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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

Scope of this Issue:
The range of topics covered by Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence includes the following areas:
Artificial Neural Networks
Fuzzy Logic Theory
Neuro-fuzzy systems
Evolutionary Algorithms
Semantic Networks
Artificial Life
Expert Systems
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Signal/Image processing
Data retrieval
Data mining
Fusion techniques
Texture Analysis
Hybrid Applications

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

IJACSA Special Issue Guest Editor

Dr. Taiwo Ayodele

Dr. Taiwo Ayodele received his PhD degrees from the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, University of
Portsmouth, United Kingdom.

He is currently the CEO of Infonetmedia, UK as well as Research Collaborator for Infonomics Society, UK.

He has many years of Teaching and Research Experience and his research background is mostly in the areas of Artificial
Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, E-health, E-Learning & E-Learning Security, Email
Management and has a deep interest in planning and executing major IT projects.

Dr Taiwo has published several peer-reviewed technical papers in Journals/Conferences/Book Chapters. Dr. Taiwo also serves as
a Chair/Organiser of Workshop on Application of Artificial Intelligence for Email Management, a Reviewer for International
Conference on World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), Digital Information Management (ICDIM), Journals of
Engineering and Technology Research (JETR) and several other well known journals and conferences.

He also has been awarded Acknowledgement of Contribution to i-Society, 2010 by Infononomic Society. He also has strong
industry experiences, having worked in numerous high-tech companies, including Telefonica I + D, Madrid, Spain.

His research interests are in data mining, artificial intelligence, mobile and wireless computing and web-based applications. He
has published more than 100 papers in various journals and conferences at national and international level. He is a member of
IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IAEng, and IACSIT

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
IJACSA Editorial
From the Desk of Managing Editor
It is a pleasure to present our readers with the Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence of International Journal of
Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA). What is particularly attractive and significant in the present
issue is the range of applications that is covered. It is a timely and refreshing addition to the knowledge base in the
practical application of Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial intelligence in the future will churn out machines and computers, which are much more sophisticated than
the ones that we have today. For example, the speech recognition systems that we see today will become more
sophisticated and it is expected that they will reach the human performance levels in the future. It is also believed
that they will be able to communicate with human beings, using both text and voice, in unstructured English in the
coming few years.
The development of meaningful artificial intelligence will require that machines acquire some variant of human
consciousness. Systems that are able to demonstrate conclusively that they possess self-awareness, language skills,
surface, shallow and deep knowledge about the world around them and their role within it will be needed going
forward. However the field of artificial consciousness remains in its infancy. The early years of the 21st century should
see dramatic strides forward in this area however.
By breaking up AI research into more specific problems, such as computer vision, speech recognition and automatic
planning, which had more clearly definable goals, scientists managed to create a critical mass of work aimed at
solving these individual problems.
The journals Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence reports results achieved; proposals for new ways of looking at AI
problems which includes demonstrations of effectiveness. There is a mixture of foundational and applied papers
describing mature work involving computational accounts of aspects of intelligence.
On behalf of the Journal we wish to extend our sincere thanks to our Guest Editors for his precious time and hard
We hope to continue exploring the always diverse and often astonishing fields in Advanced Computer Science and

Thank You for Sharing Wisdom!

Managing Editor
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
05 September 2011
ISSN 2156-5570 (Online)
ISSN 2158-107X (Print)
2011 The Science and Information (SAI) Organization
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

Paper 1: Parts of Speech Tagging for Afaan Oromo
Authors: Getachew Mamo Wegari, Million Meshesha
PAGE 1 5

Paper 2: Speaker Identification using Row Mean of Haar and Kekres Transform on Spectrograms of
Different Frame Sizes
Authors: Dr. H B Kekre, Vaishali Kulkarni
PAGE 6 12

Paper 3: Forecasting the Tehran Stock Market by Artificial Neural Network
Authors: Reza Aghababaeyan, TamannaSiddiqui, NajeebAhmadKhan
PAGE 13 17

Paper 4: A Comparison Study between Data Mining Tools over some Classification Methods
Authors: Abdullah H. Wahbeh, Qasem A. Al-Radaideh, Mohammed N. Al-Kabi, Emad M. Al-Shawakfa
PAGE 18 26

Paper 5: SOM Based Visualization Technique For Detection Of Cancerous Masses In Mammogram
Authors: S.Pitchumani Angayarkanni, Dr.V.Saravanan 2
PAGE 27 32

Paper 6: Improvement of Secret Image Invisibility in Circulation Image with Dyadic Wavelet Based Data
Hiding with Run-Length Coded Secret Images of Which Location of Codes are Determined with Random
Authors: Kohei Arai, Yuji Yamada
PAGE 33 40

Paper 7: Unsupervised Method of Object Retrieval Using Similar Region Merging and Flood Fill
Authors: Kanak Saxena, Sanjeev Jain, Uday Pratap Singh
PAGE 41 50

Paper 8: Tifinagh Character Recognition Using Geodesic Distances, Decision Trees & Neural Networks
PAGE 51 55
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
Paper 9: Motion Blobs as a Feature for Detection on Smoke
Authors: Khalid Nazim S. A., Dr. M.B. Sanjay Pande
PAGE 56 59

Paper 10: Extraction of Line Features from Multifidus Muscle of CT Scanned Images with Morphologic
Filter Together with Wavelet Multi Resolution Analysis
Authors: Kohei Arai, Yuichiro Eguchi, Yoichiro Kitajima
PAGE 60 - 66

Paper 11: Robust Face Detection Using Circular Multi Block Local Binary Pattern and Integral Haar
Authors: Dr.P.K.Suri, Er.Amit Verma
PAGE 67 71

Paper 12: A new vehicle detection method
Authors: Zebbara Khalid, Mohamed El Ansari, Abdenbi Mazoul
PAGE 72 76

Paper 13: Multimodal Biometric Person Authentication using Speech, Signature and Handwriting
Authors: Eshwarappa M.N., Dr. Mrityunjaya V. Latte
PAGE 77 86

Paper 14: A Fuzzy Decision Tree to Estimate Development Effort for Web Applications
Authors: Ali Idri, Sanaa Elyassami
PAGE 87 91

Paper 15: An Extended Performance Comparison of Colour to Grey and Back using the Haar, Walsh, and
Kekre Wavelet Transforms
Authors: Dr. H. B. Kekre, Dr. Sudeep D. Thepade, Adib Parkar
PAGE 92 99

Paper 16: A Prototype Student Advising Expert System Supported with an Object-Oriented Database
Authors: M. Ayman Al Ahmar
PAGE 100 105

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
Paper 17: Face Recognition Using Bacteria Foraging Optimization-Based Selected Features
Authors: Rasleen Jakhar, Navdeep Kaur, Ramandeep Singh
PAGE 106 111

Paper 18: Instant Human Face Attributes Recognition System
Authors: N.Bellustin, Y. Kalafati
PAGE 112 120

Paper 19: Mining Volunteered Geographic Information datasets with heterogeneous spatial reference
Authors: Sadiq Hussain, Prof. G.C. Hazarika
PAGE 121 124

Paper 20: Method for Extracting Product Information from TV Commercial
Authors: Kohei Arai, Herman Tolle
PAGE 125 131

Paper 21: Efficient Cancer Classification using Fast Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (FANFIS)
based on Statistical Techniques
Authors: K.AnandaKumar, Dr.M.Punithavalli
PAGE 132 137

Paper 22: Clustering Student Data to Characterize Performance Patterns
Authors: Bindiya M Varghese, Jose Tomy J, Unnikrishnan A, Poulose Jacob K
PAGE 138 140

Paper 23: Comparative Analysis of Various Approaches Used in Frequent Pattern Mining
Authors: Deepak Garg, Hemant Sharma
PAGE 141 147
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
1 | P a g e
Parts of Speech Tagging for Afaan Oromo

Getachew Mamo Wegari
Information Technology Department
Jimma Institute of Technology
Jimma, Ethiopia
Million Meshesha (PhD)
Information Science Department
Addis Ababa University
Jimma, Ethiopia

AbstractThe main aim of this study is to develop part-of-speech
tagger for Afaan Oromo language. After reviewing literatures on
Afaan Oromo grammars and identifying tagset and word
categories, the study adopted Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
approach and has implemented unigram and bigram models of
Viterbi algorithm. Unigram model is used to understand word
ambiguity in the language, while bigram model is used to
undertake contextual analysis of words.
For training and testing purpose 159 sentences (with a total of
1621 words) that are manually annotated sample corpus are
used. The corpus is collected from different public Afaan Oromo
newspapers and bulletins to make the sample corpus balanced. A
database of lexical probabilities and transitional probabilities are
developed from the annotated corpus. These two probabilities are
from which the tagger learn and tag sequence of words in
The performance of the prototype, Afaan Oromo tagger is tested
using tenfold cross validation mechanism. The result shows that
in both unigram and bigram models 87.58% and 91.97%
accuracy is obtained, respectively.
Keywords-Natural Language processing; parts of speech tagging;
Hidden Markov Model; N-Gram; Afaan Oromo.
At the heart of any natural language processing (NLP) task,
there is the issue of natural language understanding. However,
the process of building computer programs that understand
natural language is not straightforward. As explained in [1],
natural languages give rise to lexical ambiguity that words may
have different meanings, i.e. one word is in general connected
with different readings in the lexicon. Homograph, the
phenomenon that certain words showing different morpho-
syntatic behavior are identically written. For instance, the word
Bank has different meanings; Bank (= financial institute),
Bank (= seating accommodation), etc.
In other words, words match more than one lexical category
depending on the context that they appear in sentences. For
example, if we consider the word miilaa leg in the following
two sentences,
Lataan kubbaa miilaa xabata. Lata plays football.
Lataan miilaa eeraa qaba. Lata has long leg.
In the first sentence, miilaa leg takes the position of
adjective to describe the noun kubbaa ball. But in the second
sentence, miilaa is a noun described by eeraa long.
Besides ambiguity of words, inflection and derivation of the
language are other reasons that make natural language
understanding very complex. For instance, tapha play
contains the following inflection in Afaan Oromo language.
tapha-t she plays
tapha-ta he plays
tapha-tu they play
tapha-ta-niiru they played
tapha-chuu-fi they will play
In the above particular context suffixes are added to show
gender {t, --ta}, number { tu/--u} and future {--fi}.
To handle such complexities and use computers to
understand and manipulate natural language text and speech,
there are various research attempts under investigation. Some
of these include machine translation, information extraction
and retrieval using natural language, text to speech synthesis,
automatic written text recognition, grammar checking, and
part-of-speech tagging. Most of these approaches have been
developed for popular languages like English [3]. However,
there are few studies for Afaan Oromo language. So, the study
presents the investigation of designing and developing an
automatic part-of-speech tagger for Afaan Oromo language.
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging is the act of assigning each
word in sentences a tag that describes how that word is used in
the sentences. That means POS tagging assigns whether a
given word is used as a noun, adjective, verb, etc. As Pla and
Molina [4] notes, one of the most well-known disambiguation
problems is POS tagging. A POS tagger attempts to assign the
corresponding POS tag to each word in sentences, taking into
account the context in which this word appears.
For example, the following is tagged sentence in Afaan
Oromo Language.
Leenseen\NN kaleessa\AD deemte\VV Lense went
In the above example, words in the sentence, Leensaan
kaleessa deemte, are tagged with appropriate lexical categories
of noun, adverb and verb respectively. The codes NN, AD, VV
are tags for noun, adverb and verb respectively. The process of
tagging takes a sentence as input, assigns a POS tag to the word
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
2 | P a g e
or to each word in a sentence or in a corpus, and produces the
tagged text as output.
There are two efficient approaches that have been
established to develop part-speech-tagger [14].
A. Rule based Approach
Rule based taggers use hand coded rules to determine the
lexical categories of a word [2, 13]. Words are tagged based on
the contextual information around a word that is going to be
tagged. Part-of-speech distributions and statistics for each word
can be derived from annotated corpora - dictionaries.
Dictionaries provide a list of word with their lexical meanings.
In dictionaries there are many citations of examples that
describe a word in different context. These contextual citations
provide information that is used as a clue to develop a rule and
determine lexical categories of the word.
In English language, for instance, a rule changes the tag
from modal to noun if the previous word is an article. And the
rule is applied to a sentence, the/art can/noun rusted/verb.
Brills rules tagger conforms to a limited number of
transformation types, called templates. For example, the rule
changes the tag from modal to noun if the previous word is an
article, corresponds to template. The following table shows
sample template that is used in Brills rule tagger [2].
Rules Explanation
alter(A, B, prevtag(C)) Change A to B if preceding tag is C
alter(A, B, nexttag(C)) Change A to B if the following tag is C

Where, A, B and C represent lexical categories or part-of-
B. Stochastic Approach
Most current part-of-speech taggers are probabilistic
(stochastic). It is preferred to tag for a word by calculating the
most likely tag in the context of the word and its immediate
neighbors [15, 16]. The intuition behind all stochastic taggers is
a simple generalization of the 'pick the most-likely tag for this
word' approach based on the Bayesian framework. A stochastic
approach includes most frequent tag, n gram and Hidden
Markov Model [13].
HMM is the statistical model which is mostly used in POS
tagging. The general idea is that, if we have a sequence of
words, each with one or more potential tags, then we can
choose the most likely sequence of tags by calculating the
probability of all possible sequences of tags, and then choosing
the sequence with the highest probability [17]. We can directly
observe the sequence of words, but we can only estimate the
sequence of tags, which is hidden from the observer of the
text. A HMM enables us to estimate the most likely sequence
of tags, making use of observed frequencies of words and tags
(in a training corpus) [14].
The probability of a tag sequence is generally a function of:
the probability that one tag follows another (n-gram);
for example, after a determiner tag an adjective tag or a
noun tag is quite likely, but a verb tag is less likely. So
in a sentence beginning with the run, the word run
is more likely to be a noun than a verb base form.
The probability of a word being assigned a particular
tag from the list of all possible tags (most frequent tag);
for example, the word over could be a common noun
in certain restricted contexts, but generally a
preposition tag would be overwhelmingly the more
likely one.
So, for a given sentence or word sequence, HMM taggers
choose the tag sequence that maximizes the following formula
P(word/tag ) * P(tag/previous n tags)

Afaan Oromo is one of the major languages that is widely
spoken and used in Ethiopia [6]. Currently it is an official
language of Oromia state. It is used by Oromo people, who are
the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, which amounts to 34.5%
of the total population according to the 2008 census [19].
With regard to the writing system, since 1991 Qubee
(Latin-based alphabet) has been adopted and become the
official script of Afaan Oromo [12]. Currently, Afaan Oromo is
widely used as both written and spoken language in Ethiopia.
Besides being an official working language of Oromia State,
Afaan Oromo is the instructional medium for primary and
junior secondary schools throughout the region and its
administrative zones. It is also given as the department in five
universities in Ethiopia. Thus, the language has well
established and standardized writing and spoken system [7].
To use computers for understanding and manipulation of
Afaan Oromo language, there are very few researches
attempted. These attempts include text-to-speech system for
Afaan Oromo [8], an automatic sentence parser for Oromo
Language [9] and developing morphological analyzer for
Afaan Oromo text [10].
There are also other related researches that were conducted
on other local language. Specially on Amharic language, two
researches were conducted on POS tagging by [5] and [11], but
to the best of our knowledge there is no POS tagging research
conducted for Afaan Oromo language.
The output of POS tagger has many applications in many
natural language processing activities [4]. Morpho-syntactic
disambiguation is used as preprocessor in NLP systems. Thus,
Most frequent

N-gram (a
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
3 | P a g e
the use of a POS tagger simplifies the task of syntactic or
semantic parsers because they do not have to manage
ambiguous morphological sentences. Thus parsing cannot
proceed in the absence of lexical analysis, and so it is necessary
to first identify and determine part-of-speech of words.
It can also be incorporated in NLP systems that have to
deal with unrestricted text, such as information extraction,
information retrieval, and machine translation. In this modern
world, huge amount of information are available on the Internet
in different languages of the world. To access such information
we need machine translator to translate into local languages. To
develop a machine translation system, the lexical categories of
the source and target languages should be analyzed first since a
translator translates, for example, nouns of the source language
to the nouns of the target language. So, POS tagger is one of
the key inputs in machine translation processes.
A word's part-of-speech can further tell us about how the
word is pronounced. For instance, the word content in
English can be a noun or an adjective. It is pronounced as
CONtent and conTENT respectively. Thus, knowing part-
of-speech can produce more natural pronunciations in a speech
synthesis system and more accuracy in a speech recognition
system [8].
All these applications can benefit from POS tagger to
improve their performance in both accuracy and computational
A. Algorithm Design and Implementation
HMM approach is adopted for the study since it does not
need detail linguistic knowledge of the language as rule based
approach [14]. Viterbi algorithm is used for implementing the
The Viterbi algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm
that optimizes the tagging of a sequence, making the tagging
much more efficient in both time and memory consumption. In
a nave implementation it would calculate the probability of
every possible path through the sequence of possible word-tag
pairs, and then select the one with the highest probability. Since
the number of possible paths through a sequence with a lot of
ambiguities can be quite large, this will consume a lot more
memory and time than necessary [18].
Since the path with highest probability will be a path that
only includes optimal sub paths, there is no need to keep sub
paths that are not optimal. Thus, the Viterbi algorithm only
keeps the optimal sub path of each node at each position in the
sequence, discarding the others.
B. Test and Evaluation
The prototype tagger is tested based on the sample test data
prepared for this purpose. The performance evaluation is
analyzed based on correctly tagged once by the prototype
The performance analysis is using tenfold cross validation. Ten
fold cross validation divides a given corpus in to ten folds. And
nine folds are used for training and the tenth fold is used for
testing. It provides an unbiased estimate of value of prediction
error and preferred for small sample corpus [20].
A. Afaan Oromo Tagsets
Since there is no tagset prepared for natural language
processing purpose for Afaan Oromo language, seventeen tags
have been identified for the study as indicated in Table II.
Tags Description
A tag for all types of nouns that are not joined with
other categories in sentences.
A tag for all nouns that are not separated from
NC A tag for all nouns that are not separated from
PP A tag for all pronouns that are not joined with other
PS A tag for all pronouns that are not separated from
PC A tag for all pronouns that are not separated from
VV A tag for all main verbs in sentences.
AX A tag for all auxiliary verbs.
JJ A tag for all adjectives that are separated from other
JC A tag for adjectives that are not separated from
JN A tag for numeral adjectives.
AD A tag for all types of adverbs in the language.
PR A tag for all preposition/postposition that are
separated from other categories.
ON A tag for ordinary numerals.
CC A tag for all conjunctions that are separated from
other categories.
II A tag for all introjections in the language.
PN A tag for all punctuations in the language.
B. Corpus
The collected corpus for the study was manually tagged by
experts of linguists in the field. The tagging process is based on
the identified tagset and corpus that is manually tagged,
considering contextual position of words in a sentence. This
tagged corpus is used for training the tagger and evaluates its
performance. The total tagged corpus consists of 159 sentences
(the total of 1621 tokens).
Lexicon was prepared from which the two probabilities are
developed for the analysis of the data set.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
4 | P a g e
A. Lexicon probability
The lexical probabilities have been estimated by computing
the relative frequencies of every word per category from the
training annotated corpus. All statistical information, that
enables to develop probabilities, are derived automatically from
a hand annotated corpus (the lexicon).
For instance, the lexical probability of the word Oromoon
tagged with NN is calculated as:
C(Oromoon, NN) = 7
C(NN) = 334
So, P(Oromoon/NN) = C(Oromoon, NN)/C(NN)
= 7/334
= 0.0206
Where, C and P are count of and Probability, respectively.

B. T
, the information of one part-of-speech category preceded by
other categories is developed from training lexicon corpus. For
this study, bigram is used. Bigram considers the information of
the category (t-1) preceded the target category (t). That means,
P(t/t-1), where t is part-of-speech category.
For example, C($S) = 157
C(NN,$S) = 79
P(NN/$S) = C(NN, $S)/C($S)
= 79/157
= 0.5032
Bigram Category Probability







The tagger learns from the two probabilities to label
appropriate tag to each word in sentences. The tagger for the
study is developed from Viterbi algorithm of hidden Markov
A. Performance Analysis of the tagger
Unigram Bigram
87.58% 91.97%

In the performance analysis, the tagger is repeatedly trained
and tested following tenfold cross validation.
The algorithms of the tagger are tested with a corpus of 146
Afaan Oromo words in average in each test set and that is
trained on the training set of 1315 words, and the result of each
test are compared with a copy of the test set that is hand
annotated. As a result, the results of the experiments for both
bigram and unigram algorithms show an accuracy of 91.97%
and 87.5% correctly tagged words in average respectively.
With this corpus, the distributions of accuracy performance
in both models are not as far from each other. The maximum
variation in the distribution of bigram and unigram models is
8.97 and 11.04 respectively. If the corpus is standardized, this
variation will reduce since standardized corpus consist
relatively complete representative of words for the language
and fair distribution of words in training set and test are
In bigram model, the statistical accuracy is performed more
than unigram model. Bigram model uses probability of
contextual information besides the highest probability of
categories given a word in a sentence to tag the word. The
difference accuracy rate from bigram to unigram is 4.39% with
this dataset.
This indicates, contextual information (the position in
which the word appear in sentence) affects the determination of
word categories for Afaan Oromo language.
Words with given lexical
P(Oromoon/NN) 0.0206





words NN PP VV JJ AD Total
2 0 0 1 0 3

Yeroo 0 0 0 0 9 9
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
Total 334 100 351 226 81 1621
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
5 | P a g e
The support of Jimma University, Ethiopia, is greatly
acknowledged. The authors would also like to acknowledge the
help and support from Tigist Mazgabu, Dr. Mengesha Mamo
and Mr. Fituma Tefera.
[1] Hermann Helbig. Knowledge representation and the semantics of natural
language. Springer-Verlg Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.
[2] James Allen. Natural language Understanding. The Benjamin/Cummings
Publishing company, Redwood City, Canada, 1995
[3] Gobinda G. Chowdhury. Natural Language Processing: Department of
Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
G1 1XH, UK, http://www.cis.strath.ac.uk/cis/research/publications/
[4] Ferran Pla and Antonio Molina. Natural Language Engineering: Improving
part of- speech tagging using lexicalized HMMs_ 2004. Cambridge
University Press, United Kingdom, 2004
[5] Mesfin Getachew. Automatic part-of-speech tagging for Amharic
language an experiment using stochastic Hidden Markov Approach. MSc.
Thesis. School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2001.
[6] Abara Nefa. Long Vowels in Afaan Oromo: A Generative Approach.
M.A. Thesis. School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University, 1988.
[7] Kula K. T., Vasudeva Varma and Prasad Pingali. Evaluation of Oromo-
English Cross-Language Information Retrieval. In IJCAI 2007 Workshop
on CLIA, Hyderabad (India), 2007.
[8] Morka Mekonnen. Text to speech system for Afaan Oromo. MSc Thesis.
School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2001.Unpublished
[9] Diriba Magarsa. An automatic sentence parser for Oromo language. MSc
Thesis. School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2000.
[10] Assefa W/Mariam. Developing morphological analysis for Afaan Oromo
text. MSc Thesis. School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University,
2000. Unpublished
[11] Yenewondim Biadgo. Application of multilayer perception neural
network for tagging part-of-speech for Amharic language. MSc Thesis.
School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University, 2005. Unpublished
[12] Gumii Qormaata Afaan Oromo. Caasluga Afaan Oromo. Komoshinii
Aadaafi Tuurizimii Oromiyaa, 1996. Unpublished
[13] Pierre M. Nugues. An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and
Prolog. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2006
[14] Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing:
An Introduction to Natural Speech Recognition. Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
[15] Sandipan Dand, Sudeshna Sarkar, Anupam Basu. Automatic Part-of-
Speech Tagging for Bengali: An Approach for Morphologically Rich
Languages in a Poor Resource Scenario. Department of Computer
Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 2007
[16] Frank Van Eynde. Part-of-speech Tagging and Lemmatisation for the
Spoken Dutch Corpus, Center for Computational Linguistics Maria-
Theresiastraat 21 3000 Leuven, Belgium, 2000
[17] Roger Garside and Nicholas Smith. A Hybrid Grammatical Tagger:
CLAWS4, http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/papers/HybridTaggerGS97.pdf
[18] Simon STHL. Part-of-Speech Tagger for Swedish, Computer Science,
Lund University, 2000
[19] Census report: Ethiopias population now 76 million. December 4th,
2008. http://ethiopolitics.com/news
[20] Yoshua Bengio and Yves Grandvalet. No Unbiased Estimator of the
Variance of K-Fold Cross-Validation. Dept. IRO, Universite de
Montreal C.P. 6128, Montreal, Qc, H3C 3J7, Canada, 2004
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

6 | P a g e
Speaker Identification using Row Mean of Haar and
Kekres Transform on Spectrograms of Different
Frame Sizes
Dr. H B Kekre
Senior Professor, Computer Dept.,
MPSTME, NMIMS University,
Mumbai, India.
Vaishali Kulkarni
Associate Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication,
MPSTME, NMIMS University,
Mumbai, India.

AbstractIn this paper, we propose Speaker Identification using
two transforms, namely Haar Transform and Kekres
Transform. The speech signal spoken by a particular speaker is
converted into a spectrogram by using 25% and 50% overlap
between consecutive sample vectors. The two transforms are
applied on the spectrogram. The row mean of the transformed
matrix forms the feature vector, which is used in the training as
well as matching phases. The results of both the transform
techniques have been compared. Haar transform gives fairly
good results with a maximum accuracy of 69% for both 25% as
well as 50% overlap. Kekres Transform shows much better
performance, with a maximum accuracy of 85.7% for 25%
overlap and 88.5% accuracy for 50% overlap.
Keywords-Speaker Identification; Spectrogram; Haar Transform;
Kekres Transform; Row Mean; Euclidean distance
Humans recognize the voice of someone familiar, and are
able to match the speakers name to his/her voice. This
process is called Speaker Identification. Speaker Identification
falls under the broad category of Speaker Recognition [1]
[3], which covers Identification as well as Verification.
Speaker identification determines which registered speaker
provides a given utterance from amongst a set of known
speakers (also known as closed set identification). Speaker
verification accepts or rejects the identity claim of a speaker
(also known as open set identification). Speaker Identification
task can be further classified into text-dependent or text-
independent task [4] [6]. In the former case, the utterance
presented to the system is known beforehand. In the latter
case, no assumption about the text being spoken is made, but
the system must model the general underlying properties of
the speakers vocal spectrum. In general, text-dependent
systems are more reliable and accurate, since both the content
and voice can be compared [3], [4]. With a large number of
applications like voice dialing, phone banking, teleshopping,
database access services, information services, voice mail,
security systems and remote access to computers etc., the
automated systems need to perform as well or even better,
than humans [7] [10]. Work on Speaker Identification
started as early as 1960. Since then many techniques such as
filter banks [11], formant analysis [12], auto-corelation [13],
instantaneous spectra covariance matrix [14], spectrum and
fundamental frequency histograms [15], linear prediction
coefficients [16] and long term averaged spectra [17] for
feature extraction have been implemented. Some of recent
works on speaker identification depend on classical features
including cepstrum with many variants [4], sub-band
processing technique [18 - 21], Gaussian mixture models
(GMM) [22], linear prediction coding [23, 24], wavelet
transform [25 - 27] and neural networks [26 - 28].A lot of
work in this regard has been done. But still there is lack of
understanding of the characteristics of the speech signal that
can uniquely identify a speaker.
We have proposed speaker identification using power
distribution in the frequency domain [29], [30]. We have also
proposed speaker recognition using vector quantization in time
domain by using LBG (Linde Buzo Gray), KFCG (Kekres
Fast Codebook Generation) and KMCG (Kekres Median
Codebook Generation) algorithms [31 33] and in transform
domain using DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), DCT
(Discrete Cosine Transform) and DST (Discrete Sine
Transform) [34].
The concept of row mean of the transform techniques has
been used for content based image retrieval (CBIR) [35 38].
This technique also has been applied on speaker identification
by first converting the speech signal into a spectrogram [39].
We have proposed Speaker Identification using row mean of
DFT, DCT, DST and Walsh Transforms on the speech signal
[40] [41].
In this paper we have proposed a different approach by
using the spectrograms. Row mean of Haar and Kekres
Transforms are taken on the spectrogram of the speech signal
taken on different frame sizes. The generalized block diagram
of the speaker identification system is shown in Fig. 1. As
shown in Fig. 1, the reference signals in the database are first
converted into their spectrograms and then the transforms are
applied. The feature vectors are extracted and stored. The test
signal to be identified is similarly processed and the feature
vector is matched with the feature vectors stored in the
database. The feature vector of the speaker in the database
which gives the minimum Euclidean distance with the test
signal is declared as the speaker identified. Section II
describes the process of converting the speech signal into a
spectrogram. The Haar and Kekres transforms have been
explained in section III. In Section IV, the feature vector
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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

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extraction is explained. Results are discussed in section V and
conclusion ion section VI.
The first step in the speaker identification system is to
convert the speech signal into a spectrogram. A spectrogram is
a time-varying spectral representation [42] (forming an image)
that shows how the spectral density of a signal varies with
time. Spectrograms have been used for speaker Identification
since a very long time [43 - 45]. Spectrograms are usually
created in one of two ways: approximated as a filterbank that
results from a series of bandpass filters (this was the only way
before the advent of modern digital signal processing), or
calculated from the time signal using the short-time Fourier
transform (STFT). Creating a spectrogram using the STFT is
usually a digital process. Digitally sampled data, in the time
domain, is broken up into chunks, which usually overlap, and
Fourier transformed to calculate the magnitude of the
frequency spectrum for each chunk. Each chunk then
corresponds to a vertical line in the image; a measurement of
magnitude versus frequency for a specific moment in time.
The spectrums or time plots are then "laid side by side" to
form the image or a three-dimensional surface. This is done
using the following steps:
1. The speech signal is first divided into frames, (of sizes
32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 292 or 320) with
an overlap of 25% or 50%.
2. These frames are arranged column wise to form a
matrix. E.g. if the speech signal is a one dimensional
signal of 440961. We divide this into frames of 256
samples each with an overlap of 25% between
consecutive frames i.e. overlap of 64. These frames are
then arranged column wise to form a matrix of
dimension 256229.
3. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is applied to this
matrix column wise.
4. The spectrogram is then plotted as the squared
magnitude of this transform matrix.
Fig. 2 (a) shows a sample speech signal from the database.
Fig.2 (b) shows the spectrogram plotted for the speech signal
of fig. 2(a) with a frame size of 256 with a overlap of 25%
between adjacent samples. Fig. 2 (c) shows the spectrogram
plotted for the same speech signal with an overlap of 50%
between adjacent samples. Fig. 3 shows the spectrograms
generated for three different speakers for two iterations. Fig.
3a & Fig 3b are the spectrograms of the same speaker 1 for the
same sentence for two iterations. Similarly Fig. 3c & Fig. 3d
are for speaker 2 and Fig. 3e & Fig. 3f are for speaker 3. As
can be seen from the spectrograms there is much similarity
between two iterations of the same speaker whereas the
spectrograms of different speakers vary. Looking at these
features we decided to implement the row mean technique.

Figure 1. Speaker Identification System
Fig. 2 (a) shows a sample speech signal from the database.
Fig.2 (b) shows the spectrogram plotted for the speech signal
of fig. 2(a) with a frame size of 256 with a overlap of 25%
between adjacent samples. Fig. 2 (c) shows the spectrogram
plotted for the same speech signal with an overlap of 50%
between adjacent samples.
Fig. 3 shows the spectrograms generated for three different
speakers for two iterations. Fig. 3a & Fig 3b are the
spectrograms of the same speaker 1 for the same sentence for
two iterations.
Similarly Fig. 3c & Fig. 3d are for speaker 2 and Fig. 3e &
Fig. 3f are for speaker 3. As can be seen from the
spectrograms there is much similarity between two iterations
of the same speaker whereas the spectrograms of different
speakers vary. Looking at these features we decided to
implement the row mean technique.


Test Speech
Reference Speech
Matching using
Feature Vector

decision based
on minimum
Converting into
Converting into
Feature Vector
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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

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Figure 2. Speech Signal and its Spectrogram
For the present work on Speaker Identification, we have
used two transform techniques, namely Haar transform and
Kekres Transform. The two transforms have been explained
in this section.
A. Haar Transform
This sequence was proposed in 1909 by Alfrd Haar [46].
Haar used these functions to give an example of a countable
orthonormal system for the space of square-integrable
functions on the real line [47, 48]. The Haar transform is
derived from the Haar matrix. The Haar transform is separable
and can be expressed in matrix form as:
[F] = [H] [f] [H]
Where f is an NxN image, H is an NxN Haar transform
matrix and F is the resulting NxN transformed image. The
transformation H contains the Haar basis function h
(t) which
are defined over the continuous closed interval t [0,1].
The Haar basis functions are
When k=0, the Haar function is defined as a constant

(t)=1/N (2)
When k>0 , the Haar function is defined by

Where 0 p < log2N and 1 q 2p
The N Haar functions can be sampled at t = (2n+1) ,
where = T/ (2N) and n = 0, 1, 2, 3, N-1 to form an N x N
matrix for discrete Haar transform. For example, when N=4,
we have

For N=8

B. Kekres Transform
Kekre Transform matrix [49, 51] can be of any size NxN,
which need not have to be in powers of 2 (as is the case with
most of other transforms including Haar Transform). All upper
diagonal and diagonal values of Kekres transform matrix are
one, while the lower diagonal part except the values just below
diagonal are zero. Generalized NN Kekre Transform Matrix
can be given as in (6).
The formula for generating the term K
of Kekres
transform matrix is given by (7).

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
x 10

a. Sample Speech signal
b. Spectrogram of frame size 256
with a 25% overlap
c. Spectrogram of frame size 256 with
a 50% overlap


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Figure 3.Spectrograms for three different speakers. a & b for
speaker 1,c & d for speaker 2 and e & f for speaker 3 for the text ,
All great things are only a number of small things that have
carefully been collected together.

Fig. 4 shows eight waveforms generated using (3) for N=8.
Writing this in matrix form we get 8x8 Haar matrix.

Figure 4. Eight waveforms generated using (3) for N=8

Kekres Transform has been used for image retrieval [50].

Also Kekres Wavelet transform (N
) has been
developed using (NN) Kekres Transform Matrix [51].
The procedure for feature vector extraction is given below:
1. Column Transform (Haar or Kekres Transform) is
applied on the spectrogram of the speech signal.
2. The mean of the absolute values of the rows of the
transform matrix is then calculated.
3. These row means form a column vector (M1) where
M is the number of rows in the transform matrix).
4. This column vector forms the feature vector for the
speech sample.
5. The feature vectors for all the speech samples are
calculated for different values of n and stored in the
database. Fig. 5 shows the Feature Vector generation
Figure 5. Feature Vector Generation from Spectrogram
A. Database Description
The speech samples used in this work are recorded using
Sound Forge 4.5. The sampling frequency is 8000 Hz (8 bit,
mono PCM samples). Table I shows the database description.
Five iterations of four different sentences of varying lengths
are recorded from each of the speakers. Twenty samples per
speaker are taken. For text dependent identification, four
iterations of a particular sentence are kept in the database and
the remaining one iteration is used for testing.
Parameter Sample characteristics
Language English
No. of Speakers 42
Speech type Read speech
Recording conditions Normal. (A silent room)
Sampling frequency 8000 Hz
Resolution 8 bps


Row Mean
. A
. A
. A

Spectrogram (MN)

Mean of
each row
Transform matrix



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Feature vector size
25% overlap
B. Experimental Results
The feature vectors of all the reference speech samples are
stored in the database in the training phase. In the matching
phase, the test sample that is to be identified is taken and
similarly processed as in the training phase to form the feature
vector. The stored feature vector which gives the minimum
Euclidean distance with the input sample feature vector is
declared as the speaker identified.
C. Accuracy of Identification
The accuracy of the identification system is calculated as
given by (8).


x 100
Figure 6. Performance comparison of Haar and Kekres Transform for a
overlap of 25%
Figure 7. Performance comparison of Haar and Kekres Transform for a
overlap of 50%

Fig. 6 shows the results obtained by using the two
transforms for an overlap of 25% between the adjacent frames
while creating the spectrograms of the speech signals. As can
be seen from the graphs, the Haar transform gives an average
performance of around 60%. The maximum accuracy is
obtained for a feature vector size of 32 and 64 (69%)and
minimum for a feature vector size of 160 (51%). As the
feature vector size is increased further, the accuracy drops and
there is no improvement.
For Kekres transform, the average accuracy is around
83.33%, with a maximum accuracy of around 85% for a
feature vector size of 256 and minimum accuracy for feature
vector size of 64 to 160 (82%). Fig.7 shows the results
obtained by using the two transforms for an overlap of 50%
between the adjacent frames while creating the spectrograms
of the speech signals. Here also Haar transform gives an
average accuracy of around 60%. The behavior of haar
transform for both the cases is much similar.
For Kekres transform, the average accuracy is slightly
more i.e. 85.7%. The maximum accuracy is 88.5% for a
feature vector size of 256. Overall Kekres transform gives
much better results as compared to Haar transform.
In this paper we have compared the performance of Haar
and Kekres transforms for speaker identification for two
different cases (25% and 50% overlap). Haar transform gives
an average accuracy of around 60% for both the cases.
Accuracy does not increase as the feature vector size is
increased from 64 onwards.
Kekres transform gives an accuracy of more than 80% for
both the cases. The maximum accuracy obtained for Kekres
transform 88.5% for a feature vector size of 256. The present
study is ongoing and we are analyzing the performance on
other transforms.
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[35] Dr. H.B.Kekre, Sudeep D. Thepade, Akshay Maloo Performance
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Mean of Transformed Column Gradient Image, International Journal of
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[37] Dr. H.B.Kekre, Sudeep D. Thepade, Akshay Maloo Eigenvectors of
Covariance Matrix using Row Mean and Column Mean Sequences for
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Bioinformatics (IJBB), Volume (4): Issue (2)
[38] Dr. H.B.Kekre, Sudeep Thepade, Archana Athawale, Grayscale Image
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[50] Dr. H.B.Kekre, Sudeep D. Thepade, Archana Athawale, Anant Shah,
Prathamesh Verlekar and Suraj Shirke, Kekre Transform over Row
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Retrieval, International Journal of Computer and Electrical
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Dr. H. B. Kekre has received B.E. (Hons.) in Telecomm.
Engg. from Jabalpur University in 1958, M.Tech
(Industrial Electronics) from IIT Bombay in 1960,
M.S.Engg. (Electrical Engg.) from University of Ottawa
in 1965 and Ph.D. (System Identification) from IIT
Bombay in 1970. He has worked Over 35 years as
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and then HOD
Computer Science and Engg. at IIT Bombay. For last 13 years worked as a
Professor in Department of Computer Engg. at Thadomal Shahani
Engineering College, Mumbai. He is currently Senior Professor working with
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, SVKMs
NMIMS University, Vile Parle(w), Mumbai, INDIA. He has guided 17
Ph.D.s, 150 M.E./M.Tech Projects and several B.E./B.Tech Projects. His areas
of interest are Digital Signal processing, Image Processing and Computer
Networks. He has more than 350 papers in National / International
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

12 | P a g e
Conferences / Journals to his credit. Recently fifteen students working under
his guidance have received best paper awards. Recently five research scholars
have received Ph. D. degree from NMIMS University Currently he is guiding
seven Ph.D. students. He is member of ISTE and IETE.

Vaishali Kulkarni has received B.E in Electronics Engg.
from Mumbai University in 1997, M.E (Electronics and
Telecom) from Mumbai University in 2006. Presently she
is pursuing Ph. D from NMIMS University. She has a
teaching experience of around 10 years. She is Associate
Professor in telecom Department in MPSTME, NMIMS
University. Her areas of interest include networking, Signal
processing, Speech processing: Speech and Speaker Recognition. She has 15
papers in National / International Conferences / Journals to her credit.

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
13 | P a g e
Forecasting the Tehran Stock Market by Artificial
Neural Network

Reza Aghababaeyan, TamannaSiddiqui, NajeebAhmadKhan
Department of Computer Science
Jamia Hamdard University
New Delhi- India

Abstract One of the most important problems in modern
finance is finding efficient ways to summarize and visualize the
stock market data to give individuals or institutions useful
information about the market behavior for investment
decisions. The enormous amount of valuable data generated by
the stock market has attracted researchers to explore this problem
domain using different methodologies. Potential significant
benefits of solving these problems motivated extensive research
for years. In this paper, computational data mining methodology
was used to predict seven major stock market indexes. Two
learning algorithms including Linear Regression and Neural
Network Standard feed-forward back prop (FFB) were tested and
compared. The models were trained from four years of
historical data from March 2007 to February 2011 in order to
predict the major stock prices indexes in the Iran (Tehran
Stock Exchange). The performance of these prediction models was
evaluated using two widely used statistical metrics. We can show
that using Neural Network Standard feed-forward back prop
(FFB) algorithm resulted in better prediction accuracy. In
addition, traditional knowledge shows that a longer training
period with more training data could help to build a more
accurate prediction model. However, as the stock market in Iran
has been highly fluctuating in the past two years, this paper shows
that data collected from a closer and shorter period could help to
reduce the prediction error for such highly speculated fast
changing environment.
Keywords- Data mining; Stock Exchange; Artificial Neural
Network; Matlab.
Data mining called knowledge discovery in databases, in
computer science, the process of discovering interesting and
useful patterns and relationships in large volumes of data. The
field combines tools from statistics and artificial intelligence
(such as neural networks and machine learning) with
database management to analyze large digital collections,
known as data sets. An artificial neural network (ANN),
usually called neural network (NN), is a mathematical model
or computational model that is inspired by the structure and/or
functional aspect of biological neural networks. Neural
Networks (NN) as Artificial Intelligence method has become
very important in making stock market predictions, as it has
proved to be more advantages than the other methods. Since
then lot of research was carried out using different topologies
of Neural Networks. According to Wong, Bodnovich and
Selvi [1] the most frequent areas of neural networks
applications are production operations (53.5%) and finance
(25.4%). In finance, it is more specific to stock market
predictions. When compared to the other methods NN
outperformed and the accuracy rate ranges from 68% to 90%
[9]. The popularity of these methods is mainly due to the
benefits outnumber the limitations it has. Different NN
methods were used for optimal feature selection to generating
buy and sell signals, the more popular being the former.
In this paper, we anticipated Mobarakeh-Steel Co. try. The
high level was in Tehran Stock Exchange. We used data from
15 March 2007 until 14 February 2011 for training the neural
Network and from15 February 2011 until 30
we have
performed experiments using MATLAB and we got 97 %
results, which are very encouraging.
In stock market when brokers want to sell or buy stock,
they mostly depend on technical trading rules. Robert Edward
and John Magee have [10], defined technical trading rules as
the science of recording the actual history of trading (price
changes, volume of transaction, etc.) in a certain stock or in
The averages and then deducing from that pictured history the
probable future trend. Different artificial intelligence
methods were used to optimize the prediction by successful
selection of trading rules.
A researcher originates primary data for the specific
purpose of the problem at hand, but secondary data are data
that have already been collected for other purposes. Secondary
data can be classified as internal and external. Our research
strategy is the analyses are of secondary data. For conducting
our research, types of data are needed:
1) Companies stock prices, which are an internal
secondary data, gathered from the financial databases.
2) 2. Existing Approaches to Cash Forecasting.
Techniques used for cash forecasting can be broadly
a) Time -series Method
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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
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b) Factor analysis method
c) Expert system approach

We have used Factor analysis method for cash forecasting
because by using this method the results are better than of two
above methods.
Among the 20 text files provided by Tehran Stock
Exchange Service Company (TSESC), Mobarakeh-Steel Co.
Intra day price and their corresponding date and time during
years 2007 till 2011 are chosen to be given to the split
and merge algorithm. Before implementing, the segmentation
algorithm in R Programming Language, Mobarakeh-Steel Co.
text file should be read by the program. The program reads
1904 intra day prices (data points) for this company during
years 2007 and 2011, which is equal to 2266.
TABLE 1. Data Sets

Architecture of the Model:
Design of right architecture involves several important
a) Selecting the number of layers
b) Basic decision about the amount of neurons to be
used in each layer
c) Choosing the appropriate neurons transfer
If there are not enough neurons in each layer, the outputs
will not be able to fit all the data points (under- fitting). On the
other hand, if there are too many neurons in each layer,
oscillations may occur between data points (over-fitting).
Therefore, a topology study was conducted in order to find the
most appropriate architecture neural network to fit Cash
forecasting parameters. There are several combinations of
neurons and layers.

The Propose approach has been implemented through
Matlab Software.
A. Number of Layers

The model is a three layer feed-forward neural
network and was trained using fast back propagation
algorithm because it was found to be the most efficient
and reliable means to be used for this study. Table 2 shows
a comparison of the two algorithms.
B. Input Layer Size
Number of input neurons depends upon:
1) Number of cash withdrawal factors included in the

2) Way these factors are encoded
TABLE 2. Selection of Algorithms

Mainly calendar effects are included as parameters
affecting cash withdrawal in this model, Total number of input
neurons needed in this model hence is seven, each
representing the values of an individual variable at a particular
instant of time.
C. Output Layer Size
In this model, only one output unit is needed for
indicating the value of forecasted cash.
D. Optimal Hidden Layer Size
There is no easy way to determine the optimal number of
hidden units without training using number of hidden units
and estimating the error of each. The best approach to find
the optimal number of hidden units is trial and error. In
practice, we can use either the forward selection or backward
selection to determine the hidden layer size.
Forward selection: Starts with choosing an appropriate
criterion for evaluating the performance of the network. Then
we select a small number of hidden neurons; record its
performance i.e. forecast accuracy.
Next, we slightly increase the hidden neurons, train and
test until the error is acceptably small or no significant
improvement is noted.
Backward selection: Starts with a large number of hidden
neurons and the decreases the number gradually.
For this study, the forward selection approach was used to
select the size of hidden layer and best result was with 10
Neurons in hidden layer, as evident from the following Table
TABLE 3. Optimal Neurons in Hidden Layer

Optimal Transfer Function As shown in table 4, for best
transfer function, tansig in hidden (at 10 neurons) and logsig in
output layer were found to be optimal.

Training Set
From 15nd march 2007 to14th February 2011 for
training the neural
Validation Set
From 15 February 2011 to 30th February 2011for
validating the neural
Function Technique Time(s)


Back propagation



Fast Back propagation

No. of Neurons in
Hidden Layer

Mean Forecast Error for
Sum Squared error at
7 9.675 0.004343
8 9.85726 0.004153
9 8.51395 0.002881
10 9.52748 0.003768
11 9.39397 0.003565
12 8.56169 0.003645
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15 | P a g e
TABLE 4. Optimal Transfer Function

Figure1, Neural Network Training Shown in the figure 1 Mobarakeh-steel
co. data training, that data training was 15nd march 2007 to 14th February
2011 for Training.

Figure2, Performance

Figure3, Training State Shown in the figure 3 Training State (Plot train
state), that Gradient= 6426.4872 at epoch 11. Mu = 1000, at epoch 11.
Validation checks= six, at epoch 11.

Figure4, regression (plot regression) Shown in the figure 4 Regression=
TABLE 5. Real Price of mobarakeh-steel co
Shown in the figure above Real Price of Mobarakeh-steel
co. from 15nd march 2007 to 14 February 2011.

Transfer function
Mean Forecast Error
Sum Squared error at
Logsig - purelin


Tansig - purelin


Logsig - logsig


Tansig - tansig


Logsig - tansig



Tansig - logsig


















































(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
16 | P a g e
In this model, only one output unit is needed for indicating
the value of forecasted cash. Shown in the table 6 that
percentage predicted for Real Data. Shown in the table 7 that
Prices Predicted from Mobarakeh-steel Co.

Figure 5, Real price vs. percentage price.

TABLE 6. Percentage of Prediction

1826 1823 1815 2063 2354 2894 3087 3493
3241 3235 3419 3243 3275 3446 4663 5349
4947 3634 3634 1912 1939 1925 1789 1791
1815 2114 1697 1905 1905 2092 1928 1723
1885 1945 2240 2863 2453 2323 2082 2573
2649 2560 2431 2540 2540 5497 2713

TABLE 7. Price Prediction of mobarakeh-steel Co.
96 97 98 100 97 98 99 98
99 99 99 94 99 98 99 92
100 98 99 101 99 100 102 102
97 100 109 99 99 99 99 106
100 99 100 101 100 98 97 99
100 99 98 99 99 169 117
Results: In this work, we anticipated Mobarakeh-Steel
Companys real price data. The high level was in Tehran Stock
Exchange. We used data from 15 March 2007 till 14th
February 2011 for training the neural Network and from
15 February 2011 until 30 February 2011 for validating the
network. After the network was created by MATLAB, the
results were 97 percent, which were very encouraging for this
research work.
An Overview of Study:
Stock markets have been studied over and over again to
extract useful patterns and predict their movements. Mining
textual documents and time series concurrently, such as
predicting the movements of stock prices based on the
contents of the intraday price, is an emerging topic in data
mining and text mining community. Stock price trend
forecasting based solely on the technical and fundamental
data analysis enjoys great popularity. However, numeric
time series data only contain the event and not the cause why
it happened.
Textual data such as news articles have richer information,
hence exploiting textual information especially in addition to
numeric time series data increases the quality of the input and
improved predictions are expected from this kind of input
rather than only numerical data. Information about companys
report or breaking news stories can dramatically affect the
share price of a security.
In order to make the prediction model, the
research process should be implemented consists of different
steps including data collection, data preprocessing, alignment,
feature and document selection, document representation,
classification and model evaluation. With the prediction model
(feed-forward back prop) we can conclude that our prediction
model out performs the random labeling. The prediction model
will notify the up or down of the stock price movement when
an upcoming pieces of news is released, and 83 percent of time
can p r e d i c t c or r e c t l y.
This can be very beneficial for individual and corporate
investors, financial analysts, and users of financial news.
With such a model, they can foresee the future behavior and
movement of stock prices; take correct actions immediately
and act properly in their trading to gain more profit and prevent


[1] B.K. Wong, T.A. Bonovich, Y. Selvi, Neural Network Applications in
Business: A Review and Analysis to the literature (1988-95), Decision
Support Systems, Vol. 19, Pp301-320, 1997.
[2] C. Moler, the creator of MATLAB (December 2004). "The Origins of
MATLAB". Retrieved April 15, 2007.
[3] C. Moler, "MATLAB Programming Language". Retrieved 2010-12-17.
[4] C. Moler in a Math works newsletter Cleve Moler, the creator of
MATLAB (2000). "MATLAB Incorporates LAPACK". Retrieved
December 20, 2008.
[5] D.R. Cooper, P.S. Schindler, 2003. Business Research Methods. 8thed
.New York: Mc Graw-Hill.
[6] D. Spiel man, (2004-02-10). "Connecting C and Matlab". Yale
University, Computer Science Department. Retrieved 2008-05-20.
[7] J.Kazama, T.Makino, J. Tsujii, Support Vector Networks. Machin
Learning (1995), 20(3), p.273-297
[8] G. Amos (2004). MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications 2nd
Edition. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-69420-5.
[9] M. Zelaic, Neural Network Applications in Stock Market Prediction

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
17 | P a g e
A Methodology Analysis Proc. of 9th IntlConf. Information and Intelligent
Systems, 1998.
[10] R. Edward, J. Magee, Technical Analysis of Stock trends. Seventh
Edition 1997.
[12] R. Goering, "Matlab edges closer to electronic design automation
world," EE Times, 10/04/2004
[13] Wikipedia,"MATLAB technical documentation". Mathworks.com.
Retrieved 2010-06-07.
[14] J. Stafford, The Wrong Choice: Locked in by license
restrictions,"SearchOpenSource.com, 21 May 2003.
Reza Aghababaeyan, PhD Student of Computer Science, New
Delhi-India 2011.

Tamanna Siddiqui, Ph.d of Computer Science New Delhi-India (my

Najeeb Ahmad Khan, Master of Computer Science New Delhi-India.

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
18 | P a g e
A Comparison Study between Data Mining Tools
over some Classification Methods

Abdullah H. Wahbeh, Qasem A. Al-Radaideh, Mohammed N. Al-Kabi, and Emad M. Al-Shawakfa
Department of Computer Information Systems
Faculty of Information Technology, Yarmouk University
Irbid 21163, Jordan

Abstract- Nowadays, huge amount of data and information are
available for everyone, Data can now be stored in many different
kinds of databases and information repositories, besides being
available on the Internet or in printed form. With such amount of
data, there is a need for powerful techniques for better
interpretation of these data that exceeds the human's ability for
comprehension and making decision in a better way. In order to
reveal the best tools for dealing with the classification task that
helps in decision making, this paper has conducted a comparative
study between a number of some of the free available data mining
and knowledge discovery tools and software packages. Results
have showed that the performance of the tools for the
classification task is affected by the kind of dataset used and by
the way the classification algorithms were implemented within
the toolkits. For the applicability issue, the WEKA toolkit has
achieved the highest applicability followed by Orange, Tanagra,
and KNIME respectively. Finally; WEKA toolkit has achieved
the highest improvement in classification performance; when
moving from the percentage split test mode to the Cross
Validation test mode, followed by Orange, KNIME and finally
Tanagra respectively.

