AP08 Cardio Heart
AP08 Cardio Heart
AP08 Cardio Heart
• supply oxygenated blood to the diff organs of the - Systemic and pulmonary circulations are
body, as a counterpart, since the organs will separated by the heart
produce waste products in CO2, they will diffuse - It ensures that blood is oxygenated first by the
thru the blood again to the veins. lungs before it is being pumped out to the general
- Blue = networks of deoxygenated blood passing circulations
through veins - We cannot have tissues receiving deoxygenated
blood or else cellular metabolism will be impacted
- Distributes and receives blood thru vessels known 3. ENSURES ONE-WAY BLOOD FLOW
as arteries and veins - Whenever blood or deoxygenated blood comes
back to the heart, it passes thru a series of
Ø ARTERIES chambers
- Carry blood away from the heart - Those chambers open and closes based on the
- Branched and decreased in size gates they have in the middle and we call it as the
- Ending as arterioles that flow into microscopic valves
capillary bed - Valves of the heart ensure one-way blood flow
thru the heart and blood vessels
- Gases and nutrients are exchanged 4. REGULATES BLOOD SUPPLY
- Oxygen-poor blood leaves the capillary beds thru - Whenever there is a decrease supply of
venules that converge into progressively larger oxygenated blood to our tissues, our heart
veins which carry blood toward the heart compensates that’s why sometimes we can feel,
- Smaller blood vessels / smaller arteries at times, it increases in terms of heart rate or in
- As blood flows from the heart to the aorta (one of other cases it decreases
the major arteries of the body), it branches out into - The changes in the rate or force of heart
arterioles contraction match the flow to the changing
- Further project to the networks of capillaries which metabolic needs of the different organs of the
are very small blood vessels that allows diffusion body
or exchange of gas, nutrients, and waste products - The rate and force of heart contractions change
to meet the metabolic needs of the tissues, which
Ø VEINS vary depending on such conditions as rest,
- Those networks (from arterioles) will comprise of exercise, and changes in body position.
the blood going back to the heart thru a series of - If specific organs, require more nutrients, the
pathways known as veins blood will work double time in order to pump that
- Venules – smaller veins blood enough in order to supply the needs of that
- Every time the heart beats, it exerts a force in –– SIZE
order for the blood to pass thru the networks of - Size of a fist
pipes - <1 lb
- With that force, it generates blood pressure - Average mass of 250 g in females and 300 g in
- Without this pumping chamber/pressure, we males
cannot expect the blood to flow thru these - It is larger in physically active adults com- pared
networks or pipes with other healthy adults.
- The heart generally decreases in size after 65 y/o,
2. ROUTES BLOOD especially in people who are not physically active.
- The heart is a muscular organ that is essential for life
because it pumps blood thru the body
o Comprised of cardiac muscles
o REMEMBER: Whenever the heart pumps, it
exerts a pressure towards the liquid or blood itself
(fluid connective tissue) as it passes thru the pipe
–– BASE bc without this pumping chamber, blood can’t pass
- Beneath the 2nd rib thru the series of networks or blood vessels
- Projects posteriorly - The heart of a healthy adult, at rest, pumps
and superiorly approximately 5 liters (L) of blood per minute
- For most people, the heart continues to pump at
–– APEX approx. that rate for more than 75 yrs
- Blunted end of the o Heart never fails to pump or beat
heart o As we grow older, heart tissue degenerates which
- Most inferior, lateral impacts the overall capacity of your heart to pump
and anterior part of blood
the heart
- Beneath the 5th intercostal space Left Mid- PERICARDIA
Clavicular Line (LMCL) in the middle of the collar → REMEMBER: Heart is located in the pericardial cavity
bone - The pericardial cavity is comprised of pericardium
which is also subdivided into 2 layers:
1. Fibrous Pericardium – tough, fibrous layer and that pressure is not allowing the heart to pump
2. Serous Pericardium – second inner layer; effectively
subdivided into two - If the heart is not able to pump effectively then the
§ Parietal pericardium perfusion of the organs will be compromised
§ Visceral pericardium/epicardium
- Serous membranes provide cushion to the heart
- In order for the heart not to produce friction in the
neighboring organs while beating, the serious fluid
produced by the serous membranes allow for that
- Double-layered sac that anchors and protects
- Membrane around heart’s cavity
- Lines fibrous pericardium HEART WALL
• Blood away from the heart
1. PULMONARY TRUNK – carries deoxygenated
blood to the lungs
o Arises from the right ventricle, splits into the
right and left pulmonary arteries, which carry
blood to the lungs
• CORONARY SULCUS – Extends around the
2. AORTA – carries blood from the heart to the
heart, separating the atria from the ventricles
general circulation
• SULCI – grooves ; indicate the division between
o Arises from the left ventricle, carries blood to
the right and left ventricles, extend inferiorly from
the rest of the body
the coronary sulcus
• The 2 are often called the great vessels or great
arteries bc of their large size
extends inferiorly from the coronary sulcus on the
anterior surface of the heart
extends inferiorly from the coronary sulcus on the
posterior surface of the heart
1. RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY – usually smaller
in diameter than the left one, and it does not carry
as much blood as the left coronary artery.
