Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences: Prospectus

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Faculty of Business and

Economic Sciences



Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University




P O BOX 77000
Ms T Bulembu Mr X Sipoyo
Faculty Academic Administration Consultant Faculty Academic Administration Consultant
Tel: +27(0)41 504 2248 Tel +27(0)41 504 3804
E-Mail: Nomathamsanqa.Bulembu@mandela.ac.za E-mail: Xolani.Sipoyo@mandela.ac.za

Mr M Klaas Ms M Mazinyo
Faculty Academic Administration Consultant Faculty Academic Administration Consultant
Tel: +27 (0)41 504 2939 Tel: +27 (0)41 504 3707
E-Mail: Manelisi.Klaas@mandela.ac.za E-mail: Mandisa.Mazinyo@mandela.ac.za

Ms N Bobi Ms F Ngubo
Faculty Academic Administration Consultant Faculty Academic Administration Consultant
Tel: +27 (0)41 504 2801 Tel: +27 (0)41 504 3706
E-Mail: Noluvo.Bobi@mandela.ac.za E-mail: Fundiswa.Ngubo@mandela.ac.za

Ms D Gert Ms M Naidoo
Faculty Academic Administration Consultant Faculty Academic Administration Consultant
Tel: +27 (0)41 504 4392 Tel: +27 (0)41 504 2120
Email: Denistia.Gert@mandela.ac.za E-mail: Marchele.Naidoo@mandela.ac.za

Ms N Nokhepheyi Ms L Van Rensburg

Faculty Academic Administration Consultant Postgraduate Faculty Academic Administration
George Campus Consultant
Tel: +27 (0) 44 801 5566 Tel: +27 (0)41 504 2906
E-mail: Nonkululeko.Nokhepheyi@mandela.ac.za E-mail: lindie@mandela.ac.za

Mr A Smith
Manager: Faculty Academic Administration
Email: Adanaan.Smith@mandela.ac.za

Student Information (IVR): +27 (0)41 504 9000

Generic Fax: +27 (0)41 504 9986
Generic Email: FA-Business@mandela.ac.za

NB: Your student number must appear on all correspondence.

Correspondence must be directed to The Registrar.


Although the information contained in this Prospectus has been compiled as accurately as
possible, the Council and the Senate of Nelson Mandela University accept no responsibility for
any errors or omissions. This Prospectus is applicable only to the 2022 academic year.
Information on syllabus and module outcomes is available on the Nelson Mandela University

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Access and Enrolment

The Access and Enrolment Section Gqeberha Campuses +27 (0)41 504 1111
PO Box 77000 George Campus +27 (0)44 801 5194
Nelson Mandela University

Finance Student Accounts

The Finance Department Gqeberha Campuses +27 (0)41 504 4364
PO Box 77000 George Campus +27 (0)44 801 5053
Nelson Mandela University
GQEBERHA Financial Aid
6031 Gqeberha Campuses +27 (0)41 504 3182
George Campus +27 (0)44 801 5130

Assessment and Graduation

The Assessment and Graduation North Campus +27 (0)41 504 3107
Section South Campus +27 (0)41 504 1239
PO Box 77000 Missionvale Campus +27 (0)41 504 2709
Nelson Mandela University George Campus +27 (0)44 801 5090

General Gqeberha Campuses +27 (0)41 504 1111

The Registrar George Campus +27 (0)44 801 5111
PO Box 77000 Student Enquiries +27 (0)41 504 9000
Nelson Mandela University
GQEBERHA E-mail: info@mandela.ac.za
6031 Website: http://www.mandela.ac.za

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Section Qualification Page




General admission requirements (Undergraduate) 19
General admission requirements (Postgraduate) 22
Re-admission requirements for undergraduate 24
Extended programmes 28
Statement on the University’s intervention in the event of 29
possible disruptions to academic activities

Higher Certificate in Accountancy 2501 30
Higher Certificate in Business Studies 2401 31

Diploma in Economics (Extended) 4437 33
Diploma (Human Resource Management) (Extended) 4542 36
Diploma (Human Resource Management) (Extended) 4543 38
Diploma in Logistics (Extended) 4617 41
Diploma in Management (Extended) 4427 44
Diploma in Marketing (Extended) 4417 47
Diploma in Tourism Management (Extended) 4647 50
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Accounting) (Extended) 40192 53
Bachelor of Commerce (Extended) 45296 57
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Business Management) 40195 58
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Economics) (Extended) 40196 64
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Tourism) (Extended) 40197 70
Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Planning (Extended) 40194 73

Diploma in Accountancy 3806 78
Diploma in Economics 4406 83
Diploma in Human Resource Management 4514 86
Diploma in Human Resource Management 4524 90
Diploma in Inventory and Stores Management 4941 93
Diploma in Logistics 4614 95
Diploma in Management 4407 99
Diploma in Marketing 4412 103
Diploma in Tourism Management 4648 107

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Section Qualification Page

Advanced Diploma in Accountancy 41415 111
(Internal Auditing)
Advanced Diploma in Accountancy 41410 113
(Professional Accounting)
Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 40406 115
(Financial Planning and Services)
Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 40405 117
(Human Resource Management)
Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 40403 119
(Logistics Management)
Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 40401 122
(Management Practice)
Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 40402 124
(Marketing Management)
Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 40407 126
(Monitoring and Evaluation)
Advanced Diploma in Business Studies 40404 129
(Tourism Management)
Advanced Diploma in Economics 41400 131


Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies 40055 133
Bachelor of Arts (Human Resource Management) 40060 137
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) 40103 142
Bachelor of Commerce 40105 149
(Computer Science and Information Systems)
Bachelor of Commerce (Economics and Statistics) 40120 155
Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Planning 40126 159
Bachelor of Commerce in Food Service Management 40160 163
Bachelor of Commerce (General Accounting) 40102 165
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Economics and 45044 172
Business Management)
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Business Management 45041 175
and Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Business Management) 40133 177
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Economics) 40134 187
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Statistics) 40135 192
Bachelor of Commerce (General: Tourism) 40127 196
Bachelor of Commerce 40128 199
(Industrial Psychology and Human Resource
Bachelor of Commerce 40137 203
(Information Systems and Accounting)
Bachelor of Commerce 40138 207
(Information Systems and Business Management)
Bachelor of Commerce in Hospitality Management 40201 210
Bachelor of Commerce 40150 213
(Logistics and Transport Economics)
Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing Management: 40031 217
Business Management and Accounting)
Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing Management: 40029 219

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Section Qualification Page

Business Management and Economics)
Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing Management: 40032 222
Business Management and Industrial Psychology)
Bachelor of Commerce with specialisation in Marketing 40040 224
and Business Management
Bachelor of Commerce Accounting Science 42213 228
(Computer Science and Information Systems)
Bachelor of Commerce Accounting Science 42211 232
(Economics and Business Management)
Bachelor of Commerce Accounting Science (Law) 42212 237
Bachelor of Commerce Accounting Science (Law) 42222 241


Bachelor of Arts Honours in Business Management 40541 245
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Development Studies 40520 246
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Economics 40543 248
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Industrial and Organisational 40528 250
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Labour Relations and Human 40530 251
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Business Management 40540 252
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Economics 40542 254
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Industrial and 40526 255
Organisational Psychology
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Labour Relations and 40527 256
Human Resources
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Tourism Management 40522 258


Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy 40710 260
Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting 40701 261
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Economics 42250 263
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration 42240 264
Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance 40720 266
Postgraduate Diploma in Employment Relationship 42280 268
Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning 42260 270
Postgraduate Diploma in Internal Auditing 42230 271
Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Studies 42270 273


Master of Arts in Development Studies 40525 274
Master of Arts (Development Studies) 41045 276
Master of Arts in Economics 41010 278
Master of Arts (Economics) 41038 280
Master of Arts (Industrial and Organisational Psychology) 42001 282
Master of Arts (Industrial and Organisational Psychology) 41037 283
Master of Arts (Labour Relations and Human Resources) 41024 285
Master of Arts (Labour Relations and Human Resources) 41025 287
Master of Business Administration 5404 288
Master of Business Administration 5406 292

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Section Qualification Page

Master of Commerce (Accounting) 41051 294
Master of Commerce (Business Management) 41052 296
Master of Commerce (Economics) 41023 297
Master of Commerce (Economics) 41053 299
Master of Commerce (Entrepreneurship) 41060 301
Master of Commerce (Human Resource Management) 41058 303
Master of Commerce (Industrial Psychology) 41055 304
Master of Commerce 41014 306
(Labour Relations and Human Resources)
Master of Commerce 41015 308
(Labour Relations and Human Resources)
Master of Commerce (Logistics) 41057 310
Master of Commerce (Marketing) 41061 312
Master of Commerce in Taxation 41056 313
Master of Commerce in Tourism Management 41030 316
Master of Philosophy in Development Finance 44100 318
Master of Philosophy in Maritime Studies 41050 320
Master of Philosophy in Tourism Management 41300 322
Master of Maritime Management 44200 324


Doctor of Business Administration 6403 326
Doctor of Business Administration 4403 327
Doctor of Business Administration 4413 328
Doctor of Commerce (Business Management) 41502 331
Doctor of Commerce (Economics) 41503 332
Doctor of Philosophy (Accounting) 41522 333
Doctor of Philosophy (Accounting) 41552 334
Doctor of Philosophy (Business Management) 41520 336
Doctor of Philosophy (Business Management) 41512 337
Doctor of Philosophy (Development Finance) 41530 339
Doctor of Philosophy (Development Studies) 43004 341
Doctor of Philosophy (Development Studies) 41525 342
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) 41521 344
Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) 41513 345
Doctor of Philosophy (Human Resource Management) 46560 347
Doctor of Philosophy (Industrial Psychology) 41523 349
Doctor of Philosophy (Industrial Psychology) 41514 350
Doctor of Philosophy 43024 352
(Labour Relations and Human Resources)
Doctor of Philosophy (Logistics) 46400 354
Doctor of Philosophy (Marketing) 46550 356
Doctor of Philosophy (Tourism Management) 41526 358

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Our vision is to be recognised for our positive and empowering contribution towards
the local business and broader community. As part of a university, we are fully
committed to our engagement with Science, but at the same time we also understand
that, as a public institution, we have a special role to play within the community. We
believe that the effective integration of these two foci not only adds value to the broader
community but also adds a differentiating value to our graduates and our faculty. While
our qualifications are benchmarked against international best practice, they are
designed to reflect a sensitivity to the needs of our local communities.

Our mission is derived from the fact that Nelson Mandela University is one of the few
really comprehensive universities, not only in South Africa but in the world. This means
that we offer a wide range of business-related study opportunities that vary from
general formative programmes to programmes with a strong career orientation. This
inclusive qualification mix not only allows students a wide choice but also the
opportunity to articulate between programmes while retaining credits - all of this within
the same institution. At the same time, we offer programmes over the full spectrum,
from undergraduate certificates to doctoral degrees.



Executive Dean Prof H R Lloyd BCom (UPE), BComHons
(UPE), MCom (UPE), DCom (UPE)
Executive Secretary Ms R Petersen

Deputy Dean Prof M R Mey NH Dip (Mgt Prac) (PET), BCom

(UPE), BCom (Hons) (UNISA), MTech (PET),
Secretary Ms K Alexander NDip (PRM) (NMMU), BTech
Senior Faculty Academic Ms L Roodt BCom (NMMU)
Administration Manager
Faculty Academic Administration Mr A Smith BCom (NMMU)

Postgraduate Faculty Academic Ms L van Rensburg (South Campus) NDip

Administration (Mgt) (NMMU), BTech (Mgt) (NMMU), PG Dip
Consultant in Maritime Studies (Nelson Mandela
University), MA in Dev Studies (Nelson
Mandela University)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

2nd Avenue Campus

Faculty Academic Administration Ms M Mazinyo BA (UPE), BAHons (NMMU)
Mrs F Ngubo NDip (Com Adm) (PET)
Mr X Sipoyo NDip (Tourism Man) (CPUT)
South Campus
Faculty Academic Administration Ms N Bulembu BCom (Vista)
Mr M Klaas NDip (Off Mgt and Tech) (NMMU),
BTech (Management) (NMMU)
Ms N Bobi NDip (Marketing) (NMMU)
Ms D Gert
Ms M Naidoo NDip (Office Mgt & Tech) cum
laude (NMMU)
George Campus
Faculty Academic Administration Ms N Nokhepheyi NDip (OMT), BTech (OMT)
Consultants (CPUT)

Accounting Sciences Ms B D Hayes
Administrative Assistants Mrs Y Belani BTech (Man) (NMMU)
Ms Y A de Beer
Ms Z Ngqoyiya NDip (Off Man & Tech)
Applied Accounting Ms A Abrahams
Business Management Ms N Adams
Administrative Assistant Ms V Vinqi NDip (Pub Man) (NMMU - PET)
Development Studies Ms J Daya
Economics Ms D Erasmus BA (App Lang Studies) (UPE),
Ms E Moodley NDip (GD) (NMMU) (2nd
Avenue Campus)
Graduate School Ms T Ferreira
Ms J Junicke
Leadership Academy Ms W Bosch
Human Resource Management Ms R Felix NDip Tourism (NMMU)
Industrial and Organisational
Psychology Ms K-L Roodt BTech (Mgt) (NMMU), MTech
(Bus Admin) (NMMU)
Management Practice Ms S N Ngcosini NDip (Pub Man & Adm)
(PET), BTech (Pub Man & Adm) (PET)
Logistics Management Ms C Vögts
Marketing Management Ms R Pather
Tourism Vacant
George Campus Ms C Cupido

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Director of School Dr R Jonas B Sociology (UWC), PG HDE
(UNISA), BAHons Sociology (UNISA), MA
Sociology (UPE), PhD Sociology (NMMU)
Personal Assistant to the Business
Ms J Hadwen
School Director
Receptionist Mrs L Qinga ND: SBM (WSU)
Human Resources Consultant Mrs I van Rensburg BTech (HRM) (UNISA)
Media / IT Support Mr T Scheinberg CCNA (NMMU)

Director: Graduate School Dr S February Adv Ops Man Dev Plan (DUT),
Cert of Man Studies (MANCOSA), MBA
Professors Prof CA Arnolds BEconHons STD (UWC),
MCom (Vista), DCom (UPE)
Prof M D M Cullen BA (UPE), HED (UPE), Dip
PR (PET), HBA (US), MBA (Potch), DBA
Prof P Poisat BComHons (UPE), MTech
Emeritus Professor Prof J A Jonker DCom (Tour Man) (UP)
Senior Lecturers Dr L de Koker BSc Maths and Statistics (UCT),
BscHons Maths and Statistics (UWC), MSc
Applied Statistics (cum laude) (UWC), PhD
Dr J Fraser BCom (Wits), BComHons (Wits),
MCom (UP), DCom (UP)
Mr D Giyose NDip Electrical Engineering
Dr H Janse van Rensburg BCom (UPE),
BComHons (Acc) (UPE), HDE (UPE), MCom
(FMS) (UP)
Lecturer Ms N Hadi B Degree (Pub Man) (US), M Phil
(Maritime Stud) (US), M Degree (Town and
Regional Planning) (UP)
Research Academic Vacant
Head: Marketing & Relationship Dr C Jooste BA (MCC) (UPE), MA (Applied
Office Media) (NMMU), DBA (Nelson Mandela
MBA Co-ordinator Ms L van Wyk
Academic Programme Co-ordinator Ms J Ehlers NDip (PRM) (NMMU), BTech
Director Mr L Mouton BA (Pol Sci) (UP), Hons (Int Pol)
Secretary to Director Ms W Bosch

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Senior Manager: Sales & Key

Accounts Ms L Vasi BA (UNISA), ABP: Hons (NMMU)
Senior Manager: Innovation Ms J Staphorst NDip (Exec Secr) (PET), NH
& Development Dip (Off Admin) (PET), NH Dip (Post School
Ed) (PET), BAHons (Group Dynamics)
Senior Programme Specialist Open Ms N Crause
Programmes (FLP/ILP/ SLP)
Senior Programme Specialist Open
Programmes (BMP/ALP/ MDP) Ms S Whitehouse
Programme Co-ordinator Ms V Bosch NDip (HRM) (NMMU)
Accreditation Co-ordinator Ms A S Ngeva BA (HRM), BAHons (Group
Dynamics) (NMMU)
Accreditation Co-ordinator Ms L Taylor BA (UNISA), BAHons
(Psychology) cum laude (NMMU), PG Dip (Bus
Admin) cum laude (NMMU)
Accreditation Co-ordinator Ms M Truter BTech HRM (NMMU)
System Administrator Ms C Phillips
Co-ordinator: Short Courses Mrs C Castelyn
Manager: OPS Ms I de Lange NDip (HRM) (NMMU)
Administrative Assistant Mrs M Tshona
Marketing Consultant Ms M O Du Preez BA (NMMU) BA Hons
(NMMU) IMM (Damelin) PGCE (Unisa), MBA
(Nelson Mandela University)
Marketing Coordinator Mrs D Pillay BCom(Natal University), BCom
Hons (Marketing Management) (UNISA)
Marketing Material Practitioner Mr D Kriel BA (MCC) (NMMU), MA (Applied
Media Studies) (Nelson Mandela University)
Financial Administrator Ms Y Msutu NDip (FIS) (NMMU), PDBA
Financial Administrator Ms F Jiba B Tech (CMA) (NMMU)
Costing Controller Mrs D du Preez BTech (CMA) (NMMU)
Costing Clerk Ms V S Mashaya BCom (Gen Acc) (NMMU),
Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences
Manager: KZN Ms L Folker Hons (Ind Psych) (UFS)
Programme Co-ordinator Mrs K Udemans
Senior Programme Co-ordinator Ms L Fritz BA (HRM), BAHons (Group
Dynamics) PG Dip (Bus Admin) (NMMU)

Director of School Prof H Fourie NDip Gov Fin (Pret Tech), BTech
IntAud (Pret Tech), MTech IntAud (TUT),
DCom (Int Aud) (UP), Professional Accountant
School Administrator Mrs R Kock BTech (Man) (NMMU)
Secretary Ms B D Hayes

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Applied Accounting
Head of Department Ms L Bester ND (Int Aud) (PET), BTech (Int
Aud) (PET), MTech (CMA) (NMMU),
Professional Accountant (SA), South African
Institute of Tax Professionals (SAIT)
Emeritus Professor Prof PJW Pelle MCom (Taxation) (UPE),
Professional Accountant (SA)
Senior Lecturers Ms TG Beck Dip (CMA) (PET), BTech (CMA)
(NMMU), MTech (CMA) (NMMU), Professional
Accountant (SA)
Mr T A V Jodwana BCom (RU), HDE (RU),
MTech CMA (NMMU), Professional
Accountant (SA) PG Dip (Applied Ethics) (US)
Ms J Struwig BCom (US), BCom Hons (US),
BCompt (Hons) (UNISA), BCom (Hons) (Tax)
(UP), MCom (Tax) (UP), CA (SA)
Mr L Roodt BTech (CMA) (PET), MTech (CMA)
(NMMU) Professional Accountant (SA)
Lecturers Ms R Abrahams BCom, BTech (CMA), MTech
Ms M Chalmers BComHons (UPE), CA (SA)
Ms C S Grondt BCom (NMMU), PGDip
Accounting Sciences (UNISA), AGA (SA)
Ms L Mangisa BCom (Hons), CA (SA)
Ms L Schoeman BTech (CMA), MTech (CMA)
Mr B van der Ross, Dip Int Aud (NMMU),
BTech Int Aud (NMMU) MTech Cost and
Management Accounting (NMMU)
Associate Lecturers Ms A Govender BCom (Accounting) (KZN), PG
Diploma (Accounting) (SA), M Com Accounting
(Nelson Mandela University)
Ms L van Niekerk BCom (UPE)

Accounting Sciences
Head of Department Prof A Singleton BCom (UPE), BComHons
(UPE), MCom (UPE), CA (SA)
Emeritus Professors Prof A J N Brettenny M Acc (UN), CA (SA)
Prof D Forsyth CTA (RU), CA (SA)
Senior Lecturers Ms J Christian BComAcc (Hons) (UNISA), CA
(SA), MCom (Accounting) (UP)
Ms L D de Villiers BCom (UPE), HED,
BEdHons (UPE), MCom (Accounting) (Nelson
Mandela University)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Ms S Diedericks BComHons (UPE), CA (SA),

MCom (Accounting) (UP)
Mr K D Freeman BCom (UPE), BComHons
(UN), CA (SA)
Mr T Jagwanth BComAcc, (UKZN), (PGDip
Acc Science (UNISA), MComAcc (UKZN)
Mr N Kader B Com Acc (UNISA), PG Dip Acc
(UNISA), PG Dip Applied Acc (UNISA), M Com
Acc (UP)
Ms A Le Roux BComHons (NMMU), CA (SA),
MCom (Taxation) (NMMU)
Ms S Snyders BComAcc Hons (NMMU), CA

Lecturers Mr P Brodrick BCom(UPE) CA (SA)

Ms C Fourie BComAcc (Hons), CA (SA),
MCom (Taxation) (NMMU)
Ms M Ntintelo BBusSci Fin with Acc,
BComHons Acc (UCT), MCom Fin and Risk
Man (UCT)
Ms L MacPherson BComAcc (Hons) (NMMU),
Mr L Molatlhwe BCom (RAU), BComHons
(RAU), CA (SA)
Ms S Moolman BAccHons (US), CA (SA)
Mr E le Roux BAcc (US), CA (SA)
Ms F Oliveria BComAcc (NNMU), Post grad
Dip Acc (UKZN), CA (SA)
Mr G Sarpong BCom (NMMU) CA (SA)
Ms T Smith BComAcc Hons (NMMU) CA (SA)
Mrs S Terblanche BCom (US), HED (US)
Mrs K Belcher BCom (UCT), Post Grad Dip Acc
(UCT), CA (SA)
Mr L Jacobus BCom(NMU), Post Grad Dip Acc
(Nelson Mandela University)
Ms F Khan BAcc (Unisa), BAccHons (Unisa),
Masters in SA International Tax (NWU), CA
Associate Lecturer Ms B Peter BCom (Hons) (Vista), BTech (CMA)


Director of School Prof R Ncwadi BA (Vista), BAHons (Vista), MA
(Economics) (UPE), PhD (NMMU)
Secretary Ms J Keir
Head of Department (Acting) Prof S Mishi BCom cum laude (UFH),
BComHons (Financial Markets) cum laude

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

(UFH), MCom (Economics) (UFH), DCom

(Economics) (UFH)
Honorary Professor Prof R W K Parsons DCom (hc) (UPE), FlstD
Emeritus Professors Prof P le Roux BCom(PU for CHE), BComHons
(UOFS), MCom (UOFS), PhD (Vista)
Prof C V R Wait M.Comm (US), D.Comm (US)
Associate Professors Prof L Jeke BCom cum laude (UFH),
BComHons (UCT), MCom (Economics) (UFH),
DCom (Economics) (UFH)
Prof A Phiri BCom (NWU), BComHons (NWU),
MCom (NWU), DCom (NWU)
Senior Lecturers Dr N S Dyubhele BCom (RU), BComHons
(RU), HDE (RU), AdvDipl (Mkt Mgt) (UNISA),
PG Dip (Economic Impact Assessment) (Molde
College, Norway), MCom (Vista), DCom
Lecturers Mr S Dingela BCom (NMMU), BComHons
Ms A Fotoyi BCom (NMMU), BComHons
Ms W Matekenya BCom (UFH), BComHons
(UFH), MCom (UFH)
Ms C Mpuku BComRat (NMMU), BComHons
(NMMU), MCom (Nelson Mandela University)
Dr T Qabhobho BCom (NMMU), BComHons
(NMMU), MCom (NMMU), PhD (Nelson
Mandela University)
Ms S E Tessendorf BCom (UPE), BComHons
(UPE), MCom (NMMU)
Mr C B Johnson BCom (Law) (UPE), BCom
Hons (NMMU) MCom cum laude (Nelson
Mandela University)
Ms Z Sikhunyana BA (Dev Studies) (NMMU),
BComHons (Financial Markets) (UFH), MCom
(Economics) (UFH)
Associate Lecturer Mrs G S Pereira BA (Vista), BAHons (Vista)
Development Studies
Head of Department Prof S Mago BSc Economics (Hons)(UZ),
Masters in Bus Admin (MBA)(ZOU), Ph.D.
Social Sciences in Dev Studies (UFH),
PGDHET(UFH),Supervisory Cert (Zimbabwe
Institute of Management)
Emeritus Professor Prof R Haines PhD (Univ London)
Professor Prof J M Cherry BA (UCT), BA Hons (UCT), MA
(UCT), PhD (Rhodes)
Senior Lecturer Dr A van den Berg BA (UPE), BAHons (Dev
Studies) (UPE), MA (UPE)
Lecturer Mr S Phiri BA Hons (Economics) (Newcastle-
upon-Tyne, UK), MA (NMMU)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Associate Lecturer Dr D Tembo BSc (NMMU), MA (NMMU), PhD

(Dev Studies) (Nelson Mandela University)
Mr M Shoba BA (Zululand), Bachelor of Arts
(International Relations) (Zululand), MA
(Development Studies) (Zululand)

Head of Department Dr S R van Zyl BA HDE(UPE), MSc Tourism
Development and Management (Bucks-
Chilterns UK), DPhil Development Studies
Principal Lecturer Dr H H Bartis BA (UFH), BSc (Hons) (UFH), MA
(Ohio, USA), HDE (PG) (Sec) (RU), DPhil:
Tourism Management (Nelson Mandela
Senior Lecturer Dr R Manyevere BTech (Hons)-Tourism &
Hospitality Man, M Com Bus Man, PhD
Tourism Man
Lecturers Dr L C Jonas NDip (Tourism Mgt) cum laude
(VUT), BComHons (Tourism Mgt), MEd cum
laude (NMMU) PhD (Education) (Nelson
Mandela University)
Ms T Mbane NDip Tourism Management
(CPUT) BTech Tourism Management (CPUT)
MTech Tourism & Hospitality Management
Associate Lecturer Ms T Vapi NDip(Tourism Man) (NMMU)
BTech(Tourism Man) (NMMU) PGCE (UNISA)
Director of School Prof M van Eyk NDip (Tourism Mgt) (PET),
BTech (Tourism Mgt) (PET), MTech (Mktg)
(PET), DTech (Mktg) (NMMU)
Secretary Ms V Smith NDip (Info Tech) (PET)
Business Management
Head of Department Vacant
Emeritus Professor Prof N E Mazibuko MCom (Vista), PhD (Vista)
Professors Prof S M Farrington BComHons HDE (UPE),
MBA (Ghent), DCom (NMMU)
Prof S Perks BCom (UPE), HED PG (UNISA),
PhD (Vista), MBA (Buckingshire Business
School, London)
Prof C Rootman BComHons (UPE), MCom
Prof E E Smith BComHons (UPE), MCom
(Vista), PhD (Vista)
Prof F W Struwig HDE (UPE), BComHons
(UPE), MCom (UPE), PhD (Vista)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Prof E Venter BComHons (UOFS), HDE

(UOFS), MCom (US), MBA (Ghent), DCom
Associate Professor Prof J Krüger BComHons (UPE), MCom
(Vista), PhD (NMMU)
Senior Lecturers Ms J B Palframan CFP®, BA (RU), Dip in
Retirement Funds Mgt, ILPA, MCom (NMMU)
Dr V Msuthwana BSc (UWC), BSc Honours
Dr V Mwrebi BA(NMMU) PGCE(Unisa)
Lecturers Mrs JE Kinsman BCom (NMMU), BComHons
(NMMU), PG Dip (Fin Plan) (NMMU), MCom
cum laude (NMMU)
Dr T Matchaba-Hove BCom (NMMU),
BComHons (NMMU), PG Dip (Fin Plan)
(NMMU), MCom (NMMU) DCom (Bus Mgt)
(Nelson Mandela University)
Ms N Madzunya
Mr L Mahlangabeza NDip Prod Man (NMMU),
BTech Op Man (NMMU), MBA (NMMU)
Ms A P Msomi BCom Bus Mgt and Mktg
(UKZN), Honours in General Mgt (UNISA), PG
Dip in Mgt (Wits), MCom (UKZN)
Mr S Mtimba BCom Fin Planning (NMMU),
PG Dip Fin Planning (NMMU), MCom Bus
Man (NMU)
Dr A Nelmapius BCom (UPE), BComHons
Mr A C Peters B Admin (Ind Psych & Pub
Admin) (UWC), B Admin Hons (Pub Admin)
(UWC), MBA (Advanced) (Curtin Univ of Tech,
Associate Lecturer Mr R Pandie BCom (NMMU), PG Dip (Fin Plan)
Head of Department Mr G T Cook NDip (Pur Mgt) (PET), NDip (Mkg
& Sales) (PET), BTech (Bus Adm) (PET),
MTech (Logistics) (NMMU)
Emeritus Professor Prof GS Horn MCom (UPE), DCom (UPE)
Associate Professor Prof P Hove-Sibanda BCom (UFH),
BComHons (UFH), MCom (UFH), MSc
Decision Making in Supply Chain (Vrije
University, The Netherlands), DTech (VUT),
Senior Lecturer Mr R C van den Berg BCom (Ed) (UPE), MCom

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Lecturers Mrs J K Howell BCom (UKZN), BTech (Purch)

(PET), MTech (Logistics) (NMMU)
Ms A Mavela NDip (Inventory and Stores
Management) BTech (Logistics) MCom
Mr Y Mkumatela NDip Logistics (NMMU),
BTech Logistics (NMMU) MCom Logistics
Mr S Pillay BTech (Log Mgt) (NMMU) MCom
(Log Mgt) (NMU)
Management Practice
Head of Department Dr P Tai-Hing NHD (Prod Man) (PET), BTech
(BA) (PET), MTech (BA) (NMMU) PhD
Business Management (NMMU)
Emeritus Professor Prof ND Kemp B (SocSc)(Rhodes), B
(SocSc)(Hons) MA, HDE (UNISA), PhD (Vista),
Senior Lecturer Dr R Muller MDP (NMMU), MBA (NMMU), PhD
(Bus Man) (NMMU)
Lecturers Mrs A A Makochieng BCom Law cum laude
(UFH), BCom (Hons) (Bus Man) (UNISA),
MCom (Management) (NMMU)
Mr H Mohamed NDip (HR) (NMMU), BTech
(HR) (NMMU), MTech (BA) (NMMU)
Dr T Ngxukumeshe NDip (CMA) (Tech SA),
(Bus Man) (NMMU)
Dr Z S Webber Snr Primary Teacher’s Dip
(CCE), B.Bbl (UFH), BTech (Educ Mgt) (PET),
Honours (Info Science) (UNISA), MPhil (Info
and Knowledge Mgt) (US) PhD (Bus Mgt)
(Nelson Mandela University)
Marketing Management
Head of Department Vacant
Emeritus Professor Prof L Radder BCom (UPE), BCom(Hons)
(Stell), DCom (UPE)
Professor Prof M Tait B.Econ (UFS), Hons. B.Econ
(UFS), M.Com (Vista), DCom (UPE)
Senior Lecturers Dr F Amoah HND (Mktg) (Koforidua
Polytechnic, Ghana), BTech (Mktg) (UNISA),
MTech (Mktg) (NMMU), DTech (Mktg) (NMMU)
Dr A Chivandi BCom Hon in Bus Man (MSU),
ZW, MCom Marketing Strategy, (MSU) ZW,
PhD (Wits) SA
Dr DP Ferreira Dip Tour Ops (Varsity Collage),
BCom Hons (Tourism) (NMMU), MCom (Bus
Mgt) (NMMU), PhD (Bus Mgt) (Nelson Mandela

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Dr A Potgieter BCom (Ind Psych) (RAU),

BComHons (RAU), MCom (Bus Mgt) (NMMU),
PhD (Bus Mgt) (NMMU)
Lecturers Mr V Hau-Yoon MDP (UNISA), BCom (UNISA),
Dr A G Jonas NDip (Tourism Mgt), BTech
(Tourism Mgt), MTech (Mktg) (NMMU), PhD
(Mktg) (Nelson Mandela University)
Mr A Marriott BCom (Bus Mgt) (NMMU),
BComHons (Bus Mgt) (NMMU), MCom (Bus
Mgt) (NMMU), TEFL Intl Cert (UK)
Mrs T Shrosbree NDip (Mktg) (PET), NH Dip
(Mgt) (PET), BTech (Bus Admin) (PET), MTech
(Mktg) (NMMU)


Director of School Prof R van Niekerk BA (Theol) (US), BAHons
(Psych) (US), MA (Clin Psych) (UPE), MA (Ind
Psych) (US), MEd GETP (RU), PhD (Psych)
Secretary Ms K-L Roodt BTech (Mgt) (NMMU), MTech
(Bus Admin) (NMMU)

Human Resource Management

Head of Department Prof A Werner BA (Comm) (Potch), MA
(Potch), DTech (HRM) (NMMU)
Lecturers Ms N Agherdien NDip (HRM) (NMMU), BTech
(HRM) (NMMU), MTech (HRM)
Dr B de Villiers BAHons (Psych) (UPE), MTech
Ms Y Dube NDip (HRM) (NMMU), BTech
(HRM) (NMMU), MTech (HRM) (NMMU)
Ms M Mavuso, Master of Administration
(Industrial Psychology) (UFH)
Associate Lecturer Mr S Puza NDip (HRM), BTech (HRM)

Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Head of Department Prof G Freedman BComHons (IOP) (UNISA),
Emeritus Professors Prof GG Rousseau MA, DPhil (UPE), MIMM
Prof R J Snelgar MA, PhD (Rhodes), PG Dipl
Personnel Management (Cape Town) MHRP
Senior Lecturer Dr C Harris BComHons (UPE), MCom
Lecturers Ms I Dzivhani BCom (UP), BCom Hons (UP),
MCom (UP)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Ms L Jagers BA Psych (NMMU), BA Hons

Psych (NMMU), MA IOP (NMU)
Ms S Magxwalisa BA Psych (NMMU), BA
Hons Psych (NMMU), MA IOP (NMU)
Registered Entities/Units
Family Business Unit
Entity Manager (acting) Dr T Matchaba-Hove BCom (NMMU),
BComHons (NMMU), PG Dip (Fin Plan)
(NMMU), MCom (NMMU) PhD (Bus Mgt)
(Nelson Mandela University)
Unit for Positive Organisations
Entity Manager Dr G Freedman BComHons (IOP) (UNISA),
Unit for Economic, Development
and Tourism (UFEDT)
Entity Manager Prof R Ncwadi BA (Vista) BAHons (Vista), MA
(Economics) (UPE), PhD (NMMU)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Every student of this faculty is bound by the rules contained in this document and in addition
by the Nelson Mandela University’s regulations as contained in the General Prospectus and
all relevant policies. It is the responsibility of every student to acquaint him/herself with the
contents of the relevant rules and policies.


The admissions requirements for undergraduate programmes offered by Nelson Mandela
University consist of:
• the statutory minimum requirements based on the National Senior Certificate (NSC), or
equivalent school-leaving certificate;
• the Applicant Score (AS), a composite score based on school subject achievement; and
• specific school subject and other requirements (e.g., departmental selection, portfolios,

These requirements are relevant for the following local and international qualifications: NSC,
Senior Certificate, Cambridge qualifications, International Baccalaureate, Namibian and
Kenyan Senior Secondary Certificates, and the NC(V) 4.


Qualification Minimum Statutory Entry Requirement:
Currently the statutory requirement for admission to a higher certificate, diploma or degree
programme is a National Senior Certificate with the appropriate endorsement as well as the
minimum language of teaching and learning requirement of the Higher Education Institution.

Qualification Minimum Statutory entry requirement

Higher Certificate Pass the NSC, with a minimum of 30% in the language of
learning and teaching of the higher education institution, together
with any other university requirements.
Diploma Pass the NSC with a minimum of 30% in the language of
learning and teaching of the higher education institution,
coupled with an achievement rating of 3 (40–49%) or better in
four recognised NSC 20-credit subjects, together with any other
university requirements
Bachelor’s Degree Pass the NSC with a minimum of 30% in the language of
learning and teaching of the higher education institution,
coupled with an achievement rating of 4 (50–59%) or better in
four NSC 20-credit subjects together with any other university

NC(V)4 applicants must meet the minimum requirements for higher certificate, diploma or
degree entry as well as the AS and subject admission requirements.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Applicants with alternate, international or foreign qualifications must satisfy the

requirements laid down by the Matriculation Board to qualify for a certificate of exemption for
a particular alternate, international or foreign school-leaving qualification. These requirements
are contained in Government Gazette No. 31674, 5 December 2008 and can be found on the
HESA website http://www.hesa-enrol.ac.za/mb/forpres.htm. Applications for such certificates
must be made to the Matriculation board directly: https://mb.usaf.ac.za/
For NSC applicants with seven Grade 12 subjects, the AS is calculated by adding the
percentages for the six 20-credit subjects (Note that the Life Orientation percentage is not
included as it is a 10-credit subject). This gives a score out of 600.

For those applicants taking eight or more subjects the AS is calculated as follows:
• add the percentages obtained for the three compulsory / fundamental subjects (the two
languages and Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy),
• plus the percentage(s) for any subject(s) required by the programme,
• together with the percentage(s) for the next best / highest subject(s), to a maximum of six

For those applicants from Quintile 1 to 3 schools who attain 50% or higher for Life Orientation,
7 points are added to their score out of 600 to arrive at their final AS.

The table below provides an example of how to calculate the AS for:

• Applicant 1 has 7 NSC Grade 12 subjects and is applying for a programme with Life
Science and Physical Science as required subjects; and
• Applicant 2 who is applying for the same programme, but who took 8 subjects in Grade
• Applicant 3 who is applying for the same programme, but who is from a Quintile 1 school.