Keywords-component; data mining tools; data classification;
Wekak; Orange; Tanagra; KNIME.
Todays databases and data repositories contain so much
data and information that it becomes almost impossible to
manually analyze them for valuable decision-making.
Therefore, humans need assistance in their analysis capacity;
humans need data mining and its applications [1]. Such
requirement has generated an urgent need for automated tools
that can assist us in transforming those vast amounts of data
into useful information and knowledge.
Data mining is the process of discovering interesting
knowledge from large amounts of data stored in databases, data
warehouses, or other information repositories. Data mining
involves an integration of techniques from multiple disciplines
such as database and data warehousing technology, statistics,
machine learning, high-performance computing, pattern
recognition, neural networks, data visualization, information
retrieval, image and signal processing, and spatial or temporal
data analysis [2]. Data mining has many application fields such
as marketing, business, science and engineering, economics,
games and bioinformatics.
Currently, many data mining and knowledge discovery
tools and software are available for every one and different
usage such as the Waikato Environment for Knowledge
Analysis (WEKA) [3] [4], RapidMiner [5][6], Clementine [6],
Rosetta, Intelligent Miner [1] etc. These tools and software
provide a set of methods and algorithms that help in better
utilization of data and information available to users; including
methods and algorithms for data analysis, cluster analysis,
Genetic algorithms, Nearest neighbor, data visualization,
regression analysis, Decision trees, Predictive analytics, Text
mining, etc.
This research has conducted a comparison study between a
number of available data mining software and tools depending
on their ability for classifying data correctly and accurately.
The accuracy measure; which represents the percentage of
correctly classified instances, is used for judging the
performance of the selected tools and software.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
summaries related works on data mining, mining tools and data
classification. Section 3 gives a general description on the
methodology followed and provides a general description of
the tools and software under test. Section 4 reports our
experimental results of the proposed methodology and
compares the results of the different software and tools used.
Finally, we close this paper with a summary and an outlook for
some future work.
King and Elder [7] have conducted an evaluation of
fourteen data mining tools ranging in price from $75 to
$25,000. The evaluation process was performed by three kinds
of user groups: (1) four undergraduates; who are inexperienced
users in data mining, (2) a relatively experienced graduate
student, and (3) a professional data mining consultant. Tests
were performed using four data sets. To test tools flexibility
and capability, their output types have varied: two binary
classifications (one with missing data), a multi-class set, and a
noiseless estimation set. A random two-thirds of the cases in
each have served as training data; the remaining one-third was
test data. Authors have developed a list of 20 criteria, plus a
standardized procedure, for evaluating data mining tools. The
tools ran under Microsoft Windows 95, NT, or Macintosh 7.5
operating systems, and have employed Decision Trees, Rule

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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
19 | P a g e
Induction, Neural Networks, or Polynomial Networks to solve
two binary classification problems, a multi-class classification
problem, and a noiseless estimation problem. Results have
provided a technical report that details the evaluation procedure
and the scoring of all component criteria. Authors also showed
that the choice of a tool depends on a weighted score of several
categories such as software budget and user experience.
Finally, authors have showed that the tools' price is related to
Carrier and Povel [8] have described a general schema for
the characterization of data mining software tools. Authors
have described a template for the characterization of DM
software along a number of complementary dimensions,
together with a dynamic database of 41 of the most popular
data mining tools. The business-oriented proposal for the
characterization of data mining tools is defined depending on
the business goal, model type, process-dependent features, user
interface features, system requirements and vendor
information. Using these characteristics, authors had
characterized 41 popular DM tools. Finally; authors have
concluded that with the help of a standard schema and a
corresponding database, users are able to select a data mining
software package, with respect to its ability, to meet high-level
business objectives.
Collier et al. [9] have presented a framework for evaluating
data mining tools and described a methodology for applying
this framework. This methodology is based on firsthand
experiences in data mining using commercial data sets from a
variety of industries. Experience has suggested four categories
of criteria for evaluating data mining tools: performance,
functionality, usability, and support of ancillary activities.
Authors have demonstrated that the assessment methodology
takes advantage of decision matrix concepts to objectify an
inherently subjective process. Furthermore, using a standard
spreadsheet application, the proposed framework by [9] is
easily automatable, and thus easy to be rendered and feasible to
employ. Authors have showed that there is no single best tool
for all data mining applications. Furthermore, there are a
several data mining software tools that share the market
Abbott et al. [10] have compared five of the most highly
acclaimed data mining tools on a fraud detection application.
Authors have employed a two stage selection phase preceded
by an in-depth evaluation. For the first stage, more than 40 data
mining tools/vendors were rated depending on six qualities.
The top 10 tools continued to the second stage of the selection
phase and these tools were further rated on several additional
characteristics. After selecting the 10 software packages,
authors have used expert evaluators and re-rated each tool's
characteristics, and the top five tools were selected for
extensive hands-on evaluation. The selected tools and software
were Clementine, Darwin, Enterprise Miner, Intelligent Miner,
and PRW. The tools and software properties evaluated included
the areas of client-server compliance, automation capabilities,
breadth of algorithms implemented, ease of use, and overall
accuracy on fraud-detection test data. Results have showed that
the evaluated five products by authors would all display
excellent properties; however, each may be best suited for a
different environment. Authors have concluded that Intelligent
Miner has the advantage of being the current market leader.
Clementine excels in support provided and in ease of use.
Enterprise Miner would especially enhance a statistical
environment. Darwin is best when network bandwidth is at a
premium. Finally, PRW is a strong choice when its not
obvious what algorithm will be most appropriate, or when
analysts are more familiar with spreadsheets than UNIX.
Hen and Lee [1] have compared and analyzed the
performance of five known data mining tools namely, IBM
intelligent miner, SPSS Clementine, SAS enterprise miner,
Oracle data miner, and Microsoft business intelligence
development studio. 38 metrics were used to compare the
performance of the selected tools. Test data was mined by
various data mining methods ranging from different types of
algorithms that are supported by the five tools, these includes
classification algorithms, regression algorithms, segmentation
algorithms, association algorithms, and sequential analysis
algorithms. Results have provided a review of these tools and
have proposed a data mining middleware adopting the
strengths of these tools.
The methodology of the study constitute of collecting a set
of free data mining and knowledge discovery tools to be tested,
specifying the data sets to be used, and selecting a set of
classification algorithm to test the tools' performance. Fig. 1
demonstrates the overall methodology followed for fulfilling
the goal of this research.
Figure 1. Methodology of Study.
A. Tools Description
The first step in the methodology consists of selecting a
number of available open source data mining tools to be tested.
Many open data mining tools are available for free on the Web.
After surfing the Internet, a number of tools were chosen;
including the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis
(WEKA), Tanagra, the Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME),
and Orange Canvas.
WEKA toolkit [12] is a widely used toolkit for machine
learning and data mining that was originally developed at
the University of Waikato in New Zealand. It contains a
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
20 | P a g e
large collection of state-of-the-art machine learning and
data mining algorithms written in Java. WEKA contains
tools for regression, classification, clustering, association
rules, visualization, and data pre-processing. WEKA has
become very popular with the academic and industrial
researchers, and is also widely used for teaching purposes.
Tanagra is free data mining software for academic and
research purposes. It offers several data mining methods
like exploratory data analysis, statistical learning and
machine learning. The first purpose of the Tanagra project
is to give researchers and students easy-to-use data mining
software. The second purpose of TANAGRA is to propose
to researchers an architecture allowing them to easily add
their own data mining methods, to compare their
performances. The third and last purpose is that novice
developers should take advantage of the free access to
source code, to look how this sort of software was built,
the problems to avoid, the main steps of the project, and
which tools and code libraries to use for. In this way,
Tanagra can be considered as a pedagogical tool for
learning programming techniques as well [13].
KNIME (Konstanz Information Miner) is a user-friendly
and comprehensive open-source data integration,
processing, analysis, and exploration platform. From day
one, KNIME has been developed using rigorous software
engineering practices and is currently being used actively
by over 6,000 professionals all over the world, in both
industry and academia. KNIME is a modular data
exploration platform that enables the user to visually create
data flows (often referred to as pipelines), selectively
execute some or all analysis steps, and later investigate the
results through interactive views on data and models [14].
Orange is a library of C++ core objects and routines that
includes a large variety of standard and not-so-standard
machine learning and data mining algorithms, plus
routines for data input and manipulation. This includes a
variety of tasks such as pretty-print of decision trees,
attribute subset, bagging and boosting, and alike. Orange
also includes a set of graphical widgets that use methods
from core library and Orange modules. Through visual
programming, widgets can be assembled together into an
application by a visual programming tool called Orange
Canvas. All these together make the Orange tool, a
comprehensive, component-based framework for machine
learning and data mining, intended for both experienced
users and researchers in machine learning who want to
develop and test their own algorithms while reusing as
much of the code as possible, and for those just entering
who can enjoy in powerful while easy-to-use visual
programming environment [15].
B. Data Set Description
Once the tools have been chosen, a number of data sets are
selected for running the test. For bias issues, several data sets
have been downloaded from the UCI repository [16]. Table 1
shows the selected and downloaded data sets for testing
purposes as shown in the table, each dataset is described by the
data type being used, the types of attributes; whether they are
categorical, real, or integer, the number of instances stored
within the data set, the number of attributes that describe each
dataset, and the year the dataset was created. Also, the table
demonstrates that all the selected data sets are used for the
classification task which is the main concentration of this
These data sets were chosen because they have different
characteristics and have addressed different areas, such as the
number of instances which range from 100 to 20,000. Also, the
number of attributes; which range from 5 to 70, and the
attribute types; where some data sets contain one type while
others contain two types. Such characteristics reflect different
dataset shapes where some data sets contain a small number of
instances but large number of attributes and vice versa.
Data Set Name Data Type Default Task Attribute Type # Instances # Attributes
Multivariate Classification Categorical 226 69
Breast Cancer
Wisconsin (Original)
Multivariate Classification Integer 699 10
Car Evaluation Multivariate Classification Categorical 1728 6
Flags Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 194 30
Letter Recognition Multivariate Classification Integer 20000 16
Nursery Multivariate Classification Categorical 12960 8
Soybean (Large) Multivariate Classification Categorical 638 36
Spambase Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 4601 57
Zoo Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 101 17

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C. Data Classification
Data classification is a two-step process: in the first step; a
classifier is built describing a predetermined set of data classes
or concepts. This is the learning step (or training phase), where
a classification algorithm builds the classifier by analyzing or
learning from a training set made up of database tuples and
their associated class labels. In the second step, the model is
used for classification; the predictive accuracy of the classifier
is estimated using the training set to measure the accuracy of
the classifier. The accuracy of a classifier on a given test set is
the percentage of test set tuples that are correctly classified by
the classifier. The associated class label of each test tuple is
compared with the learned classifiers class prediction for that
tuple. If the accuracy of the classifier is considered acceptable,
the classifier can be used to classify future data tuples for
which the class label is not known [2].
1. Classification Algorithm Description
After selecting the data sets, a number of classification
algorithm are chosen for conducting the test. Many
classification algorithms mentioned in literature are available
for users such as Nave Bayes (NB) algorithm [17] [18], K
Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm [18] [19] [20], Support
Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm [21], and C4.5 algorithm
[22. For testing purposes, we selected well known classifiers
that are almost available in every open source tool, namely;
Nave Bayes (NB) classifier, One Rule (OneR) classifier, Zero
Rule (ZeroR) classifier, Decision Tree Classifier; which is
represented by the C4.5 Classifier, Support Vector Machine
(SVM) classifier, and the K Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
2. Evaluation of Classificatiuon Algorithms
For evaluation purpose, two test modes were used; the k-
fold Cross Validation (k-fold CV) mode and the Percentage
Split (also called Holdout method) mode. The k-fold CV refers
to a widely used experimental testing procedure where the
database is randomly divided into k disjoint blocks of objects,
then the data mining algorithm is trained using k-1 blocks and
the remaining block is used to test the performance of the
algorithm; this process is repeated k times. At the end, the
recorded measures are averaged. It is common to choose k = 10
or any other size depending mainly on the size of the original
In percentage split (Holdout) method, the database is
randomly split into two disjoint datasets. The first set; which
the data mining system tries to extract knowledge from, is
called the training set. The extracted knowledge may be tested
against the second set which is called the test set. In machine
learning, to have the training and test sets, it is common to
randomly split a dataset under the mining task into two parts. It
is common to have 66% of the objects of the original database
as a training set and the rest of objects as a test set [23].
The accuracy measure refers to the percentage of the
correctly classified instances from the test data. The goal of
testing, using the two modes, is to check whether there is an
improvement in the accuracy measure when moving from the
first test mode to the second test mode for all tools. Once the
tests are carried out using the selected data sets, then using the
available classifiers and test modes, results are collected and an
overall comparison is conducted in order to determine the best
tool for the classification purposes.
To evaluate the selected tools using the given datasets,
several experiments were conducted. This section presents the
results obtained after running the four data mining tools using
the selected data sets described in Table 1.
A. Experiments Setup and Preliminaries
The template is designed so that author affiliations are not
repeated each time for multiple authors of the same affiliation.
Please keep your affiliations as succinct as possible (for
example, do not differentiate among departments of the same
organization). This template was designed for two affiliations.
As for experiments' setup, all tests were accomplished as
follows: the holdout method has used 66% of each data set as
training data and the remaining 34% as test data while the
Cross Validation method used k = 10. The accuracy measure is
used as a performance measure to compare the selected tools.
After running the four tools, we have obtained some results
regarding the ability to run the selected algorithms on the
selected tools. All algorithms ran successfully on WEKA; the
six selected classifiers used the nine selected data sets.
As for the Orange tool, all classification techniques run
successfully, except the OneR classifier; which is not
implemented in Orange. For KNIME and Tanagra, Table 2
showed that some of the algorithms are unable to run some of
the selected data sets. We noticed that this is due to one of the
following three reasons; the first one is that the classifier is
unable to run against the dataset because it is a multi-class data
set and the classifier is only able to deal with binary classes;
which are referenced in the tables with entry (MC). The second
reason is that the classifier is unable to run the selected dataset
because it contains discrete values and the algorithm is unable
to deal with such kind of values; referenced in tables with (D)
entry. The third reason is that the tool itself does not have an
implementation for some classifiers; this reason is referenced in
tables with not applicable (NA) entry.
We can notice that the One Rule algorithm (OneR) has no
implementation in KNIME, Tanagra and Orange. Also, the
ZeroR has no implementation in KNIME and Tanagra tools,
and hence, it is referenced in tables as NA. On the other hand,
tables shows that the K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm
does not run against part of the data sets such as Audiology,
Car, Nursery, and the SoyBean data sets because they contain
some discrete values where the KNN algorithm cannot deal
with. Finally, the Support Vector Machine does not run against
any data sets; except the Breast-W and SpamBase data sets.
This is because the other data sets are either containing a multi
class data set and/or containing discrete values.

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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22 | P a g e

Audiology Breast-W Car Flags Letters Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
* OK: Algorithm Run Successfully. NA: Algorithm has no Implementation. D: Discrete Value. MC: Multi Class

B. Evaluating the Performance of the Algorithms
For performance issues, Table 3 shows the results after
running algorithms using WEKA toolkit. For the NB classifier,
the accuracy measure has ranged between 44%-97%, while the
OneR classifier accuracy has ranged between 5%-92%. For the
C4.5 and SVM classifiers, results were almost the same for all
data sets; where it ranged between 49%-96%. The KNN
classifier has achieved accuracy measure values between 59%-
98%. Finally, the ZeroR classifier has achieved the lowest
accuracy measure for all of the data sets with accuracy
measures ranging between 4%-70%.

Audiology Breast-W Car Flags LETTERS Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
NB 71.43% 94.96% 87.59% 43.94% 64.47% 90.63% 90.56% 78.02% 97.14%
OneR 42.86% 92.02% 69.56% 4.55% 16.82% 70.41% 39.06% 77.83% 37.14%
C4.5 83.12% 95.38% 90.99% 48.48% 85.47% 96.48% 90.56% 92.20% 94.29%
SVM 84.42% 95.38% 93.37% 59.09% 81.13% 92.83% 93.99% 90.54% 94.29%
KNN 58.44% 95.38% 90.65% 51.52% 93.57% 97.53% 89.70% 89.27% 77.14%
ZeroR 27.27% 63.87% 69.56% 34.85% 3.90% 32.90% 13.30% 60.58% 37.14%
For the Orange toolkit, results are shown in Table 4. The
NB classifier has achieved accuracy measures ranging between
52%-96%. The OneR classifier has no results as it has no
implementation. For the C4.5 classifier, results have ranged
between 51%-96%, while the SVM and KNN classifiers have
achieved measures between 55%-97% and 56%-96%
respectively. Finally, the ZeroR classifier has achieved the
lowest measures for almost all data sets with values ranging
between 4%-70%.

Audiology Breast-W Car Flags LETTERS Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
NB 70.13% 96.22% 86.90% 51.52% 61.44% 90.04% 92.24% 89.51% 88.24%
C4.5 72.73% 95.80% 91.50% 51.52% 85.50% 95.87% 79.74% 89.96% 91.18%
SVM 54.55% 95.38% 94.39% 56.06% 74.72% 97.07% 89.22% 92.26% 88.24%
KNN 76.62% 94.54% 88.78% 56.06% 95.84% 92.76% 92.67% 85.29% 85.29%
ZeroR 24.68% 65.55% 70.07% 34.85% 4.06% 33.33% 13.36% 60.61% 41.18%
Table 5 shows results achieved using the KNIME toolkit;
for the NB classifiers results have ranged between 42%-95%.
On the other hand, the ZeroR and OneR classifiers have no
results because they have no implementation. The C4.5
classifier has achieved accuracy ranging between 43%-97%.
The SVM and KNN classifiers did not run using some of the
data sets because of the presence of one of the three reasons
mentioned before; however, these classifiers have achieved
measures between 67%-98% and 26%-97% respectively.
Finally, for the Tanagra tool, results are shown in Table 6
where the NB classifier has achieved an accuracy ranging
between 60% and 96%. ZeroR and OneR classifiers have no
results; because they have no implementation. C4.5 classifier
has achieved results between 39% and 96%. On the other hand,
SVM and KNN did not run using all the data sets as happened
with KNIME; however, they both have achieved results
ranging between 91%-97 and 29%-99% respectively.
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Audiology Breast-W Car Flags Letters Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
NB 53.20% 95.00% 86.10% 42.40% 62.90% 90.50% 85.40% 89.80% 82.90%
C4.5 68.80% 95.00% 93.50% 43.10% 85.30% 96.70% 66.10% 91.10% 94.30%
SVM MC/D 97.90% MC/D MC MC MC/D MC/D 67.00% MC
KNN D 96.60% D 25.80% 95.00% D D 80.90% 45.70%


Audiology Breast-W Car Flags Letters Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
NB 66.23% 95.80% 87.24% 63.64% 59.59% 90.74% 89.70% 87.54% 88.57%
C4.5 81.82% 92.44% 89.97% 39.39% 86.34% 96.32% 90.56% 90.73% 88.57%
SVM MC/D 96.64% MC/D MC MC MC/D MC/D 90.73% MC
KNN D 98.74% D 28.79% 94.75% D D 79.17% 82.86%
Table 7 shows the results obtained after running the
algorithms against test data sets using the second test mode with
10-folds-CV. As shown in the table, the NB classifier has
achieved accuracy measures ranging between 56%-96% while
the OneR classifier has achieved measures ranging between
17%-93%. Both C4.5 and SVM classifiers have achieved
accuracy ranging between 59%-97% and 61%-97% respectively.
Accuracy measures ranging between 57%-98% were achieved
using the KNN classifier. ZeroR rule classifier has achieved the
lowest accuracy measures ranging between 4%-70%.

Audiology Breast-W Car Flags LETTERS Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
NB 73.45% 95.99% 85.53% 55.15% 64.12% 90.32% 92.97% 79.29% 95.05%
OneR 46.46% 92.70% 70.02% 4.64% 17.24% 70.97% 39.97% 78.40% 57.43%
C4.5 77.87% 94.56% 92.36% 59.28% 87.98% 97.05% 91.51% 92.98% 92.08%
SVM 81.85% 97.00% 93.75% 60.82% 82.34% 93.08% 93.85% 90.42% 96.04%
KNN 62.83% 96.71% 93.52% 57.22% 95.52% 98.38% 90.19% 90.42% 95.05%
ZeroR 25.22% 65.52% 70.02% 35.57% 4.07% 33.33% 13.47% 60.60% 40.59%
Table 8 shows the accuracy measures using the Orange
toolkit with 10-folds CV. As the table demonstrates, the NB
classifier has achieved an accuracy measure ranging between
58%-97%. On the other hand, OneR has no accuracy measures
because it has no implementation. For the C4.5 and SVM
classifiers, the accuracy measures have ranged between 54%-
96% and 64%-98% respectively. The KNN classifier has
achieved accuracy measures ranging between 58%-96%.
However, ZeroR has achieved the lowest measures ranging
between 4%-70%.

Audiology Breast-W Car Flags LETTERS Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
NB 73.10% 97.14% 85.70% 58.24% 60.01% 90.29% 93.86% 89.31% 91.18%
C4.5 76.13% 95.85% 93.58% 54.03% 87.96% 96.57% 89.61% 90.64% 94.18%
SVM 64.23% 96.57% 95.54% 66.47% 76.58% 97.78% 93.27% 85.79% 92.09%
KNN 79.21% 95.71% 88.42% 57.61% 96.48% 92.63% 81.55% 88.71% 96.09%
ZeroR 25.24% 65.52% 70.02% 35.58% 4.06% 33.33% 13.18% 50.02% 40.46%
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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For the KNIME toolkit, Table 9 shows the results obtained
using 10-folds CV as the test mode. The results of Table 9
shows that the NB classifier has achieved accuracy measures
ranging between 52%-95%, the OneR and ZeroR classifiers
have no accuracy measures because they have no
implementation. The C4.5 classifier has achieved accuracy
measures ranging between 55%-97%. Finally, both SVM and
KNN classifiers have problems running some of the data sets,
however, they have achieved accuracy measures ranging
between 67%-96% and 33%-98% respectively.

Audiology Breast-W Car Flags Letters Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
NB 59.30% 94.80% 85.80% 51.50% 61.60% 90.30% 91.20% 89.90% 88.10%
C4.5 70.70% 94.30% 93.50% 54.50% 87.50% 97.30% 72.00% 91.30% 93.10%
SVM MC/D 96.30% MC/D MC MC MC/D MC/D 67.30% MC
KNN D 97.50% D 33.00% 95.40% D D 80.90% 71.30%
Table 10 shows the accuracy measures achieved using
Tanagra with 10-folds CV test mode. As this table
demonstrates, the NB classifier has achieved accuracy measures
that have ranged between 63% and 96%. For the OneR and
ZeroR classifiers, Tanagra has no implementation for such
classifiers. On the other hand, the SVM and KNN classifiers
have not achieved accuracy measures for all data sets because of
some reasons; however, they have achieved accuracy measures
that ranged between 90%-97% and 25%-97% respectively.
Finally, the C4.5 classifier has achieved accuracy measures
ranging between 57%-96%.


Audiology Breast-W Car Flags Letters Nursery SoyBean SpamBase Zoo
NB 70.00% 95.80% 84.30% 62.63% 59.98% 89.91% 89.85% 88.28% 93.00%
C4.5 71.36% 93.33% 86.45% 56.84% 85.84% 95.83% 90.24% 91.54% 88.00%
SVM MC/D 96.96% MC/D MC MC MC/D MC/D 89.98% MC
KNN D 96.81% D 25.26% 95.76% D D 79.00% 92.00%
C. Performance Improvement
In this section, it is worth to measure the effect of using
different evaluation methods for the tools under study. Fig. 2
shows the performance improvements in accuracy when
moving from the percentage split test mode to the 10-folds CV
mode. This figure demonstrates that WEKA toolkit has
achieved the highest improvements in accuracy with a 32
accuracy measures increase, when moving from the percentage
split test to the CV test. Orange toolkit on the other hand, has
achieved the second highest improvement with a 29 accuracy
measures increase, when moving from the percentage split test
to CV test. Finally, both KNIME and Tanagra toolkits have
achieved the lowest improvements with 12 and 8 accuracy
measures increase respectively.
In addition, Fig. 2 shows that the KNIME toolkit has
achieved the best rate in terms of the number of accuracy
measures decreased; only 4 accuracy measures are decreased
when moving from the percentage split test to the CV test in
KNIME. For the Orange and WEKA toolkits, the number of
accuracy measures decreased where 6 and 7 respectively
Finally, the Tanagra toolkit has achieved the least rate with the
number of 9 accuracy measures decrease when moving from
the percentage split test to the CV test.

Figure 2. Performance Improvements.

Results, 29
Results, 29
Results, 9
Results, 0



Performance Improvements
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
25 | P a g e
Finally, when comparing the four tools in terms of the
number of tests that produced no accuracy; the Tanagra and
KNIME toolkits have achieved the highest number of tests with
no accuracy measures; with a 29 measures each. For the
Orange toolkit, only 9 tests have no accuracy measures. On the
other hand, WEKA toolkit has 0 tests with no accuracy
measures.These results showed that no tool is better than the
other to be used for a classification task, this is may be due to
the kind of data sets used, or maybe there are some differences
in the way the algorithms were implemented within the tools
themselves (for example the SVM classifier implemented in
WEKA and Orange can handle the problem of multiclass data
sets; which is not the case in Tanagra and KNIME that were
designed to handle only two class problems).
In terms of applicability (the ability to run a specific
algorithm on a selected tool), the WEKA toolkit has achieved
the highest applicability, since it is able to run the six selected
classifiers using all data sets. Orange Canvas toolkit has scored
the second place in terms of applicability, since it run five
classifiers out of the six selected classifiers with no ability to
run the OneR Classifier. Finally; the KNIME and Tanagra
toolkits have both achieved the lowest applicability with the
ability to run two classifiers namely; NB and C4.5 on all data
sets completely, and partially using another two classifiers
namely; SVM and KNN classifiers, while it has no ability to
run the last two classifiers namely; OneR and ZeroR classifiers.
In terms of performance improvements, we can judge that
WEKA and Orange toolkits have achieved the highest
improvements with a 32 and 29 values increased respectively
and only 7 and 6 values decreased respectively. On the other
hand, the KNIME and Tanagra toolkits have achieved the
lowest improvements with 12 and 8 values increased in
accuracy respectively and 4 and 9 values decreased
This research has conducted a comparison between four
data mining toolkits for classification purposes, nine different
data sets were used to judge the four toolkits tested using six
classification algorithms namely; Nave Bayes (NB), Decision
Tree (C4.5), Support Vector Machine (SVM), K Nearest
Neighbor (KNN), One Rule (OneR), and Zero Rule (ZeroR).
This study has concluded that no tool is better than the other if
used for a classification task, since the classification task itself
is affected by the type of dataset and the way the classifier was
implemented within the toolkit. However; in terms of
classifiers' applicability, we concluded that the WEKA toolkit
was the best tool in terms of the ability to run the selected
classifier followed by Orange, Tanagra, and finally KNIME
Finally; WEKA toolkit has achieved the highest
performance improvements when moving from the Percentage
Split test mode to the Cross Validation test mode followed by
Orange, KNIME, and then Tanagra Respectively. As a future
research, we are planning to test the selected data mining tools
for other machine learning tasks; such as clustering, using test
data sets designed for such tasks and the known algorithms for
clustering and association.
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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
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Abdullah H. Wahbeh is a lecturer in the department
of Computer Information Systems at Yarmouk
University in Jordan. He obtained his Master and
bachelor degrees in Computer Information Systems
(CIS) from Yarmouk University, Irbid-Jordan. His
research interests include: data mining, web mining and
information retrieval.

Qasem A. Al-Radaideh is an Assistant Professor of
Computer Information Systems at Yarmouk University.
He got his Ph.D. in Data Mining field from the
University Putra Malaysia in 2005. His research interest
includes: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in
Database, Natural Language Processing, Arabic
Language Computation, Information Retrieval, and
Websites evaluation. He has several publications in the
areas of Data Mining and Arabic Language
Computation. He is curently the national advisor of
Microsoft students partners program (MSPs) and MS-
Dot Net Clubs in Jordan.

Mohammed N. Al-KABI is an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Computer Information Systems at
Yarmouk University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in
Mathematics from the University of Lodz (Poland).
Prior to joining Yarmouk University, he spent six years
at the Nahrain University and Mustanserya University
(Iraq). His research interests include Information
Retrieval and Search Engines, Data Mining, and
Natural Language Processing.

Emad M. Al-Shawakfa is an Assistant Professor at the
Computer Information Systems Department at
Yarmouk University since September 2000. He holds a
PhD degree in Computer Science from Illinois Institute
of Technology (IIT) Chicago, USA in the year 2000.
His research interests are in Computer Networks, Data
Mining, and Natural Language Processing. He has
several publications in these fields and currently
working on others.

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
27 | P a g e
SOM Based Visualization Technique For Detection
Of Cancerous Masses In Mammogram

S.Pitchumani Angayarkanni M.C.A,M.Phil,(Ph.d)
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Lady Doak College
H.O.D,Department of M.C.A
Karunya Deemed University
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Abstract Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in
women. An intelligent computer-aided diagnosis system can be
very helpful for radiologist in detecting and diagnosing micro
calcifications patterns earlier and faster than typical screening
programs. In this paper, we present a system based on gabor
filter based enhancement technique and feature extraction
techniques using texture based segmentation and SOM(Self
Organization Map) which is a form of Artificial Neural
Network(ANN) used to analyze the texture features extracted.
SOM determines which texture feature has the ability to classify
benign, malignant and normal cases. Watershed segmentation
technique is used to classify cancerous region from the non
cancerous region. We have investigated and analyzed a number
of feature extraction techniques and found that a combination of
ten features, such as Cor-relation, Cluster Prominence, Energy,
Entropy, Homogeneity, Difference variance, Difference Entropy,
Information Measure, and Normalized are calculated. These
features gives the distribution of tonality information and was
found to be the best combination to distinguish a benign micro
calcification pattern from one that is malignant and normal. The
system was developed on a Windows platform. It is an easy to use
intelligent system that gives the user options to diagnose, detect,
enlarge, zoom, and measure distances of areas in digital
mammograms. Further Using Linear Filtering Technique and
the Texture Features as Mask are convolved with the segmented
image .The tumor is detected using the above method and using
watershed segmentation, a fair segmentation is obtained The
artificial neural network with unsupervised learning together
with texture based approach leads to the accuracy and positive
predictive value of each algorithm were used as the evaluation
indicators. 121 records acquired from the breast cancer patients
at the MIAS database. The results revealed that the accuracies of
texture based unsupervised learning has 0.9534 (sensitivity
0.98716 and specificity 0.9582 which was detected thorough the
ROC. The results showed that the gabor based unsupervised
learning described in the present study was able to produce
accurate results in the classification of breast cancer data and the
classification rule identified was more acceptable and
Keywords- Image Enhancement; Gabor Filter; Texture Features;
Breast cancer is one of the major causes for the increased
morality cause many among women especially in developed
countries. It is second most common cancer in women. The
World Health Organizations International estimated that more
than 1,50,000 women worldwide die of breast cancer in year.
In India , breast cancer accounts for 23% of all the female
cancer death followed by cervical cancer which accounts to
17.5% in India. Early detection of cancer leads to significant
improvements in conservation treatment[1]. However, recent
studies have shown that the sensitivity of these systems is
significantly decreased as the density of the breast increased
while the specificity of the systems remained relatively
constant. In this work we have developed automatic neuron
genetic algorithmic approach to automatically detect the
suspicious regions on digital mammograms based on
asymmetries between left and right breast image.
Diagnosing cancer tissues using digital mammograms is a
time consuming task even highly skilled radiologists because
mammograms contain low signal to noise ratio and a
complicated structural background. Therefore in digital
mammogram, there is still a need to enhance imaging, where
enhancement in medical imaging is the use of computers to
make image clearer. This may aid interpretation by humans or
computers. Mammography is one of the most promising cancer
control strategies since the cause of cancer is still unknown[2].
Radiologist turn to digital mammography as an alternative
diagnostic method due to the problems created by conventional
screening programs. A digital mammogram is created when
conventional mammogram is digitized; through the use of a
specific mammogram is digitizer or a camera, so it can be
processed by the computer. Image enhancement methods are
applied to improve the visual appearance of the mammograms.
Initially the mammogram image is read from the dataset and
partial filter (Combination of Low and high Pass filter) is
applied to remove the noise from the image.
Gabor filter with texture based segmentation and SOM
based clustering techniques were used in efficient detection of
cancerous masses in mammogram MRI images . The selected
features are fed to SOM Network hybrid to detect the texture
feature estimation variable which varies highly for normal,
benign and malignant tumor[2] . The watershed algorithm is
used to segment the cancerous region based on the feature
which plays a vital role in classification and the Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis is performed to
evaluate the performance of the feature selection methods In
this paper various steps in detection of microcalcification such
as i) Preprocessing and enhncement using Histogram
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
28 | P a g e
Equalization and Gabor filter ii) Texture based Segmentation
iii) SOM based Visualization iv) Watershed segmentation V)
TIC TOC method to find how efficiency in automatic
detection system.
Mammograms used in this research are retrieved from the
MIAS(Mammographic Image Analysis Society) database. The
databases contains 161 mammogram records including normal
and microcalcification cases.
The Mammography Image Analysis Society (MIAS),
which is an organization of UK research groups interested in
the understanding of mammograms, has produced a digital
mammography database (ftp://peipa.essex.ac.uk)[2]. The data
used in these experiments was taken from the MIAS. The
database contains left and right breast images for 151 records,
is used. Its quantity consists of 302 images, which belong to
three types such as Normal, benign and malignant. There are
200 normal, 44 benign and 58 malignant (abnormal) images.
One of the most important problems in image processing is
denoising. Usually the procedure used for denoising, is
dependent on the features of the image, aim of processing and
also post-processing algorithms. Preprocessing is the first phase
of image analysis. The purpose of preprocessing is to improve
the quality of the image being processed. It makes the
subsequent phases of image processing easier. Median Filter is
used for smoothening to retain the edge strengths.
Gabor filter is a linear filter used for edge detection.
Frequency and orientation representations of Gabor filter are
similar to those of human visual system, and it has been found
to be particularly appropriate for texture representation and
discrimination[3]. In the spatial domain, a 2D Gabor filter is a
Gaussian kernel function modulated by a sinusoidal plane
Its impulse response is defined by a harmonic function
multiplied by a Gaussian function. Because of the
multiplication-convolution property (Convolution theorem), the
Fourier transform of a Gabor filter's impulse response is the
convolution of the Fourier transform of the harmonic function
and the Fourier transform of the Gaussian function.
The filter has a real and an imaginary component
representing orthogonal directions. The two components may
be formed into a complex number or used individually.




Gabor wavelet filters smooth the image by blocking detail
information. Mass detection aims to extract the edge of the
tumor from surrounding normal tissues and background.
PSNR, RMS, MSE, NSD, ENL value calculated for each of
121 pairs of mammogram images clearly shows that gabor
wavelet filter when applied to mammogram image leads to best
Image Quality[4].
The orientation and scale can be changed in this program to
extract texture information. Here 3 scales and 4 orientation was
Table 1: Estimated Values

Left Image Right Image

Figure 2: Left and Right Image after applying Gabor Filter
Left Image Right Image

Figure 1: Left and Right Input Image
87.65 2.97 4.55 89.89 8.83
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
29 | P a g e
Dhawan et al has specified image structural features for
classification as benign and malignant. The textural features are
extracted using GLCM(gray level co-occurrence matrix) . They
specify specific textural characteristics such as homogenetity,
contrast, entropy,energy and regularity of the structure within
the image [27,36,37,39,43,86]. The Image is divided into 3*3
pixel values and the following parameters were evaluated
.Correlation, Cluster Prominence, Energy, Entrpy,
Homogenity, Diff variance,Diff[4]. Entropy and Infinity
measure.It was found that the region which is malignant has
energy and homogeneity value=0.5 to 1, infinity measure
between 0.5 1.An image of size 268*100 is divided into 3*3
kernel window and for a total of 289 subimages the texture
values were evaluated and clustered based on the above
estimated values.

A) Left Image B)Right Image
Figure 4: Texture based Segmentation
Texture Analysis analyzes the textures extracted and finds
which aids in detect ability of tumor and it also helps us to find
the relationship between the textures extracted. Texture
Analysis can be done by using SOM (Self Organization Map)

Figure 5 :Feature detection
A self-organized map (SOM)[8]-type of artificial neural
network that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce
a two-dimensional, representation of the training samples,
called a map (Kohonen Map). SOMs operate in two modes:
training and mapping. Training builds the map using input
examples. It is a competitive process, also called vector
quantization. Mapping automatically classifies a new input
A self-organizing map consists of components called nodes
or neurons. Associated with each node is a weight vector of the
same dimension as the input data vectors and a position in the
map space. The usual arrangement of nodes is a regular spacing
in a hexagonal or rectangular grid.
The self-organizing map describes a mapping from a higher
dimensional input space to a lower dimensional map space.
The procedure for placing a vector from data space onto the
map is to find the node with the closest weight vector to the
vector taken from data space and to assign the map coordinates
of this node to our vector.
Illustration of Training



x ,



are the means and
std deviations of x and y, the partial
probability density


- (i,j)log ((i,j))
i j


(i)log {

Variance of


HXY-HXY1/max{HX,HY} Where HX
and HY are entropies of x and y

HXY1= - (i,j)log {

i j
(j)log {

i j

( (1+(i-j)
i j

Homogeneity (


| |

Left Image Right Image

Figure 3: Left and Right Image after applying Histogram
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
30 | P a g e

Figure 6 Training Process
The blue blob is the distribution of the training data, and the
small white disc is the current training sample drawn from that
distribution. At first (left) the SOM nodes are arbitrarily
positioned in the data space[5]. The node nearest to the training
node (highlighted in yellow) is selected, and is moved towards
the training datum, as (to a lesser extent) are its neighbors on
the grid. After much iteration the grid tends to approximate the
data distribution (right).

Figure 7 Mapping Visualization
The trained samples are mapped depending upon the values
of the samples. Clustering is differentiated using different
colors. color map can be HSV, Grayscale, RGB etc.
This approach uses SOM toolbox to perform training and
mapping. This toolbox contains GUI based application which is
easy to use implementation. Toolbox can be used to preprocess
data, initialize and train SOMs using a range of different kinds
of topologies, visualize SOMs in various ways, and analyze the
properties of the SOM and data.
SOM toolbox in this approach has helped to visualize the
relationship between the features and also how the feature
varies for different types of cases like (Benign, Malignant and
From this project it is found that Information Measure
related to Cor-relation varies for the above specified cases
during Mapping and it is also found that Energy and Entropy
are oppositely cor-related.

Figure 8:SOM Toolbox

Figure 9:Visualization of texture parameter analysis using SOM
In case of Normal, there is no difference in the
clustering and we can find that Energy and Entropy
are oppositely related
In case of Benign, there is a difference in the
clustering of Information Measure related to cor
relation and we can also find that Energy and
Entropy are oppositely related.
In case of Malignant, there is a difference in the
clustering of Information Measure related to cor
relation and we can also find that Energy and
Entropy are oppositely related
This algorithm segments regions of an image. When tumor
detected image is passed to the watershed transform, tumor
region is shown in a different color. Watershed Transform is
usually well suited for bubble or metallographic images but
when combined with Linear Filtering Methods, it has been
proved that it can segment regions of any shape.

Figure 10: Segmentation of Malignant tumor using watershed transform
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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From this project, one can analyze that
1. Using SOM, depending on the type of clustering, one
can find that Energy and Entropy are oppositely
related. Information Measure related to cor-relation
differs for benign and malignant cases during
2. Watershed Transform was usually well suited for
bubble or metallographic images but when combined
with Linear Filtering Methods, it has been proved in
this project that it can segment regions of any
3. The Time Taken(CPU Time) by the above technique
was calculated using Tic Toc method and it was
found that it take 350ms.The efficiency of the
technique was compared with other methods and was
found that
Table 2 TIC-TOC time estimation

Though the Time Taken is slower than Morphological
Analysis Method (320) but the efficiency is better than the
other methods.
One of the major causes of death among women is due to
breast cancer. so early diagnosis through regular screening and
timely treatment has been shown to prevent cancer. This paper
focuses on the approach to identify the presence of breast
cancer mass in mammograms[9,10]. The proposed work
utilizes Filtering Techniques for detection and watershed
segmentation for segmentation.
Preprocessing with Gabor filter and using the filtering
technique with watershed transform is a new approach, using
this we have successfully detected the breast cancer masses in
mammograms. The results indicate that this system can
facilitate the doctor to detect tumor in the early stage of
diagnosis process with a fraction of second.
Table 3: Comparison of our method with other methods:
Authors and
Methods Detection
Ferrari and
Filtering with
Lau and
Sallam and
Thangavel and





Proposed Method:
Method Detection Rate
Histogram based Gabor Wavelet

Texture based approach

SOM Based Clustering



Overall Accuracy of
Combined approach

Figure 11: Comparative Study

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Comparitive Analysis
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S.Pitchumani Angayarkanni M.C.A.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D) working in the
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years. My areas of interest are medical image processing, Neural Network &
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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Improvement of Secret Image Invisibility in
Circulation Image with Dyadic Wavelet Based Data
Hiding with Run-Length Coded Secret Images of
Which Location of Codes are Determined with
Random Number

Kohei Arai
Dept. of Information Science,
Saga University
Saga, Japan
Yuji Yamada
Dept. of Information Science
Saga University
Saga, Japan

Abstract An attempt is made for improvement of secret image
invisibility in circulation images with dyadic wavelet based data
hiding with run-length coded secret images of which location of
codes are determined by random number. Through experiments,
it is confirmed that secret images are almost invisible in
circulation images. Also robustness of the proposed data hiding
method against data compression of circulation images is
discussed. Data hiding performance in terms of invisibility of
secret images which are embedded in circulation images is
evaluated with the Root Mean Square difference between the
original secret image and extracted one from the circulation
images. Meanwhile the conventional Multi-Resolution Analysis
(MRA) based data hiding is attempted with a variety of
parameters, level of MRA and the frequency component location
of which secret image is replaced to it and is compared to the
proposed method. It is found that the proposed data hiding
method is superior to the conventional method. Also the
conventional data hiding method is not robust against circulation
image processing.

Keywords- Dyadic wavelet; Lifting wavelet; Data hiding; Data
Wavelet analysis applications are getting more popular in
time series analysis, image analysis, information security area,
etc.[1],[2]. Data hiding is important for information contents
security, in particular, for protection of copy right. Using data
hiding methods, some important information such as copyright,
signature, etc. can be embedded. Data hiding based on wavelet
analysis, in particular, Multi-Resolution Analysis: MRA is
widely used. One of the problems on data hiding methods is
visibility of the embedded information on the available
circulation images [3]-[7]. The other problem is robustness
against image processing which is applied to the circulation
images including data compressions. It sometime occurs that
small amount of information on the embedded image appears
on the circulation images slightly due to the embedding
mechanism of the data hiding.
In order to improve invisibility of the secret images in the
circulation images, run-length coded binarized secret images
are used. The locations of the codes after the data compression
in one of the frequency component images after the dyadic
wavelet transformation [8] are determined with random
numbers generated by Merssene Twister of random number
generator. After all, reconstructed image (inverse dyadic
wavelet transformation) is used for circulation. The original
secret images are almost invisible in the circulation images.
This paper deals with the current problems on the widely used
MRA based data hiding method (Conventional data hiding
method). One of the problems is visibility of secret image in
the circulation images followed by robustness against
circulation image manipulations including image deformation,
geometric conversion, data compression, etc. In order to
overcome the aforementioned problems, a method for data
hiding based on lifting dyadic wavelet transformation with run-
length coding of data compression which is applied to secret
image together with pixel order exchange is proposed. First, the
aforementioned problems of the conventional MRA based data
hiding method are discussed followed by the proposed method.
Then robustness against JPEG and JPEG 2000 of data
compression is discussed in the paper.
A. Conventional wavelet based data hiding methods
Wavelet utilized MRA allows decompose the image with
wavelet coefficients (high and low frequency components) and
also the original image can be reconstructed with the
decomposed wavelet coefficients perfectly. If the high
frequency component is replaced with secret image to be
hidden, and if the reconstructed image is circulated to public,
then secret image can be extracted from the circulated image if
receiver knows which component is replaced with secret image.
In this case, secret image has to be invisible in the circulated
image. Also even if image processing including geometric
conversion (linear transformation) and data compression (non-
linear transformation) is applied to the circulated image, secret
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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
34 | P a g e
image has to be extracted. The aforementioned invisibility
and robustness against image processing are very important
for data hiding.
One of the examples of conventional MRA based data
hiding is shown in Figure 1. The original image size is 128 by
128 pixels while the secret image size (binary) is 64 by 64
pixels for Figure 1 (a) and 32 by 32 pixels for Figure 1 (c) as
well as 16 by 16 for Figure 1 (e), respectively. If the secret
image is inserted at the HL (High and Low frequency
components in horizontal and vertical directions) component of
MRA image, and if reconstructed with the secret image, then
secret image is somewhat visible in the reconstructed image
which is circulation image to public.

(a) MRA image with secret image (b) Reconstructed image (Level 1)

(c) MRA image with secret image (d) Reconstructed image (Level 2)

(c) MRA image with secret image (d) Reconstructed image (Level 3)
Figure 1: Resultant images of wavelet based MRA which contains the secret
image of Mandrill (left bottom), LL (left top), LH (right top), and HH (right
bottom) as well as reconstructed image (circulation image) which contains
embedded secret image
Invisibility of the secret image depends on base function of
wavelet, level of the MRA stages. In general, secret image is
getting much invisible in the reconstructed image in accordance
with increasing of level of MRA. Furthermore, secret image is
much invisible in the reconstructed image when the secret is
replaced to HL, LH, or HH frequency components, rather than
LL components. In other word, secret image would better to
hide at higher frequency components rather than low frequency
component because human eyes has low pass filter of
frequency response.
Root Mean Square (RMS) difference between the original
image and reconstructed image which contains secret image in
LH, or HL, or HH with the level of MRA, i based on
Daubechies base function with support length of j which is
denoted as Db
is shown in Table 1. In this case, i is 1, 2, and 3
while j is 2, 4, and 8, respectively.
It is obvious that RMS difference is decreased in
accordance with increasing of level. It is unclear that relation
between RMS difference and support length. The replaced
component of HH seems to be better RMS difference in
comparison to the other HL, LH components. Some examples
of reconstructed images with MRA based data hiding are
shown in Figure 2. By comparing these, it is found that the
location of frequency component of which the secret image is
replaced is the most influencing factor (the best location for
replacing secret image is HH) followed by the level of which
the secret image is replaced. Meanwhile, support length of
Daubechies base function is not so influencing in comparison
to the other factors.
TABLE 1 Root Mean Square: RMS difference between the original
image and reconstructed image containing secret image (Lv
: Level of
: Daubechies base function with support length of j).
RMS Difference

LH 78.25 77.17 77.26
HH 78.27 77.26 77.41
HL 78.91 77.64 77.61

LH 43.57 42.75 43.68
HH 43.8 41.04 43.93
HL 45.2 43.71 44.44

LH 21.27 21.51 20.78
HH 20.94 20.97 20.86
HL 24.84 25.05 23.77

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Figure 2 Some examples of reconstructed images of MRA based data hiding
(lvi dbj denotes i level and Daubechies base function with support length of j,
B. Robustness against image processing, intensity inversion,
up-side-down of geometric conversion, magnification
Even if someone applies image manipulation to the
circulation images, the secret image has to be extracted.
In order to confirm such robustness of data hiding against
image manipulation or processing, intensity inversion, up-side-
down of geometric conversion as well as magnification (twice
large size) are applied to the circulation image and then
extraction of the secret image is attempted. Resultant images
with the different level of MRA (1 and 3) are shown in Figure
3. In these cases, Daubechies base function with support length
of 8 is utilized for MRA. Although the extracted secret image
of Mandrill in the case of magnification is poorly and is better
than the other cases. Conventional MRA based data hiding is
not robust against image processing applied to circulation
images except magnification. Poor quality of the secret image
of Mandrill can be seen in the extracted image of Figure 3 (n).

(a)Reconstructed:LH_Lv1_Db8 (b)Extracted:without image process

(c)Reconstructed:LH_Lv1_Db8 (d)Extracted:without image process

(e)Reconstructed:LH_Lv1_Db8 (f)Extracted image:Intensity inversion

(g)Reconstructed:LH_Lv3_Db8 (h)Extracted image: Intensity inversion

(i)Reconstructed:LH_Lv1_Db8 (j)Extracted image:up-side -down conversion

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36 | P a g e

(k)Reconstructed:LH_Lv3_Db8 (l)Extrcated image:up-side -down conversion

(m)Reconstructed:LH_Lv1_Db8 (n)Extracted image:Magnification

(o)Reconstructed:LH_Lv3_Db8 (p)Extracted image:Magnification
Figure 3 Robustness of the proposed data hiding against image processing,
intensity inversion, up-side-down of geometric conversion, magnification with
the different level of MRA of which the secret image is replaced to it.

C. Proposed data hiding method based on lifting dyadic
wavelet transformation with secret image manipulations
with run-length coding and pixel order exchanges of
permutation using random number
The proposed method for data hiding is based on dyadic
wavelet transformation. Dyadic wavelet allows to separate
frequency components keeping image size with that of original
image. Dyadic wavelet is called as a binary wavelet and has
high pass and low pass filter components, {h[k], g[k]} and
reconstruction filter {h[k], g[k]}. Low and high frequency
components, C
and d
are expressed as follows,
h[k ]C
[i + k2
] (1)
g [k ]C
[i + k2
] (2)
Then original image is also reconstructed with the low and
high frequency components as follows,

[i ]=1/2
h[k ]C
g[k ]d
] (3)

If a new parameter s[m] is employed, then lifting dyadic
wavelet is defined as follows,
[k ]=h
[k ] (4)
[k ]=h
[ k ] +
s[m] g
[km] (5)
[k ]=g
[ k ]
s[m] h
[ km] (6)
[k ]=g
[k ] (7)

Figure 4 shows a schematic process flow of the proposed
data hiding based on lifting dyadic wavelet transformation. It is
possible to hide the embedded image at the certain location of
wavelet transformation images then circulation images
containing the embedded image can be reconstructed through
inverse wavelet transformation. In this case, although binary
secret images are assumed, half tone, colored images are also
available for secret images.
First, secret image is binarized. Before binarized secret
images are replaced to one of the high frequency component
images, run-length coding is applied to secret images in order
to improve an invisibility of the secret images in the circulation
images. Figure 5 shows schematic process flow of the run-
length coding method. The number of pixels in the original
binary image is 27 while the number of pixels in the
compressed image is just 6 (quantization level is variable).

Figure 4 Schematic process flow of the proposed data hiding


5 3 3 5 1 10 6 of run-length
Figure 5 Schematic process flow of run-length coding.

Then run-length coded data are replaced to one of the high
frequency components with the pixel order exchanges based on
generated random numbers which are generated by Mersenne
Twister. Only if the receiver who knows the initial value of
random number of Merssene Twister and how to decode run-
length coding, then such the receiver can extract the secret
images. Thus the copy right holders can assert their copy right
through extraction of secret images. Figure 6 shows the process
flow of the proposed data hiding (hide the secret image into the
original image and create circulation image embedded the
secret image then extract the secret image from the circulation
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
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Figure 6 Process flows of the proposed data hiding method
A. Dyadic wavelet based data hiding methods
In Figure 7, the secret binary image of Mandrill [9] with a
certain threshold is embedded in the HL component of the
dyadic wavelet transformed images derived from the original
image of Lena [9] with dyadic wavelet transformation. At the
left bottom corner of Figure 7, a reconstructed image (image
for circulation) is shown. The secret image can be recognizable
in the circulation image, unfortunately. In these cases,
Daubechies wavelet base function (support length=2) [10] is
used. On the other hand, Figure 7 (b),(c),(d) shows
reconstructed images of Mandrill of secret image (a) embedded
Lena of original images of which the secret image is embedded
at the LH, HH, and HL of frequency components, respectively.
Image size is not changed for original and dyadic wavelet
transformed images.
Table 2 shows RMS difference between original and
reconstructed images for dyadic wavelet based data hiding. In
this case, RMS difference of Daubechies base function utilized
dyadic wavelet is compared to that of Haar base function. The
difference is quite obvious that Daubechies base function
utilized dyadic wavelet is superior to that of Haar base function.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 7 (a) The secret image of Mandrill, (b) Reconstructed image of
Mandrill image embedded (LH) Lena image for circulation, (c) Reconstructed
image of Mandrill image embedded (HH) Lena image for circulation, (c)
Reconstructed image of Mandrill image embedded (HL) Lena image for

TABLE 2: RMS difference between original and reconstructed
images for dyadic wavelet based data hiding.
Haar Db

LH 43.65 24.15
HH 38.90 20.58
HL 42.67 23.42
B. Data hiding method with run-length coding and pixel
order exchange based on random number (permutation
matrix operation)
As shown in Figure 7, the binarized secret image of
Mandrill is recognizable in the reconstructed image (circulation
image). The propose data hiding method is to apply run-length
coding to the binarized secret image in concern before
replacing the secret image to one of high frequency
components, HL, LH and HH. Also bit stream order exchange
is applied to the run-length coded compressed data.
As is aforementioned in the reference [6] and [7],
invisibility of the secret image is improved remarkably by
scanning scheme (permutation of pixel order of the secret
image in accordance with random number). Mersenne Twister
[11] of random number generator is used for the permutation.
Figure 8 (a) shows LH frequency component image
embedded with the binarized secret binary image of Shuttle
cock with the threshold of 15 and with permutation by
Mersenne Twister of random number generator while Figure 8
(b) shows the reconstructed image for circulation for the case
of (a). Meanwhile, Figure 8 (c) shows LH frequency
component image embedded with the binarized secret binary
image of Shuttle cock with the threshold of 255 and with
permutation by Mersenne Twister of random number generator
while Figure 8 (d) shows the reconstructed image for
circulation for the case of (c). Figure 8 (e) shows the secret
image of Shuttle cock. Also Figure 8 (f) is the binarized Shuttle
cock. As are shown in Figure 8 (g) and (h), Gray scale image
and Binarized Mandrill has too many black pixels so that the
Shuttle cock of secret image is used in the experiments.

Binarize the secret image with threshold
Run-length information is added to the HL component image
of dyadic wavelet transformation at the pixel location
designated with random number
Reconstruct the image for circulation through inverse dyadic
wavelet transformation
Extract HL dyadic wavelet component image then find the
pixel location of run-length information
Decode run-length coding then generate the secret image
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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38 | P a g e
Table 3 shows the relations between threshold and total
data amount of compressed data as well as RMS difference. In
accordance with increasing of threshold, the number of black
pixels is decreased so that total data amount after the run-length
coding is also decreased.

