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Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

You know how to decipher the movements of the night's sky, draw meaning from the
faces of cards, or divine secrets from the murky depths of your crystal ball. These
readings can help you influence the paths of others, or see glimpses of possible futures.
You might use your powers to tell fortunes and counsel those in need, or you may read
omens to help avert the potential disasters you foresee. While some may doubt the
truths you share, you understand the thin line between prophecy and possibility.

KEY ABILITY HIT POINTS Initial Proficiencies

6 plus your Constitution modifier
At 1st level, you gain the listed
At 1st level, your class gives you an You increase your maximum number proficiency ranks in the following
ability boost to Wisdom of HP by this number at 1st level and statistics. You are untrained in
every level thereafter
anything not listed unless you gain
a better proficiency rank in some
other way.
During Combat Encounters…
You read possible outcomes to maximize the effects of your spells. You
draw on the futures you see to aid your allies and turn the tides of battle,
Expert in Perception
whether safeguarding them from unexpected dangers or guiding their
strikes at opportune moments.
Saving Throws
During Social Encounters… Trained in Fortitude

Your insights help you understand others' motivations and desires, and
Expert in Reflex

Trained in Will
guide your words in persuading or coercing others. Your practice at
reading others helps you know how to obfuscate your own goals.
While Exploring… Trained in Occultism

You remain alert to potential threats, and consider the safest paths Trained in one skill determined by
forward. Your experiences with possible futures lends weight to your your practice.

Trained in a number of skills equal

every decision.
to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier
In Downtime…
You read the fates and tell fortunes, whether to gain knowledge, Attacks
determine a course forward, or simply for coin. You seek out magic and Trained in simple weapons

answers, traveling wherever fate may guide you. Trained in unarmed attacks

You Might… Defenses

Strive to better understand the various possibilities the future holds. Untrained in all armor

Offer others advice, even when they do not ask for it. Trained in unarmored defense
Think of your magical sight as a talent you had to hone, or a gift
from fate itself. Spells
Trained in occult spell attacks

Others Probably… Trained in occult spell DCs

Think your focus on the future means you ignore the present.
Ask you to tell them what their future holds.
Don't understand why one of your predictions doesn't come to pass.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel


Your Class Features Your magic draws on the power behind the fortunes
you reveal. You can cast occult spells using the Cast a
1 Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, occult
spellcasting, auspice spells, forecast, practice Spell activity, and you can supply material, somatic,
2 Skill feat, soothsayer feat and verbal components when casting spells. As a
3 2nd-level spells, general feat, skill increase soothsayer, you can substitute a unique item related to
4 Skill feat, soothsayer feat your practice for most material components. If you do
3rd-level spells, ability boosts, ancestry feat, iron this, you don’t need a material component pouch.

5 will, skill increase         At 1st level, you can prepare up to two 1st-level
6 Skill feat, soothsayer feat spells and five cantrips each morning from the spells in
7 4th-level spells, expert spellcaster, general feat, skill your readings (see below). Prepared spells remain
available to you until you cast them or until you
8 Skill feat, soothsayer feat prepare your spells again. The number of spells you
9 5th-level spells, ancestry feat, magical fortitude, skill can prepare is called your spell slots.

        As you increase in level as a soothsayer, your
10 Ability boosts, skill feat, soothsayer feat
number of spell slots and the highest level of spells
11 6th-level spells, general feat, skill increase, simple
weapon expertise, vigilant senses you can cast from spell slots increase, as shown in
12 Skill feat, soothsayer feat Table 1-2: Soothsayer Spells per Day.

7th-level spells, ancestry feat, defensive robes, skill     Some of your spells require you to attempt a spell
13 increase, weapon specialization attack roll to see how effective they are, or have your
14 Skill feat, soothsayer feat enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by
15 8th-level spells, ability boosts, general feat, master attempting a saving throw). Since your key ability is
spellcaster, skill increase
Wisdom, your spell attack rolls and spell DCs use
16 Skill feat, soothsayer feat
your Wisdom modifier.
17 9th-level spells, ancestry feat, evasion, skill increase
18 Skill feat, soothsayer feat Heightening Spells
19 General feat, legendary spellcaster, skill increase, When you get spell slots of 2nd level and higher, you
unerring portent
can fill those slots with stronger versions of lower-level
20 Ability boosts, skill feat, soothsayer feat
spells. This increases the spell's level, heightening it to
  match the spell slot. Many spells have specific
improvements when they are heightened to certain
Class Features levels.
You gain these abilities as a soothsayer. Abilities
gained at higher levels list the levels next to their Cantrips
names. A cantrip is a special type of spell that doesn't use
  spell slots. You can cast a cantrip at will, any number
of times per day. A cantrip is always automatically
Ancestry And Background heightened to half your level rounded up—this is
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st usually equal to the highest level of spell you can cast
level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry as a soothsayer. For example as a 1st-level soothsayer,
and background.
your cantrips are 1st-level spells, and as a 5th-level
  soothsayer, you cantrips are 3rd-level spells.