• Blood towards the heart
• PULMONARY VEINS – Four pulmonary veins
blood to the lateral wall of the right ventricle
carry blood from the lungs to the left atrium (RPV,
lies in the posterior interventricular sulcus
and supplies blood to the posterior and 2. SMALL CARDIAC VEIN – drains the right margin
inferior part of the heart. of the heart
branches - The 2 veins converge toward the posterior part of
a. ANT. INTERVENTRICULAR ARTERY (left the coronary sulcus and empty into the coronary
anterior descending artery) – It extends sinus
inferiorly in the anterior inter-ventricular - Clinical Significance: Draining most of the
sulcus and supplies blood to most of the deoxygenated blood leaving the heart muscle
anterior part of the heart. - Heart does not only supply blood to the rest of the
b. LEFT MARGINAL ARTERY – supplies body, the heart also supplies blood to itself or else
blood to the lateral wall of the left ventricle. the myocardial/myocardium/heart muscles won’t
c. CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY – extends around be able to function
to the posterior side of the heart in the - When oxygenated blood is delivered to the heart
coronary sulcus. Branches of the circumflex muscle for it to continuously pump and then on the
artery supply blood to much of the posterior flip side, it also creates its waste
wall of the heart. products/byproducts of metabolism and those
blood that is deoxygenated flows back to the heart
REMEMBER: There are 2 pulmonary arteries, the thru the coronary sinus
pulmonary trunk bifurcates to the left and right - It also drains to the right atrium
pulmonary arteries and once blood has been diffused
with oxygen, it goes back into the pulmonary veins, we ASSOCIATED GREAT VESSELS OF THE HEART
have 4 of those all draining in the left atrium and in the - Pulmonary trunk – if not bc of this deoxygenated
left atrium, blood flows in the left ventricle, from the left blood would not be able to reach the lungs
ventricle it goes to the aorta which carries from the left - Aorta – if not bc of this oxygenated blood would
ventricle to the body not be delivered to the systemic circulation or the
general systems
- Like a wall
- Interatrial Septum – separates the left and Ø Structures that ensure one way blood flow
right atrium
1. ATRIOVENTRICULAR – separates the atrium and 2. SEMILUNAR—found when the ventricles pump
and ventricles blood, they are the gatekeepers between the
- Ensure blood flows from the atria into the ventricles and associated great vessels of the heart
ventricles (prevents blood backflow) - Pulmonary Semilunar Valve/Pulmonic Valve
- Tricuspid = atrioventricular valve between RA – separating RV and Pulmonary Trunk; base of
and RV (has 3 cusps) pulmonary trunk
- Bicuspid valve/Mitral Valve = atrioventricular - Aortic Semilunar Valve – separates the LV
valve between LA and LV (2 cusps) and aorta; base of aorta
- Each ventricle contains cone-shaped, muscular
pillars called papillary muscles - One important function of the heart is to ensure one-
o Attached by chordae tendineae to the free way blood flow ; blood should not backflow
margins of the cups of the AV valves - If ever there would be a backflow, that’s an issue
o When the ventricles contract, the papillary between the valves itself
muscles contract and prevent the valves
from opening into the atria by pulling on the
chordae tendineae attached to the valve
cusps; with that being said, blood does not
backflow or go back to the atria
o When blood needs to flow from RA to RV,
the papillary muscles are relaxed keeping
the valve open
o If the valves are closed, with the papillary HEART ATTACK / MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION – death
muscles contracted increasing tension to of cardiac muscles; comes from coronary artery diseases
the chordae tendineae, and that tension CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE – blockage because of
would close the AV valve fatty deposit
–– Cardiac Muscles doesn’t receive enough oxygen
which causes anaerobic respiration; produces lactic acid
and results to chest pain
STROKE – blockage of veins that supply blood to the
brain; masakit ulo
- Liver, being the largest internal organ in the body, - The pulmonary arteries in an adult or usual human
also has its own type of circulation circulation carries deoxygenated blood bc it carries it
to the lungs for oxygenation
SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION - In the pulmonary capillaries, gas exchange happens,
• Carries blood from the heart to tissues of the body so O2 diffuses into the blood vessels going to the
