App-C2-Design of Canard Aircraft PDF
App-C2-Design of Canard Aircraft PDF
App-C2-Design of Canard Aircraft PDF
Figure C2-1: A single engine, four-seat Velocity 173 SE just before touch-down. (Photo by Phil Rademacher)
While downwash generally reduces the stability of a tail-aft aircraft (as it results in a nose-up pitching moment), it
allows the HT to be installed at a much smaller Angle-of-Incidence (AOI) than possible with a canard (assuming
symmetrical airfoils – cambered airfoils will be discussed later). Consider a canard featuring a symmetrical airfoil
(i.e. Clo = 0). In order to satisfy condition (2) above (i.e. Cmo > 0) this airfoil would require a large AOI (or TED
elevator deflection) to allow the aircraft to be trimmed at an AOA that generates positive C L. One of the reasons
for this is the limited upwash in front of the main wing. This would hold even at modest Static Margin. This
predicament is generally solved by selecting a highly cambered airfoil (which has Clo >> 0) and high AR planform
shape (whose CL >> 0).
Figure C2-3 highlights the difference in the location of the stick-fixed neutral points of a conventional tail-aft and a
canard aircraft. Each configuration has two icons that represent the stick-fixed neutral point and CG location that
Figure C2-3: Comparing the stick-fixed neutral points and CG locations required for a Static Margin of 0.10 of a
conventional tail aft (left) and canard (right) configurations. The neutral points were determined using potential
flow theory. Note the numbers only apply to this specific geometry.
Finally, since the CG is in front of the wing, moving it farther forward both shortens the balancing tail arm and
increases the wing arm. Since the wing lift force is much greater than that of the canard, the CG cannot move too
far forward before an uncontrollable nose-pitch down moment is generated. This limits the practical CG envelope
of the configuration. For instance, the twin engine Beech Starship required a swing-wing style canard to increase
its nose pitch-up authority when deploying flaps. Another issue is that the chord length of the canard is usually
small enough to be subject to Reynolds number effects. One of the consequences can be a diminished pitch
authority at low airspeeds, when the small-chord airfoil is subject to early flow separation that reduces its lift curve
slope. This can also lead to noticeable longitudinal trim changes when flying in precipitation, as is reflected in a
caution, placarded in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook for the Rutan Long-EZ . The caution states that when
entering visible precipitation, the Long-EZ may experience a significant pitch trim change, as experienced in the
Long-EZ prototype (N79RA). It goes on to state that owners of Rutan’s earlier canard aircraft, report either nose up
or nose down pitch changes. Builders are warned that each aircraft may react differently. It is recommended that
airspeed above 90 knots be maintained in rain as this allows the aircraft to be trimmed with hands off the control
In spite of these shortcomings, many existing canard aircraft are well designed in the view of this author, including
the Rutan LongEz, and the AASI Jetcruzer, the first aircraft to have been certified in the US under 14 CFR Part 23 as
Both of the above terms can be determined for this system using the following expressions:
gear, the wing itself, and so on, as a function of the AOA. If the sum of these moments acts to rotate the LE down,
then M AC 0 (has a negative sign and is stabilizing). If it acts to rotate LE up, then M AC 0 (has a positive
sign and is destabilizing). The sign ultimately depends on the aircraft configuration. Note that the destabilizing
effects of fuselages and nacelles can be estimated using the so-called Munk-Multhopp method, which is presented
in Appendix C1.6, Additional Tools for Tail Sizing.
It is imperative to keep the orientation of the M AC in mind for the following derivation. Also note that the subscript
“C” refers to the canard, but it contrasts “HT” in the derivation for Equation (11-26). Also, by default, it is assumed
that the elevator deflection is neutral, i.e. e = 0°.
First, determine the sum of moments about the CG. For static stability, this must equal zero. Taking nose down
moments to be negative and treating all distances as having a positive value (although if the CG in Figure C2-4 is to
the right of the LE, then h < 0), this requires:
M CG 0 LW hAC h LC lC M AC 0 (i)
Note that the sign for MAC here is “+”. Therefore, if MAC is stabilizing ( M AC 0 ) we will get M M
, where |.| stands for the absolute value.
