Passive Suppression of Nonlinear Panel Flutter Using Piezoelectric Materials With Resonant Circuit
Passive Suppression of Nonlinear Panel Flutter Using Piezoelectric Materials With Resonant Circuit
Passive Suppression of Nonlinear Panel Flutter Using Piezoelectric Materials With Resonant Circuit
1-12, 2002 1
In this study, a passive suppression scheme for nonlinear flutter problem of composite panel,
which is believed to be more reliable than the active control methods in practical operations, is
proposed. This scheme utilizes a piezoelectric inductor-resistor series shunt circuit. The finite
element equations of motion for an electromechanically coupled system is derived by applying
the Hamilton's principle. The aerodynamic theory adopted for the present study is based on the
quasi-steady piston theory, and von-Karman nonlinear strain-displacement relation is also
applied. The passive suppression results for nonlinear panel flutter are obtained in the time
domain using the Newmark-ji method. To achieve the best damping effect, optimal shape and
location of the piezocerarnicf PZ'I') patches are determined by using genetic algorithms. The
effects of passive suppression are investigated by employing in turn one shunt circuit and two
independent shunt circuits. Feasibility studies show that two independent inductor-resistor
shunt circuits suppresses flutter more effectively than a single shunt circuit. The results clearly
demonstrate that the passive damping scheme that uses piezoelectric shunt circuit can effectively
attenuate the flutter.
1989) was devised to obtain the optimal shape the electric displacement vector (charge/area in
and locations of the piezoceramic material (PZT) the transverse direction). c represents the elastic
that maximizes the modal damping force for the stiffness matrix of piezoelectric material, and
controlled modes. For a shunted model, there are superscripts ( ) sand ( ) D denote that the values
two kinds of piezoelectric shunt circuits: one is are measured at constant strain field and electric
composed of a resistor alone and the other is a displacement field, respectively. The superscript
combination of a resistor and an inductor. Here ( ) T denotes transposition of a matrix.
we focus on the electric circuit that consists of For a piezoelectric material polarized in the
inductor rL) -resistor I k) elements in series, where thickness direction ("3" direction), impermittivity
the device creates an electrical resonance by components /3s are expressed as follows:
properly tuning the shunt circuit and also
increases the damping of the system. Its behavior
r 1/Erl
/3s=1 0 (2)
is analogous to that of a mechanical vibration
i_ 0
absorber. In this study, a single piezoelectric
shunt circuit and two independent shunt circuits and piezoelectric coefficient h can be expressed as
are used in turn for suppression of the nonlinear follows:
panel nutter. Optimal resistance and inductance
1 0 0 o 0 his 0
values are determined by the pole placement
h=1 0 0 o his 0 0 (3)
method. The governing equations of the panel,
L h 31 h 31 h33 0 0 0
connected to an electric circuit consisting of a
resistor and an inductor in series, are derived where E is the dielectric constant and the mate-
from the Hamilton's principle taking into account rial is approximately isotropic in the" I" and "2"
the von Karman plate theory and the thermal directions.
effect by aerodynamic heating. The aerodynamic For a piezoelectric material under plane stress,
force applied is based on the quasi-steady first- the piezoelectric coefficient matrix h can be
order piston theory. The equations of motion of expressed as follows:
the piezoelectrics and shunted circuit as well as (4)
the plate are discretized by the finite element
where the piezoelectric constant h 31 can be written
method. The modal reduction is carried out with
as [see Appendix]
the first few modes in airflow direction and only
the first mode in the spanwise direction. Using the (5)
Newmark-p method, results of the passive sup-
pression for a simply supported composite panel and superscript ( ) t denotes that the values are
are presented in the time domain. measured at constant stress.
