Module 13 Trans
Module 13 Trans
Module 13 Trans
Ameril, Aritrangco, Barupathi, Dela Fuente, Escalante, Labial, Patacsil, Silagan, Vegiroutho
1. State the source of energy in order for diffusion of C. Total pressure - sum of the partial pressures
molecules to occur. - receives contribution from each gas, all directly proportional to its
Diffusion concentration
A. Definition - random motion of molecules in all directions *if not given, simply add the partial pressures calculated or given
through the respiratory membrane and adjacent fluids.
B. Occurrence in terms of respiratory physiology 4. Define partial pressure of a gas dissolved in water or in body
1. Rate tissues.
2. Source of energy - kinetic motion of molecules The gases dissolved in H2O or in body tissues also exert pressure.
case 1 - absolute 0o temp: no movement Reason: dissolved gas molecules are moving randomly and have
case 2 - free molecules: linear movement at high velocity kinetic energy
and continuous bouncing until they come in contact with ➔ when a gas dissolved in fluid encounters a surface such
other molecules as a cell membrane, it also exerts its own partial pressure
in the same way as a gas in the gas phase
➔ partial pressures of the separate dissolved gases are
designated the same as the partial pressures in the gas
state—i.e PO2, PCO2, PN2, PHe, and so on
B. Partial pressure
- of individual gases in a mixture are denoted by the symbols PO2,
PCO2, PN2, and so on
- rate of diffusion of each of these gases directly proportional to the
pressure caused by this specific gas alone
Air Composition: Based on the list, CO2 is 20x more soluble than O2.
1) approximate composition of 79% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen; Explanation: PCO2 for a given concentration is less than 1/20 (5%) of
2) total pressure at sea level averages 760 mm Hg that exerted by O2.
0.79 * 760 mm Hg = 600.4 mm Hg ≈ 600 mm Hg
0.21 * 760 mm Hg = 159.6 mm Hg ≈ 160 mm Hg
Module 13 Respiratory System: Pulmonary Gas Exchange & Regulation of Respiration
Ameril, Aritrangco, Barupathi, Dela Fuente, Escalante, Labial, Patacsil, Silagan, Vegiroutho
7. Briefly explain how the difference in partial pressure of a gas ● Even before the air enters the alveoli, it becomes almost
in the gas phase in alveoli and the dissolved phase in totally humidified.
pulmonary blood affects the net diffusion of a gas. ● The PH2O at 37°C (N Body Temp) is 47 mm Hg, which is
also the PH2O in the alveolar air.
➔ Because the total pressure in the alveoli cannot rise to more
than the atm pressure (760mm Hg) this water vapor simply
dilutes all the other gases in the inspired air.
➔ Humidification of the air dilutes the PO2 from 159 mm Hg in
atmospheric air to 149 mm Hg in the humidified air, and it
dilutes the PN2 from 597 mm Hg (atm air) to 563 mm Hg
● All these factors can be expressed in a single The alveolar walls are extremely thin, and between the alveoli is an
formula, as follows: almost solid network of interconnecting capillaries.
“Sheet” of flowing blood - due to extensiveness of capillary plexus
● in which:
■ D is the diffusion rate, 14. Define a respiratory membrane.
■ ΔP is the partial pressure difference between the two ends of the ● The alveolar gases are in very close proximity to the blood of
diffusion pathway,
the pulmonary capillaries.
■ A is the cross-sectional area of the pathway,
● Furthermore, gas exchange between the alveolar air and
■ S is the solubility of the gas,
■ d is the distance of diffusion, and pulmonary blood occurs through the membranes of all the
■ MW is the molecular weight of the gas. terminal portions of the lungs, not merely in the alveoli.
● All these membranes are collectively known as the respiratory
● The characteristics of the gas determine two factors of the membrane, also called the pulmonary membrane
formula—solubility, S and molecular weight, MW. Together, these two
factors determine the diffusion coefficient of the gas. It’s proportional to: 15. State the different layers of the respiratory membrane.
1. A layer of fluid containing surfactant that lines the alveolus and
reduces the surface tension of alveolar fluid
DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT: 2. The alveolar epithelium, composed of thin epithelial cells
● The relative rates at which different gases at the same partial pressure 3. An epithelial basement membrane
levels will diffuse are proportional to their diffusion coefficients. 4. A thin interstitial space between the alveolar epithelium and
○ Assuming that the diffusion coefficient for O2 is 1, the relative diffusion capillary membrane
coefficients for different gases of respiratory importance in the body 5. A capillary basement membrane that in many places fuses with
fluids are as follows: the alveolar epithelial basement membrane
6. The capillary endothelial membrane
16. State and briefly explain the factors affecting rate of gas
diffusion through the respiratory membrane.
a. Thickness of the membrane
● The thickness of the respiratory membrane occasionally
11. Briefly explain the difference in the compositions of alveolar increases. (ex: Fibrosis of Lungs)
air and atmospheric air. ● Because the rate of diffusion through the membrane is
● The Table 40-1 above (LO.9) shows that atmospheric air is inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane, –
composed almost entirely of N2 and O2; it normally contains 2x thickness = interfere significantly with normal respiratory
almost no CO2 and little water vapor. exchange of gases.