and returns it to the heart blood and from there, it is now drained as a pulmonary
- Left side vein back towards the heart
- Oxygen-rich blood is pumped from the left ventricle - In essence, arteries are the ones that carry blood
into the ascending aorta away from the heart, whereas your veins carry blood
- The aorta then makes an inverted u-turn to form the back to the heart
aortic arch, which gives rise to branches that supply - The only thing diff for these structures, the pulmonary
the head, neck, and upper limbs arteries carry deoxygenated blood away from the
- The aorta continues posterior to the heart as the heart to the lungs for gas exchange and pulmonary
descending aorta, which travels through the thoracic veins drain back oxygenated blood to the heart for the
and abdominopelvic cavities. It supplies the organs systemic circulation
of these cavities and the lower limbs
- In the systemic capillaries, oxygen is exchanged for HISTOLOGY
CO2, resulting in oxygen-poor blood
- The oxygen-poor blood enters the right atrium via the HEART SKELETON
superior and inferior vena cava • A plate of connective tissue, sometimes called the
cardiac skeleton, or fibrous skeleton,
PULMONARY CIRCULATION • Consists of a plate of fibrous connective tissue
between the atria and the ventricles
• The pulmonary circulation carries blood from the
• Forms fibrous rings around the atrioventricular and
heart to the lungs for gas exchange and then returns
semilunar valves
it to the heart
• Provides solid support for them, reinforcing the valve
- Right side
- Oxygen-poor blood is pumped from the right ventricle
o This is to ensure that the valves remain in place
into the pulmonary trunk. The large pulmonary trunk bc we are talking abt pressure changes
divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries. • Fibrous connective tissue plate serves as electrical
These arteries transport blood to the right and left insulation between the atria and the ventricles and
lungs provides a rigid site for attachment of the cardiac
- In pulmonary capillaries, CO2 is exchanged for muscles.
oxygen. This results in oxygen-rich blood that then • For example: As the RA fills with blood collected
flows through the four pulmonary veins and enters from the SVC, IVC, and coronary sinus, pressure
the left atrium increases in the RA and that pressure will be enough
to open the tricuspid valve, when that valve opens
NOTE: then blood flows to the RV and as the RV fills with
- Pulmonary arteries contains oxygen-poor blood sa blood, pressure increases which is enough for
pulmonary circulation contraction and closure of the tricuspid valve
- Contrary to the popular opinion that all arteries carry • Since there are pressures involve, the valves should
oxygenated blood while veins carry deoxygenated
remain in place and be supported by this cardiac
blood, such is not the same when we talk about the
skeleton/fibrous skeleton
pulmonary arteries and pulmonary veins inside the
- The pulmonary trunk (one of the great vessels of your
heart) that receives blood pumped by your right
ventricle bifurcates it to the pulmonary arteries
• Na+ channels open – allowing sedum to enter the
cardiac muscles
• Ca2+ channels open
• If a threshold is reached in cardiac muscles, there
would be a plateau phase:
- 1-2 central located nucleus
- Branching cells 2. PLATEAU
- Rich in mitochondria • Na channels close - NO Sodium to enter
- Striated (actin and myosin
• Some K channels open – allows some potassium who need a somatic neuron to carry a neural impulse
ions to escape from the ic to ec for the skeletal muscles to function
o Ca channels remain open for longer - Sinoatrial node – pacemaker of the heart
depolarization and prolonging action a.p - Atrioventricular node – gives rise to a conducting
bundle of the heart
3. REPOLARIZATION - Bundle of His / AV bundle – collection of cells that
• K channels open carry electrical signals from the AV node to the
• -Ca channels close bundle branches
• Once K ions escape from the ic to ec it brings back → This bundle passes through a small opening in
the resting membrane potential, the ic becomes the fibrous skeleton to reach the interventricular
more negative doesn’t allow sodium and potasssium septum, where it divides to form the right and left
to enter bundle branches, which extend beneath the
endocardium on each side of the interventricular
Plateau phase prolongs action potential by keeping Ca2+ septum to the apex of both the right and the left
channels open ventricles.
