M1. Unit 1: Introduction To Climatic Design - Basic Principles of Thermal Comfort

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Basic Principles and Thermal Comfort

This module provides you with the basic foundation for understanding the topics in the
subsequent modules in this course. It offers an overview of the physics of energy and its
related principles. Moreover, the concept of thermal comfort will also be explored. By
considering human comfort needs and environmental conditions affecting comfort, you
can better design buildings that are comfortable yet use a minimum of mechanical
equipment and little energy.

Each module contains unit/s with its own topic learning outcome/s and topic
outline. Each unit includes activities designed using the 5E constructivist learning model,
developed by Rodger Bybee, specifically for students to understand and comprehend
science. The 5E model provides opportunities for you to engage, explore, explain,
elaborate, and evaluate topics covered in each unit.

M1. Unit 1: Introduction to Climatic Design - Basic Principles of

Thermal Comfort.

TLO 1: Understand the significance of climate and its various factors to building and
community design.

This unit discusses introductory topics to Environmental/climatic design

factors and the different factors which are involved in thermal comfortability
which is crucial in tropical building design.


The heating, cooling, and lighting of buildings are accomplished by adding or

removing energy. A good basic understanding of the physics of energy and its related
principles is a prerequisite for much of the material in the following chapters.
Consequently, this chapter is devoted to both a review of some rather well-known
concepts and an introduction to some less familiar ideas such as mean radiant
temperature, time lag, the insulating effect of mass, and embodied energy.

The human being is a biological machine that burns food as a fuel and generates heat
as a by-product. This metabolic process is very similar to what happens in an automobile,
where gasoline is the fuel and heat is a significant by-product (Fig. 4.1a). Both types of
machines must be able to dissipate the waste heat in order to prevent overheating (Fig.
4.1b). All of the heat-flow mechanisms mentioned in Chapter 3 are employed to maintain
the optimum temperature. from the loss of heat a hot

emission of go solid or Liquid into air Wtc is

not artificially agitated.

waves . 7

Fluid motion
is generated by
an external source

heat / electricity is directly

transmitted through a
substance when there is a

difference of temperature w/o movement of the material .

→ liquid to vapor

All warm-blooded animals, and humans, in particular, require a very constant

temperature. The hypothalamus, a part of our brain, regulates our bodies to maintain an
interior temperature of about 98.6°F (37°C), and any small deviation creates severe stress.
Only 10 to 15 degrees higher or 20 degrees lower can cause death.
Our bodies have several mechanisms to regulate heat flow to guarantee that the
heat loss equals the heat generated and that the thermal equilibrium will be at about
98.6°F (37°C). Some heat is lost by exhaling warm, moist air from the lungs, but most of
the body’s heat flow is through the skin. The skin regulates heat flow partly by controlling
the amount of blood flowing through it. In summer the skin is flushed with blood to
increase the heat loss, while in winter little blood is allowed to circulate near the surface
and the skin becomes an insulator. The skin temperature will, therefore, be much lower in
winter than in summer. Skin surface temperatures can vary over 50°F (27°C) in response
to the ambient temperature. The skin also contains sweat glands that control body heat
loss by evaporation.


If we could all live in the Garden of Eden, it would be easy for our body
mechanisms to control heat flow. The real world, however, places our bodies under
almost constant thermal stress. Any barrier as thin as the skin will have great difficulty
maintaining a constant temperature in a widely changing environment. Consequently,
additional barriers are needed to achieve thermal comfort. Clothing, though it acts as
extra skin, is not always sufficient for thermal comfort. Buildings provide a milder
environment for the clothed human being.

To maintain vital thermal equilibrium, our bodies must lose heat at the same rate at
which the metabolic rate produces it. This heat production is partly a function of outside
temperature but mostly a function of activity. A very active person generates heat at a
rate more than eight times that of a reclining person. Table 4.3 shows the heat production
related to various activities. For a better intuitive understanding, consider how many 100-
watt lamps would be needed to produce the same amount of heat.


To create thermal comfort, we must understand not only the heat dissipation
mechanisms of the human body but also the four environmental conditions that allow
the heat to be lost.

These four conditions are:

1. Air temperature (°F) (°C) environmental
2. Relative humidity condition
3. Air movement (feet/minute) (m/s)
4. Mean radiant temperature (MRT)

All of these conditions affect the body simultaneously.

Engage: Introductory lecture on Climatic Design

Explore: Do the Graded Exercise A1_M1_U1_T1_” Traditional Dwellings in Different Climates”

*See Attached File)

Explain: Lecture on the relationship between Architectural Design and Climate

Elaborate & Evaluate: Relate lecture on the exercise PR-01

M1. Unit 2: Types of Climates and Corresponding Characteristics
TLO2: Comprehend the distinct characteristics of climates occurring in different regions of the


Climate determines many of the specific architectural strategies that

should be used in designing buildings. Thus, this part of the module will familiarize
you with basic climate types along with the main factors that affect the
microclimate of a site. Moreover, you will be introduced to some common
concepts and tools in investigating solar geometry.


