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Research Title:The Effect of Online Games on Study

Habits among Senior Highschool student of Baao

National Highschool
Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of online

games on study habits among Senior Highschool student of Baao
National Highschool.
Specifically,it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents:

C.Academic Achievement
2.What are the effect of online games to the formation of study
3.What are the significant relationship of playing online games
and study habits?
4. What are the negative effect of online games on study habits?
Chapter 1
The Problem and it's Background
One of the biggest problem of this generation is the
technology.Technology become important part of
everyday lives of people especially the students and
young people and it's very helpful for their studies and
their way to communicate with other people .
Technology helps them to do their homework ,
paperwork and can get easily information.But
nowadays the major use of technology for the students
is playing online games.(Jeffrey,2000)
They witness to problem on how students affect their
studies by online games according to the studies I have
found that without considering online games are the
majority of negative effect of technology than positive
that can be cause extensive effect of harmful
psychosocial,it can be possible to affected people in
hobbies , socializing,time with family and lower
psychosocial well being and loneliness,power social
skills ; decrease academic achievement , increased
inattention;aggression and hostililty and maladaptive
coping , decrease verbal memory performance and
maladaptive cognitions and suicidal ideation.

Background of the Study

Online games has become the focus of a great
deal of attention in recent years .Everyone will
see the effect of online games to a students.A lot
of research is conducted to study it's effect on
general life and behavior of person who play
online games especially of the students.The online
games is the most popular past time of the
students.Everyday some students skipping their
classes just to go to the computer shop,playing
onlines games with their friends,this is the factor
that can affect the studies of students,instead of
going to attend their classes.Sure enough have an
effect on minds of students.Taking into thought it
is absolutely excellent mind exercise and helps
students explore several new things .It includes
improvement in recursive and proactive
thinking,enhanced socially and improve
instructive skills.Some study says that the person
who play online games are a lot active and have a
sharper mind than their alternative
counterparts.However computer and video
games/mobile games also recieve

way more negative effects as a result of games are

typically coined with issue like mindless reaction ,
increased social recluse , sexism and
consumerism.Research show that person who
play violent video games showed enchanced in
emotional arrousal and corresponding decrease
of activity in brain areas involving self
control,inhabitancy and spotlight.Some study
shows that playing online games can affect the
studies especially they lack of education,affect the
grades and also affect their everyday life .They
skip eating ,Lack of sleep ,decrease academic
achievement, increased inattention.

Significance of the Study

SHS- It is a benefit to the student like us

because it can be use the proper
knowledge for our future.Through
studying ,we can learn more and we can
motive our skills in our daily
activities.Another factor also is that we can
simplify our learnings to the lack of
education, studying is an important concept
to each individuals because this will be
basement on how other people will interact
If we are educated it uneducated.
TEACHERS-It will serve basis /guide for the
teachers for future researcher.
RESEARCHERS -They will know the effect
and it will help them in their future.
FUTURE RESEARCHER-It will be their guide
for their research and can be their
reference for there research.

This study focuses on exploring the effect

of online games on study habits among the
senior highschool student of baao National
Highschools. The study will collect data
from the students from the school year

This study will only cover the Senior High

school students of Baao National High
School. Other academic levels, as well as
students from other schools, will not be
included in the study. The study will only
focus on the effect of online games on
study habits among Senior High school
students of Baao National High school and
will not delve into other factors that may
affect the online games on study habits. The
study will provide recommendations on
how to cope up on online games,as the
scope of the study is limited to exploring
the effect not providing solutions.
End notes
Chapter ll

This chapter intends to relay the research
design composing the methodology used in
the study the distribution of respondent
needed to gather the necessary data to
draw the information required.
Also this chapter will show the formula
used to tabulate the data in the research.
Descriptive method is defined as a
purposive process of gathering data,
analyzing and classifying about prevailing
condition,practices,trends and cause-effect
relationship and then making adequate and
accurate interpretation.
Descriptive method of research was applied
in this study since it focuses on the
Influence of Foreign Language and Dialect
on Baaoenos Dialect.This method was
choosen because it describes the Influence
of Foreign Language and Dialect on
Baaoenos Dialect

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