Initial Proficiencies Readings

At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that Every fortune you read holds power, though some
represent your basic training. These proficiencies are hold more than others. You start with a folio of these
noted at the start of this class. readings worth 10 sp or less, which you receive for
free and must study to prepare your spells each day.
The readings contain your choice of 10 occult cantrips

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel


Your Level Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
1 5 2 — — — — — — — — —
2 5 3 — — — — — — — — —
3 5 3 2 — — — — — — — —
4 5 3 3 — — — — — — — —
5 5 3 3 2 — — — — — — —
6 5 3 3 3 — — — — — — —
7 5 3 3 3 2 — — — — — —
8 5 3 3 3 3 — — — — — —
9 5 3 3 3 3 2 — — — — —
10 5 3 3 3 3 3 — — — — —
11 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 — — — —
12 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 — — — —
13 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 — — —
14 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 — — —
15 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 — —
16 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 — —
17 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 —
18 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 —
19 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1*
20 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1*
*The unerring portent class feature gives you a 10th-level spell slot that works differently from other spell slots.

and five 1st-level occult spells. You choose these from spells appear on page 300 of the Pathfinder 2e Core
the common spells on the occult spell list or from Rulebook.

other occult spells you gain access to. This folio     You learn the Twist of Fate auspice spell, twisting
otherwise functions as a spellbook.
fate in your favor.
        Each time you gain a level, you add two more
occult spells to your readings, of any level of spell you Forecast
can cast. You can use the Learn a Spell exploration Soothsayers can read glimpses of possibility across
activity to add other spells you find in your every situation, holding their spells ready for the
adventures. You can also use the Learn a Spell activity perfect moment. You gain the Premonition and
to copy a spell from another soothsayer's readings. Forecast actions.

Auspice Spells PREMONITION

You can read powerful omens to cast special spells CONCENTRATE FORECAST SOOTHSAYER  
called auspices. Auspices are a type of focus spell. It You Cast a Spell with one of your spell slots, holding
costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start
the effect in reserve for up to 1 minute. At the start of
with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your
your next turn, you gain the Forecast action.

focus pool during your daily preparations, and you

    You can hold only one spell in this manner at a time.
can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes
using the Refocus activity to meditate on possible
If you do not cast the spell within the next minute, or
futures. Focus spells are automatically heightened to if you replace the spell with a new premonition, the
half your level rounded up.
spell slot is lost as if you had cast the spell normally.
    Focus spells don't require spell slots. Certain feats
can give you more focus spells and increase the size of
your focus pool, though your focus pool can never
hold more than 3 Focus Points. The full rules for focus The premonition you foretold is unleashed. You spend

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

the same number of actions as it takes to Cast the

Spell in your Premonition. This counts as Casting a You’ll see the following key terms in many soothsayer
Spell for the purpose of effects that require such. You class features.

select an appropriate target for the spell you cast with Forecast: A forecast alters the effects of spells stored in
Premonition. Choose one of the following effects to your premonition. These additional effects are usually
add to the spell: triggered by the Forecast action.

When you Cast a Spell that deals damage and Metamagic: Actions with the metamagic trait tweak the
doesn't have a duration, you gain a status bonus properties of your spells. These actions usually come
to damage equal to double the spell's level. from metamagic feats. You must use a metamagic action
When you Cast a Spell that requires a saving directly before Casting the Spell you want to alter. If you
use any action (including free actions and reactions)
throw, the target takes a -1 status penalty to their
other than Cast a Spell directly after, you waste the
benefits of the metamagic action. Any additional effects
When you Cast a Spell on a willing creature, the
added by a metamagic action are part of the spell’s
target gains a +1 status bonus to their next skill effect, not of the metamagic action itself.
check or saving throw before the end of your
next turn. Skill Increases 3rd
Practice At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
As a soothsayer, you have practiced a particular skill increase. You can use this increase either to
method of fortune-telling with which you channel increase your proficiency rank to trained in one skill
your power. Your practice grants you an additional you’re untrained in, or to increase your proficiency
skill, and grants a unique reaction connected to your rank in one skill in which you’re already trained to


    At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase

    The following soothsayer practices are presented in
your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which
this book.

you’re already an expert, and at 15th level, you can

Astrologer: You study the constellations in the night's
use them to increase your proficiency rank to
sky and track celestial movements.

legendary in a skill in which you’re already a master.

Dreamer: Your dreams place you in the middle of
possible futures, and have a way of coming true.
Ability Boosts 5th
Harrower: You read the fate of others through the use
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost
of a harrow deck or similar collection of cards.

four different ability scores. You can use these ability

Seer: You study crystals or reflective surfaces, most
boosts to increase your ability scores above 18.
commonly a crystal ball, in search of answers about
Boosting an ability score increases it by 1 if it’s already
the future.
18 or above, or by 2 if it starts out below 18.
Soothsayer Feats 2nd Ancestry Feats 5th
At 2nd level and every even-numbered level, you gain
In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you
a soothsayer class feat.
gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels
Skill Feats 2nd thereafter.

