Ammonia Mind Map

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It can go both forward

and backward at the

same time

It is a chemical reaction
in which the conversion
Hydrogen gas (from the of reactants to products
What is a reversible
cracking of petroleum) and converting
products to reactants
Nitrogen gas (from the
-The higher the fractional distillation of
pressure, the higher the liquid air N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) ⇋ 2 NH3
yield of ammonia (high (g)
pressure also increases Examples of reversible
the speed of reaction) - How is the optimal reactions
However, maintaining pressure is selected? Ammonia NH4Cl (s) ⇋ NH3 (g) +
It is manufactured by
high pressure is costly HCl (g)
the Haber process
thus, there is a limit to
the amount of pressure
1. N2 and H2 are mixed
that can be applied
in the proportion of 1:3
4. A mixture of NH3, H2
by volume 2. The
and N2 is obtained and
-The lower the mixture of gases is
cooled 5. Ammonia gas
temperature, the Conditions: Pressure of compressed to 250 atm
condenses to form
higher the yield of 250 atm, Temperature 3. The gases are heated
Steps of the process liquid ammonia 6.
ammonia It is because, of 450°C, The presence to 450°C and passed
Unreacted N2 and H2
the decomposition of How is the optimal of an iron catalyst over finely divided iron,
are pumped back into
ammonia into H2 and temperature selected? since the reaction is
the converter for
N2 is reduced thus, a exothermic, only
further reaction
relatively high 10-15% of N2 and H2 is
temperature of 450°C is converted to NH3

-It is used to increase Why is an iron catalyst

the speed of reaction used?

When an ammonium The formation

salt is heated with an (displacement) of
alkali (eg NaOH, CaOH), ammonia from
ammonia is displaced ammonium salts and
from the salt alkalis

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