5e Lesson - Fractions Numbers and Operations
5e Lesson - Fractions Numbers and Operations
5e Lesson - Fractions Numbers and Operations
Students Will:
Identify fractions when the whole (region) and a part of the region are given.
Represent the fractional relationship between the pattern block shapes using a standard form
of the written notation [for example, the green triangle is x of the blue rhombus].
Identify the numerator in a fraction and understand that the numerator is the top number in a
fraction and indicates the number of parts of the whole.
Identify the denominator in a fraction and understand that the denominator is the bottom
number in a fraction and indicates the number of parts into which the whole is divided.
SMART Objectives:
I can:
Indentify whole fractions and parts of a region
Identify the numerator as the top number of the fraction and denominator as the total
number of divided pieces of the whole
Geometric Shape worksheet
Enough geometric shapes for whole class (roughly 18 students total)
Document camera
Overhead Projector
Key Vocabulary:
Unit Fraction
a. Reasonwithshapesandtheirattributes.(CCSS:3.G)
i. Explainthatshapesindifferentcategories1mayshareattributes2andthatthesharedattributes
1. Identifyrhombuses,rectangles,andsquaresasexamplesofquadrilaterals,anddraw
ii. Partitionshapesintopartswithequalareas.Expresstheareaofeachpartasaunitfractionofthe
Phase 1: Engage
Capture student attention, activate student prior knowledge, stimulate thinking, raise key questions, etc.
Phase descriptions adapted from Eisenkraft, Arthur. Expanding the 5 E Model. http://www.its-about-
time.com/htmls/ap/eisenkrafttst.pdf, accessed 1/4/08
Phase 2: Explore
Phase 3: Explain
Introduce laws, models, theories, and vocabulary. Guide students toward coherent generalizations, and
help students understand and use scientific vocabulary to explain the results of their explorations
- Throughout the lesson, the teacher will begin to introduce the vocabulary needed
to tell the parts of the fractions. The key vocabulary includes: Fraction; Unit
Fraction; Numerator; and Denominator.
- Students will be encouraged to use this new terminology when discussing
- When students are given their activity, the teacher will demonstrate how to get
different fractions using the geometric shapes.
Phase 4: Elaborate
Provide students opportunity to apply their knowledge to new domains, raise new questions, and explore
new hypotheses. May also include related problems for students to solve.
When students are working on the exploration activity, the teacher will explain to
students that the purpose of the activity is to be able to model part-whole relationships.
Phase 5: Evaluate
Administer formative assessment (although checking for understanding should be done throughout the
While the teacher will periodically ask students to name the fraction that is being made,
the gewometric shape activity will also formativly assess students when they write down
the fractions they were able to find during the activity, assessing if they can correctly
write and create fractions.