Thogeochemistry & Gold Lithogeochemistry & Gold
Thogeochemistry & Gold Lithogeochemistry & Gold
Thogeochemistry & Gold Lithogeochemistry & Gold
11 September 2019
Gold and base metals explorer Carawine Resources Limited (“Carawine” or “the Company”) (ASX:CWX)
is pleased to announce compelling new geochemical evidence for a copper-gold porphyry source of
mineralisation at its Hill 800 deposit, part of the Company’s 100%-owned Jamieson Project in northeast
Hill 800 is the most advanced prospect at the Jamieson Project, with drilling to date returning
outstanding widths and grades of gold and copper mineralisation from intensely altered volcanics,
• 93m @ 3.22g/t Au from 2m (0.3g/t Au cut-off), hole H8DD006, including:
12m @ 5.59g/t Au from 2m, and 31m @ 6.64g/t Au from 58m (1g/t Au cut-off)
• 49m @ 2.54g/t Au, 0.2% Cu from 143m (0.3g/t Au cut-off), hole H8DD004, including:
17m @ 6.62g/t Au, 0.3% Cu from 157m (1g/t Au cut-off)
• 43m @ 4.24g/t Au, 0.3% Cu from 177m (0.3g/t Au cut off), hole H8DD002 including:
10m @ 5.66g/t Au, 0.9% Cu from 182m and 5m @ 24.1g/t Au, 0.4% Cu from 203m (1g/t Au
cut off) (Downhole widths, refer Figure 11 and ASX announcement 27 May 2019 for details)
Today’s announcement relates to the analysis of multi-element geochemical data from 19 diamond drill
holes completed by the Company at Hill 800. The analysis, by renowned expert Dr. Scott Halley,
provides strong geochemical evidence that a copper-gold porphyry intrusion may be the source of
mineralisation at Hill 800 (Figures 1 to 3; Tables 1 & 2, Appendix 1).
This follows the recognition of two distinct magnetic anomalies from regional-scale survey data at
Jamieson (Figure 4) (refer ASX announcement 15 July 2019). Magnetic anomalies are commonly
associated with mineralised porphyries and therefore provide excellent targets for drill testing.
Carawine Managing Director Mr David Boyd said this was another exciting development for Hill 800 and
the Jamieson Project, one that could lead to a major new discovery in the region.
“Earlier this year we established a new interpretation for the Hill 800 mineralisation, demonstrating the
potential for high-grade mineralisation to continue at depth beneath the current limit of drilling.
“These latest results strongly suggest a fertile copper-gold porphyry is driving the mineral system at Hill
800 and its surrounds. Combined with our regional target generation work, this new evidence gives us
confidence that we could be chasing a porphyry copper-gold target at depth beneath Hill 800, and
potentially at Rhyolite Creek as well.
“Porphyry deposits are very attractive targets given they are typically very large mineral systems with
multiple deposits and excellent grade characteristics. We are now designing an exploration program to
define the geometry and depth of the porphyry targets, so that they can be drilled during the next
drilling campaign. This is planned to commence in Q4 2019, following the release of the Company’s
first Mineral Resource for Hill 800.”
11 September 2019
Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing the pathfinder geochemical and alteration patterns of a typical porphyry
copper-gold mineral system and the relative location of Hill 800 (modified from Halley, 2015).
Dr Halley identified four key outcomes from the study, as follows.
1. The gold-mineralised zone at Hill 800 has a strong gold (Au), tellurium (Te), bismuth (Bi) and
selenium (Se) association which is most like that of magmatic fluids originating from a copper-
gold porphyry intrusion (referred to as a “fertile” porphyry).
Typical values of these pathfinder elements observed in higher levels above fertile porphyries are
in the order of Te > 1 ppm, Bi > 1 ppm and Se > 4 ppm (Figure 1). At Hill 800, the data show
significantly elevated values for these elements (Figure 2, Tables 1 and 2, Appendix 1):
• H8DD002 43m @ 4.24g/t Au, 0.3% Cu, 19.5ppm Te, 19.1ppm Bi and 4ppm Se from 177m
• H8DD006: 92.7m @ 3.25g/t Au, 43.0ppm Te, 1.1ppm Bi and 22ppm Se from 2.3m
• H8DD019: 101m @ 1.44g/t Au, 27.8ppm Te, 1.8ppm Bi and 12ppm Se from 21m
(Downhole widths, see Tables 1 & 2, Figures 2 & 7, and Appendix 1 for details) Page | 2
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It is therefore expected that mineralisation will continue at depth, with the pathfinder metal
assemblage changing as the system becomes deeper and hotter. It is also likely that the system
will contain more copper and/or molybdenum (Mo) associated with the gold mineralisation.