Climate, Weather, Tropical Climate, Different Climates


The climate, or average weather, is primarily a function of the sun. The word
“climate” comes from the Greek klima, which means the slope of the earth in respect to
the sun. The Greeks realized that climate is largely a function of sun angles (latitude) and,
therefore, they divided the world into the tropic, temperate, and arctic zones.
The atmosphere is a giant heat machine fueled by the sun. Since the atmosphere is
largely transparent to solar energy, the main heating of the air occurs at the earth’s
surface (Fig. 5.2a). As the air is heated, it rises and creates low-pressure area at ground
level. Since the surface of the earth is not heated equally, there will be both relatively
low- and high-pressure areas with wind as a consequence.

A global north–south flow of air is generated because the equator is heated more than
the poles (Fig. 5.2b). This global flow is modified by both the changes in season and the
rotation of the earth (Fig. 5.2c).

Another major factor affecting winds and, therefore, climate is the uneven distribution of
landmasses on the globe. Because of its higher heat capacity and conductivity, the
surface of water does not heat up or cool down as fast as the surface of land. Thus,
temperature changes over water tend to be more moderate than over land, and the
farther inland one gets from large bodies of water, the more extreme are the


For a number of reasons, the local climate can be quite different from the climate region
in which it is found. If buildings are to relate properly to their environment, they must be
designed for the microclimate in which they exist. The following are the main factors
responsible for making the microclimate deviate from the macroclimate:

1. Elevation above sea level.

The ←steeper the slope of the land, the faster the temperature will drop with an
increase in elevation. The limit, of course, is a vertical ascent, which will produce a cooling
rate of about 3.6°F (2°C) per 1000ft (300 m). =


2. Form of land. site

South-facing slopes are much warmer than north facing slopes because they
receive much more solar radiation (Fig. 5.3a). For this reason, ski slopes are usually
found on the north slopes of mountains, while vineyards are located on the south
slopes (Fig. 5.3b). South slopes are also protected from the cold winter winds that
usually come from the north. West slopes are warmer than east slopes because the
period of high solar radiation coincides with the high ambient air temperatures of the
afternoon. Low areas tend to collect pools of cold, heavy air (Fig. 5.3c). If the air is
also moist, fog will frequently form. The fog, in turn, reflects the solar radiation, so these
areas remain cool longer in the morning.
3. Size, shape, and proximity of bodies of water.

As mentioned before, large bodies of water have a significant moderating effect

on temperature, they generate the daily alternating land and sea breezes, and
they increase the humidity.

4. Soil types.
The heat capacity, color, and water content of soil can have a significant effect
on the microclimate. Evaporation from the soil high heat capacity, rocks can
absorb heat during the day and then release it at night.

5. Vegetation.
By means of shading and transpiration, plants can significantly reduce air and
ground temperatures. They also increase the humidity, whether or not it is already too
high. Evapotranspiration is the
combined effect of evaporation from soil and transpiration from plants. In a hot, humid
climate, the ideal situation is to have a high canopy of trees for shade but no low plants
that could block the breeze. The stagnant air created by low trees and shrubs will
cause the humidity to build up to undesirably high levels. In cold climates, plants can
reduce the cooling effect of the wind by blocking it. Vegetation can also reduce noise
and clean the air of dust and certain other pollutants.

6. Man-made structures.

Buildings, streets, and parking lots, because of their number, size, mass, and color, have
a very significant effect on the microclimate. The shade of buildings can create a cold
north-like orientation on what was previously a warm southern exposure (Fig. 5.3d).
Buildings can also create shade from the hot summer sun and block the cold winter
winds. Large areas of pavement, especially dark-colored asphalt, can generate
temperatures as high as 140°F (60°C). The heated air then migrates to overheat
adjacent areas as well.

Engage: Recall the previous module and lecture

Explore: A2_M1_U2_T2_ Research Work – Climate and Microclimate

Explain & Elaborate:

Lecture and Discussion of Climate and Microclimate
Additional Readings. Pages 130-137 of Heating, Cooling, Lighting Sustainable Design Methods for
Architects by Lechner.

Evaluate: Relate the previous two units of module 1 with each other.
M1. Unit 3: Climatic Design Data
TLO3: Determine the most important factors of climate design data.

This module introduces you to the different factors that needs to be

considered, collected and analyzed in order to arrive at a valid architectural design
solution that caters to tropical needs.


Climate is one of the most important factors that affect both architectural design
and urban planning. The identification, understanding and control of the climatic effects
at the location of the building are crucial even before design decisions are made.
Climate of a location develops by its geographical position on earth, height above sea
level, topography and flora. As a result of all these conditions, different climate regions
and thus different climatic design criteria are established.

Climate conditions are effective in arrangement of building designs,

determination of requirements, selection of equipment and building method, and
accordingly the formation. Different climate systems generate regional architectural
characteristics. Planning and forming the building in accordance with the regional
climatic data are based on enabling the building to get minimum heat during the hottest
season of the year and lose minimum heat during the coldest season of the year.
However, many buildings in our country today have plans and forms that were designed
without taking the regional climatic data into consideration.

