IJACSA - Volume 4 No 2
IJACSA - Volume 4 No 2
IJACSA - Volume 4 No 2
) ' , ' ( ' ) ' , ' ( '
) ' , ' ( '
) ' , ' ( ' ) ' , ' ( ' ) ' , ' ( '
1 2
1 2 1 1 1
k k k
As mentioned before, the dissimilarity matrix D consists of
the degree of similarity between each pair of hardware kits.
Through the dissimilarity matrix, the relationship among
hardware kits becomes obvious.
C. Multidimensional Scaling
In the previous section, we use quantified feature vectors to
construct the dissimilarity matrix, which shows the degree of
similarity among different hardware kits. Nevertheless, a user
still has to spend lots of time searching for the relationship
from this k k matrix, so a friendly interface to present this
relationship is necessary, such that users can read this
dissimilarity matrix with ease.
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a mathematical tool that
uses proximities between objects, subjects, or stimuli to
produce a spatial representation of these items. The proximities
are defined as any set of numbers that express the amount of
similarity or dissimilarity between pairs of objects, subjects or
stimuli. It is a data reduction technique because it is concerned
with the problem of finding a set of points in low dimension
that represents the configuration of data in high dimension.
Here the configuration can be viewed as our dissimilarity
matrix D. Then D can be visualized in a low dimensional
coordinate system, such as a 2D plane or a 3D cube. Figure 3
shows an example of multidimensional scaling from a
dissimilarity matrix to 2D and 3D representation. Suppose
there are seven items, noted as item 1 to item 7. In Figure 3, the
distance between item i and item j is shown at location (i, j) of
the dissimilarity matrix. After multidimensional scaling, the
relative position of each item can be visualized in any low-
dimensional coordinate systems. Figure 3 illustrates an
example of 2D and 3D visualization of a dissimilarity matrix.
Fig. 3. An Example Of MDS From 77 Dissimilarity Matrix To 3D And 2D
Coordinating System
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
18 | P a g e
In practice, there are many ways to implement the
preference estimation system. For example, the feature factors
could be divided to several classes, where each class is
visualized by either an entire coordinate system or just an axis.
In Figure 4 (a), a feature vector is divided to class 1 consisting
of class 1-1 and class 1-2 as well as class 2 consisting of class
2-1 and class 2-2. Figure 4 (b) shows a hierarchical
representation to visualize the features of all classes (Layer 1)
and subclasses (Layer 2). Here a class or subclass is
represented by an axis. Figure 4 (c) is another representation to
illustrate class 1 and class 2. In this case, a class is represented
by an entire coordinate system. The advantage of this kind of
representation is that difference between classes or relationship
in a class can be more easily compared. A detailed case study
will be described in the next section.
As mentioned before, more and more embedded hardware
platforms have been developed and used in different courses
for various applications. Thus it is unlikely to learn all design
skills using one embedded hardware platform. In this case
study, three hardware platforms with different features are
adopted for embedded system curriculums. The three hardware
platforms are imported into the universal learning system, so
students can use the proposed system to understand the
relationship between the user preference and other feature
vectors. For each hardware platform, CIC lecturers deliver a
short course, which has been carefully designed, such that the
skills required for designing most popular electronic products
can be covered in the course. Once a student decides the
hardware platform according to the preference, he can take the
course either in the CIC classroom or in the virtual classroom.
Besides, he can also join discussion in the forum and ask
questions in the Q&A center.
In this section, the three embedded hardware platforms are
first introduced. Then the steps to visualize features of the
hardware platforms and the user preference are illustrated.
Besides, for each hardware platform the course design strategy
is described. Finally, student feedback is given for
demonstration of the performance of the proposed system.
A. Hardware Platforms
The first hardware platform used in the system is Sunplus
SPCE3200 [11], which is a highly integrated platform designed
by Sunplus for multimedia applications, as shown in Figure 5
(a). The platform is composed of a domestic 32-bit SoC
(S+Core), 128MB SDRAM, 64Mb NOR Flash, 128Mb NAN
Flash, QVGA 3.5 TFT LCD, and rich peripherals. The SoC
chip of SPCE3200 contains S+core CPU, Advanced High-
Performance Bus (AHB) connecting with high-performance
modules, and Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) connecting with
low-speed peripheral modules. High-performance modules
include CMOS sensor interface (CSI), MPEG-4/JPEG
encoding and decoding modules, LCD controller, TV signal
encoding module, 2-channel 16-bit D/A converter, embedded
8KB RAM (LDM) and 32KB ROM, and memory interface
controller. Low-speed peripheral modules include GPIO
controller, SPI serial bus controller, SIO serial bus controller,
I2C serial bus controller, I2S master/slave controller, UART
controller, USB master/slave controller, Watchdog, SD
controller, NAND flash controller, and 9-channel 12-bit A/D
converter. A well-integrated development and debugging IDE
environment as well as a ported eCOS system is offered with
the platform, helpful for the Hardware-Dependent Software
(HDS) and application developing. The core of SPCE3200 is
S+Core7, a 32-bit and 7-stage pipeline RISC CPU, supporting
feature vector
Class 1
((Class 1-1, Class 1-2), (Class 2-1, Class 2-2))
Class 2
Fig. 4. An example of the preference estimation system
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Three hardware platforms used in the courses: (a) Sunplus
SPCE3200, (b) ANDES Leopard, and (c) ITRI PAC-PMP
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
19 | P a g e
16/32-bit mixed instruction set and working at 27~162 MHz.
Since many applications can be implemented by hardware, it
saves execution time of software programs, and thus achieves
low energy cost and high efficiency. Therefore, SPCE3200 is
suitable for low-power devices or the controller of devices,
such as handheld devices, small household appliances, sensors,
or controllers of robots. The architecture of SPCE3200 is
shown in Figure 6.
The second hardware platform is ANDES Leopard [12],
consisting of a 32-bit SoC, a SODIMM slot of SDRAM, 32MB
Flash, QVGA 3.5 TFT LCD, Ethernet, UART, IIC, AC97, SD
card, LED, LEDs, buttons, ICE port for on-line debug, and so
on, as shown in Figure 5(b). Just like SPCE3200, there are
AHB connecting with high-performance modules and APB
connecting with low-speed peripheral modules. The core of
ANDES Leopard is a 32-bit and 5-stage pipeline SoC,
supporting 16/32-bit mixed instruction set. The maximum
working frequency of the core can reach 500 MHz. Besides,
the chip also contains controller of LCD, Flash, AHB, SDRAM,
DMA, and so on. Moreover, Leopard offers a well-integrated
development and debugging IDE environment and a well-
ported Linux kernel. Since Leopard has a well-ported Linux
and a powerful CPU, it is suitable for developing general-
purposed applications or applications that requires complex
computations, such as Netbooks, mini-computers, or E-books.
The architecture of Leopard is shown in Figure 7.
The third hardware platform is ITRI PAC-PMP [13]
(Figure 5(c)). PAC (Parallel Architecture Core) is a high
performance and low energy cost DSP developed by ITRI
(Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan). PAC-
PMP (Parallel Architecture Core Portable Multimedia Player)
is a heterogeneous dual-core hardware platform designed
mainly for multimedia and parallel applications. The structure
of PAC-PMP is shown in Figure 8. PAC-PMP has a dual-core
SoC, 128MB SDRAM, 32MB Flash, VGA TFT LCD, and
several interfaces, such as UART, Ethernet, USB, IIC, UART,
IrDA, LEDs, IIS, SD card, ICE port for on-line debug, and so
on. The core of PAC-PMP adopts the heterogeneous dual-core
structure, consisting of ARM926EJ-S and a domestic DSP with
5-way VLIW for multimedia applications. Besides dual-core
architecture, the other feature of PAC-PMP is multimedia
hardware codec, supporting H.264/AVC hardware accelerator
(motion estimation and entropy coding) and multimedia DMA
and SDRAM controller. In addition, the SoC also includes the
newest Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) technique,
which can dynamically adjust voltage frequency to efficiently
reduce energy cost. Due to the sufficient hardware supports and
powerful computational ability, PAC-PMP focuses on high-
quality multimedia applications and parallel computing, such as
recording video and answering the phone simultaneously.
However, the high complexity of its structure also increases the
threshold to learn this platform, so PAC-PMP is more suitable
for advanced software designer. The applicable area includes
PDAs, smart phones, high-definition DVRs, and so on.
B. Preference Estimation
Before taking the courses, a student could provide his
requirements (or preference) to the system, and give a
weighting value to each feature factor. The requirements of
students were treated as a feature vector, just like other
hardware platforms. Then we extracted feature factors for each
hardware platform. After that, the feature factors were divided
into two parts, the ones that can be quantified or not.
Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB)
Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB)
or ROM
APB bridge
DMA controller
S+core7 CPU
Optical Device
(SPG Only)
SD card
CMOS image
Fig. 6. The Architecture Of Sunplus SPCE3200
N1213 CPU Bus Controller
Timer RTC
Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB)
Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB)
Fig. 7. The Architecture Of ANDES Leopard
3rd Parties
SoC Boundary
Fig. 8. The Architecture Of ITRI PAC-PMP
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
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Quantified factors were added into the feature vector, and
others were listed by a table, as shown in TABLE I. Since the
range of every feature factor is different, each factor is
normalized to [1, 100] first. Next, every feature vector was
adjusted according to the weighting values given by the user,
so the result could more approximate the user requirements.
After all feature vectors were extracted and quantified, we
categorized the feature vector into three classes, software
information, hardware information, and user experience. Each
class contains several feature factors. For example, the class of
software information contains complexity of BSP, number of
design examples, completeness of documents, and so on. The
class of hardware information contains the core speed, core size,
and some quantified hardware specifications. As for the user
experience, it includes user ratings, ease of use, readability of
documents, etc. Next, the Euclidean Distance between each
pair of feature vectors is calculated to obtain the dissimilarity
matrix. After multidimensional scaling of feature vectors in
each class, the features of a hardware platform was reduced to
three values, standing for software information, hardware
information, and user experience, respectively. The three
values are expressed by x, y, and z axis of a coordinate system,
respectively. Eventually, there will be four points shown in a
3D coordinate system, standing for the feature of each platform
and the preference of the user, respectively. Figure 9 shows an
example of the preference of a student (U) and the
corresponding visualized feature points of the three platforms
(S, A, and P).
The distance between two points represents the degree of
similarity. Since the distance between S and U is the
shortest, the system suggests the student select SPCE3200. On
the other hand, the user could consider from only one
dimension (such as the hardware information dimension), so
different suggestion might be provided.
C. Course Design
Since every selected hardware platform has different
features and applicable areas, we design three short courses to
teach these platforms so that students can learn different types
of design skills in different courses. Students could choose
courses according to the suggestion of the user preference
The design strategy of courses basically follows ADDIE
process [15], which is a systematic framework used for
instructional design, and it is also used for helping create new
research topics in learning technology. There are five phases in
ADDIE process, analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation. We simplify these five phases
to three steps, instructional objective, instructional strategy, and
evaluation, as described in the following subsections.
First, we use ABCD model proposed by Mager [16] to
describe our instructional objectives. In ABCD model, useful
instructional objectives consist of four necessary components:
Audience, Behavior, Conditions, and Degree. According to
ABCD model, our instructional objective is defined as:
Students (Audience) can learn embedded software design skills
(Behavior) and finish 70% lab assignments (Degree) using the
simulator and the hardware platform provided in the course
(Condition). The details are described as follows:
1) Audience: Students are mainly graduated students with
basic knowledge of embedded systems, but the community is
also accepted to take the course.
2) Behavior: Students can learn skills of embedded
software design according to their requirements or abilities.
3) Condition: Students have to program using the
simulator and the hardware platform provided in the class.
4) Degree: Students have to finish 70% lab assignments in
the course, so that we can make sure how much the students
have learned.
The position of the proposed courses is advanced learning
of embedded software design, so students are requested to have
basic knowledge of embedded systems, operating systems,
computer architecture, and C programming. All of the
preliminary knowledge can be learned in the university.
Since teaching basic knowledge is omitted, the length of
every short course can be curtailed to 15 hours. At beginning of
every short course, the basic information of the platform is
introduced, including specification of the hardware platform,
development tools, peripheral devices and connectors, and
SPCE3200 Leopard PAC-PMP
Processor Sunplus S+score ANDES N1213
128Mb SDRAM,
192Mb Flash
on Interface
Ethernet, GPRS
Ethernet, UART, IIC
Ethernet, USB,
Joystick, Touch
panel, buttons,
Touch panel, buttons,
Touch panel,
buttons, LEDs
TV Out, LCD,
CMOS camera, IIS
SD card, SJTAG,
SD card, AHB, X-
Bus, MII
SD card, AHB
controlling, non-OS
OS kernel
Software information
Fig. 9. MDS From Three Hardware Platforms To A 3D Coordinating System,
Where S Means Sunplus SPCE3200, A Means ANDES Leopard, P Means
ITRI PAC-PMP, And U Means User
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
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installation. After the introduction, there are specific topics for
different applications in each class. TABLE II illustrates the
overview of each course, and TABLE III shows specific topics
in each course. For SPCE3200, we focus on design of
controller to peripheral programming and low level non-OS
device driver programming. For Leopard, the main topic is
general purposed software development on Linux. For PAC-
PMP, DSP programming and development of dual-core
communications and applications are emphasized. Note that the
difficulty to learn PAC-PMP is considered as the highest
because many students are not familiar with the skills of
parallel design and inter-process communication. Therefore,
students are suggested to learn parallel programming design
before PAC-PMP.
D. Evaluation
Dave addressed five stages composing Psychomotor
Domain of Blooms Taxonomy [17]. The five stages are
Imitation, Manipulation, Precision, Articulation, and
Naturalization. These stages explained the importance of
exercises. Besides, lab exercise is also one of the best ways to
evaluate the learning efficiency of a student, so we emphasize
on lab exercises in the courses. There are lab exercises assigned
after the introduction of every topic. The assignments are
designed in order to let students review the topics they just
learned. In the first assignment, the teacher shows how to use
IDE tools and simple programming skills, and students have to
repeat these actions. As for the remaining assignments, the
teacher just gives hints, and students have to finish assignments
In the final lab exercise, students design their own projects
according to the given direction. The knowledge they have
learned in the courses must be applied in their projects. In the
summer courses of 2012, some students integrated their majors
into the projects, such as a non-OS MP3 player using
SPCE3200, a digital photo frame using ANDES Leopard, and a
motion estimation accelerator using PAC-PMP.
As for the students taking the course in the virtual
classroom, several virtual platforms are provided for lab
exercise. Most functions on the hardware platform can be
simulated by its virtual platform, although the performance
might decrease significantly. Another problem is that the
student cannot ask question during the lab exercise, but he can
join discussion in the forum or query in the Q&A center by
email or hotline.
E. Student Feedback
At the end of the courses, we collected 69 questionnaires
from students. Before the courses, only 57% students have
basic knowledge of embedded systems. There are even 7%
students had never touched embedded systems. This means
about half of students did not really know their learning
objective. After the courses, 98% students agreed the proposed
system could more or less help their embedded software design
in the future. Among these 98% students, 76% of them felt the
proposed system is very helpful. Besides, 88% students
believed the courses met their expectation. In ease of use,
100%, 90%, and 65% students agreed that it is easy to use
SPCE3200, Leopard, and PAC-PMP, respectively. This result
corresponds to our expectation because the preference
estimation system reveals that the complex rank of the three
hardware platforms is PAC-PMP > Leopard > SPCE3200. A
complex hardware platform usually needs more effort to learn.
Therefore, from the feedback, it can be concluded the proposed
system helped students to select correct hardware platform. In
addition, the proposed short courses also helped students to
learn embedded software design for different applications.
We also collected the comments from the teachers after the
courses. Some comments are quoted as follows:
1) The visualized interface might attract more students to
use the proposed suggesting system. The relation map looks
instinctive and easy.
2) The proposed system also helps teachers to determine
the instructional objectives. The teacher, for example, can
map the requirements of all students to coordinate points, and
classify students into groups by similarity. For different
groups, different assignments or objectives might be given, so
that every student could learn according to their requirements
and levels. However, the proposed system works only when the
student keys in correct user preference. If some students do
not really know what they need, the system output will lose
accuracy in this situation.
Course Outline
SPCE3200 Leopard PAC-PMP
S+core introduction ANDES introduction PAC-PMP SoC
IDE tools
Software development using
Parallel architecture
core - PAC DSP + PAC
SPCE3200 platform
AndesStar ISA Development tools of
SPCE3200 GPIO ANDES GPIO Development tools of
SPCE3200 timer ANDES memory controller
SPCE3200 interrupt ANDES timer and interrupt
Specific Topics
SPCE3200 Leopard PAC-PMP
Programming of
peripheral controller
Programming of general
purposed applications
DSP programming
Programming of non-
OS device driver
Program profiling and
optimization techniques
Dual-core project design
Programming of tiny-
OS applications
Final Lab: Development
of applications on Linux
Dual-core project
execution flow
Final Lab:
Development of
applications on eCos
or non-OS
Final Lab: Usage of AAC,
JPEG, and H.264/AVC
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
22 | P a g e
The main problem from the teachers is inaccurate user input.
This error is unavoidable if the user input is inaccurate.
Therefore, we suggest the user preference is determined by the
feature vector of a platform that the user has used before. For
example, in this case study, a user can use the feature vector of
SPCE3200 as his preference if he used to use this hardware
platform before. Then the system will suggest ANDES to the
user because ANDES is more like SPCE3200 than PAC-PMP.
In this article, the idea of the universal learning system is
proposed. The visualization of the dissimilarity matrix let users
intuitively understand the relationship between the hardware
platforms and user preference, and helps users select the most
suitable hardware platform to learn embedded systems on-line.
In addition to online courses and virtual platforms, users can
also join discussion and ask questions using the proposed
system. In the demonstration, we applied three hardware
platforms used for embedded system education in Taiwan. The
results show that users can easily select the most suitable
hardware platform and take courses according to requirements.
Therefore, the proposed system can help users learn embedded
system anytime and anywhere.
However, there are still some problems in the proposed
system. For example, there should be a well-organized
management for the forum. Also, it is difficult to build up the
virtual platform for each hardware platform. In the future, these
issues will be taken into account gradually, such that the
universal learning system can be more practical.
The CIC national program was supported in part by
National Science Council of Taiwan. The authors wish to thank
J.-R. Chang, C.-T. Kuo, and Y.-S. Lin for providing
information of Sunplus SPCE3200, ANDES Leopard, and ITRI
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
23 | P a g e
Diabetes Monitoring System Using Mobile
Computing Technologies
Mashael Saud Bin-Sabbar
Computer Science Department
King Saud University
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mznah Abdullah Al-Rodhaan
Computer Science Department
King Saud University
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
AbstractDiabetes is a chronic disease that needs to
regularly be monitored to keep the blood sugar levels within
normal ranges. This monitoring depends on the diabetic
treatment plan that is periodically reviewed by the
endocrinologist. The frequent visit to the main hospital seems to
be tiring and time consuming for both endocrinologist and
diabetes patients. The patient may have to travel to the main city,
paying a ticket and reserving a place to stay. Those expenses can
be reduced by remotely monitoring the diabetes patients with the
help of mobile devices. In this paper, we introduce our
implementation of an integrated monitoring tool for the diabetes
The designed system provides a daily monitoring and monthly
services. The daily monitoring includes recording the result of
daily analysis and activates to be transmitted from a patients
mobile device to a central database. The monthly services require
the patient to visit a nearby care center in the patient home town
to do the medical examination and checkups. The result of this
visit entered into the system and then synchronized with the
central database. Finally, the endocrinologist can remotely
monitor the patient record and adjust the treatment plan and the
insulin doses if need.
KeywordsDiabetes; Electronic Monitoring; Remote
Monitoring, Ubiquities Healthcare; T1DM, T2DM; Android
Monitoring System.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that is
considered to be a metabolic disorder [1]. Diabetes is caused
by either the absent of insulin or inability to utilize the
produced insulin. Age, family history, body weight, and
having previous gestational diabetes are some factors which
make the person exhibition for diabetes. Diabetes classified
within three categories: Type1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM);
which is the result of not producing insulin, Type2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM); which is the result of ignoring insulin by the
cells, and gestational diabetes which diagnosed in some
In fact, diabetes needs to be treated either by just
modifying life style, or by medications and injections. This
treatment is very important to prevent fatal complications.
Also, patients who have diabetes need to measure their blood
level daily using a glucose meter. In addition, they have to do
the HA1c test every three to six months to guide the
endocrinologist when evaluating the treatment plan.
Mobile computing can improve the quality of the patients'
life by providing systems that help diabetes patients to monitor
and control their diseases [2]. These applications can help the
endocrinologist by providing a remote monitoring to the
patient. Database technologies can be combined with
communication technologies to present an integrated diabetes
monitoring tool.
Nowadays, many researches are proposing different
architectures and system designs for diabetes monitoring
system. One of these proposed systems is SMARTDIAB [1]
which is proposed by S.G. Mougiakakou et al. in 2010. They
combine state of the art approaches in database technologies,
communications, simulation algorithm and data mining.
SMARTDIAB was consisting of two units: patient unit and
patient management unit. The patient unit feed the system by
passing information and gets a response regarding to that
In this paper, we will improve the SMARTDIAB by
building a system of three units: patient unit, endocrinologist
unit, and general physician unit. In addition, we increase the
strength of our proposed system by concerning the HA1c test's
result which helps the endocrinologist to efficiently evaluate
the treatment plan. The accuracy of the data is achieved by
depending on electronic data input for blood glucose levels'
readings. And since the authority is a sensitive criterion in any
health care monitoring system, we define three actors in the
system with three associated access rights.
This paper is organized as the following: Section 2
discusses the existing work and shows the literature review.
Then section 3 presents the problem statement and discusses
the proposed system architecture. In Section 4, Patient side
solution is presented. After that, in Section 5, we present the
doctor side solution followed by discussion about the central
database in section 6. In section 7, we show the system
evaluation. And then, we show the system strength in section
8. Finally, we summarize our work and highlight some future
works in section 9.
Diabetes is known as one of the most common diseases
that has significant burden on patients and healthcare systems.
Nowadays, there are lots of researches in the field of diabetes
monitoring. These researches are coming as a sequence of
evolutions. The first evolution in diabetes monitoring was the
use the computers to manage patient data and save their
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
24 | P a g e
records which include personal information, treatment
progress and historical information. Then, these monitoring
systems were developed and become as dual sides systems. In
this type of systems, diabetes can be controlled remotely by
which called tele-monitoring and tele-medication. In such
systems, the health care providers offer tele-support and
monitoring services to patients through a desktop computer at
home. Patient also can enter data about his daily intake food,
activities, and medication and get a right advice about his
condition. Later, with the huge growth in technology, a tele-
monitoring system built for mobile phones and PDAs have
appeared. These systems can support the patient while he is in
move, and supply him with interactive conversation with the
healthcare providers. This last type of evolution is now taking
a considerable place in researches and markets. And if they
well designed, they can provide a really prevention or
improvement of diabetes.
In this section, we study the literature and application of
diabetes monitoring systems with more details in the last
evolution that is related to our work.
A. One-Side Desktop Diabetes Monitoring System
A system was developed by S. Pruna et al. to enable the
monitoring of clinical care in the countries of the black sea[3].
The system improves the quality of diabetes services by
providing the clinicians with a computerized diabetes registry.
The clinicians have many options for the management of the
creation, correction, and visualization of patients' records. The
system was developed using a modular design and object
oriented method approach and its architecture was based on
the Good European Health Care Record (GEHR). They use a
MS access related tables to store information in the database.
Black Sea Tele Diab has two security levels: function level,
which assigns specific functions to the user depending on his
access right, and data level which restrict the access to the
items depending on the user rights.
B. Dual-Side Desktop Diabetes Monitoring System
H. kwon et al. designed new diabetes monitoring system
model online using the internet[4]. By using this system
patients can contact physicians online, to provide them with
information and receive recommendations. In this study, a
randomized clinical trial involving 110 patients were
conducted to do a comparison between patients who used the
internet based blood glucose monitoring system and usual out
patient who received the traditional out patient management
system for the same period. They call these two groups
intervention and control group respectively. Patients at
intervention group could access the system via the internet and
sent information about blood glucose level, drug information,
medication intake, blood pressure and weight. Also, they
could ask questions and post comments (e.g. diet exercise,
hypoglycemic event). On the other hand, patients were able to
see recommendations as well as laboratory data.
C. Mobile and PDA Diabetes Monitoring System
A study and a pilot testing of mobile based remote patient
monitoring system was developed to improve blood-pressure
(BP) control of hypertensive patient with diabetes [5]. The
system was developed within two phases. The first one was to
design a home BP tele-management system. This involved a
series of focus group meetings with patients and care
providers to guide the development of the system. In the
second phase, a pilot study of the system was done. Thirty
three patients with type2 diabetes and uncontrolled ambulatory
BP were chosen to be under the pilot test. The system was
architected into the patient component, a data center and
decision support system, and the care provider for physician
for reporting and alerting components. Data from the BP
monitor device were transmitted via Bluetooth to a
programmed mobile phone. The phone securely transmits this
data to sever to be stored in a central database. The system
applies a set of clinical rules on the data then sends secure
written progress messages automatically to the mobile phone.
A. Kollmann et al. [6] find that mobile phone can be used
to provide a ubiquitous, easy-to-use, and cost efficient solution
for management of diabetes mellitus type1 (T1DM). They do a
feasibility study to see how much mobile phone-based data
service could be accepted with diabetes mellitus type1
patients, and how much the services can assist T1DM patient
on intensive insulin treatment. For this study, researchers had
developed software called Diab-memory to support patients
entering their information such as: blood-glucose level,
injected insulin doses, food intake, well-being and physical
activities. Then, data were remotely synchronized to a central
database. The system was based on Java2 Mobile edition
(J2ME) and built using state of the art internet technology.
The study sample was 10 patients with T1DM. Mean age was
36.6 years (11.0 years) being in the trail study for three
months. The result was focused on patients' adherence to the
therapy, availability of the monitoring system and the effects
on metabolic status. As questionnaire shows, the system was
accepted in general.
Another study was focusing on the difficulty of managing
diabetes [6]. In this study, an appropriate diabetic treatment is
needed to manage the diabetic's blood sugar level and prevent
the future complications. Diabetes patients can send their
information such as blood sugar level; blood pressure, food
consumption, exercise and then the system manage the
treatment by recommending food intake, physical activities,
insulin dosageetc. In order to have the best treatment
recommendation, the system is based on rules and the k-
Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier algorithm. Rule based
interface select the knowledge similar to the human experts
and it needs pervious knowledge to make rules. The KNN is a
machine learning algorithm used in the system to classify
results using given data by evaluate time, blood sugar, blood
pressure, number of meals, amount of exercise and target
caloric consumption. The system integrates the KKN and rule-
based inference to generate decisions outside the strict rules.
Also, a blood sugar monitoring system for diabetes patient is
implemented using web services and Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA) programmed in java.
A platform was designed to support the monitoring,
management and treatment of Type1 Diabetes Mellitus
(T1DM) patients. They call this platform "SMART DIAB"
[1]. In order to provide the intelligent monitoring and
management, "SMART DIAB" combine many approaches in
the field of database and data mining technologies for
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management of diabetes data, simulation algorithm for insulin
treatment optimization, and communication technologies to
implement a tele medicine platform either with wired or
wireless capabilities. By combining the previous technologies,
SMART DIAB allows intensive monitoring of glucose levels,
diabetes treatment optimization, continuous medical care, and
improvement of quality of life individuals with T1DM.
D.L. Katz and B. Nordwall state that self-care is efficient
to controlling in chronic disease through patient empowerment
and timely feedback [7]. They have built wireless system
which provides a remote patient monitoring. The system was
based on mobile phone technology. Patients are allowed to
submit a new data daily and upon these data the server will
generate and send feedback messages to the patients cell
phones. The data accuracy ensured by reducing manual data
input by integrating the phone with the glucose meter, blood
pressure and weight measurement. This platform has some
disadvantages as mentioned in [8] such as the limited scope to
manually enter data about physical activities and intake food.
