Bahriye Akay et al says that -We compare the proposed model’s spam
detection performance to those of support vector machine, logistic
regression, and naive Bayes classifiers, in addition to the performance
of the state-of-theart methods reported by previous studies. We
observe that the proposed method outperforms other spam detection
techniques considered in this study in terms of classification accuracy.
S Zhou et al says that- In view of this situation, a new model called
multi-modal architecture based on model fusion (MMAMF) is
proposed, which use a multi-modal fusion method to ensure it could
effectively filter spam whether it is hidden in the text or in the image.
The model fuses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model and a
Long Short-Term Memory
Madalina ZURINI2 et al says that -A model for optimization the
promoting process via email is created for reaching the threshold of
profitability for electronic business. The model implements Bayesian
spam filtering and applies an internal classification, using the
principles of conditioned probabilities
D Findlay et al says that- One major benefit with the TR-IRLS algorithm
is that it is very fast compared to the GA, which takes hours to run.
With more work to improve the scoring process using TR-IRLS, it
should be possible to develop a replacement for the GA that is
superior in all situations.
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Queen's University, Kingston, Ontari.< ww. duncf. ca/FindlayBirkThesis. pdf (2007).
Pei, Chenglin, et al. "Research on the Optimization and Application of the Washing
Dechlorination Process for Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash." ACS Omega