In skeletal muscle action potentials take 2 msec, in - Purkinje Fibers – inferior terminal branches of the
cardiac muscle they take 200-500 msec bundles
- Basta masmatagal cardiac kasi may plateau phase - Those mentioned propagates a.p all over the heart
and skeletal walang plateau phase kaya faster carries by the SA and AV
- Prolonging the a.p propagation is essential during
rhythmic contraction of the heart 2. EXCITABILITY
- ability to respond to an electrical respond – heart
chamber will contract as a result of their excitability
characteristics generated by the SA and AV node
- ability to transmit an electrical impulse from one cell
to another; intercalated disks – specialized gap
junctions and desmosomes allows a.p to be
propagated immediately to all the cardiac muscles
- Generation and coordination of the electrical
- cannot be re-stimulated to contract
impulse to the cells
- Result of sequential Atrioventricular conjunction
which provides the most effective flow of the blood
- Contraction of the atria and ventricles is coordinated
by specialized cardiac muscle cells in the heart wall
that form the conduction system of the heart
- All the cells of the conduction system can produce
spontaneous action potentials
- ability to initiate an electrical impulse; heart is
capable to make its own electrical impulse
- Some parts in the illustration can produce their own
electrical impulse compared to the skeletal muscles
ELECTRICAL POTENTIALS They then pass thru the AV bundle which extends from
AV node to interventricular septum. AV bundle divides
ACTION POTENTIAL PATH THROUGH HEART into the Right and left bundle branches and a.p descend
1. SA node – can generate electrical impulses that can rapidly to the apex of each ventricle along the bundle
allow the heart to beat branches. A.P are carried by the purkinje fiber from the
2. AV node (atrioventricular) bundle branches to the ventricular walls.
3. AV bundle – carry electrical impulses which separates
to: The rapid conduction from the AV bundles to the ends of
4. Right and Left Bundle branches Purkinje fiber allows the ventricular muscles cells to
5. Purkinje fibers – innervates the ventricular walls contract in unison providing a strong contraction
SINOATRIAL NODE (SA) SIR: It started with the SA node, it fires and a.p that goes
- In RA to AV node to AV bundle to the Bundle Branches to the
- Where action potential originates Bundle of His and to the Purkinje Fibers
- Functions as pacemaker - structures involved in the conduction sys of the
- Large number of calcium ion channels heart
- Can make the heart beat 50-100 bpm
- Most heart beat rate is influences by the SA node bc 1st degree/2nd degree/ 3rd degree heart block – talks about
it has large number of calcium channels heart conduction sys; at one point if the a.p was blocked
it will result to an issue regards to the heart’s ability to
ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE (SA) contract bc the ability of the heart to contract is due to a.p
electrodes that are placed in the certain areas of our Any widening of this ECG or waves this may indicate
body like our chest and upper body like chest and the underlying issues of your electric conductivity
upper and lower extremities where the conduction
system is evaluated CARDIAC CYCLE
- Take note: only electrical events not mechanical - The cardiac cycle is a summative description of all
(pressure, amount of blood volume ejected – best the events that occur during one single heartbeat.
measured thru diff apparatus or test) - The heart is a two-sided pump, with the atria being
- Can help detect cardiac abnormalities primers for pumps and the ventricles being the actual
- Changes of the heart rhythm can be observed in pumps.
