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instruction of Engineer. Care shall be taken that the floor is not left slippery and that ordinary wax is not
used under any circumstances.
If required by the Engineer, the grinding and polishing shall be done by grinding machine in 3
operations, first grinding with machine fitted with coarse Carborundum stone, second grinding with
medium grade Carborundum stone and final grinding with fine grade Carborundum stone.
Measurement: Measurement shall be in square meter of exact length and breadth (length and height in
dado) of the floor. Rate shall include materials, mixing, laying, curing, finishing, grinding, polishing and
labour etc., all complete.
All wood work shall be planed neatly and truly finished to the exact dimensions. All joints shall be neat
and tight, truly and accurately fitted. Wall plates, purlins and rafter shall be painted 2 coats.
All beams shall be bedded on (1:2:4) RCC beds of 10cm x 7.5cm x 4.5cm dimension with a minimum of
15cm bearing or as specified in the drawing. All portion of timber in contact with masonry shall have
6mm gap sides. All beams shall rest on bearing.
Measurement of wood work shall be in volumes for the finished work, including fixing, sawing, planning,
joining, nails, screws etc. Wooden blocks/joints wherever specified may be measured in number.
A. Wooden frames: The contractor is to clear out and destroy or remove all cut and shavings and other
wood waste from all parts of the building and the site generally, as the work progress and at the
conclusion of the work.
Carpentry: All carpentry shall be executed with workmanship of the best quality.Scantling and boarding
shall be accurately sawn and shall be of uniform width and thickness throughout. All carpenter’s work
shall be left with sawn surface except where particularly specified to be wrought.
All carpenter’s work shall be accurately set out in strict accordance with the drawings and shall be
framed together and securely fixed in best possible manner with properly made joints. All necessary
brads, sheet metal screws, etc. shall be provided as directed and approved.
Joinery: All joints shall be accurately set out on boards to full size for the information and guidance of
the artisans before commencing the respective works, with all joints, iron work and other works
connected therewith fully delineated. Such setting out must be submitted to the Engineer In-charge and
approved before such respective works are commenced.
All jointer’s work shall be cut out and framed together as soon after the commencement of the building
as is practicable, but is not to be wedged up or glued until the building is ready for fixing same. Any
portions that warp, wind or develop shakes or other defects within six months after completion of the
works shall be removed and new fixed in their place on contractor’s own expense.
All work shall be properly mortises, tenons, house, shouldered, dovetailed, notched, wedged, pinned,
braided, etc., as directed and to the satisfaction of the consultants and all properly glued up with the
best quality approved glue.
Joints in joinery must be as specified or detailed, and so designed and secured as to resist or
compensate for any stresses to which they may be subjected. All nails, springs, etc. are to be punched
and puttied. Loose joints are to be made where provision must be made for shrinkage, glued joints
where shrinkage need not be considered and where sealed joints are required. Glue for load-bearing
joints or where conditions may be damp must be damp must be of the resin type. For non-load-bearing
joints or conditions may be guaranteed casein or organic glues may be used. All exposed surfaces of
joinery work shall be wrought and all arise “eased-off” by plaining and sand papering to an approved
finish suitable to the specified treatment.
Fixing Joinery: All beads, fillets and small members shall be fixed with round or oval brads on nails well
punched in and stopped. All large members shall be fixed with brass screws, the heads let in and palette
to match the grain.
Unless otherwise specified, plugs of external work shall be of hardwood; plugs for internal work may be
of softwood. Holes for plugging must be made with a proper drilling tool and the holes completely filled
with the plugging material.
Unless otherwise specified all skirting, window, grounds and backings for same, fillets etc., shall be
plugged at intervals not exceeding 600mm.
Bedding Joinery: All door and window frames, sills, wooden bars etc., which are fixed to brickwork,
concrete by means of grounds, lugs, etc., shall be bedded solid in mortar as previously described and
pointed with a recessed joint 6mm deep to the approval of the Engineer In-charge.
Plywood, Block boards, Chipboards and MDF board, shall be bonded with synthetic resin of “interior”
type and sheet metal screws unless otherwise stated for the doors. Where stated to be “exterior” type,
they shall be weatherproof.
All exposed edges of block board and chipboard shall be lipped with hardwood as described
below.Samples of all such materials and their source of manufacture must be approved by the Engineer
In-charge before used in the works.
Inspection and Testing : The Engineer In-charge shall be given facilities for inspection of all works in
progress whether in workshop or on site. All timber as it arrives on the site and not approved by them
must be removed forthwith, failing which the Employer, with the advise of the Engineer In-charge, may
arrange for the removal of the rejects and impose of them as they may consider advisable at the
contractor’s expenses.
The contractor is to allow for testing or prototypes of special construction units and the Engineer In-
charge shall be at liberty to select any samples they may require for the purpose of testing i.e. for
moisture content, or identification of species, strength, etc.
Where timbers need to be extended into a wall, they shall be thoroughly “Brush Treated” with a wood
preservative approved by the Engineer In-charge, and as much clear air space maintained around the
timber where it adjoins the wall as possible.
Payment: Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ. The
payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment to complete the
works as specified.
