Forstmann 2016 Sequential Sampling Models in Cogni
Forstmann 2016 Sequential Sampling Models in Cogni
Forstmann 2016 Sequential Sampling Models in Cogni
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Sequential Sampling Models
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in Cognitive Neuroscience:
Advantages, Applications,
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and Extensions
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PS67CH26-Forstmann ARI 21 November 2015 12:58
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
SEQUENTIAL SAMPLING MODELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
Interdisciplinary History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Current Standard Form: The Diffusion Decision Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
ADVANTAGES OF THE DIFFUSION DECISION MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
Advantages for the Analysis of Choice Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
Advantages for Cognitive Neuroscience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
NEUROSCIENCE: APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
Application in Low-Level Cognitive Neuroscience: Neural Firing
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Every day, people make thousands of small decisions. Many of these decisions are trivial (e.g.,
what pair of socks to wear or what TV series to watch), many are to some degree automatic (e.g.,
how to greet your colleague in the morning or what word to type next in an email), but all of them
are made under time pressure. One simply cannot take hours to ponder over what pair of socks to
wear or how to greet a colleague: After some deliberation, a decision needs to be made based on
the data at hand. Consequently, most real-life decisions are composed of two separate decisions:
first the decision to stop deliberating and act, and then the decision or act itself.
The decision to stop deliberating and act is not straightforward, because it involves a balance
between two opposing forces. On the one hand, the quality of decision making improves when
it is based on more information; on the other hand, decisions are only acceptable when they are
timely. In psychology, this balance is known as the speed-accuracy trade-off, a trade-off that affects
basketball players, honeybees, and even acellular organisms such as slime molds (Latty & Beekman
trade-off: the Several models have been developed to account for the speed-accuracy trade-off and explain
universal finding that how people and animals make decisions under time pressure. The most popular class of models
response time can be assumes that the decision maker accumulates noisy samples of information from the environment
shortened at the until a threshold of evidence is reached. Such accumulation-to-threshold models are known as
expense of a higher
sequential sampling models.
error rate
Sequential sampling models have been developed in mathematical psychology ever since the
1960s (e.g., Stone 1960). Over the course of several decades, researchers began to understand
In recent years, three dedicated software packages for fitting the full DDM have become publicly available: DMAT
(Vandekerckhove & Tuerlinckx 2007, 2008), fast-dm (Voss & Voss 2007, 2008), and the nonhierarchical HDDM
(Wiecki et al. 2013). A reduced diffusion model, EZ, can be fit using code provided by Wagenmakers et al. (2007).
Wabersich & Vandekerckhove (2014) added a DDM distribution routine to the Bayesian Markov chain Monte
Carlo software JAGS. These packages have been implemented in different systems, namely DMAT in MATLAB,
fast-dm as a stand-alone C program (precompiled for Windows but running on Linux), and HDDM in Python.
Ratcliff & Childers (2015) performed an extensive comparison of the methods. The public availability of software
to fit the DDM to data has greatly contributed to the model’s popularity and use in practical research settings.
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67:641-666. Downloaded from
the benchmark phenomena that underlie decision making under speed stress, and the models
became increasingly sophisticated to account for these findings (Luce 1986, Townsend & Ashby
1983). In the early 1990s, it became clear that one particular sequential sampling model—the
diffusion decision model (DDM)—stood out as the effective standard model (see sidebar Fitting
the Diffusion Decision Model to Data) in the field.
Even though the DDM had been successful as a mathematical process model that accounted
for the speed and accuracy of decision making under a wide variety of circumstances, initially its
domain of application remained relatively limited. Around the turn of the century, this state of
affairs changed radically when it became apparent that the DDM not only accounted for observed
behavior but also provided an explanation for some of the general dynamics of single-cell firing
rates in monkeys. In the following years, neuroscientists have applied and extended the DDM,
and presently it provides a point of departure for many modeling attempts in both low-level and
high-level cognitive neuroscience.
As we intend to demonstrate, the ever-increasing interest in applying and extending the DDM
in the domain of speeded decision making is motivated by the growing realization that a quantita-
tive approach can greatly help guide empirical work and deepen our understanding of cognition
(Forstmann & Wagenmakers 2015).
The outline of this article is as follows. The first section provides historical context and outlines
the current standard form of the DDM; the second section lists the advantages of using the
DDM for both experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience; the third section provides
an overview of DDM applications in cognitive neuroscience, focusing on low-level neural firing
rates in monkeys and on high-level brain imaging techniques in humans; and the fourth section
outlines recent extensions and exciting new developments. A brief summary of the most important
points concludes the article.