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Figure 2: Hill 800 cross-Section J-J’ (window +/- 20m) showing alteration zones and drill hole pathfinder
element intervals of anomalous combined Bi, Te and Se above 6ppm (refer Figure 10 for section location).
2. The mineralised intercepts drilled to date at Hill 800 are very strongly controlled by rock type.
Although the intensity of the alteration makes it difficult to visually distinguish primary rock units,
the rocks can be geochemically fingerprinted. The geochemical fingerprinting of the rock types
shows that most of the gold intersected to date occurs within the rock unit geochemically
classified as rhyodacite (Figure 3b).
3. The types of magmas that form porphyry copper-gold deposits have very distinctive chemical
compositions. These distinctive compositions are the result of magma production in high
pressure, oxidized and hydrous conditions at the base of the earth’s crust (Loucks, 2014) The
preferentially mineralised rock unit at Hill 800 has a chemical composition that matches
compositions observed in porphyry copper-gold magma (Figure 3a), and is therefore most likely
sourced from a copper-gold porphyry intrusive complex. Page | 3
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4. Primary Porphyry copper-gold magmas are invariably magnetic. There is a high-intensity magnetic
anomaly at depth below Hill 800 (Figure 4), and therefore a reasonable probability that this is
highlighting the source of the preferentially mineralised rock at Hill 800. This magnetic feature is
a high priority exploration target, with the style of mineralisation more likely to be porphyry Cu-Au-
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Mo rather than the Au-Te-Bi intersected closer to surface (e.g. Figure 1).
Figure 3: (a) Geochemical host rock classification example (top), and (b) Gold association (bottom).
The geochemical data also defines an alteration pattern at Hill 800 which is typical of porphyry mineral
systems. Proximal to and associated with the Main mineralised zone at Hill 800, the intense silica-
sericite (paragonite)-pyrite alteration has a geochemical signature consistent with phyllic alteration.
Associated with lower gold grades and more distal to the main mineralised zone, moderate sericite-
chlorite alteration has a geochemical signature consistent with propylitic alteration (Figures 1 & 2).
Hill 800 is therefore best classified as a volcanic-hosted semi-massive sulphide deposit formed in a
sub-sea floor environment above a fertile porphyry intrusive system. Interaction of hot porphyry-derived
mineralising fluids and cold seawater is the mechanism most likely required to generate the observed
geochemical data and mineral assemblage at Hill 800. Higher-grade gold and copper mineralisation at
Hill 800 (previously described as “stringer” mineralisation) is most likely the result of local
remobilisation during later regional metamorphism during the Devonian Tabberabberan orogeny. Page | 4
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Figure 4: Regional magnetic image with two main magnetic high anomalies. Page | 5
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Figure 5: Schematic long section schematic showing previously announced potential relationships of porphyry
intrusive complexes with the main Jamieson prospect areas (refer ASX announcement dated 15 July 2019).
As previously reported, two broad magnetic anomalies are recognised from regional-scale airborne
magnetic data at the Jamieson project, one beneath the Rhyolite Creek prospect area and another,
stronger one beneath the Hill 800 prospect area and surrounds (Figure 4) (refer ASX announcement 15
July 2019).
These magnetic anomalies could be associated with the potassic zone of copper-gold enriched
porphyries. Modelling of the magnetic anomalies at Hill 800 by the Company’s geophysical consultants
SGC indicate the presence of multiple magnetic bodies with depths to the tops at between 200m and
600m below surface. However, as the models are based on regional scale data a more detailed survey
is required to refine these models with enough accuracy to effectively target drill holes. This detailed
work will form part of the Company’s upcoming exploration program planned to begin during Q4 2019. Page | 6
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Lamil Hills was applied for prior to the significant increase in exploration and tenement activity
witnessed in the region in recent times. The Company is actively reviewing historic exploration on the
tenement with a view to generating targets for future exploration work.
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There remains strong interest in the Paterson province and Carawine’s large 100%-owned tenement
position within the district. Carawine will consider all options for its Paterson project, including
progressing exploration programs in its own right, and/or possible joint venture opportunities.
Fraser Range
At the Company’s Fraser Range Project, located in the Fraser Range region of Western Australia,
tenement E28/2759 “Big Bang” was also recently granted for a period of five years from 22 August
2019. The Fraser Range region hosts Independence Group NL’s (ASX:IGO; “IGO”) Nova nickel-copper-
cobalt deposit at its southern end, and to the north the Tropicana gold mine (a Joint Venture between
Anglogold Ashanti and IGO) (Figure 8).
Big Bang is located in the Central Fraser Range, where a number of Companies have recently
announced nickel and gold discoveries including Thunderstorm – a paleochannel gold prospect
identified by IGO (in joint venture with Rumble Resources (ASX:RTR)); and Galileo Mining’s (ASX:GAL)
Lantern nickel prospect (Figure 8). Page | 8
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Carawine has a joint venture with IGO for its other granted tenements in the Fraser Range (the “Fraser
Range JV”). IGO currently hold a 51% interest and can earn an additional 19% interest in the tenements
by spending $5 million by the end of 2021. Big Bang was applied for after the commencement of the
Fraser Range JV and is held 100% by Carawine.
