B.Tech VII Semester: Lecture Notes ON
B.Tech VII Semester: Lecture Notes ON
B.Tech VII Semester: Lecture Notes ON
The division of engineering science which deals with measuring techniques, devices and
their associated problems is called instrumentation.
Instrumentation of engineering science which deals with measuring techniques, devices and
their associated problems is called instrumentation.
All mechanical quantities are not measured by mechanical means and, measurement of
mechanical quantities, in modern technology, involves the use of electrical and electronic
In order that the results of measurement are meaningful, the basic requirements are:
(i) The standard used for comparison purposes must be accurately defined and should,
be commonly acceptable.
(ii) The standard must be of the same character as the measurand (the unknown quantity
or the quantity under measurement) and is prescribed and defined by a legal or
recognized agency or organization like National Bureau of Standards (NBS) or the
International Organization of Standards (ISO), the American National Standards
(iii) The apparatus used and the method adopted for the purposes of comparison must be
1. Direct Methods. The unknown quantity is directly compared against a standard. The
result is expressed as a numerical number and a unit. The standard, in fact, is a physical
embodiment of a unit.
Direct methods are quite common for the measurement of physical quantities
like length, mass and time.
As direct measurement involve human factors are less accurate, less sensitive
The direct methods may not always be possible, feasible and practicable.
Hence direct methods are not preferred and are less commonly used.
2. Indirect Methods:
The value of the physical parameter (measurand) is more generally determined by
indirect comparison with secondary standards through calibration.
In direct method of measurement system consists of a transducing element which
converts the quantity to be measured into an analogous signal. The analogous signal is
then processed by some intermediate means and is then fed to the end devices which
present the results of the measurement.
Based upon the complexity of the measurement system the measurements are
generally grouped into three categories.
i) Primary measurements
ii) Secondary measurements
iii) Tertiary measurements.
Example-3. for Tertiary measurement:
Ex-3. Measurement of speed of a rotating shaft by means of an
electric tachometer.
(xi) Resolution
(xii) Stability
(xiii) Range and Span
i) Accuracy: Accuracy is de fined as the closeness with which the reading of the
instrument approaches true value. The term accuracy describes how close the
measurement is to the true measured quantity.
It is defined as ratio of difference between the measured value and true value to the
true value.
The accuracy of the measuring system is expressed as Percentage of true value =
[(Measured value – True Value)/True Value]*100
Percentage of full scale deflection = [( Measured value – True Value)/Maximum
Scale value]
Ex- for accuracy: ± 1 % of accuracy of true value would mean that accuracy ± 1̊ C
when reading at 100̊ C and only ± 0.25̊ C when reading 25̊ C on the instrument
having scale range of 0 -100 ̊ C
ii) Error:
Errors are unavoidable in any instrument system. Attempts can be made to minimize
them by suitably designing the system by taking care of all sources of errors. The
accuracy of the instrument is measured in terms of its error.
Static error : is defined as the difference between the best measured value and
the true value of the quantity.
Static Error = Measured value – True value
iv) Drift:
It indicates the change in the output of the instrument (transducer ) for a zero input
Drift causes the measurement result to vary for given input quantity
Drift can be carefully guarded wit care, prevention, inspection and maintenance.
vi) Dead zone: Dead zone (Dead band) can be defined as the largest variation in
the value of input for which the instrument cannot respond and produces no output.
Dead zone is the largest change in input quantity for which a noticeable change in
the output is observed from zero reading. It may occur due to friction in the
instrument, which does not allow pointer to move till sufficient driving force is
developed to overcome the friction force. Dead zone is caused by back lash and
hystereresis in the instrument.
vii) Precision: The ability of the measuring system to reproduce the same output
among several independent measurements under specified conditions or within a
given accuracy is referred to as precision and is expressed in terms of deviation in
Let us consider an example in which an input of accurately known value is applied
to the transducer. With this known input if the measuring instrument produces its
output which lies between ± 1%, then the precision of the measuring instrument
can be ± 1%.
viii) Hysteresis:
Hysteresis can be defined as maximum differences in output at any measured value
within the specified range when approaching the point with increasing and then
decreasing input.
Hysteresis can be noticed when the input/output characteristics for an instrument
are not the same for the increasing values of inputs than for decreasing values of
The magnitude of input for a given input depend on the direction of the change in
input, whether the input signal is ascending (Loading) or descending(Unloading)
ix) Resolution
Resolution of a measurement can be stated as any smallest increment in the
measured variable that can be noticed or detected by that instrument with certainty.
If an instrument has higher resolution, ,then it can distinguish very small changes
in the input quantity.
x) Stability:
It is the ability of the instrument to have the same standard of performance over a
prolonged period of time.
The need for calibrating the instrument frequently is less for instrument having high
Span : Span is the algebraic difference between the higher calibration value
and lower calibration value.
Span of the instrument = H - L = 10000c - 5000c = 5000c
c c
i) Speed of response :
It is the rapidity with which an instrument responds to sudden changes in the measured
It is the quickness of an instrument with which it responds to sudden changes in amplitude of
the input signal.
Speed of response can also be stated as the total time taken by the system to come closer to
steady state condition.
Speed of response of a system can be evaluated by knowing the ―measurement Lag‖ of that
ii) Lag (measurement lag):
It is the retardation or delay in the response of an instrument to changes in the
measured quantity. The measuring Lag can be either of the retardation type in
which case ,the response of the instrument begins immediately on change in
measured variable or of the time delay type called dead time in which case the
response of the instrument is simply shifted along the timescale.
It is the time delay in the response of the input signal to the changes in the input signal.
iii) Fedelity:
It is determined by the fact that how closely the instrument reading follows the measured
variable. Ie It is the degree to which an instrument indicates the changes in measured
variable with out dynamic error.
v) Dynamic range: The range of values of certain quantity ( for example temperature,
pressure, voltage,….. etc.) for which the measuring instrument can produce faithful
response under dynamic conditions is known as dynamic range of the instrument.
Dynamic range is represented as the ratio of the maximum value to minimum value for
which the system can respond effectively.
vi) Band width:
The range of frequencies with in which the dynamic sensitivity of the system lies
within a specified band ( for example ± 2% band) of static sensitivity of the system is
known as ‗band width‘ of the system. The amplitude versus frequency characteristics of
a system are flat with in the band width of the system.
vii) Settlingtime:
The required by the response of the system (after the application of a step input to it), to
reach and stay within close range of the steady state output value is known as ‗Settling
time‘. The settling time depicts the speed of response of the system. If the settling time
is small it can be inferred that the speed of response of the system is high.
viii) Timeconstant:
Time constant is defined as the time required for the output of the system to reach
63.2% of the final output value.
It is preferred to have a low time constant in order to have high speed of response and
Time constant depends on the parameters of the system
Sensor : The function of sensor element is to sense the measurand ie physical parameter
to be measured.
Transducer : the transducer element accepts the output of sensor and converts in to an
electrical quantity without changing the actual signal (value of measurand)
Processor (Data processing element): is an element that modifies the data before it is
displayed or finally recorded. Corrections to measured physical variables to
compensate for scaling, non-linearity, temperature error. Perform repeated
calculations that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Collect
information regarding average, statistical and algorithmic values. Convert the data
into useful form (calculation of engine efficiency from speed, power input & torque.
Reducing error, generate information for display.
Controller: The controller element controls the parameter to be monitored within the
operational limits.
Indicator: the indicating element is to indicate the specific value with an indicating hand
over a suitably calibrated scale.
Recorder: this element produces a written continuous record of measurand with
respect to time.
The most measurement system fall within the frame work of a general arrangement
consists of three phases or stages.
Auxiliary power
Intermediate Terminating
Basic detector
modifying Device
Input Signal systems
Each stage consists of distinct components that form required and definite steps in the
Stage-1: A detector-transducer stage or sensor stage: The prime function of the first stage is
to detect or to sense the measurand. At the same time , ideally it should be insensitive to every
other possible input. It detects the physical variable (input) and performs either a mechanical or
an electrical transformation to convert the signal into a more usable form.
Stage-2 : An intermediate stage (Signal conditioning stage) : The purpose of second stage is
to modify the transduced information, so that it is acceptable to the third or terminating stage.
In addition it may perform one or more basic operations such as selective filtering, integration,
differentiating, or telemetering as may be required. The common function of 2nd stage is to
increase either amplitude or power of signal or both, to the level required to drive the final
terminating stage. It must be designed for proper matching characteristics between first and
second and between second and third stages.
Stage-3: A final or terminating stage: The stage provides the information sought in a form
comprehensible to one of the human senses or to a controller. The output is presented as in one
of the following form. As a relative displacement such as movement of indicating hand,
displacement of oscilloscope trace or oscillograph light beam / in digital form as presented by a
counter, or digital meters ( volt meter, automobile odometer) digital or analog.
Sensor transducer
Read out (scale )
Piston/ or Spring
cylinder (Force to
Input (Pressure) & index)
(Pressure to Displacement)
In this example the spring serves as secondary transducer. It consists of a cylinder and piston, a
spring resisting piston movement, and stem with scale divisions. - As air pressure bears against
the piston, the resulting force compresses the spring until spring & air forces balance. The
calibrated system which remains in place after the spring returns the piston indicates the applied
pressure. The piston-cylinder combination constitutes a force summing apparatus, sensing and
transducing pressure to force. As a secondary transducer, the spring converts the force to a
displacement. Finally the transduced input is transferred without signal conditioning to the scale
& index for readout
Error = Reading of standard value – measured value
The accuracy and precision of an instrument depends upon its design, the material
used and workmanship that goes into making the instrument. The choice of an
instrument for a particular application depends upon the accuracy desired. If only a
fair degree of accuracy is desired, it is not economical to use expensive meter and
skill for the manufacture of the instruments. But an instrument used for an application
requiring a high degree of accuracy has to use expensive and a highly skilled workmanship
No measurement can be made with perfect accuracy, but it is important to find out
what accuracy actually is and how different errors entered into the measurement.
Errors may arise from different sources and are usually classified as under.
This class of errors mainly covers human mistakes in reading instrument
recording and calculating measurement results.The responsibility of the
mistake normally lies with the experimenter.
• The experimenter
• may grossly misread the scale, for example due to an over sight, he may read
the temperature as 31.50C while the actual reading may be21.50C
• He may transpose the reading while recording.
• For example , he may read 25.80C and record 28.50C instead.
• As long as human beings are involved, some gross errors will definitely be
•Although complete elimination of gross errors is probably impossible, one
should try to anticipate and correct them.
Systematic errors are those which are repeated consistently with repetition of
the experiment. The systematic errors are as follows
2.1 Instrument Errors
2.2 Environmental errors
2.3 Observational errors
Elimination & reduction
• The procedure of measurements must be carefully planned.
• Correction factors should be applied after determining the
instrumental errors.
• The instrument may be re-calibrated carefully.
ii. Misuse of instruments:
Too often the errors caused in measurements are due to the fault of the
operator that of the instrument. Using good instruments in an
unintelligent way may give erroneous results.
Example: Failure to adjust the zero of instruments, poor initial
adjustments, using a leads of too high a resistance etc.
Using the instrument contrary to manufacturer‘s instructions and
specifications ( over loading, over heating may ultimately result in failure
of the instrument).
These errors are due to conditions external to the measuring device
including conditions in the area surrounding the instrument.
These may be effects of temperature, pressure, humidity, dust, vibrations,
and external magnetic or electronic fields.
• Random errors are those which are accidental and whose magnitude and sign
cannot be predicted from a knowledge of measuring system & conditions of
• It has been consistently found that experimental results show variation
from one reading to another, even after all systematic errors have been
accounted for. These errors are due to a multitude of small factors which
change or fluctuate from one measurement to another and are due surely to
chance. We are aware of and account for some of the factors influencing
the measurement, but about the rest lie are unaware.
• The happenings or disturbances about which we are unaware are lumped to get
her and called Random or Residual error.
Noise: it is defined as any signal that does not convey useful information. The
noise or signal disturbances contribute to the uncertainty of measurement.
• Noise may originate either at the primary sensing device
• In a communication channel.
• In the indicating element of the system.
Noise can be reduced to a maximum level through filtering, careful selection
of components, shielding and isolation of the entire measuring system.
The general configuration of measuring instruments has three types of inputs. They are
i. Desired inputs
ii. Interfering inputs
iii Modifying inputs
i)Desired inputs:
The input quantities for which the measurement system is designed to measurand
produce output are known as desired inputs.
If the transfer function of the system is G and the applied input is ‗r‘
the Output will be C= G.r
Let the desired input is represented as rD
According to the input-output relationship of mathematical model, the output (CD)
produced due to the desired input rD is given as
CD= GD . rD where GD = Transfer function
i.e., it is a mathematical operation required to get the output from desired input.
From this we can understand that the transfer function is a constant, and it will be
multiplied with input rD to produce output
CD= GD. rD.
iii) Modifying inputs:
The inputs which causes a change in the input-output relationship of a measurement
system for both desired and interfering inputs or any one of the inputs alone.
In some cases, the scale readings does equal to zero, though both pressures are equal.
This is due to
i) Desired inputs are input pressures P1 andP2
ii) Modifying inputs are ambient temperature , gravitational force.
iii) Interfering inputs are Improper position or angle of tilt of manometer, the
presence of acceleration, vibrations near the manometers
iv). Output is scale reading ‗h‘.
When no strain is applied, the resistance of the strain gauge R1 – R and the bridge becomes
balanced and hence, no voltage is produced at the output.
When force or strain is applied to the cantilever beam, the strain gauge element senses the
strain due to which the length and hence, the resistance of the gauge changes.
When the resistance of gauge changes, the balanced condition of the bridge is disturbed.
( ie the bridge becomes unbalanced) and voltage is produced at its output. The resistance of
the gauge element changes and voltage is generated at the output even though no force is
applied to the cantilever. This is due to following
v) Analog and digital type instruments
vi) Self generating and power operated instruments
vii) Automatic and manually operated instruments
viii) Contacting and non-contacting instruments
ix) Remote indicating measuring instruments
x) Intelligent indicating measuring instruments
vi) Self generating and power operated instruments:
Self generating instruments: Example: The motive power in mercury-
in-glass thermometer. The output energy is supplied entirely by the input
signal. It Donot require any external power source .Energy is met from
input signal.
ϴo =
ϴi= K ϴi Type equation here.
The static sensitivity is the ony parameter which characterizes a zero-order system and its
value can be obtained through the process of static calibration.
ϴi ϴo
i) To calibrate an instrument initially adjust the instrument such that it produces null
output when no input is applied.
ii) Then apply an accurately known value of measurand and adjust the instrument again
until its scale exactly indicates the value of measurand. This process of adjusting the
instrument is called calibration.
iii) The graphical representation of calibration record is called calibration curve. This
curve relates standard values of input to the actual values of output throughout the
operating range of the instrument.
The calibration methods of instruments are as follows:.
1) Primary calibration: System is calibrated against a primary standard.
Example: While calibrating a flow meter, if the flow is determined by measuring the
time and volume or mass of fluid, then it is called primary calibration.
2) Secondary calibration: A device that has been calibrated by primary calibration
is used as a secondary standard for further calibration of other devices of lesser
3. The results are then expressed graphically output is plotted as ordinate and input
as the abscissa.
A transducer is a device which senses the physical variable to be measured and converts
into a suitable signal ( voltage or current)
A device to convert the quantity or phenomenon to be measured into a voltage or current,
which can be observed on an oscilloscope, read on a meter or recorded on a chart
Ex: - Pressure transducer: Pressure gauge
Temperature transducers ie RTD, Thermistor, Thermocouple, pyrometer
Displacement transducers: 1) Variable resistance transducer, 2)LVDT 3)Capacitive, 4)
variable Reluctance displacement transducer, 5) piezo electrictransducer, 6) Hall effect
displacement transducer, 7) photoelectric transducer, 8)Ionization transducer, 9)LDR
1a) Variable resistance transducer ( Potentio meter)
2a) Variable inductance transducer – LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transducer)
3a) Variable reluctance displacement transducer.
4a) Linear Variable capacitance transducer
5) Piezo electric transducer
6) Light dependent Resistance(LDR)
7) Ionization transducer
When the core is placed centrally, equal but opposite emf are induced in the secondary
windings and zero output is recorded. This is termed as the balanced point or null position. A
variation in the position of the core from its null position produces an unbalance in the resistance
of the secondary windings to the primary windings, thus upon displacement of the core, the
result will be a voltage rise in one secondary and a decrease in the other. The asymmetry in the
core position thus produces a differential voltage ( Eo ) which varies linearly with change in the
core position. Within the range limits on either side of the null position core displacement results
in proportional output.
1. It produces linear output voltage
2. It can measure displacement of very high range from 1.25 mm to250mm
3. It has high sensitivity
4. Since it produces high output. it does not require amplification device.
5. It is simple and rugged in construction, ie it can with stand high degree of shock and
6. It has no sliding contacts,. Therefore there is no Problem of friction.
7. It has low hysteresis
8. It consumes less power (about <1w)
1. It is sensitive to stray magnetic fields.
2. The performance of LVDT is affected by variations in temperature.
3. It has limited dynamic response.
4. To provide high differential output, it requires large displacements.
5. It provides AC output. Therefore it requires a demodulator circuit.
This is similar to the LVDT, except that its core is cam shaped and may be rotated between the
windings by means of a shaft coupled to the rotating component. The circuit is as shown in
figure and its working is similar to that of LVDT.
