ULS Troubleshooting Guide
ULS Troubleshooting Guide
ULS Troubleshooting Guide
Engraving Quality
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
”Fuzzy” looking raster * Dirty laser system * Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
engraving or small text *G raphic, graphic software, graphic * Check to see what has changed. Use “Software
appears like a “double software setup, color palette, Setup Guide” to properly setup the graphics
image” monitor display colors, or driver software to work correctly with the laser system.
settings have changed Check driver settings.
* Speed to fast for the material * Slow down engraving speed
* Out of focus * Re-focus
* System needs tuning * Run “Tuning” test procedure
* Worn X-axis belt and/or drive gear * Replace belt and/or drive gear, and run “Tuning”
Fine detail is missing such * Speed to fast for the material * Slow down engraving speed
as the serifs of characters * Out of focus * Re-focus
or thin lines of script fonts * System needs tuning * Run “Tuning”test procedure
when raster engraving * Laser spot size too big * Use shorter focal length lens
Vertical or diagonal * Dirty laser system * Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
background pattern present * Slight pattern is normal * Don’t remove so much material or try engraving
when raster engraving large shallower or deeper. Try changing PPI and or DPI
areas and/or large amounts If the pattern is excessive: * Use a 50% black fill to “halftone”the background
of material * Loose motion system components which can hide the pattern
* Worn or damaged X-axis bearings * Check X-axis bearings, belt, optics
* Worn or damaged X-axis rail * Replace X-axis bearings
* Replace X-axis arm
Horizontal background * Dirty laser system * Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
pattern present when raster * Slight pattern is normal * Don’t remove so much material or try engraving
engraving large areas and/or shallower or deeper. Try changing PPI and or DPI
large amounts of material If the pattern is excessive: * Use a 50% black fill to “halftone”the background
* Laser is too cold or hot which can hide the pattern
* Laser tube is faulty * Check and/or clean filters
* Make sure ambient temperature is within
* Replace laser tube
Engraving disappears, * Normal condition. The laser system * Move graphic and/or material to the right, outside
becomes “lighter”, or needs to accelerate and decelerate of this area
appears “choppy”when within this area * Slowing the raster speed down reduces the effect
raster engraving within 1/2
inch of Y-axis ruler
Raster engraving appears * Dirty laser system * Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
sharp on both ends of the * Something is loose * Check X-axis bearings, drive gear, idler pulley, belt,
engraving but fuzzy in the * System needs tuning and optics
middle * Worn X-axis belt and/or drive gear * Run “Tuning” test procedure
* Faulty laser tube * Replace belt and/or drive gear, and run ”Tuning”
* Replace laser tube
Engraving Quality (continued)
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Engraving does not appear *G raphic, graphic software, graphic * Check to see what has changed. Use ”Software
as deep as it normally does software setup, color palette, Setup Guide“ to properly setup the graphics
monitor display colors, or driver software to work correctly with the laser system.
settings have changed Check driver settings.
* Out of focus * Re-focus
*M aterial or material density * Check material
has changed * Check power, speed, PPI, and DPI settings
* Settings have changed * Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
* Dirty laser system * Check and/or clean
* L aser tube cooling fan filters * Check, clean, or adjust chiller
are dirty * Adjust ambient temperature to within
*C hiller not maintaining temperature specifications
(water cooled versions only) * Check and/or adjust laser beam alignment
*A mbient temperature not within * Check and/or adjust cone so that laser beam
specifications is in center
* L aser beam out of alignment with * Replace laser tube
the optics
*A ir Assist cone misaligned
(air assisted versions only)
* Faulty laser tube
Engraving is sharp, clear and * Out of focus * Re-focus
at a good depth on one side * Dirty laser system * Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
of the table and fuzzy and * Material is not level or varying * Check focus point of material and different places,
shallow on the opposite side in thickness adjust height by shimming material or using more
of the table * Table is not level thickness-consistent material
* Laser beam out of alignment with * Using the focus tool, focus directly on the surface
the optics of the table in all four corners. Table should be
* Air Assist cone misaligned within +/- .020 inches from one corner to the
(air assisted versions only) other. Adjust if necessary.