Pilot controlled trail were selected to evaluate the
feasibility and efficiency of the system to manage type2
diabetes. The selected patients were divided into two groups;
15 patients were using the cell phone technology and 15
patients were in a control group. The study lasts for three
months and the researchers collected some improvement
feedbacks from the patient in order to apply these
modifications to the system. All necessary improvements were
done to the system.
In this section we present the problem statement and the
proposed scheme. First, we define the problem and present the
real impact of diabetes on the human beings. We emphasize
on the effort that rise from the regular medical examinations
and tests. Next, we present our proposed scheme in details.
A. Problem Definition
Since diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, it needs a
regular monitoring to control blood sugar level. Seriously, this
monitoring is very critical to prevent many fatal
complications. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO) [9], there are more than 220 million people worldwide
having diabetes. In 2004, about 3.4 million people died from
complications and consequences of high blood sugar. WHO
expected that diabetes deaths will double between 2005-2030.
For the economic side, diabetes mellitus economically has an
impact on individuals, families, health systems, and countries.
Diabetes mellitus monitoring includes maintain healthy
weight, physical activates, and regular medical examinations
and tests. In fact, regular medical examinations and tests seem
to be time consuming for both doctors and patients. Patients
who live in neighboring villages face some difficulties to go
down to the hospital in the city. They have to reserve a ticket
or pass a road, reserve a place to stay in addition to the cost of
the treatment if any.
Our proposed framework is to produce a diabetes
monitoring system based on mobile platform. This system can
assist diabetes mellitus patients to monitor their glucose level
according to the glucose level readings, intake food,
medication, and physical activities. Our system based on
electronic data input, as well as manual data input. This is for
accomplish data accuracy and follow-up daily activities at the
same time. In addition, clinician-to-patient interaction is
allowed by exchanging messages.
The greatest achievement in our proposed system is
Arabization. Most of the diabetes monitoring systems was
available in English language only, where D.L. Katz and B.
Nordwall were translated their system in Spanish [7]. Also we
will allow an effective functionality to control the change in
HbA1c Levels. Black sea tele Diab [3] was caring about this
point, but it was a desktop based system specific for
B. Proposed System Architecture
The specification of our project is to deliver a smart
medical system for diabetes monitoring based on mobile
platform. The proposed architecture is consisting of three main
units: the Patient Unit, the Center care Unit and the Hospital
Unit. The Patient Unit is the starting point in the system. It
contains the patient, the glucose meter, and the mobile device.
The glucose level readings are electronically transmitted to the
mobile device. Also, the patient can manually enter daily food
intake, physical activities and information about some
medications and injection. The system may alert the patient
about injection time, special medicine reminder, date for
medical examination and tests. The patient is able to do a
conversation with his/her endocrinologist in emergency cases
or for inquiries. These conversations are done via exchanging
The Care Center Unit represents the medical center in the
patient hometown where the patient can visit instead of the
hospital in the main city to do regular checks and medical tests
and examinations. The general physician in the medical center
is allowed to enter results of the HA1c test.
The Hospital Unit is controlled by the endocrinologist who
can remotely monitor the patients status, send advises, and
take an action in urgent cases. The endocrinologist is the only
actor who allowed modifying the insulin doses regarding to
the daily glucose reading and the result of the HA1c test.
These three units are integrated together forming a whole
Diabetes Monitoring System. The interacting between these
units is done by exchanging data. These three units are
integrated together forming a whole Diabetes Monitoring
System. The interacting between these units is done by
exchanging data.
Our proposed system is consisting of three layers:
Presentation Layer, Service Layer, and Data Repository Layer
as shown in Figure 1. The Presentation Layer presents the
system units' interface. The system user can access the system
interface by logging to the system and assigned an access
rights. The patient unit is provided by a patient's interface
which can be accessed using a mobile device. The glucose
readings are transmitted via Bluetooth adaptor to this
interface. This patient's interface is presented to the patient by
using a micro browser. The endocrinologist and the general
physician are provided with a desktop interface. The interface
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for these two system units will be presented by using an
internet browser.
The Service Layer is the core of our system. It performs
the services to the system units. It contains two main
components: Report Extractor and Smart Analyzer. The
Report Extractor service is inquired by the endocrinologist or
the general physician. It accesses the Resource Layer and
collect information from the requested database. Then, it
formats this information and presents it to the requestor. The
Smart Analyzer analyzes incoming data before sending it to
the database. This Smart Analyzer is depending on some
values such as: MIN_Glucose_LEVEL,
MAX_Glucose_Level, and MAX_A1c. The analysis in this
component is work as the following:
Once the glucose readings are transmitted from the
glucose meter to the mobile phone, they will be
compared with MIN_Glucose_LEVEL and
MAX_Glucose_Level values. Then, the patient will be
advised by the system to do something like: eat more,
have a walk, take insulin injection and so on.
When the general physician enters the test result of HA1c
test, it will be compared with A1c critical value. If it is above
the range, or below it, the endocrinologist will be alerted to
make a decision and modify the insulin doses or the treatment
plan if needed. His information and presents it to the
requestor. The Smart Analyzer is responsible to analyze
incoming data before send it to the database. This Smart
Analyzer is depending on some values such as:
MIN_Glucose_LEVEL, MAX_Glucose_Level, and HA1c
value. Resource Layer contains the databases for the system.
The system is connected on many databases such as: medical
information's database, patients' database, and users' database.
Finally is the Resource Layer. It contains the databases for
the system. The system is depends on four databases:
knowledge database, medical information's database, patients'
database, and users' database. The Knowledge database is used
by the Smart Analyzer service. It will contain the information
needed by this service to perform the analyses such as:
MAX_Glucose_Level, MIN_Glucose_LEVEL and A1c. The
Smart Analyzer uses this information to compare incoming
reading and alert the endocrinologist about up normal or
subnormal values. The patients' database holds the patients'
personal information such as: patient name, Birth of date,
address, telephone number and so on. The Medical
Information database is designed to hold medical information
for each patient. This medical information include: daily
glucose levels, intake food and amount of activities in calories,
insulin doses, medical checkups and examinations' results, and
information about glucose injection. Finally, the users'
database is needed for handling system users accounts and
access rights. The database server is interacting with the web
application server.
Fig. 1. Proposed System Architecture
The Patient Side Environment was implemented on the
android using java programming language. Android SDK was
used to setup the development tool and SDK add-ons. There
are many reasons behind choosing android OS for the patient-
side in our integrated system. We needed to develop a mobile
application that can easily communicate with a central
database without slowing down the application performance.
Also, we needed the mobile to have ability that makes the
patient implicitly sends SMS to another phone number and
communicates with an external device via a Bluetooth adapter.
Moreover, Android supports many libraries that contribute to
the implementation process with our integrated environment
such as, org.apache.http, org.json, android.bluetooth,
android.telephony.SmsManager and java.util.Locale. In the
following subsections we will overview some of the used
android and java technologies and describe them in more
A. Patient side technologies
The first technology is the use of the virtual device
configuration. We chose HTC Desire as a target platform and
we set the virtual device configuration as SDK Platform
Android 2.2, API8. After that, we were able to use the
emulator as a virtual device to run our application. Second
technology is Dual Language Support.
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Our project implementation was designed to support two
languages; English language and Arabic Language. Each
Patient can set their preferred language. This preferred
selection is saved in the database. Once the patient logged in
to the system, the preferred language will be retrieved, and
according to the preferred language the application will be
launched with that language. The design of our system is
flexible so it can support more languages in the future. In the
database there may be two values for the language: "en" for
English language support and "ar" for Arabic language
support. After the patient logged in to the system, the Locale
will set and configured with the language value. At any time
the patient can go to the setting and change the preferred
language. This will be updated in the database and the system
will launched with the updated preferred language
immediately. We built the interfaces labels and user prompt
messages as an XML dictionary for each language. In this
dictionary we declare the system interfaces variables and
assign the value of this variable according to the target
language. For example:
<string name="mysevices">My Services</string>
"myservices" is a variable for the Button led to patient
services screen. Here we set the value as (My Services) for the
English language support dictionary and () for the
Arabic language support dictionary. This is done for all
application interfaces' variables. This led to two dictionaries:
en-value and ar-value with more than 27 variables for each.
Bluetooth Connectivity is another technology has been
used in our system. The Android platform support exchanging
data over a Bluetooth network stack. The Android application
access the Bluetooth functionality through the Android
Bluetooth APIs. These APIs allow point-to-point feature by
performing the following: Query local Bluetooth adaptor, scan
for neighbor Bluetooth devices, establish Radio Frequency
channels between the local adapter and the selected device,
and transfer data to and from other device [10]. Our selected
glucose meter has an embedded Bluetooth sensor. It connects
to the android application over a Synchronous Serial Port
(SSP) profile with a well known Universally Unique Identifier
(UUID). The SSP profile is a serial interface used for
communication between two devices [11]. The android
application communicates with the glucose meter by creating a
Radio Frequency Communication (RFCOMM) socket using a
well known UUID. And according to the UUID specification
for the serial port, the used UUID is 00001101-0000-1000-
8000-00805F9B34FB [12]. After RFCOMM socket is
connected, the glucose meter is set in pair mode and the
android application starts to get the glucose reading by
exchanging commands with glucose meter. The outgoing
command is written in a created output stream form the
connected RFCOMM socket and the responses is read from an
input stream created from the same RFCOMM socket.
Also, our system use remote communication with central
database. The android application can handle communication
with a remote MySQL database to authenticate patient log in
information and also to retrieve/ update patient medical
information in the database. The communication process with
MySQL database is done by posting data using HttpRequest.
First, the application has to make a connection with a PHP
script which located in the server. This is done by use HTTP
protocol from the android application. PHP scripts are in the
middle between the android application and MySQL database.
There are many PHP files, each associated with a specific task
in the android application such as: authenticate, inter glucose
reading, change languageetc. These PHP files are used to
call the remote server and POST/GET data to/from it. On the
other hand, JSON object is used to handle incoming data from
the MySQL database. JSON is Java Script Object Notation
used as a data interchange language [13]. Once the query is
executed in the PHP file, the result is encoded in string as a
JSON representation format. Later, in the Android script, the
returned value is handled in JSON array to be decoded and to
extract the values from it. These values are used later in the
Android application.
Finally, our system can send SMS. The patient can send
SMS message to the endocrinologist through the Android
application. This can be done by using SMS Manager that
manages sending a text message. In the Android script, the
endocrinologist's phone number will be retrieved from the
MySQL database. Then, the SMS Manger will be called to get
the default instance. After that, the function sendTextMessage
will be called to send the SMS message.
B. Android Application Activities
In this section, we will preview the features of our
implemented Android Application. Android deals with the
project interfaces as Activities. The activity is an application
component that provides view which users can interact with
the application [14].
In our android application there are many activities as
shown in Figure 2. The main Activity is named
DiabMonSys.java. This activity is responsible to get the user
log in information and authenticate this information. After
successfully logged in, the patient will be allowed to choose
from four features: My Services, My Information, Call Expert
and Setting. Each of these features contains sub-functions in
deep. My Services can run: GluoseReadingActivity.java,
IntakeFoodActivity.java, PhysicalActivitiesActivity.java and
The same is applied for My Information feature. It can run:
MyDosesActivity.java, MyAppointment.java and
GlucoseRanges.java. The Call Expert feature is an Activity in
its own. We prefer to present it in the main screen because the
patient may need it in urgent cases, so it has to be directly
Finally for the Setting feature, it contains two activities:
ChangePasswordActivity.java and
ChangeLanguageActivity.java. In the following sub-section
we describe each activity in more details.
The Main Activity in our project launches log in screen
with two data fields, user name and password. When the
patient write his/her name in the fields, the Application will
connect to the central database, authenticate the input
information, and then if the patient authenticated, the patient
id with his/her preferred language will be retrieved from the
database. The patient id will be used in the next activities, and
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the preferred language will be used to set the interfaces
Fig. 2. Patient-Side Android Application's Activities
In My Services Activity the patient can select from four
sub-activities. First is 'Daily Glucose Reading Activity' which
allows the patient to enter his/her daily readings. These
readings can be entered either manually or via Bluetooth.
After entering the glucose reading, the patient specifies
whether this reading is pre-meal or post-meal. This is done
because the application will analyze the glucose reading with
the time situation and then advice the patient what to do. The
analysis of glucose readings is based on standards of medical
care in diabetes [15]-[19].
Another service here is 'Intake Food and Physical
Activities'. These two activities are based on the patient entry.
The patient can select from a menu what he/she was eaten and
the amount. The calculation of the calories is based on Food
and Nutrition Information Center [20]. After calculation is
done, the patient will be advised about what to do e.g.: eat
some fruit, drink something, have a walk and so on.
The final service in 'My Services Activity' is 'Glucose
Injection'. As a treatment of hypoglycemia the patient have to
take the glucose injection. If the patient takes this injection,
the endocrinologist may decide to change the next few insulin
doses for some time. So, our application allows the patient to
enter this information and the endocrinologist will be alerted
about that in order to modify the insulin doses if needed.
In My Information Activity, we allow the patient to preview
the insulin doses, the appointments, and the average of his
glucose readings. 'My Doses Activity' will retrieve the insulin
doses from the MySQL database and present them to the
patient. When the endocrinologist modifies these doses, the
new values for these doses will be updated in the patient side
as well. Also, the patient will receive the starting time to take
this dose and the duration. 'My Appointment Activity' presents
the patient with the next appointment. If the status of this
appointment is 'urgent', he/she will be alerted about this
appointment. The final activity is 'My Glucose Reading
Rang'. This activity will show the patient average reading of
the glucose for the last 7/14/21 days. This is to give the patient
an overall vision about the glucose level.
In addition, sometimes the patient needs a quick advice
from his/her endocrinologist. In our application, we allow the
patient to send SMS message to the endocrinologist. In the
MySQL, each patient is associated with an endocrinologist
who follows his/her diabetes. Once the patient starts Call
Expert Activity, the mobile number of this endocrinologist will
be retrieved from the MySQL. And then, the text written by
the patient will be sent by the android application to that
number. After that, the endocrinologist advises the patient as
Setting is the last activity in the patient side. The patient
will be able either reset his/her account password or change
the preferred language. If the patient tries to change the
password, he/she will be prompted to enter the previous one. If
they matched, he/she will be allowed to enter a new one and
this new password will be stored in the MySQL database.
Also, the patient can select the prefered language. These
changes will be stored in the central database for future logins.
In this section we will discuss the implementation
environment on the doctor-side Application. Also, we will
introduce the system privileges that are supported by the
doctor-side application and the functions available for each
privilege. Finally we will discuss how we use Java Database
Connector (JDBC) in our system to communicate with the
central database.
A. Implementation Environment
This side of the application was implemented using java
programming. Since this side is straight forward retrieving
form the MySQL database and writing to it, the java
programming was a good solution for that. The doctor-side
application needs an extra library the JDK library which is
default with any java application. The extra library is called
mysql-conetor-java-x.x.x-bin.jar, where x.x.x is version
number. This library is needed to facilitate communication
with MySQL database. By using this java library, we can
prepare SQL statements and execute it directly within the
code. This eliminates the need of PHP scripts. But instead, we
divided the functions that perform the tasks as web services.
Each of which is specialized to do something in the database.
B. Application privileges
In the MySQL database, the doctor's information contains
privilege field. This field may contain one of the two values:
'ENDO' for the endocrinologist and 'GP' for the general
physician. If the doctor has 'ENDO' privilege which is the
highest scope of functionality. The endocrinologist can have
the following functions:
Preview patient record: shows record number, patient
name, patient ID, Date of birth, and phone number.
Glucose Injection: present the injection dose and
whether the patient took it or not. The Endocrinologist
has the ability to edit the glucose injection dose.
Physical Examination: shows the last examination date,
the hA1C result and physical examination result. The
Log in
My Services
Daily Gluose
Intake Food
My Information
My Doses
My Gluose
Level Ranges
Call Expert Setting
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Endocrinologist has an ability to enter new test result
for a specific patient.
Appointments: shows the last visit, and the next visit.
Sometimes the endocrinologist needs to make an
urgent appointment according to some results, hA1C
result for example, so the endocrinologist will have
authority to make an urgent appointment by specifying
the date and the priority for this appointment.
Insulin Doses: presents the doses for the insulin
injection, the start date for these doses and for how
many months. The endocrinologist has the ability to
edit these doses and accept the changes.
And as the main idea of the project was to add a general
physician role to the system to balance the load with the
endocrinologist, the general physician will have a preview
privilege with an authority to insert new test examination.
Each test examination result is associated with the doctor ID.
So, the endocrinologist will know who did this examination
for the patient.
C. Java Database Connector (JDBC)
The JDBC API is a java API that facilitates everyday
access relational database [21]. By using JDBC the application
can connect to MySQL database, send queries and update
statements to the database, and retrieve results from the
executed queries. In our application, we deal with the database
as a separate class which we call "database". The constructor
of this class receives the database host as a string variable.
Then, a connection with the database will be established in
order to be ready for the coming services. This can be done by
calling the drive manager of JDBC as the following:
con = DriverManager.getConnection(Host, "root", "");
Where 'con' is variable connection, 'Host' is the transmitted
parameter to the constructor. After that, whatever the services
are there will be a function in this class to perform the task.
Each service receives a query as a string and some needed
parameters to execute the query or the update.
In our project, we build central databases between the
patient-side application and the doctor-side application. These
central databases are installed using Wamp Server to
synchronies the information between the clients. We have two
databases; 'accounts' database and 'dms' database. In our
project, there are two databases: 'accounts' database and 'dms'
database. 'Accounts' database contains the users log in
information for the both application sides, e.g. patient-side
application and doctor-side application. These data is used to
authenticate users log in information. Once the application is
authenticate the user, it will connect with the 'dms' database.
The database contains all the system relational tables such as:
patient, doctor, appointment and so on.
The databases are installed on a Wamp Server, which is a
web development environment that allows creating MySQL
databases and applications with PHP [22]. We use this server
to build a MySQL relational database. In our project, there are
two databases: 'accounts' database and 'dms' database.
'Accounts' database contains the users log in information for
the both application sides, e.g. patient-side application and
doctor-side application. These data is used to authenticate
users log in information. Once the application is authenticate
the user, it will connect with the 'dms' database. It contains all
the system relational tables such as: patient, doctor,
appointment and so on. An early version of our design was
published in [23].
This section will discuss the evaluation of the integrated
system. Our project is considered to be e-health system. And
in our evaluation, we will apply the criteria of e-health
evaluation [24].
A. Areas of Evaluation
There are some important areas that have to be evaluated
to ensure that the system is successful. First is to ensure that
the system is useable so the users can achieve the target goal
easily. The usability is important in e-health system because if
the system is not useable, the patient will never get the benefit
of the system. Cost implications are important in evaluation e-
health applications [24].
B. Usability Evaluation
Since the target user for our mobile application is diabetes
patients, our design should be easy to use and flexible. We put
in our consideration that the patient may have vision problems,
may be an elderly, or may have an urgent problem. So, in our
user interfaces design, we try to follow the mobile application
usability check list [25]. Table 1 shows these issues that we
No. What is the Standard? How to ensue it in our
1 Clear and consistent way
to go back on every screen
(Back) Button is applied in
the activity to go one step
back word.
(Home) Button is applied
in the activity to go the
select services home
2 Labels and buttons text are
clear and concise
We avoid using much
word to explain labels and
We just use the simplest
word and well known to
the public.
3 Retains overall consistency
and behavior with
the mobile platform
As android phones are
considered to be touchable.
We take this consideration
in our design and ensure
that the touch are working
well in our application.
4 Minimalist design - excess
features removed
We do not offer more tasks
than the minimums the
application specification
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This is to help the patient
in urgent case that he/she
is straight forward.
5 Content is concise and
We ensure that advises are
understandable and easy to
6 Provides feedback to the
user of system status
Our system tells the patient
is his/her SMS was send
successfully or not.
Our system feeds the
patient back about his/her
glucose insertion in the
7 Number of buttons / links
is reasonable
There are no buttons that
have no significant reason
to be.
8 UI elements provide visual
feedback when
The labels prompt the
users about what to insert.
If the patient put invalid
input, he/she will also
prompt about this.
9 Colors used provide good
In our design, we put in
our consideration the
patient cases. We depend
on only 4 colors with a
blank background.
We repeat these colors in
same sequence to help the
patient self-remembering
the task from the color.
10 Colors used provide good
We avoid using wooded,
striped, nor dotted icons or
buttons in our design.
11 Font size and spacing
ensures good readability
As we mentioned before,
the patient may have vision
problems, so we adopt a
medium font size that is
easy to read.
12 If changes can be made,
ensure there is a
Save button
In My services activities,
the patient can enter new
values. In each activity
there is a submit button
that apply the changes and
connect to the database to
store the results.
13 Present users with a
conrmation option when
The mobile application
side seems to be feeding
side, so there are no tasks
that require delete
14 Speak the users' language
(not technical)
In our design, we use a
simple language that is
understandable to the
Also, we present the
application in two
supported language.
15 Error messages are free of
technical language
We avoid using technical
words to illustrate the
errors. Instead we just
inform the patient about
the error exists
Since our integrated system is design as client-server
model, it has many strength points that make it better than
some existing software. These strength points are:
Language independent: Our system interfaces is design
based on language dictionaries. Currently, we support
two languages. In future, it can contain many languages
just by building the XML language dictionary.
Shared Resources: The database in our application is
installed in Wamp Server. The resources in this
database are shared between the patient side
application as well as doctor side application.
Database isolation: Since the resources in the database
are very critical, we limit the insertion to the database
according to the authority. System administrator is the
one who is able to insert/edit/delete users and
equipments information, but not medical ones. The
Endocrinologist is the one who is responsible to
enter/update the critical medical information, such as:
insulin doses, urgent appointments etc. The GP
enters examination results only. This ensures the right
person is dealing with the right information.
Cost implication: As Android offers many mobiles
with variety in cost. The patient will be able to select a
smart phone that is within the budget. Currently, the
mobile-side application was tested on HTC Desire
which runs on Android 2.2. And regarding the glucose
meter, we use myglucohealth glucose meter/ wireless
kit, it costs about $89. This is a mediate cost between
the public.
In this paper, we discuss our implementation of a diabetes
monitoring system for managing and monitoring diabetes
patients. The specification of our implemented project is based
on Android platform. The architecture of the system is
depends on three units: the patient unit, the endocrinologist
unit, and the general physician unit. These three units are
working together forming an integrated diabetes monitoring
The Presentation layer contains the actors of the system:
the patient, the endocrinologist, and the general physician. The
Presentation Layer is followed by the Service Layer: it
contains the main two services provided by the system which
are: the report extractor service and the smart analyzer service.
The report extractor services are responsible for collecting the
information and present them to the endocrinologist and the
GP along with patients' record and medical history. The smart
analyzer service is responsible to analyze the entered glucose
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readings and HA1c test result in order to alert the
endocrinologist about critical readings. Finally, there is a
resource layer which handles the database repository.
Our implemented system provides the patient with many
facilities to better monitoring diabetes. Also, the
endocrinologist is another aim in our system that we try to
reduce the amount of regular medical checkups and
examinations done for every diabetes patient. We achieve this
goal by adding a general physician who can do this medical
checkups and examinations and feed the system with the
results. The endocrinologist can access the system and request
a report for a certain patient. The endocrinologist can modify
the insulin doses and the treatment plan if needed.
Our Implemented system is divided into three
environments: Patient-side, doctor-side and central database
environments. The patient environment is implemented using
Android SDK. In patient-side application, the patient is able to
do many services. First, the patient is allowed to feed the
system with information through My Services Activity. Patient
can enters daily glucose reading, enter intake food, enter
physical activities, and enter glucose injection information.
Also, patients are allowed to preview their own information
through My Information Activity and they can preview the
insulin doses, the appointments, and the glucose level ranges.
In addition, the patient can make an urgent call to the
endocrinologist throw sending SMS message. We add two
personal activities which are: change my password, and
change my preferred language.
The doctor-side implementation is based on java
programming. We use JDBC to facilitate communication with
the database. In side Implantation, the interfaces in depending
on doctor privilege. The doctor may have 'ENDO' authority
which allows them to preview and edit patient record. On the
other hand, they may have a 'GP' to preview patient record and
enter physical examination results.
In our Implemented project, we use Wamp Server to create
MySQL database. Our database is central between the patient-
side application and the doctor-side application. We built an
administer tool to manage the insert, update or delete users
record in the database.
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Detection and Correction of Sinkhole Attack with
Novel Method in WSN Using NS2 Tool
Tejinderdeep Singh
M-Tech Scholar, CSE
Sant Baba Bhag singh College of Engineering & Technology
Jalandhar, INDIA
Harpreet Kaur Arora
Sant Baba Bhag singh College of Engineering & Technology
Jalandhar, INDIA
Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in many
applications in military, ecological, and health-related areas. These
applications often include the monitoring of sensitive information
such as enemy movement on the battlefield or the location of
personnel in a building. Security is therefore important in WSNs.
However, WSNs suffer from many constraints, including low
computation capability, small memory, limited energy resources,
susceptibility to physical capture, and the use of insecure wireless
communication channels. These constraints make security in WSNs
a challenge. In this article we discuss security issues in WSNs. In
this paper we are discussing a vulnerable sinkhole attack, its
implementation and correction.
Keywords Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN); I ntrusion
Detection (I D); Base Station (BS); Sinkhole (SH);Ad-hoc on demand
Distance Vector (AoDV).
The pervasive interconnection of wireless sensor devices has
given birth to a broad class of exciting new applications in
several areas of our lives.
Fig. 1. A Wireless Sensor Network
However, as every network, sensor networks are exposed to
security threats which, if not properly addressed, can exclude
them from being deployed in the envisaged scenarios. Their
wireless and distributed nature and the serious constraints in
node battery power prevent previously known security
approaches to be deployed and has created a large number of
vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit in order to gain access
in the network and the information transferred within. Securing
sensor networks against these threats is a challenging research
area, necessary for commercially attractive deployments.
Encryption and authentication mechanisms provide reasonable
defence for mote-class outsider attacks. However, cryptography
is inefficient in protecting against laptop class and insider
attacks. It remains an open problem for additional research and
development since the presence of insiders significantly lessens
the effectiveness of link layer security mechanisms. This is
because an insider is allowed to participate in the network and
have complete access to any messages routed through the
network and is free to modify, suppress, or eavesdrop on the
contents. What makes it even easier for attackers is the fact that
most protocols for sensor networks are not designed having
security threats in mind. As a consequence, deployments of
sensor networks rarely include security protection and little or
no effort is usually required from the side of the attacker to
perform the attack. So, it is very important to study realistic
attacker models and evaluate the practicality and efficiency of
certain attacks.[1][2]
This paper investigates one of the most severe routing
attacks in sensor networks, namely the sinkhole attack, from the
attackers point of view. Our goal is to describe the most
effective ways to launch this attack and demonstrate them in
practice. We reveal the weaknesses of the routing protocol that
is used by the research community, hoping that this will lead to a
better awareness of the threats and the study of more efficient
security protocol. Then we propose some countermeasures
against these threats in the direction of intrusion detection. Some
first intrusion detection systems have started to appear for sensor
networks, but rarely do they include specific detection rules.
Rules against specific attacks, like the one we present here, if
properly generalized could lead to better and more realistic IDS
design. [5]
Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing
Protocol is used for finding a path to the destination in an ad-hoc
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network. To find the path to the destination all mobile nodes
work in cooperation using the routing control messages. Thanks
to these control messages, AODV Routing Protocol offers quick
adaptation to dynamic network conditions, low processing and
memory overhead, low network bandwidth utilization with
small size control messages. The most distinguishing feature of
AODV compared to the other routing protocols is that it uses a
destination sequence number for each route entry. The
destination sequence number is generated by the destination
when a connection is requested from it. Using the destination
sequence number ensures loop freedom. AODV makes sure the
route to the destination does not contain a loop and is the
shortest path.
