Rules For Artistic Skating Competitions: Precision

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By World Skate Artistic Technical Commission

Updated on August 29th, 2022
1 OWNERSHIP ............................................................................................................................ 4
2 PRECISION ............................................................................................................................... 4
GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 4
MUSIC................................................................................................................................... 4
COMPETITIVE WARM-UP .......................................................................................................... 4
3 TECHNICAL CONTENT .............................................................................................................. 4
PROGRAM CONTENT ................................................................................................................ 4
GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 5
STEPS AND TURNS ................................................................................................................... 5
HOLDS................................................................................................................................... 5
4 TECHNICAL ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................. 6
LINEAR ELEMENTS – BLOCK AND LINE................................................................................. 6
Levels + Features ................................................................................................................ 6
General feature requirements ........................................................................................... 7
Feature requirements (applied to element(s) in brackets) ................................................ 7
PIVOTING ELEMENT – BLOCK .............................................................................................. 8
Levels + Features ................................................................................................................ 8
Pivoting requirements ........................................................................................................ 8
Feature requirements ........................................................................................................ 9
PIVOTING ELEMENT – LINE ................................................................................................. 9
Levels & Features ............................................................................................................... 9
General requirements ...................................................................................................... 10
Pivoting requirements ...................................................................................................... 10
Features requirements ..................................................................................................... 10
ROTATING ELEMENTS – CIRCLE AND WHEEL .................................................................... 11
Levels + Features .............................................................................................................. 11
General feature requirements ......................................................................................... 11
Feature requirements (applied to element(s) in brackets) .............................................. 12
TRAVELING ELEMENT – CIRCLE ......................................................................................... 13
Levels + Features .............................................................................................................. 13
Travel requirements ......................................................................................................... 13
General feature requirements ......................................................................................... 13
Feature requirements ...................................................................................................... 13
TRAVELING ELEMENT – WHEEL ......................................................................................... 14
Levels & Features ............................................................................................................. 14
Travel requirements ......................................................................................................... 14
General feature requirements ......................................................................................... 14
Feature requirements ...................................................................................................... 15
INTERSECTION ELEMENT WITH POINT OF INTERSECTION ................................................ 16
Levels & Features ............................................................................................................. 17
General element requirements ........................................................................................ 17
General errors see Appendix A – Technical Guidelines .................................................... 17
Specific requirements of each type of Intersection ......................................................... 17
WITH POINT OF INTERSECTION) ................................................................................................................ 19
Levels................................................................................................................................ 19
General additional feature requirements ........................................................................ 20

Updated on August 29th, 2022
Specific requirements of pi rotations (Option A) ............................................................. 20
Specific requirements of Body Movements (Option B).................................................... 20
Specific requirements of each type of Intersection (Option A – pi rotation) ................... 21
INTERSECTION ELEMENT (CREATIVE)................................................................................... 21
MOVE ELEMENT ................................................................................................................ 22
Levels & Features ............................................................................................................. 22
General requirements ...................................................................................................... 22
Feature requirements ...................................................................................................... 22
Levels................................................................................................................................ 24
General additional feature requirements ........................................................................ 24
NO HOLD ELEMENT ........................................................................................................... 25
Levels & Features ............................................................................................................. 25
General feature requirements ......................................................................................... 26
Feature requirements ...................................................................................................... 26
Levels & Features ............................................................................................................. 26
General requirements ...................................................................................................... 27
Series requirements ......................................................................................................... 27
CREATIVE ELEMENT - LIFT ................................................................................................. 27
5 QUALITY OF EXECUTION ........................................................................................................ 28
6 ARTISTIC IMPRESSION ........................................................................................................... 31
7 PENALIZATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 32
8 GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................. 33
9 TECHNICAL PANEL PROTOCOL ............................................................................................... 34
10 APPENDIX A - TECHNICAL PANEL GUIDELINES ........................................................................ 35

Updated on August 29th, 2022
This document has been written and edited by WORLD SKATE ARTISTIC TECHNICAL
COMMISSION, so it cannot be copied.

A precision group is a group of 16 skaters (women and/or men) with a maximum four (4)

A Senior Precision program is 4:30 minutes +/- 10 seconds.

A Junior Precision program is 4:00 minutes +/- 10 seconds.

Competitive warm-Up
Each team will be permitted 60 seconds for positioning before the commencement of the
performance. Once the team is ready the team captain must raise their hand to advise the
announcer. A later start will be penalized (see deductions).

Program Content
A Senior Precision program MUST include the following eight (8) technical elements:
1. One (1) Linear element – Line OR Block
2. One (1) Traveling element - Circle OR Wheel
3. One (1) Rotating element – Circle OR Wheel
4. One (1) Creative element – Lift.
5. One (1) Intersection element (additional feature point of intersection mandatory)
6. One (1) Move element (additional feature free skating move mandatory)
7. One (1) No hold element (additional feature step sequence mandatory)
8. One (1) Pivoting element – Line OR Block

A Junior Precision program must include the following seven (7) technical elements:
1. One (1) Linear element – Line OR Block
2. One (1) Traveling element - Circle OR Wheel
3. One (1) Rotating element –Circle OR Wheel
4. One (1) Intersection element (additional feature point of intersection mandatory)
5. One (1) Intersection element (creative) different shape to element No. 5
6. One (1) No hold element (additional feature step sequence mandatory)
7. One (1) Pivoting element – Line OR Block

The required element shape (if not optional) will be communicated by WORLD SKATE
ARTISTIC TECHNICAL COMMISSION each year. Precision groups must present the order of the
elements of their program, otherwise the first presented element will be considered as the
required one.

Updated on August 29th, 2022
• Elements that do not meet the basic requirements (not applicable if due to a fall, illness
or interruption) will be given NO VALUE
• The elements can be performed using features that will be counted only once per
• Features must be executed at the same time by all skaters to be COUNTED, if not
otherwise defined in the element feature
• Set elements may be skated in any order
• Set elements may be repeated
• Additional elements may be used
• Any type of handhold or combination of handholds can be used. However – at least three
(3) different types of handholds must be shown.
• The following limitations shall be enforced:
o No Lifts are permitted in Junior Precision
o Kneeling or laying on the floor is allowed maximum of twice and for a maximum five
(5) seconds at the beginning and at the end of the program
o Stationary (stopping or standing) positions are not permitted during the program;
Stationary is defined as stopping or standing still by a ¼ of the Team or more for two
(2) or more seconds. At the beginning and at the end of the program, stationary
positions are allowed for a maximum of ten (10) seconds.
o Acrobatic movements (backflip, cartwheel, handstand, roll, vault or somersault
action) in Junior Precision are not permitted.
o Acrobatic movements in Senior Precision are permitted but must be shown by a pair
or group and not a single skater.
o Free Skating elements like jump and spins are allowed by even single skaters.
Steps and Turns
Different turns/steps: is a term that includes each of the listed turns and steps plus the four
(4) different methods of execution.
Different types of turns/steps: is a term that includes each of the listed turns and steps.
Difficult turns: rocker, counter, bracket, loop and travelling (see definition below).
Listed turns/steps: three-turn, mohawk, choctaw, bracket, counter, rocker, loop,
Change of direction with change of foot: mohawks, choctaws, inverted mohawks, inverted
Choctaws. Choctaws and mohawks to be considered as a step the position of the feet must
be very close. Each direction will be accepted if executed correctly.
Linking steps: all the technical difficulties that are executed keeping the same direction
such as, toe steps, chassé, cross chassé, change of edge, cross rolls, cut-step, crosses, runs
Note: half rotation jumps, or one rotation jumps on 1 or 2 feet is not considered a step or
Travelling: a quick turn of at least one rotation in total on the same skating foot in a
continuous action without checking and/or changing the rhythm of the single threes. No
knee action is allowed during the turns. The free foot can get any position.

Different types of connected holds are the following:
- Hand to Hand
- Hand to Wrist
- Hand to Elbow

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- Hand to Shoulder
- Hand to Waist/Hip
- Basket Hold
- Catch Hold
A No Hold is NOT considered as one of the holds.

Examples for one (1) type of connected hold (same type), e.g. Hand to Elbow:

Examples for Basket Hold and Catch Hold:

Basket Hold (weaving) Catch Hold (releaseable)

Basic requirements:
1. Block (B) – All Skaters skate in a closed Block with a minimum of three (3) lines; skaters
must be attached during the majority of the element
2. Line (L) – All Skaters skate in one (1) Line or in two (2) Lines as even as possible
3. Must cover a minimum of twenty meters (20m)
Levels + Features
Level Base Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(BB/LB) (B1/L1) (B2/L2) (B3/L3) (B4/L4)
An element that Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must
does not meet the include One (1) include Two (2) include Three (3) include Four (4)
level 1, 2, 3 or 4 Feature Features Features Features
requirements but MUST include MUST include
meets the Basic Features #6 OR #8 Features #6 OR #8
Requirements AND
Feature #5 OR #7

Updated on August 29th, 2022
General feature requirements
- Stopping is not permitted
- Element must progress along/across the floor before, during and after the Feature(s)
- Features must be executed at the same time by all skaters unless otherwise stated below
- Features that cannot be executed at the same time (#1 + #2, #1 OR #2 + #8, and #5 + #1,
#2, #3, #4, #6)
Feature requirements (applied to element(s) in brackets)
1. Two (2) Different configurations (B/L)
- The number of Lines must change
- The Feature is permitted to be executed in any manner
2. Skaters/Lines change places/positions with another Skater/Line (B/L)
- All Skaters and/or lines must participate and change places/positions with another Skater
and/or line
- There is no restriction on how the change of places/positions should be executed
3. Three (3) different types of connected holds (B/L)
- The same type of hold must be executed at the same time
- Holds must be different types (See definition 3.4)
4. Four (4) different extra features (B/L)
- At least four (4) different extra features must be included (may be spaced in between
other features). A maximum of two (2) from each group will be counted
- At least ½ of the Team must execute the extra feature
- Two (2) different extra features, from the same or different groups, are
permitted to be executed at the same time (each by ½ of the Team)
Extra Feature Groups
I. Free Skating Moves (fm's) such as: Charlotte, Spread Eagle, Hackenmond, Shoot the
Duck, Ina Bauer, or any listed fm from the additional feature Free Skating Moves
II. Toe steps, or small hops, or dance jumps of up to one (1) rotation
III. Body movement: the core changes from the center balanced position and that
movement has a significant impact of the body’s weight distribution over the skates
5. Four (4) turns/steps (B)
- All skaters must execute the same turn/step at the same time
- Choice of: choctaw, rocker, bracket
- The same turn/step may be repeated four (4) times
- The turns/steps must be executed one after the other, no other linking steps may be
executed between any of the turns/steps other than one (1) changes of edge or change
of foot
- The turns/steps must be skated on recognizable edges/lobes
- A hold must be maintained throughout the four (4) turns/steps
6. Circular pattern (B)
- The block must cover more than 270º on a circular pattern in one (1) rotational direction
- The lines of the block must remain as parallel as possible to the circle’s pattern
7. Two (2) Different Axis (L)
- The line must use two (2) distinctly different axes: long axis, short axis and/or a diagonal
axis of the floor
- Follow the leader or pivoting will not be counted as a change of axis
8. Release of hold for three (3) seconds (L)