Then, the stress-strain relationships of the
2. Constitutive Equations isotropic piezoelectric layer subjected to a tem-
perature variation l1T(x, y, z) due to
The linear piezoelectric constitutive equations aerodynamic heating in the supersonic now is
of a piezoelectric material can be written as expressed as follows:
o -Ii {eX}
a=tfJe-hTD o : e;
E=-he+/3sD (l-!l)/L~ YxY
where a and e represent the mechanical stresses
and engineering strains in vectorial notations, (6)
respectively. E is the electric field vector (volts/
length along the transverse direction), and D is and the electric field becomes
4 Seong Hwan Moon, Chul Yang Yun and Seung Jo Kim
P = -Pa
-- V;;-{ COS
/1 -l-si ow
ax Sill't'--
eeyx}= {
{Yxy Uo.
} 1{
+2 W
w 2,y,x } Non-dimensional mass parameters such as air
UO,y+Vo,v 2w,xW,y
-panel mass ratio and the aerodynamic damping
coefficient are introduced below:
w,=} 2
-z{ W,n =em+eo+zk ( 10) _Paa _(Moo2 - 2 ) fJ. ( )
fJ.- ph' c a - Moo - 1 73 14
8U= j)8e~Qem+8e~Qeo+8e~Qzk
+ 8e~ Qem + 8e~ Qeo+ ad Qzk and the virtual membrane strains and curvature
+ zak TQem+ z8k TQeo+ z8k TQzk are expressed as follows:
+ ae~ Qb.Ta- 8db. TQa 8em = Bm8w~
wg TB~xB8xWg
-zak ThTD3+8Dl ~1 D3 (20) oe8={ wgTB~yB8Yowg } (24)
- 8Dl h3l c x - aD{ h3l c y ] d V wseTBTB ~ e+ ws
Ox ByUWb eTBTB ~ e
By OxUWb
In Eq. (20), the terms denoted by bars are 8k=BkOWg
derived from the electrical energy. The electrical displacement, D3, is the generated
A 4-node conforming plate element is charge per area, A p , of a piezoelectric material. It
employed in this study. There are two in-plane is assumed that D3 is constant along the thickness
degrees of freedom (u, v) and four bending direction.
degrees of freedom (w, io»; W,y, w,xY) at each
node. (25)
wg = { WI, Wlx, un», WlxY, Wz, W2x, WZy, W2xY, W3, By using Eqs. (22) - (25), the element matrices
W3x, W3y, W3xY, W4, W4X, W4Y, W4xY }T are obtained and matrices which relates to electric
w~={ UI, VI,UZ, VZ,U3, V3,U4, V4 Y (21) charge can be written as follows:
The Lagrange and Hermite polynomials are
- j)e~hTD3dV=OW~THmqQ (26)
used to interpolate each of the in-plane and
bending displacements, respectively. The dis- -1 os~h IhdV =owg
HfbqQ+ owg KfbbQWg (27)
6 Seong Hwan Moon, Chul Yang Yun and Seung Jo Kim
- izokThTD3dV=owgTHgqQ (28)
r I I
)vO~~~dV=OQ3 ct Q (29)
i -O~h3lCX-oD3h3l€ydV=oQTHqmw'i/
+oQTHqbwg +oQTH{qbWg (30)
where H is the coupling matrix between the elec-
trical and mechanical motion and can be
expressed as follows:
Hfbq= -+
)vp Vp
[ ~b ~m ~ ~](~:]+I~~ R~ ~]
(35) represents the electric circuit which consists
of L-R-C elements in series and clearly shows o 0 L1 0 Ql ! 0 0 0
that the mechanical deformation generates an o 0 0 L2 ~ L 0 0 0 R2
induced voltage HTW across the electrodes of the
piezoelectric material. Equations (33) ((35) can ~ b
Wm O O 0 0
(AA 0 0 0 l rx, Ka,
bm Hk Htq
m, H~q
be expressed in the form of block matrices. Ql + 0 0 00 J+ H~ H~ I/C~,1 0
14. 0 00 0 L. H~ H;" 0 I/C~,2
Passive Suppression of Nonlinear Panel Flutter Using Piezoelectric Materials with Resonant Circuit 7
L H;qm(W b) 0 0 0 modal thermal force vector are expressed as
[ ~. 1m) 0 0 0
o 000 i
1) Wb
Wm =
Pm4T (38)
K= (/)T (AA + K + KN4 T ) (/)
+ 0 000: o; 0' )
Kq = (/)TKI (/), K qq = (/)TK 2 (/)
o 0 0 O..J Qz 0 p=(/)TP (43)
The reduced nonlinear modal equation of
5. Solution Procedure
motion, Eq. (42), can be solved using time nu-
merical integration scheme such as the Newmark-
In the development of a flutter suppression
j3 method.