At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a Iron Will 5th
skill feat. You must be trained or better in the
Your mental defenses are an iron fortress. Your
corresponding skill to select a skill feat.
proficiency rank for Will saves increases to expert.
General Feats 3rd Expert Spellcaster 7th
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a
You’ve improved your ability to interpret your
general feat.
readings. Your proficiency ranks for occult spell attack
rolls and spell DCs increase to expert.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

Magical Fortitude 9th other spell slots, you don’t gain more 10th-level spells
as you level up, though you can take the feat to gain a
Magical power has improved your body’s resiliency.
second slot.
Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to
expert. Practices
Choose the occult practice through which you draw
Simple Weapon Expertise 11th
your mystical powers. Your practice represents the
Through sheer experience, you’ve improved your
methods you use as a channel for your magic, such as
technique with your weapons. Your proficiency ranks
tracking the movement of the heavens or reading fate
for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to
across a spread of cards. You learn a skill related to
that practice, and gain access to a unique reaction.
Vigilant Senses 11th Your practice might later grant you unique auspice

Your insights into possible futures ensure you notice

important details. Your proficiency rank for
Perception increases to master. Reading A Practice Entry
Defensive Robes 13th A practice entry contains the following information.

Trained Skill You become trained in the listed skill.

The flow of magic through your spellcasting and your

Auspice Spells You gain your practice's auspice spells
defensive training combine to help you get out of the
by selectiing the Basic Auspice, Advanced Auspice,
way before an attack. Your proficiency rank in
and Major Auspice soothsayer feats.

unarmored defense increases to expert.

Premonition Reaction A unique reaction you gain
Weapon Specialization 13th when you store a spell with Premonition.
You can inflict greater injuries with the weapons you
know. You deal 2 additional damage with weapons
You study the planets and stars that fill the night's sky,
and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This
charting their positions and movements to divine
damage increases to 3 if you’re a master and 4 if
meaning. If you have a hand free and you’ve gazed at
you’re legendary.
the night sky in the last 24 hours, you can usually
Master Spellcaster 15th replace material components with somatic
You've achieved mastery over your readings. Your components, so you don’t need to use a spell
proficiency ranks for occult spell attack rolls and spell component pouch.

DCs increase to master. Trained Skill Survival

Auspice Spells initial: Starfire; advanced: Celestial

Evasion 17th Sphere; major: Zodiac's Gaze

You’ve learned to move quickly to avoid explosions, Forecast Reaction Minor Constellation
dragons’ breath, and worse. Your proficiency rank for
Reflex saves increases to master. When you roll a
success on a Reflex save, you get a critical success CONCENTRATE DIVINATION SOOTHSAYER

instead. Requirements You are holding a Premonition.

Trigger An ally within 30 feet of you is about to use
Legendary Spellcaster 19th
an action that requires a skill check or attack roll.
You are a true prophet, guiding the future with
unerring skill. Your proficiency ranks for occult spell
Echoing the ephemeral connection between stars in
attack rolls and spell DCs increase to legendary. the night sky, your magic connects you with a nearby
ally. Select an ally within 30 feet. You can immediately
Unerring Portent 19th Aid that ally as though you had prepared to Aid them.
You fully understand the visions that you receive. You If you do so, you roll an Occultism check for Aid as
gain a single 10th-level spell slot and can prepare a you glimpse a helpful possible future.
spell in that slot using occult spellcasting. Unlike with

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

Dreamer roll and a saving throw, you choose which roll uses
You are more connected to the realm of dreams, Hand of Fate before you see the result.
receiving omens of possible futures as you rest. If you
have a hand free and you’ve gotten a full night’s rest in
You can study crystals or reflective surfaces, most
the last 24 hours, you can usually replace material
commonly a crystal ball, to search for answers about
components with somatic components, so you don’t
the future. You can substitute a crystal ball or other
need to use a spell component pouch.

reflective object such as a mirror for material

Trained Skill Religion

components, replacing them with somatic

Auspice Spells initial: Daydream; advanced: Restless
components. If you do this, you don’t need a spell
Omen; major: Manifest Dream

component pouch.

Forecast Reaction Drift Off

Trained Skill Society

DRIFT OFF Auspice Spells initial: Protective Gaze; advanced:

Farsight; major: Threats Laid Bare

Forecast Reaction Prescient Warning
Requirements You are holding a Premonition.
Trigger You or a willing ally within 30 feet roll a PRESCIENT WARNING
saving throw against an ability with the mental DIVINATION SOOTHSAYER
trait. Requirements You are holding a Premonition.
You escape from the pressing threats of reality into a Trigger An enemy within 30 feet of you that you are
pleasant dream. Treat a failure on your saving throw aware of attacks you or an ally within 30 feet of
as a success, and a critical failure as a failure as you you.
briefly fall asleep. You are prone and unconscious until Your premonitions warn you of incoming dangers and
the start of your next turn. help you avoid the worst of it. When you or an ally
Harrower would take damage, gain resistance to all damage
You read the fate of others through the use of a against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level.
harrow deck or similar collection of cards. You can If the triggering damage has an area, and you can
substitute a harrow deck or similar cards for material move, you can instead Step if doing so would move
components, replacing them with somatic you out of the area.
components. If you do this, you don’t need a spell
component pouch.

