Travel Agent Speaking Practice

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British Council | BBC

Conversation in a Travel Agent’s book (verb) —> reservar

booking (noun) —> reserva

For ten
days? 3.
Well, I’d like to
Is it a nice book a holiday in
hotel? 1. 5 12 Venice. 4. 4

Oh, a package
would be fine. Travel Agent:

What do you Good morning.

8 7. It’s just what
suggest? 2. 1
I’m looking
for! All right.
I’ll take it. 5.
They’ve got a special
offer for individuals:
10 days in Venice for Oh yes, very nice. On
£699. 6. 11 the Grand Canal, with
a restaurant and pool.
That sounds
reasonable. What
does the price
If you’re travelling
include? /rísonabl/
9. alone, I recommend,
“Going Places”. /rikoménd/
/aloun/ 9
And for how morning.
many 12. Certainly.
17 2
people? 11. When would
you like to go?
interest —> interés 13.
interested —> interesado 19 seguro,
/ín-tres-ted/ definitivamente,
interesting —> interesante
From 1 to 10 I see. Are you por supuesto
August. interested in a
14. package from one of Oh, just
20 What does the tour operators? one. For
“Going 16. me. 17. 18
Places” have? 7
It includes return
What can I do
Yes, that’s airfare, plus hotel with
for you?
right. For ten 19. 3 breakfast and dinner.
days. 18. 16

fair /feer/ —> justo

fare / feer/ —> tarifa
airfare —> tarifa aérea

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