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- During the release of hold each skater must turn/rotate OR use both skating directions
(forward and backward) i.e., only skating backwards (or forwards) is not permitted
- If Teams choose to turn/rotate
- Skaters must turn/rotate a minimum of 360º
- Stepping from backwards to forwards is NOT considered a 180º turn/rotation
- If Teams choose to use both skating directions at least two (2) foot placements in each
direction must be performed


Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must be in a closed Block with a minimum of three (3) lines; skaters must be
attached for the majority of the element
2. The Block must cover a minimum of twenty meters (20m)
3. The Block must attempt to pivot
Levels + Features
Level Base – PBB Level 1 – PB1 Level 2 – PB2 Level 3 – PB3 Level 4 – PB4
A Pivoting Block that Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must
does not meet the include: include: include: include:
level 1, 2, 3 or 4
requirements but OPTION A OPTION A Pivoting at least Pivoting at least
meets the basic Pivoting at least Pivoting at least 180º with a Series 270º with a Series
requirements and 90° with at least 180° with a Series of at least two (2) of four (4) different
calling specifications two (2) of at least two (2) different types of types of difficult
for a Pivoting Block turns/steps and turns executed on difficult turns turns executed on
linking steps one (1) foot executed on one (1) one (1) foot
OR (without a change foot (without a (without a change
OPTION B of edge) (choice of; change of edge), of edge) (choice of;
Pivoting at least three-turn, (choice of; bracket, bracket, counter,
90° with One (1) bracket, counter, counter, rocker or rocker and 1½ or
difficult turn rocker or single 1½ or more more traveling)
traveling or more) traveling) The pivot point
OR AND must change ends
OPTION B one (1) difficult at least once
Pivoting at least turn (may or may A minimum pivot of
180° with Two (2) not be part of a 90º is required
difficult turns series) before and after
(choice of; bracket, Pivot point must the pivot point
counter, rocker and change ends at changes ends
1½ or more least once
traveling) and A minimum pivot of
linking steps 45º is required
AND for BOTH before and after
OPTIONS the pivot point
Pivot point must changes ends
change ends at
least once
A minimum pivot of
45º is required
before and after
the pivot point
changes ends

Pivoting requirements
- Block must progress along/across the floor at all times during pivoting
- Pivoting must be continuous and executed all at once
- Pivoting must occur during only one (1) configuration of a Block
- Pivoting must be executed in only one (1) rotational direction
Pivoting is considered as ended when at least ¼ of the Team or more have done the

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- Stopped/Interrupted pivoting for two (2) seconds or more
- Changed configuration
- Changed rotational directions
Feature requirements
1. Pivoting with turns/steps and linking steps or a series of turns
- All Skaters must execute the same steps/turns/edges/linking steps, in the same skating
direction, at the same time during pivoting
- Pivoting must be executed using the required turns/steps on recognizable and correct
- PB1 & PB2: may repeat the same turns or use different turns
- PB2: In the series of at least two (2) turns (without a change of edge) the exit edge of
one (1) turn must be the entry edge of the following turn
- Linking steps are permitted before and/or after the series of at least two (2)
turns (without a change of edge)
- PB3: In the series of two (2) different types of difficult turns executed on one (1) foot
(without a change of edge) the exit edge of one (1) turn must be the entry edge of the
following turn.
- Linking steps are permitted between the series and the other required difficult
- The series and the difficult turn maybe executed in any order
- PB4: In the series of four (4) different types of difficult turns executed on one (1) foot
(without a change of edge), the exit edge of one (1) turn must be the entry edge of the
following turn
Errors for Turns/Steps see Appendix A – Technical Guidelines
2. Pivoting a Total of 90º, 180º or 270º
- PBB & PB1: The pivoting starts to be counted as soon as the Block begins to pivot once
the Skaters have established their own track and ends when the Block stops pivoting
- PB2: The measurement for the requirements of the pivoting degrees begins with the
entry edge of the first turn/step once the Skaters have established their own track and
ends when the Block stops pivoting
- PB3 & PB4: The measurement of the requirements for the degrees of pivoting begins
with the entry edge of any required turns once the Skaters have established their own
track and ends at the completion of the exit edge of the last required turn
3. Change of Pivot Point
- Pivot point executed by skating on a circular/looped pattern where the Skaters cross
their own track is not permitted


Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters may be in one (1) or two (2) Lines as even as possible; skaters must be
attached for the majority of the element
2. The Line must cover a minimum of twenty meters (20m)
3. The Line must pivot a minimum of 45°
Levels & Features
Level Base – PLB Level 1 – PL1 Level 2 – PL2 Level 3 – PL3 Level 4 – PL4
A Pivoting Line that Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must
does not meet the include: include: include: include:
level 1, 2, 3 or 4
requirements but Pivoting at least 90° Pivoting at least 180° Pivoting at least 180° Pivoting at least 180°
meets the basic - in one (1) or two (2) - in two (2) lines with - using a combination - in one (1) line with
requirements and lines with or without turns/steps and of one (1) and two turns/steps and
calling specifications turns/steps and linking steps (2) lines with linking steps
for a Pivoting Line linking steps

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- slow end Skater must - the pivot point must turns/steps and - the pivot point must
cover at least 2m change ends once linking steps change ends once
- each slow end Skater - the pivot point must - each slow end Skater
must cover at least change ends once must cover at least
2m - each slow end Skater 4m
OR must cover at least PLUS
Pivoting at least 180° 4m - Two (2) Pivoting Extra
- in one (1) line with PLUS Feature
turns/steps and - One (1) Pivoting
linking steps Extra Feature
- slow end Skater must OR
cover at least 2m Pivoting at least 180°
- in one (1) line with
turns/steps and
linking steps
- the pivot point must
change ends once
- each slow end Skater
must cover at least
- One (1) Pivoting
Extra Feature

General requirements
- Line(s) must progress along/across the floor at all times
Pivoting requirements
- Stopping and/or becoming Stationary is not permitted during pivoting
- Lines must progress along/across the floor at all times during pivoting
- Pivoting must be continuous and executed all at once
- Pivoting must be executed in only one (1) rotational direction
Pivoting is considered as ended when at least ¼ of the Team or more have done the
- Stopping or becoming Stationary (Slow end Skater(s))
- Stopped/Interrupted pivoting for two (2) seconds or more
- Changed rotational direction
Features requirements
1. Pivoting with turns/steps and linking steps
- All Skaters must execute the same steps/turns at the same time during pivoting
- A minimum of two (2) turns/steps must be attempted (for PL2, PL3, PL4)
- There are no restrictions on the types or number of linking steps (i.e. crossovers)
- Different linking steps are permitted
- The same type of turn/step must be executed at the same time
- Turns are permitted to have different edges and/or skating directions
Errors for Turns/Steps see Appendix A – Technical Guidelines
2. Pivoting a Total of 90º or 180º
- Pivoting starts to be counted as soon as all Skaters are in a Line(s) and the Line(s) begin
to pivot once the Skaters have established their own track
- If using two (2) Lines, both Lines must pivot at the same time
- Required floor coverage as per each level must be met during pivoting
3. Change of Pivot Point
For all levels:
- The slow end Skaters must not stop or become Stationary
- Line(s) must progress along/across the floor at all times

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- Change of pivot point executed by skating on a circular/looped pattern where the
Skaters cross their own track is not permitted
PL2 (pivoting in two (2) lines):
- A minimum pivot of 45º is required before and after the pivot point changes ends
- A minimum pivot of 90º is required before the pivot point changes ends
- Pivoting using a combination of one (1) and two (2) Lines
- There is no specific length of time that each configuration must be held, however it must
be recognizable (all Skaters in a hold)
- The change of pivot point is permitted to be executed in either the one (1) or two (2)
- A minimum pivot of 90º is required before the pivot point changes ends
4. Pivoting Extra Features requirements
a. Skaters/Lines change places/positions with another Skater/Line
- All Skaters and/or lines must participate and change places/positions with
another Skater and/or line
- There is no restriction on how the change of places/positions should be executed
b. Three (3) different types of connected holds
- The same type of hold must be executed at the same time
- Holds must be different types (See definition 3.4)
c. Use of different skating directions
- In a two (2) line configuration one (1) line is skating forward and the other line is
skating backward or vice versa
- In a one (1) line configuration one half of the team is skating forward while the
other half of the line is skating backward
- A minimum of two (2) foot placement must be executed in the new direction
while pivoting


Basic requirements:
1. Circle (C) – All Skaters in a Circle with a maximum of three (3) Circles. At least four (4)
Skaters in each Circle (C)
2. Wheel (W) – All Skaters in a Wheel with a maximum of three (3) separate Wheels. At
least three (3) Skaters in each Spoke (W)
3. All Skaters must rotate a minimum of 360º in one (1) rotational direction or a comparable
distance if both rotational directions are used
Levels + Features
Level Base Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(CB/WB) (C1/W1) (C2/W2) (C3/W3) (C4/W4)
An element that Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must
does not meet the include One (1) include Two (2) include Three (3) include Four (4)
level 1, 2, 3 or 4 Feature Features Features Features
requirements but MUST include MUST include
meets the Basic Features #6 OR #8 Features #6 OR #8
Requirements AND Feature #7

General feature requirements

- Stopping is not permitted
- Element must rotate before, during and after the Feature(s)
- Features must be executed at the same time by all skaters unless otherwise stated below
- Features that cannot be executed at the same time (#1 + #2, #1 OR #2 + #6, #7, #8)