Diffusion decision
a model of speeded
People often need to make decisions based on information that unfolds over time. An example decision making in
of this is the idealized work process of a police detective solving a homicide: Following a state of which noisy
confusion and uncertainty, informative cues become available over time that allow the detective information is
accumulated over time
to reduce the uncertainty and hopefully solve the case. However, the decision-making process
until a threshold of
can be sequential even when all of the information is immediately available. For instance, a chess evidence is reached
player contemplating a particular move has all the information available, in the sense that the
environment will not offer any more cues as time progresses: All the information is contained in
the configuration of the pieces on the board, which can be perceptually encoded at a glance. The
problem for the chess player is that mental capacity is limited, and the relevant information can
only be extracted and processed piecemeal. Hence, the sequential nature of decision making is a
RDK: random dot
kinematogram fundamental property of the human nervous system, reflecting its inability to process information
Response time (RT):
the time between To understand the dynamics of decision making, most studies focus on simple, repeatable choice
stimulus onset and problems with just two alternatives. For instance, participants in lexical decision are confronted
response execution in a with letter strings that have to be classified as a word (e.g., mango) or a nonword (e.g., drapa);
decision-making task participants in the moving dots task are confronted with a random dot kinematogram (RDK)
performed under
and have to judge whether a subset of dots move to the left or to the right. The elementary
substantial time
pressure nature of these tasks makes it possible to collect thousands of decisions for a single participant in
a single session, providing rich data for modeling. Traditionally, the measures of interest are the
response times (RTs) for correct responses and for error responses, the distributions of RTs, and
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the proportion of correct responses. Note that the simplicity of the tasks does not preclude errors;
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67:641-666. Downloaded from
when participants are instructed to respond quickly, errors inevitably arise, and a participant may
well classify drapa as a word.
The data from these elementary decision-making tasks reveal several law-like patterns that any
model of decision making should try to account for. Some of these law-like patterns are trivial (e.g.,
mean RT is shorter for easy stimuli than it is for hard stimuli; increasing speed stress shortens
mean RT but increases the proportion of errors), but others are not. For instance, (a) mean
RT is proportional to RT standard deviation (Wagenmakers & Brown 2007); (b) manipulations
that increase the speed of correct responses also increase the speed of error responses; (c) RT
distributions are right-skewed, and this skew increases with task difficulty; and (d ) for difficult
tasks, mean error RT is often slower than mean correct RT, but this pattern can be reversed by
speed stress (e.g., Wagenmakers et al. 2008; for a description of these and other law-like patterns
see Brown & Heathcote 2008, Carpenter 2004, Luce 1986, Mulder et al. 2012, Ratcliff 2002,
Ratcliff & McKoon 2008, Van Ravenzwaaij et al. 2011).
Sequential sampling models come in various forms. The general idea is that evidence is grad-
ually accumulated and each response (e.g., word/nonword, left/right) is represented by a separate
decision boundary. However, the models differ according to whether there are one or two coun-
ters and whether the counters are independent; whether they are assumed to be leaky; or whether
they exert a top-down influence on the accumulation process. Responses can be determined by
an absolute evidence rule (i.e., two fixed thresholds, one for each counter) or a relative evidence
rule (one threshold on the difference in accumulated activation; e.g., Bogacz et al. 2006, Ratcliff
& Smith 2004, Teodorescu & Usher 2013).
One famous class of sequential sampling models consists of accumulator models (e.g.,
Van Zandt et al. 2000, Vickers & Lee 1998). A prototypical accumulator model has independent
counters and an absolute evidence response rule. Here we focus on a different class of sequential
sampling models, which assumes a relative evidence rule: A response is initiated as soon as the
difference in evidence accumulated exceeds a prespecified criterion. For discrete evidence accu-
mulation, this account is known as a random walk model; for continuous evidence accumulation,
the process is known as a diffusion process.
Interdisciplinary History
The history of random walk models dates back to the early days of probability theory, when much
effort was devoted to problems related to gambling. In a famous problem known as the gambler’s
ruin, two gamblers, A and B, play a sequence of independent games against each other. Each
gambler has a (possibly different) starting capital, and every game has a fixed chance p of being
won by gambler A. Every time one of the gamblers wins a game, the winner obtains one unit of
the other player’s capital; the process continues until one of the gamblers is bankrupt (Carazza
SPRT: sequential
1977, Feller 1968). Provided the two starting capitals and the chance p, what is the probability that probability ratio test
A goes bankrupt? And what is the expected number of games until this happens? (For answers,
Drift rate: parameter
readers are referred to Feller 1968.) in the diffusion
The temporal flow of capital in the gambler’s ruin process can be represented as a random decision model that
walk with two absorbing boundaries; whenever a boundary is reached, this signifies that one of quantifies the
the gamblers is bankrupt. Parameter p represents the drift of the process; when p > 1/2, the noisy information used in
the accumulation
process will tend to drift toward the bound associated with gambler B’s bankruptcy.
In the continuous limit of small stakes and with p close to 1/2, the process is known as
Brownian motion or Wiener diffusion process. This process was proposed to explain the move-
ment of physical particles influenced by many molecular collisions (e.g., Einstein 1905; for a visual
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fication of this explanation helped confirm the existence of molecules and atoms, and it earned
Jean Perrin the 1926 Nobel Prize in Physics. In mathematics, the Wiener diffusion process is a
prototypical example of a stochastic differential equation (e.g., Smith 2000) with applications in
finance, heat flow, and fluid dynamics.
