1. What is the passage mainly about? There are many kinds of plants that ……
A) an amount of water in the sea
B) salt in the water of lakes or oceans 6. Write only one word to complete the sentence.
C) the number of lakes in the USA Most of the poison come from ……
D) air and clouds
E) how salt is formed
Passage 3
2. Which statement is true according to the passage? 1. What is the listened passage mainly about?
A) The water in the rivers has more salt than water in oceans. A) a tree grown in the Middle East
B) Ocean water is 2.5 per cent salt. B) palm leaves and its advantages
C) Some lakes do not have a river to take the water and salt C) a tree from Africa
away D) usage of palm tree in industry
D) Salt evaporates and it doesn’t stay in the ocean. E) disadvantages of palm trees
E) The Dead sea is the only sea that is sea.
2. Which statement is false according to the passage?
3. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the A) People use the wood to build houses.
passage. B) People make bags from the leaves.
Where does the ocean water move into? C) Seven thousand years ago, people ate dates.
A) It evaporates into the air and clouds. D) People feed date to their animals.
B) lt moves into the river and seas. E) Nowadays date palms are planted in the Middle East.
C) lt moves into the Dead Sea.
D) lt runs into the lakes and valleys. 3. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the
E) lt can be found only in the weather. passage.
What did some Arab countries make pictures of?
4. Write two adjectives from the passage that describes ‘lakes’. A) only palm trees
B) palm dates and seeds
C) valuable stones
5. Write the correct answer to the question according to the D) palm trees and palm flowers
passage. E) palm leaves and branches
Where is the Great Salt Lake located?
Passage 2
6. Write an answer to the question according to the listened
1. What is the listened passage mainly about? passage.
A) poisonous plants and their usage How many kinds of palm trees are there?
B) animals that eat poisonous plants.
C) farmers and scientist.
D) how animals eat poisonous plants.
E) petroleum and its advantages.
5. Complete the sentence according to the passage. 4. Write two adjectives from the passage that describes “farm”
Scientist think that one kind of rice grew in …….
6. Write an answer to the question according to the listened 4. Write three adjectives from the passage that describes
passage. “music”
Where did the Spanish take oranges first?
1. What is passage mainly about? 5. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
A) African American slaves. A Japanese employee works 513 more hours a year than ……
B) famous jazz musicians.
C) outstanding blues singers.
D) blues and jazz.
E) American civil war. 6. Write two adjectives from the passage that describes
“employee” .
2. Which statement is incorrect according to the passage?
A) Africans brought their music with them when they came to Passage 10
America. What is the passage mainly about?
B) Africans were brought to America as salves. A) private information.
C) Before the Civil war African American people were not B) various professions
slaves. C) the money paid for doing a job.
D) Blues and Jazz became popular in the twentieth century. D) imports and exports.
E) A person who sings blues feels sad. E) salary of all the professions.
5. Complete the sentence according to the passage. 3.All the statements have been mentioned in the passage except:
It took …….. for them to reach all the islands in Polynesia. A) Subaru didn’t have any problems in his boat.
B) As Subaru didn’t have electricity, lt affected his navigation.
C) Subaru was 3,700 miles away from his destination – San
6. Write an answer to the question according to the passage. Fransisco.
What did a mixture of white, black and Mongol people take D) Subaru’s trip had finished after 55 days in his boat.
with them after they started toward the southest? E) On September, Subaru sailed into San Fransisco.
Passage 13 4. Write one adjective from the passage that describes “trips”
3. Choose the wrong variant according to the passage. 2. Which statement is incorrect according to the passage?
A) The Hopi people live in the United States. A) The cracked pot would lose water every day
B) There are hundreds of modern thing in every American’s B) The cracked pot apologized to its water bearer.
life. C) Both of the pots the bearer carried were cracked.
C) There are about 10, 000 Hopi, and they live in the desert. D) The perfect pot was very proud of itself.
D) Although the weather is very hot in summer, farming is easy. E) The cracked pot understood that everyone has flaws.
E) “ Kachinas “ are an important part of Hopi religion.
4. Complete the sentence according to the passage. 3. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.
Men dress as kachinas and do ….. Why did the cracked pot feel ashamed ?
1. What is the listened passage mainly about? 5. Write two adjectives from the passage that describes
A) the dog and its portrait. “flowers”
B) a rich old lady and an artist.
C) how to draw a portrait.
D) a story of a dog. 6. Write an answer to the question according to the passage.
E) an artist and his portrait. Why was the perfect pot proud of itself?
4. Write two adjectives from the passage that describes “lady” 2. All the statements have been mentioned in the passage
A) Tina’s parents set up a garage to put items there.
B) One day, Tina injured her hand at school.
5. Complete the sentence according to the passage. C) As Tina couldn’t write her test , she was disappointed.
Once a rich old lady asked ….. D) Tina worked the whole night to make the briliant pen.
E) Tina got many awards for her invention.