The definitions of wing lift is LW q S CLW , the lift of the canard is LC q SC CLC , and additional
moments, M AC q S CMGC CmAC . Insert these into Equation (i) and divide through by q∙S∙CMGC, as shown
hAC h C
S C lC
Where VC is the canard volume. Note that it depends on the CG location through lC. This can also be represented in
terms of the fixed distance between the two lifting surfaces, l CW, as shown in the text above. Next, insert the
definitions for C LW and C LC :
hAC h C
CL VC CL0 CL C CmAC 0 (ii)
Note that unlike the derivation for Equation (11-26), the canard will not be presumed to feature a symmetrical
airfoil. This is necessitated by the fact that canards typically feature highly cambered airfoils to ensure the zero-
alpha lift coefficient is not zero; i.e CL0 0 . Also note that since the canard sits in the wing upwash, its AOA is
increased slightly. However, this effect can be ignored if the canard is relatively far ahead of the wing, as is usually
the case. Therefore, it is assumed that the AOA of the canard is equal to that of the wing. In other words: C = .
Let CmoW
hAC h C and recall that Cm AC Cmo AC Cm . Insert these and simplify by gathering
The contribution that does not change with AOA (constant terms) are typically denoted by Cmo, whereas
contribution that changes with AOA is denoted by Cm. This convention is maintained here as well.
Estimate the Cmo and Cm for the canard configuration in Figure C2-3 and plot for AOAs ranging from -5° to 20°,
using the following data. Note the Angle-of-Incidence (AOI) for the wing and canard.
AOI = 0° AOIC = 0°
Assume the wing airfoil is NACA 4415, which was also the subject of Example 11-1, and that the canard has a
symmetrical airfoil. Note that the lift curve slopes were calculated using Equation (9-57). Assume that the 3-
dimensional C L0 is the same as that of the airfoil.
SC lC 6.0 6.967
Begin by calculating the canard volume: VC 0.5225
S CMGC 40 2.0
Cl for the NACA 4415 from Table 8-5 is 0.106 per degree or 6.073 per radian. Cl for a typical symmetrical airfoil is
0.100 per degree or 5.730 per radian. Assuming low subsonic airspeed (M 0) and using Equation (9-57) to
estimate the 3D lift curve slope of the wing (AR = 10) and canard (AR C = 6), yields a CL 5.012 and
CL 4.247 , respectively. The C L0 can be estimated using Equation (9-61) and data from Table 8-5, where
the ZL = -4° for the NACA 4415 airfoil. Therefore, CL
ZL CL 4 5.012 0.350 .
hAC h C
0.5 0.783 0.35 0.2245
Then calculate L0W
CMGC 2.0
0.5225 4.247 0
0.5 0.783 5.012 0.9961 per radian
The resulting graph can be seen in Figure C2-5. It shows that the above prediction places the pitching moment
curve below the horizontal axis for AOAs > 0. This means that in this configuration (i.e. featuring a symmetrical
canard airfoil at an AOI = 0°), the airplane cannot be trimmed at an AOA that generates a positive lift coefficient.
To fix this, an additional positive pitching moment must be generated. For instance, if we wanted to trim the
aircraft at an AOA of 10°, the Cmo must by shifted up by a magnitude of 0.398, or to Cmo = +0.174. This additional
moment is typically provided by playing with the variables of Equation (C2-2). This is discussed further in Section
C2.1.4, Requirements for the Trimmability of the Canard.
Figure C2-5: The pitching moment coefficient calculated for the arbitrary value of h = 0.783 ft (solid curve). The
dashed curve represents how the solid curve must be shifted to allow the vehicle to be trimmed at a = 10°. The
upward shift can be accomplished by deflecting the elevator TED or using a cambered airfoil (or a combination
Note that Equation (C2-4) returns a value that is measured from the leading edge of the MGC forward toward the
canard (as shown in Figure C2-4). See Example C2-2 for more details. Refer to Figure C2-4 for physical dimensions.