NSC Subject Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Applicant 3

from Quintile 1
% % used to % % used % % used
obtained calculate obtained to obtained to
the AS calculate calculate
the AS the AS
isiXhosa Home 78 78 78 78 78 78
English 1st 60 60 60 60 60 60
Mathematics 65 65 65 65 65 65
Life Science 62 62 62 62 62 62
Physical 50 50 50 50 50 50
History - - 60 60 60 -
Geography 55 55 55 - 55 55
Life Orientation 88 - 88 - 88 7
370 375 377

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

For South African and International applicants with International, NC(V) 4 or Foreign
School-Leaving certificates, use the table below to calculate an equivalent Applicant Score
(AS) for admission, based on percentages obtained in such certificates.
Applicants will have to comply with the minimum Applicant Score (AS) set for the
Undergraduate qualification they wish to apply for, as well as meet any other additional subject
requirements directly.
The Applicant Score (AS) uses the symbols/achievement rating/percentages obtained in an
applicant’s school-leaving examinations in order to convert them to an equivalent achievement
standard on the National Senior Certificate (NSC). The AS is calculated using six subjects,
which must include the language(s), and subject requirements for admission, but excluding
Life Orientation.
International/Foreign/NC(V) 4 Equivalency Conversion Table
when calculating the
Subject % to use

Applicant Score

Senior Cert

Senior Cert










115 A*, 7

statement of results / certificate of the applicant

105 B 6 Use the actual percentages obtained on the
95 A 1 A C 5 7 A+,
85 B 2 B D 4 6 A-
75 C A 3 A A C E 3 5 B+ 5 (90-
65 D B B B D 2 4 B, 5 (80-89%)
55 E C 4 C C E 1 3 C+ 4 (70-79%)
45 F D D D 2 D 3 (50-69%)
35 FF E E E 1 E 2 (40-49%)
25 G, F, F, F, 1 (0-39%)

NSC National Senior Certificate O-Level Ordinary level
Senior Cert Senior Certificate Higher AS Advanced Subsidiary
HG Grade
Senior Cert Senior Certificate Standard A-Level Advanced level
SG Grade

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

HIGCSE Higher International Graduate IB HL International Baccalaureate

Certificate of Secondary Schools (Higher Levels)
IGCSE International Graduate IB SL International Baccalaureate
Certificate of Secondary Schools (Standard Levels)
NSSC HL Namibian Senior Secondary KCSE Kenyan Certificate of
Certificate Higher Levels Secondary Education
NSSC OL Namibian Senior Secondary NC(V)4 National Certificate
Certificate Ordinary Levels Vocational Level 4


The Undergraduate Programmes General Information & Admissions Requirements Guide,
University website or Faculty Prospectus provides information on the required subjects and
what the minimum AS required for admission is for each undergraduate programme offered
by Nelson Mandela University

Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply online before the
official early closing date (August 3) are given preference.
Applications will be considered until the 30th of September.
Applicants who apply in January will have to apply through Central Application Service Hub
Final acceptance is based on official final school-leaving results. Applicants currently at
school receive provisional, subject to submission of final results.


Generally, most programmes offered at the Nelson Mandela University do not require
applicants to write the National Benchmark Test (NBT). However, there are a very small
number of qualifications which require NBT results. If under the requirements of the
programme you are interested in, states that NBT results are required, please consult the NBT
website (https://www.nbt.ac.za) to book a test date. Applicants interested in programmes
requiring NBT results are encouraged to book and write these tests as early as possible. A
reference letter from the University is not required.


Postgraduate qualifications are structured as follows:
• Postgraduate certificate or diploma
• Bachelor honours degree
• Master’s degree
• Doctoral degree

A postgraduate certificate or diploma provides an opportunity to undertake advanced study

that will strengthen and deepen your knowledge in a particular discipline or profession.
Completion of the qualification gives graduates access to a related master’s degree
programme. The programmes consist mainly of coursework modules and may include
conducting and reporting research under supervision.Duration of study: one year full-time

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The bachelor honours degree is the initial postgraduate specialisation qualification, preparing
students for research-based postgraduate study. This qualification typically follows a
bachelor’s degree, and serves to consolidate and deepen the student’s experience in a
particular discipline, and to develop research capacity in the methodology and techniques of
that discipline. It demands a high level of theoretical engagement and intellectual
independence. In some cases a bachelor honours degree carries recognition by an
appropriate professional or statuary body. Bachelor honours degree programmes usually
include conducting and reporting research under supervision, in a manner that is appropriate
to the discipline or field of study. Not all honours programmes at Nelson Mandela University
involve conducting research, but all of them include a research methodology course as part of
the coursework component. Completion of a bachelor honours degree meets the minimum
entry requirement of admission to a cognate Master’s degree. Entry into a master’s degree
programme is usually in the area of specialisation of the bachelor honours degree. A
qualification may not be awarded for early exit from a bachelor honours degree.
Bachelor honours programmes usually take one year of full-time study.

A master’s degree may be earned in one of two ways: (i) by completing a single advanced
research project, culminating in the production and acceptance of a dissertation, or (ii) by
successfully completing a coursework programme and a smaller applied research component.
The admission requirement is a relevant honours degree. Professional or advanced career-
focused bachelor’s degrees, such as BEng, BPharm, BCur, BPsych and BTech, may also be
recognised as the minimum entry requirement to a related master’s degree programme.
Duration of study: Coursework master’s degree: one year full- time. Research master’s
degree: one year to 4 years.

A doctoral degree requires a candidate to undertake research at the most advanced

academic level, culminating in the production of a thesis. The research outcome has to make
a significant and original academic contribution to a discipline or field. The degree may be
earned through pure discipline based on multi- disciplinary or applied research. The degree
may include a coursework component as preparation to the research, but does not contribute
to the credit value of the qualification.
Duration of study: 2 to 6 years

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


(Excluding Honours & BTech)
The purpose of Policy on Academic Progression and Re-admission to Undergraduate
Programmes is to indicate both the process by which Senate determines readmission
requirements and who has the authority to refuse readmission to a student who fails to
satisfy such minimum requirements for admission.
The policy furthermore addresses the importance of reviewing student progress, where a
student can obtain information on readmission requirements, the support afforded to
students with conditional readmission, and the process to be followed to appeal a
readmission refusal decision.
Nelson Mandela University upholds academic excellence in its endeavour to equip
students with transformative and sustainable graduate attributes. Among the principles
underpinning learning at the University is that lecturers have high expectations that
students will succeed in their studies. Academic progression can be viewed as
persistence and motivation to achieve a mark of 50% or more in the modules enrolled for.
It is the responsibility of lecturers, professional academic support staff, and students to
co-create learning experiences that promote excellence and foster student success.
Furthermore, in accordance with sound educational practices related to enhancing
academic success, procedures need to be in place to regularly review the academic
progress of students. Monitoring students’ academic performance, psycho-social status
and possible aggravating factors on an ongoing basis is a key strategy to enhance student
success and throughput.
Each Faculty Board must thus approve a process to review the performance of students
at a module and/or programme level in their Faculty, submit the process to the Learning
and Teaching Committee for approval, and monitor the implementation of the review
Minimum requirements for readmission must be determined by faculties, submitted for
approval to Senate and published in the faculty prospectus where applicable.

The following general principles will apply:

• Faculties should consider not only a level (i.e., number of credits accumulated per year
of registration), but also a range in which conditional readmission will apply;
• Faculties should have the discretion to determine the minimum credit value for
readmission to a particular programme;
• Where the maximum study period has been reached, but a student is close to
graduating in that he/she only requires a few credits to graduate, the Faculty should
have clear criteria in place to apply discretion to readmit the student;
• Faculties should have the discretion to deal with possible exceptions.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Process to determine if readmission requirements have been met and to refuse

The following process must be followed when reaching a decision whether the
readmission requirements have been met:
• The performance of all students registered for a programme in a faculty must be
reviewed against the readmission requirements.
• Unless the Faculty Board decides otherwise, this review will normally take place at
the end of an academic year.
• Students who have not yet reached the maximum years of study for their programme
must be notified by Faculty Academic Administration if they have been readmitted as
they met the requirements or if they have been conditionally readmitted and what the
conditions are.
• The Head of Department/Director of School/Executive Dean has the delegated
authority to refuse the readmission of students who have reached the maximum years
of study for their qualification but did not manage to complete the qualification.
• The Head of Department/Director of School in collaboration with Faculty Academic
Administration must convey the fact that readmission has been refused and the
reasons for this must be attached to the Student Record.
• The Head of Department/Director of School must be able to provide the detailed
information that informed the decision, should the decision to refuse readmission be
• A student who has been refused readmission can appeal.

Appeal procedure
• The student has the right to appeal against a decision to refuse readmission.
• The appeal will normally be handled by the Faculty Management Committee, unless
the Faculty Board determines that another faculty committee must consider the
appeal. In the latter instance, the Faculty Board must determine the composition of
the committee. The decision reached by the appropriate faculty committee regarding
the readmission appeal will be final and no further appeal will be permitted.
• The process followed to apply for, consider and deal with a readmission appeal is as
o A student must submit their appeal in writing on a prescribed readmission
appeal form,with full motivation and supporting documentation, to their Faculty
Academic Administration Consultant by either the last day of the re-
examination period or within five (5) working days of receiving notification of
readmission refusal, whichever date is the latest.
o Faculty Academic Administration must forward the appeal, together with a
copy of the student’s study record and the letter in which the student was
informed that he/she was being refused readmission, to the Faculty
Management Committee.
o The Faculty Management Committee or the committee identified by the faculty
to do so will then handle the appeal where consideration could be given to
factors such as:
 Whether the student participated in programmes and activities to
enhance their academic progress.
 Whether there are any special circumstances related to the student’s
unsatisfactory academic performance that should be taken into
account and which could mitigate against refusing readmission.
o A statement of the outcome of the appeal and a motivation for the decision
reached must be communicated to and placed on the student’s record by
Faculty Academic Administration.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Maximum period of study exceeded

In the event that a student exceeds the maximum allowable period of study, the student
will only be readmitted under special circumstances (e.g. when the student, with due
consideration of his/her academic record, is likely to complete his/her qualification by the
end of the year).
Full time:
The following maximum periods of study are allowed for full-time students:

Programme Credits Minimum Period of Maximum Period of

Study Study
120 credits 1 year 2 years
360+ credits 3 years 5 years
480+ credits 4 years 6 years

Full time Extended Programmes:

The following maximum periods of study are allowedfor full-time students in extended

Programme Credits Minimum Period of Maximum Period of

Study Study
120 credits 2 years 3 years
360+ credits 4 years 6 years
480+ credits 5 years 7 years

Part Time:
The following maximum periods of study are used as a guideline for part-time students
taking due cognisance of personal circumstances

Programme Credits Minimum Period of Maximum Period of

Study Study
120 credits 2 years 3 years
360+ credits 4 years 7 years
480+ credits 6 years 8 years

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Progress-based readmission criteria

Full time students
The following template serves as an example to be used by faculties for full time students:
3-year programme (360+ credits) 4-year programme (480+
Period of credits)
Readmit Conditional Readmit
Readmission Readmission

After 1 year *72+ ≤72 80+ ≤80

After 2 years 144+ ≤143 160+ ≤159
After 3 years 216+ ≤215 240+ ≤239
After 4 years 288+ ≤287 320+ ≤319

Refuse readmission, unless

After 5 years 400+ ≤399

Refuse readmission, unless

After 6 years
special circumstances
(*Note: The credit values indicated serve as a guideline only).

Full time students in extended programmes#

The following template serves as an example to be used by faculties for full time students
in extended programmes:
3-year programme 4-year programme
Period of (360+ credits) (480+ credits)
Conditional Conditional
Readmit Readmit
Readmissi Readmission
After 1 year *45+ ≤45 45+ ≤45
After 2 years 72+ ≤71 80+ ≤79
After 3 years 144+ ≤143 160+ ≤159
After 4 years 216+ ≤215 240+ ≤239
After 5 years 288+ ≤287 320+ ≤319
Refuse readmission, unless
After 6 years 400+ ≤399
special circumstances

Refuse readmission, unless

After 7 years
special circumstances
(*Note: The credit values indicated serve as a guideline only)
(#Note: Students that have not completed the foundational modules after the third year of
study will be refused readmission to the same programme.)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Part time students

The following template serves as an example to be used by faculties for part time
3-year programme 4-year programme
Period of (360+ credits) (480+ credits)
Readmit Conditional Readmi Conditional
Readmission t Readmission
After 1 year *44+ ≤44 48+ ≤47

After 2 years 90+ ≤89 96+ ≤95

After 3 years 135+ ≤134 144+ ≤143
After 4 years 180+ ≤179 192+ ≤191
After 5 years 225+ ≤224 240+ ≤239
After 6 years 270+ ≤269 288+ ≤287
After 7 years 315+ ≤314 336+ ≤335
Refuse readmission, unless
After 8 years special circumstances 384+ ≤383

After 9 years 432+ ≤431

Refuse readmission unless

After 10 years special circumstances

(*Note: The credit values indicated serve as a guideline only)

The high failure rate of first-year students at the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences,
particularly those from disadvantaged educational backgrounds, is indicative of an underlying
educational system not focused on the realities of our situation. Accepting students into
programmes, knowing that the probability of success is very low, results not only in the
wastage of economic resources but also in a system which is ethically questionable.

The aim of the extended programme is to offer an integrated solution to the problems of an
under-prepared matriculant wanting to study at the Faculty of Business and Economic
Sciences. It addresses the need for academic bridging within the context of a particular
mainstream programme.

The following are the fundamental principles underpinning the introduction of these
• Certain students, particularly students from educationally-disadvantaged communities,
may have the potential to study successfully at a tertiary level but are under-prepared for
the particular programme.
• It would be unethical to exclude students with potential if they are under-prepared due to
reasons beyond their control. Opportunities should be developed to facilitate access.
• Allowing a student without the necessary potential to register for a programme is
unproductive and unethical.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Only students with potential and who are properly prepared should be accepted into the
normal mainstream programmes.
• Students who have potential, but are under-prepared, should be provided access by:
o providing relevant pre-tertiary development (bridging); and
o integrating the bridging activities with mainstream study.

The following are the major objectives of these programmes:
• To provide additional access to under-prepared students with potential.
• To provide academic support for under-prepared students.
• To improve the success rate of first-year students.
• To integrate academic bridging activities with mainstream activities.


From past experience the University knows that circumstances beyond our control may disrupt
our academic activities. The University therefore reserves the right to implement certain
emergency measures when deemed necessary to manage such situations. Please note that
the University shall not be held liable for any inconvenience, damage or other negative
consequence resulting from the implementation of such emergency measures.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 2501

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 5
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• The purpose of this qualification is to train qualified bookkeepers for the private and public
sectors. They will have the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field
of accountancy.
• This programme will also equip students with the essential knowledge and specific skills
they need in order to be competent in performing basic bookkeeping, tax and accounting
services both manually and in the computerised environment.
• Students who do not meet the direct entry requirements for the mainstream qualification
will have the opportunity to study further at tertiary level after the completion of the

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for higher certificate entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 290.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 305.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 35% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
60% for Mathematical Literacy.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Site of offering:
The qualification shall be offered at the South Campus of the university.
The qualification shall be offered over a minimum of one year.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules: Select all modules:
Essentials of Accounting – Basic Bookkeeping Semester 1 BEA1101 15

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Essentials of Accounting – Financial Statements Semester 2 BEA1102 15
Fundamentals of Management Accounting - Cost
Classification Semester 1 BMA1101 12
Fundamentals of Management Accounting – Cost
Determination Semester 2 BMA1102 12
Business Communication Semester 1 BCN1101 12
Business Writing Semester 2 BCN1102 12
Computerised Accounting Applications –
Accounting Semester 1 BCA1101 9
Computerised Accounting Applications – Payroll Semester 2 BCA1102 9
Computing Concepts 1 Semester 1 BIS1101 12
Computing Concepts 2 Semester 2 BIS1102 12
Total Credits 120


Qualification code: 2401

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Aligned NQF Level: 5
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• The purpose of this qualification is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and
skills related to the business environment to make them more employable and to also
widen access to selected diploma qualification(s).

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for higher certificate entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 290.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 305.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 30% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
50% for Mathematical Literacy.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Site of offering:
The qualification shall be offered at the South Campus of the university and at the George

The qualification shall be offered over one year of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules: Select all modules:
Fundamentals of Business Communications Year BCN1001 12
Principles of Economics (Intro to Micro-
economics) Year BED1101 12
Numerical Skills for Business Year BNS1011 12
Fundamentals of Accounting Year BFC1010 12
Fundamentals of Personal Finance Semester 2 EBF1001 12
Fundamentals of Business Management Semester 1 SBM1001 12
Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management Semester 1 BLG1002 12
Fundamentals of Marketing Semester 2 BBH1011 12
Fundamentals of Tourism Semester 2 BTO1002 12
Elective modules: Select one of the modules:
End-user Computing Semester 1 BEU1001 12
End-user Computing Semester 2 BEU1002 12
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 4437

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (C7)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the relevant Diploma.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 310.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 325.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 35% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 55% for Mathematical Literacy
• A Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification

Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies will be considered for
admission to the Extended Diploma in Economics, provided:
o they have not interrupted their studies for the Higher Certificate;
o they have achieved the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules
that constitute the curriculum of the qualification; and
o they have graduated within the maximum time frame of 2 years of full-time study.

The Faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure must be applied.

The following are the three core elements of this selection system:
• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applications exceed the capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system and the results of the
aptitude tests.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to official Grade 12

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM1000 4
Communication in English Year LKH11X0 6
Introduction to Management (Extended) Year BMM1X10 12
Computer Skills (Extended) Year ITVL1X0 12
Numerical Skills for Business (Extended) Year MNU1X10 6
Credits First Year 40

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM2000 2
Augmented Economics (Microeconomics) Semester 1 ECO10X1 12
Augmented Economics (Macroeconomics) Semester 2 ECO10X2 12
Augmented Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA10X2 12
Introduction to Logistics (Augmented) Semester 2 BLG10X2 12
Communication in English Year LKH21X0 6
Introduction to Marketing (Augmented) Semester 1 BBH11X1 12
Introduction to Tourism (Augmented) Semester 1 TOU10X1 12
Credits Second Year 80

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Management II Year EBM2000 30
Microeconomics Semester 1 ECO2001 15
Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECO2002 15
Introductory Economic Analysis Semester 1 ECO2011 15

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Introductory Econometrics Semester 2 ECO2012 15
The South African Financial System Semester 2 ECO2022 12
Financial Accounting Year RFC1001 12
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Credits Third Year 126

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Management III Year EBM3000 30
Public Economics Semester 1 ECO3001 15
International Economics Semester 2 ECO3002 15
Development Economics Semester 1 ECO3011 15
Labour Economics Semester 2 ECO3012 15
Econometrics Semester 1 ECO3021 15
Economic Modelling Semester 2 ECO3022 15
Credits Fourth Year 120
Total Credits 366


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 2
Academic and Life Skills ALM2000 Academic and Life Skills ALM1000
Development ALM1010
Communication in English LKH21X0 Communication in English LKH11X0
Year 3
Management II EBM2000 Introduction to BMM1X10
Management BMM1001
Microeconomics ECO2001 Microeconomics ECO1001
Macroeconomics ECO1002
Macroeconomics ECO2002 Microeconomics ECO1001
Macroeconomics ECO1002
Introductory economic ECO2011 Microeconomics ECO1001
Analysis Macroeconomics ECO1002
Introductory Econometrics ECO2012 Microeconomics ECO1001
Macroeconomics ECO1002
Year 4
Public Economics ECO3001 Microeconomics ECO2001

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

International Economics ECO3002 Microeconomics ECO2001
Development Economics ECO3011 Microeconomics ECO2001
Labour Economics ECO3012 Microeconomics ECO2001
Econometrics ECO3021 Introductory Econometrics ECO2012
Economic Modelling ECO3022 Introductory Econometrics ECO2012



Qualification code: 4542

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (C7)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme offers an integrated solution to the problems of an under-prepared

matriculant wanting to study in the field of human resource management.
The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the relevant Diploma.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 310.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 325.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 30% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
50% for Mathematical Literacy.

The Faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure must be applied. The following are the three core elements of this selection system:
• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applications exceed the capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system and the results of the
aptitude tests.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to official Grade 12


Additional module registration requirements:
Students must register for the following additional modules as part of the curriculum:
o Costing and Estimating I (BKM1410) and
o Communication in English B (BKI1120) and
o Life Skills (Module A) (GEN1101) and
o Computer Skills (Module B) (GEN1202)

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall be offered over four years of full-time study.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2019.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2024.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management I Year EBM1000 24
Personnel Management I Year BPB1000 24
Credits First Year 48

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Accounting for Personal Practitioners Year RTI1000 24
Management of Training I Year BTR1000 24
Credits Second Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
End-User Computing Year ITV1000 24

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Industrial Relations I Year BIR1000 24
Personnel Management II Year BPB2000 24
Business Management II Year EBM2010 24
Credits Third Year 96

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Common Law and Social Legislation Semester 1 JHR1001 12
Labour Relations Act Semester 2 JHR1002 12
Industrial Relations II Semester 1 BIR2001 30
Personnel Management III Semester 1 BPB3001 30
Management of Training II Semester 2 BTR2002 30
Business Management III Semester 2 EBM3022 30
Credits Fourth Year 144
Total Credits 360



Qualification code: 4543

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (C7)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• The main purpose of the qualification is to equip the students for a career in the field of
Human Resource management, which includes the following sub-fields:
o Employment Relations
o Employee Development
o Personnel Management functions
• This programme offers an integrated solution to the problems of an under-prepared
matriculant wanting to study in the field of human resource management.
The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the relevant Diploma.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 310.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 325.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 30% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 50% for Mathematical Literacy.

The Faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure must be applied. The following are the three core elements of this selection system:
• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applications exceed the capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first
• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to official Grade 12

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall be offered over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Communication in English Year LKH11X1 6
Computer Skills (Extended) Year ITVL1X0 12
Costing and Estimating 1 Year BKM11X0 6
Academic and Life Skill Development Year ALM1000 4
Introduction to Human Resource Management Year BPB11X0 12
Credits First Year 40

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Communication in English Year LKH21X2 6
Introduction to Management Year BMM1X10 12
Numerical Skills for Business Year MNU1X10 6

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Academic and Life Skill Development Year ALM2000 2
Introduction to Workplace Psychology Semester 1 BIP21X1 12
Introduction to Group Dynamics Semester 2 BIG21X2 12
Introduction to Training and Development Semester 1 BTR1011 12
Introduction to Training Design and Assessment Semester 2 BTR21X2 12
Professional Development (Extended) Year BPD21x2 12
Credits Second Year 80

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting Knowledge and Awareness Year RTI2000 24
Employment Relations Theory Year BIR2010 24
Human Resource Management Policy and Year BPB2010 24
Business Operations Year EBM2020 24
HR Project Management Semester 1 BPM2000 24
Credits Third Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Employment Relations Practice Semester 1 BIR3021 24
Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 BPB3011 24
Applied People Development Semester 2 BTR2020 24
Individual Employment Law Semester 1 JHT1001 12
Collective Labour Law and Social Security Semester 2 JHT1002 12
Business Management Semester 2 EBM3032 24
Credits Fourth Year 120
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Employment Relations Practice BIR3021 Employment Relations Theory BIR2010
Applied People Development BTR2020 Learning and Development BTR1011

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 4617

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (C7)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the relevant Diploma.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 310.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 325.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 35% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 55% for Mathematical Literacy
• A Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification

Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies will be considered for
admission to the Extended Diploma in Economics, provided:
o they have not interrupted their studies for the Higher Certificate;
o they have achieved the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules that
constitute the curriculum of the qualification; and
o they have graduated within the maximum time frame of 2 years of full-time study.

The Faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure must be applied. The following are the three core elements of this selection system:
• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applications exceed the capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system and the results of the
aptitude tests.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first
• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to official Grade 12

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM1000 4
Introduction to Management (Extended) Year BMM1X10 12
Communication in English Year LKH11X0 6
Computer Skills (Extended) Year ITVL1X0 12
Numerical Skills for Business (Extended) Year MNU1X10 6
Credits First Year 40

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM2000 2
Augmented Economics (Microeconomics) Semester 1 ECO10X1 12
Augmented Economics (Macroeconomics) Semester 2 ECO10X2 12
Augmented Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA10X2 12
Introduction to Logistics (Augmented) Semester 2 BLG10X2 12
Communication in English Year LKH21X0 6
Introduction to Marketing (Augmented) Semester 1 BBH11X1 12
Introduction to Tourism (Augmented) Semester 1 TOU10X1 12
Credits Second Year 80

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Purchasing Management II Year BIC2000 24
Warehouse Management II Year BIM2000 24
Logistics II Year BLG2000 24
Commercial Law: General Principles of Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Business Management II Year EBM2010 24
Credits Third Year 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Purchasing Management III Year BIC3000 30
Logistics III Year BLG3000 30
Operations Management Semester 1 BOM1001 30
Business Management III Year EBM3010 30
Credits Fourth Year 120
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Name Module Code Prerequisite Module Name

Year 2
Academic and Life Skills ALM2000 ALM1000 Academic and Life Skills
Development ALM1010 Development
Communication in English LKH21X0 LKH11X0 Communication in English
Year 3
Logistics II BLG2000 BLG10X2 Introduction to Logistics
Commercial Law: Specific JHT1222 JHT1221 Commercial Law: General
Contracts Principles of Contract
Business Management II EBM2010 BBM1X10 Introduction to Management
Year 4
Purchasing Management III BIC3000 BIC2000 Purchasing Management II
Logistics III BLG3000 BLG2000 Logistics II

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 4427

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (C7) OR
Full-time George Campus (83)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the relevant Diploma.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 310.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 325.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 35% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 55% for Mathematical Literacy
• A Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification

Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies will be considered for
admission to the Extended Diploma in Economics, provided:
o they have not interrupted their studies for the Higher Certificate;
o they have achieved the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules
that constitute the curriculum of the qualification; and
o they have graduated within the maximum time frame of 2 years of full-time study.

The Faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure must be applied. The following are the three core elements of this selection system:
• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applications exceed the capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system and the results of the
aptitude tests.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first
• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to official Grade 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM1000 4
Communication in English Year LKH11X0 6
Introduction to Management (Extended) Year BMM1X10 12
Computer Skills (Extended) Year ITVL1X0 12
Numerical Skills for Business (Extended) Year MNU1X10 6
Credits First Year 40

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM2000 2
Augmented Economics (Microeconomics) Semester 1 ECO10X1 12
Augmented Economics (Macroeconomics) Semester 2 ECO10X2 12
Augmented Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA10X2 12
Introduction to Logistics (Augmented) Semester 2 BLG10X2 12
Communication in English Year LKH21X0 6
Introduction to Marketing (Augmented) Semester 1 BBH11X1 12
Introduction to Tourism (Augmented) Semester 1 TOU10X1 12
Credits Second Year 80

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Retailing Semester 1 ADM1001 12
Retail Planning Semester 2 ADM1002 12
Management II Year EBM2000 30
Accounting Fundamentals Semester 1 RFC1011 12
Financial Statements Semester 2 RFC1012 12
Production Management I Semester 1 BPJ1021 30
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Third Year 132

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Management III Year EBM3000 30
Introduction to Employment Relations Semester 1 BPB1001 12
Employment Relations Processes Semester 2 BPB1022 12
Select either Group A or Group B (60 credits):
A Retail Location Semester 1 ADM2001 15
Retail Strategy Semester 2 ADM2002 15
Merchandise Management Semester 1 ADM3001 15
Retail Control Semester 2 ADM3002 15
B Financial Management II Semester 1 RFB2001 30
Financial Management III Semester 2 RFB3002 30
Credits Third Year 114
Total Credits 366


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 2
Academic Life skills ALM2000 Academic & Life skills ALM1000
Development Development ALM1010
Communication in English LKH21X0 Communication in English LKH11X0

Year 3
Commercial Law: Specific JHT1222 Commercial Law: General JHT1221
Contracts Principle Contracts
Financial Statements RFC1012 Financial Management II RFB2001
Accounting Fundamentals RFC1011
Year 4
Employment Relations BPB1022 Introduction to Employment BPB1001
Processes Relations
Financial Management III RFC1012 Financial Management II RFB2001
Accounting Fundamentals RFC1011

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 4417

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (C7) OR
Full-time George Campus (83)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the relevant Diploma.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 310.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 325.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 35% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 55% for Mathematical Literacy
• A Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification

Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies will be considered for
admission to the Extended Diploma in Economics, provided:
o they have not interrupted their studies for the Higher Certificate;
o they have achieved the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules
that constitute the curriculum of the qualification; and
o they have graduated within the maximum time frame of 2 years of full-time study.

The Faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure must be applied. The following are the three core elements of this selection system:
• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applications exceed the capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system and the results of the
aptitude tests.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first
• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to official Grade 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM1000 4
Communication in English Year LKH11X0 6
Introduction to Management (Extended) Year BMM1X10 12
Computer Skills (Extended) Year ITVL1X0 12
Numerical Skills for Business (Extended) Year MNU1X10 6
Credits First Year 40

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM2000 2
Augmented Economics (Microeconomics) Semester 1 ECO10X1 12
Augmented Economics (Macroeconomics) Semester 2 ECO10X2 12
Augmented Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA10X2 12
Introduction to Logistics (Augmented) Semester 2 BLG10X2 12
Communication in English Year LKH21X0 6
Introduction to Marketing (Augmented) Semester 1 BBH11X1 12
Introduction to Tourism (Augmented) Semester 1 TOU10X1 12
Credits Second Year 80

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Marketing II Year BBH2000 30
Public Relations Semester 2 BMR2002 12
Personal Selling I Semester 1 BPS2001 12
Sales Management Year BVB2000 30
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Financial Accounting Semester 1 RFC1001 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Credits Third Year 120
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
International Marketing Semester 1 BBH3011 15
Small Business Marketing Semester 2 BBH3012 15
Customer Relationship Management Year BCB3000 30
Consumer Behaviour Year BCB3010 30
Advertising and Sales Promotion I Year BRL1000 30
Credits Fourth Year 120
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Name Code Pre-requisites Module Name

Year 2
Academic and Life Skills ALM2000 ALM1010 Academic and Life Skills
Development Development
Communication in English LKH21X0 LKH11X0 Communication in English
Year 3
Marketing II BBH2000 BBH1022 Introduction to Marketing
Commercial Law: Specific JHT1222 JHT1221 Commercial Law: General
Contracts Principles of Contract
Year 4
International Marketing BBH3011 BBH2000 Marketing II
Small Business Marketing BBH3012 BBH2000 Marketing II

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 4647

Offering: Full-time 2ND Avenue Campus (C7) OR
Full-time George Campus (83)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the relevant Diploma.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 310.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 325.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 35% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 55% for Mathematical Literacy
• a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification

Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies will be considered for
admission to the Extended Diploma in Economics, provided:
o they have not interrupted their studies for the Higher Certificate;
o they have achieved the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules
that constitute the curriculum of the qualification; and
o they have graduated within the maximum time frame of 2 years of full-time study.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The Faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure must be applied. The following are the three core elements of this selection system:
• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applications exceed the capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system and the results of the
aptitude tests.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to official Grade 12

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM1000 4
Communication in English Year LKH11X0 6
Introduction to Management (Extended) Year BMM1X10 12
Computer Skills (Extended) Year ITVL1X0 12
Numerical Skills for Business (Extended) Year MNU1X10 6
Credits Fourth Year 40

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALM2000 2
Augmented Economics (Microeconomics) Semester 1 ECO10X1 12
Augmented Economics (Macroeconomics) Semester 2 ECO10X2 12
Augmented Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA10X2 12
Introduction to Logistics (Augmented) Semester 2 BLG10X2 12
Communication in English Year LKH21X0 6
Introduction to Marketing (Augmented) Semester 1 BBH11X1 12
Introduction to Tourism (Augmented) Semester 1 TOU10X1 12
Credits Second Year 80

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Travel and Tourism Practice II Year TOP2000 24
Marketing Mix and Strategies Semester 1 TOT2001 12
Marketing and Planning for Tourism Semester 2 TOT2002 12
Functional Management Semester 1 TOM2001 12
Human Resource Management Semester 2 TOM2002 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
The Tourism Industry Semester 2 TOU2002 12
The Tour Destination Semester 1 TOU2001 12
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Third Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Travel and Tourism Practice III Semester 2 TOP3002 24
Marketing for Tourism Semester 2 TOT3002 24
Tourism Management Semester 2 TOM3002 24
Tourism Development Semester 2 TOU3002 24
Select one of the modules:
Tourism Work-integrated Learning Semester 1 TWI2001 24
Tourism Work-integrated Learning Semester 2 TWI2002 24
Credits Fourth Year 120
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Module Name

Year 3
Commercial Law: Specific JHT1222 JHT1221 Commercial Law: General
Contracts Principles of Contract
Year 4
Travel and Tourism TOP3002 TOP2000 Travel and Tourism Practice II
Practice III
Marketing for Tourism TOT3002 TOT2001 Marketing Mix and Strategies
BET2002 Marketing and Planning for
Tourism Management TOM3002 TOM2001 Functional Management
TOM2002 Human Resource Management
Tourism Development TOU3002 TOU2001 The Tour Destination
TOU2002 The Tourism Industry

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40192

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A7) OR
Full-time George Campus (83)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 398


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the BCom degree.
This qualification is for learners who have passed mathematics in grade 12.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 370.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 45% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


• Candidates shall only be permitted to register for any modules in the second year of study
if they have passed at least 32 credits of the modules prescribed in the first year of
study. Candidates who do not meet the promotion requirement above will only be allowed
to re-register for the programme if they have passed a minimum of 25 credits of the
foundational modules in their first year of study.
• Candidates who have not completed all the foundational modules in the programme after
three (3) years of full-time study will not be allowed to re-register for the programme.

Site of delivery:
• The programme will be offered on the Nelson Mandela University Summerstrand South
For the purposes of this curriculum, the "R" module can substitute the related "RG" module.
For example, the student will be permitted to have passed RV201 (Accounting 2A) instead of
RGV201 (General Accounting 2A).

The qualification shall extend over a period of four years of full-time study.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV100 4
Augmented Business Management Semester 2 EBC1X2 9
English for Business Year LEAF1X0 4
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 2 MACV102 12
Pre-calculus Semester 1 MATC1X3 4
Introductory Calculus and Linear Algebra Semester 2 MATC1X4 4
Foundation Accounting Year RF1X0 4
Foundation Statistics Semester 1 STAS1X1 4
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.1A Year WRFV1X0 6
Credits First Year 51

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV110 2
Augmented Business Management Semester 1 EBC1X1 9
Augmented Micro-economics Semester 1 ECO1X1 9
Augmented Macro-economics Semester 2 ECO1X2 9
Augmented Commercial Law A Semester 1 JHAV1X1 9
Augmented Company Law Semester 2 JHMV1X1 9
English for Business 122 Year LEAF10X 2
Augmented Accounting Semester 1 RF1X1 8
Augmented General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGF1X2 10
Business Statistics 102 Semester 2 STAV102 12
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Year WRFV10X 6
Credits Second Year 85

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Advanced Company Law Semester 1 JHMV201 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Commercial Law II Semester 2 JHAV202 12
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Credits Third Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGKV301 15
General Auditing 3A Semester 1 RGOV301 15
General Taxation 3A Semester 1 RGTV301 15
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGKV302 15
General Auditing 3B Semester 2 RGOV302 15
General Taxation 3B Semester 2 RGTV302 15
Credits Fourth Year 138
Total Credits 398


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Year 2
Academic and Life Skills ALMV110 Academic and Life Skills ALMV100
Development Development
Augmented Macro- ECO1X2 Augmented Micro-economics ECO1X1
English for Business 122 LEAF10X English for Business LEAF1X0
Introductory Calculus and MATC1X4 Pre-calculus MATC1X3
Linear Algebra
Extended Computing WRFV10X Extended Computing Fundamentals WRFV1X0
Fundamentals 1.2 1.1A

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Year 3
Macroeconomics ECC201 Introduction to Macroeconomics ECC102
Commercial Law II JHAV202 Augmented Commercial Law A JHAV1X1
Advanced Company Law JHMV201 Augmented Company Law JHMV1X1
Ethics and Corporate REV201 General Accounting 1B RGF1X2
Governance Company Law JHMV102
Augmented Company Law JHMV1X1
General Accounting 2A RGV201 Accounting 1A RF1X0
General Accounting 1B RF1X1
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General Accounting 2A RGV201
Auditing 2A ROV202 General Accounting 1B RGF1X2
Accounting 1A RF1X1
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Taxation 2A RTV202 Accounting 1A RF1X0
General Accounting 1B RF1X1
Management Accounting 2A RKV202 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Mathematics for Accounting MACV102
Business Statistics STAV102
Year 4
General Accounting 3A RGV301 General Accounting 2A RGV201
General Accounting 2B RGV202
General Accounting 3B RGV302 General Accounting 3A RGV301

General Auditing 3A RGOV301 A final mark of at least 45% in RGV202

General Accounting 2B
A final mark of at least 45% in Ethics REV201
and Corporate Governance
Auditing 2A ROV202
Company Law JHMV102
General Auditing 3B RGOV302 A mark of at least 45% for General RGOV301
Auditing 3A
General Taxation 3A RGTV301 General Accounting 2A RGV201
A mark of at least 45% in General RGV202
Accounting 2B RTV202
Taxation 2A
General Taxation 3B RGTV302 At least 45% for General Taxation3A RGTV301
General Management RGKV301 Management Accounting 2A RKV202
Accounting 3A A final mark of at least 45% in RGV202
General Accounting 2B
Mathematics for Accounting MACV101
Business Statistics STAV102
General Management RGKV302 A mark of at least 45% in General RGV202
Accounting 3B Accounting 2B RKV202

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Management Accounting 2A


Qualification code: 45296

Offering: Full-time George Campus (83)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 369 – 386


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 370.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 45% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


• Candidates shall only be permitted to register for any modules in the second year of study
if they have passed at least 32 credits of the modules prescribed in the first year of
study. Candidates who do not meet the promotion requirement above will only be allowed
to re-register for the programme if they have passed a minimum of 25 credits of the
foundational modules in their first year of study.
• Candidates who have not completed all the foundational modules in the programme after
three (3) years of full-time study will not be allowed to re-register for the programme.

The qualification shall extend over a period of four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV100 4
Augmented Business Management Semester 2 EBC1X2 9
English for Business Year LEAF1X0 4
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 2 MACV102 12
Pre-calculus Semester 1 MATC1X3 4

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Introductory Calculus and Linear Algebra Semester 2 MATC1X4 4
Foundation Accounting Year RF1X0 4
Foundation Statistics Semester 1 STAS1X1 4
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.1A Year WRFV1X0 6
Credits First Year 51

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV110 2
Augmented Business Management Semester 1 EBC1X1 9
Augmented Micro-economics Semester 1 ECO1X1 9
Augmented Macro-economics Semester 2 ECO1X2 9
Augmented Commercial Law A Semester 1 JHAV1X1 9
Augmented Company Law Semester 2 JHMV1X1 9
English for Business 122 Year LEAF10X 2
Augmented Accounting Semester 1 RF1X3 8
Augmented General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGF1X2 10
Business Statistics 102 Semester 2 STAV102 12
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Year WRFV10X 6
Credits Second Year 85


Qualification code: 40195

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A7)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360 to 386


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
This qualification is for learners who have passed mathematics in grade 12.