Route Requests (RREQs), Route Replay (RREPs), Route
Errors (RERRs) are control messages used for establishing a
path to the destination, sent using UDP/IP protocols. Header
information of these control messages are explained in. When
the source node wants to make a connection with the destination
node, it broadcasts an RREQ message. This RREQ message is
propagated from the source, received by neighbors (intermediate
nodes) of the source node. The intermediate nodes broadcast the
RREQ message to their neighbors. This process goes on until the
packet is received by destination node or an intermediate node
that has a fresh enough route entry for the destination.
A sinkhole attack prevents the base station from obtaining
complete and correct sensing data, and thus forms a serious
threat to higher-layer applications. It is particularly severe for
wireless sensor networks given the vulnerability of wireless
links, and that the sensors are often deployed in open areas and
of weak computation and battery power. Although some secure
or geographic based routing protocols resist to the sinkhole
attacks in certain level, many current routing protocols in sensor
networks are susceptible to the sinkhole attack.
Fig. 2. A WSN Comprised Of Various Nodes
We consider a sensor network that consists of a base station
(BS) and a collection of geographically distributed sensor nodes,
each denoted by a unique identifier IDv. The sensor nodes
continuously collect and send the sensed application data to the
base station by forwarding packets hop-by-hop.
Fig. 3. Data sharing in WSN
As mentioned earlier, this commonly used many-to-one
communication pattern is vulnerable to sinkhole attacks. In a
sinkhole attack, an intruder usually attracts network traffic by
advertising itself as having the shortest path to the base station.
For example, an intruder using a wireless-enabled laptop will
have much higher computation and communication power than a
normal sensor node, and it could have a high-quality single-hop
link to the base station (BS). It can then advertise imitated
routing messages about the high quality route, thus spoofing the
surrounding nodes to create a sinkhole (SH).
A sinkhole can also be performed using a wormhole, which
creates a metaphorical sinkhole with the intruder being at the
center. An example, where an intruder creates a sinkhole by
tunneling messages received in one part of the network and
replays them in a different part using a wormhole. We assume
the sensor nodes are either good or malicious. The center of a
sinkhole attack is a malicious node compromised by the
intruder. Note that, even if there is only one compromised node
providing a high quality route to the base station, it can affect
many surrounding sensors. Furthermore, this intruder may also
cooperate with some other malicious nodes in the network to
interfere detection algorithms. In an extreme case, all the
malicious nodes are colluding with the intruder. They may
collaboratively cheat the base station by claiming a good node as
the intruder (the victim, SH), and thus hide the real one. In our
work we implemented sinkhole attack in AODV routing
protocol, that works on hop by hop method, means the request
goes hop by hop till we reach the destination. The figures 2,3,4,5
shows nodes in wireless sensor networks comprised in which if
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some node want to send data to other, it will be destined by hop
by hop method.
Fig. 4. A Sinkhole attack in WSN
Fig. 5. Correction of Sinkhole attack
The solution proposed for SINKHOLE attacks in WSN is
done in three steps. Wireless Sensor Network is an open network
as it has wireless nature. The security feature becomes less when
we are working in a Wireless Sensor Networks. To avoid this
problem, the sender node first requests the sequence number
with the rreq message, if the node replies its sequence number
with rrep message. Transmitting node will match sequence
number in its routing table. If matches then data will be shared
otherwise it will be assign the sequence number to the node. If
the node accepts the sequence number then the node will enter in
the network otherwise it will be eradicated from the network.
The focus of our work is to effectively identify the real intruder
in the sinkhole attack in presence of colliding nodes. We assume
that the base station is physically protected or has tamper-robust
Hence, it acts as a central trusted authority in our algorithm
design. The base station also has a rough understanding on the
location of nodes, which could be available after the node
deployment stage or can be obtained by various localization
All we discussed above is Implementation of Sinkhole attack
and its prevention. Now, our network is protected from sinkhole
attacks. The discussion is about what happens to our network
performance. As we seen in the figures, we have chosen two
parameters for discussion about what happens to the network. In
the first figure, the first parameter chosen is about the packet
which tells how many packets lost and received during sinkhole
attack and packets lost and received after correction of sinkhole
Fig. 6. Results of packet loss and packet received during and after
sinkhole attack.
Here we have arranged different color combinations for
various parameters. During sinkhole attack, packet lost
represented by yellow line and packet received by red line
whereas after the correction of sinkhole attack, packet lost are
very less and denoted by green line and packets received by
Blue line which are much more than the latter.
Next parameter chosen is the Latency which tells how much
time a packet needs to travel from source to destination. During
Sinkhole attack, main aim of the network is to reduce the
network performance by delaying the routing packets. Figure
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shows the results of routing time or the Latency during Sinkhole
attack and after correction of Sinkhole attack.
Fig. 7. Comparison of routing time while and after sinkhole
Discussion ends by saying that performance of the network
will be affected if there is any Sinkhole attack in the network.
Wireless sensor network is very vast topic for new research.
It discovers various steps during data sharing. As we decided
Sinkhole attack for research work, several other attacks will be
chosen for future work. And if someone want to choose this
selected topic, then the performance of the network will be
measured by choosing different parameters like routing
overhead, delay, or the same attack will be implemented by
choosing other protocol.
[1] C. Karlof and D. Wagner, Secure routing in wireless sensor
networks:Attacks and countermeasures, AdHoc Networks Journal, vol. 1,
no. 23,pp. 293315, September 2003.
[2] R. Roman, J. Zhou, and J. Lopez, Applying intrusion detection systems to
wireless sensor networks, in Proceedings of IEEE Consumer
Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 06), Las Vegas,
USA, January 2006, pp. 640644.
[3] G. Werner-Allen, K. Lorincz, M. Welsh, O. Marcillo, J. Johnson, M. Ruiz,
and J. Lees, Deploying a wireless sensor network on an active volcano,
IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1825, 2006.
[4] T. Schmid, H. Dubois-Ferri`ere, and M. Vetterli, SensorScope:
Experiences with a Wireless Building Monitoring Sensor Network, in
Proceeding of the Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks
(REALWSN 05), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2005.
[5] S. Kim, S. Pakzad, D. Culler, J. Demmel, G. Fenves, S. Glaser, and M.
Turon, Wireless sensor networks for structural health monitoring, in
SenSys 06: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Embedded
networked sensor systems, 2006, pp. 427428.
[6] G. Werner-Allen, K. Lorincz, J. Johnson, J. Lees, and M. Welsh, Fidelity
and yield in a volcano monitoring sensor network, in OSDI 06:
Proceedings of the 7th symposium on Operating systems design and
implementation. Berkeley, CA, USA: USENIX Association, 2006.
[7] Hiren Kumar Dev Sharma, Ajit Kumar, Sikkim Manipal Institute of
Technology security threats in wireless sensor networks IEEE
[8] Piyush K. Shukla, S. Silakari. Sarita S. Bhadoria, RGVP Bhopal India
Network security scheme for wireless sensor network using efficient
CSMA MAC layer protocol, sixth international conference on
Information Technology, 2009.
[9] Xiuli Ren, Norman University, Siping, China, Security methods for
Wireless Sensor networks, International Conference on Mechatronics and
Automation, June 25-28, 2006.
[10] Xiao Jiango Du, North Dakota State University Security in Wireless
Sensor Network, IEEE August,2008 .
[11] Approaches to Wireless Sensor Network: Security Protocols, World of
Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT) ISSN:
2221-0741 Vol. 1, No. 7,302-306, 2011
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Intelligent Collaborative Quality Assurance System
for Wind Turbine Supply Chain Management
Intelligent Collaborative Quality Assurance System
for Wind Turbine Supply Chain Management
National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Intelligent Maintenance System (IMS)
Cincinnati, US
AbstractTo determine the root causes or sources of variance
of bad quality in supply chains is usually more difficult because
multiple parties are involved in the current global manufacturing
environment. Each component within a supply chain tends to
focus on its own responsibilities and ignores possibilities for
interconnectivity and therefore the potential for systematic
quality assurance and quality tracing. Rather than concentrating
on assigning responsibility for recall incidents, it would be
better to expend that energy on constructing a collaborative
system to assure product quality by employing a systematic view
for the entire supply chain. This paper presents a systematic
framework for intelligent collaborative quality assurance
throughout an entire supply chain based on an expert system for
implementing two levels of quality assurance: system level and
component level. This proposed system provides intelligent
functions for quality prediction, pattern recognition and data
mining. A case study for wind turbines is given to demonstrate
this approach. The results show that such a system can assure
product quality improved in a continuous process.
KeywordsWind turbine expert system; Supply chain
management; Collaborative quality assurance; Prediction; Pattern
Quality is a critical requirement for customers, especially
in the case of expensive and complex products. In recent
years, an increasing number of product recalls are occurring.
Such product recall incidents have resulted in serious
customer dissatisfaction and significant company losses in
both image and business. Rather than argue who ought to
apologize to the recall incidents, it would be better to
expend that energy on constructing a collaborative system to
assure product quality by employing a systematic view for the
entire supply chain. A product supply chain can encompass
multiple, diverse parties in the current global manufacturing
environment. Each functional part in supply chain tends to
focus on its own responsibilities, resulting in a lack of strong
interconnected infrastructure to support systematic quality
assurance, such as clear management structure and a quality
tracing enabled data collection framework. It is therefore often
difficult to identify or trace the exact reason for bad quality.
How to ensure product quality collaboratively becomes a vital
task for the companies along the supply chain.
Supply chain management (SCM) was defined as the
management of a network of interconnected businesses
involved in the ultimate provision of product and service
packages required by the end customers. It spans all
movement and storage of raw materials, WIP inventory and
finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption.
A good SCM is essential for companies to meet global
competition. Nowadays, many manufacturers and service
providers collaborate with their suppliers and upgrade their
purchasing and supply management functions from a clerical
role, to an integral part of SCM. In terms of possessing a
systematic quality assurance function and a collaborative data
collection framework for quality tracing, gaps still exist.
Quality assurance was defined as a strategic management
function concerned with the establishment of policies,
standards and systems for the maintenance of quality[1].
Later, as a result of benchmarking studies, Baines and Ryan
determined that quality assurance could be identified as [2]:
1) A tool to demonstrate regulatory compliance;
2) A business efficiency tool to ensure product quality
and minimize hygienic risks;
3) A communication tool to customers and consumers,
wherever they are in the world.
Quality assurance becomes increasingly important in
integrated SCM [3-4]. As for the methodologies, the majority
of prior works tend to conduct failure testing or statistical
control to improve quality assurance system [5-9]. Over the
past thirty years, considerable advances have been made in
computational intelligence. Various intelligent technologies
and/or algorithms like artificial neural networks genetic
algorithms, fuzzy/logic systems, learning algorithms, and
metaheuristics have been developed for realizing intelligent
control or expert systems [10]. Compared to traditional
statistical control based quality assurance, computational
intelligence technologies have advantages for making
intelligent decisions such as quality prediction and pattern
recognition for the situations with high complexity. If the
quality can be predicted before production, it will greatly help
avoid generating bad products. Designer can forecast the
quality and thus optimize designed settings and tighter
tolerance before releasing the design, while downstream
parties, such as manufacturing, can optimize real settings in
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the similar way prior to production. And moreover, if the
quality can be classified into several levels such as good
quality, average quality and bad quality, products
classified lower than good quality can be analyzed and
traced back to the settings of the impact factors in order to
determine the root cause of quality deficiencies. Through such
analysis, the rules of best settings can be obtained, and the
necessary changes in product or process design can be
determined. Hence, providing intelligent functions such as
quality prediction, pattern classification and data mining can
improve quality by improving overall design; in addition, such
functions can help optimize quality assurance for other
downstream parties as well. Currently, there exists little
research [11] on developing such intelligent systems for
quality improvement in industry process. Extensive space
could be explored to improve the performance of collaborative
quality assurance.
With the consideration of the significance in closing above
mentioned gaps, this paper will base on computational
intelligence technologies to establish a collaborative quality
assurance expert system for machinery products to ensure and
improve their quality continuously.
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, the
methodology of collaborative quality assurance in SCM is
proposed. Section 3 takes wind turbine as a case to
demonstrate the methodology. Finally, conclusions and future
work are provided in Section 4.
Methodology to develop the collaborative quality
assurance expert system in SCM is provided in this section.
Quality and quality assurance will be defined first. Three
conceptual frameworks, including a management model, a
technical model and a database management model, will be
established to help guide the coordination of quality assurance
along the whole supply chain. Intelligent functions such as
quality prediction, pattern recognition and knowledge mining
will be designed in the technical model to support two levels
of collaborative quality assurance in SCM: system level and
component level.
A. Problem formulation
1) Quality
It is important to realize that quality is determined by the
intended users, clients or customers, not by society in general.
'Expensive' does not always mean 'high quality'. Even goods
with low prices can be considered quality items if they meet a
markets requirements.
Quality ultimately is measured in terms of customer
satisfaction. Customers may have various measurements, such
as number of product recalls, number of maintenance fix
requests per year, defects found after product delivery per
function point, cost of defects (e.g. annual maintenance costs),
costs of quality activities (e.g. costs of inspections,
diagnostics, test execution, defect tracking, preventive
measures and QA education), mean time between failure
(MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR), and so on, to check the
product quality characteristics like functionality, reliability,
safety, efficiency, and maintainability.
For this paper, no matter what a customers requirements
are, a product that is closest to meeting these requirements is
considered to be of good quality.
2) Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance, or QA for short, was described as a set
of activities intended to ensure that products (goods and/or
services) satisfy customer requirements in a systematic,
reliable fashion. QA cant absolutely guarantee the production
of quality products, unfortunately, but makes this more likely.
Two objectives are therefore set for achieving the optimal QA
(see Figure 1).
a) Objective 1: To optimize the design of product
Customer requirements will be translated by designers into
parameters for what constitutes a high quality product. This
paper assumes that designers will provide the optimal value
setting and tolerance of all possible quality impact factors in
advance, including raw material specification, product
dimensions, manufacturing environment, machine statuses,
delivery requirements and so on. The evaluation criterion of
an optimal design is that the design can best meet customer-
defined requirements. The objective 1 is identified as:
To Minimize Difference 1 = Design Setting - Customer Requirement
b) Objective 2: To maximize the compliance with design
Given an optimal design, quality assurance will attempt to
make the real value setting of each quality impact factor along
supply chain (e.g. raw material, manufacturing, delivery) in
line with those of the design, so as to meet the functionality or
the specifications of design. This objective can also be
represented as minimizing the difference between real settings
and design settings, that is:
To Minimize Difference 2 = Real Setting Design Setting
The difference 2 is essentially the deviation of real settings
from design settings. A maximum acceptable deviation from a
nominal design setting is called tolerance.
The scales of the differences of different factors are not the
same. A Compliance Index (CI) is defined to represent the
degree of accuracy of the real setting in comparison to the
design setting in a standardized scale from 0 to 1. A value of 0
means that the real setting matches design requirements
perfectly, while a value of 1 means that real settings do not
adequately match design requirements. These values can be
obtained by
where R and D represent the real setting and design setting
for a same impact factor, respectively. If the setting of certain
input factors for the best design is zero, then the following
0 0
> >=
D R t s
e CI
, . .
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equation could be used to calculate the compliance index:
Objective 2 is therefore to Minimize CI.
Accordingly, QA includes two activities in this study: to
design the best regulation of the quality related factors which
rely on raw materials, assembly, components and overall
products, as well as the services related to production,
inspection and delivery processes; and to seek the maximum
compliance between each real factor setting and their
corresponding design factor settings.
3) Closed loop quality assurance improvement to
guarantee good
An expert system based closed loop quality assurance
improvement process is proposed in Figure 1 to fulfill the
above two objectives continuously. There are multiple factors
(e.g. raw material factors, manufacturing environment factors,
machine factors, assembly factors, delivery factors, etc)
throughout supply chain that may influence product quality in
various ways and in dynamic situations. The individual and
combined influence of multiple factors on quality is unclear.
The rules of knowledge base will be obtained from the
intensive study of the impact of multiple factors on product
quality by the expert system. The product quality will be
predicted and patterns will be recognized. The features
indicative of bad quality will be extracted and feedback to
designers to determine, and improve upon, parameter settings
and tolerances for bad quality. The deviation of real settings
from nominal design settings on multiple factors will also be
studied in order to provide knowledge for compliance
improvement. Once the root causes for bad quality are
determined, they will be delivered to appropriate personnel for
quality improvement. The above improvement of design and
compliance will be made in a continuous process.
Fig. 1. Closed Loop Improvement Method To Guarantee A Good Quality
Assurance In SCM.
The management-level method for guaranteeing the
quality impact factor settings compliance with design is
demonstrated in Section 2.2, while the expert system for
studying multi-factor impacts on quality, providing intelligent
functions such as prediction, pattern recognition, and
generating the knowledge bases for above two objectives is
presented in Section 2.3. The distributed database
management system proposed in Section 2.4 can help a user
trace back the situation in which a quality issue has been
B. Management Structure for collaborative quality assurance
Assuming that a certain design is optimal, an order
oriented collaborative quality assurance team management
mode is proposed in order to assure the supply chain factor
settings compliance with the design.
For the products of the same order, a quality assurance
(QA) team will be organized among all the parties along the
supply chain. The system supplier needs to take direct
responsibility for delivering the product (a complete
assembled system is defined as a product) to end users and it
also needs to guarantee the quality of the components
outsourced. The system supplier has a good connection to the
end user and component suppliers. Considering these
connections, the system supplier is the best party to lead the
quality assurance team. Each quality related department, such
as system level design, assembly process and delivery,
component level design, raw material supply, manufacturing,
and delivery will work together for QA.
After receiving the customer expectations of what they
expect from a product, system level QA will design the
optimal regulations (e.g. parameter value setting and tolerance
setting for materials, manufacturing and delivery along supply
chain) for the best quality product. The quality parameters for
components will be delivered to each component QA as a
customer requirement. Component QA will continue to update
the optimal settings for a component if the customer
requirements received need to be amended, or if new
requirements are identified. The designed settings will then be
passed to each party along the component supply chain.
Each downstream party will check the compliance of real
settings with design settings after it completes its part. If the
completed part passes the quality compliance check, then it
will be delivered to its upstream party. If all parties, including
those responsible for raw materials, manufacturing and
delivery, have finished their check, a total quality assurance
(TQA) will be carried out before the completed component is
sent for system level assembly. System level QA will start
after all component level QAs are completed. The same
quality compliance check will be conducted for the system
assembly process and its delivery path. The customer will do a
TQA for the final assembled product. Those products which
fail the TQA will be sent back for rework.
C. Two levels of quality assurance expert system in SCM
Ensuring a high level of quality for products throughout a
supply chain is a much-needed perspective into the SCM due
to the importance of quality in terms of improving system
reliability and customer satisfaction. Various factors along a
supply chain can influence the quality of a product.
Determining the impact of multiple factors on product quality
is of significant importance in providing useful information to
improve quality assurance. Few quality assurance approaches
can satisfy this need due to the complexity of the real
situation. This section will propose a quality assurance expert
system to close this gap. As the product (or system) and each
0 0
>= >=
D R t s
e CI
, . .
Optimal Design
Knowledge base for
design improvement
Optimal Management to make each quality
impact factor setting along supply chain (e.g.
raw material, manufacturing, delivery) the most
compliant with design
Quality Assurance in Supply Chain Management
of design
Objective 1
Objective 2
Knowledge base
for compliance
of compliance
Expert System
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
39 | P a g e
of its components have their own supply chains, the
framework for the expert system is developed based on two
levels: system-level quality assurance and component-level
quality assurance.
1) System level quality assurance in SCM
The procedure for conducting system level quality
assurance is illustrated in Figure 2. As indicated in the
procedure, the supply chain of the product (or system) is
identified first. The criteria for what constitutes system-level
quality, such as reliability, based on the customer
requirements, are then defined. Component level quality
assurance is one important step for guaranteeing system level
quality assurance. Theoretically speaking, quality assurance
for each component will ensure the optimal result, in terms of
quality, for the overall product. However in reality, it is not
necessary to research each component, and it would be costly
to do so. Thus, it becomes essential to balance the costs versus
the benefit first. For the situation in which it is not cost
effective to do quality assurance for each component, the
critical component analysis and selection needs to be
conducted. Subsequently, it is vital to define component-level
quality for the chosen critical component(s) in order to
conduct component-level quality assurance. The factors of the
component that are most indicative of quality will be selected
for studying their impact on the defined component-level
quality. With this information, the component-level quality
assurance expert system can be constructed. The comparison
of component quality performance before and after applying
the proposed system will be used for evaluation and to
determine if improvements to the system can be made. The
customers requirements are another criterion for making a
quality determination. The order of using these two criteria
can be adjusted according to the target of the quality
improvement. Once the quality of all the studied components
is improved to meet the defined requirements, the overall
quality of the product will be evaluated to see whether it can
meet the system requirements. If not, the prior steps should be
revisited in order to continue improving the component-level
quality. Therefore, through the procedure of system-level and
component-level quality assurance, the quality of product can
be better ensured.
2) Component level quality assurance in SCM
A component-level quality assurance expert system has
been designed (Figure 3) for improving component quality
based on the study of the impact of multiple factors on quality.
For each component, the selection of factors from different
parties along component supply chain, and the quality of the
components produced, will be determined. The database
system for data collection is presented in following section.
Some samples will be selected from the database and input as
training data for the expert system.
One major function of the expert system is to provide a
scientific way for quality prediction and quality classification.
For this purpose, quality forecasting and quality classification
models will be built based on the training data. Inputting any
test sample of impact factors, the forecasting model will
predict the corresponding quality. For the predicted quality,
the quality pattern recognition model will identify the pattern
that it belongs to. The designer can use this system to test if
the design settings will result in a good or bad quality product
before releasing the design to downstream parties.
Downstream parties, such as manufacturing, can apply the
proposed system to predict the quality of products to be
produced based on simulated real settings. They are then able
to optimize their real settings before production. With this
intelligent measurement system, tremendous loss from
incorrect design settings or incorrect real settings will be
Fig. 2. System level quality assurance in SCM.
Fig. 3. Component level quality assurance in SCM
The expert system has another function: to generate
knowledge bases for design improvement and compliance
improvement for achieving the best quality assurance. For
instance, a correlation study of the impact factors and their
affect on quality will reveal the critical impact factors that
have bigger influence on bad quality. Further data mining
conducted on bad quality patterns, such as a histogram of each
critical impact factor, is helpful to find the features (i.e. range
of settings) that result in bad quality. The knowledge obtained
Identify the
supply chain of
the component
Identify the related
factors of the
level quality
Identify the
level quality
Identify the
level quality
Identify the
supply chain of
the product
Component-level Quality Assurance
Evaluate the performance for component-level quality
assurance; Quality satisfied?
Identify the
Improve system-level quality
Evaluate the performance for system-level quality
assurance; Quality satisfied?
If each critical component is improved?
System-level Quality Assurance
Sampling quality related factors
and their impacts on quality
Patterns for
bad quality
Patterns for
good quality
Pattern Classification
Use unsupervised learning method (e.g. Self-Organizing
Map) to classify quality patterns based on training data
Manufacturing Delivery
Component Supply Chain
Design Raw material
Patterns for
medium quality
Training data
Predicted quality value
Training data
Recognized quality pattern
Feedback it to the
relative department for
quality improvement
Feedback to
designer to avoid
design for bad quality
Quality Forecasting
1. Train forecasting model (e.g.Neural
Network ) based on training data
2. Predict quality given test sample
impact factors as input
Pattern Recognition
Given a test sample, use supervised leaning method
(e.g. Mahalanobis distance) to determine which pattern
the predicted quality belongs to
Knowledge base for
Compliance Improvement
If it is a bad quality pattern,
improve its compliance setting by
learning from good quality pattern
Knowledge base for
Design Improvement
for bad
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
40 | P a g e
will be shared with the designer for better design settings and
tighter tolerances and hence avoid designs that result in bad
quality. For other parties in a supply chain, the analysis of the
difference between their input factors and those indicative of
good quality will show them how to adjust their settings to
improve their compliance with the design settings.
3) Distributed database management system for
quality assurance
Data collection for quality assurance is a challenge
because it requires the cooperation of the different parties
within the whole supply chain. A good organization with
clearly assumed responsibility is important for successful data
This paper thus presented a distributed quality assurance
database management system (see Figure 4), in which one
quality assurance database (QADB) is associated with each
supply chain party, all quality assurance databases are
connected via internet, and are under the control of a central
database management system (CDBMS). It is suggested that
the CDBMS be managed by the system supplier, while the end
user has authorization to access and manage the QA
information of the products they ordered. Consistent data
recording and assessment and documentation integrity is
necessary. Each produced part, including components and
final product, is attached with an e-tag, such as a Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID), which stores its basic
information and path for accessing its QADB.
Fig. 4. Distributed quality assurance database management system.
When a quality problem occurs during usage, the end user
may trace back its causes. If the source of the problem cannot
be located, they may input the order number into the CDBMS
to find the system ID and then trace the system delivery status
and production status. If there is no problem with the system
level process, then the user can continue to trace the issue
back to the delivery status, production status and even to the
raw material status for each component, with the assistance of
each QADB. This process is conducted until it is determined
at which stage the quality issue originated.
If the user knows the problem component, he can trace
back the component status in the corresponding QADB
directly with the assistance of the component ID and other
relative information read from its e-tag.
Although manufacturers and suppliers have noticed the
importance of quality assurance for wind turbines, they
usually confine their quality assurance efforts to their specific
realm, which does not make use of potential opportunities for
collaboration. For example, designers only focus on how to
improve product design, while manufacturers only focus on
how to ensure quality during assembly and production and
distributers on storage, delivery and logistics. Ignoring the
interrelationship between them may easily cause bad products
due to poor quality coordination. Thus, it becomes essential to
study the relationship between all parts in supply chain and
build a collaborative model for quality assurance.
Considering the marvelous long term growth of wind
turbine, and its utmost needs for collaborative quality
assurance, it will be taken as an example to demonstrate the
proposed systematic framework for quality assurance in
supply chain based on the study of the relationship between
the critical impact factors and product quality. Through the
successful application of this proposed methodology, this
collaborative quality assurance model can be certainly
applicable to some other machinery products.
D. Identify the supply chain for a wind turbine
A wind turbine has a unique and internationally distributed
supply chain the parameters of which is strongly influenced by
the recent increase in wind turbine production. The
components of wind turbines have their corresponding supply
chains as well. A typical supply chain for a wind turbine is
demonstrated in Figure 5. A general supply chain may have
warehouses, distribution centers or retailers between the
manufacturer and customer. However, in this study, the supply
chain can be simplified as a wind turbine is the kind of
customized products which is usually directly delivered from a
wind turbine manufacturer to their customers.
Fig. 5. A typical supply chain for wind turbine.
