Pre-Observation Information
Pre-Observation Information
Pre-Observation Information
Teacher:___________________________________ School:
District: __________________ Division : _TABUK CITY DIVISION
Grade and Section: ____________________________Subject:
School Year: _____________ Semester: ___________
1. This form shall be answered by the teacher prior to instructional support visit.
2. The information will serve as a guide for the pre-observation conference.
Observers may ask additional job-relevant data to provide a background for
actual observation.
Pre- Observation information:
1. When would you like to have instructional supervision and support?
Date and time:
2. Which of your classes would you like to be observed?
Subject to be observed: ______________________________________
3. What area of domain/strand would you like to be observed? Please check.
______ Apply knowledge and content within and across curriculum teaching
______Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy skills.
______ Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills.
______ Manages classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in
groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hand-on activities within a
range of physical learning environments.
______ Manages learners’ behavior constructively by applying positive and non-
violent discipline to ensure learning-focused environments.
______ Uses differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to
address learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences.
______ Plans, manages, and implements developmentally sequenced teaching
and learning process to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching
______ Selects, develops, organizes, and uses appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.
______ Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic, formative, and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements.
______ Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and learning
______ Use effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support
learner understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement
______ Maintain learning environment that promotes fairness, respect, and care
to encourage learning.
______ Design adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are
responsive to the learners’ disabilities, giftedness, and talents.
______ Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address
the needs of learners from Indigenous groups.
5. How would you describe the class you will be teaching during the visit? Please
provide information by checking or filing up the required data.
a. Type of class
( ) Mono grade ( ) 2 class combination ( ) multi grade
b. Size of class (indicate the number of learners)
( ) Small class size: Number of
( ) Big class size : Number of learners
c. Class diversity
( ) Homogeneous (Describe)
( ) Heterogeneous