The random walk process is also of considerable interest to statisticians, partly because it is
related to sequential analysis; data come in over time and the statistician has to determine when to
stop collecting data and make a decision. The sequential analyses initiated by Alan Turing famously
helped break the German enigma code, expediting the end of World War II (Good 1979). At about
the same time, Abraham Wald proposed the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT; e.g., Wald
& Wolfowitz 1948). In the SPRT, each incoming datum is transformed into a log likelihood ratio
that quantifies the relative evidence for one hypothesis versus another; the likelihood ratios are
added as the data flow in, and the process halts as soon as a predetermined level of evidence is
reached. The appeal of this procedure is that it is optimal in the sense that it achieves the fastest
mean decision time for a given accuracy (Bogacz et al. 2006). For applications in neuroscience, the
optimality of the SPRT is an attractive property, because evolutionary pressures and reinforcement
learning mechanisms may have shaped neurons to process information near-optimally, given their
innate limitations (Ma et al. 2006).
In psychology, the interest in random walk models started with Stone (1960) and was followed
by major contributions from Laming (1968) and Link & Heath (1975). The early models, however,
did not account for the relative speed of error RTs across all experimental scenarios. To account
for all of the data, the early models needed to be expanded, and this resulted in the model that is
the current standard: the DDM.
Decision threshold
Left (correct)
“Are the dots moving to
the right or to the left?” Sensory evidence per
time unit (drift rate)
Right (incorrect)
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Stimulus Response
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Figure 1
Schematic representation of the diffusion decision model. Figure adapted with permission from Mulder et al.
per unit time, and it is an index of task difficulty or subject ability. Second, boundary separation
represents the level of caution; increasing boundary separation results in fewer errors (because of
the reduced impact of the within-trial diffusion noise) but at the cost of slower responding. Hence,
boundary separation implements the speed-accuracy trade-off. Third, the starting point reflects
the a priori bias or preference for one or the other choice alternative. Fourth, nondecision time
is an additive lag parameter that measures the time for peripheral processes such as encoding a
stimulus, transforming the stimulus representation into a decision-related representation, and ex-
ecuting a response. Consequently, the total time for a response is the time to diffuse from starting
point to boundary, plus the nondecision time.
In addition to the four key parameters, the DDM features three across-trial variabilities in drift
rate, starting point, and nondecision time. Without across-trial variability in any of these, and with
boundaries equidistant from the starting point, the model would predict the distributions of RTs
for correct and error responses to be identical. However, with across-trial variability in drift rate,
the model predicts errors to be slower than correct responses because of probability mixtures of
processes with different times and accuracies. For example, for a larger drift rate in the mixture,
accuracy will be higher and RT slower for both correct and error responses; for a lower drift rate,
accuracy will be lower and RTs longer. Therefore, there will be a smaller number of fast errors
and a higher number of slow errors from this mixture (relative to correct responses), leading to
slower errors relative to correct responses (for further explanation, see Ratcliff 1978; Ratcliff &
McKoon 2008, figure 4). With across-trial variability in the starting point, the model predicts
errors to be faster than correct responses (e.g., Ratcliff & Rouder 1998, figure 2; Wagenmakers
et al. 2008). When a process starts near the correct response boundary there will be few errors and
Boundary separation: they will be slow, because the process has to travel a long distance to reach the error boundary.
parameter in the
diffusion decision
When a process starts near the error boundary there will be more errors and they will be fast,
model that quantifies because the process only has to travel a short distance to reach the error boundary. Both patterns
response caution and are found in the data (with a crossover sometimes so that fast errors occur in easy conditions and
accounts for the slow errors in difficult conditions), and the model explains why these patterns occur. A mixture of
speed-accuracy starting points gives fast errors overall.
Equipped with these parameters, the DDM provides an excellent account of the law-like pat-
terns observed across virtually all speeded RT tasks. For instance, the DDM accounts for the
relationship between mean RTs and the probabilities of the choices (errors and correct responses),
including how these covary with stimulus difficulty. In addition, the DDM accounts for the shapes
of RT distributions and for how these change as a function of experimental conditions.
Based on a superficial analysis, a skeptic may argue that the excellent fit of the DDM is achieved
partly because its parameters make it highly flexible; in other words, the model may be overparam-
eterized and immune to empirical falsification. A deeper analysis, however, shows this concern to
be without merit (Wagenmakers 2009). First, experimental designs usually feature multiple condi-
tions, and this allows the model parameters to be constrained in meaningful ways; for instance, only
the drift rate parameter is allowed to vary with stimulus difficulty, and only the boundary separation
parameter is allowed to vary across conditions with different levels of speed stress. Such constraints
severely limit the model’s flexibility. Second, Ratcliff (2002) has demonstrated by simulations how
the DDM fails to account for fake but plausible data patterns. Third, typical experimental designs
allow the model parameters to be adequately recovered. Finally, tests of specific influence show
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that manipulations of psychological processes affect the associated parameters; for instance, a ma-
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nipulation of task difficulty mostly affects the drift rate parameter, and a manipulation of speed
stress mostly affects the boundary separation parameter (e.g., Voss et al. 2004).
and highlight how some of these have provided new insights into cognition, individual differences,
and differences among subject groups. In other cases, however, the model only provides obvious
results. But even in this case, the model still integrates the three dependent variables—accuracy
and the shapes of correct and error RT distributions—into a common theoretical framework that
provides a mechanistic explanation for the observed data. This stands in contrast to the commonly
used hypothesis-testing approaches that are mute on the psychological processes that produce
behavior, usually focusing only on accuracy or mean correct RT as the dependent variable. In
some cases, separate statistical analyses of each variable tell the same empirical story, but in other
cases they are inconsistent. A model-based approach helps resolve such inconsistencies.