Based on the framework in Section 2.3, first, system level
quality for awind turbine can be defined as high reliability of
wind turbine to ensure smooth operation. Through
understanding the structure of a wind turbine, its components
can be analyzed so as to define component level quality. A
collaborative quality assurance model for component level
will be discussed in the following sections, which can be
applied as quality assurance model for the system level too by
defining the system quality index and its corresponding impact
E. Select critical components of wind turbine
The general structure of wind turbine is shown in Figure 6
[12]. The main parts of a wind turbine (as shown below ) are
the rotor, blades, brake, controller, gear box, generator, high-
speed shaft, low-speed shaft, nacelle, pitch, wind direction,
System Delivery QADB System Assembly QADB
System ID
Customer traces back causes
of bad quality product
Central database
management system
Order ID
Component 1 ID
Component 2 ID
Component 3 ID
Component ID
Component ID (e.g. RFID)
Study the effect of different
factors on product quality
Conclude reasons for product
problems in different
situations and build up
knowledge base for them
Establish Machine Learning
Model to learn the
relationship between impact
factors and product quality
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by raw material problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by machine problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by process problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by design problem
Mining Reasons for Quality Defects
Diagnosis of product quality problem
If a quality defect occurs, diagnose
the root cause by mapping it to the
situation/status in the knowledge
Given a set of factor statuses as
input, predict the product quality
Prognosis of product quality
Making Decisions for Quality Assurance
Continuous learning &
enriching knowledge base
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
machine aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
process aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
design aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
raw material supplier
Pass the knowledge to
designer for redesign
Design based
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
suppliers to improve
material quality
Machine based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
machine supplier or
operator to optimize
machine setting or
redesign machines
Process based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
process manager for
optimal process control
Study the effect of different
factors on product quality
Conclude reasons for product
problems in different
situations and build up
knowledge base for them
Establish Machine Learning
Model to learn the
relationship between impact
factors and product quality
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by raw material problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by machine problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by process problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by design problem
Mining Reasons for Quality Defects
Diagnosis of product quality problem
If a quality defect occurs, diagnose
the root cause by mapping it to the
situation/status in the knowledge
Given a set of factor statuses as
input, predict the product quality
Prognosis of product quality
Making Decisions for Quality Assurance
Continuous learning &
enriching knowledge base
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
machine aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
process aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
design aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
raw material supplier
Pass the knowledge to
designer for redesign
Design based
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
suppliers to improve
material quality
Machine based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
machine supplier or
operator to optimize
machine setting or
redesign machines
Process based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
process manager for
optimal process control
Study the effect of different
factors on product quality
Conclude reasons for product
problems in different
situations and build up
knowledge base for them
Establish Machine Learning
Model to learn the
relationship between impact
factors and product quality
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by raw material problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by machine problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by process problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by design problem
Mining Reasons for Quality Defects
Diagnosis of product quality problem
If a quality defect occurs, diagnose
the root cause by mapping it to the
situation/status in the knowledge
Given a set of factor statuses as
input, predict the product quality
Prognosis of product quality
Making Decisions for Quality Assurance
Continuous learning &
enriching knowledge base
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
machine aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
process aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
design aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
raw material supplier
Pass the knowledge to
designer for redesign
Design based
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
suppliers to improve
material quality
Machine based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
machine supplier or
operator to optimize
machine setting or
redesign machines
Process based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
process manager for
optimal process control
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
41 | P a g e
wind vane, yaw drive and yaw motor. Most turbines have
either two or three blades. Wind blowing over the blades
causes the blades to "lift" and rotate. Generally, the blades and
the hub together are called the rotor. When the blades rotate,
the gears rotate; the gears connect the low-speed shaft to the
high-speed shaft and increase the rotational speeds from
approximately 30 to 60 rotations per minute (rpm) to
approximately 1000 to 1800 rpm, which is the rotational speed
required by most generators to produce electricity. Generally,
the gear box is the most costly part of a wind turbine.
Fig. 6. General structure of wind turbine.
Although a wind turbine is comprised of many
components, it is more cost effective to focus on the critical
components for quality assurance. In order to identify the
critical components of a wind turbine, the typical way is to
determine which component has the greatest influence on
wind turbine breakdowns. In recent years, numerous failure
surveys have been conducted on wind turbines. A downtime
distribution was presented in [13], based on a population of
German wind turbines. Braam and Tavner both provided
recent studies on failure probabilities [14-16]. McMillan and
Ault then selected four component categories from these
multiple sources and illustrated their annual probability of
failure on the same chart [17]. They further used this data to
study reliability benchmarks [18]. This paper summarizes their
researches in Figure 7 to illustrate the effect of both the failure
probability and downtime distribution of four components of
wind turbines, namely the electronics & controls, rotor blades,
gearbox and generator. The X value is the downtime
distribution data from Winstats Newsletter[13], meanwhile,
while the Y value is the failure probability from the surveys
for the same component [14-16]. It should be noted that each
component has three samples marked in different colors. The
plot area is divided into four quarters, namely quadrants 1 to
4, based on the high or low values of the axis. All gearbox &
bearing samples, as well as all generator samples and some
blades samples, fall in quadrant 4, which shows that all these
components have a high downtime distribution with
comparatively a low failure probability. Therefore, gearbox,
generator and rotor blades are taken as more critical
Fig. 7. Wind Turbine Critical Components Selection Based On Integrated
Failure Effect Study.
F. Define component level quality
Component level quality assurance will then be established
for the component selected with its corresponding quality
criteria (i.e. rules in quality assurance model) and impact
factors. As shown in Figure 6, bearings are key sub-
components in both gearboxes and generators, which are two
critical components of wind turbines. It is thus taken as an
example in the following sections to demonstrate the approach
of building component level quality assurance model. This
approach can be applied to other components.
Fig. 8. Fault of bearing.
Bearing damage Caused by Bearing damage Caused by
wear abrasive particles flaking Preloading
inadequate lubrication oval compression
vibration axial compression
smearing rollers and raceways Misalignment
external surfaces Indentations
roller ends guide flanges Smearing
crack rough treatment deep seated rust
excessive drive-up fretting corrosion
smearing Fluting
Cage damage vibration corrosion deep seated rust
excessive speed fretting corrosion
wear indentation Overloading
blockage foreign particles
The primary types of bearing damages are necessary to be
well researched before building the component level quality
assurance model. Bearings as prominent parts among the most
important components in the majority of machines sometimes,
do not always meet their life expectancy due to damages from
multiple sources for diverse reasons, such as heavier loading,
careless handling, ineffective sealing or unsuitable fits. Each
of these factors produces its own particular type of damage
and leaves its own special impact on a bearing. Thus, it is
Study the effect of different
factors on product quality
Conclude reasons for product
problems in different
situations and build up
knowledge base for them
Establish Machine Learning
Model to learn the
relationship between impact
factors and product quality
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by raw material problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by machine problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by process problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by design problem
Mining Reasons for Quality Defects
Diagnosis of product quality problem
If a quality defect occurs, diagnose
the root cause by mapping it to the
situation/status in the knowledge
Given a set of factor statuses as
input, predict the product quality
Prognosis of product quality
Making Decisions for Quality Assurance
Continuous learning &
enriching knowledge base
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
machine aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
process aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
design aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
raw material supplier
Pass the knowledge to
designer for redesign
Design based
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
suppliers to improve
material quality
Machine based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
machine supplier or
operator to optimize
machine setting or
redesign machines
Process based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
process manager for
optimal process control
Study the effect of different
factors on product quality
Conclude reasons for product
problems in different
situations and build up
knowledge base for them
Establish Machine Learning
Model to learn the
relationship between impact
factors and product quality
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by raw material problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by machine problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by process problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by design problem
Mining Reasons for Quality Defects
Diagnosis of product quality problem
If a quality defect occurs, diagnose
the root cause by mapping it to the
situation/status in the knowledge
Given a set of factor statuses as
input, predict the product quality
Prognosis of product quality
Making Decisions for Quality Assurance
Continuous learning &
enriching knowledge base
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
machine aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
process aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
design aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
raw material supplier
Pass the knowledge to
designer for redesign
Design based
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
suppliers to improve
material quality
Machine based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
machine supplier or
operator to optimize
machine setting or
redesign machines
Process based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
process manager for
optimal process control
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
42 | P a g e
essential to examine the damaged bearing and study the cause
of the damage so as to provide support for quality assurance.
Based on the most prevalent types of bearing damage (see
Table 2), it can be seen that most damage is caused by quality
issues along the supply chain. Hence, the quality index and the
major impact factors influencing bearing quality will be
identified and their relationship will be well studied by using
this proposed model.
As mentioned before, there exist various types of quality
index according to customer requirement. Reliability is
adopted in this section to represent the quality of the bearing.
Other quality indices can also be considered in the same way,
according to a customers requirements. In engineering,
reliability is the ability of a system or component to perform
its required functions under stated conditions for a specified
period of time. The traditional notation for reliability is ,
while here it is shown as one index of quality, and is denoted
as . Mathematically, reliability may be expressed as
where is the failure probability density function and is
the length of the period of time that is assumed to start from
time zero .
G. Identify quality impact factors for critical component
By analyzing bearing damages and its causes, 19 main
quality impact factors which can cover the majority of the
causes of damage are selected for study. Five of them are
factors related to raw material, six of them are about
machining, four of them are machine status factors, three are
manufacturing environment factors, and one is the delivery
condition. Those 19 impact factors and 1 quality index (i.e.
reliability of bearing) are listed in Table 3.
As stated in the methodology section, the designed settings
are assumed to be optimal. The quality assurance target of
other parties is to make the real settings meet the designed
settings. The deviations of real settings from design settings
instead of the real setting values are studied because they can
reflect the quality compliance level. The results of which can
further help design tighter tolerances. As discussed in Section
2.1, CI is introduced to transfer the different scales of the
deviations to a standardized range, from 0 to 1. In terms of the
chosen standard value range, 0 means the difference between
real settings and designed settings is the smallest, while 1
means the difference between them is the biggest. CI[R
indicates the compliance index of lubricant in Raw material
category. Equations (1) and (2) provide the method to
calculate CI. The CIs of all selected impact factors are taken
as the inputs of the quality assurance model. CI[Q
], the
compliance index of reliability, is the output factor. CI[Q
] is
calculated by , in order to make it comply with the
CI of the input factors. That is 0 means the perfect case with
the best reliability, while 1 reflects the worst one.
H. Quality prediction and pattern recognition for critical
For the purpose of quality prediction and pattern
recognition, many intelligent approaches can be used. In this
study, two neural network models, called Feedforward neural
network and self-organizing map neural network (SOM) are
used. A Feedforward neural network is developed to predict
the component quality and a self-organizing map (SOM) is
built to classify the quality pattern, through learning the
relationship between quality and its impact factors collected
along the supply chain.
1) Quality prediction
A Feedforward neural network is an artificial neural
network in which connections between the units do not form a
directed cycle.
Factors Notation
of CI
Raw material Lubricant Rlu [0,1]
Rmp [0,1]
seating out of
Rsa [0,1]
foreign particles Rfp [0,1]
Rmc [0,1]
inner diameter Mid [0,1)
outer diameter Mod [0,1)
Msr [0,1)
chamfer Mch [0,1)
thickness Mth [0,1)
ball diameter Mbd [0,1)
Balance Aba [0,1]
Precision Apr [0,1]
Health index Ahi [0,1]
Vibration Avi [0,1]
Environment Temperature Ete [0,1]
Humidity Ehu [0,1]
Dust tolerance Edt [0,1]
Ddc [0,1]
Quality index Reliability QRe (0,1]
Note: CI range values have been standardized for all factors.
CI Value range in Manufacturing represents the difference between real
manufacturing setting and design requirements. 0 means no difference. The
closer to 1, the bigger difference it is. So 0=perfect case; 1=worst case
It is most commonly used with the back propagation
algorithm that often has one or more hidden layers of sigmoid
neurons followed by an output layer of linear neurons. In this
network, the information moves in only one direction,
forward, from the input nodes, through the hidden nodes and
to the output nodes. There are no cycles or loops in this type if
network. Multiple layers of neurons with nonlinear transfer
functions allow the network to learn nonlinear and linear
relationships between input and output vectors. A well learned
network is often applied for function approximation or
regression analysis tasks, including forecasting. Cost function
) (t R
= > = =
dx x f t T P t R Q ) ( ) ( ) (
) ( x f
( ) 1 ( ) R t
Study the effect of different
factors on product quality
Conclude reasons for product
problems in different
situations and build up
knowledge base for them
Establish Machine Learning
Model to learn the
relationship between impact
factors and product quality
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by raw material problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by machine problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by process problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by design problem
Mining Reasons for Quality Defects
Diagnosis of product quality problem
If a quality defect occurs, diagnose
the root cause by mapping it to the
situation/status in the knowledge
Given a set of factor statuses as
input, predict the product quality
Prognosis of product quality
Making Decisions for Quality Assurance
Continuous learning &
enriching knowledge base
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
machine aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
process aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
design aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
raw material supplier
Pass the knowledge to
designer for redesign
Design based
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
suppliers to improve
material quality
Machine based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
machine supplier or
operator to optimize
machine setting or
redesign machines
Process based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
process manager for
optimal process control
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
43 | P a g e
is an important concept in learning, as it is a measure of how
far away we are from an optimal solution to the problem that
we want to solve. Learning algorithms search through the
solution space in order to find a function that has the smallest
possible cost. A commonly used cost is Mean Square Error
(MSE) which tries to minimize the average squared error
between the network's output and the target value over all the
example pairs.
In this case study, for each selected impact factors and
quality index, 1000 samples are collected and then their
compliance indices are standardized into a range [0,1]. For
each factor, 1000 standardized CI samples are stored in one
factor vector, and 1000 quality index samples are in one
quality index vector.
In the Feedforward neural network model, the input is the
vector of 19 factor vectors, and the output is the quality index
vector. Two layers are set and the Levenberg-Marquardt rule
is chosen to train this neural network model. The epoch is set
to be 1000. The Mean Square Error (MSE) is used to examine
the prediction performance. The MSE <=0.01 is set as
threshold to stop training. After training, Feedforward neural
network model could be used to predict CI of quality index
(i.e. reliability of bearing) given any test sample.
In Figure 9, the training results of the Feedforward neural
network model, including the training state and the
corresponding MSE (0.0068) are presented respectively. The
results show that this Feedforward neural network model fits
the samples to the degree that it is requested, which means this
trained Feedforward neural network model can be used to
predict the quality index based on the selected impact factors.
The following are two examples in which the proposed
model is used to predict the quality index for two test samples:
Test sample vector of impact factors is:
Quality index is predicted to be: [0.2925]
Fig. 9. Training results of Feedforward neural network.
Test sample vector of impact factors is:
0.5061;0.5018;0.8447; 0.7880; 0.9724; 0.1794; 0.9296; 0.9256;
0.3489; 0.3816]
Quality index is predicted to be: [0.9476]
2) Quality pattern recognition
In addition to being able to predict a certain quality index
value, it would be advantageous to be able to determine the
patterns of the whole values as well. For this purpose, SOM
has been adopted to classify a certain quality index into
various levels. If a certain pattern needs to be deeper studied, a
specific analysis can be conducted for that.
SOM is another type of artificial neural network that is
trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-
dimensional, discretized representation of the input space of
the training samples. It produces a map to represent the input
space of the training samples. It is different from other
artificial neural networks in the sense that SOM uses a
neighborhood function to preserve the topological properties
of the input space. SOM has one layer with the neurons
organized in a grid, which makes it useful for visualizing low-
dimensional views of high-dimensional data, this function is
akin to multidimensional scaling.
SOM operates in two modes like most neural networks:
training and mapping. Training builds the map using input
samples. Mapping automatically classifies a new input vector.
Training is a competitive process, also called vector
quantization. Firstly, it will randomize the map's nodes' weight
vectors, and then grab an input vector, traverse each node in
the map, including the use of Euclidean distance formula to
find similarity between the input vector and the map's nodes
weight vector. It also includes the track of the best matching
unit (BMU), the node that produces the smallest distance.
Afterward, the nodes in the neighborhood of BMU will be
updated by pulling them closer to the input vector. The whole
procedure will be repeated till current iteration reaches the
limit on time iteration.
In this study, 1000 samples of quality index are used as
training data to build a SOM neural network for quality
pattern classification. Within SOM one layer is set, and the
Batch unsupervised weight/bias training algorithm is chosen.
In Figure 10, the results displayed by the developed of
SOM are presented, in which 5 classes are obtained, after
training. This means that the quality index can be classified
into 5 levels: very good quality, good quality, average
quality, bad quality and very bad quality, respectively.
This SOM model can then be used for recognizing the
quality pattern given a certain quality index value. For
instance, the predicted quality index, 0.2925, in the
abovementioned sample test 1, is classified by the SOM into
class 2, which is considered to be of good quality; the
quality index in sample test 2, 0.9476, is classified by the
SOM into class 5, which is considered to be of very bad
Study the effect of different
factors on product quality
Conclude reasons for product
problems in different
situations and build up
knowledge base for them
Establish Machine Learning
Model to learn the
relationship between impact
factors and product quality
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by raw material problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by machine problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by process problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by design problem
Mining Reasons for Quality Defects
Diagnosis of product quality problem
If a quality defect occurs, diagnose
the root cause by mapping it to the
situation/status in the knowledge
Given a set of factor statuses as
input, predict the product quality
Prognosis of product quality
Making Decisions for Quality Assurance
Continuous learning &
enriching knowledge base
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
machine aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
process aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
design aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
raw material supplier
Pass the knowledge to
designer for redesign
Design based
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
suppliers to improve
material quality
Machine based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
machine supplier or
operator to optimize
machine setting or
redesign machines
Process based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
process manager for
optimal process control
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Fig. 10. Training results of self-organizing map.
The above two artificial neural network models constructs
an intelligent measurement system which is capable of
predicting the product quality and indentifying corresponding
quality class for any given test sample. This method can also
strongly help designers and other downstream parties conduct
simulation based experiments to study the impact of designed
settings or real settings on quality before real application. By
comparing the values of the quality index generated on
various simulated settings, the optimal setting could be found
and applied before design regulation releases or before
production starts.
I. Knowledge for design and compliance improvement
More data mining works, like correlation, distribution and
comparison studies, can be conducted based on the above
data, which help generate knowledge bases for optimizing
quality assurance for both designers and other downstream
1) Correlation study
For determining the quality pattern, a correlation study of
the impact factors and quality change will reveal the critical
impact factors that have bigger impact on quality. In
probability theory and statistics, correlation (often measured
as a correlation coefficient) indicates the strength and
direction of a linear relationship between two random
variables. A number of different coefficients are used for
different situations. The best known is the Pearson product-
moment correlation coefficient, which is obtained by dividing
the covariance of the two variables by the product of their
standard deviations, as shown below.
where or is correlation between two
random variables X and Y, means covariance
between X and Y, , are standard deviations, ,
are expected values, and is the expected value operator.
The correlation is 1 in the case of an increasing linear
relationship, 1 in the case of a decreasing linear relationship,
and some value in between these two values in all other cases,
indicating the degree of linear dependence between the
variables. The closer the coefficient is to either 1 or 1, the
stronger the correlation between the variables (see Table 4).
Correlation Negative Positive
Small 0.3 to 0.1 0.1 to 0.3
Medium 0.5 to 0.3 0.3 to 0.5
Large 1.0 to 0.5 0.5 to 1.0
All 1000 samples were selected for this correlation study.
The correlations of each impact factor and quality index are
plotted in a Radar chart (see top left chart of Figure 11). The
results reveal that seven factors have stronger correlation with
quality for the samples studied. Three are raw material factors,
namely, seating out of alignment (Rsa), mounting pressure
(Rmp), and Lubricant (Rlu); two are machine status factors,
namely, Health index (Ahi), Precision (Apr), and Balance
(Aba); and two are manufacturing environment factors:
Humidity (Ehu), and Temperature (Ete).
2) Distribution study
As the quality index can be traced back to the original
collected impact factors data, for all bad quality indices, a
further distribution analysis of the parameter settings of each
critical factor can be conducted to illustrate that what range it
is most in, which is very important information to posses for
impact factor design.
The distribution of all settings of the impact factor Rsa in
very bad quality class (i.e. Class 5) is shown on top right chart
in Figure 11. The range of settings is one type of feature of the
root causes of bad quality, and should be avoided in design.
3) Comparison study
For such parties as material, manufacturing, and delivery,
they can simulate their real setting and predict the quality
index before production using the proposed expert system. If
the predicted quality is bad or very bad, then the system can
do an analysis to check the difference between the impact
factors settings of the bad quality predicted and those settings
in a very good quality pattern.
The bottom chart on Figure 11 presents an example of
comparison, where the mean and range of each impact factor
setting in very good quality pattern are compared with the real
setting of each factor in test sample 2, which generated a very
bad quality. The differences will feedback to instruct people
how to adjust their settings to improve the compliance with
J. System level quality assurance
The procedures introduced in Section 3.3 to 3.6 are applied
to all critical components. After all component level quality
improvements have been completed, the system level quality
will be improved as well. Like the impact factors in the
component level quality assurance model, the impact factors
for the system level quality assurance model are the factors
influencing the quality of the wind turbines received by
customers. The system level quality index is defined by
customer requirements. A system level quality assurance
Y X Corr
o o
o o
)) )( (( ) , cov(
) , (
= = =
) , ( Y X Corr
Y X,
) , cov( Y X
Study the effect of different
factors on product quality
Conclude reasons for product
problems in different
situations and build up
knowledge base for them
Establish Machine Learning
Model to learn the
relationship between impact
factors and product quality
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by raw material problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by machine problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by process problem
Study the situation that
quality defect is caused
by design problem
Mining Reasons for Quality Defects
Diagnosis of product quality problem
If a quality defect occurs, diagnose
the root cause by mapping it to the
situation/status in the knowledge
Given a set of factor statuses as
input, predict the product quality
Prognosis of product quality
Making Decisions for Quality Assurance
Continuous learning &
enriching knowledge base
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
machine aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
process aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
design aspect
Monitor factors and
collect impacts from
raw material supplier
Pass the knowledge to
designer for redesign
Design based
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
suppliers to improve
material quality
Machine based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
machine supplier or
operator to optimize
machine setting or
redesign machines
Process based
Quality Assurance
Pass the knowledge to
process manager for
optimal process control
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
45 | P a g e
model can be constructed in the same way as that at the
component level. By using the Feedforward neural network
and SOM methods, the quality index of a wind turbine system
can then be predicted and the pattern of quality index can also
be identified. Useful knowledge can be obtained from data
mining. By continuously measuring the quality index,
classifying its pattern and redefining the impact factors
settings, quality can be improved at both the system level and
the component level until the quality index reaches the pre-
determined threshold.
The importance of performing quality assurance
throughout an entire supply chain has been gradually gaining
recognition by the decision makers in industry. In this study,
the frameworks of collaborative quality assurance in a supply
chain, including management model, technical model, and
database model, were proposed so as to ensure high quality of
products. In the wind turbine case study presented, bearings
have been identified as an important component of wind
turbines, and taken as an example to demonstrate the proposed
component level quality assurance approach.
Fig. 11. Knowledge mining results in quality assurance expert system
The component quality assurance model acted as an
intelligent measurement system, to predict quality and
recognize the quality pattern given a set of quality impact
factors. With these promising functions, designers can test
whether the design settings will result in a good or bad quality
product before releasing the design to downstream parties.
Downstream parties, such as those responsible for
manufacturing, can simulate different real settings to
determine which may generate the best quality before
production. More knowledge is mined based on the results
through statistical analysis, such as correlation, distribution,
and comparison, and feedback to designers and downstream
parties for optimizing settings and tighter tolerance. With this
intelligent quality assurance model, potential losses from bad
design settings or incorrect real settings will be saved, and
product quality will be ensured.
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[10] J. Behnamian, S.M.T. Ghomi, Fatemi and M. Zandieh, Development of
a hybrid metaheuristic to minimize earliness and tardiness in a hybrid
flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times. International Journal of
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[11] X. Shi, P. Schillings, and D. Boyd, Applying artificial neural networks
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[12] J.A. Andrawus, J. Watson, and M. Kishk, Wind Turbine Maintenance
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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Introducing SMART Table Technology in Saudi
Arabia Education System
Gafar Almalki
(School of Education and
Professional Studies)
Griffith University
Gold Coast, Australia
Professor Glenn Finger
(School of Education and
Professional Studies)
Griffith University
Gold Coast, Australia
Dr Jason Zagami
(School of Education and
Professional Studies)
Griffith University
Gold Coast, Australia
AbstractEducation remains one of the most important
economic development indicators in Saudi Arabia. This is evident
in the continuous priority of the development and enhancement
of education. The application of technology is crucial to the
growth and improvement of the educational system in Saudi
Arabia. Introducing SMART Table technology in the Saudi
Arabian education system is argued in this paper as being able to
assist teachers and students in the process of accommodating
both technological changes and new knowledge. SMART Tables
also can enhance the level of flexibility in the educational system,
thus improving the quality of education within a modern Saudi
Arabia. It is crucial to integrate technology effectively and
efficiently within the educational system to improve the quality of
student outcomes. This study will consider the potential benefits
and recommendations associated with the adoption of SMART
Tables in Saudi Arabian education system.
KeywordsI CT; Smart Table; education; barrier;
SMART Table technology referred to throughout this
paper is the registered trademark of SMART Table
collaborative learning centres (see, for example,
http://smarttech.com/table). SMART Table represents a
relatively new technology in the form of a multi-touch
interactive learning centre that is designed for effective and
efficient use for primary pupils.
The application of technology in the education system
offers the opportunity for primary pupils to interact, discuss,
and share information in the process of grasping vital
knowledge from their teachers. SMART Table technology
enables the pupils to collaborate, discuss, and enhance their
knowledge through digital aspects of education. The students
have the opportunity to explore digital lessons, participate in
the educational games, and form teams as an element of
working together in the search for relevant solutions. The
technology is multi-user in its design to enable numerous
pupils to participate in the interaction and discussion at the
same time. The table provides unlimited opportunities for
students in relation to enjoy learning and expressing elements
of teamwork. The designing of the table makes it vital and
relevant to the primary pupils and their teachers (Ghavifekr &
Ghani 2011, p. 86).
The table is designed with a durable surface that is suitable
for the requirements of the primary pupils in the pursuit of
education. The application of networking system in the form
of wireless connections enables students to share during the
learning process. Teachers also have the opportunity to design
the learning objectives and activities within the table to
enhance the process of transmitting information to the pupils.
This is receiving positive acceptance from the teachers and
students in Saudi Arabia, where it is being implemented,
because of the ability to encourage connections between the
learners and the teachers.
SMART Tables are also durable in their design in enabling
education programs for a diverse range of students. A strength
is the ease in which it can be used and has the capacity to
support up to six users at a time. In addition, the table
demonstrates numerous further benefits in relation to its
implementation in the educational system of Saudi Arabia.
This reflects development towards the achievement of quality
education that would promote growth and development of the
nation (Kian-sam 2011, p. 1279).
SMART Tables being implemented in the educational
system of Saudi Arabia provide the opportunity for the
primary pupils to learn together and this is creative in nature
since the pupils have the chance to express their knowledge
with their peers. The pupils can make learning gains through
the process of learning in the presence of other pupils.
Enjoyment for learning is enhanced through the
implementation of the table as it enables the pupils to view the
process of knowledge generation and acquisition as a game to
be played. The learning process is creative, and has the ability
to differentiate and personalize instructions with the aim of
supporting a variety of learning styles in fun and engaging
forms. The learning process is similar to playing environments
whereby pupils interact with their teachers effectively and
efficiently. This is vital towards the grasping of the crucial
information from the between students and their teachers (Al-
Fahad 2010, p. 67).
The teachers and students develop important
collaborations thus creating a virtual environment to foster
learning process. It is beneficial for students to grasp the
fundamental aspects of knowledge at initial stages to promote
their development as they progress within the educational
system. Application of SMART Table provides the
opportunity to ensure that each student has an equal chance of
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
47 | P a g e
succeeding in the process of grasping essential knowledge.
The table also enhances teamwork in the pursuit of education
thus the opportunity to improve the creative environment.
A. SMART Table and English Language Learning
SMART Table also aims at minimizing the barriers that
limit the ability of pupils to learn English language needed for
their development through the learning process. The
application of the table system in Saudi Arabia provides
students with the opportunity to enjoy virtual aspect of
knowledge, and this includes approaches which promote the
ability to learn English language through using SMART
The interactive products play an important role in the
development of virtual information to generate development
and awareness of the students. It is also crucial for students to
grasp the English language with minimal time possible to
enhance further development. Further research is needed to
determine if SMART Table can enable faster acquisition of
English language proficiency. English language also develops
through application of numerous products and interactive
sessions using SMART Tables. The pupils develop the ability
to communicate in English. The ability to learn collaboratively
reduces anxiety in the pupils thus creates an environment to
learn English language and relevant subject-area content.