This programme opens up a wide variety of career options in the business world and includes
fields such as entrepreneurship, business environments, marketing and strategic

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the BCom degree.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 370.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 45% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


• Candidates shall only be permitted to register for any modules in the second year of study
if they have passed at least 32 credits of the modules prescribed in the first year of
study. Candidates who do not meet the promotion requirement above will only be allowed
to re-register for the programme if they have passed a minimum of 25 credits of the
foundational modules in their first year of study.
• Candidates who have not completed all the foundational modules in the programme after
three (3) years of full-time study will not be allowed to re-register for the programme.

Site of delivery:
• The programme will be offered on the Nelson Mandela University Summerstrand South

The qualification shall extend over a period of four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV100 4
Augmented Business Management Semester 2 EBC1X2 9
English for Business Year LEAF1X0 4
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 2 MACV102 12
Pre-calculus Semester 1 MATC1X3 4
Introductory Calculus and Linear Algebra Semester 2 MATC1X4 4
Foundation Accounting Year RF1X0 4
Foundation Statistics Semester 1 STAS1X1 4
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.1A Year WRFV1X0 6
Credits First Year 51

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV110 2
Augmented Business Management Semester 1 EBC1X1 9
Augmented Micro-economics Semester 1 ECO1X1 9
Augmented Macro-economics Semester 2 ECO1X2 9
Augmented Commercial Law A Semester 1 JHAV1X1 9
Augmented Company Law Semester 2 JHMV1X1 9
English for Business 122 Year LEAF10X 2
Augmented Accounting Semester 1 RF1X1 8
Augmented General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGF1X2 10
Business Statistics 102 Semester 2 STAV102 12
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Year WRFV10X 6
Credits Second Year 85

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Financial Planning
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBF201 16
Business Ethics * Semester 2 EBFV212 10
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Sub-total 78
Select one of the following groups A, B or C:
A Economics
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Economic Analysis Semester 1 ECCV201 14
Sub-total 42
B Accounting
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Management Accounting Semester 2 RKV202 10

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Select one of the following modules:
Taxation Semester 2 RTV202 10
Auditing Semester 2 ROV202 12
C General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
General Management Accounting Semester 2 RGKV202 10
Select one of the following modules:
Taxation Semester 2 RTV202 10
Auditing Semester 2 ROV202 12
Sub-total 48/50
Credits Second Year:
Majors: Business Management & 120
Economics 126/128
Majors: Business Management &
Or General Accounting

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Sub-total 60
Select one of the following groups A, B or C:
A Accounting (Major)
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKV301 15
B General Accounting (Major)
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Management Accounting Semester 1 RGKV301 15
Sub-total 63
C Economics (select any SIX modules) (Major)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Public Economics Semester 1 ECC301 10
Economics of Financial Markets Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics Semester 1 ECC321 10
Development Economics Semester 2 ECC302 10
International Economics Semester 2 ECC312 10
Labour Economics Semester 2 ECC322 10
Economic and Development Ethics Semester 2 ECC332 10
Sub-total 60
Credits Third Year 120/123
Total Credits
Majors: Business Management & 364
Economics 373/375
Majors: Business Management &
Accounting or General Accounting


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Augmented Accounting RF1X1 Foundation RF1X0
Augmented General RGF102 Augmented A mark of at least 40% in
Accounting 1B Accounting RF1X1
Computing WRFV1X0 Computing WRFV10X
Fundamentals 1.2 Fundamentals 1.1
Introductory Calculus MATC1X4 Pre-calculus MATC1X3
and Linear Algebra
Second Year
Macro Economics EC201 Macro Economics EC102

Macro Economics ECC201 Macro Economics ECC102

Micro Economics EC202 Micro Economics EC101
Micro Economics ECC202 Micro Economics ECC101

Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 2A A pass in RV101 and a mark

of at least 55% in RV102.
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2B A mark of at least 45% for
RV201 or 65% for RGV201
General Accounting 1B RGV102 General A mark of at least 40% in
Accounting 1B RV101
General Accounting 2A RG201 General R101 and R102 or RG102
Accounting 2A

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

General Accounting 2A RGV201 General RV101 and RV102 or RGV102
Accounting 2A
General Accounting 2B RG202 General A mark of at least 40% in R201
Accounting 2B or 45% in RG201
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General A mark of at least 40% in
Accounting 2B RV201 or 45% in RGV201
Marketing Management EBMV201 Marketing EB122
Logistic and Purchasing EBMV202 Logistic and EB122
Management Purchasing
Third Year
Financial Management EBM301 Financial EB102
Financial Management EBMV301 Financial EB122
General and Strategic EBM302 General and EB102
Management Strategic
General and Strategic EBMV302 General and EB122
Management Strategic
Public Economics ECC301 Introduction to EC102 & EC202
Economics of Financial ECC311 Introduction to ECC101 & ECC201
Markets Microeconomics
Econometrics ECC321 Microeconomics ECC201 & ECC202
Development Economics ECC302 Introduction to ECC101 & ECC201
International Economics ECC312 Microeconomics ECC201 & ECC202
Economic and ECC332 Introduction to EC102 & EC202
Development Ethics Macroeconomics
Accounting 3A RV301 A pass in RV201 or RGV201,
a mark of at least 55% in
Accounting 3B RV302 A final mark of at least 45% for
RV301 or 65% for RGV301
General Accounting 3A RGV301 General A pass in RV201/RGV201, A
Accounting 3A pass in RV202/RGV202.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

General Accounting 3B RGV302 General A mark of at least 40% in
Accounting 3B RV301 or 45% in RGV301.
(i)Students who wish to
transfer to an R module from
an RG module may do so if
they achieve a mark of at least
55% in an entrance
examination written in January
of each year. Details of such
examinations are available
from the School of Accounting.

(ii) Students may write a

reassessment examination or
re-register for an Accounting
module which they have
passed, but for which they
failed to obtain the required
sub-minimum in order to
proceed, if they wish to
improve their final mark in that


Qualification code: 40196

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A7)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 371 to 374


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
This qualification is for learners who have passed mathematics in grade 12.

The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the BCom degree.
This programme opens up a wide variety of career options in the business world and includes
fields such as entrepreneurship, business environments, marketing and strategic

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 370.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 45% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


• Candidates shall only be permitted to register for any modules in the second year of study
if they have passed at least 32 credits of the modules prescribed in the first year of
study. Candidates who do not meet the promotion requirement above will only be allowed
to re-register for the programme if they have passed a minimum of 25 credits of the
foundational modules in their first year of study.
• Candidates who have not completed all the foundational modules in the programme after
three (3) years of full-time study will not be allowed to re-register for the programme.

Site of delivery:
• The programme will be offered on the Nelson Mandela University Summerstrand South

The qualification shall extend over a period of four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV100 4
Augmented Business Management Semester 2 EBC1X2 9
English for Business Year LEAF1X0 4
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 2 MACV102 12
Pre-calculus Semester 1 MATC1X3 4
Introductory Calculus and Linear Algebra Semester 2 MATC1X4 4
Foundation Accounting Year RF1X0 4
Foundation Statistics Semester 1 STAS1X1 4
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.1A Year WRFV1X0 6
Credits First Year 51

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV110 2
Augmented Business Management Semester 1 EBC1X1 9

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Augmented Micro-economics Semester 1 ECO1X1 9
Augmented Macro-economics Semester 2 ECO1X2 9
Augmented Commercial Law A Semester 1 JHAV1X1 9
Augmented Company Law Semester 2 JHMV1X1 9
English for Business 122 Year LEAF10X 2
Augmented Accounting Semester 1 RF1X1 8
Augmented General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGF1X2 10
Business Statistics 102 Semester 2 STAV102 12
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Year WRFV10X 6
Credits Second Year 85

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Economics (First Major)
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Economic History Semester 1 EGV101 10
Economic Analysis Semester 1 ECCV201 14
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Sub-total 88
Select one of the following groups A, B or C:
A Accounting
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Management Accounting Semester 2 RKV202 10

B General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Management Accounting Semester 2 RKV202 10

C Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics/Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Financial Planning
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBFV201 16
Sub-total 38/44
Credits Second Year 126/132

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Select minimum three modules (First major):
Economics (Major)
Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Semester 1 EMC301 20
Economics of Financial Markets (optional) Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics (compulsory) Semester 1 ECC321 10
Economics of Development (compulsory) Semester 2 ECD302 20
Resource, Environmental and Ecological Semester 2 ENR302 10
Economics (optional)
Labour Economics (optional) Semester 2 ECC322 10
Select one of the following groups A, B or C (Second Major):
A Accounting (Major)
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKV301 15
B General Accounting (Major)
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Management Accounting Semester 1 RGKV301 15
C Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 1 EBMV312 12
Credits Third Year 120/123
Total Credits 371/374


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Augmented Accounting RF1X1 Foundation Accounting RF1X0

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Augmented General RGF102 Augmented A mark of at least 40%
Accounting 1B Accounting in RF1X1
Computing WRFV1X0 Computing WRFV10X
Fundamentals 1.2 Fundamentals 1.1
Introductory Calculus MATC1X4 Pre-calculus MATC1X3
and Linear Algebra
Second Year
Macro Economics EC201 Macro Economics EC102

Macro Economics ECC201 Macro Economics ECC102

Micro Economics EC202 Micro Economics EC101
Micro Economics ECC202 Micro Economics ECC101

Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 2A A pass in RV101 and a

mark of at least 55% in
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2B A mark of at least 45%
for RV201 or 65% for
General Accounting 1B RGV102 General Accounting A mark of at least 40%
1B in RV101
General Accounting 2A RG201 General Accounting R101 and R102 or
2A RG102
General Accounting 2A RGV201 General Accounting RV101 and RV102 or
2A RGV102
General Accounting 2B RG202 General Accounting A mark of at least 40%
2B in R201 or 45% in
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General Accounting A mark of at least 40%
2B in RV201 or 45% in
Marketing Management EBM201 Marketing EB102
Marketing Management EBMV201 Marketing EB122
Logistic and Purchasing EBMV202 Logistic and EB122
Management Purchasing
Marketing EBMV212 Marketing EBMV201
Communications Communications
Management Management
Third Year
Financial Management EBMV301 Financial Management EB122
General and Strategic EBMV302 General and Strategic EB122
Management Management
International Trade and EBMV312 Marketing EBMV201
Marketing Environment Management
Economics of ECD302 Macroeconomics and ECC201 & ECC202
Development microeconomics

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Micro- and EMC301 Macroeconomics and ECC201 & ECC202
Macroeconomic Theory microeconomics
and Policy
Resource, ENR302 Macroeconomics and ECC201 & ECC202
Environmental and microeconomics
Ecological Economics
Economics of Financial ECC311 Introduction to ECC101 & ECC201
Markets Microeconomics and
Econometrics ECC321 Microeconomics and ECC201 & ECC202
Accounting 3A RV301 A pass in RV201 or
RGV201, a mark of at
least 55% in RV202

Accounting 3B RV302 A final mark of at least

45% for RV301 or 65%
for RGV301
General Accounting 3A RGV301 General Accounting A pass in
3A RV201/RGV201, A
pass in
General Accounting 3B RGV302 General Accounting A mark of at least 40%
3B in RV301 or 45% in
(i)Students who wish to
transfer to an R
module from an RG
module may do so if
they achieve a mark of
at least 55% in an
entrance examination
written in January of
each year. Details of
such examinations are
available from the
School of Accounting.

(ii) Students may write

a reassessment
examination or re-
register for an
Accounting module
which they have
passed, but for which
they failed to obtain the
required sub-minimum
in order to proceed, if
they wish to improve
their final mark in that

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40197

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A7)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 374


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the BCom degree

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 370.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 385.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 45% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
65% for Mathematical Literacy.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Optional articulation pathways after successful completion of Foundational
Years 1 & 2:
• BCom (Business Management) Qualification Code 40143
Note: Students who wish to continue with BCom (Business Management QC 40133) in
mainstream Y2 must, in addition, register for and pass the module Company Law
JHMV102 in order to graduate.
• BCom (Marketing Management) Qualification Code 40040
• BCom (Financial Planning) Qualification Code 40126
• BCom (General Accounting) Qualification Code 40102
Note: Students who wish to continue with BCom (General Accounting) QC 40102 in
mainstream Y2 must, in addition, register for and pass the module Company Law
JHMV102 in order to graduate.
• BCom (Logistics & Transport Economics) Qualification Code 40150
• BCom (Economics) Qualification Code 40134
Note: Students who wish to continue with BCom (Economics QC 40134) in mainstream
Y2 must, in addition, register for and pass the module Economic History EGV102 in order
to graduate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• BCom (Industrial Psychology & Human Resource Management) Qualification Code

Note: Students who wish to continue with BCom (Industrial Psychology & Human
Resource Management QC 40128) in mainstream Y2 must, in addition, register for and
pass the modules Introduction to Industrial Psychology EZZV101 and Introduction to
Organisational Behaviour EZZV102 in order to graduate.

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV100 4
English for Business Year LEAF1X0 4
Quantitative Literacy Semester 1 MATC1X1 4
Basic Algebraic Operations Semester 2 MATC1X2 4
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.1A Year WRFV1X0 6
Foundation Accounting Year RF1X0 4
Augmented Business Management Semester 1 EBC1X1 9
Augmented Business Management Semester 2 EBC1X2 9
Augmented Essentials of Tourism Semester 2 TOUV1X2 9
Credits First Year 53

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV110 2
English for Business Year LEAF10X 2
Pre-calculus 1 Semester 1 MATC1X3 4
Introductory Calculus and Linear Algebra Semester 2 MATC1X4 4
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Year WRFV10X 6
Augmented Micro-economics Semester 1 ECO1X1 9
Augmented Macro-economics Semester 2 ECO1X2 9
Augmented Commercial Law Semester 1 JHAV1X1 9
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Augmented Accounting Semester 1 RF1X1 8
Augmented General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGF1X2 10
Credits Second Year 75

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Tourism Planning Semester 1 TOUV211 12
Events Management Semester 1 TEHM201 12
Tourism Marketing Semester 2 TOUM202 12
Tourism Work Experience Year TOWV210 12
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Professional English Semester 1 LEBV102 12
Credits Third Year 126

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Tourism (Major)
Cultural and Heritage Tourism Semester 1 TOUV301 20
Ecotourism Semester 2 TOUV302 20
Tourism Ventures Semester 1 TOUV311 20
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing
Environment Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Credits Fourth Year 120
Total Credits 374

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Augmented Accounting RF1X1 Foundation Accounting RF1X0
Augmented General A mark of at least
Accounting 1B RGF102 Augmented Accounting 40% in RF1X1

Computing Computing Fundamentals

Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV1X0 1.1 WRFV10X
Introductory Calculus
and Linear Algebra MATC1X4 Pre-calculus 1 MATC1X3
Second Year
Macro Economics ECC201 Macro Economics ECC102

Marketing Management EBMV201 Marketing Management EB122

Logistic and Purchasing Logistic and Purchasing
Management EBMV202 Management EB122
Tourism Marketing TOUM202 Marketing Management EBMV201
Third Year
Financial Management EBMV301 Financial Management EB122
General and Strategic General and Strategic
Management EBMV302 Management EB122
International Trade and
Marketing Environment EBMV312 Marketing Management EBMV201



Qualification code: 40194

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A7)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 378


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
This qualification is for learners who have passed mathematics in grade 12.
The purpose of the programme is to integrate additional academic support and skills
development with mainstream courses in order to prepare the student for successful
completion of the BCom degree.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 370.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 45% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


• Candidates shall only be permitted to register for any modules in the second year of study
if they have passed at least 32 credits of the modules prescribed in the first year of
study. Candidates who do not meet the promotion requirement above will only be allowed
to re-register for the programme if they have passed a minimum of 25 credits of the
foundational modules in their first year of study.
• Candidates who have not completed all the foundational modules in the programme after
three (3) years of full-time study will not be allowed to re-register for the programme.

Site of delivery:
• The programme will be offered on the Nelson Mandela University Summerstrand South

The qualification shall extend over a period of four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV100 4
Augmented Business Management Semester 2 EBC1X2 9
English for Business Year LEAF1X0 4
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 2 MACV102 12
Pre-calculus Semester 1 MATC1X3 4
Introductory Calculus and Linear Algebra Semester 2 MATC1X4 4
Foundation Accounting Year RF1X0 4
Foundation Statistics Semester 1 STAS1X1 4
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.1A Year WRFV1X0 6
Credits First Year 51

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Academic and Life Skills Development Year ALMV110 2
Augmented Business Management Semester 1 EBC1X1 9

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Augmented Micro-economics Semester 1 ECO1X1 9
Augmented Macro-economics Semester 2 ECO1X2 9
Augmented Commercial Law A Semester 1 JHAV1X1 9
Augmented Company Law Semester 2 JHMV1X1 9
English for Business 122 Year LEAF10X 2
Augmented Accounting Semester 1 RF1X1 8
Augmented General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGF1X2 10
Business Statistics 102 Semester 2 STAV102 12
Extended Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Year WRFV10X 6
Credits Second Year 85

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Planning
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBFV201 16
Risk Management Semester 1 EBFV211 14
Corporate Financial Planning Semester 2 EBFV222 16
Investment Management Semester 2 EBFV242 16
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBFV202 12
Fundamentals of Taxation Semester 1 RTV101 12
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Introduction to Labour Law I Semester 1 JHLV101 12
Credits Third Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Planning (Major)
Principles of Estate Planning Semester 1 EBFV301 16
Principles of Retirement Planning Semester 1 EBFV311 16
Financial Planning Practice Management Semester 2 EBFV312 16
Integrated Financial Planning Semester 2 EBFV302 24
Business Management (Major)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
Business Ethics Semester 2 EBFV212 10
Credits Fourth Year 130
Total Credits 378


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Augmented Accounting RF1X1 Foundation Accounting RF1X0
Augmented General RGF1X2 Augmented Accounting A mark of at least
Accounting 1B 40% in RF1X1
Computing WRFV1X0 Computing Fundamentals WRFV10X
Fundamentals 1.2 1.1
Introductory Calculus MATC1X4 Pre-calculus 1 MATC1X3
and Linear Algebra
Second Year
Personal Financial EBFV201 Mathematics for MACV101
Planning Accounting
Business Statistics 102 STAV102
Risk Management EBFV211 Mathematics for MACV101
Business Statistics 102 STAV102
Corporate Financial EBFV222 Personal Financial EBFV201
Planning Planning
Investment Management EBFV242 Mathematics for MACV101
Business Statistics 102 STAV102
Customer Relationship EBFV202 Augmented Business EB122
Management Management
Fundamentals of RTV101 Augmented Accounting RF1X1
Taxation Augmented General RGF1X2
Accounting 1B
Marketing Management EBMV201 Augmented Business EB122
Third Year
Principles of Estate EBFV301 Mathematics for MACV101
Planning Accounting
Business Statistics 102 STAV102
Augmented Accounting 1 RF1X1
Augmented General RGF1X2
Accounting 1B
Principles of Retirement EBFV311 Personal Financial EBFV201
Planning Planning

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Corporate Financial EBFV222
Financial Planning EBFV312 Personal Financial EBFV201
Practice Management Planning
Corporate Financial EBFV222
Integrated Financial EBFV302 Augmented Business EBFV201
Planning Management EBFV211
Financial Management EBMV301 Augmented Business EB122
General and Strategic EBMV302 Augmented Business EB122
Management Management

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 3806

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
This programme equips students with career-orientated knowledge and skills for a career in
accountancy as applied in commerce and industry.
• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 350.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 365.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 45% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 65% for Mathematical Literacy OR
• a Higher Certificate in Accountancy or an equivalent qualification

Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Accountancy or an equivalent

qualification will be considered for admission to the Diploma in Accountancy provided they
have demonstrated academic diligence by:
• having completed the course of study for the Higher Certificate in Accountancy or
equivalent qualification within the minimum time frame of one year of full-time
study; and
• having exceeded the minimum pass requirement of 50% for each and every
module that constitutes the curriculum of the qualification.

Due to restrictions in respect of student numbers, selection will be made on a basis of first
come, first served.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


• Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year.

The qualification shall be offered over a minimum of three years of full-time or five years of
part-time study.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Cost and Management Accounting I Semester 1 BBA1211 12
Business Calculations 1 Semester 2 BBU1122 12
Communication I
Professional Business Communication Semester 1 BCN1211 12
Professional Communication Practices Semester 2 BCN1212 12
Financial Accounting I
Accounting Fundamentals Semester 1 BFC1231 12
Accounting for Business Entities Semester 2 BFC1222 12
Accountant in Business 1 Semester 2 BIA1112 12
Business Information Systems I
Introductory Computing Concepts Semester 1 BSW1121 12
Intermediate Computing Concepts Semester 2 BSW1122 12
Commercial Law
General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Credits First Year Minimum 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Cost and Management Accounting II
Budgeting and Integrated Accounting Systems Semester 1 BBA2211 12
Process, Joint and Marginal Costing Semester 2 BBA2212 12
Taxation I
Individuals Semester 1 BBT1211 12
Prepaid Taxes, Retirement Benefits and Farming Semester 2 BBT1212 12
Auditing I
Audit and Corporate Governance 1 (A) Semester 1 BCG1111 12
Audit and Corporate Governance 1 (B) Semester 2 BCG1112 12
Economics I
Module I Semester 1 BED1211 12
Module II Semester 2 BED1222 12
Financial Accounting II
Accounting for Incomplete Records, Partnerships
and Close Corporations Semester 1 BFC2011 12
Accounting for Companies Semester 2 BFC2212 12
Credits Second Year Minimum 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Auditing II
Audit and Assurance 2 (A) Semester 1 BAA2111 12
Audit and Assurance 2 (B) Semester 2 BAA2112 12
Cost and Management Accounting III
Resources Optimisation Models Semester 1 BBA3211 12
Operations Research Techniques Semester 2 BBA3212 12
Taxation II
Value-added and Capital Gains Tax Semester 1 BBT2211 12
Companies Semester 2 BBT2212 12
Computerised Accounting Applications I Semester 2 BCA1112 12
Financial Accounting III Semester 1 BFC3211 12
Commercial Law
Business Entities Semester 1 JHT1211 12
Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Third Year Minimum 120
Total Credits 360

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Calculations 1 Semester 2 BBU1122 12
Communication I
Professional Business Communication Semester 1 BCN1211 12
Professional Communication Practices Semester 2 BCN1212 12
Financial Accounting I
Accounting Fundamentals Semester 1 BFC1231 12
Accounting for Business Entities Semester 2 BFC1222 12
Accountant in Business 1 Semester 2 BIA1112 12
Credits First Year Minimum 72
Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Cost Accounting
Cost and Management Accounting I Semester 1 BBA1211 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Economics I
Module I Semester 1 BED1211 12
Module II Semester 2 BED1222 12
Financial Accounting II
Accounting for Incomplete Records, Partnerships
and Close Corporations Semester 1 BFC2011 12
Accounting for Companies Semester 2 BFC2212 12
Business Information Systems I
Introductory Computing Concepts Semester 1 BSW1121 12
Intermediate Computing Concepts Semester 2 BSW1122 12
Credits Second Year Minimum 84

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Computerised Accounting Applications I Semester 2 BCA1112 12
Auditing I
Audit and Corporate Governance 1 (A) Semester 1 BCG1111 12
Audit and Corporate Governance 1 (B) Semester 2 BCG1112 12
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting III Semester 1 BFC3211 12
Commercial Law
General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Credits Third Year Minimum 60

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Auditing II
Audit and Assurance 2 (A) Semester 1 BAA2111 12
Audit and Assurance 2 (B) Semester 2 BAA2112 12
Cost and Management Accounting II
Budgeting and Integrated Accounting Systems Semester 1 BBA2211 12
Process, Joint and Marginal Costing Semester 2 BBA2212 12
Taxation I
Individuals Semester 1 BBT1211 12
Prepaid Taxes, Retirement Benefits and Farming Semester 2 BBT1212 12
Credits Fourth Year Minimum 72

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Fifth Year
Compulsory modules:
Cost and Management Accounting III
Resources Optimisation Models Semester 1 BBA3211 12
Operations Research Techniques Semester 2 BBA3212 12
Taxation II
Value added and Capital Gains Tax Semester 1 BBT2211 12
Companies Semester 2 BBT2212 12
Commercial Law
Business Entities Semester 1 JHT1211 12
Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Fifth Year Minimum 72
Total Credits – Year 1 to 5 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Professional Communication BCN1212 Professional Business BCN1211
Practices Communication
Accounting for Business Entities BFC1222 Accounting Fundamentals BFC1231
Intermediate Computing BSW1122 Introductory Computing BSW1121
Concepts concepts
Year 2
Budgeting and Integrated BBA2111 Cost and Management BBA1211
Accounting Systems Accounting I
Process, Joint and Marginal BBA2212 Budgeting and Integrated BBA1211
Costing Accounting Systems BBA2211

Prepaid Taxes, Retirement BBT1212 Individuals BBT1211

Benefits and Farming
Audit and Corporate BCG1112 Audit and Corporate BCG1111
Governance 1 (B) Governance 1 (A)
Accounting for Incomplete BFC2011 Accounting Fundamentals BFC1231
Records, Partnerships, Accounting for Business
Branches and Close Entities
Corporations BFC1222
Accounting for Companies BFC2212 Accounting for Incomplete BFC2011
Records, Partnerships,
Branches and Close

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 3
Audit and Assurance 2 (A) BAA2211 Audit and Corporate BCG1111
Governance 1 (A)
Audit and Corporate BCG1112
Governance 1 (B)
Audit and Assurance 2 (B) BAA2112 Audit and Assurance 2 (A) BAA2111
Resources Optimisation Models BBA3211 Budgeting and Integrated BBA2211
Accounting Systems
Process, Joint and Marginal
Costing BBA2212
Operations Research BBA3212 Resources Optimisation BBA3211
Techniques Models
Value added and Capital Gains BBT2211 Individuals BBT1211
Tax Prepaid Taxes, Retirement
Benefits and Farming BBT1212
Companies BBT2212 Value added and Capital Gains BBT2211
Computerised Accounting BCA1112 Accounting for Incomplete BFC2211/
Applications I Records, Partnerships, BFC2011
Branches and Close
Accounting for Companies

Financial Accounting III BFC3211 Accounting for Incomplete BFC2211

Records, Partnerships, BFC2212
Branches and Close
Accounting for Companies
Specific Contracts JHT1222 General Principles of Contract JHT1221


Qualification code: 4406

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 366


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The objective of this programme is to educate persons with an interest in Economics to pursue
careers in assisting economic research and economic report writing in public and private
sector institutions; the latter including, amongst others, economic journalism.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 330.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 345.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 40% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
60% for Mathematical Literacy
• a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification
Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent
qualification will be considered for admission to the Diploma in Economics, provided they
have demonstrated academic diligence by:
o Having completed their course of study for the qualification within the minimum
time frame of one year; and
o having exceeded the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules that
constitute the curriculum of the qualification.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Selection of specialisation streams:
Students will register for a specific specialisation at the beginning of the first year of study. In
this they will be guided by their own previous learning experiences and the career information
pertaining to the five specialisation options (Management, Economics, Logistics, Marketing
and Tourism) they have received prior to registration for the first year. Students will remain
registered for the original diploma stream of their choice if they meet the minimum readmission
and promotional criteria as indicated above.

Students who wish to change from the specialisation for which they have registered in the first
year, will be allowed to change to any one of the five streams at the beginning of the second
year*, subject to available spaces and meeting the minimum re-admission criteria.

(Programme coordinators of the relevant five diploma programmes will arrange special career-
counselling sessions during the first year of study.)

Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Marketing Semester 2 BBH1022 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECO1001 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECO1002 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
End-user Computing Semester 2 ITV1002 12
Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA1002 12
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Introduction to Logistics Semester 2 BLG1012 12
Introduction to Management Semester 1 BMM1001 12
Introduction to Tourism Semester 1 TOU1011 12
Credits First Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Management II Year EBM2000 30
Microeconomics Semester 1 ECO2001 15
Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECO2002 15
Introductory Economic Analysis Semester 1 ECO2011 15
Introductory Econometrics Semester 2 ECO2012 15
The South African Financial System Semester 2 ECO2022 12
*Financial Accounting Year RFC1001 12
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Credits Second Year 126

Presented Module Credit

Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Management III Year EBM3000 30
Public Economics Semester 1 ECO3001 15
International Economics Semester 2 ECO3002 15
Development Economics Semester 1 ECO3011 15
Labour Economics Semester 2 ECO3012 15
Econometrics Semester 1 ECO3021 15
Economic Modelling Semester 2 ECO3022 15
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 366

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Year 2
Management II EBM2000 Introduction to Management BMM1001
Microeconomics ECO2001 Introduction to ECO1001
Introduction to ECO1002
Introductory Economic ECO2011 Introduction to ECO1001
Analysis Microeconomics
Introduction to ECO1002
Introductory Econometrics ECO2012 Introduction to ECO1001
Introduction to ECO1002
Module Code Prerequisites Code
Year 3
Public Economics ECO3001 Microeconomics ECO2001
International Economics ECO3002 Microeconomics ECO2001
Development Economics ECO3011 Microeconomics ECO2001
Labour Economics ECO3012 Microeconomics ECO2001
Econometrics ECO3021 Introductory Econometrics ECO2012
Economic Modelling ECO3022 Introductory Econometrics ECO2012



Qualification code: 4514

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The primary purpose of the Diploma in HRM is to equip students as potential HR practitioners
with the fundamental knowledge, competencies and values associated with the HR
profession, as depicted in the SABPP Competency Model. This includes competencies related

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

to workforce planning, learning, performance, reward, wellness, employment relationship

management and organisational change to provide an effective efficient service in line with
business strategy. This is done with cognisance of the South African political, legislative,
social, economic and environmental context as well as of the influence of technological

The Diploma in HRM is aligned with the Nelson Mandela University Vision and Mission, the
Faculty Strategic Plan, the competency framework of SABPP and industry needs. The
Diploma HRM contributes to a diverse knowledge base, institutional ethos, and the
transformation and development of a multi-cultural community. The learning programme is
also designed to develop desired graduate attributes, which include disciplinary knowledge,
social awareness and responsible citizenship, adaptive expertise, creativity and innovation,
critical thinking, self-awareness and communication skills.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 330.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 345.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 35% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 55% for Mathematical Literacy.

Full-time and Part-time Study:
The Faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure has to be applied. The following are three core elements of this selection system:
• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applicants exceed capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first
• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to the Grade 12 results.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time or four years of part-time study.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2019.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2024.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Personnel Management I Year BPB1000 24
Accounting for Personnel Practitioners Year RTI1000 24
Management of Training I Year BTR1000 24
Business Management I Year EBM1000 24
Credits First Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
End-User Computing Year ITV1000 24
Industrial Relations I Year BIR1000 24
Personnel Management II Year BPB2000 24
Business Management II Year EBM2010 24
Credits Second Year 96

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Industrial Relations II (Major) Semester 1 BIR2001 30
Personnel Management III (Major) Semester 1 BPB3001 30
Management of Training II (Major) Semester 2 BTR2002 30
Individual Employment Law Semester 1 JHR1001 12
Collective Labour Law and Social Security Semester 2 JHR1002 12
Business Management III (Major) Semester 2 EBM3022 30
Credits Third Year 144
Total Credits 360

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Personnel Management I Semester 2 BPB1002 24
Accounting for Personnel Practitioners Year RTI1000 24
Business Management I Semester 1 EBM1001 24

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Credits First Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Industrial Relations I (2023) Semester 1 BIR1001 24
Industrial Relations II (2023) (Major) Semester 2 BIR2002 30
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Personnel Management II Semester 1 BPB2001 24
Business Management II Semester 2 EBM2012 24
Credits Second Year 126

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Personnel Management III (Major) Semester 2 BPB3002 30
Management of Training I (2022) Semester 1 BTR1001 24
Management of Training II (2022) (Major) Semester 2 BTR2002 30
Business Management III (Major) Semester 2 EBM3022 30
Credits Third Year 114

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
End-User Computing Year ITV1000 24
Individual Employment Law Semester 1 JHR1001 12
Collective Labour Law and Social Security Semester 2 JHR1002 12
Credits Fourth Year 48
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 2
Personnel Management II BPB2000 Personnel Management I BPB1000
BPB2001 BPB1002

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Business Management II EBM2010 Business Management II EBM1000
EBM2012 EBM1001
Year 3
Industrial Relations II BIR2001 Industrial Relations BIR1000
BIR2002 BIR1001
Personnel Management III BPB3001 Personnel Management II BPB2000
BPB3002 BPB2001

Management of Training II BTR2002 Management of Training I BTR1000


Qualification code: 4524

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The main purpose of the qualification is to equip the student for careers in three main fields
of Human Resource management:
• Employment Relations
• Employee Development
• Personnel Management functions
The primary purpose of the Diploma in HRM is to equip students as potential HR practitioners
with the fundamental knowledge, competencies and values associated with the HR
profession, as depicted in the SABPP Competency Model. This includes competencies related
to workforce planning, learning, performance, reward, wellness, employment relationship
management and organisational change to provide an effective efficient service in line with
business strategy. This is done with cognisance of the South African political, legislative,
social, economic and environmental context as well as of the influence of technological
• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 330.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 345.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 35% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 55% for Mathematical Literacy.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The faculty has limited capacity, both full-time and part-time. This implies that, should the
number of applicants meeting the minimum requirements exceed capacity, a selection
procedure has to be applied. The following are three core elements of the selection system:

• Candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements and who apply before the official
closing date receive preference. Should these applicants exceed capacity, however,
selection is done on academic grounds using the rating system+.
• Late applications are only considered where capacity is available. Selection of late
applications who satisfy the minimum requirements is done on the basis of first come, first
• Final acceptance is based on official Grade 12 results. Selection based on other school
results (e.g. November Grade 11 results) is provisional and subject to the Grade 12 results.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year.
Note: Qualifying applications are considered on a first come, first serve basis. Late
applications will be considered based on merit and space available.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time or four years of part-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Communication LKH1010 Year 24
Individual and Group Dynamics BPB1010 Year 24
Learning and Development BTR1010 Year 24
Business Fundamentals EBM1010 Year 24
End-user Computing ITV1001 Semester 1 12
Professional Development BDP1002 Semester 2 12
Credits Third Year 120
Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting Knowledge and Awareness RTI2000 Year 24
Employment Relations Theory BIR2010 Year 24
Human Resource Management Policy and BPB2010 Year 24
Business Operations EBM2020 Year 24
HR Project Management BPM2000 Year 24

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Credits Third Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Employment Relations Practice BIR3021 Semester 1 24
Organisational Behaviour BPB3011 Semester 1 24
Applied People Development BTR2020 Semester 2 24
Individual Employment Law JHR1001 Semester 1 12
Collective Labour Law and Social Security JHR1002 Semester 2 12
Business Management EBM3032 Semester 2 24
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 360

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Communication LKH1010 Year 24
Individual and Group Dynamics BPB1032 Semester 2 24
Business Fundamentals EBM1011 Semester 1 24
End-user Computing ITV1001 Semester 1 12
Credits Third Year 84

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Professional Development BDP1002 Semester 2 12
Employment Relations Theory (offered 2023) BIR1011 Semester 1 24
Employment Relations Practice (offered 2023) BIR2012 Semester 2 24
Human Resource Management Policy and BPB2011 Semester 1 24
Business Operations EBM2022 Semester 2 24
Credits Third Year 84

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
HR Project Management BPM2000 Year 24

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Learning and Development (offered 2022) BTR1021 Semester 1 24

Accounting Knowledge and Awareness RTI2000 Year 24
Applied People Development (offered 2022) BTR2012 Semester 2 24
Credits Third Year 96

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Organisational Behaviour BPB3011 Semester 1 24
Individual Employment Law JHR1001 Semester 1 12
Collective Labour Law and Social Security JHR1002 Semester 2 12
Business Management EBM3032 Semester 2 24
Credits Third Year 72
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Business Operations EBM2020 Business Fundamentals EBM1010
EBM2022 EBM1011
Employment Relations Practice BIR2012 Employment Relations Theory BIR1011
BIR3021 BIR2010
Applied People Development BTR2020 Learning and Development BTR1010
BTR2012 BTR1021


Qualification code: 4941

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
The broad aim is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for the optimum
performance of all those activities concerned with the flow of materials to and from the
manufacturing or user departments.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Minimum statutory NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 290.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 305.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 30% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 50% for Mathematical Literacy.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Purchasing Management I Year BIC1000 24
Warehouse Management I Year BIM1000 24
Materials Handling I Year BVF1000 24
Business Management I Year EBM1000 24
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Credits First Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
End-user Computing I Year ITV1000 24
Purchasing Management II Year BIC2000 24
Warehouse Management II Year BIM2000 24
Materials Handling II Year BVF2000 24
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Second Year 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Warehouse Management III (Major) Semester 1 BIM3001 30
Warehouse Management Practice II Semester 2 BIP2002 60
Operations Management I (Major) Semester 1 BOM1001 30
Physical Distribution Management III (Major) Semester 1 BPD3001 30
Credits Third Year 150
Total Credits 390


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Name Module Prerequisites Module Name

Year 2
Purchasing BIC2000 BIC1000 Purchasing Management I
Management II
Warehouse Management II BIM2000 BIM1000 Warehouse Management I
Materials Handling II BVF2000 BVF1000 Materials Handling I
Commercial JHT1222 JHT1221 Commercial Law: General
Law: Specific Contracts Principles of Contract
Year 3
Warehouse Management III BIM3001 BIM2000 Warehouse Management II


Qualification code: 4614

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To provide the students with the broad expertise necessary to assume responsibility for the
effective and efficient planning, organising, implementation and control of the logistics
activities that are required to provide products and services of the right quality to users within
the supply chain at optimum cost.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 330.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 345.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 40% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
60% for Mathematical Literacy
• OR
• a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification
Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent
qualification will be considered for admission to the Diploma in Logistics, provided they
have demonstrated academic diligence by:
o Having completed their course of study for the qualification within the minimum
time frame of one year; and
o having exceeded the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules that
constitute the curriculum of the qualification.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year

Selection of specialisation streams:

Students will register for a specific specialisation at the beginning of the first year of study. In
this they will be guided by their own previous learning experiences and the career information
pertaining to the five specialisation options (Management, Economics, Logistics, Marketing
and Tourism) they have received prior to registration for the first year. Students who wish to
change from the specialisation for which they have registered in the first year, will be allowed
to change to any one of the five streams at the beginning of the second year, subject to
available spaces and meeting the minimum re-admission criteria.