At the null position of the core, the voltage output from the two windings SW1 and SW2 are
equal through opposite in phase. Hence in that position, the net output is zero. Any rotary
displacement from this null position results in a differential voltage output. Greater is the rotary
displacement, the larger will be the differential voltage output.
Inductance or self inductance: when a varying current is made to pass through a coil, an induced
counter emf results due to magnetic flux intersecting the turns of the coil. This effect causes
resistance to flow of current and it is called inductance or self–inductance.
Mutual inductance: The term refers to the set up of an emf in a coil or in a circuit element due to
varying flux in neighboring coil or circuit element.
Inductance: The term refers to that characteristic of a magnetic circuit which determines the total
magnetic flux when a given magneto motive force is applied. Reciprocal of reluctance is termed
as permeance.
Permeability: It is defined as the ratio of the flux lines set up in a coil under given conditions to
the number of magnetic flux lines that would occur if the path were air ( other conditions
remaining unchanged)
ie., the self inductance of a coil is inversely proportional to the length of the air gap.
When the target is near the core, lg is small and hence ‗L‘ is large.
Since, it is the displacement which changes the length of area, the variation in the self
inductance is a function of displacement as
lg ἀ x i
L ἀ 1/ xi therefore the input, output relation is non-linear.
d = Distance between two plates (m2 )
The capacitance of a capacitor varies when
a) the over lapping area (A) of the plates changes.
b) The distance between two plates (d)changes
c) The dielectric constant (єr )changes
C = є. A/d -------equation-1
From the equation-1, it is clear that the capacitance e of the capacitor is directly proportional to
the overlapping area of plates.
The area linearly Varies with the applied displacement. Therefore the capacitive transducer
using this principle is used to measure the linear displacements o about 1mm to 10 mm.
The capacitor operates on the principle of variation of capacitance due to variation in distance
between plates. Among two plates one is fixed and the other is movable . From the equation- 1,
it is clear that the capacitance of the two plate capacitor is inversely proportional to the distance
between the plates.
When the movable plate moves towards the fixed plate or moves away from the fixed plate w.r.t
applied displacement, the distance between the plates and hence capacitance changes. In this case
the response is non-linear; hence it is used to measure only small displacements.
The capacitive transducer working on the principle of change in capacitance due to variation of
dielectric constant w.r.t linear displacement is shown in figure. it contains two fixed plates . A
dielectric material with relative permittivity єr moves between two plates w.r.t applied
At initial condition the capacitance of the transducer is
C = єo bL1 /t + єo єr bL2 / t = єo b( bL1 + єr L2) /t
C= єo b ( L1 + єr L2 )
When the dielectric material moves towards left by displacement x, the capacitance varies from
C to C + ΔC.
When the dielectric material moves towards left by x, it changes L1 = L1 -x and L2 = l2
+ x C+ΔC = єo b(l1 - x) /t + єo єr b( l2 + x ) /t
C+ΔC = єo b [l1 - x + єr ( l2 + x )] /t
C+ΔC = єo b [l1 - x + єr ( l2 + x )] /t
= єo b [l1 + єrl2)/t + єo bx [ єr - 1) /
t C+ΔC = C + єo bx [ єr - 1) /t
ΔC = єo bx [ єr - 1) /t
The variation in capacitance is ΔC = єo bx [ єr - 1) / ΔC ἀ x
The variation in the directly proportional to applied displacement.
The capacitance will be maximum , when ϴ = 1800 Ie , when two plates overlap each
other completely.
Considering the radius of capacitor plate = r
Area = π r2 /2
Maximum capacitance = Cmax = є . A/d = π
є r2 /2d The value of capacitance at angle ϴ
is given by
C = ( π є r2 /2d ) * ( ϴ/ 2 π) = є ϴ r2
/2d Where ϴ= angular displacement (
in radians)
Sensitivity S = ∂C/ ∂ϴ Differentiating C w.r.t ϴ
∂C/ ∂ϴ = є
r2 /2d S =
є r2 /2d
Therefore Sensitivity is directly proportional to area, since є and d are constant
Piezo-electric effect: When some pressure or stress is applied to the surface of the piezo- electric
crystal, the dimensions of the crystal change and an electric charge voltage will be developed
across certain surfaces of the pizo-electric crystal, conversely when an electric charge voltage or
potential is applied to the crystal, the crystal get deformed and hence the dimensions (thickness
change) of it will change. This effect is referred as Piezo-electric effect. All the piezoelectric
transducers work on the principle of piezo-electric effect. The materials used in the construction
of piezoelectric crystals are Quartz, Rochelle salt, Dipotassium tartrate, Lithium sulphate,
Barium titanate, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate.
• High frequency response
• High output.
• Rugged in construction
• Negligible phase shift.
• Small in size.
• In cannot measure static conditions as its output is affected by changes in temperature.
• Measuring system is increasingly expensive.
APPLCATION: used in control engineering for precision measuring devices, Exposure meters
used n photography
Used in solar batteries as source of power for rockets & satellites
The operating principle of photo-emissive transducer is that when a light beam exposed on to
special combination of materials, electrons are emitted. Therefore , a current flow is produced in
the circuit. (since the emitted electrons attracted towards anode).
The arrangement consists of a glass tube in which anode and cathode are enclosed. This glass
tube is usually filled with an inert gas. The current produced in the circuit is proportional to the
intensity of radiation. The cathode of photo-emissive transducer is made with an oxidized silver
base and is covered with a thin film cesiam. One of the most frequently used photo-emissive
transducer is photomultiplier.
i) PHOTO MULTIPLIER: Most frequently used photo-emissive transducer is
The electrons emitted from the cathode of photomultiplier are not immediately drawn to the
anode. But they are attached to another electrode called dynode D1 . When the incident electrons
strikes D1, it emits secondary electrons. The electrons from D1 are attached to the dynode D2
and at the end all are collected by anode, producing current(I)
2.3.7 IONIZATION TRANSDUCER: to measure displacement
The operating principle of Ionization transducer is that when two electrodes are placed in an
ionized gas, they produce potential difference ( Eout). The magnitude of this potential
difference depends on the following factors.
i) Electrode spacing, ii) State of balance.
The gas is enclosed inside a glass tube under reduced pressure. In the above arrangement the
external electrodes are connected to a RF generator which produces an electric field. When the
glass tube is subjected to this electric field, the potential difference is developed across the
internal electrode. Therefore the gas inside the glass tube gets ionized. The potential difference is
zero, when the electrode spacing is at null position. The potential difference is varied with the
displacement of glass tube, since it is relative to the external electrodes.
• It is used for the measurement of displacement
• It can be used for detection of radiation.
The fig. shows the schematic of a circuit which produces Hall effect. Here Hall strip carries a
current ‗I‘ in the x-direction and is subjected to magnetic field B in the Z-direction
The thickness of the strip is very small as compared to its length and width, the voltage E is setup
in the transverse direction orY-direction. The voltage is directly proportional to the current I, field
strength B and inversely proportional to thickness ‗t‘ of the strip. That is
The fig shows the arrangement of Hall effect transducer as used for the measurement of Linear
displacement. This proximity pickup requires a ferrous target whose approach changes the
reluctance of an internal magnet circuit. The Hall Effect element is located in the gap adjacent to
the permanent magnet. When a plate of iron or other ferrow magnetic material is moved with
respect to the structure, thee magnet field in the gap changes due to the permanent magnet. That
produces the output voltage which is a measure of the displacement of ferrow magnetic plate
with respect to the structure. This arrangement is successfully employed for measuring
displacement as small as 0.025 mm.
The LDR consists of a square sectioned or circular sectioned case which accommodates a LDR
at its sealed end. At the open end of the case, a rod is fitted which can slide into the case. A light
source (say LED) is mounted on the inner end of the rod and the object whose displacement is to
be measured is connected to the outer end of the rod. The displacement of the object causes the
rod to slide either front or back inside the case, ie either towards or away from LDR. The inward
movement of the rod decreases the distance between the light source (LED) and LDR. As a result
more amount of light falls on the surface of LDR. Thus the increase in the amount of incident
light decreases the resistance of LDR and consequently increases the flow of current through
LDR. Whereas, the outward movement of the rod increases the distance between LED and LDR
and hence decreases the amount of light incident on LDR. As a result, the resistance of LDR
increases which in turn decreases the current flow through LDR. Thus the change in current of
LDR is measured by using multi meter , which is calibrated in terms of displacement.
Temperature is an indication of intensity of molecular activity.
Definition of Temperature: ― A condition of a body by virtue of which heat is transferred to
or from other bodies‖ and a quantity whose difference is proportional to the work from a
carnot engine operating between a hot source and a cold receiver.
Temperature may be defined as
• Degree of hotness or coldness of a body or an environment measured on a definite scale.
• Driving force or potential causing the flow of energy as heat.
• Measure of the mean kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance
1) Mechanical Instruments ( Non electrical method)
1a) Liquid-in-glass thermometer
1b) Gas thermometer
1c) Vapor pressure thermometer
1d) Bimetallic thermometer
1e) Solid rod thermometer
When the pressure of a gas is maintained constant: As temperature increases, the volume of gas
also increases. Therefore, in case of constant pressure thermometer, as temperature increases,
the volume of the gas also increases. Here the pressure and mass of the gas are kept constant.
when the volume of the gas is maintained constant: As temperature increases the pressure of gas
also increases. Therefore, in case of constant volume thermometer as temp increases the pressure
of gas also increases. Hence the volume and mass of the gas are kept constant.
we know that constant volume
Pr = Po ( 1+ β1T) ( since temp increases, pressure of gas also increases)
Pr = Po ( 1+β1T)
Pr = Pressure at T 0C , Po = Pressure at 0 0C
β1 = Thermal coefficient of pressure
The pressure change in gas pressure is given by ΔP =
Po β1 (T2 - T1)
ΔP = Po β1 (T2 - T1)
ΔP = Po β1 ΔT Where ΔP = pressure change, ΔT = T2 -T1 = change in temp
ΔP = Po β1ΔT-----eqn-1 Where ΔP = pressure change,
ΔT = T2 -T1= change in temp, From the eqn-1, it is
observed that ΔP = Po β1 (T2 - T1)
ΔP = Po β1 ΔT Where ΔP = pressure change, ΔT = T2 -T1 = change in temp
ΔP is proportional to ΔT
It contains a sensible bulb, a capillary and the bourdon tube. The most widely used liquids –in-
filled system are propane, tolune, methyl chloride, sulphur dioxide and ethyl ether. In this type of
thermometer the sensing bulb is filled with liquid vapour mixture. One end of the bourdon tube is
connected to a capillary and the other end is connected to a pointer. The vapor liquid interface
lies in the sensing bulb. In this type of thermometers, the capillary tube and bourdon tube is filled
with non- volatile liquid, where as the sensing bulb is filled with volatile liquid. The vapour
pressure of the volatile liquid is increased due to the increase in temp of sensing bulb. This
change in vapour pressure of the volatile liquid is transmitted to the pressure transducer
(bourdon tube) through non-volatile liquid. If the non-volatile liquid used in vapour pressure
thermometer remains in liquid phase, then the ambient temp effect is very small. The vapor
pressure thermometer has a non-linear relation between temp and vapour pressure.
i) Its cost is very low
ii) It has very fast response
iii)The size of the sensing bulb is very small when compared to other thermometers.
The two types of materials used are brass and Invar. Of these two brass has high thermal
expansion coefficient and invar has low thermal expansion coefficient. The bimetallic
strip can be available in helical, cantilever, flat type or also in spiral shape.
One end of the helical shaped bimetallic strip is fixed and other end is left out free. A
pointer is attached at the free end f the bimetallic strip. The temperature which is to be
measured is applied to the bimetallic strip. As soon as the bimetallic strip senses the
temp, it will expand or contact
When this happens the pointer attached to the free end of the strip moves over the
calibrated scale, which indicates the value proportional to the applied temperature.
When it is subjected to temperature change, the free end of the bimetallic spiral
deflects proportional to the change in temperature. This deflection becomes a measure
of change in temperature
One end of the spiral shaped bimetallic strip is fixed and the other end is left out free. A pointer
is attached at the free end of the bimetallic strip. As soon as the bimetallic strip senses the
temperature, it will expand or contact. When it is subjected to temperature change, the free end
of the bimetallic spiral deflects proportional to the change in temperature. This deflection
becomes a measure of change in temperature.
Platinum resistance thermometer, in which platinum metal is used as the sensing element,
because of its ability to with stand high temperatures (6000 C ) , maintaining excellent
stability, and high degree of accuracy.
The construction of the resistance thermometer, the temperature sensitive resistance
element platinum or copper which is in the form of wire is wound arround a hallow
insulating ceramic former. Protective cement is applied over this ceramic former. The
ends of coil are welded to copper leads. To measure change in resistance of the coil,
when it is subjected to temperature, the thermometer is connected in one of the arms of
the wheatstone bridge. To provide mechanical strength and rigidity and to protect the resistance
thermometer assembly from contamination due to high temperatures, the whole assembly is
placed in a protective metal shield.
The linear resistance temperature relationship over a temperature range around 00 C
(ie 2730 K) is given as
Rt = Ro ( 1+ α T ) …… eqn--1
Where Ro = Resistance
at 00 C T= temperature
relative to 00 C
α = temperature Coefficient of resistance of material in (Ω/ Ω)/ 00 C
for a change in temperature from t1 to t2 the following relationship
is used R1 = R0 + R0 αt1 ---------eqn-2
R2 = R0 + R0 αt2-----------eqn-3
R2 - R1 = R0 α (t2–t1) subtracting eqn—2, from eqn—3.
R2 = R1 + R0 α (t2 –t1)
R1 = resistance at temperature 1
R2 = resistance at temperature 2
The sensing element of the thermistor is enclosed in a metallic tube and an insulating
material is placed between these two (thermistor and metal tube). Two leads are connected
to the thermistor sensing element. The leads, metal tube and sensing element all together
is known as a temperature measuring device called thermistor.
Thermistors are made in different sizes and forms (shapes) such as beads, discs, rods and
probs .
The temperature-resistance function for a thermistor is given by
R = Ro ek
K = β ( 1/T - 1/To ) Ro
R = the resistance at any temperature T in 0 K Ro = the resistance
at reference temp To in 0 k
E = the base of Naperian logarithms. , β = a constant
The constant β generally has a value between 3400 and 3900 depending on thermistor
Working: The circuit used to measure temperature using a thermistor is shown in figure. Here the
thermistor is connected to one of the four arms of the wheatstone bridge. At the start of
measurement process, some current whose magnitude is known is made to pass through the
sensing element of the thermistor and its initial resistance value is determined with wheatsone
when the temperature of the process increases, the thermistor sensing element will be heated
which causes its resistance to decrease. Similarly when the temperature of the process decreases
the resistance of the thermistor sensing element increases. The variation of resistance sensin
element is determined by wheatstone bridge. Here the change of resistance is displayed by the
output device and the displayed signal gives the measurement of the temperature of the process
when calibrated. The resistance-temperature characteristics of thermistor are illustrated in figure
1) exhibits high sensitivity
2) provides fast response
3) can be used to measure high temperature.
4 sze is small and cost is low.
5) lead wire compensation is not required
6) high accuracy and can with stand electrical and mechanical stresses
7) can be used with simple resistance measuring circuits.
1) exhibits non-linear characteristics
2) stability is low
3) problem of a ‗Gain effect‘ ( increase in the resistance of thermistor when time lapses)
1) These can be effectively used for the measurement of variations in temperature, control
of temperature.
2) These can be used to measure thermal conductivity
3) These are used in electrical circuits to provide time delay.
4)These can be applied to measure vacuum flow, pressure and level of liquids.
5)These can be used to measure power at high frequencies.
Basis for thermocouple:
In 1821 I.J. Seebeck discovered that an electromotive force exists across a junction formed of
two unlike materials. Later it was shown that the potential actually come from two different
i) that (e.m.f) resulting from contacts of the two dissimilar metals and junction temperature.
This is called Peltier effect.
ii) and that due to temperature gradients along the conductors in the circuit. This is called
Thomson effect.
In most cases Thomson emf is quite small relative to the peltier emf and with proper
selection of materials may be disregarded. These effects form the basis for temperature
measuring element, the thermocouple.
If we disregard the Thomson effect, the net emf will be result of the difference between the two
Peltier e.m.f‘s accuring at the two junctions.
If the temperatures T1 and T2 are equal he two emf‘s will be equal but opposed and no current
will flow. However if the temperatures are different, the emf will not balance and a current will
flow. The net emf is a function of the two materials used to form the circuit and the temperatures
of the two junctions. Note that two junctions are always required Hot or measuring juncti The
junction which senses the desired or unknown temperature.Cold junction or reference junction:
The junction which is usually maintained at a known fixed temperature.
As shown in fig(b), if the third metal ‗C‘ may be introduced at either a measuring or reference
junction, so long as couples P1 and P2 are maintained at the same temperature T1. This makes
possible the use of joining metals, such as soft or hard solder in fabricating the thermocouples.
If a simple thermocouple circuit develops an emf e1 when its junctions are at temperatures T1
and T2, and an emf e2 when its junctions are temperatures T2 andT3. It will develop an emf ( e1 +
e2), when its junctions are at temperaturs T1 andT3.