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Additional details of the Company’s exploration projects are available from the Company’s website:
ENDS Page | 9
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Halley SW, Dilles JH, Tosdal RM, 2015. Footprints: hydrothermal alteration and geochemical dispersion around porphyry copper deposits. SEG Newsletter 100(1): 12–17.
Loucks, R.R., 2014. Distinctive composition of copper-ore-forming arc magmas, Australian Journal of Earth, Sciences: 61:1, 5-16.
Table 1. Hill 800 lithogeochemical classifications and summary Au, Bi, Te and Se data.
Au (ppm) Bi (ppm) Te (ppm) Se (ppm)
Lithogeochemical Classification
min max median min max median min max median min max median
Rhyodacite -0.01 100 1.22 0.06 500* 45.3 0.01 23.9 1.15 0.5 312 19
Dacite (1) -0.01 12.5 0.29 -0.05 500* 40.6 0.01 7.56 1.08 0.5 48 12
Dacite (2) -0.01 24.9 0.03 -0.05 34.4 1.12 0.03 32 0.17 0.05 19 1
Andesite -0.01 60.8 0.03 -0.05 363 2.82 0.01 455 0.12 0.5 31 3
* Maximum value possible from analytical method used
Table 2. Hill 800 diamond drill hole assay results – reported with Bi, Se and Te interval values.
Significant intervals defined using geological boundaries and/or nominally >=0.3g/t Au, >=6m downhole width, <=6m internal waste. All intercepts are down hole widths. Collar location and
orientation information coordinates are MGA Zone 55, AHD RL. See Appendix 2 for additional details.
Above 0.3g/t Au cut off.
Interval Drill hole Collar Information
Depth Depth To
Hole ID Width
From (m) (m) Au (g/t) Cu (>0.1%) Zn (>0.1%) Bi (ppm) Se (ppm) Te (ppm) Easting Northing RL Depth (m) Dip Azimuth
H8DD001 70 123 52 2.33 1.27 15 43.8 445,005 5,868,868 748 140 -11.5 288
H8DD002 28 37 9 0.44 1.59 11 15.7 444,985 5,868,781 787 246.3 -44.5 301
and3 177 220 43 4.24 0.3 19.1 4 19.5
H8DD003 28 35 7 0.33 0.4 1.87 2 2.02 445,005 5,868,869 748 245.6 -48.5 298.5
H8DD0044 80 89 9 0.92 1.79 13 33.7 445,005 5,868,869 748 248.1 -30.5 299
and 143 210 67 2.13 0.1 1.68 5 13.5
H8DD005 34 100 66 2.49 1.43 21 56.2 444,939 5,868,859 785 134.8 -39.5 299
H8DD0061 2.3 95 92.7 3.22 1.11 22 43.0 444,972 5,868,915 754 125.5 -11.5 264
H8DD007 37.2 63 25.8 0.59 0.1 1.53 14 98.1 444,939 5,868,859 785 101 -11.5 301
H8DD008 No Significant Results 444,987 5,868,716 790 192 -32 299
H8DD0092 16.9 67 50.1 3.08 1.56 27 102 444,969 5,868,920 754 90.7 -21 313
H8DD010 No Significant Results 444,987 5,868,716 791 149.2 -10 290 Page | 10
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1 Core loss between 0–2.3m, 4-5.5m, 6.6-7.4m and 9.9-13m, core loss intervals conservatively assume a gold grade of 0g/t.
2 Core loss between 41-44.3m, core loss intervals conservatively assume a gold grade of 0g/t.
3 Includes results from previously unsampled core, originally reported intercept was 37m @ 4.91g/t Au, 0.4% Cu from 177m (see ASX announcement dated 25 June 2018)
4 Includes the extension 163.1m to 248.1m Page | 11
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Figure 10: Hill 800 plan with drill holes and mineralised zones
projected to surface.
Figure 11: Hill 800 long section (+/- 60m), looking west with selected intervals labelled. Page | 12
11 September 2019
The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Mr
For personal use only
Michael Cawood, a Competent Person who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
(AusIMM). Mr Cawood is a full-time employee of Carawine Resources Ltd and has sufficient experience that is
relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activities being
undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’ (the “JORC Code (2012)”). Mr Cawood
consents to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in
which it appears.