Programme co-ordinators of the relevant five diploma programmes will arrange special career-
counselling sessions during the first year of study.

Students who want to complete their studies over a minimum of four years are advised to
strictly follow the indicated structure.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time or four years of part-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Marketing Semester 2 BBH1022 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECO1001 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECO1002 12
End-user Computing Semester 1 ITV1001 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA1002 12
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Introduction to Logistics Semester 2 BLG1012 12
Introduction to Management Semester 1 BMM1001 12
Introduction to Tourism Semester 1 TOU1011 12
Credits First Year Minimum 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Purchasing Management II Year BIC2000 24
Warehouse Management II Year BIM2000 24
Logistics II Year BLG2000 24
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Business Management II Year EBM2010 24
Credits Second Year Minimum 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Purchasing Management III Year BIC3000 30
Logistics III Year BLG3000 30
Operations Management Semester 1 BOM1001 30
Business Management III Year EBM3010 30
Credits Third Year Minimum 120
Total Credits 360

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Marketing Semester 2 BBH1022 12
Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA1002 12
Introduction to Logistics Semester 2 BLG1012 12
Introduction to Management Semester 1 BMM1001 12
Introduction to Tourism Semester 1 TOU1011 12
Credits First Year 60

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Micro-economics Semester 1 ECO1001 12
Introduction to Macro-economics Semester 2 ECO1002 12
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Second Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Purchasing Management II Semester 1 BIC2001 24
Purchasing Management III Semester 2 BIC3002 30
Logistics II Semester 1 BLG2001 24
End-User Computing Semester 2 ITV1002 12
Credits Third Year 90

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Warehousing Management II Semester 2 BIM2002 24
Logistics III Semester 2 BLG3002 30
Operations Management Semester 1 BOM1001 30
Business Management II Semester 1 EBM2011 24
Business Management III Semester 2 EBM3002 30
Credits Fourth Year 138
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Name Module

Prerequisites Module Name
Year 2
Logistics II BLG2000 BLG1012 Introduction to Logistics
Commercial Law: Specific JHT1222 JHT1221 Commercial Law: General
Contracts Principles of Contract

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Business Management II EBM2010 BMM1001 Introduction to Management

Year 3
Purchasing Management III BIC3000 BIC2000 Purchasing Management II
Logistics III BLG3000 BLG2000 Logistics II


Qualification code: 4407

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 366


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme prepares students for management positions in the retail and
manufacturing sectors. This programme is offered on a modular basis and has a strong retail
and financial management focus, which places students who complete this diploma in an
excellent position to manage their own businesses.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 330.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 345.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 40% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
60% for Mathematical Literacy
• a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification
Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent
qualification will be considered for admission to the Diploma in Marketing, provided they
have demonstrated academic diligence by:
o Having completed their course of study for the qualification within the minimum
time frame of one year; and
o having exceeded the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules that
constitute the curriculum of the qualification.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year

Selection of specialisation streams:

Students will register for a specific specialisation at the beginning of the first year of study. In
this they will be guided by their own previous learning experiences and the career information
pertaining to the five specialisation options (Management, Economics, Logistics, Marketing
and Tourism) they have received prior to registration for the first year. Students will remain
registered for the original diploma stream of their choice if they meet the minimum re-
admission and promotional criteria as indicated above.

Students who wish to change from the specialisation for which they have registered in the first
year, will be allowed to change to any one of the five streams at the beginning of the second
year, subject to available spaces and meeting the minimum re-admission criteria. Programme
coordinators of the relevant five diploma programmes will arrange special career-counselling
sessions during the first year of study.

Students who want to complete their studies over a minimum of four years are advised to
strictly follow the indicated structure.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time or four years of part-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Marketing Semester 2 BBH1022 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECO1001 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECO1002 12
Semester 1 or ITV1001 / 2
End-user Computing Semester 2
Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA1002 12
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Introduction to Logistics Semester 2 BLG1012 12
Introduction to Management Semester 1 BMM1001 12
Introduction to Tourism Semester 1 TOU1011 12
Credits First Year Minimum 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Retailing Semester 1 ADM1001 12
Retail Planning Semester 2 ADM1002 12
Management II Year EBM2000 30
Accounting Fundamentals Semester 1 RFC1011 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Financial Statements Semester 2 RFC1012 12
Production Management I Semester 1 BPJ1021 30
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Second Year Minimum 132

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Management III (Major) Year EBM3000 30
Introduction to Employment Relations Semester 1 BPB1001 12
Employment Relations Processes Semester 2 BPB1022 12
Select either Group A or Group B (60 credits):
A Retail Location Semester 1 ADM2001 15
Retail Strategy Semester 2 ADM2002 15
Merchandise Management Semester 1 ADM3001 15
Retail Control Semester 2 ADM3002 15
B Financial Management II Semester 1 RFB2001 30
Financial Management III (Major) Semester 2 RFB3002 30
Credits Third Year Minimum 114
Total Credits 366

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Marketing Semester 2 BBH1022 12
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Introduction to Logistics Semester 2 BLG1012 12
Introduction to Management Semester 1 BMM1001 12
Introduction to Tourism Semester 1 TOU1011 12
Credits First Year Minimum 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Retailing Semester 1 ADM1001 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Retail Planning Semester 2 ADM1002 12
Introduction to Micro-economics Semester 1 ECO1001 12
Introduction to Macro-economics Semester 2 ECO1002 12
End-user Computing Semester 1 ITV1001 12
Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA1002 12
Credits Second Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting Fundamentals Semester 1 RFC1011 12
Financial Statements Semester 2 RFC1012 12
Introduction to Employment Relations Semester 1 BPB1001 12
Employment Relations Processes Semester 2 BPB1022 12
Production Management I Semester 2 BPJ1002 30
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Third Year 102
Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Management II Semester 1 EBM2021 30
Management III (Major) Semester 2 EBM3012 30

Select either Group A or Group B (60 credits):

A Retail Location Semester 1 ADM2001 15
Retail Strategy Semester 2 ADM2002 15
Merchandise Management Semester 1 ADM3001 15
Retail Control Semester 2 ADM3002 15
B Financial Management II Semester 1 RFB2001 30
Financial Management III (Major) Semester 2 RFB3002 30
Credits Fourth Year 120
Total Credits 366

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 2
Management II EBM2000 Management I EBM1001
Commercial Law: General JHT1222 Commercial Law: General JHT1111
Principles of Contract II principles of contract
Financial Statement RFC1012 Accounting Fundamentals RFC1011
Module Code Pre-requisites Code
Year 3
Employment Relations BPB1022 Introduction to employment BPB1001
Processes relations
Financial Management III RFB3002 Financial Management II RFB2001
Accounting Fundamentals RFC1011


Qualification code: 4412

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This diploma is acknowledged as a solid entrance-level qualification to the exciting global

marketing arena. What sets this popular programme aside is its dynamic career dedicated
slant. Students are exposed to relevant, exciting and broad-based career training options. The
skills and knowledge obtained are in tune with the needs of both commerce and industry.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 330.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 345.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 40% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
60% for Mathematical Literacy
• a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent

qualification will be considered for admission to the Diploma in Marketing, provided they
have demonstrated academic diligence by:
o Having completed their course of study for the qualification within the minimum
time frame of one year; and
o having exceeded the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules that
constitute the curriculum of the qualification.

The re-admission of students is, in addition to the above, subject to the regulations governing
the maximum duration of study as published in the General Prospectus of the Nelson Mandela

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year

Selection of specialisation streams:

Students will register for a specific specialisation at the beginning of the first year of study. In
this they will be guided by their own previous learning experiences and the career information
pertaining to the five specialisation options (Management, Economics, Logistics, Marketing
and Tourism) they have received prior to registration for the first year. Students will remain
registered for the original diploma stream of their choice if they meet the minimum re-
admission and promotional criteria as indicated above.
Students who wish to change from the specialisation for which they have registered in the first
year, will be allowed to change to any one of the five streams at the beginning of the second
year, subject to available spaces and meeting the minimum re-admission criteria.

Programme co-ordinators of the relevant five diploma programmes will arrange special career-
counselling sessions during the first year of study.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study and four years of part-time


The final year for new admission into the part-time offering of this programme was 2017.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for the part-time offering ONLY
of this qualification is 2022.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Marketing Semester 2 BBH1022 12
Introduction to Logistics Semester 2 BLG1012 12
Introduction to Management Semester 1 BMM1001 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECO1001 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECO1002 12
End-User Computing Semester 1 or ITV1001 / 2 12
Semester 2
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA1002 12
Introduction to Tourism Semester 1 TOU1011 12
Credits First Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Marketing II Year BBH2000 30
Public Relations Semester 2 BMR2002 12
Personal Selling I Semester 1 BPS2001 12
Sales Management Year BVB2000 30
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Financial Accounting Semester 1 RFC1001 12
Credits Second Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
International Marketing Semester 1 BBH3011 15
Small Business Marketing Semester 2 BBH3012 15
Customer Relationship Management Year BCB3000 30
Consumer Behaviour Year BCB3010 30
Advertising and Sales Promotion I Year BRL1000 30
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Marketing Semester 2 BBH1022 12
Introduction to Logistics Semester 2 BLG1012 12
Introduction to Management Semester 1 BMM1001 12
Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA1002 12
Introduction to Tourism Semester 1 TOU1011 12
Credits First Year 60

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Marketing II Semester 2 BBH2012 30
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECO1001 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECO1002 12
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Credits Second Year 102

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Public Relations Semester 2 BMR2002 12
Personal Selling Semester 1 BPS2002 12
Advertising and Sales Promotion I Semester 1 BRL10111 30
Sales Management Semester 1 BVB2001 30
End-User Computing Semester 2 ITV1002 12
Credits Third Year 96

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
International Marketing Semester 1 BBH3011 15
Small Business Marketing Semester 2 BBH3012 15
Customer Relationship Management Semester 1 BCB3001 30
Consumer Behaviour Semester 2 BCB3002 30

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Financial Accounting Semester 1 RFC1001 12

Credits Fourth Year 102
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 2
Marketing II BBH2000 BBH1022 Introduction to Marketing
Commercial Law: JHT1222 JHT1221 Commercial Law: General
Specific Contracts Principles of Contract
Year 3
International Marketing BBH3011 BBH2000 Marketing II
Small Business Marketing BBH3012 BBH2000 Marketing II


Qualification code: 4648

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
This programme prepares students for an exciting career in the tourism industry. The
programme is intense and covers a wide spectrum of both skills-based training and knowledge
that is critical for the tourism industry. This programme is highly sought after as it caters for
students seeking employment opportunities in various sectors of the tourism industry.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 330.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 345.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 40% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
60% for Mathematical Literacy
• a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent qualification
Students who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Business Studies or an equivalent
qualification will be considered for admission to the Diploma in Tourism Management,
provided they have demonstrated academic diligence by:

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

o Having completed their course of study for the qualification within the minimum
time frame of one year; and
o having exceeded the minimum pass requirement of 50% for all the modules that
constitute the curriculum of the qualification.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year

Selection of specialisation streams:

Students will register for a specific specialisation at the beginning of the first year of study. In
this they will be guided by their own previous learning experiences and the career information
pertaining to the five specialisation options (Management, Economics, Logistics, Marketing
and Tourism) they have received prior to registration for the first year. Students who wish to
change from the specialisation for which they have registered in the first year, will be allowed
to change to any one of the five streams at the beginning of the second year, subject to
available spaces and meeting the minimum re-admission criteria.

Programme co-ordinators of the relevant five diploma programmes will arrange special career-
counselling sessions during the first year of study.
The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.
CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Marketing Semester 2 BBH1022 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECO1001 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECO1002 12
End-user Computing Semester 2 ITV1002 12
Business Accounting Semester 2 RBA1002 12
Communication in English A Year LKH1000 24
Introduction to Logistics Semester 2 BLG1012 12
Introduction to Management Semester 1 BMM1001 12
Introduction to Tourism Semester 1 TOU1011 12
Credits First Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Travel and Tourism Practice II Year TOP2000 24
Marketing Mix and Strategies Semester 1 TOT2001 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Marketing and Planning for Tourism Semester 2 TOT2002 12
Functional Management Semester 1 TOM2001 12
Human Resource Management Semester 2 TOM2002 12
The Tourism Industry Semester 2 TOU2002 12
The Tour Destination Semester 1 TOU2001 12
Commercial Law: General Principles of Contract Semester 1 JHT1221 12
Commercial Law: Specific Contracts Semester 2 JHT1222 12
Credits Second Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Travel and Tourism Practice III Semester 2 TOP3002 24
Marketing for Tourism (Major) Semester 2 TOT3002 24
Tourism Management (Major) Semester 2 TOM3002 24
Tourism Development (Major) Semester 2 TOU3002 24
Semester 1 or TWI2001
Tourism Work-integrated Learning 24
Semester 2 TWI2002
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Second Year
Travel and Tourism Practice II TOP2000 Introduction to Tourism TOU1011
Marketing Mix and Strategies TOT2001 Introduction to Marketing BBH1022
and Introduction to &
Tourism TOU1011
Marketing and Planning for TOT2002 Introduction to Marketing BBH1022
Tourism and Introduction to &
Tourism TOU1011
Functional Management TOM2001 Introduction to BMM1001
Human Resource Management TOM2002 Introduction to BMM1001
The Tourism Industry TOU2002 Introduction to Tourism TOU1011
The Tour Destination TOU2001 Introduction TOU1011
to Tourism

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Commercial Law: Specific JHT1222 Commercial Law: General JHT1221
Contracts Principles
of Contract
Third Year
Travel and Tourism Practice III TOP3002 Travel and Tourism TOP2000
Practice II
Marketing for Tourism TOT3002 Marketing Mix & Strategies TOT2001
and TOT2002
Marketing & Planning for
Tourism Management TOM3002 Functional Management & TOM2001
Human Resource TOM2002
Tourism Development TOU3002 The TOU2001
Tourism Destination & TOU2002
The Tourism Industry

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University




Qualification code: 41415

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The programme is designed to equip students with the essential knowledge and specific
skills to perform level-appropriate accounting related services and act as internal auditors.

Please note that this qualification will prepare students for postgraduate studies, and for
those students specialising in internal auditing, provide an articulation route to the
Postgraduate Diploma in Internal Auditing.

A 360-credit Diploma in Accountancy or an equivalent NQF Exit Level 6 qualification in a
cognate field.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


The following modules will be offered during DAY classes (2022):
RIAA401 / RIAA402

The following modules will be offered during EVENING classes (2022):

RFRA411 / RFRA412

The learning programme shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years part-time
study. The maximum period of study is three years.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Accounting Semester 1 RFAA401 12
Financial Reporting Semester 1 RFRA411 12
Financial Reporting Semester 2 RFRA412 12
Risk Management and Assurance Semester 1 RAAA401 12
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKAA401 12
Financial Management Semester 2 RFMA402 12
Commercial Law: Corporate Procedures Semester 2 JHAA402 12
Introduction to Public Sector Finance Semester 2 RPSA402 12
Internal Auditing Semester 1 RIAA401 12
Information Systems Governance and Control Semester 2 RIAA402 12
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Accounting Semester 1 RFAA401 12
Risk Management and Assurance Semester 1 RAAA401 12
Commercial Law: Corporate Procedures Semester 2 JHAA402 12
Internal Auditing Semester 1 RIAA401 12
Information Systems Governance and Control Semester 2 RIAA402 12
Credits First Year 60
Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Reporting Semester 1 RFRA411 12
Financial Reporting Semester 2 RFRA412 12
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKAA401 12
Financial Management Semester 2 RFMA402 12
Introduction to Public Sector Finance Semester 2 RPSA402 12
Credits Second Year 60
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 41410

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The programme is designed to equip students with the essential knowledge and specific
skills required to perform level appropriate accounting related services and act as
professional accountants.

Please note this qualification will prepare students for postgraduate studies, or students who
have chosen Professional Accounting will be able to, after successfully completing three years
of training and passing the qualifying examination of the South African Institute of Professional
Accountants (SAIPA), qualify as Professional Accountants (SA).

A 360-credit Diploma in Accountancy or an equivalent NQF Exit Level 6 qualification in a
cognate field


The following modules will be offered during DAY classes (2022):
RATA401 / RATA402

The following modules will be offered during EVENING classes (2022):

RFRA411 / RFRA412

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The learning programme shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years part-time
study. The maximum period of study is three years.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Accounting Semester 1 RFAA401 12
Financial Reporting Semester 1 RFRA411 12
Financial Reporting Semester 2 RFRA412 12
Risk Management and Assurance Semester 1 RAAA401 12
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKAA401 12
Financial Management Semester 2 RFMA402 12
Commercial Law: Corporate Procedures Semester 2 JHAA402 12
Introduction to Public Sector Finance Semester 2 RPSA402 12
Taxation: Non-Residents Semester 1 RATA401 12
Taxation: Administration Semester 2 RATA402 12
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Accounting Semester 1 RFAA401 12
Risk Management and Assurance Semester 1 RAAA401 12
Commercial Law: Corporate Procedures Semester 2 JHAA402 12
Taxation: Non-Residents Semester 1 RATA401 12
Taxation: Administration Semester 2 RATA402 12
Credits First Year 60

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Reporting Semester 1 RFRA411 12
Financial Reporting Semester 2 RFRA412 12
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKAA401 12
Financial Management Semester 2 RFMA402 12
Introduction to Public Sector Finance Semester 2 RPSA402 12
Credits Second Year 60
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40406

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The qualification aims to prepare students both academically and professionally in the
selected field to manage various businesses successfully through appropriate planning,
organising, directing and controlling the functions and processes of such establishments.
They will be able to collect, analyse and critically review data for effective business and
financial decision-making and communicate such decisions and relevant information
coherently and reliably. Successful candidates will be able to work independently and as
members of a team.

A relevant 360-credit Diploma in the chosen field of specialisation listed above, or an
equivalent qualification.
Candidates who wish to specialise in Financial Planning and Services (Qualification Code
40406) must have majored in at least one of the following fields (or its equivalent) in their
previous qualification: (Business) Management; Economics; Financial Accounting; Internal
Auditing; Management Accounting; Administrative Management.

The Faculty has limited capacity. Should the number of applicants meeting the minimum
requirements exceed capacity, the following selection procedure will apply:
• Candidates who apply before the closing date for any of these Advanced Diploma
specialisations, and who meet the selection criteria will be selected as per the Nelson
Mandela University Admissions Policy requirements.
• Late applications from candidates who satisfy the minimum admission requirements will
be considered if there is space in the programme, and selection will follow an FMC
approved departmental selection procedure.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
An applicant’s experience in a commercial and/or business environment will be considered
and competence in the relevant fields, including numeracy, computer and communications
competence, will be assessed in order to determine whether exemption from certain modules
will be possible.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years part time study. The
maximum period of study is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Principles of Financial Planning & Services Semester 1 EBFP401 15
Financial Planning for Individuals Semester 1 EBFP411 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Corporate Financial Planning Semester 2 EBFP402 15
Financial Planning & Services Project Semester 2 EBFP412 15
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Financial Planning & Services Project Semester 2 EBFP412 15
Credits First Year 60

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Principles of Financial Planning Semester 1 EBFP401 15
Financial Planning for Individuals Semester 1 EBFP411 15
Corporate Financial Planning Semester 2 EBFP402 15
Credits Second Year 60
Total Credits 120


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Co-requisites

Financial Planning & Services EBFP412 Business Research EBAD421
Project Principles



Qualification code: 40405

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The qualification aims to prepare students both academically and professionally in the
selected field to manage various businesses successfully through appropriate planning,
organising, directing and controlling the functions and processes of such establishments.
They will be able to collect, analyse and critically review data for effective business and
financial decision-making and communicate such decisions and relevant information
coherently and reliably. Successful candidates will be able to work independently and as
members of a team.

A relevant 360-credit Diploma in the chosen field of specialisation listed above, or an
equivalent qualification.
Candidates who wish to specialise in Financial Planning and Services (Qualification Code
40406) must have majored in at least one of the following fields (or its equivalent) in their
previous qualification: (Business) Management; Economics; Financial Accounting; Internal
Auditing; Management Accounting; Administrative Management.

The Faculty has limited capacity. Should the number of applicants meeting the minimum
requirements exceed capacity, the following selection procedure will apply:
• Candidates who apply before the closing date for any of these Advanced Diploma
specialisations, and who meet the selection criteria will be selected as per the Nelson
Mandela University Admissions Policy requirements.
• Late applications from candidates who satisfy the minimum admission requirements will
be considered if there is space in the programme, and selection will follow an FMC
approved departmental selection procedure.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
An applicant’s experience in a commercial and/or business environment will be considered
and competence in the relevant fields, including numeracy, computer and communications
competence, will be assessed in order to determine whether exemption from certain modules
will be possible. Institutional RPL policy D/365/08 (17-07-2011_22h00) will be applied.

The following modules will be offered during EVENING classes:


The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years part time study. The
maximum period of study is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Human Resource Management Semester 1 EBHR402 15
Organisational Change and Renewal Semester 1 EBHR411 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Employment Relations Semester 2 EBHR414 15
HR Management Project Semester 2 EBHR412 15
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
HR Management Project Semester 2 EBHR412 15
Credits First Year 60

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Human Resource Management Semester 1 EBHR402 15

Organisational Change and Renewal Semester 1 EBHR411 15
Employment Relations Semester 2 EBHR414 15
Credits Second Year 60
Total Credits 120


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Co-requisites

HR Project Management EBHR412 Business Research EBAD421



Qualification code: 40403

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The qualification aims to prepare students both academically and professionally in the
selected field to manage various businesses successfully through appropriate planning,
organising, directing and controlling the functions and processes of such establishments.
They will be able to collect, analyse and critically review data for effective business and
financial decision-making and communicate such decisions and relevant information
coherently and reliably. Successful candidates will be able to work independently and as
members of a team.

A relevant 360-credit Diploma in the chosen field of specialisation listed above, or an
equivalent qualification.
Candidates who wish to specialise in Financial Planning and Services (Qualification Code
40406) must have majored in at least one of the following fields (or its equivalent) in their
previous qualification: (Business) Management; Economics; Financial Accounting; Internal
Auditing; Management Accounting; Administrative Management.

The Faculty has limited capacity. Should the number of applicants meeting the minimum
requirements exceed capacity, the following selection procedure will apply:

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Candidates who apply before the closing date for any of these Advanced Diploma
specialisations, and who meet the selection criteria will be selected as per the Nelson
Mandela University Admissions Policy requirements.
• Late applications from candidates who satisfy the minimum admission requirements will
be considered if there is space in the programme, and selection will follow an FMC
approved departmental selection procedure.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
An applicant’s experience in a commercial and/or business environment will be considered
and competence in the relevant fields, including numeracy, computer and communications
competence, will be assessed in order to determine whether exemption from certain modules
will be possible. Institutional RPL policy D/365/08 (17-07-2011_22h00) will be applied.

The following modules will be offered during EVENING classes:


The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years part time study. The
maximum period of study is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Logistics Management Semester 1 EBLM401 15
Project Management for Logisticians Semester 1 EBLM411 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Maritime Logistics Semester 2 EBLM402 15
Logistics Management Project Semester 2 EBLM412 15
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Logistics Management Project Semester 2 EBLM412 15
Credits First Year 60

Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Logistics Management Semester 1 EBLM401 15
Project Management for Logisticians Semester 1 EBLM411 15
Maritime Logistics Semester 2 EBLM402 15
Credits Second Year 60
Total Credits 120


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Logistics Management Project EBLM412 Business Research Principles EBAD421

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40401

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The qualification aims to prepare students both academically and professionally in the
selected field to manage various businesses successfully through appropriate planning,
organising, directing and controlling the functions and processes of such establishments.
They will be able to collect, analyse and critically review data for effective business and
financial decision-making and communicate such decisions and relevant information
coherently and reliably. Successful candidates will be able to work independently and as
members of a team.

A relevant 360-credit Diploma in the chosen field of specialisation listed above, or an
equivalent qualification. Candidates who wish to specialise in Financial Planning and Services
(Qualification Code 40406) must have majored in at least one of the following fields (or its
equivalent) in their previous qualification: (Business) Management; Economics; Financial
Accounting; Internal Auditing; Management Accounting; Administrative Management.

The Faculty has limited capacity. Should the number of applicants meeting the minimum
requirements exceed capacity, the following selection procedure will apply:
• Candidates who apply before the closing date for any of these Advanced Diploma
specialisations, and who meet the selection criteria will be selected as per the Nelson
Mandela University Admissions Policy requirements.
• Late applications from candidates who satisfy the minimum admission requirements will
be considered if there is space in the programme, and selection will follow an FMC
approved departmental selection procedure.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
An applicant’s experience in a commercial and/or business environment will be considered
and competence in the relevant fields, including numeracy, computer and communications
competence, will be assessed in order to determine whether exemption from certain modules
will be possible. Institutional RPL policy D/365/08 (17-07-2011_22h00) will be applied.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The following modules will be offered during EVENING classes:


The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years part time study. The
maximum period of study is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Quantitative Management Practice Semester 1 EBBM401 15
Employment Relations Semester 1 EBHR414 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Quantitative Merchandising Practice Semester 2 EBBM402 15
Management Project Semester 2 EBBM412 15
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Management Project Semester 2 EBBM412 15
Credits First Year 60

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Quantitative Management Practice Semester 1 EBBM401 15
Employment Relations Semester 1 EBHR414 15
Quantitative Merchandising Practice Semester 2 EBBM402 15
Credits Second Year 60
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Management Project EBBM412 Business Research Principles EBAD421



Qualification code: 40402

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• The qualification aims to prepare students both academically and professionally in the
selected field to manage various businesses successfully through appropriate planning,
organising, directing and controlling the functions and processes of such establishments.
• They will be able to collect, analyse and critically review data for effective business and
financial decision-making and communicate such decisions and relevant information
coherently and reliably. Successful candidates will be able to work independently and as
members of a team.

A relevant 360-credit Diploma in the chosen field of specialisation listed above, or an
equivalent qualification.
Candidates who wish to specialise in Financial Planning and Services (Qualification Code
40406) must have majored in at least one of the following fields (or its equivalent) in their
previous qualification: (Business) Management; Economics; Financial Accounting; Internal
Auditing; Management Accounting; Administrative Management.

The Faculty has limited capacity. Should the number of applicants meeting the minimum
requirements exceed capacity, the following selection procedure will apply:
• Candidates who apply before the closing date for any of these Advanced Diploma
specialisations, and who meet the selection criteria will be selected as per the Nelson
Mandela University Admissions Policy requirements.
• Late applications from candidates who satisfy the minimum admission requirements will
be considered if there is space in the programme, and selection will follow an FMC
approved departmental selection procedure.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
An applicant’s experience in a commercial and/or business environment will be considered
and competence in the relevant fields, including numeracy, computer and communications
competence, will be assessed in order to determine whether exemption from certain modules
will be possible. Institutional RPL policy D/365/08 (17-07-2011_22h00) will be applied.

The following modules will be offered during the DAY classes:


The following modules will be offered during the EVENING classes:


The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study. The maximum period of study
is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Strategic Marketing Semester 1 EBMM411 15
Services Marketing Semester 1 EBMM402 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Employment Relations Semester 2 EBHR414 15
Marketing Management Project Semester 2 EBMM412 15
Total Credits 120


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Marketing Management Project EBMM412 Business Research Principles EBAD421

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40407

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

Monitoring and Evaluation systems essentially focus on the tracking and evaluation of
organisational performance. Government, as well as business managers are increasingly
challenged to provide evidence for whether their projects or policies are achieving clearly
defined outcomes and impacts. the practice of M&E contributes towards good governance in
several ways: improved accountability and transparency, improved evidence-based budget
decision-making, policy development, improving performance and generate knowledge about
what works and what does not work.
The programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• The qualification aims to prepare the students both academically and professionally in the
selected field to manage various government -initiated projects successfully, as well as
track and evaluate organisational performance through the application of appropriate
monitoring and evaluation techniques and strategies.
• At the end of the study programme, the student will be able to collect, analyse and critically
review data and information pertaining to the project as well as the organisation.
Thereafter, to make and reliable critical decisions to action appropriately.
• Successful candidates will be able to work independently as well as members of a team.

A relevant 360-credit Diploma in the chosen field of specialisation listed above, or an
equivalent qualification.
Candidates who wish to specialise in Financial Planning and Services (Qualification Code
40406) must have majored in at least one of the following fields (or its equivalent) in their
previous qualification: (Business) Management; Economics; Financial Accounting; Internal
Auditing; Management Accounting; Administrative Management.

The Faculty has limited capacity. Should the number of applicants meeting the minimum
requirements exceed capacity, the following selection procedure will apply:
• Candidates who apply before the closing date for any of these Advanced Diploma
specialisations, and who meet the selection criteria will be selected as per the Nelson
Mandela University Admissions Policy requirements.
• Late applications from candidates who satisfy the minimum admission requirements will
be considered if there is space in the programme, and selection will follow an FMC
approved departmental selection procedure.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
An applicant’s experience in a public/commercial and/or business environment will be
considered and competence in the relevant fields, including numeracy, computer and
communications competence, will be assessed in order to determine whether exemption from
certain modules will be possible. Institutional RPL policy D/365/08 (17-07-2011_22h00) will
be applied.

The following modules will be offered on a block release basis:


The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years part time study. The
maximum period of study is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Evaluation Tools and Techniques Semester 1 EBOM401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Monitoring Tools and Techniques Semester 1 EBME401 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD431 15
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Project & Programme Management Semester 2 EBPM402 15
Monitoring and Evaluation Research Project Semester 2 EBER402 15
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD431 15
Monitoring Tools and Techniques Semester 1 EBME401 15
Evaluation Tools and Techniques Semester 1 EBOM401 15
Project and Programme Management Semester 2 EBPM402 15
Credits First Year 60

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Monitoring and Evaluation Research Project Semester 2 EBER402 15
Credits Second Year 60
Total Credits 120


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Monitoring and Evaluation EBER402 Business Research EBAD421
Research Project principles

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40404

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• The qualification aims to prepare students both academically and professionally in the
selected field to manage various businesses successfully through appropriate planning,
organising, directing and controlling the functions and processes of such establishments.
• They will be able to collect, analyse and critically review data for effective business and
financial decision-making and communicate such decisions and relevant information
coherently and reliably. Successful candidates will be able to work independently and as
members of a team.

A relevant 360-credit Diploma in the chosen field of specialisation listed above, or an
equivalent qualification.

Candidates who wish to specialise in Financial Planning and Services (Qualification Code
40406) must have majored in at least one of the following fields (or its equivalent) in their
previous qualification: (Business) Management; Economics; Financial Accounting; Internal
Auditing; Management Accounting; Administrative Management.

The Faculty has limited capacity. Should the number of applicants meeting the minimum
requirements exceed capacity, the following selection procedure will apply:
• Candidates who apply before the closing date for any of these Advanced Diploma
specialisations, and who meet the selection criteria will be selected as per the Nelson
Mandela University Admissions Policy requirements.
• Late applications from candidates who satisfy the minimum admission requirements will
be considered if there is space in the programme, and selection will follow an FMC
approved departmental selection procedure.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
An applicant’s experience in a commercial and/or business environment will be considered
and competence in the relevant fields, including numeracy, computer and communications
competence, will be assessed in order to determine whether exemption from certain modules
will be possible. Institutional RPL policy D/365/08 (17-07-2011_22h00) will be applied.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The following modules will be offered during EVENING classes:


The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years part time study. The
maximum period of study is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Sustainable Tourism Semester 1 EBTO401 15
Rural Tourism Semester 1 EBTO411 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Business Tourism Semester 2 EBTO402 15
Tourism Management Project Semester 2 EBTO412 15
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Management Semester 1 EBAD401 15
Business Research Principles Semester 1 EBAD421 15
Strategic Management Semester 2 EBAD402 15
Tourism Management Project Semester 2 EBTO412 15
Credits First Year 60

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Principles of Corporate Citizenship Semester 2 EBAD411 15
Sustainable Tourism Semester 1 EBTO401 15
Rural Tourism Semester 1 EBTO411 15
Business Tourism Semester 2 EBTO402 15
Credits Second Year 60
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Tourism Management Project EBTO412 Business Research Principles EBAD421


Qualification code: 41400

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
• Across the globe Advanced Diplomas are well known qualifications offered with the
specific purpose of providing students with a deep, focused, systematic and
specialised understanding of current theory and practice in the identified fields.
• They also provide students already holding a general degree with an opportunity to
specialize professionally. The curriculum of the Advanced Diploma in Economics
consists of purposefully designed modules that will ensure intellectual enrichment,
enhanced flexibility in career choices and applied specialisation as required by the
labour market.
• The Advanced Diploma in Economics will also provide an articulation route to
postgraduate study.

A 360-credit Diploma in Economics at NQF Exit Level 6, or an equivalent qualification
specializing in Economics, or a Bachelor’s degree with a pass of 50% and above in all the
core Economics modules at NQF Levels 5 and 6.

The Faculty has limited capacity. Should the number of applicants meeting the minimum
requirements exceed capacity, the following selection procedure will apply:
• Candidates who apply before the closing date for any of these Advanced Diploma
specialisations, and who meet the selection criteria will be selected as per the Nelson
Mandela University Admissions Policy requirements.
• Late applications from candidates who satisfy the minimum admission requirements
will be considered if there is space in the programme, and selection will follow an FMC
approved departmental selection procedure.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study. The maximum period of study
is two years.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Intermediate Micro-economics Semester 1 BCH401 15
Intermediate Macro-economics Semester 2 BCH402 15
Econometrics Semester 1 BED401 10
Research Methodology Semester 1 BRM401 10
Research Essay Year BCN401 10
Development Economics Semester 1 BCK401 15
Public Economics Semester 1 BCG411 15
Labour Economics Semester 2 BCO411 15
International Economics Semester 2 BCE412 15
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40055

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 370/378


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The programme aims to provide candidates with a sound theoretical grounding in the
principles and practices of economic development as it pertains to policy, research of policy
and implementation of policy in a development context. Candidates will demonstrate the
following exit-level competences:
• An in-depth knowledge and understanding of the complexities of policy theory as it applies
to the principles and practices of economic development as well as the roles played by
different stakeholders and drivers in policy development and implementation;
• A clear understanding of and the ability to apply the concepts of methods of analysis;
• The ability to design and implement appropriate research projects, apply relevant research
methods and present reports in appropriate format in a development context;
• The ability to measure the performance of different areas, countries and institutions in
terms of economic development by applying appropriate criteria.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Site of delivery:
All three years of the qualification will be offered on the Nelson Mandela University South

Elective modules will be offered provided there is a minimum enrolment of 10 students for
each module.
There is no new second-semester intake.

The qualification shall extend over a period of three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Economic History A Semester 1 EGV101 10
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Economic History B Semester 2 EGV102 10
Development Studies
Introduction to Development Studies Semester 1 DEVE101 10
Development Issues in Contemporary Africa Semester 1 DEVE111 10
Empire, Capital and Development Semester 2 DEVE102 10
Development Communication Semester 2 DEVE112 10
Computer Science I
Semester 1 or ITVL101
Computer Literacy 6
Semester 2 ITVL102
Select one of the following groups:
A Sociology
Sociology: An Introduction Semester 1 SSV101 12
Groups and Organisations Semester 2 SSV102 6
Social Structure and Change Semester 2 SSSV112 6
B Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Psychology Semester 1 EZZV101 12
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Credits First Year Minimum 114

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Macro-economics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Project Appraisal Semester 1 ECEV101 10
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Demography and Population Economics Semester 2 ECEV102 10
Development Studies
Contemporary Development Theories Semester 1 DEVE201 12
Development Planning Semester 1 DEVE211 12
Global Development Studies Semester 2 DEVE202 12
EIA and Land Planning for Development Semester 2 DEVE212 12
Select one of the following groups corresponding to the group selected in the first
A Sociology
Social and Environmental Issues Semester 1 SSSV201 10

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Group Dynamics Semester 1 SSV201 10
Contemporary Labour Studies Semester 2 SSSV202 10
Women in Africa Semester 2 SSAV202 10
B Industrial and Organisational Psychology (both 1st-semester modules and any
two 2nd-semester modules):
Human Resource Management: Procurement Semester 1 EZAV201 12
Labour Relations Semester 1 EZBV201 12
Human Resource Management: Development Semester 2 EZCV202 12
Human Resource Management: Reward
Systems Semester 2 EZDV202 12
Workplace Negotiations and Dispute Semester 2 EZEV202 12
Credits Second Year 136/144

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Semester 1 EMC301 20
Economics and Financial Markets (optional) Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics (compulsory) Semester 1 ECC321 10
Economics of Development (compulsory) Semester 2 ECD302 20
Resource, Environmental and Ecological Semester 2 ENR302 10
Economics (optional)
Labour Economics (optional) Semester 2 ECC322 10
Development Studies
Development Policy Semester 1 DEVE301 15
Research Methods for Development Year DEVE300 15
Case Studies in Developing and Transitional
Countries Semester 2 DEVE311 15
Select one of the following modules:
Development Studies
Security, Peace and Reconstruction Semester 2 DEVE302 15
Political Economy of Development Semester 2 DEVE312 15
Credits Third Year Minimum 120
Total Credits 370/378


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Co-requisites

Year 2
Macro-economics ECC201 Introduction to ECC102
Micro-economics ECC202 Introduction ECC101
Module Code Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Contemporary Development DEVE201 Introduction to DEVE101
Theories Development
Global Development Studies DEVE202 Introduction to DEVE101
Human Resource Management: EZAV201 Introduction to EZZ101&
Procurement Organisational EZZ102
Psychology & Intro
to Organisational
Labour Relations EZBV201 Introduction to EZZ101&
Organisational EZZ102
Psychology & Intro
to Organisational
Year 3
Compulsory modules
Economics of Financial Markets ECC311 Introduction to ECC101 &
Microeconomics & ECC201
Economics and Financial ECC3111 Introduction to ECC101&
markets Microeconomics & ECC201
Econometrics ECC321 Macroeconomics ECC201&
&Microeconomics ECC202
Economics of Development ECD302 Microeconomics & ECC201 &
Macroeconomics ECC202
Micro- and Macroeconomic EMC301 Macroeconomics & ECC201&
Theory and Policy Microeconomics ECC202
Labour Economics ECC322 Introduction to ECC102&
Macroeconomics & ECC202
Resource, Environmental and ENR302 Macroeconomics & ECC201 &
Ecological Economics Microeconomics ECC202
Development Studies
Development Policy DEVE301 Introduction to DEVE101&
Development DEVE201
Studies &

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40060

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 371 to 379


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme provides sound theoretical knowledge of human resources practice, labour
relations, labour law, business and management, combined with hands-on practical skills in
conflict management, research, stress management, organisational behaviour, consumer
behaviour, rewards management and staffing.
Industrial Psychology forms the core of the programme. The Department of Industrial
and Organisational Psychology is registered with the Health Professions Council as a training
facility for industrial psychologists and is accredited by the SA Board for Personnel Practice.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 350.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 365.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 40% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 70% for Mathematical Literacy.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Obtaining the degree:
Unless Senate decides otherwise, the degree shall be awarded cum laude if candidates
comply with the requirements as stipulated in the General Prospectus. The degree shall be
obtained by completing the modules prescribed by Senate.

