Honeywell SL353

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Micropower Omnipolar

Digital Hall-Effect Sensor ICs

The SL353 Series sensor ICs (Integrated Circuits) are small, The push-pull output does not require a pull-up resistor and
versatile, digital Hall-effect devices operated by the magnetic can operate with very low current levels, potentially helping to
field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. These reduce cost and minimizing the total current consumption.
sensitive devices are designed to meet a wide range of
potential applications with low power requirements. The SL353 Series is available in two duty cycle configurations
to accommodate a variety of application needs:
The SL353 Series responds to either a North or South pole, SL353HT: High duty cycle (13% typ.) for applications
meaning that they do not require the magnet polarity to be requiring high switching speed and a lower current
identified, providing an easier installation and potentially (0.33 mA typ.) than standard Hall-effect sensor ICs.
reducing system cost. SL353LT: Very low duty cycle (0.013% typ.), resulting in
extended battery life in applications requiring extremely low
These low-power sensing devices use BiCMOS (Bipolar current drain (1.8 µA typ.) and not requiring a high
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology and a switching speed.
timing circuit that turns the power on for only a short time it is
off for the rest of the period (duty cycle) significantly reducing The SL353 Series has a typical operating point of ±60 Gauss
the average current consumption. at 25 °C [77 °F].

Both products can operate from a supply voltage as low as These sensors are available in the subminiature SOT-23
2.2 V, promoting energy efficiency. surface mount package on tape and reel (3000 units per reel),
for use in automated pick-and-place component installation.


For device manufacturers who need ultra low power sensing For device manufacturers that need to optimize the PC board
for battery-operated, mobile applications, Honeywell’s in energy efficient, “green” products with higher switching
SL353LT Omnipolar Hall-Effect Sensor IC provides an ultra frequency requirements, Honeywell’s SL353HT Omnipolar
low power (1.8 μA, 2.8 Vdc) sensor IC and helps minimize Hall-Effect Sensor IC provides a low power sensor IC that
PCB (Printed Circuit Board) space, part count and cost for can be used in higher switching frequency applications.
the entire application.
Unlike standard Hall-Effect sensors, the SL353HT offers the
Unlike other low power Hall-effect sensors, the SL353LT offers ability to optimize the PCB in high switching frequency
ultra low power sensing with significantly lower noise applications as demonstrated by its low power (0.33 mA,
emissions and the ability to minimize PCB space and cost 2.8 Vdc) use, high duty cycle (13% typ.) and subminiature
for the entire application as demonstrated by a non-chopper SOT-23 package size.
stabilized design, subminiature SOT-23 packaging,
omnipolar sensing, the shortest active mode time and
lowest average current in its class.
 Energy efficient: Supply voltage as low as 2.2 Vdc, Battery-operated, mobile equipment such as:
combined with very low average current (1.8 µA typ. for Door or lid closure detection in computer notebooks,
SL353LT the lowest in its class), reduces power scanners, hand-held industrial computers and
consumption, provides extended battery life, and promotes instrumentation
energy efficiency Mobile printer head position sensing
 Push-pull output does not require external pull-up Small, hand-held medical and dental equipment
resistor: Simplifies interface with common electrical circuits Trigger switch for battery-operated hand tools (i.e., drills,
and potentially reduces PC board space and costs to the drivers)
customer Reed switch replacement in battery operated security
 Non-chopper stabilized design: Does not utilize chopper systems
stabilization, eliminating the noise generated by products Magnetic encoder for building access (array)
using this technique. This means that customers do not Power switch or open-close detection in small battery-
need filters to compensate for the noise, helping to reduce operated appliances (i.e., vacuum cleaners, fans)
PC board space, part counts, and costs for the application Gas or water consumption measurement in remote,
Versatile: Omnipolar capability with high and low duty battery-operated utility meters
cycle options allows for use in a variety of potential
applications with low power requirements and/or battery
operation, including motion control, lid closure detection,
presence-absence, metering, and displacement sensing
Stable: Thermally balanced integrated circuit provides for
stable operation over a wide temperature range, from -40°
to 85 °C [-40° to 185 °F]
Subminiature size: The SOT-23 subminiature package
size requires less PCB space, allowing for use in smaller
Price competitive: By using BiCMOS technology,
Honeywell has been able to design a reduced size
integrated circuit, saving on manufacturing costs while still
meeting customer requirements; these savings can result in
lower costs to customers
Helps reduce total system cost: Because they can be
operated by a North pole or a South pole, they do not
require the magnet polarity to be identified, thus making the
installation easier and potentially reducing the system cost
Reduces manufacturing costs: SL353 Series is supplied
on tape and reel, often allowing for automated, lower-cost
pick and place assembly which can help the customer
reduce manufacturing costs
Supplied on tape and reel: Allows for a compact design
with automated component placement, helping to reduce
manufacturing costs
Compliant: RoHS-compliant materials meet Directive