(a) LH image with threshold of 10 (b) Reconstructed image

(c) LH image with threshold of 255 (d) Reconstructed image

(e) The secret binary image of Shuttle cock (f) After the binarization

(g) Gray scale image of Mandrill (h) Binarized Mandrill
Figure 8 (a) LH frequency component image embedded with the binarized
secret binary image of Shuttle cock with the threshold of 15 and with
permutation by Mersenne Twister of random number generator, (b) the
reconstructed image for circulation for the case of (a), (c) LH frequency
component image embedded with the binarized secret binary image of Shuttle
cock with the threshold of 255 and with permutation by Mersenne Twister of
random number generator, (d) the reconstructed image for circulation for the
case of (c), (e) the secret image of Shuttle cock, (f) the binarized Shuttle cock,
(g) Gray scale image of Mandrill and (h) Binarized Mandrill.

TABLE 3: Relations between threshold and total amount of
compressed data as well as RMS difference.
Secret image Threshold Total data amount RMS difference
Shuttle Cock
255 133 3.65
15 1140 1.71

Bit stream order of the compressed data is exchanged based
on random number. After that the exchanged bit stream is
embedded into LH image. Then image for circulation is
reconstructed with HL, HH and LL images together with secret
image embedded LH image. The reconstructed image with
threshold 15 and 255 which are shown in Figure 8 (b) and (d)
are better quality image in comparison to the images which are
shown in Figure 6. RMS difference between reconstructed
image and the original image is shown in Table 3. RMS
difference of 1.71 is negligible comparing to that of 24.15 of
dyadic wavelet based data hiding method.
Figure 9 shows the relation between the number of pixels
and RMS difference as well as total data amount. The number
of pixels implies that the number of black pixels after the
binarisation with the designated threshold so that it depends on
the threshold.
The number of pixels is increased with decreasing of
threshold. As is shown in Figure 9, the minimum of RMS
difference is situated at 15 of the number of pixels. The total
amount of data in unit of bit means the compressed data
amount with run-length coding. The shuttle cock of secret
image is binalized and replaced to LH component of dyadic
wavelet transformed image results in circulation image. After
that, the circulation image is compressed with run-length
coding. The compressed data amount depends on the number
of pixels of the binalized secret image which depends on
threshold. In these cases, the location of frequency component
for replacing secret image of HH and LH shows almost same
RMS difference and these are better than the RMS difference
of HL component. This implies that the location of HH or HL
is more appropriate rather than LH component.

Figure 9 Relation between the number of pixels and RMS difference as well
as total data amount.

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C. Robustness of the proposed data hiding method against the
data compressions, JPEG and JPEG 2000
The proposed method is also applied to the other data
compression methods of JPEG and JPEG 2000. Figure 10
shows a small portion of decompressed images of JPEG and
JPEG 2000 with data compression ratio of 100.
It is obvious that decompressed image of JPEG has block
distortions while that of JPEG 2000 has not such distortion.
Also much larger mosquito noise is found in the decompressed
image of JPEG rather than JPEG 2000 as well. Peak signal-to-
noise ratio PSNR of JPEG 2000 as a function of bit rate is
greater than that of JPEG for the "Lena" image as is shown in
Figure 11.

(a) JPEG (b) JPEG 2000
Figure 10 Enlarged portions of images of decompressed images of JPEG and
JPEG 2000 with data compression ratio of 100.

After dyadic wavelet transformation is applied to the
original image and HH component of the transformed image is
replaced with the permutated Mandrill of secret image with
random number, reconstruction image (circulation image) is
generated with inverse dyadic wavelet transformation. After
that JPEG and JPEG 2000 of data compression is applied to the
circulation image. Using the compressed images, secret image
can be extracted with decompression and inverse dyadic
wavelet transformation together with inversely permutation by
the same random number which is generated by Mersenne
Figure 11 PSNR of JPEG and JPEG 2000 as a function of bot rate.

Figure 12 shows the circulation images with embedded
secret image of Mandrill with the data compression by JPEG
and JPEG 2000 with the same permutation by the same random
number which is generated by Mersenne Twister. In the images,
defect due to secret image with permutated by random number
is visible because the binalization of parameter of threshold is
set at 255. Although both images are quite similar, details are
different as is mentioned before.
After the extraction of secret image, RMS difference
between the original secret image and the extracted secret
image is calculated. The results show that RMS difference for
JPEG data compression is 6.38 while that for JPEG 2000 is
totally equal to zero because JPEG 2000 is information loss
less coding while JPEG is information lossy coding.

(a) JPEG (b) JPEG 2000
Figure 12 Circulation images with embedded secret image of Mandrill with
the data compression by JPEG and JPEG 2000 with the same permutation by
the same random number which is generated by Mersenne Twister
It is found that MRA based conventional data hiding is not
robust against image processing, intensity inversion, up-side-
down of geometric conversion, and magnification. Secret
image is much visible in the circulation images rather than the
proposed lifting dyadic wavelet transformation based data
hiding method. It is found the best location of component of
MRA resultant images of which the secret image is replaced to
it. Also the best level of MRA as well as support length of
Daubechies base function for minimization of visibility of the
secret image in the circulation images are found.
The proposed data hiding method is robust against data
compression, JPEG and JPEG 2000. Also the secret image in
circulation images with the proposed method is much invisible
rather than the conventional method. Because the proposed
method uses random number utilized pixel order exchanges for
the secret images together with run-length coding of data
compression. In the reconstruction process, scheme and initial
value of the random number generator is known by receivers so
that it is possible to reconstruct the embedded secret images
from the circulation images. In this research, the secret image is
binalized. The most appropriate threshold which allows
minimization of RMS difference between extracted secret
image and the original secret image is also found.
The authors would like to thank all the teaching staff and
the students in the research group for their valuable comments
and suggestions through conducting this research work.
[1] Kohei Arai, Fundamental Theory on Wavelet Analysis, Morikita
Shuppan Publishing Co. Ltd., 2000.
[2] Kohei Arai, Self Learning on Wavelet Analysis, Kindai-Kagakusha
publishing Co. Ltd.. 2006.


Bit rate (bpp)
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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
40 | P a g e
[3] Kohei Arai and Kaname Seto, Data hiding method based on Multi-
Resolution Analysis: MRA, Visualization Society of Japan, 22,
Suppl.No.1, 229-232, 2002.
[4] Kohei Arai and Kaname Seto, Data hiding method with coordinate
conversion in feature space, Visualization Society of Japan, 25,
Suppl.No.1, 55-58, 2005.
[5] Kohei Arai and Kaname Seto, Improvement of invisibility of secret
images embedded in circulate images based on MRA with coordinate
conversion and Principal Component Analysis: PCA, Journal of Image
and Electronics Society of Japan, 36, 5, 665-673, 2007.
[6] Kohei Arai and Kaname Seto, Improvement of invisibility of secret
images embedded in circulate images based on MRA with scanning
scheme conversion, Visualization Society of Japan, 29, Suppl.No.1, 167-
170, 2009.
[7] Kohei Arai, Improvement of security and invisibility of secret images
embedded in circulate images and based on MRA, Report of RIMS-
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University,
[8] S.Mallat and S.Zhong, ``Characterization of signals from multiscale
edges,'' IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., 14, pp.710-732,
[9] http://vision.kuee.kyoto-
u.ac.jp/IUE/IMAGE_DATABASE/STD_IMAGES/ (Accessed on March
11 2011).
[10] Kohei Arai and Leland Jameson, Earth observation satellite data analysis
based on wavelet analysis, Morikita-Shuppan Publishing Co., Ltd., 2001.
[11] http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/mt.html (Accessed
on March 11 2011).
[12] Takagi and Shimoda Edt., Kohei Arai et al., Image Analysis Handbook,
Tokyo University Shuppan-Kai, 1991.
[13] M. Weinberger, G. Seroussi, and G. Sapiro, The LOCO-I lossless
image compression algorithm: Principles and standardization into JPEG-
LS, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 13091324, Aug.
2000, originally as Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Technical Report No.
HPL-98-193R1, November 1998, revised October 1999.
[14] http://www.uw-de.com/jpeg2000/(Accessed on March 11 2011).
Kohei Arai received a PhD from Nihon University in 1982. He was
subsequently appointed to the University of Tokyo, CCRS, and the Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency. He was appointed professor at Saga
University in 1990. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of
Arizona and is Vice Chairman of ICSU/COSPAR Commission A.

Yuji Yamada received BS degree of information science from Saga University
in 2010 and is now in the master course of graduate school of Saga university.

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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
41 | P a g e
Unsupervised Method of Object Retrieval Using
Similar Region Merging and Flood Fill

Kanak Saxena
Samrat Ashok Technological
Sanjeev Jain
Madhav Institute of Technology &
Uday Pratap Singh
Lakshmi Narain College of

Abstract In this work; we address a novel interactive
framework for object retrieval using unsupervised similar region
merging and flood fill method which models the spatial and
appearance relations among image pixels. Efficient and effective
image segmentation is usually very hard for natural and complex
images. This paper presents a new technique for similar region
merging and objects retrieval. The users only need to roughly
indicate the after which steps desired objects boundary is
obtained during merging of similar regions. A novel similarity
based region merging mechanism is proposed to guide the
merging process with the help of mean shift technique. A region
R is merged with its adjacent regions Q if Q has highest similarity
with R among all Qs adjacent regions. The proposed method
automatically merges the regions that are initially segmented
through mean shift technique, and then effectively extracts the
object contour by merging all similar regions. Extensive
experiments are performed on 22 object classes (524 images total)
show promising results.
Keywords- Image segmentationl; similar regions; region merging;
mean shift; flood fill.
CLASS-SPECIFIC (or category-level) object segmentation
is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision.
Although a human can delineate the object boundaries with
much ease, segmenting images is not as ease for a computer. Its
goal to segment an image into regions with each region solely
containing object(s) of a class. As object segmentation requires
that each segmented region to be a semantic object, it is much
more challenging than traditionally object segmentation [1, 2,
3, 4]. There has been a substantial amount of research on image
segmentation including clustering based methods, region
growing methods [5], histogram based methods [6], and more
recent one such as adaptive thresh-hold methods [7], level set
methods [8], graph based methods [4, 9] etc.
Despite many years of research, unsupervised image
segmentation techniques without human interaction still do not
produce satisfactory results [10]. Therefore semi-supervised
segmentation methods incorporating user interactions have
been proposed [11, 12, 13, 14, 15] and are becoming more and
more popular. For instance, in the active contour model (ACM)
i.e. snake algorithm [11], a proper selection of initial curve by
user lead to a good convergence of the true object contour.
In order to do semantically meaningful image
segmentation, it is essential to take priori (e.g. object part
configuration [16], or class fragments [17]) information about
the image into account.
The low level image segmentation methods, such as mean
shift [18, 19], watershed [20] and super pixels [21], usually
divide the image into small regions. These low level
segmentation methods provide a good basis for the subsequent
high level operations, such as region merging. As a popular
segmentation technique for color images, mean-shift [19] can
have less segmented parts in comparison to watershed and
super pixels [15, 21, 22] while preserving well the edge
information of the objects. Because of less number of
segmentation, the statistical features of each region, which will
be exploited by the proposed unsupervised similar region
merging method and object detection can be more robustly
calculated and then be used in guiding the region merging
In this paper, we proposed unsupervised similar region
merging method based on initial segmentation of mean shift.
The proposed method will calculate the similarity of different
regions and merge them based on largest similarity. The object
will then extract from the background when merging process
ends. Although the idea of region merging is first introduced by
[23] this paper uses the region merging for obtaining the
contour for object and then extracting desired object from
image. The key contribution of the proposed method is a novel
similarity based region merging technique, which is adaptive to
image content and does not requires a present threshold. With
the proposed region merging algorithm, the segmented region
will be automatically merged and labeled, when the desired
object contour is identified and avoided from background, the
object contour can be readily extracted from background. The
proposed algorithm is very simple but it can successfully
extract the objects from complex scenes.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; section 2
presents the proposed region merging algorithm. Section 3
performs extensive experiments to verify the proposed method
and analysis. Section 4 concludes the paper and section 5
experimental results for different color spaces, different initial
segmentation and comparison of proposed method with various
existing algorithms.
In proposed method, an initial segmentation is required to
partition the image into homogeneous region for merging.
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For this we use any existing low level image segmentation
methods e.g. watershed [20], super-pixel [21], level set [24]
and mean-shift [18, 19] can be used for this step. In this paper
we use mean-shift method for initial segmentation because it
has less over segmentation and well preserve the object
boundaries. For the initial segmentation we use the mean
shift segmentation software the EDISON system [25] to
obtain the initial segmentation map. Fig. 1. shows an example
of mean shift initial segmentation. For detailed information
about mean shift and EDISON system, please refer to [18,
19, 25, 26]. In this paper we only focus on the region

Fig. 1 Original Image Mean shift segmentation
A. Similarity Measure
After mean shift initial segmentation, we have a number of
small regions. To guide the following region merging process,
we need to represents these regions using some descriptor and
define a rule for merging. A region can be described in many
aspects, such as texture [27], shape and size [c] and color edge
[28] of the regions. Among them color descriptor is very useful
for representation of the object color features. In the context of
region merging based segmentation, color descriptor is more
robust than other feature descriptors because shape and size
feature is vary lots while the colors of different regions from
the same object will have high similarity. Therefore we use
color histogram represent each region in this paper. The RGB
color space is used to compute the color histogram of each
region in this paper. We uniformly quantize each color
channels into 16 levels and then the histogram is calculated in
the feature space of 4096 bins. Next problem is how to merge
the region based on their color histograms so that the desired
object can be extracted. The key issue in region merging is how
to determine the similarity between different segmented
regions of image so that the similar regions can be merged by
some logic control. Therefore we need to define a similarity
measure Formula (1) between two regions R and Q to
accommodate the comparison between various regions, for this
there are some well known statistical metrics such as Euclidean
metric, Bhattacharyya coefficient and log-likelihood ratio
statistic [29].
Here we use Bhattacharyya coefficient [29, 30, 31, 32] to
measure the similarity between two regions say R and Q is:

( )

Where HistR and HistQ are the normalized histogram of
R and Q, respectively and superscript u represents the u

element of them.


The higher the Bhattacharyya coefficient between R and Q
is the higher the similarity between them i.e. smaller the angle
. The geometric explanation of Bhattacharyya coefficient
actually reflects the perceptual similarity between two regions.
If two regions have similar contents then their histogram will
be very similar, and their Bhattacharyya coefficient will be
very high i.e. angle between histogram vectors is very small.
Certainly it is possible that two different regions may have
different histogram, such case happen very rare. Similarity
measure between two regions we use Bhattacharyya similarity
which works well in proposed region merging method. The
Bhattacharyya descriptor is a very simple yet efficient way to
represent similarity between regions. However other color
spaces e.g. HSV, YCbCr etc. and other distance measure such
as the Chernoff, Euclidean and Manhattan are also be adopted
that for the region merging. In section 3 we present examples
by using HSV, YCbCr color spaces and Manhattan distance.
Results will be similar to those by using the RGB color space
and Bhattacharyya descriptor.
B. Similarity Based Merging Rule
It is still a challenging problem to extract accurately the
object contour from the background. The conventional region
merging methods are merging two adjacent regions whose
similarity is above based on threshold [32]. These methods are
difficult because of threshold selection. A big threshold will
lead to incomplete merging belonging to object, while a small
threshold will cause over-merging. Moreover it is difficult to
detect when region merging process should stop. Proposed
region merging method will start from any random segment
part and start automatic region merging process. The entire
region will be gradually labeled as either object region or
background region. The lazy snapping cutout method proposed
in [15], which combine graph cut with watershed based initial
segmentation, is actually a region merging method. It is
controlled by max-flow method [33]. In this paper we present
an adaptive similarity based merging technique of regions
either in foreground or in background.
Let Q be the adjacent region of R and denoted by

its set of Qs adjacent regions. Using

Bhattacharyya coefficient calculate similarity among Qs
adjacent regions

. Obviously R will be one of

the adjacent regions of SQ. If the similarity between R and Q
will be maximum then region R will be merged in region Q.
We will use merging rule according to the formula defined as:



Equation (2) is the merging rule which establish the basis of
proposed region merging process. Important advantage of (2) is
that it prevents the use threshold for merging control, and the
a b
= (2)
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Bhattacharyya coefficient is the inner product of the two
histogram vectors and it is robust to small noise and variations.
The automatic region merging process cover the all part of
segmented image, and after every step of merging we will
whether we want to work on this image or not. Therefore in the
automatic region merging process object regions will have high
probabilities to be identified as object.
C. The merging process
The whole object retrieval process is working in two stages.
In first stage similar region merging process is as follows, our
strategy to merge the small segmented image which is start
with any randomly selected and merge this with any of its
adjacent regions with high similarity. Some two step
supervised merging process used in [34, 35] for image pyramid
construction. Different from [34, 35] proposed method used
image segmentation and it is unsupervised technique of region
merging. We will merge segmented image regions with their
adjacent regions as: if for each region Q we will set its adjacent
regions SB i=1, 2, , r. If the similarity between any Rj for
any i= j is maximum i.e.

Then Q and Rj are merged into one region and new region
is same leveled by

The above procedure is implemented iteratively. Note that
to each and every iterative step we will see whether the desired
object is retrieve or not. Specifically the segmented region is
shrinking; we will stop iteration when desired object is found.
After the first stage i.e. when full part of object boundaries
or likely to appear which is seems in every step we apply
second stage of algorithm for this we select a input point on the
object and expand this using four connectivity of pixels by
using well known Flood Fill method.
Object Retrieval Algorithm
Input: (1) the image (2) the initial mean shift segmentation
of input image
Output: desired object

While there is a merging up to object contour
1. First stage of merging of initial segmented image
(by mean shift method) using similar merging rule.
2. After step one number of regions are minimized and
again apply similar region merging rule, this is and
iterative procedure.
3. After retrieving object contour go to step (4).
4. Apply Region Labeling and after that Flood Fill
method on the image obtained in after step 3
Region Labeling (I)
% I: binary Image; I (u, v) =0: background, I (u, v) =1:
foreground %
4.1. Let m2
4.2. for all image coordinates (u, v) do
4.3. if I (u, v) =1 then
4.4. Flood Fill (I, u, v, m)
4.5. m m+1
4.6. return the labeled image I.
% After region labeling we apply Flood Fill method using
Breadth-First Search %
5. FloodFill (I, u, v, label)
5.1. Create an empty queue Q
5.2. ENQUEUE (Q, (u, v))
5.3. While Q is not empty do
5.4. (x, y) DEQUEUE (Q)
5.5. If (x, y) is inside image and I (x, y) =1 then
5.6. Set I (x, y)= label
5.7. ENQUEUE (Q, (x+1, y))
5.8. ENQUEUE (Q, (x, y+1))
5.9. ENQUEUE (Q, (x-1, y))
5.10. ENQUEUE (Q, (x, y-1))
5.11. return
The proposed similar region merging method is an iterative
method. After doing stage (1) what is the guarantee that the
automatic similarity merging method will converge after a
certain extent? To answer this question we will prove a
proposition stated below.
Proposition1. The Similarity region merging method in
section 2.3 will converge i.e. every region in the image will be
merge after a certain extent.
Proof. If a region Q has the maximal similarity with region
R then region R will be merged with region Q i.e. Q= QUR, in
the first stage of proposed method this procedure is repeatedly
and number of segmentation in the image is finite so the
desired contour of object is obtained after a certain extent i.e.
after kth iteration.
From above analysis we see that the number of regions in
image (after mean segmentation) is N (say) it will decrease in
the process if iterative region merging. The whole algorithm
will stop and all segmented region is in either object or in
Therefore proposed algorithm converges and it will be label
all the region of image.
The proposed similarity region merging method is an
unsupervised method, since it will automatically merge the
regions and it will labels every regions either object or
In section 3.1 we will first shows the unsupervised
similarity region merging method qualitatively by several
representative examples; in section 3.2 we compare proposed
method with well-known hybrid graph model, graph cut and
normalized cut; in section 3.3 we test our proposed method for
different color spaces and different distance metrics.
A. Experimental analysis and Results
Fig. 2. shows an example of how unsupervised similarity
region merging method extract object contour in complex
scene. After initial segmentation by mean shift, automatic
segmentation merging starts and after every step we test our
merging results and also after which stage of merging we want
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to use flood fill method. Fig. 2(a) is the initial segmented
regions cover only small part but representative features of
object and background regions. As shown in figure 2 the
unsupervised similar region merging steps via iterative
Fig. 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d) and 2(e) shows that different steps
of well extract object contour from the image and Fig. 2(f) is
object mask. Fig. 2(g) shows the extracted object using the two
steps object retrieval method.

Fig.2 Region merging Process 1st stage merging
Initial segmentation

2nd stage merging 3rd stage merging object contour

object mask object
In the second experiment, we want to separate a bird from
background. Fig. 3(a) shows that the initial mean shift
segmentation results are serve our segmentation for extraction
of object contour from complex background. Fig. 3(b) to 3(e)
shows that different step of fully extracted object contour from
input image.
Fig. 3(g) shows the extracted object using the two steps
object retrieval method.
The execution time object retrieval using unsupervised
similar region merging and flood fill depends upon a number of
factors, including size of image, the initial mean shift
segmentation results etc. We implement unsupervised similar
region merging and flood fill algorithm in the MATLAB (R
2008a) 7.6 programming environment and run it on a PC with
P4 2.80 GHz CPU and 1.0 GB RAM.
Table 1 shows the running time of proposed method on
testing different types of images e.g. bird and airplanes etc.
Image Size of
Number of regions
after initial
Time (in
Birds 200 x 200 396 7.0988
Airplanes 200 x 200 338 6.2885
Horses 200 x 200 565 9.03111
Dogs 200 x 200 623 11.4329

Fig.3 Region merging Process 2nd stage merging
Initial segmentation

3rd stage merging 4th stage merging 5th stage merging

object mask object
B. Comparison with HGM and N-cut
In this section we compare the object retrieval method
using unsupervised similarity region merging and flood fill
method with hybrid graph model (HGM) and well known
Normalized cut [4]. Since the original graph cut segmentation
is a pixels based method (GCP) for a fair comparison of
proposed method, we extended the original pixel based graph
method (GCP) to a region based graph cut (GCR) i.e. the nodes
in the graph are mean shift segmented region instead of original
Table 2 shows the comparison of the three methods on
testing different types of images e.g. bird and airplanes etc. We
can see that proposed unsupervised region merging method
achieves the best results in comparison to others, while (GCR)
performs better result in comparison to (GCP).
It can be seen that (GCR) will miss some object regions and
wrongly label background regions as object regions.

Table-2 : Evaluation of results on 12 different class of image
Object Class No. of images F2
Total Special N-Cut HGM Flood
c d
a b
a b
c d e
f g
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Airplane 100 25 0.3051 0.7609 0.7810
Horses 25 15 0.5268 0.8006 0.8123
Birds 25 15 0.6202 0.7443 0.7534
Cat 25 15 0.5904 0.7609 0.7812
Dogs 25 15 0.4404 0.9173 0.9215
Elephants 50 20 0.5540 0.6851 0.7263
Cars 25 15 0.2800 0.7953 0.8146
Flowers 25 15 0.4425 0.6996 0.7321
Women 50 20 0.5898 0.8123 0.8362
Fruits 40 15 0.5830 0.7100 0.7654
Plane 40 15 0.3598 0.7906 0.8431
Average 380 175 0.4583 0.7743 0.8472
To quantitatively compare the three methods, as shown in
table 3, we mutually labeled the desired objects in the test
image and took them as ground truth. After this we compute
true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR) for these
segmentation results. The TPR is defined as the ratio of number
of correctly classified object pixels to the number of total
object pixels, and FPR is defined as the ratio of number of
background pixels but classified as object pixels to the number
of ground pixels. Obviously, higher the TPR and lower the
FPR that method is better.
Image Method TPR(%) FPR(%)
Birds GCp
Flood Fill

Flood Fill
Bird GCp
Flood Fill
Dogs GCp
Flood Fill
Horses GCp
Flood Fill
Flower GCp
Flood Fill
Tiger GCp
Flood Fill
Starfish-1 GCp
Flood Fill
C. Unsupervised region merging under different color spaces,
distance metrics and initial segmentation
Although RGB space and Bhattacharyya distance are used
in proposed method, other color spaces and metrics are also
used. In this section, we present some example to verify the
performance of unsupervised region merging and flood fill
method. We first test the effect of color space on the region
merging result. In this experiment RGB color space is
converted into HSV and YCbCr. The Bhattacharyya coefficient
is calculated for the histogram of these color spaces. Fig. 4.
shows the unsupervised region merging on the images birds
and airplanes and after that we use flood fill method on HSV
and YCbCr space for extraction of object.
The Fig. 4(b) shows the initially segmented images in the
HSV color space and Fig. 4(c), 4(d) and 4(e) shows the finally
segmented object contour and Fig. 4(f) is mask of object and
finally Fig. 4(g) shows object retrieve by using unsupervised
region merging and after that we use flood fill algorithm for
object retrieval. We can see that the results are same as those
by using RGB color spaces with Bhattacharyya distance.

Fig.4 Original image Initial segmentation
(HSV color space)

1st stage merging 2nd stage merging

object contour object mask


Again we test the effect of distance metric on the
segmentation results. In this experiment, RGB, HSV and
YCbCr color spaces is used with Euclidean distance, we denote
HistR and HistQ are normalized color histogram of two regions
R and Q the Euclidean distance between them is defined as:

c d
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Fig.5 Original image object
(HSV color space)

Fig.5 Original image object
(YCbCr color space)

Fig.5 Original image object
(YCbCr color space)

Fig. 5 shows the segmentation results on the images of
birds and airplanes. We can see that the results are same as
those by Bhattacharyya distance.
At last we test the unsupervised similar region merging
method with some other initial segmentation. Besides the
mean-shift, watershed [20] and super-pixels [21] are another
popular initial segmentation method. Super-pixels partition the
images into more over segmentation in comparison to mean
shift. In this experiment super-pixel method is used for initial
segmentation. Section 5 shows the results of airplanes and
birds. It can be seen that watersheds and super-pixel gives the
similar results as mean shift.
In this paper proposed a class specific object segmentation
method using unsupervised similar region merging and flood
fill algorithm. The image is initially segmented using mean-
shift segmentation and automatic start of merging with any
random segmented region and after each merging we check
whether the object contour is obtained or not, if at any
particular stage of merging object contour is obtained then use
flood fill algorithm and click with mouse which object we want
to extract. The proposed scheme is simple yet powerful and it is
image content adaptive.
In future we can extract multiple objects from input image
by using unsupervised method as well as supervised method by
merging similar regions using some metric. Extensive
experiments were conducted to validate the proposed method
of extracting single object from complex scenes. The proposed
method is efficiently exploits the color similarity of the target.
The proposed method provides a general region merging
framework, it does not depend initially mean shift
segmentation method or other color image segmentation
methods [20, 24, 25, 36] can also be used for segmentation.
Also we can use appending the different object part to
obtaining complete object from complex scene, and also we
can use some supervised technique also.
To see how Similar Region Merging Flood Fill produces
promising segmentation results in the case that there is a large
variation in shape (including position, size, profile and pose)
within an object class. We refer to the Fig. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
The task is to segment an airplane from the background scene.
To segment a new image that may contain object of several
classes, we use initial mean shift segmentation method to
segment the image into K regions in which all containing
instance (s) of object class. We assume that K is known a priori
for each test image. In this section, we present the example to
verify the performance of proposed method under the different
color spaces like HSV, YCbCr etc. and for different initial
segmentation like watershed [20], super pixels [21].
We first test effect of color space on region merging result.
In this experiment RGB color space is converted into HSV,
YCbCr color spaces. Fig. 6. shows the object retrieval from
RGB space, where as Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 shows the object
retrieval from HSV and YCbCr color spaces respectively. Also
Fig. 12. and Fig. 13. shows that object retrieval using different
initial segmentation besides mean shift, watershed [20] is
another important method of initial segmentation. Different
from mean shift it partitions the image into more number of
regions. Fig. 12. and Fig. 13.shows the result on bird and
horse. Due to large number of regions in the initial
segmentation of images using watersheds [20] its running time
is more in comparison to mean shift initial segmentation and
also results shows that the retrieve object after processing in
similar fashion is not good as comparison with mean shift.

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Fig. 6 Original image Mean shift segmentation 1st stage merging 2nd stage merging
(RGB image)

3rd stage merging Object contour Object mask Object

Fig. 7 Mean shift segmentation 1st stage merging 2nd stage merging 3rd stage merging
(RGB Image)

3rd stage merging Object mask Object

a b c d
a b c d
e f g
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Fig. 8 Original image Mean shift 1st stage merging 2nd stage merging
(HSV image) segmentation

Object Contour Object Mask Object

Fig. 9 Original image Mean shift 1st stage merging 2nd stage merging
(HSV image) segmentation

3rd stage merging 4th stage merging 5th stage merging 6th stage merging

7th stage merging Object mask Object
a b
a b c d
g h
i j
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Fig. 10. Original image Mean shift 1st stage merging 2nd stage merging
(YCbCr image) segmentation

Object mask Object

Fig. 11. Original image Mean shift segmentation 1st stage merging Object contour
(YCbCr image)

Object mask Object

Fig. 12.Original Watershed Object contour Object Mask Obj ect
image segmentation
b c
e fj
a b
c d e
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Fig. 13. Original Watershed Object contour Object Mask Object
Image Segmentation

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Tifinagh Character Recognition Using Geodesic
Distances, Decision Trees & Neural Networks
O.Bencharef, M.Fakir, B. Minaoui
Sultan Moulay Slimane University,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Beni Mellal -- Morocco
Sultan Moulay Slimane University,
Polydiscilinary faculty,
Beni Mellal Morocco

AbstractThe recognition of Tifinagh characters cannot be
perfectly carried out using the conventional methods which are
based on the invariance, this is due to the similarity that exists
between some characters which differ from each other only by
size or rotation, hence the need to come up with new methods to
remedy this shortage. In this paper we propose a direct method
based on the calculation of what is called Geodesic Descriptors
which have shown significant reliability vis--vis the change of
scale, noise presence and geometric distortions. For classification,
we have opted for a method based on the hybridization of
decision trees and neural networks.
Keywords-component ; Tifinagh character recognition; Neural
networks ; Decision trees, Riemannian geometry ; Geodesic
Recently, computer vision has become one of the most
appealing fields of research where shape recognition stands as
one of its main pillars.
In the classical scheme of shape recognition, we distinguish
basically two major phases: (i) the extraction and (ii) the
classification of descriptors. [1][2]
The descriptors extraction can be defined as a particular
form of downsizing, which aims to simplify the amount of
resources needed to describe a large set of data accurately.
Different techniques have been used [3][4][5].
In this paper, we present a new approach for the extraction
process which is based on the calculation of geodesic distances
within images containing Tifinagh characters. The geodesic
distance is one of the basic concepts of Riemannian geometry
that comes out in many contexts to compensate the
insufficiency of Euclidean geometry. For instance, it is used in
mapping to calculate the length of a path on a spherical surface,
it is also used for adaptive mesh generation and 3D objects
representation [6][7]. The objective is to adapt all these tools in
order to use them for Tifinagh character recognition.
To test our approach, we have opted for a classifier based
on the hybridization of neural networks (NN) and decision
This paper is organized as follows: section two provides an
overview on Tifinagh characters, section three describes some
of the basic notions of Riemannian geometry and explains the
method we applied, section four emphasizes on the
classification process and the last section is dedicated to
experimental results.
Historically, Tifinagh characters were popular with
Moroccan theologians under the name Khath Ramal, that is
sand characters. That was the writing of caravan traders who
used it to exchange messages by leaving signs on caravan
routes. Tifinagh characters have almost become mystical due to
the importance of communication in finding paths during
journeys in desert.
Those characters are kept by Saharan community and
represent today the ancient writing of Touaregue.
Archeologists have found texts in Tifinagh in different shapes:
geometrical, human or even divine. They have also noticed
resemblance to other characters from foreign civilizations:
Phoenicians, Russian and Aramaic.
According to researchers, the name Tifinagh is compound
of two words: Tifi (that is discovering) and Nagh (that is
ones self). The Royal institute of Amazigh Culture
(ICRAM) has proposed a standardization of Tifinagh
characters composed of 33 elements. [8],[9]

Figure 1. Tifinagh characters adopted by the ICRAM

A. Theoretical approach
1) Basic concept of Riemannian geometry
Riemannian geometry was first put forward by Bernhard
Riemann in the nineteenth century. It deals with a broad range
of geometries which metric properties vary from a point to
another. We define Riemannian geometry as the studies of
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Riemannian manifolds: smooth manifolds with a Riemannian
metric.[10] To better understand this, we present some basic
A manifold is a topological space that is locally
Euclidean (i.e., around every point, there is a
neighboring area that is topologically the
An inner product is a generalization of the dot product.
In a vector space, it is a way to multiply vectors
together, with the result of this multiplication being a
scalar. The inner product of two vectors u and v is
given by:
<u, v>M =
u M v. (1)
The collection of all inner products of a manifold is
called the Riemannian metric.
2) Geodesic distance
In a Riemannian metric space (x, M (x)) the length of a path
[a,b] is calculated using the parameterization '(t) = a +t ab,
where t belongs to [0, 1]. [13]

The geodesic distance (Dl
) is the shortest path between
two points a and b, or one of the shortest paths if there are
(ab)) (3)

B. Proposed method
The proposed extraction process is based on the calculation
of geodesic distances between the four geometric extremities of
the sought character.
1) Pretreatment
The pretreatment that we have integrated is composed of
two standard processes, (i) the noise elimination and (ii) the
contour detection.[14] (Figure 2)

2) Extremities detection
In order to detect extremities, we have used an algorithm
that browses the character contour and detects the closest
points to each of the image angles.

3) Geodesic descriptors
We named Geodesic Descriptors geodesic distances
between the four extremities of the image divided by their
Euclidean distances.
( xy): the geodesic distance between x and y
dxy: the Euclidean distance between x and y
a,b,c & d the geometric extremities of each character
(Figure 2)
We will name:
1st metric descriptor D1= DlM( ab) / dab
2nd metric descriptor D2= DlM( ac) / dac
3rd metric descriptor D3= DlM( ad) / dad
4th metric descriptor D4= DlM( bc) / dbc
5th metric descriptor D5= DlM( bd) / dbd
6th metric descriptor D6= DlM( cd) / dcd
To compute geodesic distances on a binary image, we have
applied an algorithm that uses a scan function where each
iteration has sequences that go forward and backward so as to
determine the shortest path. The used algorithm considers
orthogonal and diagonal pixel distances by using a weight of 1
to orthogonal pixels and a weight of square root of 2 for the
diagonal markers.[15][16]
To insure resistance to scale changes of the proposed
descriptors, we divided the geodesic distance of each path
according to the Euclidian distance.

Table I illustrates the obtained results for the six
descriptors used in this article:

(a) (b)
(d) (c)
Figure 4. Geodesic distances between a & b for the yame
character and between b & c for the yake character

Figure 2. Example of contour detection
Figure 3. Example of character extremities
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Table I. Results for some Tifinagh characters
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6

2.12 1.31 1.29 1.21 1.23 1.02

1.10 1.62 1.13 1.38 1.11 1.40

2.02 1.41 1.71 1.70 1.43 2.00

1.07 1.04 1.03 1.41 1.12 1.73

Notice that the proposed descriptors have allowed:
clear distinction between the tested characters ; and
Distinction between characters which are geometrically
close (obtained by rotation, like Yars & Yass
characters, see Table II).

Table II. Geodesic descriptors for the Yars & Yass characters

1.13 1.48 1.11 1.22 1.40 1.20

1.23 1.39 1.12 1.20 1.5 1.12

The proposed descriptors have also shown considerable
resistance to scale changes. (Table III)
Table III. Metric descriptors calculated for different sizes of the
character Yass

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6

1.19 1.44 1.07 1.15 141 1.05

1.22 1.39 1.10 1.18 1.49 1.11

1.23 1.39 1.12 1.20 1.5 1.12
At first glance, it seems that the proposed descriptors can
distinguish between all Tifinagh characters (Figures 5, 6 & 7).
However, confusion still remains when it comes to composed
characters (Figure 6) or other characters that have a circular
shape (Figure 7).

To deal with these particular cases, we have chosen to
operate with a hybrid classifier made of decision trees and
neural networks.
On the one hand, decision trees have a discriminatory
characteristic which allowed us to separate characters in four
classes (Figure 8). On the other hand, neural networks allow
character recognition, thanks to their ability to implicitly detect
complex nonlinear relationships between dependent and
independent variables, and to detect all possible interactions
between predictor variables.[17][18].
In practice, we used a multilayer neural network (two
layers) with supervised learning, driven by the back
propagation of the gradient. This consists in determining the
error made by each neuron and then modifying values of
weight in order to minimize this error.
For the decision tree, we used the following rules:
R1: after detecting the number of motifs N in the
image. If N >1, then: R22, if not: R21.
R22: if the size of the first motif if twice (or more)
bigger than the size of the second motif, then: N3, if
not: N4.
R21: if the ratio of geodesic distances (D1/D3) is
between 0.8 & 1.2 and (D2/D6) is between 0.8 & 1.2,
then: N2, if not: N1.
We tested our approach of Tifinagh character recognition
on the database Y. Ouguengay[12]. This database includes
2175 characters printed in different sizes and writing styles.
(Figure 9) Each character will be determined using geodesic
descriptors, identification by neural networks and by combined
neural networks (using decision trees).
We tested our approach on different characters of the
database. Table IV gives an idea about recognition ratios of the
database objects.

Figure 5. Characters defined directly by
geodesic descriptors
Figure 6. Composed Characters Figure 7. Circular Characters
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Table IV. Recognition rate depending on the number of characters to identify
Number of
characters to identify
Neural Networks
NN & Decision
10 98% 99%
20 93% 95%
25 81% 94%
33 71% 93%
*: Results obtained for centered images
Notice that despite the size of the database which is of 16
samples of each character, the suggested descriptors have
proven effective using neural networks. The integration of
decision trees has brought the recognition ratios remarkably
In order to test the reliability of our recognition approach,
we used it on images presenting different kinds of alterations.
As noticed on Table V, recognition ratios are excellent vis--
vis noise presence and handwritten characters. Ratios are good
when it comes to variation of luminosity and changes in scale.
Table V. Recognition rate on images presenting alterations using NN
& Decision trees
Alterations Hm Lu Pn Sc
Recognition Rate 97% 93% 95% 92%
With: Hm: Handwritten characters, Lu : Variation of luminosity,
Pn : Presence of noise , Sc : Scale change
In this study, we have used the geodesic distances as a new
approach for shape descriptors extraction and we have opted
for a hybridization of neural networks and decision trees for
classification. The robustness of our recognition system was
tested and illustrated on a Tifinagh database supplemented by
images with different alterations such as the luminance
variation, the presence of white Gaussian noise with a variance
of 10% and alterations due to handwriting. The recognition
system proved efficient as we obtained:
A recognition rate of 99% for a training set composed
of 20 samples of 10 characters; and
An excellent robustness vis--vis the presence of noise
and a good robustness in the case of geometric
distortion and luminance variation.
The results can be improved by acting on several
parameters such as:
Increasing the training set;
Parallel use of other shape descriptors; and
The integration of discriminative characteristics of the
different characters.
[1] Oren Boiman, Eli Shechtman and Michal Irani(2008), In Defense of
Nearest-Neighbor Based Image Classification, IEEE Conference on
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Translation invariants of Zernike moments", Pattern Recognition , pp
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Amazighe: Mthodes et Mises En OEuvre, SETIT 2005 3rd
International Conference: Sciences of Electronic Technologies of
Information and Telecommunications March 27-31, 2005 TUNISIA.
[9] M. Amrouch, Y. Es Saady, A. Rachidi, M. Elyassa, D. Mammass (April
2009), Printed Amazigh Character Recognition by a Hybrid Approach
Based on Hidden Markov Models and the Hough Transform,
ICMCS09, Ouarzazate-Maroc.
[10] S. Gallot, D. Hulin, et J. Lafontaine. Riemannian Geometry.
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[11] A. Fuster, L. Astola and L. Florack, A Riemannian Scalar Measure for
Diffusion Tensor Images, Lecture notes in Computer Science, 5702
(2009), pp. 419426..
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Tensor Computing, Int. J. Computer Vision, 66(1) (2006), pp. 4166.
[13] Kimmel, R. & Sethian, J. A. (1998). Computing geodesic paths on
manifolds, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America, Vol. 95, No. 15, pp. 8431-8435
[14] L.D. Cohen. Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping Using
Minimal Paths. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 14(3),
2001 . Presented at VLSM01
N2 N3 N4
Figure 8. Integrated classification process used to recognize
Tifinagh characters
Figure 9: A Tifinagh character from the Y.Ouguengay
database printed in different sizes and writing styles
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[15] J.KERL (2008), Numerical differential geometry in Matlab, Graduate
student Colloquium, university of Arizona.
[16] J.A. Sethian et R. Kimmel. Computing Geodesic Paths on Manifolds.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 95(15):84318435, 1998.
[17] SIMARD P., STEINKRAUS D., PLATT J. C.(2005), Best Practices
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Analysis, ICDAR, pp. 958-962
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Elsevier Science Publisher B.V., 189-239 (1985).

Omar BENCHAREF obtained hes DESS degree in 2007 from the
University of Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Morocco. Currently he is a PhD student
at the Center of Doctoral Studies in the Faculty of Science and technology of
Beni Mellal. His research concerns image processing & Recognition.
Dr Mohamed FAKIR obtained a degree in Master of Electrical Engineering
from Nagaoka University of Technology in 1991 and a Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering from the University of Cadi Ayyad, Morocco. He was a
team member in Hitachi Ltd., Japan between 1991 and 1994. He is currently a
professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University Sultan Moulay
Slimane, Morocco. His research concerns the recognition and artificial
Dr. Belaid BOUIKHALENE obtained a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics in
2001 and a degree of Master in Computer science in 2005 from the University
of Ibn Tofel Kenitra, Morocco. He is currently a professor at University
Sultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco, His research focuses on mathematics and
applications, decision information systems, e-learnig, pattern recognition and
artificial intelligence.
Dr. Brahim MINAOUI obtained a Ph.D. degree in physics. He is currently a
the Faculty of Science and Technology,professor at University Sultan Moulay
Slimane, Morocco, His research focuses on mathematics and applications,
decision information systems, recognition, Artificial intelligence & physics.
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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
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Motion Blobs as a Feature for Detection on Smoke
Khalid Nazim S. A.,
Research Scholar,
Singhania University,
Rajasthan, India
Dr. M.B. Sanjay Pande,
Professor and Head,
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
VVIET, Mysore, India.

Abstract Disturbance that is caused due to visual perception
with the atmosphere is coined as smoke, but the major problem is
to quantify the detected smoke that is made up of small particles
of carbonaceous matter in the air, resulting mainly from the
burning of organic material. The present work focuses on the
detection of smoke immaterial it being accidental, arson or
created one and raise an alarm through an electrical device that
senses the presence of visible or invisible particles or in simple
terms a smoke detector issuing a signal to fire alarm system / issue
a local audible alarm from detector itself.
Keywords- Motion blobs; Blob Extraction; Feature Extraction.
Smoke: Any disturbance that is caused due to visual
perception with the atmosphere can be termed as smoke. But
on a contrary it can also be defined in many ways such as, the
vaporous system made up of small particles of carbonaceous
matter in the air, resulting mainly from the burning of organic
material, such as wood or coal OR a suspension of fine solid or
liquid particles in a gaseous medium OR a cloud of fine
particles OR something insubstantial, unreal, or transitory OR a
substance used in warfare to produce a smoke screen OR
something used to conceal or obscure OR a pale to grayish blue
to bluish or dark gray OR smoke is the collection of airborne
solid and liquid particulates, gases emitted when a material
undergoes combustion or pyrolysis[17,21]. Research in
detecting smoke using surveillance cameras has become very
active recently. It is now possible to address the problems in
traditional smoke detectors based on particle sampling with the
aid of video smoke detection namely:
1) Traditional smoke detectors require a close proximity
to the smoke.
2) They usually do not provide information about fire
location, size etc.
The most interesting concept of this paper is to differentiate
the type of smoke based on the texture or colour such as:
Type 1: White smoke: This occurs due to anti-
freeze burning of the piston cylinder. The possible ways of
causes are a cracked head, blown head gasket, (warped head),
or cracked cylinder block (normally uncommon).
Type 2: Black smoke: Black smoke is oftentimes a result of
too much fuel and not enough air in the combustion
chamber. In rare cases, it can be caused by weak fuel pressure
causing fuel to 'drip' from injectors rather than 'spray'. It can
also be caused by weak fire in the combustion chamber.
Type 3: Gray smoke: Gray smoke is caused by brake fluid.
It generally means that the brake master cylinder is bad and is
getting sucked through the vacuum brake hose.
Type 4: Blue smoke: Blue smoke is generally caused by the
burning of oil in the combustion chamber. Normal causes of oil
getting into the combustion chamber are weak piston rings, bad
valve guides, bad valve seals or plugged up engines where oil
is sucked back through PCV system [8, 15, 17, 21].
A. Video Based method for Smoke Detection
In video-based smoke detectors, CCTV (Closed-circuit
television) cameras can monitor and recognize smoke and
flames overlooking large spaces at great distances, while
providing video surveillance capabilities as a bonus [23,25].
This shall detect fire in seconds, supply vital situational
awareness in the form of live video to remotely located guards,
trigger fire alarms and provide vast amounts of pre-recorded
Video forensic evidence for future fire investigations. The
video based detectors can sense:
Presence of flames within the field of view of the camera.
Reflected fire light when flames are obstructed.
Presence of pluming smoke clouds.
Presence of ambient smoke.
Unauthorized Intrusion.
Ugur Toreyin et. al., presented a method for smoke
detection in video. It is assumed that camera monitoring the
scene is stationary. Since the smoke is semi-transparent, edges
of image frames start losing their sharpness and this leads to a
decrease in the high frequency content of the image. To
determine the smoke in the field of view of the camera, the
background of the scene is estimated and decrease of high
frequency energy of the scene is monitored using the spatial
wavelet transformations of the current and the background
images[7]. Edges of the scene are especially important because
they produce local extrema in the wavelet domain.
A decrease in the values of local extrema is also an
indicator of smoke. In addition, scene becomes grayish when
there is smoke and hence this leads to a decrease in
chrominance values of pixels. Periodic behavior in smoke
boundaries and convexity of smoke regions are also analyzed.
All of these clues are combined to reach a final decision. Fire
detection algorithms are based on the use of color and motion
information in video to detect the flames [12]. However, smoke
detection is vital for fire alarm systems when large and open
areas are monitored, because the source of the fire and flames
cannot always fall into the field of view.
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Edges in an image correspond to local extrema in wavelet
domain. A Gradual decrease in their sharpness results in the
decrease of the values of these extrema. However, these
extrema values corresponding to edges do not boil down to
zero when there is smoke [11,13]. In fact, they simply loose
some of their energy but they still stay in their original
locations, occluded partially by the semi-transparent smoke.
Independent of the fuel type, smoke naturally decreases the
chrominance channels U and V values of pixels. Apart from
this, it is well-known that the flicker frequencies of flames are
around 10 Hz, this flicker frequency is not greatly affected by
either the fuel type or the burner size [5, 12]. As a result, smoke
boundaries also oscillate with a lower frequency at the early
stages of fire. Another important feature of the smoke that is
exploited in this method is that smoke regions have convex
shapes [11].
An algorithm for detecting smoke in video was developed
which is based on determining the edge regions whose wavelet
sub-band energies decrease with time. These regions are then
analyzed along with their corresponding background regions
with respect to their RGB and chrominance values. The flicker
of the smoke and convexity of smoke regions are also set as
clues for the final decision. This method can also be used for
the detection of smoke in movies and video databases. In
addition to this can also be incorporated with a surveillance
system monitoring an indoor or an outdoor area of interest for
early detection of fire [1,2,4].
R.J. Ferraria et.al, proposed a real-time image processing
technique for the detection of steam in video images. The
problem of detecting steam is treated as a supervised pattern
recognition problem. A statistical Hidden Markov Tree (HMT)
model derived from the coefficients of the Dual-Tree Complex
Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) in small (48 48) local regions
of the image frames is used to characterize the steam texture
pattern. The parameters of the HMT model are used as an input
feature vector to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) technique,
specially tailored for this purpose [6,18]. By detecting and
determining the total area covered by steam in a video frame, a
computerized image processing system can automatically
decide whether if the frame can be used for further analysis.
The proposed method was quantitatively evaluated by using a
labeled image data set with video frames sampled from a real
oil sand video stream. The classifications of results were 90%
correct when compared to human labeled image frames. This
technique is useful as a pre-processing step in automated image
processing systems [10, 16, 23].
Real-time automated image processing systems, used in
size analysis, depend on good quality high contrast images in
order to correctly segment and measure oil sand fragment size
including oversize lumps [6]. According to Ziyou Xiong et.al.
When a fire occurs, minimum detection latency is crucial to
minimize damage and save lives. Current smoke sensors
inherently suffer from the transport delay of the smoke from
the fire to the sensor, a video smoke detection system would
not have this delay. Further, video is a volume sensor, not a
point sensor wherein a point sensor looks at a point in space,
which may not be affected by smoke or fire. But a volume
sensor potentially monitors a larger area and has much higher
probability of successful early detection of smoke or flame.
Video smoke detection is a good option when smoke does
not propagate in a normal manner, e.g., in tunnels, mines,
and other areas with forced ventilation and in areas with air
stratification, e.g., hangars, warehouses, etc. Video is also a
good option for large, open areas where there may be no heat
or smoke propagation to a fixed point e.g., saw mills,
petrochemical refineries, forest fires, etc.
B. Background Subtraction
We follow the approach of Stauffer and Grimson [27] i.e.,
using adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to
approximate the background modeling process. This is because
in practice multiple surfaces often appear in a particular pixel
and the lighting conditions change.
In this process, each time the parameters are updated, the
Gaussians are evaluated to hypothesize which are most likely
to be part of the background process. Gaussians are grouped
using connected component analysis as moving blobs.
C. Flickering extraction
A pixel at the edge of a turbulent flame could appear and
disappear several times in one second of a video sequence. This
kind of temporal periodicity is commonly known as flickering.
Flickering frequency of turbulent flame has shown
experimentally to be around 10Hz. Flickering frequency of
smoke however, could be as low as (2 ~ 3) Hz for slowly-
moving smoke. The temporal periodicity can be calculated
using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Wavelet Transform or
Mean Crossing Rate (MCR). In our system, we have used the
Mean Crossing Rate (MCR) method [3].
D. Smoke classification
Blobs with contours are candidates of smoke regions.
Features are extracted from them and passed to a smoke
classification module for further check. The features that we
have used are based on the work by Catrakis et al. in
characterizing turbulent phenomena. Smoke [13] and (non-
laminar flow) flames [19] are both based on turbulent
phenomena. The shape complexity of turbulent phenomena
may be characterized by a dimensionless edge/area or
surface/volume measure [13,26]. One way, of detecting smoke
is to determine the edge length and area, or the surface area and
volume of smoke in images or video[15,26].
E. Flame Recognition in Video
Walter Phillips III, Mubarak Shah and Niels da Vitoria
Lobo, presented a paper based on an automatic system for fire
detection in video sequences. Particle sampling, temperature
sampling and air transparency testing are simple methods that
are used most frequently today for fire detection.
Unfortunately, these methods require a close proximity to the
fire. In addition, these methods are not always reliable, as they
do not always detect the combustion itself, most of them detect
smoke, which could be produced in other ways.
Existing methods of visual fire detection rely almost
exclusively upon spectral analysis using rare and costly
spectroscopy equipment. This limits fire detection to those
individuals who can afford the high prices of the expensive
sensors that are necessary to implement these methods. In
addition, these approaches are still vulnerable to false alarms
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caused by objects that are of the same colour as fire, especially
the sun. Healey, 1993 and Foo, 1995 have presented two
previous vision-based methods that seem quite promising.
An Olympus digital camera with the specification (AF 3x
optical zoom 6.5-19.5mm, 7.1 megapixel) is used for collecting
the different data sets and we have assumed the camera to be
The fragrance sticks were used as the source of smoke.
While recording the video, initially the still black background
is captured for approximately one second and later the smoke is
introduced, which was recorded for one more second.
Several such videos were collected and used to find the
mean, standard deviation and variance of all the three
components or channels of an RGB image (colored image).
The proposed architecture for the Video Based Smoke
Detector is as shown below in fig 1 and comprises of the
following five stages namely.