Soothsayer Feats
At every level that you gain a soothsayer feat, you can
Trained Skill Performance

select one of the following feats. You must satisfy any

Auspice Spells initial: Harrowed Suit; advanced:
prerequisites before selecting the feat.
Reversed Fate; major: Destined Array

Forecast Reaction Hand of Fate 1st Level

Requirements You are holding a Premonition. Trigger A creature Casts a Spell that you have
Trigger An ally within 30 feet of you is about to use prepared.
an action that requires a skill check or attack roll. When a foe Casts a Spell and you can see its
You borrow a bit of luck from a nearby ally. When they manifestations, you can use your own magic to disrupt
roll a d20, copy the result and set it aside. Until the it. You expend a prepared spell to counter the
end of your next turn, if you Forecast a spell that triggering creature’s casting of that same spell. You
requires a Spell Attack roll or saving throw, you must lose your spell slot as if you had cast the triggering
use the result of the roll made with Hand of Fate. If spell. You then attempt to counteract the triggering
you Forecast a spell that requires both a Spell Attack spell.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel



Frequency once per hour Frequency once per day

Prerequisites dreamer practice Prerequisites harrower practice
You glimpse hazy images related to creatures’ dreams, Trigger You fail a saving throw
giving you insight into a creature. By focusing on You channel the fortune that guides your deck of
these images, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to cards. You can reroll the triggering check, but you
checks to Sense Motive against the creature. If the must use the new result, even if it’s worse than your
dream was a nightmare this bonus also applies to first roll.
Intimidation checks against them, while if it was a
positive dream, this bonus also applies to Diplomacy

        The bonus to Sense Motive increases to +2 if you You can extend the range of your spells. If the next
are a master in Perception, the bonus to Intimidation action you use is to Cast a Spell that has a range,
increases to +2 if you are a master in Intimidation, and increase that spell’s range by 30 feet. As is standard
the bonus to Diplomacy increases to +2 if you are a for increasing spell ranges, if the spell normally has a
master in Diplomacy. range of touch, you extend its range to 30 feet.


You make a pact with creature that serves you and SOOTHSAYER  
assists your spellcasting. You gain a familiar.
You peel back a new layer of your abilities, learning a
GLIMPSED DANGER FEAT 1 basic facet of your practice. You learn the basic
auspice spell of your practice. Increase the number of
Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.
Prerequisites seer practice
Trigger You are about to roll initiative. CANTRIP EXPANSION FEAT 2
You recall a vision you had seen of the threat before SOOTHSAYER  
you. You can immediately attempt to Recall You have divined basic truths of your spellcraft. You
Knowledge against a single creature that you can see. can prepare two additional cantrips each day.
Prerequisites astrologer practice Prerequisites a familiar
You can review the positions of the stars and planets You infuse your familiar with additional magical
to create a horoscope to guide you through your day's energy. You can select four familiar or master abilities
trials. During your daily preparations, you can divine a each day, instead of two.
horoscope to become temporarily trained in one skill
of your choice. This proficiency lasts until you prepare EXPANSIVE FORECAST FEAT 2
again. As this proficiency is temporary, you can't use it FORECAST SOOTHSAYER  
as a prerequisite for a skill increase or a permanent Prerequisites forecast
character option like a feat.
Your fortunes expand beyond individuals. You can add

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

Soothsayer Feats the following effect to your Forecast: When you Cast a Spell that has an
If you need to look up a soothsayer area of a burst, cone, or line and does not have a duration, increase the
feat by name instead of by level,
area of that spell. Add 10 feet to the radius of a burst that normally has a
use this table.
radius of at least 10 feet (a burst with a smaller radius is not affected).
Feat Level Add 10 feet to the length of a cone or line that is normally 15 feet long or
Advanced Auspice 6
smaller, and add 15 feet to the length of a larger cone or line.
Auspice Focus 12
Auspice Wellspring 18 FORESIGHT FEAT 2
Basic Auspice 2
Cantrip Expansion 2
Clearsight 4 Prerequisites premonition
Complex Premonition 20 Requirements You are holding a Premonition.
Connected Spell 4 Trigger You are the target of an effect that requires a saving throw, but
Counterspell 1 haven't rolled yet.
Cross Practice 6 Your Premonition warns you an instant before danger strikes. You gain a
Dispelling Forecast 16 +2 circumstance bonus to the triggering saving throw.
Dreaming Self 4
Echoed Dreams 1 4th Level
Effortless Concentration 16
Enhanced Familiar 2
Expansive Forecast 2 SOOTHSAYER