EKG - When ventricles and atrium contract it pertains to
COMPONENTS OF ECG/EKG - Systole – contraction
- Diastole – relaxation
P wave depolarization of atria - The cardiac cycle tells all events happened in the
heart every contraction
depolarization of ventricles
QRS o Whenever a heart contracts it involves a series
complex of changes in your atrium and ventricles, they
contains Q, R, S waves
also relax
T wave: repolarization of ventricles
1. Atrial systole – active ventricular filling.
• The atria contract, increasing atrial pressure and
completing ventricular filling while the ventricles are
Beginning of P wave – atrial contraction
After Atrial depolarization - QRS complex begins which relaxed.
is the ventricular depolarization / ventricular contraction
T wave – ventricular relaxation / repolarization of 2. Ventricular systole – period of isovolumetric
ventricles contraction
PQ/ PR interval – time it takes the atria to contract and • The atria are relaxed, and blood flows into them from
relax the veins. Ventricular contraction causes ventricular
QT interval – length of time required for the ventricles to pressure to increase and causes the AV valves to
contract and relax close, which is the beginning of ventricular systole.
The semilunar valves were closed in the previous EXTRA NOTES FROM SIR :
diastole and remain closed during this period. Atrial systole contraction of atria
Ventricular systole contraction of ventricles
3. Ventricular systole – period of ejection. Atrial diastole relaxation of atria
• Continued ventricular contraction causes a greater Ventricular diastole relaxation of ventricles
increase in ventricular pressure, which pushes blood
out of the ventricles, causing the semilunar valves to - Starts with the Atrium and ventricles relaxed and AV
open. valves open and then the blood from the right atrium
will go to the right ventricle
4. Ventricular diastole – period of isovolumetric - Up to 70% of the right ventricle is filled wt blood and
relaxation. if it is filled wt that amount it creates pressure enough
• As the ventricles begin to relax at the beginning of for the atrium to contract and eject blood to the right
ventricular diastole, blood flowing back from the ventricle and then when the pressure builds up in the
aorta and pulmonary trunk toward the relaxing right vent the chordae tendinae and papillary
ventricles causes the semilunar valves to close. Note muscles increase the contraction and tension and
that the AV valves are closed also. closes the AV valves so the blood in the right vent
will be pumped into the pulmo valve to the pulmonary
5. Ventricular diastole – passive ventricular filling. trunk
• As ventricular relaxation continues, the AV valves - Contraction of the ventricles causes pressure to
open, and blood flows from the atria into the relaxing increase, AV valves closes which causes the first
ventricles, accounting for most of the ventricular heart sound and the pressure in the ventricles
filling. continues to increase enough to open the semilunar
valves so when that happened the blood flows or
pushed to the pulmo trunk to the valve
- For every heart beat both of your ventricles contract,
so blood goes to the lungs for oxygenation and blood
in the left ventricular goes to the central systemic
- The cycle continues every heart bc this happens in
one go
- 120/80
o 120 – systolic
o 80 – diastolic
- Whenever the left ventricle pushes blood in the
general systemic circulation pressure it exerts is
120mmhg and whenever it is in a relax state the
pressure is 80
- If a person with hypertension or any heart related
disease it alters the blood pressure that’s why we can
observe 140/90 bp sumtimes
- Heart sounds are produced due to the closure of
heart valves.
- A stethoscope is used to hear heart sounds
- The first heart sound makes a ‘lubb’ sound.
- The second heart sound makes a ‘dupp’ sound.
- The first heart sound is due to the closure of the CARDIAC OUTPUT:
atrioventricular valves. - volume of blood pumped by a ventricle in 1 min.