● Alveolar air does not have the same concentrations of gases as
atmospheric air. There are several reasons for the differences. b. Surface area of the membrane
1. Alveolar air is only partially replaced by atmospheric air ● Can be greatly decreased by many conditions like:
with each breath. – Removal of an entire lung: decreases to ½ Normal
2. O2 is constantly being absorbed into the pulmonary – Emphysema: many alveoli coalesce plus
blood from the alveolar air. alveolar wall dissolution; alveolar chambers are larger than
3. CO2 is constantly diffusing from the pulmonary blood original alveoli, but total surface area of respiratory
into the alveoli. membrane is decreased 5x
4. Dry atmospheric air that enters the respiratory passages ● ⅓ or ¼ decrease in total surface area:
is humidified even before it reaches the alveoli. – Exchange of gases through the membrane is impeded to a
significant degree
12. Define a respiratory unit (or respiratory lobule). ● Even under resting conditions, and during competitive sports
13. State the composition of the respiratory unit. and other strenuous exercise, even the slightest decrease in
RESPIRATORY UNIT surface area of the lungs can be a serious detriment to
Composed of : respiratory exchange of gases.
1. Respiratory bronchiole
2. Alveolar ducts c. Diffusion coefficient of the gas in the substance of the
3. Atria and
4. Alveoli
● 300 million alveoli in 2 lungs ● The diffusion coefficient for transfer of each gas through
● Each alveoli : Diameter of 0.2 mm the respiratory membrane depends on the gas’s
● The alveolar walls are extremely thin, and between the alveoli solubility in the membrane and, inversely, on the square
is an almost solid network of interconnecting capillaries root of the gas’s molecular weight.
Module 13 Respiratory System: Pulmonary Gas Exchange & Regulation of Respiration
Ameril, Aritrangco, Barupathi, Dela Fuente, Escalante, Labial, Patacsil, Silagan, Vegiroutho
d. Partial pressure difference of the gas between the two sides 18. State the factors that can increase oxygen diffusing capacity
of the membrane during exercise.
● The pressure difference across the respiratory membrane is the ➔ During strenuous exercise where pulmonary blood flow and
difference between the partial pressure of the gas in the alveolar ventilation is greatly increased, O2 diffusing capacity
alveoli and the partial pressure of the gas in the pulmonary ↑ 3x under resting conditions.
capillary blood. ➔ Caused by:
● When partial pressure of a gas in the alveoli > pressure of the ◆ Opening of dormant pulmonary capillaries; ↑surface area for
extra dilation
gas in the blood, as is true for O2, net diffusion from the alveoli
◆ A better match between the ventilation of the alveoli and
to blood occurs. perfusion of the alveolar capillaries with blood
● When the pressure of the gas in the blood > partial pressure in 19. Briefly explain the concept of:
the alveoli, as is true for CO2, net diffusion from the blood to a. Ventilation-perfusion ratio
alveoli occurs. ➔ Quantitative concept determining the respiratory exchange
when there’s imbalance between alveolar ventilation and
17. Define the diffusing capacity of the respiratory membrane. alveolar blood flow
➔ Volume of gas that will diffuse through the membrane each ➔ Assumed that all alveoli are ventilated equally, and blood flow
through the alveolar capillaries is the same for each alveolus
minute for a partial pressure difference of 1 mm Hg
➔ Expressed as: VA/Q—where:
➔ For O2
*VA = alveolar ventilation(normal)
◆ Avg. for young man: 21 ml/min/mm Hg.
*Q=blood flow(normal)
◆ O2 diff. across respiratory membrane during normal
◆ Alveolar Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressures
quiet breathing ~11 mm Hg
When V˙ A/Q˙ Equals Zero
◆ Meaning: 11 x 21 = 230 ml of O2 diffusing through the
● No alveolar ventilation
respiratory membrane each minute.