Familiar 1 Prerequisites seer practice

Fateful Spread 4 You are experienced at piercing through veils in search of answers. When
Focused Forecast 10 you make a Spell Attack, you lower the DC of your flat check to target a
Forecast Conduit 20
creature that's concealed or hidden from you. The DC is reduced to 3
Forecast Constellation 8
instead of 5 against a concealed creature, and to 9 instead of 11 against a
Foresight 2
hidden one.
Forestrike 4
Glimpsed Danger 1
Horoscope 1
Inexorable Portent 20 Prerequisites astrologer practice
Infinite Futures 18 You see connections that others don't, enabling your spell to split between
Insightful Forecast 8 multiple creatures. If your next action is to Cast a Spell without a duration
Instant Forecast 14 that requires an attack roll against a single target and has no effect
Magic Sense 12 beyond dealing damage, you roll a single attack roll and compare the
Major Auspice 10 result to the AC of two targets within the spell's range. The spell deals
Meticulous Forecast 18 only half its usual damage to each target. This counts as one attack for
Multifaceted Forecast 20
your multiple attack penalty.
Mystic Draw 1
Quickened Casting 10 DREAMING SELF FEAT 4
Reach Spell 1
Reflect Spell 14
Frequency once per day
Second Sight 16 Prerequisites dreamer practice
Shared Forecast 12 You can project an astral version of yourself outward for 1 minute. While
doing so, your body sleeps and is unconscious. Your astral projection can
not move more than 100 feet away from your body, and is incorporeal,
allowing it to move through solid objects. Your astral projection has
resistance to physical damage equal to half your level.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

Feat (cont.) Level

FATEFUL SPREAD FEAT 4 Shuffle Forecast 8
Your cards hold a unique connection to fate, which you can read when you Tranquil Forecast 8
draw them. You Interact to draw one of three types of cards from your  

deck, representing the energies of the past, present, or future. Roll 1d4 on

the table below to determine which effect your card grants.  

1d4 Benefits  

1 You gain temporary hit points equal to your class level.  

2 You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next skill check made before the
end of this turn.  

3 You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.  

4 Your control of fate allows you to choose which effect to gain.  



Frequency once per turn  

Prerequisites forecast  

Requirements you used Forecast to Cast a Spell this turn  

You capitalize on the magic of your spell, empowering one weapon you're

wielding. Your next Strike with this weapon deals additional damage equal  

to the spell's level.


    If the Forecast was a critical success, the target is also flat-footed to  

this Strike.  

6th Level  



Your growing connection to your chosen tools advances your sight. You

learn the advanced auspice spell of your practice. Increase the number of  

Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.  



You practice a variety of fortune-telling methods and have learned to draw  

on the basic auspices of another practice. You gain the basic auspice spell

of another practice.

        Special You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you  

must choose a different practice.  



Confident in your technique, you don’t easily lose your concentration  

when you Cast a Spell. If another creature’s reaction would disrupt your  

spellcasting action, attempt a DC 15 flat check. If you succeed, your action  

isn’t disrupted.  

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

8th Level
Through charting the movements of the stars, you draw
connections to the people and world around you. FORECAST SOOTHSAYER  

Prerequisites astrologer practice, forecast

You connect those around you like points in a
Wisdom fuels your spells, and can help you see
constellation. When you Forecast a Spell, you can
incoming threats, and navigate with the stars. Dexterity
and Constitution provide solid defenses. choose a second target to chain the effects of the
Forecast to. This second target is not affected by the
SKILLS spell beyond the Forecast effects.
Crafting, Medicine, Nature, Occultism, Survival

Astrology Frequency once per day

Prerequisites forecast, seer practice
Your Forecast provides a sharper vision of things to
Horoscope (1st), Basic Auspice (2nd), Connected Spell
come. When you Forecast to Cast a Spell, you can
(4th), Advanced Auspice (6th), Forecast Constellation
(8th), Major Auspice (10th)
draw on a deeper insight to double the chosen
benefit's effect.



Frequency once per day

Prerequisites forecast, harrower practice
Trigger A spell you Forecast on your previous turn is
about to be resolved.
You can shuffle the whims of fate as easily as you
shuffle a deck of cards. You alter your Premonition,
changing the held spell at the final second. You must
choose a spell you have prepared, and that spell's slot
is consumed in the place of the initial spell.



