.

Ten Three Five

3. An ________ of the Lord would come down to earth and stir the water
in the pool.

Prophet King Angel

4. The man who could not get into the water fast enough had been lame
for _________ years.

29 38 46

5. Jesus healed this man by telling him to pick up his _______ and walk.

Bed Chair Cain

Lesson 1: The Second Passover in Jerusalem /Jesus Heals a Lame Man | 5

Lame To feel better.

Messenger from
Jerusalem God

Crippled, Can’t walk

Feast Body of Water

Something only
God or people
Pool with His authority
can do

Miracle Capital city and

center of worship

Angel Feast that started

the night when
God delivered
His people from
Well Egyptian slavery

6 | Miracles & Parables of Jesus

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