2. Which statement is true according to the passage? 5. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
A) He was not the only child in the family. The old owl heard people talking and …..
B) Mike’s father bought a bicycle for his birthday.
C) The boy who Mike helped was Mike’s schoolmate.
D) The bycicle was very small for Mike. 6. Write an answer to the question according to the passage.
E) Mike couldn’t help Sam when he was hurt badly. How did an young boy help an old man?
Passage 23
1. What is the listened passage mainly about? 3. Choose the correct statement according to the passage.
A) experiment on the cells. A) The total cost which the shopper spent was 85 dollars.
B) scientists’ life. B) The shopper didn’t remember to check his budget.
C) He failed browsing through products.
D) The shopper had 15 % discount for the products.
E) He was not happy enough with his purchase.
Passage 26
6. Write an answer to the question according to the passage. 1. Choose the best title for the passage.
How did the shopper feel about the purchase and the service? A) universities around the world.
B) education at schools.
C) high school students and university students.
D) importance of universities and their benefits.
E) comparison between school and universities.
6. Write an answer to the question according to the passage. 2. Which statement is true according to the passage?
Why can the market be confusing? A) The student had to ask a teacher where the first year students
were going to meet.
B) The student felt excited and happy, but also very nervous
because she didn't know anyone.
C) The name of the group was May.
D) The first day that the students spent at university was boring.
E) The first year students failed to meet each other.
5. Complete the sentence according to the passage. 1. The passage is mainly about ….
The students became good friends and started chatting and ….. A) how Mendeleev met Stanislao Cannizzaro.
B) where Mendeleev studied.
C) Mendeleev and the periodic table.
6. Complete the sentence with 2 words according to the passage. D) name of the elements which Mendeleev developed.
The stranger who showed the way was ….. E) Mendeleev’s childhood experience.
1. The passage is mainly about …. 3. Choose the correct answer according to the passage.
A) American lifestyle. Why did Lucy thank Anna?
B) problems or questions about English. A) Because she canceled the meeting.
C) information about English class. B) Because she has already informed about the time change.
D) the book about British life. C) The reason was that she will send an email to everyone about
E) teachers’ English books. the time change.
D) As she called Sven to inform him.
E) Because she will be able to come to the meeting on Sunday.
2. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the 4. Write your answer to the question according to the passage.
passage. What time will the meeting in central office begin?
How can you find room 13?
A) Go upstairs, turn to the right.
B) Go to the second floor and turn left. 5. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
C) Go downstairs and it is on the third floor. Lucy says her report is ready and she is looking forward to …..
D) Go upstairs and turn to the left.
E) Go to the ground floor and it is on the right.
6. Complete the sentence with one word according to the
3. Which information is correct according to the passage? Anna asks if Lucy needs with any …..
A) Lindsay Black’s class is on Monday and Friday.
B) The office hour begins on Friday at 6 p.m.
C) She is in office 17B on the second floor.
D) The course ends on May 12th.
E) The class begins at 4:45 a.m.
4. Write your answer to the question according to the passage. 1. The passage is mainly about ….
When was Abraham Lincoln assassinated? A) Sam Glucksberg.
B) the way to motivate people.
C) a study by Dan Ariely.
5. Complete the sentence according to the passage. D) how to do something creative.
Lincoln is remembered as the …… of the United States. E) two groups taking part in the study.
6. Complete the sentence with one word according to the 2. Which information is false according to the passage?
passage. A) If you want to motivate people, give them reward.
B) Sam Glucksberg set people a problem to solve.
Abraham Lincoln was a skilled … C) Sam Glucksberg divided people in two groups.
D) If we want someone to do something complex, rewards don’t
E) If we want someone to do something simple , just give him
less money.
Passage 43
6. Complete the sentence with two words according to the 1. What is the passage mainly about?
passage. A) civil war that made Europe richer.
John Kennedy's education included …… in Brookline and B) technological inventions.
Riverdale. C) inventions made by James Watt.
D) industrial revolution.
E) invention of cotton engine.
2. Choose the correct variant according to the passage. 4. Write one adjective from the passage that describes “water”.
A) People are born with the capacity of laughter.
B) Laughter rarely happens unconsciously.
C) All the messages can be sent with help of laughter. 5. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
D) Laughter is considered unsocial and contagious. Seaweed is also a vital ingredient in many ….
E) People often laugh when they are alone.
Passage 47
3. Which statement is wrong according to the passage?
1. What is the passage mainly about? 1. Australia’s tourism is better than its education.
A) Olympic Games. 2. Australia is known for city wide festivals in Brisbane and
B) Greece and the Greeks. Sydney.
C) the city of Olympia. 3. Australia use its resources to improve economy.
D) western civilization. 4. Food processing and agriculture are the main industry in
E) Greek culture. Australia.
A) 1,2 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,3
Passage 50
1. The passage is mainly about ….
A) the number of Mozart’s operas.
B) Mozart’s childhood.
C) great composers.
D) an Austrian composer.
E) the instrument that Mozart used.