When two metals which are made up of two different materials are joined together to form two
junctions. One junction senses the desired or unknown temperature, this junction is called hot or
measuring junction. The second junction will be usually be maintained at a known or fixed temperature
and is called cold or reference junction. When the measuring junction is heated up with respect to other
junction, the emf developed at the junction is proportional to the applied temperature and the junction
temperature is known as thermocouple.
The thermocouple hot junction will be exposed to the process or media where the temperature
has to be measured. The thermocouple since the two junctions are at different temperatures a
voltage is setup at the free ends and since the free ends are connected to a milli voltmeter the emf
setup will establish a flow of current which can be measured directly by using the milli volmeter.
Since the reference junction is kept at 0 0 C the emf measured is a function of the temperature of
the hot junction. The milli voltmeter is calibrated to indicate the readings in terms of
The emf developed in a thermocouple depends upon the difference in temperature between the
hot junction and cold junction. cold junction will be maintained at a constant reference
temperature. The temperature of the cold junction is purposefully kept at 0 0 C, to avoid errors
which may be introduced on account of change in room temperature. Two dissimilar metals used
for thermocouples may be twisted, screwed, clamped or melted together. Thermocouple do not
used bare conductors except in applications, where atmospheric conditions permits their use.
Usually protective sealing is used to surround the junction and a portion of the external leads.
The leads and junction are in turn insulated from the sheath using various oxiides.
The thermocouples are usually installed inside the protective walls so that they can be easily
removed or replaced without interruption to the plant.Since the two junctions are at different
temperatures a voltage is setup at the free ends and since the free ends are connected to a milli
voltmeter the emf setup will establish a flow of current which can be measured directly by using
the milli voltmeter. Since the reference junction is kept at 0 0 C the emf measured is a function of
the temperature of the hot junction. The milil voltmeter is calibrated to indicate the readings in
terms of temperature. The emf developed in a thermocouple depends upon the difference in
temperature between the hot junction and cold junction.
1) Can measure fast changes in the temperature.
2) Produces electrical outputs.
3) It is an active transducer ie no need of any excitation to operate.
4) Can be used to measure wide ranges of temp from 0 0 C to 1400 0C
5) The temperature of a particular point can be measured.
1) Produces low output voltage in terms of milivolts
2) Accuracy of measurement is low
3) The output voltage is affected by stray magnetic field.
4) The extension wires should be made of those materials which are used in the construction of
From the Greek words phyros means fire. Metron means measure, The term phyrometry means
temperature measurment.Phyrometry is concerned with primarily of various forms of thermal
radiation measurements.
PHYROMETRY THEORY: all bodies above absolute zero temperature radiate energy. Not
only they radiate or emit energy , but also receive and absorb it from other source. We all know
that when a piece of steel is heated to about 550 0 C, it begins to glow ie visible light being
radiated from its surface. As the temp is raised, the light becomes brighter or more intensive. In
addition there is a change in colour, it changes from dull red, through orange to yellow and
finally approaches to an almost white light at the melting temperature 1430 0 C to 1540 0 C. The
energy of which is transmitted as electromagnetic waves travelling at the speed of light. It is
known that all the substances emit and absorb radiant energy at a rate depending on the absolute
temperature and physical properties of the substance.
W = O * e *T4
e = emissivity of the surface, dimensionless number between 0 to 1 (0.90 for steel)
T= absolute temperature
Operating Principle: of this pyrometer is that , the total radiation of a hot body is made to fall
on the devices which receives the radiation such as thermocouple, thermopile etc., and the emf
developed by these devices give the temperature of the hot subject.
The total radiation pyrometer consists of a radiation receiving element and a measuring device to
indicate temperature directly. Here diaphragm unit along with a mirror is used to focus the
radiation on a radiant energy sensing transducer. The lens to transducer (a vacuum thermo
couple or thermopile) distance is adjustable for proper focus.
The mirror type of radiation receiver shown in fig is so arranged that the image of the front
diaphragm is focused on the thermocouple by mirror. Therefore the temperature measurements
are independent of distance of the target.
Presence of any absorbing media present between target and the transducer reduces the radiation
received and therefore the pyrometer reads low. Substances like smoke, dust and gases absorb
radiation and causes – ve static errors. On the other hand presence of heat sources like hot gases,
high temp particles and flame causes the meter to read high.
2. Some times it requires some cooling arrangement to remove the over heating of the
3. There is a problem in focusing the total radiation on to the thermocouple if the mirror is not
placed properly
5. It is expensive.
Infrared pyrometers are also known as selective or partial radiation pyrometers. These
pyrometers utilize infrared radiations emitted by a heated source. As temperature of the
source increases the emission of infrared radiation from the source increases
proportionally. ( if the temp of source is beyond 5500 C , then the source emits both
visible light and also infrared energy). This phenomenon of proportional increase of
infrared radiation makes this pyrometry possible by including some electronic circuitry,
an indicating and controlling unit and a suitable detector. The infrared radiation from the
temperature source is made to fall on the photo voltaic cell through radiant energy
receiver.(set of diaphragms). The passage of this radiation to the cell depends on the area
of the first diaphragm.
To prevent the cell from overheating a filter is used ahead of it which allows ( the
radiations of 10000 C to 12000 C to fall on the cell in order to prevent the cell from
overheating.To prevent this filter from physical damage a protecting window is used. The
source whose temp is to be measured is not in direct contact with the detector When the
infrared radiations falls on the cell, it generate an emf which becomes the measure of
temp of source. This emf can be read from the output meter or digital display.
A dark image figure 2(i) of the filament is obtained by controlling the current flowing
through the lamp. Abrightimageshowninfig-2(ii) of the filament is obtained if the temp of
the filament is low or cool when compared with the temp of hot object. No image will be
appeared in case the filament is very hot compared with hot object, that means the image
of the filament disappears as shown in figure-(iii). Therefore it is also called as
disappearing type of pyrometer.
APPLICATIONS OF OPTICAL PYROMETER (Disappearing Filament type of
1.These are applied to measure temperature of furnaces.
2.Applied in the measurement of temperatures of heated materials and also molten materials
i) operation is simple
ii) This instrument measures temperature with out contacting the hot object. Therefore it is a
non-contact type.
iii) High accuracy is obtained.
i) Can not be used in the continuous measurement of temperature..
ii) Exhibits less sensitivity at low temperatures
iii) Requires cooling arrangement
Pressure = force/area , the force exerted in direction perpendicular to the surface of unit area
i) Atmospheric pressure (Pat ) : this is the pressure exerted by the envelope of air
surrounding the earth surface.
Pat - Pvp = gh
h= mercury level
𝔭= density of mercury
ii) Absolute Pressure ( Pab ) : It is defined as the algebraic sum of atmospheric pressure and
gauge pressure.
3) Gauge Pressure (Pgauge ): The pressure above atmospheric pressure is called gauge pressure.
When the unknown pressure is more than atmospheric pressure, the pressure recorded by the
instrument is called gauge pressure
Pressure-1: Pressure can be measured by balancing a column of liquid against the pressure
which has to be measured. The height of the column which is balanced becomes a measure of the
applied pressure when calibrated.
Example: Manometer
Principle-2: When the pressure is applied on the elastic element, the shape of the elastic element
changes which intern moves the pointer with respect to scale. The pointer reading becomes a
measure of the applied pressure when calibrated.
Example-3: When electrical current flows through a conducting wire, it gets heated. Depending
up on the conductivity of the surrounding media, the heat is dissipated from the wire. The rate of
change in the temperature of the wire becomes a measure of the aplied pressure.
1. Gravitational transducers:
a) A dead weight tester/gauge
b) Manometers
4. Mcleodgauge
1a). DEAD-WEIGHT TYPE TESTER or GAUGE ( Pistongauge):
Working: a dead weight or piston gauge is commonly used as source of standard pressure for
calibration purposes. It is basically a pressure producing and pressure measuring device.
It consists of a accurately machined bored and finished piston which is inserted into a close
fitting cylinder. The cross-section area of the both the piston and cylinder are known.
At the top of the piston is provided a platform on which standard weights of known accuracy can
be placed. An oil reservoir with a check valve at its bottom is also provided.
The oil from the reservoir can be sucked by a displacement pump on its upward stroke and
forced into the system on the downward stroke of the displacement pump.
For calibration purposes first a known calculated ) weight is placed on th platform and
the fluid pressure is applied to the other end of the piston until enough force is developed to lift
the piston-weight combination and the piston floats freely.
fluid pressure= P=
thus the pressure caused due to the weigh placed on the platform is calculated by using the
above equation. To achieve high accurate results, frictional force between the cylinder and piston
must be reduced which is generally accomplished by rotating the piston while the reading is
1. Its construction is simple and is very easy to operate.
2. It is used as standard for calibration of wide range of pressure measuring devices.
3. Fluid pressure can be varied easily either by adding piston or by changing the piston
1. Friction between the piston and cylinder effects the accuracy of the gauge.
2. Gravitational force also effects the accuracy of the gauge.
1. It is used to measure pressure.
2. Used to calibrate all kinds of pressure gauges
A barometer is a single leg instrument in which one end of the
liquid column is kept at zero absolutepressure.
Pat - Pvp= ƿ gh
To achieve high accuracy, the zero level of the well is set at the
zero level of the scale before taking each reading.
INCLINED MANOMETER: In this type, the tube is tilted with respect to gravity. This
increases the sensitivity of the manometer as a grater motion of liquid is possible along the tube
for a given change in vertical height .( as the inclined tube will have more graduations per unit
vertical height. The inclination of tube is arround 10degrees.
Small pressure differences can be accurately measured using a micro manometer. The
construction of a micrometer is as shown in fig.The meniscus of the inclined tube is adjusted at a
reference level as shown in figure, which is given by a fixed hair line by viewing through a
magnifier. This is done for Pa= Pb
The adjustment is done by moving the well up and down by a micrometer. Now the micrometer
is noted..When an unknown pressure difference is applied, meniscus moves away from the hair
line. The well is lowered or raised by micrometer so that the meniscus is restored in its initial
position.The initial and final readings of the micrometer difference gives the height of the liquid.
This height becomes a measure of the applied pressure when calibrated.
• m
When two corrugated diaphragms are joined together, at their ends a capsule is formed. When
compared to flat diaphragms, corrugated diaphragms produce greater displacement. Since the
capsule is a combination of two diaphragms, it generates more displacement which is twice that
of single corrugated diaphragm. The generated displacement is proportional to applied pressure.
When pressures difference exists across the diaphragm, the flexing of the
diaphragm causes it to move toward one pole piece and away from the other,
thereby altering the relative inductance. The coils used in inductance bridge
circuit is as shown in fig, the output of which is measured by oscilloscope or
electronic voltmeter as well as recorders.
These are available in various ranges from 0 - 1 and 0 - 100PSI
Bellows, the pressure measuring elements are formed by the series combination of
capsules. The working principle of bellow is same that of diaphragms; ie the
applied displacement is converted into proportionate mechanical displacement.The
materials used to construct bellows are brryllium copper, brass, monel, stainless
steel and nickel.Whenever the pressure to be measured is applied to the sealed end
of bellow, suffers displacement. The generated displacement can be known by
attaching a pointer scale arrangement to the sealed end by transmitting the
displacement to the secondary transducer.
The bourdon tubes are available in different shapes such as spiral, helical,
twisted and c shaped. However all the tubes have non-circular cross-section. The
materials used in the construction of bourdon tubes are brass, steel and rubber.
The bellow is a longitudinally expandable and collapsible member consisting of
several convolutions or folds. Most common materials chosen for bellows
fabrication are trumpet brass, stainless steel, phosphor bronze and beryllium copper.
These are the elastic pressure sensing elements for measurement of pressure.
The differential pressure bellow gauge makes use of two bellows. Each bellow has a
sealed end and open end to receive the pressure to be measured. The open ends are
fixed and sealed ends are free to move along the length of the bellow. Thus, when
pressures are applied to the bellows from their open ends, then sealed ends get
deflect (Expand). This deflection of bellow is a function of the pressure applied to
the bellow. The free ends of the bellows are connected to to the ends of the opposite
sides of an equal-arm lever. The centre of the lever is linked to the pointer and scale
assembly through a link-sector- pinion arrangement. The scale is calibrated in terms
of pressure in order to obtain a direct indication of the pressure.
The arrangement of bellow type pressure gauge for indicating differential pressure
Let PAand PB be the two pressures whose difference is to be measured. The pressures
PA and PB are applied to the bellows A and B respectively. On application of
pressures, the free end of the bellows expand (deflect) in proportion to the pressure
applied. Due to the expansion of the bellows, the two ends of the lever get displaced
angularly in opposite directions, thereby causing the lever to rotate in clock-wise or
anticlock-wise direction. The resultant displacement of the lever corresponds to the
difference in the deflection of the two bellows. As the deflection of the bellow is a
function of applied pressure, the displacement of the lever is a function of the
difference between the two input pressures. Resultant displacement of the lever is
amplified by
the sector and pinion arrangement and is fed to the pointer. This causes pointer to
deflect over the pressure calibrated scale. The pointer indication on the scale
corresponds to the differential pressure. Pdiff = PA -PB
For measuring gauge pressure
no of the bellows (bellow-B) is applied with atmospheric pressure input.
Then the pressure input to bellow-A serves as the absolute pressure.
PA =Pabs
PB = Patm
Pdiff = PA - PB
Pgauge = Pabs -Patm
Example: -100 to +1== pressure calibrated scale is used so
as know whether the gauge pressure is + ve or -Ve
In this elastic pressure sensing elements are used for measurement of pressure. A
thin circular plate whose ends are fixed between two parallel plates is known as
diaphragm. The diaphragm elements are either flat type, or corrugated type
diaphragm. The figure shows the corrugated type diaphragm. Corrugated diaphragms
are frequently used when deflection is measured by using mechanical type of
devices. A boss shown in above arrangement is fixed at the top portion of the
corrugated diaphragm. The connecting link, sector and pinion is attached to a boss of
negligible weight. A pointer scale arrangement is attached to the pinion of the elastic
diaphragm gauge.
The pressure to be measured is applied at the bottom end of the elastic diaphragm
gauge. The applied pressure causes a deflection in the diaphragm. This deflection is
proportional to the applied pressure. Therefore, the applied pressure is directly read
from the calibrated scale.
1. They have god dynamic response characteristics.
2. They exhibit linear characteristics over a wide range of pressures.
3. They undergo low amount of hysteresis.
4. Diaphragms possess excellent stability and reliability.
1. Widely used for measurement of moderate pressures and low
pressures including vacuum.
2. Diaphragms are employed in absolute pressure gauges, differential
pressure gauges, draft gauges etc.
section. This tub is bent in such a way so as to form arc of 2500 C - 3000 C . The
tube is sealed at one end and provided with an opening at the other end to receive
the input pressure. The opened end is fixed and the sealed end is suspended freely
so that the bourdon tube deflects at free end when it is subjected to pressure from
end. The free end of the bourdon tube is connected to a sector and pinion
arrangement through a mechanical link. This mechanism amplifies the deflection
of the tip and converts into angular displacement. A pointer and scale assembly is
attached to the sector and pinion mechanism. A pressure calibrated scale is used to
indicate pressure measured by the gauge.
(how can a strain gauge be used to measure pressure with the
help of flattened tube pressure cell)
Flattened tube pressure cell is a type of strain gauge pressure cell. A stain gauge
pressure cell works on the principle that any container will undergo strain (change
in its dimensions) , when it is subjected to internal pressure. As strain is
proportional to the applied pressure, the measure of strain provides the measure of
the applied pressure. Pressure cell is shown in figure..
Construction: the flattened tube pressure cell is made up of a flat elastic tube. This
flat tube is pinched at its end. Hence it is also called as ―pinched tube pressure cell‖.
The tube has an opening at one of its ends to receive the pressure and a sealing at the
other end. Two strain gauges are mounted opposite to each other on the flat portion of
the tube.
Operation: when the pressure to be measured is applied to the flattened tube pressure
cell, the pressure tends to change the dimensions of the tube. Due to this the flat
portion of the tube acquires a round shape. The flattened tube cell experiences stain in
proportion to the amount of applied pressure. The change in dimensions of the
pressure cell due to pressure, changes the resistance of the stain gauges. Thus, the
strain produced due to pressure is sensed by strain gauges are measured by
wheatstone bridge. The measure of change in resistance of strain gauge gives the
measure of the strain which in turn pressure.
Pressures below atmospheric may be called low pressures or vacuums. A
common units of low pressure is the micron.
One micron = one millionth of a meter (0.001mm) of mercury column.
Very low pressure may be defined as any below 1mm of mercury
I) MCLEOD GAUGE: This is the device used for measurement of very low pressures.
The temperatureofagivenwirethroughwhichanelectriccurrentisflowingwill
depends on following
three factors.
i) The magnitude of the current ( I )
ii) The resistivity ( R)
iii) The rate at which the heat is dissipated.
The temperature of the wire can be determined in two ways
a) The Pirani type thermal conductivity gauge.
b) Thermocouple type conductivity gauge.
5) They are rugged & more accurate
6) They are very sensitive to pressure changes
7) They have linear relationship between pressure and resistance.
8) We can measure from 5*10-3 to10-1 mmHg
9) Remote reading can be possible with piranigauge
1. Electrical power is required for operation of Pirani gauge.
2. Need frequent calibration for different gases.
WORKING: the thermocouple and heater elements are placed inside the chamber
whose vaccum is to be measured. When the supply voltage is applied to the circuit
using a battery, some current will flow in the circuit which heats the heater element.