Fig 1: Proposed architecture of Video Based Smoke detector
Stage 1: The preprocessing stage:
In this stage of processing the image is filtered and noise is
eliminated. Later the images are segmented for further
Stage 2: The Motion detection Stage:
This stage accepts the filtered image as input that involves
the detection of moving objects entering the field of view.
Stage 3: The Blob Extraction Stage:
In this stage we make use of a unimodel and multimodel
thresholding method for monochrome and color images
Stage 4: The Feature Extraction Stage:
This stage extracts the features of the input data to a
reduced representation set of features, i.e. if the data is
suspected to be notoriously redundant with not much of
Stage 5: The classification Stage:
This stage involves the classification of the extracted blobs
depending on the presence of smoke or not and to raise an
alarm subsequently.
The proposed architecture for the Video Based Smoke
Detector comprises of different stages. The first stage is the
preprocessing stage where the image will be filtered and noise
will be eliminated. The filtered image is then given as input to
the motion detection stage which involves the detection of
moving objects entering the field of view. In Blob Extraction,
we make use of unimodel thresholding and multimodel
thresholding for monochrome and colour images respectively
which provides presence of moving objects. The next stage is
Feature Extraction where the output contains only required
information obtained out of the large input data set (which is
suspected to be notoriously redundant), this output data will be
transformed into a reduced representation to obtain set of
The last and the final is the Classification stage where the
extracted blobs are classified to check the presence of smoke or
Stage 1: The Preprocessing Stage
This stage is used to remove the noise present in the video
as shown in fig 2 below. First the image is converted from
RGB to gray scale. Once the image is converted to. grayscale,
the Discrete Fourier Transform is used to transform the image
from spatial domain to frequency domain.
For a square image of size (NN), the two-dimensional
DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) is given by:

where f(a, b) is the image in the spatial domain and the
exponential term is the basis function corresponding to each
point F(k, l) in the Fourier space.
Stage 2: The Motion detection Stage
As shown in the fig 3 above, after changing the data set, the
portion of the frame affected by smoke is white in colour and
the background is black.
Stage 3: The Blob Extraction Stage:
Blob extraction is an image segmentation technique that
categorizes the pixels in an image as a part belonging to one of
many discrete regions.
Fig 2: The Preprocessing Stage
Input frame Output frame

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The Motion Detection stage involves detection of moving
objects entering the field of view. There are many approaches
for motion detection in a continuous video stream. All of them
are based on comparing the current video frame with the one
from the previous frames or with something that is known as
background. One of the most common approaches is to
compare the current frame with the previous one. Also another
approach is to compare the current frame not with the previous
one but with the first frame in the video sequence. So if there
were no objects in the initial frame, comparison of the current
frame with the first one will give us the whole moving object
good results in the cases where there is no guarantee that the
first frame will contain only static background.
Input frame
(Filtered image)
Output frame
(With threshold =0.025)

Fig 3: The Motion Detection

Fig 4: The output of blob extraction
The outcome after the blob extraction and cropping of blobs
are as shown above in fig 4.
Blob extraction is generally performed on the resulting
binary image from a thresholding step. Blobs may be counted,
filtered and tracked. Inconsistent terminology for this
procedure exists, including region labelling, connected-
component labelling and blob discovery or region extraction.
. Stage4: The Feature extraction Stage:
Feature extraction is a special form of dimensionality
reduction. When the input data to an algorithm is too large to
be processed and it is suspected to be notoriously redundant
that is much data, but not much information, then the input data
will be transformed into a reduced representation set of features
called as features vector. Transforming the input data into the
set of features is called features extraction. If the features
extracted are carefully chosen then it is expected that the
features set will extract the relevant information from the input
data in order to perform the desired task using this reduced
representation instead of the full size input.
Feature extraction involves simplifying the amount of
resources required to describe a large set of data accurately.
When performing analysis of complex data one of the major
problems stems from the number of variables involved.
Analysis with a large number of variables generally requires a
large amount of memory and computation power or a
classification algorithm that over fits the training sample and
generalizes poorly to new samples.
Feature extraction is a general term for methods of
constructing combinations of the variables.
A video smoke detection system is termed as a volume
sensor than an point delay sensor. A volume sensor potentially
monitors a larger area and has much higher probability of
successful early detection of smoke or flame. Video smoke
detection is a good option when smoke does not propagate in a
normal manner, for example, in tunnels, mines, and other
areas with forced ventilation and in areas with air stratification,
for example, hangars, warehouses, etc. Video is also a good
option for large, open areas where there may be no heat or
smoke propagation to a fixed point e.g., saw mills,
petrochemical refineries, forest fires, etc.
In the present work, Video Based Smoke Detection, we
process a given video to detect the presence of smoke and store
it as sequence of images to a location on the disk. Since
working on the video directly is not supported by Mat lab, we
first convert the given video into .avi format (Audio/Video
Interleaved) file format and later these frames were fetched
sequentially for the filtering process and written back to the
Work is not done in the field of developing an interface for
a device to record the videos and to the hardware that connects
to the fire alarm.
The goal of feature extraction is to characterize an object to
be recognized by measurements whose values are very similar
for objects in the same category and very different for objects
in different categories. This leads to the idea of seeking
distinguishing features that are invariant to irrelevant
transformations of the input. In general, features that describe
properties such as shape, color and many kinds of textures are
invariant to translation, rotation and scaling.
[1] Yuan F ,A fast accumulative motion orientation model based on
integral image for video smoke detection, Pattern Recog Lett
29(7):925 932, 2008.
[2] Cui Y, Dong H, Zhou E ,An early fire detection method based on
smoke texture analysis and discrimination, In: Proceedings of the 2008
congress on image and signal processing, vol 3, CISP08, pp 9599,
[3] Xiong Z, Caballero R, Wang H, Alan MF, Muhidin AL, Peng P-Y,
Video-based smoke detection: possibilities, techniques, and
challenges, In: IFPA, fire suppression and detection research and
applicationsa Technical working conference
[4] R.J. Ferraria, H. Zhanga and C.R. Kube, Real-time detection of steam
in video images Pattern recognition, Volume 40,Issue 3, Pages
1148-1159, March 2007.

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Extraction of Line Features from Multifidus Muscle
of CT Scanned Images with Morphologic Filter
Together with Wavelet Multi Resolution Analysis

Kohei Arai
Dept.of Information Science,
Graduate School of Science and
Saga University
Saga city, Japan
Yuichiro Eguchi
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Medical
Saga University
Saga city, Japan
Yoichiro Kitajima
Eguchi Hospital
Ogi city, Japan

AbstractA method for line feature extraction from multifidus
muscle of Computer Tomography (CT) scanned image with
morphologic filter together with wavelet based Multi Resolution
Analysis (MRA) is proposed. The contour of the multifidus
muscle can be extracted from hip CT image. The area of
multifidus muscle is then estimated and is used for an index of
belly fat because there is a high correlation between belly fat and
multifidus muscle. When the area of the multifidus muscle was
calculated from the CT image, the MRA with Daubechies base
functions and with the parameter of MRA of level is three would
appropriate. After the wavelet transformation is applied to the
original hip CT image three times and LLL (3D low frequency
components) is filled 0 then inverse wavelet transformation is
applied for reconstruction. The proposed method is validated
with four patients.
Keywords-multifidusmuscle; Computer Tomography; wavele; Multi
Resulution Analysis; morphological filter.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) are often
associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and excessive
visceral fat accumulation. The aims of this study were (1) to
evaluate the relationship between the severity of fatty liver and
visceral fat accumulation in nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases,
and (2) to investigate the relationships of fatty liver with
biochemical data and insulin resistance [1],[2].
It is effective to prevent the pain that receives the load and
the stress easily by daily life, the movement, and labor, pierces,
stimulates the multifidus muscle and the iliopsoas muscle of
Toge muscle the peripheral nerve of congestion and a tumor,
an inflammation, and a stripe film especially sidewise, and
generates the sidewise Tsida muscle, interspinales muscles,
and to strengthen the inner muscle such as the Tstoge muscles
sidewise the tie of each one of the vertebra. Moreover, it is
connected with improving the motor function of the entire
spine to strengthen the multifidus muscle. Moreover, capacity
and the line prime number of the multifidus muscle can give
working hard and the standard when it is possible to use as an
index of fat in high this and the correlation and celiac, and it
recovers from Metaboriccshindororm based on this index.
Although a volume of the multifidus muscle can be
estimated with X rays CT image of hip, methods for extraction
of contour of the multifidus muscle from the hip CT images is
needed. Although there are the conventional edge detection
methods (differentiation methods) which can be used for it, it
is not easy to extract the contour because image defects affect
to the extractions. For instance, detected edges with
differentiation used to be disconnected. There are some
isolated pixels due to noise on the CT images. Also it is
always true that undesired edges are extracted with
differentiations. Therefore sophisticated contour extraction
methods are necessary [3]-[9].
Because the high frequency component of the hip CT
image shows edge components, wavelet based Multi-
Resolution Analysis: MRA is proposed to extract the contour
of multifidus muscle [10], [11]. Namely, wavelet
transformation based on base function is applied to the hip CT
image then the original hip CT image is divided into four
frequency components, low frequency component for both
horizontal and vertical directions (LL), high frequency in
horizontal direction and low frequency in vertical direction of
component (HL), low frequency in horizontal direction and
high frequency in vertical direction of component (LH), and
high frequency component for both horizontal and vertical
direction (HH). Because MRA is equivalent to the filter bank,
the desired edge with different frequency components can be
extracted with the different level which corresponds to the
center frequency of the band-pass filter which can be realized
with MRA. Moreover, not only the contour of the multifidus
muscle but also Semmot is extracted from the extracted edge.
At this time, it was often divided into parts though Semmot
was same originally Semmot, and it tended to overvalue the
line prime number. To evade this, this paper proposes the
Morphological analysis. That is, this validity has been
improved by giving Dilation and Erosion to an appropriate
frequency edge image and evaluating the line prime number.
Through experiments of which the proposed method is applied
to patient's CT image, the proposed method is validated.
The following chapter describes the proposed method
followed by some experiments with four patients hip CT
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images. Then, finally, conclusions and some discussions are
also followed.
A. Multifidus Muscle
The muscle that runs from "Horizontal projection" to one
in on between "Thorn projections" of a high-ranking vertebra
is called Tstoge muscle sidewise. When the Tstoge muscle is
divided further sidewise which is divided into the musculi
rotatores, multifidus muscle and half musculus spinalis. Half
musculus spinalis extend to the vertebra from 5 to 6. The
multifidus muscle extends to the vertebra from 3 to 4, and is
located from half musculus spinalis to deep. Moreover, the
musculi rotatores extends between one two vertebras, and is
located in deep most. The multifidus muscle operates as
musculus transversus abdominis shrink, processus spinosus
are pulled, and it is rotated to the other side. There is a rotation
movement such as turning the waist to turn around back. The
former is steady, and the shrinkage of doing of inclination and
musculus transversus abdominis is steady the sacrum inclining
forward and the latter and increases the tension outside of the
chest line of the backbone film, rises pressure in celiac, and
after the sacrum, is steady of the lumbar vertebra the
multifidus muscle and the iliococcygeus muscle and the
coccygeal muscle. That is the position of the sacrum control.
In addition, musculus transversus abdominis increase the
tension of-intestines ligament by synchronizing with the outer
unit after the film of the chest line of the backbone, and
contribute to the close power strengthening of the pelvic band.
They are six keep abreast of movements along the rotation
movements of six of the circumference of the XYZ axis of
coordinate (moment) and the axis of coordinates. It is Tstoge
muscle (musculi rotatores, half musculus spinalis, and
multifidus muscle) sidewise erector muscle of spine (musculus
spinalis, longest muscle, and iliocostal muscle), interspinales
muscles, and the Tsida muscles sidewise that are called that
being able to move this movement of 12 pieces freely like the
mind is a peculiar line of the backbone. It is located in the
depths in the muscle with short mileage, and it takes part in
thinner movement. Fig. 1 shows the location of multifidus

Figure 1 Multifidus muscle
B. Hip CT Image and Edge Extractions
Fig. 2 shows the example of original hip CT image and the
extracted edges by hip CT image with Laplasian operator. The
edge extracted by the conventional differentiator or second
order differentiators such as Sobel and Laplasian operators
tends to emphasize not only edges but also noises other than
the desired edges as shown in Fig. 2.

(a) Original CT image (Closed area portion with red colored line shows
multifidus muscle)

(b) Edge detected image with Laplasian operator
Figure 2 Original image and edge detected image with Laplasian operator.

C. Contour Extraction by WaveletMmulti Resolution Analysis
Methods for extraction of contour line of multifidus
muscle from the hip CT images by using wavelet based 2D
and 3D MRA which are illustrated in Fig. 3 (a) and (b) are
proposed. It is essential that the multifidus muscle is three
dimensional objects so that the 3D MRA is much appropriate
rather than the 2D MRA based method. Using the 2D or the
3D MRA, high frequency components which corresponds to
the edges can be extracted. Furthermore, MRA allows
reconstruction of original image without any loss.

(a) 2D wavelet transformation

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(b) 3D wavelet transformation

(c) An example of edge detected image based on 2D Multi-Resolution
Analysis: MRA

(d) An example of edge detected image based on 3D Multi-Resolution
Analysis: MRA
Figure 3 2D and 3D wavelet transformation and an example of edge detected
image based on 2D MRA

If the image is reconstructed with LH, HL, and HH
components then edges can be extracted from the 2D of hip
CT images. That is the same thing for the 3D MRA based
edge detection. When the image is reconstructed without LLL
components, then edges are extracted from the 3D of hip CT
images. Fig. 3 (c) and (d) shows examples of the edges
extracted with the 2D and the 3D MRA based edge detection
methods. As the results, the 3D MRA based edge detection
method allows many clear edges in comparison to that of the
2D MRA based method. In this case, the level (how many
times the 2D or the 3D MRA is applied. This corresponds to
which frequency components of edges is desired to extract),
and base function of MRA is in concern.
D. Extraction of clear contour with binarization and
morphological filtereing
After the reconstruction based on the 2D MRA based and
the 3D MRA based methods, binarization with an appropriate
threshold is applied to the reconstructed images. There are so
many isolated pixels and disconnected contour lines in the
binarized images. In order to remove the isolated pixels and
connect the disconnected contour lines, morphological filter is
applied to the binalized images. Fig. 4 shows the well-known
morphological filter components.

Figure 4 Morphological filter
Fig. 5 also shows typical erosion and dilation of
morphological filter. The dilation processing is applied first to
the binarized images followed by the erosion processing. Then
the disconnected contour lines in the binarized image are
connected. Also the erosion processing is applied to the
binarized image then isolated pixels are removed.


(b) Erosion
Figure 5 Typical erosion and dilation of morphological filter

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A. Experimental conditions
The following four persons are tested,
Age: 72, 63, 59, 41
Height(cm)&Weight(kg): 164&71, 170&75, 160&76,
BMI: 26.21, 25.95, 29.69, 24.22
B. Cost Functions
The proposed index assumes it is possible to become the
index of the function of the multifidus muscle, proposes the
size of the multifidus muscle, and has aimed to give the risk
such as Metaboriccshindororm and the standard of the
recovery degree in the future. Therefore, the correlation with
fat in celiac is index necessary and height is necessary.
It is Body Mass Index: BMI, an area of whole fat as a past
index, and the area of the hypodermic fat, the area of the waist
muscle, the area of the multifid muscle, and the CT worth ratio
(ratio of the CT value of the multifidus muscle and the internal
organs fat), etc. are proposed as an index. R square value with
fat in celiac is high, and the one that it is possible to extract it
from hip CT image comparatively easily is selected from
among these indices. BMI is division of the weight of the body
in the square of the height, and it is possible to examine it
extremely easily. If the ratio can worth identify the pixel, CT
is comparatively easily computable it though requests from hip
CT image besides. Because the area of the waist muscle and
the area of the multifid muscle are only coefficients of the
pixel, as long as the contour can be extracted, it is
comparatively easily computable. Specific of the adipose cell
is attended to paniculus adiposus and whole fat with the
difficulty as well as fat in celiac. Therefore, the proposal index
was evaluated by comparing the result of guessing these past
indices by the specialist's judgment with the calculation result
of the area of the multifid muscle based on MRA that was the
proposal index as the correct answer in this paper. The relation
to the index is shown as the judgment result of specialist who
requested it from the CT image to 362 patients from 25 to 81
years old from Fig.6, that is, correct answer fat in celiac and so

Figure 6 Relations between belly fat and the other measured factors.

R square value is an area of whole fat, an area of the
hypodermic fat, and it is 0.408, 0.045, 0.001, 0.178, 0.111, and
the correlation with the area of whole fat understands and the
highest thing is understood respectively of the CT worth area
of the muscle (the ratio and the irresolute attitude of the area
of the multifid muscle). However, it was judged that the area
of the multifid muscle from which R square value was
requested after this without the processing time comparatively
lying high was an index of second best because a lot of time
and time lay to request this area as shown in the above-
C. Base Function and the Level of MRA
The levels were changed up to 1, 2, 3, and 4 by using Haar
and Daubechies as a base function, MRA was given to hip CT
image, and a contour extraction of the multifidus muscle was
tried. Fig. 7 shows one example of the result.
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(j) (k) (l)

(m) (n) (o)
Figure 7 Examples of edge detected images through reconstruction without LL component (2D MRA) and LLL (3D MRA) from 1 to 4 levels of the wavelet
transformed images. (a), (b) and (c) are original CT images at the different height (portion). (d), (e) and (f) are edge detected images reconstructed without LL
component. (g), (h) and (i) are edge detected images reconstructed without LLL component. Meanwhile, (j), (k), (l) shows the binarized images. On the other hand,
(m), (n), (o) shows the resultant images after the morphological filter.

Fig. 7 (a), (b), (c) shows hip CT original picture image in a
different part. (d), (e) and (f) are edge detected images
reconstructed without LL component. (g), (h) and (i) are edge
detected images reconstructed without LLL component.
It is found that the level 2 of MRA parameter is the best in
terms of detecting capability of edges from the hip CT images.
Also it is found that the Daubechies base function is superior
to the Haar base function in terms of edge detecting capability
from the hip CT images.
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D. Effect of the Morphological Filter
Fig. 7 (j), (k), (l) shows the binarized images while Fig. 7
(m), (n), and (o) shows the resultant images after the
morphological filtering is applied to the binarized and
reconstructed images. It is easily seen that the contour of the
multifidus muscle is extracted almost perfectly.
E. Relations Between the Estimated Multifidus Muscle Areas
and the Belly Fat as well as CT Value Ratio and the Belly
Multifidus muscle area can be estimated with the resultant
images after the morphological filter. Although belly fat is
used to be estimated with BMI in the simplest method and
with the CT value ratio, it is usually said that estimation
accuracy is not good enough. Meanwhile, the relation between
multifidus muscle area which can be estimated with the
proposed method is relatively high as shown in Fig. 8 (a) in
comparison to the relation between visceral fat and CT value
ratio as shown in Fig. 8 (b).
R square values for the relation between visceral fat and
multifidus muscle as well as CT value ratio are 0.897, and
0.384, respectively. On the other hand, 3D MRA based edge
extraction is much effective (R square value is 0.897) than that
of 2D MRA based edge extraction (R square value is around
0.7). Due to the fact that isolated pixels are situated with a
couple of pixels and the contour lines are disconnected with a
couple of pixel distance so that twice erosions followed by
twice dilation are the best conditions for morphological
filtering. It is quite obvious that visceral fat is absolutely
linked to the well known Metaboriccshindororm which is our
major concern. The visceral fat, however, is not easy to
estimate. Time consumable image processing is required in
general. Turns out, the mutifidus muscle is not so difficult to
estimate and is closely related to the Metaboriccshindororm so
that we focused the multifidus muscles as an index of the
The multifidus muscle area estimation method based on
MRA together with morphological filter is proposed. Through
the experiments with four patients, it may conclude the
(1) The 3D MRA based edge detection is superior to the
2D MRA based method. Both are superior to the conventional
differentiation based edge detection methods.
(2) Daubechies base function is superior to the Haar base
function in terms of edge detecting performance. In the case of
edge detection from the hip CT image, level 2 of MRA
parameter would be the best. This depends on the frequency
component of desired edges.
(3) Morphological filter is effective to remove isolated
pixels and to connect the detected disconnected contour line of
multifidus muscle. In this case twice application of erosion
followed by twice application of dilation seems to be the best
in terms of connection of disconnected contour line of
multifidus muscles.
(4) R square value of the relation between visceral fat and
the multifidus muscles area is over 0.8 (significant) so that the
multifidus muscles are used for an index of
Thus the patients of Metaboriccshindororm are encouraged
using the proposed index of multifidus muscles which are
relatively easy to estimate from the hip CT images.

(a)The estimated multifidus muscle

(b) CT Value Ratio
Figure 8 Relation among the belly fat and the estimated multifidus muscle as
well as CT value ratio.
Authors express our gratitude for conducting the
experiments by graduate school student Mr. Mitsuo Mochida
that cooperates in the experiment.
[1] Y. Eguchi, T. Eguchi, T.mizuta, Y.Ide, T. Yasutake, R.Iwakiri, A.
Hisatomi, I.Ozaki, K. Yamamoto, Y. Kitajima, Y. Kawaguchi, S. Kuroki,
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factorsin nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, J Gastroenterol 2006; 41:462
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[2] Y. Kitajima, Y. Eguchi, E. Ishibashi, S. Nakashito, S. Aoki, S. Toda, T.
Mizuta, I. Ozaki, N. Ono, T. Eguchi, K. Arai, R. Iwajiri and K.
Fujimoto, Aged-related fat deposition in multifidus muscle could be a
marker for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Journal of Gastroenterology,
Springer 218-224, 2009.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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66 | P a g e
[3] CT performance evaluation committee, Standard concerning
performance evaluation of X-ray computer tomography device (the
second recommendation) and Japan Association of Medical Practitioners
magazine and 88(8)759771, 1989.
[4] Technical committee X rays CT device performance evaluation and
examination group, Standard concerning X rays CT device performance
evaluation, Journal of Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
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[5] K. Suzuki et al., technical problem and day of helical CT system, Journal
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[6] K. Tsujioka, Technical problem-performance evaluation of helical CT
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[7] S. Muramatsu et al., basic performance and day of scanning CT of spiral,
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[8] K. Kubota et al., application and day of helical scanning in brain bottom,
Journal of Japanese Society of Radiological Technology 52(9)1066,
[9] S. Kuwahara, Performance evaluation for Hispeed AdvantageRp,
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Kohei ARAI
Saga University
Saga, Japan
Kohei Arai received a PhD from Nihon University in 1982. He was
subsequently appointed to the University of Tokyo, CCRS, and the Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency. He was appointed professor at Saga
University in 1990. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of
Arizona and is Vice Chairman of ICSU/COSPAR Commission A.

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
67 | P a g e
Robust Face Detection Using Circular Multi Block
Local Binary Pattern and Integral Haar Features

Dean, Chairman, Professor, CS&A
Kurukshetra University
Er.Amit Verma
A.P, ECE Department
REBIEBT, Sahauran,

Abstract In real world applications, it is very challenging to
implement a good detector which gives best performance with
great speed and accuracy. There is always a trade-off in terms of
speed and accuracy, when we consider performance of a face
detector. In the current work we have implemented a robust face
detector which uses the new concept called integral Haar
histograms with CMBLBP or CSMBLBP (circular multi block
local binary operator).Our detector runs for real world
applications and its performance is far better than any of the
present detector. It works with good speed and enough accuracy
with varying face sizes, varying illumination, varying angle,
different face expressions, rotation, scaling like challenges which
are mostly issues of concern in the domain of face detection. We
use Matlab and Image processing tool box for the implementation
of the above mentioned technique.
Keywords- CMBLBP; MBLBP; LBP; Gentle Boosting; Face
This paper presents the novel face detection system using a
new technique called circular multi block local binary operator
.In the second section, we present basic introduction. Third and
fourth sections include LBP and MLBP (Multi block local
binary operator). Fifth section gives detail of Boosting. Section
sixth describes CMBLBP (circular multi block local binary
operator). Section seventh gives Data base, Experiments and
Result. Section Eight and nine include conclusion and
Face detection has a wide range of applications in the areas
such as automatic face recognition, object detection, face
tracking, red-eye removal, face expression recognition, human-
machine interaction, surveillance, skin detection[17] etc. In
recent years, there has been a vital progress on detection
schemes [10-11] based on appearance of faces. To build
automatic and robust systems in term of speed and accuracy
that can be executed on mobile products or in cameras, very
efficient and robust face detection algorithms[1] are required.
Most of the systems consider face detection as a class problem
with the variable having two dimensions that may be either
face or non-face. Some parameters like facial appearance,
lighting, expressions, and other factors make this two class
problem very complex for differentiating face and non-face.
Therefore, there is always a need of such classifiers having
good performance characteristics. The most effective method
for constructing face and non-face classifiers is learning based
approach. For example, neural network-based methods [2],
support vector machines [18], etc. In our previous work[20],
there has been proposed a very good method using Gabor filter
in which 40 Gabor filters are used for a face to be detected and
correspondingly feature vector is constructed. The performance
is very good in that case but speed is major factor under
concern. Although it gave good result in variable illumination,
different facial expressions, different skin tone and with
different human features, the detector didnt give good result
for variable size and rotated face (angle more than 40
addition to the good performance of detector, there always
remains a need of fast detector which can be used for live
image clips in the real world. The Haar-like features[6][22] (as
from figure 1),

Figure 1. Haar features set.
Encode differences in average intensities between two
rectangular regions and these can be calculated rapidly through
integral image. Most of the proposed algorithms use pixel
values as features. However, they are very sensitive to
illumination conditions and noises. Papageorgiou et al. [19]
also used Haar-like features. These features are able to extract
texture without depending on absolute intensities. Many others
[9] proposed variant of Haar features. Viola and Jones
proposed [12] an efficient system for evaluating these features
which is called an integral image [6] and, they also introduced
an efficient scheme for constructing a strong classifier by
cascading a small number of distinctive features using
Adaboost [3] technique. It consequence comes in terms of
increased robustness and higher computational efficiency.
Though Haar-like feature [19] and Gabor techniques as
from our previous work[20],provides good performance in
extracting textures and cascading architecture, it is still not
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suitable for live clips or for real time analysis. Moreover, it is
quite hard to detect faces of variable sizes with rotation in
angle of face under test.
Local Binary Pattern (LBP)[7] features have performed
very well in various applications, including texture
classification and segmentation, image retrieval and surface
inspection. Here we are using this pattern for face detection[25-
26]. The original LBP operator labels the pixels of an image by
keeping threshold of the 3x3 neighbourhood of each pixel with
the centre pixel value and considering the result as shown in
figure 2.

Input(value) Threshold Output (value)

Pattern Value=183

Figure 2. LBP Pattern
The 256-bin histogram of the labels computed over an
image can be used as a texture descriptor. Each bin of
histogram (LBP code) can be regarded as a micro-texton. Local
primitives which are codified by these bins include different
types of curved edges, spots, flat areas, etc. The LBP operator
has been extended to consider different neighbor sizes. For
example, the operator LBP
uses 4 neighbors while LBP

considers the 16 neighbors on a circle of radius 2 in case of
circular local binary operator.
In general, the operator LBP
refers to a neighborhood
size of P equally spaced pixels on a circle of radius R that form
a circularly symmetric neighbor set(as from figure 3). LBP

produces 2
different output values, corresponding to the 2

different binary patterns that can be formed by the P pixels in
the neighbor set. It has been shown that certain bins contain
more information than those of others. Therefore, it is possible
to use only a subset of the 2
LBPs to describe the textured
images. Ojala et al.[15] defined these fundamental patterns as
those with a small number of bitwise transitions from 0 to 1
and vice versa. For example, 00000000 and 11111111 contain
0 transition while 00000110 and 01111110 contain 2
transitions and so on. Accumulating the patterns which have
more than 2 transitions into a single bin yields an LBP
It is observed that uniform patterns account for nearly 90%
of all patterns in the (8,1) neighbourhood (as from figure 3) and
for about 70% in the (16,2) neighbourhood in texture images.
Hence, accumulating the patterns which have more than 2
transitions into a single bin yields an LBP operator, denoted as

with less than 2

bins. For example, the number of
labels for a neighbourhood of 8 pixels is 256 for the standard
LBP but 59 for LBP
After labelling an image with the LBP
operator, a histogram of the labelled image f
(x,y) can be
defined as follows:

( ) )

where n is the number of different labels produced by the
LBP operator and
() {

This LBP histogram contains information about the
distribution of the local micro-patterns, such as edges, spots
and flat areas, over the whole image, so can be used to
statistically describe image characteristics.

Figure. 3 local binary operator with P,R respectively 12,2.5 and 8,1
The most important out of all considerable properties of
LBP features [23-24]is their tolerance against monotonic
illumination changes and their computational simplicity at the
same time.
Traditional Haar-like rectangle features measure the
difference between the average intensities of rectangular
regions[8] (Figure 1).
For example, the value of a two-rectangle filter is the
difference between the sums of the pixels within two
rectangular regions. If we change the position, size, shape and
arrangement of rectangular regions, the Haar-like features can
capture the intensity gradient at different locations, spatial
frequencies and directions. Viola an Jones [6] applied three
kinds of such features for detecting frontal faces. By using the
integral image, any rectangle filter types, at any scale or
location, can be evaluated in constant time period. However,
the Haar-like features seem too simple and show some limits
4 4 1

6 4 4 1







Average value 18/6=3
1 1 1
1 c 0
0 1 1
40 42 40
56 39 35
20 40 40


* * *

4 4 1
4 4 1
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Figure 4. Multi-block LBP feature for image representation.
As shown in the figure 4, the MBLBP features encode
rectangular regions intensities by local binary pattern. The
resulting binary pattern describe diverse image structures.
When compared with the original Local Binary Pattern
calculated in a local 3x3 neighbourhood between pixels, we see
that MBLBP can capture large scale structure.
Boosting algorithm are used to reduce the number of
distinctive rectangle features (to make the size of feature vector
smaller) and construct a powerful classifier. It speeds up the
computations thereby increases the speed of the detector to find
the faces for the given image. But Haar-like rectangle features
seem too simple, and the detector often contains thousands of
rectangle features for considerable performance. The size of
feature vector decides the computation costs both in training as
well as test phase. More is the size of feature vector lesser is
the speed of the detector. At the resulting stages, weak
classifiers based on these features become too weak to improve
the classifiers performance. For that, many other methods have
been proposed like rotated Haar-like features [19], census
transform [5][16], sparse features [4-5], etc. In this paper, we
present a new distinctive feature, called Circular-Multi-block
Local Binary Pattern (CMBLBP) feature, to represent facial
image. The basic idea of CMB-LBP is to encode rectangular
regions in the circle by local binary pattern operator [7]. Since
it is circular and multi block, our method captures much more
area than that by other methods proposed in [12][20]. Original
Local Binary Pattern is calculated for 3x3 neighbourhoods, so
the area captured by LBP in that case is small. On the other
hand, the MB-LBP features can capture large scale structure
that may include the dominant features of image structures. The
problem with the value of LBP is that its output is just a
symbol for representing the binary string. For this non-metric
feature value, multi-branch operations are done to calculate
weak classifiers. We implement Gentle Adaboost for feature
selection and classifier construction. Then a cascade detector is
built. Another advantage of CMBLBP is that the number of
exhaustive set of CMBLBP features is much smaller. Boosting-
based method use Adaboost algorithm to select a significant
feature set from the large complete feature set and to enhance
its speed, fast Adaboost is further used[13]. We here use gentle
boost as a variant of Adaboost. The small feature set of
CMBLBP can make this procedure even more simple.
In this paper, we propose a new distinctive rectangle feature
from circular region, called CMBLBP. The basic idea behind
that is simple difference rule as in Haar[14]. It is changed into
encoding circular region from blocks of a rectangle by binary
operator. In this method the value of central pixel is subtracted
from the value of neighbour pixels. Then, the information is
presented without any loss as a joint distribution(as from
equation 3) of the value of central pixel and the differences.

) (3)
Assuming the difference independent of central pixel value,
the distribution can be factorized as:


) (4)
Since (

) described the overall luminance of an image,

which is not related to local image.
So, (

) (5)
Although invariant against gray scale shifts, the differences
are effected by scaling only. To achieve invariance with respect
to any transformation of the gray scale, only the sign of
difference is considered that is,

)) (6)

() {

After binomial weight assignment (2
) to each sign that is
),transforming the difference in a neighborhood into a
unique LBP code for given block of pattern. The code
characterization of image I(x,y)
LBP (for a given block of pattern)
) = (

The local gray scale distribution can thus be approximately
described with 2
bin discrete distribution of LBP codes:
.( )


)/ (9)
In the calculation of the feature vector for given image
(MxN), only the central part is considered, as large
neighborhood cannot be used on the borders. The distribution
of the codes is used as feature vector, denoted by s.
.( )


*,- ,-+ *,- ,-+
Thus CMBLBP (as from figure 5):


Where T
is the average intensity of the central pixel,
=(1.n),are those in the neighborhood rectangles, n is
number of blocks, and the output is computed as
() {


The detail description of such CMBLBP operator

b b b
center b b b
b b b
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Figure 5. CMBLBP Feature selection
can be found in the above figure 5. In this method, the scaling
problem of circular LBP is reduced by the property of multi
block, so in our system the detector can detect diverse image
structure (as edge, lines, spots, flats, corner areas) also at
different scale and location with varying image size (better than
[20]) and varying illumination.
Comparing to local binary pattern and MB pattern alone,
our system captures larger area with greater accuracy.
Collectively we get 256 bin patterns.
Actually in net we are getting LBP at first stage, in second
stage we calculate integral histogram (


of the
given test. The labels(n) depends on LBP operator used if
n=4,so 2
=16,integral histograms will be created. In the final
stage integral histogram enables us to calculate the feature
vector as CHLBP or CHMBLBP. So the CHLBP features are
the binary features as normal Haar features. Region separation
is defined as R
if q pixels of region R
have more label
compared to b pixels of region R
A. Algorithm
Take input image as I(x,y)
For given block b

Compute LBP operator O

Compute LBP( for given block of
)= (

Calculate (

Where T
are values of i
block and central block ,n is
number of blocks.
Compute (


For given n(label),by(


,where n depends on

Compute IH( the number of integral Haar
Compute Feature vector from () {

Perform classification

Start with weight W

Repeat for WL(weak learner)=1M
(a)Calculate least square error
(b)update additive model () ()


() is weak learner, () is strong learner.



Output of the classifier F(x)=Sign[


In each step the weak classifier f
(x) are chosen so as to
minimize the weighted squared error.


Our purpose of using gentle boosting is to minimize error
as cost function using adaptive Newton step function as;

In this section, we trained our system using two gray scale
pixels frontal face database, Viola and Jones and Ole Jensen
dataset. It consist of 4,916 images and Ole Jensen consist of
5,000 image. The negative sample was chosen from 10,000
images. LBP histogram features and are used for circular
Haar like local binary operator as shown in the figure 6 below
for full face description. of size 12x12 pixels and shifting of
two pixels is used as scanning window.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

(m) (n) (o)

(p) (q) (r)

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(s) (t) (u)

Figure 6. (a-b) test on real world,(c-d) variable face size with different
illumination,(e) at angle and with spectacles, (f-g)CHLBP features and
histogram (h)output of strong classifier,(i)ROC for uniform CHLBP,(j)strong
classifier output(k)Uniform CHLBP and CHLBP (l)

for p=4 and 8
with R=1,(m)database,(n-r)Haar features(s-t)MBLBP & CSMBLBP,(u) Three
Haar features
6 10 21 400 Net
our 90% 92% 93% 98% 98%
80.1% - 85.6% - 92%
Viola and
- 78.3% - 93.7% 88%

Figure 6 above gives output from our detector. Part(a-b)
shows performance on real world life clips.
The processing time of our detector for a 320x240 image is
far less than 0.1s. The compared results are as shown in tabular
form in the table 1 given above.
In this paper we use CSMBLBP, and applied to real world
applications. It gives best performance in all respect like for
varying face sizes, varying illumination, varying angle,
different face expression, rotation, scaling like challenges. We
perform these results on Dual core Intel processor with 3GB
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

72 | P a g e
A new vehicle detection method
Zebbara Khalid
LabSIV, Department of Computer
Faculty of Science, Ibn Zohr University
Agadir, Morocco
Abdenbi Mazoul
LabSIV, Department of Computer
Faculty of Science, University of Ibn
Agadir, Morocco
Mohamed El Ansari
LabSIV, Department of Computer
Faculty of Science, University of Ibn
Agadir, Morocco

AbstractThis paper presents a new vehicle detection method
from images acquired by cameras embedded in a moving vehicle.
Given the sequence of images, the proposed algorithms should
detect out all cars in realtime. Related to the driving direction,
the cars can be classified into two types. Cars drive in the same
direction as the intelligent vehicle (IV) and cars drive in the
opposite direction. Due to the distinct features of these two types,
we suggest to achieve this method in two main steps. The first one
detects all obstacles from images using the so-called association
combined with corner detector. The second step is applied to
validate each vehicle using AdaBoost classifier. The new method
has been applied to different images data and the experimental
results validate the efficacy of our method.
Keywords-component; intelligent vehicle; vehicle detection;
Association; Optical Flow; AdaBoost; Haar filter.
Detection of road obstacles [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] is an
important task in the intelligent transportation. A number of
sensors embedded in IV to perform the vehicle detection task.
These sensors can be classified into passive and active sensors.
Known that active sensors are expensive and cause pollution to
the environment, we propose to use passive sensors in our
vehicle detection approach. The data we are going to process to
achieve vehicle detection are images taken from a camera
embedded in a moving car.
In the field of technical obstacle detected by vision system,
two approaches existed: the first approach is unicameral
approach that uses a single camera that consists of an image
interpretation with former knowledge of information about
these obstacles. This information can be texture information
[7], color [8], [9]. The second one is the stereo or multi-camera
approach which is based on the variation map after matching
primitives between different views of the sensor [10], [11] and
[12]. Vehicle detection algorithms have two basic step;
Hypothesis Generation (HG) and Hypothesis Verification (HV)
[13]. In the hypothesis Generation step, the algorithm
hypothesizes the locations of vehicles in an image. In the
Hypothesis Verification (HV) step, the algorithm verifies the
presence of vehicle in an image. The methods in the HG step
can be categorized into tree methods; Knowledge-based
methods which use symmetry of object, color, corners and
edges; Stereo-vision-based methods which use two cameras;
Motion-based Methods which track the motion of pixels
between the consecutive frames [14]. The methods in the HV
step are Template-based methods and Appearance methods.
Template-based methods use predefined patterns of the vehicle
class. Appearance-based methods include pattern classification
system between vehicle and non vehicle. There are a many
works [15][16][17] tackling realtime on-road vehicle detection
problem. All the papers used monocular cameras and have real-
time constraints. [15] used horizontal and vertical edges
(Knowledge-based methods) in HG step. The selected regions
at HG step are matched with predefined template in HV step.
[16] used horizontal and vertical edges in HG step. However,
they use Haar Wavelet Transform and SVMs (Appearance-
based methods) in HV step. [17] detected long-distance
stationary obstacles including vehicles. They used an efficient
optical flow algorithm [18] in HG step. They used Sum of
squared differences (SSD) with a threshold value to verify their
This paper presents a new approach for vehicle detection.
At each time, the decision of the presence of vehicles in the
road scene is made based on the current frame and its
preceding one. We use the association approach [20], which
consists in finding the relationship between consecutive frames.
This method exploits the displacement of edges in the frames.
At each edge point in one frame we look for its associate one in
the preceding frame if any. Obstacles can be detected on the
basis of the analysis of association results. Adaboost classifier
is used to verify is an obstacle is a vehicle.
This section details de main steps of the proposed method.
We extract the edge points and corners of the consecutive
images. We keep only the edge points belonging to curves
containing corners. The association is performed between
consecutive images. We analyze the association results to
detect obstacles (objects). Finally, Adaboost is used to decide if
a detected object is a vehicle or not.
A. Detecting Corner
We use Shi and Tomasi [19] corner detector that is
modied from the Harris corner detector. Shi and Tomasi
corner detector is based on the Harris corner detector. Affine
transformation is used instead of a simple translation. Given the
image patch over the area (u,v). Shi and Tomasi corner detector
finds corner with applying Affine transformation A and shifting
it by (x,y) (Eq. 1). .

u v
y x v u A I v u I S
))) , ( ) , ( ( ) , ( ( (1)
After calculating the points corners threshold was
performed to remove small close points corners, points corners
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in a vehicle are much more compared to trees or features of the
B. Detecting Edge and filtring
Canny operator is used to detect edge points of the
consecutive images. The edge curves are formed by grouping
edge points using morphological operations. Among the
resulting curves, we keep only the ones crossing at least one of
the corners calculated in subsection A.
C. Association
The rest of this subsection describes the method we use to
find association between edges of successive frames. Let C

be a curve in the image I
and C
be its corresponding one in
the image I
. Consider two edges P
and Q
belonging to the
curves C
and their corresponding ones P
and Q
to the curve C
(see Fig. 1). We define the associate point of the
point P
as the point belonging to the curve C
which has the
same y coordinate as P
. Note that the association is not
correspondence neither motion. Two associate points are two
points belonging to two corresponding curves of two
successive images of the same sequence and having the same
y-coordinate. From Fig. 1, we remark that the point Q
these constraints. Consequently, Q
constitutes the associate
point of the point P
In practice, we assume that the movement of the objects
from one frame to the other is small. So, if x
and x
the x-coordinates of P
and Q
, respectively, x
should belongs
to the interval [x
- Dx,x
+ Dx],where Dx is a threshold to be
selected. This constraint allows the reduction of the number of
associate candidates. The gradient magnitude is used to choose
the best associate one. As a similarity criterion, the absolute
difference between the gradient magnitudes of the edges is
used. As we see in Fig. 1, the point P
represents the match of
the point P
. However, the point Q
constitutes the associate
of the point P
. We remark that the points P
and Q
different because of the movement of the point P
in the image
We could not find the association for all edges because of
the different viewpoints and then objects movement. It is the
same as in the matching algorithm, where some parts are
visible in one image but occluded in the other one.
Association approach is a technique used to find the
relationship between successive frames, this method exploit the
displacement of edges in the frames. Let Q
be an edge

Figure 1. IK-1 and Ik represent successive images of the same sequence, e.g.
left sequence. The point Qk in the image Ik constitutes the associate point of
the point Pk-1 in the image Ik-1. The points Pk and Pk-1 are in red color. The
points Qk and Qk-1 are in green color.
point belonging to the curves C
in the image I
. The
associate point of Q
can be found as a correspondent point P

belonging to the curves C
in the horizontal neighborhood of
in previous image I
.(More details about association
method are described in [20]).
The associated points should belong to the same object
contour and they should have similar or closer gradient
magnitudes and orientation. In this work, we use an important
cost function (Eq. 2) described below in this paper. This
function computes the distance between two candidate
associate points using gradient magnitudes. The edge with
smaller cost will be considered as associated pairs of features.
Because of vertical movement of scene, the association
approach does not guarantee that each feature in the image
have its associated point. But some good associates points are
enough to construct the vehicle objects.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

+ =
w u
w u x
x x
y d x I y x I d F , , min (2)
Where d
is the distance that a contour moves between
instant t0 and t1. Given point (u, v) in image I
, the algorithm
should find the point (if exist) (u + dx, v) in image I
minimizes function of cost F (Fig. 2). And w is the
neighbourhood window around (x,y).
D. Detection of Objects
Let us consider Ass the image association and M and N be
the image width and height, respectively. At each pixel (x,y) in
the current image, Ass(x,y) is the distance between the pixel
(x,y) and its associate one in the preceding image (frame). The
obstacles can be detected by using the following functions.
( ) ( )

j i Ass i F
, (3)
( ) ( )

j i Ass j F
, (4)

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Figure 2. (a) Edge detection at instant t0. (b) Edge detection at instant t1 (c)
Vector Association.
Where i = 1,..,M and j = 1,..,N.
The values of the function F
and F
should be maximum at
the areas where there are obstacles. The function F
allows to
determine the horizontal bounds of obstacles. The function F

allows to determine the vertical bounds of obstacles. The
segmentation of the two functions helps to determine the
horizontal and vertical bounds of obstacles. Fig. 3 illustrates an
example of the computation by equations F
and F
. Fig. 3 (a)
depicts the image association, Fig. 3(b) the computed function
, and Fig. 3(c) the computed function F
E. Validation using Adaboost
In the step of detecting and locating faces, we propose an
approach for robust and fast algorithm based on the density of
images, AdaBoost, which combines simple descriptors (Haar
feature) for a strong classifier.
The concept of Boosting was proposed in 1995 by Freund
[21]. The Boosting algorithm uses the weak hypothesis (error


(b) (c)
Figure 3. (a) Image Association (b) the computed function by equation F1
(3). (c) the computed function by equation F2 (4).
rate <0.5) a priori knowledge to build a strong assumption. In
1996 Freund and Schapire proposed the AdaBoost algorithm
which allowed automatic choosing weak hypothesis with
adjusted weight. AdaBoost does not depend on a priori
knowledge [22].
In 2001, Viola and Jones applied the AdaBoost algorithm in
the detection of faces for the first time. With simple descriptors
(Haar feature), the method of calculating value descriptors (full
image), the cascade of classifiers, this method has become
reference face detection for its qualities of speed and
In 2002, Lienhart et al. extended Haar descriptors,
experienced in several of AdaBoost algorithms: Discrete
Adaboost, Real Adaboost, Gentle Adaboost and
Logitboost.These codes learning and detection algorithm
AdaBoost are published in the function library OpenCV (Open
Source Computer Vision) [23] [24]. [25] Using descriptors
histograms of oriented gradients for human detection and
In our work we applied the algorithm "Gentle AdaBoost"
using the OpenCV library function using two waterfalls -
"haarcascade_car_1" and "haarcascade_car_2" - to detect and
locate most vehicles in the sequences images.
We have performed a number of experiments and
comparisons to demonstrate the proposed Association approach
in the context of vehicle detection.
The system was implemented on a Intel Core CPU
2.99 Ghz. We tested the system on different frames of images.
The system is able to detect most vehicles in different images
in 20 milliseconds its fast more than algorithm of optical flow

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Figure 4. (a) at instant t0 and t1. (b) points corners of images (a). (c) edges
that cross points corners detected at (b). (d) Association vectors of edges from
(c) calculated between instants t0 and t1. (e right) vertical and (e left)
horizontal projection of the associated edges points.
Fig. 4 shows each step of our approach for detection of
vehicles using Association and Adaboost. The results illustrate
several Strong points of the proposed method. Fig. 4.a shows
an image at instant t0 ant t1. In Fig. 4.b, the points corners are
calculated successfully after threshold to eliminate other
obstacles (tree,), although we have only points corners of
vehicles. In Fig. 4.c, shows edges that cross points corners and
we keep only edges of vehicles. In Fig. 4.d, shows associations
vectors for each edge in the frame t0. In Fig. 4.e shows results
calculate in section detection of objects by formulas (3) and
(4) to determine abscises and ordinates of obstacles.
The proposed method has been tested on other real road
images depicted in Fig. 6. The HG and HV results are shown
in Fig. 6.b and Fig. 6.c respectively. Its clear that the results
computed by our approach are very satisfactory.


Figure 5. (a) Bounding box. (b) Validation of objects using AdaBoost.



Figure 6. (a) Original image.(b) Hypothesis Generation (HG) and (c)
Hypothesis Verification (HV).
This paper presents a new vehicle detection method based
on association notion descrebed above. In order to select more
reliable features, the corner detector is used. Based on
horizontal and vertical projection of the associated edge points,
the focused sub-region is selected as region of interest.
The experiment results have validated the efficacy of our
method, and they show that this method is capable to work in
real time. In the future, we plan to improve our vehicle
detection method, which will be tested to detect much more
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complex obstacles (pedestrian, traffic light...) under different
weather conditions.
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Multimodal Biometric Person Authentication using
Speech, Signature and Handwriting Features

Eshwarappa M.N.
Telecommunication Engineering Department
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
Tumkur-572105, Karnataka, India

Dr. Mrityunjaya V. Latte
Principal and Professor
JSS Academy of Engineering and Technology
Bangalore-560060, Karnataka, India

AbstractThe objective of this work is to develop a multimodal
biometric system using speech, signature and handwriting
information. Unimodal biometric person authentication systems
are initially developed for each of these biometric features.
Methods are then explored for integrating them to obtain
multimodal system. Apart from implementing state-of-the art
systems, the major part of the work is on the new explorations at
each level with the objective of improving performance and
robustness. The latest research indicates multimodal person
authentication system is more effective and more challenging.
This work demonstrates that the fusion of multiple biometrics
helps to minimize the system error rates. As a result, the
identification performance is 100% and verification
performances, False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is 0%, and False
Rejection Rate (FRR) is 0%.
Keywords- Biometrics; Speaker recognition; Signature recognition;
Handwriting recognition; Multimodal system.
In the present era of e-commerce more and more services
are being offered over the electronic devices and internet.
These include banking, credit card facility, e-shopping, etc. To
ensure proper use of these facilities only by the authorized or
genuine users and avoid any misuse by the unauthorized or
imposter users, some person authentication scheme is
embedded into these services. Currently, person authentication
is done mostly using one or more of the following means: text
passwords, personal identification numbers, barcodes and
identity cards. The merit of these schemes is that they do not
change their value with respect to time and also unaffected by
the environment in which they are used. The main demerit of
them is that they can be easily misused or forgotten. Also,
with time more and more services are being offered over the
electronic devices and internet. Hence it becomes
unmanageable to keep track of the authentication secrets for
different services. The alternative that provides relief from all
these demerits is the use of biometric features for person
authentication. Any physiological and/or behavioural
characteristics of human can be used as biometric feature
provided it possesses the following properties: universality,
distinctiveness, permanence, collectability, circumvention,
acceptability and performance [2].
Some of the commonly used biometric features include
speech, face, signature, finger print, handwriting, iris, DNA,
Gait, etc. In practice, no single biometric can satisfy all the
desirable characteristics mentioned above for it to be used for
person authentication. This is due to the problems associated
with noisy data, intra-class variation, non-universality, spoof
attacks and high error rates [2]. To overcome this limitation,
multiple biometric features can be used for person
authentication. This resulted in the development of multimodal
biometric person authentication system [2]. Thus biometric
system can be classified as unimodal system and multimodal
system based on whether single or multiple biometric features
are used for person authentication. Biometric security system
becomes a powerful tool compared to electronics based
security systems [1]. Biometrics is fast becoming applicable in
various walks of life. Basically, it deals with the use of
computer technology and signal processing to identify people
based on their unique physical and behavioural characteristics
such as fingerprints, voice scans, retinal patterns, facial
characters and human DNA mapping. Typically, a biometric
system comprises a sensor, interface and a signal processor
with driver software. The various different biometric
procedures fall into two categories: Static process relating to
the identification of fingerprints, hand geometry, Iris or retina
and face, and Dynamic processes relating to the recognition of
handwriting, keyboard typing patterns, voice, lip movement
and behaviour analysis.
A biometric sensor works on the inputs provided by any of
the human characteristics and applies an algorithm on the
scanned biometric data. This is then compared with, and
matched to, a template that has already been created earlier
and approved by the user. The most specific and reliable
biometric data is obtained from the DNA sequencing of any
subject. The matching and comparing process creates a score
based on how closely the sampled biometric matches with the
template already obtained. A match score is known as genuine
score if it is a result of matching two samples of a biometric
trait of the same user. It is known as an imposter score if it is
the result of matching two samples of a biometric trait
originating from different users. An imposter score that
exceeds the predefined threshold results in a false accept,
while a genuine score that falls below the predefined threshold
results in a false reject. The False Accept Rate (FAR) of a
biometric system is the fraction of imposter scores exceeding
the threshold. Similarly, the False Reject Rate (FRR) of a
system is defined as the fraction of genuine scores falling
below the threshold. Regulating the value of threshold changes
the FRR and the FAR values, but for a given biometric system,
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it is not possible to decrease both these errors simultaneously.
In real-world biometric system, biometric measure is referred
in terms of FAR and FRR. The FAR measures the percentage
of invalid users who are incorrectly accepted of genuine users
and the FRR measures the percentage of valid users rejected as
imposters. The Equal Error Rate (EER) refers to the point
where the FAR equals the FRR. Lower the value of EER, the
more accurate the biometric system.
There are several multimodal biometric person
authentication systems developed in the literature [2-12].
Person authentication based on speech and face features, is
one of the first multimodal biometric system [3]. Two acoustic
features from speech and three visual features from face are
used to build a multimodal system. Multimodal system using
face and fingerprint features is then proposed [4]. Finger print
verification on top of the face recognition is used to improve
the recognition accuracy. The use of clustering algorithms for
the fusion of decisions from speech and face modalities are
explored [5]. A practical multimodal system using face, voice
and lip movement is then developed [6]. The focus is on
improving security by considering a dynamic feature like lip
movement. In 2004, A. K. Jain et.al., proposed the framework
for multimodal biometric person authentication [2]. They
discussed in detail about the significance of biometric person
authentication and desirable characteristics for a physiological
and/or behavioural characteristics of human to be useful as
biometric feature. Several biometric features in use are
described in terms of these characteristics to highlight the
strength and weaknesses of each of them. Details about the
different levels of fusion, security and privacy concerns are
also discussed. In recent times much of the interest is in audio-
visual multi biometric systems [12].
The objective of our work is to develop a multimodal
biometric person authentication system using speech,
signature and handwriting biometric features. The motivation
for the same are explained as follows: (1) speech is both
physiological and behavioural, and signature and handwriting
are behavioural biometric features, (2) each of these biometric
features can be collected using sensors which are cheap and
provide reasonably good quality data. All these features are
non-intrusive type, easy to collect and hence acceptability
among users will be high, (3) there are several practical
applications where these three modalities fit in very well, like
banking transaction. To complete a financial transaction, you
can write the required amount using an electronic pen on the
cheque displayed onscreen and put your signature. This
enables giving both handwriting and signature features. You
can read the amount written and other details that provide
speech data, (4) speech is one of the mostly explored
biometric features by the speech processing community for the
development of speaker recognition system. Speech biometric
feature will immensely benefit from the developments
available in the speaker recognition literature, (5) the recent
trend in human-computer interaction is the electronic-pen
based input to the computer that includes Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA) and Tablet-Personal Computers (PCs).
With this integrated input device, we have an easy way of
capturing signatures and handwriting information. Thus these
features can also be integrated into the multimodal system
along with speech, (6) most of the existing signature
verification systems are online type that uses dynamic features
like time and pressure information. However, development of
offline signature verification system may benefit from the rich
image processing techniques available. A hybrid system using
online and offline features may then be developed for
increased robustness, (7) most of the handwriting recognition
system is meant for forensic investigation. However,
handwriting may also have significant information for person
authentication. A detailed exploration is required from this
perspective, (8) a person authentication system using
handwriting information may also benefit from the speaker
recognition literature by drawing parallels between the two. It
may also be possible to extract some synchronous features
between speech and handwriting to reduce spoof attacks.
The present work mainly deals with the implementation of
multimodal biometric system employing speech, signature and
handwriting as the biometric modalities. This includes feature
extraction techniques, modelling techniques and fusion
strategy used in biometric system. The organization of the
paper is as follows: Section II deals with speaker recognition
system, signature recognition system and handwriting
recognition system using different feature extraction and
modelling techniques, and Section III deals with multimodal
biometric person authentication system by combining speaker,
signature and handwriting recognition systems using fusion
strategy. Section IV provides conclusion and suggestion for
future work.
A. Speaker Recognition System
Speaker recognition is the task of recognizing speakers
using their speech signal. The unimodal biometric system
using speech analyzes and extracts speaker-specific features
from the speech signal. The extracted features are then
separately modeled to obtain one reference model for each
speaker. During testing same analysis and feature extraction
are carried out to extract speaker-specific features. These
features are compared with the reference models to decide on
the speaker. The speaker of the reference model that matches
closely with the test speech features is declared as the speaker.
In person authentication case, claimed identity is given along
with the test speech. Hence comparison is done only with the
claimed identity reference model and the claim is accepted or
rejected based on the comparison with a preset threshold.
The state of the art system builds a unimodal system by
analyzing speech in blocks of 10-30 milli seconds with shift of
half the block size. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
(MFCCs) are the mostly used features extracted from each of
the blocks [13]. The MFCCs from the training or enrollment
data are modeled using Vector Quantization (VQ) technique
[14]. The MFCCs from the testing or verification data are
compared with the VQ to validate the identity claim of the
speaker. The MFCCs represent mainly the vocal tract aspect of
speaker information and hence take care of only physiological
aspect of speech biometric feature. Another important
physiological aspect contributing significantly to speaker
characteristics is the excitation source [16]. The behavioral
biometric aspect of speech is present at longer duration levels
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that can be characterized using supra-segmental features like
speaking rate, pitch contour, duration etc. In this work, apart
from the development of conventional speaker recognition
system using MFCC and VQ features termed as baseline
system, methods will also be explored to model excitation
source and supra-segmental speaker-specific features. These
features are then integrated into the baseline system. This may
result in an improved and robust speaker recognition system.
Speaker recognition is the task of recognizing the speakers
using their voices [17]. Speaker recognition can be either
identification or verification depending on whether the goal is
to identity the speaker among the group of speaker or verify
the identity claim of the speaker. Further, speech from the
same text or arbitrary text may be used for recognizing the
speakers and accordingly we have text dependent speaker
identification and verification approaches. The present work
approaches text dependent speaker identification and
verification of a speaker through identification. In this work,
two different feature extraction and modeling techniques are
used for text dependent speaker recognition. The feature
extraction techniques are: (1) Mel Frequency Cepstral
Coefficients (MFCC) are derived from cepstral analysis of the
speech signal, (2) a new feature set, named the Wavelet
Octave Coefficients of Residues (WOCOR), is proposed to
capture the spectro-temporal source excitation characteristics
embedded in the linear predictive residual of speech signal
[16]. The two modeling techniques are used for modeling the
person information from the extracted features are: (1) Vector
Quantization (VQ), (2) Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM).
1) Feature extraction phase.
The speaker information is present both in vocal tract and
excitation parameters [18]. The MFCCs represent mainly the
vocal tract aspect of speaker information and hence take care
of only physiological aspect of speech biometric feature. The
vocal tract system can be modeled as a time-varying all-pole
filter using segmental analysis. The segmental corresponds to
processing of speech as short 10 to 30 milliseconds overlapped
5 to 15 milliseconds windows.
The vocal tract system is assumed to be stationary within
the window and is modeled as an all-pole filter of order P
using linear prediction analysis. The feature vectors that are
extracted from smooth spectral representations are cepstral
coefficients. In the present work we are using MFCC as
feature vectors. The cepstral analysis used for separating the
vocal tract parameters and excitation parameters of speech
signal s(n). This analysis uses the fundamental property of
convolution. The cepstral coefficients (C) are derived by using
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Inverse FFT (IFFT) which
is given by equation (1).
( (log ( ( ) ) )) C real IFFT IFFT s n = (1)
Human auditory system does not perceive the spectral
components in linear scale, but it will perceive on a nonlinear
scale. So we can use the nonlinear scale, Mel frequency scale,
to extract the spectral information. The critical band filters are
used to compute the MFCC feature vectors by mapping the
linear spaced frequency spectrum (f
) into nonlinearly
spaced frequency spectrum (f
) using equation (2).