During the sessions, all students can engage in discussion and
providing the opportunity to explain and share English words.
There are substantial opportunities for students to see, listen,
and interact with the available learning products or materials.
This makes the learning process to be meaningful to the pupils
hence the motivational aspect in relation to learning and
participating in the classroom activities.
B. SMART Table and Enhancing Education
SMART Table enables the educational system in Saudi
Arabia to create vibrant and meaningful lessons. This is
possible through the application of the physical world into the
classroom environment. This relationship makes the learning
process interactive and user friendly, hence pupils understand
the concepts with ease. The application of technology enables
students to ask questions, discover, and collaborate with
teachers thus the opportunity to explore and learn effectively
and efficiently. Within the context of Saudi Arabia, SMART
Table provides the opportunity for pupils to instill lifelong
interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
This can enable the educational system to improve academic
achievement in relation to the pupils in need of knowledge.
Teachers also play a critical role in encouraging pupils to
participate in the learning process. This is possible through the
provision of opportunities to hear, see, and touch the lesson
products or materials.
C. SMART Table and Student Support
SMART Table is also useful in promoting accessibility
through providing students with relevant support through
visual, auditory, physical and mobility. These elements enable
the student to satisfy their social and communication needs.
This makes it easy for students to interact both academically
and socially within the class environment. Creation of support
in the pursuit of education is vital in the provision of equal
opportunity to students to enhance their understanding on the
concepts. The students have the chance to express themselves,
interact with relevant learning activities, and perceive
appropriate concepts. The table is essential towards tailoring
of instruction that relates to each student with the aim of
creating ample environment to achieve academic and social
D. SMART Table and Flexibility
SMART Table enhances flexibility in relation to the
teaching style and content of the educational system in Saudi
Arabia. SMART Table comes with a toolkit that enables
teachers to create numerous activities within the learning
centre. The toolkit is also essential in the customization of
activities that are new and ready-made in nature. In the
process of learning, it is critical to redesign activities with the
aim of keeping students challenged or engaged. The students
have the opportunity to interact with the teachers and fellow
students equally and freely thus accurate and effective
learning process.
SMART Table complements the application of SMART
Board interactive whiteboard and other interoperable
technologies. This leads to the accommodation of numerous
teaching styles and is advantageous to student learning. The
educational system in Saudi Arabia has the opportunity to
develop interactive lessons between the whole-class or within
the small learning groups. The modern students are often tech-
savvy, and hence appreciate the application of SMART Table
as an interactive learning centre. The horizontal and 360
degree surface provides the opportunity for students to enjoy
the learning process and collaborate with each other.
The educational system in Saudi Arabia enables students
to build cognitive, social, and acute motor skill. This is
possible through implementation of SMART Table activities
within the educational system. The system caters for students
who are usually shy to participate effectively and demonstrate
leadership abilities through the completion of group tasks. The
table has different features that are engaging in the process of
pursuing knowledge. The table system is accessible to all
students including the pupils with exceptional needs.
E. SMART Table and IT Applications
SMART Table has the opportunity to integrate notebook
and laptop software. This promotes the transfer of files and
data from the main computer to the learning centre. The
learning activities reflect on the table to provide students with
prior information on the topic of concern. This is crucial
towards the achievement of social and academic goals. The
students also have the opportunity to capture the images
through document camera. The captured images are applicable
in the process of learning within the interactive centre
(Karfash 2010, p. 67).
The Saudi government utilizes significant financial
resources to enhance the education portfolio. For example,
besides offering free education, the Saudi government
provides its students with free learning tools, health services,
and living expenses if necessary. As a result of its focus on
education over the many years, the number of children at
School increased from 547,000 students in 1970 to more than
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
48 | P a g e
five million students in 2007, and the majority of these
students attend nearly 32,000 public schools as shown in
Table 1 (Vanderlinde, Braak & Tondeur, 2010).
Year Schools Girls Boys students
Number 000 000 000
1970 3,282 135 412 547
1975 5,634 311 673 984
1980 11,070 511 951 1,462
1985 15,079 876 1,273 2,149
1990 16,609 1,310 1,624 2,934
1995 21,284 1,912 2,022 3,934
2000 22,770 2,369 2,404 4,774
2004 29,807 2,403 2,379 4,783
2007 31,798 2,496 2,522 5,019
As noted, this increase in students and the resources
essential for their education places substantial strains on an
education system which is still comparatively new and which
needs considerable improvement in its standards to adhere to
the needs of economic growth, a civil society, and
international prospects. The aim of this paper is to make the
case for the implementation of Smart Table technologies into
Saudi Arabia Education System in order to meet those needs,
and complement the use of other technologies in the learning
and teaching environment.
F. Barriers to Implementing ICT and SMART Table
SMART Table has a potential to enhance the methods of
teaching and learning. However, there are some barriers that
hinder the integration or rather the implementation of the
SMART Table technology into the education system. Choy,
Berkner, Yopper & Department of Education (ED) (2010)
assert that, even though teachers accept the significance of
ICT to enhance the education system, some challenges arise in
the process of integrating these technologies. This section
highlights several barriers on the implementation of both ICT
and SMART Table technologies into the educational system.
While the integration of ICT and SMART Table into
education may have the potential to generate positive changes
in teaching and learning environments, this process is difficult.
Barriers to ICT and SMART Table integration vary from case
to case, depending on the existing environments of the
country, society, education, school, teachers and conceivably
the students. This section, therefore, seeks informed
commentaries about issues which may relate to developing
countries, and to Arab societies.
As mentioned above, there are many and various issues in
integrating ICT and SMART Table in any given curriculum,
including both external and internal barriers to reform (Kian-
Sam & Songan, 2011).
According to Bose (2010), the barriers comprise a lack of
access to computers and software, inadequate time to plan
instruction, lack of technical and administrative support and
inadequate resources. Vanderlinde, Braak & Tondeur (2010)
adds to these barriers the establishment and on-going costs of
providing sufficient ICT for teachers. The external
environment barriers include systems outside individual
schools, for instance, educational districts, communities, and
the larger society. There is a lot of criticism about Education
having isolated itself from the local and the larger society.
Societal involvement during technology planning with new
pedagogy is an indispensable part of structuring a sustainable
system (Kaveie, 2011). These barriers are discussed below as
intrinsic and extrinsic barriers that impede implementation,
and environmental issues.
A. Intrinsic Barriers
Intrinsic barriers refer to individual teacher dimensions,
such as confidence, motivation and attitudes towards using
technology. For example, Scott (2009) in a research study
observing and interviewing teachers who attained different
levels of ICT integration found that even though external
barriers restrained all teachers' attempts in the school,
individual teachers reacted in different ways to these external
constraints, based largely in part on an individual teachers
evaluation and design of efficient classroom practice. In
another study, Scott (2009) stated that the affiliation between a
lack of teacher self-assurance and teachers computer unease,
and the lack of teacher competency were internal barriers or
intrinsic factors, while the lack of access to ICT and resources
were external barriers or extrinsic factors (see Figure 3).
As technology in education changes, pre-service teachers
entering into the classroom may be the first in a school to
initiate new techniques or take alternative paths to engaging
students in learning experiences. SMART Table is an example
of a new technology being introduced in modern education
It is possible as well for some teachers to refuse to
incorporate new technologies which might disrupt their
historical approaches to curriculum design and
implementation, based upon arguments that they achieved
positive outcomes prior to the introduction of the new
technologies. Caution is needed not to interpret this resistance
to change may be as anti-progressive or technophobia
Alenezi, Karim, & Veloo (2010). On the other hand, even
when teachers are convinced that the new technology is
worthwhile adopting, there may be numerous intrinsic factors
that prevent teachers from using the SMART Table
technology in their teaching. Kian-Sam & Songan (2011)
indicate that the intensity of teachers training and skills are
important factors that influence the implementation of ICT
and SMART Table technologies. Also, Choy, Berkner, Lee
Topper, & Department of Education (ED) (2009) note that
opposing change relates to SMART Table strategy anxiety
through several factors: psychological, sociological, and
outfitted. There is perhaps a causal correlation between the
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external and internal barriers (Ghavifekr, Hussin, & Ghani,
To implement SMART Table effectively into the
curriculum, teachers require proficiency in ICT skills as well
as instructive knowledge of efficient ICT teaching practices.
Intrinsic variables in ICT integration include positive teaching
skills with computers; teachers confidence with computers;
viewpoints supporting the use of computers as an educational
tool; training; inspiration; support; and teaching efficiency
Ghavifekr, Hussin, & Ghani, (2011) and Kian-Sam & Songan,
(2011) found that quality of training and inadequate time as
barriers that put off teachers from integrating SMART Table
and ICT into the classroom.
Fig. 3. Integration Of SMART Table And ICT: Intrinsic And Extrinsic
Source: Choy, Berkner, Lee Topper, & Department of Education (ED) (2009).
To implement ICT and SMART Table effectively into the
education system, teachers require proficiency in ICT skills as
well as pedagogical acquaintance of efficient ICT teaching
practices. Intrinsic variables in computer assimilation
comprise positive teaching skill with computers; teachers
acquaintance with computers; beliefs supporting the use of
computers as an educational tool; training; motivation;
support; and teaching effectiveness. Choy, Berkner, Lee
Topper, & Department of Education (ED) (2010) asserted that
ineffective training and inadequate time are barriers that
prevent teachers from integrating SMART Table and ICT into
the education system. Scott (2009, p. 7) cited numerous
teachers with insufficient competence in ICT feel nervous
about using in front of students who are perhaps acquitted to
using it. Sub-standard ICT experience comprise factors that
may include inadequate skills or insufficient pedagogical
training. Moreover, the lack of ample time for teachers to
finish their work comprises inadequate time for preparation of
the subject, for the discovery and practice of using ICT
equipment, and for training; these are also considered
significant barriers to the implementation of SMART Table.
Ghavifekr, Hussin, & Ghani (2011) cited that science
teachers motivation is an imperative aspect in introducing
ICT, alluding to the inadequacy of time to obtain self-
confidence with ICT, a science curriculum congested with
content, and absence of subject-specific direction for using
ICT to support learning.
1) Extrinsic Barriers
Researchers cite that the external barriers that put off the
teacher from implementing SMART Table and ICT in the
classroom are principally functional: inaccessibility to ICT
and internet, inadequate time to build up courses, and
unproductive training (Choy, Berkner, Lee Topper, &
Department of Education (ED), 2010). Additional issues cited
by authors Kaffash Kargiban, Kargiban & Ramezani (2010),
and Hyland (2010) relate to inadequate organization and
technical support, high costs of equipment, and that students
lack skills. In addition, the barriers faced in Saudi Arabia, are
similar as the ones faced by others in other countries that are
the shortage of finance. As you know, technology is relatively
expensive, and feasibility means balance between costs of
inputs and outputs. The Ministry spares no effort to supply
suitable finance, but there are a large number of schools for
boys and girls.
Hyland (2010) cites practical issues of resources and
access due to the the lack of high-quality ICT resources in a
school will not only prevent teachers from making good use of
ICT in their teaching, but will as well have a negative effect
on pupils success (p. 11). These barriers are summarized in
Figure 4.
Fig. 4. Issues Regarding Access to SMART Table and ICT Resources
Source: Ghavifekr, Hussin, & Ghani (2011).
Lack of access in
Fear of failing
Lack of skills
Lack of pedagogical training
Lack of training
Lack of teachers
school access
Age & reliability
Sustainability issues
Lack of fitness for
Inadequate time
Absence of
software used
Lack of teachers
home access
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Application of SMART Table technology within the
educational system of Saudi Arabia can result in potentially
useful outcomes for the students and teachers. These outcomes
are discussed in the following sections.
A. Increased engagement
A positive outcome is an increase in the level of
engagement in the learning process. For example, Tondeur
(2010) shared a view and illustrated the interrelationships
between ICT, Policy and Management, in which teaching,
learning and ICT are in the centre. In order to achieve
implementation of the SMART Table strategy in teaching and
learning, there should be connectedness and balance between
management, and ICT and policy and their different aspects as
shown in the following conceptualization.
Learning, and
teacher support
Fig. 5. Interrelationships Between Policy, Management And ICT With
Teaching, Learning And ICT
The students, through using SMART Tables, can
participate effectively and efficiently in the learning process to
enhance their social and academic development. All students
can contribute with minimal fear since they develop quality
collaboration with the teachers and fellow students. Even the
shy students have the chance to participate and enhance their
academic and social achievements. Application of SMART
Table within the educational system in Saudi Arabia can
enable the use of technology in relation to the curriculum.
B. Technological Application
Since the modern world is increasingly technology
oriented, it is vital for students to be technologically confident
to meet the requirements of the 21
Century. Technology also
enables students to implement the physical world into relevant
concepts that are understandable in the elementary aspects.
The application of SMART Tables is also beneficial in the
expression of learning activities in large formats. This
provides the opportunity for students to see and participate
during the learning process. This offers the chance for all
students including the physically challenged pupils to
participate in the interactive learning process. Application of
SMART Table can enhance the creation of visual images in
the critical thinking of the students. This can assist the
understanding process and thus the ability to grasp vital
knowledge. The implementation of SMART Tables in the
educational system of Saudi Arabia increases the pursuit of
knowledge. This is possible since teachers have the
opportunity to provide absentee students with relevant
information on a previous topic (Khan 2011, p. 889). The
notes are also available on the web to offer the chance to
students and parents to access the lesson activities. This is
elementary towards the development of teachers and students.
Teachers reduce the elements of stress that might relate to the
preparation of lesson plans and activities. The process
enhances the productivity of the teachers in helping students
achieve social and academic goals.
This paper has provided an examination of the potential
benefits as the barriers for the integration of SMART Table
technology in the Saudi education system, and associated
implications for teachers professional development. This
discussion relates to the nature of online learning, and
expected outcomes and issues pertaining to the introduction of
ICT more widely in the classroom. In introducing ICT as a
curriculum resource, interlinking enabling and mitigating
factors need to be considered. Research elsewhere describes
the potential for improved student outcomes (Ghavifekr &
Ghani 2011, p. 86).
A. Implementation of SMART Table
In order to implement SMART Table and ICT in science
education, it is imperative to first identify the specific purpose
of that education and match the suitable use of such resources
to the accomplishment of those purposes (Kian-sam 2011, p.
1279). Al-Fahad (2010) summarizes the use of ICT in
education through three methods: first, learning about the
computer with ICT literacy as the objective; second, learning
by the computer, in which this type of technology ascertains
learning across the curriculum; and the third approach is
learning through the computer, incorporating ICT into the
curriculum. Using these methods requires extensive
professional development for teachers and corresponds to the
main purposes of this research study. Developing this theme in
a US study, (Kian-Sam & Songan (2011) accentuates the need
for the study of the manner by which ICT integration occurs
within schools, factors that increase its acceptance by
instructors, and the lasting impacts that such technologies
have on instructors and students. Noting its social and
economic implications, Bose (2010) nominates four types of
approach to using ICT:
a) As delivery: ICT can enhance the manner in which
instructional methods are delivered without linking
elementary change;
b) As the goal: ICT is the focus of learning new skills;
for student understanding: ICT can support students deep
understanding of subjects, as teams of students engage in
solving complex, real-world problems;
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c) As knowledge creation: knowledge creation and
technological innovativeness can lead to revolution of
education system and sustainability of economic and social
growth (Bose 2010).
These approaches are grounded in ICT-based
methodologies in use today. Online learning, used often by
educators and students for out-of-hours communications or
distance learning is generally classified into two types:
synchronous and asynchronous learning (Bose, 2010). In
synchronous online learning, students and their instructors
meet over the internet at given times to communicate; whereas
with asynchronous online learning students and teachers do
not interact live but access the virtual classes from any
location at their convenience (Bose). Educators, such as
Vanderlinde, Braak & Tondeur (2010), cite that both types of
online learning are powerful tools for teaching and learning.
However, there are issues with online instruction; it can have
limited capability to engage students unless learners are self-
motivated and well organized in their learning habits
(Ghavifekr, Hussin, & Ghani, 2011).
In Ghavifekrs study, online learners also reported that
ICT learning lacked the immediacy of group interchange and
lacked empathy between learners and instructors. This factor
influences learner satisfaction and learning absorption. Scott
(2009) argues that delivering vivid learning experiences to
online learners requires a sense of belonging, of immediacy,
and a strong learning environment. There is a distinct
difference between ICT-based learning opportunities in the
developed countries and those of Saudi Arabia (Hyland,
2010). Internet services are limited in Arabic countries due to
the government monopolies over the telecommunications
sector, resulting in higher prices (Kian-Sam & Songan, 2011).
The authors contend that a very small percent of internet users
originate from Arab World, although the Arabic population is
very small in comparison to the entire world population.
Further, English is generally used for e-learning and most
Arab users are not fluent in English, and do not have sufficient
familiarity with the language to decipher discipline-based
terms and acronyms, or to communicate using English. These
factors can distance them from e-learning sources and
educational courses. Lastly, social and cultural problems are
reflected in varying levels of censorship by Arab
governments, as the internet contains opinions that violate
Islamic traditions and cultural values (Kian-Sam & Songan,
This paper has argued that SMART Table technology has
the potential to be a useful technology for enhancing the
educational system in Saudi Arabia. The educational system
provides students with equal opportunity to improve their
understanding and grasping of relevant concepts. It is crucial
for students to enjoy full benefits of the application of
technology within the educational system in order to achieve
both social and academic goals.
In summary, SMART Table technology enables the
creation of learning environments that encourages creativity,
teamwork, participation, and interaction between students and
teachers. The technology is also essential in relating the
physical world to the classroom set-up. This is important for
the overall development of the students in areas such as
cognition and academic growth. SMART Table set-up also
offers the opportunity for students to enhance their scope of
pursuit of knowledge thus the perfect scenario to develop
effectively and efficiently.
Since technology is essential in so many areas of life in the
Century and therefore it is important for new technologies
to be integrated into learning environments, the
implementation of SMART Tables within the Saudi Arabian
educational system is worthy of serious consideration. As
discussed in this paper, this can enhance the students
participation in the learning activities, and it is recommended
that SMART Tables should be applied in the illustration of
complex concepts and collaborative learning within a range of
learning areas. This would assist the process of students
acquisition and generation of knowledge. It is also important
to promote the adoption of the SMART Table in the
educational system to assist teachers in their task of planning
for the lessons for all students through catering for the
diversity of student learning needs and learning styles (Boss
2010, p. 8).
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SS-SVM (3SVM): A New Classification Method for
Hepatitis Disease Diagnosis
Mohammed H. Afif, Abdel-Rahman Hedar, Taysir H. Abdel Hamid, Yousef B. Mahdy
Faculty of Computers & Information
Assiut Univ.
Assiut 71526, EGYPT
AbstractIn this paper, a new classification approach
combining support vector machine with scatter search approach
for hepatitis disease diagnosis is presented, called 3SVM. The
scatter search approach is used to find near optimal values of
SVM parameters and its kernel parameters. The hepatitis dataset
is obtained from UCI. Experimental results and comparisons
prove that the 3SVM gives better outcomes and has a competitive
performance relative to other published methods found in
literature, where the average accuracy rate obtained is 98.75%.
KeywordsSupport Vector Machine; Scatter Search;
Classification; Parameter tuning
The classification problem may be encountered in different
domains, such as "disease diagnosis". Disease diagnosis
usually depends on many symptoms and results of medical
exams that demonstrate the presence or absence of the disease.
Thus, disease diagnosis can be described as a classification
Recently, many researchers try to propose new
classification methods to improve or enhance the outcomes of
existing methods. Several machine learning algorithms and
data mining tools are employed; most studies are interested in
proposing new methods that may be help in diseases diagnosis.
The term hepatitis means an inflammation of the liver without
determining a specific reason [28], [6]. There are more than
two viruses that cause hepatitis, the serious of them are
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV), where
about 600000 and more than 350000 people died every year
from HBC and HCV, respectively according to WHO (World
Health Organization) statistic, Also, Countries with high rate
from (HCV) are Egypt (22%), Pakistan (4.8%) and China
(3.2%) [1]. This study concentrates on hepatitis disease due to
its wide spread diseases around the world, as well as proposing
a new method that may help the diagnosis of this serious
The suggested method 3SVM combined support vector
machine with scatter search (SS) approach. The SVM
algorithm is used due to the following advantages: SVMs one
of the most powerful classifiers and is applied to many
different domains like pattern recognition [5], and
bioinformatics [27], in the case separable datasets SVMs can
find the optimal separation hyperplane, SVMs have ability to
deal with very high dimensional data " means handle the curse
of dimensionality well" [33], from computation perspective
SVMs provide a fast training. Furthermore, SS methodology is
employed due to its promising performance when applied with
machine learning algorithms.
Hepatitis datasets used are obtained from UCI repository.
The main difference with other methods published in literature
is the usage of SS approach to find near optimal values of SVM
parameters and its kernel parameters. All features of the
datasets are used without applying any reduction techniques,
using SVMs classifier, in addition, two types of experiments
are conducted using 10-fold cross validation method and
holdout method for datasets partitioning with three different
rates (50-50%,70-30%,80-20%), for training and testing,
respectively. The obtained results are very promising where the
accuracy is 98.75% in case of 10-fold method, while 92.5%,
95.83% and 100% for the three partition methods, respectively.
The paper is organized as follows. Next section gives an
overview about the methods that are found in literature. Section
3 gives a brief description about datasets. Section 4 describes
the 3SVM steps in details. Section 5 reports numerical
experiments and results. Finally, the conclusions and future
work make up Section 6
This section summarizes some works that found in
literature. Plot and Gnes in [28] present a new method called
FS-AIRS with fuzzy resource allocation for hepatitis diagnosis.
The method relies on a hybrid method that uses Feature
Selection (FS) and Artificial Immune Recognition System
(AIRS) with fuzzy resource allocation mechanism. The
obtained results are very promising when compared with more
than 20 approaches proposed in literature, where the average
accuracy rate is 92.59%. Authors in [14] suggest a new method
for classifying medical data, where a hybrid model is proposed
by combining a case-based data clustering method and a fuzzy
decision tree. The model is tested by using breast cancer
wisconsin (diagnosis) and liver disorders datasets from UCI,
where the produced accuracy rate is 98.4%and 81.6%,
respectively. Researchers conclude that the proposed method
could help doctors to extract effective conclusions in medical
diagnosis. In [16], a new classification approach called FCS-
ANTMINER is presented, where ant colony optimization is
used to extract a set of fuzzy rules for diagnosis of diabetes
disease; the accuracy rate is 84.24\%. Researchers in [7]
present a new hybrid method called LFDA-SVM for hepatitis
disease diagnosis; Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis (LFDA)
and SVM are combined. The method employed LFDA for
performing feature reduction to improve the performance of
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standard SVM algorithm. Datasets from UCI is used in testing,
and the obtained accuracy rate is (96.77%) which is the best
results when compared with other published approaches in
literature. Also, a new intelligent method for hepatitis disease
diagnosis called PCA-LSSVM, is suggested by [6]. The
proposed method based on Principle Component Analysis
(PCA) and Least Square SVM (LSSVM).The PCA is
employed for feature extraction and reduction while LSSVM
for classification, using Hepatitis datasets from UCI repository.
The accuracy rate that produced is(95%). Furthermore, authors
in [32] present a hybrid method based on SVM combined with
Simulated Annealing (SA) for hepatitis disease diagnosis, also
the method uses the same datasets which is used by previous
studies in [7],[6]. The obtained accuracy is (96.25%), which the
best accuracy rate when compared with other methods. In
recent study presented by [4], the authors summarized the most
works in the area of hepatitis disease diagnosis, and proposed a
new method by employing Probabilistic Neural Network
structure called PNN (10xFC), the results that obtained is
Classification results of the most previous methods may
need to be enhanced or improve, especially when applied to
critical applications, such as disease diagnosis. The diagnosis
of some disease like hepatitis is very difficult task for a doctor,
where doctor usually determines decision by comparing the
current test results of patient with other one who has the same
condition. All these reasons motivated for suggesting new
methods to improve the outcomes of existing approaches, as
well as to help a doctors and specialists to diagnose hepatitis
This study conducts experiments on hepatitis dataset, which
is obtained from UCI machine learning repository. The dataset
contains 155 instances distributed between two classes die with
32 instances and live with 123 instances. There are 19 features
or attributes, 13 attributes are binary while 6 attributes with 6-8
discrete values. The goal of the dataset is to forecast the
presence or absence of hepatitis virus. Table I lists information
about the features.
Number Name of features The values of features
1 Age 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80
2 Sex Male, Female
3 Steroid Yes, No
4 Antivirals Yes, No
5 Fatigue Yes, No
6 Malaise Yes, No
7 Anorexia Yes, No
8 Liver big Yes, No
9 Liver firm Yes, No
10 Spleen palpable Yes, No
11 Spiders Yes, No
12 Ascites Yes, No
13 Varices Yes, No
14 Bilirubin 0.39,0.80,1.20,2.00,3.00,4.00
15 Alk phosphate 33,80,120,160,200,250
16 SGOT 13,100,200,300,400,500
17 ALBUMIN 2.1,3.0,3.8,4.5,5.0,6.0
18 PROTIME 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90
a) In this section, SVM and its parameters are defined.
In addition, the steps of 3SVM are explained in details, as
illustrated in figure
b) Support Vector Machine and Solution Definition
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) one of the promising
machine learning algorithms, which depends on statistical
learning theory developed by Vapnik [10, 35, 11, 19, 2]. The
main problems that are encountered in SVMs are how to find
near optimal values for its parameters and select a SVMs kernel
as well as tuning its parameter. The parameters that should be
optimized are the complexity parameter C, epsilon and
tolerance t and the kernel function parameters, such as for
Gaussian kernel. The parameter C determines the trade-off
between the fitting error minimization and model complexity
[37, 29, 9, 24], where a bad choice of C leads to an imbalance
between model complexity minimization and empirical risk
minimization. The last two parameters , where its value
indicates the error expectation in the classification process of
the sample data, and it impacts the number of support vectors
generated by the classifier [24], while t, is the tolerance
parameter. In 3SVM the solution for finding the near optimal
values of SVMs parameters and its kernel is represented as
vector with dimensions equal to the number of trial solutions as
in equation 1.
X= [P
, P
, P
] (1)
Where P
is kernel parameter in range [0.0001, 33], while
others are SVM parameters P
C is Complexity and its range
[0.1, 35000], P
is epsilon [0.00001, 0.0001] and P
tolerance [0, 0.5]. These chosen values are based on the
common settings in the literature [12, 36, 8]. As known, the
classification process is divided into two phases: model
building and model testing. In first phase, a learning algorithm
runs over datasets to develop a model that could be employed
in estimating an output. The aim of the model is to describe the
relationship between the class and the predictor [15, 20, 13,
30]. The quality of the produced model is assessed in the model
testing phase. Usually, accuracy measure is used for assessing
the performance of the most classification methods, where it is
calculated as in equation 2.
where, TP (True Positive) is the positive cases that are
classified correctly as positive, TN (True Negative ) is the
negative cases that are classified correctly as Negative, while,
FP (False Positive) are cases with negative class classified as
positive, and FN ( False Negative) is the cases with positive
class classified as negative [19, 21, 31]. Thus, the accuracy rate
is used in this method to measure the quality of generated
solutions, which is called the fittness function (fit).