B. Panelled shutters: The window shutters may be fully panelled, fully glazed, partly glazed and partly
panelled, battened or Venetian as specified. Styles and panels shall be neatly planed and truly finished
to exact dimensions. Styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with mortise and tenon
joints and fixed with bamboo pins as per drawing. Glue shall be applied at al joints before clamping and
fixing with bamboo pins. Panels shall be of one piece without any joints and shall be housed with
12.5mm insertion into rails and styles.
Panels shall be of thickness as specified in the drawing. All rails above 100mm in width shall have double
tenon. No tenon shall exceed 6mm the thickness of the member. In case of swing door, swing door hung
in lace shall not be rebated together. It shall be fitted with vision panels.
Payment: Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ. The
payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment to complete the
works as specified.
Putty: Putty for glazing in wood frames shall be composed of pure linseed oil and whiting powder free
from grittiness.
Wooden beads: All wooden beads shall be from hard wood fitted against the glass. Wooden beads shall
be bedded against the rebate and secured by 12.5mm glass nails fixed at 75mm apart. The rebate depth
shall be 12.5mm Wooden beads shall not project beyond the rebate. All glass panes shall have edge-
clearance, when fitted of 1.5mm all round. Beads shall be painted with approved paint before fixing
glass pane.
Hinges/ handles/bolts/screwes: The window shutters shall have minimum of two-piece 100mm steel
hinges with steel screws, one aluminium handle and two pieces of 150mm tower bolts of super brand or
equivalent with steel screws.
The timber louvers shall be 12 mm. thick of the size and fixing as shown in the Drawing. Vertical slats if
required shall be provided as per instruction of the Engineer.
Construction Procedure: The window shutters may be fully panelled, fully glazed, partly glazed and
partly panelled, battened or Venetian as specified. Styles and panels shall be neatly planed and truly
finished to exact dimensions.
Styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with mortise and tenon joints and fixed with
bamboo pins as per drawing. Glue shall be applied at all joints before clamping and fixing with bamboo
pins. Panels shall be of one piece without any joints and shall be housed with 12.5mm insertion into rails
and styles.
Panels shall be of thickness as specified in the drawing. All rails above 100mm in width shall have double
tenon. No tenon shall exceed 6mm the thickness of the member. In case of swing door, swing door hung
in lace shall not be rebated together. It shall be fitted with vision panels.
Rebates of metal frames receiving glass shall be prepared and treated with primer for putty prior to
glazing and putty shall be primed ten days after glazing (See Painting).
Glass louvers shall have ground edges and be fixed in accordance with the instruction of the louver
frame manufacturer.
Mirrors shall be 4mm silvered plate glass or Swan brand with polished edges, and shall be drilled for and
fixed with four chromium plated screws with detachable dome heads.
On completion remove all broken, scratched or cracked panes and replace with new to the satisfaction
of the Engineer In-charge. Clean inside and out with approved cleaner. On no account shall scraping with
glass clean windows.
Wooden solid core of lightwood with 4mm Teak plywood in both sides glued and lipped with mould
salwood of sample approved by project engineer. The tolerances for the overall size are +-3mm +-1mm
in thickness. Where described as “External Quality” flushes doors are to be finished with weatherproof
plywood as before described and the Engineer Incharge must approve sample doors before the doors
are completed.
The door shutters are polished with clear chapra polish and painted with two coats of touch wood
polish.The doors shall be sticked with moulding of approved design in the shape as shown in the
The Door shutters shall have minimum of three pieces of 150mm brass hinges with brass screws, one
IPSA Mortise lock of heavy duty or equivalent, two pieces of 150mm brass tower bolts of good quality
with brass screws, 75 mm doorstopper.
Construction Procedure: The window shutters may be fully panelled, fully glazed, partly glazedand
partly panelled, battened or Venetian as specified. Styles and panels shall be neatly planed and truly
finished to exact dimensions.
Styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with mortise and tenon joints and fixed with
bamboo pins as per drawing. Glue shall be applied at all joints before clamping and fixing with bamboo
pins. Panels shall be of one piece without any joints and shall be housed with 12.5mm insertion into rails
and styles.
Panels shall be of thickness as specified in the drawing. All rails above 100mm in width shall have double
tenon. No tenon shall exceed 6mm the thickness of the member. In case of swing door, swing door hung
in lace shall not be rebated together. It shall be fitted with vision panels.
Payment: Payment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BOQ. The
payment will be full and final compensation for all material, labour, and equipment to complete the
works as specified.
NB:These specifications may be adopted for other type of shutters viz plywood, teak, GI sheet flush
doors etc as well. For such items replace glass with relevant material as specified.
Preliminary - procedure for first coat - procedure for second coat - measurement
The work of sand faced cement plater shall be carried out after masonry joints are raked out to a depth
of 20mm and the walls are well-watrered.
The first coat for sand faced cement plaster shall be of cement mortar of proportion 1:4 i.e., one part of
cement to four parts of clean, coarse and angular river sand by volume. The mortar of one cement bag
shall be prepared at a time and it shall be prepared on a water-tight platform or in a steel trough. The
mortar shall be consumed in 30 minutes after adding water. The first coat of plaster shall be uniformly
applied in the best workmanship manner after watering the surface of walls in advance and putting dots