Updated on August 29th, 2022
Feature requirements (applied to element(s) in brackets)
1. At least two (2) different configurations (C/W)
- The number of Circles/Spokes must change (respective to the element)
- The Feature is permitted to be executed in any manner
2. Skaters/Spokes change places/positions with another Skater/Spoke (C/W)
- All Skaters and/or spokes must participate and change places/positions with another
Skater and/or spoke
- There is no restriction on how the change of places/positions should be executed
3. Three (3) different types of connected holds (W)
- The same type of hold must be executed at the same time
- Holds must be different types (See definition 3.4)
4. Four (4) different extra features (C/W)
- At least four (4) different extra features must be included (may be spaced in between
other features). A maximum of two (2) from each group will be counted
- At least ½ of the Team must execute the extra feature
- Two (2) different extra features, from the same or different groups, are
permitted to be executed at the same time (each by ½ of the Team)
Extra Feature Groups
I. Free Skating Moves (fm's) such as: Charlotte, Spread Eagle, Hackenmond, Shoot the
Duck, Ina Bauer, or any listed fm from the additional feature Free Skating Moves
II. Toe steps, or small hops, or dance jumps of up to one (1) rotation
III. Body movement: the core changes from the center balanced position and that
movement has a significant impact of the body’s weight distribution over the skates
5. Change of rotational direction (C/W)
- At least ½ of the Team must change rotational direction
6. Weaving (C)
- Weaving must consist of a circle-in-a circle rotating in opposite rotational directions
- All Skaters must weave at least two (2) times
- The Skaters must change from the outer circle into the center circle and then
back to the outer circle OR vice versa depending on where they start
- The two (2) circles must be as even as possible
- Weaving must occur at the same time
- Weaving must be executed separately by each Skater; Pairs are not permitted
- Weaving must be executed while the skaters keep their rotational directions
7. Interlocking (C/W)
- At least ½ of the Team must interlock
- Interlocking consists of at least two (2) separate circles executed in a no hold, which are
rotating in opposite rotational directions and are close enough to each other to cause
the Skaters of one (1) Circle to interlock with Skaters of the other Circle
- All spokes must interlock
- Interlocking consists of at least two (2) separate Wheels rotating in opposite rotational
- directions and are close enough to each other to cause each spoke of one (1) Wheel to
- Consecutive spokes must interlock at least one (1) time
8. Release of hold for three (3) seconds (W)
- During the release of hold each skater must turn/rotate OR use both skating directions
(forward and backward) i.e. only skating backwards (or forwards) is not permitted
- If Teams choose to turn/rotate

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- Skaters must turn/rotate a minimum of 360º
- Stepping from backwards to forwards is NOT considered a 180º turn/rotation
- If Teams choose to use both skating directions at least two (2) foot placements in each
direction must be performed


Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must be in a Circle
2. The traveling Circle element must rotate at least 360º in one (1) rotational direction
3. The Circle must travel a minimum of two meters (2m)
Levels + Features
Level Base – TCB Level 1 –TC1 Level 2 – TC2 Level 3 – TC3 Level 4 – TC4
A Traveling Circle Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must
that does not meet include: include: include: include:
the level 1, 2, 3 or 4
requirements but Travel executed Travel executed Travel executed Travel executed
meets the basic with: with: with: with:
requirements and - one (1) circle or - circle inside a - circle inside a - circle inside a
calling specifications circle inside a circle same or circle opposite circle opposite
for a Traveling Circle circle same or opposite rotational rotational rotational
opposite rotational direction directions directions
direction - must cover more - weaving once (1) - weaving twice (2)
- must cover more than 10m - must cover more - must cover more
than 5m than 10m than 10m

Travel requirements
- TCB – must have at least four (4) Skaters in each Circle while traveling
- TC1 and TC2 must have a minimum of six (6) Skaters in each Circle while traveling
- TC3 and TC4 – must have eight (8) Skaters in each Circle while traveling
- Skaters must use the same linking steps/turns/steps and skating directions
- Skaters must continue to glide as the Circle travels
- Travel must be continuous and not interrupted
- Circle(s) must rotate during travel
- Traveling must occur during only one (1) configuration of a Circle
- Traveling must be executed in the same rotational direction for each of the Circle
Travel is considered as ended when at least ¼ of the Team or more have done the following:
- Stopped gliding
- Stopped/Interrupted traveling for two (2) seconds or more
- Stopped/Interrupted rotation for two (2) seconds or more
- Changed configuration
- Changed rotational directions
General feature requirements
- Stopping or becoming Stationary is not permitted
- Feature(s) must be executed during the travel
Feature requirements
1. Weaving (one (1) or two (2) times depending on the level)
- The Circles must be as even as possible
- Weaving must be done while traveling
- Both Circles must clearly travel before, during and after weaving
- Weaving must occur at the same time
2. Distance travelled (more than 5m, 10m depending on the level)

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- The required distance will be measured using the center point of the Circle(s) and the
length of the rink surface
- Travel begins to be counted as soon as all Skaters are in the Circle and the center point
of the Circle begins to move
- The measurement of travel will stop when traveling has ended or the Circle breaks apart
to go into the next transition or Element


Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must be in a Wheel
2. The traveling Wheel element must rotate at least 360º in one (1) rotational direction
3. The Wheel must travel a minimum of two meters (2m)
Levels & Features
Level Base – TWB Level 1 – TW1 Level 2 – TW2 Level 3 – TW3 Level 4 – TW4
A Traveling Wheel Level B AND must Level B AND must Traveling Wheel (a Traveling Wheel (a
that does not meet include: include: choice between 4- choice between 4-
the level 1, 2, 3 or spoke, 3-spoke, spoke, 3-spoke,
4 requirements but Travel with or Travel with parallel, or 2 spoke parallel, or 2 spoke
meets the basic without turns/steps turns/steps and (not S-wheel) must (not S-wheel)) must
requirements and and linking steps: linking steps: meet the basic meet the basic
calling - must cover more - must cover more requirements for requirements for
specifications for a than 5m than 10m Level B AND must Level B AND must
Traveling Wheel include: include:

Travel with Travel with

turns/steps and turns/steps and
linking steps: linking steps:
- must cover more - must cover more
than 10m than 10m

Together with one (1) Together with two (2)

travel extra feature travel extra features

Travel requirements
- Stopping or becoming Stationary is not permitted
- TWB, TW1 and TW2 - must have at least three (3) Skaters in each spoke while travelling
- TW3 and TW4 – must have at least four (4) Skaters in each spoke while travelling
- TW3 and TW4 - a choice between 4-spoke, 3-spoke, parallel, or 2 spoke (not S-Wheel))
- Skaters must use the same linking steps/turns/steps and skating directions
- Travel must be executed in one (1) Wheel OR two (2) side by side Wheels
- If executing two (2) side-by-side Wheels then both Wheels must travel at the same
- All Skaters must continue to glide as the Wheel travels
- Travel must be continuous and not interrupted
- All Spokes must rotate during travel
- Travel must be executed in the same configuration and one (1) rotational direction
- Travel must be executed during the same rotational direction
Travel is considered as ended when at least ¼ of the Team or more have done the following:
- Stopped gliding
- Stopped/Interrupted traveling for two (2) seconds or more
- Stopped/Interrupted rotation for two (2) seconds or more
- Changed configuration
- Changed rotational directions
General feature requirements
- Stopping or becoming Stationary is not permitted

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- Feature(s) must be executed during the travel
Feature requirements
2. Travel with turns/steps and linking steps (with, or without a hold or a combination of
- All Skaters must use the same linking steps/turns/steps and skating directions at the
same time
- Turns/steps and linking steps must be executed during travel
- A minimum of two (2) turns/steps must be attempted (for TW2, TW3, TW4)
- Turns/steps must be executed on one (1) foot
- There are no restrictions on the number of linking steps (i.e. crossovers)
2. Distance travelled (more than 5m, 10m depending on the level)
- The required distance will be measured using the center point of the Wheel(s) and the
length of the rink surface
- Travel begins to be counted as soon as all spokes and the center point of the Wheel
begins to move
- The measurement of travel will stop when traveling has ended or when the Wheel breaks
apart to go into the next transition or Element
3. Travel Extra Features (Level 3 & 4)
- All Skaters and spokes must participate
- Travel extra features must be executed one (1) at a time during the travel
- Traveling must occur both before, during and after the extra features
- All Skaters must have a hold before and after each extra Feature
a. Two (2) continuous backward 360º rotations executed one (1) after the other
- Any type of turns/steps or rotating linking steps are permitted
- The rotations are permitted to be executed on one (1) or two (2) feet
- Stepping from backward to forward is not considered a 180º turn/rotation
- A double travelling will not be considered as two (2) continuous 360º rotations
- Each 360º rotation must begin on a backward edge
- A push is not permitted within a backward 360º rotation
- The two (2) rotations must both be executed in the same rotational direction
- The two (2) rotations must be executed one (1) after the other
- Holding in-between the rotations are not permitted
b. Skaters/Spokes change places/positions with another Skater/Spoke
- All Skaters and/or spokes must change places/positions with another Skater
and/or spoke
- Skaters are permitted to be joined in pairs or small lines
- The change of places/position refers to either the spoke in total and/or the
individual Skaters
- Skaters must remain in their spokes when changing place
- Skaters are permitted to circle another spoke/Skaters and end back in the same
- The shape of the Wheel is permitted to disappear momentarily during this Feature
(i.e.: an incorrect number of Skaters for the level is permitted to be visible
momentarily in order to encourage creativity)
c. Release of hold for three (3) seconds
- Timing will begin once all Skaters have released their hold
- During the release of hold each Skater must turn / rotate a minimum of 360º OR
use both skating directions (forward and backward) i.e. only skating backward (or
forward) is not permitted
- If Teams choose to turn/rotate a minimum of 360º:

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- Stepping from backwards to forwards is NOT considered a 180º


Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must pass another Skater
2. The Lines must be as equal as possible

Updated on August 29th, 2022
Levels & Features
Level Base – IB Level 1 – I1 Level 2 – I2 Level 3 – I3 Level 4 – I4
An Intersection that Level B AND Level B AND Level B AND Level B AND
does not meet the must include: must include: must include: must include:
level 1, 2, 3 or 4
requirements but Any Intersection, Box or Triangle Whip Intersection Angled Intersection
meets the Basic two (2) Line intersection,
Requirements L-Intersection, Combined
intersection, V-Intersection
or Subsequent Intersection

Additional Feature – POINT OF INTERSECTION is mandatory (see 4.8)