Elective modules:
• Students may choose elective modules in any year of study to make up the required
amount of credits for the degree.
• Elective modules must be selected in consultation with the HRM Programme Leader.
• Subject to the approval of the Programme Leader, modules will be credited if they are
consistent with the objectives of the qualification.
• Certain modules may require prerequisites.
• The selection of modules is subject to meeting specified prerequisites and to timetable
constraints and the availability of lecturing staff.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

For students other than those studying BA Human Resource Management or BCom
Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management to major in Industrial Psychology
they must have passed:
EZZV101 and EZZV102
EZAV201, EZBV201, EZCV202 and EZDV202
Plus four 3rd-year modules, preferably: EZZV321, EZZV332, EZZV341, EZZV352, although
EZZV372 will be considered.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Industrial Psychology Semester 1 EZZV101 12
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Introduction to Labour Law Semester 1 JHLV102 12
Introduction to Labour Law Semester 2 JHLV202 12
Sociology: An Introduction Semester 1 SSV101 12
Groups and Organisation Term 3 SSV102 6
Social Structure and Social Change Term 4 SSSV112 6
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Semester 1 or
Professional English LEBV102 12
Semester 2
Select one of the following groups:
A Anthropology
Introduction to Anthropology A Semester 1 SAV001 12
Entrepreneurship Term 4 EBMV122 10
B Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Credits First Year 119/124

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Human Resource Management: Procurement Semester 1 EZAV201 12
Labour Relations Semester 1 EZBV201 12
Organisational Behaviour – Special Semester 1 EZGV201 12
Human Resource Management: Development Semester 2 EZCV202 12
Human Resource Management: Reward
Systems Semester 2 EZDV202 12
Workplace Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Semester 2 EZEV202 12
Finance for Human Resource Practitioners Semester 2 EZFV202 12
Statistical Methods in Behavioural Sciences Semester 1 WSA111 8
One of the following groups:
Business Management**
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Marketing Communication Management Semester 2 EBMV212 14
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBFV202 12
** Students who choose this option must do one of the Sociology modules.
Social and Environmental Issues Term 1 SSSV201 10
Group Dynamics Term 2 SSV201 10
Contemporary Labour Studies Term 3 SSSV202 10
Credits Second Year

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Consumer Behaviour Semester 1 EZZV321 15
Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZV341 15
Career Management Semester 2 EZZV332 15
Emerging Human Resource Practices Semester 2 EZZV352 15
Research Methodology and Psychometrics Semester 2 EZZV372 15
Sociology (Major)
Advanced Social and Market Research Term 1 SSSV301 15
Human Resources Information Systems Term 4 SSSV342 15

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Transformation of Work Term 4 SSSV322 15
Managing Cultural Diversity Term 2 SAV211 10
Credits Third Year 130
Total Credits 371/384


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Computing Fundamentals WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Second Year
Human Resources EZA201 Introduction to Industrial EZZ101
Management Procurement Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZ102
Human Resources EZAV201 Introduction to Industrial EZZV101
Management Procurement Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZV102
Labour Relations EZB201 Introduction to Industrial EZZ101 or
Psychology AND Introduction to EZZ102
Organisational Behaviour
Labour Relations EZBV201 Introduction to Industrial EZZV101
Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZV102
Human Resource EZC202 Introduction to Industrial EZZ101
Management Development Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZ102
Human Resource EZVC202 Introduction to Industrial EZZV101
Management Development Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZV102
Human Resource EZD202 Introduction to Industrial EZZ101
Management: Reward Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Systems Organisational Behaviour EZZ102
Human Resource EZDV202 Introduction to Industrial EZZV101
Management: Reward Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Systems Organisational Behaviour EZZV102
Workplace Negotiations and EZE202 Introduction to Industrial EZZ101
Dispute Resolution Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZ102
Workplace Negotiations and EZEV202 Introduction to Industrial EZZV101
Dispute Resolution Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZV102
Finance for Human EZF202 Introduction to Industrial EZZ101
Resource Practitioners Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZ102

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Finance for Human EZFV202 Introduction to Industrial EZZV101

Resource Practitioners Psychology AND Introduction to AND
Organisational Behaviour EZZV102
Introduction to Labour Law JHL202 Introduction to Labour Law must
40% in
Marketing Management EBMV201 Introduction to Business EB122
Management and
Marketing Communications EBM203 Marketing Management EBM201
Marketing Communications EBMV212 Marketing Management EBMV201
Customer Relations EBF207 EB102
Customer Relations EBFV202 Introduction to Business EB122
Management Management and
Third Year
Consumer Behavior EZZV321 Human Resource Management EZAV201
Development AND
Career Management EZZ332 Human Resource Management EZA201 &
Development EZC202
Career Management EZZV332 Human Resource Management EZAV201
Development AND
Organisational Behavior EZZ341 Human Resource Management EZA201 &
Development EZC202
Organisational Behavior EZZV341 Human Resource Management EZAV201
Development AND
Emerging Human Resource EZZ352 Human Resource Management EZA201 &
Practices Development EZC202
Emerging Human Resource EZZV352 Human Resource Management EZAV201
Practices Development AND

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40103

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 386


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This qualification is prescribed for candidates who intend registering for the Postgraduate
Diploma in Accounting after completing the BCom degree.

This programme is prescribed for candidates who intend becoming Chartered Accountants
(SA). The programme focuses on Financial Accounting, Auditing, Taxation and Management
Accounting. Graduates of this programme need to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in
Accounting followed by a period of practical training and professional examinations in order to
register as Chartered Accountants.
As the highest accountancy qualification in South Africa and also recognised internationally,
the title of CA (SA) brings with it a lucrative salary, job security and exciting career
prospects. Nelson Mandela University is well-known for the excellent results which its
graduates achieve in the professional qualifying examinations, and for the high employment
rate of its graduates.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 410.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 60% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


For the purposes of this curriculum, the "RG" module can substitute the related "R" module,
except for the following "R" modules:
Accounting 3B (RV302)
Auditing 3B (ROV302)
Taxation 3B (RTV302)
Management Accounting 3A (RKV301) and 3B (RKV302)

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time or five years of part-time study.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Advanced Company Law Semester 1 JHMV201 12
Commercial Law II Semester 2 JHAV202 12
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Credits Second Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting (Major)
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RKV301 15
Auditing 3A Semester 1 ROV301 15
Taxation 3A Semester 1 RTV301 15
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RKV302 15
Auditing 3B Semester 2 ROV302 15
Taxation 3B Semester 2 RTV302 15
Credits Third Year 138
Total Credits 386

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
Credits First Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits Second Year 70

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Advanced Company Law Semester 1 JHMV201 12
Commercial Law II Semester 2 JHAV202 12
Credits Third Year 96

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Accounting (Major)
Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RKV302 15
Auditing 3A Semester 1 ROV301 15
Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RKV302 15
Auditing 3B Semester 2 ROV302 15

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Credits Fourth Year 70

Module Credit
Code Value
Fifth Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting (Major)
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Taxation 3A Semester 1 RTV301 15
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Taxation 3B Semester 2 RTV302 15
Credits Fifth Year 78
Total Credits 386


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Accounting 1B RV102 A mark of at least 45% for RV101
Accounting 1A
Computing WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals WRFV101
Fundamentals 1.2 1.1
Macro-economics ECC201 Introduction to ECC102
Advanced Company JHMV201 Company Law JHMV102
Ethics and Corporate REV201 A final mark of at least 45% RV102
Governance in Accounting 1B JHMV102
A final mark of at least 40%
in Company Law
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 1A RV101
A mark of at least 55% in RV102
Accounting 1B
Accounting 2B RV202 A mark of at least 45% for RV201
Accounting 2A
A mark of at least 65% for
General Accounting 2A
Auditing 2A ROV202 A final mark of at least 45% RV102
in Accounting 1B
General Accounting 1B RGV102

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Computing Fundamentals WRFV102
Computing Fundamentals
Taxation 2A RTV202 Accounting 1B RV102
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Management RKV202 Accounting 1B RV102
Accounting 2A OR
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Mathematics for Accounting MACV102
Financial Mathematics STAV101
Business Statistics STAV102

Accounting 3A RV301 Accounting 2A RV201
General Accounting 2A RGV201
A mark of at least 55% in RV202
Accounting 2B
General Accounting 3A
General Accounting 3B
Accounting 3B RV302 A final mark of at least 45% RV301
for Accounting 3A
A final mark of at least 65% RGV301
for General Accounting 3A
Auditing 3A ROV301 Accounting 2A RV201
General Accounting 2A RGV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Ethics and Corporate REV201
Governance ROV202
A mark of at least 55% for JHMV102
Auditing 2B
Company Law RGOV301
General Auditing 3A RGOV302
General Auditing 3B
Auditing 3B ROV302 A mark of at least 45% in ROV301
Auditing 3A
A mark of at least 60% for
General Auditing 3A
Taxation 3A RTV301 Accounting 2A RV201

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

General Accounting 2A RGV201
Accounting 2B RV202
A mark of at least 55% in RTV202
Taxation 2A JHA131
Commercial Law JHMV102
Company Law
General Taxation 3A
General Taxation 3B
Taxation 3B RTV302 A mark of at least 45% for RTV301
Taxation 3A
At least 60% for General
Taxation 3A
Management RKV301 Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 3A OR
General Accounting 2A RGV201
Accounting 2B RV202
A mark of at least 55% for RKV202
Management Accounting
2A MACV101
Mathematics for Accounting
Financial Mathematics STAV102
Business Statistics
Management RKV302 Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 3B OR
General Accounting 2A RGV201
Accounting 2B RV202
At least 55% for RKV202
Management Accounting

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40105

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 370 to 374


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

Computer Science and Information Systems graduates from this university are highly sought
after by local and international IT companies. This curriculum combines Computer Science
with essential subjects for the business world, such as accounting, business management
and economics.
New modules in Computer Science & Information Systems focus on e-commerce, web
technology and multimedia.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 60% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 1 MATS101 8
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 2 MATS102 8
Computer Science I
Programming Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRAV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Programming Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRAV102 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Credits First Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Mathematics (Special) B Semester 1 MATB111 8
Mathematics (Special) B Semester 2 MATB112 8
Computer Science II
Data Structures and Algorithms 2.1 Semester 1 WRAV201 8
Computer Architecture and Networks 2.1 Semester 1 WRCV201 6
Information Systems 2.1 Semester 1 WRIV201 6
Data Structures and Algorithms 2.2 Semester 2 WRAV202 8
Business Systems 2 Semester 2 WRBV202 8
Information Systems 2.2 Semester 2 WRIV202 6
Select one of the following groups:
A Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
B Economics
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
C Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Select two of the following groups:
A Law

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
B Computer Science II
Web Systems 2.1 Semester 1 WRWV201 8
Web Systems 2.2 Semester 2 WRWV202 8
Business Process Modelling 2.1 Semester 1 WRBP211 6
C Statistics
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits Second Year 132/134

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Computer Science III (Major)
Advanced Programming 3.1 Semester 1 WRPV301 10
Management Information Systems 3.1 Semester 1 WRBV301 8
Database Systems 3 Semester 1 WRDV301 7
Advanced Programming 3.2 Semester 2 WRPV302 11
Management Information Systems 3.2 Semester 2 WRBV302 8
User Interface Design Semester 2 WUIV302 7
Project Year WRRV301 9
Select either A, B or C from the choice of modules indicated below:
A Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
B Economics (Major)
Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Semester 1 EMC301 20
Economics of Financial Markets (optional) Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics (compulsory) Semester 1 ECC321 10
Economics of Development (compulsory) Semester 2 ECD302 20
Resource, Environmental and Ecological Semester 2 ENR302 10
Economics (optional)
Labour Economics (optional) Semester 2 ECC322 10
C Accounting (Major)
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Select modules from the list below to supplement module selections above for a total
of at least 118 credits for the year:
Computer Science III
Advanced Data Structures Semester 1 WRAV301 10
Multimedia Systems 3.1 Semester 1 WRMV301 10
Multimedia Systems 3.2 Semester 2 WRMV302 10
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 3.1 Semester 1 WREV301 11
Enterprise Systems Development Semester 2 WREV312 11
Credits Third Year 118/120
Total Credits 370/374


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102 Accounting 1A RV101
Business Accounting 1B RNCV112 Business RNCV111
Accounting 1A
Mathematics (Special)A MATS102 Mathematics MATS101
Special A
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing WRFV101
Programming Fundamentals WRAV102 Programming WRAV101
Fundamentals 1.1
Year 2
Mathematics (Special) B MATB111 Mathematics MATS101
Special A
Mathematics (Special) B MATB112 Mathematics MATS102
Data Structures and Algorithms WRAV201 Computing WRFV102
2.1 Fundamentals1.2 WRAV102
Fundamentals 1B
Computer Architecture and WRCV201 Computing WRFV102
Networks 2.1 Fundamentals 1B WRAV102
Fundamentals 1B
Information Systems 2.1 WRIV201 Computing WRFV101

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202 Information WRIV201
Systems 2.1
Web Systems 2.1 WRWV201 Computing WRFV102
Fundamentals 1.2 WRAV102
Fundamentals 1B
Web Systems 2.2 WRWV202 Web Systems 2.1 WRWV201
Business Process Modelling 2 WRBP211 Computing WRFV102
Fundamentals 1.2
Business Systems 2 WRBV202 Computing WRFV102
Fundamentals 1.2
Marketing Management EBMV201 Introduction to the EB122
Logistics and Purchasing EBMV202 Introduction to the EB122
Management Business
Marketing Communication EBMV212 Marketing EBMV201
Management Management
Macroeconomics ECC201 Introduction to ECC102
Macro Economics
Microeconomics ECC202 Introduction to ECC101
General Accounting 2A RGV201 Accounting 1A RV101
General RGV102
Accounting 1B
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General RGV201
Accounting 2A
Year 3
Advanced Programming 3.1 WRPV301 Data Structures WRAV202
and Algorithms
Management Information Systems WRBV301 Information WRIV202
3.1 Systems 2.2 WRBV202
Business Systems
Database Systems 3 WRDV301 Information WRIV202
Systems 2.2
Advanced Programming 3.2 WRPV302 Information WRIV202
Systems 2.2 WRPV301
Programming 3.1
Project WRRV301 Information WRIV202
Systems 2.2
Management Information Systems WRBV302 Management WRBV301
3.2 Information
Systems 3.1

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

User Interface Design WUIV302 Information WRIV202
Systems 2.2
Financial Management EBMV301 Introduction to the EB122
General and Strategic EBMV302 Introduction to the EB122
Management Business
Economics of Development ECD302 Microeconomics ECC201 & ECC202
Economics of Financial Markets ECC311 Introduction to ECC101
Micro Economics ECC201
Macro Economics
Econometrics ECC321 Macro economics ECC201
Micro Economics ECC202
Micro- and Macroeconomic EMC301 Microeconomics ECC201 & ECC202
Theory and Policy and
Resource, Environmental and ENR302 Macro Economics ECC201
Ecological Economics Micro Economics ECC202
Labour Economics ECC322 Micro Economics ECC202
ECC332 Introduction to ECC102
Macro Economics ECC202
Micro Economics
General Accounting 3A RGV301 General RGV201
Accounting 2A RGV202
Accounting 2B
General Accounting 3B RGV302 General RGV301
Accounting 3A
Advanced Data Structures WRAV301 Mathematics MATB111
(Special)B MATB112
(Special) B
Multimedia Systems 3.1 WRMV301 Computing WRFV102
Fundamentals 1.2 WRAV102
Fundamentals 1B
Enterprise Resource Planning WREV301 Accounting 1B RV102
Systems 3.1 Computing WRFV102
Fundamentals 1.2

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40120

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360 to 388


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 60% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Select either A or B:
A Mathematics
Mathematics 1A Semester 1 MATT101 16
Mathematics 1B Semester 2 MATT102 16
B Mathematics (Special) A Semester 1 MATS101 8
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 2 MATS102 8
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Credits First Year 128/144

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Probability, Distribution Theory and Estimation Semester 1 STAS211 20
Regression Analysis and Advanced Regression
Topics Semester 2 STAS202 20
Select either A or B:
A Mathematics
Mathematics (Special) B Semester 1 MATB111 8
Mathematics (Special) B Semester 2 MATB112 8
(if MATT101, 102 were taken in 1st year)
B Computer Science 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
(if MATT101, MATT102 were taken in 1st year)
Select one of the following groups:
A Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
B Mathematics
Multivariable and Vector Calculus Semester 1 MATT201 20
Linear Algebra1 Semester 2 MATT212 10

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Real Analysis Semester 2 MATT202 10
MATT201 (40%) is a pre-requisite for MATT202
C Accounting
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
D General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Credits Second Year 112/124

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Statistics (Major)
Linear Models and Time Series Analysis Semester 1 STAT321 30
Advanced Data Analytics Semester 2 STAT312 30
Economics (Major)
Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Semester 1 EMC301 20
Economics of Financial Markets (optional) Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics (compulsory) Semester 1 ECC321 10
Economics of Development (compulsory) Semester 2 ECD302 20
Resource, Environmental and Ecological Semester 2 ENR302 10
Economics (optional)
Labour Economics (optional) Semester 2 ECC322 10
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 360/388


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting RGV102 Accounting 1B RV101

Mathematics 1B MATT102 Mathematics 1A MATT101

Mathematics Special A MATS102 Mathematics Special A MATS101

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals WRFV101

Year 2
Macroeconomics ECC201 Introduction to Macro ECC102
Microeconomics ECC202 Introduction to Macro ECC101
Probability, Distribution Theory STAS211 Business Statistics, STAV102,
and Estimation Mathematics Special 101 MATS101 &
A & Mathematics Special MATS102
Regression Analysis and STAS202 Business Statistics, STAV102,
Advanced Regression Mathematics Special 101 MATS101 &
A & Mathematics Special MATS102
Mathematics (Special) B MATB111 Mathematics Special A MATS101
Mathematics (Special) B MATB112 Mathematics Special MATS102
Marketing Management EBMV201 Introduction to the EB122
Business Functions
Logistics and Purchasing EBMV202 Introduction to the EB122
Management Business Functions
Multivariable and Vector Calculus MATT201 Mathematics 1B MATT102
Linear Algebra MATT212 Mathematics 1B MATT102
Real Analysis MATT202 Mathematics 1B MATT102
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 1A RV101
Accounting 1B RV102
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2A RV201
General Accounting 2A RGV201 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General Accounting 2A RGV201
Year 3
Linear Models and Time Series STAT321 Probability, Distribution STAS211
Analysis Theory & Estimation &
Regression Analysis &
Advanced Regression
Advanced Data Analytics STAT312 Probability, Distribution STAS211
Theory & Estimation &
Regression Analysis &
Advanced Regression

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Economics of Financial Markets ECC311 Introduction to Micro ECC101
Macro Economics ECC201
Econometrics ECC321 Macro Economics ECC201
Micro Economics ECC202
Labour Economics ECC322 Introduction to Macro ECC102
Miro Economics ECC202
Economics of Development ECD302 Macroeconomics and ECC201
microeconomics ECC202
Micro- and Macroeconomic EMC301 Macroeconomics and ECC201
Theory and Policy microeconomics ECC202
Resource, Environmental and ENR302 Macroeconomics and ECC201
Ecological Economics microeconomics ECC202


Qualification code: 40126

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 378


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme is tailor-made to meet the needs of employers in the financial planning
sector who require both management and specialist knowledge and skills. Nelson Mandela
University in co-operation with the Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa (FPI), is the
first academic institution to offer a formal BCom degree in Financial Planning, giving access
to membership of the FPI.

The FPI is the highly regarded professional certification institute in the financial planning
industry in Southern Africa, carrying an international certification benchmark of recognition
by the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB). The successful
completion of the BCom (Financial Planning) programme will lead to a professional
qualification, namely that of Financial Services Associate (FSA), awarded by the FPI.
• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 50% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Computer Science 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Planning
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBFV201 16
Risk Management Semester 1 EBFV211 14
Corporate Financial Planning Semester 2 EBFV222 16
Investment Management Semester 2 EBFV242 16
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBFV202 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Fundamentals of Taxation Semester 1 RTV101 12
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Introduction to Labour Law I Semester 1 JHLV101 12
Credits Second Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Planning (Major)
Principles of Estate Planning Semester 1 EBFV301 16
Principles of Retirement Planning Semester 1 EBFV311 16
Financial Planning Practice Management Semester 2 EBFV312 16
Integrated Financial Planning Semester 2 EBFV302 24
Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
Business Ethics Semester 2 EBFV212 10
Credits Third Year 130
Total Credits 378


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1A RV101
Business Accounting 1B RNCV112 Business Accounting RNCV111
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Year 2
Personal Financial Planning EBFV201 Mathematics for Accounting MACV101
Business Statistics STAV102
Risk Management EBFV211 Mathematics for Accounting MACV101
Business Statistics STAV102
Corporate Financial Planning EBFV222 Personal Financial Planning EBFV201
Investment Management EBFV242 Mathematics for Accounting MACV101

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Business Statistics STAV102
Accounting 1A RV101
Business Accounting 1A
Business Accounting 1B RNCV111
General Accounting 1B RNCV112
Customer Relationship EBFV202 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions
Fundamentals of Taxation RTV101 General Accounting 1B RGV102
Accounting 1A RV101
Marketing Management EBMV201 Introduction to the Business EB122
Year 3
Principles of Estate Planning EBFV301 Personal Financial Planning EBFV201
Mathematics for Accounting MACV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Accounting 1A RV101
Principles of Retirement EBFV311 Personal Financial Planning EBFV201
Planning Finplan:2 Corporate Financial EBFV222
Financial Planning Practice EBFV312 Personal Financial Planning EBFV201
Finplan:2 Corporate Financial EBFV222
Integrated Financial Planning EBFV302 Finplan:2 Corporate Financial EBFV222
Finplan3.1: Principles of Estate EBFV301
Finplan3.2: Principles of EBFV311
Retirement Planning
Financial Management EBMV301 Introduction to the Business EB122
General and Strategic EBMV302 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions
Internet Marketing Strategies EBMV332 Marketing Management EBMV201

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40160

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 389


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The aim of this degree is to produce management professionals for the health and food
service sector. Students will be taught to act as food service managers, who are well-
grounded in business, financial and people management skills, but also able to solve
specific health sector related problems within the food service industry.
There is currently a shortage of such managers within the health services food sector, and
graduates will be able to ensure effective and efficient delivery of food services in the various
health services institutions.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 50% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Food Science and Food Service
Food Science Principles Semester 1 DFC111 15
Introduction to Food Service Semester 2 DFS112 15
Nutrients in Nutrition Semester 1 DWN111 15
Credits First Year 133

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBVR202 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Law for Hospitality Managers Semester 2 JCP202 12
Food Science and Food Service
Human Resources in Food Service Semester 1 DFS211 15
Food Science Applications Semester 2 DFC112 15
Nutrition during the Life Cycle Semester 1 DWN211 15
Nutrition in Lifestyle and Preventative Care Semester 2 DWN212 15
Credits Second Year 136

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
International Trade and Marketing Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Food Science and Food Service
Food Service in Clinical Care Semester 1 DFS301 15
Food Service Operations Practice Year DFS300 30
Research in Food Service Year DFS310 15
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 389


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Food Service Operations Practice DFS300 Human Resources in Food Service DFS211
Nutrition in Lifestyle and
Preventative Care DWN212
Research in Food Service DFS310 Human Resources in Food Service DFS211
Nutrition in Lifestyle and
Preventative Care DWN212


Qualification code: 40102

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2) OR
Full-time George Campus (02)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 386


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme is offered to students wishing to major in General Accounting. The School
of Accounting offers two accounting streams: General or Chartered Accounting, each of which
is designed to meet the specific needs of accountants at appropriate levels within the
accounting profession.

The General Accounting stream is intended for students who do not wish to qualify as
Chartered Accountants but who may wish to join the other professional institutes such as the
Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA), the SA Institute of Professional
Accountants (SAIPA), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the South African Institute of Tax Practitioners or who
do not wish to become professional accountants yet wish to include accounting as a major
subject in their degree.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 50% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Please note: The part-time delivery schedule follows the full-time schedule below.

For the purposes of this curriculum, the "R" module can substitute the related "RG" module.
For example, the student will be permitted to have passed RV201 (Accounting 2A) instead of
RGV201 (General Accounting 2A).

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time or five years of part-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits First Year 124

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Advanced Company Law Semester 1 JHMV201 12
Commercial Law II Semester 2 JHAV202 12
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Credits Second Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting (Major)
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGKV301 15
General Auditing 3A Semester 1 RGOV301 15
General Taxation 3A Semester 1 RGTV301 15
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGKV302 15
General Auditing 3B Semester 2 RGOV302 15
General Taxation 3B Semester 2 RGTV302 15
Credits Third Year 138
Total Credits 386

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Credits First Year 72

Module Credit
Presented Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits Second Year 70

Module Credit
Presented Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Advanced Company Law Semester 1 JHMV201 12
Commercial Law II Semester 2 JHAV202 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Credits Third Year 96

Module Credit
Presented Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Accounting (Major)
General Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGKV301 15
General Auditing 3A Semester 1 RGOV301 15
General Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGKV302 15
General Auditing 3B Semester 2 RGOV302 15
Credits Fourth Year 70

Module Credit
Code Value
Fifth Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Accounting (Major)
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Taxation 3A Semester 1 RGTV301 15
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Taxation 3B Semester 2 RGTV302 15
Credits Fifth Year 78
Total Credits 386


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Year 1
General Accounting 1B RGV102 A mark of at least 40% for Accounting 1A RV101
Computing WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Fundamentals 1.2
Year 2
Macro-economics ECC201 Introduction to Macroeconomics ECC102
Advanced Company JHMV201 Company Law JHMV102

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Ethics and Corporate REV201 A final mark of at least 45% in Accounting RV102
Governance 1B JHMV102
A final mark of at least 40% in Company
General Accounting 2A RGV201 Accounting 1A RV101
Accounting 1B RV102
General Accounting 1B RGV102
General Accounting 2B RGV202 A mark of at least 40% for Accounting 2A RV201
A mark of at least 45% for General RGV201
Accounting 2A
Auditing 2A ROV202 A final mark of at least 45% in Accounting RV102
General Accounting 1B WRFV101
Computing Fundamentals 1.1
Computing Fundamentals 1.2
Taxation 2A RTV202 Accounting 1B RV102
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Management RKV202 Accounting 1B RV102
Accounting 2A OR
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Mathematics for Accounting MACV102
Financial Mathematics STAV101
Business Statistics STAV102
Year 3
General Accounting 3A RGV301 Accounting 2A RV201
General Accounting 2A RGV201
Accounting 2B RV202
General Accounting 2B RGV202

General Accounting 3B RGV302 A final mark of at least 40% for Accounting RV301
A final mark of at least 45% for General
Accounting 3A
General Auditing 3A RGOV301 A final mark of at least 40% in Accounting RV202
A final mark of at least 45% in General
Accounting 2B REV201
A final mark of at least 45% in Ethics and
Corporate Governance ROV202
Auditing 2A JHMV102

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Company Law
General Auditing 3B RGOV302 A mark of at least 40% in Auditing 3A ROV301
A mark of at least 45% for General RGOV301
Auditing 3A
General Taxation 3A RGTV301 Accounting 2A RV201
General Accounting 2A RGV201
A final mark of at least 40% in Accounting RV202
A mark of at least 45% in General RTV202
Accounting 2B
Taxation 2A
General Taxation 3B RGTV302 A mark of at least 40% for Taxation 3A RTV301
At least 45% for General Taxation 3A RGTV301
General Management RGKV301 Management Accounting 2A RKV202
Accounting 3A A final mark of at least 40% in Accounting RV202
A final mark of at least 45% in General
Accounting 2B MACV101
Mathematics for Accounting STAV102
Business Statistics
General Management RGKV302 Management Accounting 3A RGKV301
Accounting 3B OR
Accounting 2A RV201
A mark of at least 40% in Accounting 2B RV202
A mark of at least 45% in General RGV202
Accounting 2B RKV202
Management Accounting 2A

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 45044

Offering: Full-time George Campus (02)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 369/371/372/373


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme opens up a wide variety of career options in the business world and
includes fields such as entrepreneurship, business environments, marketing and strategic

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 50% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12

Select one of the following groupings of modules: AB; AC; AD; BC OR BD.
1. For students who select options BC or BD both modules Auditing ROV202 and Taxation
RTV202 become compulsory.
2. Grouping CD cannot be selected in combination.
A Economics
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Economic History Semester 1 EGV101 10
Economic History Semester 2 EGV102 10
Economic Analysis Semester 1 ECCV201 14
B Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Introduction to Labour Law Semester 2 JHLV101 12
C Accounting

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Select one of:
Auditing Semester 2 ROV202 12
Taxation Semester 2 RTV202 10
D General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Select one of:
Auditing Semester 2 ROV202 12
Taxation Semester 2 RTV202 10
Credits Second Year 122/124/126/128

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Progressing from year 2, continue with one of the following groupings of modules as
majors: AB; AC; AD; BC OR BD.
NOTE: Grouping CD cannot be selected in combination.
A Economics (select any six modules) (Major)
Public Economics Semester 1 ECC301 10
Economics of Financial Markets Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics Semester 1 ECC321 10
Development Economics Semester 2 ECC302 10
International Economics Semester 2 ECC312 10
Labour Economics Semester 2 ECC322 10
Economic and Development Ethics Semester 2 ECC332 10
Subtotal credits 60
B Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Subtotal credits 60
C Accounting (Major)
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting 3 Semester 1 RKV301 15

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Subtotal credits 63
D General Accounting (Major)
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Management Accounting 3 Semester 1 RGKV301 15
Subtotal credits 63
Credits Third Year 120/123
Total Credits 369/371/372/373


Qualification code: 45041

Offering: Full-time George Campus (02)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 368


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme opens a wide variety of career options in the business world and combines
such fields as entrepreneurship, business and related sciences including statistics, ethics,
relevant aspects of law, accounting, economics, industrial and organisational psychology,
human resource management, marketing and strategic management.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 50% for Mathematics.

This learning programme with a variety of major options is designed for candidates who wish
to fast-track a career in business by providing them with the theoretical insights, competence
and practical skills required to succeed in business. The programme allows access to the
realities of starting and/or managing a business by exploring various facets of
entrepreneurship and management, from business strategy to finance, from procurement to
marketing, from industrial and organisational psychology and human resources management
to economics, while including essential aspects of statistics, law and ethical leadership.

Exit level outcomes:

Upon completion of the learning programme qualifiers should be competent to:
• Apply knowledge of Business and related sciences to resolve problems within broad
parameters for largely defined activities.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Apply management, economic, psychological, organisational, behavioural,

accounting, statistical, legal and computing knowledge and methods to a variety of
business and related problems

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Foundational modules
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8

Compulsory modules
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Industrial Psychology Semester 1 EZZV101 12
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules
Commercial Law Semester 1 JHA131 12
Introduction to Labour Law Semester 2 JHLV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Human Resource Management: Procurement Semester 1 EZAV201 12
Labour Relations Semester 1 EZVB201 12
Human Resource Management: Development Semester 2 EZCV202 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Human Resource Management: Reward Systems Semester 1 EZDV202 12
Workplace Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Semester 2 EZEV202 12
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Credits Second Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Consumer Behaviour Semester 1 EZZV321 15
Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZV341 15
Career Management Semester 2 EZZV332 15
Emerging Human Resource Practices Semester 2 EZZV352 15
Credits Third Year 120
Total credits 368


Qualification code: 40133

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360 to 386


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme opens up a wide variety of career options in the business world and includes
fields such as entrepreneurship, business environments, marketing and strategic

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 50% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time or five years of part-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Business Accounting 1A* Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Business Accounting 1B* Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV121 12
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Financial Planning
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBF201 16

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Business Ethics * Semester 2 EBFV212 10
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Sub-total 78
Select one of the following groups A, B or C:
A Economics
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Economic Analysis Semester 1 ECCV201 14
Sub-total 42
B Accounting
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Management Accounting Semester 2 RKV202 10
Select one of the following modules:
Taxation Semester 2 RTV202 10
Auditing Semester 2 ROV202 12
C General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
General Management Accounting Semester 2 RGKV202 10
Select one of the following modules:
Taxation Semester 2 RTV202 10
Auditing Semester 2 ROV202 12
Sub-total 48/50
Credits Second Year:
Majors: Business Management & Economics 120
Majors: Business Management & Accounting 126/128
Or General Accounting

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Sub-total 60
Select one of the following groups A, B or C:
A Accounting (Major)
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKV301 15
B General Accounting (Major)
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Management Accounting Semester 1 RGKV301 15
Sub-total 63
C Economics (Major)
Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Semester 1 EMC301 20
Economics of Financial Markets (optional) Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics (compulsory) Semester 1 ECC321 10
Economics of Development (compulsory) Semester 2 ECD302 20
Resource, Environmental and Ecological Semester 2 ENR302 10
Economics (optional)
Labour Economics (optional) Semester 2 ECC322 10
Sub-total 50
Credits Third Year 120/123
Total Credits
Majors: Business Management & Economics 364
Majors: Business Management & Accounting 373/375
or General Accounting

CURRICULUM (Part-time): Second Major: Accounting

Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits First Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Credits Second Year 84
Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Financial Planning
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBF201 16
Business Management
Business Ethics * Semester 2 EBFV212 10
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Select one of the following groups A or B:
A Accounting
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Management Accounting Semester 2 RKV202 10

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
B General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
General Management Accounting Semester 2 RGKV202 10
Credits Third Year 84

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Select one of the following modules:
Accounting (Major)
Taxation Semester 2 RTV202 10
Auditing Semester 2 ROV202 12
Sub-total 32
Select one of the following groups A or B:
A Accounting (Major)
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKV301 15
B General Accounting
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Management Accounting Semester 1 RGKV301 15
Credits Fourth Year 73/75

Module Credit
Code Value
Fifth Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Credits Fifth Year 60
Total Credits 373/375

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Part-time): Second Major: Economics

Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits First Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Credits Second Year 80

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Financial Planning

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBFV201 16
Business Ethics Semester 2 EBFV212 10
Macro-economics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Micro-economics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Economic Analysis Semester 1 ECCV201 14
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Credits Third Year 80

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Credits Fourth Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Fifth Year
Compulsory modules:
Economics (select any SIX modules)
Public Economics Semester 1 ECC301 10
Economics of Financial Markets Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics Semester 1 ECC321 10
Development Economics Semester 2 ECC302 10
International Economics Semester 2 ECC312 10
Labour Economics Semester 2 ECC322 10
Economic and Development Ethics Semester 2 ECC332 10
Credits Fifth Year 60
Total Credits 364


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101 Computing WRFV102
Business At least 45% in RNCV111
Business Accounting 1B RNCV112 Accounting 1A to continue

Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1B At least 45% in RV101

General Accounting 1B RGV102 Accounting 1B At least 45% in RV101

Second Year
Macro Economics ECC201 Economics ECC102

Micro Economics ECC202 Micro Economics ECC101

A pass in RV101 and a
mark of at least 55% in
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 2A RV102.
A mark of at least 45% for
RV201 or 65% for
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2B RGV201
General A mark of at least 40% in
General Accounting 1B RGV102 Accounting 1B RV101
General RV101 and RV102 or
General Accounting 2A RGV201 Accounting 2A RGV102
A mark of at least 40% in
General RV201 or 45% in
General Accounting 2B RGV202 Accounting 2B RGV201
Marketing Management EBMV201 Management EB122
Logistic and
Logistic and Purchasing Purchasing
Management EBMV202 Management EB122
Third Year
Financial Management EBMV301 Management EB122
General and
General and Strategic Strategic
Management EBMV302 Management EB122
International Trade and Marketing
Marketing Environment EBMV312 Management EBMV201
Economics of Development ECD302 Microeconomics
and ECC201 & ECC202
Economics of Financial ECC311 Introduction to
Markets Microeconomics
Macroeconomics ECC101 & ECC201
Econometrics ECC321 Microeconomics
Macroeconomics ECC201 & ECC202

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Micro- and Macroeconomic EMC301 Microeconomics
Theory and Policy and
Macroeconomics ECC201 & ECC202
Resource, Environmental and ENR302 Microeconomics
Ecological Economics and ECC201 & ECC202
A pass in RV201 or
RGV201, a mark of at
Accounting 3A RV301 least 55% in RV202
A final mark of at least
45% for RV301 or 65%
Accounting 3B RV302 for RGV301
A pass in
General RV201/RGV201, A pass
General Accounting 3A RGV301 Accounting 3A in RV202/RGV202.
General Accounting 3B RGV302 General A mark of at least 40% in
Accounting 3B RV301 or 45% in
(i)Students who wish to
transfer to an R module
from an RG module may
do so if they achieve a
mark of at least 55% in an
entrance examination
written in January of each
year. Details of such
examinations are
available from the School
of Accounting.