Furthermore, there are other performance measures employed,
such as sensitivity. Sensitivity is the proportion of the cases
with positive class that are classified as positive (true positive
rate, expressed as a percentage); specificity is the proportion of
cases with negative rate class, classified as negative (true
negative rate, expressed as a percentage). Sensitivity and
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specificity reflect how well the classifier discriminates between
case with positive and with negative class [19, 21]. They are
calculated as in 3 and 4 equations as below:
c) Preprocessing Phase
To use SVM classifier all features of the datasets must be
set in real number format. Therefore, the nominal features are
converted into numerical data. After that, data normalization
using equation 5 is performed. In order to prevent feature
values in greater numeric ranges from dominating and to avoid
numerical difficulties during the calculation. In addition, two
methods are used in splitting dataset for training and testing
phase. In first method is k-fold Cross Validation (CV), which is
a popular strategy to estimate the performance of the
classification methods, as well as to avoid trap in over-fitting
problem, where the training sample is independent from the
testing sample [3, 19, 2]. In k-fold CV the k value is usually set
to 10. Therefore, the datasets are split into 10 parts. Nine data
parts are applied in the training process, while the remaining
one is utilized in the testing process. The program is run 10
times to enable each slice of data to take a turn as testing data.
The accuracy rate for training process and testing process is
calculated by summing the individual accuracy rates and error
rates for each time of run, and then divided by 10. The second
method is holdout. The datasets are split into two parts: one for
training and the second for testing with various rates 50% -
50%, 70% - 30%, 80% - 20%, respectively. The major aim
from using two methods for dataset split is evaluate the
applicability of the method from more than one perspective.
d) Applying Scatter Search Methodology
Scatter Search (SS) is one of meta-heuristics approaches
classified as population-based algorithm, which is first
suggested by F. Glover in the 1970's [18], due to his results in
1960's [17]. SS has more flexible framework than the other
Evolutionary algorithms and uses a memory-type
diversification procedure for more efficient globally search
[22]. In addition, Glover in 1998 [26, 22] published the SS
template, which presents an algorithmic description of the SS
method. In addition, the SS is a promising meta-heuristic
technique and has been applied to many different applications
successfully. Some of these applications may be found in [22].
Furthermore, there are some studies that applied SS to machine
learning algorithms as in [34], Authors suggest a hybrid
procedure combining neural networks, and scatter searches to
optimize the continuous parameter design of back-propagation
neural network. Another method is suggested by [25] which
constructed three scatter search-based algorithms to solve the
feature-selection problem. In the area of parameter setting, a
few works are done using SS. Lin et al. in [23] suggest an
approach to determine the parameters and feature selection for
C4.5 algorithm by employing SS meta-heuristics strategy. In
[8], researchers propose a method to enhance the classification
accuracy by using SS approach to determine the parameters of
three machine learning algorithms and performing feature
selection for these algorithms. The SS depends on five steps
which are:
Diversification Generation Method, An improvement
Method, Reference Set Method, Subset Generation Method and
Solution Combination.
1)- Diversification Generation Method:
After the preprocessing phase, the first method of scatter
search is invoked in which a set of random solutions (value for
parameters) are generated, based on the upper and, lower
bound of every parameters defined in first section, and
according to equation 6, the number of generated solutions is
= LWB[i] +(UPB[i] LWB[i]) Rnd (6)
where the LWB[i]: is the Lower Bound of the parameter
number i, UPB: is the Upper Bound of the parameter number i
and Rnd: is a random value in (0,1). After that, the model is
training and testing using all solutions that are generated. After
that, the initial Reference Set (RefSet) is develop by selecting
the b solutions that produce the best accuracy rate b=5. After
that, the subset generation, solution combination and Refset
update steps, as described below, are repeated until one of the
termination conditions is satisfied. This paper defines three
termination conditions and if any condition of them is satisfied
the process will be stopped. The conditions are: - First
Condition: When the accuracy rate gets up to 100% for at least
one solution.
-Second Condition: When I_max >= 75 , where I_max is
the maximum iteration.
-Third Condition: When OldRefset= NewRefSet this
means that no update is achieved.
2)- Subset Generation Method:
This method depends on or operates on the RefSet to
generate all pairs of solutions, where the maximum number of
subsets is (b
-b)/2. Means that 10 subsets are generated each
subset is pair of solutions.
3)- Solution Combination Method:
In this method, a number of new solutions are generated
from each subset of parents P
and P
as follows:
+ ( P
) r
+ ( P
+ P
) r
+ P
Where r
, r
and r
are random numbers in (0,1). From this
method, there are 30 new solutions are generated these solution
will be used for training and testing the model. After that,
solutions are put in pool together with solutions in the Refset in
order from the best one to worst.
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4)- Solution Combination Method:
In this method, the Refset is updated to has the best b
= 4
solutions from the pool and the b
=1 diverse solutions, where
+ b
= b. Diverse solution is selected, which depends on
calculating the Euclidean distance for each solution in the
Refset and solutions in the pool. The b
solution with the
maximum distance is selected as diverse one.
The 3SVM approach is implemented on PC with Core2Due
2.93 Ghz CPU, 2GB of RAM, and windows XP Professional
OS. Visual Studio 2008-Visual C# and Accord.net framework
are used in development.
A. Results and Discussion
The 3SVM approach performs two types of experiments:
first one: uses k-fold cross validation method for splitting the
dataset, and the second holdout method is used. Tables II and
III list results of experiments, which are produce by using two
different range for parameter C as in tables. Table II contains
first row accuracy rate for testing (ACC.TS), and the
remainder rows contained standard deviation for accuracy of
testing (STDEV.TS), accuracy rate for training (ACC. TR),
rate for training (ERR.TR), standard deviation for error rate of
training phase (STDEV.Err.TR), sensitivity and specificity.
While Table III contains in the first row the number of
generation when the best is obtained (No.Gen.Best Sol.Obt.)
and the rest of the rows contain the number of hitting the best
solution (No.Hit.Best Sol.) and fitness function evaluation
times (Fitness Fun.Eval). These factors reflect some
performance aspects of the 3SVM method. All obtained results
are very promising for various methods of experiments. The
obtained accuracies are 98.75%, 93.75%, 91.66% and 87.5%
for first range and 98.75%, 100%, 95.83% and 92.5% for the
second range. The best results appear when using second range
[0.1, 35000] for different methods of splitting dataset. In
addition, figure 2 displays the accuracy rate for training data
and testing data of various methods for splitting dataset. The
differences between the accuracy rate for training and testing
are reasonable for all splitting methods. This proves that the
3SVM method does not suffer from over-fitting and under-
fitting problems, according to the fact that there is no large
difference between the training and testing accuracy [23, 8].
Furthermore, the classification outcomes of 3SVM approach
are compared with results of other published approaches. Table
IV lists comparisons of 30 methods proposed in literature as
listed in [6], [7], [23] and [4]. From comparisons, the 3SVM
gives the better results than other methods proposed in
literature, where the 3SVM enhances the performance of
classification and the accuracy rate increases with 2.5%,
1.98% and 7.5% from the recently published methods [32], [7]
and [4]. In addition, there are some major differences with
other approaches in literature like some methods perform
feature reduction, as well as using different training algorithms
like neural network, using different implementation
environments and different tools for SVM implementation.
Finally, one may conclude that obtained results by 3SVM
method is encouraged and gives the best performance when
compared with methods that are published recently, [4], [6], [7]
and [32], as summarized in Table IV. In addition, the
experimental results prove the efficiency of scatter search
method for tuning SVM parameters. Therefore, the 3SVM
method may be successfully employed to help doctors or
specialists in diagnosis of hepatitis disease, providing them
with some hints or indication that may help in making decision
for disease diagnosis.
Rang of C
The Method Used
10-fold 80-20% 70-30% 50-50%
98.75 93.75 91.66 87.5
STDEV.TS 0.0395 - - -
ACC.TR 99.16 100 100 100
ERR.TR 0.00833 0 0 0
STDEV.TR 0.0134 - - -
Sensitivity 100 100 95 96.87
Specificity 30 0 75 50
98.75 100 95.83 92.5
STDEV.TS 0.0395 - - -
ACC.TR 99.86 100 100 95
ERR.TR 0 0 0 0.05
STDEV.TR 0.00439 - - -
Sensitivity 98.57 100 95.45 100
Specificity 80 100 100 0
Rang of C
The Method Used
10-fold 80-20% 70-30% 50-50%
No.Gen.Best Sol.Obt
89 75 75 75
No.Hit.Best Sol. 286 0 0 0
Fitness Fun.Eval. 3410 2650 2650 2650
No.Gen.Best Sol.Obt
82 2 75 75
No.Hit.Best Sol. 118 1 0 0
Fitness Fun.Eval. 3170 100 2650 2650
COMPARED WITH APPROACHED [6],[7],[32],[4],[7]
Author Method Accuracy
Adamczak MLP+BP(Tooldiag) 77.4
Adamczak RBF(Tooldiag) 79.0
Adamczak FSM with rotations 89.7
Adamczak FSM without rotations 88.5
Bascil and Temurtas MLNN(MLP) + LM 91.87
Bascil and Oztekin [4] PNN(10FC) 91.25
Chen,Liu, et al [7] LDFA-SVM 96.77
Calisir and Dogantekin [6] PCA-LLSSVM 95
Dogantekin, Avci LDA-ANFIS 94.16
Grudzinski Weighted9NN 92.9
Grudzinski 18NN,stand.Manhattan 90.2
Grudzinski 15NN,stand.Euclidean 89.0
Jankowski IncNet 86.0
Ozyildirim, Yildirim et al MLP 74.37
Ozyildirim, Yildirim et al RBF 83.75
Ozyildirim, Yildirim et al GRNN 80.0
Polat and Gunes FS-AIRS with fuss res 92.59
Polat and Gunes PCA-AIRS 94.12
Stern and Dobnikar LDA 86.4
Stern and Dobnikar NaiveBayes and semi-NB 86.3
Stern and Dobnikar QDA 85.8
Stern and Dobnikar 1-NN 85.3
Stern and Dobnikar ASR 85
Stern and Dobnikar FDA 84.5
Stern and Dobnikar LVQ 83.2
Stern and Dobnikar CARC (DT) 82.7
Stern and Dobnikar ASI 82.0
Stern and Dobnikar LFC 81.9
Stern and Dobnikar MLP with BP 82.1
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Sartakhti, Zangooei et al
SVM+SA 96.25
Our Method 3SVM 98.75
Fig. 1. Methodology Steps Flowchart
Fig. 2. The accuracy for Training and Testing Process
This paper proposed a new method 3SVM, for hepatitis
virus diagnosis, which combined SVM with scatter search.
Experiments proved that 3SVM has very promising
performance in classifying the living liver from the dead one,
with accuracy rate 98.75%. Also, experiments demonstrated
that the SS was a practical approach for tuning parameters of
SVM and its kernel parameters. A comparison of the obtained
results with other published approaches found in literature
demonstrated that the 3SVM given better results than others.
However, the 3SVM method may be successfully used to help
diagnosis of hepatitis disease. In future, the performance of the
proposed method may be enhanced by performing feature
reduction. In addition, more features will be added to existing
datasets to enhance 3SVM to be able to forecast the treatment
procedures according to the level of disease. Moreover, 3SVM
will be applied to multiclass problems.
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Comparison of the Information Technology
Development in Slovakia and Hungary
Peter Sasvari
Institute of Business Sciences, Faculty of Economics
University of Miskolc
Miskolc-Egyetemvaros, Hungary
Zsuzsa Majoros
Institute of Business Sciences, Faculty of Economics
University of Miskolc
Miskolc-Egyetemvaros, Hungary
Abstract Nowadays the role of information is increasingly
important, so every company has to provide the efficient
procurement, processing, storage and visualization of this special
resource in hope to stay competitive. More and more enterprises
introduce Enterprise Resource Planning System to be able to
perform the listed functions. The article illustrates the usage of
these systems in Hungary and Slovakia, as well as tests the
following presumption: the level of Information Technology (IT)
development is lower in Hungary than our northern neighbor.
Keywords I nformation society; I nformation Technology;
Slovakia, Hungary
The role of information has become more and more
substantial in the economy recently, and information is
regarded as an important resource since it is more difficult for
companies to improve their market positions in the long term
without having the appropriate amount of available information
[5]. Globalization in the business world has brought about the
possibility of getting a greater amount of information in much
less time, which means that companies are forced to spend
more time and energy on handling the increased information
load [10] [17].
As information systems are designed to provide effective
help in this process, they are becoming increasingly popular
among companies due to the robust technological development
[11]. This paper deals with the usage of business information
systems among Hungarian enterprises and analyzes the
following three key questions: how the usage of business
information systems influences a companys economic
performance, what expenditure is required for an individual
company to develop its information technology infrastructure
and finally, to what extent information technology is
considered important as a functional area within the
organization of a company [2].
The aim of the research presented in this paper was to
explore the current situation of Hungarian enterprises in terms
of using business information systems, gaining a more
thorough insight into the background of the decisions made on
introducing such information systems, together with the
The described work was carried out as part of the TMOP-4.2.1.B-
10/2/KONV-2010-0001 project in the framework of the New Hungarian
Development Plan. The realization of this project is supported by the
European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
possible problems related to their introduction and further
usage [10].
The IT development of the two countries compared
(Hungary (HUN) and Slovakia (SK)) may be corresponding
with their economic status, so first we have analyzed some
essential economic indicators.
2008 2009 2010 2011
64 73 65 73 65 73 66 73
rate (%)
7.8 9.6 10.0 12.1 11.2 14.4 10.9 13.5
gross wage
705.5 723.0 708.5 744.5 718.4 769.0 755.6 786.0
The GDP /purchasing power parity/ indicate the quality of
living standards; this data is constantly higher in Slovakia,
while in Hungary we can see a slow development. The
unemployment rate is lower in our country, so this indicator
favors us. However the average monthly gross wage is greater
in Slovakia.
In recent years the number of companies has multiplied
across the EU, only the economic crisis has sat back this
dynamism. Micro enterprises make up the most typical size
both in Europe and in Hungary, this amount to 91.8% of all the
companies. Since most jobs are created by SME-s, we cannot
ignore researching them. In Hungary the number of SME-s per
1000 habitants is higher than the average in the EU. The reason
of this is the existence of forced businesses, formed by the
regulatory environment.
Hungary was the 49
in 2012 by the classification of the
Doing Business Index, while Slovakia was the 46
. This
indicator scans different parameters in the economies then
shows their ease of doing business. In 2013 Slovakia keeps its
position, but Hungary becomes only the 54
, because of the
difficulty in access to credit, the deterioration in solving
bankruptcies, and the hardness of starting business.
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Whereas these economic indicators show that Slovakia is in
a more favorable economic position. Our purpose is to analyze
that question of which country is more developed by IT
There are several definitions offered on business
information systems in the literature. According to Burt and
Taylors approach, business information systems can be
regarded as an information source in any combination thereof,
or any access to and any recovery of their use or manipulation.
Any business information system is designed to link the user to
an appropriate source of information that the user actually
needs, with the expectation that the user will be able to access
the information satisfying their needs [3]. Davis and Olson
define business information systems as "an integrated user-
machine system for providing information to support the
operations, management, analysis, and decision-making
functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer
hardware and software, manual procedures, models for
analysis, planning, control, and decision-making by using a
database" [6].
"Information systems are a part of any organization that
provides, generates, stores, separates, divides and uses
information. They are made up of human, technical, financial
and economic components and resources. In fact, they can be
regarded as inherently human systems (organizations, manual
systems) that may include a computer system, and automatizes
certain well-defined parts and selected items of the system. Its
aim is to support both the management functions and the daily
operation of an organization." [7]
In a broader sense, a business information system is the
collection of individuals, activities and equipment employed to
collect, process and store information related to the company's
environment, its internal activities, together with all
transactions between the company and its environment.
Beyond giving direct support to operations, its basic task is to
provide decision-makers with the necessary information during
the whole decision-making process. The system's main
components are the following [9]:
Individuals carrying out corporate activities: the actual
users of technical apparatus. Decision-makers also
belong to this group, as leaders who receive information
on the factors affecting business operations, and use
business information systems to make decisions in
relation to planning, implementation and monitoring
business activities.
Information (also known as processed data on external
and internal facts) which due to its systematized form
can be used directly in the decision-making process.
Technical apparatus, nowadays usually a computer
system that supports and connects the subsystems
applied to achieve corporate objectives.
The computer system standardizes a significant part of the
information and communication system, thus making it easier
to produce and use information.
According to one definition proposed [4] "information
systems are systems that use information technology to collect
information, transmit, store, retrieve, process, display and
transform information in a business organization by using
information technology."
Raffais understanding of information systems is as
follows: "it uses data and information as a basic resource for
different processing activities in order to provide useful
information for performing useful organizational tasks. Its
main purpose is the production of information, that is dedicated
to creating messages that are new to the user, uncertainties
persist, and their duties, to assist in fulfilling the decisions"
The classification of business information systems is a
difficult task because, due to the continuous development, it is
hard to find a classification system that can present
unanimously defined information system types. It occurs quite
often that different abbreviations are used to refer to the same
system or certain system types appear to be merged together.
As a consequence, the classification of business information
systems can be done in several ways, the lists of several groups
of business information systems presented below just to show a
few alternatives for classification [1].
Dobay [8] made a distinction between the following types:
Office Automation Systems (OAS): used for efficient
handling of personal and organizational data (text,
image, number, voice), making calculations and
document management.
Communication systems: supporting the information
flow between groups of people in a wide variety of
Transaction-processing systems (TPS): used for
receiving the initiated signals of transactions, generating
and giving feedback on the transaction event.
Management Information Systems (MIS): used for
transforming TPS-related data into information for
controlling, management and analysis purposes.
Executive Information Systems (EIS): intended to give
well-structured, aggregated information for decision-
making purposes.
Decision support systems (DSS): applied to support
decision-making processes with information, modelling
tools and analytical methods.
Facility Management Systems (facility management,
production management): used for directly supporting
the value production process.
Group work systems: intended to give group access to
data files, to facilitate structured workflows and the
implementation of work schedules.
Another possible approach to defining categories is based
on Raffais work [19]:
Implementation support systems: this group includes
transaction processing systems (TPS), process control
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systems (PCS), online transaction processing systems
(OLTP), office automation systems (OAS), group work
support systems (GS), workflow management (WF),
and customer relation management systems (CRM).
Executive work support systems: this category can
include strategic information systems (SIS), executive
information systems (EIS), online analytical processing
systems (OLAP), decision support systems (DSS),
group decision support systems (GDSS), and
management information systems (MIS).
Other support systems: business support systems, (BIS),
expert systems (ES), integrated information processing
systems (IIS), and inter-organizational information
systems (IOS) can be found in this category.
Based on Gbors [12] findings, information systems can
also be examined by applying the following classification
According to organizational structure:
o functional systems such as reporting
o comprehensive business systems such as
corporate management systems used by the
entire organization,
o inter-organizational systems such as
reservation systems.
According to the field of application:
Depending on the scope of activities, systems used for
accounting, finance, production, marketing or human resource
management belong to this category. These systems are
generally related to the various functions a company performs.
According to the type of support:
o TPS (Transaction Processing System) it
focuses on a particular purpose, its basic
function is to serve as a supporting tool for
data processing related to business activities.
o MIS (Management Information System) it
basically supports functional executive
activities (OBrien 1999).
o KMS (Knowledge Management System) it
facilitates the execution of tasks related to
knowledge as a valuable corporate resource.
o OAS (Office Automation System) it
supports office document management,
group work and communication.
o DSS (Decision Support System) it supports
decisions made by managers and analyses
done by experts.
o EIS (Enterprise Information System) it is
designed to support the whole organization
and its management.
o GSS (Group Support Systems) it facilitates
the cooperation between ad hoc and
permanent work groups both within an
organization and between different
o ISS (Intelligent Support System) it is
mainly designed to support the work of
employees performing mental work.
o Applications supporting production
activities: CAD/CAM (Computer Aided
Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing)
they are designed to support planning and
production processes by using information
technology devices (Shaw 1991).
The information system connected to an organization, or a
part of it, provides methods to fix, process and make the
information available, thereby helping the company reach its
The categorization of the information systems is a difficult
task as there is no unified classification. Because of the
continuous development we have to classify these systems
according to different point of views. We will show some
clustering methods below.
According to the supported function we can distinguish:
Office Automation Systems (OAS),
Communication Systems,
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS),
Management Information Systems (MIR, MIS),
Executive Information Systems (EIS),
Decision Support Systems (DSS),
Implementation Information Systems,
Collaboration Systems.
According to the roominess of the user groups we can
Unique, special needs systems.
Public, complex systems with general purpose.
According to the role of the user, the below types can be
Implementation information system: creating those data,
information, and documents which are necessary for
doing routine tasks.
Management information system: handling information,
which is necessary for the successful and efficient
decision-making activities.
The statements of the paper are based on a database of a
primer survey research. The survey was carried out between
May and December 2012.
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The questions of the questionnaire are scanning more areas
by the companies, but we will focus on one major topic later.
The introductory questions aim at the background information
of the enterprises who filled in the questionnaire, then the IT
infrastructure, internet usage habits, the practice of information
management are also the subject of the inquiry. This article
deals with the use of information systems and examines these
questions of the questionnaire.
A. The presumption of the research
The purpose of our present survey is to justify our next
assumption: the level of information development at Slovakian
enterprises considering every size classes is higher than at
Hungarian partners.
B. The combination of the sample
The target group of the survey included hundreds of micro-,
small-, medium- and big enterprises. We received 94 pieces of
questionnaires from Hungary and 86 pieces from Slovakia. The
21% of the Hungarian responder companies are micro-, 29%
are small-, 29% are medium- and 21% are big enterprises. In
spite of this more than half of the 86 Slovakian responders
(51%) are micro-, 26% are small-, 15% are medium-, and only
8% are big companies. By the evaluation of the questionnaire
this asymmetry in the size of the companies has not given rise
to confusion, because we have compared the enterprises by
countries and by size classes.
The listed ERP systems in the questionnaire have been
distinguished according to Dobays [8] typing. The enterprises
could select between three options: the system is used; not
used, introduction is planned; not used, and introduction is not
planned either. Because of the low rate of the second option
and the easier transparency we have compared graphically only
the used systems. The 1
figure illustrates the result.
Fig. 1. Types of the applied information technology systems
The variegation of the first figure shows, that the
companies use one of the listed IT systems almost in every
category. However, the small and the bigger enterprises use
different types by different frequency. An average micro
enterprise has no need for an Executive Information System,
Decision Support System or Management Information System,
these do not appear on the Hungarian bar chart. The situation is
different in Slovakia, the small companies also chose EIS, DSS
or MIS. In the case of both countries we can say that the
decision support and management systems get a higher
emphasis by the increase of the company size, but this
tendency is also true in every type of the systems. The
Slovakian enterprises use the listed systems more often in three
size classes.
The Transaction Processing Systems have been used more
often by the Slovakian companies, the Hungarian data is higher
only in the biggest size class. The Slovaks prefer the Office
Automation Systems, while the Hungarian SME-s use the
Management Information Systems more frequently than the
Slovaks. The Executive Information Systems have been used
more often by the Hungarian medium and large enterprises.
In case of the Decision Support Systems Hungary leads
only on the medium size category. Besides the Intranet
communication is more widespread among the domestic
companies than in Slovakia. In total the most popular
information technology systems are the Transaction Processing
Systems, the Office Automation Systems and the Intranet
communication, these are used by companies almost in every
size class and in both countries.
Those enterprises, which use a sort of information
technology systems typically, have bought ready-made
systems, as you can see on the 2
figure. This asymmetry
toward the ready-made systems is the most conspicuous in
Slovakia, but in Hungary only the micro size enterprises use
own developed information systems mostly. The usage of the
own developed systems has also appeared at the Slovakian
micro companies, while the Hungarian medium and large
companies use ready-made and own developed systems
equally. The benefit of the latter is the customization, although
the development costs are higher than in the case of the
purchased systems.
Fig. 2. Ready-made and own developed information systems
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
Office Automation System (OAS)
Management Information System (MIS)
Executive Information System (EIS)
Decision Support System (DSS)
Intranet communication
Corporation SK Corporation HUN
Middle-sized enterprise SK Middle-sized enterprise HUN
Small-sized enterprise SK Small-sized enterprise HUN
Microenterprise SK Microenterprise HUN
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Microenterprise HUN
Microenterprise SK
Small-sized enterprise HUN
Small-sized enterprise SK
Middle-sized enterprise HUN
Middle-sized enterprise SK
Corporation HUN
Corporation SK
Ready-made Own developed Both
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During the analysis of the information technology systems
we should examine that in which area of the company
operations the responders apply (at least once a week) the given
software; the 3
figure shows the result. We can see the
correlation between the company size and the applied systems.
The larger a company is, the more functional areas have access
to the information systems. The Hungarian micro and small
size enterprises use these applications in fewer areas, than the
Slovaks. In contrast Hungary utilizes the software in more
corporate functions in the category of medium and large
companies. The most popular areas of applied information
technology systems are accounting, finance and sales without
reference to the company size. Logistics, marketing and senior
management decision support functions also come into view by
the growth of the company size.
Fig. 3. Application of the information technology systems under the
company operations different areas
The purpose of writing this article was to find out if
Slovakian enterprises are more developed informatically than
Hungarians or not. We have applied the results of an empirical
survey. The subjects of the questionnaire were nearly 100 per
We have waited for a verification of our assumption from
the evaluation, the questions verified it partly, but some of
them denied it. In case of both countries we can say that the
usage of the information technology systems becomes more
frequent and varied by the increase of the company size. The
Slovakian companies apply ready-made systems primarily,
while in Hungary the rate of the own developed and ready-
made systems is almost equal. This perception refers to a
higher level of IT development. The larger a company is, the
more functional areas have access to the information systems.
Even though micro- and small companies utilize the IT
softwares in more functional areas in Slovakia, in the category
of medium- and large companies the Hungarian responders use
these applications in a wider range of activities [20].
To sum up, according to the survey we can say that there is
no significant difference between the IT development of
Hungary and Slovakia. At the same time it seems that there is a
directly proportional relationship between the company size
and the willingness to use the information technology systems.
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[8] P. Dobay, Vllalati informcimenedzsment (Corporate information
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[9] G. Drtos, K. Gast, P. Mricz, and G. Vas, Az informcimenedzsment
fejlettsge s a versenykpessg. Versenyben a vilggal 2004-2006
gazdasgi versenykpessgnk vllalati nzpontbl c. kutats.
Versenykpessg kutatsok mhelytanulmny-sorozat (State of
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[10] F. Erds, A kis- s kzepes vllalkozsok versenykpessgnek
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[11] Gy. Flp and G. I. Pelczn, The SME-Sector Development Strategy in
Hungary, Global Management World Conference, Porto, Portugal,
[12] A. Gbor, zleti informatika (Business informatics), Aula Kiad,
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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Microenterprise HUN
Microenterprise SK
Small-sized enterprise HUN
Small-sized enterprise SK
Middle-sized enterprise HUN
Middle-sized enterprise SK
Corporation HUN
Corporation SK
Marketing, customer service Production, sales
Logistics Senior management decision support
Human resource management Accounting, finance
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[20] P Sasvari, A Conceptual Framework for Definition of the Correlation
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[24] http://www.portfolio.hu/gazdasag/doing_business_ot_helyet_csuszott_le
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[27] http://www.gazdasag.sk, downloaded: 2012.10.27.
[28] Hungarian Central Statistical Office, http://www.ksh.hu, downloaded:
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Automated Localization of Optic Disc in Retinal
Deepali A. Godse
Department of Information Technology
Bharati Vidyapeeths College of Engineering for Women
Pune, India
Dr. Dattatraya S. Bormane
Principal, Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering
Pune, India
AbstractAn efficient detection of optic disc (OD) in colour
retinal images is a significant task in an automated retinal image
analysis system. Most of the algorithms developed for OD
detection are especially applicable to normal and healthy retinal
images. It is a challenging task to detect OD in all types of retinal
images, that is, normal, healthy images as well as abnormal, that
is, images affected due to disease. This paper presents an
automated system to locate an OD and its centre in all types of
retinal images. The ensemble of steps based on different criteria
produces more accurate results. The proposed algorithm gives
excellent results and avoids false OD detection. The technique is
developed and tested on standard databases provided for
researchers on internet, Diaretdb0 (130 images), Diaretdb1 (89
images), Drive (40 images) and local database (194 images). The
local database images are collected from ophthalmic clinics. It is
able to locate OD and its centre in 98.45% of all tested cases. The
results achieved by different algorithms can be compared when
algorithms are applied on same standard databases. This
comparison is also discussed in this paper which shows that the
proposed algorithm is more efficient.