2595log 1
| |
= +
\ .
When a speech signal is given as an input to the feature
extractor, it will truncate entire speech signal into frames of
length 10-30 ms to make it quasi-stationary. Hamming
window is used for eliminating the Gibbs oscillations, which
occur by truncating the speech signal. But, due to windowing,
samples present at the verge of window are weighted with
lower values. In order to compensate this, we will try to
overlap the frame by 50%. After windowing, we compute the
log magnitude spectrum of each frame and calculating the
energy in each critical filter bank. After finding the energy
coefficients, we find the feature vectors using Discrete Cosine
Transform (DCT) analysis. Compute the MFCC feature
vectors for the entire frame of the speech signal for the
individual speaker. In order to avoid channel mismatch we
used cepstral mean subtraction procedure for the entire
utterance. Liftering is a procedure which is used to eliminate
the effects of different roll off in various telephone channels
on cepstral coefficients. In this work, the conventional speaker
recognition system using MFCC feature will be the baseline
The new feature set used in our work is the Wavelet
Octave Coefficients of Residues (WOCOR). A time-frequency
vocal source feature extraction by pitch-synchronous wavelet
transform, with which the pitch epochs, as well as their
temporal variations within a pitch period and over consecutive
periods can be effectively characterized [40]. The wavelet
transform of time signal x(t) is given by equation (3).

( , ) ( ) *
w a x t

| |
\ .
Where ( ) t , a and t are the mother wavelet function,
scaling (or dilation) parameters and translation parameter
respectively. Where
1 t
a a

| |
\ .
is named the baby
wavelets. It is constructed from the mother wavelet by first,
scaling ( ) t which means to compress or dilate ( ) t by
parameter a and then moving the scaled wavelet to the time
position of parametert . The compression or dilation of ( ) t
will change the window length of wavelet function, thus
changing the frequency resolution. Therefore, the ensemble of
1 t
a a

| |
\ .
constitutes the time-frequency building
blocks of the wavelet transform [30]. The wavelet transform of
discrete time signal x(n) is given by equation (4).

( , ) ( ) *
n b
w a b x n
a a

| |
\ .

Where a = {2
|k=1,2,K} and b = 1,2,N, and N is the
window length. ( ) n - is the conjugate of the fourth-order
Daubechies wavelet basis function ( ) n . K=4 is selected
such that the signal is decomposed into four sub-bands at
different octave levels. At a specific sub-band, the time-
varying characteristics within the analysis window are
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measured as parameter b changes. To generate the feature
parameters for pattern recognition, the wavelet coefficients
with specific scaling parameters are grouped is given by
equation (5).
{ }
(2 , ) 1, 2..
W w k b b N = =
where N is the window length. Each W
is called an octave
group. Then WOCOR parameters can be derived by using
equation (6).
1, 2..
( )
1, 2..4
M k
m M
P P (6)
where ||.|| denotes two-norm operation. Finally, for a given
speech utterance, a sequence of WOCOR
feature vectors is
obtained by pitch-synchronous analysis of the LP residual
signal. Each feature vector consists of 4M components, which
are expected to capture useful spectro-temporal characteristics
of the residual signal. For each voiced speech portion, a
sequence of LP residual signals of 30 ms long is obtained by
inverse filtering the speech signal. The neighboring frames are
concatenated to get the residual signal, and their amplitude
normalized within (-1, 1) to reduce intra-speaker variation.
Once the pitch periods estimated, pitch pulses in the residual
signal are located. For each pitch pulse, pitch-synchronous
wavelet analysis is applied with a Hamming window of two
pitch periods long. For the windowed residual signal x(n) the
wavelet transform is computed using equation (4).
2) Training Phase.
For speaker recognition, pattern generation is the process
of generating speaker specific models with the collected data
in the training stage. The mostly used modeling techniques for
modeling include vector quantization [14] and Gaussian
mixture modeling [15]. The VQ modeling involves clustering
the feature vectors into several clusters and representing each
cluster by its centroid vector for all the feature comparisons.
The GMM modeling involves clustering the feature vectors
into several clusters and representing all these clusters using a
weighted mixture of several Gaussians. The parameters that
include mean, variance and weight associated with each
Gaussian are stored as models for all future comparisons. A
GMM is similar to a VQ in that the mean of each Gaussian
density can be regarded as a centroid among the codebook.
However, unlike the VQ approach, which makes hard decision
(only a single class is selected for feature vector) in pattern
matching, the GMM makes a soft decision on mixture
probability density function. This kind of soft decision is
extremely useful for speech to cover the time variation.
In training phase, the first modeling technique we used in
this work is Vector Quantization (VQ). After finding the
MFCC feature vectors for the entire frame of the speech signal
for the individual speaker, we have to find some of the code
vectors for the entire training sequence with less number of
code words and having the minimum mean square error. To
find minimum mean square error with less number of code
words by using VQ, we have two most popular methods
namely K-means algorithm and Linde-Buzo and Gray (LBG)
algorithms [23]. Vector quantization process is nothing but the
idea of rounding towards the nearest integer.
The second modeling technique we used in our work, the
Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM), which is most popular
generative model in speaker recognition. The template models,
VQ codebooks, can also be regarded as a generative model,
although it does not model variations. The pattern matching
can be formulated as measuring the probability density of an
observation given the Gaussian. The likelihood of an input
feature vectors given by a specific GMM is the weighted sum
over the likelihoods of the M unimodal Gaussian densities
[32], which is given by equation (7).

( ) ( )
i j i j
P x w b x

The likelihood of x
given j
Gaussian mixture is given by
/ 2
1 1
( ) exp ( ) ( )
(2 )
i j j
b x xi j xi j

Where D is the vector dimension,
are the mean
vectors and covariance matrices of the training vectors
respectively. The mixture weights w
are constructed to be
positive and the sum to be one. The parameters of a GMM are:
Mean (
), Covariance (
) and Weights (w
) can be estimated
from the training feature vectors using the maximum
likelihood criterion, via the iterative Expectation-
Maximization (EM) algorithm (32). The next stage in the
speaker recognition system will be the testing phase.
3) Testing Phase.
In this phase, feature vectors are generated from the input
speech sample with same extraction techniques as in training
phase. Pattern matching is the task of calculating the matching
scores between the input feature vectors and the given models
in recognition. The input features are compared with the
claimed speaker pattern and a decision is made to accept or
reject the claiming. Testing phase in the person authentication
system includes matching and decision logic. The testing
speech is also processed in a similar way and matched with the
speaker models using Euclidean distance in case of VQ
modeling and likelihood ratio in case of GMM modeling.
Hence matching gives a score which represents how well the
feature vectors are close to the claimed model. Decision will
be taken on the basis of matching score, which depends on the
threshold value.
The alternative is to employ verification through
identification scheme. In this scheme the claimed identity
model should give best match. The test speech compared with
the claimed identity model, if it gives best match, then it is
accepted as genuine speaker, otherwise, rejected as imposter.
For testing the performance of speaker recognition system,
we have collected the speech database of students of SSIT at a
sampling frequency of 8 kHz. Figure 1 shows speaker 1
sample speech signal of four sentences, which is collected by
using microphone.

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Figure 1. Sample of speech signals of speaker 1.
The SSIT database contains the speech data of 30 speakers,
among them 20 were male and the remaining 10 were female.
Four sentences are used for each speaker and 24 number of
utterances of each sentence for each speaker. First 16
utterances are used for training and the remaining 8 utterances
are used for testing. Table I shows the experimental results of
different speaker identification and verification systems using
SSIT speech database.
Code book
MFCC-VQ based System
Speaker Identification FAR FRR
32 98.75% 0% 0%
64 100% 0% 0%
Code book
WOCOR-VQ based System
Speaker Identification FAR FRR
32 89.1667% 0.1293% 3.75%
64 96.25% 0.22% 1.624%
MFCC-GMM based System
Speaker Identification FAR FRR
32 100% 0% 0%
64 100% 0% 0%%
WOCOR-GMM based System
Speaker Identification FAR FRR
32 94.5833% 0.113% 3.333%
64 100% 0% 0%%

The performance of the conventional MFCC-VQ based
speaker recognition system with code book size of 64 gives
better result compared to WOCOR-VQ based system. The
WOCOR-GMM and MFCC-GMM based speaker recognition
systems with 64 Gaussians also gives better result. Finally, we
combine the matching scores of MFCC-VQ and WOCOR-
GMM based systems. These combined system become one of
the baseline system, which is used for developing the
multimodal system for person authentication. The reasons for
the same are the different feature extraction and modeling
techniques are used.
B. Signature Recognition System
Signature recognition is the task of recognizing signatories
by using their signatures. Signature is a behavioral biometric,
the features of signature are variant with respect to time and
the forgers can easily fool the system by reproducing the
signatures of the correct persons. Irrespective of the above
limitations we can still use signature as our best biometric
feature, since the signature is a unique identity of an individual
and is being used extensively in practical systems. No two
signatures can be identical, unless one of them is a forgery or
copy of the other [35]. The signature recognition systems find
applications in government, legal and commercial areas.
Signature verification is the verification of given signature of
claimed identity of a person. There are two types of signature
verification systems in practice, namely, online and offline
[17], [18]. Online signature verification uses information
collected dynamically at the time of signature acquisition like
timing, acceleration, velocity, pressure intensity and also
termed as dynamic signature verification. Offline signature
verification uses only the scanned image of signature and also
termed as static signature verification.
In case of online signature verification during the training
phase, the user supplies a set of reference signatures measured
in terms of dynamic features mentioned above. These dynamic
features along with signatures are stored as reference
templates. When a test signature is input to the system in terms
of these dynamic features, it is compared to each of the
reference signatures of the claimed person. Based on the
resulting comparison distance, the claimed identity is either
accepted or rejected. Most of the existing signature
verification systems are based on online approach. Not much
importance has been given to the offline signature verification
as it is relatively complex. The complexity may be due to the
two dimensional nature of offline signature compared to one
dimensional online signature. However, once we have
signature images, then we can view signature verification as a
pattern recognition problem. The online and offline
approaches exploit different aspect of signature information
for verification, namely, dynamic and static. The development
of offline signature verification and integrating with existing
online system may provide improved performance as well as
robustness. It is therefore aimed to develop offline signature
verification system static features like aspect ratio, horizontal
projection profile, vertical projection profile and discrete
cosine transform features.
1) Feature extraction phase.
Feature extraction plays a very important role in offline
signature verification. Unlike our speaker recognition case, we
are not going model the feature vectors up to some codebook
level. Here feature vectors itself will give the training
sequence. In this work the features of signature are extracted
by using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) analysis, Vertical
Projection Profile (VPP) analysis and Horizontal Projection
Profile (HPP) analysis. The VPP and HPP are static features of
a signature and DCT is a global feature of a signature image.
Since our signature is an image, it will have the gray levels
from 0 to 255 and to compute the maximum gray level the
histograms of all images are used. VPP and HPP are the kind
of histograms. VPP gives the horizontal starting and ending
points and HPP gives the vertical starting and ending points of
the image. The size of VPP and HPP is equal to the number of
columns and the number of rows in the signature image
respectively. Since, the size of signature regions are not
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constant even for a single user, in this work we are taking
average value of vertical projection profile as a feature.

1 1
( , )
q p
vpp A p q
= =


1 1
( , )
p q
hpp A p q
= =

The signature image intensity A (p, q) at p
row and q
column indices respectively. Where M is number of rows in an
image and N is number of columns in image. Equation (11)
gives the DCT coefficient corresponding to p
row and q
column of an input signature image.
1 1
0 0
(2 1) (2 1)
cos cos
2 2
pq p q mn
m n
m p n q
t t
o o

= =
+ + | | | |
| |
\ . \ .

o = for p=0 and
o = for 1 p (M-1)

o = for q=0 and
o = for 1 q (N-1)
The performance of signature recognition system depends
on the way in which the DCT coefficients are considered. The
zonal coding of DCT coefficients of signature image are used
for better performance, which gives concentration at low
spatial frequencies.
2) Testing Phase.
For the identification or verification, same set of features
which have been extracted during registration process are
extracted from the input samples scanned or recorded using
input devices like writing pads, to form the feature vectors.
Verification is 1 to 1 matching while identification is 1 to n
matching. In verification, the individual claims his/her identity
which is verified by comparing these features vectors by the
feature vectors of the individual which he/she claimed to be. If
the matching score crosses the predefined threshold then the
system verifies the individual as authentic user. In
identification, the feature vectors of the individual are
compared with the feature vectors of every individual stored in
the database. If the highest matching score crosses the
predefined threshold, then it identifies the individual as the
person whose matching score is the highest otherwise the
system suggest few top most matches. The matching algorithm
is needed to compare the samples and computes the matching
score and decide if two samples belong to the same individual
or not by comparing the matching score against the acceptance
threshold. However, it is possible that sometimes the output of
a biometrics system may be wrong. Therefore, the
performance of a biometrics system is measured in terms of
two errors: FAR and FRR. In order to design the multimodal
system using speech and signature features, we have collected
the signature database from the same 30 students who had
given their speech samples while collecting the speech
database. For every writer we have taken 24 samples of
signatures and scanned them by using HP Scan jet 5300C
scanner at 300 digits per inch resolution and stored them in
bmp format. After scanning the signatures, we have cropped
all the 24 signatures of individual writer by using Windows
Picture manager. Figure 2 shows one of the sample signature
of user 1.

Figure 2. Sample signature of user 1.
During the training session, we considered the first 16
signatures of each writer and extract the features from those
signatures by using VPP, HPP and DCT analysis. The three
feature models are obtained for all 30 users. In testing phase,
we have used the remaining 8 signatures for each writer. For
the given test signature, we have to extracted the VPP, HPP
values and DCT coefficients separately by VPP-HPP-DCT
analysis. After getting these values, we found the minimum
distance between the VPP-HPP-DCT values and the feature
vectors of all the writers corresponding to each of the model.
Table II shows the performance of different signature
recognition systems using SSIT signature database. The VPP-
HPP-DCT method gives highest performance (86.66%)
compared to the other systems.
VPP-HPP-DCT based System
Signature Identification

VPP 21.25%
HPP 30.4167%
VPP-HPP 56.25%
DCT 72.9167%
VPP-HPP-DCT 86.667%

To improve the performance of the signature recognition
system, along with the baseline VPP-HPP system the DCT
coefficients are used. A modified system uses VPP and HPP
vectors with Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) for the optimal
cost. DTW is a pattern matching technique which aims at
finding the minimum cost path between the two sequences
having different lengths [26]. A very general approach to find
distance between two time series of different sizes is to
resample one of the sequence and comparing the sample by
sample. The drawback of this method is that there is a chance
of comparing the samples that might not correspond well. This
means that comparison of two signals correspond well when
there is a matching between troughs and crests. DTW solves
this method by considering the samples with optimum
alignment. The DTW computation starts with the warping of
the indices of two sequences. The two sequences are compared
with some distance measures like Euclidean distance at each
and every point, so as to obtain the distance matrix. These
distances in the matrix are termed as local distances. Let the
Matrix be D and the sequences are A, B with lengths M, N
respectively. Then D is calculated using equation (12).
D (i, j) = distance (A(i), B(j)) (12)
where i varies from 1 to M and j varies from 1 to N. The
distance here considered is Euclidean distance. The modified
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feature vectors obtained from the signature image A(i,j) of size
MxN are given in the equations (13) and (14).

( )
( , )
vpp A i j

where j=1,2,3. N (13)

( )
( , )
hpp A i j

where i=1,2,3.. M (14)

Calculate the DTW distance values separately for VPP and
HPP vectors from all the users for all the training images to
the testing image and obtain distances from each user using
average distance method. Normalize each of the distance of a
particular feature using one of the normalization methods and
use sum rule for fusion of match scores obtained using each
model. Assign the test signature to the user who produces least
distance in fused sum vector. Table III shows the results of
signature verification system using SSIT signature database.
VPP-HPP-DCT based System
FAR FRR Average Error
VPP-HPP-DCT 1.2931% 37.5% 19.396%
0.1149% 3.333% 1.7241%

The VPP-HPP-DCT based signature identification gives
better result compare to other systems. The modified VPP-
HPP-DCT system gives even better in signature verification.
These systems are used in multimodal biometric system for
identification and verification of test signature respectively.
C. Handwriting Recognition System
Handwriting biometric feature can also be used for person
authentication [25]. Most of the existing works on handwriting
information is for forensic investigation. The scope includes
identifying the author of the given handwritten script from the
group of available large population. The end result may be a
subgroup of most likely population. This subgroup may then
be carefully analyzed by the human experts to identity the
correct person who might have written the script. Thus using
handwriting information in criminal investigation is an age old
method. Handwriting biometric feature may also posses
several characteristics to qualify it for use in person
authentication. Relatively few works have been done in this
direction [25]. With the integration of pen-based input devices
in PDA and Tablet PCs strongly advocates the use of
handwriting information for person authentication due to ease
of collection. Handwriting verification can also be done either
in online or offline mode as in signature verification. Online
handwriting verification exploits similar dynamic features as
in signature verification. Thus it is easy to extend the online
signature verification approach to handwriting verification.
Initially an online handwriting verification system will be
developed. However, it should be noted that there is a
significant difference between signature and handwriting.
Signature is one pattern from hand, but it will not use any
language specific information. Alternatively, handwriting
exploits language information at various levels, starting from
character set. Since this has been trained during initial days of
learning stage of language, it is possible that, we may find
more regular and reliable feature from handwriting for person
authentication. The offline handwriting verification can be
approached by using the information from the offline signature
verification literature and also from the speaker recognition
literature. An offline system is initially developed using the
technique developed for offline signature verification. Later
techniques available in speaker recognition literature can be
mapped here to further improve the performance or develop a
new technique for verification. For instance, well known text
dependent speaker verification technique using Dynamic Time
Warping (DTW) can be extended to offline handwriting
verification in the text dependent mode using VPP features.
Finally a hybrid handwriting verification system using offline
and online approaches may be developed to provide improved
performance and robustness.
The methods in handwriting biometrics account for both
offline and online with verification and identification modes.
The two recent approaches for handwriting recognition which
have proved fruitful are based on a textural feature, whereas the
second method zooms in on character shape elements [29]. The
first method refers to angles and curvature in handwriting
which are determined by the degrees of freedom in wrist and
finger movement, which in turn depend on the pen grip attitude
and the applied grip forces. The other approaches include use
of Hidden Markov Models, Gray level distribution [28],
Support vector machine, and connected component contours
[27]. The Gray level distribution approach is used for
handwriting recognition.
1) Feature extraction phase.
Mainly dynamic time warping in context of images is used
for word matching which uses vectors like normalized upper
word and lower profile, back ground ink transitions etc.,. The
features from the handwriting image considered in our work
are VPP vector and HPP vector. The VPP is an array that
contains sum of gray levels of each column in a handwriting
image. This feature signifies the variations of Gray level
distribution along the length of the image. This VPP vector is
a unique feature for a given user and will vary from user to
user. Even the same user will have variations. The important
and the uniqueness of the information present in the HPP
vectors are equally important as that of VPP vectors. So along
with the VPP vector extraction, another feature HPP vector is
obtained from the handwriting image. This HPP vector gives
the information about the variations of the handwriting along
the lateral extent. The handwriting recognition system runs on
the same lines as of the signature recognition system.
2) Testing Phase.
Writer recognition system is built using the individual
words, segmented from the sentence considered for
handwriting and combined later for better performance. In
order to obtain a correct segmentation, a threshold is
calculated that distinguish words and characters. After
obtaining the threshold, words are segmented by obtaining the
VPP vector and examining its intensity profile. The each word
extracted from the sentence now act as the images to be tested.
The algorithm proposed for a full sentence is applied for each
word. First obtain the image from which words should be
segmented out and let N numbers of words are segmented.
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Consider one word and apply already proposed algorithm for
all sentence. Obtain the DTW distances from each user by
averaging method. Next, normalize the distances and repeat
the same procedure for all the words. The normalized
distances are fused using the fusion principle. Obtain
minimum distance and its corresponding user there by
identifying the user. At the fusion level, distances are fused
using sum rule. The similar procedure is used for finding the
HPP vectors.
For handwriting recognition system we created database of
same 30 users of speech and signature recognition systems.
The same sentence used for verification for all users. The
sentence is written on A4 sheet with eight equal rectangular
boxes. This sheet was scanned using HP scanner, at a
resolution of 300 digits per inch. Then sentences are separated
out and stored in bits mapping format. In our experiments, five
samples are used for training and three samples are used for
testing. Figure 3 shows the sample of handwriting of user 1.

Figure 3. Sample of handwriting of user 1.
Table IV shows the performance of handwriting
identification and verification system using SSIT database.
VPP-HPP-based System
Identification FAR FRR
HPP 80.63% 1.461% 26.6%
VPP 90.02% 0.062% 0.362%

The VPP based handwriting recognition system gives
better result compared to HPP based system. The reason is that,
the richest image information obtained from Gray level
distribution along the length of the handwriting image. The
HPP vectors are equally important as that of VPP vectors
which gives the information about the variations of the
handwriting along the lateral extent. The combined feature
gives the complete behavior of handwriting image of a user,
hence VPP-HPP based system is one the unimodal system in
our multimodal biometric person authentication.
A. Development of Multimodal System
Multimodal or Multi-biometric systems, remove some of
the drawbacks of the unimodal systems by grouping the
multiple sources of information. These systems utilize more
than one physiological or behavioral characteristic for
enrollment and identification. Once the unimodal systems are
developed, then the next step is to develop multimodal system
by integrating them suitably. The unimodal systems using
speech, signature and handwriting information are ranked
according to their performance. Based on this, the best
performing system is used as the baseline system to which
other systems are integrated. The integration can be done at
any of the following three levels: feature, measurement and
score levels [2]. A tight integration is possible if it is done at
the feature level. However, the difficulty associated is the
different nature of features and also significant variation of
person information. This difficulty can be overcome by
integrating at the measurement level, but the level of person
information present may be smoothened out to some extent
due to modeling. To that extent the level of coupling will be
loose or moderate. The integration of measurement values
may also harm the combined system, if one of the systems
provides poor performance. Under such condition, the safe
way to integrate is at the score level. This level of fusion is
immune to any poor performance, since already decision is
made about the person. But the amount of improvement
achieved after combination may be relatively low. For the
selected baseline system, only the next best performing
unimodal system is integrated at the feature level. One
approach for the same is to extract same features say, Discrete
Cosine Transform (DCT) values and normalize them suitably
and combine them. Alternatively, the features can be applied
to one more level of smoothing using feature modeling
techniques to obtain modified features that are similar for both
biometric features. These features are then used for modeling.
As a result of this a bimodal person authentication system is
developed by integrating at the feature level. At the next level,
the best performing unimodal system is integrated with the
feature level integrated bimodal system. The integration is
done at the measurement level. The measurement scores from
the two systems are suitably normalized combined and
evaluated [36]. This results in tri-modal biometric person
authentication system. At the final level, the unimodal system
based on the fourth biometric feature is integrated into the tri-
modal system at the score level. For this several combination
techniques are explored to obtain maximum gain. This will
result in the development of the multimodal biometric person
authentication system using all the possible biometric features.
The particular biometric feature selection for developing
unimodal system needs to satisfy different characteristics, as
we mentioned above. However, some of the parameters are
observed and studied during the design of unimodal systems.
The following are the certain parameters to decide whether a
biometric trait can be used for person authentication or not.
They are: (1) how common the trait is found in individual,
(2) how much the trait varies from individual to individual, (3)
how the trait varies with the age of the individual, (4) how
easily the trait be collected, (5) how easily the trait can be
processed and how is the accuracy and speed of the system
built using the trait, (6) how people adopt the technology in
their day to day life. The speech, signature and handwriting
biometrics are fulfill the above requirements and
characteristics of biometric person authentication. By
combining the offline signature recognition, offline
handwriting recognition and the text dependent speaker
recognition systems, the challenge-response type of
authentication can be facilitated.
With these factors, the three best performing unimodal
systems are combined using score level fusion. Since we are
using score level fusion, there are no special steps involved in
the training of biometric system. In the score level fusion,
scores obtained at the output of the classifier are fused using
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some rules. The simple rules of fusion are Sum rule, Product
rule, Min Rule, Max rule and Median rule. The Sum rule and
Product rule assume the statistical independence of scores
from the different representations [6]. The outputs on the
individual matchers need not be on the same numerical scale.
Due to these reasons, score normalization is essential to
transform the scores of the individual matchers into a common
domain prior to combining them. Score normalization is a
critical part in the design of a combination scheme for
matching score level fusion. Min-max and Z-Score
normalization are the most popular techniques used for
normalization. The present work uses the Z-Score
normalization techniques for the individual matcher and the
Sum rule for integrating the normalized scores. Using these
two principle techniques, the multimodal biometric system is
designed using three unimodal systems. Once the multimodal
system is developed the next stage is performance and
robustness evaluation.
B. Performance and Robustness Evaluation
There are standard databases for the individual evaluation
of the unimodal biometric systems, like YOHO database, IITG
database etc... However, such an evaluation is only for finding
the performance of the particular unimodal system in an
absolute sense. To have comparative study evaluate the
strength of multimodal system on common platform, it is
proposed to develop a multimodal database for these three
biometric features. For this reason we have prepared our own
SSIT database of 30 users.
The database consists of 24 samples of speech information,
24 samples of signature and 8 samples of handwriting for each
user. Once the database is developed, then the performance is
evaluated first for each of the unimodal systems. The
performance is then evaluated for multimodal system using all
the three features. Such evaluation provides a systematic
comparison between unimodal and multimodal systems. The
main features considered in developing a multimodal system
are handwriting, signature and speech. The following are the
steps involved in the implementation of multimodal biometric
person authentication system based on unimodal system
a) Collect the individual matching scores of the
unimodal systems for every user.
b) Normalize the matching scores using normalization
techniques and integrate the scores by using fusion rules.
c) Assign the multiple biometric to a particular person
who produces the minimum score.
Table V shows results of different multimodal systems
based on the combination of different unimodal systems.
VPP-HPP-based System
VQ-MFCC for Speech
VPP-HPP-DCT for Signature
VPP-HPP with DTW for Hadwriting
0% 0%
VQ-WOCOR for Speech
VPP-HPP-DCT for Signature
VPP-HPP with DTW for Hadwriting
0% 0%
GMM-MFCC for Speech
VPP-HPP-DCT for Signature
VPP-HPP with DTW for Hadwriting
0% 0%
GMM-WOCOR for Speech
VPP-HPP-DCT for Signature
VPP-HPP with DTW for Hadwriting
0% 0%
Table V proves the advantages of multimodal biometric
system through its performance and robustness evaluation by
using more number of biometrics for person authentication.
The other major factors to be concentrated along with the
development of multimodal system are the fusion rules and the
normalization techniques. The score level fusion technique
with Sum rule is employed in all the cases. The normalization
techniques are used for the maintenance of the homogeneity
among the scores obtained from different features. As a result,
we are using the three possible combinations of unimodal
systems to develop four multimodal systems. The each
multimodal system identification performance is 100% and the
verification performance is 0% error rates, even though there
are some error rates in respective unimodal system.
The trend of multimodal biometrics is spreading for the
authentication process to maintain the interests regarding the
security as strong as possible. The vital features that encourage
the use of multimodal biometrics are the performance and
accuracy along with the ability to overweigh the drawbacks of
unimodal biometric systems. In this work we demonstrated
multimodal biometric person authentication system using three
biometric features. We generated our own database of 30 users
and effectively using the principle of matching score fusion
and normalization technique for developing multimodal
system. Further, we combined the multimodal systems shown
in Table V using normalization and fusion techniques. This
system gives the identification performance is 100% and the
verification performance is 0%, in terms of FAR 0% and FRR
is 0%. As a result, we implemented multimodal biometric
person authentication system using speech, signature and
handwriting features which provides 0% error rates.
The future work may include integrate the biometric
features at the feature level for improving the performance.

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Further, to make the biometric person authentication
system more practical: use more number of users, different
sessions of collecting data of the same users, and multiple
sensors for data collection. Also, by combining the offline
system with online system may improve the performance.
I would like to thank my students for providing their
speech, signature and handwriting information in generating
the multimodal SSIT database.
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A Fuzzy Decision Tree to Estimate Development
Effort for Web Applications

Ali Idri
Department of Software Engineering
ENSIAS, Mohammed Vth Souissi University
BP. 713, Madinat Al Irfane, Rabat, Morocco
Sanaa Elyassami
Department of Software Engineering
ENSIAS, Mohammed Vth Souissi University
BP. 713, Madinat Al Irfane, Rabat, Morocco

Abstract Web Effort Estimation is a process of predicting the
efforts and cost in terms of money, schedule and staff for any
software project system. Many estimation models have been
proposed over the last three decades and it is believed that it is a
must for the purpose of: Budgeting, risk analysis, project
planning and control, and project improvement investment
analysis. In this paper, we investigate the use of Fuzzy ID3
decision tree for software cost estimation, it is designed by
integrating the principles of ID3 decision tree and the fuzzy set-
theoretic concepts, enabling the model to handle uncertain and
imprecise data when describing the software projects, which can
improve greatly the accuracy of obtained estimates. MMRE and
Pred are used, as measures of prediction accuracy, for this study.
A series of experiments is reported using Tukutuku software
projects dataset. The results are compared with those produced
by three crisp versions of decision trees: ID3, C4.5 and CART.
Keywords- Fuzzy Logic; Effort Estimation; Decision Tree; Fuzzy
ID3; Software project.
Estimation software project development effort remains a
complex problem, and one which continues to attract
considerable research attention. Improving the accuracy of the
effort estimation models available to project managers would
facilitate more effective control of time and budgets during
software project development. Unfortunately, many software
development estimates are quite inaccurate. Molokken and
Jorgensen report in recent review of estimation studies that
software projects expend on average 30-40% more effort than
is estimated [13]. In order to make accurate estimates and avoid
gross misestimations, several cost estimation techniques have
been developed. These techniques may be grouped into two
major categories: parametric models, which are derived from
the statistical or numerical analysis of historical projects data
[5], and non-parametric models, which are based on a set of
artificial intelligence techniques such as artificial neural
networks [9][4], case based reasoning [19], decision trees [20]
and fuzzy logic [23][17]. In this paper, we are concerned with
cost estimation models based on fuzzy decision trees especially
Fuzzy Interactive Dichotomizer 3.
The decision tree method is widely used for inductive
learning and has been demonstrating its superiority in terms of
predictive accuracy in many fields [24][10]. The most widely
used algorithms for building a decision tree are ID3 [11], C4.5
[12] and CART [14].
There are three major advantages when using estimation by
decision trees (DT). First, decision trees approach may be
considered as white boxes, it is simple to understand and
easy to explain its process to the users, contrary to other
learning methods. Second, it allows the learning from previous
situations and outcomes. The learning criterion is very
important for cost estimation models because software
development technology is supposed to be continuously
evolving. Third, it may be used to feature subset selection to
avoid the problem of cost driver selection in software cost
estimation model.
On the other hand, fuzzy logic has been used in software
effort estimation. It's based on fuzzy set theory, which was
introduced by Zadeh in 1965 [15]. Attempts have been made to
rehabilitate some of the existing models in order to handle
uncertainties and imprecision problems. Idri et al. [3]
investigated the application of fuzzy logic to the cost drivers of
intermediate COCOMO model while Pedrycz et al. [25]
presented a fuzzy set approach to effort estimation of software
In two earlier works [1][2] we have empirically evaluated
the use of crisp decision tree techniques for software cost
estimation. More especially, the two used crisp decision tree
techniques are the ID3 and the C4.5 algorithms. The two
studies are based on the COCOMO' 81 and a web hypermedia
dataset. We have found that the decision tree designed with the
ID3 algorithm performs better, in terms of cost estimates
accuracy, than the decision tree designed with C4.5 algorithm
for the two datasets.
The aim of this study is to evaluate and to discuss the use of
fuzzy decision trees, especially the fuzzy ID3 algorithm in
designing DT for software cost estimation.
Instead of crisp DT, fuzzy DT may allow to exploit
complementary advantages of fuzzy logic theory which is the
ability to deal with inexact and uncertain information when
describing the software projects.
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: In
section II, we present the fuzzy ID3 decision tree for software
cost estimation. The description of dataset used to perform the
empirical studies and the evaluation criteria adopted to measure
the predictive accuracy of the designed models are given in
section III. Section IV focuses on the experimental design. In
Section V, we present and discuss the obtained results when the
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fuzzy ID3 is used to estimate the software development effort.
A comparison of the estimation results produced by means of
the fuzzy ID3 model and three other crisp decision tree models
is also provided in section V. A conclusion and an overview of
future work conclude this paper.
Based on the Concept Learning System algorithm, Quinlan
proposed a decision tree called the Interactive Dichotomizer 3
(ID3). The ID3 technique is based on information theory and
attempts to minimize the expected number of comparisons. The
fuzzy ID3 is based on a fuzzy implementation of the ID3
algorithm [16][21]. It's formed of one root node, which is the
tree top, or starting point, and a series of other nodes. Terminal
nodes are leaves (effort). Each node corresponds to a split on
the values of one input variable (cost drivers). This variable is
chosen in order to reach a maximum of homogeneity amongst
the examples that belong to the node, relatively to the output

Figure 1. Fuzzy decision tree induction process

Fig. 1 illustrates the fuzzy decision tree induction process
that consists on the fuzzification of the web cost drivers, the
construction of the fuzzy decision tree, the prediction with the
classification rules and the measure the accuracy of the
estimates generated by the fuzzy ID3 decision tree.
The fuzzification of the software cost drivers converts crisp
cost drivers into membership degrees to the different fuzzy sets
of the partition. Many algorithms can be found in the
specialized literature for generating partitions from data, we
chose the Hierarchical Fuzzy Partitioning (HFP) [22]. It
corresponds to an ascending procedure. At each step, for each
given variable, two fuzzy sets are merged. This method
combines two different clustering techniques, hierarchical
clustering and fuzzy clustering techniques.
The triangular membership functions are used to represent
the fuzzy sets because of its simplicity, easy comprehension,
and computational efficiency.
Figure 2 illustrates the membership functions associated to
the fuzzy sets of the team experience attribute.
(a) Membership function of 3 fuzzy sets defined for the
teamExp cost driver

(b) Membership function of 5 fuzzy sets defined for the
teamExp cost driver

(c) Membership function of 7 fuzzy sets defined for the
teamExp cost driver

Figure 2. Membership functions associated to the fuzzy sets of the
teamExp attribute

The fuzzy decision tree is interpreted by rules, Each path of
the branches from root to leaf can be converted into a rule with
condition part represents the attributes on the passing branches
from root to the leaf and the conclusion part represents the
class at the leaf of the form: IF (condition 1 and condition 2 ..
and condition n) THEN C, where the conditions are extracted
from the nodes and C is the leaf.
Fig. 3 illustrates an example of fuzzy ID3 decision tree for
software development effort where MF represents the
membership function used to define fuzzy sets for each cost
This section describes the dataset used to perform this
empirical study and the evaluation criteria adopted to measure
the estimates accuracy of the designed software cost estimation
model based on fuzzy ID3 method.

Database Fuzzification
of cost drivers
Fuzzy ID3
effort value
Estimated effort
Actual effort
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Figure 3. An example of fuzzy ID3 decision tree for software development
A. Data Descriptions
The Tukutuku dataset contains 53 web projects. [7] Each
web application is described using 9 numerical attributes such
as: the number of html or shtml files used, the number of media
files and team experience (see Table I). However, each project
volunteered to the Tukutuku database was initially
characterized using more than 9 software attributes, but some
of them were grouped together. For example, we grouped
together the following three attributes: the number of new Web
pages developed by the team, the number of Web pages
provided by the customer and the number of Web pages
developed by a third party (outsourced) in one attribute
reflecting the total number of Web pages in the application
Attributes Description
TeamExp Average team experience with the development
language(s) employed
DevTeam Size of development team
TotWP Total number of web pages
TextPages Number text pages typed (~600 words)
TotImg Total number of images
Anim Number of animations
AV Number of audio/video files
TotHigh Total Number of high effort features/functions
TotNHigh Total Number of low effort features/functions
B. Evaluation criteria
We employ the following criteria to measure the accuracy
of the estimates generated by the fuzzy ID3. A common
criterion for the evaluation of effort estimation models is the
magnitude of relative error (MRE), which is defined as
actual estimated
Effort Effort

Effort is the actual effort of a project in the
dataset, and
Effort is the estimated effort that was
obtained using a model or a technique.
The MRE values are calculated for each project in the
datasets, while mean magnitude of relative error (MMRE)
computes the average over N projects.
, ,
actual i estimated i
actual i
Effort Effort
N Effort

The acceptable target values for MMRE are 25 MMRE .
This indicates that on the average, the accuracy of the
established estimation model would be less than 25%.
Another widely used criterion is the prediction Pred(p)
witch represents the percentage of MRE that is less than or
equal to the value p among all projects. This measure is often
used in the literature and is the proportion of the projects for a
given level accuracy [18]. The definition of Pred(p) is given as
( )
Pred p
Where N is the total number of observations and k is the
number of observations whose MRE is less or equal to p. A
common value for p is 25, witch also used in the present study.
The prediction at 25%, Pred(25), represents the percentage of
projects whose MRE is less or equal to 25%. The acceptable
values for Pred(25) are Pr (25) 75 ed .
This section describes the experiment design of the fuzzy
ID3 decision tree on the Tukutuku dataset. The Hierarchical
Fuzzy Partitioning method is chosen for generating the
The use of fuzzy ID3 to estimate software development
effort requires the determination of the parameters, namely the
number of input variables, the maximum number of fuzzy sets
for each input variable and the significant level value. The last
two parameters play an essential role in the generation of fuzzy
decision trees. It greatly affects the calculation of fuzzy entropy
and classification results of Fuzzy Decision trees.
The number of input variables is the number of the
attributes describing the historical software projects in the used
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dataset. Therefore, when applying fuzzy ID3 to Tukutuku
dataset, the number of input variables is equal to 9. Concerning
the significant level parameter, is the membership degree for an
example to be considered as belonging to the node, is fixed to
0.2 for all experiments.
In the present paper we are interested in studying the
impact of the number of fuzzy sets on the accuracy of fuzzy
ID3. A series of experiments is conducted with the fuzzy ID3
algorithm each time using a different value of the fuzzy sets.
The number of fuzzy sets is varied within the interval [3, 9].
This section presents and discusses the results obtained
when applying the fuzzy ID3 to the Tukutuku dataset. The
calculations were made using Fispro software [8]. We
conducted several experiments using different configurations of
fuzzy ID3 obtained by varying the number of fuzzy sets. The
aim is to determine which configuration improves the
The results for the different configurations have been
compared. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the accuracy of the fuzzy
ID3 model, measured in terms of MMRE and Pred, on
Tukutuku dataset.
Fig. 4 compares the accuracy of the model, in terms of
MMRE, when varying the number of the fuzzy sets. We note
that the fuzzy ID3 model generates a lower MMRE when
increasing the number of fuzzy sets. For example, when setting
the number of fuzzy sets at 9 the model produces a prediction
error equal to 2.38 (MMRE=2.38) and when setting the number
of fuzzy sets at 4 the model produces a prediction error equal to
52.19 (MMRE = 52.19).
Fig. 4 Relationship between the accuracy of Fuzzy ID3 (MMRE) and the
number of fuzzy sets
Fig. 5 shows the results of the model, in terms of Pred(25),
when varying the number of the fuzzy sets. From this figure,
we note that the accuracy of fuzzy ID3 model performs much
better when increasing the number of the fuzzy sets and it's
acceptable for the number of fuzzy sets greater than or equal to
Figure 5. Relationship between the accuracy of Fuzzy ID3 (Pred) and the
number of fuzzy sets
Table II summarizes the results obtained using different
configurations of fuzzy ID3 for Tukutuku dataset. It shows the
variation of the accuracy according to the number of fuzzy sets
for Tukutuku dataset.
The comparisons between the results produced by the fuzzy
ID3 decision tree model and three other decision trees models:
crisp ID3 decision tree model, C4.5 decision tree model [2] and
CART model [6].
The best results obtained by means of the 4 models are
compared in terms of MMRE and Pred(25). The comparison
result is given in table III.
The experimental results show that the fuzzy ID3 model
shows better estimation accuracy than the other crisp models in
terms of MMRE and Pred(25).
3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Number of fuzzy sets
Tukutuku dataset
3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Number of fuzzy sets
Tukutuku dataset
Number of fuzzy sets MMRE Pred(25)
3 51,68 45,28
4 52,19 56,6
5 49,3 64,15
6 19,27 75,47
7 7,09 90,57
8 4,3 94,34
9 2,38 98,11
Performance Criteria
Decision tree models Evaluation MMRE Pred(25)
Crisp ID3 32 70
C4.5 28 70
CART 25 78
Fuzzy ID3 2,38 98,11
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For example, the improvement is 92.56% based on the
fuzzy ID3 model MMRE and the crisp ID3 MMRE and is the
90.48% based on the fuzzy ID3 model MMRE and the CART
model MMRE.

In this paper, we have empirically studied a fuzzy ID3
model for software effort estimation. This fuzzy ID3 model is
trained and tested using the tukutuku software projects dataset.
The results show that the use of an optimal number of fuzzy
sets improves greatly the estimates generated by fuzzy ID3
model. The comparison with the crisp decision tree models
shows encouraging results.
To generalize this affirmation, we are looking currently in
applying the fuzzy ID3 decision tree model on other historical
software projects datasets.
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A. Idri is a Professor at Computer Science and Systems Analysis School
(ENSIAS, Rabat, Morocco). He received DEA (Master) (1994) and Doctorate
of 3rd Cycle (1997) degrees in Computer Science, both from the University
Mohamed V of Rabat. He has received his Ph.D. (2003) in Cognitive Computer
Sciences from ETS, University of Quebec at Montreal. His research interests
include software cost estimation, software metrics, fuzzy logic, neural
networks, genetic algorithms and information sciences.
S. Elyassami received her engineering degree in Computer Science from
the UTBM, Belfort-Montbeliard, France, in 2006. Currently, she is preparing
her Ph.D. in computer science in ENSIAS. Her research interests include
software cost estimation, soft

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence
92 | P a g e
An Extended Performance Comparison of Colour to
Grey and Back using the Haar, Walsh, and Kekre
Wavelet Transforms

Dr. H. B. Kekre
Senior Professor
Computer Engineering Department
Mukesh Patel School of Technology,
Management, and Engineering
NMIMS University
Mumbai, India

Dr. Sudeep D. Thepade
Associate Professor
Computer Engineering Department
Mukesh Patel School of Technology,
Management, and Engineering
NMIMS University
Mumbai, India

Adib Parkar
Research Assistant
Indian Institute of Technology,
Mumbai, India
Abstract The storage of colour information in a greyscale image
is not a new idea. Various techniques have been proposed using
different colour spaces including the standard RGB colour space,
the YUV colour space, and the YCbCr colour space. This paper
extends the results described in [1] and [2]. While [1] describes
the storage of colour information in a greyscale image using Haar
wavelets, and [2] adds a comparison with Kekres wavelets, this
paper adds a third transform the Walsh transform and
presents a detailed comparison of the performance of all three
transforms across the LUV, YCbCr, YCgCb, YIQ, and YUV
colour spaces. The main aim remains the same as that in [1] and
[2], which is the storage of colour information in a greyscale
image known as the matted greyscale image.
Keywords Colouring; Colour to Grey; Matted Greyscale; Grey to
Colour; LUV Colour Space; YCbCr Colour Space; YCgCb Colour
Space; YIQ Colour Space; YUV Colour Space; Haar Wavelets;
Kekres Wavelets; Walsh Transform.
The efficient storage of colour images in digital format has
always been a dilemma faced when working with many, high
resolution, digital images. With the massive improvements in
memory technology these days, from traditional, slower hard
disk drives to the newer solid state drives, however, this has
become less of a problem due to the increases in available
memory. Despite this, digital colour images can take up to
three times the storage space of a greyscale image in
uncompressed format, and for larger images, this is not a
negligible increase. This is why various algorithms have been
proposed, and many commercially implemented, that reduce
the size of a stored digital image with little or no loss of image
information and quality. The JPEG standard is a prime
example of such an algorithm.
Another challenge faced when working with digital images
today is to find a way to create (or recreate) a colour image
from a greyscale image: in essence, to re-colour a
monochrome image. Unlike the storage problem mentioned
above, this one is much harder to solve since it entails the
extraction of more information from a source that has less
information, i.e. the retrieval of colour (multi-plane)
information from a greyscale (single-plane) source. This is, by
definition, not directly possible how can one create
information when none exists? Hence, this problem needs a
more indirect solution the missing information needs to be
provided either externally (separated from the greyscale image
to be coloured), or somehow embedded as extra information
in the greyscale image itself. Examples of the former can be
found in [3], [4], [5], and [6].
The technique described in this paper, on the other hand, is
based on the latter principle hiding of the colour information
in the greyscale image itself. In short, the colour information is
hidden in the transform domain this transform is a wavelet
transform of the greyscale image and hence can be extracted
from the transformed image. The technique was first described
in [1], and this paper is an extension of the technique to more
transforms and colour spaces. A similar technique can be
found in [7].
An advantage of using this technique as compared to those
based on retrieving colour information externally as in [3], [4],
[5], and [6] is that this method also indirectly decreases image
storage requirements. Having colour information stored in a
greyscale image means that the greyscale image is now all that
needs to be stored (or transmitted) and from it the colour
image can be recreated. Hence, for example, the greyscale
image can be transmitted via fax to a recipient and the
recipient can recreate the colour image without needing any
external information. Thus, multi-plane (colour) data is
compressed into a single-plane (greyscale).
This section provides a simple, high level explanation of
the technique used to hide the colour information in the
greyscale image and is as found in [1].
The general procedure is as follows. First, the original
colour image is converted to its greyscale equivalent in some
colour space. This image is then transformed using an
appropriate image transform into the transform domain. In the
transform domain, the transformed image is modified by
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embedding the colour components of the image. These
components are embedded by replacing the lesser significant
portions of the transformed image (high frequency region) by
scaled down versions of the colour components. The most
significant portion of the transformed image is, of course, left
untouched. This modified transformed image is then inverse
transformed back into the spatial domain. The greyscale image
so obtained is known as the matted greyscale image.
Reconstructing the colour image from this matted greyscale
image is now straightforward. One simply has to apply the
transform, extract the scaled down versions of the colour
components, scale them up to their original size, and create a
colour image using these scaled up components. Of course, a
certain amount of information will be lost due to this scaling
of the components.
In this paper, the above technique has been applied using
three transforms the Haar transform, Kekres Wavalet
Transform (KWT), and the Walsh transform. In addition, to
provide a comprehensive comparison, the following colour
spaces have been considered for all three transforms - LUV,
YCbCr, YCgCb, YIQ, and YUV. The subsequent sections
provide a quick reference for all of these colour spaces and the
transforms used followed by a detailed description of the
technique used.
The YCbCr model defines a colour space in terms of one
luminance (brightness) and two chrominance (colour)
components. It is one of the most extensively used colour
spaces and has been considered for many applications such as
those described in [7], [8], and [9]. In the YCbCr colour space,
the Y component gives luminance and the Cb and Cr
components give the chromaticity values of the colour image.
To get the YCbCr components, the conversion of the RGB
components to YCbCr components must be known. The RGB
to YCbCr conversion matrix is given below.

] [

] [

] (1)
To get the RGB values from the YCbCr components, the
following conversion matrix can be used.

] [

] [

] (2)
The Kekres LUV colour space is a colour space generally
used in techniques involving the colourization of images such
as those described in [4], [10], [11], and [12]. In the Kekres
LUV colour space, the L component provides the luminance,
while the U and V components contain the colour information.
The RGB to Kekres LUV conversion matrix is given below.

] [

] [

] (3)
To get the RGB values from the Kekres LUV
components, the following conversion matrix can be used.

] [

] [

] (4)
A negative value for the U component in the Kekres LUV
colour space indicates prominence of the red component in the
colour image. Similarly, a negative value for the V component
indicates prominence of the green component over the blue
component in the colour image.
The YCgCb colour model [15], [18] is a newly proposed
colour space similar to the LUV colour space described in the
previous section. Since it is newer than the LUV colour space,
it has not yet been used extensively.
In the YCgCb colour space, the Y component provides the
luminance, while the Cg and Cb components contain the
chromaticity values. The RGB to YCgCb conversion matrix is
given below.

] [

] [

] (5)
To get the RGB values from the YCgCb components, the
following conversion matrix can be used.

] [

] [

] (6)
A negative value for the Cg component in the YCgCb
colour space indicates prominence of the green component
over the red component in the colour image. Similarly, a
negative value for the Cb component indicates prominence of
the blue component over the red component.
YIQ [19] is the colour space used by the NTSC colour TV
system, employed mainly in North and Central America. I
stands for in phase and Q stands for quadrature,
referring to the components used in quadrature amplitude
As in the YCbCr colour space, the Y component gives
luminance and the I and Q components give the chromaticity
values of the colour image. To get the YIQ components, the
conversion of the RGB components to the YIQ components is
defined by the following conversion matrix.

] [

] [

] (7)
To get the RGB values from the YIQ components, the
following conversion matrix can be used.
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] [

] [

YUV is a colour space [19] that encodes a colour image or
video taking human perception into account, allowing reduced
bandwidth for chrominance, thereby typically enabling
transmission errors or compression artefacts to be more
efficiently masked by human perception than using a direct
RGB representation.
Similar to the other colour spaces discussed previously, the
Y component gives luminance, and the U and V components
provide the chrominance values. The RGB to YUV conversion
matrix is shown below.

] [

] [

To get the RGB values from the YUV components, the
following conversion matrix can be used.

] [

] [

The Haar functions were proposed as a sequence in 1909
by Alfrd Haar [13]. Haar used these functions to give an
example of a countable orthonormal system for the space of
square-integrable functions on the real line. The study of
wavelets, and even the term "wavelet", did not come until
much later [14]. The Haar wavelet is also the simplest possible
wavelet. As the Haar wavelet is not continuous, it is also not
differentiable. This is a technical disadvantage of Haar
The Haar wavelet's mother wavelet function (t) can be
described as follows.