Equation (C2-3), repeated below for convenience, is the slope of the pitching moment curve:
Cm VC C L Cm
hAC h C (C2-3)
Note that VC is a function of h, where the distance between the two lifting surfaces at all times is constant, l CW, as
shown in Figure C2-4, and is given by:
S C lCW h hAC h h C 0
C L Cm AC (ii)
This depends primarily on the location of the CG, denoted by h. By renaming the CG location as hn and expanding
Equation (ii) and dividing through by the lift curve slope of the wing leads to:
C h S C LC Cm AC
n C
h h
AC n 0
Then, solve Equation (iii) for hn to determine the stick-fixed neutral point as a fraction of the MGC:
lCW hAC S h
Determine the stick-fixed neutral point of the canard of Example C2-1 (and Figure C2-3), using the same data
presented in that example.
lCW hAC S h
C L S C m AC C L
Figure C2-6 shows a standard Cm versus curve, here representing a canard configuration aircraft. Effectively, it is
a “cleaner” version of Figure C2-5. If the canard airfoil is symmetrical and, assuming neutral elevator deflection,
the curve tends to be in a location below the horizontal axis, as indicated by the dashed curve. This was illustrated
in Example C2-1.
In order to trim the configuration at some desired AOA (denoted by trim) and given a longitudinal stability
derivative, Cm, we want to size the canard so it generates enough lift to shift the pitching moment curve to the
point Cmo, allowing it to be trimmed at a positive AOA. This, as we recall from Section 11.2.1, Fundamentals of
Static Longitudinal Stability, is necessary so the airplane can be trimmed at an AOA that results in a lift force vector
that points in the opposite direction from the weight vector. It is a fundamental requirement for static stability.
To solve the issue with the low sitting Cm curve, we have to look at Equation (C2-2), which when combined with the
elevator contribution can be written in the form shown below:
CmoW SC lC
Cmo Cm e Cm0 AC CL0 Cm e (C2-5)
The problem is complicated by the fact that playing around with the variables may change the slope of the pitching
moment curve as well. This is given by Equation (C2-3), repeated below:
Cm Cm
SC lC h h C
CL AC (C2-3)
(3) VC Canard volume. There are a number of options provided here, although these demand a
cambered airfoil or an AOI greater than zero to be used in the canard design (as this results in a C L0 0 ). This
way, the designer can increase the canard arm ( lC ) or planform area ( S C ). Playing around with the product
S CMGC is also possible, albeit harder, as this will affect the total lift of the aircraft.
(4) C L0 Canard lift coefficient at zero AOA. This gives the designer two additional tricks up the sleeve; airfoil
camber and AOI. Recall that this is the lift coefficient of the canard at zero AOA and this contribution can be
adjusted using a combination of the zero-AOA lift of the airfoil and the canard’s AOI.
(5) Cm e is the contribution of the elevator deflection. The designer should use this parameter dependent on
(6) C L Canard lift curve slope. By increasing the lift curve slope of the canard (i.e. increasing its AR), the
designer can reduce stability (destabilize the aircraft), i.e. make Cm shallower. This, in turn, requires less Cmo to be
established. For this reason, the AR becomes an important design parameter.
Assume the canard of Example C2-1 (and Figure C2-3) is to be operated at a cruise condition that calls for a trim
AOA of 5° with the CG located at the previous position (h = 0.783 ft). Evaluate the following:
(a) The canard arm, lC , given the airplanes fixed initial planform area of 6 ft² and,
Note that these factors will change the Cm as well, so include this effect as well.
This problem can be tackled by plotting the complete Cm curves while holding all but the cited variables constant.
(a) First consider how changing the canard arm will affect the pitching moment curve, as the initial planform area
of 6 ft² is held constant. The resulting trends are shown in Figure C2-7. It shows that, for canard airfoils that result
in C L0 ranging from 0.1 to 0.4, the required canard arm, lC , ranges from about 9 ft to 14.75 ft. A sample
CmoW S C lC 6 2
Cmo Cm0 AC C L0 0
0.4 0.1966
2.0 2.0 40
Cm Cm
S l
h h C
6 2
4.52 0.5 0.783 5.15 2.626
2.0 40 2.0
(b) Then, the effect of changing the canard planform area while holding the initial canard arm of 8.25 ft constant is
shown in Figure C2-8. It shows for the same canard airfoils that the required canard planform area, S C , ranges
from about 9 ft to 14.75 ft. It indicates that for the given arm of 8.25 ft, a C L0 in excess of 0.2 is required. A
CmoW S C lC 6 2
Cmo Cm0 AC C L0 0
0.4 0.1966
2.0 2.0 40
Cm Cm
S l
h h C
6 2
4.52 0.5 0.783 5.15 2.626
2.0 40 2.0
Cm Cmo Cm 0.1966 2.626 5 180 0.4258
Figure C2-8: The pitching moment coefficient plotted in terms of the canard planform area, constant lC = 8.25 ft,
and considering four airfoil options. This reveals that the example aircraft will also need a highly cambered
airfoil to keep the size of the canard down. Note that SM = 0.10 and = 5°.