Frequency once per day

Prerequisites dreamer practice, forecast
Your visions are accompanied by a brief restful state.
Once per day when you Forecast to Cast a Spell, you
can restore a single Focus Point.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel



Prerequisites premonition
Requirements You are holding a Premonition.
Prerequisites foresight
Trigger an ally within 30 feet of you begins to Cast a
Your Premonitions can warn you of approaching Spell.
dangers for others, as well as yourself. When you gain
You have a Premonition of your ally's spell, granting
the Foresight reaction, you can share it with any ally
them one of your Forecast benefits. This takes the
within 30 feet.
place of the benefits for your own held spell, though
FOCUSED FORECAST FEAT 10 you can still cast it normally.
14th Level
Your control over your forecasts has expanded to
include your Auspice spells. You can now Forecast INSTANT FORECAST FEAT 14
spells that use a Focus Point, as well as from one of SOOTHSAYER  

your spell slots. Frequency once per day

Prerequisites forecast
Your premonition comes to a more rapid clarity. If your
next action is to make a Premonition, you immediately
You've mastered the weaves of prophecy. You gain the gain the Forecast action instead of at the start of your
major auspice spell associated with your practice. next turn.
Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus
Frequency once per hour
Prerequisites premonition
Frequency once per day Your premonitions come to a more rapid clarity. You
If your next action is to cast a cantrip or a spell that is can make a Premonition as a Free Action.
at least 2 levels lower than the highest level spell slot
you have, reduce the number of actions to cast it by 1 REFLECT SPELL FEAT 14
(minimum 1 action).

     Special This can only be used on a cantrip or spell Prerequisites counterspell
from the class matching the one you gained this feat When you successfully use Counterspell to counteract
from. a spell that affects targeted creatures or an area, you
12th Level can turn that spell’s effect back on its caster. When
reflected, the spell affects only the original caster,
AUSPICE FOCUS FEAT 12 even if it’s an area spell or it would normally affect
SOOTHSAYER more than one creature. The original caster can
Your study of the future have allowed you to achieve a attempt a save and use other defenses against the
deeper focus. If you have spent at least 2 Focus Points reflected spell as normal.
since the last time you Refocused, you recover 2 Focus
Points when you Refocus instead of 1.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

16th Level
Drawing on a mystical connection to a deck of cards,
FORECAST SOOTHSAYER   you lay out fates in unique spreads.
Prerequisites forecast
Your visions reveal a weakness in the spells
Wisdom fuels your spells. Dexterity and Constitution
surrounding a creature. When you Forecast a spell,
provide solid defenses, while Charisma can help you
you can replace one of the usual benefits with an an influence people.
attempt to counteract a single spell (of your choice)
active on the target. The counteract level is half your SKILLS
level rounded up, and the counteract check modifier is Diplomacy, Deception, Performance, Occultism, Thievery
the standard modifier for counteracting with a spell
(your Wisdom modifier plus your spellcasting PRACTICE
proficiency bonus, plus any bonuses or penalties that Harrower
specifically apply to counteract checks).
EFFORTLESS CONCENTRATION FEAT 16 Familiar (1st), Fateful Spread (4th), Advanced Auspice
(6th), Shuffle Forecast (8th), Focused Forecast (10th),
Shared Forecast (12th)
Trigger your turn begins
You maintain a spell with hardly a thought. You
immediately gain the effects of the Sustain a Spell
action, allowing you to extend the duration of one of
your active class spells.

18th Level

Prerequisites auspice focus

Focus flows from all possibilities each time you
consider your fortunes. You can recover 3 Focus
Points when you Refocus instead of 1 if you have
spent at least 3 Focus Points since the last time you



You've found a way to prepare a spell slot that charts

the infinite possibilities of fate all at once. Once during
your daily preparations, you can use a spell slot to
hold that infinite potential, rather than using it to
prepare a spell. You can use this spell slot to cast any
spell from your readings that’s at least 2 levels lower
than the slot you designate; the spell acts in all ways
as a spell of 2 levels lower. You don’t have any
particular spell prepared in that slot until you cast it.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel


Harnessing visions of the future, you safeguard your
allies and strike with devastating efficiency.
Frequency once per hour
You draw on your connection to possible futures to
ABILITY SCORES foretell with increased probability. When you Forecast
Wisdom fuels your spells and prepare for incoming to Cast a Spell, you can choose to roll twice and keep
threats. Dexterity and Constitution provide solid the better result. You can alternatively have an
defenses, while Intelligence helps you know your opponent roll twice and keep the worse result, if you
enemies weaknesses. do so the spell gains the Misfortune and Incapacitation
Arcana, Nature, Occultism, Religion, Society Feat 20



Requirements premonition
You walk the path between possible futures with ease.
Glimpsed Danger (1st), Foresight (2nd), Clearsight (4th),
Insightful Forecast (8th), Forewarning (10th), Dispelling
You can use Premonition to hold a second spell even if
Forecast (16th) you already have a spell held with premonition.

    These spells still expire if not used within 1 minute

of being held, and the spell slots are lost as normal.



Frequency once per minute

You've peered across endless possibilities, drawing on
energies from alternate futures. If your next action is
to Cast a Spell of 5th level or lower that has no
duration, you don't expend a spell's slot when you cast
it. A spell cast in this way is Forecast.



You have mastered the endless twists of fate and

fortune, and learned to manifest your chosen path.
You gain an additional 10th-level spell slot.