Since the thermocouple is attached to it, the developed heat will be sensed by
thermocouple. Here the presence of vaccum causes changes in temp of element,
which is measured by thermocouple.
The hot filament ionization gauge consist of a heated filament, grid and anode plate).
These elements are housed in an envelope which communicates with the vacuum
system under test. The grid is maintained at a positive potential of 100-350V. While
anode plate is maintained at a – ve potential about 3—50 v with respect to cathode.
Thus the cathode is a +ve ion collector and anode plate is an electron collector.
When electrons are emitted by the heated cathode, the high +ve charge on the grid
accelerates the stream of electrons away from the cathode. Because of their speed and
relatively wide spacing between the turns of the grid, most of the electrons continue
moving past the grid. These electrons collide with gas molecules thereby causing
ionization of gas atoms. Ionization is the process of knocking of f an electron from
the atom and thus producing a free electron and +vely charged ion. Since anode plate
is maintained at –ve potential, the +ve ions in the space between the grid and the
anode migrates towards the anode and a current I1 , is produced in the plate circuit.
The electrons and –ve ions are collected by the grid and a current I2 is produced in
the grid circuit.
The rate of ion production is proportional to the number of electrons available to
ionize the gas and amount of gas present. Thus the ratio +ve ions ie the anode current
I1 , to --ve ions and electrons ie grid current I2 is a measure of gas pressure P
The relation is P = (I1 / I2 )* 1/S where S= sensitivity of the gauge
The resistance of the wire exhibits linear characteristics with respect to pressure.
The linear relationship between resistance and pressure is given by the following
R = R ( 1+bP ) where P = applied pressure (atm),
R0 = Resistance of wire at1atm. R= Resistance of wire at Patm b=
Pressure coefficient of resistance, b=2/E
The bridgman gauge consists of a sensing element (ie a resistance coil of fine wire)
which is immersed in a pressure transmitting medium (ie a bellow filled with
kerosene). This bellow is enclosed in a chamber having an opening an opening at
one end of its ends for the inlet of the pressure to be measured. The chamber in turn
is kept in a housing. In order to measure the resistance of the sensing element, one
end of the coil is insulated and is brought out of the housing as an output terminal of
the gauge and the other end of the coil is grounded to the housing. The pressure
sensing element is made up of Manganion ( an alloy of Cu, Ni and Mn ) or an alloy
of Gold-Chrome, because these metal alloys exhibit linear characteristics in response
to pressure . When the high pressure to be measured is applied to bridgman gauge,
the bellow undergoes bulk compression. As a result the fluid in the bellow also
undergoes bulk compression effect. This bulk compression effect produces a biaxial
stress on the sensing element and thus changes its resistance. The change in
resistance is proportional to the applied pressure. Hence a measure of change in
resistance of sensing element by means of a wheatstone bridge gives the measure of
When two different pressures are applied to the limbs, the liquid level decreases in
the well, while the liquid level increases in the inclined column.
This leads to a difference between the liquid levels of the two limbs.
The difference in the liquid levels is given as Δh= h1 + h2
where h1 = level of liquid from 0—0 level in well
h2= level of liquid from 0—0 level in column
displacement in volume of the limbs are equal.
ie V1 = V2
A1 h1 =A2 h2 -------- eqn-4
h1 = = ( A2 / A1 ) h2------ eqn-5
• sinѲ = h2/ l /L -------eqn 6
• h2 = LsinѲ
where L = slant height of the liquid in inclined column A1 = cross sectional area of
From the equation-3 , we have P1 - P2 = ƿ.g (h1 + h2 )
As the inclination is low, it is difficult to find the exact position of the
meniscus. Therefore probability of taking incorrect reading is high.
Capillary errors are reduced by:
- using the tubes of large diameters (over10mm)
- applying same fluid to both the tubes or legs of manometer
3) Effect of fluid mixture: if the fluid used in the tube contains different types of
gases or liquids, causing increase in specific weight of the mixture.
Correction: These errors can be reduced by using the fluid free from
4) Effect of Variable Meniscus: Errors also occur due to the improper reading of
the meniscus. Meniscus is defined as the recent shaped top surface of the liquid
As the mercury has high surface tension and also does not stick to it or wet the walls
of the tube, its meniscus is convex. Ie it is to be seen higher in the center with its two
edges depressed as shown in fig-(a). Similarly , as the water has low surface tension
and sticks or wets the walls of the tube., its meniscus is concave ie it is to be seen
lower at the center with its two edges turned up as shown fig-(b). Therefore the
readings should be taken from the center of the meniscus. Any variation in the shape
of the meniscus is due to dirt contamination), causes errors.
In the modern manufacturing industries which uses many solvents, chemicals, steam
and other liquids. Power plants use vast amount of water , the accurate measurement
of liquid is very essential.
In indirect methods of level measurement methods, uses a variable (resistance,
capacitance, inductance, buoyancy force, hydrostatic pressure ) that changes with the
liquid level to actuate measuring mechanism. Thus the change occurred in these
parameters gives the measure of liquid level. Indirect methods of level measurements
are as follows:
B1) Capacitive type level indicator.
B2) Float operated potentiometer(Electrical resistance
B3) Ultrasonic level measurement instrument.
B4) Bubbler (Purge) type level indicator
B5) Magnetic type level indicator
B6) Radioactive method for level measurement.
B7) cryogenic fuel level indicator.
A graduated glass tube mounted on the side of liquid container, provides visual
indication of the liquid level. The rise or fall of the liquid level in the tank results in a
corresponding change of level in the tube. A scale is fixed to the gauge glass . The
calibrated scale shows the raising and falling level of the liquid inside the gauge
glass which in turn gives the level of the liquid inside the tank.
• Simple in in construction.
• In expensive .
• We can read the readings directly on the calibrated scale.
• Accuracy in measurement is achieved provided the liquid is clean.
• It cannot be used to measure level of hot liquids
• Cannot be used for dirty, viscous a, slurry and corrosive liquids.
• It does not lend itself to automatic readings.
total depth of the liquid of the tank. The difference of these readings indicate
the actual level of the liquid in the tank.
This type of level measurement uses float and pulley arrangement. The float is
dipped in the water tank whose level is to be measured. Float is connected to the
pulley through a stainless steel cable. A pointer scale arrangement is also attached to
the pulley. As the level of the liquid varies, the position of the float varies. The
arrangement is as shown in figure., the float is used to move a magnet. As the
magnet moves, it attracts a follower magnet connected by a cable to the indicator,
thus providing a reading of liquid level measurement.A float guide tube is inserted
downward into the vessel and the lower end of the tube is closed and sealed. The
float guide tube is used to keep concentricity of float and to ensure vertical motion
and proper magnetic relationship between inner & outer magnets. The follower
magnet inside the tube seeks a position corresponding to that of the float, thus
moving the cable. When the level increases, the float will be lifted up and the cable
which is wound around the pulley makes the pulley to rotate.
With this pointer attached to the pulley moves over a calibrated scale and indicates
the present level of the tank.
APPLICATION: used to know the level of liquids in sumps, reservoirs and in open
• This arrangement is available in different number of designs.
• Possible to read from the ground level, the level of liquids in
underground tanks
• Can be used for liquids of high temperatures.
• Wear and tear problems due to movable parts.
• These are used for liquids only with moderate pressures.
As shown if fig, at a low liquid level, the ball float position corresponds to ‗A‘. The
float rises to position ‗B‘ with increase in the liquid level. The float movement
rotates a shaft which operates the pointer on an appropriate scale.
• suitable for wide range of liquids and semi-liquids.
• suitable for level measurements both in open & pressure-vessels.
The torque tube contains an inner torque rod, one end of which is welded to torque
tube and the other end is free. One side of the torque tube has a knife edge and is
attached to the displacer via torque arm (which ends in a block) and the other end
has a flange and is anchored at the tank wall depending on the level of liquid the
displacer moves up and down. Due to this movement
torque is exerted on the torque tube This exerted torque is transmitted to torque rod.
Therefore angular displacement of rod takes place and is about 50 to 60. This
displacement of rod is linearly proportional to apparent weight of displacer and
hence to the level of the liquid. The flapper-nozzle transducer pneumatically
magnifies the angular displacement of rod into large pressure differentia; signal
provided the rod displacement is applied to the flapper.
In this arrangement, the displacer is attached to a spring loaded rod whose end
contains a magnetic ball. Depending on the liquid level the displacer moves up and
down and causes the spring to expand or contract, which intern causes the magnetic
ball to move up and down around 25mm. This movement of magnetic ball is sensed
by magnetic needle attached to the pivot. This sensed displacement is pneumatically
magnified by flapper nozzle transducer which is attached to the pivot of magnetic
needle with the help of eccentric disc.By connecting the magnetic needle to the
potentiometric arrangement; the movement of displacer can be converted into
electric signal.
Capacitive level indicator operates on the principle of parallel plate capacitor, which
can be stated as the capacitance of two parallel plate capacitor varies or changes, if
the over lapping area or dielectric constant changes.
a) The performance will be affected by the change in temperature.
b) The connection & mounting of metal tank with the meter should be proper, other wise
some errors may occur.
The float position changes with a change in the level of the liquid in the tank. The
float displacement then actuates an arm which causes a slider to move over the
resistance element of a rheostat. The circuit resistance changes and this resistance
change is inversely proportional to the liquid level in the tank.
1.Operating principle is very simple
2. It can be used for various types of liquids and solid substances.
1. for level measurement requires very experienced & skilled operator.
2.It is very expensive
In this technique of level measurement, the air pressure in the pneumatic pipe line is
adjusted and maintained greater than the hydrostatic pressure at the lower end of the
bubbler tube. The bubbler tube is dipped in the tank such that its end is at zero level
ie reference level and the other end is attached to a pressure regulator and a pressure
gauge. Now the supply of air through the bubbler tube is adjusted so that the air
pressure is slightly higher than the pressure exerted by the liquid column in the
vessel or tank. This is accomplished by adjusting the air pressure regulator until a
slow discharge of air takes place ie bubbles are seen leaving the lower end of the
bubbler tube. (In some cases a small air flow meter is arranged to control an
excessive air flow if any). When there is a small flow of air and fluid has uniform
density, the pressure indicated by the pressure gauge is directly proportional to the
height of the level in the tank , provided the gauge is calibrated properly in units of
liquid level
Magnetic type level indicator is used to measure the level of liquids which contain
corrosive and toxic material. In this a float containing a magnet is placed inside a
sealed chamber as shown in figure. The float is free to move and follows the liquid
level. An indicator consisting of a series of small wafers which are free to rotate
1800 is mounted outside the chamber. As the level changes, the float moves along
with magnet up and down. Due to this movement of magnet the wafers rotate and
present a black colored surface for the movement of flow in one direction and an
yellow coloured surface for the movement of float in opposite direction. Black
indicates liquid and yellow indicates the vapour space.
The operating principle of radioactive type liquid /solid level indicator involves the
detection of gamma rays received at the outside of the tank. The Radioactive
method is based on the principle of dependence of absorption of radioactive
radiation upon the height of the liquid level. In this method, radioactive isotopes are
used as the source of the radioactive emission. Generally cobalt-60 is the source of
radiation used , which is placed in a carriage on one side of the tank and the receiver
a halogen counter is placed in another carriage on other side of tank just opposite to
the radiation source. The carriages carrying the radiation source and counter an
move up and down in a vertical direction in respective columns. The radiation source
can be moved synchronously in terms of height by means of selsyns. Working: if the
centre of the counter is at the boundary of the partition of two media, the signal
which is obtained from the counter is compensated in the electronic unit ‗E‘ by
reference voltage and the system is again in equilibrium. When the liquid level
changes, the absorption of the gama-radiation changes and as result, the equilibrium
between the signal and the reference is destroyed and a signal of the appropriate sign
, which will cause the selsyn pick-up ‗S‘ to revolve will be fed to the actuating
mechanism. The selsyn receivers move the source and the radiation receiver till the
source and the radiation receiver reach a new level, the equilibrium is restored and
the movement ceases. The revolution of the actuating mechanism is transmitted to
the pointer of the indicating instrument.
Cryogenic fuel: a gas which changes its state ( gaseous state into liquid state), when
cooled to very low temperature is known as cryogenic fuel. A cryogenic fluid exists
in liquid state at very low temperatures, which are usually less than the temperature
levels at which as super conductor exhibits zero resistance characteristic. Hence the
level of a cryogenic fuel can be determined by making use of the characteristic of
super conductor to exhibit zero resistance at low temperatures and by utilizing the
basic relation between the resistance and length of an element
Rἀ l
R = ƿl/A
let Rnc = resistance of non-cooled part of the super conductor loop
lnc= length of non-cooled part of super conductor loop
Rnc = ƿ lnc / A ------ eqn-1
lnc = Rnc A / ƿ ----------- eqn-2
when the super conductor loop is not subjected to cryogenic fluid temperature, its
over all resistance corresponding to the resistance offered by the entire length of the
R = ƿ L/ A where L = total length of super conductor loop
The flow measurements are required to be carried out in various types of
applications in various fields such as in process industries, laboratories, irrigation
and domestic areas etc. In almost all the applications it is desired to obtain accurate
measurement of flow of fluids in order to implement a proper control of flow and
hence achieve the requirements of application. for example , in industrial processes,
the flow of various quantities need to be measured accurately hence even a small
error in measurement of flow will affect the quality and efficiency of the process and
ther by incur a financial loss. Hence in order to obtain accurate measurement of
flow the flow measuring devices should be calibrated.
For a given rate of flow, the float assumes a position in the tube, where the
forces acting on it are in equilibrium. Through Careful design, the effect of
changing viscosity or density may be minimized leaving only the pressure
as variable.
• The position of float is dependent on flow rate and annual area between
float and tube.
• The basic equation for the rotameter has been developed as given form.
Q = A C { 2g Vf (ƿf -ƿw ) /( Af ƿw ) } ½
Q = the volumetric rate of flow
Vf = the volume of float
g = Acceleration due to gravity
Ƿf = the float density
Ƿw = the liquid density
Af = the area of the float
C = the discharge coefficient.
A = area of the annual orifice = π[ ( D + by )2 – d 2 ]/4
D= the effective diameter of the tube depending on the position of the
B= the change in tube diameter per change in height.
d = the maximum diameter of the float
Y == the height of the float above zero position.
1) there is a uniform flow scale over the range of the instrument.
2) The pressure loss is fixed at all flow rates.
3) The capacity may be changed with relative ease by changing float
and or tube.
4) Many corrosive fluids may be handled with out complication.
5) It is simple in construction and is inexpensive
1) the meter must be installed in a vertical position.
2) The float may not be visible when opaque fluids are used.
3) It cannot be used with liquids carrying large percentage of solids in
4) For high pressures and temperatures, it is expensive
1) Used in bulk drug industries
2) Used in fermenters to control the supply of air
3) Used for gases and liquids at low pressures
PRINCIPLE: the measurement of flow rate using an electromagnetic flow meter
depends on Faraday‘s law of electro magnetic induction.
The induced voltage is expressed by the relation
e = B L V * 10-8 where
e = the induced voltage in volts
L = the length of the conductor in cm
V = velocity of the conductor in cm/sec
Working: when a pipe or tube carrying electrically conductive fluid is placed in a
transverse magnetic field an emf will be induced across the electrodes contacted to
This voltage gives the measure of velocity of the fluid or flow rate of the fluid. The
basic magnetic flow meter arrangement is as shown in figure. The flowing medium
is passed through a pipe, a short duration of which is subjected to a transverse
magnetic flux. The fluid motion relative to the field causes a voltage, to be induced
proportional to the fluid velocity. This emf is detected by electrodes placed in the
conduct walls. Either an alternating or direct magnetic flux may be used .
1. First type magnetic flow meter: in this fluid need be only slightly electrically
conductive, the conduit must be of glass or similar non-conducting material. The
electrodes are placed flush with the inner conduit surfaces making direct contact
with the flowing fluid. The output voltage is quite low and an alternating magnetic
field is used for amplification and to eliminate polarization problems.
2. second form of magnetic flow meter: is primarily intended for use with highly
conductive fluids such as liquid materials. This meter operates on the same basic
principle but may uses electrically conducting materials for the conduit. Stainless
steel is commonly used. A permanent magnet supplies the necessary flux, and the
electrodes may be simply attached to diametrically opposite points on the outside of
the pipe. This provides for easy installation at any time and at any point along the
pipe. The output of this type is sufficient to drive ordinary commercial indicators.
PRINCIPLE: the permanent magnetic attached to the body of rotor is polarized at
900 to the axis of rotation. When the rotor rotates due to the velocity of fluid
, the permanent magnet also rotates along with the rotor. Therefore a rotating
magnetic field will be generated, which is then cut by the pick-up coil. Due to this
AC voltage pulses are generated whose frequency is directly proportional to the flow
is joined. This assembly is placed inside the pipeline whose volume flow rate is to be
decided. The pickup coil is located on the outside of the meter housing and the
output terminals of the pickup coil are connected to the counter or frequency meter.
When the fluid flow through the pipe line , it strikes the rotor. Therefore the rotor
along with permanent magnet rotates. Due to this a rotating magnetic field is
generated during rotation, when the magnet passes the pickup coil, the coil cuts the
magnetic field and generates an AC voltage pulse. As the rotor rotates continuously
a series of voltage pulses will be generated and fed to the frequency meter or
counter, which totalizes pulses and indicates the frequency.
• This indicated frequency gives the measure of fluid flow rate (when calibrated).
