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Introduction To Python

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Introduction to Python, Installation and resources, Identifiers and Keywords,

Comments, Indentation and Multi-lining, Variables (Local and Global), data

types, Arithmetic, Comparative, Logical and Identity Operators, Bitwise

Operators, Expressions, Print statement and Formats, Input Statements in


1.2 Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Sets, Accessing Elements, Properties,

Operations and methods on these data structures.

1.3 Decision Flow Control Statement: if and else statement, Nested If statement,

Loop Statement: While Loop, do and while loop, for loop statement, Continue,

Break and pass Statement, Conditional Statements

2.0 Functions and File I/O Handling

2.1 Functions: Built-in-functions, library functions, Defining and calling the

functions, Return statements, Passing the arguments, Lambda Functions,

Recursive functions, Modules and importing packages in python code.

2.2 File Input/Output: Files I/O operations, Read / Write Operations, File Opening

Modes, with keywords, Moving within a file, Manipulating files and directories,

OS and SYS modules.

3.0 Object Oriented Programming

3.1 Classes and Objects, Public and Private Members, Class Declaration and

Object Creation, Object Initialization, Class Variables and methods,

Accessing Object and Class Attributes.

3.2 Intricacies of Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Constructor in Inheritance,

Exception Handling, Link list, Stack, Queues.

4.0 Graphical User Interface and Image processing

4.1 Graphical User Interface using Tkinter Library module, creating simple GUI;

Buttons, Labels, entry fields, widget attributes.

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