strategy, it is generally impractical to consider all
modeled modes because of large degrees of
5.2 Optiamal shape and locations of
freedom of the system involved. This section
piezoelectric materials
describes the methods for modal transformation.
As the piezoelectric force HQ is increased, the
The generation of a large piezoelectric force is
damping effect induced by the piezoelectric patch
needed to suppress flutter effectively, and
is increased. Additionally, a larger induced
piezoceramic material (PZT) satisfies this re-
voltage HTW increases the dissipation of the elec-
quirement. In the design of PZT, the optimal
trical energy through the resistor in the electric
placement of PZT is calculated to maximize the
circuit. Moreover, the damping effect can be
piezoelectric force, and the genetic algorithm is
effectively augmented if the electro-mechanical
used as an optimization method.
coupling matrix H is designed to increase the
piezoelectric force corresponding to the modes
5.1 Model equations
that are to be suppressed. Note that the electro-
Equation (37) can be changed to the properly
mechanical coupling matrix, H, depends on the
chosen modal coordinates by the following modal
locations of the piezoelectric patch as well as the
piezoelectric material property h31. Therefore, it is
(39) desirable to place the piezoelectric patch at the
location that maximizes the modal piezoelectric
where 7)rs is the modal displacement vector and force. Based on this observation. the optimal
{ rprs} is the normal mode vector obtained by shape and location of the piezoceramic patch can
8 Seong Hwan Moon, Chul Yong Yun and Seung Jo Kim
6. Numerical Results
b=O.3 m
numerically tested. The six-coupled nonlinear r....-..l-...l-......_ - ' - -......- i - - - l _...........- - ' _
equations of the modes denoted by the modal ~----------.,.) x
.=0.3 m
indices, t.m, n)=(l, 1) and (2, 1)-(6, I), are
Fig. 2 The shape and the locations of piezoceramic
integrated by using the Newmark-ji method and
the responses of the panel motion are calculated
at a location with coordinates x=0.75a and y=O.
5 b. For the analyses, a simply supported [45°/-45 assumed to be 6.T=Tosin (n:x/a) s in (;ry/b),
°/90° /ooJ s square graphite/epoxy composite plate and the aerodynamic damping coefficient is as-
is modeled. The material properties of the sumed to be ,u/M cc=O.01.
graphite/epoxy composite and piezoelectric The critical buckling temperature of the panel
materials are summarized in Table 1. The is calculated to be 16.6°C for the panel as shown
dimensions of the composite plate are 0.3 X0.3 X in Fig. 2.
O.OOlm. The piezoelectric patch is bonded at the In Fig. 3, the modal frequency and damping
bottom side of the panel to avoid obstructing the ratio of the plate are calculated as a function of
airflow, and the piezoelectric layer thickness IS inductance at a fixed resistance (R=38990hm).
assumed to be 0.0005m. It is found that the optimal inductance, which
The temperature distribution in all cases is produces the maximum damping ratio, is 25
Passive Suppression of Nonlinear Panel Flutter Using Piezoelectric Materials with Resonant Circuit 9
4 5 6 7 10 "
Nondimensional TIme
/!\ "
65 0.06 ...... 1.0
] 3
, ~ ~
-i 0.04 Ji'
-,,'<;<,••••_. ••_••]
o , 4 5 6 7
Nondimensional TIme
..L,-,--,-~ 10 11
a 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Fig. 6 Time history of panel motion for active con-
trol case(~T/~Tcr=O, "\=290)
Fig. 4 Effects of inductance on the modal frequency
and damping ratio for first flutter modef l , I)
when the optimal inductance and resistance are
Figure 5 shows that the panel motion at the
Henry and that the maximum shifts of the modal
short circuit condition becomes a limit-cycle vi-
frequencies occur near the point of the maximum
bration under the dynamic pressure ,,1=290 with-
damping ratio.