(ii) Students may write a

examination or re-register
for an Accounting module
which they have passed,
but for which they failed
to obtain the required
sub-minimum in order to
proceed, if they wish to
improve their final mark in
that module.
Management Accounting 3A RKV301 A pass in RV201 or
RGV201, a pass in
RV202 and at least 55%
for RTKV202 or a pass in
General Management RGKV301 A mark of at least 45% in
Accounting 3A RG202 or a mark of at
least 40% in R202 AND a
pass in RK202 OR a pass
in RTK202

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40134

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 371 to 374


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme opens up a wide variety of career options in the business world and
includes fields such as entrepreneurship, business environments, marketing and strategic

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 50% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Economic History B Semester 2 EGV102 10
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Business Accounting 1A* Semester 1 RNCV111 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Business Accounting 1B* Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits First Year 122
*Students who select this option may not continue with Accounting or General Accounting in
Second and Third Years.

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Economics (First Major)
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Economic History Semester 1 EGV101 10
Economic Analysis Semester 1 ECCV201 14
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Sub-total 88
Select one of the following groups A, B or C (Second Major):
A Accounting
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Management Accounting Semester 2 RKV202 10
B General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Management Accounting Semester 2 RKV202 10
C Business Management

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics/Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Financial Planning
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBFV201 16
Sub-total 38/44
Credits Second Year 126/132

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Economics (First Major)
Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Semester 1 EMC301 20
Economics of Financial Markets (optional) Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics (compulsory) Semester 1 ECC321 10
Economics of Development (compulsory) Semester 2 ECD302 20
Resource, Environmental and Ecological Semester 2 ENR302 10
Economics (optional)
Labour Economics (optional) Semester 2 ECC322 10
Select one of the following groups A, B or C (Second Major):
A Accounting
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting Semester 1 RKV301 15
B General Accounting
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
General Management Accounting Semester 1 RGKV301 15
C Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 1 EBMV312 12
Credits Third Year 120/123
Total Credits 371/374


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Computing WRFV101 Computing Fundamentals WRFV102
Fundamentals 1.1 1.2
At least 45% in
RNCV111 to
Business Accounting 1B RNCV112 Business Accounting 1A continue
At least 45% in
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1B RV101
At least 45% in
General Accounting 1B RGV102 Accounting 1B RV101
Second Year
Macro Economics ECC201 Macro Economics ECC102

Micro Economics ECC202 Micro Economics ECC101

A pass in RV101
and a mark of at
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 2A least 55% in RV102.
A mark of at least
45% for RV201 or
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2B 65% for RGV201
A mark of at least
General Accounting 1B RGV102 General Accounting 1B 40% in RV101
RV101 and RV102
General Accounting 2A RGV201 General Accounting 2A or RGV102
A mark of at least
40% in RV201 or
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General Accounting 2B 45% in RGV201

Marketing Management EBMV201 Marketing Management EB122

Logistic and Purchasing Logistic and Purchasing
Management EBMV202 Management EB122
Third Year
Financial Management EBMV301 Financial Management EB122
General and Strategic General and Strategic
Management EBMV302 Management EB122
International Trade and
Marketing Environment EBMV312 Marketing Management EBMV201
Economics of Financial ECC311 Introduction to
Markets Microeconomics and
Macroeconomics ECC101 & ECC201
Econometrics ECC321 Microeconomics and
Macroeconomics ECC201 & ECC202
Economics of ECD302 Microeconomics and
Development Macroeconomics ECC201 & ECC202
Micro- and EMC301
Macroeconomic Theory Microeconomics and
and Policy Macroeconomics ECC201 & ECC202
Resource, ENR302
Environmental and Microeconomics and
Ecological Economics Macroeconomics ECC201 & ECC202

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

A pass in RV201 or
RGV201, a mark of
at least 55% in
Accounting 3A RV301 RV202
A final mark of at
least 45% for RV301
Accounting 3B RV302 or 65% for RGV301
A pass in
RV201/RGV201, A
pass in
General Accounting 3A RGV301 General Accounting 3A RV202/RGV202.
A mark of at least
40% in RV301 or
45% in RGV301.
(i)Students who wish
to transfer to an R
module from an RG
module may do so if
they achieve a mark
of at least 55% in an
examination written
in January of each
year. Details of
such examinations
are available from
the School of

(ii) Students may

write a
examination or re-
register for an
Accounting module
which they have
passed, but for
which they failed to
obtain the required
sub-minimum in
order to proceed, if
they wish to improve
their final mark in
General Accounting 3B RGV302 General Accounting 3B that module.
A pass in RV201 or
RGV201, a pass in
RV202 and at least
Management Accounting 55% for RTKV202 or
3A RKV301 a pass in RKV202
General Management A mark of at least
Accounting 3A RGKV301 45% in RG202 or a

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

mark of at least 40%
in R202 AND a pass
in RK202 OR a pass
in RTK202


Qualification code: 40135

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 372 to 374


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme opens up a wide variety of career options in the business world and
includes fields such as entrepreneurship, business environments, marketing and strategic
management. The statistic option prepares students for a career in banking and other
business statistical related fields.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 60% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 1 MATS101 8
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 2 MATS102 8
Credits First Year 128

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Probability, Distribution Theory and Estimation Semester 1 STAS211 20
Regression Analysis and Advanced Regression
Topics Semester 2 STAS202 20
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Mathematics Special B Semester 1 MATB111 8
Mathematics Special B Semester 2 MATB112 8
Select one of the following groups:
A Economics
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
B Accounting
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
C General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Select one of the following modules:
Business Management
Marketing Communication Management Semester 2 EBMV212 14
Financial Planning
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBFV202 12
Credits Second Year 124/126

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Statistics (Major)
Linear Models and Time Series Analysis Semester 1 STAT321 30
Advanced Data Analytics Semester 2 STAT312 30
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 372/374


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Computing Fundamentals WRFV101 Computing Fundamentals WRFV102
1.1 1.2
At least 45% in
RNCV111 to
Business Accounting 1B RNCV112 Business Accounting 1A continue
At least 45% in
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1B RV101
At least 45% in
General Accounting 1B RGV102 Accounting 1B RV101

Mathematics Special 102 MATS102 Mathematics Special 101 MATS101


Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Second Year
Introduction to
Macro Economics ECC201 Macroeconomics ECC102
Introduction to
Micro Economics ECC202 Microeconomics ECC101

Marketing Management EBMV201 Marketing Management EB122

Logistic and Purchasing Logistic and Purchasing
Management EBMV202 Management EB122
Marketing Communications Marketing Communications
Management EBMV212 Management EBMV201
Customer Relations Customer Relations
Management EBFV202 Management EB122
A pass in
RV101 and a
mark of at
least 55% in
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 2A RV102.
A mark of at
least 45% for
RV201 or 65%
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2B for RGV201
A mark of at
least 40% in
General Accounting 1B RGV102 General Accounting 1B RV101
RV101 and
RV102 or
General Accounting 2A RGV201 General Accounting 2A RGV102
A mark of at
least 40% in
RV201 or 45%
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General Accounting 2B in RGV201
Business Statistics,
Mathematics Special 101 A STAV102,
Probability, Distribution & Mathematics Special 102 MATS101 &
Theory & Estimation STAS211 A MATS102
Business Statistics,
Regression Analysis & Mathematics Special 101 A STAV102,
Advanced Regression & Mathematics Special 102 MATS101 &
Topics STAS202 A MATS102
Third Year
Linear Models and Time Probability, Distribution
Series Analysis STAT321 Theory & Estimation
Regression Analysis & STAS211
Advanced Regression &
Topics STAS202
Advanced Data Analytics STAT312 Probability, Distribution
Theory & Estimation
Regression Analysis & &
Advanced Regression STAS202

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code


Financial Management EBMV301

Financial Management EB122
General and Strategic EBMV302 General and Strategic
Management Management EB122


Qualification code: 40127

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 370


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
This programme is aimed at students who wish to specialise in the field of Tourism. During
the first year of study, students are able to obtain a solid foundation in key modules in the
field of commerce, such as Business Management, Economics and Tourism. The module,
Tourism Work Experience, enables students to gain practical work experience within the
Tourism Industry.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 405.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 50% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
70% for Mathematical Literacy.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Business Management Semester 1 EB121 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Business Management Semester 2 EB122 12
Economics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Economics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Computer Science 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Financial Mathematics Semester 1 STAV101 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Essentials of Tourism Semester 2 TOUV102 12
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Tourism Planning Semester 1 TOUV211 12
Events Management Semester 1 TEHM201 12
Tourism Marketing Semester 2 TOUM202 12
Tourism Work Experience Year TOWV210 12
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Professional English Semester 1 LEBV102 12
Credits Second Year 126

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Cultural and Heritage Tourism Semester 1 TOUV301 20
Ecotourism Semester 2 TOUV302 20
Tourism Ventures Semester 1 TOUV311 20
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
International Trade and Marketing Environment Semester 2 EBMV312 12
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 370


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Computing WRFV101 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Fundamentals 1.1
At least 45% in
RNCV111 to
Business Accounting 1B RNCV112 Business Accounting 1A continue
Second Year
Macro Economics ECC201 Macro Economics ECC102

Marketing Management EBMV201 Marketing Management EB122

Logistic and Purchasing Logistic and Purchasing
Management EBMV202 Management EB122
Tourism Marketing TOUM202 Marketing Management EBMV201
Third Year
Financial Management EBMV301 Financial Management EB122
General and Strategic General and Strategic
Management EBMV302 Management EB122
International Trade and
Marketing Environment EBMV312 Marketing Management EBMV201

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40128

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 368


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme combines Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management with
subjects such as Business Management, Accounting, Economics, Law and Labour

The Department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology is registered with the Health
Professions Council as a training facility for industrial psychologists and is accredited by the
SA Board for Personnel Practice.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 50% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Industrial Psychology Semester 1 EZZV101 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits First Year 124
Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBFV202 12
Marketing Communication Management Semester 2 EBMV212 14
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Human Resource Management: Procurement Semester 1 EZAV201 12
Labour Relations Semester 1 EZBV201 12
Human Resource Management: Development Semester 2 EZCV202 12
Human Resource Management: Reward Systems Semester 2 EZDV202 12
Workplace Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Semester 2 EZEV202 12
Select one of the following groups:
A Economics
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
B Accounting
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
C General Accounting
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Credits Second Year 116

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Consumer Behaviour Semester 1 EZZV321 15
Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZV341 15
Career Management Semester 2 EZZV332 15
Emerging Human Resource Practices Semester 2 EZZV352 15
Introduction to Labour Law I Semester 1 JHLV101 12
Introduction to Labour Law II Semester 2 JHLV202 12
Credits Third Year 132
Total Credits 372


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
At least 45% in
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1B RV101
A mark of at
least 40% in
General Accounting 1B RG102 General Accounting 1B R101
A mark of at
least 40% in
General Accounting 1B RGV102 General Accounting 1B RV101
Computing Fundamentals Computing Fundamentals 1.1
1.2 WRFV102 WRFV101
Second Year
Human Resources Human Resources EZZ101 AND
Management Procurement EZA201 Management Procurement EZZ102
Human Resources Human Resources EZZV101 AND
Management Procurement EZAV201 Management Procurement EZZV102

EZZ101 or
Labour Relations EZB201 Labour Relations EZZ102
Labour Relations EZBV201 Labour Relations EZZV102
Human Resource Human Resource EZZ101 AND
Management Development EZC202 Management Development EZZ102

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Human Resource Human Resource EZZV101 AND
Management Development EZVC202 Management Development EZZV102
Human Resource Human Resource
Management: Reward Management: Reward EZZ101 AND
Systems EZD202 Systems EZZ102
Human Resource Human Resource
Management: Reward Management: Reward EZZV101 AND
Systems EZDV202 Systems EZZV102
Workplace Negotiations Workplace Negotiations and EZZ101 AND
and Dispute Resolution EZE202 Dispute Resolution EZZ102
Workplace Negotiations Workplace Negotiations and EZZV101 AND
and Dispute Resolution EZEV202 Dispute Resolution EZZV102
Finance for Human Finance for Human Resource EZZV101 AND
Resource Practitioners EZFV202 Practitioners EZZV102
Macro Economics ECC201 Macro Economics ECC102

Micro Economics ECC202 Micro Economics ECC101

A pass in
RV101 and a
mark of at least
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 2A 55% in RV102.
A mark of at
least 45% for
RV201 or 65%
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2B for RGV201
RV101 and
RV102 or
General Accounting 2A RGV201 General Accounting 2A RGV102
A mark of at
least 40% in
RV201 or 45%
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General Accounting 2B in RGV201

Marketing Management EBMV201 Marketing Management EB122

Logistic and Purchasing Logistic and Purchasing
Management EBMV202 Management EB122
Marketing Communications Marketing Communications
Management EBMV212 Management EBMV201
Customer Relations Customer Relations
Management EBFV202 Management EB122
Marketing Communications Marketing Communications
Management EBMV212 Management EBMV201
Third Year
EZA201 &
Consumer Behavior EZZ321 Consumer Behavior EZC202
Consumer Behavior EZZV321 Consumer Behavior EZCV202
EZA201 &
Career Management EZZ332 Career Management EZC202
Career Management EZZV332 Career Management EZCV202

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Prerequisites Code

EZA201 &
Organisational Behaviour EZZ341 Organisational Behaviour EZC202
Organisational Behaviour EZZV341 Organisational Behaviour EZCV202
Emerging Human Emerging Human Resource EZA201 &
Resource Practices EZZ352 Practices EZC202
Emerging Human Emerging Human Resource EZAV201 AND
Resource Practices EZZV352 Practices EZCV202

must obtain
Introduction to Labour Law JHL202 Introduction to Labour Law 40% in JHL102
Financial Management EBM301 Financial Management EB102
Financial Management EBMV301 Financial Management EB122
General and Strategic General and Strategic
Management EBM302 Management EB102
General and Strategic General and Strategic
Management EBMV302 Management EB122


Qualification code: 40137

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 365


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme covers the application of computers to such areas as business management,
finance, production, marketing, administration, distribution and auditing.

Students learn about business systems ranging from those used for transactions processing
to those used for logistical and strategic decision making. This programme is a dual major and
students major is Information Systems (IS) and a choice of Computer Science with

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 60% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2020.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2024.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Programming Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRAV101 8
Programming Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRAV102 8
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RGV102 14
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Credits First Year 128

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Mathematics Special Semester 1 MATS101 8
Computer Science II
Information Systems 2.1 Semester 1 WRIV201 6
Information Systems 2.2 Semester 2 WRIV202 6

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Web Systems 2.1 Semester 1 WRWV201 8
Web Systems 2.2 Semester 2 WRWV202 8
Business Process Modelling 2 Semester 1 WRBP211 6
Introduction to Business Systems 2 Semester 2 WRBV202 8
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RGV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RGV202 14
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Credits Second Year 116

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Computer Science III (Major)
Database Systems 3 Semester 1 WRDV301 7
Project Year WRRV301 9
Management Information Systems 3.1 Semester 1 WRBV301 8
Management Information Systems 3.2 Semester 2 WRBV302 8
User Interface Design Semester 2 WUIV302 7
ERP Systems 3.1 Semester 1 WREV301 11
Enterprise Systems Development Semester 2 WREV312 11
Accounting (Major)
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RGV301 24
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RGV302 24
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Credits Third Year 121
Total Credits 365

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having
passed the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously
registered (at least) for the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals1.1 WRFV101
Programming Fundamentals WRAV102 Programming Fundamentals WRAV101
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accopunting1B RGV102 Accounting 1A RV101
Year 2
Information Systems 2.1 WRIV201 Computing Fundamentals1.1 WRFV101
Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202 Information Systems 2.1 WRIV201
Web Systems 2.1 WRWV201 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Programming Fundamentals WRAV102
Web Systems 2.2 WRWV202 Web Systems 2.1 WRWV201
Business Process Modelling 2 WRBP211 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Business Systems 2 WRBV202 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 1B RV102
General Accounting 2B RGV201 General Accounting 1B RGV102
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2A RV201
General Accounting 2B RGV202 General Accounting 2A RGV201
Ethics and Corporate REV201 A mark of at least 45% in
Governance RV102 OR a pass in
Year 3
Database Systems 3 WRDV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Project WRRV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Management Information WRBV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Systems 3.1
Management Information WRBV302 Management Information WRBV301
Systems 3.2 Systems 3.1
User Interface Design WUIV302 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
ERP Systems 3.1 WREV301 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Accounting 3A RV301 Accounting 2B RV202
General Accounting 3A RGV301 General Accounting 2B RGV202
Accounting 3B RV302 Accounting 3A RV301
General Accounting 3B RGV302 General Accounting 3A RGV301

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Auditing 2A ROV202 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102


Qualification code: 40138

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 365


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme covers the application of computers to such areas as business management,
finance, production, marketing, administration, distribution and auditing. Students learn about
business systems ranging from those used for transactions processing to those used for
logistical and strategic decision making.

This programme is a dual major and students major is Information Systems (IS) and a choice
of Computer Science with Business Management.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 60% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Programming Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRAV101 8
Programming Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRAV102 8
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Credits First Year 128

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Mathematics Special Semester 1 MATS101 8
Computer Science II
Information Systems 2.1 Semester 1 WRIV201 6
Information Systems 2.2 Semester 2 WRIV202 6
Web Systems 2.1 Semester 1 WRWV201 8
Web Systems 2.2 Semester 2 WRWV202 8
Business Process Modelling 2 Semester 1 WRBP211 6
Business Systems 2 Semester 2 WRBV202 8
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Marketing Communication Management Semester 2 EBMV212 14
Business Ethics Semester 2 EBFV212 10
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBFV202 12
Credits Second year 114

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Computer Science III
Database Systems 3 Semester 1 WRDV301 7
Project Year WRRV301 9
Management Information Systems 3.1 Semester 1 WRBV301 8
Management Information Systems 3.2 Semester 2 WRBV302 8
User Interface Design Semester 2 WUIV302 7
ERP Systems 3.1 Semester 1 WREV301 11
Enterprise Systems Development Semester 2 WREV312 11
Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
Internet Marketing Strategies Semester 2 EBMV332 14
Credits Third Year 123
Total Credits 365


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals1.1 WRFV101
Programming Fundamentals WRAV102 Programming Fundamentals WRAV101
Business Accounting 1B RNCV112 Business Accounting RNCV111
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Year 2
Information Systems 2.1 WRIV201 Computing Fundamentals1.1 WRFV101
Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202 Information Systems 2.1 WRIV201
Web Systems 2.1 WRWV201 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Programming Fundamentals WRAV102
Web Systems 2.2 WRWV202 Web Systems 2.1 WRWV201
Business Process Modelling WRBP211 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Business Systems 2 WRBV202 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Marketing Management EBMV201 Introduction to the Business EB122

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Logistics and Purchasing EBMV202 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions
Marketing Communication EBMV212 Marketing Management EBMV201
Customer Relationship EBFV202 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions
Year 3
Database Systems 3 WRDV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Project WRRV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Management Information WRBV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Systems 3.1
Management Information WRBV302 Management Information WRBV301
Systems 3.2 Systems 3.1
User Interface Design WUIV302 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
ERP Systems 3.1 WREV301 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Financial Management EBMV301 Introduction to the Business EB122
General and Strategic EBMV302 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions
Internet Marketing Strategies EBMV332 Marketing Communication EBMV212



Qualification code: 40201

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 376


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The BCom degree in Hospitality Management has been designed to meet the growing
managerial needs of the Southern African hospitality marketplace, and especially in the
Eastern Cape.

While students will get the opportunity to develop practical and operational expertise in the
industry, the degree programme aims to provide students with a comprehensive education in
aspects of economics, business management, financial accounting, information systems and
logistics, operations and marketing management, with a focus on the hospitality and tourism

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires
a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum
Applicant Score of 405.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 50% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics
or 70% for Mathematical Literacy.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Site of offering:
The qualification shall be offered at 2nd Avenue Campus of the university.

Equipment kits:
It is required for the Food Science modules that all students must purchase/obtain specific
equipment before the commencement of practical training. The Department of Dietetics will
supply the kits with all the equipment and laboratory uniform but students are responsible for
the cost of the kits. Students have to pay for these kits before 1 March of every year. The
cost of the kits will be communicated to students at the end of the previous year and at the
beginning of each year again. Students will sign the list of equipment that they will receive
and receive a copy of the signed list.

Laboratory fee:
The cost relating to laboratory work and the transportation fee of Hospitality students in the
Food Science and Food Service modules from and to certain laboratory/teaching sites from
first year will be recovered in full from the students concerned. In other words, students are
responsible for a laboratory fee.

The qualification shall be offered over a minimum of three years of full-time.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Computing Fundamentals Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Professional English Semester 2 LEBV102 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STBS102 12
Business Management and Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EBEB101 12
Business Management Functions Semester 2 EBEB102 12
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Food Science Principles Semester 1 DFC111 15
Introduction to Food Service 1 Semester 2 DFS112 15
Credits First Year 130

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Microeconomics Semester 1 ECEC101 12
Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECEC102 12
Applied Nutrition Semester 1 DWN231 15
Applied Food Science Semester 2 DFCH212 15
Accommodation Management Semester 1 BACC201 12
Law for Hospitality Managers Semester 2 JCP202 12
Human Resource Management Semester 1 EZGS211 12
Hospitality Information Systems Semester 2 WRHM202 12
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBHM201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBHM202 14
Credits Second Year 130

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Hospitality Financial Management Semester 1 EBHM311 24
Hospitality General & Strategic Management Semester 2 EBHM312 24
Events Management Semester 1 TEHM201 12
Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism
Management Semester 1 TOUR321 24
International Hospitality Marketing Strategy Semester 2 EBHM332 24
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBCR202 12
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 380

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Year 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFC102 Computing WRFC101
Fundamentals 1.1
Business Accounting 1B RNC112/RNCV112 Business Accounting RNC111/RNC
Year 2
Hospitality Information Systems WRHM202 Computing WRFC101
Fundamentals 1.1 WRFC102
Fundamentals 1.2
Marketing Management EBHM201 Business EBEB102
Year 3
Hospitality Financial Management EBHM311 Business EBEB102
Management STBS102
Business Statistics
International Hospitality Marketing EBHM332 Hospitality EBHM201
Strategy Information Systems
Hospitality WRHM202
Information Systems
Customer Relationship EBCR202 Business EBEB102
Management Management


Qualification code: 40150

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 368


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

Efficient and effective Logistics, Transport and Supply Chain Management play critical roles
in the success of modern business firms. The proper management of these three focus
areas is essential for the creation of a competitive advantage as it impacts directly on cost
structures, customer service levels and overall profitability.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The BCom in Logistics and Transport Economics introduces and prepares the student for
the ever-changing demands of the business world. This programme will enable students to
apply themselves in line with the demands and challenges of real-world Logistics, Transport
and Supply Chain Management related issues.

A major in Logistics and Transport Economics will equip graduates with additional
capabilities and widen their career possibilities.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 50% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over a minimum period of three years or a maximum period of
five years of full time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNCV111 12
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNCV112 12
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
English Communication
Professional English* Semester 2 LEBV102 12
Core modules:
Business Administration and Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Credits First Year 124

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Labour Law I Semester 1 JHLV101 12
Core modules:
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Logistics and Transport Economics
Introduction to Logistics and Transport
Economics (Major) Semester 1 EBLV211 14
Costing and Estimating (Major) Semester 2 EBLV212 14
Projects and Special Imperatives (Major) Semester 2 ECTV202 14
Resource Allocation (Major) Semester 2 ECTV212 14
Supply Chain Management (Major) Semester 1 EBLV201 14
Procurement* Semester 2 EBLV202 14
Credits Second Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Public Economics Semester 1 ECC301 10
Economics of Financial Markets Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics Semester 1 ECC321 10
Development Economics Semester 2 ECC302 10
International Economics Semester 2 ECC312 10
Economic and Development Ethics Semester 2 ECC332 10
Transport Economics
Transport Systems Semester 1 EBLV311 15
Transport Applications Semester 2 ECTV302 15
Inbound Logistics Semester 1 EBLV301 15
Outbound Logistics Semester 2 EBLV302 15
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 368

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

First Year
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Business Accounting 1B RNCV112 Business Accounting 1A At least 45%
in RNCV111
to continue
Second Year
Macro Economics ECC201 Introduction to ECC102
Micro Economics ECC202 Introduction to ECC101
Third Year
Public Economics ECC301 Introduction to EC102 &
Macroeconomics and EC202
Economics of Financial ECC311 Introduction to ECC101 &
Markets Microeconomics and ECC201
Econometrics ECC321 Microeconomics and ECC201 &
Macroeconomics ECC202
Development Economics ECC302 Introduction to ECC101 &
Microeconomics and ECC201
International Economics ECC312 Microeconomics and ECC201 &
Macroeconomics ECC202
Economic and Development ECC332 Introduction to EC102 &
Ethics Macroeconomics and EC202
Inbound Logistics EBLV301 Supply Chain Management EBLV201
Outbound Logistics EBLV302 Supply Chain Management EBLV201

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40031

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 374

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:
• Admission Points Score of 38.
• Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met.
• English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least
NSC level 5 (60-69%).
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 4 (50-59%) for Mathematics.
• Applicants with an Admission Points Score between 30 and 37 may be referred to write
the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the
applicant to the course.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2019.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2023.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB101 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB102 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 EC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 EC102 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Industrial Psychology Semester 1 EZZ101 12
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZ102 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 R101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 R102 14
General Accounting 1B Semester 2 RG102 14
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Company Law 121 Semester 2 JHM121 12
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBM201 14
Marketing Communication Management Semester 2 EBM203 14
Business Ethics Semester 2 EBF209 10
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBF207 12
Accounting 2A Semester 1 R201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 R202 14
General Accounting 2A Semester 1 RG201 14
General Accounting 2B Semester 2 RG202 14
Commercial Law 121 Semester 1 JHA121 12
Commercial Law 221 Semester 2 JHA221 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACC101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAE102 12
Credits Second Year 126

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBM301 24
Internet Marketing Strategies Semester 2 EBM304 14
International Marketing Management and Strategy Semester 2 EBM305 24
Computer Science II
Web Page Design 2.1 Semester 1 WWDV201 7
Web Page Design 2.2 Semester 2 WWDV202 7
Accounting 3A Semester 1 R301 24
Accounting 3B Semester 2 R302 24
General Accounting 3A Semester 1 RG301 24
General Accounting 3B Semester 2 RG302 24
Credits Third Year 124
Total Credits 374


Qualification code: 40029

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 368 to 370


This qualification does not allow the student to continue with the Honours degree in

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:
• Admission Points Score of 38.
• Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met.
• English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least
level 5 (60-69%).
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 4 (50-59%) for Mathematics.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Applicants with an Admission Points Score between 30 and 37 may be referred to write
the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the
applicant to the course.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2019.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2023.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB101 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB102 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 EC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 EC102 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Industrial Psychology Semester 1 EZZ101 12
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZ102 12
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNC111 12
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNC112 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Commercial Law 121 Semester 1 JHA121 12
Credits First Year 124

Second Year

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBM201 14
Marketing Communication Management Semester 2 EBM203 14
Business Ethics Semester 2 EBF209 10
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBF207 12
Macroeconomics Semester 1 EC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 EC202 14
Commercial Law 221 Semester 2 JHA221 12
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACC101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAE102 12
Select one of the following:
A Mathematics
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 1 MATA101 8
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 2 MATA102 8
B Business Management
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBM202 14
Credits Second Year 130/128

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBM301 24
Internet Marketing Strategies Semester 2 EBM304 14
International Marketing Management and Strategy Semester 2 EBM305 24
Computer Science II
Web Page Design 2.1 Semester 1 WWDV201 7
Web Page Design 2.2 Semester 2 WWDV202 7
Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Semester 1 EMC301 20
Economics of Financial Markets (optional) Semester 1 ECO302 10
Econometrics (compulsory) Semester 1 ECO304 10
Economics of Development (compulsory) Semester 2 ECD302 20

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Resource, Environmental and Ecological Semester 2 ENR302 10
Economics (optional)
Labour Economics (optional) Semester 2 ECO307 10
Credits Third Year 116
Total Credits 368/370


Qualification code: 40032

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 6
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 381


This qualification does not allow the student to continue with the Honours degree in Industrial

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:
• Admission Points Score of 38.
• Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met.
• English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least
NSC level 5 (60-69%).
• NSC achievement rating of at least level 4 (50-59%) for Mathematics.
• Applicants with an Admission Points Score between 30 and 37 may be referred to write
the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the
applicant to the course.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2019.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2023.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB101 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB102 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 EC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 EC102 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Introduction to Industrial Psychology Semester 1 EZZ101 12
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZ102 12
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNC111 12
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNC112 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Business Statistics (only for students majoring in
Industrial Psychology) Semester 2 STAE102 12
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBM201 14
Marketing Communication Management Semester 2 EBM203 14
Financial Planning
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBF207 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Human Resource Management: Procurement Semester 1 EZA201 12
Labour Relations Semester 1 EZB201 12
Human Resource Management: Development Semester 2 EZC202 12
Human Resource Management: Reward
Systems Semester 2 EZD202 12
Workplace Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Semester 2 EZE202 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Introduction to Labour Law Semester 1 JHL102 12
Commercial Law 121 Semester 1 JHA121 12
Commercial Law 221 Semester 2 JHA221 12
Credits Second Year 136

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management (Major)
Financial Management Semester 1 EBM301 24
Internet Marketing Strategies Semester 2 EBM304 14
International Marketing Management and
Strategy Semester 2 EBM305 24
Computer Science II
Web Page Design 2.1 Semester 1 WWDV201 7
Web Page Design 2.2 Semester 2 WWDV202 7
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Consumer Behaviour Semester 1 EZZ321 15
Career Management Semester 2 EZZ332 15
Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZ341 15
Credits Third Year 121
Total Credits 381



Qualification code: 40040

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 372


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The primary purpose of this qualification is to equip candidates with intellectual competencies
and practical skills in the acquisition, analysis, interpretation and application of a range of
marketing management principles in the different functional units of the business organisation.
Candidates will also be able to reflect on managerial strategies, decision-making and

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

applications to assess their effect in the context of marketing management as a professional


This qualification allows students to continue with the Honours Degree in Business

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics or Technical Mathematics requires a
minimum Applicant Score of 390.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy requires a minimum Applicant
Score of 405.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 50% for Mathematics or Technical Mathematics or
70% for Mathematical Literacy.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over three years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Business Accounting 1A Semester 1 RNC111/ 12
Business Accounting 1B Semester 2 RNC112/ 12
Industrial and Organisational Psychology (IOP)
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Semester 2 EZZV102 12
Mathematics for Accountancy Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Marketing and Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Marketing Research Semester 1 EBMV231 14
Marketing Communication Management Semester 2 EBMV212 14
Financial Planning
Business Ethics Semester 2 EBFV212 10
Customer Relationship Management Semester 2 EBFV202 12
Computer Science
Web Page Design Semester 1 WWDV201 7
Web Page Design Semester 2 WWDV202 7
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Commercial Law II Semester 2 JHAV202 12
Credits Second Year 116

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Marketing Management
Services Marketing Semester 1 EBMV341 24
Internet Marketing Semester 2 EBMV342 24
International Marketing Management and
Strategy Semester 2 EBMV305 24
Business Management
Financial Management Semester 1 EBMV301 24
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
Credits Third Year 120
Total Credits 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Business Accounting 1B RNC112/ Business Accounting 1A RNC111
RNCV112 Business Accounting 1A RNCV111
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Year 2
Marketing Management EBMV201 Introduction to the Business EB122
Logistics and Purchasing EBMV202 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions
Marketing Communication EBMV212 Marketing Management EBMV201
Customer Relationship EBFV207 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions
Web Page Design WRWDV201 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV101
Web Page Design WRWDV202 Web Systems 2.1 WRWDV20
Year 3
Services Marketing EBMV341 Marketing Management EBMV201
Internet Marketing EBMV342 Marketing Management EBMV201
Marketing Communication EBMV212
Web Page Design WRWD202
International Marketing EBMV305 Marketing Management EBMV201
Management and Strategy
Financial Management EBMV301 Introduction to the Business EB122
General and Strategic EBMV302 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 42213

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 510


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme provides candidates who wish to qualify as Chartered Accountants, with the
opportunity also to major in Computer Science and Information Systems. After completing
this degree, students may proceed to studies for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and
then to the professional examinations administered by the South African Institute of Chartered
Accountants and the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 410.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 65% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


For purposes of this curriculum, the 'RGV' module can substitute for the related 'RV' module.
For example, the student will be permitted to have passed RGV201 (General Accounting 2A)
instead of RV201 (Accounting 2A).

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Business Management
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 1 MATS101 8
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 2 MATS102 8
Computer Science
Programming Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRAV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Programming Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRAV102 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
Credits First Year 132

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Advanced Company Law Semester 1 JHMV201 12
Commercial Law II Semester 2 JHAV202 12
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Mathematics (Special) B Semester 1 MATB111 8
Mathematics (Special) B Semester 2 MATB112 8
Computer Science II
Data Structures and Algorithms 2.1 Semester 1 WRAV201 8
Computer Architecture and Networks 2 Semester 1 WRCV201 6
Information Systems 2.1 Semester 1 WRIV201 6
Data Structures and Algorithms 2.2 Semester 2 WRAV202 8
Business Systems 2 Semester 2 WRBV202 8
Information Systems 2.2 Semester 2 WRIV202 6
Credits Second Year 130

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Computer Science III
Advanced Programming 3.1 Semester 1 WRPV301 10
Database Systems 3 Semester 1 WRDV301 7
Management Information Systems 3.1 Semester 1 WRBV301 8
Advanced Programming 3.2 Semester 2 WRPV302 11
User Interface Design Semester 2 WUIV302 7
Management Information Systems 3.2 Semester 2 WRBV302 8
Project Year WRRV301 9
Credits Third Year 110

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RKV301 15
Auditing 3A Semester 1 ROV301 15
Taxation 3A Semester 1 RTV301 15
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RKV302 15
Auditing 3B Semester 2 ROV302 15
Taxation 3B Semester 2 RTV302 15
Credits Fourth Year 138
Total Credits 510


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Mathematics (Special) A MATS102 Mathematics Special A MATS101

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Programming Fundamentals WRAV102 Programming Fundamentals WRAV101
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1A RV101
Year 2
Ethics and Corporate REV201 Company Law JHMV102
Taxation 2A RTV202 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Mathematics (Special) B MATB111 Mathematics (Special) A MATS101
Mathematics (Special) B MATB112 Mathematics (Special) A MATS102
Data Structures and WRAV201 Mathematics (Special) A MATS101
Logarithms 2.1 Mathematics (Special) A MATS102
Programming Fundamentals WRAV102
1B WRFV102
Computing Fundamentals 1.2
Computer Architecture and WRCV201 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Networks 2 Programming Fundamentals WRAV102
1B MATS101
Mathematics Special A MATS102
Mathematics (Special ) A
Information Systems 2.1 WRIV201 Programming Fundamentals WRAV102
1B WRFV101
Computing Fundamentals 1.1
Data Structures and WRAV202 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Algorithms 2.2 Data Structures and WRAV201
Algorithms 2.1
Business Systems 2 WRBV202 Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202 Information Systems 2.1 WRIV201
Year 3
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 1A RV101
Accounting 1B RV102
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2A RV201
Auditing 2A ROV202 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Computer Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Management Accounting 2A RKV202 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Business Statistics 1 STAV102
Advanced Programming 3.1 WRPV301 Data Structures and WRAV202
Algorithms WRIV202
Information Systems 2.2
Database Systems 3 WRDV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Management Information WRBV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Systems 3.1

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Advanced Programming 3.2 WRPV302 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Advanced Programming 3.1 WRPV301
User Interface Design WUIV302 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Management Information WRBV302 Management Information WRBV301
Systems 3.2 Systems 3.1
Project WRRV301 Information Systems 2.2 WRIV202
Year 4
Accounting 3A RV301 Accounting 2 A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Management Accounting 3A RKV301 Management Accounting 2A RKV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Auditing 3A ROV301 Auditing 2 ROV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202

Taxation 3A RTV301 Taxation2 RTV202

Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Accounting 3B RV302 Accounting 3A RV301
Management Accounting 3B RKV302 Management Accounting 2 RKV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Auditing 3B ROV302 Auditing 3A ROV301
Taxation 3B RTV302 Taxation 3A RTV301



Qualification code: 42211

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 494 to 498


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This programme provides candidates who wish to qualify as Chartered Accountants (SA) with
the opportunity of an additional major in Economics or Business Management.

After completing this degree, students may proceed to the Postgraduate Diploma in
Accountancy, and then to the professional examinations administered by the South African
Institute of Chartered Accountants(SAICA) and complete a three-year training contract, in
order to qualify as a chartered accountant.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 410.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 65% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


For purposes of this curriculum, the 'RGV' module can substitute for the related 'RV' module.
For example, the student will be permitted to have passed RGV201 (General Accounting 2A)
instead of RV201 (Accounting 2A).