Aging. The application of the diffusion model to studies of aging has been especially successful,
producing a novel view of the effects of aging on cognition. The general finding in the literature
was that older adults are slower than young adults (but not necessarily less accurate) on most
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tasks, and this has been interpreted as a decline with age in all or almost all cognitive processes.
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However, application of the DDM showed that this interpretation is generally not correct (Ratcliff
et al. 2007b, and references therein). For example, Ratcliff et al. (2010) tested old and young adults
on numerosity discrimination, lexical decision, and recognition memory. What they found is that
older adults had slower nondecision times and set wider boundaries, but their drift rates were not
lower than those of young adults. In contrast, large age-related declines in drift rate have been
found in other tasks, such as associative recognition and letter discrimination (Ratcliff et al. 2011,
Thapar et al. 2003).
Working memory and IQ. Schmiedek et al. (2007) analyzed data from eight choice RT tasks
(including verbal, numerical, and spatial tasks) from Oberauer et al. (2003). They found that drift
rates in the diffusion model mapped onto working memory, speed of processing, and reasoning
ability measures (all measured by aggregated performance on several tasks).
Similarly, the DDM analyses from Ratcliff et al. (2010, 2011) showed that drift rate varied
with IQ (by as much as 2:1 for higher versus lower IQ participants), but boundary separation and
nondecision time did not. Note that this is the opposite of the pattern for aging.
processing of positive and negative emotional words, which were presented among many neutral
filler words. They found positive emotional bias in drift rates for nondysphoric subjects and
evenhandedness for dysphoric subjects. As before, this pattern was not apparent with comparisons
of RTs or accuracy, consistent with previous null findings. cognitive
Another study examined the effects of aphasia in a lexical decision task for which the neurolin- neuroscience:
guistic patients showed exaggerated RTs. A DDM decomposition revealed that both decision and interdisciplinary field
nondecision processes were compromised, but the quality of information processing (i.e., drift that studies cognition
by combining insights
rate) did not differ much between patients and controls (Ratcliff et al. 2004a). It is unclear how a
and models from
traditional statistical analysis could have arrived at a similar insight. mathematical
psychology with
measurement tools
Miscellaneous. Ratcliff & Van Dongen (2009) looked at effects of sleep deprivation using a from neuroscience
numerosity discrimination task; Van Ravenzwaaij et al. (2012) looked at the effects of alcohol
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consumption using a lexical decision task; and Geddes et al. (2010) looked at the effects of reduced
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blood sugar using a numerosity discrimination task. The main result of all of these studies was a
reduced drift rate but with either small or no effect on boundary separation and nondecision time.
By way of contrast, in studies of cognitive development, younger children show larger bound-
ary separation and longer nondecision times than do older children (Ratcliff et al. 2012). Other
experiments have found drift rates to be lower for ADHD and dyslexic children relative to normal
controls (for ADHD, see Mulder et al. 2010; for dyslexia, see Zeguers et al. 2011). The above
applications demonstrate how a comprehensive DDM decomposition of observed choice behavior
yields deeper conclusions and insights than traditional methods of analysis.
Behavioral data Cognitive process
Ma al
Psy emat atic
cho ical them gy
Ma chol o
log Formal model
y Psy
a d sci e
cie al
ur itio
on ces
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67:641-666. Downloaded from
Brain data
Figure 2
The model-in-the-middle approach unites the separate disciplines of experimental psychology, mathematical
psychology, and cognitive neuroscience in the common goal of understanding human cognition. The red
double-headed arrow indicates the reciprocal relation between measuring the brain and modeling behavioral
data. Figure adapted with permission from Forstmann et al. (2011).
RT (ms)
70 400
Firing rate (sp s–1)
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67:641-666. Downloaded from
–1,000 –500 0
Time from saccade (ms)
Figure 3
Immediately before monkeys execute a saccade, all trials reach a stereotyped firing rate. This dynamic is
consistent with that of a diffusion model with evidence accumulation to a fixed threshold. Abbreviation: RT,
response time. Figure adapted with permission from Gold & Shadlen (2007).
1996), the frontal eye field (FEF; see Ferrera et al. 2009, Hanes & Schall 1996), and other parts of
the prefrontal cortex and the superior colliculus (SC; Ding & Gold 2012; Horwitz & Newsome
1999; Ratcliff et al. 2003a, 2007a). These results dovetail nicely with models that assume gradual
accumulation of evidence up to a fixed decision criterion.
There is debate about where exactly the accumulation takes place, but it is clear that (at least)
LIP, FEF, and SC form part of a circuit that is involved in implementing oculomotor decisions
in monkeys performing simple decision-making tasks. The above studies generally support the
notion that decision-related information flows from LIP to FEF and then to SC just prior to a
This domain benefits from an abundance of recent high-quality reviews (Ding & Gold 2012;
Glimcher 2003; Gold & Shadlen 2001, 2007; Schall 2001, 2013; Shadlen & Kiani 2013) that show
a variety of approaches but mainly focus on the accumulation of evidence up to a decision criterion.