General element requirements
- Individual Skaters may pass each other simultaneously or separately as long as each
Skater is involved in the Intersection
- Stopping and/or becoming Stationary is not permitted
- All Skaters must be back-to-back during the approach phase (Exception Level 1)
- Back-to-back - the Skaters shoulders must be parallel to the axis of intersection
and not twisted during the approach
- In case of continuous backward rotations:
- Continuous backward 360° rotation(s) are permitted during the approach
phase for all Intersections other than a Whip Intersection
- A forward push within a backward 360° rotation is not permitted
- All Skaters must be in any connected hold during the approach phase once the shape of
the Intersection is recognized until the Additional Feature begins
- In case of continuous backward rotations a hold is not required
- Angled Intersection – see for specific requirements
General errors see Appendix A – Technical Guidelines

Specific requirements of each type of Intersection

Two (2) Line Intersection
- A back-to-back or face-to-face approach is permitted
- Both Lines must be straight and parallel to each other as they approach the axis of
- Both Lines/all Skaters must intersect at the same time
- A back-to-back or face-to-face approach is permitted
- If using a pivoting approach, each Line must pivot at least 90º before the Skaters begin
to intersect
Combined intersection
- A back-to-back or face-to-face approach is permitted
- Multiple Circles, Wheels and Lines are permitted
- Circle must have a minimum of four (4) Skaters
- Wheel must have a minimum of three (3) Skaters in a spoke
- Line must have a minimum of four (4) Skaters
- If using a Circle or Wheel: the Circle/Wheel must continually rotate
- If using a Block or Line: the Block/Line must continue to glide and progress along the
- Two (2) lines must be as equal as possible

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- A pivoting back-to-back entry is required
- Both Lines/all Skaters must intersect at the same time
Subsequent Intersection
- There must be at least two (2) subsequent intersections; Example but not limited: A four
(4) lines intersection where two (2) lines intersect first, followed by two (2) other lines
that intersect subsequently
- The time between first and subsequent intersection(s) must be less than three (3)
Box or Triangle
- All Skaters must be back-to-back in any connected hold when starting the approach until
the Additional Feature begins
- IF using a pivoting back-to-back-approach, each Line must pivot at least 90º
(skating in a backward direction) before the Skaters begin to intersect
- The use of crossovers is not permitted once the corners of the Intersection begin to
- Box/Triangle: All corners of the collapsing intersection must intersect at the same time
Whip intersection
- Whip Intersection is considered to have a pivoting back-to-back approach
- Both Lines must achieve and maintain a curved shape (minimum of a ½ Circle shape) for
a minimum of a 90º rotation until the lead skaters become back-to-back
- The minimum ½ Circle shape will be counted when the distance between the two
(2) end Skaters (from the same line) is the diameter of a Circle made of sixteen
- Correct shape (diameter of a circle made of sixteen (16)):

- Incorrect shapes (diameters too large/small):

- From the minimum 1⁄2 Circle shape once the lead Skaters are back-to-back:
- The curve must continuously straighten/unroll until the Additional Feature begins
(see Additional Feature)
- Both lines must straighten/unroll at the same time
- The goal is for both Lines/all Skaters to straighten and intersect at the same time

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- During the exit the two (2) to three (3) fast end Skater(s) of each line must have more
speed than the rest of their line and therefore a V-formation must be shown. The spacing
between the fast end Skaters will increase
- 360° rotations are not permitted during the approach
Angled intersection
- A connected hold must be attained before the lead Skaters overlap, unless the Skaters
executing continuous backward rotations
- The corridor between the two (2) Lines cannot be more than approximately three meters
(3m) apart once the lead Skaters of each Line begin to overlap

- It is NOT required to skate the entire approach phase within the three meters
(3m) corridor before the overlap begins
- Both Lines must continually move towards the axis of intersection once the lead Skaters
have overlapped
- The corridor between the two (2) Lines is permitted to show a minimal reduction as the
Lines first overlap and begin to pass each other. The reduction of the corridor is
permitted to occur more rapidly as the Skaters’ near the axis of intersection
- The Lines must remain parallel to the “axis of intersection” during the approach phase,
no matter where/how the Intersection has been placement on the floor
- Example: If the “axis of intersection” is parallel to the long axis of the rink, then the
Lines must be kept parallel to the long axis of the rink during the approach phase
- If the Lines are not more than approximately three meters (3m) apart, once the overlap
has begun a slight pivot (less than 15°) is permitted

- Both Lines/all Skaters must intersect at the same time


INTERSECTION element with point of intersection)
Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must attempt a pi (point of intersection) feature
Level Base – piB Level 1 – pi1 Level 2 –pi2 Level 3 – pi3
Any pi that does not One (1) of the following One (1) of the following One (1) of the following
meet Level 1, 2 or 3 options: options: options:
requirements but
meets the Basic A) A forward continuous A) A backward continuous A) A backward continuous
Requirements 360° or more rotation 360° or more rotation 720º or more rotation


B) A Body Movement at B) A Body Movement at B) A Body Movement from

least from BM Group 1 least from BM Group 2 BM Group 3

Updated on August 29th, 2022
Note: See below for Note: See below for Note: See below for
specific pi requirements specific pi requirements specific pi requirements
for certain intersections for certain intersections for certain intersections

General additional feature requirements

- An additional feature must begin before and continue as the Skaters begin to intersect
- The additional feature must not be completed before the Skaters begin to intersect
- Skaters in the same Line must execute the same additional feature:
- all forward or all backward
- Option A: in the same rotational direction
- NOTE for pi1: executing different rotations at the pi (half of the Team is
permitted to execute a forward pi rotation and the other half of the Team
a backward pi rotation – choreographed)
- Option B: Half of the team can execute a different BM than the other half of the
team (two (2) BM in total)
- Different level of BM’s can be executed however the lowest level will be
confirmed (see Technical Guidelines)
Specific requirements of pi rotations (Option A)
- For pi2 & pi3: pi rotations must start and end backward
- Once all Skaters are through the Intersection it is permitted to exit a pi2/pi3
rotation forward without penalty
- Exception: pi3 executed during a Whip Intersection must start and end backward
- A pi rotation must rotate quickly and be continuous and uninterrupted
- A push is not permitted within a continuous forward or backward 360º and/or
backward 720º pi rotation
- The pi rotations of 720º/360° are permitted to:
- consist of turns and/or rotating linking steps
- be done on one (1) or two (2) feet
- pi rotation must not be executed on the same spot
Specific requirements of Body Movements (Option B)
- A Body Movement (BM) must be held in the correct position before the skaters begin to
intersect and continue through the point of intersection until the exit of the intersection
- Types of BM allowed are:
- BM Group 1 (required for level 1):
- Camel position (knee and foot higher than hip level)
- Variation of a Camel position with the free leg supported or unsupported
(knee and foot higher than hip level)
- Upright position with the free leg supported or unsupported (knee and
foot higher than hip level)
- Sit position on two feet
- Spread Eagle position (inside)
- Ina Bauer position (inside)
- BM Group 2 (required for level 2):
- Charlotte with the free leg held no less than 135°
- Upright extension with the free leg held no less than 135º
- Shoot the duck or any sit position (on one (1) foot)
- Spread Eagle position (outside)
- Ina Bauer position (outside)
- BM Group 3 (required for level 3):
- Charlotte with the free leg held no less than 170°
- Upright extension with the free leg held no less than 170º
- Biellmann position
- Hackenmond 135º

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- For pi1: Each half of the team can change the BM in between two (2) subsequent
intersections; the second BM must be according to the requirements
pi errors: see Appendix A – Technical Guidelines
Specific requirements of each type of Intersection (Option A – pi rotation)
Collapsing Intersections/Combined Intersections (where all Skaters are intersecting at
different times)
- The correct number of rotations must be included and correctly executed to achieve a
- Level 1 & 2: Must have at least two (2) rotations from the same level
- Level 3: Must have at least one (1) backward 720° rotation plus two (2) backward 360°
(or more) rotations
- Each of the required rotations must be executed separately, a double travelling will not
be counted as two (2) backward 360° rotations
- The minimum of two (2) or three (3) separate rotations are permitted to be in the same
or different rotational directions
- The correct number of rotations must end within the Intersection in order to achieve a
- Level 1 & 2: Two (2) rotations must end within the Intersection
- Level 3: The backward 720° rotation must start before the Lines begin to
intersect, and end inside the Intersection. Two (2) subsequent backward 360°
rotations must start within the Intersection however the last (third (3rd)) pi
rotation is permitted to end after the Skaters have exited the Intersection
- A slight (minimal) pause in-between the rotations is permitted in order to allow the
Skaters to change feet/change edges or change their rotational direction
- The first forward or backward 360º/720° rotation must begin before and continue to
rotate as the first Skater(s) intersect
- All Skaters must execute continuous forward or backward 360º/720° rotations (as many
360°/720º rotations as are needed) until the final Skaters have passed through their
Whip Intersection
- All rotations executed during the Intersection must be in the same rotational direction
that the Line uses during the approach phase; i.e. the Skaters in one (1) of the Lines are
skating in a clockwise rotational direction towards the pi, then the pi rotations must also
be executed in the clockwise rotational direction
- For pi3: only a maximum of one (1) continuous backward 720º pi rotation is permitted
- A maximum of the first 360º of the backward 720º rotation is permitted prior to
the axis of intersection
- Exception: the two (2) fast end Skaters on each line may rotate more than 360º
before the axis of intersection and must continue to rotate as they intersect
Angled Intersection
- pi rotation(s) must start before or at the latest when the Lines begin to overlap
- Once the Lines start to overlap the Skater(s) must continuously rotate as they move
towards the axis of Intersection
- For pi3: The continuous backward rotations must each rotate a minimum of 360°
(backward pushes are permitted in-between a backward 360º/720º or more rotation(s))
- There may be as many backward 360º/720º rotations as the Team wants with the last
rotation, used to intersect, being a backward continuous 720° rotation


To have the Element confirmed (fixed value)

Updated on August 29th, 2022
1. Individual skaters must intersect either at the same time or at different times (i.e.
collapsing intersection) or a combination of both
2. Intersection shape is not limited to 2-Lines, angled, collapsing (box/triangle), whip,
3. Eight (8) Pairs intersecting are not considered an Intersection
4. Weaving is not considered an Intersection
5. The number of skaters in each line (part) of an Intersection do not have to be as equal
as possible
6. Additional feature point of intersection is NOT mandatory

Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must attempt at least one (1) free skating move (fm)
Levels & Features
Level Base – Level 1 – ME1 Level 2 – ME2 Level 3 – ME3 Level 4 – ME4
A Move Element Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must
where the fm does include the include the include the include the
not meet the level following: following: following: following:
1, 2, 3 or 4
requirements but One (1) Feature Two (2) Features Three (3) Features Four (4) Features
meet the Basic