- The second heart sound is due to the closure of the - 5 Liters/min.
semilunar valves. - Cardiac output equals stroke volume multiplied
times heart rate
2 HEART SOUNDS/ S1 and S2 - CO = SV x HR
The sounds are produced by the closing of the hard
- Lub / S1 – closure of AV valves
- DuB / S2– closure Semilunar valves 1. INTRINSIC REGULATION OF THE HEART
• refers to the mechanisms contained within the heart
If you hear any swishing sounds either between the lub itself that control cardiac output.
and the duB or after the 2nd sound/dupp b4 the first
sound/lubb it may mean incompetent heart valves VENOUS RETURN:
• the amount of blood that returns to heart
- The valves ensure one-way flow of the blood if its • the amount of blood carried by the veins to the heart
incompetent there may be a chance that blood for reoxygenation
may go back to the valves or a leakage
- Ex. From the left atrium to left vent the biscuspid PRELOAD:
valve may be incompetent and there would be • the degree in which ventricular walls are stretched at
leakage of blood back to the left atrium end of diastole
- If you hear swishing sound b4 2nd heart sound • the stronger the stretch bc of the higher blood volume
after 1st sound it is called murmurs returned to the heart the higher the preload is going
to be
HEART VALVE LOCATIONS • Preload determines the stroke volume
- Pertains to the • Cardiac contractions are related to the degree of how
placement of much your cardiac muscle is stretched; the more
stethoscope stretched they are the higher or the stronger the
- If you want to contraction is
hear any • As the chambers of the blood fills up, the pressure
concerns or also increases bc it stretches the chambers more
abnormalities • The amount of venous is high, the contraction also is
in the tricuspid strong
valve then we
use this Venous return, preload, and stroke volume are related to
location (refer each other
to the pic)
REGULATION OF HEART FUNCTION • relationship between preload and stroke volume
• influences cardiac output
STROKE VOLUME • Example - exercise increases venous return,
- Volume of blood injected/pumped per contraction preload, stroke volume, and cardiac output
- 70 milliliters/beat – normal • Frank starling
• Increase in venous return, it will also increase the
HEART RATE stretch in your muscles fiber thereby increasing your
- Number of heart beats in 1mins preload and if the preload is increased the stroke
- 72 beats/min – normal accdg to book volume and cardiac output also increases
o Normal ph 7.35 – 7.45 any above that is Remember, the carotid arteries and the aorta we have
alkalosis any below that is acidosis their sensory fiber carried by the glossopharyngeal and
o Whenever blood pH goes up or down beyond vagus nerves, they carry it with signal to the medulla
the normal range it will trigger a series of oblongata w/c determines if the deviation to normal is up
scenarios that will help the heart balance it or down and sends signal either by parasympathetic or
again sympathetic fibers which controls or manages how the
- Medulla has chemoreceptors that detects change in hearts responses to the changes in the pressure or in the
pH and in CO2 chemicals of the body
- If there is an increase in CO2 or acidosis in our blood
and our pH goes down, so our blood needs to pump Q&A END
more blood that’s why we experience - Swishing sound can be produced by the incompetent
HYPERVENTILATION when we experience acidosis heart valves, it just depends on when did you hear
the sound, in the end of S2 or in the start of S1,
[ YT VIDEO TRANSCRIPT ] whenever those heart sounds are heard it will result
Chemoreceptors in the aortic and carotid bodies monitor to abnormal heart sounds
blood oxygen, carbon dioxide and Blood pH. Impulses - Murmurs are what you hear when you have
from these chemoreceptors are conducted to the control incompetent heart valves, results for the blood to go
center for the heart and blood centers via the back to the previous chamber or the valves is
glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve. Chemoreceptors in stenosed which means the pathway is narrow
medulla oblongata monitor blood Carbon dioxide and - The incompetent heart sounds are called murmurs
blood pH. Decrease blood oxygen, increases CO2 or w/c is a result of faulty valves; when they fail to close
decrease pH, decrease parasympathetic stimulation tightly, so the blood leaks thru the valve when it is
which increases the heart rate. Decrease blood oxygen closed making a swishing sound
increase CO2 and decrease pH, increase sympathetic - If the valve is stenosed the swishing sound will be
stimulation of the heart resulting to increases h.r and s.v. hearing prior the first heart sound, bc the sound is
Increased sympathetic stimulation of blood vessels produced by the AV valves so b4 u can hear heart
increases vassal constriction. sound there is already swishing sound precede it bc
the blood passing thru the valve is already narrowed
SIR: or stenosis
→ How the heart answers or responses to the changes of - Same lang daw may swishing sound kahit
the chemical structure in our body like when we have incompetent heart valve o stenosed depende lang
increase and decrease pH what would be the effect of the daw kung kelan narinig
heart, will it result to parasympathetic or sympathetic