A380 Cold WX Ops
A380 Cold WX Ops
A380 Cold WX Ops
OMA - 8.2.4
• Communication with the passengers and Cabin Crew regarding de-icing is mandatory. It is Emirates policy to advise the Cabin Crew
during preflight briefing and the passengers prior to engine start that de-icing will be taking place. Crew are required to report to the
Captain any concerns they may have and convey any pax reports of this nature.
• Prior to dispatch, aircraft C.S. shall be inspected by a Qualified Person or Designated Flight Crew member to confirm the absence of
ice, snow or frost by close visual and/or tactile examination of the wings and empennage (CSI). The decision to de-ice may be made by
a Qualified Person or by the flight crew and once the decision to de-ice has been made, it cannot be over-ridden by the other party.
• De-icing and/or anti-icing procedures may be ineffective under certain meteorological conditions, such as freezing rain, hail, heavy
snow, high wind velocity, fast dropping OAT or any time when freezing precipitation with high water content is present. No Holdover
Time Guidelines exist for these conditions.
• Emirates permits de/anti-icing with engines-on at specifically designated stations. Engines On treatment is strictly prohibited at any
other station. Information regarding those stations currently approved for engines-on treatment are contained in OM-C.
• Do not move or reconfigure the aircraft until the message “All equipment is clear of the aircraft. You may contact ground or apron
control”. Ground or apron control does not control the de-icing pad.
• NOTE: PCI is mandatory once the shortest time in the applicable holdover timetable is exceeded and precipitation had occurred at any
time since the final fluid layer was applied to the aircraft, or whenever doubt may exist regarding the condition of an aircraft’s Critical
Surfaces. It should be preferably conducted by a Qualified Person examining the aircraft’s Critical Surfaces from outside the aircraft.
• CAUTION: Flight Crew and Qualified Persons must be aware that even with ambient temperatures up to +15°C, ice or frost can form
on a wing that contains cold-soaked fuel. In precipitation on the ground, clear icing (which can be very difficult to observe) may occur
on top of the wing. A tactile inspection may be required.
• WARNING: If additional anti-icing treatment is required before flight, a complete de-icing, with removal of all residues from the
previous treatment, shall be performed prior to any further anti-icing treatment being applied.
• If only a small area is found contaminated (e.g. frost on spoiler panels), de-icing may be restricted only to these areas, provided it is
carried out symmetrically on both sides of the aircraft.
• It is permissible to use hand held blower to remove dry ice. Among other requirements the blower must provide only cold air and the
operator should be positioned on a work stand and must not stand on the wings or stabilizers.
• Holdover time: Expires at the commencement of take-off roll or when frozen deposits start to form or accumulate indicating the loss of
effectiveness of the fluid. Therefore, the indicated times should be used only in conjunction with a Pre-takeoff Assessment.
• Representative Surface: The Company has defined the wing’s inner portion, from the root outward to the innermost engine pylon as
being representative of a wing’s fluid state.
• Enter into the Tech Log:
1. Type of fluid used and ratio of the fluid mixture of the final application;
2. Time (UTC) at which the final application was started;
3. If one vehicle was used for de-icing, which wing was treated first.
• Takeoff considerations: Eng. TAI, TOGA thrust for contaminated rwy, monitor TO N1%.
• Communications shall normally be made using VHF. If not feasible, may be made via flight interphone or by mobile/cellular phone.
• Avoid taxi in deep snow or slush. 4 eng. acft. should exercise caution when taxing where the outer engines are located over snow banks.
• The available clear or treated rwy. width shall not be less than 30m or 45m for the A380.
REV: 29.09.10
• Keep the doors closed as often as possible in order to avoid disturbance of the temperature regulation in the cockpit and in the areas near
to the doors.
• Preliminary Cockpit preparation: Probe/Window heat P/b ON.
• ENG OIL TEMP. LIMITATION: -40ºC for start and 50ºCfor takeoff.