Table 1. SL353 Series Specifications1
Characteristic Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Supply voltage (Vs) Ta = -40 C to 85 C 2.2 2.8 5.5 V
Active mode current Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 2.5 4
Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 2.5 9
Sleep mode current Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 1.5 2.5
Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 1.5 8
Average current:
SL353HT Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 0.33 0.64 mA
SL353HT Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 0.33 2.3 mA
SL353LT Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 1.8 3 μA
SL353LT Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 1.8 9 μA
Active mode time Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 3 6 9
Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 3 6 30
SL353HT Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 30 45 80 μs
SL353HT Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 20 45 150 μs
SL353LT Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 30 45 80 ms
SLS353LT Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 20 45 150 ms
Duty cycle:
SL353HT Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 10 13 16
SL353HT Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 5 13 25 %
SL353LT Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C 0.01 0.013 0.016
SL353LT Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 0.005 0.013 0.025
high Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C, load current = 100 µA Vs - 0.15 Vs - 0.11
high Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C, load current = 100 µA Vs - 0.25 Vs - 0.11 V
low Vs = 2.8 V, Ta = 25 °C, load current = 100 µA 0.11 0.15
low Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C, load current = 100 µA 0.11 0.25
Operate point (positive) Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 20 60 110 Gauss
Operate point (negative) Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C -110 -60 -20 Gauss
Release point (positive) Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 5 45 95 Gauss
Release point (negative) Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C -95 -45 -5 Gauss
Differential Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C 3 15 60 Gauss
Operating temperature Vs = 2.2 V to 5.5 V, Ta = -40 C to 85 C -40 [-40] 85 [185] °C [°F]
Storage temperature -40 [-40] 150 [302] °C [°F]
Note 1: These Hall-effect sensors may have an initial output in either the ON or OFF state if powered up with an applied magnetic
field in the differential zone (applied magnetic field > Brp and < Bop). Honeywell recommends that the application circuit designer
allow 10 µs after supply voltage has reached its rated value for the output voltage to stabilize.

Table 2. SL353 Series Absolute Maximum Ratings1

Characteristic Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Supply voltage -0.5 6 V
Operating temperature ambient -40 [-40] 150 [302] C [°F]
Soldering temperature applied for <10 s 265 [509] C [°F]
Output (load) current 5 mA
Note 1: The magnetic field strength (Gauss) required to cause the sensor to change state (operate and release) will be as
specified in the magnetic characteristics. To test the sensor against the specified magnetic characteristics, the sensor must be
placed in a uniform magnetic field.

Absolute maximum ratings are the extreme limits that the device will withstand without
damage to the device. However, the electrical and mechanical characteristics are not
guaranteed as the maximum limits (above recommended operating conditions) are
approached, nor will the device necessarily operate at absolute maximum ratings.

Honeywell Sensing and Control 3

Figure 2. SL353HT and SL353LT Typical Magnetic
Figure 1. SL353 Series Block/Electrical Diagram Performance vs Temp.


Magnetic Switch Point (Gauss)

Operate Point (Pos.)
40 Release Point (Pos.)
-40 Operate Point (Neg.)
Release Point (Neg.)
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C)

Figure 4. SL353HT and SL353LT Typical Active Mode Time

Figure 3. SL353HT and SL353LT Typical Period vs Temp. vs Temp.
120 20
(µs for SL353HT, ms for SL353LT)

100 16
Vs = 2.2 V
Active Mode Time (µs)

Vs = 2.2 V
80 14

60 Vs = 2.8 V 10
8 Vs = 2.8 V
Vs = 5.5 V
20 4 Vs = 5.5 V
0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Figure 5. SL353HT Typical Average Current vs Temp. Figure 6. SL353LT Typical Average Current vs Temp.
1 8
0.9 Vs = 5.5 V Vs = 5.5 V
Average Current (mA)

Average Current (µA)

0.6 5
0.5 Vs = 2.8 V 4
0.2 Vs = 2.2 V 2 Vs = 2.8 V
0.1 1 Vs = 2.2 V
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)

Figure 7. SL353 Series Package, Tape and Reel Mounting Dimensions (For reference only. mm/[in])

Order Guide
Catalog Listing Description
SL353HT SL353 Series micropower omnipolar digital Hall-effect sensor IC, high duty cycle, SOT-23 package, tape
and reel packaging (3000 units per reel)
SL353LT SL353 Series micropower omnipolar digital Hall-effect sensor IC, low duty cycle, SOT-23 package, tape and
reel packaging (3000 units per reel)

Honeywell Sensing and Control 5

DO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop The information presented in this product sheet is for
devices or in any other application where failure of the reference only. Do not use this document as a product
product could result in personal injury. installation guide.
Failure to comply with these instructions could result Complete installation, operation, and maintenance
in death or serious injury. information is provided in the instructions supplied with
each product.
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Honeywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of in death or serious injury.
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Sensing and Control

1985 Douglas Drive North
Golden Valley, MN 55422 005935-1-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA
March 2011 © 2011 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.

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