out a thermal load and that the limit-cycle can be
In Fig. 4, the modal frequency and damping
suppressed completely with optimal resistance C.
ratio of the flutter mode (I, I) are calculated as a
8K,Q) and inductance (25H) . Figure 6 shows the
function of the resistance at fixed optimal
time history of the plate deflection and the control
inductance value (25 Henry) given in Fig. 3. It is
voltage for the active control case. The plate
observed that the optimal resistance, which prod-
deflection is shown to be suppressed within
uces the maximum damping ratio, is 2800 Ohm. It
several cycles after the controllers are activated.
is also observed that the maximum shift of the
As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, the performance of the
modal frequency occurs near the point of
passive damping method is not superior to that of
maximum damping ratio as in the previous case.
the active control case (Zhou et al., 1995).
A larger portion of the electrical energy is
Figure 7 shows that the panel motion at the
dissipated in the resistor during a vibration cycle
short circuit condition becomes a limit-cycle in
10 Seong Hwan Moon. Chul Yong Yun and Seung Jo Kim
~ 2 f .
5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 § 0 1 2 5 6 7 10 11 12
Nondimensional Time Z NondimensionalTIme
Fig. 7 Time history of panel motion at short circuit Fig. 9 Time history of panel motion at short circuit
condition and shunted circuit of L=25H, condition (LlT / LlT cr=O, ,1=360)
R=2.8KQ(LlT/LlT cr=1.6, ,1=180)
12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
11 17 '23 29 35 41 47 53 59
10 52 58
b=<l.3 m
Fig. 10 Time history of panel motion with shunted
51 57
circuits of L1=40H, L2=7.3H, R 1=6618Q,
R z=3094Q(LlT/ LlTcr=O, ;\=360)
37 43 49 55
iJ E - - .
2 ~_. __. -- . --.---------.
IE a=<l.3 m i ij( ,
1 I
Optimal placement ofPZT for first flutter mode (I, l )
at 0.9, and the mutation probability at 0.03. Each robust and there is no need for additional hard-
independent piezoelectric element is connected ware such as sensors and actuators, and there is
with a L-R series circuit. also no need for control instruments. Therefore,
As shown in Fig. 9, the panel vibrates as a limit- the suppression scheme based on passive damping
cycle motion when the short circuit condition is can be preferable in practice for suppression of
under ,1=360 and there is no thermal load. The panel flutter.
limit-cycle oscillation can be suppressed com-
pletely by two-resonant shunt circuits with L 1 = Acknowledgements
40H, L2=7.3H, R 1=6618Q, R 2=3094Qas shown
in Fig. 10. This study was supported by the Ministry of
The chaotic motion of the panel at moderate Science and Technology through National Re-
temperature conditions can be completely search Laboratory Program(OO-N-NL-OI-C
suppressed by two-resonant shunt circuits as -026) .
shown in Figs. II and 12.
7. Concluding Remarks
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A.I Derivation of Piezoelectric Constant hal
The two piezoelectric constitutive equations (g- = - [gal (eR + c&) gal (eR + c&) OJ { :: }
form) necessary to find the piezoelectric constant 'YXY
hal are + [2gfdcR+c&) +{3isJDa (A6)
= - [hal hal OJ { :: }+ (3:faDa(from Eq. (2»
The derivation of the constitutive equations of
Therefore, the piezoelectric constant hal can be
a piezoelectric material in this study is based on
written as
the following assumptions: (I) The 3-direction
(w-direction) is associated with the direction of hal=gal(cR +c&} (A7)
poling and the piezoelectric material (PZT) is