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import sqlite3 #importing module for performing SQL operations.

from tkinter import * #importing module for creating GUI

from tkinter import messagebox

class DB: #creating a class DB with functions to perform various operations on the

def __init__(self): #constructor functor for class DB.

self.conn = sqlite3.connect("mybooks.db") #connects to a database called mybooks.db

self.cur = self.conn.cursor() #creating a cursor to navigate through the database


TEXT)") #creating a table called book with id, title, author and isbn as columns.

self.conn.commit() #commit functions saves everything to the database

def __del__(self): #destructor created for the class DB

self.conn.close() #closes the connection with the database

def view(self): #To view all the rows present in the table

self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM book") #Execute function is to perform the SQL operations. Here,
it produces all the rows from the table.

rows = self.cur.fetchall() #fetching all the rows one by one from the table and storing it in list rows

return rows

def insert(self, title, author, isbn): #inserting a new row in the table.

self.cur.execute("INSERT INTO book VALUES (NULL,?,?,?)", (title, author, isbn,)) #passing values to
the function to store them in the columns


def update(self, id, title, author): #to update the values of the selected row with the values passed
by the user

self.cur.execute("UPDATE book SET title=?, author=? WHERE id=?", (title, author, id,))



def delete(self, id): #to delete the row from the table given the value of the id of the
selected row.

self.cur.execute("DELETE FROM book WHERE id=?", (id,))



def search(self, title="", author=""): #to search for a given entry in the table given either the value of
the title or author name

self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM book WHERE title=? OR author=?", (title, author,))

rows = self.cur.fetchall()

return rows

db = DB() #created an object of the class DB. Now database is connected and a new table book has been

def get_selected_row(event): #selecting a particular row or multiple rows

global selected_tuple

index = list1.curselection()[0] #this is the id of the selected tuple

selected_tuple = list1.get(index)

e1.delete(0, END) #deleting the value so that can be used again for next book

e1.insert(END, selected_tuple[1]) #inserting the title of the book

e2.delete(0, END)

e2.insert(END, selected_tuple[2]) #inserting author name

e3.delete(0, END)

e3.insert(END, selected_tuple[3]) #inserting issue number isbn

def view_command(): #to print all the rows of the table using view function of the class DB on to
the screen

list1.delete(0, END) #empty the list

for row in db.view(): #loop until we reach the end of the table book

list1.insert(END, row) #keeps on inserting each row into the list

def search_command(): #to print the row we want based on title or author

list1.delete(0, END) #empty the list

for row in, author_text.get()): #get the name of the title or the author and
pass it to the search function of class DB

list1.insert(END, row) #will insert all the rows having the same value of title or author

def add_command(): #to add a new row into the table

db.insert(title_text.get(), author_text.get(), isbn_text.get()) #passing user input values

list1.delete(0, END) #empty the list

list1.insert(END, (title_text.get(), author_text.get(), isbn_text.get())) #insert into the list and then the
table, the values given by the user

def delete_command(): #deleting a row

db.delete(selected_tuple[0]) #calls the delete function of the class DB and passes the id as the
parameter and condition

def update_command():

db.update(selected_tuple[0], title_text.get(), author_text.get()) #calls the update function of the class

DB and passes the user input as parameters to update value of the row

window = Tk() #using Tkinter module, create a GUI window

window.title("My Books") #setting title of the window

def on_closing(): #destructor for the window

dd = db

if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): #when ok is clicked, displays the following


del dd #deletes the object once window has been closed

window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) # handles window closing

l1 = Label(window, text="Title") #creating input labels in the window

l1.grid(row=0, column=0) #determining size of the input grid for these labels

l2 = Label(window, text="Author")

l2.grid(row=0, column=2)

l3 = Label(window, text="ISBN")

l3.grid(row=1, column=0)

title_text = StringVar()

e1 = Entry(window, textvariable=title_text) #taking input from the user in the grid and storing it in a
string variable

e1.grid(row=0, column=1)

author_text = StringVar() #taking author name input

e2 = Entry(window, textvariable=author_text)

e2.grid(row=0, column=3)

isbn_text = StringVar() #taking isbn input

e3 = Entry(window, textvariable=isbn_text)

e3.grid(row=1, column=1)
list1 = Listbox(window, height=25, width=65) #creating the list space to display all the rows of the table

list1.grid(row=2, column=0, rowspan=6, columnspan=2) #determining the size

sb1 = Scrollbar(window) #creating a scrollbar for the window to scroll through the list entries

sb1.grid(row=2, column=2, rowspan=6)

list1.configure(yscrollcommand=sb1.set) #configuring the scroll function for the scrollbar object sb1


list1.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', get_selected_row)

b1 = Button(window, text="View all", width=12, command=view_command) #creating buttons for the

various operations. Giving it a name and assigning a particular command to it.

b1.grid(row=2, column=3) #size of the button

b2 = Button(window, text="Search entry", width=12, command=search_command)

b2.grid(row=3, column=3)

b3 = Button(window, text="Add entry", width=12, command=add_command)

b3.grid(row=4, column=3)

b6 = Button(window, text="Close", width=12, command=window.destroy)

b6.grid(row=7, column=3)
window.mainloop() #carry the functioning of the GUI window on a loop until it is closed using the

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