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ANNUAL EXAM 2022-2023


Class - III. Marks: 50

Time: 3 hrs

I. Choose the correct answer from the option given and write in the blanks. 1/2 x 8=4

1. Birds are the only animals whose bodies are covered with ________.

(a) feather. (b) scales. (c). skin

2. A ________ house is one that is made of bricks, sand ,steel and cement.

(a) big (b) pucca (c) kachcha

3. A stable is a place for ____________.

( a) goat's. (b) hens (c) horses

4. Maps tell us the ___________ of a place.

(a) look (b) location. (c) neighbourhood

5. Three fourth of the earth's surface is covered by ________.

(a) land. (b) trees. (c) water

6. In deserts people often use a ________ for transport.

(a) yak. (b) camel. (c) elephant

7. Clay is kneaded with________ to make a smooth dough.

(a) water. (b) milk ( c) oil

8. Rolling clay into strips is called ____________.

(a) roping. (b) coiling. (c) shaping

II. Fill in the blanks. 1/2 x 8=4

1. All birds have ___________.

2. In places where it rains a lot people build houses on ___________.

3. People who keep moving from one place to another live in__________.

4. _____________ is the oldest and cheapest means of transport.

5. The direction in which sun rises every morning is called_________.

6. Water is used to produce _______________.

7. A place where an aeroplane takes off and lands is called __________.

8. _____________ is a specially designed clay pot used as a musical instrument.

III. Write T for True and F for false. 1/2 x 6=3

1. Sun dried pots are stronger than baked ones.

2. Kolkata does not have a metro rail.

3. Aeroplanes and Helicopter are means of air transport.

4. Maps shows the location of a place.

5. Herbal pesticides are safe for pets.

6. Down feathers help birds to fly.

IV. Match the following. 1/2x 6=3

1. Duck. Jewellery

2. Caravan. Digest food

3. Hen. The direction opposite East

,4. West. Coop

5. Water. House on wheels

6. Ornaments. Broad and flat

V. Name the following. 1x 6=6

1. Movement of birds and animals from one place to another in search of food during cold weather.

2. Dry grass

3. Animals or Insects that spread diseases and damage food or crops.

4. A place where people go to excercise and keep fit.

5. A person who owns land .

6. People who make clay pots.

VI. Answer in one sentence. 1x 6=6

1. Write the two basic types of feathers?

2. What is a multi storey building?

3. Define pesticides?

4. What is a map?

5. What are the two types of land transport?

6. What is firing?

VII. Short Answer Questions. 1 1/2x 10= 15

1. What is a balanced diet?

2. What are pets?

3. What is migration?

4. Why do birds make nests?

5. Name the different parts of a plants that we eat?

6. What is a map?

7. Why do we need water?

8. What is potable water?

9. How did people travel before the invention of the wheel?

10. What is a neighbourhood?

VIII. Long Answer Questions. 3x 3 =9

1. Name some means of water, air and land transport?

2. How many types of feathers does a bird have?

How do they help the bird?

3. What is the difference between a Pucca house and a kachcha house.

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