(1) The canard airfoil should have gentle stall characteristics to avoid too abrupt a nose drop. This can be achieved
using a highly cambered airfoil. The preceding discussion shows that highly cambered airfoils have a side-benefit in
its higher zero AOA lift coefficient, required to allow the vehicle to be trimmed at the mission design airspeed with
zero elevator deflection.
(2) The magnitude of the AR affects the AOA of stall. A large AR reduces the AOA of stall, while a small AR does the
opposite. Another benefit of the high AR is a steeper lift curve slope that produces higher lift at a given AOA. This
allows for a smaller canard than otherwise and an installation at a lower AOI.
(3) High AR results in a short chord with a low Re. This may result in undesirable characteristics at low speeds, such
as the formation of a laminar separation bubble (or a spanwise vortex) along the surface that may yield
detrimental stall characteristics. High AR canards are also sensitive to surface contamination; for a small chorded
airfoil, a squished bug is akin to a mountain on a plain. Even precipitation will affect its characteristics. Both the
VariEze and LongEz have a reputation of nose-drop when flying in precipitation, as pointed out in Section C2.1.1,
Pros and Cons of the Canard Configuration. Additionally, using experimental data, Yip demonstrates that the lift
curve of the canard is greatly affected by Reynolds numbers.
(4) AOI can be used to further fine tune the AOA at which the canard begins to stall. This is demonstrated in
Reference 2.
(5) Sweepback will modify the lift curve slope in a similar manner as a reduction in AR. However, it will also tip load
the canard and lower its stall AOA. A similar effect is achieved with a high taper. Both are possible tools to control
the stall (and lift) characteristics, although the designer should keep in mind that most of the successful canard
aircraft have straight constant chord canards.
Consider Figure C2-10, which shows the lift curve for the VariEze. The left graph shows the lift curve for the
complete airplane and the canard, while the right one shows the lift of the canard only. Both lift curves are based
on the wing area of the aircraft, which is 53.6 ft². This explains why the lift curve for the canard in the left graph
appears so much lower than that of the main wing. This is remedied in the right graph, which effectively zooms in
on the lift curve for the canard only.
The left graph of Figure C2-10 shows the main wing stalls at = 23.5°. However, the lift curve for the canard in the
right graph shows its CL is sharply reduced at = 13.5°. Adhering to NACA’s definition of stall as the first peak in
the lift curve, the canard is technically not stalled (even though it is called so in the reference). Rather it eventually
stalls at = 23.5°, the same as the wing! The change in slope is most likely caused by a sudden flow separation
along the trailing edge of the highly cambered airfoil, which operates at a relatively low Reynolds Number. It is this
behavior of the GU25-5(11)8 airfoil used for the canard that has a lot to do with the gentle stall characteristics of
the airplane. A comparatively abrupt stall of the typical airfoil would likely cause the airplane to drop its nose far
more aggressively. Later models of the VariEze were equipped with a “cuff” or a leading edge extension on the
outboard portion of the swept aft main wings, installed to improve the airplane’s roll stability at stall.
Figure C2-10: The lift curves for the entire aircraft and the canard. The right graph shows the lift curve of the
canard in detail. (Reproduced from Reference 2)
Now consider Figure C2-11. The pitching moment is plotted as a function of the AOA with and without a wing cuff.
