Idiopathic Fascicular Left Ventricular Tachycardia: A Case Report
Idiopathic Fascicular Left Ventricular Tachycardia: A Case Report
Idiopathic Fascicular Left Ventricular Tachycardia: A Case Report
Idiopathic fascicular left ventricular tachycardia (IFLVT) is the most common idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (IVT) of the left ventricle. ILFVT is
characterized by right bundle branch block and left axis deviation. We report a case of IFLVT in a 34-year-old woman presenting with palpitation.
The ECG revealed a wide QRS complex tachycardia with a right bundle branch block (RBBB) and right axis deviation. Vagal maneuvers were
ineffective. Conversion to sinus rhythm was obtained 10 hours later, with i.v amiodarone. The patient was discharged after 3 days on oral
Keywords: Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, right bundle branch block complex tachycardia, verapamil
Idiopathic Fascicular Left Ventricular Tachycardia (IFLVT) adalah bentuk paling sering Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia (IVT) ventrikel kiri. ILFVT
ditandai dengan blok cabang berkas kanan dan penyimpangan sumbu ke kiri. Kami melaporkan kasus IFLVT pada wanita 34 tahun yang
mengalami palpitasi. EKG menunjukkan takikardi kompleks QRS lebar dengan morfologi blok cabang berkas kanan dan penyimpangan sumbu
ke kanan. Manuver vagal tidak efektif. Konversi ke irama sinus diperoleh 10 jam kemudian dengan amiodaron i.v.. Pasien dipulangkan setelah 3
hari dengan verapamil oral. Kadek Agus Putra Udayana, I Putu Parwata Jaya. Idiopathic Fascicular Left Ventricular Tachycardia: Laporan Kasus
Kata kunci: Blok cabang berkas kanan, idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, verapamil
INTRODUCTION is the most common IVT of the left ventricle The palpitations was not accompanied with
Broad complex tachycardia presents a and represents the 10-15% of all IVT.4 Zipes, et shortness of breath, chest pain nor syncopal
diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to al, first described IFLVT in 1979.5 They reported attack. She is breastfeeding an 8-month child.
the emergency physician. The majority of three VT cases with right bundle branch block She also complained of fever since a day ago.
cases are ventricular tachycardia (VT) with (RBBB) and left axis after atrial pacing. Two She is non-smoker and has no known history
underlying ischaemic heart disease.1 Broad years later, Belhassen, et al,6 described that of any medical illness or drug use; with no
complex tachycardia may also occur as a intravenous verapamil significantly decreased similar previous complaint.
result of a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) the recurrence rate of IFLVT.
in the presence of aberrant conduction. Physical examination in previous hospital,
Differentiation has important implications It may be difficult to differentiate IFLVT from revealed blood pressure was 110/80 mmHg,
for management and prognosis. If VT is SVT because both are characterized by the pulse rate 222 beats/minute, and body
mistakenly diagnosed as SVT with aberrant absence of structural heart disease and the temperature 38,5 ºC. On cardiac examination,
conduction and treated with calcium channel same ECG based on QRS morphology or S1 and S2 were normal, no murmurs nor
blockers, the patient is likely to become RS interval. Vagal maneuvers, adenosine, additional sounds. The chest was clear on
haemodynamically unstable.2 Some clinicians and lidocaine are ineffective in IFLVT; it auscultation. On electrocardiogram (ECG),
therefore advocate assumption that all cases is terminated or suppressed by calcium lead I rhythm showed a broad complex
of broad complex tachycardia are VT.1,2 antagonists.7 tachycardia with QRS duration 120 ms. Lead
II and III rhythms showed an apparent narrow
Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (IVT) is a CASE QRS complex tachycardia with QRS duration
term used for VT in the absence of clinically A 34-year-old woman was admitted to the 80 ms. Lead V1 showed monophasic R pattern
apparent structural heart disease and accounts emergency department referred from private and R/S in V6 less than 1. A 12-lead ECG
for approximately 10% of all VTs.3 Idiopathic hospital with sudden onset of palpitations. She revealed wide QRS complex tachycardia with
fascicular left ventricular tachycardia (IFLVT) complained palpitations since about 3 hours. a right bundle branch block (RBBB), and right
Presented at Bali Cardiology Update VII 2018
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axis deviation (Figure 1). Vagal manouver were interval of 60-80 ms).9 Both features can lead includes AV dissociation, capture or fusion
tried but failed to terminate the arrhythmia. to misdiagnosis of aberrant supraventricular beats, negative or positive concordance, and
Cardiology consultation was sought and tachycardia. Capture beats and fusion beats tachycardia QRS narrower than sinus QRS.10,11
a diagnosis of fascicular tachycardia was may be present, suggesting the diagnosis of VT The traditional criteria needs determination
suspected. Intravenous amiodarone was rather than SVT . Physical findings that indicate that the broad complex has a right bundle
administered with a dose of 150 mg in the first the presence of AV dissociation strongly branch block (RBBB)-like or a left bundle
10 minutes and continued with a maintenance suggests VT.2,10 Valsalva maneuver, carotid branch block (LBBB)-like pattern. In RBBB-like
dose of 900 mg in 24 hours. It was successfully sinus massage or adenosine administration pattern, criteria suggesting VT: (i) QRS width
converted to sinus tachycardia 3 hours later may also facilitate the elucidation of >140 ms, (ii) left axis deviation, and (iii) in lead
(Figure 2). Then the patient was referred to a tachycardia mechanism. Termination of V1 found QR, or R, or RSr’ with lead V6, R/S <1
public hospital because of the unavailability of tachycardia using these procedures strongly or QS. Whereas, in LBBB-like pattern, criteria
intensive care. suggests SVT.10 VT due to triggered mechanism suggesting VT: (i) QRS width >160 ms, (ii) right
such as idiopathic outflow tract VT may be axis deviation, and (iii) initial R in V1 >30 ms, or
In the referral hospital, the hemodynamic was terminated as well with these maneuvers.10,11 slurring /notching of the downstroke of the S
stabile, blood pressure 100/70 mmHg, pulse Even if the arrhythmia remains unaffected, wave in V1-2, or begin QRS-nadir S-wave >70
rate 110 beats/minute, respiratory rate 20/ these maneuvers may clarify the mechanism ms in V1-2, with Q in V6.11
minute, and body temperature 38,5ºC. Only of tachycardia by exposing AV dissociation in
intravenous amiodarone was given with a the case of VT.10 In 1991, Brugada, et al, produced simple
maintenance dose of 900 mg in 24 hours. criteria in a stepwise approach irrespective
The traditional ECG criteria favouring VT of the QRS complex morphology.10,11 The
After 10 hours, ECG shows sinus rhythm.
The patient was admitted to the intensive
cardiology care unit where serial ECGs
were done. Laboratory tests only revealed
leukocytosis with neutrophils increase. Acute
mastitis was diagnosed based on examination.
The symptoms was relieved after antibiotics
was given. Echocardiography showed a
nondilated left ventricle with normal systolic
and diastolic function. Amiodarone were still
administered intravenously until it run out
within 24 hours. The patient was discharged
after 3 days on oral verapamil 80 mg three times
a day and advised for electrophysiological
study or catheter ablation.