The KWT matrix is a generic version of the LUV colour
space matrix. Unlike most other transforms (wavelet or
otherwise), the size of the KWT matrix need not be a power of
two which is definitely an advantage of this transform.
The general form of an N x N KWT matrix [19], [20] is as


( ) ]

Figure 1 General N x N KWT matrix
As can be seen in figure 1 above, in the KWT matrix, all
values above the diagonal are one (including the diagonal
itself). The diagonal just below the primary diagonal has
specific values, and all remaining values in the matrix are
zeroes. In general, the value of K
in the KWT matrix, where
x is the row number starting from 1 and y is the column
number also starting from one, is given by the following


( )

The inverse KWT matrix is nothing but the transpose of
the above general matrix as the KWT is orthogonal.
Normalization is required to get back the identity matrix.
The Walsh transform was first defined in 1923 by Walsh
[16], although in 1893 Hadamard [17] had achieved a similar
result by the application of certain orthogonal matrices,
generally called Hadamard matrices, which contain only the
entries +1 and -1.
The image algebra formulation of the fast Walsh transform
is identical to that of the fast Fourier formulation, with the
exception that the template 't' used for the Walsh transform is
as follows.
( )


( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )

The Walsh transform shares the important property of
separability with the Fourier transform. Thus, the two
dimensional Walsh transform can also be computed by taking
the one-dimensional Walsh transforms along each row of the
image, followed by another one-dimensional Walsh transform
along the columns.
The most trivial way to convert a colour image to
greyscale for printing is to retain and use the luminance
component of the colour image.

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The problem with this approach is that regions that have
contrasting colours with similar luminance components would
be assigned the same output luminance level and would,
therefore, look the same.
The other option is to map colours to textures [7]. One can
control halftone dots or patterns as a function of the colours,
for example, as a function of hue and saturation. Hence,
regions of different colours with similar luminance will look
different after mapping because they would have different
textures [3]. The procedure proposed in [7] produces a
continuum of textures using the DWT that naturally switch
between patterns without causing visual artefacts. The DWT
decomposes an image into several sub-bands [14] each
representing different spatial frequency contents.
In this paper, as explained previously, is an extension of
[1] and [2], and is a more detailed study of a technique based
on the one described in [7]. Here, the wavelet transforms used
are the basic Haar transform, the KWT, and the Walsh
transform. Five different colour spaces are considered LUV,
YCbCr, YCgCb, YIQ, and YUV. The greyscale image
obtained by following the procedure outlined below is known
as the matted greyscale image and it contains the colour
information about the image embedded within its transform.
As various colour spaces are used, the procedure is
outlined for a general colour space ABC where A is the
luminance component, and B and C are the chromaticity
components. As two different transforms are used, even the
transforms are generalized as just the transform. The
following procedure has been taken from [1].
The steps involved to create the matted greyscale image
are as follows.
1. The original colour image is converted from the RGB
colour space into the ABC colour space using the
appropriate conversion matrix, that is, using
equations (1), (3), (5), (7), or (9) for the YCbCr,
LUV, YCgCb, YIQ, and YUV colour spaces
respectively. The A component is the luminance
and is considered as the original greyscale image.
2. The A component is transformed using the
transform into the transform domain. Let this
transformed image be known as T
3. T
can be divided into 4 regions as shown in figure 2

Figure 2 Structure of To
4. Most of the information in the image is found in the
LL region of T
which corresponds to the low
frequency components of the image. This region is
left untouched. The LH and HL regions of T
replaced by scaled down versions of the B and C
components respectively. Thus we now have a
modified transformed image that contains scaled
down versions of the chromaticity components of the
colour space being used. Let this be known as T
5. The inverse transform is now applied to T
to get a
new greyscale image in the spatial domain. This
greyscale image now contains colour information
hidden within its transform and is known as the
matted greyscale image.
Since the matted greyscale image already contains the
colour information hidden within its transform, extracting the
colour image from the matted greyscale image is a
straightforward procedure. It consists of the following steps.
1. The matted greyscale image is read or scanned.
2. Once available in digital form, the matted greyscale
image is transformed using the transform into the
transform domain. The transformed image obtained
will be T
3. T
can be represented as shown in figure 3 below.

Figure 3 Structure of Tm
4. The B and C regions of T
are the scaled down
versions of the B and C components of the
original colour image. Thus by extracting these two
regions from T
and scaling them up back to their
original size we get B
and C
which are
approximations of the original B and C
components of the original colour image.
5. To retrieve an approximation for the A component,
we replace regions B and C in T
by zeroes and
perform an inverse transformation. The image
obtained in the spatial domain is an approximation of
the original A component of the image, A
Now the approximations for the ABC components are used
to convert the image back to the RGB colour space using the
appropriate conversion matrices, that is, equations (2), (4), (6),
(8), and (10) for the YCbCr, LUV, YCgCb, YIQ, and YUV
colour spaces respectively.
The implementation of the technique described in the
previous section was an extension of the implementation
described in [1] and [2]. The technique was broadened to
include the Walsh transform and the results obtained using the
Walsh transform were also added.
The technique was applied to a large number of images.
All the images were of the size 256 x 256 pixels, and belonged
to various categories such as people, objects, vehicles,
animals, cartoons, and nature.
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On applying the technique proposed, the following set of
images was derived from the each original image original
colour, original greyscale, matted greyscale, and reconstructed
Performance was measured by calculating the mean square
error (MSE) between the original greyscale image and the
matted greyscale image as well as between the original colour
image and the reconstructed colour image. The MSE is the
mean of the square of the Euclidean distances between each
pixel value. The Euclidean distance d between two images I

and I
is defined as follows.

is the value of the pixel in I
is the value of the corresponding pixel in I
and the summation is over all pixels in the images.
It must be noted that for a colour image, each pixel will
have 3 values, one for the red (R) plane, one for the green (G)
plane, and one for the blue (B) plane.
The MSE thus provides an objective criterion that can be
used as a measure of the degree of similarity between two
given images. The greater the similarity between the two
images at the pixel level, the lower the MSE.
Table 1 shows the MSE values between the matted
greyscale images and the original greyscale images averaged
across all images for each of the five colour spaces and all

MSE (Haar) MSE (KWT) MSE (Walsh)
YCbCr 411.221335 401.618715 230.4947
LUV 341.32406 335.38614 207.42726
YCgCb 317.00611 309.915005 204.9934
YIQ 432.70043 423.13666 236.232875
YUV 643.38025 603.0701 237.407555

Figure 4 Greyscale MSE across all images
Figure 4 illustrates the results graphically. As can be
clearly seen from figure 4, the YCgCb colour space provided
the best results in terms of the MSE across all images for the
matted greyscale image. Also, the KWT consistently
outperformed the Haar transform across all colour spaces, but
not by an extremely significant amount. On the other hand, the
Walsh transform performed spectacularly well and thoroughly
defeated the other two transforms across all colour spaces.
The results for the reconstructed colour images, however,
were incredibly different. The table below shows the MSE
values between the reconstructed colour images and the
original colour images.

MSE (Haar) MSE (KWT) MSE (Walsh)
YCbCr 245.36608 268.69903 804.9029
LUV 233.00122 249.32088 724.70764
YCgCb 245.31157 263.90563 684.758285
YIQ 249.90365 265.723 811.5984
YUV 417.922255 498.013915 1554.5535

Figure 5 Colour MSE across all images
Figure 5 illustrates the results graphically. It can be noticed
that in the case of the reconstructed colour images, there is no
clear winner across four colour spaces when the MSE is
averaged across all images: YCbCr, LUV, YCgCb, and YIQ.
The YUV colour space clearly underperforms using this
technique for both greyscale and colour images and hence is
not recommended. The colour space that performs the best is
the LUV colour space, but not by a large amount. The YCgCb
colour space, the YIQ colour space, and the YCbCr colour
space give almost identical performance results based on the
MSE, and in the case of the Walsh transform, the YCgCb
space performs the best.
However, when we study the results with respect to the
transforms used, the Walsh transform is literally blown away
and produces extremely poor results. Across all colour spaces,
the colour image obtained from the matted greyscale image
when using the Walsh transform is consistently and
significantly poorer than those obtained by the Haar transform

Colour Space
MSE (Haar)
MSE (Walsh)

Colour Space
MSE (Haar)
MSE (Walsh)
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and the KWT. For the reconstructed colour images, the Haar
transform performs slightly better than the KWT.
Through these results we can hazard a hypothesis that the
better a transform performs when creating a matted greyscale
image, the worse its resultant reconstructed colour image is.
Ideally, we would like a transform that would minimize both
the greyscale and colour MSEs none of these appear to have
that property.
Some of the images used when implementing this
procedure are shown below.

6a Original Colour 6b Original Greyscale

6c Matted Greyscale
6d Matted Greyscale
6e Matted Greyscale

6f Reconstructed
Colour (Haar)
6g Reconstructed
Colour (KWT)
6h Reconstructed
Colour (Walsh)
Figure 6 Colour to grey and back of Book image
In figure 6, we see a simple image of a book. While the
cover of the book is textured, on the whole there are not too
many colours in this picture. Even so, one can clearly see the
reconstructed colour image when using the Walsh transform is
nowhere near as good as those using the Haar and KWT

7a Original Colour 7b Original Greyscale

7c Matted Greyscale
7d Matted Greyscale
7e Matted Greyscale

7f Reconstructed
Colour (Haar)
7g Reconstructed
Colour (KWT)
7h Reconstructed
Colour (Walsh)
Figure 7 Colour to grey and back of Cartoon image
Figure 7 shows a cartoon image. Colours in the original are
clear cut with prominent boundaries and also have deep
saturation. For this image, the Haar transform appears to
create a good matted greyscale image (figure 7c), better than
those by the KWT and the Walsh transform (figures 7d and
7e). The Walsh transforms matted greyscale image displays a
discolouration at the top left corner while the KWT shows
discolouration at near the bottom left.
These spots of discolouration persist in the reconstructed
colour images seen in figures 7g and 7h for the KWT and the
Walsh transform respectively. The Haar transform does not
perform too well in reconstructing the colour image either, but
once again, the Walsh transform clearly performs the worst.
This image leads to a possibility that this technique does
not work very well for cartoon-like images images with
clearly defined stretches of single colours especially reds
and yellows.

8a Original Colour 8b Original Greyscale

8c Matted Greyscale
8d Matted Greyscale
8e Matted Greyscale
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8f Reconstructed
Colour (Haar)
8g Reconstructed
Colour (KWT)
8h Reconstructed
Colour (Walsh)
Figure 8 Colour to grey and back of Deer image
Next, figure 8 depicts a more complex image than those in
figures 6 and 7. There is a clear background and foreground;
however, both the background and foreground are textured.
For this image, the technique works much better when using
the Haar and KWT transforms. When considering only the
matted greyscale images, all three transforms perform
adequately well; when also taking into consideration the
reconstructed colour image, as has been the norm, the Walsh
transforms reconstructed image is significantly inferior to
those using the Haar transform and the KWT.
After applying the technique to embed colour information
in a greyscale image using various colour spaces and three
transforms and studying the results obtained, it can be safely
concluded that the Walsh transform should not be considered
as an appropriate transform to implement this algorithm.
While its results when creating a matted greyscale image are
acceptable, its deplorable results on reconstructing the colour
image take it completely out of consideration.
The choice between the Haar transform and the KWT is a
harder one to make. Not only do neither of them perform
spectacularly well across all images, but also neither
consistently outperforms the other. The MSE measure itself
can be misleading at times as seen in the example images in
the previous section (specifically figure 7) while the KWT
generally has a lower MSE for the matted greyscale image it
does not guarantee the image will be perceived as better than
the one created using the Haar transform. Moving on to the
reconstructed colour images, the Haar transform slightly edges
out the KWT in most cases, but the results are very close for
this to be deemed significant.
Finally, when considering colour spaces, except for the
YUV colour space, all the other colour spaces considered
seem to be as good as each other. In general, the YCgCb
colour space slightly outperforms the others.
Hence, in conclusion, it may be stated that while there is
no perfect combination of colour space and image transform
out of those considered here that outperforms all others when
applying this procedure to hide colour information in a
greyscale image, it can be confidently deduced that the Walsh
transform and the YUV colour space must not be used.
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University), Mumbai, 2011.
[19] H. B. Kekre, Sudeep D. Thepade, Avni Agrawal, Naman Agrawal,
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Article 4, March 2011.

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Dr. H. B. Kekre has received B.E. (Hons.) in Telecomm.
Engg. from Jabalpur University in 1958, M.Tech (Industrial
Electronics) from IIT Bombay in 1960, M.S.Engg. (Electrical
Engg.) from University of Ottawa in 1965 and Ph.D. (System
Identification) from IIT Bombay in 1970. He has worked
Over 35 years as Faculty of Electrical Engineering and then
HOD Computer Science and Engg. at IIT Bombay. For last 13 years worked
as a Professor in Department of Computer Engg. at Thadomal Shahani
Engineering College, Mumbai. He is currently Senior Professor working with
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, SVKMs
NMIMS University, Vile Parle(w), Mumbai, INDIA. He has guided 17
Ph.D.s, 150 M.E./M.Tech Projects and several B.E./B.Tech Projects. His areas
of interest are Digital Signal processing and Image Processing. He has more
than 350 papers in National / International Conferences / Journals to his credit.
Recently nine students working under his guidance have received best paper
awards. Currently he is guiding ten Ph.D. students.
Dr. Sudeep D. Thepade has Received B.E.(Computer)
degree from North Maharashtra University with Distinction
in 2003, M.E. in Computer Engineering from University of
Mumbai in 2008 with Distinction, Ph.D. from SVKMs
NMIMS (Deemed to be University) in July 2011, Mumbai.
He has more than 08 years of experience in teaching and industry. He was
Lecturer in Dept. of Information Technology at Thadomal Shahani
Engineering College, Bandra(W), Mumbai for nearly 04 years. Currently
working as Associate Professor in Computer Engineering at Mukesh Patel
School of Technology Management and Engineering, SVKMs NMIMS
(Deemed to be University), Vile Parle(W), Mumbai, INDIA. He is member of
International Advisory Committee for many International Conferences. His
areas of interest are Image Processing and Biometric Identification. He has
guided two M.Tech. projects and several B.Tech projects. He more than 115
papers in National/International Conferences/Journals to his credit with a Best
Paper Award at International Conference SSPCCIN-2008, Second Best Paper
Award at ThinkQuest-2009 National Level paper presentation competition for
faculty, Best Paper Award for paper published in June 2011 issue of IJCSIS
(USA), Editors Choice Awards for IJCA (USA) in 2010 and 2011.
Adib Parkar is currently a research assistant at the Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, India. He has
received a Bachelors (B.E.) degree in Computer Science with
Distinction from Mumbai University, India in 2010. He has
also worked for Accenture as a software developer from
2010 - 2011. He has been an active IEEE Student Member
for 4 years and was also a member of the Computer Society of India. His areas
of interest lie in the fields of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence.

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Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

100 | P a g e
A Prototype Student Advising Expert System
Supported with an Object-Oriented Database
M. Ayman Al Ahmar
Deputy Dean, College of Information Technology
Ajman University of Science and Technology (AUST)
United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Abstract Using intelligent computer systems technology to
support the academic advising process offers many advantages
over the traditional student advising. The objective of this
research is to develop a prototype student advising expert system
that assists the students of Information Systems (IS) major in
selecting their courses for each semester towards the academic
degree. The system can also be used by academic advisors in their
academic planning for students. The expert system is capable of
advising students using prescriptive advising model and
developmental advising model. The system is supported with an
object-oriented database and provides a friendly graphical user
interface. Academic advising cases tested using the system
showed high matching (93%) between the automated advising
provided by the expert system and the advising performed by
human advisors. This proves that the developed prototype expert
system is successful and promising.

Keywords- academic advising; expert system; object-oriented
Student academic advising is an essential task in
educational institutions. Traditionally a university student plans
the courses semester-by-semester towards a degree through
lengthy meetings with the human academic advisor. Advising
meetings are usually held during the beginning of each
academic semester. Since student advising is a time-consuming
effort, there is a need for computerization of some parts of the
advising process. Utilizing a computerized advising system,
students can save the software consultation results and can then
meet with the human advisor for further consultation (if there is
still a need for the traditional face-to-face meeting). This
hopefully will save valuable time for academic advisors and for
The objective of this research is to develop a prototype rule
based Expert System (ES) for the academic advising of the
students of the Information Systems (IS) Department, College
of Information Technology, Ajman University of Science and
Technology (AUST), UAE. The system is called "IS-Advisor"
and helps students in course selection for each academic
Literature reveals many endeavors in the field of
automating academic advising activities including the
application of expert systems [1-9]. There can never be a
'global' expert student advising system applicable to all
academic institutions and departments because of the existence
of academic regulations and expert advising knowledge and
reasoning specific to each academic unit.
As an example to illustrate this concept, AUST regulations
allow each student to register from three to six courses per
semester. However, the accumulated advising experience and
grade statistics related to the IS department show that students
who can be advised to register six courses without difficulty
are students with AGPA 3.00 or above (out of 4.00), whereas
students with AGPA greater than 2.00 and less than 2.25 are
better advised to register 4 courses only the next semester to
give them a chance to increase their AGPA.
The proposed ES (IS-Advisor) represents such specific
advising knowledge and reasoning as rules in its knowledge
base component and reasoning strategies in its inference engine
component. Thus, the ES developed in this research is unique
in its specific knowledge base and reasoning strategies and is
intended to be of great help to the department of IS. Another
particular feature of IS-Advisor is the Object-Oriented (OO)
architecture of its database as will be addressed in subsequent
From the literature we select two models of academic
advising adopted in the proposed expert system: Prescriptive
advising model and developmental advising model. The
prescriptive advising model is characterized by an advisor-
student relationship in which students follow the prescriptive
procedure of their advisors without assuming responsibility for
decision making [10]. The developmental advising models rely
on a shared responsibility between the student and the advisor
in which the advisor directs the student to proper resources
Literature studies show findings that support both models.
For example, Fielstein L. in the research paper titled
"Developmental versus prescriptive advising: Must it be one or
the other?" stated that: "intuitive students appeared to
endorse the developmental approach to advising. On the other
hand, the more 'thinking' students did not value a collaborative
relationship and seemed more content with the criteria
associated with prescriptive advising" [12]. In general advisors
need to look at each student as an individual with individual
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"Expert Systems (ES) are programs that attempt to emulate
the behavior of human experts, usually confined to a specific
field" [13]. Regarding the domain of academic advising, ES
technology seems to be the most successful method of
computerization because the dialogue between human advisor
and the student can be conveniently emulated by the dialogue
between the ES and the student, and the reasoning of the
academic advisor can be successfully automated by the
reasoning power of ES; particularly the rule-based ES. A rule
based ES captures human knowledge using If-Then rules in a
rule-based knowledge base. Academic advising process can be
successfully modeled in computers as a rule-based expert
system since most advising regulations are based on academic
'rules' such as "if you pass course A, then you can register
course B" and so on. The proposed system in this research (IS-
Advisor) is modeled as an ES with an object-oriented database,
thus the main components of IS-Advisor are: The OO database,
the rule-based knowledge base, the inference engine, and the
user interface. The ES can explain its results by tracing the If-
Then rules used to reach the conclusions through a component
called the explanation subsystem. The following sections
explain the details of the developed ES by explaining its
components. The system is developed using Kappa-PC expert
system shell [14]. Kappa-PC supports OO modeling which is
adopted in this system since OO database allows each student
and each course to be modeled as a single object. The ES
knowledge was compiled from the university and college
regulations, the long term experience of the author as an
academic advisor and the Deputy Dean of the College of IT,
and discussing the knowledge with students and advisors for
their feedback.
A. The OO Database (OODB)
An important objective in database design is to develop an
efficient database structure so that data can be stored, accessed,
and modified easily. Much of the work in creating an effective
database is in the modeling. It is the application domain that
determines how the database should be modeled in order to be
successful. The nature of university subjects' and students'
records (the domain of this research) reveals that the OO model
is the most appropriate database modeling method. OO
structure allows each course and each student to be constructed
as a different object, and the database modeled as a collection
of these objects. This structure gives more flexibility to each
object to have whatever features (i.e. attributes or fields)
required to identify it while maintaining the integrity of the
whole system. The database of IS-Advisor consists of the main
classes: Courses and Students. Fig. 1 presents a portion of the
object hierarchy of IS-Advisor which is the Kappa-PC's
graphical representation of the OO database structure. Each
study plan course in the database includes the following data:
Title, ID, plan semester number (1 to 8), number of pre-
requisite courses, List of pre-requisite courses (if any), pre-
requisite hours (Some courses have a specified number of
hours as their pre-requisite), type of course (There are three
types of courses: Compulsory courses, major elective courses,
and university elective courses), keywords describing course
contents (e.g. mathematics, programming, algorithm,
management, marketing, etc.; these keywords are used to assist
students in selecting courses based on their preferences as will
be addressed later), course components (theory, lab, and/or
tutorial), and course status (offered or not offered; note that fall
-or odd- semester courses are offered in fall semester and
spring -or even- semester courses are offered in spring
semester). Each student object includes the following fields:
ID, name, AGPA, passed compulsory courses, passed major
elective courses, passed university elective courses, course
grades semester-by-semester, earned credit hours, allowable
courses, registered courses, course keyword preferences, and
load preferences. Note that some data listed above are known
and saved in the database (example: offered courses in a
particular semester or AGPA of a student) and some data are
inferred by the ES (example: lists of allowable and registered
courses of a student). It is important to note that the proposed
ES is intended to be used for course selection only, and based
on courses selected by all students the timing of lectures will be
determined manually by the timetabling committee in order to
prevent the time conflict between courses. Thus the ES's
recommended courses for students will be used as the input for
the college timetabling committee. Therefore course timing is
not a factor in the current version of the system and a
component to automate the determination of lecture timings
can be added to the system as a future work.

Figure 1. The Object hierarchy of the OO databse of IS-Advisor.
B. The Rule-Based Knowledge Base (RBKB)
The rules of the rule base can be classified into two
categories: Academic rules and student-preference rules.
Academic rules are rules that are concerned with academic
regulation like pre-requisites, the minimum and maximum
number of courses that can be registered by a student (usually:
minimum 3 courses and maximum 6 courses), etc. As an
example of this rule category, consider the following rules
written in English:
If: The student passed Programming I AND Programming
II is offered
Then: Add Programming II to the student's allowable
courses list.
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If: The student's passed hours are greater than or equal to
45AND Computer Ethics is offered
Then: Add Computer Ethics to the student's allowable
courses list.
If: The student passed Computer Applications AND The
student's passed hours are greater than or equal to 40 AND
Computer Networks I is offered
Then: Add Computer Networks I to the student's allowable
courses list.
If: The number of courses in the student's recommended
courses list is less than 3
Then: Show the message: Students should register
minimum 3 courses and maximum 6 courses. If your case is an
exception, please contact your academic advisor.
Student-preference rules are If-Then rules related to
preferences input by the student like preferred courses and
preferred number of courses that the student is willing to
register in a particular semester. As an example of this rule
category, consider the following rule:
If: The student's course preference keyword is
Then: Mark all allowable courses having Management as a
course keyword.
C. The Inference Engine (IE)
Kappa-PC ES shell supports both rule-based reasoning
(forward- and backward-chaining) as well as the micro-
managing of the reasoning using classical programming
techniques (particularly list processing). IS-Advisor's inference
engine uses both If-Then rules processing and list processing
techniques. The overall reasoning procedure of the IS-Advisor
is unique and different than other academic advising expert
systems available in literature since it is based on the
accumulated academic advising knowledge within the IS
department at AUST.
There are three main steps performed in the process of
determining the recommended courses for a particular IS
student. In Step 1 all courses that are offered and can be
registered by the student are stored in a list called Allowable
Courses. Step 2 performs the ranking process for the courses
contained in Allowable Courses list. The courses are ranked in
a descending order as following: (1) Courses that are pre-
requisite for subsequent courses (have the highest priority), (2)
Courses matching student preferences (in case preferences are
given), (3) Courses officially in the current student's
registration semester (fall or spring) according to the study
plan, (4) Courses whose pre-requisites were passed in the
previous semester (in order not to leave a long time gap
between a course and its pre-requisite), and (5) Remaining
'equal' allowable courses (if any) are displayed to the user in
order to rank them as preferred. The list resulted from this step
is called Ordered Allowable Courses. Step 3 is the filtering step
that generates the ordered list of Recommended Courses based
on the contents of the list Ordered Allowable Courses. This
step follows one of the two advising models: Perspective
advising (option 'One-Step Advising' in Fig. 4) or
developmental advising (option 'Student's Preferences' in Fig.
4). In 'One-Step Advising' option the list of Recommended
Courses is generated as following: (a) Students with AGPA
greater than or equal to 3.00 are given the courses ranked from
1 to 6 (from the Ordered Allowable Courses list). (b) Students
with AGPA greater than 2.24 and less than 3.00 are given the
courses ranked from 1 to 5. (c) Students with AGPA greater
than or equal to 2.00 and less than 2.25 are given the courses
ranked from 1 to 4. Note that if the remaining number of
courses for a student towards graduation is less than the
number of courses that can be suggested by the system, then
the students is recommended to take the remaining courses
only. In "Students' Preferences" option the student is asked to
select the number of courses he/she is willing to register (3 to 6
courses) and course keyword preferences. Consequently the
list Recommended Courses is prepared as explained in 'One-
Step Advising' option above however here level 2 of ranking
(courses matching student's preferences) is activated and the
number of courses is equal to the number of courses selected
by the student (if possible). In addition, more system messages
are given here during the user-system interaction in order to
guide the student to consider a 'more' suitable course selection.
D. The User Interface and Sample Consultation
Interactions between the users and the system are supported
through a friendly graphical user interface running under
Windows environment. Fig. 2 shows the main screen of the
system where various options are displayed. The Button
"Offered Courses" presents all currently offered courses and
the button "Study Plan Structure" displays a semester-by-
semester structure plan of the IS program. The user can enter
the user manual and get more help on using the system by
selecting the "Help" button, or exit the system by clicking
"Exit". The main option here is "Academic Advising" from
which the user is directed to a screen asking for the student ID
number (Fig. 3).
After a welcoming message and displaying the currently
available student transcript data, the student is given two
options as shown in Fig. 4. These two options work as
explained while discussing the inference engine above. Fig. 5
shows the result of selecting the option One-Step Advising for
a particular student whose AGPA is between 2.25 and 2.99.
Note that the Recommended Courses list generated here is
ranked by priority from 1 (highest priority) to 5 (lowest
priority). The student can click here on the option "Explain!"
and get the explanation screen shown in Fig. 6. This
explanation screen (related to this 'consultation 1' example)
gives the academic reasons for suggesting these courses and
for ranking them this way.

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Figure 2. The main screen of IS-Advisor.

Figure 3. Entering student ID number.

Figure 4. Academic advising models.

Figure 5. Recommended courses by the system.

Figure 6. A Sample Explanation Screen (consultation 1).
As a second consultation (consultation 2) example for a
student with AGPA greater than 2.99, the option 'Student's
Preferences" on the screen of Fig. 4 results in various query
screens as shown in Fig. 7, and Fig. 8.

Figure 7. Specifying the number of courses.

Figure 8. Selecting course keyword preferences.
The result of this consultation is displayed in Fig. 9 below.

Figure 9. Recommended courses by the system.
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The options Explain! And More Allowable Courses give
the screens of Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 respectivily. Note that for
this particular sample advising consultation, the student's
prefered number of courses is 4 (see Fig. 7 and Fig. 10). Since
the student's AGPA is above 2.99 in this example, the student
can register up to 6 courses, this fact is given to the student in
Fig. 10 and clicking on 'More Allowable Courses' will suggest
to the student the list of allowable courses (Fig. 11). In case
the student agrees to increase the number of courses, he/she can
increase his prefered number of courses in the screen of Fig. 7.

Figure 10. A Sample Explanation Screen (consultation 2).

Figure 11. A Sample List of More Allowable Courses.
The system was tested by comparing its results with
randomly selected actual (i.e. human advisor guided) student
registration files for three academic semesters. The results of
comparing 130 registration processes show that 93% of the
actual cases matched with the system's recommendations. This
number shows that the prototype system is successful and
going in the correct direction. The reasons for the 7%
unmatched results include:
Warned students: Warned students are students with
AGPA less than 2.00 and the regulations require them to
repeat some low grade courses to increase their AGPA.
Such category of students is outside the scope of the
current version of the prototype system. (Planned to be
modeled in a modified version).
Exceptional cases: The current version of IS-Advisor
follows strictly the registration rules; however, there are
few exceptions which are performed under some special
conditions in human-guided advising situations and not
counted for in IS-Advisor. To give an example: Some
students (because of official medical reports) request to
register less than 3 courses in a semester. Such exceptional
cases cannot be handled by the current version of the
system, and such students are directed by the system to
contact their academic advisors (see Fig. 7).
In this research a prototype expert system with an object-
oriented database for student academic advising has been
designed and developed. By implementing prescriptive
advising model and developmental advising model, the system
provides the students and advisors with a useful tool for quick
and easy course selection and evaluation of various
alternatives. The system has a graphical user interface and
simple menus; information is displayed in a way that is familiar
for both advisors and students. The present state of the system
was discussed and illustrated with sample consultations. The
system is successful and efficient. System testing revealed that
93% of academic advising test cases show an agreement
between the system advising in course selection and human
advising. Enriching the system by adding more data and
knowledge rules is a continuous process. Many parts of the
system can be improved further and some issues deserve future
work, among them:
1. Currently the system operates as a stand-alone system. It
would be better to connect IS-Advisor with the university's
student information system. This will automate the process
of importing students' data.
2. Advising of students with exceptional cases and warned
students is outside the scope of the current system. This
feature can be added in future developments of the system.
3. The system can be improved so that it automates the
determination of lecture timings for courses based on the
courses recommended for all students so that time conflict
between lectures is prevented.
[1] T. Feghali, I. Zbib, and S. Hallal, "A web-based decision support tool for
academic advising", Educational Technology & Society, Vol. 14, No. 1,
pp. 8294, 2011.
[2] A. N. Nambiar and A. K. Dutta, "Expert system for student advising
using JESS", International Conference on Educational and Information
Technology (ICEIT), China, September 17-19, 2010.
[3] F. Albalooshi and S. Shatnawi, "HE-Advisor: A multidisciplinary web-
based higher education advisory system", Global Journal of Computer
Science & Technology, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 37-49, September 2010.
[4] R. Zucker, "ViCurriAS: A curriculum visualization tool for faculty,
advisors, and students", Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges,
Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 138-145, December 2009.
[5] D. Pokrajac and M. Rasamny, "Interactive virtual expert system for
advising (InVEStA)", 36th Annual ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education
Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, October 27-31, 2006.
[6] K. Kowalski, "On-line advising with JavaScript rule-based system",
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher
Education International Conference, Chesapeake, VA, USA, pp. 2922-
2927, 2004.
[7] R. M. Siegfried, A. M. Wittenstein, and T. Sharma, "An automated
advising system for course selection and scheduling", Journal of
Computing Sciences in Colleges, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 17-25, February
[8] A. M. Wittenstein and T. Sharma, "FROSH2: An expert system for
freshman advisement", Proceeding of the National Conference on
Undergraduate Research (NCUR), University of Wisconsin, Whitewater,
Wisconsin, USA, April 25-27, 2002.
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[9] M. Patankar, "A rule-based expert system approach to academic
advising", Innovations in Education and Training International, Vol. 35,
No. 1, pp. 49-58, February 1998.
[10] B. B. Crookston, "A developmental view of academic advising as
teaching", Journal of College Student Personnel, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 12-
17, 1972.
[11] C. M. Chando, "Predicting advising style preference from student
characteristics", Doctoral dissertation, University of Memphis, UAS,
[12] L. L. Fielstein, "Developmental versus prescriptive advising: Must it be
one or the other?", The National Academic Advising Association
(NACADA) Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 76-79, 1994.
[13] R. J. Schalkoff, "Intelligent systems: Principles, paradigms and
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[14] Intellicorp, Kappa-PC 2.4 ES shell manuals, Intellicorp, Inc., USA,
Dr. Ayman Al Ahmar is Assistant Professor and the Deputy Dean of the
College of Information Technology, Ajman University of Science and
Technology, UAE. He received his B.Sc. (1994), M.Sc. (1997), and Ph.D.
(2001) degrees from Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara,
Turkey. His current research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Software
Engineering, and Engineering Information Systems. He is a member of IEEE
and IEEE Computer Society.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

106 | P a g e
Face Recognition Using Bacteria Foraging
Optimization-Based Selected Features

Rasleen Jakhar
M.Tech Student
Lovely Professional University
Punjab, India
Navdeep Kaur
Railmajra, Punjab, India
Ramandeep Singh
Assistant professor
Lovely Professional University
Punjab, India

Abstract Feature selection (FS) is a global optimization
problem in machine learning, which reduces the number of
features, removes irrelevant, noisy and redundant data, and
results in acceptable recognition accuracy. This paper presents a
novel feature selection algorithm based on Bacteria Foraging
Optimization (BFO). The algorithm is applied to coefficients
extracted by discrete cosine transforms (DCT). Evolution is
driven by a fitness function defined in terms of maximizing the
class separation (scatter index). Performance is evaluated using
the ORL face database.
Keywords- Face Recognition; Bacteria Foraging Optimization;
DCT; Feature Selection.
A. Face Recognition
Face Recognition (FR) is a matching process between a
query faces features and target faces features. Face
recognition (FR) has emerged as one of the most extensively
studied research topics that spans multiple disciplines such as
pattern recognition, signal processing and computer vision. [1].
The block diagram of Face Recognition system is shown in
figure 1.

Figure 1: Face Recognition System
1) Feature Extraction
It is known that a good feature extractor for a face
recognition system is claimed to select as more as possible the
best discriminate features which are not sensitive to arbitrary
environmental variations such as variations in pose, scale,
illumination, and facial expressions [2].
Feature extraction algorithms mainly fall into two
categories: geometrical features extraction and, statistical
(algebraic) features extraction [1], [3], [4]. The geometrical
approach represents the face in terms of structural
measurements and distinctive facial features. These features are
used to recognize an unknown face by matching it to the
nearest neighbor in the stored database. Statistical features
extraction is usually driven by algebraic methods such as
principal component analysis (PCA) [5], and independent
component analysis (ICA) [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11].
a) Discrete Cosine Transform
DCT has emerged as a popular transformation technique
widely used in signal and image processing. This is due to its
strong energy compaction property: most of the signal
information tends to be concentrated in a few low-frequency
components of the DCT. The use of DCT for feature extraction
in FR has been described by several research groups [10], [11],
[12], [13], [14], [15] and [16]. DCT transforms the input into a
linear combination of weighted basis functions. These basis
functions are the frequency components of the input data.
The general equation for the DCT of an NXM image f (x, y)
is defined by the following equation:
| | | |

+ + =
) , (
) 1 2 (
. 2
cos ) 1 2 (
. 2
cos ) ( ) ( ) , (
y x f
v u v u F
t t
o o

... (i)
Where f (x, y) is the intensity of the pixel in row x and
column y; u= 0, 1 N-1 and v=0, 1 M-1 and the functions
(u) , (v) are defined as:

0 ,
0 ,
) ( ), (
v u for
v u for
v u o o
2) Feature Selection
The feature selection seeks for the optimal set of d features
out of m [17], [18] and [19]. Several methods have been
previously used to perform feature selection on training and
testing data. Among the various methods proposed for FS,
population-based optimization algorithms such as Genetic
Algorithm (GA)-based method [20], [21], [22] and Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO)-based method have attracted a lot of
attention [23]. In the proposed FR system we utilized an
evolutionary feature selection algorithm based on swarm
intelligence called the Bacteria Foraging Optimization.
B. Bacteria Foraging Optimization
Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) is a novel
optimization algorithm based on the social foraging behavior of
Feature Extraction
Feature Selection
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E. coli bacteria. The motile bacteria such as E. coli and
salmonella propel themselves by rotating their flagella. To
move forward, the flagella counterclockwise rotate and the
organism swims (or runs).While a clockwise rotation of
the flagellum causes the bacterium randomly tumble itself in
a new direction and then swims again [24], [25].
1) Classical BFO Algorithm
The original Bacterial Foraging Optimization system
consists of three principal mechanisms, namely, chemo taxis,
reproduction, and elimination-dispersal [25]:
a) Chemo taxis
Suppose ) , , ( l k j
u represents the bacterium at jth chemo
tactic, kth reproductive, and lth elimination-dispersal step. C(i)
is the chemo tactic step size during each run or tumble (i.e.,
run-length unit). Then in each computational chemo tactic step,
the movement of the ith bacterium can be represented as
) ( ) (
) (
) ( ) , , ( ) , , 1 (
i i
i C l k j l k j
i i
+ = + u u (iii)
Where (i) is the direction vector of the jth chemo tactic
step. When the bacterial movement is run, (i) is the same with
the last chemo tactic step; otherwise, (i) is a random vector
whose elements lie in [1, 1]. With the activity of run or
tumble taken at each step of the chemo taxis process, a step
fitness, denoted as J(i, j, k, l), will be evaluated.
b) Reproduction
The health status of each bacterium is calculated as the sum
of the step fitness during its life, that is,

l k j i J
) , , , ( ,
where Nc is the maximum step in a chemo taxis process. All
bacteria are sorted in reverse order according to health status.
In the reproduction step, only the first half of population
survives and a surviving bacterium splits into two identical
ones, which are then placed in the same locations. Thus, the
population of bacteria keeps constant.
c) Elimination and Dispersal
The chemo taxis provides a basis for local search, and the
reproduction process speeds up the convergence which has
been simulated by the classical BFO. While to a large extent,
only chemo taxis and reproduction are not enough for global
optima searching. Since bacteria may get stuck around the
initial positions or local optima, it is possible for the diversity
of BFO to change position to eliminate the accidents of being
trapped into the local optima. Then some bacteria are chosen,
according to a preset probability Ped, to be killed and moved to
another position within the environment.
The original BFO algorithm is briefly outlined step by step
as follows.
Step1. Initialize parameters n, S, Nc, Ns, Nre, Ned , Ped,
C(i) (i = 1, 2, . . . , S), i where
n: dimension of the search space,
S: the number of bacteria in the colony,
Nc: chemo tactic steps,
Ns: swim steps,
Nre: reproductive steps,
Ned: elimination and dispersal steps,
Ped: probability of elimination,
C(i): the run-length unit (i.e., the size of the
step taken in each run or tumble).

: position of ith bacteria
Step2. Elimination-dispersal loop: l = l +1.
Step3. Reproduction loop: k = k +1.
Step4. Chemo taxis loop: j = j +1.
Sub step 4.1. For i = 1, 2. . . S, take a chemo tactic step for
bacterium i as follows:
Sub step 4.2. Compute fitness function, J(i, j, k, l).
Sub step 4.3. Let Jlast = J(i, j, k, l) to save this value since
we may find better value via a run.
Sub step 4.4. Tumble. Generate a random vector (i)eR
with each element m(i), m = 1, 2. . . n, a random number on
[1, 1].
Sub step 4.5. Move. Let

) ( ) (
) (
) ( ) , , ( ) , , 1 (
i i
i C l k j l k j
i i
+ = + u u
This results in a step of size C(i) in the direction of the
tumble for bacterium i.
Sub step 4.6. Compute J(i, j +1, k, l) with
(j+1, k, l).
Sub step 4.7. Swimming
(i) Let m = 0 (counter for swim length).
(ii) While m < Ns (if has not climbed down too long), the
following hold.
- Let m = m + 1.
- If J(i, j +1, k, l)< Jlast, let Jlast = J(i, j +1, k, l), then
another step of size C(i) in this same direction will be
taken as (iv) and use the new generated.
(j +1, k, l) to
compute the new J(i, j +1, k, l).
- Else let m = Ns.
Sub step 4.8. Go to next bacterium (i +1). if iS, go to Sub
step 4.2 to process the next bacterium.
Step5. If j < Nc , go to Step 3. In this case, continue chemo
taxis since the life of the bacteria is not over.
Step6. Reproduction
Sub step 6.1. For the given k and l, and for each i = 1, 2. . .
S, let

) , , , (
l k j i J J (v)
be the health of the bacteria. Sort bacteria in order of
ascending values (J
Sub step 6.2. The Sr bacteria with the highest Jhealth values
die and the other Sr bacteria with the best values split and the
copies that are made are placed at the same location as their
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Step7. If k <Nre, go to Step 2. In this case the number of
specified reproduction steps is not reached and start the next
generation in the chemotactic loop.
Step8. Elimination-dispersal: for i = 1, 2, . . . , S, with
probability Ped, eliminate and disperse each bacterium, which
results in keeping the number of bacteria in the population
constant. To do this, if a bacterium is eliminated, simply
disperse one to a random location on the optimization domain.
If l <Ned, then go to Step 2; otherwise end.
In this proposed work, features of image are extracted using
DCT technique. The extracted features are reduced further by
using Bacteria Foraging Optimization to remove redundancy
and irrelevant features. The resulting feature subset (obtained
by BFO) is the most representative subset and is used to
recognize the face from face gallery.
A. Bacteria Representation
Each bacterias position represent one possible solution
(feature subset) required for face recognition. The number of
dimensions of search space is m where m is the length of
feature vector extracted by DCT. In each dimension of search
space, bacteria position is 1 or 0, where 1 or 0 indicates that
this feature is selected or not selected, respectively, as required
feature for next generation. In the each iteration of chemo taxis
step, each bacteria tumbles to the new random position.
Position of ith bacteria in jth chemo taxis and kth reproduction
step is defined as:

( j, k) = F
Where, m is the length of feature vector extracted by DCT.
Each F
= 1 or 0 (z=1,2,..m) Depending upon whether zth
feature is selected or not for the next iteration.
1) Fitness Function
In each generation, each bacterium is evaluated, and a value
of goodness or fitness is returned by a fitness function. This
evolution is driven by the fitness function F [26]. Let w
, w
and N
, N
... N
denote the classes and number of images
within each class, respectively. Let M1, M2, M
and M
be the
means of corresponding classes and the grand mean in the
feature space, M
can be calculated as:

= =
L i W
) (
,...., 2 , 1 ,
) (i
W , j=1,2,,N
, represents the sample image
from class w
and grand mean M

i i
Where N is the total number of images of all the classes.
Thus the between class scatter fitness function F is computed as

0 0
) ( ) ( (ix)
2) Classifier
After the training phase, a typical and popular Euclidean
distance is employed to measure the similarity between the test
vector and the reference vectors in the gallery. Euclidean
distance is defined as the straight-line distance between two
points. For N-dimensional space, the Euclidean distance
between two any points pi and qi is given by:

i i
q p D
) ( (x)
Where p
(or q
) is the coordinate of p (or q) in dimension i.
The algorithm proposed for feature extraction using BFO is
discussed in figure 2. There are certain variations in BFO
algorithm used in this work. Firstly, step 6.6 of the proposed
algorithm moves the bacteria back to its previous position if
current position is less suitable (checked using fitness
function). So in this algorithm, bacteria have memory as they
remember their previous position. Secondly, as there are
chances that bacteria may get struck in local optima,
elimination dispersal removes bacteria from its current position
and moves it to random new position. In the proposed
algorithm, position of bacteria is decided randomly in the each
iteration. There is no need of using Elimination Dispersal.
The performance of the proposed feature selection
algorithm is evaluated using the standard Cambridge ORL
gray-scale face database. The ORL database of faces contains a
set of face images taken between April 1992 and April 1994 at
the AT&T Laboratories (by the Oliver Research Laboratory in
Cambridge, UK) [13] and [23].
The database is composed of 400 images corresponding to
40 distinct persons. The original size of each image is 92x112
pixels, with 256 grey levels per pixel. Each subject has 10
different images taken in various sessions varying the lighting,
facial expressions (open/ closed eyes, smiling/ not smiling) and
facial details (glasses/ no glasses). Four images per person were
used in the training set and the remaining six images were used
for testing.
The parameters used for BFO-based Feature Selection is
shown in table 1.
Bacteria Size(S) 30
Number of chemo taxis steps (Nc) 10
Number of reproduction steps (Nre) 10
In this work, we test the BFO-based feature selection
algorithm with feature vectors based on various sizes of DCT
coefficient. The 2-dimentional DCT is applied to the input
image and only a subset of the DCT coefficients corresponding
to the upper left corner of the DCT array is retained. Subset
sizes of 50x50, 40x40, 30x30 and 20x20 of the original 92x112
DCT array are used in this work.
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Figure 2: Face Recognition using BFO based Feature Selection
Each of 2- dimensional subset DCT array is converted to a
1-dimensional array using raster scan. This is achieved by
processing the image row by row concatenating the
consecutive rows into a column vector. This column vector is
the input to the subsequent feature selection algorithm.
To calculate average recognition rate for each problem
instance, 5 test images are randomly chosen from 40 classes.
Average recognition is measured by knowing how many times
correct faces were identified out of 5 trials. The average
recognition rate is measured together with the CPU training
time and the average number of selected features for each
problem instance. The algorithm has been implemented in Mat
lab 7 and the result for each problem instance (20X20, 30X30,
40X40, and 50X50 DCT Array) is shown in table 2
Number of
input to
no. of
by BFO-
time (in
20X20 400 215 102.610 100%
30X30 900 454 132.531 100%
40X40 1600 807 209.969 100%
50X50 2500 1281 272.110 100%

Following are the faces recognized by the proposed
Algorithm for various number of features input to BFO-FS.

Figure: 3 Input Face and the Recognized Face for DCT Feature vector of

Figure: 4 Input Face and the Recognized Face for DCT Feature vector of
1. Feature Extraction: Obtain the DCT array by applying Discrete
Cosine Transformation to image.
2. Take the most representative features of size nxn from upper left
corner of DCT Array.
3. Feature Selection: Define the BFO parameters: S,Nc,Nre,n
Where S : Number of bacteria in the colony
Nc: chemo tactic steps
Nre: reproductive steps
n: dimension of the search space
4. Place each bacteria at random position.
5. (Reproduction step k+1) For k = k + 1
6. (Chemo taxis step j+1) For j = j + 1
6.1 For i = 1,2,S, take chemotaxis step for bacteria i
as follows:
6.2 Compute the fitness function of the previous (j
chemo taxis step as defined in formula (vii), (viii),
6.3 (Tumble)Tumble to random new position, ) , 1 ( k j
+ u ,
as defined in formula (vi).
6.4 (Move) Move the bacteria to new position
) , 1 ( k j
+ u .
6.5 Compute J (i ,j+1,k) using ) , 1 ( k j
+ u as in step 6.2.
6.6 If J(i,j+1,k) < J(i,j,k) then:
(i) (Move Back) Move bacteria back to its previous
) , 1 ( k j
+ u = ) , ( k j
(ii) Update Fitness function
J(i, j+1, k) = J(i ,j, k)
end if
6.7 Go to next bacteria i +1 (for of step 6.1 ends)
6.8 Store the current fitness of i
bacteria in Jc (i).
(chemo taxis loop of step 6 ends).
7. (reproduction step) for given k and for each i = 1,2..S, Let
) (i J J
be the health of bacteria. Sort the bacteria in descending
order of
J .
8. The bacteria with Sr lowest
J values die and other bacteria
with Sr best
J values are split and copies that are made
are placed at the same location as their parents.
(reproduction loop of step 5 ends)
9. Pick up the position of bacteria B with max (
J ) value.
This position represents the best feature subset of the features
defined in step 2.
(Feature Selection Ends)
10. Classification: calculate the difference between the feature subset
(obtained in step 9) of each image of facial gallery and the test
image with the help of Euclidean Distance defined in
Formula (v).The index of the image which has the smallest
distance with the image under test is considered to be the
required index.

13. formula (x). The index of the image which has the smallest
distance with the image under test is considered to be the
required index.