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Commercial Law I Semester 1 JHA131 12
Company Law Semester 2 JHMV102 12
Computer Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits First Year 112

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Marketing Management Semester 1 EBMV201 14

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Logistics and Purchasing Management Semester 2 EBMV202 14
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Microeconomics Semester 2 ECC202 14
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 1 MATS101 8
Mathematics (Special) A Semester 2 MATS102 8
Advanced Company Law Semester 1 JHMV201 12
Commercial Law II Semester 2 JHAV202 12
Credits Second Year 120

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Sub-total 74
Select either group A (majoring in Business Management) or B (majoring in
A Business Management (Major)
General and Strategic Management Semester 2 EBMV302 24
B Minimum three Economics modules
Micro- and Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Semester 1 EMC301 20
Economics of Financial Markets (optional) Semester 1 ECC311 10
Econometrics (compulsory) Semester 1 ECC321 10
Economics of Development (compulsory) Semester 2 ECD302 20
Resource, Environmental and Ecological Semester 2 ENR302 10
Economics (optional)
Labour Economics (optional) Semester 2 ECC322 10
Credits Third Year 124/128

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RKV302 15
Auditing 3A Semester 1 ROV301 15
Taxation 3A Semester 1 RTV301 15
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RKV302 15
Auditing 3B Semester 2 ROV302 15
Taxation 3B Semester 2 RTV302 15
Credits Fourth Year 138
Total Credits 494/498


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Year 2
Marketing Management EBMV201 Introduction to the Business EB122
Logistics and Purchasing EBMV202 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions
Macroeconomics ECC201 Introduction to Macro Economics ECC102
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Mathematics (Special)A MATS102 Mathematics Special MATS101
Year 3
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 1A RV101
Accounting 1B RV102
Ethics and Corporate REV201 Company Law JHMV102
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2A RV201
Auditing 2A ROV202 General Accounting 1B RGV102
Accounting 1A RV101
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102
Taxation 2A RTV202 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Management Accounting 2A RKV202
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Accounting 1A RV101
Business Statistics 1 STAV102
Economics of Development ECD302 Macro Economics ECC201
Micro Economics ECC202
Economics of Financial Markets ECC311 Introduction to Micro Economics ECC101
Macro Economics ECC201
Econometrics ECC321 Macro Economics ECC201
Micro Economics ECC202
Micro- and Macroeconomic EMC301 Macro Economics ECC201
Theory and Policy Micro Economics ECC202
Labour Economics ECC322 Introduction to Macro Economics ECC102
Micro Economics ECC202
Resource, Environmental and ENR302 Macro Economics ECC201
Ecological Economics Micro Economics ECC202
General and Strategic EBMV302 Introduction to the Business EB122
Management Functions

Year 4
Accounting 3A RV301 Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Accounting 3B RV302 Accounting 3A RV301
Management Accounting 3A RKV302 Management Accounting 2 RKV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Auditing 3A ROV301 Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Taxation 3A RTV301 Taxation 2 RTV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Auditing 3B ROV302 Auditing 3A ROV301
Taxation 3B RTV302 Taxation 3A RTV301

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 42212

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 518


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
This programme provides candidates, who wish to qualify as Chartered Accountants, with the
opportunity of an additional major in Law. Graduates who followed the Law curriculum can
also proceed to LLB studies with a view to entering the legal profession. After completing this
degree, students may proceed to studies for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and then
to the professional examinations administered by the South African Institute of Chartered
Accountants and the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors in order to qualify as
Chartered Accountants (SA).

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 410.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 65% for English Home or 70% for English First
Additional Language.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 65% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


For purposes of this curriculum, the 'RGV' module can substitute for the related 'RV' module.
For example, the student will be permitted to have passed RGV201 (General Accounting 2A)
instead of RV201 (Accounting 2A).

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2019.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2024.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and
Entrepreneurship Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Research and Reading Skills 101 Term 1 JJSV101 6
Writing Skills 111 Term 2 JJSV111 6
Introduction to Law 101 Semester 1 JLKV101 12
Law of Persons 101 Semester 1 JLPV101 12
Advocacy Skills 102 Term 3 JJSV102 6
Numeracy Skills 112 Semester 2 JJSV112 6
Introduction to Law 102 Semester 2 JLKV102 12
Family Law 102 Semester 2 JLVV102 12
Computer Science
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Credits First Year 124

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Business Management
Introduction to the Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Constitutional Law 101 Semester 1 JJTV101 12
Law of Contract 201 Semester 1 JLCV201 12
Constitutional Law 102 Semester 2 JJTV102 12
Law of Contract 202 Semester 2 JLCV202 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits Second Year 122

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Specific Contracts A 301 Semester 1 JLQV301 12
Specific Contracts B 311 Semester 1 JLQV311 12
Business Entities Law 301 Semester 1 JMBV301 12
Labour Law 302 Semester 2 JMLV302 12
Company Law 302 Semester 2 JMMV302 12
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Credits Third Year 134

Module Credit
Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RKV302 15
Auditing 3A Semester 1 ROV301 15
Taxation 3A Semester 1 RTV301 15
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RKV302 15
Auditing 3B Semester 2 ROV302 15
Taxation 3B Semester 2 RTV302 15
Credits Fourth Year 138
Total Credits 518

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Year 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Year 2
Macro Economics ECC201 Introduction to Macro ECC102
Constitutional Law JJTV102 Constitutional Law 101 JJTV101
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1A RV101

Year 3
Specific Contracts A JLQV301 Law of contract JLCV202
Specific Contacts B JLVQ311 Law of Contract JLCV201
Company Law JMMV302 Business Entities Law JMBV301
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 1A RV101
Accounting 1B RV102
Ethics and Corporate REV201 Company Law JHMV1X1
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2A RV201
Auditing 2A ROV202 General Accounting 1B RGV102
Accounting 1A RV101
Taxation 2A RTV202 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Management Accounting 2A RKV202 General Accounting 1B RGV102
Business Statistics 1 STAV102
Year 4
Accounting 3A RV301 Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Management Accounting 3A RKV302 Management Accounting 2 RKV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Auditing 3A ROV301 Auditing 2 ROV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Taxation 3A RTV301 Taxation 2 RTV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Accounting 3B RV302 Accounting 3A RV301
Management Accounting 3B RKV302 Management Accounting 2 RKV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Auditing 3B ROV302 Auditing 3A ROV301

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Taxation 3B RTV302 Taxation3A RTV301



Qualification code: 42222

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 7
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 518


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The BCom Accounting Science (Law) programme was introduced as stakeholders in the legal
and accounting professions have for many years asserted that it is important to expose
prospective new entrants to the respective professions to a wider range of law and accounting
disciplines in order to equip them optimally for the challenges of their chosen career, an
approach which has also been strongly endorsed by the respective Faculties and professions.
The BCom Accounting Science (Law) programme has served this purpose well over the years.
However, in the world of the legal practitioner, many a case arises where stringent financial
analyses relating to legal compliance are required in order to formulate the appropriate legal
response. Similar situations arise vice versa in the professional world of the accountant and
auditor. The BCom Accounting Science (Law) programme, with an under-graduate specialty
in the Accounting Sciences, is tailor-made to provide this two-way approach to legal and
financial matters.

Once this four-year undergraduate qualification is conferred, the graduate has the option to
either go the route of qualifying as a Chartered Accountant or to complete two more years
towards obtaining the LLLB degree. The latter opens the door to qualify as a legal practitioner.

• Minimum NSC statutory requirements for degree entry must be met.
• An applicant with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics requires a minimum Applicant Score of 410.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 65% for English Home or 70% for English First
Additional Language.
• NSC achievement rating of at least 65% for Mathematics.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over four years of full-time study.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


For purposes of this curriculum, the ‘RGV’ module can substitute for the related ‘RV’ module.
For example, the student will be permitted to have passed RGV201 (General Accounting 2A)
instead of RV201 (Accounting 2A). [1] Special condition for Law of Sale and Lease
JLQV302: Must have obtained at least 45% for Law of Contract JLCV200.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Business Management
Introduction to Business Management and Semester 1 EB121 12
Introduction to Microeconomics Semester 1 ECC101 12
Introduction to Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECC102 12
Legal Skills Year JJSV100 18
Introduction to Law Year JLKV100 24
Law of Persons Semester 1 JLPV101 12
Family Law Semester 2 JLVV102 12
Computing Science I
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 Semester 1 WRFV101 8
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 Semester 2 WRFV102 8
Credits Frist Year 118

Presented Module Credit

Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECC201 14
Business Management
Introduction to Business Functions Semester 2 EB122 12
Constitutional Law Year JJTV200 18
Law of Contract Year JLCV200 24
Legal Interpretation Year JJUV100 12
Accounting 1A Semester 1 RV101 10
Accounting 1B Semester 2 RV102 14

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Mathematics for Accounting Semester 1 MACV101 12
Business Statistics Semester 2 STAV102 12
Credits Second Year 128

Presented Module Credit

Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Law of Sale and Lease [1] Semester 2 JLQV302 12
Law of Property Semester 1 JLTV201 12
Business Entities Year JBEV300 24
Labour Law 302 Year JMLV300 12
Accounting 2A Semester 1 RV201 14
Ethics and Corporate Governance Semester 1 REV201 14
Accounting 2B Semester 2 RV202 14
Auditing 2A Semester 2 ROV202 12
Taxation 2A Semester 2 RTV202 10
Management Accounting 2A Semester 2 RKV202 10
Credits Third Year 134

Presented Module Credit

Code Value
Fourth Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting 3A Semester 1 RV301 24
Management Accounting 3A Semester 1 RKV302 15
Auditing 3A Semester 1 ROV301 15
Taxation 3A Semester 1 RTV301 15
Accounting 3B Semester 2 RV302 24
Management Accounting 3B Semester 2 RKV302 15
Auditing 3B Semester 2 ROV302 15
Taxation 3B Semester 2 RTV302 15
Credits Fourth Year 138
Total Credits 518

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Year 1
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV102 Computing Fundamentals 1.1 WRFV101
Year 2
Macroeconomics ECC201 Introduction to Macro Economics ECC102
Accounting 1B RV102 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Law of Sale and Lease JLQV302 Law of contract Must have
Special Condition: obtained at
least 45% for
Law of
Accounting 2A RV201 Accounting 1A RV101
Accounting 1B RV102
Accounting 2B RV202 Accounting 2A RV201
Auditing 2A ROV202 Accounting 1A RGV102
Computing Fundamentals 1.1 RV101
Computing Fundamentals 1.2 WRFV101
Taxation 2A RTV202 Accounting 1A RV101
General Accounting 1B RGV102
Management Accounting 2A RKV202 General Accounting 1B RGV102
Accounting 1A RV101
Business Statistics 1 STAV102
Year 4
Accounting 3A RV301 Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Accounting 3B RV302 Accounting 3A RV301
Management Accounting 3A RKV302 Management Accounting 2 RKV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Auditing 3A ROV301 Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Taxation 3A RTV301 Taxation 2 RTV202
Accounting 2A RV201
Accounting 2B RV202
Auditing 3B ROV302 Auditing 3A ROV301
Taxation 3B RTV302 Taxation 3A RTV301

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University




Qualification code: 40541

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The qualification aims to prepare Honours students for research-based postgraduate study in
Business Management by including a discrete research component in the curriculum; and
It aims to consolidate and deepen the student’s knowledge and expertise relating to advanced
contemporary business management theories and practices, and to develop appropriate
applied competence to meet the need of the South African economy for well-qualified and
competent business managers. As a result the graduates will enter the business environment
as well-rounded corporate citizens capable of gainful economic activity, mindful of their social
and environmental responsibilities.

Unless otherwise approved by the Head of the Department, the entrance requirement is an
average mark of at least 60% for the third-year Business Management modules.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


A maximum of two Honours modules (NQF Level 8) from another programme may be selected
in consultation with and approved by the Head of the Department of Economics.


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2022.
The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is end 2022.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time study.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Presented Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Advanced Strategic Management Semester 1 EBMH411 20
Treatise Year EBML410 30
Business Research Semester 1/2 EBMR420 10
Corporate Citizenship Semester 1 EBMX401 20
Select two of the following modules:
Investment Management Semester 2 EBMG402 20
Advanced Strategic and International Marketing Semester 2 EBMI402 20
Financial Management Semester 2 EBMJ402 20
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management Year EBMN410 20
Total Credits 120



Qualification code: 40520

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

Programme purpose
The programme purpose is to provide candidates with the opportunity to access and acquire
contemporary knowledge and develop competences through active engagement with the field
of study known as Development Studies and its theories, principles, discourse, practices and
policies of promoting integrated and holistic human development.

Programme outcomes
Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of contemporary development theory and the
competence to identify, analyse, evaluate and address complex socio-economic development
problems, review issues, offer and communicate creative insights, make decisions and use
resources accountably and ethically with emphasis on strong community acceptance and

A Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent NQF Level 7 qualification with a major in one of the
following fields: Development Studies, Anthropology, Geography, Sociology, Environmental
Sciences, Economics, Economic History, Public Administration, Political Science, Social

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Development or Human Settlements, and a cumulative aggregate of at least 60% in the final
year of the qualification.

Selection criteria
Because of restrictions in respect of student numbers, candidates will be selected based on
the following criteria:

• Candidates who meet the admission requirements and with a previous

qualification in Development Studies will be given preference.

The remainder of qualified applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:

o Presentation of a 3-page curriculum vitae (CV) that highlights the candidate’s

previous engagement in socio-economic development-related activities,
nationally, provincially and/or locally;

o A cover letter of no more than 100 words attached to the above-mentioned CV,
motivating why the candidate should be considered for selection to the Bachelor
of Commerce Honours in Development Studies;
o Only candidates with demonstrated levels of digital literacy will be considered for
o Selection will take place during the course of the year of application and
successful candidates will be informed not later than 20 December of that year.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

Applicants who do not meet the direct admission requirements as stipulated, but who
can demonstrate experiential or work-based learning at an equivalent level (NQF 7)
may be considered for RPL provided a proper structured assessment of the prior
learning is conducted in terms of the NMU RPL Policy. Such candidates may be
required to broaden their knowledge base by enrolling for identified preliminary
modules prior to admission or parallel modules after admission.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The minimum duration for completion of the BA Honours Development Studies is one year of
full-time study and two years of part-time study.

Not all modules may necessarily be offered in a particular year. Please consult the timetable
on the website.
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Development Theory Semester 1 DEV401 20
Development Policy Semester 2 DEV402 20
Guided Research Report Year DEV403 40

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Electives (select two):
Development Studies: Capita Selecta Semester 2 DEV422 20
Rural Development Practice Semester 2 DEV404 20
Transformational Management Semester 1 DEV405 20
Project Management for Economic Development Semester 1 DEV406 20
Conflict Management for Development Practitioners Semester 2 DEV407 20
Selected Issues in Economic Development Semester 1 DEV408 20
Geospatial Methods for Development Semester 2 DEV412 20
Local Economic Development: Perspectives,
Policies and Practice Semester 2 DEV414 20
Total Credits 120


Qualification code: 40543

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 126


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of this particular degree programme is to expose graduates to and familiarise
them with advanced contemporary Economics theories, concepts and practices and the
applied competence to meet the need of the South African economy for well-qualified and
competent professional economists. Students’ knowledge and expertise in the field of
Economics will be consolidated and deepened and a high level of theoretical and practical
engagement facilitated with a view to developing intellectual independence.

Unless otherwise approved by the Head of the Department, the entrance requirement is a
mark of 60 for each of the third-year Economics modules.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


A maximum of two Honours modules (NQF Level 8) from another programme may be selected
in consultation with and approved by the Head of the Department of Economics.


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2022.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is end 2022.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Microeconomics Semester 1 ECH401 15
Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECI402 15
Treatise Year ECN410 30
Research Methods Semester 1 ECX401 10
Electives: Select any four (4) electives from the list of modules below:
International Economics Semester 1 ECE411 14
Public Sector Economics Semester 1 ECG411 14
Development Economics Semester 1 ECK401 14
Financial Economics Semester 2 ECM402 14
Environmental Economics Semester 2 ECO402 14
Econometrics Semester 1 ECP411 14
Financial Econometrics Semester 2 ECR402 14
Total Credits 126


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Financial Econometrics ECR402 Econometrics ECP411

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40528

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

Industrial and Organisational Psychology (IOP) as a course of study has become

increasingly relevant in the modern era. Evidence of that can be found in the significant
volume of research-based publications, providing Industrial and Organisational
Psychologists not only with a deeper understanding of human behaviour in the workplace,
but also insight into the physical and psychological conditions of employees in diverse socio-
economic work environments. These insights ultimately result in an improvement in the
quality of life for employees, as well as the overall effectiveness of organisations in a local
and global context. IOP makes large contributions to organisational effectiveness by
enhancing performance, satisfaction, wellbeing, motivation and attitudes of employees.

A Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management, or an
equivalent qualification, with an average mark of at least 60% for the required Industrial and
Organisational Psychology modules at NQF Level 7.

Any deviation from these admission requirements is subject to approval by the Head of
Department of IOP in terms of guidelines provided by the Faculty Management Committee.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2022.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is end 2022.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Research Methodology Semester 1 EIT411 10
Occupational Counselling Semester 2 EZZC402 20

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Advanced Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZG411 20
Advanced Human Resource Management Semester 1 EZZH401 20
Psychometrics Semester 2 EZZN402 20
Treatise Year EZZT400 30
Total Credits 120



Qualification code: 40530

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 122


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The overall aim of the Honours programme is to provide graduates with a strong grasp of the
theoretical foundations and insight into the core values and principles informing LR and HR
best practice.

Following on a Bachelor’s degree, this Honours programme is a post-graduate specialisation

that provides students with an opportunity for advanced study in the area, thus consolidating
and deepening the students’ knowledge and expertise relating to theories and practices of LR
and HR.

• Persons shall not be registered as candidates for the Honours degree except by
permission of the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, on the recommendation of
the Head of the Department concerned.
• Unless Senate decides otherwise, candidates shall be admitted only if they have a first
degree with an aggregate pass of at least 60% with major subjects of at least one of the
following: Sociology, Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Economics or Business
Economics, Labour Law or Political Science, Business Management or Human Resource
• In addition, candidates may be required to supplement their knowledge of a particular topic
to the satisfaction of the Head of Department before being allowed to proceed to the
corresponding section of the Honours degree.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2022.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is end 2022.

The qualification shall extend full-time over a minimum period of one academic year.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Labour Relations and Human Resources Theory Semester 1 EIR411 20
Treatise Year EIT410 30
Research Methodology Semester 1 EIT411 10
Selected Human Resource Issues Semester 2 EIU412 14
Labour Law Semester 2 EIV412 14
Business, Labour and Collective Bargaining Semester 2 EIW412 14
Advanced Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZG411 20
Total Credits 122



Qualification code: 40540

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

Following on the Bachelor’s degree, this Honours degree is a first postgraduate specialisation
in the field of Business, Commerce and Management Studies (NSB03) and aims to develop
students with an increased measure of intellectual independence through an advanced level
of theoretical and practical engagement.
The qualification aims to prepare Honours students for research-based postgraduate study in
Business Management by including a discrete research component in the curriculum; and
It aims to consolidate and deepen the student’s knowledge and expertise relating to advanced
contemporary business management theories and practices, and to develop appropriate
applied competence to meet the need of the South African economy for well-qualified and
competent business managers. As a result the graduates will enter the business environment

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

as well-rounded corporate citizens capable of gainful economic activity, mindful of their social
and environmental responsibilities.

Unless otherwise approved by the Head of the Department, the entrance requirement is an
average mark of at least 60 for the third-year Business Management modules.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


A maximum of two Honours modules (NQF Level 8) from another programme may be selected
in consultation with and approved by the Head of the Department of Business Management.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Advanced Strategic Management Semester 1 EBMH411 20
Treatise Year EBML410 30
Business Research Semester 1/2 EBMR420 10
Corporate Citizenship Semester 1 EBMX401 20
Select two of the following modules:
Investment Management Semester 2 EBMG402 20
Advanced Strategic and International Marketing Semester 2 EBMI402 20
Financial Management Semester 2 EBMJ402 20
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management Year EBMN410 20
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 40542

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 126


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of this particular degree programme is to expose graduates to and familiarise
them with advanced contemporary Economics theories, concepts and practices and the
applied competence to meet the need of the South African economy for well-qualified and
competent professional economists. Students’ knowledge and expertise in the field of
Economics will be consolidated and deepened and a high level of theoretical and practical
engagement facilitated with a view to developing intellectual independence.

Unless otherwise approved by the Head of the Department, the entrance requirement is a
mark of 60 for each of the third-year Economics modules.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


A maximum of two Honours modules (NQF Level 8) from another programme may be selected
in consultation with and approved by the Head of the Department of Economics.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Microeconomics Semester 1 ECH401 15
Macroeconomics Semester 2 ECI402 15
Treatise Year ECN410 30
Research Methods Semester 1 ECX401 10
Electives: Select any four (4) electives from the list of modules below:
International Economics Semester 1 ECE411 14
Public Sector Economics Semester 1 ECG411 14
Development Economics Semester 1 ECK401 14
Financial Economics Semester 2 ECM402 14

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Environmental Economics Semester 2 ECO402 14
Econometrics Semester 1 ECP411 14
Financial Econometrics Semester 2 ECR402 14
Total Credits 126


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Financial Econometrics ECR402 Econometrics ECP411



Qualification code: 40526

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
The BComHons (Industrial & Organisational Psychology) programme proceeds on the
pathway set by the undergraduate BCom programme, deepening and broadening the
scientific study of human behaviour in the workplace. Being the first postgraduate
specialisation in the field of IOP, it aims to develop an increased measure of intellectual
independence in students by exploring the interaction between individuals and work
processes with a view to predicting and promoting well-being and productivity and facilitating
the most advantageous use of human resources in the organisation.

A Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management, or an
equivalent qualification, with an average mark of at least 60% for the required Industrial and
Organisational Psychology modules at NQF Level 7.

Any deviation from these admission requirements is subject to approval by the Head of
Department of IOP in terms of guidelines provided by the Faculty Management Committee.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time study.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Research Methodology Semester 1 EIT411 10
Occupational Counselling Semester 2 EZZC402 20
Advanced Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZG411 20
Advanced Human Resource Management Semester 1 EZZH401 20
Psychometrics Semester 2 EZZN402 20
Treatise Year EZZT400 30
Total Credits 120



Qualification code: 40527

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 122


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The aim of the Honours programme is to provide graduates with a strong grasp of the
theoretical foundations and insight into the core values and principles informing LR and HR
best practice.
Following on a Bachelor’s degree, this Honours programme is a post-graduate specialisation
that provides students with an opportunity for advanced study in the area, thus consolidating
and deepening the students’ knowledge and expertise relating to theories and practices of LR
and HR.
Students will develop appropriate competence to meet the needs of the South African
economy for well-qualified and competent human resource and labour relations professionals.
The programme develops students’ diagnostic and practical skills so that they may bring to
any particular issue a clear understanding of the factors involved, insight into how problems
may be resolved and practical implementation plans. By including a discrete research
component in the curriculum, the programme will also prepare students for research-based
postgraduate study in human resources and labour relations.

• Persons shall not be registered as candidates for the Honours degree except by
permission of the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, on the recommendation of
the Head of the Department concerned.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Unless Senate decides otherwise, candidates shall be admitted only if they have a first
degree with an aggregate pass of at least 60% with major subjects of at least one of the
following: Sociology, Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Economics or Business
Economics, Labour Law or Political Science, Business Management or Human Resource
• In addition, candidates may be required to supplement their knowledge of a particular topic
to the satisfaction of the Head of Department before being allowed to proceed to the
corresponding section of the Honours degree.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend full-time over a minimum period of one academic year and part-
time over a minimum of two consecutive academic years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First year
Compulsory modules:
Labour Relations and Human Resources Theory Semester 1 EIR411 20
Treatise Year EIT410 30
Research Methodology Semester 1 EIT411 10
Selected Human Resource Issues Semester 2 EIU412 14
Labour Law Semester 2 EIV412 14
Business, Labour and Collective Bargaining Semester 2 EIW412 14
Advanced Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZG411 20
Total Credits 122

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First year
Compulsory modules:
Labour Relations and Human Resources Theory Semester 1 EIR411 20
Research Methodology Semester 1 EIT411 10
Labour Law Semester 2 EIV412 14
Selected Human Resource Issues Semester 2 EIU412 14
Second year
Compulsory modules:
Treatise Year EIT410 30
Business, Labour and Collective Bargaining Semester 2 EIW412 14
Advanced Organisational Behaviour Semester 1 EZZG411 20
Total Credits 122

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40522

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 125


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The BComHons programme in Tourism Management, as the first postgraduate specialisation

qualification, aims to fill this substantial need for well-qualified and competent tourism
managers to carry the industry forward to 2020 and beyond. Its purpose is to develop tourism
managers with an increasing measure of intellectual independence through an advanced level
of theoretical and practical engagement. It thus consolidates and deepens students’
knowledge and expertise relating to advanced contemporary tourism management theories
and practices and develops appropriate applied competence to meet the need for well-
qualified and competent tourism entrepreneurs, managers and strategists.
• A Bachelor’s degree with an average final mark of at least 60% for the third-year Tourism
modules (as the first major) and with Business Management or Economics as the second
major, or unless otherwise recommended by the HOD and ratified by the FMC, or
• A relevant diploma or degree approved by the FMC on behalf of Senate, coupled with prior
experiential learning, comprising no less than three years’ working experience in the field
of tourism. A candidate may be required to study additional modules prior to admission
into the programme should any of the above requirements be lacking.
Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time or two years of part-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Tourism Economics Semester 1 TEC401 20
Destination Management Semester 2 TODM402 20
Coastal and Marine Tourism Semester 2 TOMT412 20
Tourism Research Semester 1 TORE411 10
Responsible Tourism Semester 1 TORT411 20

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Treatise Year TRE410 30

Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Tourism Economics Semester 1 TEC401 20
Destination Management Semester 2 TODM402 20
Coastal and Marine Tourism Semester 2 TOMT412 20
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Tourism Research Semester 1 TORE411 10
Responsible Tourism Semester 1 TORT411 20
Treatise Year TRE410 30
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40710

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The primary purpose of the programme is two-fold:

• To develop the knowledge, skills and values of the Accountancy graduate in the more
advanced aspects of the field of accounting and its related sub-disciplines to improve the
graduate’s career opportunities at a managerial level;
• To prepare graduates to sit the professional stage papers of the ACCA (Association of
Chartered Certified Accountants) [“ACCA is a global body for professional accountants.
The aim of ACCA is to offer business-relevant qualifications to people of application, ability
and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and

Unless otherwise approved by the HOD in terms of the guidelines provided by the Faculty
Management Committee, the admission requirements will be as follows:

• A BCom (Accounting for Chartered Accountants) degree or equivalent SAICA accredited

• A BCom (General Accounting) degree, with a minimum mark of at least 55% for each of
the following modules or their equivalent :
o General Accounting 3B (RG302 or RGV302)
o General Taxation 3B (RGT302 or RGTV302)
o General Auditing 3B (RGO302 or RGOV302)
o General Management Accounting 3A and 3B (RGK301/RGKV301 and RGK302/
o Or a pass in the following “R” equivalent modules: Accounting 3B (R302/ RV302);
Taxation 3B (RT302/RTV302); Auditing 3B (RO302/ROV302); Management
Accounting 3A and 3B (RK301/RKV301 and RK302/RKV302)
• An appropriate Bachelor’s degree or an Advanced Diploma at NQF Exit Level 7 in a
cognate field of study (cf Rule G3 – 3.1.1), together with either:
o A pass in or exemption from all the fundamental papers of the ACCA, OR
o A pass in or exemption from all the operational level papers of CIMA.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


An elective module will not be offered unless a minimum number of students, as determined
by the Head of the Department of Accounting Sciences, are registered for the particular
elective module.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time or a maximum of four years of
part-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Corporate Reporting Year RCR400 30
Advanced Management Accounting Year RKF400 30
Select two of the following modules:
Strategic Management Accounting and Finance Year RKS400 30
Audit, Assurance and Governance Year ROA400 30
Professional Taxation Year RPT400 30
Total Credits 120


Qualification code: 40701

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To develop the knowledge, skills and values of the Accountancy graduate in the more
advanced aspects of the field of accounting and its related sub-disciplines to improve the
graduate’s career opportunities at a managerial level.

Unless otherwise approved by the Head of Department in terms of the guidelines approved
by the Faculty Management Committee, and subject to General Rule G3.1, the prerequisites
for entry into the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting are as follows:

Admission following completion of the Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy (PGDA):


Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• if PGDA completed in one academic year, a pass in each of the four modules in the PGDA;
• if PGDA completed in two academic years, a mark of at least 55% in each of the four
modules in the PGDA;
provided that:
• the PGDA is completed in the academic year immediately preceding the year of
registration for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting programme.

Admission following completion of the BCom Accounting for Chartered Accountants or BCom
1. Accounting 4 (R400): A pass (including a pass on link) in Accounting 3A (R301) or General
Accounting 3A (RG301) and a mark of at least 55% for Accounting 3B (R302);
2. Taxation 4 (RIT400): A pass (including a pass on link) in Taxation 3A (RT301) or General
Taxation 3A (RGT301) and a mark of at least 55% for Taxation 3B (RT302);
3. Auditing 4 (RO400): A pass (including a pass on link) in Auditing 3A (RO301) or General
Auditing 3A (RGO301) and a mark of at least 55% for Auditing 3B (RO302);
4. Management Accounting 4 (RK400): A mark of at least 55% for both Management
Accounting 3A (RK301) and 3B (RK302);
provided that:
• all these credits were obtained in the two academic years preceding the year of
registration for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting; and
• unless these credits were obtained in the academic year preceding the year of
registration for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting, a weighted average mark
of 60% must be achieved for the following modules: Accounting 3B (R302);
Taxation 3B (RT302); Auditing 3B (RO302); and Management Accounting 3A
(RK301) and 3B (RK302).

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Honours module/s from another department may be chosen in consultation with the Head of
the Department of Financial Accounting.
In order to be admitted to write Part 1 of the Qualifying Examination set by the SA Institute of
Chartered Accountants, the following modules must be selected and completed as part of the
Accounting Year RD400
Auditing Year ROD400
Management Accounting Year RKD400
Taxation and Estate Planning Year RID400

A research paper of between 4000 and 5000 words in publishable form on a topic from the
field of Accounting or a related field.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time study.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Accounting 4 Year RD400 30
Recommended electives (select at least 90 credits):
Auditing Year ROD400 30
Management Accounting Year RKD400 30
Taxation and Estate Planning Year RID400 30
Profit Determination Theory Year RWD400 30
A research paper of between 4000 and 5000
words in publishable form on a topic from the Year RND400 30
field of Accounting or a related field.
Total Credits 120


Qualification code: 42250

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Economics has been designed with the primary purpose
of providing holders of the Advanced Diploma in Economics, certain categories of graduates,
as well as practising economists in the private and public sector, with the opportunity to gain
a deeper understanding of micro- and macroeconomic theory, and to reflect critically on
economic practices and applications. This includes “building intuition” and competence in the
verification (testing), development and application of economic models used to explain the
behaviour of governments, consumers, businesses and markets, as well as the econometric
(i e mathematical) tools to do so. In addition, candidates will also get the opportunity to conduct
field work in economics by applying relevant economic survey techniques.

An Advanced Diploma in Economics or an equivalent qualification in a cognate field of study
with an aggregate pass of at least 60%.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study. The maximum period of study
is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Economics Survey Techniques Semester 1 BRM411 20
Economics Field Work Project Year BCN412 20
Applied Microeconomics Semester 1 BCH411 20
Applied Macroeconomics Semester 1 BCH412 20
Electives: select any 2 modules (40 credits):
Economics for a Developing World Semester 2 BCK411 20
Economics of Money and Business Semester 2 BME412 20
International Trade & Finance Semester 2 BCE411 20
Economics of Local, Provincial & Central Government Semester 2 BCG412 20
Applied Econometrics Year BEC410 20
Total Credits 120



Qualification code: 42240

Offering: Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The programme aims to provide the students with broad-based theoretical and practical
knowledge of Business Management.
It also aims to develop in graduates the capacity for lifelong learning and an awareness of the
social context in which they will be working, once they enter the business world.
The primary purpose of the qualification is to prepare candidates for senior administration-
level and first line management positions in the private and development sectors. The
qualifying learner obtains a Postgraduate Diploma in the fields of Financial Accounting
Aspects, Marketing Management, Operations Management, Analytic Decision Making,
Information Management, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Management
Accounting, Management and Corporate Governance and Human Resource Management.
This Postgraduate Diploma provides broad exposure to the processes and functions of

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

business and/or public sector management within the context of an integrated, holistic
organisational approach and a transforming socio-economic setting.

Unless Senate decides otherwise, candidates shall be admitted to the studies for the
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration if they hold:
• a Bachelor’s degree and have obtained an average final mark of at least 60% in the third-
year modules, or
• a relevant diploma or degree approved by Senate, coupled with prior learning, which
should comprise no less than three years’ experience in the field of Business. Should any
of these requirements be lacking, a candidate may be required to undertake additional
modules prior to entering the programme.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Introductory Accounting module i.e. Accounting for Business (BAF5TR1)– Trimester 1
This is an introductory accounting module. Students who have successfully completed an
accounting course on a tertiary level may request to be excused from doing the introductory

2 years part-time (3 trimesters)
Part-time students are required to register for all modules offered per trimester.

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Integrated Management Practice Trimester 1 BCG4TR1 15
Operations Management Trimester 1 BOP4TR2 15
Management Accounting Trimester 2 BMC4TR2 15
Human Resource Strategy Trimester 2 BOB4TR2 15
Marketing Management Trimester 2 BMM4TR1 15
Management Economics Trimester 3 BAM4TR3 15
Entrepreneurship Trimester 3 BEN4TR3 15
Strategy Trimester 3 BSM4TR3 15
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 40720

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The primary purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance is to develop

competent development finance practitioners with the ability to plan, manage, analyse and
monitor the financial and monetary aspects of their respective organisations. Critical aspects
of development finance and its relation to sustainable socio-economic growth are analysed
based on coherent and relevant theoretical frameworks that underpin development finance

The minimum entry requirement is a Bachelor’s degree, or an Advanced Diploma, or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Level 7, in a commerce- and/or finance- related field of study,
with a mark of at least 60% for each of the final-year core modules of the qualification.

Only candidates with demonstrated levels of digital literacy will be considered for admission.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The initial intake into the programme will be limited to 15 candidates; thereafter to 20
candidates per year. Preference will be given to qualified applicants with proven work
experience in finance departments of development banking and non-banking finance
institutions, government-linked development finance departments or other institutions like
municipalities and NGOs. However, every year, 4 places will be reserved for top-performing
applicants in the Advanced Diploma in Business Studies, who wish to articulate directly into
this postgraduate diploma.


Recognition of Prior Learning:
Applicants who do not meet the direct admission requirements as stipulated, but who can
demonstrate experiential or work-based learning at an equivalent level (NQF 7) may be
considered for RPL provided a proper structured assessment of the prior learning is conducted
in terms of the NMU RPL Policy. Such candidates may be required to broaden their knowledge
base by enrolling for identified preliminary modules prior to admission or parallel modules after

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The minimum duration for completion of the Postgraduate Diploma in Development Finance
is one year of full-time study and two years of part-time study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Economic Development Theory & Policy Analysis Semester 1 EEPD401 20
Leadership in Development Finance Semester 1 EPPD401 20
Enterprise Development and Finance Semester 2 EIPD402 20
Alternative Resource Management and Semester 2 EAPD402 20
Finance Strategies
Development Finance Project Report Year EMPD400 40
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Economic Development Theory & Policy Analysis Semester 1 EEPD401 20
Leadership in Development Finance Semester 1 EPPD401 20
Enterprise Development and Finance Semester 2 EIPD402 20
Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Alternative Resource Management and Semester 2 EAPD402 20
Finance Strategies
Development Finance Project Report Year EMPD400 40
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 42280

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The primary purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Employment Relationship Management

(ERM) is to equip HR practitioners, business managers and line managers, holding a
qualification equivalent to a first degree or an advanced diploma, with contemporary
Employment Relationship Management knowledge, competence and research skills. This
includes the competence to review information, synthesise data and evaluate management
processes in order to develop creative responses to employment relationship problems and
issues encountered in the organisational environment. This qualification will lead candidates
to a focused, specialised and systemic approach to ERM business realities and provide
access to a relevant Master’s degree.

Unless otherwise approved by the Head of Department in terms of the guidelines approved
by the Faculty Management Committee, the prerequisites for entry into the Postgraduate
Diploma in Employment Relationship Management are as follows:
• An Advanced Diploma in Business Studies or equivalent qualification at NQF Level 7,
obtained with an aggregate of 55%, coupled with prior learning comprising of two to three
years relevant experience in the field of Business/Human Resource
Management/Management and obtained after completion of the prerequisite qualification.
• An Advanced Diploma in Business Studies, or an equivalent qualification at NQF Level 7,
obtained with an aggregate of 55% and completed within the minimum required academic
• An Advanced Diploma in Business Studies at NQF Level 7, obtained with an aggregate of
60% and completed within no more than one year additional to the minimum required
academic period.
• An equivalent degree qualification at NQF Level 7, obtained with an aggregate of 60% for
2nd and 3rd year modules and the degree completed within no more than one year
additional to the minimum required academic period.
Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

Preference will be given to qualified applicants with proven work experience in a
business/HR/management, or a government-linked HRM department.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The qualification shall extend over one year of full-time study or two years’ part time study.
The maximum period of study is three years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Contemporary Employment Relations Semester 1 EICD401 20
HR Alignment and Development Semester 1 EIDD401 20
Organisational Development Semester 2 EIFD402 20
Human Resource Metrics and Analytics Semester 2 EIGD402 20
HR Governance and Corporate Social
Responsibility Semester 1 EIJD401 20
Research Project in ERM Year EIRD400 20
Total Credits 120

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Contemporary Employment Relations Semester 1 EICD401 20
HR Alignment and Development Semester 1 EIDD401 20
Organisational Development Semester 2 EIFD402 20
Human Resource Metrics and Analytics Semester 2 EIGD402 20
Credits First Year 80
Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
HR Governance and Corporate Social Semester 1 EIJD401 20
Research Project in ERM Year EIRD400 20
Credits Second Year 40
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 42260

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The qualification will be the highest professional qualification in this field available in South
Africa and will contribute to the professional competency of financial planners which will
consequently make them eligible for professional membership of the Financial Planning
Institute of Southern Africa and for accreditation as a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®).

The CFP® professional designation is internationally recognised as the pinnacle of educational

achievement in financial planning. The Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) is a global
body which owns the CFP® mark. In South Africa the Financial Planning Institute is the
gatekeeper to the professional accreditation of CFP®.

An appropriate Bachelor’s degree or an Advanced Diploma at NQF Exit Level 7 or an
equivalent qualification approved by Senate.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Examinations will take place in the normal examination sessions at the end of each
semester. All modules are assessed on an open book basis with the exception of Financial
Planning Environment, which is a closed book examination to test the students’ knowledge of
the regulatory environment governing financial planning in South Africa. The examinations
are four hours and take place on the Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth Campus of the
University. Examinations comprise 70% of the final mark for each module. Students are
required to achieve a minimum class mark of 40% in order to gain admission to an
examination. The final pass mark is 50% per module.