● Normal venous blood:
➔ For CO2
PO2 40 mm Hg ; PCO2 45 mm Hg
◆ Has never been measured because:
◆ Alveolar Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressures
● CO2 diffuses through respiratory membrane so
When V˙A/Q˙ Equals Infinity
rapidly that average PCO2 pulmonary blood is not
● No capillary blood flow; no O2 to carry away or
very different from PCO2 in the alveoli
bring to alveoli
● —avg. diff. >1 mm Hg
● Normal inspired and humidified air:
◆ Diffusion coefficient CO2 is slightly more than 20x that
PO2 149 mm Hg; PCO2 0 mm Hg
of O2
◆ Gas Exchange and Alveolar Partial Pressures When V˙
● CO2 diffusing capacity under resting conditions
A/Q˙ Is Normal
~400 to 450 ml/min/mm Hg ; during exercise
● Normal alveolar ventilation and alveolar capillary
~1200 to 1300 ml/min/mm Hg
blood flow—O2 and CO2 exchange through
respiratory membrane is nearly optimal:
PO2 104 mm Hg; PCO2 40 mm Hg
b. Physiological shunt
➔ VA/Q is below normal results in inadequate ventilation for
O2 oxygenation of blood flow through alveolar capillaries
leading to a fraction of venous blood passing through
pulmonary capillaries not oxygenated which is then
called shunted blood.
➔ The total quantitative amount of shunted blood per
minute is called physiological shunt
where :
● QPS=physiological shunt blood flow per minute
● QT=cardiac output per minute
● CiO2=concentration of O2 in arterial blood if there is an
“ideal” VA/Q
● CaO2=measured concentration of O2 in arterial blood
● CvO2=measured concentration of O2 in the mixed
venous blood
Module 13 Respiratory System: Pulmonary Gas Exchange & Regulation of Respiration
Ameril, Aritrangco, Barupathi, Dela Fuente, Escalante, Labial, Patacsil, Silagan, Vegiroutho
c. Rate at which the O2 is used by the tissues (Tissue 23. Briefly explain the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve.
metabolism) - Figure 41-8 shows the O2-hemoglobin dissociation
Increasing Tissue Metabolism Decreases Interstitial Fluid PO2 curve, which demonstrates a progressive increase in the
➢ If cells use more O2 for metabolism than percentage of hemoglobin bound with O2 as blood PO2
normal, interstitial fluid PO2 is reduced. increases, called the percent saturation of hemoglobin.
- Because the blood leaving the lungs and entering the
systemic arteries usually has a PO2 of about 95 mm Hg,
It can be seen from the dissociation curve that the usual
O2 saturation of systemic arterial blood averages 97%.
- Conversely, in normal venous blood returning from the
peripheral tissues, the PO2 is about 40 mm Hg, and the
saturation of hemoglobin averages 75%.
- Exactly the opposite effects occur in the lungs, where CO2 Furthermore, as shown in Figure 41-6,
diffuses from the blood → alveoli. This diffusion reduces – Pco2 of the pulmonary capillary blood falls to almost exactly
blood Pco2 and H+ concentration, shifting the O2-hemoglobin equal the alveolar Pco2 of 40 mmHg before it has passed more
dissociation curve to the left and upward. than about one-third of the distance through the capillaries.
- Therefore, the quantity of O2 that binds with the hemoglobin – This is the same effect that was observed earlier for O2 diffusion,
at any given alveolar Po2 becomes considerably ↑, thus except that it is in the opposite direction.
allowing greater O2 transport to the tissues.
1. Intracellular Pco2 = 46 mmHg
Interstitial Pco2 = 45 mmHg
Thus, there is only a 1 mmHg pressure differential – A decrease in blood flow from normal (point A) to ¼x Normal
(point B) increases peripheral tissue Pco2 from the normal value of
2. Pco2 of the arterial blood entering the tissues = 40 mmHg
45 mm Hg to an elevated level of 60 mm Hg.
Pco2 of the venous blood leaving the tissues = 45 mmHg
– Conversely, increasing the blood flow to 6x normal (point C)
Thus, the tissue capillary blood comes almost exactly to equilibrium
decreases the interstitial Pco2 from the normal value of 45 to 41
with the interstitial Pco2 of 45 mmHg
mm Hg, almost equal to the Pco2 in the arterial blood (40 mm Hg)
3. Pco2 of the blood entering the pulmonary capillaries at the entering the tissue capillaries.
arterial end = 45 mmHg – Note also that a 10-fold increase in tissue metabolic rate greatly
Pco2 of the alveolar air = 40 mmHg elevates the interstitial fluid Pco2 at all rates of blood flow, whereas
Thus, only a 5 mmHg pressure difference causes all the required decreasing the metabolism to ¼x Normal causes the interstitial
CO2 diffusion out of the pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli. fluid Pco2 to fall to about 41 mm Hg, closely approaching that of
the arterial blood, 40 mm Hg.