• Consider Low Altitude temperature correction:
- In-flight performance application: IFPA/ATMO or;
- FCOM/Operating data/ATM Results/Altitude Temp. Correction for Low Alt. Use or;
- RAIG Appendix L.
• Taxi consideration: Anti-Skid deactivates when the speed is less than 4 kt.
• Consider supplementary procedure “Securing the Acft. for Cold Solk”.
• When taxing in icing conditions in freezing fog conditions, if the temp. < 3°C and VIS less than 1sm - 1600m, ice can accumulate in the
engines fans.
• The total taxi time is cumulative (taxi-in + taxi-out), provided the fog conditions persisted during the period. Thus, record the taxi-in
time in freezing fog in the logbook to determine the remaining taxi-out time allowed for the next flight.
• If the ground crew inspected and/ or manually deiced the engine, the flight crew can consider the total taxi time of 30min.
• Apply the procedure if the ground surface and environment permit and before takeoff. Notify the ATC.
• If the ice shedding procedure cannot be applied within 30 min of total taxi time, request the ground crew to inspect and/ or manually
deiced the engine.
- TAXI TIME < 30 min:
1. To be applied within 5 min before takeoff or when lined up;
2. Apply parking brake or brake with pedals;
3. Accelerate the engines to 60% N1 momentarily. Apply the thrust on two symmetrical engines at a time (1-4, 2-3).
- TAXI TIME > 30 min:
1. To be applied at least every 30 min. of total taxi time; Apply when lined up.
2. Apply parking brake or brake with pedals;
3. Accelerate the engines to 60% N1 momentarily. Apply the thrust on two symmetrical engines at a time (1-4, 2-3).
REV: 29.09.10
• The approach CLB gradient must be reduced by 5% if severe ice is predicted, when TAT less than 10ºC and there is significant ice
accretion on non-heated structures.
• Nominal gross OEI and TEI level off is reduced by 5000ft.
- Refer to FCOM\Performance\Takeoff (or Landing)\Runway Contamination\Crosswind;
- Include gust when calculating crosswind;
- Takeoff in icy runways is not permitted.
Directional Control:
• During rollout, the sidestick must be centered. This prevents asymmetric wheel loading that results in asymmetric braking and increases
the weathercock tendency of the aircraft.
• When required, differential braking must be applied by completely releasing the pedal on the side that is opposite to the expected
direction of the turn. This is because, on a slippery runway, the same braking effect may be produced by a full or half-deflection of the
• If the aircraft touches down with some crab, and reverse thrust is selected, the side-force component of reverse adds to the crosswind
component, and causes the aircraft to drift to the downwind side of the runway.
• If there is a problem with directional control:
1. Reverse thrust should be set to idle, in order to reduce the reverse thrust side-force component.
2. The brakes should be released, in order to increase the cornering force.
3. The pilot should return to the runway centreline, reselect reverse thrust, and resume braking.
• The use of A/BRAKE is usually preferable because it provides a symmetrical brake pressure application, which ensures an equal
braking effect on both main landing gear wheels on wet or evenly contaminated runway. More particularly, the A/BRAKE is
recommended on short, wet, contaminated runway, in poor visibility conditions and for Autoland.
REV: 29.09.10
• SNOWTAM & MOTNE decoding: LIDO MET 8.5 - 8.1.1
• WORKSHEET: forms folder
• Airport Procedures: CCI and AOI
• ENG oil temp limitations: -40º for start and 50º for T/O
• Taxing speeds should be limited to 10kt. NO Anti-Skid when less than 4 kt
• TAI increase Idle Thrust
• Avoid large tiller input and use differential braking for contaminated taxiways
• Delay flap selection until reaching holding point
• Ice shedding procedures: FCOM / SUPP PROC / ENGINES
• TOGA for contaminated runways
• AWO, LS p/b selection, lights
• X-Wind limitation: FCOM / PERF / TO / RWY CONTAMINATION
• FO limitation
• Ice prevention better than ice removal
• Avoid extended flight in icing conditions
REV: 29.09.10