This announcement includes information that relates to Exploration Results prepared and first disclosed under the
JORC Code (2012). The information was extracted from the Company’s previous ASX Announcements as follows:
• Paterson: “Paterson Gravity Survey Prioritises Baton Targets” 27 August 2019
• Paterson: “Sixteen EM Targets Identified at the Paterson Project” 29 July 2019
• Hill 800: “New Gold Prospects Defined at Jamieson” 15 July 2019
• Hill 800: “Gold Zone Extended with Latest Results from Hill 800” 27 May 2019
• Hill 800: “New Drill Holes Confirm High Grade at Hill 800” 3 May 2019
• Hill 800: “High Grade Gold-Copper Zone Extended at Hill 800” 1 April 2019
• Hill 800: “Hill 800 Drilling Program Update” 20 March 2019
• Hill 800: “New Gold Zone Discovered at Hill 800” 5 February 2019
• Hill 800: “Second Round of Diamond Drilling Underway at Hill 800” 28 November 2018
• Hill 800: “Strong Finish to Maiden Drilling Program at Hill 800” 20 August 2018
• Hill 800: “Latest Results Increase Strike Potential at Hill 800” 6 August 2018
• Hill 800: “Record High-Grade Gold Intersection from Hill 800” 10 July 2018
• Hill 800: “New High Grade Gold-Copper Zone at Hill 800” 25 June 2018
• Hill 800: “Exceptional First Results from Hill 800 Drilling” 7 June 2018
Copies of these are available from the ASX Announcements page of the Company’s website:
The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information
included in the relevant market announcements. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the
competent person’s findings are presented have not been materially modified from the relevant original market
Some statements in this announcement regarding estimates or future events are forward-looking statements.
They include indications of, and guidance on, future earnings, cash flow, costs and financial performance.
Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements preceded by words such as “planned”,
“expected”, “projected”, “estimated”, “may”, “scheduled”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “potential”,
"predict", "foresee", "proposed", "aim", "target", "opportunity", “could”, “nominal”, “conceptual” and similar
expressions. Forward-looking statements, opinions and estimates included in this report are based on
assumptions and contingencies which are subject to change without notice, as are statements about market and
industry trends, which are based on interpretations of current market conditions. Forward-looking statements are
provided as a general guide only and should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance. Forward-
looking statements may be affected by a range of variables that could cause actual results to differ from
estimated results and may cause the Company’s actual performance and financial results in future periods to
materially differ from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-
looking statements. So, there can be no assurance that actual outcomes will not materially differ from these
forward-looking statements. Page | 13
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considered partial or total. ICPMS finish for Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge,
• For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRF Hf, In, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Re, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr,
instruments, etc, the parameters used in determining the Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zn, Zr
analysis including instrument make and model, reading times, • In H8DD holes, standards and blanks were submitted on a nominal 20
calibrations factors applied and their derivation, etc. sample interval and returned results within expected ranges for the main
• Nature of quality control procedures adopted (eg standards, elements of interest Au and Cu.
blanks, duplicates, external laboratory checks) and whether • Quality control for the elements used in the lithogeochemical study
acceptable levels of accuracy (ie lack of bias) and precision referred to in this announcement was assessed using internal laboratory
have been established. QA/QC processes. This is considered appropriate for the purposes of the
study, and the context in which the results have been reported.
• Coarse gold has been identified in H8DD002 potentially affecting
duplication repeatability.
• For HEC and HED holes, the assay method is described at AAS for Au, and
ICP for Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Mo, Co, Mn and Ba. It is unclear what the digestion
method is for these, however it is assumed aqua-regia (for gold) and 4-
acid digest (for base metals) has been used. For gold, aqua-regia is a
partial digestion method especially with refractory gold, compared with fire
assay. Petrological studies report gold in fresh material is not bound within
sulphide but rather on the edges of sulphide grains, and therefore would
be available for digestion. It is considered that if there is a bias for gold,
assays it will be conservative, and therefore are of sufficient quality to be
reported as exploration results.
• For HEC1-10 2 reference standards were analysed per assay batch and
returned values within expected ranges.
• Standard industry practices have been employed in the collection and
assaying of samples, with modern exploration and assay techniques
conducted within a low-risk jurisdiction. Considering these factors along
with reported information, the data are assumed to have sufficient quality
for the reporting of Exploration Results.
Verification of • The verification of significant intersections by either • Significant intersections reported are reviewed by senior geological
sampling and independent or alternative company personnel. personnel from the Company.
assaying • The use of twinned holes. • RC holes HEC03 and HEC45 were twinned with diamond holes H8DD017
• Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures, data and H8DD018. There is broad correlation between holes on a 0.3g/t Au
verification, data storage (physical and electronic) protocols. cut-off interval although some variation occurs on an individual metre
• Discuss any adjustment to assay data. basis
• H8DD geological data was captured digitally and stored in an electronic
database managed by an independent consultant. Assay data was Page | 17
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Criteria Statement Commentary
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Criteria Statement Commentary
procedure used for such aggregation should be stated and
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