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Figure: 5 Input Face and the Recognized Face for DCT Feature vector of

Figure: 6 Input Face and the Recognized Face for DCT Feature vector of

For each of the problem instance (20X20, 30X30, 40X40,
and 50X50), algorithm is run 5 times and each time, random
test image is chosen to be matched with face gallery. The test
face matches with image in face gallery in each trial and
average recognition rate is 100 % for each problem instance.
The BFO-selection algorithm reduces the size of original
feature vector to 53.7%, 50%, 50%,51% for problem instance
of 20X20, 30X30, 40X40, and 50X50 respectively. For
example, if the DCT of an image is calculated and 20X20 DCT
subset is taken from upper left of DCT array, there are total 400
features which are given as an input to BFO-FS algorithm.
BFO-FS reduces the 400 features to 215 which means only 215
features are required to recognize the face from facial gallery.
A. Comparison of BFO with PSO
If the proposed algorithm is compared with PSO-based
feature selection described in [2], the average recognition rate
of the proposed algorithm is better than that of PSO-based
feature selection. The number of selected features by proposed
algorithm is comparable to those selected by PSO-based
feature selection. On the other hand, in terms of computational
time, PSO-based selection algorithm takes less training time
than the BFO-based selection algorithm in all tested instances
which indicates that BFO is computationally expensive than
PSO but the effectiveness' of BFO in finding the optimal
feature subset compared to PSO compensates its computational

Graph: 1 showing the total no of features and the selected features for various

Graph2: Showing the training time for different images
In this paper, a novel BFO-based feature selection
algorithm for FR is proposed. The algorithm is applied to
feature vectors extracted by Discrete Cosine Transform. The
algorithm is utilized to search the feature space for the optimal
feature subset. Evolution is driven by a fitness function defined
in terms of class separation. The classifier performance and the
length of selected feature vector were considered for
performance evaluation using the ORL face database.
Experimental results show the superiority of the BFO-based
feature selection algorithm in generating excellent recognition
accuracy with the minimal set of selected features.
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Instant Human Face Attributes Recognition System

Research Institute of Radio
Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Kovalchuck, A. Telnykh, O. Shemagina

Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,

Y. Kalafati

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS,
Moscow, Russia,
Abhishek Vaish, Pinki Sharma, Shirshu Verma

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad,

Abstract The objective of this work is to provide a simple and
yet efficient tool for human attributes like gender, age and
ethnicity by the human facial image in the real time image as we
all aware this term that Real-Time frame rate is a vital factor
for practical deployment of computer vision system. In this
particular paper we are trying to presents the progress towards
face detection and human attributes classification system. We
have developed an algorithm for the classification of gender, age
and race from human frontal facial image As the basis of the
classifier proposed algorithm uses training set neuron receptors
that process visual information a study of the several variants of
these classifiers and shows the principal possibility of sex
determination, assessment of a person's age on a scale (adult -
children) and recognition of race by using the neuron-like
Keywords- Gender recognition; Age recognition; Ethnicity
recognition; MCT; AdaBoost; attributes classifier.
The human brain is a dynamical system whose state evolves
with time. Stimuli from the outside world are by cortex neuron
processed and transformed, with inner human brain models
compared and then fed-back throughout the brain. The complex
dynamical interaction with these inner models, which human
foregoing experience accumulate, provide right making
decision and true classify objects of different types. The human
brain was million years constructed and tuned, and now it is
arguably the best known classifier it can learn complex
Classification tasks fast and surely. This high efficiency of
natural biological system of image processing have long
motivated researchers to seek to best understanding of the brain
operation and to construct artificial electronic systems with
these high characteristics.
One the main step in this direction is to construct an
Attribute Classifier which classifies the human attributes like
gender, age, race and emotional state from the facial image
with the efficacy comparable the present paper is devoted to
this interesting and complicated problem. There is well known
that human faces convey lots of information and the high-level
semantic information about the identification of such attributes.
Automatic human attributes classification based on human face
image aims at recognizing the attributes according to face
appearance in images. In this paper we present a system for
face detection and recognition of the attributes of a person,
which is based on a unified approach to the recognition of
some types of attributes that can be associated with the face of
the person gender, age, race, presence of beard and mustache,
glasses and so on. From the experiments that our approach can
be used for attributes recognition by the human face at real-
In order to interact socially, we must be able to process
human faces in diversity of ways. There is vast amount of
literature on cognitive psychology attesting capabilities of
human at identifying faces .Most of work to date has been on
identity verification like gender, age and emotional state of
human face , and only few work have been concerned with
combination of human attributes (age, gender and ethnicity)
classification in real-time .
A. Age Classification-
Age classification of person from the digital image is still
challenging task of the image analysis. Numerous authors have
highlighted this research question. However, authors have not
achieved much accuracy like human beings.
Yi-Wen Chen, Meng-Ju Han,Kai-Tai Song and Yu-Lun
Ho[1] presented experimental analysis of Classification of
human- age using facial features. 52 feature point extracted by
using Lucas- Kanade image alignment method. These feature
points and corresponding located facial area are used to build
an active appearance model (AAM). (AMM based feature
points).In this paper they used different image processing skill
to express features like gray level image ,edge image ,gray
image with edge image and horizontal image .These features
are sent into a support vector machine (SVM) to estimate the
level of age group and achieved 87% accuracy. Experiment on
FERET and FG-NET Database.
Asuman GNAY [2],presented Estimation of the age
exactly for the security system.LBP (Local Binary pattern and
histogram of these pattern , LBP histogram are extracted and
concatenated into a feature vector. In the classification phased ,
minimum distance, nearest neighbor and k-nearest neighbor
classifier were used for classification and achieved 80% system
performance for age estimation . Experiment on FERET and
FG-NET Database. Jian-Gang Wang[3],introduced novel Age
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categorization method to classify face images into several Age-
group. They considered age estimation as a multiclass problem.
Aging feature extracted using Gabor feature, LBP, Feature
fusion and Adaboost is used for the boosting of ECOC (Error
correcting output coding) codes then after combine this code
with SVM for the classification of age .when they applied
Gabor feature, LBP, Feature fusion to ECOC_SVM then faced
memory problem .For reducing these problem adopt PCA to
reduce the dimension of LBP and Gabor features respectively
before combing into single vector and achieved average
accuracy is 85%. Experiment on FERET and FG-NET
Guodong Guo [4], presented that Is Gender recognition
affected by human age? For solving this problem they used
empirical studies on huge face database of more 8000 images
with the ages. Based on these affects on human faces, LBP and
Histogram oriented gradients (HOG) methods are used to
evaluate for sex categorization with age variation. This paper
also used bio-inspired feature for sex recognition.SVM
classifier used for the classification of SEX. Accuracies for
gender classification in age variations are 86.55% (Young),
95.03% (Adult) and 89.04% (senior).
Ryotatsu Iga[5], developed an algorithm to estimate Gender
and Age using (SVM) based on features like geometric
arrangement and luminosity of facial images. The graph
matching method with GWT method is used to detect the
position of the face. GWT features, such as geometric
arrangement color, hair and mustache are used for gender
estimation. GWT features viz., texture spots, wrinkles, and
flabs are used for age estimation.
Young H Kwon[6], presented classification from facial
images. The primary features of the face are eyes, nose, mouth,
chin, virtual top of the head and sides of the face are computed
using ratios to identify young adults and seniors. In secondary
feature analysis the wrinkle index computation is used to
distinguish seniors from young adults and babies. A
combination of primary features and secondary features
determine face into one of the three classes viz., babies, young,
adults and seniors.
B. Gender classification: -
In terms of gender classification, it is an easy task for
humans but it is a challenging task in computer vision. Mostly,
to classify the gender, face images are used, because people can
easily cover their bodies with clothes.
Len Bui, Dat Tran[7],presented novel method for gender
recognition by using 2D principal component analysis for
extracting the feature vector and combine these 2D PCA with
Support vector machine (SVM) discriminative method for
classification. Experiments for this approach have been
conducted on FERET data set. Average error rate 4.51%.
Huchuan Lu and Hui Lin[8], presented combination of the
ellipse face images, Gabor filters, Adaboost learning and SVM
classifier. Harr-like feature Gabor feature or ICA method are
used to extract facial appearance information and achieved
better performance.
Srinivas Gutta [9],presented improved classifier capability
by using hybrid approach The hybrid approach consist of an
ensemble of RBF networks and inductive decision trees.
Experiment of this approach conduct FERET Database and
achieved accuracy are 96% on the gender classification task
and 94% on the ethnic classification task. C.F Lin [10],
presented an approach based on fuzzy support vector machine
with good generalization ability. The fuzzy membership
function assigned to each input face feature data the degree of
one human face is belonging to male or female face The aim of
the fuzzification in FSVM is that different contributions to the
learning of the decision surface.
B.Moghaddam[11],Used support vector machine(SVM)
with radial basis function kernels to classify from low
resolution 12*12 Thumbnail faces .They used 1755 faces
from FERET face database to evaluate the classifier and
achieved Classification accuracy of 96%. R.Brunelli[12], used
a set of 16 geometric features per image to train two competing
networks with the radial basis function,one network for male
and other for female and the classification rate was 79% on 168
training image show an error rate 21%. Hui-chang
lain[13],presented Multi-view gender classification considering
both shape and texture information to represent facial images.
The face area is divided into small regions, from which local
binary pattern (LBP) histograms are extracted and concatenated
into a single vector efficiently representing the facial image.
Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used for
classification. Guillaume Heusch [14], proposed LBP as an
image Pre-processing face authentication for illumination vari-
ations.LDA and HMM techniques are used for face
authentication. Zehang Sun[15], Proposed gender classification
from frontal facial images using genetic feature subset
selection. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to
represent each image as a feature vector in a low-dimensional
space. Genetic algorithms select a subset of features from the
low-dimensional representation by disregarding certain
eigenvectors that do not seem to encode important gender
information. Bayes, Neural Network, SVM, and LDA
classifiers are used and compared using Genetic Algorithm
feature subset selection.
Ramesha K , K B Raja , Venugopal K R and L M
Patnaik[16], proposed new feature based FEBFRGAC
algorithm .The geometric features from a facial images are
obtained based on the symmetry of the human faces and
variation of gray levels, position of eye nose and mouth are
located by applying the Canny edge operator. The gender is
classified based on posteriori class probability and age is
classified based on the shape and texture information using
Artificial Neural Network. Gutta [17], Proposed an approach
for recognizing the gender, ethnicity and age with facial
images. Combination of Gabor filter, Adaboost learning and
SVM classifier. Gabor filter banks and Adaboost learning are
combined to extract key facial features of each pattern. Then
used the Gabor+Adaboost features based SVM classifier to
recognize the face image of each pattern.. Christian Kublbeck
[18], proposed the new feature set local structure features
computed from a 3x3 pixel neighborhood using a modified
version of the census transform with four stage classifier .
Each classifier consists of a set of lookup-tables for feature
weights. The training of a stage classifier is done using a
version of the boosting algorithm.Yoav Freund [19], introduced
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the boosting algorithm AdaBoost, and explains the underlying
theory of boosting and has also explained how to reduced
generalization error, training error and relation to support
vector machine
C. Ethnicity Classification-
Ethnicity is an important demographic attribute of human
beings, and automatic face-based classification of ethnicity has
promising applications in various fields and its identification
present yet another challenge in face processing. Several
authors have attempted this research problem as a challenge.
Hosoi, S. Takikawa, E. and Kawade, M [20] presented the
Gabor wavelets transformation and retina sampling are
combined to extract key facial features, and support vector
machines that are used for ethnicity classification. Hui Lin,
Huchuan Lu and Lihe Zhang[21], presented an MM-LBP
(Multi-scale Multi-ratio LBP) method, which is a multimodal
method for ethnicity classification. LBP (Local Binary Pattern)
histograms are extracted from multi-scale, multi-ratio
rectangular regions over both texture and range images, and
Adaboost is utilized to construct a strong classifier from a large
amount of weak classifiers. Yongsheng Ou, Xinyu Wu,
Huihuan Qian and Yangsheng Xu [22], presented the real time
race classification system using PCA for feature generation and
IDA for feature extraction. For classification they have been
used new classifier (combination of SVM
classifier).Experiment on FERET database with 750 face
images and achieved 82.5%.
In the light of the above literature review it can be
concluded that classification of human attributes (age, gender
and ethnicity) is not yet present with single classifier. This
research is an attempt to build classification engine which will
achieve the different goal like human gender, age and ethnicity.
In the current work, we have presented an efficient system
for human face detection and its attributes recognition like
gender, age, ethnicity by single classifier using strong classifier
which is collection of weak classifier.
The central contribution of this paper is the classification of
attributes of the image search function that takes an arbitrary
portion of the image in the space of states {-1, 0, 1}.
{ } 1 , 0 , 1 : u H (1),
Where -1 - corresponds to one decision attribute label -1
(e.g., "women"), 1 - corresponds to another decision attribute
label 1 (e.g. "man") and 0 - corresponds to abstaining from
solutions (unknown).
Our approach is to maximize the use of "bionic" principles
of construction of such systems, which have an analogy with
the retinal receptive fields and visual cortex. In particular, we
use simple tests derived from a nonlocal field of images that
can be interpreted as "receptive fields", issuing a code
description of the three segments the image and activate the
"weak classifiers" and the ensemble of weak classifiers,
combined in a committee or a strong classifier can be regarded
as an analog artificial neurons located in the visual cortex. At
the same time, developed and implemented system has a
detection mode online recognition, and learning mode based on
"past experience" of the system.
A. Description of the prepared Embodiment.
In the view of previously accomplished work in this
direction, nobody has classified human attributes such as
Gender, Age and Ethnicity with a single classifier. The overall
architecture of the system is described below. We have divided
our system in two subsystems. The first is the Facial attribute
recognition system and the second is the Attribute classifier
training system.
The Attribute recognition system includes a source of data
(which may be a video camera or image viewer) as well as a
face detection module for cropping face, an attribute
recognition module for classifying attributes of the cropped
face and a database for simultaneous storing processed images
by the upper part of the architecture, i.e. Figure1 (a). In this
mode Function (1) is used for processing the image fragment
which is being reviewed, obtaining code description and
decision-making. The Training subsystem Fig1 (b) includes a
source database (which is united with the recognition system
database) as well as tools for interaction with the operator, a
teaching database and a training module. The overall objective
of this subsystem is to build or upgrade Function (1) with
further objective of achieving more accurate results in the
future. The training system works with previously acquired
experience of the recognition system which is stored in the
image database and which forms a prototype of short-term
memory in human brain while the teacher as an external
power in relation to the system corrects the data so that the
system is able to build an upgraded version of the classifier
which is a prototype of long-term memory in human brain.
An important feature of the described system is that it
constantly updates its classifier. This fact allows the system to
adapt to changing environmental conditions within the time
and accumulate acquired experience in the structure of the
strong classifier (1).

Figure1. Architecture of the recognition system attributes on the facial images
a) and learning classifier system attributes b).
An original image which is obtained from a video camera
or a viewer enters the face detection system. If a face is
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detected on the image, the detector cuts it out and stores it in a
specialized image database. Then the facial image is sent to the
attribute detector which assigns it a corresponding tag: attribute
name or the label unknown. Later on, using a special
program (data browser), the user can check the tags which have
been assigned by the attribute recognition system and, if
necessary, correct them. Thus, a database of training and
updating for the attribute classifier is formed. The attributes are
formed using the training procedure and are used by the
attribute classifier while the system is working in the
recognition mode.
B. Description of Attribute Recognition System
Attributes recognition system is a modified strong
classifier in the notation of Viola and Jones [21], consisting of
a set of weak classifiers that work with data that are obtained
from simple attributes derived from the original image
fragment .In Figure 2 ,we have shown the operation of
recognition system, we set the size of the found face image in
30x30 pixels, and then convert the image to the integral form
[20], to accelerate the computation of characteristic values
obtained in this way the image is input to the strong classifier,
which analyzes the image and takes one of three solutions.

Figure2. Flowchart of Facial attributes recognition system
As shown in the figure, the strong classifier has three
possible solutions: attribute label 1, attribute label -1 and the
unknown. Solution is defined in DSS (Decision Support
System). Thus, it has a strong classifier committee structure,
shown in the above figure.

Figure3. The structure of the strong classifier
Simple tests, which are calculated from different parts of
the image. Form the coded descriptions of these fragments, the
code description to the inputs of weak classifiers, each of
which shall decide exactly corresponding to the solution of a
strong classifier or committee i.e. an attribute label, attribute
label -1 and unknown. In addition, each weak classifier has its
own weight, which is summed in the accumulator; the value
goes to decision Support System, which makes the final
decision on the recognition of the input image.
We consider all the elements of a strong classifier
constructing, which includes forming code description of
image fragments, the weak classifiers selecting and training.
C. Non-local features based on the Modified Census

Figure4. Location attribute of the image.
Let there be F (w, h) - a rectangular region image I of width
w and height h pixels. We divide this Image land into 9 equal
parts as shown in Figure4 and we analyze the average
brightness of each area of the fragment f u, comparing it with
the average brightness of the fragment F.
Determine the average brightness of the fragment F as

+ =
+ =

>= <
w x x
x x
h y y
y y
y x I
h w
0 0
) , (
, (2)
) , ( y x I - Brightness of the pixel with coordinates x, y.
Determine the average brightness

> <
I area
f area
owned fragment

F followed as follows:

+ =
+ =

>= <
3 /
3 /
) , (
w x x
x x
h y y
y y
y x I
h w
I , (3)
For each area

f we encode the brightness of the
following rule:

> < > > <

I I if
, 0
, 1
, (4)
- binary code of brightness for each area of the
image fragment F.
In accordance with (4) for each piece of the image we have
a set of nine coded bits.
8 0
f f
c c Sequence which can be regarded as any C
code image fragment I. Thus, any rectangular portion of the
image, we can describe an integer C, having a 9-bit word
length in the decimal system 512 0 < s C .
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Figure5. Pattern of the codes C, Where the white area of the image coded
with 1 and gray coded with 0.
D. Training a weak classifier
We shall consider a weak classifier as a function that takes
the code C, the resulting non-local Modified Census Transform
in the solution space:
{ } 1 , 0 , 1 : C h , (5)
Since the feature value MCT has an integral nature, the
function of the decision for the weak classifier (5) is simple
lookup table, which contains 512 items that match the codes C.
E. To obtain such a lookup table, we have used the following
procedure to study the weak classifier:
1) Suppose you have a database of images each of which
is marked attribute label (-1, 1).
2) Let there be two histograms h1 [512] and h2 [512].
Each contains the distribution of the codes featured image
database. Where h1 corresponds to the distribution of the
codes for a subset of data from the attribute label = 1, and h2
corresponds to the distribution of codes for a subset of data
from the attribute label = -1.
3) Then the formation of the decision rule is as follows

] [ 2 ] [ 1 , 0
] [ 2 ] [ 1 , 1
] [ 2 ] [ 1 , 1
] [
C h C h
C h C h
C h C h
C h , (6)
Thus, obtained is a weak classifier is fully compliant with
our system and its properties are determined exclusively by the
input data set.
F. The learning procedure is a strong classifier
We seek a strong classifier (1) as follows:


, (7)
Where x- considered fragment, F [v] - a nonlinear function
of making solutions,
h - weak classifier (6),
o - weight of a
weak classifier, T - the threshold of decision-making and n -
the number of weak classifiers in the committee. Here we use
the following form of the nonlinear function F [v], which is
implemented in the DSS (Decision Support System)

, (8)
de 1 corresponds to the address "attribute label 1", -1,
consistent with the decision "attribute label -1" and 0
corresponds to the solution of "unknown".
As we all aware with the well-known amplification method
is one way to implement a class of associative machines.
Classifiers is operating on the basis of the gain, study the
examples belonging to very different distributions. To build a
strong classifier (7), we are using the quite famous procedure
AdaBoost, is widely known in the literature.
The purpose of using this algorithm is to find the final
mapping function or hypothesis H, which will have low or
acceptable level of error in this subset of labeled examples of
learning. From other algorithms enhance AdaBoost differs as
- AdaBoost adaptively adjusts the error of weak
hypotheses returned by the weak learning model. In
our case, the decision-making functions (6). Due to
this property the algorithm got its name.

- Limiting performance AdaBoost depends on the
performance of weak learning model (6) and only
those distributions that are actually formed in the
learning process.
A typical graph of the learning process of a strong classifier
using AdaBoost procedure is shown in Figure 6. The initial
data used in a database of men (attribute label 1) and women
(attribute label -1), containing 1200 images.

Figure6. Dependence of the overall recognition error of a strong classifier the
number of features selected by AdaBoost procedure in the learning process
based on data from men-women, containing 1200 images.
In order to estimate the performance of the proposed
system, we collected a set of images of human faces from the
World Wide Web, FERET and FG-NET.
To study the recognition of attributes, built on a strong
classifier (7), we chose several databases.
FERET database to conduct research on the recognition of
men and women, database FG-NET for experiments on the
recognition of age and a database l fw_funneled to conduct
experiments on the recognition of race. Database Features in
the following table:
Database Attribute
label 1
No. of
label -1
No. of
FERET Male 785 Female 461
FG-NET Adult 225 Child 390
RUS-IND Europeans 910 Asians 646
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For each image, face detection system finding the face and
its location is stored in an internal database. Figure 1. No
manual adjustments of the detector shall not be satisfied, except
for removing artifacts search, i.e. sites background, taken for a
person. In addition to these databases, for the age recognition
experiment we have used our own database of photos which
has been collected from World Wide Web contains 800 images
of adult and 600 face images of children.
A. The choice of size and scale the face image analysis

Figure7. The characteristic image of the face, resulting detector
The detector has used in this investigation cuts the faces for
analyzing from initial picture without hair style and other face
features, which may be important for face classification. There
is very interesting to investigate by use of computer
simulations how the results of face classification depend on
these circumstances. For this aim we realize experiments series
for changing sizes of images rectangle and the size of the
human face in the rectangle considered.
We experimented with nine different sizes of images 24,
27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45 and 48 pixels. By increasing the size
of pixels we have not any significant in the accuracy of the
classifier At the same time, learning increases significantly
with increasing size of the images, since greatly increased the
number of features and weaknesses of the classifiers involved
in the training process. On this basis, we recorded the size of
the training images by thirty pixels. This changes the scale of
the face, increasing the size of the rectangle cut by 10%, 20%
and 30%, respectively, we get the following scale: 100% - the
initial size of human obtained by the detector are 90%, 80%
and 70%. Further size reduction leads to significant areas of the
background of the image.
Figure 8. Illustrates the changes in the scale of a person in
the picture, depending on the cut size of the rectangle.

100% 90% 80% 70%
Figure8. Zoom in person, depending on the degree of increase found detector
To test the dependency of the sharpness of the classification
on the scale of the person we used a database FERET (Table
1). Testing results are shown in Figure

Figure9. Dependency of recognition errors on the scale person in the picture.
The above graph shows that, the face image with the
different scale improves the accuracy of the system. The results
are shown for different numbers of selected features. Thus in
all further experiments, we used an image size of 30x30 pixels,
and set the scale of human equal to 80% on the scale found by
the detector.
B. Education and research Classifications.
All classifiers were trained and constructed as described
above. For their building to used databases that are described in
Table 1. Performed several dozen training cycles classifiers on
random samples taken from these databases. 70% of the data
used for training, the remaining 30% of the data used for
testing. We investigated the following properties of classifiers:
Dependency of recognition errors on the number of
the selected algorithm AdaBoost weak classifiers
Dependency of the ROC for different values of T (7).
With regard to the test subset of the original data.
ROC curves were constructed for each class
individually recognizable.
In addition to these values fixed minimum error values for
each of the data sets as learning and testing. A full description
of the experiments can be found in the section Results.
A. Classification Performance of the attributes classifier
1) GENDER Classifier.
For training and testing database were used FERET,
comprising 785 men and 461 images of a woman. 58 cycles
were carried out for constructing a classifier on different
subsets selected from the initial data at random. As the
proportion of 70% of training subset, 30% of the testing
subset. The average value of recognition errors, as in the test
subset, and in the tutorial can be seen in
We carried out 300 cycles of updating the classifier, for
each of the random data sets. It was found that the value of
recognition errors on a test set of changes little after 250 weak

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classifiers, while on the training dataset, the value of
recognition errors continued to fall.
Averaged dependence of the FRR (FAR) for different
values of T (7), shown in Figure 11.

Figure11. Average ROC for GEDNDER classifier, based on FERET.

Figure12. Result of Gender Classifier
2) AGE Classifier.
For training and testing database ware used FG-NET and
the database collected during the study. The database includes
905 images of children and 722 adults image. The database is
significantly more complex compared to a database FERET
because the quality of images used in the studies of a lower
light conditions and angle are not controlled. As in the previous
case was carried out 58 cycles of building a classifier on
different subsets selected from the initial data at random.
The proportion of 70% of training l subset, 30% of the test
subset. The average value of recognition errors, as in the test
subset, and in the tutorial can be seen in Figure 13.

Figure13. Training process for AGE classifier.
We carried out 500 cycles of updating the classifier for
each of the random data sets. It was found that the results of the
classifier is somewhat worse than on the database FERET, but
no trend for an end to learning have been identified. Averaged
dependence of the FRR (FAR) for different values of T (7),
shown in Figure 14.

Figure14. Average ROC for AGE classifier, based on FG-NET

Figure15. Classification of age attributes on FG-NET.
3) Ethnicity Classifier
To train our classifier for recognition of ethnicity we have
used Indian Face Database [22] and the database collected
during the study in Applied Physics Institute RAS. The
database includes 910 images of Europeans and 722 Indians.
As in the previous case was carried out 20 cycles of building a
classifier on different subsets selected from the initial data at
random. The ratio of 70% of training subset, 30% of the test
subset. The average value of recognition errors, as in the test
subset, and in the tutorial can be seen in Figure 16.
We carried out 200 cycles of updating the classifier for
each of the random data sets. It was found that the results of the
classifier are somewhat better than on the database FERET.
Averaged dependence of the FRR (FAR) for different values of
T (7), shown in Figure 17.
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Figure 16.Training process for Ethnicity classifier.

Figure 17. ROC for Ethnicity classifier.
As we all know that, a system with artificial intelligence
cannot do work like human natural intelligence but still
researches are moving towards the automation or minimize the
human efforts. Therefore face recognition and computer vision
are the active area of the research.
Human Attributes Achieved Accuracy
Gender(Male, Female) 89%
Age(Adult, Child) 80%
Ethnicity 96%
In the present study was formulated and investigated
neuron algorithm to automatically construct a classifier that
separates the two-dimensional visual image into two classes
according to some binary characters. Algorithm is formed from
the available data and is quite universal because it uses a
number of general principles of teaching:
a) Partitioning an existing database on two samples - a
training and test,
b) Creation of a "strong" classifier in the form of a
committee of the primary "weak" classifiers, whose voices
in the decision on the committee are recorded in accordance
with rating scales for each,
c) Analysis of errors of the classifier on the number of
members on the committee,
d) Control of the invariance result with respect to
partition the database into training and test samples.
Established authors program allows an effective and unique
tool for computational and experimental determination of
optimal values of those parameters, to find that speculative way
is not possible. The result is determined by the brute force of
several options, the calculation of total errors for each of them,
and selection of options with the least error. As examples,
which are important for practical applications in this paper, the
study addressed the question of optimization of two parameters
of the problem:
a) The scale of images used to create a classifier
b) The size of the face image on the compared fragment.
The results are shown in Fig. 9.
As shown in Fig. 10.12, after the number of items the
committee is more than 50 error and the learning and test
sample subside slowly, and the error on the test sample is 3-5
times less than on learning. Such behaviors of the curves are
not exactly conventional ideas and are a new result that
requires further study. It is not clear as to why the error curve
for training database does not tend to zero.
The study showed versatility and promise of the proposed
approach to the description of such complex objects as the
human face, but at the same time allowed to see the boundaries
of the new method. First, a simple increase in the number of
elements in does not automatically lead to decay to zero errors,
not only for the test sample, but also the learning part of the
database. This is indicative of the fact that the quality of the
classifier, constructed by the proposed method can and should
be improved.
The above findings allow us to identify ways of further
improving the method of Classification and enhance its
1. Firstly, we should construct a two-level classifier, which
will be a committee of "strong" classifiers trained on different
data. Such a qualifier in the second level can be built from first-
level classifier for the scheme, similar to how the first-level
classifiers ("strong" classifiers) are constructed from the
original zero-level classifiers (weak classifiers).
2. Secondly, to improve the classification results should
lead to introduce an additional threshold and extending the
range of values of the internal variable, where the classifier
says "I do not know.
Application of the elements with two thresholds which have
three positions in voting (yes, no, I do not know), allows to
build consistent and achieve better results in classification, if
we can effectively address their learning according to a
reasonable time.
Third, a wide enough field to improve the level of
classification should be receptive to the use of elements of
another type, than used here typecensus. It is possible use
elements with Gabor functions receptive structures or Haar
functions receptive structure. Created soft tools allow make
computer experiments for these variants comparing and
choosing the best.
The authors would like to thank Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India and Russian Foundation of
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Basic research for supporting the research under Indo-Russian
bilateral arrangement through the project sanction number
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Nikolai Sergeevich Bellustin received his graduate degree from radio
physics faculty the University of Nizhny Novgorod. He defended the candidate
thesis on the different theme. He defended his doctoral thesis. At present time
he is a professor of Nizhny Novgorod technical university. The author has
worked on various areas of scientific interests:
Yuri Dmitrievich Kalafati graduated from the Moscow physico-technical
institute He defended the candidate thesis on the different theme. He defended
his doctoral thesis. The author has worked on various areas of scientific
Olga Vladimirovna Shemagina received his graduate degree from radio
physics Nizhny Novgorod state university in 1996. He is the author of 15
printed works. Area of scientific interests: image processing and Computer
G. Yakhno graduated from radio physics faculty Nizhny Novgorod state
university in 1969. He defended the candidate thesis in 1977, on the theme "the
Structure of collective activity in the excitable media. He defended his
doctoral thesis in 1999 on the theme of "Transformation of the information in
neuron systems. At present time he is a professor of Nizhny Novgorod state
university. The author has work more than 150 areas of scientific interests:
nonlinear dynamics in cognitive research.
Alexander Telnykh received his graduate degree from radio physics
Nizhny Novgorod state university. He defended the candidate thesis in 2009 on
the theme "Mathematical models neuron-like environments for the
development of systems for the detection and recognition of objects set of
classes". The author has work more than 30 areas of scientific interests: image
processing, computer vision etc
Andrey V. Kovalchuck graduated from radio physics faculty the
University of Nizhny Novgorod in 2006 is a graduate student. The author has
worked on more than 18 areas of scientific interests: image processing,
computer vision.
Abhishek Vaish received his PhD from Indian Institute of Information
Technology, Allahabad India. He has done various researches on security
Pinki Sharma received her M.Tech (CSE) degree from Bansathali
University, India and she is currently Research Scholar at Indian Institute of
Information Technology, Allahabad.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

121 | P a g e
Mining Volunteered Geographic Information datasets
with heterogeneous spatial reference

Sadiq Hussain
System Administrator, Examination Branch
Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, India

Prof. G.C. Hazarika
Director i/c, Centre for Computer Studies
Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, India

AbstractWhen the information created online by users has a
spatial reference, it is known as Volunteered Geographic
Information (VGI). The increased availability of spatiotemporal
data collected from satellite imagery and other remote sensors
provides opportunities for enhanced analysis of Spatiotemporal
Patterns. This area can be defined as efficiently discovering
interesting patterns from large data sets. The discovery of hidden
periodic patterns in spatiotemporal data could provide unveiling
important information to the data analyst. In many applications
that track and analyze spatiotemporal data, movements obey
periodic patterns; the objects follow the same routes
(approximately) over regular time intervals. However, these
methods cannot directly be applied to a spatiotemporal sequence
because of the fuzziness of spatial locations in the sequence. In
this paper, we define the problem of mining VGI datasets with
our already established bottom up algorithm for spatiotemporal
Keywords- data mining; periodic patterns; spatiotemporal data;
Volunteered Geographic Information.
There is an explosion of geographic information generated
by individuals on the Web. Users provide geotagged photos
and tweets, geotag Wikipedia articles, create gazetteer entries,
update geographic databases like OpenStreetMap (OSM) and
much more. Such user-generated geodata, also called
Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI [1], is becoming an
important source for geo-services like map generation,
routing, search, spatial analysis and mashups. Different from
traditional geodata, VGI often has no distinct classifying
attributes or explicit taxonomy. Users are free to create new
tagging schemas or add new properties or text. Although some
schema checks may exist on the editor level through auto-
completion or templates, these checks are not strict and can be
ignored by the user. Analyzing the dynamic and
heterogeneous schemas of VGI to find common
conceptualizations is an important and complex task. For
example, Deng et al. [2] use density based clustering and a
document term matrix to find conceptualizations in geotagged
Flickr images. Edwardes and Purves [3] explore the potential
to develop a hierarchy of place concepts based on co-
occurring characteristic terms in the description of geotagged
photos of the British Isles. Extracting and exploring concepts
is an important prerequisite to analyze the quality and
consistency of a dataset and to evaluate its fitness for use
[4]. We describe our work on using frequent pattern mining to
extract and explore conceptualizations of VGI. Frequent
pattern mining is used for effective classification in
association rule mining [5]. Afrati et al. [1] use frequent sets to
find approximate patterns, which is a promising technique for
concept extraction and exploration. For geospatial data,
frequent pattern mining is used to determine spatial
association rules [6] and to perform co-occurrence analysis
[5]. In our approach we transform VGI into a flat model of
transaction objects, which can be input to our mining
algorithms. Different from transactions of market basket data,
which are the typical input to frequent pattern mining,
geospatial patterns may occur rarely in a dataset but are
nevertheless interesting. Ding et al. (2006) introduce a
framework to mine regional association rules based on prior
clustering to find patterns in sub regions. However, to extract
concepts, mining sub regions is not an option. We explain
what extensions to frequent pattern mining are needed to deal
with the scale-dependency and introduce a bottom-up mining
approach based on quadtrees. We developed a prototype
framework to mine the frequent patterns apriori, which then
can be efficiently accessed by clients. For this, we describe the
OSM Explorer, which visualizes frequent patterns in the OSM
dataset and performs data consistency and quality checks.
To employ frequent pattern mining to extract concepts
from VGI, the heterogeneous geographic information needs to
be transformed into transactions. A transaction has an
associated set of items and is input record frequent pattern
mining. We view each geoobject as a transaction having
geometry and a set of attributes. Attributes can be key-value
pairs (representing an attribute name and value) or just keys
(like tags). Text has to be itemized first. For example, by using
frequency term vectors or by extracting named entities, a text
describing geographic information can be transformed into a
set of attributes. In general, a geoobject is represented as a
transaction as follows:
Transaction ( ObjID, Geometry, List( (Key, [Value]) ) )
By determining frequent itemsets from such transactions
one obtains frequent patterns of attribute names (if key is the
name of a property), tags (if key is a tagname) or words (if key
is the word of a frequency term vector). These frequent
patterns cannot yet be seen as concepts, but they are good
candidates for building concept hierarchies and classification
models in a subsequent step. The result of some frequent
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patterns in the OSM data, which can be interpreted as
collaborative generated schemas for geographic concepts, is
illustrated in Figure 1. The above process is discussed in more
detail in [7].

A pattern is called frequent if it has a minimum support,
that is, it occurs a minimum number of times in a given
dataset. Patterns that only occur rarely are not considered.
However, geospatial patterns occurring with a low frequency
in a dataset can still be interesting for concept extraction. This
is either because they are 1) densely clustered (and thus may
represent a local/regional pattern on a large scale) or 2) they
are widely distributed (and thus may represent a pattern on a
small scale). We use a bottom-up approach based on a
quadtree data structure to determine which items are
candidates for itemset generation on a certain scale, as shown
in Figure 2.
The items of every transaction in each leaf node of the
quadtree (which constitutes a grid of cells over the input data
space) are counted. The items that occur in a cell with at least
a minimum frequency are used to generate frequent itemsets
over the transactions within this cell. On the next higher level
all items that have not been used so far are summarized. If
they reach the minimum frequency they are input to frequent
itemset mining at this level. This step is repeated until the root
node is reached. The determined itemsets are linked to the
according nodes in the quadtree, which then also allows for
fast exploration, for example, via a map interface.
This section defines the problem of mining periodic
patterns in spatiotemporal data. First, we motivate our research
by discussing why previous work on event sequences is not
expected to perform well when applied on object trajectories.
We then proceed to a formal definition of the problem.
In our model, we assume that the locations of objects are
sampled over a long history. In other words, the movement of
an object is tracked as an n-length sequence S of spatial
locations, one for each timestamp in the history, of the form
, t
), (l
, t
), . . . , (l
, t
)}, where li is the objects
location at time ti. If the difference between consecutive
timestamps is fixed (locations are sampled every regular time
interval), we can represent the movement by a simple
sequence of locations l
(i.e., by dropping the timestamps t
since they can be implied). Each location l
is expressed in
terms of spatial coordinates. Figure 3a, for example, illustrates
the movement of an object in three consecutive days
(assuming that it is tracked only during specific hours, e.g.,
(working hours). We can model it with sequence S = {<4, 9>,
<3.5, 8>, . . . ,<6.5, 3.9>, <4.1, 9>, . . . }. Given such a
sequence, a minimum support min_sup (0 < min_sup 1), and
an integer T, called period, our problem is to discover
movement patterns that repeat themselves every T timestamps.
A discovered pattern P is a T-length sequence of the form r
. . r
, where ri is a spatial region or the special character *,
indicating the whole spatial universe. For instance, pattern
AB*C** implies that at the beginning of the cycle the object is
in region A, at the next timestamp it is found in region B, then
it moves irregularly (it can be anywhere), then it goes to
region C, and after that it can go anywhere, until the beginning
of the next cycle, when it can be found again in region A. The
patterns are required to be followed by the object in at least
( = min_sup [ n/T ]) periodic intervals in S.
Let S be a sequence of n spatial locations {l
, l
, . . . , l
representing the movement of an object over a long history.
Let T << n be a user specified integer called period (e.g., day,
week, month). A periodic segment s is defined by a
subsequence l
. . . l
of S, such that i modulo T = 0.
Thus, segments start at positions 0, T, . . . , ([ n/T] 1) T,
and there are exactly m = [n/T] periodic segments in S
. Let s

denote the segment starting at position lj T of S, for 0 j < m,
and let s

= l
T+i, for 0 i < T.
Definition The mining periodic patterns problem searches
for all valid periodic patterns P in S, which are frequent and
non-redundant with respect to a minimum support min_ sup.
For simplicity, we will use frequent pattern to refer to a
valid, non-redundant frequent pattern.
In this section, we present techniques for mining frequent
periodic patterns and their associated regions in a long history
of object trajectories. We first address the problem of finding
frequent 1-patterns (i.e., of length 1). Then, we propose one
method to find longer patterns; a bottom-up, level-wise

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Figure 3: Redundancy of patterns
A. Obtaining frequent 1-patterns
Including automatic discovery of regions in the mining
task does not allow for the direct application of techniques that
find patterns in sequences (e.g., [8]), as discussed. In order to
tackle this problem, we propose the following methodology.
We divide the sequence S of locations into T spatial datasets,
one for each offset of the period T. In other words, locations
{li, li+T , . . . , l i+(m1)T }go to set Ri, for each 0 i < T. Each
location is tagged by the id j [0, . . .,m 1] of the segment
that contains it. Figure 4a shows the spatial datasets obtained
after decomposing the object trajectory. We use a different
symbol to denote locations that correspond to different
periodic offsets and different colors for different segment-ids.
Observe that a dense cluster r in dataset Ri corresponds to a
frequent pattern, having * at all positions and r at position i.
Figure 4b shows examples of five clusters discovered in
datasets R1, R2, R3, R4, and R6. These correspond to five 1-
patterns (i.e., r11*****, *r21****, etc.). In order to identify
the dense clusters for each Ri, we can apply a density-based
clustering algorithm like DBSCAN [9]. Clusters with less than
( = min_sup m) points are discarded, since they are not
frequent 1-patterns according to our definition. Clustering is
quite expensive and it is a frequently used module of the
mining algorithms, as we will see later. DBSCAN [9] has
quadratic cost to the number of clustered points, unless an
index (e.g., Rtree) is available. Since Rtrees are not
available for every arbitrary set of points to be clustered, we
use an efficient hash-based method.
B. A level-wise, bottom-up approach
Starting from the discovered 1-patterns (i.e., clusters for
each Ri), we can apply a variant of the level-wise Apriori-TID
algorithm [10] to discover longer ones. The input of our
algorithm is a collection L1 of frequent 1-patterns, discovered
as described in the previous paragraph; for each Ri, 0 i < T,
and each dense region r Ri, there is a 1-pattern in L1.Pairs
<P1, P2> of (k 1)-patterns in Lk1, with their first k 2
non-* regions in the same position and different (k 1)-th
non-* position create candidate k-patterns. For each
candidate pattern Pcand, we then perform a segment-id join
between P1 and P2, and if the number of segments that
comply with both patterns is at least min_supm, we run a
pattern validation function to check whether the regions of
Pcand are still clusters. After the patterns of length k have
been discovered, we find the patterns at the next level, until
there are no more patterns at the current level, or there are no
more levels.
C. Algorithm Level-wise Pattern Mining (L1, T, min sup);

Generation of quadtree
Dynamic Time Warping
for each pair of patterns (P
, P
) L

such that P
and P
agree on the first k 2
and have different (k 1)-th non-* position
:=candidate gen(P
, P
if (P
null) then

14) Use Z test
To illustrate the algorithm, consider the 2-patterns P1 =
r1xr2y* and P2 = r1w*r3z of Figure 3a. Assume that MinPts
= 4 and = 1.5. The two patterns have common first non-
*position and Minimum Bounding Rectangles(r
) overlaps
Minimum Bounding Rectangles(r
). Therefore, a candidate
3-pattern Pcand is generated. During candidate pruning, we
verify that there is a 2-pattern with non-* positions 2 and 3
which is in L2.Indeed, such a pattern can be spotted at the
figure (see the dashed lines). After joining the segmentids in
P1 and P2 , Pcand contains the trajectories shown in Figure 5b.
Notice that the locations of the segment-ids in the intersection
may not form clusters any more at some positions of Pcand.
This is why we have to call validate pattern, in order to
identify the valid patterns included in Pcand. Observe that, the
segment-id corresponding to the lowermost location of the
first position is eliminated from the cluster as an outlier. Then,

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while clustering at position 2, we identify two dense clusters,
which define the final patterns r
3c and

Figure 4: locations and regions per periodic offset

Figure 5: Example of the proposed Algorithm
Topics for future work include the automatic discovery of
the period T related to frequent Periodic patterns and the
discovery of patterns with distorted period lengths. For
instance, the movement of an object may exhibit periodicity;
however, the temporal length of the period may not be fixed
but could vary between pattern instances. Public transportation
vehicles may have this type of periodicity, since during heavy
traffic hours, a cycle can be longer that usual. Building
indexes based on distorted and shifted patterns is also an
interesting direction for future work.
Secondly, a motivation for our work is the fast and
efficient integration of heterogeneous user-generated geodata
and to merge all information available for certain geographic
objects. Another motivation is to help users using VGI based
on automatically generated quality measures and extracted
concepts. A lot work needs to be done regarding the
transformation of textual descriptions into transaction objects,
and an evaluation of discovered patterns for several data
sources needs to be conducted.
[1] Afrati F, Gionis A, Mannila H, 2004, Approximating a collection of
frequent sets. Proceedings of KDD '04, 12-19
[2] Deng D P, Chuang T R, Lemmens R, 2009, Conceptualization of Place
via Spatial Clustering and Cooccurrence Analysis. Proceedings of the
International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks, 49-55
[3] Edwardes A J and Purves S, 2007, A theoretical grounding for semantic
descriptions of place. Proc. 7th Intern. Symp. on Web and Wireless
Geographical Information Systems, LNCS 4857, 106-121
[4] Gervais M, Bdard Y et al., 2009, Data Quality Issues and Geographic
Knowledge Discovery. In: Miller H J, Han J (eds), Geographic Data
Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 99-115 Goodchild M, 2007, Citizens
as sensors: the world of volunteered geography. GeoJournal 69(4):211-
[5]. Han J, Gao J, 2009, Research challenges for Data Mining in Science and
Engineering. In: Kargupta H, Han J et al. (eds), Next Generation of Data
Mining, 3-27
[6] Koperski K and Han J, 1995, Discovery of Spatial Association Rules in
Geographic Information Databases. Proc. 4th Intern. Symp. on Advances
in Spatial Databases, LNCS 951, 47-66 Liu B, Hsu W, Ma Y, 1998,
Integration of classification and association rule mining. Proc. KDD '98:
[7] Sengstock C, Gertz M, 2010, Anwendung von Frequent Itemset Mining
auf nutzergenerierte Geodaten. Geoinformatik 2010, Kiel, 28-36
[8] J. Han, G. Dong, and Y. Yin. Efficient mining
of partial periodic patterns in time series database. In
Proc. of International Conference on Data Engineering,
pages 106115, 1999.
[9] M. Ester, H. P. Kriegel, J. Sander, and X. Xu.
A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in
large spatial databases with noise. In Proc. of ACM
Knowledge Discovery andData Mining, pages 226231, 1996.
[10] R. Agrawal and R. Srikant. Fast algorithms for mining association rules.
In Proc. of VeryLarge Data Bases, pages 487499, 1994.
Sadiq Hussain MCA from Tezpur University, Assam,India in the year 2000
with CGPA 7.85. Currently, he is working as System Administrator of
Dibrugarh University. He is in this position since December, 2008. He is in the
charge of Computerization of Examination System and MIS of Dibrugarh

Prof. G.C. Hazarika
Date of birth : 01-01-1954
Academic Qualification: M.Sc. (Math.), Ph.D. (Math).
Positions held :
Director i/c, Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh
University, and Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Dibrugarh University
Academic Positions held:
a. Computer Programmer: Joined as Computer Programmer, Dibrugarh
University Computer Centre in Dec, 1977 and served till April, 1985.
b. Lecturer: Joined as Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh
University in April, 1985.
c. Reader: Joined as Reader in a regular post in June, 1990.
d. Professor: Joined as Professor in a regular post in August, 1998.
Publications (a few)
1.Magnatic effect on flow through circular tube of non-uniform cross section
with permeable walls
- Applied Science Periodical Vol. V. No.1, February, 2003
Jointly with B.C. Bhuyan.
2.Influence of Magnetic filed on Separation of a Binary Fluid Mixture in Free
Convection flow Considering Soret Effect
- J. Nat. Acad. Math. Vol. 20 (2006), pp. 1-20
Jointly with B.R. Sharma and R.N. Singh
3. Effects of Variable viscosity and Thermal Conductivity on flow and heat
transfer of a Stretching Surface of a rotating micropolar fluid with suction and
- Bull. Pure and Appl. Sc. Vol.-25 E No. 2, PP-361-370, 2006.
Jointly with P.J. Borthakur.
4. Effects of Variable viscosity and Thermal Conductivity on boundary Layer
flow and heat transfer of micropolar fluid near an axisyusmetric Stagnation
point on a moving cylinder- Proc. 51st .cong. of ISTAM, Dec-2006.
Research experiment:
Have guiles 11 Ph. D students and 9 M Phil students

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence

125 | P a g e
Method for Extracting Product Information
from TV Commercial

Kohei Arai
Information Science Department
Saga University
Saga, Japan
Herman Tolle
Software Engineering Department
Brawijaya University
Malang, Indonesia

Abstract Television (TV) Commercial program contains
important product information that displayed only in seconds.
People who need that information has no insufficient time for
noted it, even just for reading that information. This research
work focus on automatically detect text and extract important
information from a TV commercial to provide information in
real time and for video indexing. We propose method for product
information extraction from TV commercial using knowledge
based system with pattern matching rule based method.
Implementation and experiments on 50 commercial screenshot
images achieved a high accuracy result on text extraction and
information recognition.
Keywords - text detection; information extraction; rule based
classifying; patern matching;
Nowadays, people use the information from Television
(TV) commercial program as a reference before they buy the
product. Since TV commercial only displays the important
information in seconds, people who need such information has
no insufficient time for noted it or even just for reading that
information. In Japan, there is a company provide services for
reading, note and distribute such information from TV
commercials, but they still did it in manually. If these text
occurrences could be detected, segmented and recognized
automatically, it would be a valuable source for information
extraction, indexing or retrieval.
The text information extraction (TIE) problem can be
divided into the following sub-problems: (i) detection, (ii)
localization, (iii) tracking, (iv) extraction and enhancement, and
(v) recognition [1]. A TIE system receives an input in the form
of a still image or a sequence of images. The images can be in
gray scale or color, compressed or un-compressed, and the text
in the images may or may not move. Text detection refers to
the determination of the presence of text in a given frame
(normally text detection is used for a sequence of images). Text
localization is the process of determining the location of text in
the image and generating bounding boxes around the text. Text
tracking is performed to reduce the processing time for text
localization and to maintain the integrity of position across
adjacent frames. Although the precise location of text in an
image can be indicated by bounding boxes, the text still needs
to be segmented from the background to facilitate its
recognition. This means that the extracted text image has to be
converted to a binary image and enhanced before it is fed into
an optical character recognition (OCR) engine. Text extraction
is the stage where the text components are segmented from the
background. Enhancement of the extracted text components is
required because the text region usually has low-resolution and
is prone to noise. Thereafter, the extracted text images can be
transformed into plain text using OCR technology. Text in
videos is usually not easily extracted especially when it is
embedded in complex background scenes and suffers from
poor visual quality due to the effects of motion blur and
compression artifacts.
After extracting and recognition text from TV commercial
screenshot, we should identify and classify what type of
information from extracted text. Important product information
from TV commercials is product name, product price, URL
information, and phone number. In this paper we propose a
novel method for extracting product information from TV
commercials by using knowledge based method with pattern
matching and classification rules for recognizing and
classifying the information.
In text extraction from image, text localization methods can
be categorized into three types: region-based, texture-based and
hybrid approaches. Region-based schemes use the properties of
color or grayscale in a text region or their differences with
corresponding properties of background. These methods can be
divided further into two sub-approaches: connected component
(CC) and edge-based [2].
CC-based methods apply a bottom-up approach by
grouping small components into successively larger ones until
all regions are identified in the image. A geometrical analysis is
required to merge the text components using the spatial
arrangement of the components so as to filter out non text
components and mark the boundaries of text regions. Among
the several textual properties in an image, edge-based methods
focus on the high contrast between the text and the
background. The edges of the text boundary are identified and
merged, and then several heuristics are performed to filter out
the non text regions.
Texture-based methods use the observation that text in
images has distinct textural properties that distinguish them
from the background. The techniques based on Gabor filters,
Wavelet, FFT, spatial variance, etc. can be performed to detect
the textural properties of a text region in an image [1]. First
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class of localization methods can be found in some works [3]
[6]. Gllavata et al. [3] have presented a method to localize and
extract text automatically from color images. First, they
transform the color image into grayscale image and then only
the Y component is used. The text candidates are found by
analyzing the projection profile of the edge image. Finally, a
binarized text image is generated using a simple binarization
algorithm based on a global threshold. They [4] also have
applied the same idea of the previously mentioned paper to
localize text; in addition the algorithm has been extended with
a local thresholding technique.
Cai et al. [5] have presented a text detection approach
which uses character features like edge strength, edge density
and horizontal alignment. First, they apply a color edge
detection algorithm in YUV color space and filter out non text
edges using a low threshold. Then, a local thresholding
technique is employed to keep low-contrast text and further
simplify the background. An image enhancement process using
two different convolution kernels follows. Finally, projection
profiles are analyzed to localize the text regions. Jain and Yu
[6] first employ color reduction by bit dropping and color
clustering quantization, and afterwards a multi-value image
decomposition algorithm is applied to decompose the input
image into multiple foreground and background images. Then,
CC analysis is performed on each of them to localize text
candidates. From all method described here, there is no method
specific for TV commercial except Leinhart [9] and Gllavata
A. Overview of Information Extraction from TV Commercial
Information extraction from TV commercial is useful for
help people recognize important information from short and
fast commercials video. The block diagram of TV commercial
Information extraction system is shown in Figure 1 consist five
processes as follow: Video frame detection, Text detection,
Text Localization, Text Extraction, Text Recognition and Text
Identification. Text detection in TV commercial video should
perform based on the characteristic of displayed text object in
commercials. After the investigation on common TV
commercials video, we found some typical pattern of the
commercials that accepted as assumption in our research work,
as follow:
1) Text information usually in bright or contrast color
like: white, red, or yellow in dark background; or blue
or black in bright background
2) Important information using bigger font size.
3) Important information usually appears in near end part
of commercials.
For our text extraction process, we propose a new text
extraction method using combination of edge-based method
and CC-based method. We use edge-based method for text
detection because the characteristic of commercial video which
is contain contrast color of text with background. We use CC-
based method for text localization because we need the
information about text position and size that important in
information recognition. Also both of two method has less
complexity in algorithm for real time application,

Figure 1. Block Diagram of Automatic TV Commercial Information
B. Video Frame Detection
By investigation on common TV commercial video
samples, we found some typical pattern of the commercials that
accepted as assumption in our research work, as follows:
1. Video length in 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds or
60 seconds
2. Text information usually in bright or contrast color:
Some pattern is: white, orange, or yellow in dark
background, in the other hand, black, red or blue in
bright background.
3. Important information is displayed more than once
among a TVCM.
4. Important information using bigger font size.
5. Important information appears in the near of the end
part of a TVCM.
6. Some important information displayed with product
Information extraction from TV commercial video is based
on text extraction from screenshot image of commercials video.
Commercial video was recorded from television and classify
based on the video length. Then in determined time, we capture
the screen shoot of running CM In automatic way, we can
implement other research work on commercial detection like
[14] for detecting the occurrence of commercials within a TV
programs. In this paper, we assume that commercials are
already separated from other TV programs. Using assumption
that important information usually appears in near end part of
commercials we generate screenshot of commercial video
repeated in every 3 second but vary depend on commercials
long. We use 15 seconds and 30 seconds type for TVCM. The
screenshot number and its relationship with video frame are
shown in Table 1.
CM Duration Seconds of Screenshot Total
15 seconds 5, 8, 11, 14 4
30 seconds 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29 6
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Figure 2. Text Extraction Algorithm
C. Text Detection Algorithm
The text detection stage seeks to detect the presence of text
in a given image. The text detection method comprises of four
main phases; pre processing, blob extraction, blob
classification, and text blob extraction. The block schematic of
the text extraction methodology is given in Figure 2. The
detailed description of each phase is presented in the following
subsections. This method also published in [12].
B. Pre-Processing
The objective of pre-processing is to convert image as binary
picture that separates text object from background or non text
object. We use combination of filter to process original image
into binary image. Processes within pre-processing process as
1. Extract Red channel.
2. Convert image into Grayscale
3. Homogeneity Edge Detection Filter
4. Binarization with threshold
5. Morphology Erosion Filter
6. Dilatation Filter

First, we extract red channel from image to get bright image
information. After image is converted to grayscale and extract
red channel, we implement homogeneity edge detection filter
to get edge pattern of the object from image. The next process
is binarization after inverting image color- with an appropriate
threshold number to produce black and white image. The
heuristic value of threshold is 225 (for the images with
quantization bits of 8 bits) that chosen empirically based on
experiments. Combination of edge detection filter and
appropriate threshold number will separates text from relatively
complex background. In the end of pre-processing, we
implement morphology erosion filter in 5x5 horizontal
matrixes to combine small blob with left or right nearest blob.
Figure 3 show step-by-step results from process in pre-
processing process.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Figure 3. Process in pre-processing, Original (a), Grayscale (b) Homogeneity
Edge detection (c), Binarization (d), Morphology Erosion (e),
Blob Extraction (f).
C. Blob Extraction
After pre-processing, we detect all connected pixels with
same color index as a separate blob object. Blob extraction is
done using same blob extraction function implemented in our
Comic text extraction method [11]. This process produces text
blobs and also non text blobs. To classify a blob as a text blob
or non text blob, we extract some features from text blob
candidate for classification. In text blob extraction using blob
extraction function, we select only blob with minimal size that
selected as candidate of text blob. The minimal size of the text
candidate blob width is [Image.Width]/40 and the text blob
height is [Image.Height]/40. Parameter of [Image] corresponds
to input image size. Figure 3.f show sample of detected blob in
a commercial image after pre-processing that contain text blob,
non-text blob and noise blob. Then we implement text blob
selection to select only text blob and to remove noise or non-
text blob, and text blob classification to classify blob into text
word or sentence based on text blob position.
TB[i].YCenter = TB[i].Top + (TB[i].Height/ 2)
TB[i] corresponds to i
blob of detected text blob.
TB[i].Left corresponds to left point position parameter of
detected text blob
TB[i].Width corresponds to width parameter of detected
text blob
For selecting and classifying text blob into horizontal text
region, we use some rules for classification as follows:
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1. Blob size is smaller than half of image size.
2. Classify all blobs with same vertical center point and
relatively same height size into the same cluster. Assuming
difference distance between centers is BD
and difference
size between 2 blobs is BS
If (TB[i].XCenter +- BDmin) Column[j] Then TB[i]
member of Column[j] (2)
3. Position of blob center Y (Blob.Cy) is in range (Blob[i].Cy
Blob[i].Height/2 < Blob[j].Cy) and (Blob[i].Cy +
Blob[i].Height/2 > Blob[j].Cy) (3)
4. Ignore blob cluster with width size smaller than its height
Minimal distance BD
is approximately less than half of
average text blob height and BS
is around 40% of difference
width between two blobs. Figure 4 Show the sample of text
detection process with text blob detection (4.b) and text blob
classification (4.c)
D. Text Extraction and Enhancement
After all text blob candidate localized, then extracted into
separate text blob candidate. Extraction blob is getting from
original input image without any other processing. We extract
every blob from original image using position information (top,
left, width, height) of the blob.



Figure 4. Sample of Commercial Screenshot (a),
Blob detection (b), Text blob classification (c),
After all blob extracted, then we should enhance the text
blob before using OCR for recognizing the text. We implement
simple text enhancement with binarization (threshold) using
Otsu [13] method. Otsu method tries to find minima between
two peaks in histograms. Otsu's method we exhaustively search
for the threshold that minimizes the intra-class variance,
defined as a weighted sum of variances of the two classes.
Figure 5 shows the sample of original extracted text blob and
after pre-processing for enhancement.

Figure 5. Sample of text blob originally extracted (left),
and with pre-processing (right)
For recognizing and classifying the information from
extracted text, we design a TV commercial information
extraction knowledge based system with rules and pattern
matching. We design a knowledge based system with specific
pattern for each type of information that we want to extract.
The important information to extract from TVCM is: phone
number, URL information, price information and product
name. After detected and extracted text from TVCM
screenshot, we should extract the ASCII text representation of
image text using OCR application. The accuracy of OCR
results is depending on OCR application that not covers in this
paper. Then by using knowledge based system we try to
classify the information based from rules in knowledge based.
We should extract some features from text blob before put
in selection process by using knowledge based system. The
features should be extracted for each blob word as follows: text
ASCII representation, text blob position (top, left), text blob
size (width, height), and relative position (top | middle | bottom
and left | center | right), character type (text, number, currency,
or URL keyword). Then, by using data of extracted features we
can classify text based on our knowledge based rules and
Figure 6 shows some example of extracted text blob from
screenshot of TV commercial video.