ILFVT generally presents in young adults Figure 1. ECG during ventricular tachycardia. ECG shows a monomorphic right bundle branch block
aged 15-40 year-old, mainly affects males tachycardia with a relative narrow QRS duration (narrower than other forms of VT), and right axis deviation
(60%-80%).8 Symptoms typically include
dizziness, palpitations, chest discomfort,
and occasionally syncope. Although most
episodes occur at rest, exercise, infection,
emotional stress and catecholamine infusion
can act as triggers. Triggered activity was at
first postulated as a potential mechanism,5
but later studies showed that IFLVT behaves
electrophysiologically as a reentrant
algorithm begins with the identification of an Anterior Hemiblock Aberrancy has been was successful as the second line of acute
RS complex in any precordial lead, if negative, reported by Michowitz et al. They found management in 4 children with IFLVT; the VT
the diagnosis of VT is made. If an RS complex criteria were suggestive of VT: (i) atypical V1 slowed down and was finally terminated in 3
is present in one or more precordial leads, morphology, (ii) QRS width ≤ 140 ms, (iii) R/S patients (within 1-48 hours)14 However, unlike
the next step is to measure the longest RS ratio in V6 ≤ 1, and (iv) positive aVR.12 other idiopathic VT, IFLVT usually does not
interval. If an RS interval is longer than 100 ms, respond to vagal maneuvers, adenosine, or
the diagnosis of VT is made. If not, the next The electrocardiographical pattern varies beta blockers.15 This has been attributed to the
step of the algorithm is to consider whether depending on the site of origin of the fact that IFLVT depends on the slow entry of
AV dissociation is present. If positive, the tachycardia. Posterior fascicular VT by calcium in partially depolarized Purkinje fibers
diagnosis of VT is made. If absent, the classical far accounts for the majority of IFLVT, and not the cyclic adenosine monophosphate
morphology criteria for VT are used. If both representing over 90% cases. The surface mediated triggered activity occurring in the
lead V1 and V6 fulfil the criteria for VT, the electrocardiogram demonstrates tachycardia adenosine‑sensitive VT.15
diagnosis of VT is made. If not, the diagnosis with a RBBB pattern and a left superior axis
of SVT with aberrant conduction is made by deviation. Other forms of IFLVT include Verapamil may be helpful in patients with
exclusion of VT.11 anterior fascicular VT presenting with a RBBB mild symptoms.9,13 If symptoms are severe
and right axis deviation as well as the more and pharmacologic treatment is not effective
In 2007, a new algorithm has been proposed rare upper septal fascicular VT which can or is poorly tolerated, catheter ablation is
by Vereckei, et al.10,11 The following criteria present with either a RBBB, left bundle branch recommended.9 Ablation success rates as
were suggestive of VT: (i) AV dissociation; (ii) an block (LBBB), or a normal QRS.6 reported in various series vary between 85
initial R-wave in lead aVR, and (iii) the voltage and 95%, generally higher in posterior IFLVT.
during the initial 40 ms (Vi ), the terminal 40 As in other idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, Recurrence rates are also lower in these
ms (Vt), their ratio (Vi /Vt), and that Vi /Vt ≤1 IFLVT diagnosis requires exclusion of structural patients (5% vs. 12.5%).16,17
was suggestive of VT. In 2008, the same group heart disease. It is therefore recommended
presented a simplified algorithm using only to perform echocardiography and coronary CONCLUSION
lead aVR. Using this algorithm, VT can be angiography or computed tomography, A diagnosis of fascicular tachycardia should be
diagnosed if one of these conditions found if deemed necessary depending on the considered if standard methods including vagal
in lead aVR; (i) an initial R-wave, (ii) width of cardiovascular risk profile of the patient.13 maneuvers and adenosine administration fail
an initial r- or q-wave >40 ms, (iii) notching Diagnosis and the mechanism IFLVT can to convert the arrhythmia and the 12-lead
on the initial downstroke of a predominantly be clarified using the electrophysiological ECG shows a right bundle branch block with
negative QRS complex, and (4) Vi /Vt ≤ 1.11 study.3,4,13 left axis deviation. Diagnosis can be clarified
by electrophysiological study. In the acute
ILFVT might be difficult to diagnose using As in other cases of wide QRS tachycardia, setting, first-line pharmacological treatment
these morphological criteria, as most studies the hemodynamic status should evaluated. is verapamil. Catheter ablation is effective
did not include these patients.11 In 2017, a new Electrical cardioversion is emergent in case and is recommended when symptoms are
criteria to differentiate the QRS morphology of of tachycardia intolerance. In stable patients, severe or when pharmacological treatment
Posterior Fascicular Ventricular Tachycardia as its name suggests, first line treatment is ineffective and poorly tolerated or not
from Right Bundle Branch Block and Left is verapamil.6 Intravenous amiodarone preferred by the patient.
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