Keywordsdisease; healthy; optic disc; retinal image
Study of colour fundus images is considered to be the best
diagnostic modality available till date as it is reliable, non-
invasive and easy to use. It allows recording the diagnostic
data and enabling the ophthalmology consultation afterwards.
For a particularly long time, automatic diagnosis of retinal
diseases from digital fundus images has been an active
research topic in the medical image processing community.
Fig. 1 shows the retinal fundus image with main
anatomical structures. The retina is an interior surface of eye
which acts as the film of eye. It converts light rays into
electrical signals and sends them to the brain through the optic
nerve. Optic nerve is the cable connecting the eye to the brain.
OD is the bright region within the retinal image. It is the spot
on the retina where the optic nerve and blood vessels enter the
eye. Macula is responsible for our central vision and colour
vision. The fovea is an indentation in the centre of the macula.
This small part of our retina is responsible for our highest
visual acuity. The vascular network is a network of vessels
that supply oxygen, nutrients and blood to the retina.
An important prerequisite for automation is the accurate
localization of the main anatomical features in the image. An
accurate and efficient detection of these structures is a
significant task in an automated retinal image analysis system.
Fig. 1. Retinal Fundus Image With Main Anatomical Structures
Once these locations are known, a frame of reference can
be established in the image. The OD localization is important
for many reasons. Some of them are mentioned here.
The automatic and efficient detection of the position of the
OD in colour retinal images is an important and fundamental
step in the automated retinal image analysis system [1], [2].To
successfully find abnormal structures in a retinal image, it is
often necessary to mask out the normal anatomy from the
analysis. An example of this is the OD, an anatomical
structure with a bright appearance, which should be ignored
when detecting bright lesions. The attributes of OD are similar
to attributes of hard exudates in terms of colour and
brightness. Therefore it is located and removed during hard
exudates detection process, thereby avoiding false positives.
OD detection is the main step while developing automated
screening systems for diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. OD
boundary and localization of macula are the two features of
retina necessary for the detection of exudates and also
knowing the severity of the diabetic maculopathy [3]. In case
of diabetic maculopathy lesions identification, masking the
false positive OD region leads to improvement in the
performance of lesion detection.
The OD has an inner portion called the optic cup. The
optic cup is always smaller than the disc and the relative size
of one to the other is called the cup disc ratio. The cup disc
ratio (CDR) ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 [4], [5]. Specifically, this is
an important indicator for glaucoma [6].
The distribution of the abnormalities associated with some
retinal diseases (e.g. diabetic retinopathy) over the retina is not
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uniform; certain types of abnormalities more often occur in
specific areas of the retina [7]. The position of a lesion relative
to the major anatomy could thus be useful as a feature for later
analysis. It is used as prerequisite for the segmentation of
other normal and pathological features by many researchers.
The position of OD can be used as a reference length for
measuring distances in retinal images, especially for the
location of macula. In case of blood vessel tracking
algorithms, the location of OD becomes the starting point for
vessel tracking.
The OD, fovea, blood vessel bifurcations and crosses can
be used as control points for registering retinal images [8]. The
registration of retinal images is an important step for super-
resolution and image change detection. Unique feature points
within image are used as control points for registration. OD is
an unique anatomic structure within retinal image. These
methods play major role in automatic clinical evaluation
system. When feature based registration algorithms are used,
the accuracy of the features themselves must be considered in
addition to the accuracy of the registration algorithms [9]. OD
acts as landmark feature in registration of multimodal or
temporal images.
Location of the retinal OD has been attempted by several
researchers recently. According to S. Sekhar et al., the OD is
usually the brightest component on the fundus, and therefore a
cluster of high intensity pixels will identify the OD location
Sinthanayothin et al. [11] presented a method to detect the
location of the OD by detecting the area in the image which
has the highest variation in brightness. As the OD often
appears as a bright disc covered in darker vessels, the variance
in pixel brightness is the highest there. They also presented
method for the detection of the macular centre. They used a
template matching approach in which the template was a
Gaussian blob. The search area was constricted by the fact that
the macular centre was assumed to be in the darkest part of the
image approximately 2.5 times the OD diameter from the OD
[12]. In macula localization the approximate distance between
OD and macula is used as a priori knowledge for locating the
macula [13].
A method based on pyramidal decomposition and
Handoff-distance based template matching was proposed by
Lalonde et al. [14]. The green plane of the original image was
sub-sampled and the brightest pixels in this sub-sampled
image were selected as candidate regions. An edge detector
was used on the candidate regions in the original image. Next,
multiple circular templates were fit to each of the regions
using the Hausdorff-distance as a distance measure. The centre
of the fitted circular template was taken as the OD centre.
Sopharak et al. [15] presented the idea of detecting the OD
by entropy filtering. After pre-processing, OD detection is
performed by probability filtering. Binarization is done with
Otsus algorithm [16] and the largest connected region with an
approximately circular shape is marked as a candidate for the
Hoover et al. [17] described a method based on a fuzzy
voting mechanism to find the OD location. In this method the
vasculature was segmented and the vessel centrelines were
obtained through thinning. After removal of the vessel
branches, each vessel segment was extended at both ends by a
fuzzy element. The location in the image where most elements
overlap was considered to be the OD.
Ravishankar et al. [18] tried to track the OD by combining
the convergence of the only thicker blood vessels initiating
from it and high disk density properties in a cost function. A
cost function is defined to obtain the optimal location of the
OD that is a point which maximizes the cost function.
Niemeijer et al. [19] defines a set of features based on
vessel map and image intensity, like number of vessels,
average width of vessels, standard deviation, orientation,
maximum width, density, average image intensity etc. The
binary vessel map obtained [20] is thinned until only the
centerlines of the vessels remain and all the centerline pixels
that have two or more neighbors are removed. Next, the
orientation of the vessels is measured by applying principal
component analysis on each centerline pixel on both sides.
Using the circular template of radius 40 pixels having
manually selected OD center within the radius, all features are
extracted for each sample location of the template including
distance d to the true centre. To locate OD, a sample grid is
overlaid on top of the complete field of view and features
vector are extracted and location of OD is found containing
pixels having lowest value of d.
Improved results on the same dataset were reported by
Foracchia et al. [21]. They described a method based on the
global orientation of the vasculature. A simple geometrical
model of the average vessel orientation on the retina with
respect to the OD location was fitted to the image.
Li et al. [22] presented a model based approach in which
an active shape model was used to extract the main course of
the vasculature based on the location of the OD. Next, the
information from the active shape model was used to find the
macular centre.
Huajun Ying et al. [23] utilized fractal analysis to
differentiate OD area from other large and bright regions in
retinal images due to the fact that the OD area is the
converging point of all major vessels.
Hiuiqi, Chutatape [22], C. Sinthanayothin et al. [11] used
PCA (Principal Component Analysis) method for OD
detection. The accuracy of PCA algorithm is based on number
of training images used for matching intensity pattern. Major
drawback of PCA algorithm is that the time complexity of this
algorithm is very high.
In most of the papers researchers considered the OD as the
brightest region within retinal image. However, this criterion
may not be applicable for retinal images those include other
bright regions because of diseases such as exudates due to
diabetic retinopathy. Some considered the OD as the area with
highest variation in intensity of adjacent pixels. Both the
criteria considered by many researchers are applicable for
normal, healthy retinal images. M.D. Abramoff and M.
Niemeijer clearly mentioned in the paper [2] that the approach
in this paper has the potential to detect the location of the OD
in retinal images with few or no abnormalities.
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This paper presents a novel algorithm for OD localization.
The proposed algorithm ensembles the steps based on different
principles and produces more accurate results. First we
estimated threshold using green channel histogram and
average number of pixels occupied by OD. Applying this
threshold, all bright regions within image called clusters are
detected. Then we applied two different criteria on these
clusters, a: area criterion and b: density criterion. The details
about this are discussed in further sections. Once the candidate
cluster for OD is identified, the brightest oculus criterion is
applied to locate the centre of OD.
The contribution of this work is that we propose an
automatic system to locate an OD not only in normal, healthy
images but also in images affected because of diseases such as
diabetic retinopathy and images of poorer quality. There are
more chances of false OD detection in images affected due to
diseases and images of poor quality than desirable. The
problem with retinal images is that the quality of the acquired
images is usually not good. As the eye-specialist does not have
complete control over the patients eye which forms a part of
the imaging optical system, retinal images often contain
artifacts and/or are of poorer quality than desirable [24].
Despite controlled conditions, many retinal images suffer from
non-uniform illumination given by several factors: the curved
surfaces of the retina, pupil dilation (highly variable among
patients) or presence of disease among others [25]. However,
our system avoids detecting false OD applying different
criteria based on different principles. We tested proposed
system on 453 retinal images which include normal (healthy)
as well as abnormal (affected) retinal images. We are able to
locate OD in 98.45% of all tested cases. Once the OD is
located accurately, its centre is also located accurately.
Database used for OD localization is as shown in Table I.
Sr. No. Test Database Number of Images
1 Diaretdb0 130
2 Diaretdb1 89
3 Drive 40
Walimbe Eye Clinic, Pune (M.S.),
Bhagali Clinic and Nursing Home,
Pune (M.S.), India
Thus, a set of 453 retinal images is studied for automated
localization of OD and its centre.
A. Proposed Algorithm for Detection of Candidate Region for
Step 1: Estimate Threshold.
Step 2: Apply Threshold and identify bright regions.
Step 3: Select candidate regions which satisfy area
Step 4: Select candidate region which satisfies density
Step 5: If no candidate region is selected, reduce threshold.
Step 6: If threshold is greater than zero, apply steps 2
through 5.
Step 7: Stop.
The major steps in the algorithm are discussed in detail
1) Threshold estimation
In normal, healthy retinal images, OD is mostly the
brightest region. However, in retinal images affected due to
diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, there may exist other
bright regions in addition to OD. So first we detected all bright
regions within retinal images. In paper by Li and Chutatape
[22], they used the highest 1% gray levels in intensity image to
obtain threshold value to detect candidate bright regions.
However, there is possibility of not detecting OD as candidate
region if highest 1% gray levels are occupied by other bright
regions within image.
Siddalingaswamy P.C. et al. [1] used iterative threshold
method to estimate threshold for OD detection. This criterion
is also not applicable to all types of retinal images.
Green channel image shows better contrast than red
channel or blue channel image. It is observed that OD appears
most contrasted in the green channel compared to red and blue
channels in RGB image. Therefore, only the green channel
image is used for the effective thresholding of the retinal
image. So, we estimated threshold considering green channel
histogram. Optimal thresholding method divides the pixels of
the image in two groups: group A and group B such that group
A contains pixels at least equal to the number of pixels
occupied by the OD.
OD size varies from person to person. It is a vertical oval,
with average dimensions of 1.76mm horizontally by 1.92mm
vertically [26]. Its width and height are 1/8 and 1/7.33 of
retinal image diameter, respectively [27]. Thus, it is possible
to determine the number of pixels occupied by the OD as :
Estimated OD pixel count
where D is the diameter of the retinal image in pixels.
To obtain an optimal threshold, the histogram derived from
the source image is scanned from highest intensity value to the
lowest intensity value. The scanning stops at intensity level T
when scanned pixels are greater than the estimated OD pixels
and there is a 10% rise in pixel count between two consecutive
intensity levels. Thus, the optimal threshold is calculated as
follows :
Step1 : Initialize i = 255 and sum = 0
Step2: sum = sum + H[i]
Step3: i = i 1
Step4: if sum
[i-1] [i]
1 repeat steps 2 through 4
Step5: Threshold, T = i
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where H[i] indicates the histogram of the source image and
i indicates the intensity level.
Fig. 2 illustrates some examples of candidate clusters
determined by this algorithm.
Original image 1 (b) Candidate clusters in (a)
(c) Original image 2 (d) Candidate clusters in (c)
(e) Original image 3 (f) Candidate clusters in (e)
(g) Original image 4 (h) Candidate clusters in (g)
Fig. 2. Examples of candidate clusters
2) Area criterion
The optimal threshold when applied to the image results in
one or more isolated connected regions (clusters). Each of the
cluster in the thresholded image is labeled and total number of
pixels in each cluster are calculated. The clusters having more
than 125% or less than 10% of the OD area are discarded. This
criterion minimizes the possibility to miss the OD from the
selected candidate clusters. Fig. 3 illustrates some examples of
candidate clusters resulted after application of area criterion.
(c) (d)
Fig. 3. Examples of resulted candidate clusters after area criterion
3) Density criterion
The density criterion is applied to clusters which have
already satisfied the area criterion. According to the density
criterion, if the ratio of number of pixels occupied by cluster to
the number of pixels occupied by rectangle surrounding the
cluster is less than 40%, the cluster is discarded. From the
remaining clusters the cluster having highest density is
considered to be the primary region of interest. Fig. 4
illustrates some examples of candidate clusters resulted after
application of density criterion.
(c) (d)
Fig. 4. Examples of resulted candidate clusters after density criterion
As shown in the Fig. 4(d), if no candidate cluster is
selected for OD, the pixel count is re-calculated as given
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below to reduce the threshold and entire process is repeated
with this threshold.
Fig. 5 shows the result of candidate cluster resulted after
application of reduced threshold algorithm.
Fig. 5. Result of reduced threshold algorithm
B. Localization of Centre of an OD
The cluster which occupies OD is located in algorithm
discussed above. The centroid of this cluster is determined
using calculus method. A search area is defined around this
centroid such that this centroid is center of the search window.
This search window is a square window with side equal to
twice of OD diameter (ODD).
A circular window called an oculus of radius ODD/2 is
moved across the search area. This is illustrated in Fig. 6. The
maximum intensity oculus is identified using procedure given
Fig. 6. Circular window for OD detection
Each pixel within the square window of side equal to ODD
is tested for its distance (d) from the centre of the window. As
shown in Fig. 7, if the distance, d is less than or equal to the
radius r (radius of the oculus), it is considered as inside pixel.
The total intensity of the oculus is calculated by adding
squares of intensities of all inside pixels. It can be expressed
mathematically as,
( f,k)
, for d r
0, otherwise
where d
- f)
- k)
, v
) is the centre of an oculus
The centre of maximum intensity oculus is marked as a
centre of OD.
Fig. 7. Pixel inside circle test
There may be more than one window of same maximum
total intensity. In this case, the central window amongst the
same intensity windows is the resultant window and the centre
of the resultant window is considered as a centre of an OD.
Fig. 8 illustrates some examples of centre of OD.
(c) (d)
Fig. 8. Examples of centre of OD
Test database Images OD Detected % Accuracy
Diaretdb0 130 126 96.92
Diaretdb0 89 86 96.62
Drive 40 40 100
Walimbe Eye Clinic, Pune 34 34 100
Bhagali Clinic and
Nursing Home
160 160 100
Total 453 446 98.45
The outcome of OD localization is deemed true detection
if obtained centre is within the OD area. Table II shows the
accuracy of true OD detected retinal images.
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Test database
Example 1: SLA-X is a policy that appears stronger than
SLA-P, just looking at the levels of the single provisions; we
first calculate the trace:
Where: d(X, P) = d(X, P) is the
distance among matrices
Where: (X - P, X - P) =T r ( ( X - P ) ( X - P) T)
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The distance between SLA-X and SLA-P is: d-2.45.That
mirrors the fact that SLA-X is just a little stronger than SLA-P.
Example 2: SLA-Y is a policy that appears stronger than
SLA-X and much stronger than policy SLA-P, while SLA-P is
the same as that of the example 1; the trace is:
Tr((Y-P)(Y-P)T) = 19
The distance between SLA-Y and SLA-P is: d-4.36 .This
result mirrors the evident difference between the two cases.
These examples show how it is very simple to evaluate the
distance between policies, once they have been represented as
a matrix. The distance will be adopted to define the metric
In this section we will propose an artificial service level
agreement model to be the base for qualities testing and
comparing. The main idea of this model is to be able to decide
if the services can supply by service provider or not depending
on the value of the activated outputs. Because of this model
was proposed depending on artificial neural network then the
ANN needs to train by input and output data sets to be able to
extract the outputs for other input data sets. Fig. 2 shows the
general concepts of Neural Network Service Level Agreement
in SOA.
Fig. 2. ANN Service Level Agreement
The training input and output data sets will be represented
according to the mathematical models. The input sets of ANN
represent the measurable and immeasurable matrices which are
used in mathematical model while the output sets represents
the extracted outputs for the traces and the activated outputs
from the mathematical calculations model. To build the
artificial service level agreement model, there are two phases
should execute to extract the correct decision. In the following
we will discuss the phases of ANNSLA model:
ANN Training phase: in this phase, the extracted data sets
(formalized inputs and calculated outputs) from the SLA
mathematical model will apply to ANN to train it. Section
V.B will explain the simulation method of training phase
for ANN. The training phase should apply for both part of
ANNSLA model, measurable and immeasurable qualities
and trained according for input/output matrices. Its very
important to notice when any changing happen for the
contact between the user and the service provider (i.e. the
contract rules) will lead to change the SLA measurable and
immeasurable qualities, the trace value will change
directly as well as the outputs matrix may change. All
those lead to reconfigure the ANN architecture and retrain
it according to the new values of inputs/ outputs matrix
values. From all the above we can consider the ANNSLA
model is dynamic not static model and can be suitable for
future extending, there are no limitations of users number
or qualities number. The accuracy of output values
ANNSLA depending on data sets and the training
procedures. Fig. 3 shows the general ANNSLA model in
the training phase. The ANN will train in 1st set of
qualities and outputs. There are two training model one of
them for measurable qualities ANN model and second one
for immeasurable qualities ANN model, it can train
separately because of the first one represent a logical
model and the second one represent the behavior model
between the user and service provider. The architecture of
the ANN is very easy to build, for this reason we propose
only one activated output for immeasurable formalization
while there are more than one output for measurable
formalization to mention that the ANN architecture may
not be fixed and modifiable depending on the requirements
and the rules in the contract between the user and the
service providers [10].
Operation Phase: when the ANN trained correctly
according to inputs/outputs data sets, it will be ready to use
it as decision maker for different input sets to extract the
trace value and activated output or outputs for either
immeasurable qualities or measurable qualities. To
evaluate the output values, it can compare the extracted
outputs with calculated outputs from mathematical model,
the evaluation will explain in details in 8. Fig. 4 shows the
general trained ANNSLA model. By this model can
extract the outputs for different inputs by applying it to
trained ANN. As we mentioned in the training phase, the
trained ANN be as a decision maker to extract the outputs.
When applying the immeasurable or measurable matrices
to trained ANN it can extract the trace and activated output
or outputs. The operation phase can be fixed for long
period except if there is any rules in the SLA contact will
be changed, it will lead to go again to training phase to
modify the ANN architecture according to new measurable
and immeasurable qualities.
From the entire above if there is any modifications in input
qualities or/and the active outputs will lead to reconfigure the
ANN model and retrain it according to new values of the input
qualities and outputs. The evaluation method will not change
when the architecture of the ANN model changed because all
the time we will calculate the difference between the calculated
values and extracted outputs.
The process of ANNSLA will show in 6.1.The validation
of the activated outputs and the reasons of defining activated
outputs for both formalizations (measurable and immeasurable)
will discuss in section VI. There are many limitations in
ANNSLA operation phase, one of important operation phase
limitation that cant test this model online because of the
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servers operation restrictions and no experiments lab to
evaluate this model practically.
Fig. 3. ANNSLA training phase
Fig. 4. ANNSLA operating phase
G. ANNSLA Process
The ANNSLA process for two parts of the model, the first
part represents measurable part with their extracted and
target outputs and the second part represents
immeasurable part with their extracted and target outputs,
each phase has many steps will discuss in the following:
The training phase process consist the following steps:
Define the ANN architecture, number of hidden layers,
number of input nodes in input layer, and number of
output nodes in output layer. The process initiated sets of
measurable and immeasurable qualities as inputs for
ANNSLA model. Formalize the inputs into measurable
and immeasurable input matrices to apply it to ANN. The
target outputs will define for the both measurable and
immeasurable ANN. The training process will initiate to
train the ANNs. The training process will continue till the
extracted outputs reached to target outputs. When the error
percent reached to acceptable value, the training process
will stop and the ANN will consider trained.
The operation phase process consist the following steps:
The process initiated a set of measurable and
immeasurable qualities as input for trained ANNSLA
model. Formalize the input into measurable and
immeasurable input matrices to apply it to ANN
Apply formalize measurable and immeasurable matrices to
trained ANN. The trained ANN will run and stop when the
ANN produces the outputs. The extracted outputs
represent the outputs for both measurable and
immeasurable parts.
From all the above, it consider that the ANNSLA model
can modify the ANN architecture by changing the number of
inputs and/or the number of outputs, this will lead to repeat the
ANNSLA process in both training and operation phases.
H. ANNSLA Simulation
The ANNSLA will build using ANN architecture, its very
important to select the architecture by defining the number of
layers (hidden layers), the number of input nodes in input
layer, the output nodes in output layer, the values of inputs, the
values of target outputs, and the error value. These
architectures can be done by using MATHLAB package
version 7.7.0. The simulation procedure will introduce the
ANN architecture, the experimental data sets, training process
and the running process of ANNSLA by MATHLAB model in
next sections.
I. ANNSLA MATLAB Architecture
As we mentioned in the above sections the ANNSLA
model architecture has two part one for measurable qualities
and the second one for immeasurable qualities, this means
there are two ANN.
The measurable ANN part consists the following: Input
layer with consist 6 input neurons for each user. The inputs
represent the measurable qualities which are the accuracy,
availability, capacity, cost, related time, and scalability. The
values of these inputs represent numeric value all the time 1
[11].One or two hidden layers to test the effect of increasing
the hidden layers upon the performance of the architecture. The
output layer consists either one neuron if we want to calculate
trace of measurable matrix or five neurons represent the
outputs (Request, Wait, Change, New Service, and Timer) for
measurable part in ANNSLA model.
The immeasurable ANN part consists the following: Input
layer with consist 40 input neurons for each user. The inputs
represent the immeasurable qualities represent interoperability,
modifiability, and security. All the values of these inputs will
be represented either 1 (exist) or 0 (not exist).One or two
hidden layers to test the effect of increasing the hidden layers
upon the performance of the architecture. The output layer
consist either one neuron if we want to calculate trace of
immeasurable matrix or one neuron represents the activated
output for immeasurable part in ANNSLA model[12].
The above ANN architecture can modify according to the
measurable and immeasurable requirements in ANNSLA
In our test scenario, we used a sample of different matrices
for measurable and immeasurable qualities; there are two
experimental results as following: The trace and the distance
for each matrix will calculate by mathematical model. The
values of the mathematical traces will apply to train the
ANNSLA. The ANN will train for input matrices and for target
outputs. The trained ANN can run to extract the outputs when
applying any new immeasurable or measurable matrices.
Below we will mention the training input data sets and the
target output which represent the trace vales and the activated
output/outputs by applying it to trained ANN for both
measurable and immeasurable parts for ANNSLA model. In
next section, we will run the trained measurable and
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immeasurable ANN to extract the actual outputs for any data
J. Immeasurable Experimental Results:
To train the immeasurable ANN to extract the trace value
and activated output for each immeasurable matrix, the training
data sets with target outputs (trace and activated output) will
apply and train ANN by MATHLAB. TABLE I mentions the
data sets of the immeasurable matrices with calculated trace
(by mathematical SLA model which is mentioned in section
IV) and the activated output (proposed simulation values).
These matrices are used to train the immeasurable ANN, it
used as inputs while the calculated traces and the activated
outputs are used as target outputs of immeasurable ANN. The
trace ANN is used to extract the trace value for any measurable
or immeasurable matrices. The trace value represents the
invariant with respect to a change of basis. It means choosing a
base matrix then by calculating distance between the choosing
one with any other selected matrix. It easy to calculate the trace
mathematically, and by applying the qualities to trained trace
ANN (shows in Fig. 5) can extract the trace value, in the next
section will show the comparison between the two values.
Fig. 5. Trace ANN Architecture
The trace value will extract by individual ANN represented
in Fig. 5, the trace ANN should train by applying the
immeasurable matrices as inputs and the target output is
represented by calculated trace values. To train the ANN
immeasurable ANN, the immeasurable qualities will apply
with their target activated output; the number of training
matrices is about 17. TABLE I shows the training set for
immeasurable ANN. Fig. 6 shows the general ANN
architecture for immeasurable ANN part, the number of input
neurons is 40 neurons for each immeasurable matrix in input
layer, and only one neuron in output layer represents the target
The values of the target output are representing the
activated output values. To train the immeasurable ANN, we
will apply 17 immeasurable matrices (M1, M2,.Mn)
with their proposed activated outputs. It represents 10
provisions with 4 sub-provisions for each provision; the
provision represents some of security level tree structure,
Interoperability, and Modifiability with their sub-provision.
After training the immeasurable ANN, it will be ready to run
and extract the activated output for any immeasurable matrix.
Feed forward network architecture with back propagation
momentum training algorithm was used. The back propagation
algorithm was considered since it is the most successful
algorithm for the design of multilayer feed forward networks
Fig. 6. Immeasurable ANN Architecture
K. Measurable Experimental Results:
The measurable qualities can be represented by the
measurable matrices as input and the target outputs
(representing the values Accuracy, Availability, Capacity,
Cost, Related Time, and Scalability) for each user, it already
defined previously.
To train the measurable ANN part in ANNSLA, we will
apply the measurable matrices as input data sets for the ANN
and the activated outputs (Request, Delay Request, Wait,
Change Provider, and New Customer) and trace as a target
outputs for ANN. The values of simulation inputs are
represented analogy; its all the time 1. The activated outputs
are represented logically either 0 or 1. TABLE II shows the
proposed activated outputs for each measurable matrix with
calculated trace by mathematical model. These input data sets
with proposed activated outputs and calculated trace will apply
to train the measurable ANN part in ANNSLA.
Matrix No. Calculated
M1 3.581 0.5
M2 3.771 0.7
M3 4.123 0.6
M4 3.5541 0.9
M5 4.321 0.6
M6 3.5487 0.8
M7 4.242 0.65
M8 5.1832 0.75
M9 3.6111 0.8
M10 4.0231 0.5
M11 4.1101 0.7
M12 4.3465 0.85
M13 4.5732 0.7
M14 4.1021 0.55
M15 4.0231 0.65
M16 3.945 0.7
M17 4.1001 0.5
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Matrix No. Activated
MM1 1,1,0,1,0 0
MM2 1,1,0,0,0 7.2621
MM3 1,0,1,1,0 8.3946
MM4 1,1,0,1,0 7.4403
MM5 1,1,0,1,0 6.6554
MM6 1,1,1,1,0 6.8806
MM7 1,0,1,1,0 6.5035
MM8 1,1,0,1,1 5.6391
MM9 1,1,1,1,0 7.1493
MM10 1,0,1,1,0 9.0777
MM11 1,1,0,1,1 5.6391
TMM1 1,0,1,1,0 6.5035
TMM2 1,1,0,1,1 5.6391
TMM3 1,1,1,1,0 7.1493
Fig 7. shows the general measurable ANN part for
ANNSLA model, it represents the input, hidden, and output
layers. To train the measurable ANN can be done by applying
12 inputs/outputs measurable qualities/ target outputs.