• From the displayed output (total number of pulses) the volume flow rate can be
using the formula
Q = F/C where Q = Volume of flow rate
F= total number of pulses
C= Flow coefficient
1) These are used to determine the fluid flow in pipes and tubes
2) This can be applied to know the flow of water in streams and also
in rivers.
3) This can be used to determine the wind velocity in weather
PRINCIPLE: when a fluid (gas or liquid) flow over an electrically heated surface or
heated wire, heat transfer takes place from the surface of wire to the fluid. Hence the
temperature of the heated wire decreases, which causes variations in its resistance.
The change that occurred in the resistance of the wire is related to the flow rate.
The circuit arrangement for flow measurement using hot wire anemometer
in constant current method is illustrated in following figure..
WORKING: The hot-wire anemometer is placed inside the pipe to measure the flow
rate of the gas flowing through it. The leads of the anemometer are connected to one
of the arms of the wheatstone bridge and a constant magnitude of current is made to
flow through the anemometer. Therefore , the voltage across the bridge will not
change but remain at a constant value. When the gas flows through the pipe, it
absorbs heat from the sensing element or the heat is transferred from the anemometer
to the gas. Due to this the temperature of hot wire anemometer decreases which
intern changes its resistance. This change in resistance causes bridge to become
unbalanced and galvanometer deflects indicating the value of flow rate of gas.
The circuit arrangement for flow measurement using hotwire anemometer
in constant temperature method is illustrated as shown in below figure.
WORKING: the hot wire anemometer is placed inside the pipe to measure the flow
rate of the gas flowing through it. The leads of the anemometer wire are connected to
one of the arms of the Wheatstone bridge and some amount of current is made to flow
through the anemometer. Now the flow d of gas through the pipe absorbs heat from
the sensing element or heat is transferred from the anemometer to the gas. Due to this
the temperature of hot wire anemometer decreases which in turn changes its
Since it is a constant temperature method, temperature and hence the resistance of
hotwire anemometer are required to be maintained at a constant value. For this
purpose the value of current flowing through the sensing wire is increased in order to
get back to its initial temperature and hence resistance state. Hence the amount of
current needed to maintain the temperature and resistance of sensing wire at initial
values flow of gas.
1) it can be used for measurement of flow velocity of gases as well as liquids.
2) It provides an electrical output and hence allows flexibility of having analogue
or digital indication.
3) It possess good measurement accuracy of 0.1%
4) it has very good dynamic characteristics.
5) The measurement of low velocity using this neither introduce any pressure
drop in the flow nor causes any disturbance to the flow because of the small size of
the its prob.
6) It can measure a wide range of velocities ( ie very low velocities to super sonic
In research applications, they are extensively used to study varying flow conditions.
BASIC PRINCIPLE: Laser Doppler Anemometer works on the principle of
Doppler effect. It states that whenever a laser beam passes through the moving fluid,
frequency shift takes place in the light scattered by the small particles present in that
fluid. This shift in the frequency of beam is directly proportional to the velocity of the
fluid flow.
WORKING: The schematic arrangement of Laser Doppler Anemometer is
illustrated in figure. The laser beam from laser source passes through the beam
splitter which splits the beam into two parts. These two parts of the beam then passes
through focusing lens L1 , which focus the beam at a point in the flow stream, where
the velocity is to be determined. At this focal point the two parts of beam cross each
other. Therefore an interference fringe is formed. This fringe pattern contain alternate
areas of low and high intensity. If the flow stream containing tiny particles such as
microscopic dust or dust particles passes through the high intensity area, the particles
scatter the light. Due to this frequency shift occurs in the scattered light. When this
scattered light falls on the photo detector circuit which shows the varying electrical
signal. The frequency of this signal is proportional to the rate at which the dust
partcles crossing the interference fringes.
The spacing between the fringes can be expressed as
x = (λ/2 ) sin (Ѳ/2)
where λ = wave length of laser beam,
Ѳ = Angle between two converging beam
Assume that the tracer particles having velocity V, equal to that of flow, then the
detected signal would have Doppler shift in the frequency and is given by
1. This method does not disturbs the fluid flow.
2. It does not require any calibration to determine flow.
3. It does not require any physical contact with the fluid whose flow rate is to be
4. Accuracy is very high ( + or – 0.2%)
5. It can be used to measure both liquid and gaseous flows.
1. It is suitable for measurement of flow through transparent channel only.
2. It is suitable for flow of clean fluids.
3. A skilled operator is required to uses this instrument.
4. Cost I is very high.
The arrangement of flow measurement using ultrasonic transducer contain two
piezoelectric crystals placed in the fluid (gas or liquid) whose flow rate is to be
measured. Among these two crystals, one act as a transmitting transducer (
Transmitter, T) and the other acts as a receiving transducer ( Receiver R). The
transmitter and receiver are separated by some distance ‗ L‘. Generally transmitter
transducer is placed in the upstream and it transmits ultrasonic pulses when an
electric oscillation energizes by the receiving transducer placed at the downstream
The travel time of vibration between the two transducers is given by.
1. Travel time difference method:
For any reasonable flow rate in liquids , the relationship V <<<Vs holds.
Neglecting the term V
frequency difference = f = f1 - f2 = 2 V/ L
The frequency difference is thus proportional to V with no dependence on
sonic velocity ( Vs )
Revolution counter is mechanical tachometer used for measurement of speed.
Principle: Mechanical tachometers operate on the principle of movement of
mechanical parts for speed measurement. The mechanical movements give rise to the
revolutions of the shaft, which is counted by a counter. These evolutions made by
shaft are directly proportional to the speed.
Construction: The revolution counter or speed counter consists of worm gear with
shaft attachment, dial on frame, lock, handle and an input shaft or speed source.. The
worm gear and the shaft attachment is driven with the help of speed source. The spur
gear is attached to the worm gear and also to the pointer of a calibrated scale, to
indicate the measured speed ie number of revolutions made by the shaft input.
Working: the input shaft is provided to the tachometer. This causes the shaft
attachment to rotate. The rotations of the shaft , rotates the worm gear which inturn
rotates the spur gear. The pointer which is attached to the spur gear sweep over a
dial as it sense the rotations. The pointer calibrates the angular velocity or speed
which indicates the number of revolutions made in a particular length of time by the
input shaft. Revolution counter gives an average rotational speed instead of
immediate (instantaneous ) rotational speed. These ar limited to low speed engines.
The speed ranges from 2000 to 3000 rpm.
The schematic diagram of a tachoscope is shown Is shown in figure
Construction: the tachscope consists of three main parts ie; a revolution counter, a
timer and a contact shaft. Tachoscope eliminates the difficulty of starting a counter
and a timer simultaneously. The counter and timer are placed accordingly in order to
start the operation at the same time and exactr time.
fig: Tachoscope
Working: the contact point is made to coincide with the rotating shaft, whose
rotational speed is to be measured. Then the two devices ie revolution counter and
timer starts operating simultaneously. The instrument will continue to work until the
contact point is deviated from the rotating shaft. The speed of the shaft is calculated as
it makes the number of revolutions in a fixed interval of time with the help of a pointer
placed in a counter and timer. Tachcoscopes are used to measure rotational speed up to
5000 rpm.
1,1,3 Hand speed indicator:
The indicator has an integral stop watch and counter with automatic disconnect. The
spindle operates when brought in contact with the shaft, but the counter does not
function until the start and wind button is pressed to start the watch and engage the
aromatic clutch. After fixed time nterval (usually 3 or 6 seconds), the revolution
counter automatically gets disengaged. The instrument indicates the average speed
over the short interval and the dial is designed to indicate the rotational speed
directly in rpm. It hs an accuracy of about 1% of the full scale and have been used
for speed with in the range 20,000 to 30,000 rpm.
Advantages: it indicate speed whether or not speed remains constant.
Disadvantages: the drawback of ths tachometer is over speed which seriously
damage the instruments.
His type of tachometers are frequently used to measure rotational speed upto 40,0000
rpm with an accuracy about ± 1% of full scale.
The instrument consists of a set of vertical reeds, each having its own natural
frequency of vibration. The reeds are lined up in the order of their natural frequency
and are fastened to a base plate at one end, with the other end free to vibrate. When
the tachometer base plate is placed on mechanical contact with the frame of rotating
machine, a reed tuned to resonance with the machine to vibrations responds most
frequently. The indicated reed vibration frequency can be calibrated to indicate the
speed of the rotating machine.
These tachometers need only a firm contact with the machine and no shaft
connection. This aspect suggests their use when shafts are inaccessible or sealed
such as those of a hermitically sealed refrigerating compressor.
Further , the unit does not require measurable power to drive it and hence may be
used advantageously on very small machines and devices with out affecting their
It is used for the speed range of 600 to 10,000 pm with an accuracy of ± 0.5% of
full scale.
In this type of tachometer, the indicating shaft is driven by the rotating shaft through
slipclutch and hence, named as slipping clutch tachometer. The speed of the rotating
shaft is indicated by the pointer which is connected to the indicator shaft. Therefore
the shaft speed is indicated by the pointer position of the tachometer.
Electrical tachometer depend for its indications upon an electrical signal generated in
proportional to the rotational speed of the shaft. Depending on the type of the
transducer, electrical tachometers have been constructed in a variety of different
The eddy currents produce a torque which rotates the cup against the torque of a
spiral spring. The disc turns in the direction of the rotating magnetic field until the
torque developed equals to that of the spring. A pointer attached to the cup indicates
the rotational speed on a calibrated scale. The automobile speedometers operate on
this principle and measure the angular speed of the wheels. The rotational
measurements subsequently converted into linear measurement by assuming some
average diameter of the wheel and the scale is directly calibrated in linear speed units.
Eddy current tachometers are used for measuring rotational speed upto 12,000 rpm
with an accuracy of ± 3%.
Principle: The relative perpendicular motion between a magnetic field and conductor
results in voltage generation in the conductor. Magnitude of this voltage is a direct
function of the strength of the magnetic field and the speed with which the conductor
moves perpendicular to it.
2.2.1 AC tachometer generator:
It comprises a stator coil with multiple pole pieces (generally four). A permanent
magnet is installed in the shaft whose speed is to be measured. The stator coil with
multiple pole pieces is placed around the shaft. As the magnet on the shaft rotates, it
induces voltage in the stator coil every time it passes the pole pieces. The induced
voltage is measured by a permanent magnet moving coil device which is calibrated in
terms of speed.
In DC tachometer generator, the shaft (whose speed is to be measured) rotates in a
permanent horse shoe type magnet. As the shaft rotates, a pulsating DC voltage
proportional to the speed of shaft is produced which is measured by voltmeter. In such
instruments, for a greater accuracy, the air gap of the magnetic paths must be
maintained as uniform as possible. The DC tachometer being sensitive to direction of
rotation due to change of polarity, can be used to show the direction of rotation also.
Working: DC Tachometer consists of a small armature which is coupled to the
machine whose speed is to be measured. This armature revolves in the field of a
permanent magnet. The emf generated is proportional to the pdoduct of flux and
speed. Since the flux of the permanent magnet is constant, the voltage generated is
proportional to speed.
The polarity of the output voltage indicates the direction of rotation. This emf is
measured with the help of moving coil voltmeter having uniform scale and calibrated
directly in terms of speed.
Fig: Commutated capacitor tachometer:
The frequency of the pulses depends upon the number of teeth on the wheel and the
speed of rotation. Since the number of teeth is known, the speed of rotation can e
determined by measuring the pulse frequency.
To accomplish this task, pulse Is amplified and squared and fed into a conter of
frequency measuring unit.
Let T be the no of teeth on the rotor
N; be the revolutions per second
P= be the number of pulse per second.
Speed= N= pulses per second/ no. of teeth = P/T rps.
N=( P/T) *60 r.p.m
If the rotor has 60 teeth, the counter counts the pulses in one second, then the counter
will directly display the speed in revolutions per minute (rpm)
2.4.2 capacitive type pickup tachometer
The device consists of a vane attached to one end of the rotating machine shaft. The
capacitor plates are arranged such that the vane passes in between capacitor plates.
When the shaft rotates between the fixed capacitive plates , there occurs a change in
capacitance. The capacitor forms a part of an oscillator thank so that number of
frequency changes per unit of time is a measure of the shaft speed . the pulses
produced are amplified and squared and is fed to frequency measuring unit or to a
digital counter so as to provide a digital analog of the shaft rotations.
2.4.3 Photo electric tachometer:
These pick-ups utilize a rotating shaft to intercept a beam of light falling on a photo-
electric or photoconductive cell. The shaft has an intermittent reflecting (white) and
non-reflecting (black) surface. When a beam of light hits the reflecting surface on the
rotating shaft, light pulses are obtained and the reflected light is focused on to the
photoelectric cell. The frequency of light pulses is proportional to the shaft speed and
so will be the frequency of electrical output pulses from the photo electric cell.
2.4.4 Stroboscope: The periodic or rotary or rotary motion can be measured by
using a device known as stroboscope. A stroboscope is a device that consists
of a source of variable frequency flashing brilliant called strobotron. The
flashing frequency of strobotron is controlled by a variable frequency
This type stroboscope consists of a whirling disk attaching a motor whose speed can
be varied and measured. A reference mark on the rotating shaft is observed through
an opening in the rotating disk. The speed of disk is adjusted until the mark on the
shaft appears to be stationary. For this condition, the shat speed equals to that of the
rotating disk, or some even multiplier of this speed and is given by
(𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑘 )
Shaft speed = disk speed * 𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠
The number of images referes to the number of times a single mark on the shaft
appears, when viewed through all the holes in the disk when the images appear
motion less.
ii) Electrical Stroboscope or Flash light Stroboscope: (for measurement of shaft
speed by stroboscope)
Stroboscope is a device used to measure rotational speed. It uses variable frequency
flashing light as source. The user needs to set the flashing frequency of stroboscope.
The flashing frequency is controlled by the variable frequency oscillator, with help of
variable frequency oscillator by varying the frequency , speed is measured.
i. In this arrangement no load is imposed on the shaft.
ii. It is suitable in those conditions where making contact with shaft is not
i. Accuracy is low, since it is not possible to stabilize the variable
frequency oscillator t give fixed frequency.
ii. It can not be suitable in those condition where ambient light is greater
than a particular level.
Disadvantages of vibration:
i. Temperature. For example a 100 c increase in temperature of a ball bearing is
said to abnormal vibrations in machine cause accelerated wear. Even a small
in-significant increase in the level of vibration causes a sharp increase in
bearing wear as result of raising reduce the service life of bearing by half.
ii. Vibrations in peripheral machine parts can cause permanent damage
attributable to fatigue in welds and bolted joints.
iii. Increased vibrations levels in a machine will lead to operational difficulties
sooner or later.
Velocity amplitude = Aw
Acceleration amplitude = Aw2
A1 be the measured amplitude
A0 = reference amplitude
Vibration level = Z0 log10 (A1/A0 )
Elementary Vibrometers:
i. Vibration wedge:
displacement and hence can be referred as vibrometer
This type of vibrometer consists of calibrated scale, flexible and a knob. The flexible
reed shown in fig is mountd onto the mechanism whose vibration characteristics has
to be known. A knob is used to adjust the length of a flexible reed so that the natural
frequency of the reed is equal to the frequency of the vibrating surface. In this case
we can obtain maximum amplitude of reed vibration, the calibration of flexible reed
length indicates directly in frequency units, hence gives the frequency of the vibrating
There are different forms of this instrument, but they are all of the yes-or-no
variety, indicating that a predetermined level of acceleration has reached or not.
The figure shows a schematic diagram of one such instrument which makes use
a preloaded electrical contact.
When the effect of inertia forces acting on the spring and mass exceeds the
preload setting, contact will be broken and this action may be used to trip some
form of indicator.
i) Piezo-electric accelerometer:
If the applied force is due to acceleration of a body, then the output voltage gives
the measure of acceleration. Thus a piezo-electric crystal with some arrangement as
shown in figure acts as piezo-electric accelerometer. The sensor consists of a
piezo-electric crystal sandwitched between two electrodes and has a mass placed on
it. The unit is fastened to the base whose acceleration characteristics are to be
obtained. The can threaded to the base act as a spring and squeezes the mass
against the crystal. Mass exerts a force on the crystal and certain output voltage is
generated. If the base is now accelerated downward, the inertial reaction force on
the base acts upward against the top of the can. This relieves stress on the crystal.
Since mass is a fixed quantity, the decrease in force is in proportion to the
acceleration. Like wise , an acceleration in the upward direction
i. Rugged & inexpensive device
ii. High output impedance
iii. High frequency response from 10 Hz to 50 Hz
iv. High sensitivity
v. Capability to measure acceleration from a fraction of ‗g‘ to
thousands of ‗g‘
vi. Very small in size.
i. variations in temperature affect its performance.
ii. Subject to hysteresis errors‘
iii. When it is used for applications of small frequency ie < 10Hz,
provides poor
1.0 Siesmic accelerometer( displacement sensing)
In a seismic accelerometer, the displacement of mass resulting from an applied
force is measured and correlated to the acceleration.
The fig shows the schematics of the the common spring-mass-damper system,
which accomplish this task. The mass is supported by a soring and a damper is
connected to the housing frame. The frame is rigidly attached to the machine whose
acceleration characteristics are to be determined. When the acceleration is imparted
by the machine to the housing frame, the mass moves relative to the frame and this
relative displacement between mass and frame is sensed and indicated by electrical
displacement transducer.