Additional Feature – FREE SKATING MOVE is mandatory (see 4.11)

General requirements
- All fms must be executed within thirty meters (30m) from each other
- The first fm that each Skater performs will be evaluated
- The fm will be evaluated once all Skaters attain their position
- Other fms may be executed following the first fm
- Each “type of fm” listed in the Additional Feature – Free Skating Move is permitted to be
executed using different feet, different edges, and/or in different skating directions as
long as there are at least four (4) Skaters executing the “different fm”;
- If using different feet, there must be at least four (4) Skaters executing that fm
on the same foot
- If using different edges, there must be at least four (4) Skaters executing that fm
on the same edge
- If using different skating directions there must be at least four (4) Skaters
executing that fm in the same skating direction
- Skaters executing the “different fm” must start and end at the same time and if
applicable must change edges and/or positions at the same time
- Teams may choose one (1) of the following options:
1. All fms begin and end at the same time
2. All fms begin at the same time and fms end at different times
3. Fms begin at different times and all fms end at the same time
Feature requirements
1. Different Types of fms
2. Fms on one (1) foot
3. Change of Position
4. Intersecting and/or Passing-through

1. Different types of fms

- There must be executed at least two (2) different types of fms

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- Each type of fm must be executed by at least four (4) Skaters
- See the definition for a type of fm in the Free Skating Moves Additional Feature
- Part of the Team (at least four (4) Skaters) is permitted to present one (1) type of fm
and the other part of the Team (at least four (4) Skaters) presents a different type of fm
- Each type of fm is permitted to be executed using different feet, different edges,
and/or in different skating directions
- If using different feet, there must be at least four (4) Skaters executing that fm
on the same foot
- If using different edges, there must be at least four (4) Skaters executing that fm
on the same edge
- If using different skating directions there must be at least four (4) Skaters
executing that fm in the same skating direction
- Skaters executing the same type of fm using the same foot, or the same edge or the same
skating direction must start and end at the same time and if applicable must change
edges at the same time
2. Fms on one (1) foot
- There must be at least two (2) types of fms on one (1) foot
- Each type of fm must be executed by at least four (4) Skaters
- See the definition for a type of fm in the Free Skating Moves Additional Feature
- Skaters executing the same type of fm using the same foot, or the same edge or the same
skating direction must start and end at the same time and if applicable must change
edges at the same time
3. Change of Position
- Must be executed at the same time by at least ½ of the Team
- At least ½ the Team must be arranged with a minimum of two (2) Lines and each
line must have a minimum of four (4) connected Skaters
- Skaters must have a hold before and after the Change of Position
- The release of hold and re-grasp of hold must be done at the same time
- Skaters must establish their own track both before and after the Change of Position
- An fm must be on an edge before and after the Change of Position
- Skaters must cross the track of the other Skaters with whom they are changing position

- The correct fm position (of the fm level called) must be maintained before, during and
after the Change of Position
For ME4 – the Change of Position must be executed with an fm using one (1) foot
4. Intersecting and/or Passing-through
- At least ½ of the Team must execute an fm that is Intersecting and/or Passing-through
- fms may Intersect and/or Pass-through at the same or different times
- The correct fm position and edge (of the fm level called) must be maintained before,
during and after the Skaters Intersect and/or Pass-through
Intersecting: Is a movement which occurs when there are only individual/solo Skaters
involved. The movement refers to an individual/solo Skater intersecting in-between two (2)
other individual/solo Skaters
All Skaters intersecting will be counted towards the Feature
Passing through: Is a movement which occurs when there are pair(s) or group(s) of Skaters
involved. The movement refers to;

Updated on August 29th, 2022
a) A Skater (individual/solo, pair(s) or group(s)) passing in-between two (2) other pair(s)
and/or group(s) of Skaters
b) A pair(s) or group(s) of Skaters passing in-between two (2) individual/solo Skaters
Only the Skater(s) passing through other Skaters will be counted towards the Feature

Example acceptable: left side: fm’s (red/blue) that are intersecting / right side: two groups
of fm’s (red and blue) passing through two lines of fm’s (green)

ADDITIONAL FEATURE FREE SKATING MOVE (mandatory for move element)

Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must attempt a fm
Level Base – fmB Level 1 – fm1 Level 2 –fm2 Level 3 – fm3
Any fm that does not - Inside Spread Eagle - Camel position with the - Camel position with
meet Level 1, 2 or 3 (with or without a free leg held the free leg held
requirements but change of edge) unsupported to the back unsupported to the
meets the Basic - Camel position with with one (1) change of back at no less than
Requirements the free leg edge (free leg fully 135° with one (1)
unsupported (knee and extended) change of edge
foot higher than hip- - Camel position with a - Bielmann Camel
level) change of free leg - Upright Extension 170º
- Variation of a Camel position only (free leg (free leg fully
position with the fee fully extended, extended to the front,
leg supported or unsupported as it side or behind self-
unsupported (knee and changes to a front, side supported or
foot higher than hip- or back position) unsupported)
level) - Variation of a Camel - Upright Extension 135º
- Inside Ina Bauer position with a change with one (1) change of
of edge edge
- Upright Extension 135° - Outside Spread Eagle
(free leg fully extended in both rotational
to the front, side or directions
behind self-supported or - Outside Ina Bauer in
unsupported) both rotational
- Outside Spread Eagle directions
- Outside Ina Bauer - Hackenmond 135°

General additional feature requirements

- Any fm listed (Inside Spread Eagle, Camel Position with the free leg unsupported…, etc.)
in the above chart will be considered a “TYPE of fm” and are considered different than
the other fms listed within the chart
- Each “type of fm” must be executed by at least four (4) Skaters
- A "different fm" is considered to be one “type of fm” (e.g. Camel position with the free
leg unsupported) executed by at least four (4) Skaters using either different feet,
different edges or different skating directions
- Examples of “different fms”:

Updated on August 29th, 2022
- A Right forward inside Camel is considered as a “different fm” than a Right
forward outside Camel
- A Left backward Camel is considered as a “different fm” than a Left forward
- A Camel executed on the right foot is considered as a “different fm” than a Camel
executed on the left foot
- A clockwise Spread Eagle/Ina Bauer/Hackenmond is considered as a “different
fm” than a counter-clockwise Spread Eagle/Ina Bauer/Hackenmond

fms with one (1) position executed on one (1) edge/lobe

- An fm must be held for at least three (3) seconds in the correct position and on the
correct edge/lobe

fms with one (1) or several changes of edge and/or change of free leg/fm position(s)
- Must have at least two (2) seconds in each correct position(s) and on each edge/lobe

fms that use both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions

- Must have at least two (2) seconds in the correct position and on each edge/lobe
- When changing from clockwise to anti-clockwise directions (or vice versa)
- Additional steps, turn(s) or linking steps are NOT permitted other than those
required to quickly change the direction

For fm3: Camel position with the free leg held unsupported to the back at a minimum of
135º with one (1) change of edge:
- The measurement of the 135º is considered using the angle between the supporting leg
and free leg
- The upper body of the Skater must be held not lower than parallel to the surface
- The correct position must be held on the correct edges/lobes before, during and after
the change of edge

For fm3: Hackenmond 135°

- The measurement of the 135º is considered using the angle between the two legs
- The upper body of the Skater must be held upright balanced in the center
- The correct position must be held for a minimum of three (3) seconds

fm errors: see Appendix A – Technical Guidelines

Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must be in a closed Block
2. The Block must begin in four (4) lines of four (4) Skaters
3. The Block must cover a minimum of twenty meters (20m)
Levels & Features
Level Base – Level 1 – NHE1 Level 2 – NHE2 Level 3 – NHE3 Level 4 – NHE4
No Hold Element Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must Level B AND must
that does not meet include One include Two include Three include Four
the level 1, 2, 3, or (1) Feature (2) Features (3) Features (4) Features
4 requirements but
meets the Basic

Updated on August 29th, 2022
Additional Feature – STEP SEQUENCE is mandatory (see 4.13)
General feature requirements
- Stopping is not permitted during any Feature
- Features must be done separately otherwise neither of the features will be confirmed
- Block must continue to progress across/along the floor before, during and after
Feature requirements
1. Change of Position
- All Skaters and/or Lines must participate and change places/positions with another
Skater and/or Line at the same time
- The shape of the NHE is permitted to “disappear” during the Feature (i.e. an incorrect
number of Lines are permitted, momentarily, to encourage creativity)
2. Diagonal Axis
- One (1) Series of at least two (2) difficult turns without a change of edge in between the
turns, correctly executed on the same diagonal axis
- The diagonal axis is permitted to occur at any time during the NHE
3. Pivoting
- All Skaters and lines must pivot at least 90°
- Pivoting must be continuous and executed all at once
- Pivoting must occur during only one (1) configuration of a Block
- Pivoting must be executed in only one (1) rotational direction
- All Skaters must execute the same steps/turns/edges/linking steps, in the same skating
- direction, at the same time during pivoting
- The pivoting starts to be counted as soon as the Block begins to pivot once the Skaters
have established their own track and ends when the Block stops pivoting
Pivoting is considered as ended when ¼ of the team or more have done the following:
- Stopped/Interrupted pivoting for two (2) seconds or more
- Changed configuration
- Changed rotational direction
4. Two (2) different configurations
- The number of Lines must be different in each configuration
- There must be a minimum of three (3) lines
- Eight (8) Lines of two (2) Skaters is not permitted
- A different closed Block configuration is required for the second (2nd) configuration
- Configuration must be recognizable


Basic requirements:
1. All Skaters must attempt at least two (2) turns/steps
Levels & Features
Level Base – sB Level 1 – s1 Level 2 – s2 Level 3 – s3 Level 4 – s4
A Step Sequence Four (4) turns/steps Six (6) turns/steps Six (6) turns/steps Eight (8) turns/steps
that does not meet (two (2) different (three (3) different (four (4) different (six (6) different
the level 1, 2, 3 or types of turns/steps) types of turns/steps) types of turns/steps) types of turns/steps)
4 requirements but and linking steps AND AND AND
meets the Basic
Requirements One (1) series One (1) series Two (2) different
consisting of: consisting of: series consisting of:
- Two (2) different - Three (3) different - One (1) series of
types of difficult turns types of difficult three (3) different
types of difficult