In addition, a number of articles present explicit neurobiological models that assume that evidence
is gradually accumulated over time; here, evidence is conceptualized as activity in populations of
neurons associated with a specific choice alternative (Boucher et al. 2007; Ditterich 2006; Gold
& Shadlen 2001, 2007; Hanes & Schall 1996; Platt & Glimcher 1999; Purcell et al. 2010; Ratcliff
et al. 2003a; Roitman & Shadlen 2002; Shadlen & Newsome 2001).
The proposed neurobiological models fall into several classes: Some models assume accumu-
lation of a single evidence quantity that can take on positive and negative values (as is consistent
with the DDM; Gold & Shadlen 2000, 2001; Ratcliff 1978; Ratcliff et al. 1999, 2003a; Smith
2000); others assume that evidence is accumulated in separate accumulators corresponding to
separate choice alternatives (Churchland et al. 2008, Ditterich 2006, Ratcliff et al. 2007a, Usher
& McClelland 2001). In this latter class of models, accumulation in separate accumulators can be
independent or interactive—so that as evidence grows in one accumulator, it inhibits evidence
accumulation in the other accumulator. These two classes of models largely mimic each other at
a behavioral level (Ratcliff 2006, Ratcliff & Smith 2004).
In one innovative application, Purcell et al. (2010) used real neural firing rate data as the input
for a range of different sequential sampling models of decision making in a visual search task.
The models they examined involved independent accumulation models with decay, inhibition,
and a gating mechanism (i.e., activity had to be greater than some base level to be involved in
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the decision). The modeling results revealed that models that included decay or gating provided
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an excellent account of the observed RT distributions. In the model proposed by Purcell et al.
(2010), the stimulus is directly tied to the decision-making mechanism without the involvement
of an intermediate short-term memory representation. For highly overtrained monkeys, this is
likely appropriate.
E pluribus unum. The modeling efforts for single neurons raise an important question: If single
neurons act as noisy evidence accumulators, how does this determine the behavior of a large pool
of neurons? In other words, do the properties of an individual neuron scale up to determine the
dynamics of the neural population?
This question was recently addressed by Zandbelt et al. (2014), who examined a number of
models in which individual neurons act as single redundant accumulators that together constitute
a neural ensemble. The decision rule is that when some proportion of neurons from the ensemble
have reached their criterion, the decision is made. They found that, under general conditions,
the behavior of such a system was relatively insensitive to ensemble size. This suggests that a single
diffusion process (used in modeling at the behavioral level) might be implemented in hardware as
a combination of multiple accumulators.
Another attempt to bridge the gap from neuron to ensemble comes from modeling efforts
that relate diffusion models to models based on spiking neurons (e.g., Deco et al. 2013, Roxin &
Ledberg 2008, Wong & Wang 2006). Roxin and Ledberg examined models in which separate
populations of spiking neurons are assumed to represent the two choices. They show that such
models can be reduced to a one-dimensional model that is similar but not identical to the standard
DDM (their model involves nonlinearity). Wong and Wang present a spiking neuron model and
then reduce it to a two-variable model with self-excitation and inhibition. Their approximation is
similar to the leaky competing accumulator model (Usher & McClelland 2001). Wang’s modeling
approach has had a wide range of applications (Wang 2008). Unfortunately, the Wang model is
relatively complex, and at this point it is not possible to use it to fit data. However, its strength is
that it takes seriously the relationship between neural processes, including synaptic currents, the
behavior of neurotransmitters, membrane voltages, etc.
Smith (2010) suggested a different approach. He made an explicit connection between diffusion
processes at a macro behavioral level and Poisson shot noise processes at a slightly abstract neural
level. The shot noise process describes the cumulative effects of time-varying events (i.e., action
potentials) that arrive according to a Poisson process. Smith showed that the time integral of such
Poisson shot noise pairs follows an integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, whose long timescale
statistics are very similar to those assumed in the standard DDM.
Single-cell recordings and bias effects. In a two-alternative task, bias toward one or the other
alternative can be induced by instructions, by varying the relative proportions of occurrence, or
by asymmetric rewards. Such bias can be modeled within the DDM framework in two ways.
First, the starting point of the process can be moved nearer the boundary that represents the
preferable alternative. Alternatively, the zero point of the drift rate (i.e., the drift criterion) can
be altered by increasing drift rates toward the preferred boundary and decreasing drift rates to
the nonpreferred boundary (Leite & Ratcliff 2011, Mulder et al. 2012, Ratcliff 1985, Ratcliff &
McKoon 2008, Ratcliff & Smith 2004, Starns et al. 2012, Wagenmakers et al. 2007).
In human decision making it is clear that changing the relative proportion of occurrence brings
about a change in the starting point of the decision process. This is evident from changes not only
in accuracy and mean RT (Mulder et al. 2012), but also in the shape of RT distributions. If the
starting point moves nearer one boundary, the RT distribution for that response shifts to lower
values. In contrast, if the drift criterion changes, the leading edge of the RT distribution does not
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change very much (see Ratcliff & McKoon 2008 for a detailed discussion).