C(𝑥2 − 𝑥1)
m = seismic mass
K= stiffness of the spring
C= damping coefficient
A = amplitude of displacement of vibrating body
X1 (t) = displacement of vibrating body (input displacement)
W= frequency of excitation
X2 (t) = the absolute displacement of the mass (m) measured from the
static equilibrium condition.
Applying the newtons second law to the free body diagram of the mass.
The total force in thre acceleration of motion of the mass = inertia force
For a simple harmonic vibratory motion applied th the housing frame
Displacement x1 = A cos wt ------- eqn-1
Velocity V= dx1/dt = - wA sin wt -------- eqn-2
Acceleration a = dv/dt = - w2A cos wt------- eqn-3
Where w = 2πf rad /sec
f = frequency of vibration in Hz
from these, expression for the instaneous values of different parameters
Displacement amplitude = A
Velocity amplitude = Aw
Acceleration amplitude = Aw2
A solution to the equation-1 would show that the relative displacement ( x2
– x1), between the mass and housing is given by
Acceleration measurement: let the input frequency ω be much smaller than
the natural frequency ωn , then
(x2 - x1) ={ Aω2 / (ωn)2} = { 1/(ωn)2}* maximum acceleration
And this ratio remains valid for ω /ωn <= 0.4.
Construction and working: a strain gauge accelerometer employs cantilever
bear, seismic mass, two bonded strain gauges and damping fluid. One end
of the cantilever beam is attached to the frame of he accelerometer and the
other end is ( movable end) is attached to a seismic mass. Two strain
gauges are placed on the cantilever beam near to the fixed end, one above
and one bellow the beam. Then the housing is placed with some viscous
fluid in order to provide damping. Now the accelerometer is attached to
the device or object whose acceleration is to be known. In the presence of
vibration or acceleration, vibrational displacement of seismic mass takes
place due to which cantilever beam deflects and get strained. When the
beam gets strained, the strain gauges are also strained. Therefore the
resistance of the strain gauge will change. This change in resistance is
measured by connecting the strain gauges by means of leads in the
wheatstone bridge circuit. The output of the bridge gives the value of
change in resistance which intern gives value of strain and hence the
acceleration & vibration.
Working: when the housing frame is connected to the vibrating body, a force
is exerted on the piezo-electric crystal by the mass spring attachment. Due
to this force , a voltage is generated , which is a measure of vibration.
i. They have good resolution
ii. They offer very low resistance to displacement of sensor compared to
iii. They can be used to measure high frequencies vibrations.
1.5. Capacity sensor ( Capacity accelerometer):
The figure of capacitance accelerometer is shown below.
From the figure it is noted that, at the centre of the flexible reed a
permanent magnet is connected. Below the below the permanent magnet a
set of field coils are placed.
4.1 Stress & Strain :Measurement of stress involves the measurement of some quantity
(Strain) which inturn can be related to stress by some computation .
STRESS: load/area
Usually strain is the quantity measured for finding the stress at any point.
Axial Strain = ξ a = change in length / original length
= (L 2 - L1 )/L1 = ΔL/L1
Whereξ a = axial strain
L1 = Linear dimension or gauge length
L 2 = Final strained linear dimension
The stress strain relation for a uni-axial condition: when specimen subjected to simple
tension test
Youngs modulus = E = σa / ξ a ------- Eqn-1
Where E = youngs Modulus
σa = uniaxial stress
ξ a = the strain in the direction of stress
The relation between σa and ξ a is linear
Ie ., E is a constant for most of the materials so long as the stress is kept below the
proportional limit.
ξ a = (l2 - l)/l = Δl/ l
The lateral lateral strain =ξL = ( D– D2 )/ D = ΔD/D
Where D1 = Initial diameter of specimen before load
D2 = final diameter of specimen
• When a member is subjected to simple uniaxial stress in the plastic range ( as
shown in fig),
• The lateral train results in accordance with the following relation.
μ = - ξL / ξ a where μ = Poisson's ratio
When a round bar is subjected to a simple tensile loading, there occurs an increase in
length of the bar in the direction of load.
Strain is expressed in units of mm per mm ie dimensionless.
4.1.1 Strain gauge: A strain gauge is a strain transducer, ie., device for measuring
dimensional changes on the surface of a structural member under test.
2) Foil type strain gauge: the metal foil grid element on a thin epoxy support.
Epoxy filled with fiber glass is used for high temperatures. This gauge is manufactured
using printed circuit techniques, hence permits for production of complicated
3) Bonding material: The strain gauges attached to the test item by some form of
cement or adhesive. The strain gauge adhesives are i) cellulose ii) ohenolic iii) epoxy
iv) cyanoacrylate etc,.The required characteristic of strain gauge adhesives are
i. high mechanical strength
ii. High creep resistance
iii. High dielectric strength
iv. Minimum temp restrictions
v. Good adherence
vi. Minimum moisture attraction
vii. Ease of application
viii. The capacity to set up fast.
4) Gauge protection: The strain gauge has to be protected from ambient
conditions..Protection from moisture, oil , dust and dirt.
5) Gauge configuration:
i. The single element gauge is applied to the uni axial stress conditions.
ii. Two-element gauge is applied to the biaxial conditions ( when either the principle
axes or the axis of interest are known)
iii. The three element rosette is applied when a biaxial stress …???????
When a length of wire or foil is mechanically stretched, a longer length, reduced area of
sectioned conductor results and hence the electrical resistance changes.
consider A= CD2
Taking logarithm on both sides
logeA = logeC + 2 logeD
Up on differentiation dA/A = 0 + 2.dD/D ------ eqn -4
Substituting the value of dA/A = 2. dD/D in eqn-3
dR/R = dρ/ρ + dL/L – 2.dD/D-----Eqn.-5
Dividing on both sides by dL/L
We know that Poisson‘s ratio µ= - 𝑑𝐿/𝐿
Gauge factor F = ( dR/R)/(dL/L) = (dρ/ρ)/ρ) + 1 +2µ
F= Gauge factor =
We know that ξ0 = dL/L
F = ( dR/R )/ (dL/L)
ξ0 = dL/L
dR /R
F= ξ0
1 𝑑𝑅
ξ0 = 𝐹 . 𝑅
F represents the fractional change in resistance divided by the unit strain. It is called
strain sensitivity factor or gauge factor.
For metals the resistivity does not vary with strain
F= 0 + 1 +2 µ since the value of µ = 0.3, the value of F = 1+2*0.3=1.6
2. Unbalanced (deflection) condition: or deflection mode:
Initially the bridge resistors are so adjusted that the bridge is balanced. After gauges are
strained, the equilibrium gets disturbed. However the bridge is allowed to stay
unbalanced and the galvanometer output V0 is observed.
Initially all the four limbs constituting the bridge have resistance of equal magnitude
Ie., R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = R
Therefore Vab = [ R/(R+R) ] Vs = vs/2
Vad = [ R/(R+R) ] Vs = vs/2
Vab = Vad = Vs/2
and the output voltage is Vo = Voltage across the terminal BD
= Vab - Vad = (Vs/2 - Vs/2 ) =0
Evidently the bridge is balanced under unstrained conditions
When the gauge is strained, the resistance of R1 change by an amount dR. R1 = R1 +
dR then
𝑅1+𝑑𝑅 𝑅+𝑑𝑅 𝑅+𝑑𝑅
Vab = ( ) *Vs = (𝑅+𝑑𝑅 +𝑅) *Vs =(2.𝑅+𝑑𝑅 )*Vs
𝑅3 𝑅
Vad = (𝑅3+𝑅4)*Vs = (𝑅+𝑅) *Vs = Vs /2
The changed output voltage is
V0 + dV0 = Vab - Vad = [( )- ½ ] Vs
2𝑅+2𝑑𝑅 −2𝑅−𝑑𝑅 𝑑𝑅
V0 + dV0 = Vab - Vad =( ) Vs =(2(2𝑅+𝑑𝑅)) Vs
2(2.𝑅+𝑑𝑅 )
V0 + dV0 = (2(2𝑅+𝑑𝑅)) Vs
The change in the value of resistance is quite small dR<< R
Further V0 =0 (the output voltage is zero under unstrained condition)
0 + dV0 = (4𝑅+0)) Vs
𝑉𝑠 𝑑𝑅
dV0 = ( 4 )*( 𝑅 ) , we know dR/R = F ξ
therefore the change in output voltage , when the gauge is strained
𝑉𝑠 𝑑𝑅
dV0 = ( 4 )*( 𝑅 )
in terms of the applied strain(ξ ) and the strain gauge factor (F)
dV0 = ( 4 )*Fξ
evidently the change in output voltage is directly proportional to the applied strain.
b). Half bridge (when two gauges are used for strain measurement)
In this bridge two arms are sensitive to strain
For a beam section symmetrical about the neutral axis, we know that the tensile and
compressive strains are equal except for sign.
In this case two gauges 1 & 2 may be used for strain measurement. That is two of the
bridge elements are strain gauges and the other two are fixed resistors.The gauge R1 is
bonded to the upper surface of the cantilever beam, and a second gauge R2 is bonded to
the lower surface and located precisely underneath the first gauge. These gauges are
connected electrically to form adjacent limbs f the Wheatstone bridge circuit.
When no strain is applied
Vab = Vad = Vs /2
= [(R+dR)/ (R+dR+R-dR)]Vs = [(R+dR)/ (2R)]Vs
Potential at terminal D is (voltage drop in the limb AD)
Vad = = [R3 / (R3 + R4)]Vs here R3 = R4 = R
= [R/2R]Vs = Vs /2
dv0 = Vs[ dR/R - (-dR/R)]/4
= Vs[ fractional change in resistance of gauge in limb AB - fractional change in
resistance of gauge in limb BC]/4
The negative sign with fractional change in resistance of gauge in limb BC is due to the
fact that compressive and tensile strains are of opposite sign.
In general for the two gauges connected in the adjacent limbs of a bridge circuit\
dv0 = Vs[( dR1/R) - (-dR2/R)]/4
c. Full bridge ( when four gauges are used for strain measurement)
In this all the four elements of the bridge are considered as strain gauges.
Vad = I2 . R3
I2 = Vs / (R3 + R4 )
Vad =[ R3 / (R3 + R4)]Vs
Vad = = [(R – dR)/ (R-dR +R +dR)]Vs = (R - dR)/2R) *Vs
The changed output voltage is V0 + dV0 = Vab - Vad
V0 + dV0 = [(R + dR)/(2R)]Vs - {(R-dR)/(2R)}Vs = Vs (dR/R)
The output voltage V0 = 0 uder unstrained conditions and therefore change in output
voltage due to applied strain becomes
dV0 = Vs(dR/R)------eqn—1 , we know dR/R = Fξ
=( Vs) Fξ = 4[(Vs/4)* Fξ ] = ------ eqn-2
Which is four times the output of wheatstone bridge using one gauge only.
i. Re;lations derived in the preceeding paragraphs pertain to the conditions
where in
a) The values of the resistance of all the four limb of the bridge are initially
b) The galvanometer has infinite impedence so that no current flows through it.
ii. When more than one strain gauges are active, the bridge output and the thereby
the system sensitivity increases. In general a bridge circuit uses a ‗n‘ active strain gauges
the output voltage is given by
dV0 = n. (Vs/4) (dR/R) = n. (Vs/4) Fξ
iii. High gauge sensitivity is attained with:
- High gauge factor
--Large exciting voltage
Fig: Strain gauge torsion meter
Four bonded-wire strain gauges are mounted on a 450 helix with the axis of rotation,
and are placed in pairs diametrically opposite. If the gauges are accurately placed and
have matched characteristics, the system is temperature compensated and insensitive to
bending and thrust or pull effects.
Any change in the gauge circuit then results only from the torsional deflection. When the
shaft is under tension, gauges 1 and 4 will elongate as a result of tensile component of a
pure shear stress on one diagonal axis, while gauges 2 and 3 will contract owing to
compressive component on the other diagonal axis. These tensile and compressive
principal strains can be measured and shaft torque can be calculated.
The main problem of the system is carrying connections from the strain gauges (mounted
on the rotating shaft) to a bridge circuit which is stationary. For slow shaft rotations, the
connecting wires are simply wrapped around the shaft. For continuous and fast rotations,
leads from the four junctions of the gauges are led along the shaft to the slip rings.
Contact with slip rings is made with the brushes through which connections can be made
to the measuring instrument.
Advantages of Strain gauge Torsion meter
multiple-grid rossets:
Are a group of gauges bonded to the same supporting material in definite relative
positions. Depending on the arrangement of grids, we have the rectangular, delta and T-
delta rosettes.
The formulae for calculation of principle strains and stresses are as shown below.
The gauges are to be aligned I principle direction, and Ө is the angle of reference
measured positive in counter-clockwise direction from 1-axis to the axis of the
algebraically larger principle stress.
i. Two-element rosette:
Principle strain ξ1 or ξ2
Principal strain
ξmax , ξmin = 2[ ξ1 + ξ2) 2(ξ1 − ξ2)2 + 2(ξ2 − ξ3)2
Principal stress
𝐸 ξ1 + ξ3 1
ξmax , ξmin = 2 [ ± 2(ξ1 − ξ2)2 + 2(ξ2 − ξ3)2
( 1− μ) ( 1+ μ)
Maximum shear stress Ƭmax =2( 1+ μ) 2(ξ1 − ξ2)2 + 2(ξ2 − ξ3)2
2 ξ2−ξ1−ξ3
Location of principal stress axis tan2ϴ = ξ1−ξ3
Principal stress
𝐸 ξ1+ ξ2 + ξ3 1
ξmax , ξmin = 2 [ ± 2(ξ1 − ξ2)2 2(ξ2 − ξ3)2 + +2(ξ3 − ξ1)2
( 1− μ) ( 1+ μ)
Location of principal stress axis tan2ϴ = 3 2 ξ1−ξ2−ξ3
Dew point temperature: when the temperature of air is reduced by continuous
cooling at constant pressure, the water vapour in the air starts condensing at a particular
temperature which is referred to as the dew point temperature.
Dry-bulb temperature: it refers to the temperature of air-water vapour mixture as
indicated or recorded by a thermometer whose bulb is exposed to te mixy=ture. The dry
bulb temperature is unaffected by the moisture content of air and it merely registers the
air temperature in a normal manner.
The ordinate and abscissa of the chart are respectively the specific humidity and the
dry-bulb temperature
The wet-bulb temperature lines run diagonally to the right and their values are read at
the left where these lines meet the 100% relative humidity line, these lines are
inclined and straight but not uniformly spaced.
The relative humidity lines curve upwards to the right with the percent value
indicated on the lines themselves.
This chart can be used to obtain humidity values known readings of the wet and dry bulb
4.2.4 Classification of instruments used to measure moisture and humidity
The instruments that are used to measure moisture and humidity in gases are classified
into following types.
a) Sling psychrometer
c) Gravimetric hygrometer
d) Absorption hygrometer
a) Sling psychrometer:
C. Absorption hygrometer:
Humidity measurement by absorption hygrometers is based on the fact that a change in
moisture content causes a change in the physical and chemical characteristics of certain
Operating principle: the operating principle involves the change of liner dimension of
some hygroscopic materials like wood, paper, human air, animal membrane etc.., when
they absorb moisture from the atmosphere.. This absorption is dependent on the
temperature and partial pressure of atmosphere, and hence its humidity. This variation in
linear dimension is used to measure the humidity present in the atmosphere in this
arrangement an animal hair is used as humidity sensor. The hair is separated from one
another and arranged parallel. This hair arrangement is attached to an arm which is
pivoted at one end , where as the other end is attached to a mechanical link. The link
carries a pointer which moves over a scale calibrated in terms of humidity.
When the hygrometer is placed in the atmosphere in which the humidity of air is to be
known, he hair arrangement absorbs the humidity from its surrounding air. Due o this the
length of hair increases or decreases. This increase or decrease of hair arrangement is
transmitted to the arm and link and g=hence to the pointer. Therefore the pointer moves
on the calibrated scale there by indicating the humidity content present in the
atmosphere.. Such mechanical hygrometers are recommended for use ., in the
temperature range 0 -75 0 C and in the relative humidity range 30-95%.
If the hygrometer employs membrane as a humidity sensing element, then it is called as
membrane hygrometer.
D. Electrical humidity sensing absorption hygrometer:
Principle: the operating principle of this hygrometer depends on the variation of
resistance with variation in humidity. The schematic arrangement of electrical humidity
sensing absorption hygrometer is shown in figure.
Construction & working: the two electrodes are coated with hygroscopic salt. It is a
lithium chloride conductor and acts as humidity sensing element. The leads of the two
electrodes are connected in one of the four arms of a balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit.
The two electrodes are placed in the atmosphere whose humidity is to be measured.
When the humidity of the atmosphere changes, the lithium chloride absorbs or losses
moisture. Therefore the resistance of lithium chloride conductor changes. When the
humidity in the atmosphere increases the resistance decreases and vice versa. Due to his
the balance condition of wheatstone bridge will get disturbed and the bridge produce
some output voltage which gives the measure of relative humidity present in the
Dew point meter(Industrial type)
Construction: The schematic arrangement of a dew pint meter is shown bellow. In this
arrangement, the thermocouple is attached to a mirror ( a shiny surface). A light source is
placed such that the rays coming from the light source constantly focused on to the
mirror. A photocell is used to receive and detect the light rays reflected from the mirror.
A nozzle is placed in front of the mirror, to provide jet of air on to the mirror, the cooling
medium is kept at constant temperature and is used to cool the mirror.