Frequency once per hour

You know that multiple futures can manifest together.
When you Forecast to Cast a Spell, you can choose
two applicable effects from your Forecast benefits to
apply to a single spell.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

Focus Spells
Soothsayer Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage and is
Soothsayers can gain the following auspice spells
through feats or class features.
frightened 1.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is
CELESTIAL SPHERE FOCUS 3 frightened 2. While frightened, it is confused.
UNCOMMON CONJURATION SOOTHSAYER   Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, is
Cast somatic, verbal frightened 2 and for 1 minute, it’s confused and can
Range 60 feet; Area 10-foot burst not reduce its frightened condition below 1 as it
Duration 1 minute struggles to understand its fate.
You replicate the celestial sphere into a condensed Heightened (+1) The mental damage increases by 1d6.
space, surrounding an area in an orb of starlight. DAYDREAM FOCUS 1
Creatures within the sphere are concealed to those
outside, and creatures outside are concealed to any
Cast somatic, verbal
inside the sphere.

        The caster can end the spell early with a single Duration 1 round
action that has the concentrate trait, causing the stars You drift briefly between waking and slumber to find a
to erupt outward in a brilliant flash of light, dealing small measure of rest, though doing so leaves you
1d6 fire damage and requiring a Reflex save from all disoriented. You can attempt to counteract a single
creatures in a 20 foot range outside the sphere. one of the following conditions that you are currently
afflicted by, using your spell modifier: clumsy,
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. enfeebled, or sickened. However, you are flat-footed
Success The creature takes half damage, and is until the start of your next turn.
dazzled for 1 round. Heightened (3rd) Daydream can now target 1 willing
Failure The creature takes full damage, and is dazzled creature in 30 feet.
for 1 minute. Heightened (5th) Add frightened, stupefied, and
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature takes slowed to the list of conditions you can counteract.
double damage and is also blinded for 1 round. Heightened (7th) Add blinded, deafened, and stunned
Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 1d6. to the list of conditions you can counteract.
Heightened (9th) You can attempt to counteract a
curse, disease, or poison in the place of one of the
listed conditions.
Cast somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Target 1 creature UNCOMMON DIVINATION MENTAL SOOTHSAYER  

Saving Throw Will; Duration varies Cast material, somatic, verbal

You draw an entire array of cards, spreading them Range 1 mile; Targets 1 willing creature
before you to reveal the tidings of fate. The creature Duration sustained up to 1 minute
takes 4d6 mental damage and must attempt a Will You enter a magical trance that allows you to perceive
save. After the effect is resolved, the target is through the senses of the target creature. You attempt
temporarily immune for 1 day. Perception checks using your own Perception, but you
  have any special senses the target has, such as

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

low-light vision or darkvision. The spell doesn't grant MANIFEST DREAM FOCUS 5
any special method of communication with the target.


    For the duration of the trance, your own senses are
Cast somatic, verbal
muted, though you can still communicate. This lack of
Range 100 feet; Area 20-foot burst
awareness makes you flat-footed. You can't take
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
actions with the attack or move traits, nor can you
cast spells. You manifest a magical replica of a dreamscape. When
you first create the dreamscape, you can choose up to
Heightened (6th) The range increases to 100 miles and
five squares within the area to be treated as difficult
the duration to sustained up to 10 minutes. You can
terrain, and five squares within the area that can be
communicate telepathically with the target for the
used as cover.

duration of the trance.

    Dreams are not a static thing, and each turn when
HARROWED SUIT FOCUS 1 you sustain the spell you can shift up to two of the
UNCOMMON DIVINATION SOOTHSAYER   squares that create difficult terrain or give cover to a
Cast somatic, verbal new location.
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature Heightened (8th) You increase the number of squares
Duration 1 round you can shift each turn to five, and can create two
You draw on the essence of one of the six suits within additional squares of hazardous terrain that deal a
your deck, empowering a target with an attribute of type of damage appropriate to the hazard. Any
your card readings. Choose an attribute when you Cast creature that starts its turn in the hazardous terrain
the Spell. The target gains the benefit of that attribute must make a Basic Reflex save or take 5d6 damage.
as described below. PROTECTIVE GAZE FOCUS 1
Hammer The target gains a +2 status bonus to UNCOMMON ABJURATION AURA SOOTHSAYER
weapon damage rolls. If their strikes deal more
Cast somatic
than one weapon damage die, the status bonus
Area 5-foot emanation
increases to 2 per weapon damage die, to a
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
maximum of +8 with four weapon damage dice.
Key The target gains a +5 status bonus to You and any allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to
movement speed. They also ignore the first either their Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saving throws,
square of difficult terrain. chosen by you when you cast the spell. Each time you
Shield The target can immediately attempt a flat Sustain the Spell, the emanation’s radius increases by
check to remove one type of persistent damage 5 feet, to a maximum of 30 feet.
they suffer. RESTLESS OMEN FOCUS 1
Tome The target can immediately attempt a recall
knowledge check with a +1 status bonus. This
bonus increases to a +2 if you are a Master in the
associated skill. Cast somatic, verbal
Star The target can immediately reroll the saving Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
throw against being controlled. Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 minute
Crown The target fascinates nearby creatures, You deliver an ill omen, drawing the sleep from your
requiring adjacent creatures to make a Will save target. The creature takes 6d6 mental damage and
against your spell DC or become fascinated. must attempt a Will save.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

Critical Success The creature is unaffected. the target is concealed, it becomes observed by all
Success The creature takes half damage. creatures in the area.