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Hanks et al. (2011) presented single-cell recording data and human data from the motion
discrimination task. They used their conclusions from the human data to support a drift criterion
interpretation, but they did not examine RT distributions nor perform the critical test. Their
results conflict with the conclusions from Ratcliff & McKoon (2008), who presented data from
a bias manipulation in the motion discrimination task and found strong evidence for a change
in starting point. For the monkey data, the initial firing rates differed as a function of bias, with
an increase in firing rate for neurons corresponding to the more likely decision. Hanks et al.
interpreted this as a change in drift rate, but it could also be the way the system changes the
starting point of activity in the decision process. Again, explicit modeling of accuracy and RT
distributions would make this finding clear.
Single-cell recordings and sequential dependencies. Gold et al. (2008) examined sequential
dependencies in a motion discrimination task and found evidence for changes in LIP neuron firing
rates, which they interpreted as changes in the drift criterion. In human data, Ratcliff et al. (1999)
found that sequential effects were best modeled as changes both in the starting point and in the
drift criterion. Again, explicit modeling of the behavioral data would clarify the interpretation of
this finding.
Single-cell recordings and trade-off effects. Two recent studies have attempted to manipulate
speed-accuracy settings in monkeys (Hanks et al. 2014, Heitz & Schall 2012; see Cassey et al. 2014
for a critique). One immediate problem is that it is extremely difficult to get monkeys to exercise
caution and to slow down responding based on rewards in the same way as humans do. This means
that monkey must be trained to delay, something that Heitz & Schall accomplished using explicit
deadline cutoffs. In the Hanks et al. study, the monkeys naturally produced fast responses; to make
the total time of the trial the same for fast and slow responses, the monkeys had to be trained to
respond more slowly by using time delays following the response. To move the monkeys back to
a speed regime, one of them needed an additional manipulation in which stimulus presentation
duration was reduced.
Perhaps the main lesson from this experiment is that it is difficult to get monkeys to adopt
different speed-accuracy regimes (see also Cassey et al. 2014). This contrasts with humans: Young
adults find it easy to adopt different regimes, whereas older adults require some training, but once
reassured that fast responses are acceptable or even desirable, they are able to switch between
regimes on a block-by-block basis (Ratcliff et al. 2001, 2003b, 2004).
Surprisingly, both the Hanks et al. (2014) and Heitz & Schall (2012) studies found that the
firing rate threshold did not change with speed-accuracy instructions, a finding that seems to
contradict the results of human studies that suggest a change in decision boundaries. However,
the results for monkeys showed changes in the starting level of activity, with a higher level for the
speed regime. This is consistent with a dual racing accumulator model in which changes in starting
Functional magnetic
resonance imaging point are identical to changes in boundary settings (Forstmann et al. 2008, Ratcliff & Smith 2004).
(fMRI): popular Heitz & Schall (2012) also found a reduction of peak activity in the accuracy regime relative to
brain-imaging the speed regime. Hanks et al. (2004) proposed a model in which a boost is added to the drift rate
technique used to in a diffusion model in the speed regime. However, there is the question of whether monkeys and
locate brain areas that
humans perform the tasks in the same way. This can be examined using RT distributions. In the
are relatively active
during task Heitz & Schall study, the RT distributions for the speed and accuracy regimes hardly overlap. This
performance is inconsistent with most human studies that use instructions (and not time deadlines or signals;
e.g., Ratcliff 1988, 2006), in which RT distributions overlap to a great degree (Ratcliff et al.
2001, 2003b, 2004b). The relationship between speed and accuracy manipulations in humans and
monkeys is not yet settled (Cassey et al. 2014).
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In general, much work in the animal area is limited by the lack of explicit modeling of behavioral
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67:641-666. Downloaded from
data featuring a thorough quantitative analysis of accuracy as well as the shapes of RT distributions
for correct and error responses. If sequential sampling models such as the DDM were fit to the data,
this would increase the confidence in the theoretical link between behavior and neural processes
(e.g., Purcell et al. 2010, Ratcliff et al. 2007b).
In sum, the application of sequential sampling models in the arena of low-level cognitive neuro-
science opens up exciting new prospects. Instead of considering only behavioral data, researchers
could test the models on additional findings such as neural firing rates. These data add useful
constraints and allow a deeper understanding of the computational mechanisms that ultimately
produce overt decisions. The work in this new area can be improved further by rigorous modeling
of the behavioral data to confirm the validity of more qualitative conclusions.
Magnetic resonance imaging. In recent years, studies using functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) have started to correlate parameter estimates from sequential sampling models to
the blood-oxygen-level dependent signal obtained from fMRI experiments in perceptual decision
making. Figure 4 summarizes the results of these efforts. The summary includes results from
seven fMRI studies focusing on evidence accumulation, two studies on decision thresholds, five
studies on starting point bias, one study on drift rate bias, and one study on nondecision time
(Mulder et al. 2014).
Figure 4 shows the relevance of a large variety of brain areas. Several global patterns emerge.