* Faulty laser tube * Check and/or adjust laser beam alignment
* Check and/or adjust cone so that laser beam is in
* Replace laser tube
Engraving appears * Graphic, graphic software, graphic * Check to see what has changed. Use ”Software
“halftoned”and not solidly software setup, color palette, monitor Setup Guide” to properly setup the graphics
filled when using colors display colors, or driver settings have software to work correctly with the laser system.
other than black changed Check driver settings.
Wavy lines when vector * Running too fast * The highest quality vectors are obtained by running
engraving or cutting * Dirty laser system less than 5% speed
* Worn or faulty bearings * Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
* Arm is out of square * Check and/or replace X and/or Y axis bearings
* Print Driver needs to be updated * Square arm re-adjust left side Y-axis bearings so
both are contacting Y-rail equally
* Print Driver advancements have been improving
vector quality
Engraving Quality (continued)
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Angled cuts when cutting *A
ngled cuts are a normal condition *C
ut a square and observe that each side is slightly
through thick materials such if they are equal on all sides of the tapered inward.
as 1/4 acrylic object. The front side of the object *C
heck and adjust the beam alignment at the #3
will always be slightly smaller than mirror position and the focus lens
the back side of the object due to
the material “spreading more”at
the focal point.
ngled cuts on only one or two
sides indicates a slight beam
misalignment at the #3 mirror or
focus lens
The start and stop points of * Slight”notching”when cutting * T he laser beam has width and there is heat effects
circles, when cutting, do not circles is a normal condition due to from starting and stopping the laser system at the
meet up the beam starting and stopping at same point. Try extending the circle through the
the same point end point by adding a small line segment to reduce
the effect. If cutting the material when elevated off
If the pattern is excessive: the table, make sure that the center if the circles
* Dirty laser system are supported.
* Mechanical problem * T ry rotating the circle 90 or 180 or 270 degrees.
Sometimes this helps reduce the effect
* Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
* T urn machine off and check for binding in the x
& y directions. Check for excessive belt tension.
Flat edges on curves when * DPI setting too low *1 000 DPI produces the smoothest edges
vector cutting * PPI setting too low when cutting
* Software limitation *H igher PPI settings produce smoother edges but
may cause excessive burning or melting
* T he graphic software you are using has limited
vector smoothness capability
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Focus carriage looses X-axis * Mechanical interference * Check if focus carriage makes contact with
position and slams into the * Dirty laser system material or other objects
left or right side of the rail * CPU overheating * Clean all optics, rails, bearings and belts
during high speed raster * F ocus carriage X-axis bearing * Clean CPU filters, correct ambient temperature to
engraving tensioning arm too tight or binding be within specifications
* Remove carriage from rail, check for freedom
If the pattern is excessive: of movement of tensioning arm. Lubricate if
* X-belt too tight necessary. Position of tensioning arm should be no
* Worn or binding X-axis bearings greater than 10 o’clock.
* Worn or binding X-axis idler pulley * Check with Service Department for latest version
* Worn or binding X-axis motor
* Firmware needs updating
When homing, the arm * Bent Y-flag * Check and/or straighten
slams repeatedly for a few * Dirty or faulty home sensor(s) * Replace upper flex board (home sensor)
seconds * Faulty flex cable * Replace flex cable
* Faulty lower flex cable board * Replace Lower flex cable board
When focusing, the Z-axis * Dirty or faulty Z-axis sensor * Try to clean sensor(s) with compressed air,
table only moves in one otherwise replace sensor
When using Autofocus, * Z -axis Homing sensor is dirty * Clean sensor or replace.
the table moves all the way or faulty * Re-home Z-axis and complete Lens Calibration
down to the bottom and * Lens Calibration is incorrect setup. Contact Service Dept for more information.
gets stuck
When powering up the * No 240V power, only USB power * Check 240V power is connected to the laser and
laser, the UCP will show the turned on
system is initializing but there * Check fuses
is no physical movement on
the laser
Laser not powering up or * No USB Connection * Check USB cable is connected to the laser system
the RED power button in the * No 240V power and computer.
UCP is greyed out * Check that the print driver is correctly installed.
* Check 240V supply.
Laser system is continuously * 9V Battery for Thermal sensor * Replace 9v Battery
beeping and UCP shows low needs to be replaced * Replace thermal snap sensor
battery alarm * Thermal snap sensor faulty
Laser system stops mid job * No USB or 240V present * Check USB and 24OV power supply
* Power saving options on computers * Check power saving options and DISABLE
is enabled