Climatic comfort conditions in a building should be achieved by means of

economic usage of building materials and mechanical systems. In order to attain this
objective, the existing climate conditions should be used as data and solutions should be
found in order to utilize the positive effects of the climate in building form and building
shell and eliminate the negative effects of the climate.
From a scientific point of view, the factors and climatic components that
determine the climate as an integration of the effects of all the meteorological factors
on earth in a long period of time in a certain region can be examined in three main
Sun and Temperature

Sun and therefore heat is one of the most important climate components because
the generally used indicator of climatic comfort is air temperature and relative humidity.
Sun is the most important energy source in lighting and heating forms and surfaces in
architecture. The sun is not only a heat source but also a significant light source whose
quality varies during the day and according to the seasons. While applying architectural
solutions in order to utilize the sun at the maximum level in winter, refraction components
are needed in order to be protected from the torrid heat of the sun in summer.

Pressure and Winds

Formation of a strong pressure zone is inevitable in the direction of the wind. It is possible
to increase or decrease the amount of this pressure by means of corridors created
between buildings. While airflow is needed in hot and humid regions, shadowing
measures should be taken in hot and dry regions. For this reason, the direction of buildings
is determined according to the angle of sunrays in some regions while planning is made
according to the dominant wind directions in summer in some other regions. The
determination of wind requirement differs in each climate region. Wind requirement is
important during the entire year in low latitudes; however, protection is required in high
latitudes. Wind factor that is needed according to climate regions should be taken into
account when making decisions about planning (story height and distances between

Precipitation and Humidity

Precipitation type and amount that varies according to geographical properties

affect architectural design. Since the amount of precipitation affects humidity rate, some
measures may have to be taken in order to prevent discomfort in the building and its
surroundings. When various climate regions are observed, it is seen that low rate of
humidity is preferred in dry climates whereas it causes discomfort in tropical climate


Document through photographs a one-day weather conditions in your area in an

hourly interval. Describe each condition and their implication to the occupants of your
Explore: Lecture/Readings on Climate and Solar Geometry.

Supplemental readings: Read Chapters 5 and 6 from our main reference book Heating,
Cooling, Lighting- Design Methods for Architects (4th ed.) by Norbert Lechner.

Explain & Elaborate: Case Study #1 – “Climatic Site Analysis” (Effect of microclimate and
solar geometry to your house)

Evaluate: Submission of A3_M1_U3_T3_Case Study 1

-foundation of physics(energy)

-Case Study 1


3 common layers as interfaces between our core body and environment

-rate at which we generate heat
-responsible for regulating body temperatures

Convection- through sweating
Natural and Forced Convection- electric fan
heat travels from warm to colder temperatures
Solar energy that we feel, ALL MATTERS EMIT HEAT
There’s a change of state


EKective way of removing heat in a tropical climate
-need moving air to remove heat, AIR MOVEMENT


DIURNAL TEMPERATURES- diQerence of day and night temperatures

-study of moist air
-interactions of moisture, air, and temperature

-understand processes that is need to apply in design

Lower-DB temperature
The more you go to right- temperature rises
WB temperature
Curve lines are humidity

Humidity ratio- horizontal lines, amount of moisture by weight

SpeciTc voume- diagonal lines

Latent heat can be measured

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Sensible heat can’t be measured but felt

- feeling of well-being
- highly subjective
- condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment and is
assessed by subjective evaluation

Categories of factors that aKect comfort

- Personal (age, culture)
- Measurable environmental
- Psychological

PRIMARY DESIGN INTENT- to make people comfortable, and all aspects of

buildings that are our means to an end

2 sheets of A4
1st page- case study brief
-Vicinity Map
-Exterior Photo
-Relevant Data-identify location of case study, when, climatic elements (air velocity,
Socio cultural background of family
-kaya pala malamig kasi most ay matanda

2nd page
Local Comfort Zone
-use RH and DB measurements
Provide data

Average temperature per age group

Children- average including relative humidity

Young Adults - average
Senior Citizen - average preferred temperature


Lesser relative humidity=the drier the air

According to age

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Sensible heat can’t be measured but felt

- feeling of well-being
- highly subjective
- condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment and is
assessed by subjective evaluation

Categories of factors that aKect comfort

- Personal (age, culture)
- Measurable environmental
- Psychological

PRIMARY DESIGN INTENT- to make people comfortable, and all aspects of

buildings that are our means to an end

2 sheets of A4
1st page- case study brief
-Vicinity Map
-Exterior Photo
-Relevant Data-identify location of case study, when, climatic elements (air velocity,
Socio cultural background of family
-kaya pala malamig kasi most ay matanda

2nd page
Local Comfort Zone
-use RH and DB measurements
Provide data

Average temperature per age group

Children- average including relative humidity

Young Adults - average
Senior Citizen - average preferred temperature


Lesser relative humidity=the drier the air

According to age

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