Failure The creature takes full damage and is fatigued Critical Failure If the target is hidden, it becomes
for 1 minute. observed. If the target is concealed, it becomes
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, and observed, and the target is flat-footed to all creatures
is slowed 1 and fatigued for 1 minute. in the area.



SOOTHSAYER Cast somatic, verbal

Cast somatic; Trigger A creature within range is Range 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature
affected by a fortune effect. Duration 1 minute
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature You give fate a nudge, tilting it toward a favorable
Saving Throw Will result. When the target would attempt a skill check, it
You reverse the fortunes of your target. You can can roll twice and use the better result. Once it does,
change a single fortune effect into a misfortune effect, the spell ends.

or a single misfortune effect into a fortune effect. The     If you cast twist of fate again, any previous twist of
target may attempt a Will save, negating the spell on a fate you cast that's still in effect ends. After a creature
success. has been targeted with twist of fate, it becomes
temporarily immune for 24 hours.

Duration 1 minute Cast somatic, verbal

Your body glows with starlight that burns those near Range 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature
you. Any creature that ends its turn adjacent to you, Duration varies
takes 1 fire damage. Anytime you Forecast a spell, the You draw upon the guidance of the zodiac to watch
damage from your starlight increases to 1d6 until the over one of your allies. When you cast the spell,
start of your next turn. attempt an Occultism check that has a standard DC for
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1, or 1d6 your level.
after you Forecast a spell. The target gains resistance 5 to one energy type
of your choice.
THREATS LAID BARE FOCUS 5 The target's resistances are increased by 5.
UNCOMMON DIVINATION SOOTHSAYER   The target takes a +10-foot status bonus to all its
Cast somatic, verbal Speeds.
Area 60-foot emanation The target takes a +1 status bonus to its saving
Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 round throws.

You reveal lurking threats. All creatures within the  

area must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target gains the bonuses for 1
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The target gains the bonuses for 1 round.
Success If the target is hidden, it remains hidden. If Failure The target is unaffected.
the target is concealed, it becomes observed by all Critical Failure As failure, and the target takes a –1
creatures in the area. status penalty to AC for 1 minute.
Failure If the target is hidden, it becomes concealed. If Heightened (+1) Increase the resistances and the
increase to resistances by 1.

Soothsayer by Kate Johnson & Nicole Dunkel

Multiclass Archetype
You’ve experimented with fortune-telling and learned equal to half your character level.

to read glimpses of fate.         Special You can select this feat more than once.
Multiclass Soothsayer Characters Each time you select it, you gain another soothsayer
The soothsayer archetype grants occult prepared
spells, perfect for expanding utility. FORECAST FEAT 6

ARCHETYPE DEDICATION SOOTHSAYER Prerequisites Soothsayer Dedication

Prerequisites Wisdom 14 You can use your readings of the future to empower
You cast spells like a soothsayer, gaining a folio with spells. You gain the Premonition and Forecast actions
(page 3).
four common occult cantrips of your choice. You gain
the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two cantrips OCCULT BREADTH FEAT 8
each day from your folio. You’re trained in occult spell ARCHETYPE  
attack rolls and spell DCs. Your key spellcasting ability
Prerequisites Basic Soothsayer Spellcasting
for soothsayer archetype spells is Int, and they are
occult soothsayer spells.
You can cast more occult spells each day. Increase the
        Choose a practice as you would if you were a spell slots you gain from soothsayer archetype feats
soothsayer. You become trained in Occultism and your by 1 for each spell level other than your two highest
practice’s associated skill; for each of these in which spell levels.
you were already trained, you become trained in a skill EXPERT SOOTHSAYER SPELLCASTING FEAT 12
of your choice. You don’t gain any other abilities from ARCHETYPE  
your choice of practice.
Prerequisites Basic Soothsayer Spellcasting, master in
ARCHETYPE   You gain the expert spellcasting benefits (page 219 of
Prerequisites Soothsayer Dedication the Pathfinder 2e Core Rulebook).
You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you OCCULT BREADTH FEAT 8
gain a spell slot of a new level from the soothsayer ARCHETYPE  
archetype, add two common spells of that level to
Prerequisites Expert Soothsayer Spellcasting,
your folio.
legendary in Occultism
BASIC SOOTHSAYING FEAT 4 You gain the master spellcasting benefits (page 219 of
ARCHETYPE   the Pathfinder 2e Core Rulebook).
Prerequisites Soothsayer Dedication
You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level soothsayer feat of your



Prerequisites Soothsayer Dedication

You gain one soothsayer feat. For the purpose of
meeting its prerequisites, your soothsayer level is


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