First, individual differences in the accumulation of evidence are mainly associated with regions
belonging to the frontoparietal network (top row of Figure 4). Second, individual differences in
adjusting response thresholds are associated with a frontobasal ganglia network. Third, a more
complex pattern arises for choice bias, which is associated with individual differences in both
Evidence accumulation
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Temporal lobe
Occipital lobe
Limbic lobe
Decision threshold Basal ganglia
1 4 7
Number of
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Starting-point bias
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67:641-666. Downloaded from
Drift-rate bias
Nondecision time
Figure 4
Summary of peak coordinates reported in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies that
correlate blood-oxygen-level-dependent activation with parameter estimates from sequential sampling
models. The size of each sphere is proportional to the number of studies that reported a specific region of
interest. Only studies reporting whole-brain analyses were included. Figure adapted with permission from
Mulder et al. (2014).
the frontoparietal and the frontobasal ganglia networks. There is only weak evidence for the
involvement of brain regions in individual differences in nondecision time. Electroencephalo-
graphy (EEG):
Electroencephalography. A growing number of studies has started to use sequential sampling popular method for
models in combination with human neurophysiology measurement techniques such as electroen- measuring electrical
activity along the
cephalography (EEG). The main advantage of these techniques is their high temporal resolution,
scalp, used to study the
an advantage that is particularly pronounced for the study of speeded RT tasks. temporal aspects of
Philiastides et al. (2006) used multivariate pattern analysis to derive spatiotemporal profiles information
of activity that could discriminate between relevant stimulus categories (i.e., face versus car) and processing in the brain
between different levels of difficulty (i.e., image phase coherence). The results revealed an early
(170 ms) and a late (300 ms) event-related potential (ERP) component that were predictive of
decision accuracy. In a later study, Ratcliff et al. (2009) showed that within each stimulus coherence
level, higher late-component amplitudes were associated with higher DDM drift rates. Hence,
this study demonstrated that, for nominally identical stimuli, the amplitude of a single-trial EEG
component can be used to measure and predict the quality of information processing.
Other model-based EEG work has tried to elucidate the temporal dynamics of decision making.
Van Vugt et al. (2012) employed an EEG experiment to disentangle stimulus- and response-locked
processes using an RDK task. They applied a general linear model comparable to event-related
fMRI designs including a set of stimulus- and response-locked regressors. Their results revealed
spectral changes primarily in the theta band (4–8 Hz), a frequency band associated with cognitive
control processes (Cohen 2014). Importantly, changes in the theta band matched the dynamics
(i.e., the ramping temporal profiles) of evidence accumulation during the decision process. These
results are broadly consistent with recent work showing that weighting discrete stimuli presented
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in a series and as an input to the accumulation process fluctuated in accordance with delta band
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67:641-666. Downloaded from
naturally extended by adding accumulators for each additional choice. Some models with racing
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accumulators become standard diffusion models when the number of choices is reduced to two.
Sequential sampling models for confidence. In order to model confidence judgments in recog-
nition memory tasks, Ratcliff & Starns (2013) proposed a multiple-choice diffusion decision process
with separate accumulators of evidence for the different confidence choices. The accumulator that
first reaches its decision boundary determines which choice is made. Five algorithms for accu-
mulating evidence were compared and one of them was successful, in the sense that it produced
proportions of responses for each of the choices and full RT distributions for each choice that
closely matched empirical data. Within this algorithm, an increase in the evidence in one accumu-
lator is accompanied by a decrease in the others, so that the total amount of evidence in the system
is constant. This is one way in which the two-choice DDM can be generalized to multi-alternative
decisions (see also Audley & Pike 1965).
Application of the model to experimental data uncovered a relationship between the shapes of
z-transformed receiver operating characteristics (z-ROC) and the behavior of RT distributions.
For low-proportion choices, the RT distributions were shifted by as much as several hundred
milliseconds relative to high-proportion choices. This behavior and the shape of z-ROC functions
were both explained in the model by the behavior of the decision boundaries.
Ditterich (2010) argued that behavioral data alone would not be sufficient to discriminate
among a number of different multi-alternative models. However, Ratcliff & Starns (2013)
applied the decision model to a three-choice motion discrimination task in which one of the
alternatives was the correct choice on a low proportion of trials. Like the shifts for the confidence
judgment data, the RT distribution for the low-probability alternative was shifted relative to the
higher-probability alternatives. The diffusion model with constant evidence accounted for shifts
in the RT distribution better than a competing class of models.
Confidence judgments in animals. The animal domain and the human domain have different
definitions or measures of confidence. In the animal domain the definition seems to depend on
the amount of accumulated evidence: the more the evidence accumulated, the more confident the
response. By contrast, in the human domain the measure seems to depend on an explicit choice
on a scale, usually among a relatively small number of alternatives. Thus, in the human case, a
commitment to a level of confidence is made. Humans find it easy to make decisions on such
scales, but it is likely very difficult to train animals to make such judgments. To assess confidence
in animals a different kind of task is employed, in which the animals are rewarded for correct
choices and are offered smaller rewards if they opt out of the task.
Kepecs et al. (2008) performed an odor discrimination task in which stimuli were mixtures of
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two odors. Confidence was identified based on distance from the decision boundary and modeling
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2016.67:641-666. Downloaded from
was based only on accuracy. In a delayed version of the task, rats were more likely to move to
the next trial without waiting for a reward when the stimulus was more ambiguous. However,
this study only reported and modeled accuracy, although there was some discussion of evidence
accumulation models.