Module 13 Respiratory System: Pulmonary Gas Exchange & Regulation of Respiration
Ameril, Aritrangco, Barupathi, Dela Fuente, Escalante, Labial, Patacsil, Silagan, Vegiroutho
27. State the chemical forms in which CO2 is transported: – When a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (e.g., acetazolamide) is
To begin the process of CO2 administered to an animal to block the action of carbonic
transport, CO2 diffuses out of the anhydrase in the RBCs
tissue cells in the dissolved ○ CO2 transport from the tissues becomes so poor that the
molecular CO2 form. tissue Pco2 may rise to 80 mm Hg instead of the normal
45 mm Hg
On entering the tissue capillaries, c. As carbaminohemoglobin
the CO2 initiates a host of almost Transport of CO2 in Combination With Hemoglobin and Plasma
instantaneous physical and Proteins
chemical reactions, shown in ● CO2 also reacts directly with amine radicals of the
Figure 41-13, which are essential hemoglobin molecule to form the compound
for CO2 transport. carbaminohemoglobin (CO2Hgb)
a. As dissolved CO2 ● Combination of CO2 and Hgb is a reversible reaction that
Small portion of the dissolved state of CO2 is transported to the occurs with a loose bond
lungs ○ CO2 is easily released into the alveoli, where the
RECALL: Pco2 is lower than in the pulmonary capillaries.
PCO2 (Venous Blood) = 45 mmHg ● A small amount of CO2 also reacts in the same way with
PCO2 (Arterial Blood) = 40 mmHg the plasma proteins in tissue capillaries.
Amount of CO2 dissolved in the fluid of the blood at :
● Reaction is much less significant for the transport of CO2
45 mmHg = 2.7 mL/dL (2.7 vol. percent)
○ The quantity of these proteins in the blood is
40 mmHg = 2.4 mL
only 1/4 as great as the quantity of Hgb.
■ Difference of 0.3 mL
Therefore, only 0.3 mL of CO2 is transported in the dissolved form ● The quantity of CO2 that can be carried from the
by each 100 mL of blood flow (7% of all CO2 that is normally peripheral tissues to the lungs by carbamino
transported) combination with hemoglobin and plasma proteins is
about 30% of the total quantity transported
b. As bicarbonate ion. ○ normally about 1.5 ml of CO2 in each 100 ml of
i. Role of carbonic anhydrase blood
Carbonic Anhydrase - Catalyzes the Reaction of CO2 With Water ● It is doubtful that under normal conditions this
in Red Blood Cells carbamino mechanism transports more than 20% of the
– Dissolved CO2 in blood reacts with water → carbonic acid total CO2.
● Reaction would occur much too slowly but with the carbonic
anhydrase inside the RBC, it catalyzes the reaction of CO2
and H2O which accelerates the reaction rate by 5000x
● Therefore, instead of requiring many secs or mins, reaction
occurs so rapidly in red blood cells that it reaches almost
complete equilibrium within a small fraction of a sec.
● This phenomenon allows tremendous amounts of CO2 to
react with the RBC H2O, even before the blood leaves the
tissue capillaries.
28. Explain the Haldane Effect – Normal Arterial blood pH: 7.41
HALDANE EFFECT -Venous blood (due to higher PCO2): 7.37 (More acidic)
● It is the reverse of Bohr effect which is the binding of O2 with -Change (fall) of 0.04 unit in venous blood due to
Hgb that tends to displace CO2 from the blood. increased CO2 in it.
● More important in promoting CO2 transport than the Bohr – Decrease in pH in the tissue blood (and in the tissues themselves)
effect which promotes O2 transport. ➢ during heavy exercise
● It displaces CO2 from the blood and into the alveoli in 2 ways: ➢ other conditions of high metabolic activity
1. The more highly acidic Hgb has less tendency to ➢ when blood flow through the tissues is sluggish
combine with CO2 to form carbaminohemoglobin, thus ➢ ph: 0.50 (about 12 times normal) thus causing significant
displacing much of the CO2 that is present in the tissue acidosis
carbamino form from the blood.
2. The increased acidity of the Hgb → release an excess of
H+ → these ions bind with HCO3− to form carbonic acid
→ dissociates into H2O and CO2 → CO2 is released from
the blood into the alveoli → into the air.
Again, it takes a few seconds before the Note that the Pco2 of the pulmonary
brain can respond to these new blood changes in advance of the Pco2
changes. When the brain does respond, of the respiratory neurons. However,
the person breathes hard once again the depth of respiration corresponds
and the cycle repeats with the Pco2 in the brain, not with the
Pco2 in the pulmonary blood where
the ventilation is occurring.
Module 13 Respiratory System: Pulmonary Gas Exchange & Regulation of Respiration
Ameril, Aritrangco, Barupathi, Dela Fuente, Escalante, Labial, Patacsil, Silagan, Vegiroutho