Figure 6. Sample of extracted text blob from text extraction process
The knowledge based rule system and specific pattern for
each type of information is described in the following sections:
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A. Rules for Phone Number:
Definition rules for selection a text combination as a phone
number is:
Surround with text related to phone information: Call |
Now | Phone
Should only contain: numbers [0-9] and optional for:
hyphen [-]
For Phone Type 1:
Match the string pattern: xxxx-xxx-xxx where x is
Match the first 4 number combinations: 0120 (Japan).
Total numeric string number is 10 without hyphen.
Minimal Two hyphen (-) detected.
For Phone Type 2:
Match the string pattern: x-xxx-xxx-xxxx where x is
Match the first 4 number combinations: 1-800 (Japan)
Total numeric string number is 11 without hyphen.
Three hyphen detected
B. Rules for Price Information:
Definition rules for selection a text combination as price
information is:
Match the string pattern: x,xxx or xx,xxx or xxx,xxx
Should only contain numbers [0-9], and optional for
String size is relatively large
Surround with text related to price information: [Only |
Price | Now ]
Surround with character related to currency sign [$, \]
C. Rules for Web Site Information:
Definition rules for selection a text combination as web site
information is:
Match the string pattern (only one, combination or all):
[http:// | www. | .com | .net | .org | .jp ]
Web site URL name check function
D. Rules for Product Name:
Definition rules for selection a text combination as web site
information is:
String size is relatively larger than others
Position is relatively in center top
Found more than x times in video frame screenshot,
while x > 50% of processing frame number in one

Figure 7. Sample of TV Commercial Screenshot Image with detected text in
red rectangle
We implement our method for text detection and extraction
based on AForge open source image processing tools running
on Visual Studio 2008. The proposed approach has been
evaluated through data set containing different type of
commercial screenshot images taken from Japan TV and some
TV commercial screenshot randomly from internet. The based
blob extraction method is the same blob extraction function we
use in our text extraction method from digital Manga comic
[11]. The performance of the system is evaluated on the text
box level in terms of precision and recall. We also develop
system for information recognition and evaluating it in real
results from OCR and in ideal condition assuming OCR has no
error on recognition the text. Figure 7 show the samples of TV
commercial screenshot images with detected text located in red
A. Evaluation of Text Extraction
The results for the experiments on text extraction are
summarized in Table 2 where the number of existing text lines,
the number of detected text lines, the number of false alarms
and the corresponding values for recall and precision are listed.
We use about 50 screenshot images from different TV
commercial scene from image with simple text on background
to text with complex background.
Number of images 50
Number of text lines 250
#correct detected 243
#false positives 19
Recall (%) 92.75%
Precision (%) 97.20%
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Recall is defined as:
Precision =
Correct Detected
(Correct Detected + Missed Text Lines)

Whereas precision is defined as:
Recall =
Correct Detected
(Correct Detected + False Positives)

A text line is considered as detected correctly, if a text line
consists in an extracted blob text, while a detected text blob is
considered as a false alarm, if no text appears in that extracted
text. The text extraction algorithm achieved a recall of 92.75%
and a precision of 97.20%. The precision of our method is
relatively better than Leinharts [9] method and Gllavatas [3]
method for detection text on commercial video as shown in
Table 3.
Method Recall (%) Precision (%)
Lienhart and al.Method [9] - 66.00%
Gllvata and al.Method [3] 87.00% 90.00%
Our Method 92.75% 97.20%

B. Evaluation of OCR & Text Enhancement
Implementation of the character recognition process
currently still uses commercial OCR application. We use Softi
free OCR application. We evaluate the accuracy of character
recognition without enhancement and with enhancement. We
recognize only roman character within commercial text
candidate blobs, and ignored Japanese character recognition at
this time. There are around 750 characters in 50 samples of
images, excluding space character. The results in Table 4
shown that by implementing the enhancement process, we can
improve about 10% accuracy of the recognition.
Total Character 748 748
Correct Detection 565 636
Miss Detection 183 112
Accuracy (%) 75.53 85.03

C. Evaluation of Information Extraction Knowledge Based
Evaluation of the accuracy of knowledge based rule system
is conduct through 2 conditions. First is real condition with real
results from OCR, and second condition is ideal condition
while assuming that we have 100% accuracy results from
OCR. While first condition evaluate for the whole systems,
second condition is only for evaluate the accuracy of
knowledge based rule system assuming that there is no error
from OCR. Table 5 show samples of text blob, its extracted
information and type of information by the knowledge based
rules. Table 6 shows the results of the accuracy evaluation of
knowledge based. The term Tot
means the total of product
information data from real OCR; the term Tot
means the total
of product information data from perfect OCR; the term C
means the correct detection; the term M means the miss
detection; and the term FP means the False Positive. The
accuracy of knowledge based system (only) for: phone number
recognition: 86.36%; URL address recognition: 78.57% and
price information recognition: 73.33%. And the accuracy of
knowledge based system in whole system with original
condition of OCR is: 75% accuracy of phone number
recognition; 70% accuracy of URL address recognition and
60% accuracy of price information.

Information Tot1 C M FP Tot2 C M FP
Phone Number 16 12 4 2 22 19 3 0
URL Address 10 7 3 1 14 11 3 0
Price Information 10 6 4 2 15 11 4 1

D. Discussion
Based on our experimental results, accuracy of recall on
text extraction is not so high because the occurrence of many
false positive, that is some non text objects are detected as text
in our approach. Since the text blob candidate will then send to
OCR process for recognition, non-text object is not a
significant problem, because non-text object has no text output
from OCR process. Also, if OCR generated results for non-text
object, usually only a little text with no meaning that can be
ignored. Although our experimental results only calculate the
text from commercial video screenshot image, it is still possible
to implementing in real time analysis for TV commercial
The accuracy results of information recognition are also
depending on the accuracy of OCR application. From the
evaluation process while assuming using the perfect OCR,
knowledge based system accuracy for product phone number is
about 86.36%, it is mean that our method for information
recognition knowledge based rules and pattern matching
method should be improved for better results.
In this paper, we have proposed an approach to
automatically extracted text appearing in commercial
screenshot images and recognize the product information based
on the pattern matching method. We see that our method on
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text extraction have good performance for localization of text
in commercial image, also our information recognition has high
accuracy on classifying and recognizing product information
from TV commercials. This is notable that in the future, we can
improve the method for implementing a real time product
information extraction from TV commercial application, for
using in a set top box TV system, as an application for helping
people automatically retrieve important information from live
streaming TV video contents.
[1] K. Jung, K.I. Kim, and A.K. Jain, Text Information Extraction in
Images and Video: A Survey, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 37, pp. 977-
997, 2004.
[2] G. Aghajari, J. Shanbehzadeh, and A. Sarrafzadeh, A Text Localization
Algorithm in Color Image via New Projection Profile, Proceedings of
International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists
2010, Vol II, pp. 1486-1489, 2010
[3] J. Gllavata, R. Ewerth, and B. Freisleben, A Robust Algorithm for Text
Detection in Images, Proc. of 3rd Int'l Symposium on Image and Signal
Processing and Analysis, Rome, pp. 611-616, 2003.
[4] J. Gllavata, R. Ewerth and B. Freisleben, Finding Text in Images via
Local Thresholding, International Symposium on Signal Processing and
Information Technology, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 539-542, 2003.
[5] M. Cai, J. Song, and M. R. Lyu, A New Approach for Video Text
Detection, Proc. of IEEE Intl Conference on Image Processing,
Rochester, New York, USA, pp. 117-120 , 2002.
[6] A. K. Jain, and B. Yu, Automatic Text Location in Images and Video
Frames, Pattern Recognition Vol 31, No. 12, pp. 2055-2076, 1998.
[7] Q. Ye, Q. Huang, W. Gao and D. Zhao, Fast and robust text detection
in images and video frames, Image Vision Comput. 23, pp. 565576,
[8] J. Gllavata, R.Ewerth and B. freisleben, A text detection, localization
and segmentation system for OCR in images, in Proc. IEEE Sixth
International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, pp. 425-
428, 2004.
[9] Rainer Lienhart and Wolfgang Effelsberg, Automatic text segmentation
and text recognition for video indexing. Multimedia Syst. Vol 8, No. 1,
pp 69-81, 2000.
[10] Xiaojun Li, Weiqiang Wang, Shuqiang Jiang, Qingming Huang, Wen
Gao, Fast and Effective Text Detection, IEEE International
Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, USA, pp. 969-972, 2008.
[11] Kohei, A., Tolle, H., Method for Real Time Text Extraction from
Digital Manga Comic, International Journal of Image Processing Vol 4,
No. 6, pp. 669-676, 2011.
[12] Kohei Arai, Tolle Herman, Text Extraction from TV Commercial using
Blob Extraction Method, International Journal of Research Review on
Computer Science (IJRRCS), Vol 2, No.3, pp. 895-899, 2011.
[13] N. Otsu. A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 1979, 9(1): 62-66
[14] Yijun Li, Danqing Zhang, Xiangmin Zhou, and Jesse S. Jin. A
confidence based recognition system for TV commercial extraction.
In Proceedings of the nineteenth conference on Australasian database -
Volume 75 (ADC '08), Vol. 75. Australian Computer Society, Inc.,
Darlinghurst, Australia, Australia, 57-64. 2008.
[15] Pritam Singh Negi, M M S Rauthan and H S Dhami. Article: Text
Summarization for Information Retrieval using Pattern Recognition
Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications 21(10):20-
24, 2011.
[16] Ralph Grishman, "Information Extraction: Techniques and Challenges",
. In Information Extraction: A Multidisciplinary Approach to an
Emerging Information Technology, in M.T. Pazienza, (ed.), Springer,
Kohei Arai, He received BS, MS and PhD degrees in 1972,
1974 and 1982, respectively. He was with The Institute
for Industrial Science and Technology of the University of
Tokyo from April 1974 to December 1978 and also was
with National Space Development Agency of Japan from
January, 1979 to March, 1990. During from 1985 to 1987,
he was with Canada Centre for Remote Sensing as a Post
Doctoral Fellow of National Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada. He moved to Saga University as a Professor in
Department of Information Science on April 1990. He was a councilor for the
Aeronautics and Space related to the Technology Committee of the Ministry
of Science and Technology during from 1998 to 2000. He was a councilor of
Saga University for 2002 and 2003. He also was an executive councilor for
the Remote Sensing Society of Japan for 2003 to 2005. He is an Adjunct
Professor of University of Arizona, USA since 1998. He also is Vice
Chairman of the Commission A of ICSU/COSPAR since 2008. He wrote 26
books and published 227 journal papers.

Herman Tolle, He graduated Bachelor degree in
Electrical Engineering from Brawijaya University,
Malang in 1998, and also graduated Master degree in
Telecommunication Information System from Bandung
Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung in 2002. He is
with Engineering Faculty of Brawijaya University from
2002 to present. He is now a Doctoral student in
Department of Information Science, Faculty of Science
and Engineering, Saga University Japan. He has major concern of research in
image analysis, multimedia, content adaptation and web engineering.

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Efficient Cancer Classification using Fast Adaptive
Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (FANFIS) based on
Statistical Techniques

Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Applications
Dr.SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science

Department of Computer Studies

Dr.SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science

Abstract- The increase in number of cancer is detected throughout
the world. This leads to the requirement of developing a new
technique which can detect the occurrence the cancer. This will
help in better diagnosis in order to reduce the cancer patients.
This paper aim at finding the smallest set of genes that can ensure
highly accurate classification of cancer from micro array data by
using supervised machine learning algorithms. The significance of
finding the minimum subset is three fold: a) The computational
burden and noise arising from irrelevant genes are much
reduced; b) the cost for cancer testing is reduced significantly as it
simplifies the gene expression tests to include only a very small
number of genes rather than thousands of genes; c) it calls for
more investigation into the probable biological relationship
between these small numbers of genes and cancer development
and treatment. The proposed method involves two steps. In the
first step, some important genes are chosen with the help of
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ranking scheme. In the second
step, the classification capability is tested for all simple
combinations of those important genes using a better classifier.
The proposed method uses Fast Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
System (FANFIS) as a classification model. This classification
model uses Modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for
learning phase. The experimental results suggest that the
proposed method results in better accuracy and also it takes lesser
time for classification when compared to the conventional
Keyword- Gene Expressions, Cancer Classification, Neural
Networks, Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, Analysis of Variance,
Modified Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
MICRO array data analysis has been successfully applied
in a number of studies over a broad range of biological
disciplines including cancer classification [3, 10] by class
discovery and prediction , identification of the unknown effects
of a specific therapy , identification of genes relevant to a
certain diagnosis or therapy , and cancer prognosis.
The multivariate supervised classification techniques such
as support vector machines (SVMs) [13] and multivariate
statistical analysis method such as principal component
analysis (PCA), singular value decomposition (SVD) [9] and
generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD) cannot be
applied to data with missing values. The finding of missing
value is an essential preprocessing step. Because of various
reasons, there may be some loss of data in gene expression [8,
11, 12] e.g. inadequate resolution, image corruption, dirt or
scratches on the slides or experimental error during the
laboratory process. Several algorithms have been developed
for recovering data because it is costlier and time consuming to
repeat the experiment. Moreover, estimating unknown
elements in the given data has many potential applications in
the other fields. There are several approaches for the
estimating the missing values. Recently, for missing value
estimation, the singular value decomposition based method
(SVDimpute) and weighted k-nearest neighbors imputation
(KNNimpute) has been introduced. It has been shown that
KNNimpute shows better performance on non-time series data
or noisy time series data, whereas, SVDimpute works well on
time series data with low noise levels. Considering as a whole,
the weighted k-nearest neighbor based imputation offers a
more robust method for missing value estimation than the SVD
based method.
In this paper, Fast Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
(FANFIS) is used along with gene ranking technique called
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The learning technique used
in this paper is Modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
Isabelle et al.,[1] proposed the Gene Selection for Cancer
Classification using Support Vector Machines. In this paper,
the author address the problem of selection of a small subset of
genes from broad patterns of gene expression data [4, 5],
recorded on DNA micro-arrays.
Using available training examples from cancer and normal
patients, the approach build a classifier suitable for genetic
diagnosis, as well as drug discovery. Previous attempts to
address this problem select genes with correlation techniques.
The author proposes a new method of gene selection utilizing
Support Vector Machine methods based on Recursive Feature
Elimination (RFE). It is experimentally demonstrated that the
genes selected by our techniques yield better classification [14]
performance and are biologically relevant to cancer. Jose et al.,
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[2] presents a Genetic Embedded Approach for Gene Selection
[15, 16] and Classification of Microarray Data [7, 17].
Murat et al., [6] gives the early prostate cancer diagnosis
by using artificial neural networks. The aim of this study is to
design a classifier based expert system for early diagnosis of
the organ in constraint phase to reach informed decision
making without biopsy by using some selected features. The
other purpose is to investigate a relationship between BMI
(body mass index), smoking factor, and prostate cancer. The
data used in this study were collected from 300 men (100:
prostate adenocarcinoma, 200: chronic prostatism or benign
prostatic hyperplasia). Weight, height, BMI, PSA (prostate
specific antigen), Free PSA, age, prostate volume, density,
smoking, systolic, diastolic, pulse, and Gleason score features
were used and independent sample t-test was applied for
feature selection. In order to classify related data, the author
have used following classifiers; scaled conjugate gradient
(SCG), Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) and
Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) training algorithms of artificial
neural networks (ANN).
Cancer classification proposed in this paper comprises of
two steps. In the first step, all genes in the training data set are
ranked using a scoring scheme. Then genes with high scores
are retained. This paper uses Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
method for ranking. In the second step, the classification
capability of all simple two gene combinations among the
genes selected are tested in this step using Fast Adaptive
Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (FANFIS) in which the training
is performed using Modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
Step 1: Gene Importance Ranking
This step performs the computation of important ranking of
each gene by means of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Step 2: Finding the minimum gene subset
This step attempts to classify the data set with single gene
after selecting several top genes in the important ranking list.
Each selected gene is given as an input to the classifier. When
good accuracy is not obtained, it is required to classify the data
set with all possible 2 gene combination within the selected
Even if the good accuracy is not obtained, this procedure is
repeated with all of the 3 gene combinations and so on until the
good accuracy is obtained.
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

Fig.1. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System

The fuzzy inference system that we have considered is a
model that maps
Input characteristics to input membership functions,
Input membership function to rules,
Rules to a set of output characteristics,
Output characteristics to output membership
functions, and
The output membership function to a single-valued
output, or
A decision associated with the output.
Architecture of ANFIS
The ANFIS is a framework of adaptive technique to assist
learning and adaptation. This kind of framework formulates the
ANFIS modeling highly organized and not as much of
dependent on specialist involvement. To illustrate the ANFIS
architecture, two fuzzy if-then rules according to first order
Sugeno model are considered:

) (

) (


) (

) (

where x and y are nothing but the inputs, A
and B

represents the fuzzy sets, f
represents the outputs inside the
fuzzy region represented by the fuzzy rule, p
, q
and r

indicates the design parameters that are identified while
performing training process.
The ANFIS architecture to execute these two rules is
represented in figure 2, in which a circle represents a fixed
node and a square represents an adaptive node.

Fig.2. ANFIS Architecture

In the first layer, every node is adaptive node. The outputs
of first layer are the fuzzy membership grade of the inputs that
are represented by:

() (1)

() (2)


() can accept any fuzzy membership

function. For example, if the bell shaped membership function
is employed,

() is represented by:

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5
Knowledge Base
Fuzzification Inference Defuzzification
Input Output
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where a
, b
and c
represents the parameters of the
membership function, controlling the bell shaped functions
In layer 2, the nodes are fixed nodes. These nodes are
labeled with M, representing that they carry out as a simple
multiplier. The outputs of this layer can be indicated by:


() (4)
which are the called as firing strengths of the rules.
The nodes are fixed in layer 3 as well. They are labeled
with N, representing that they are engaged in a normalization
function to the firing strengths from the earlier layer.
The outputs of this layer can be indicated as:

which are the called as normalized firing strengths.
In layer 4, all the nodes are adaptive nodes. The output of
the every node in this layer is merely the product of the
normalized firing strength and a first order polynomial.
Therefore, the outputs of this layer are provided by:

) (6)
In layer 5, there exists only one single fixed node labeled
with S. This node carries out the operation like summation of
every incoming signal. Therefore, the overall output of the
model is provided by:

It can be noted that layer 1 and the layer 4 are adaptive
layers. Layer 1contains three modifiable parameters such as a
, c
that is associated with the input membership functions.
These parameters are called as premise parameters. In layer
4, there exists three modifiable parameters as well such as {p
, r
}, related to the first order polynomial. These parameters
are called consequent parameters.
Learning algorithm of ANFIS
The intention of the learning algorithm is to adjust all the
modifiable parameters such as{a
, b
, c
} and {p
, q
, r
}, for the
purpose of matching the ANFIS output with the training data.
If the parameters such as a
, b
and c
of the membership
function are unchanging, the outcome of the ANFIS model can
be given by:


Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (8) yields:


Substituting the fuzzy if-then rules into Eq. (15), it

) (10)
After rearrangement, the output can be expressed as:


which is a linear arrangement of the adjustable resulting
parameters such as p
, q
, r
, p
, q
and r
. The least squares
technique can be utilized to detect the optimal values of these
parameters without difficulty. If the basis parameters are not
adjustable, the search space becomes larger and leads to
considering more time for convergence. A hybrid algorithm
merging the least squares technique and the gradient descent
technique is utilized in order to solve this difficulty. The hybrid
algorithm consists of a forward pass and a backward pass. The
least squares technique which acts as a forward pass is utilized
in order to determine the resulting parameters with the premise
parameters not changed. Once the optimal consequent
parameters are determined, the backward pass begins straight
away. The gradient descent technique which acts as a
backward pass is utilized to fine-tune the premise parameters
equivalent to the fuzzy sets in the input domain. The outcome
of the ANFIS is determined by using the resulting parameters
identified in the forward pass.
The output error is utilized to alter the premise parameters
with the help of standard backpropagation method. It has been
confirmed that this hybrid technique is very proficient in
training the ANFIS.
Modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
A Modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used for
training the neural network.
Considering performance index is ()

using the
Newton method we have as:









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The gradient can write as:





is called the Jacobian matrix.
Next we want to find the Hessian matrix. The k, j elements
of the Hessian matrix yields as:
The Hessian matrix can then be expressed as follows:


() () ()





If () is small assumed, the Hessian matrix can be
approximated as:




Using (13) and (21) we obtain the Gauss-Newton method

) (



) (




The advantage of Gauss-Newton is that it does not require
calculation of second derivatives.
There is a problem the Gauss-Newton method is the matrix

may not be invertible. This can be overcome by using

the following modification.
Hessian matrix can be written as:

Suppose that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of H are

+ and *



Therefore the eigenvectors of G are the same as the
eigenvectors of H, and the eigen values of G are (

The matrix G is positive definite by increasing until

) for all i therefore the matrix will be invertible.

This leads to Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm:


) 1





) 1


As known, learning parameter, is illustrator of steps of
actual output movement to desired output. In the standard LM
method, is a constant number. This paper modifies LM
method using as:

Where e is a matrix therefore

is a
therefore ,

- is invertible.
Therefore, if actual output is far than desired output or
similarly, errors are large so, it converges to desired output
with large steps. Likewise, when measurement of error is small
then, actual output approaches to desired output with soft steps.
Therefore error oscillation reduces greatly.
Lymphoma Data Set
Lymphoma data set [18] contains 42 samples obtained
from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Among these,
9 samples are from follicular lymphoma (FL), 11 samples are
from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). The whole data
set contains the expression data of 4026 genes. In this data set,
a small portion of data is missing. A k-nearest neighbor
technique was utilized to fill those missing data. In the initial
step, the 62 samples are randomly seperated into 2 groups in
such a way those 31 samples for training, and 31 samples for
testing. Next the complete 4026 genes are ranked with the help
of ANOVA technique. Then 100 genes are taken from them
with the highest rank. Then the proposed ANFIS technique is
applied for classification.








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Fig.3.: Classification Accuracy for Lymphoma Data Set with ANOVA

Fig.4. Convergence Behavior for Lymphoma Data Set with ANOVA Ranking

Figure 3 represents the resulted for classifying the
lymphoma data set and figure 4 represents the convergence
behavior of lymphoma data set.
Liver Cancer Data Set
The liver cancer data set [19] contains two classes, i.e. the
nontumor liver and HCC. The data set consista 156 samples
and the expression data of 1648 important genes. In that, 82 are
HCCs and the remaining 74 are nontumor livers.
The data is randomly separated into 78 training samples
and 78 testing samples. In this data set, there are some missing
values. K-nearest neighbor technique is utilized to fill those
missing values. Initially, 100 important genes are chosen in the
training data set. Next all possible 1-gene and 2-gene
combinations are tested within the 100 important genes.

Fig.5.: Classification Accuracy for Liver Cancer Data Set with ANOVA
Figure 5 represents the resulted for classifying the liver
cancer data set and figure 6 represents the convergence
behavior of liver cancer data set. From these results, it can be
observed that the proposed technique results in better accuracy
of classification and it takes lesser time to converge.

Fig.6. Convergence Behavior for Liver Cancer Data Set with ANOVA
This paper suggests a better technique for classification of
cancer. In the proposed technique, the ANOVA ranking
technique is initially applied to the dataset in order to find the
higher ranked genes.
After ranking the genes, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
System is used in used for classification which has both the
advantages of neural network and fuzzy logic. But, it takes
more time for classification.

0 25 50 75 100


0 25 50 75 100





No. of Iterations
0 25 50 75 100


0 25 50 75 100





No. of Iterations
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To overcome this paper uses Fast Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy
Inference System (FANFIS). The learning is performed using
the Modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The proposed
technique is tested using two dataset namely, Lymphoma
dataset and Liver cancer dataset. The experimental result
shows that the proposed technique results in better accuracy of
classification and also takes lesser time for convergence.
[1] Isabelle Guyon, Jason Weston, Stephen Barnhill and Vladimir Vapnik,
Gene Selection for Cancer Classification using Support Vector
Machines, 2002.
[2] Jose Crispin Hernandez Hernandez, Batrice Duval and Jin-Kao
HaoGuyon, Jason Weston, Stephen Barnhill and Vladimir Vapnik, A
Genetic Embedded Approach for Gene Selection and Classification of
Microarray Data, 2007.
[3] Cun-gui Cheng, Lu-yao Cheng, Run-sheng Xu ,"Classification of FTIR
Gastric Cancer Data Using Wavelets and SVM",ICNC '07: Proceedings
of the Third International Conference on Natural Computation - Volume
01, 2007.
[4] Mingjun Song and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, "A greedy algorithm for
gene selection based on SVM and correlation", International Journal of
Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 2010.
[5] Chen Liao and Shutao Li, "A support vector machine ensemble for
cancer classification using gene expression data", ISBRA'07:
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Bioinformatics
research and applications, 2007.
[6] Murat Cnar, Mehmet Engin, Erkan Zeki Engin and Y. Ziya Atesci
,"Early prostate cancer diagnosis by using artificial neural networks and
support vector machines", Expert Systems with Applications: An
International Journal, April 2009.
[7] Kim H, and Park H, Multi class gene selection for classification of cancer
subtypes based on generalized LDA
[8] Shipp M. A et al,.Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma outcome prediction by
gene expression profiling and supervised machine learning, Nat. Med.,
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[9] Alter O., Brown P.O. , and Botstein D., Generalized Singular value
decomposition for comparative analysis of genome-scale expression
datasets of two different organisms, Proceedings of Natural academy of
Science, USA, 100(6), 3351-3356, 2003.
[10] Y. Lee and C. K. Lee, Clasication of multiple cancer types by
Multicategory Support Vector Machines using gene expression data,
Bioinformatics, 19, 1132-1139, 2003.
[11] S. Chen, S. R. Gunn and C. J. Harris, The relevance vector machine
technique for channel equalization application, IEEE Trans on Neural
Networks, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1529-1532, 2001.
[12] Tipping M. E. Sparse Bayesian Learning and the Relevance Vector
Machine, Journal of Machine Learning Research, pp. 211-244, 2001.
[13] I. El-Naqa, Y. Yang, M. N. Wernick, N. P. Galatsanos, and R. M.
Nishikawa, A support vector machine approach for detection of
microcalcifications, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, vol. 21, 1552-
1563, 2002.
[14] L. Carin and G. J. Dobeck, Relevance vector machine feature selection
and classification for underwater targets, Proceedings of OCEANS
2003, Vol. 2, pp. 22-26, 2003.
[15] Shutao Li, Xixian Wu and Xiaoyan Hu, " Gene selection using genetic
algorithm and support vectors machines", Springer-Verlsg, Soft
Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications,
Feb 2008.
[16] Chen Liao, Shutao Li and Zhiyuan Luo," Gene Selection Using
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and Support Vector Machine for Cancer
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[17] Chaoyang Zhang, Peng Li, Arun Rajendran and Youping Deng," Parallel
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[18] http://llmpp.nih.gov/lymphoma
[19] http://genome-www.stanford.edu/hcc
Mr.K.AnandaKumar was born in TamilNadu, India on
March 1975. He received the B.Sc Degree in Physics
from Bharathiar University in 1995. He received his
MCA Degree in Computer Applications from Bharathiar
University in 1998. He received his M.Phil from Periyar
University in 2006 and he is doing Doctor of Philosophy
in Computer Science and Engineering from Bharathiar University,
Coimbatore. He had 13 years of teaching experience. Currently he is working
as HOD in Computer Applications Department, Dr.SNS Rajalakshmi College
of Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. His Professional activities
includeGuided Twenty PG projects and Ten M.Phil and guiding Ten PG
and Six M.Phil projects. Published and presented 8 papers in International and
National Conferences and 6 national and international journals.
Dr. M. Punithavalli received the Ph.D degree in
Computer Science from Alagappa University, Karaikudi in
May 2007. She is currently serving as the Director of the
Computer Science Department, Sri Ramakrishna college
of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore. Her research
interest lies in the area of Data mining, Genetic Algorithms and Image
Processing. She has published more than 10 Technical papers in International,
National Journals and conferences. She is Board of studies member various
universities and colleges. She is also reviewer in International Journals. She
has given many guest lecturers and acted as chairperson in conference.
Currently 10 students are doing Ph.D under her supervision
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Clustering Student Data to Characterize Performance

Bindiya M Varghese
Dept. of Computer Science,
Rajagiri College of Social
Sciences, Kalamassery
Kerala, India
Jose Tomy J
Rajagiri College of Social
Sciences, Kalamassery
Kerala, India

Unnikrishnan A
Sciencist G,
NPOL Kochi

Poulose Jacob K
Dean, Dept. of Computer

Abstract Over the years the academic records of thousands of
students have accumulated in educational institutions and most
of these data are available in digital format. Mining these huge
volumes of data may gain a deeper insight and can throw some
light on planning pedagogical approaches and strategies in the
future. We propose to formulate this problem as a data mining
task and use k-means clustering and fuzzy c-means clustering
algorithms to evolve hidden patterns.
Keywords- Data mining; k-means Clustering; Fuzzy C-means;
Student performance analysis.
Data mining techniques are used to extract useful and valid
patterns from huge databases. Large amount of data is
accumulated in universities and colleges concerning the
students. The proactive knowledge gained by these techniques
will help the stakeholders for decision making that likely to
effect on students learning outcomes. The model developed
helps achieve measurable student progress monitoring process
and identifies the features that profoundly influence the
performance, thus benefiting stakeholders in the educational
system and the wider community.
Clustering is a method to group data into classes with
identical characteristics in which the similarity of intra-class is
maximized or minimized. Clustering is a descriptive task that
seeks to identify homogeneous groups of objects based on the
values of their attributes [1][2]. Current clustering techniques
can be broadly classified into three categories; partitional,
hierarchical and locality-based algorithms. Given a set of
objects and a clustering criterion, the partitional clustering
obtains a partition of objects into clusters such that the objects
in a cluster are more similar to the objects inside the cluster
than to objects in different clusters. Partitional clustering
algorithms attempt to decompose the dataset directly into a set
of k disjoint clusters, provided k is the number of initial
clusters. An iterative optimization is done to emphasize the
local structure of data, which involves minimizing some
measure of dissimilarity in the objects within the cluster, while
maximizing the dissimilarity of different clusters. Partitional
algorithms are generally iterative in nature and converge to
some local optima. Given a set of data points xi d, i =
1,,N , partitional clustering algorithms aim to organize them
into K clusters {C1, , CK} while maximizing or
minimizing a pre-specied criterion function J.
A. K-Means Clustering Algorithm
K-means is one of the simplest unsupervised learning
algorithms used for clustering. K-means partitions n
observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs
to the cluster with the nearest mean [3]. This algorithm aims at
minimizing an objective function, in this case a squared error
function. The algorithm aims to minimize the objective
function. K-means is one of the simplest unsupervised
learning algorithms used for clustering. K-means partitions n
observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs
to the cluster with the nearest mean. This algorithm aims at
minimizing an objective function, in this case a squared error
function. The algorithm aims to minimize the objective


is a
chosen distance measure between a data point

and the
cluster centre

, is an indicator of the distance of the n data

points from their respective cluster centres.
B. Fuzzy C- Means Algorithm
Fuzzy c-means clustering allows one data element to
belong to two or more clusters. Given a finite set of data, X,
the problem of clustering in X is to find several cluster centres
that can properly characterize relevant classes of X. In
classical cluster analysis, these classes are required to form a
partition of X such that the degree of association is strong for
data within blocks of the partition and weak for data in
different blocks. However, this requirement is too strong in
many practical applications, and it is thus desirable to replace
it with a weaker requirement.
When the requirement of a crisp partition of X is replaced
with a weaker requirement of fuzzy partition we refer to the
emerging problem area as fuzzy clustering. Fuzzy pseudo
partitions are often called fuzzy c-partitions, where c
designates the number of fuzzy classes in the partition. This
method was developed by Dunn in 1973 and improved by
Bezdek in 1981. It is based on minimization of the following
objective function:

, 1m<,
where m is any real number greater than 1, u
is the degree
of membership of x
in the cluster j, x
is the ith of d-
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dimensional measured data, c
is the d-dimension center of the
Fuzzy partitioning is carried out through an iterative
optimization of the objective function shown above, with the
update of membership u
and the cluster centers c


This iteration will stop when


where is a termination criterion between 0 and 1, whereas k
are the iteration steps. This procedure converges to a local
minimum or a saddle point of J
Let X={x
, ,x
} be a set of given data. A fuzzy
pseudo partition or fuzzy c-partition of X is a family of fuzzy
subsets of X, denoted by P={A
} which satisfies

for all


all iN
, where c is a positive integer.
The dataset consisted of details of students of five
consecutive years. The main features are the following
attributes for each course attended by the student
i. Attendance
ii. Internal mark assessment
iii. Seminar assessment
iv. Class assignment assessment
v. University marks scored
The dataset consisted of approximate 8000 records. The
attributes internal assessment, seminar assessment and the
class assignment were transformed and consolidated into
proper normal forms appropriate for mining. Normalization
was done on these attributes so that data should fall within a
small specified range and hence does not outweigh the
measurement of other attributes.
Both, k-means and Fuzzy C-means were applied on the
dataset. The prominent results from both the experiments are
shown below.




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Following interpretations are made out of the results. The
fluctuations in internal assessment marks decreases with each
passing semester. The graphs indicate a directly proportional
link between attendance and student aggregate performance
and that the performance decreases with decreasing
attendance. Except for second semester all university marks
are equal to or just below first semester university marks. The
first semester mark can be considered as an indicator of what
can be expected of a student in further semesters.
The graphs of both the algorithms support the same facts
that students score more in second internal assessment which
is conducted after 30 sessions of the semester than in the first
internal assessment conducted after 15 sessions and university
mark is almost the same or just above internal assessment
This pilot study provides fundamental inferences to
develop basic heuristics for the course. The clustering process
provides us with different perspectives which can made use
while preparing the schedule for internal assessments and the
curriculum. The Internal Assessment Scores are clearly an
indicator for the students academic performance and at the
end of First Internal Assessment remedial classes can be
designed and implemented. As a future research, clustering
can be directly applied to more expounded data, so that more
relations between the different attributes are emerged.
[1] Ester, M., Frommelt, A., Kriegel, H.-P., and Sander, J. 1998. Algorithms
for characterization and trend detection in spatial databases. In Proc. 4th
Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, New York City,
NY, pp. 44-50.
[2] Kaufman, Leonard and Peter J. Rousseeuw. Finding Groups in Data: An
Introduction to Cluster Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and
Statistics). Wiley-Interscience, March 2005.
[3] MacQueen, J. B. (1967). "Some Methods for classification and Analysis
of Multivariate Observations". 1. Proceedings of 5th Berkeley
Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. University of
California Press. pp. 281297. MR0214227. Zbl 0214.46201. Retrieved
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_clustering#Fuzzy_c-means_clustering
[5] Richard Nock, Frank Nielsen, "On Weighting Clustering," IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, pp. 1223-
1235, August, 2006
Bindiya M Varghese is a researcher in the field of data ming, specilizing on
fuzzy quadtree based algorithms. Currently works as the Assistant
Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Kalamassery Kerala,
Jose Tomy is currently with Tata Consultancy Services, Kochi as a software
Unnikrishnan A Ph.D is with Naval Physical Oceanographic Laboratory , an
organization under defence ministry of India, as Senior Scienctist.
Poulose Jacob K Ph.D is the Dean and HOD of the department of Computer
Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology Kerala.

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Comparative Analysis of Various Approaches Used in
Frequent Pattern Mining

Deepak Garg, Hemant Sharma
Thapar University, Patiala

AbstractFrequent pattern mining has become an important
data mining task and has been a focused theme in data mining
research. Frequent patterns are patterns that appear in a data set
frequently. Frequent pattern mining searches for recurring
relationship in a given data set. Various techniques have been
proposed to improve the performance of frequent pattern mining
algorithms. This paper presents review of different frequent
mining techniques including apriori based algorithms, partition
based algorithms, DFS and hybrid algorithms, pattern based
algorithms, SQL based algorithms and Incremental apriori based
algorithms. A brief description of each technique has been
provided. In the last, different frequent pattern mining
techniques are compared based on various parameters of
importance. Experimental results show that FP- Tree based
approach achieves better performance.
Keywords- Data mining; Frequent patterns; Frequent pattern
mining; association rules; support; confidence; Dynamic item set
Frequent patterns are item sets, subsequences, or
substructures that appear in a data set with frequency no less
than a user-specified threshold. Frequent pattern mining is a
first step in association rule mining. One of the major uses with
association rules is to analyze large amount of supermarket
basket transactions [1-3]. Recently, association rules have been
applied to other areas like outliers detection, classification,
clustering etc [4, 6, 8].
Association rules mining can formally be defined as
follows. Let I = {i
, i
, i
, .., i
} be a set of attributes called
items. Let D be a set of transactions. Each transaction t D
consists of a set of items such that t I. A transaction t is said
to contain an item set X if and only if all items within X are
also contained in t. Each transaction also contains a unique
identifier called transaction identification (TID). Support of an
item set is normalized number of occurrences of the item set
within the dataset. An item set is considered as frequent or
large, if the item set has a support that is greater or equal to the
user specified minimum support [25-26].
The most common form of association rules is implication
rule which is in the form of X Y, where X I, Y I
and X Y = . The support of the rule X Y is equal to the
percentage of transactions in D containing X Y. The
confidence of the rule X Y is equal to the percentage of
transactions in D containing X also containing Y. Once the
required minimum support and confidence are specified,
association rule mining becomes finding all association rules
that satisfy the minimum support requirements. The problem
can be further broken down into two steps: mining of frequent
item sets and generating association rules.
The number of possible combinations of item sets increases
exponentially with I and the average transaction length.
Therefore it is infeasible to determine the support of all
possible item sets. When counting the supports of item sets,
there are two strategies. The first strategy is to count the
occurrences directly, whenever an item set is contained in a
transaction, the occurrence of the item set is increased. The
second strategy is to count the occurrences indirectly by
intersecting TID set of each component of the item set. The
TID set of a component X, where X can be either item or item
set, is denoted as X.TID. The support of an item set S = X
Y is obtained by intersecting X.TID Y.TID = S.TID and the
support of S equals S.TID [28, 29].
A. Apriori-based Algorithms
The first published frequent item set mining algorithm is
Apriori [1]. Apriori uses breadth first search (BFS). At each
level, Apriori reduces the search space by using downward
closure property of item set. If an item set of length k is not
frequent, none of its superset patterns can be frequent.
Candidate frequent item sets, C
where k is the length of the
item set, are generated before each data scan. The supports of
candidate frequent item sets are counted. Candidate k item sets,
are generated with frequent (k 1) item sets. Apriori
algorithm achieves good performance by reducing the
candidate item sets iteratively. The problem, however,
associated with Apriori is it requires k data scans to find all
frequent k-item sets. It is very much expensive to scan the large
data base. Dynamic Item set Counting, (DIC) relaxes the strict
separation between generating and counting of item sets [4].
DIC starts counting the support of candidate frequent item sets
as soon as they are being generated. By overlapping counting
and candidate item set generation, DIC reduces the overall data
scans required. Orlando et al. [13] proposed an algorithm that
combines transaction reduction and direct data access. At the
end of each scan, transactions that are potentially useful are
used for the next iteration. A technique called scan reduction
uses candidate 2 item sets to generate subsequent candidate
item sets [12]. If all intermediate data can be held in the main
memory, only one scan is required to generate all candidate
frequent item sets. Another data scan is required to verify
whether the candidate frequent item sets are frequent or not.
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With all of those improvements, the number of data scans
required by Apriori based algorithms has been reduced
significantly. However, the cost of generating candidate
frequent item sets has not been fully addressed by Apriori
based algorithms. This problem becomes visible when there are
huge numbers of frequent 1 or 2 item sets.
B. Partition-based Algorithms
Partition-based Algorithms [15] solves the problem of high
number of database scans, associated with Apriori-based
algorithm. It requires two complete data scan to mine frequent
item sets. The Partition algorithm divides the dataset into many
subsets so that each subset can be fitted into the main memory.
The basic idea of the Partition-based algorithm is that a
frequent item set must be frequent in at least one subset.
Partition-based algorithm generates local frequent item sets for
each partition during the first data scan. Since the whole
partition can be fitted into the main memory, the complete local
frequent item sets can be mined without any disk I/O
operations. The local frequent item sets are added to the global
candidate frequent item sets. In the second data scan, false
candidates are removed from the global candidate frequent item
sets. In a special case where each subset contains identical local
frequent item sets, Partition algorithm can mine all frequent
item sets with a single data scan. However, when the data is
distributed unevenly across different partitions, this algorithm
may generate a lot of false candidates from a small number of
partitions. By employing the knowledge collected during the
mining process, false global candidate frequent item sets are
pruned when they are found that they cannot be frequent. In
addition, those algorithms reduce the number of scans in the
worse case to (2b- 1)/b where b is the number of partitions.
C. DFS and Hybrid Algorithms
Eclat and Clique [16] combine both depth first search
(DFS) and intersection counting. Since intersection counting is
used, no complicated data structure is required. These hybrid
algorithms reduces the memory requirement, since only the
TID sets of the path item sets from the root to the leaves have
to be kept in the memory simultaneously. Intersection of TID
sets can be stopped as soon as the remaining length of the
shortest TID set is shorter than the required support minus the
counted support value. The intersection of TID sets of 1-item
set to generate frequent 2 item sets is expensive.. The maximal
hyper graph clique clustering is applied to 2-frequent item sets
to generate a refined set of maximal item sets. Hipp et al. [10]
pointed out that DFS cannot prune candidate k item sets by
checking frequent (k 1) item sets, because DFS searches from
the root to the leaves of the tree without using any subsets
relationship. A hybrid approach of BFS and DFS is proposed
in [11]. It is cheaper to use item set counting with BFS to
determine the supports, when the number of candidate frequent
item sets is small. When the number of candidate frequent item
sets is relatively large, the hybrid algorithm switches to TID set
intersection with DFS, since simple TID set intersection is
more efficient than occurrence counting when the number of
candidate frequent item sets is relatively large. This results in
additional costs to generate TID sets. The authors proposed
[11] to use hash-tree-like structure to minimize the cost of
transition. However, the authors do not provide an algorithm to
determine the best condition to switch the strategy. In the
evaluation, the authors provide parameters to change in
strategy. However, those parameters may not be generalized
enough for all kinds of datasets. Incorrect timing of changing
strategy may decrease the performance of hybrid algorithm.
D. Pattern-Growth Algorithms
Two major costs of Apriori based algorithms are the cost to
generate candidate frequent item sets and the cost associated
with I/O operations. The issues related to I/O have been
addressed, but the issues related to candidate frequent item sets
generation remain open. If there are n frequent 1 item sets,
Apriori based algorithms would require to generate
approximately n
/2 candidate frequent item sets. Secondly, the
memory required to hold the candidate frequent item sets and
their supports could be substantial. For example, when n equals
10,000, there would be more than 10
length 2 candidate
frequent item sets. If we assume that it requires 4 bytes to hold
the support and 4 bytes to hold the item sets, approximately 0.5
gigabytes of main memory would be needed to store the
information [18]. Furthermore, the memory required does not
include the overhead associated with the data structure. Also
the cost required to count the support of candidate item sets
may be large. As far as Apriori-based algorithms are
concerned, the run time increases as the support value
decreases. Therefore, the cost of candidate frequent item sets
generation of Apriori based algorithms will exceeds than the
cost of I/O [24]. Han et al. [9] proposed a data structure called
frequent pattern tree or FP Tree. FP-growth mines frequent
item sets from FP-Tree without generating candidate frequent
item sets. FP-Tree is an extension of prefix tree structure. Only
frequent items get stored in the tree. Each node contains the
items label along with its frequency. The paths from the root
to the leaves are arranged according to the support value of the
items with the frequency of each parent is greater than or equal
to the sum of its childrens frequency. The construction of FP-
Tree requires two data scans. In the first scan, the support value
of each item is found. This calculated support values are used
in the second scan to sort the items within transactions in
descending order. If two transactions share a common prefix,
the shared portion is merged and the frequencies of the nodes
are incremented accordingly. Nodes with the same label are
connected with an item link. The item link is used to facilitate
frequent pattern mining. In addition, each FP-Tree has a header
that contains all frequent items and pointers to the beginning of
their respective item links. FP-growth partitions the FP-Tree
based on the prefixes. FP-growth traverses the paths of FP-Tree
recursively to generate frequent item sets. Pattern fragments are
concatenated to ensure all frequent item sets are generated
properly. Thus FP-growth avoids the costly operations for
generation and testing operations of candidate item sets. When
the data is sparse, the compression achieved by the FP-Tree is
small and the FP Tree is bushy. As a result, FP-growth would
spend a lot of effort to concatenate fragmented patterns with no
frequent item sets being found. A new data structure called H-
struct is introduced in [14]. In this, transactions are sorted with
an arbitrary ordering scheme. Only frequent items are projected
in the H-struct. H-struct consists of projected transactions and
each node in the projected transactions contains item label and
a hyper link pointing to the next occurrence of the item. A
header table is created for H-struct. The header contains
frequencies of all items, their supports and hyper link to the
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first transaction containing given item. H-mine mines the H-
struct recursively by building a new header table for each item
in the original header with subsequent headers omitting items
that have been mined previously. For each sub- header, H-mine
traverses the H-struct according to the hyper links and finds
frequent item sets for the local header. At the same time, H-
mine builds links for items that have not been mined in the
local header. Those links are used to find conditional frequent
patterns within the local header. The process is repeated until
all frequent item sets have been mined. In case of a dense
dataset, H-struct is not as efficient as FP-Tree because FP-Tree
allows compression.
E. Incremental Update with Apriori-based Algorithms
Complete dataset is normally huge and the incremental
portion is relatively small compared to the complete dataset. In
many cases, it is not feasible to perform a complete data mining
process while transactions are being added continuously.
Therefore, incremental data mining algorithms have to reuse
the existing information as much as possible, so that either
computational cost and/or I/O cost can be reduced. A general
incremental mining algorithm called Fast Update 2 (FUP2),
that allows both addition and deletion of transactions was
proposed in [7]. The major idea of FUP2 is to reduce the cost
of candidate frequent item sets generation. Incremental portion
of the dataset is scanned; frequent patterns in the incremental
data are compared with the existing frequent item sets in the
original dataset. Previous frequent item sets are removed if they
are no longer frequent after the incremental portion of the data
is added or removed. The supports of previous frequent item
sets that are still frequent are updated to reflect the changes. In
those ways, previous frequent item sets that are still frequent
are not required to be checked for their supports again. New (k
+ 1) candidate frequent item sets are generated from frequent k
item sets. The entire updated dataset is scanned to verify those
newly added candidate item sets if they are indeed frequent.
The process is repeated until the set of candidate frequent item
set becomes empty. FUP2 offers some benefits over the
original Apriori algorithm. However, it still requires multiple
scans of the dataset. Another incremental Apriori based
algorithm is called Sliding Window Filtering (SWF) [12]. SWF
incorporates the main idea of Partition algorithm with Apriori
to allow incremental mining. SWF divides the dataset into
several partitions. During the scan of partitions, a filtering
threshold is employed in each partition to generate candidate
frequent 2 item sets. When a candidate 2 item set is found to be
frequent in the newly scanned partition, the partition number
and the frequency of the item set are stored. Cumulative
information about candidate frequent 2 item sets is selectively
carried over toward subsequence partition scans. Cumulative
frequencies of previous generated candidate frequent 2 item
sets are maintained as new partitions are being scanned. False
candidate frequent item sets are pruned when the cumulative
support of the candidate frequent item sets fall below required
proportional support since they have become frequent. Once
incremental portion of the dataset is scanned, scan reduction
techniques are used to generate all subsequence candidate
frequent items sets [5]. Another data scan over the whole
dataset is required to confirm the frequent item sets. In the case
of data removal, the partition to be removed are scanned, the
cumulative count and the start partition number of candidate
length 2 item sets are modified accordingly. Although SWF
achieves better performance than pervious algorithms, the
performance of SWF still depends on the selection of partition
size and removal of data can only be done at partition level.
F. SQL-based algorithms
DBMS can facilitate data mining to become an online,
robust, scalable and concurrent process by complementing the
existing querying and analytical functions. The first attempt to
the particular problem of integrated frequent item set mining
was the SETM algorithm [10, 17], expressed as SQL queries
working on relational tables. The Apriori algorithm [1] opened
up new prospects for FIM. The database- coupled variations of
the Apriori algorithm were carefully examined in [19]. The
SQL-92 based implementations were too slow, but the SQL
implementations enhanced with object-relational extensions
(SQL-OR) performed acceptable. The so- called Cache-Mine
implementation had the best overall performance, where the
database-independent mining algorithm cached the relevant
data in a local disk cache [21-23]. SQL based frequent mining
using FP-tree provide best performance than other SQL based
techniques [20]. Although an FP-tree is rather compact, it is
unrealistic to construct a main memory- based FP-tree when
the database is large. However using RDBMSs provides us the
benefits of using their buffer management systems specially
developed for freeing the user applications from the size
considerations of the data. And moreover, there are several
potential advantages of building mining algorithms to work on
RDBMSs. An interesting alternative is to store a FP-tree in a
table. There are two approaches in this category - FP, EFP
(Expand Frequent Pattern). They are different in the
construction of frequent pattern tree table, named FP. FP
approach checks each frequent item whether it should be
inserted into a table FP or not one by one to construct FP. EFP
approach introduces a temporary table EFP, thus table FP can
generate from EFP. According to the properties of FP-tree, FP-
tree can be presented by a table FP with three column
attributes: item identifier (item), the number of transactions that
contain this item in a sub- path (count), and item prefix sub-tree
(path). The field path is beneficial not only to construct the
table FP but also to find all frequent patterns from FP. In the
construction of table FP, the field path is an important
condition to judge if an item in frequent item table F should be
insert into the table FP or update the table FP by incrementing
the item's count by 1. If an item does not exist in the table FP or
there exist the same items as this item in the table FP but their
corresponding path are different, insert the item into table FP.
In the process of constructing conditional pattern base for each
frequent item, only need to derive its entire path in the table FP
as a set of conditional paths, which co-occurs with it.
Comparison of different FPM techniques is given in Table
1, where A is length of maximal frequent item set and B is
number of partitions. As Shown In the table, various algorithms
are compared against four parameters, number of database
scans required for the generation of frequent item set, the
candidate generation technique used, whether the frequent item
generation approach is incremental or not, and how the
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algorithm is sensitive to the change in user parameters.
Apriori-based methods use efficient technique for pruning the
candidate item sets, but they require lots of computational time
as well as multiple database scans to generate candidate item
sets. Partition-based methods limit the size of candidate item
sets. Partition algorithm may generate a lot of false candidates
from a small number of partitions. FP-Tree based methods
require only two database scans in order to generate frequent
patterns. These methods use a compact tree- structure to
represent the entire database. They do not require candidate
generation, reducing the computational cost.
Comparison of the algorithms, Apriori and Primitive
Association Rule Mining is given in this section. There are
many advantages of Primitive Association Rule Mining over
Apriori uses candidate Generate function for generating
every candidate k-item sets and it takes enormous amount of
time to generate candidate k+1-item sets from large k item sets.
However, Primitive Association Rule Mining does not use this
function; instead it uses graph based approach after generating
of large 2item sets.
In primitive association, a graph is constructed with large
two item sets. Using graph, large three item sets can be
generated easily without scanning the database.
At each pass in primitive association, it is enough to use
graph with k large item sets for generating k+1 candidate item
sets. Traversal of one link list (adjacency list) takes less time as
compared to Apriori generation function.
Secondly in Apriori approach we are accessing transaction
as a whole or we can divide into parts but it takes lot of
memory whereas in Primitive Association Rule Mining,
transactions are converted into bit vector which is based on
items. Bit vector representation takes very less times as well as
memory, theoretically 32 times less. Primitive Association
Rule Mining takes less time since transactions are represented
in bit vector form, and we are using logical AND, OR
operation which is very fast. Further the bit representation
consumes less memory also.
A. Comparison of AprioriTid and Apriori Hybrid
AprioriTid and AprioriHybrid are just variations of Apriori.
In Apriori, at every step, we have to find candidate k-item sets,
and we have to scan whole database at each k, which is time
consuming. So, AprioriTid algorithm has given a solution for
finding candidate k-item sets without scanning whole
transaction. This algorithm works on the basis of transaction Id
that is associated with every transaction. Apriori Hybrid is
combined approach of Apriori and Apriori Tid, in which if
some part of transactions (which is stored in other place) do not
fit into the memory then use Apriori algorithm, otherwise swap
Apriori algorithm to Apriori Tid.
In general, using Apriori AprioriTid and AprioriHybrid
algorithms we can find frequent item sets, whereas we assume
that items and transactions have equal weights. Sometimes, it is
important to know that whether every items have equal weights
or not, if all items have equal weights then Apriori and their
variation can do good job for finding frequent item sets, and if
weights of items are not equal, then Apriori and their variations
do not work. So, to solve this problem, we have two solutions,
whether we can assign weights to items and transactions, or to
use some algorithms, so that it can give weights of items and
weights of transactions. If we have weights of items in the
beginning in the database then we can find frequent item sets
using weighted association rule of mining, otherwise we can
use association rule of mining without pre-assign weights,
which gives weights of items and weights of transactions using
HITS algorithm.
Apriori-Based Partition
FP Tree SQL Based
Number of Database Scan
For Best Case Scenario
2 1 2 2 1
Number of Database Scan
For Worst Case
A+1 (2B-1)/B A+1 2 1
Candidate Generation Needed or Not Yes Yes Yes No No
Incremental Mining Possible No No Yes No No
Sensitive to Change in User Parameter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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B. Experimental Results
Following are real life datasets which were taken, these are:
Kosarak- The kosarak dataset comes from the click-
stream data of a Hungarian online news portal, Number of
Instances =990,002, Number of Attributes= 41,270.

Large Item Sets Time taken by
Time taken by
3 0.46 0.29
4 2.166 1.86
5 12.04 11.11
Figure 1. Kosark Database
The results clearly show that Primitive algorithm is taking
less time as compared to the apriori algorithm.
Mushroom- This data set includes descriptions of
hypothetical samples corresponding to 23 species of gilled
mushrooms. Each species is identified as definitely edible,
definitely poisonous, or of unknown edibility and not
recommended. This latter class was combined with the
poisonous one. The Guide clearly states that there is no simple
rule for determining the edibility of a mushroom. Number of
Instances = 8124, Number of Attributes = 22.
Large Item Sets Time taken by
Time taken by
3 13.47 13.07
4 13.65 13.35
5 13.79 13.5

Figure 2. Mushroom Database
Experimental result clearly shows that Apriori is taking
more time.
Chess - A game datasets.
Attribute Information: Classes (2): -- White-can-win
("won") and White-cannot-win ("nowin").
It believes that White is deemed to be unable to win if the
Black pawn can safely advance. Number of Instances= 3196,
Number of Attributes=36.
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Large Item Sets Time taken by
Time taken by
3 0.41 0.37
4 4.64 4.04
5 50.43 43.43
Figure 3. Chess Database
By looking at the above results it is clear that FP- Tree
based approach are showing a clear edge because the number
of database scans required are less which in turn reduces the
computational time. Because the database is represented in tree
structures which are taking less space so the overall memory
requirement reduces.
Frequent pattern mining is the first step for association rule
mining. Association rule mining has found many applications
other than market basket analysis, including applications in
marketing, customer segmentation, medicine, e-commerce,
classification, clustering, web mining, bioinformatics and
finance. Various techniques have been found to mine frequent
Each technique has its own pros and cons. Performance of
particular technique depends on input data and available
resources. Among all of the techniques discussed above, FP-
Tree based approach achieves better performance by requiring
only two database scans hence reducing the computational
time. It takes less memory by representing large database in
compact tree-structure. But a word of caution here that
association rules should not be used directly for prediction
without further analysis or domain knowledge. They are,
however, a helpful starting point for further exploration &
understanding of data. Experimental results have shown
advantages of Primitive Association Rule Mining over Apriori.
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