Working: Initially the light rays from the source are made to focused on the mirror and
the reflected rays from the mirror are directed by photocell. Now the air jet is supplied to
the mirror. Therefore, the moisture content present in the air will start to condense on the
surface of the mirror. Thereby appearing as a dew or small drops on the mirror. Due to
the formation of dew, comparatively less amount of light will be reflected by the mirror
and falls on the photocell. Now the photocell detects the amount of light reflected by the
The change in the amount of reflected light for the first time gives the indication of
formation of dew. At the instance of formation of dew for the first time, the temperature
measured by the thermocouple is the dew point temperature.
4.2.5 Measuring Moisture content:
The water content of solids, granular of liquid materials is referred to as the moisture
content. Its measurement is quite important in paper and textile industries. The weight
and quality of paper depends on the moisture content. Like wise in textile industry
uniform weaving and better finish are attained by proper moisture conditions
In gravimetric method of moisture determination:, the sample is weighed when wet
and subsequently when dry. Drying operation is done by driving off the moisture by
The moisture content is then calculated from
% of Moisture content = (W-D)*100/W %
Where W = the weight of the sample before drying
D= the weight when completely dried.
Disadvantages :
i. The process is slow and not suitable to continuous processing.
Electrical methods for moisture determination:
Principle : this method for moisture determination is based on the variation in electrical
resistance or capacitance of the material due to change in the moisture content.
The illustrates the schematic set up of such method commonly employed for
continouos measure of a textile web or paper sheet.
Working: the instrument consists of two metallic rollers called detector roll and
main roll. The main roll is electrically grounded (made dead) and the detector roller
communicates with a sourc of direct voltage. When the test material is made to pass
between the rollers, the resistance to flow of current between the roller varies. This
variation is inversely proportional to the amount of moisture in the material. The circuit
current can then be measured by a suitable bridge circuit and correlated ti the moisture
******************** END OF UNIT-IV B *************
Elastic force meters, Load cells, Torsion meters, Dynamometers
******************************************************* ***************
4.3.1 Force: force represents the mechanical quantity which changes or tends to change
the relative motion or shape of the body on which it acts. Force is a vector quantity
specified by its magnitude, point od application, line of action and direction.
The relation between ship between motion and force is provided by the law of dynamics.
Newton second law of motion states that force is proportional to the rate of change of
Force ∝ rate og change of (mass * velocity )
∝ masee * rate of change of velocity
∝ mass * acceleration
F ∝ ma
F= ma/gc
where m = mass
a = acceleration
gc = proportionality constant
SI units of force is Newton (N), which represents the force required to accelerate 1 kg
mass with an acceleration of 1 m/s2
1 N = ( 1 kg * 1 m/s2)/gc
gc = 1 kg m/(N s2)
4.3.2 TORQUE: it represents the amount of twisting effort and numerically it equals to
the product of force and the momentum arm or the perpendicular distance from the point
of rotation ( fulcrum) to the point of application of force.
Consider a wheel rotated by the fore F applied at radius ‗r‘.
Torque or twisting movement is given by T = F. r
4.3.3 POWER : power is the rate of doing work and is obtained by dividing the work
done by time.
Power = work done per unit time
The unit of power is watt., kilowatt
Watt represents a work equivalent of one joule done per second
w = 1. J/s = Nm /s
the work done by the wheel from A to B is
W = force 8 distance moved
= force * length of arc AB
= force * r θ = ( F * r ) θ = T . θ
Thus the work done by torque is given by the product of torque and angular
In one rotation θ = 2 π
If the wheel rotate N revolutions per minute,
Then the angular displacement per sec = 2π N/60
Work done = T * 2π N/60 watt
1 H.P = 736 w = 0.736 Kw
It consists f a beam pivoted on a knife –edge fulcrum at he centre. Attached to the centre
of the beam is a pointer which points vertically downwards, when the beam is in
The equilibrium conditions exist when the clock wise rotating moment equals the anti-
clock wise rotating moment
.m1 l1 = m2 . l2
Since the two arms of the beams are equal, the beam would be in equilibrium again when
.m1 = m2
Further for a given location, the earth attraction acts equally on the both the masses and
therefore at the equilibrium conditions
.w1 = w2
Ie., the unknown force orr weight is equal to the known force or weights.
Figure shows the typical arrangement , where a tensile force Ft has been applied to test
specimen. The lower end of the vertically mounted test-specimen is attached to a form of
loading flat form, while the upper end is gripped by a swivel and attached to the beam.
This arrangement is extensively used in material testing machines and can be suitably
modified to apply compressive , shearing and bending forces too.
From the balance of moments
Ft * a = F * b
Ft = F * (b/a) = mg * (b/a) = constant * b
The force Ft = is thus proportional to the distance ‗b‘ of the mass from the pivoted knife
The right hand side of the beam can be suitably calibrated in force units.
b)Pendulum scale:
it is a self balancing and direct reading force measuring device of multiple lever type.
The weights are , however mounted on the bent levers and the movement of the
pendulum lever is magnified and transmitted to the indicator pointer.
When the unknown pull P is applied to the load rod, sectors tend to rotate due to
unwinding of the loading tapes and consequently the counter weight W swing out.
Equilibrium conditions are attained when the counter weight effective moment balances
the load moment. The resulting linear movement of the equalizer bar is converted to
indicator movement by a rack and pinion arrangement. An electrical signal proportional
to the force can also be obtained by incorporating an angular displacement transducer that
would measure the angular displacement θ.
182 Elastic force meters:
These force measuring units measure the force by applying it to an elastic element
and then measuring the elastic deformation. With in the elastic rang of the materials, the
deflection of the element is exactly or nearly proportional to the force. The figure
illustrates the shapes of the more common elastic members used for force estimation. The
corresponding relations for the elastic deflection ‗x‘ are outlined below.
The value of the material deflection constants defined by
Ki = F/x are given
The circular ring of rectangular cross-section (proving ring) is attached with internal and
external bosses. A micrometer is mounted on a vibrating rred which is attached with a
internal boss. When ever the force to be measured is applied to the external bss, the ring
deflects and its diameter changes. The amount of deflection is proportional to the forcr
applied on the external boss. When the ring deflects, the vibrating reed is plucked.
Therefore the reed vibrates and the micrometer contact moves in a forward direction until
damping of the vibrating reed is observed. At this stage the reading of the micrometer
gives the measure of deflection of the steel ring which intern gives the amount of force
In order to obtain the force in terms of deflection of the ring, the instrument should be
calibrated before starting the actual measurement process. Instead of micrometer wheel
arrangement a LVDT can also be used to measure the deflection of the ring.
This method can measure the deflection with in the range of ±0.5 μm.
upward force indicates the amount of applied force.
Construction & working: A pneumatic load cell arrangement uses a flapper –nozzle
system, a flexible diaphragm, an air supplying regulator and a pressure gauge. When the
unknown force is applied to the top of the diaphragm, the diaphragm deflects towards
down. Therefore the flapper moves downwards and closes the opening of the nozzle. Air
is supplied through an air pressure regulator to the other side of the diaphragm. Since the
flapper shut off the nozzle opening, the back pressure increases in the system. This
increased back pressure also acts on the diaphragm. Now the air air pressure valve is
regulated until the diaphragm comes back to its pre-loaded position. At this balanced
stage of diaphragm, the pressure indicated by pressure gauge gives the amount of force
applied. This method can be used to measure forces or loads upto 2.5*103 kgf with an
accuracy of 0.5% of maximum scale.
Load cell primary device that enable measurement of both static and dynamic forces are
known as load cell.
This type of load cell use elastic member as primary devices and strain gauge as a
secondary devices in the measurement of static and dynamic forces. The strain gauge
load cell converts weight or force into electrical outputs which are provided by the strain
gauges, these outputs can be connected to various measuring instruments for indicating,
recording and controlling the weight or force.
Working: a simple load cell consists of a steel cylinder which has four identical strain
gauges mounted on it, the gauges R1 and R4 are along the direction of applied load and
gauges R2& R3 are attached circumferential at right angles to the gauges R1 and R4.
These four gauges are connected electrically to the four limbs of a Wheatstone bridge
When there is no load on the cell, all the four gauges have the same resistance. Then the
terminals B & D are at the same potential, the bridge is balanced and the output voltage is
Vab = Vs/2
Vad = Vs/2
V0 = Vab – Vad = Vs/2 - Vs/2 == 0.
When a compressive load is applied to the unit, the vertical gauges R 1& R4 undergo
compression and so decrease in resistance. Simultaneously the circumferential gauges
R2& R3 under go tension and so increase in resistance.
In the poisons arrangement, the positive and negative strains ( and so changes in
résistance) are related to each other by the poisons.
Thus when strained , the resistance of the various gauges are
R1 compression = R-dR
R4 compression - R-dR
R2 tension = R+ μdR
R3 tension = R + μdR
when load is applied to the beam, the resistance of the gauge R1 decreases due toc
compression load, while the resistance of R4 decreases due to equal compressive strain.
Resistance of gauge R1 = R1 - dR
Resistance of gaugeR4 = R2 - dR
R2 = R + μdR
R3 = R + μdR
V0 + dV0 = - dR(1 + μ )/ (2R-dR(1-μ)
- Strain gauge load cells are excellent force measuring device, particularly
when the force is not study
- They are generally stable.
- They are gererally accurate.
- Extensively used in industrial applications
- Draw bar and tool force dynameters
- Crane load monitoring
- Road vehicle weighing device etc,.
4.1.1 Gravimetric method:
In this method , known mass (m) is moved along the arm so that the value of torque (
F*r) equals the to he Torque (T) which is to be moved.
Where F = force
R = perpendicular distance
Alternatively, the magnitude of mass may be varied keeping distance ‗r‘ constant
for the two arrangements
.r ∝ T ( mass and g are constant)
.m ∝ T ( r and g are constant)
Torque transmission through a shaft usually involves a power source , a power
transmitter (shaft) and a power sink ( also called the power absorber or dissipater).
bearing and measuring the reaction force and the arm length ‗L‘. This concept bearing
mounting is called cradling and this forms the basis of most shaft power dynamometers.
Torque relation : the following relation holds good for the angular deflection of a shaft
subjected to a torque with in elastic limits.
T/ Ip = fs/r = Cθ/l
where T = torque transmitted by the shaft
Ip = polar movement of inertia of the shaft
fs = maximum induced shear stress at the outside surface.
Θ = angular twist
.l = length of shaft over which the twist is measured
T/ Ip = fs/r
T = Ip .fs/.r = ( Ip/r) * .fs/.r
T = constant * fs
Thus torque for any given system can be calculated by measuring either the angle of
twist ior maximum shear stress
In this angular deflection of parallel length of shaft is used to measure torque. The
angular twist over fixed length of the bar is observed on a calibrated disk (attached to the
rotating shaft) by using the stroboscope. The angular displacement ( angular twist ) of the
shaft over a fixed length is proportional to the torque exerted on the shaft. The system
gives a varying angle of a twist between the driving engine and driven load as the torque
changes. This angle of shaft gives the amount of torque applied and is indicated by the
movement of the pointer on the calibrated scale. Since the calibrated scale is marked on
the rotating drum it is difficult to note the readings directly. To overcome this difficulty
the flash light from the stroboscope is focussed on to the calibrated scale and the flashing
frequency is varied and adjusted until a stationary image is applied. The movement at
which the stationary image appears, the reading on the calibrated scale is taken.
Dis advantages:
- Low sensitivity
- Less accuracy
- Can not be used on shafts rotating at variable speed.
This meter uses an optical method to detect the angular twist of rotating shaft
Shaft. The unit consist of two castings ‗A‘ and ‗B‘ which are fitted to the shaft at a
known distance apart. These castings are attached to each other by b a tension strip ‗C‘
which transmits torsion but has little of resistance to bending. When the shaft is
transmitting a torque, there occurs a relative movement between the castings which
results in partial inclination between the two mirrors attached to the castings, the mirrors
are made to reflect a light beam on a graduated scale, angular deflection of the light ray
is then proportional to the twist of the shaft and hence to the torque.
For constant torque measurements from a steam turbine, the two mirrors are arranged
back to back and there occurs a reflection from each mirror during every half revolution .
a second system of mirrors giving four reflections per revolution is desirable when used
with a reciprocating engine whose torque varies during a revolution.
This method of measurement of torque of a rotating shaft employs two slotted discs ( or
multi toothed wheels) and two transducers which can be photo electric or magnetic pick-
up transducers. The two discs are mounted on a shaft as shown in above figure. When no
torque is applied on the shaft the teeth of both wheels are correctly aligned with each
other. Under this condition the voltage pulses induced in both the transducers are in
phase ie tye time interval between pulses is zero.
When the shaft is subjected to torque to be measured, a relative displacement between
two multi toothed wheel takes place due to which the teeth of both the wheels will not
align. This causes voltage pulses to induce in the two transducers with a time difference.
This time difference or time interval betwee3n pulses is proportional to the torque applied
n the shaft.. here the time intervals measured by connecting the output of transducer to
an electronic circuitry using leads
- A perfect sinusoidal out-put is available at the output of pick-ups
- This method can be suitable for measurement of torque on rotain shaft,
- The problems due to signal leakage and noise are eliminated.
- This method is more effective than single toothed flange metod and hence is more often
Four bonded strain gauges are mounted on 450 helix with the axis of rotation and are
placed in pairs diametrically opposite. If gauges are accurately placed and have matched
characteristics, the systems is temperature compensated and insensitive to bending and
thrust or pull effects. Any change in the gauge circuit then results only from tensional
When the shaft is under torsion, gauges-1 and 4 will elongate as a result of tensile
component of a pure shear stress on one diagonal axis, while gauges 2 and 3 will contract
owing to compressive component on the other diagonal axis. These tensile and
compressive principal strains can be measured, and shaft torque can be calculated.
Disadvantages: a main problem of the system is carrying connections from the strain
gauges (mounted on the rotating shaft) to a bridge circuit which is stationary. For slow
shaft rotations, the connecting wires are simply wrapped around the shaft. For continuous
and fast shaft rotations, leads from the four junctions of the gauges are led along the shaft
to the slip rings. Contact with the slip rings is made with the brushes through which
connections can be made to the measuring instrument.
The dynamometer is a device used to measure the force being exerted along a rotating
shaft so as to determine the shaft power input or output of power-generating, transmitting
, and absorbing machinery,.
4.2.1 Classification of Dynamometers:
i. Absorption dynamometers
ii. Transmission dynamometers
iii. Driving dynamometers Absorption dynamometers: in which the energy is converted into heat by friction
whilst being measured. The heat is dissipated to the surroundings where it generally
serves no useful purpose. Absorption dynamometers are used when the test-machine is a
power generator such as an engine, turbine and an electric motor.
It consists of two blocks of wood each of which embraces rather less than one half of the
pulley rim. One block carries a lever arm to the end of which a pull can be applied by
means of dead weight or spring balance. A second arm projects from the block in
opposite direction and carries a counter weight to balance the brake when unloaded.
When operating, friction between the blocks and the pulley tends to rotate the blocks in
the direction of the rotation of the shaft. This tendency is prevented by adding weights at
the extremity of the lever arm so that it remains horizontal in aition of equilibrium.
Let W be the weight in Newton ,
L be the effective length of the lever arm in meter
N be the revolutions of the crankshaft per minute. Then
Torque T = Wl in Nm
Power P = (2πN/60) * T in Nm/s
=(2πN/60)/1000 * Wl in kW
This may be noted that the power absorbed by this type of dynamometer is independent
of the size of the brake and the coefficient of friction,
As shown if figure , it consists of an adjustable steel band which are fastened wooden
blocks which are in contact with the engine brake drum. The frictional grip between the
band and the brake drum can be adjusted by tightening or loosening the clamp. The
torque is transmitted to the knif edge through the torque arm. The knife edge rests on a
platform or communicates with a spring balance.
Let F be the frictional force at the brake drum surface,
W be the scale or spring balance reading
.l be the effective lever arm
.r be the brake drum radius
N be the revolutions of the crank shaft
Then frictional torque at the drum = F *r
Balancing torque = w* l
Under equilibrium condition: T = F.*r = W * l in Nm
Power P = (2πN/60) * T in Nm/s
= (2πN/60)/1000 * Wl in kW
i. In herently unstable
ii. In accuracy and capacity of power measurement being affected by following
iii. The blocks wear out and a variation results in the coefficient of friction between
block & pulley
iv. The unit is subject to oscillations which may result from fluctuations in power of
the machine or from differences in the coefficient of friction.
v. Due to dissipation of heat, temperature rises. This results in a decrease in
coefficient of friction and a consequent brake failure.
vi. from the arrangement of prony brake, it may be noted that the scale reading is
equal to frictional force , plus the unbalanced weight of b the lever arm and any pedestal
iii: Rope brake dynamometer:
It consists of one or more ropes wrapped around the fly wheel of an engine whose power
is to be measured,. The ropes are spaced evenly across the width of the rim by means of
U-shaped wooden blocks located at different points of the rim of the fly wheel. the
upward ends of the rope are connected together and attached to a spring balance, and the
downward ends are kept in place by a dead weight. The rotational of fly wheel produces
frictional force and the rope tightens. Consequently a force is induced in the spring
balance, generation of heat is enormous that necessities cooling arrangement for the
brake, the rim is made through shaped internally. Water is run in to the trough and and
kept in place by the centrifugal force.