Kiani et al. (2014) used a more explicit opt-out task in which, on some trials, monkeys could
explicitly opt for a lower-value reward rather than risking zero reward. In the experiments, re-
sponses were given after a delay so that activity in the LIP neurons was maintained until the signal
to respond, at which point a decision criterion was reached. When recordings were made in the
area of LIP corresponding to the opt-out responses, there was no strong evidence of accumulation
to a criterion for these decisions. This means that decisions can be made both when activity in a
neural population reaches a decision criterion and when it does not.
a b Fixed
Boundary separation
Drift rate
Starting point
Figure 5
A standard fixed-bound diffusion decision model (DDM) versus a collapsing-bound DDM. (a) The DDM
with fixed (dashed ) or collapsing (solid ) response boundaries. Models with collapsing boundaries can
terminate the evidence accumulation process earlier than models with fixed boundaries, resulting in faster
decisions. (b) The ways in which the models lead to different predictions for response time distributions,
particularly in the tails. Figure adapted with permission from Hawkins et al. (2015).
The last 15 years have witnessed an explosion of interest in sequential sampling models such as
the DDM. This interest was initially fueled by the realization that sequential sampling models
provide a principled and plausible account of the macrolevel dynamics of the behavior of single
cells. Currently this interest has shifted somewhat, and many applications in high-level cognitive
neuroscience use models such as the DDM to decompose performance into its constituent psy-
chological processes, such that brain measurements may be connected not to observed behavior,
but to specific latent processes of interest.
Another recent shift in interest is evident from research efforts that aim to extend the DDM to
novel tasks and new dependent variables, and to probe its adequacy under a set of circumstances
that had not been originally considered. New applications and extensions of the DDM now appear
on a regular basis, and they constitute one of the most exciting recent trends in the neuroscience
of speeded decision making. The work described here is a testament to the symbiosis that is
slowly arising between mathematical psychology and cognitive neuroscience; this symbiosis and
the accelerated development of quantitative models for brain and behavior hold much promise
for the future.
1. The DDM provides an excellent account of the law-like patterns observed across virtually
all speeded RT tasks.
2. The DDM accounts for the relationship between mean RTs and the probability of choices
(errors and correct responses) in both healthy and diseased populations.
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3. One of the main reasons for the current popularity of diffusion models in neuroscience
is the behavior of single neurons of monkeys (and occasionally rats) performing simple
decision-making tasks.
4. In addition, fMRI and EEG data show specific neural patterns related to DDM model pa-
rameters, thereby offering the promise of a mechanistic understanding of latent cognitive
5. Extensions of the DDM include multiple-choice behavior, confidence judgments, value-
based decision making, and dynamic decision thresholds.
6. A DDM decomposition of choice performance provides numerous benefits, both for a
purely behavioral analysis and for a model-based cognitive neuroscience approach.
1. How do people set and adjust criteria for response caution? The speed with which peo-
ple achieve relatively stable criteria suggests that they bring to bear substantial prior
2. To what extent can the DDM prove useful in examining deficits in various neuropsy-
chological disorders?
3. How can the DDM be extended to more complex and multistage decision making?
4. What exactly is the relation between latent processes in the DDM and key structures in
the human brain (e.g., control structures in the basal ganglia and structures that support
working memory processes in the frontal cortex)?
5. How can we build truly integrated models of decision making, that is, models that include
knowledge of how motor processes are implemented in motor cortex and the oculomotor
6. To what extent can the DDM be applied to more deliberate economic decision making?
7. Will the DDM be able to quantitatively account for choice behavior in groups of animals?
8. To what extent can the DDM be used to jointly model behavioral and neuroscience data
pertaining to clinical populations?
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
We would like to thank Martijn Mulder, Leendert van Maanen, and Guy Hawkins for valuable
discussions. This research line is financially supported by the European Research Council (B.U.F.,
E.-J.W.), the Dutch Research Foundation NWO (B.U.F.), and the National Institute of Aging
(R.R.; grant R01-AG041176).
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Annual Review of
PS67-FrontMatter ARI 23 November 2015 19:6
Ara Norenzayan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 465
Materialistic Values and Goals
Tim Kasser p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 489
Beyond Work-Life “Integration”
Joan C. Williams, Jennifer L. Berdahl, and Joseph A. Vandello p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 515
Vocational Psychology: Agency, Equity, and Well-Being
Steven D. Brown and Robert W. Lent p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 541
Causal Inference in Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
(DOHaD) Research
Suzanne H. Gage, Marcus R. Munafò, and George Davey Smith p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 567
From Brain Maps to Cognitive Ontologies: Informatics and the Search
for Mental Structure
Russell A. Poldrack and Tal Yarkoni p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 587
Modular Brain Networks
Olaf Sporns and Richard F. Betzel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 613
Sequential Sampling Models in Cognitive Neuroscience: Advantages,
Applications, and Extensions
B.U. Forstmann, R. Ratcliff, and E.-J. Wagenmakers p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 641
Evidence-Based Practice: The Psychology of EBP Implementation
Denise M. Rousseau and Brian C. Gunia p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 667
Scientific Misconduct
Charles Gross p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 693
The Council of Psychological Advisers
Cass R. Sunstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 713
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