Updated on August 29th, 2022
executed on one (1) turns executed on turns executed on
foot one (1) foot one (1) foot
Two (2) different - One (1) series of
series (one (1) on two (2) different
each foot) consisting types of difficult
of: turns executed
- Two (2) different
types of difficult

General requirements
- All steps and turns must be skated on the same, recognizable edges and lobes
- Turns included in the series will be counted toward the level of the step Sequence if
executed correctly
- Mirror image pattern is permitted during a Step Sequence, but the turns/steps executed
in a mirror image pattern are not counted towards the level of the Step Sequence
- Short fm’s can be used to enhance the step sequence, but each fm must not be held
longer than three (3) seconds. If this occurs the sequence will be considered ended
- Step Sequence must be executed within 40 seconds, counted from the first step/turn on
until the last step/turn from the Sequence; after 40 seconds no further step/turn will be
considered for the level.
Turn/Step Errors see Appendix A – Technical Guidelines

Series requirements
1. One (1) series of Different types of Difficult turns:
- Consists of two (2) or three (3) different types of difficult turns (depending on the level)
executed on one (1) foot where the exit edge of one turn is the entry edge of the next
2. Two (2) Different series of Different types of Difficult turns:
- Consists of two (2) or three (3) different types of difficult turns (depending on the level)
each executed on each foot where the exit edge of one (1) turn is the entry edge of the
next turn
- If Two (2) series of Different types of Difficult turns are executed, they must be different
- The same series of turns is not permitted to be repeated on the opposite foot
- Two (2) Different series of Different types of Difficult turns are considered to be the
same if they consist of the same turns done in the same order, on the same edge and in
the same skating direction
Example 1 (permitted, showing turns with different skating direction):
- 1st series – backward outside rocker, forward outside bracket
- 2nd series – forward outside rocker, backward outside bracket
Example 2 (permitted, showing different entry edges):
- 1st series – backward outside rocker, forward outside counter
- 2nd series – backward inside rocker, forward inside counter
- Changes of edge(s) are NOT permitted in between the turns
- Other turns are allowed but must be executed either before or after the series of difficult


Senior Precision Program
To have the Element confirmed (fixed value)
1. All Skaters must participate in creating the picture of the Creative Element - Lift
2. Lifted Skater(s) must be held off the floor for at least three (3) seconds
3. The lift(s) must glide at all times
4. Stopping and/or become Stationary is not permitted

Updated on August 29th, 2022
Guidelines for the Creative element:
- There is no required number of lifted skaters, but at least one (1) skater must be lifted
- The lifted skater(s) may be lifted to any heigh

5 Quality of Execution
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Very poor Poor Weak Fair Average Good Superior
6+ bullets 4-5 bullets 2-3 bullets 1 bullet 2-3 bullets 4-5 bullets 6+ bullets

The final QOE is calculated considering first the positive and negative key aspects/bullets
and the additional aspects/bullets of the Element that result in a starting QOE. Each
aspect/bullet must be considered separately and given a positive (+1), negative (-1) or
neutral (0) value. The starting QOE is built by adding all aspects/bullets (see Example
below). The QOE is then increased and/or reduced according to the positive and negative
criteria for the Element (see Criteria Adjustments table).

Example to calculate the Starting QOE:

An Element with Good shape (+1 bullet), with Good speed and flow (+1 bullet), Good body
lines (+1 bullet) but not in time with the music (-1 bullet) and at the end a fall of one skater,
Starting QOE = (+1) + (+1) + (+1) + (-1) = + 2 bullets = QOE +1
Final QOE = +1 + (-1 to -2 for the fall) = 0 or -1

Elements are evaluated considering three (3) key aspects/bullets of equal importance:

• Shape: Roundness; straightness; alignment or spacing symmetry maintained throughout

the Element
• Unison: Performing as one; precise body lines; in step or time; concurrent or
• Speed & Flow: Pace and velocity maintained or accelerated throughout the Element &
Movement within, between or across the Element with effortless progression

Elements are also evaluated considering these additional aspects/bullets:

• Variety and quality of Steps, Turns, Movements and Holds

• Entry and/or exit of the Element performed with originality or creativity
• Seamless execution and quality of features
• Reflects the timing, tempo or character of the music
• Body line, flexible position and/or aesthetically pleasing position

• Minor errors do not fully impact the integrity/continuity and fluidity of the Element and
should not be over penalized when awarding a Quality of the Element (QOE)
• Major error impacts the integrity/continuity and fluidity of the Element and/or its
relation to the music and should be reflected accordingly.

Updated on August 29th, 2022
• Each error occurring within the same Element will be reflected in the final marks for
QOE and Program Components
• Required for an Element to achieve +3: the three (3) Key aspects/bullets must be
present, and all Aspects/bullets of the Element must be performed with superior
execution and must contain no errors or/and major errors
• Required for an Element to achieve +2: two (2) of the three (3) Key aspects/bullets must
be present and all Aspects/bullets of the Element must be performed with good
execution and must contain no major errors

Updated on August 29th, 2022
2021 Criteria Adjustments to the Quality of Execution

Major Errors Inc. Reduce NHT Key Aspects/Bullets

Fall of one (1) Skater in an Element, depending on disruption -1 to -2 Shape
Fall of two (2) Skaters in an Element -2 Unison
Fall of three (3) or more Skaters in an Element -3 Speed & Flow
Additional Aspects/Bullets
Stumbles, collisions or touchdown of free foot or hand(s) -1 each Variety and quality of Steps, Turns, Movements and Holds
Breaks in holds or poor quality of holds -1 each Entry and/or Exit performed with originality or creativity
Visible Errors -1 each Seamless execution and quality of Features
Long preparation into Element -1 Reflects the timing, tempo or nuance of the music
NHT = Not Higher Than Body line, flexible position and/or aesthetically pleasing position
Element Criteria Reduce NHT Element Criteria Inc. Reduce NHT
Pivoting Elements (Block, Line) Rotating/Traveling Elements (Circle, Wheel)
Strong, controlled pivoting +1 Traveling: Good floor coverage +1
Speed not maintained through pivoting -1 Wheel: Spokes far away from center point -1
Curved lines during pivoting -2 No centrifugal force at all -1
No Hold Element Move Element
Block size maintained within two arm lengths distance 2 Outstanding flexibility and body lines in fm's +2
Good balance between turns/steps and linking steps throughout 1 Creative pattern across the floor 1
Intersection Elements Creative Element - Lift
Outstanding Speed and Intersecting at the same time +2 Good floor coverage throughout 2
Not Intersecting at the same time -2 Creative: Innovative position or pattern 1
Approach or Exit shape not maintained -1 each Poor quality in execution/position of the lifted skater(s) -1 each
Collision during intersection - Major Error -2 Collapse during Lift - Major Error -2

Artistic Impression

6 Artistic Impression
The result of the Artistic Impression score will be multiplied by a factor of 1.2 for Senior and 1.3 for Junior.
The overall cleanness and sureness, The varied and purposeful use of Involvement of the Teams physically, An intentionally developed and/or
edge control and flow over the skating intricate footwork, positions, emotionally and intellectually as they original arrangement of all types of
surface demonstrated by a command of movements, holds deliver the intent of the music and movements, according to the
the skating vocabulary (edges, steps, and formations that link all composition principles of musical phrase, space,
turns etc.), the clarity of technique and Elements pattern and structure
the use of effortless
power to accelerate and vary speed
Use of deep edges, steps and turns Continuity of movements from one Physical, emotional and intellectual Purpose (idea, concept, vision,
Element to another involvement mood)
Balance, rhythmic knee action and Variety, including variety of holds Projection Pattern and floor coverage
precision of foot placement
Flow and glide Difficulty Carriage and Clarity of movement Multi-dimensional use of space and
design of movements; use of holds
Varied use of power, speed and Quality Variety and contrast of movement Phrase and form (movements and
acceleration and energy parts structured to match the
musical phrase)
Use of multi-directional skating Individuality/personality Originality of the composition
Use of one (1) foot skating Unison and “oneness” Movement and steps in time to the
Spatial awareness between Skaters. Use of finesse to reflect the details
management of the distance and nuances of the music
between Skaters; changes of holds
Category Range Definition If there is a/ are… Impact for Precision Skating
Platinum 10.00 Outstanding Fall or Major Error 10.00 cannot be awarded for any Component
Diamond 9.00 – 9.75 Excellent Falls or Major Errors 9.25 or higher cannot be awarded for any Component
Gold 8.00 – 8.75 Very Good
7.00 – 7.75 Good
Green 6.00 – 6.75 Above Average
5.00 – 5.75 Average
Orange 4.00 – 4.75 Fair
3.00 – 3.75 Weak
Red 2.00 – 2.75 Poor
1.00 – 1.75 Very Poor
0.25 – 0.75 Extremely Poor

7 Penalizations
Referee and Judges* Penalty
Costume / prop violation -1.0
(feathers not allowed anywhere, rhinestones or sequins not allowed on the face)
Separations in excess, Non-permitted -1.5
(separating longer than necessary before resuming skating together as a unit)
Costume failure -1.0
Late Start (61-120 seconds), after 120 seconds team is withdrawn -1.0
Music requirement violations -1.0
Time violations for every five (5) seconds in excess or lacking -1.0
Interruption in excess, more than ten (10) seconds (caused by a stumble or fall)
11-20 seconds -0.5
21-30 seconds -1.0
31-40 seconds -1.5
more than 40 seconds by one or several skaters -2.0
more than 40 seconds by the Team Team is withdrawn
Technical Panel**
Falls One (1) skater (each time) -1.0
Two (2) or more skaters at one (1) time -2.0
Maximum Fall Deduction per Element -3.0
Non-permitted e.g. Stationary or Stopping position exceeding two (2) seconds within -1,5
free program OR exceeding ten (10) seconds at the begin or the end (see Appendix A for details)
Illegal Elements/Features (acrobatic movements with a risk of physical damage) -2.0
Omitted Elements (missing set element) -1.0
* Referee + Judges: the deduction is applied according to the opinion of the majority of the Panel
which includes all the Judges and the Referee and no deduction in case of a 50:50 split vote. The
Judges and Referee will press a button on their screen to apply the concerned deduction.
** Technical Panel: Technical Specialist identifies. Technical Controller authorizes or corrects and
deducts. However, if both Technical Specialists disagree with a correction asked for by the
Technical Controller, the initial decision of the Technical Specialist and Assistant Technical Specialist
(See Appendix A for specific errors and deduction)

