BSC Software Practical List
BSC Software Practical List
BSC Software Practical List
Assignment- 2
(Apply Queries on Assignment 1 Table)
7. list the student whose dob is in 1995.
8. Change the table name as student details.
9. Find the sid, sname, & department as the student.
10. Save the table.
Assignment- 3
1. create the table.
2. insert the value in this table.
3. Display the department of all employee.
4. add a column designation in the given table.
5. inserting value in a column ‘designation’.
Assignment- 4
(Apply Queries on Assignment 3 Table)
6. List the name and salary of the manage working in
marketing department.
7. Change the name of salesman rohit whose.
8. Delete the employee who salary is <20000.
9. View the employee table.
10. Save the table.
Assignment- 5
Sbi (bankid,branch,city,phon_no)
Employee (eid,ename,ecity,ephon_no,bankid)
(a) Create the Following tabe
(b) Insert the given in each table.
(c) Find the eid,ename branch of employee whose
(d) Find cidcname branch at customer whose balance >100000.
Assignment- 6
(Apply Queries on Assignment 5 Tables)
(e) Find eid,enamebankid of employee who work in ‘rjn’ main
(f) Find all the customer who have ‘rjn’ account\
In “rjn”.
(g) Find the branches who have customer whose deposit is < 500.
Assignment- 7
Department(dpt_id, dpt_name)
Employee (eid, ename, age,mobile,dpt_id, salary)
1. Create the table.
2. Insert the value in this table.
3. Display the department of all employee.
4. Create a View view1 from employee table by selecting
eid,ename,salary and department.
5. Update the list of all employee salary by adding 5,000 more to
their salary in the department whose salary is maximum.
Assignment- 8 Book(Book_no,Bname,Author,price,publication)
1. Create the following table .
2. Insert atleast 5 rows in each.
3. Find the name of the student who is in the same city as
4. Find the price of book which is issued on ’01-oct-2015’ and
student name is ‘Rajiv’.
Assignment- 9
(Apply Queries on Assignment 8 Tables)
5. Print the name of all the student whose start from letter ‘S’.
6. Update the price of book ‘programming in C++’ as 450.
7. Add new field phono in student table.
Assignment- 10
Q 1. WAP in PL/SQL to check whether the given character is
vowel or not.
Q 2. WAP to swap two numbers with using third variable.
Q 3.WAP to find the factorial of entered no.
Q 4. WAP to retrieve Record from the table.
Q 5. WAP for cursor.
Q 6. WAP for Exception handling.
Q 7. WAP in PL/SQL to find largest among two number using
Q 8.WAP in PL/SQL for multiplication of two numbers using
10. Write a program to find name of day using select case statement.
11. WAP to launch a rocket using pictures box and timer control.
14. WAP to take input of two Number and perform their addition,
subtraction and multiplication using menu editor.
15. . WAP to access a database using ADO and generate button for Add,
Edit, Delete and Move Next, Previous, First, Last Records.
16. WAP to access a database using ADO & display a key column in the
combo in the combo box or list box when an item is selected in it, its
corresponding records is shown in MSH Flex Grid.