Let W be the dead weight
S be the sping balance reading,
D be the brake drum diameter
And d be the rope diameter
Then the effective radius of the brake drum Reff = (D+d)/2
Brake load or net load = (W –S) in N
Braking torque = (w-S) Reff in Nm
Brake power = (2πN/60) * T in Nm/s
= [(2πN/60)/1000] *(W- s) in
restraint imposed by the brake drum. Further, the casing is in two-halves; one of which is
placed on either side of thr rotating disk. Semi-elliptical recesses in the casing match with
the corresponding grooves inside the rotating disk to form chambers through which a
stream of water flow is maintained. When the brake is operating, the water follows a
helical path in the chamber. Vortices and eddy-currents are set-up in the water and these
tend to turn the dynamometer casing in the direction of rotation of engine shaft. This
tendency is resisted by the brake arm balance system that measures the torque.
The figure shows the basic components comprising and illustrating the principle of
operation of an eddy current dynamometer. A toothed steel rotor is mounted onto the
shaft of the test-engine and it rotates insides a smooth bored cast-iron stator; the clearance
between the rotor tooth and stator being very small. The stator carries an exciting coil
which is energized with a direct current supplied from an external source. Further, the
stator is cradled on antifriction bearings and is provided with a brake arm to which a scale
pan or spring balance is attached.
When the dynamometer is under operation, the rotor turns and it causes a constant
change in in the flux density at all points of the stator. Consequently eddy currents are
induced in the stator which oppose the rotation f the rotor,. The amount of resistance is
measured by the brake arm, and so the torque and shaft power can be estimated.
Mechanical power supplied to the dynamometer shaft is converted ino heat which is
carried away partly by air circulation induced by the rotor tooth as blwr vanes , and partly
by water circulated through cooling channels formed in the stator.
1d. Electric motor-generator dynamometer:
The unit is essentially a D,C shunt wound machine which may be operated either as a
motor or as an electric generator. This characteristic allows its use both as an absorption
and as a drivig dynamometer in capacities to 4,000 kW.
Case-2: for absorbing energy from the engine , the machine is operated as a generator by
following the sequence.
i. Open all the switches;
ii. Set the armature and field rheostats to their respective high speed position, this
would introduce maximum resistance in both the armature and field circuits,
iii. Close the circuit breaker switch
iv. Set the armature switch in b generator position G and then
v.Close the field switch. The resistance in the armature and
vi. field circuits can be reduced when the load on the machine increases.
When the machine runs as a motor and is used as an absorption dynamometer then
Power = (absorbe ) = Kilowatts/efficiency = (VI/100) * 1/ η
When the machine runs as a generator and is used as driving dynamometer, then
Power (input) = kilowatts * efficiency = (V I/100)* η
Where v is volt meter reading in volts, i is ammeter reading in amperes.
5.0 Introduction:
A system is an assemblage of devices and components connected or related by some form
of regular interaction or interdependence to form an organised whole and perform
specified tasks. The system produces an output corresponding to a given input.
Thermometer and the mass-spring damper system can be classified as systems.
The thermometer has the input x= θ (temperature) and the output y = l (length of the
mercury column in the capillary).
In the mass spring arrangement, the force and the position of the mass constitute the input
t and output from the system, respectively.
In a rotational generator of electricity, the input would be the rotational speed of the
prime-mover shaft and the output would either be the induced voltage at the terminals (
with no load attached to the generator) or the unit of electric power ( with load attached to
the generator).
Control : the term control implies to regulate, direct or command,.
5.1 Control system: a control system may be defined as ― an assemblage of devices and
components connected or related so as to command, direct or regulate itself or another
system. In a control system manipulation is employed to maintain a system variable
at a set point or to change it according to a preset programme.
Basically there three main requirements of a control system. They are
i. Accuracy
ii. Stability
iii. Speed of response
Stability: A system said to be stable if it produces bounded output for a bounded input
also the output reaches to zero state in the absence of the input, independent of initial
Speed of response:
The input signal (command) is the flipping of the switch on or off, and the corresponding
output (controlled) signal is the flow or non-flow of electric current.
A thermal system where it is desired to maintain the temperature of hot water at a
prescribed value. Before the operator can carry out his task satisfactorily, the following
requirements must be met:
The operator must be told what temperature is required for the water. His temperature is
called the set point or desired value, constitutes the input to the system. The operator must
be provided with some means of observing the temperature (sensing element). For that a
thermometer is installed in the hot water pipe and it measures the actual temperature of
water. This temperature is output from the system and is called the controlled variable, the
operator watches the thermometer and compares how the measured temperature compares
with the desired value.
This difference between the desired value and the actual measurement value is error or
actuating signal.
E= r–c
Where r refers to the set–point or reference input and c denotes the controlled
The operator must be provided with some means of influencing the temperature (control
element ) and must be instructed what to do to move the temperature in a desired
direction. (control function).
The sign of the error signal ‗e‘ indicates whether the controlled temperature is too high or
too low, and his determines the direction of the corrective action required: whether o
open up he valve or close it down. The size of error signal determines te amount of
corrective action necessary. When the valve is turned in the correct direction by correct
amount, the water will acquire the desired temperature value..here the operator is able to
reduce the error signal to minimum by changing the ream supply to water,
iv) An automobile steering system : where the driver is required to keep the the
automobile in the appropriate lane of the road ways. The eye measure the output , the
brain and hands react to any error existing between the input ( appropriate lane) and the
output signals , and act ti reduce the error to zero.
v) A biological control system: where a person moves his finger to point towards an
object. The command signal is the position of the object and the output is the actual
pointed direction.
Once the moment of impact is passed , he loses his control on any further flight of
the ball.
3) A washing machine in which soaking, washing and rinsing operations are carried out
on a
time basis. The machine does not measure the output signal, namely the cleanliness
of the
4) An automatic toaster where the toasting time and temperature are pre-ser quantities.
The quality of the toast ( darkness or lightness) are determined by the user and not
by the toaster,
5) The automobile traffic control signals at roadway intersections are the open loop
systems. The red and green light travels ( input to the control action) are
predetermined by a calibrated timing mechanism and are in no way influenced by
the volume of traffic (output).
6) Electrical on-off system: the flipping of the switch is independent of the flow of
current through electrical on-off system.
i) system affected by internal and external disturbances: the output may differ from
the desired value
ii) Needs frequent and careful calibrations for accurate result.
ii) Closed loop system (monitored control system):
ii. The automobile driving system: would become a closed-loop system,
when the driver makes a visual observation of the speed indicated by a
speedometer and compares his mentally with th desired speed.
Based on the deviation between the actual and the desired speed values,
the driver would take the decision either to increase or decrease the speed.
The decision is implemented by affecting a change in the pressure of his
foot on the accelerator pedal. The driver‘s eye and the brain act as the
error detectors.
iii) the traffic control system at a roadway intersection : is a closed-lop system,
when the traffic policeman allows a greater time-interval to cope with a greater
traffic volume coming from a particular direction
5.5 Manual closed loop system (manual feedback system): The closed loop systems
listed above involve a continuous manual control by human operators and are classified as
manual feed back or manual closed-loop systems.
5.6 Automatic control system: A close-loop system operating without human is called as
automatic control system.
ii) Water level control system: is an automatic control system: Automatic control
systems are employed for controlling water level in a boiler. The schematic diagram is as
shown in figure. The boiler is provided with inlet, specified flow flow of water in o he
tank. A pneumatic valve is employed at the inlet for adjusting the flow of water. This
valve is opened or closed so as to obtain the desired water level in the tank. Depending
upon the position of water gets accommodated in the tank. This obtained level of water
in the tank is measured, and applied to automatic controller. Here any increase and
decrease in the water level moves the ball up and down respectively. The up and down
movement of ball gives the status of liquid level to the controller. The controller
compares the obtained level with the desired level. If any difference occurs then an error
signal is generated by the controller and is given as a feedback to pneumatic valve.
Depending upon the error signal the operation is performed and desired water level in the
boiler is obtained.
Pressure control system: (control of pressure in a furnace): where the pressure inside the
furnace is automatically controlled by affecting a change in the position of the damper.
The control system for controlling pressure in furnace consists of pressure gauge,
actuator and a damper mechanism. The damper is placed inside the chimney in between
the path of the flow of gases. The damper mechanism regulates the flow of gases. The
pressure inside the furnace is measured through a pressure gauge and compared to the
set-point pressure. If there is a deviation from the set-point, the corresponding correction
signal (electrical signal) is applied to the actuator. The actuator converts the electrical
signal into a physical signal and applies it to the damper mechanism. The displacement of
the damper either increases or decreases the pressure inside the furnace, according to the
correction signal. Thus in this way the pressure in a furnace is controlled.
If the system does not contain feedback arrangement, the error signal will not be applied
to the damper through the actuator. Therefore any changes in pressure inside the furnace
will not be controlled and desired pressure will not be achieved actually.
5.6 Distinguish between manual control system & automatic control system:
5.7 Control systems terminology:
A closed loop consists essentially of a process, error detector and control elements. Some
of the terms related to these basic components are defined s follows:
Process, Plant, Controlled system (g2): a body , process or machine of which a
particular quantity or condition is to be controlled, eg., a furnace , reactor or a
spacecraft, etc.
Controlled variable (c): the quality or condition ( temperature, level, flow rate
etc) characterizing a process whose value is held constant by controller or is
changed according to certain law.
Controlled medium: the process material in the controlled system or flowing
through it in which the variable is to be controlled.
Command: an input that is established or varied by some means external to and
independent of the feedback control system.
Manipulated variable (m): the quality or condition that is varies as a function of
the actuating signal so as to change the value of the control element (g1 ).
Actuating signal ( e ): an algebraic sum of the reference input ‗r‘ and the
primary feedback ‗b‘. The actuating signal is also called the error or control
Primary feed-back signal (b): a function f the controlled output ‗c‘, which is
compared with the reference input to obtain the actuating signal.
Error-detector: an element that detects the feed-back: essentially it is a summing
point which gives the algebraic summation of two or more signals. The direction of
flow of information is indicated by arrows and the algebraic nature of summation by
plus or minus sign.
Negative feedback occurs when the feedback signal subtracts from the reference
e= r - b
Positive feedback:
If the feedback signal adds to the reference signal, the feedback is said to be positive
.e = r + b
Negative feedback tries to reduce the error, whereas positive feedback makes the error
Feed-back element ( h ) : an element of the feed-back control system that establishes
a functional relationship between the controlled variable ‗c‘ and the feedback signal
Control element ( g1 ): an element that is required to generate the appropriate control
signal ( manipulated variable) ‗m‘ applied to the plant.
Forward and backward paths: the transmission path from the actuating signal ‗e‘ to to
the controlled output ‗c‘ constitutes the farward path. The backward path is the
transmission path from the controlled output ‗c‘ to the primary feed-back signal ‗b‘.
In above figure, the generator ‗G‘ is used to power the servomotor. To the shaft of
servomotor a load is connected through gear wheels. Here we need to obtain the desired
position of the load. Electrical signals obtained are converted to mechanical motion by
means of potentiometers. The input potentiometer is used to set desired load position ‗θd‘
and feedback potentiometer is used for actual load position ‗θa ‘. the difference between
the two angular positions ie., ‗θd‘ and ‗θa‘ generates the error signal which is amplified
and fed to the generator. The generation circuit drives the servomotor. The motor stops
rotating if the error signal is zero. Ie, if the desired load position is obtained.
5.10 A process control: refers to the control of such parameters as level, flow, pressure,
temperature and acidity of a process variable. A particular parameter has usually only one
optimum desired value (set point ) and the control system is required to ensure that the
process output is maintained ar this level in spite of changes in external conditions ( load
disturbances) which affect the process.
The load disturbances could be
( i) a change in boiler steam pressure affecting a temperature control system.
(ii) a change in raw materials affecting a mixing process.
The process control system are usually slow acting (large time lags ) and usually employ
pneumatic actuation.
Temperature control system:
The above diagram represents a closed loop temperature control system. The relay
circuit in the block diagram operates as a switch, which is automatically controlled by a
computer or microprocessor. The time slot during which the relay behaves as a short
circuit ( ie., ON switch), in order to generate heat by coil is the critical parameter for
obtaining desired temperature.
The reference input (set point) is fed in the controller with the help of a key board or any
other input device. The temperature in the electrical furnace is sensed by the sensor. The
output of sensor is an analog signal and is converted to digital by means of analog to
digital converter and finally given to the computer. The computer compares this signal
with the reference input. If any difference occurs then the computer sends an error signal.
This error signal is converted into analog with the help of DAC (Digital to Analog
Converter) and applied to relay circuit through amplifier. Depending on error signal the
relay circuit changes its state ( switches ON or OFF). This process continues until
desired temperature is obtained. When temperature is at desired point no error signal is
generated by the controller.
Position control system: position control is a plant with zero integration between the
control input and plant input. It indicates the proportionality between the input or
displacement of the control and the plant output. It controls the position directly with the
help of a human operator control. It is a zero order transfer function because the transfer
function from the operator control to the displacement is constant.
There are no integrations between the input and output. So, a step input results oin a step
output. The proportional relation between the input and output is calculated by the
proportional gain and the gain in position control is equal to one.
Example: mouse control
There is a proportional relation between the positions of the cursor and the mouse. This
means if the mouse makes some movement, the cursor also moves and if it stops the
position of cursor also stops. The scale of both the movements results to the gain of the
system. High gain produces small displacement of mouse thereby causing large
displacement of the cursor how gain produces large displacement of mouse, thereby
causing small displacement of the cursor onto the screen.
Acceleration control:
Acceleration control is a plant with two integrations between the control input and plant
output. It indicates the proportionality between input or displacement of the control and
the acceleration of the plant output. It is a high order control which provides high-order
gains to the algorithms of position control. It operates on high order derivatives of the
controlled parameter ie., position or displacement.
Acceleration control is very useful for pneumatic systems for improving and controlling
the motion. It is a second order transfer function because the transfer function from the
input to the object movement is double integral.
There is a double integrations between the input and the output. So a step input results in
a output which double integrated of position control or step input. The proportional
relation between the input and acceleration of the plant output is calculated by the
proportional gain and the gain in acceleration control is double differential gain.
Acceleration control is more difficult than the position (zero order) control system and
rate (velocity or first order) control system.
Example: automobile control: consider a car to be move from ‗stop‘ position to one
corner. For this drivers should initiate acceleration towards the corner. Then they must
initiate deceleration. The amount od displacement applied results in the same amount of
acceleration larger the displacement, larger will be the acceleration and vice versa.
Other examples for acceleration control is video games, planes
Sequence control:
A sequence control is a special type of open loop system which has the following main
i. The finish of one action initiates the start of the next.
ii. The acts take place in certain fixed sequence.
iii. There is no comparison of desired and actual value.
Figure illustrates the block diagram of such system involving mechanical handling and
packing. The various actions are performed by pneumatic or hydraulic components and
the completion of the operation is signed by mechanical trip valves.
The cloth –washing machine too is a sequence control where the various operations as
a). Filling of the tub b) washing c) draining the tub
d) rinsing e) spin drying are controlled by timer switch.
The sequence of operations on a production mahine may be
i). Jon in position ii) guard in position iii) tool in position
iv) tool motion v) tool withdraws vi) job withdraws
logic control devices are used to control each of these operations.
Manual control systems: manual control system involve a human operator who
i) Takes decision about the required output
ii) Ensures that necessary input ( the reference input) is applied to the system.
iii) Observes the output and compares it with the desired value.
iv) Readjust the control elements if the output is not what he wants.
Automatic control system: automatic control system has become obligatory in a wide
variety of engineering problems as s evident from the following examples:
i) Control of temperature, pressure, humidity, viscosity and flow rate etc. In the process
industries like synthetic yarn production, oil refining and chemical plants.
ii) Control of heat treatment, tooling, handling and assembling of mechanical parts in the
manufacture of articles like refrigerator, radio and automobile parts.
iii) Control of position, speed and power in machine tools, pumps and compressors,
electrical and mechanical power apply units.
iv) Speed regulation of devices like grinding wheel for precision grinding, tape recorders,
strip rolling and wire drawing.
v) Transportation systems such as ship steering and rolling stabilization, aircraft flight
control, automatic landing of aircraft etc. The positioning systems, radar travel
systems and other military equipment are necessary based on feed control systems.
Three electrical devices used at home which are equipped with suitable controls to
achieve the desired purpose and mentioning control category to which they belong
Solution: some common electrical devices used at home are
i) Radio ;:one can adjust the volume, the tone, the station
ii) Television set : one can adjust the volume, the channel, the brightness
iii) Oven : one can adjust the temperature
a. In each of these arrangements, the human operator forming a part of the control
loop. He provides the feedback path, makes adjustments with the controls and corrects
for the errors so as to get the desired performance from the device. Evidently these
electrical devices constitute the manual close-loop control systems.
Solution: most of the cooking done in an oven by the novice cook is essentially an open
loop because:
i. The quantities of the ingredients are specified by the recipe
ii. The mixing of the ingredients is as per instructions.
iii. The oven settings and the cooking time are also according to the instructions
If every act is in accordance with the instructions listed in the cookery book, the meal
would emerge as required. Indeed, if the cook tries to add a little feed back to the process
by opening the oven to take a look (presumably to make adjustments if things are not
going right), he can make things worse. However the experienced cooks use their
judgment and modify the open-loop instructions with feedback and achieve the required
target rather more accurately.