8 Glossary
Additional Features
A term used for describing technical content that increases the difficulty of an Element
A Configuration is the number of lines, spokes or circles in the Element
A term used for describing technical content that increases the difficulty of an Element
which may become part of the Level of an Element
Free Skating Element
A general term used for describing skating elements such as jumps, spins, lifts, pair pivot
and other movements
Free Skating Move
Any movement in artistic skating that is skated on an edge (Camel positions/variations,
Biellmann, Upright Extension, Spread Eagle, Ina Bauer, Hackenmond)
Individual Skaters may pass each other simultaneously or separately as long as each Skater
is involved in the Intersection
A lift is defined by lifting one (1) or more skaters from the floor to any height by one (1) or
more supporting skaters for three (3) or more seconds
An action where Skaters near a center point of a line/spoke skating a sharper curve causing
the outside Skater increasing their speed
Series of Turns
Consists of at least two different types of turns executed on one foot where the exit edge
of one turn is the entry edge of the next turn
A certain form of a formation like line, block, circle
A movement or position held for 3 seconds or longer
Traveling (Element)
A rotational element that progresses over of the floor while continuing to rotate
Two (2) Foot Placement
Skating in one skating direction using the right and left skate.
Circle-in-a-circle opposite rotational direction, when individual Skaters changing position
form the outside circle into the inside circle or vice versa
Whip Action
An action that occurs when the lead Skaters in one (1) line, apply a force (commonly by
curving sharply) causing the end Skaters of their line to increase their speed.
9 Technical Panel Protocol
Technical specialist:
• calls the name of the element once the shape is recognized
• calls the features on all elements if executed correctly
• calls the steps and turns if executed correctly
• calls the errors on all elements
• calls the quantity of skaters on the configuration when required
• pre-calls transitions if the next element is not directly following
• checks the degree of rotation on elements (if required)
• checks length of floor coverage on elements (if required)
• checks for the correct degrees of pivoting on elements (if required)
• splits work on sub-groups with the specialist and controller
• can call a review
• splits work on sub-groups with the Specialist and the Assistant
• checks the ‘basic requirements’ on all elements
• checks the ‘extra features’ on elements (if required).
• can call a review

Data Operator:
• opens a box and enters the element on the call of the Specialist
• enters the level on the call of the Specialist
• enters the deduction called by the Specialist
• checks the list with the Controller
• checks and gives penalization (see 7 Penalization)
• checks all time requirements (see 7 Penalization)
• stops a program by whistling in case of injury or broken skate


Technical Panel Guidelines

10 Appendix A - Technical Panel Guidelines

General Call by the Technical Panel

Any Technical Element that is not presented as per the World Skate Call Missing Element (DED -1.0) for each missing set element.
If the shape of the Intersections is not different. Call Missing Element (DED -1.0)
Any type of handhold or combination of handholds can be used. However – at Call Missing Element (DED -1.0) if not at least three (3)
least 3 different types of connected handholds must be shown different types of connected handholds are shown in the
The following limitations shall be enforced: Call Non-Permitted (DED -1.5) each time a limitation is
- No Lifts are permitted in Junior Precision exceeded

A lift is defined by lifting one (1) or more skaters from the floor
to any height by one (1) or more supporting skaters for three (3)
or more seconds
Kneeling or laying on the floor is allowed maximum of twice and for a Call Non-Permitted (DED -1.5) for kneeling or laying on the floor
maximum five (5) seconds at the beginning and at the end of the program for more than five (5) seconds by one (1) or more skaters when
shown more than twice
Stationary (stopping or standing) positions are not permitted during the Call Non-Permitted (DED -1.5)
program; Stationary is defined as stopping or standing still by a ¼ of the Team
or more for two (2) or more seconds. At the beginning and at the end of the
program, stationary positions are allowed for a maximum of ten (10) seconds.
If Stopping OR becoming Stationary is not permitted during an Element and ¼ Element is lowered one (1) level IF there are no specific
of the Team or more Stops OR becomes Stationary requirements stated for the Element + Non-Permitted (DED -
If Stopping OR becoming Stationary is not permitted during a Feature and ¼ Feature is not counted + Non-Permitted (DED -1.5)
of the Team or more Stops OR becomes Stationary



General Elements
Including acrobatic movements (backflip, cartwheel, handstand, roll, vault or Any acrobatic movement in Junior Precision OR any acrobatic
somersault action) in Junior Precision is not permitted movement in Senior Precision executed by only one (1) skater
Acrobatic movements in Senior Precision are permitted, but must be shown by (e.g. a single cartwheel) call Non-Permitted (DED -1.5)
a pair or group and not a single skater
Free Skating elements like jump and spins are allowed by even single skaters There is no deduction if Free Skating elements are presented
Call the level of an Element/Additional Feature if the requirements for the
level are met
If the basic requirements of an Element are not met (not due to a fall) Element is called no level
If an Additional Feature is mandatory, but not attempted Element is called no level
If the restriction of an Element (e.g. maximum coverage ME) are not met Element is called + Non-Permitted (DED -1.5)
If the basic requirements of an Additional Feature are not met (not due to a Additional Feature is called no level
If a Feature or Additional Feature is repeated within an Element (Additional) Feature is counted once per element at first
If the requirements for a Feature or Additional Feature are not met by ¼ of Feature is not confirmed
the Team or more
If a Feature is not executed at the same time by all Skaters (if not otherwise Feature is not confirmed
state in the Feature requirements)
Linear Elements – Block and Line
If a Block/Line does not progress along/across the floor before, during or Feature is not confirmed
after the Feature
Features that cannot be executed at the same time (#1 + #2, #1 OR #2 + #8 Features are not confirmed
and #5 + #1, #2, #3, #4, #6)
Line - All Skaters must be in one (1) line or in two (2) as even as possible; Element is counted
however, during a change of configuration the number of lines may be more
than two (2)
Block - If Skaters are not attached during the majority of the element Element is called no Level

Pivoting Elements - Block and Line
If ¼ of the Team or more are not attached during the majority of the Element Element is called no Level
If ¼ of the Team or more have done the following: Pivoting is considered as ended
- stopped pivoting for two (2) seconds or more
- changed configuration Call the level accordingly before pivoting ended
- changed rotational direction

If any line stops progressing along or across the floor for two (2) seconds or Pivoting is considered as ended
Pivoting with turns/steps and linking steps or a series of turns
Block - Pivoting must be executed using the required turns/steps on Element is called according to the number of correctly executed
recognizable and correct edges turns/steps together with the degrees of pivoting

Line - Turns/steps that are not clearly executed on one foot or not at the Turn(s)/step(s) will not be counted
same time by a ¼ of the Team or more

Errors for Turns/Steps (Any error made by ¼ or the Team or more) Turn(s)/step(s) will not be counted
- A two (2) footed entry or exit of a turn/step
- A turn/step executed on the spot
- A turn/step that is jumped
- PB: The entry and/or exit of a turn/step is executed on a straight line (is
- PB: Turns/steps that are not clearly on the correct entry or exit edge
- A turn/step not attempted (not due to a fall)
- Turns/Steps that are not the same type of the turn/step at the same time
Pivoting a Total of 90°, 180° (PL/PB) or 270° (PB)
Block - If the level for the number of degrees and the level for the number of Call the lowest level (number of degree or turns)
correctly executed turns are different
Line - If the level for the number of degrees and the level for pivoting with Call the lowest level (number of degree or steps/turns)
turns/steps are different

Change of pivot point
Change of pivot point executed by skating on a circular/looped pattern (blue) Feature is not confirmed
where the Skaters cross their own track is not permitted
PB1/PL1 (option 2) is the highest call
correct pattern (red)

PB2+PB3/PL2: A minimum pivot of 45º is required both before and after the PB1/PL1 is the highest call if not according to the requirement
pivot point changes ends

PB4: A minimum pivot of 90° is required both before and after the pivot point PB3 is the highest call if not according to the requirement
changes ends
PL3+PL4: A minimum pivot of 90° is required before the pivot point changes PL2 is the highest call if not according to the requirement
Rotating Elements - Circle and Wheel
If a Circle/Wheel does not rotate before, during or after the Feature Feature is not confirmed
Features that cannot be executed at the same time (#1 + #2, #1 OR #2 Features are not confirmed
+ #6, #7, #8)
Weaving (C)
If weaving does not occur at the same time Feature is counted, but will be reflected in QOE
If skaters do not keep their rotational direction (circling around each Feature is not confirmed

Traveling Elements - Circle and Wheel
Travel is considered as ended when at least ¼ of the Team or more have done Travel is considered as ended
the following
- Stopped gliding
- Stopped/Interrupted traveling for two (2) seconds or more Call the level accordingly before travel was ended
- Stopped/Interrupted rotation for two (2) seconds or more
- Changed configuration
- Changed rotational directions
If the Element stops traveling for two (2) seconds or more during the Feature Feature is not confirmed, and travel is considered as ended
Weaving (TC)
If weaving does not occur at the same time Feature is counted, but will be reflected in QOE
Skaters/Spokes change places/positions with another Skater/Spoke (TW)
The Skaters must remain in their spokes when changing place Feature is not confirmed, if the skaters do not remain in their
spokes when changing places
Intersection Element
If an Intersection is executed with eight (8) Pairs Element is called no level
If weaving is meant to be the intersection Element is called no level
If the Additional Feature Point of Intersection is mandatory Element is called no level, if no pi has been attempted

Back-to-Back Approach
If any of the following types of errors for back-to-back feature are made by ¼ Intersection is lowered one (1) level for each type of error
of the Team or more;
- Skaters do not have a hold or have not maintained their hold during the
approach phase once the shape of the Intersection is recognized IB is the lowest call
- Skaters do not execute a pivoting entry of at least 90° (for a box or triangle)
- Skaters do not keep their shoulders parallel to the axis of intersection
- Any forward rotations or forward step executed without a connected hold
while Skaters are back-to-back
- Any backward rotation that is not continuous/pauses
- Pushes within a 360º rotation

Errors for Specific Intersections

If ¼ of the Team does not intersect at the same time as required Element is called, but will be reflected in QOE
Combined Intersection Intersection is lowered one (1) level
- Circle/Wheel (if included) must rotate during all phases (the shape is
permitted to form without rotation)