Four modules are presented in the study programme. All modules must be passed in order
to receive the qualification. Students may elect to take all modules at once or may spread the
number of modules taken per year to suit their personal schedules. It is recommended that
the Case Study module be attempted last if students elect not to do all modules in one
year. Various overlap exists in the knowledge areas comprising the modules, therefore, where
possible, students who can take all modules in one year are recommended to do so.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
The Financial Planning Environment Semester 1 EBFD401 30
Personal Financial Planning Semester 1 EBFD411 30
Corporate Financial Planning Semester 2 EBFD402 30
Case Study Semester 2 EBFD412 30
Total Credits 120


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Prerequisites Code

Case Study EBFD412 The Financial Planning Environment EBFD401
Personal Financial Planning EBFD411


Qualification code: 42230

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The programme is designed to equip graduates with the essential knowledge and specific
skills in order to be competent in performing internal audit engagements (manual and
computerised) and act as internal audit managers or internal audit consultants. The
programme is designed to enhance the employability of learners by preparing them for the
internal audit profession or for further learning in this field. A person accredited with this
qualification will be able to:
• Demonstrate a coherent and critical understanding of the International Professional
Practice Framework (IPPF) of the Institute of Internal Auditors;
• Demonstrate expertise in advanced internal auditing;
• Demonstrate expertise in assessment of risk, internal control and corporate governance
• Demonstrate expertise in information systems auditing.

A relevant NQF level 7 Bachelor’s degree or Advanced Diploma with:
• Auditing and Management Accounting as majors;
• An average final mark of 55% in the final year modules; or

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• A relevant degree or advanced diploma approved by Senate coupled with prior learning,
which should comprise at least three years’ experience in the field of Internal Auditing.

Due to restrictions in respect of student numbers, selection will be made on a basis of first
come, first served.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.


Format of offering:
In addition to the normal full-time mode of delivery, this qualification is offered on a block
release mode of delivery. Block release mode of delivery entails short continuous and
concentrated periods of face-to-face contact sessions alternated with longer off-campus self-
study periods. Contact sessions for the first semester modules will be during the second half
of January and the second half of May, and for second semester modules during the second
half of July and the second half of October.

A particular delivery method will not be offered unless a minimum of 10 students are registered
for the particular mode of delivery.

The qualification shall extend over a minimum period of one year block release study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Forensic Auditing Semester 2 RIF402 10
Internal Auditing Module 1 Semester 1 RIO401 20
Internal Auditing Module 2 Semester 2 RIO402 20
Information Systems Auditing Semester 2 RIS402 15
Strategic Management Accounting and Finance Year RKS400 30
Public Sector Accountability Semester 1 RPS401 10
Risk Based Auditing Semester 1 RRO401 15
Total Credits Minimum 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 42270

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The programme is designed to equip graduates of the programme with skills needed in marine
studies, especially in terms of sustainable development and beneficiation of coastal and
marine resources, maritime industry, tourism development, and small port construction.

An appropriate Bachelor’s degree or an Advanced Diploma at NQF Exit Level 7 or an
equivalent qualification approved by Senate with a 60% aggregate.

Readmission will be considered according to the university readmission policy as approved
by Senate.

The qualification shall extend over at least one year of full-time. Full-time students are required
to complete all modules offered per semester.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Marine and Maritime Research Year MARS400 20
Marine and Maritime Affairs Semester 1 MARS401 20
The Marine Environment Semester 2 MARS402 10
Marine and Maritime Policy Semester 1 MARS411 14
Marine and Coastal Law Semester 2 MARS412 12
Marine Tourism and Coastal Recreation Semester 1 MARS421 12
Marine and Coastal Development Modules and
Practices Semester 2 MARS422 10
Marine and Coastal Business Opportunities and
Practices Semester 2 MARS432 12
Marine and Environmental Education Semester 2 MARS442 10
Total Credits 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University




Qualification code: 40525

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The Master of Arts in Development Studies degree programme, offered by coursework and
treatise, aims to develop intellectually independent development specialists with the ability to
engage in sustainable socio–economic development practice and research activities, while
maintaining ethical standards.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

Offering of modules:
Not all modules may necessarily be offered in a particular year, please consult the timetable
for modules offered.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Development Studies Treatise Year DEV510 80
Advanced Development Policy Semester 2 DEV502 20
Advanced Development Theory Semester 1 DEV501 20
Select 3 of the following modules below:
Development Economics Semester 2 ECD512 20
International Finance Semester 1 DEV511 20
Political Geography: Space, State and
Nations Semester 2 DEV542 20

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Monitoring and Evaluation for Development
Practitioners Semester 1 DEV522 20
Political Economy of Development Semester 1 DEV552 20
Social Movements, Social Change and
Development Semester 2 DEV521 20
Total Credits 180


Qualification code: 41045

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design and
conduct research in a relevant area of Development Studies, resulting in a research
dissertation, which is a substantial research report based on primary research in the field.
Research degrees require distinctly demarcated fields of study where candidates conduct
research on specific and clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate

postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus
and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Development Studies Research Dissertation Year DEVE500 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 41010

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of the programme is to provide further depth of knowledge and appropriate
research skills beyond an Honours degree in Economics that would enable students to operate
professionally and competently as economists in the subfields of Financial Markets and/or
Economic Impact Assessment and/or Econometrics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus
and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory

capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2022.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).
CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Treatise Year ECO501 100
Advanced Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECO505 20
Advanced Microeconomics Semester 2 ECO506 20
Elective modules:
Select 2 of the following modules below:
Advanced Econometrics Semester 1 ECO502 20
Economic Impact Assessment Semester 2 ECO503 20
Advanced Financial Markets Semester 1 ECO504 20
Total Credits 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Compulsory modules:
Treatise Year ECO501 100
Advanced Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECO505 20
Advanced Microeconomics Semester 2 ECO506 20

Second Year
Select 2 of the following modules below:
Advanced Econometrics Semester 1 ECO502 20
Economic Impact Assessment Semester 2 ECO503 20
Advanced Financial Markets Semester 1 ECO504 20
Total Credits 180



Qualification code: 41038

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus
and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2022.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and dissertation Year ECC500 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 42001

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:
Holders of a BA Honours degree in Industrial and Organisational Psychology (or an equivalent
qualification) with a 60% aggregate pass shall be admitted, unless Senate decides otherwise.
The curriculum of an equivalent qualification is subject to the approval of the Head of the
Department, and must include a course of study in Psychometrics at NQF Level 8.

Twenty applicants per year have been provided for. Should the number of applicants exceed
twenty, selection will proceed on a first come, first served basis.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The examination shall consist of the treatise (Module EZ506) and a written paper in each of
the other eight modules.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2018.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2023.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Treatise Year EZ506 60
Finance for non-Financial Managers Semester 2 EIK510 15
Transformation of Work and Organisations Semester 2 EIF510 15

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Human Resource Issues Year EIJ510 15
Contemporary Human Resource and Labour
Relations Developments Semester 1 EIC510 15
Industrial Psychological Assessment and Workplace
Counselling Year EZ510 15
Training and Leadership Development Year EZ511 15
Business Ethics and Professional Practice Year EZ515 15
Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis Year EZ514 15
Total Credits 180


Qualification code: 41037

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of this learning programme is to enable aspiring Human Resource Managers
and LR Practitioners to research and analyse complicated HR & LR situations and prescribe
solutions that suit the specific circumstances and strategies of their organisations. They
need to relate to individuals and the organisation beyond functional boundaries and
comprehend the fundamental business of the organisation.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus
and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2022.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and dissertation Year EZV500 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41024

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2018.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2023.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Treatise Year EIB510 60
Advanced Labour Law Semester 1 EID510 30
Conflict, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Semester 2 EIA510 15
Labour Relations in a Global Environment Semester 2 EIE510 15
Transformation of Work and Organisations Semester 2 EIF510 15
Contemporary Human Resource and Labour
Relations Developments Semester 1 EIC510 15
Select 2 of the following modules below:
Human Resource Issues Semester 1 EIJ510 15
Finance for non-Financial Managers Semester 2 EIK510 15
Human Resources Information Systems Year EIG510 15
Health and Safety Year EIH510 15
Comparative Labour Relations Year EII510 15
Total Credits 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41025

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus
and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

In consultation, a candidate shall select a dissertation on an approved topic.


The final year for new admission into this programme is 2022.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and dissertation Year EI515 180



Qualification code: 5404

Offering: Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 240


A defining feature of the "Nelson Mandela University MBA" is our focus on leadership
development, which spans throughout the programme. Our leadership development
programme forms the backbone of our MBA and infuses leadership development throughout
our MBA modules.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The Nelson Mandela University MBA is specifically designed to foster strong decisive leaders
armed with business acumen and theoretical knowledge backed by a willingness to take risks
and follow their instincts in order to "make it happen".
We, at the Nelson Mandela University Business School, believe that theory is nothing without
practice and that ideas cannot come alive without action. Working in small syndicate groups
with an experienced cohort of professors, lecturers, high-profile guest speakers and fellow
students, you will operate at a senior management level, steering your management team
through an ever-changing panorama of challenges that impact on real-world business.

Our MBA programme provides an intensive environment where dynamic professionals are
grounded in the vital disciplines of business management. It challenges you to think and act
creatively. The programme is stimulating, rewarding and enjoyable. You will learn alongside
other business leaders of the future and will develop self-discipline, self-awareness and other
important leadership qualities.

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:

M+3 qualification, i.e. a three-year national diploma or a university degree or an equivalent

SAQA-approved qualification.

Candidates who have not had sufficient computer experience are required to attend
introductory lectures on integrative computer training (ICT). These lectures do not attract
additional costs and aim to increase proficiency in MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint,
all of which are essential for successfully completing the MBA programme.

There are two lectures, which will take place on Saturdays during the first trimester. One of
these lectures caters for candidates at the beginner’s level and the other for candidates at an
advanced level. The work covered in these lectures is not examinable.

A limited number of candidates without the required M+3 qualification will be accepted onto
the programme each year, provided that they have wide business experience and a proven
“track record”. Prospective applicants in this category are advised to make telephonic
enquiries well before the end of September prior to the intended year of enrolment.

Applicants will be required to go through a selection process, which will include testing and an


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

Qualification structure:
The MBA programme is offered on a part-time basis over a minimum period of three years or
on a full-time basis over 18 months. Each year comprises three trimesters and, if candidates
have good reason, they can apply in writing to have this period extended.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The programme aims to provide insight to the dynamics and management challenges of the
business environment in which organizations operate and the first eight modules, which are
completed over four trimesters, focus on these processes.
In the remaining seven modules, the programme emphasises the principles and workings of
management processes in order to hone and develop managerial ability and skills to full
potential. Finally, to conclude the programme, candidates are required to submit a research
treatise of 20 000 words.

The content and structure of the programme are based on internationally-accredited and
accepted standards. Its specific aim is to equip South African managers with the necessary
knowledge and skills to understand and operate in a global economy, in a world of vanishing
economic and business boundaries. The Business School ensures that it addresses the
changing face of international business by continually adapting and/or changing the curriculum
to ensure that the programme remains at the cutting edge of work relevancy. For further
information, visit www.mbasouthafrica.com.

Experience requirements:
A minimum of three (3) years’ relevant working experience (i.e. experience of managing a
business or a department at senior supervisory or junior management level and/or work
experience within a business environment).

Students will not be allowed to register for more than 120 credits per year.

On submission of the research project and paper for examination purposes, candidates are
also required to submit a signed declaration from a language expert that the document was
proof-read by him/her.

Additional non-compulsory (non-credit bearing) modules:

• This is a year module but split over 2 years into modules:
o Leadership: Project 1 (module BLP1TR0) and
o Leadership: Project 2 (module BLP2TR0)
• BAF5TR1 is a trimester module intended to prepare students that had not done Accounting
at tertiary level.

Particular electives will only be offered in a given academic year if there is adequate demand
to provide financial justification.

Part-time: 6 years


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Part-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Additional non-compulsory modules:
Accounting for Business Trimester 1 BAF5TR1 0
Leadership: Project I Year BLP1TR0 0
Compulsory modules:
Marketing Management Trimester 1 BPA5TR1 12
Quantitative Techniques for Management Trimester 1 BQT5TR1 12
Organisational Behaviour Trimester 2 BOB5TR2 12
Management Accounting Aspects Trimester 2 BRA5TR2 12
Management Economics Trimester 3 BED5TR3 12
Human Resource Strategies Trimester 3 BHU5TR3 12
Credits First Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Additional non-compulsory module:
Leadership: Project II Year BLP2TR0 0
Compulsory modules:
International Management Trimester 1 BIN5TR1 12
Financial Management Trimester 1 BFB5TR1 12
Operations Management Trimester 2 BMN5TR2 12
Research Methodology Trimester 2 BNM5TR2 12
Strategic Management Trimester 3 BSY5TR3 12
Leadership Trimester 3 BLS5TR3 12
Credits Second Year 72

Module Credit
Code Value
Third Year
Compulsory and elective modules:
Research project and paper Year T711TR0 60
1 or 2 electives (3 electives in total for the year = 36 Trimester 1 12 per
credits) elective
1 or 2 electives (3 electives in total for the year = 36 Trimester 2 12 per
credits) elective
Credits Third Year 96

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 5406

Offering: Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 216


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) is to develop competent and
skilful business leaders with the personal competencies and managerial and leadership
capabilities to deal in a sustainable manner with unique challenges in a dynamic and
competitive business environment.

• A four-year cognate Bachelor’s degree at NQF Exit Level 8; or
• A Post-graduate Diploma (Business Administration) at NQF Exit Level 8; or
• An applicable Honours degree; or
• A RPL process (candidates admitted according to a RPL process cannot comprise more
than 10% per intake); plus
• Additional admission requirements as specified by the Nelson Mandela University
Business School, and
• Candidates are subject to selection based on 5 years’ work experience or 3 years’
business-related or management experience, psychometric test performance, results of
prior qualifications and an interview.

If a student fails more than 2 core modules in the first year of registration for the programme,
the student will not be allowed to continue with the programme. A student will only be allowed
to register twice for the same module. The maximum study time for the completion of the
programme after first registration is 3 years.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of postgraduate
studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice versa need to
be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of four years part-time studies.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Leadership 1 Year MLD5TR 12
Data Analyses & Decision Making Trimester 1 MDA5TR1 12
Strategic Marketing Trimester 1 MSM5TR1 12
Management Accounting Trimester 2 BAA5TR2 12
People Management Trimester 2 BPM5TR2 12
Research Project Proposal Trimester 2 MRP5TR2 10
Financial Management Trimester 3 MFB5TR3 12
Business Strategy Trimester 3 MST5TR3 12
Strategic Operations Trimester 3 MSO5TR3 12
Elective 1 and 2* Trimester 3 See below 12
Credits First Year 118
Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Leadership II Year MLS5TR 12
Management Economics Trimester 1 BAM5TR1 12
International Business Trimester 1 MIN5TR1 12
Business Research Project Year MBR5TR 50
Elective 1 and 2* Trimester 1/2 See below 12
Credits Second Year 98
*ELECTIVE (Can select any 2 as indicated per academic year below)
Year 1 (Choose 1 or 2)
Sustainable Development Trimester 3 MSD5TR3 12
Management of Technology Trimester 3 MMT5TR3 12
Year 2 (Choose 1 or 2)
Project Management Trimester 1 MPT5TR1 12
Entrepreneurship Trimester 1 MEN5TR1 12
Futures Studies Trimester 2 BFS5TR1 12
Business in Society Trimester 2 BBS5TR1 12
Lean Enterprise Management Trimester 2 MLE5TR2 12
Total Credits 216

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41051

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180

THE PURPOSE OF THE LEARNING PROGRAMMEThis programme has been approved in

terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQSF).

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design
and conduct research in a relevant area in the field of Accounting, resulting in a
research dissertation, which is a substantial research report based on primary
research. Research degrees require distinctly demarcated fields of study where
candidates conduct research on specific and clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or

• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and dissertation Year RV500 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41052

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design and
conduct research in a relevant area in the field of Business Management, the outcome of the
investigation being a dissertation, which is a substantial research report based on primary
research. Research degrees require distinctly demarcated fields of study where candidates
conduct research on specific and clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or

• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of postgraduate
studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice versa need to
be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and dissertation Year EBMV500 180



Qualification code: 41023

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of the programme is to provide further depth of knowledge and appropriate
research skills beyond an honours degree in Economics that would enable students to
operate as economists in the fields of Financial Markets and/or Econometrics.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Treatise Year ECO501 100
Advanced Macroeconomics Semester 1 ECO505 20
Advanced Microeconomics Semester 2 ECO506 20
Elective modules:
Select 2 of the following modules below:
Advanced Econometrics Semester 1 ECO502 20
Economic Impact Assessment Semester 2 ECO503 20
Advanced Financial Markets Semester 1 ECO504 20
Total Credits 180


Qualification code: 41053

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design and
conduct research in a relevant area of Economics, resulting in a research dissertation, which
is a substantial research report based on primary research in the field. Research degrees
require distinctly demarcated fields of study where candidates concentrate on specific and
clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated

research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:Students may only register as full-time candidates if they
are available on a day-today basis to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme.
A student who is unable to attend as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time
student for the purpose of postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from
part-time to full-time or vice versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty
Postgraduate Studies Committee.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and dissertation Year ECC500 180


Qualification code: 41060

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design and
conduct research in the area of Entrepreneurship, resulting in a research dissertation, which
is a substantial research report based on primary research in the field. Research degrees
require distinctly demarcated fields of study where candidates concentrate on specific and
clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and dissertation Year BDD500 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41058

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design and
conduct research in the area of Human Resource Management, resulting in a research
dissertation, which is a substantial research report based on primary research in the field.
Research degrees require distinctly demarcated fields of study where candidates
concentrate on specific and clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or

• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and dissertation Year EZH500 180


Qualification code: 41055

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design
and conduct research in the area of Industrial Psychology, resulting in a research
dissertation, which is a substantial research report based on primary research in the
field. Research degrees require distinctly demarcated fields of study where
candidates concentrate on specific and clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory module:
Research project and dissertation Year EZV500 180


Qualification code: 41014

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


The purpose of this learning programme is to enable aspiring Human Resource Managers
and LR Practitioners to research and analyse complicated HR & LR situations and prescribe
solutions that suit the specific circumstances and strategies of their organisations. They
need to relate to individuals and the organisation beyond functional boundaries and
comprehend the fundamental business of the organisation.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2018.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2023.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory module:
Treatise Year EIB510 60
Advanced Labour Law Semester 1 EID510 30
Conflict, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Semester 2 EIA510 15
Labour Relations in a Global Environment Semester 2 EIE510 15
Transformation of Work and Organisations Semester 2 EIF510 15
Contemporary Human Resource and Labour
Relations Developments Semester 1 EIC510 15
Select two of the following modules:
Human Resource Issues Semester 1 EIJ510 15
Finance for non-Financial Managers Semester 2 EIK510 15
Human Resources Information Systems Year EIG510 15
Health and Safety Year EIH510 15
Comparative Labour Relations Year EII510 15
Total Credits 180


Qualification code: 41015

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design and
conduct research in the areas of Labour Relations and Human Resources, resulting in a
research dissertation, which is a substantial research report based on primary research in
the field. Research degrees require distinctly demarcated fields of study where candidates
concentrate on specific and clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an

equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.
• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory module:
Research project and dissertation Year EI515 180


Qualification code: 41057

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design and
conduct research in the area of Logistics, resulting in a research dissertation, which is a
substantial research report based on primary research in the field. Research degrees require
distinctly demarcated fields of study where candidates concentrate on specific and clearly
defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory module:
Research project and dissertation Year BLG500 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41061

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To guide candidates, who have demonstrated the ability to do so, to identify, design and
conduct research in the area of Marketing, including Marketing Management, resulting in a
research dissertation, which is a substantial research report based on primary research in
the field. Research degrees require distinctly demarcated fields of study where candidates
concentrate on specific and clearly defined research topics.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or

• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory module:
Research project and dissertation Year BBH500 180



Qualification code: 41056

Offering: Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

To equip candidates with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice as a tax consultant
within the legal and accounting professions and/or senior tax positions in business or with

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

SARS. The degree is offered on a coursework basis with a research component. The
coursework component comprises an intensive study of the law and practice of taxation and
involves extensive analysis of the legislation and related tax cases heard by the courts for
each particular topic.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of four years part-time.

The examination shall consist of the treatise and a written paper in each of the other two

Registration for the treatise in the second year of studies is dependent on the candidate having
passed RTIV510.

A candidate shall not be admitted to the second year of study if he/she has not passed the
module in the first year of study.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory module:
Taxation 5A Year RTIV510 80
Module Credit
Code Value
Second Year
Compulsory modules:
Taxation 5B Year RTIV520 40
Treatise Year RTIV530 60
Total Credits 180


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules or, in some cases, be simultaneously registered (at least) for
the given co-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Code

Treatise RTIV530 Taxation 5A RTIV510

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 41030

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The Master's degree program in Tourism Management is aimed at preparing graduates for
managerial roles in international and national tourism, including related business
establishments, such as hotels, guest houses, restaurants, resorts, theme parks and cruise
lines. Graduates research and study the management, marketing and development of the
tourism industry and organisations at the regional, national and international level. They
conduct research to resolve typical problems and provide scientifically grounded
management and financial guidelines and directives for future development, leadership and
decision-making in the industry. They also analyse current investment patterns to uncover
potential tourism markets and related entrepreneurial opportunities.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory module:
Research Project and Full Dissertation Year TOUR500 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 44100

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
The primary purpose of the M Phil in Development Finance is to provide advanced training in
the field of development finance, a field of study that is underdeveloped across the African
continent. The aim is to establish a platform for sustainable development finance research.
Specifically, the program will produce a broad range of development finance experts for South
Africa and the rest of Africa. After completion of the M Phil, some students will be identified
and encouraged to proceed to conduct PhD studies in Development Finance through the
Development Finance Research Network program.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

The examination shall consist of the treatise EMR501 and a paper written in each of the other
ten modules. The qualification will only be awarded after successful completion of all the
modules including the treatise.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Micro-enterprise Finance Semester 1 EMF501 12
Project Finance Semester 1 EPF501 12
Quantitative Methods and Statistics for Semester 1 EQM501
Development Finance
Public Sector Finance Semester 1 EPS501 12
Finance, Economic Growth & Development Semester 1 EEG501 12

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Issues in Development Finance Semester 2 EID501 12
Project Management for Development Finance Semester 2 EPM501 12
International Finance for Development Semester 2 EIF501 12
Monitoring and Evaluation Semester 2 EME501 12
Local and Regional Development Semester 2 ELD501 12
Treatise Year EMR501 60
Total Credits 180



Qualification code: 41050

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The programme will equip graduates with requisite knowledge and skills to participate as
specialists in a socio-economic development and socio-ecological context as it applies to
maritime security & governance, port management and logistics, maritime socio-economic
development, supply chain management and socio-ecological resilience. Graduates will
contribute to the development, implementation and review of maritime policy, make informed
decisions and manage resources accountably and ethically. They will be able to propose, plan,
develop and manage sustainable maritime socio-ecological programmes; implement
theoretical and methodological approaches relevant to the sector; conceptualise and address
sector-related challenges; critique current research, advance scholarship and contribute to
maritime socio-economic development discourse by accessing, processing and managing
information with the ability to design and implement research grounded in maritime theory. In
addition, graduates will be independent life-long learners capable of managing their own

• A Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Studies, a relevant honours degree, a relevant 480-
credit bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification, at NQF Exit Level 8 or equivalent,
with all core modules passed with at least 60% or attained at an equivalent grade.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years.

A student may repeat a failed module more than once, provided that the maximum period of
study is not exceeded.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
First Year
Compulsory modules:
Maritime Economic Development Semester 1 MARS501 20
Water-based Tourism Semester 2 MARS502 20
Treatise Year MARS500 60
Maritime Governance & Security Semester 2 MARS511 20

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

Module Credit
Code Value
Marine Law and Policy Semester 1 MARS512 20
Maritime Socio-ecological Resilience Semester 2 MARS521 20
Maritime Logistics Semester 2 MARS522 10
Port Management Semester 1 MARS531 10
Total Credits 180



Qualification code: 41300

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The Master's degree program in Tourism Management is aimed at preparing graduates for
managerial roles in international and national tourism, including related business
establishments, such as hotels, guest houses, restaurants, resorts, theme parks and cruise
lines. Graduates research and study the management, marketing and development of the
tourism industry and organisations at the regional, national and international level. They
conduct research to resolve typical problems and provide scientifically grounded management
and financial guidelines and directives for future development, leadership and decision-
making in the industry. They also analyse current investment patterns to uncover potential
tourism markets and related entrepreneurial opportunities.

• A cognate honours degree, postgraduate diploma, 480-credit bachelor’s degree or an
equivalent qualification at NQF Exit Level 8, with all major modules passed with at least
60% or attained at an equivalent grade and level.
• Included in the above will be a level-appropriate externally-examined and/or moderated
research project, mini-dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words and a module
in research methods/ methodology, each passed with at least 60% or attained at an
equivalent grade and level.
• Candidates considered for admission on the strength of a qualification that does not
include a module in research methods/methodology and a research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise of at least 8,000 - 10,000 words will be required to complete and
pass such additional modules at the appropriate level, each with at least 60% prior to
acceptance for registration for the master’s degree.
• Students in possession of a cognate Bachelor of Technology degree (BTech) may be
admitted with the understanding that additional requirements as a condition for admission
may be recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTIC of the relevant School within
the Faculty. Such additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

o Register for and pass, with at least 60% or attain at an equivalent grade, an
additional module or modules at the appropriate level;
o Obtain a further 120-credit qualification at the appropriate level (e.g. a cognate
postgraduate diploma or an honours degree);
o Submit and orally defend a draft research proposal.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a document outlining the focus and
nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of one year and a maximum
period of four years. Full-time (one year minimum), Part-time (two years minimum).

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research Project and Full Dissertation Year TOUR510 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University



Qualification code: 44200

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06)
Aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 180


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

This integrative qualification introduces future executives and strategic decision makers to the
demands of a dynamic and diverse nature of the maritime business environment and applies
strategic theories and frameworks to achieving and sustaining competitive advantage within
the global maritime environment.

The MPhil in Ports and Shipping Management candidates should be able to:
• Apply foundational knowledge in each of the primary functional areas of business in
the maritime sector.
• Enhance specialized skills through evaluating and developing a sustainable maritime
business context.
• Apply strategic management skills at a senior level in changing business environments
in the maritime sector;
• Propose and develop appropriate, effective maritime leadership styles in prompting
sustainable maritime businesses.
• Develop and conduct applied business research and strategies in the maritime sector
in order to enable sound judgements and communicate conclusions clearly to a range
of audiences in the maritime sector;
• Apply business and strategic decisions effectively in a global as well as emerging and
African context in the maritime sector.
• Analyse, synthesise and solve complex unstructured business problems in the
maritime sector.
• Integrate their learning from a comprehensive range of managerial areas in order to
analyse and solve complex situations holistically in the maritime environment.

• A four-year relevant Bachelor’s degree at NQF Exit Level 8; or
• A relevant Postgraduate Diploma at NQF Exit Level 8; or
• An applicable Honours degree; or
• A Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process (candidates admitted according to an RPL
process cannot comprise more than 10% per intake). It must be noted that applicants who
do not meet the direct admission requirements as stipulated, but who can demonstrate
experiential or work-based learning at an equivalent level (NQF 8) may be considered for
RPL. This is provided a properly structured assessment of the prior learning is conducted
in terms of the Nelson Mandela University RPL Policy. Such candidates may be required
to broaden their knowledge base by enrolling for identified preliminary modules prior to
admission or parallel modules after admission. Candidates may also apply for exemption
from certain modules on the grounds of credits obtained through relevant programmes of

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

In addition to the above minimum requirements, the following selection process will
• The qualification is aimed at current maritime professionals who want to be trained to take
up senior management positions in their organisations or further develop their skills,
knowledge base and expertise in the industry. Candidates are subject to selection based
on 5 years’ work-related experience or 3 years’ maritime business-related or management
• All applicants will be subject to a psychometric test performance, the applicants’ results
of prior qualifications should not be less than an overall average of 60% and they will be

A minimum of 18 months (1 ½ years) and a maximum period of three years is allowed for
completing the qualification.

Module Credit
Code Value
Maritime Finance Semester 1 BARF501 20
Maritime Commercial Law Semester 1 BLAW501 20
Ports and Shipping Management Semester 1 BPSM501 20
Leadership and HR Management Semester 1 BLHR502 20
Strategic Maritime Management Semester 2 BMSP502 20
Maritime Information Systems Semester 2 BMIS502 20
Maritime Management Research Project Year BARE500 60
Total Credits 180

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University




Qualification code: 6403

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 8
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 240


The primary aim of the DBA is to provide candidates with the opportunity of conducting
research in the field of business administration and management. Candidates work
independently, under the guidance of a promoter, with a view to writing a thesis that is
acceptable for this level of study. The candidate must demonstrate the ability to work
completely with the relevant literature, writing it up to address the problem being researched
and conducting qualitative research to resolve the main problem.

• MBA degree or equivalent as approved by Senate.
• Candidates shall be selected on the basis of the successful completion of a research
workshop and the presentation of a proposal at a colloquium.

There is no set time for applications. An official Nelson Mandela University application form
must be completed and returned to Nelson Mandela University.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of the successful completion of 2 research workshops
and the presentation of a proposal at a colloquium.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

Qualification structure:
The course is made up of the thesis only. No course-work is required.

Experience requirements:
Not applicable.

In addition to normal evaluation, full research Masters and Doctoral students are required to
submit at least ONE publishable article together with the thesis/dissertation.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year BUS6000 240



Qualification code: 4403

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
NQF aligned Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 240


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The primary aim of the DBA is to provide candidates with the opportunity of conducting
research in the field of business administration and management. Candidates work
independently, under the guidance of a promoter, with a view to writing a thesis that is
acceptable for this level of study. The candidate must demonstrate the ability to work
completely with the relevant literature, writing it up to address the problem being researched
and conducting qualitative research to resolve the main problem.

• MBA degree or equivalent as approved by Senate.
• Candidates shall be selected on the basis of the successful completion of a research
workshop and the presentation of a proposal at a colloquium.

There is no set time for applications. An official Nelson Mandela University application form
must be completed and returned to Nelson Mandela University.

Candidates will be selected on the basis of the successful completion of 2 research workshops
and the presentation of a proposal at a colloquium.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

Qualification structure:
The course is made up of the thesis only. No course-work is required.

Experience requirements:
Not applicable.

In addition to normal evaluation, full research Masters and Doctoral students are required to
submit at least ONE publishable article together with the thesis/dissertation.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year BUS600 240


Qualification code: 4413

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (17)
NQF aligned Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The Doctor of Business Administration is a professional doctorate degree designed to make

a contribution to the enhancement of trans-disciplinary professional practice in management
and business administration. This degree pursues the application and development of
theoretical frameworks, methods and techniques to solve practical business problems.

The Professional DBA program offers a combination of both theoretical and applied research
methodology courses. The programme offers students a rigorous, research-focused
curriculum that emphasizes research addressing the problems most relevant to managers.
The DBA curriculum develops the applied research competencies necessary to create
independent thinkers and problem-solvers. Executives equipped with these advanced

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

research skills will be better prepared to discover and address the vexing problems that face
complex organisations, lead change initiatives, improve general organizational performance
and impact advanced business practice in an innovative an sustainable way

• An MBA or any other relevant approved master's degree.
• At least five years’ middle to senior management work experience.

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining the
focus and nature of the intended research.
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• Upon application, candidates, who have not previously studied at NMMU, will be required
to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record that, where applicable,
includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding degree programme
together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or treatise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
o IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o OR
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in listening,
52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19 in
listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in listening,
17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.

Structured Component: A candidate will be allowed a maximum of 2 years to complete this

Research Project (Thesis) Component: A candidate will be allowed a maximum of 4 years to

complete this section.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-to-day basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Advanced Business Administration Year BABA600 15
Theory of Applied Research Year BTHR600 30
Advanced Research Techniques Year BART600 35
Research Project/Thesis Year BUSV600 240
Electives: In addition to the above, select ONE of the electives below:
Entrepreneurship Year BELE601 40
Future Studies Year BELE602 40
Leadership Year BELE603 40
Operations Management Year BELE604 40
Marketing Year BELE605 40
General Management Year BELE606 40
Strategic Management Year BELE607 40
Supply Chain Management Year BELE608 40
Financial Management Year BELE609 40
Total Credits 360


A student will not be allowed to proceed to the following modules without first having passed
the listed pre-requisite modules.

Module Code Pre-requisites Module Name

Year 1
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BABA600 Advanced Business
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BTHR600 Theory of Applied Research
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BART600 Advanced Research
In addition to the above, select ONE of the electives below
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE601 Entrepreneurship
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE602 Future Studies
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE603 Leadership
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE604 Operations Management
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE605 Marketing
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE606 General Management
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE607 Strategic Management
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE608 Supply Chain Management
Research Project/Thesis BUSV600 BELE608 Financial Management

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41502

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:

Relevant Master’s degree or equivalent as approved by Senate.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EBM600 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41503

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:

Relevant Master’s degree or equivalent as approved by Senate.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EC600 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41522

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:
• Relevant Master’s degree.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year R600 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41552

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining the
focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory

capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language
other than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting
minimum adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory module:
Research project and thesis Year RV600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41520

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:
• Relevant Master’s degree.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EBM600 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41512

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining the
focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EBMV600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41530

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
The advanced research programme will provide candidates from the public and private
sectors who have completed Master’s programmes in Development Finance and cognate
fields with the opportunity to conduct advanced research in areas such as Public Finance,
Micro-enterprise Finance, Project Finance, International Finance for Development, Economic
Analysis and Modelling, Monitoring & Evaluation, Local and Regional Development and
related fields.

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining
the focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic
record that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their
preceding degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise.
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language

other than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting
minimum adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Development Finance research thesis Year EMR600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 43004

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 240

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:

Applicants are expected to hold a Master’s degree or equivalent. It would be to your

advantage to include an article or paper demonstrating your ability to undertake research.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Development Studies research thesis Year EDS605 240

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41525

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining the
focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Development Studies research thesis Year EDSV600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41521

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:

Relevant Master’s degree.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EC600 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41513

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining
the focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic
record that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their
preceding degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise.
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year ECC600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 46560

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining
the focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic
record that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their
preceding degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise.
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EZH600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41523

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Non-aligned NQF Level: 9
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 120

The admission requirements reflected below were applicable up to the final year of admission
for this qualification and are only retained for record purposes:

Applicants are expected to hold a Master’s degree or equivalent. It would be to your

advantage to include an article or paper demonstrating your ability to undertake research.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.


The final year for new admission into this programme was 2015.

The final year for all students to comply with all requirements for this qualification is 2022.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EZ600 120

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41514

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining
the focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic
record that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their
preceding degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise.
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EZV600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 43024

Offering: Full-time South Campus (A1) OR
Part-time South Campus (A2)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining
the focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic
record that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their
preceding degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise.
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.
CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year EIE600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 46400

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining
the focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic
record that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their
preceding degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-
dissertation or treatise.
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.
CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year BLG600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 46550

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).

The purpose of a doctoral degree such as the PhD is to develop and promote the research
capacity of qualifying candidates at the most advanced academic level, culminating in the
submission, assessment and acceptance of a substantive research report – also known as
the thesis. Candidates are required to make an original academic contribution to the field of
study, and in addition, the thesis must be of a quality that satisfies peer review and merits

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining the
focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding
degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or
• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other

than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year BBH600 360

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University


Qualification code: 41526

Offering: Full-time 2nd Avenue Campus (06) OR
Part-time 2nd Avenue Campus (27)
Aligned NQF Level: 10
Total NQF Credits for qualification: 360


This programme has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-
Framework (HEQSF).
The Tourism Management stream in the doctoral programme of the Faculty will provide a
vertical articulation pathway for candidates who have completed the Master’s research
degree programme in Tourism Management and wish to conduct advanced research in the
field with a view to firmly establish South Africa as a world class tourist destination. Particular
areas of research include tourism planning and policy development, through for example,
economic analysis and modelling; tourism and leisure operations management; workforce
development; strategic crisis and disaster management; sustainable, responsible tourism
and ethics; new tourism product development and the benefits/dangers of such development
in protected areas; and destination management, to name a few.

• A cognate master’s degree by research only, passed with at least 60% or an equivalent
grade that reflects a relevant standard of knowledge in a particular field as well as
research competence
A cognate master’s degree by course work and research, with the treatise or mini-
dissertation passed with at least 60% or an equivalent grade. In addition, a pass of at
least 60% or an equivalent grade should have been attained for each of the course work
• Candidates who have completed their master’s degree by course work and treatise or
mini-dissertation may be required to do and pass an approved research methodology
module, at the appropriate level, with at least a 60% or an equivalent grade, should such
a module not have been included in their learning programme.
• Candidates who have not met all of the criteria as outlined above, may apply for
provisional registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be required
to register for and pass, with at least 60% or an equivalent grade, a module or modules
as recommended by the HOD for approval by the RTI Committee of the relevant School
within the Faculty

• Timeous application is required to allow for a thorough adjudication of applications.
• Applicants, as part of their application, need to present a preliminary proposal outlining the
focus and nature of the intended research.
• Upon application, candidates who have not previously studied at Nelson Mandela
University, will be required to submit an official, verified transcript of their academic record
that, where applicable, includes the syllabus of each module passed in their preceding

Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Nelson Mandela University

degree programme together with a copy of the research project, mini-dissertation or

• The acceptance of an application is subject to the availability of the implied supervisory
capacity, both in terms of time and expertise.
• International students who have completed previous qualifications in a language other
than English must submit proof of English language proficiency reflecting minimum
adequate scores as follows:
 IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score with minimums of 6 in each section;
o Paper-based (PBT) – 580 minimum overall score with minimums of 53 in
listening, 52 in reading and 59 in structure/written;
o Computer-based (CBT): 237 minimum overall score with minimums of 19
in listening, 19 in reading and 25 in structure/written;
o Internet-based (IBT): 92 minimum overall score with minimums of 18 in
listening, 17 in reading, 22 in writing and 22 in speaking.


Full-time vs Part-time registration:
Students may only register as full-time candidates if they are available on a day-today basis
to attend and participate in the postgraduate programme. A student who is unable to attend
as stated will be automatically be defined as a part-time student for the purpose of
postgraduate studies. Changes to the status of a candidate from part-time to full-time or vice
versa need to be approved by the Chairperson of the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee

The programme of study shall extend over a minimum period of two years and a maximum
period of six years.

CURRICULUM (Full-time)
Module Credit
Code Value
Compulsory modules:
Research project and thesis Year TOUR600 360
PO Box 77000
Nelson Mandela University
Gqeberha, 6031, South Africa


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