The dashed vertical lines denotes = 13.5°, which is where the canard’s lift curve slope changes suddenly, and =
23.5°, where the main wing stalls. The change in the slope of the pitching moment curve (C m) becomes even more
negative at the former AOA, due to the reduced “growth” in the stabilizing force of the canard. This helps to force
the nose down, preventing the aircraft’s main wing from stalling. Since the slope of the canard’s lift curve is
The fact is that any such comparison must be done on a level playing field. The LongEz is not more efficient than
the 152 or PA-38 because it is a canard, but rather because of the mission of the airplane. The LongEz is not a
primary trainer like the other two, but a touring aircraft. In fact, its take-off and landing characteristics (high speed)
make it all but unfit as a primary trainer, not to mention it is unsuitable for gravel runways. Additionally, there is
difference in wing area (LongEz has 82 ft², Cessna 152 has 160 ft² and PA-38 has 125 ft²) and gross weight (LongEz
is 1325 lbf, Cessna 152 and PA-38 are 1670 lbf), although power is similar (LongEz has 115 BHP, Cessna 152 has 110
BHP and PA-38 has 112 BHP). The comparison is thus unfair and without a foundation.
This section is intended to inspire the designer to conduct realistic “apples-to-apples” comparison on the
candidate configurations. One method is to compare a basic tail-aft configuration (Configuration A) to a basic
canard configuration (Configuration B), for instance using potential flow theory. This approach is implemented
below. Both configurations (see Figure C2-12) have the same wing and stabilizing surface geometry (including
elevators), the only difference is that Configuration A has the HT aft of the wing and B ahead of the wing. Both tail
arms are equally long (8.25 ft). For simplicity there is no provision made for a fuselage. Both have the CG at
position such the Static Margin (SM) is 0.1 and both are assumed to weigh 400 lb f. The wing airfoil is NACA 4415
and the stabilizing surface has a symmetrical airfoil, which as shown earlier is problematic for a canard
The code used here is a commercially available code called SURFACES and it uses the Vortex-Lattice Method (VLM).
The reader can download free VLM solvers like Mark Drela’s AVL and perform a similar analysis. However, all talk
of potential flow theory should spur questions of validation: How accurate is it when compared to experiment? To
address this question a detailed model of the VariEze was prepared, using the geometry presented in Reference 2.
This is addressed in Figure C2-13, which shows a VLM model used to evaluate prediction potential and how its lift
and longitudinal stability predictions compare to that of the experiment. Note that deviations from the straight
line predictions of the VLM code are due to various viscous effects not being modeled by such programs. It can be
seen that at least for this model, there is a good agreement between theory and experiment in the linear region.
Figure C2-13: Comparing lift and pitching moment of a validation model to experiment.
In order to keep the complexity of the models to a minimum, both wings are constant chord and straight (see
Figure C2-12). The two models do not feature vertical stabilizers, as the purpose is only to compare their lifting and
HT span 6 ft 6 ft
HT chord, root 1 ft 1 ft
HT chord, tip 1 ft 1 ft
HT Aspect Ratio 6 6
HT airfoil Symmetrical Symmetrical
Tail arm 8.25 ft -8.25 ft
Elevator chord fraction 33% 33%
Angle of incidence 0° 0°
The analysis shows that the main wing of the conventional configuration must generate lift in excess of what is
required for level flight. This is caused by the horizontal tail having to generate balancing lift that points downward
and the main wing must carry this force in addition to the weight. The magnitude of this additional lift increases as
the CG moves forward. Generally, as a rule-of-thumb, the larger the HT load the higher is the AOA required for the
configuration and, therefore, the higher the lift-induced drag. The opposite holds for the canard configuration. The
main wing of the canard configuration generates less lift than the conventional configuration and the magnitude of
the balancing force generated by the canard is larger than that of the HT and it points in the opposite direction
and, therefore, contributes indeed to the total lift.
The bottom line is that the designer of efficient airplanes should attempt a careful study of proposed
configurations and the mission design conditions in order to justify as particular geometry and configuration. While
it is possible that one configuration leads to a more efficient aircraft than another one, this is does not constitute a
1 nd
Rutan Aircraft Factory, Long-EZ – Owner’s Manual, 2 Ed., October 1981.
NASA TP-2382, Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Full-Scale Canard-Configured General Aviation Airplane, Yip, Long
P., 1985.