Whip intersection Intersection is lowered one (1) level for each type of error
- The lines do not maintain a curved shape (minimum of a ½ Circle shape)
during the required 90º pivot IB is the lowest call
- If either line does not pivot a minimum of 90° until the lead Skaters of each
line, become back-to-back to each other
- If lead Skaters do not become back-to-back to each other
Angled Intersection Intersection is lowered one (1) level for each type of error
- Corridor wider than 3m
- Lines pivot more than 15° I1 is the lowest call
- Corridor of both lines is not reducing once the lead Skaters have overlapped

Point of Intersection - Additional Feature
If ¼ of the Team or more does not attempt at least one (1) pi rotation/BM pi is called no level
If a ¼ of the Team or more complete the pi rotation before intersecting/BM pi is called no level
If ½ of the Team executes a different pi level than the other ½ of the Team The lowest level pi is called
If a ¼ of the Team within the same line executes different pi’s than the rest pi is called no level
of the Team/BM
If the backward 360° or 720°rotation (turns/steps) ends forwards pi is lowered one (1) level if a pi rotation ends forwards before
completing a pi and if done during a Whip Intersection
pi errors: (Any error made by ¼ of the Team or more) pi is lowered one (1) level for each error (same type)
- pi rotation that does not start before the axis of intersection
- pi rotations that do not continue to rotate as the Skaters go through the axis
of intersection piB will be the lowest call if all Skaters attempt a pi rotation
- Skaters in the same Line executing rotations in opposite directions
- pi rotations that begin backward and have forward pushes
- A forward or backward 360° or backward 720° pi rotation that is not
continuously executed
- pauses in the pi rotation in order to assist Skaters to pass by each other
- pauses in the pi rotation due to a stumble/collision
- A clear push within a forward or backward 360º and/or backward 720º pi
- Part of a pi’s rotation executed on the same spot
- A Body Movement that is not held in the correct position for the required
- A Body Movement that is not held on the correct edge for the required time
If there is a ¼ of the Team or more making multiple types of errors pi is lowered one (1) level. This reduction will only be utilized
when there have been no other reduction(s)

Point of Intersection - Collapsing Intersections and Combined Intersections

If there are crossovers during any pi level pi is called no level

Level 1: If there is only one (1) 360° rotation executed correctly and is ended piB is called
within the Intersection

Level 3:
If the 720° rotation is completed before intersecting through one (1) corner 720º rotation is counted
If the 720° rotation is completed before intersecting through two (2) or more 720º rotation is not counted
If there are only two (2) rotations executed correctly pi2 is the highest call
If only one (1) correctly executed rotation occurs within the Intersection pi1 is the highest call
If there are no correctly executed pi rotations within the Intersection piB is the lowest call

Point of Intersection – Whip Intersection

If pi rotations are executed in the opposite rotational direction respective to pi is lowered one (1) level
the Skater’s line during the approach
If pi rotation rotates in total more than the required 720°by ¼ of the Team or piB is called
If the required 720º pi rotation rotates more than 360° prior to the axis of the pi is lowered one (1) level
intersection by ¼ of the Team or more
Point of Intersection - Angled Intersection
If the rotation does not begin before or at the latest when the lines begin to pi is lowered one (1) level

Move Element
If fms are not executed within thirty meters (30m) from each other Element is called as executed + Non-Permitted (DED -1.5)
If ¼ of the Team or more does not attempt at least one (1) fm ME is called no level

If executing up to four (4) different types of fms and all or some of the fms The lowest fm level is called
have different levels
If there are up to four (4) different types of fms and there are not at least MEB + fmB is called
four (4) Skaters executing each types of fm not due to a fall

If there are not at least four (4) Skaters executing the same fm at the same fm is not counted
time not due to a fall
Teams may choose one (1) of the following options: ME is lowered one (1) level if the requirements for the options
1. All fms begin and end at the same time are not met (choreographic error)
2. All fms begin at the same time and fms end at different times
3. Fms begin at different times and all fms end at the same time
For ME4: If the change of position is not executed with an fm on one (1) foot ME3 will be the highest level called if the change of position is
executed correctly
Feature: Different types of fms
If the correct fm position is not maintained (by ¼ of the Team or more) Feature will not be confirmed
Feature: Fms on one (1) foot
If the correct fm position is not maintained (by ¼ of the Team or more) Feature will not be confirmed
Feature: Change of Position
If a fall occurs and the Skaters executing the Change of Position are less than Feature is not counted even if the fallen Skater is the cause +
half of the Team; Two (2) spaces without a re-grasp DED for Fall

If a Change of Position is not executed at the same time – release of hold and Feature is called as executed; Reflected in QOE
re-grasp of hold is done not at the same time (execution error)

If a Change of Position is not executed at the same time – release of hold and Feature will not be confirmed
re-grasp of hold is done not at the same time due to choreographic errors

If the correct fm position is not maintained before, during and after the Feature will not be confirmed
Change of Position (by ¼ of the Team or more)

Feature: Intersecting and/or Passing-through
If the correct fm position is not maintained before, during and after the Feature will not be confirmed
Intersecting and/or Passing-through (by ¼ of the Team or more)

If at first, four (4) Skater pass through each other and later another four (4) Feature will be counted
Skaters pass through each other; fms may intersect/pass-through at the same
or different times
FREE SKATING MOVES (fm) – Additional Feature
If ¼ of the Team or more does not attempt at least one (1) fm; not including ME is called no level + fm is called no level
any Skater(s) who fall or unsuccessfully “attempt” an fm

fm errors (any type of error made by ¼ of the Team or more) fm is lowered one (1) level for each error (same type); ¼ of the
- fm position is not correct Team or more make the same type of error
- fm that is not executed on a clear lobe/edge for a minimum of three (3)
seconds fmB; will be the lowest call if all Skaters attempt an fm
- fm that is not held in the correct position for a minimum of three (3)
seconds (if choosing an fm with change of position or edge/direction then
each position and/or edge/direction must be held for two (2) seconds)

If there are more than the required number of changes of edges/positions fm is evaluated using the required lobes/edges/positions; The
included for an fm (i.e. a camel position that has two (2) changes of edge) additional lobes/edges/positions are not counted towards the
fm level or Feature(s)

If there is a ¼ of the Team or more making multiple types of errors fm is lowered one (1) level; This reduction will only be utilized
when there have been no other reduction(s)

fms with a change of edge or a change of rotational direction

If an fm with a change of edge/fm position/change of rotational directions, in fm is lowered one (1) level
multiple lines/pairs, do not change edges/fm position/rotational direction at
the same time as the rest of the lines/pairs (error in choreography)

If an fm with a change of edge/fm position/change of rotational directions, in Fm is called as executed; Reflected in QOE
multiple lines/pairs, do not change edges/fm position/rotational direction at
the same time as the rest of the lines/pairs (error in execution)

If there are more than the necessary turns/edges used (i.e. crossovers or fm is lowered one (1) level
extra pushes) to quickly change from cw to ccw direction (or vice versa) for a
Spread Eagle or Ina Bauer executed in both cw and ccw directions (or vice
For fm3: If the correct position is held on the correct edges/lobes only before fm is lowered one (1) level
and after the change of edge (not held during the change of edge)


If the NHE does not start in four (4) lines of four (4) Skaters on a Team that Element will begin to be evaluated when:
requires sixteen (16) Skaters - there are four (4) lines

If the Additional Feature Step Sequence is mandatory Element is called no level, if no turns/steps have been
If skaters deliberately touch each other or maintain a hold Element ends
Two (2) Different Configurations
If there is an open Block as any part of the NHE Element ends
If the two (2) different configurations are not recognized; Technical Panel Feature is not called if not recognized
must consider the configuration from all angles & decide in favour of the
If executing two (2) different configurations and other Features are done in Features are counted (unless done at the same time when
the second (2nd) configuration; Any Feature may be executed in either changing configurations)
configuration but must not be done at the same time when changing

Diagonal axis
If the series of two (2) difficult turns is correctly executed on a diagonal axis; Feature is counted and the turns will be counted towards the
The two (2) turns are permitted to be either the same or a different type. level of the Step Sequence
Example of the same type; RFI Rocker + RBI Rocker
If the series of two (2) difficult turns is executed on a diagonal axis and has a Feature is not counted but the turns will be counted towards the
change of edge in between the two (2) turns; The turns must be consecutive level of the Step Sequence
and without a change of edge in-between
If the series of three (3) difficult turns is executed on a diagonal axis and one Feature is counted and the turns will be counted towards the
(1) of the turns is not confirmed but there is no change of edge between any level of the Step Sequence
of the turns

STEP SEQUENCE (s) – Additional Feature

If one (1) Skater falls before the Step Sequence begins and does not catch up Step Sequence is called as executed by the rest of the Team
to the Team and therefore misses all turns/steps of that Step Sequence (with the missing Skater not participating) + DED for the fall

If ¼ of the Team or more do not attempt at least two (2) turns/steps; Not Step Sequence is called a no level
including any Skater(s) who falls or unsuccessfully “attempt” a turn/step
If there are not at least two (2) turns/steps correctly executed but are both Step Sequence level base is called
If there are two (2) crossovers or more in a row after the Step Sequence has Step Sequence is called including all turns/steps done during the
begun; Step Sequence begins with the entry edge of the first turn/step NHE
executed in the NHE
If there is an fm that is held longer than three (3) seconds Step Sequence ends

If any of the following errors for Step Sequence are made by ¼ or the Team or turn/step is not counted
- A two (2) footed entry or exit of a turn/step (except travelling)
- A turn/step executed on the same spot (not including loop)
- Part of a travelling's rotation executed on the same spot
- A turn/step that is jumped
- The entry and/or exit of a turn/step is executed on a straight line (is
considered flat)
- Turns/steps that are not clearly on the correct entry or exit edge and lobe-
A turn/step not attempted (not due to a fall)
- Turns/Steps that are not the same type of the turn/step at the same time
Series of Turns - General
If there is only one (1) correctly executed turn in a series of two (2) difficult Series of two (2) turns is not counted
If there is a change of edge in-between the two (2) turns in a series of two (2) Series of two (2) turns is not counted
If there are two (2) correctly executed turns in a series of three (3) difficult Series of two (2) turns is counted
turns and there is no change of edge in-between the turns
Two (2) different series (one (1) on each foot) of Two (2) or Three (3)
different types of difficult turns executed on one (1) foot

If the same series is repeated on the opposite foot; Same series consists of; The second series is not counted
the same turns executed in the same order, on the same edge and in the
same skating direction
Errors during the Series
If the free foot touches down between any of the two (2) correctly executed Series is not counted
turns in a series of two (2) difficult turns by 1⁄4 of the Team or more


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