Fig. 7. Measurable ANN Architecture
After the trace, measurable and immeasurable ANNs in
ANNSLA are trained, and then it can be operated as a decision
maker. The scenario to run the trace and the immeasurable
ANN, we apply 20 immeasurable matrices with by trace ANN,
it can extract the trace value for each measurable matrix by
ANN is shown in Fig. 5. The immeasurable ANN extracts the
activated output for each matrix (ANN is shown in Fig. 6). In
TABLE III the set of immeasurable tested matrices are shown,
it shows the calculated trace and proposed activated output for
each tested immeasurable matrices to compare the calculated
trace with extracted output from trace ANN and the proposed
activated output with extracted activated output from
immeasurable ANN.
The scenario to run the trace and the measurable ANN, we
apply 3 measurable matrices with its activated outputs. By
trace ANN and measurable ANN can extract the trace and the
activated outputs for each matrix. TABLE IV shows the set of
measurable tested matrices, the calculated trace, proposed
activated output for each tested measurable matrices, and
extracted activated outputs.
From TABLEs III and IV, we can conclude that the error
value between the calculated activated output and ANN
activated output is about +/- 0.04 and the error between the
calculated trace and extracted ANN trace is between 0.1141
and -0.0088 for both measurable and immeasurable ANN
running, this means that ANNSLA can specify the SLA
requirements specially the value of trace for measurable and
immeasurable matrices. From the extracted trace value, by
ANNSLA can decide the suitable SLA between the user and
service providers. The activated outputs/output for
measurable/immeasurable ANN can justify the SLA work
From all the above, it can consider the ANN SLA can work
properly as policy selector and as a decision maker between
users and service providers. The figures below mention charts
represent different comparison between the values which are
extracted from ANNSLA and other calculated or supposed
values. Fig. 8 shows the chart for calculated and ANN trace for
different immeasurable qualities matrices, it shows the
extracted values are very close to calculated values, the error as
mentioned in above not more +/- 0.12. Fig. 9 shows the chart
for activated and ANN output for immeasurable ANN part, the
error between two values is between +/-0.04.
For measurable ANN part in ANNSLA model, Fig. 10
shows the chart for calculated trace and ANN trace for
different measurable qualities matrices set.
From above, the ANNSLA model can use as a decision
maker to extract the best policy and the suitable activated
output/outputs value; it means, the ANNSLA can define the
roles of the contract between the users and service providers.
The model can modify easily by reconstruct the ANN
architecture to be suitable for the approximate number of the
users and providers. It can very secure if each user has his key
to be part of the immeasurable input qualities then the model
can train to accept or refuse the user in other hand the model
can accept or refuse the key for the provider.
The error value of the extracted outputs of the model was
very small according to the testing sets; its very simple to
modify the model. The ANN can be extended simply and the
training rules are very efficient and know for different users.
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Fig. 8. Calculated and ANN Trace Chart for immeasurable matrices
Fig. 9. Activated and ANN Output Chart for immeasurable matrices
Fig. 10. Calculated and Trace Chart for measurable matrices
The ANN takes the decision according to how the user train
it and what the data types give to it, then the main important
should manage carefully from the beginning before
constructing the model is as the following:
Number of users.
Number of providers.
Define certain policy formalization for the qualities.
The main immeasurable and immeasurable qualities (its
very important to define the security level for each user and
providers).The architecture of trace, measurable, and
immeasurable ANN. The presented approach aims to use the
neural network as the intelligent part of service level agreement
model. The global architecture will permit the provider to
provide a new type methodology of providing a service by
checking the system completely with all other users and service
providers. This will help to reduce the cost while preserving
the required QoS. The ANNSLA can provide monitoring of
traffic for service request by service waiting or service
reallocation to other service provider. Then the deployed
architecture will be evaluated with respect to the mathematical
In this research we have introduced a theoretical
methodology to evaluate Service Level Agreement in SOA.
The methodology is based on two fundamental features; the
first one is the SLA formalization through the use of standard
policy while the second one is the formalization of "qualifiable
service levels" against which we could measure the SLA.
In particular, we have adopted a Reference Evaluation
Model, developed for different methodology, to evaluate and
compare different policies and quantifying their levels. The
application of the methodology in different samples of
measurable and immeasurable qualities and we adopted it in
the integration of mathematical model and artificial model to
guarantee the same perceived service level to the end-user.
SLAs have been applied in service organizations in general,
including IT organizations, to formalize the level of service
between a service provider and service user. While SLAs are
well understood in these domains, they are less understood for
services in the SOA context.
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SOA enables the integration of automated services from
multiple organizations. External providers may offer services
that were not initially implemented to meet the quality attribute
requirements of the service consumer organization. Defining
an SLA and establishing SLA management mechanisms are
important factors when clarifying the quality requirements for
achieving the business and mission goals of SOA systems.
Standardized SLAs are going to be an important element
for organizations moving to automation, SLA systems
characterized by the dynamic discovery, composition, and
invocation of services based on QoS and other contextual
There are efforts to standardize the SLAs for web services;
its an effort to make SLAs machine adaptable. However, there
is no established standard for SLA specification
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[2] K.Alexander .and L. Heiko "The WSLA Framework: Specifying and
Monitoring Service Level Agreements for Web Services", Journal of
Network and Systems Management,11(1), pp. 57-81,2003
[3] T. Luo and L. Meng, "SLA foundation template library: reusable-
component repository for SLA", Communication Technology
Proceedings, ICCT 2003. International Conference on , 2 , ,pp. 1739
1743, 9-11 April, 2003.
[4] B. Wetzstein, D. Karastoyanova, and F. Leymann, "Towards
Management of SLA-Aware Business Processes Based on Key
Performance Indicators", BPMDS'08, Institute of Architecture of
Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany,Springer,
[5] Service Level Agreements in Service-Oriented Architecture
Environments; http://www.slideshare.net/Zubin67/service-level-
[6] M. Bishop "Developing Web Services" Proceedings 17th International
Conference on Data Engineering, Los Alamitos CA : IEEE Computer
Society, pp. 477-481, 2003.
[7] C. Abrams and W. Roy "service-Oriented Architecture Overview and
Guide to SOA Research", G00154463, Stamford: Gartner Research,
[8] K. Yuen, and H. Lau "A Distributed Fuzzy Qualitative Evaluation
System", IAT '06 Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM international
conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, Hong Kong : IEEE, pp.
[9] IBM "WS-policy specification Web Services Policy Framework", IBM,
BEA Systems, Microsoft, SAP AG, Sonic Software, VeriSign,2006.
[10] N.A. Abdullah "An Architecture for Augmenting the SCORM Run-
Time Environment As a Service", Phd, Learning Societies Group,2006.
[11] V.Caola, A. Mazzeo, N. Mazzocc and M. Rak"A SLA evaluation
methodology in Service Oriented Architectures" Advances in
Information security, Advances in Information Security,23, pp.119-
[12] L.Lu "A Novel SOA-Oriented Federate SLA Management
Architecture", IEEC '09. International Symposium on Information
Engineering and Electronic Commerce , Ternopil: IEEEE, pp. 630-
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
81 | P a g e
IRS for Computer Character Sequences Filtration: a
new software tool and algorithm to support the IRS at
tokenization process
Ahmad Al Badawi
Department of Computers and Information Technology
Taif University
Taif, Saudi Arabia
Qasem Abu Al-Haija
Department of Electrical Engineering
King Faisal University
Alhasa, Saudi Arabia
AbstractTokenization is the task of chopping it up into
pieces, called tokens, perhaps at the same time throwing away
certain characters, such as punctuation. A token is an instance of
token a sequence of characters in some particular document that
are grouped together as a useful semantic unit for processing.
New software tool and algorithm to support the IRS at
tokenization process are presented. Our proposed tool will filter
out the three computer character Sequences: IP-Addresses, Web
URLs, Date, and Email Addresses. Our tool will use the pattern
matching algorithms and filtration methods. After this process,
the IRS can start a new tokenization process on the new retrieved
text which will be free of these sequences.
KeywordsI nformation Retrieval; Tokenization; pattern
matching; and Sequences Filtration.
People use search engines for instance to locate and buy
goods, to choose a vacation destination, to select a medical
treatment or to find background information on candidates of
an election. It's necessary to build a searching system being
able to support users expressing their searching by natural
language queries is very important and opens the researching
direction with many potential [7].
As a human nature, people prefer to search for their
information using their natural language especially with the
existence of huge amount of information these days. Thus, a
good Information Retrieval System is on demand.
Information retrieval (IR) [1, 2] is finding material (usually
documents) of an unstructured nature (usually text) that
satisfies an information need from within large collections
(usually stored on computers). An information retrieval system
(IRS) [2] is a software program that stores and manages
information on documents. This system assists users in finding
the information they need. Designing an efficient IRS which
tries to touch the optimal results in retrieving the relevant
documents of information, that design will face a lot of
parameters which are to be taken into account such as precision
and recall [1]. There is always a trade of between precision and
At the core of IRS immerges the tokenization process
which is considered a primary part in IRSs. Tokenization [1] is
the task of chopping character sequence up into pieces, called
tokens. Sounds good; but it's not as simple as its definition,
many times the tokenizer should not split on some locations of
the document.
Computer technology [1] has introduced new types of
character sequences that a tokenizer should probably tokenize
as a single token, including email addresses
(qalhaija@kfu.edu.sa), web URLs (http://www.kfu.edu.sa),
numeric IP addresses (, and Date (16/07/1982).
Several methods and approaches where proposed to provide
these services, but researches showed that many measures
should be addressed to ensure complete the retrieving process.
The problem addressed in this proposal will focus on
designing an IRS for Computer Character Sequences Filtration.
Computer technology has introduced new types of character
sequences that a tokenizer should probably tokenize as a single
token. As we see from figure 1, our proposed work will focus
on filtering email addresses, web URLs, date, and numeric IP
Fig. 1. Problem Statement Figure.
In this paper, we propose a new software tool and algorithm
to support the IRS at tokenization process. Our proposed tool
will filter out the three computer character Sequences: IP-
Addresses, web URLs, and email addresses. Our tool uses the
pattern matching algorithms [4, 5] and filtration methods [2, 3].
After this process, the IRS can start a new tokenization
process on the new retrieved text which will be free of these
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In the last years many classical solutions tried to address the
tokenization process issues such as Computer Character
Sequences Filtration. The most commonly used solution is the
filtering and matching schemes [1].
Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich
Schutze in [1] established the infrastructure for how to build
IRSs by explaining all concepts and objects for several IRSs.
They explained in details the tokenization process which sets at
the core of the IR-Systems. They also discussed many of the
challenges in the tokenization process such as the Computer
Character Sequences (IP-Addresses, email addresses, date and
web URLs), the use of the apostrophe for possession and
contractions, hyphenation, foreign phrases, compound nouns
and others.
Christos Faloutsos, Douglas Oard in [2] surveyed the major
techniques for IRS. They provided an overview of some
traditional IRSs (full text scanning, inversion, signature files
and clustering) and discussed attempts to include semantic
information (natural language processing, latent semantic
indexing and neural networks.
Nicholas J. Belkin and W. Bruce Croft in [3] designed
information filtering systems for unstructured or semi
structured data, as opposed to database applications, which use
very structured data. These systems also dealt primarily with
textual information, but they may also entail images, voice,
video or other data types that are parts of multimedia
information systems.
Information filtering systems also involve a large amount of
data and streams of incoming data, whether broadcast from a
remote source or sent directly by other sources. Filtering is
based on descriptions of individual or group information
preferences, or profiles that typically represent long-term
interests. Filtering also implies removal of data from an
incoming stream rather than finding data in the stream; users
see only the data that is extracted [1, 3].
Mary Elaine Califf, Raymond J. Mooney, in [4] presented
an algorithm RAPIER, which uses pairs of sample documents
and filled templates to induce pattern-match rules that directly
extract fillers for the slots in the template. RAPIER is a bottom-
up learning algorithm that incorporates techniques from several
inductive logic programming systems. They have implemented
the algorithm in a system that allows patterns to have
constraints on the words, part-of-speech tags, and semantic
classes present in the filler and the surrounding text. They
presented encouraging experimental results on two domains.
Richard M. Karp, Michael O. Rabin, in [5] proposed
randomized algorithms to solve the following string-matching
problem and some of its generalizations. Given a string X of
length n (the pattern) and a string Y (the text), find the first
occurrence of X as a consecutive block within Y. The
algorithms represent strings of length n by much shorter strings
called fingerprints, and achieve their efficiency by
manipulating fingerprints instead of longer strings. The
algorithms require a constant number of storage locations, and
essentially run in real time. They are conceptually simple and
easy to implement. The method readily generalizes to higher-
dimensional pattern-matching problems.
Sumalatha Ramachandran Sujaya Paulraj Sharon
Joseph Vetriselvi and Ramaraj in [8] showed that there is no
guarantee for information correctness and lots of conflicting
information is retrieved by the search engines and the quality of
provided information also varies from low quality to high
quality. The filtering of trustworthiness is based on 5 factors -
Provenance, Authority, Age, Popularity, and Related Links.
All the previous methods have strong filtration pattern-
matching for the IR-Systems. Our proposed work is to design a
new software tool and algorithm to support the IRS at
tokenization process for computer character sequences
The proposed research is motivated by many factors. First
of all, the information retrieval which is a very important issue
in real life applications as in banks, companies, hospitals, and
at the personal level too. Second, previous studies showed that
the tokenization process of IRS must leave some of the
computer character sequences such as IP-Addresses, emails,
web URLs, and date without any splitting operation; it should
be treated as a single token. Our research will focus on the
design and implementation of new software tool and algorithm
to support the IRS at tokenization process. Another main
reason to conduct this research is that IRSs are deemed world-
wide hot research topic especially after the increasing demand
on information and its applications.
The proposed methodology throughout this research
consists of the following steps:
1) The approach for proceeding in the proposed solution
started by studying several Information Retrieval System (IRSs)
[1, 2] concepts.
2) Understanding the important parameters in each IRS
that can be helpful for solving the proposed problem.
3) Studying several information filtering systems [2, 3]
which are designed for unstructured data.
4) Studying the matching algorithms [4, 5] trying to
make some contribution to such algorithm. This will support
the IR systems and will be helpful in solving our proposed
The proposed solutions were implemented and verified
using Java programming language.
Our proposed work is to design a new software tool to
support IRSs at the tokenization process to filter out some
computer character sequences. Our proposed solution is
programmed and implemented in Java programming language.
Java [6]; A simple, object-oriented, network-savvy,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture neutral, portable, high-
performance, multithreaded, dynamic programming language.
The Java programming language and environment is designed
to solve a number of problems in modern programming
practice. Java started as a part of a larger project to develop
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advanced software for consumer electronics. These devices are
small, reliable, portable, distributed, and real-time embedded
systems. When we started the project we intended to use C++,
but encountered a number of problems. Initially they were just
compiler technology problems, but as time passed more
problems emerged that were best avoided by changing the
The proposed work has shown marvelous results in terms of
performance and low text processing using many advanced and
intelligent techniques. Some of these techniques are regular
expressions which is an advanced efficient technique for
pattern matching. Regular expressions have been used to detect
the special character sequences. What makes this work unique
is the ability to extend and modify the application so that it can
detect more character sequence patterns.
Another technique is the use of XML hierarchal structure in
the configuration of the application. This has shown great
results in terms of performance and use. The application can be
extended to handle more and more special character sequences
and can be integrated with many IRSs to boost their operations.
As mentioned previously, our principle is simulated in Java
programming language. We have adopted two interfacing
techniques to satisfy deferent requirements. The first is
Command Line Interface (CLI) which is harder to use and
interact but better in terms of performance. The other is the
Graphical User Interface (GUI), the easier to use while worse
when the performance has utmost priority. Anyway, we focus
here on the GUI to show our work and results simply and
clearly. Figure 2 shows the basic interface which will be the
user's guide through the tokenization process.
Here is a brief description about each component,
augmented with snapshots to make everything concrete:
The "open" - shown in figure 3- button is used to load
the ".txt" document that is intended to be tokenized.
Upon clicking this button, open file dialog is popped up
to the user to choose the desired document.
Fig. 2. The basic interface.
Fig. 3. The "open" button.
Once the desired document is opened, see figure 4, the
user is supposed now to choose the desired special
character sequences to be recognized as one token. This
can be accomplished by clicking the "options" button,
or go to menu -> Tokenize -> options. As seen in figure
5 below, four checkboxes appears so that the user can
choose the desired options.
Fig. 4. Opened Document in the input pane.
As we can see, there are four special character
sequences: IP address, Email address, URL address, and
Date. These special character sequences can be treated
as one token, which could be removed (i.e. reduce the
size of the index) or indexed as semantic unified terms
which in turn increases the precession and the versatility
of the IRS.
Now, the user can initiate the tokenization process by
clicking the tokenize button. The result of the
tokenization will be saved in an output file (its path is
configured) and will be shown to the user on the output
text pane. Figure 5 below depicts this.
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Fig. 5. Clicking the tokenize button
Finally, the application provides one more feature that
can be used in weight and score based IRSs. Upon
clicking the statistics button, a piece of useful statistical
results appears at the extreme right corner of the frame
as shown below in figure 6.
Fig. 6. Clicking on the statistics button.
A new software tool and algorithm to support the IRS at
tokenization process is implemented and proposed in this
paper. Information retrieval Systems (IRS) which is meant of
searching for information within documents and for metadata
about documents. There are many applications of IR in the real
life, for example Search engines like Google which sits at the
throne of IRSs. At the heart of the IRS; is the tokenization
process in which the text in the documents is split into small
pieces called tokens. Sometimes there are some character
sequences that must be taken as a single token without any
splitting process, such as IP-Addresses, Email Address, date,
and Web URLs.
This work can be extended by including other tokenization
issues such as the use of the apostrophe for possession and
contractions, hyphenation, foreign phrases, compound nouns
and others. It can also be enhanced by implying some other
issues such as stop words, normalization, stemming and
lemmatization in information retrieval that can work in one
coherent IR system.
Moreover, the ability to use heuristic algorithms such as
Genetic algorithms that can make the IRS more efficient and
can improve the system precision and recall. Finally, to involve
retrieval tools that can be useful for bio-metrics and medical
applications such as content-based image analysis [9].
Authors would like to thank the deanship of scientific
research at King Faisal University (KFU), Alhasa, Saudi
Arabia for supporting this research.
[1] Christopher D.Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich Schutze,"
Introduction to Information Retrieval," Second Edition, Cambridge
University Press Cambridge, Printed on July 12, 2008.
[2] Christos Faloutsos, Douglas Oard "A Survey of Information Retrieval
and Filtering Methods," Communications of the ACM, In Proceedings of
the ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval; University of Maryland. College Park, CS-TR-
3514. August, 1995.
[3] Nicholas J. Belkin and W. Bruce Croft. "Information Filtering and
information retrieval: Two sides of the same coin?", Communications of
ACM , In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval, Dec 1992 v35 n12 p29(10),
COPYRIGHT Association for Computing Machinery Inc.
[4] Mary Elaine Cali, Raymond J. Mooney, " Bottom-Up Relational
Learning of Pattern Matching Rules for Information Extraction" ,Texas
University, Department of Research, Mary Elaine Cali and Raymond
J. Mooney, 2003.
[5] Richard M. Karp, Michael O. Rabin, "Efficient randomized pattern-
matching algorithms," IBM J. RES. DEVELOPS. , VOL. 31, NO. 2,
MARCH 1987.
[6] H.M.Deitel, and P.J.Deitel, "JAVA : How To Program," International
Edition, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall ,2003.
[7] Dang Tuan NGUYEN and Ha Quy-Tinh LUONG, " Document
Searching System based on Natural Language Query Processing for
Vietnam Open Courseware Library," IJCSI International Journal of
Computer Science Issues, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2009.
[8] Sumalatha Ramachandran, Sujaya Paulraj, Sharon Joseph and Vetriselvi
Ramaraj, " Enhanced Trustworthy and High-Quality Information
Retrieval System for Web Search Engines," IJCSI International Journal
of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 5, 2009.
[9] Ayyagari Sri Nagesh, G.P.Saradhi Varma and A.Govardhan, "A Novel
Approach for Information Content Retrieval and Analysis of Bio-Images
using Datamining techniques," IJCSI International Journal of Computer
Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 6, No 2, November 2012.
Eng. Qasem Abu Al-Haija is a lecturer and Researcher at
King Faisal University, College Of Engineering,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He
received his B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
from Jordanian Mutah University in February of 2005.
Then he worked as a network engineer in a leading
institute at KSA, and as a lecturer before he joined the
graduate program at Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST) in
September 2007. Eng. Qasem received his M.S. degree in Computer
engineering from Jordan University of Science & Technology in December
2009. Eng. Qasem research interests include Cryptography and Security,
Computer Arithmetic and Finite Fields, Hardware implementations for
cryptography, Wireless Sensor Networks, FPGA design, Elliptic Curve
Cryptography, computer architecture, digital arithmetic algorithms.
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Eng. Ahmad Al Badawi is a lecturer and Researcher at
Taif University, College Of Computers and Information
Technology, Department of Computer Engineering. He
received his B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
from the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Al-Balqa
Applied University in June 2007. Then he worked as Sr.
Software Developer at Globitel, a leading Converged
Telecommunication Solutions provider, in Jordan before he joined the
graduate program at Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST) in
September 2007. Eng. Ahmad received his M.S. degree in Computer
engineering from Jordan University of Science & Technology in March 2010.
Eng. Ahmad research interests include Particle Swarm Optimization,
Multiprocessor Scheduling, Parallel Processing, Information Security and
Cryptography, and Wireless Sensor Networks.
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A Simple Exercise-to-Play Proposal that would
Reduce Games Addiction and Keep Players Healthy
Nael Hirzallah
Software Engineering Department
Applied Science University
Amman, Jordan
AbstractGames players usually get addicted to video
games in general and more specifically to those that are usually
played over the internet. These players prefer to stay at home
and play games rather than playing sports or outdoor games.
This paper presents a proposal that aims to implement a simple
way to let video games players exercise in order to play. The
proposal targets games where players virtually live inside a
certain area such as a forest, city or a war zone. Their aim is to
explore the area, capture, kill and avoid being killed by
something or someone. A costumed built treadmill acting as a
movement capture device is proposed to capture players
commands for movements. These movements include Running,
walking, Stopping, and Turning. In that way, the players enjoy
exercising as well as playing the game. However, sooner or later,
the players get exhausted driving them to exit the game. That
way, we believe that such a proposal would keep players healthy,
and reduce the chance of addiction.
KeywordsVirtual Reality; Gaming; Video Game.
Computer and video games have come a long way since
Space Invaders and Pac Man. Video games are becoming
increasingly complex, detailed, and compelling to a growing
international audience of players. Today's games are much
more interesting, and the technology has advanced to the point
where a gamer can become immersed in a multimedia-enabled
'virtual reality' or 'alternate world'. With better graphics, more
realistic characters, and greater strategic challenges, its not
surprising that some teens would rather play the latest video
game than hang out with friends, play sports, or even watch
television. Some games, especially online role playing games,
can become a substitute for 'real life', and players can become
immersed in the experience of living in an imaginary world.
Some gamers report that they play games to escape things like
family or personal problems in a similar way to people who
use drugs or alcohol to escape their problems.
Although gaming addiction is not yet officially recognized
as a diagnosable disorder by the American Medical
Association, there is increasing evidence that people of all
ages, especially teens and pre-teens, are facing very real,
sometimes severe consequences associated with compulsive
use of video and computer games.
Thus, people can become addicted to games. Young gamers
have shown similar symptoms to people who have drug or
alcohol dependence an inability to stop playing.
Of course, all gamers are not addicts many teens can play
video games a few hours a week, successfully balancing school
activities, grades, friends, and family obligations. But for some,
gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Studies [1]
estimate that 10 percent to 15 percent of gamers exhibit signs
that meet the World Health Organizations criteria for
addiction. Just like gambling and other compulsive behaviors,
teens can become so enthralled in the fantasy world of gaming
that they neglect their family, friends, work, and school. Many
children spend hours a day on computers, so much so that
computers have become a primary source of entertainment for
them, as well as a convenient baby-sitter for parents.
In reference [2] by Ricky Lam, many controversial cases in
which addicted players commits suicide, murder, or robbery,
caused death to negligence, or skipped school were listed. For
instance, case number 2, a seventeen-year-old Daniel Petric
murdered his mother and injured his father after they refused to
let him play an online game named Halo 3. Also, just a week
ago, among the ridiculous calls that people made to Emergency
999 in 2012 which the UK police revealed was a midnight call
of a father to a 14 year old son who was ignoring his parents'
pleas to switch a video game off and get some sleep [3].
In the following section, we will present few of the
symptoms and injuries that addicted gamers usually start
developing. Next in section 3, solutions proposed by literature
and concerned centers will be presented. Section 4, will cover
existing tools offered to players to capture real life movements
and interpret them into games commands. Then, the costumed
build treadmill will be proposed before we conclude.
Addicted gamers usually try to be with the computer as
much as possible, and in many cases, such gamers lose their
confidence; they cannot involve with the social world in real
time and they cannot communicate and compete with other
people. When such thing happened, it means that they need
video game addiction treatment as soon as possible.
In other words, computer game addiction can be diagnosed
with a few easily spotted signs. They include but not restricted
School grades dropping
Avoiding other commitments in order to be with the
computer (wagging school, stopping participation in
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Not seeing friends
Not talking to parents/family
Being on the computer in most or all of your spare time.
Anxiousness to be with the computer.
Sleep and memory problems when playing an exciting
game for 2 or 3 hours before bed
Family negligence
Furthermore, when playing video games, as with many
activities, you may experience occasional discomfort in your
hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your
body. Symptoms such as these can be associated with painful
and sometimes permanently disabling injuries or disorders of
the nerves, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and other parts of
the body. These musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) include
carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, vibration
syndromes, and other conditions. While researchers are not yet
able to answer many questions about MSDs, there is general
agreement that many factors may be linked to their occurrence,
including: medical and physical conditions, stress and how one
copes with it, overall health, and how a person positions and
uses their body during work and other activities, including
playing a video game.
RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) for instance can be developed
from playing games or sitting at the computer too long, or
repeating certain movements, eg. clicking a mouse button. For
gamers or heavy computer users, it's common to get RSI in the
wrist. This results from the tendons in the arm and wrist being
overworked, causing the tendons and the tissue covering the
tendons to become inflamed and sore. Other overuse problems
such as neck pains, tingling in the fingers, black rings in the
skin under the eyes and muscular stiffness in the shoulders may
also be developed from excessing playing.
To summarize, video games can cause injury and addiction.
The following section presents solutions which specialists
believe that may deal with the injury and addiction problems.
Many of the discussed injuries may be avoided by taking
breaks while playing. This helps the players body to avoid
MSDs. Also players must make sure that their positions when
playing do not encourage discomfort. Whereas, to avoid
addiction problems, we believe that there are three ways to
approach this: through parents, through offering alternatives,
and through exercising to play.
A. Parents supervision
Increase parental supervision and parental control may help
in avoiding games addictions. Some Consoles like the PS3,
Xbox360, Wii, and the PSP have parental control. Parental
supervision and control can also be in the form of setting
boundaries as to how long the child can be playing
games/chatting on the computer. Furthermore, it is suggested
that rewarding children with computer time for doing
something, like completing an assignment, would make them
feel like no one is trying to 'stop' them from using the computer
as such, and thus helps.
B. Finding alternatives:
There are many alternatives to computer games and
computers in general for entertainment. They include:
Playing a sport with friends
Going out often
Eating at a restaurant
Getting involved with a local recreational group
C. Exercising while playing
So far, exercising while playing has been presented to the
gamers as a way to increase the joy when playing, such as in
MSE Weibull Virtual Theater. Giving gamers a feeling of the
real world through virtual reality is an exciting challenge.
Another reason for exercising while playing is to practice and
improve certain physical skills of the player, such as in Tacx.
Both examples will be addressed later. Regardless whether the
reason for exercising is to enjoy the game more, or to improve
certain physical skills, or to get the chance to play if one is
prevented from playing by parents or self-control, players
sooner or later will get exhausted, and consequently quit
playing for the day. These three different reasons could be
classified under playing while exercising, exercising while
playing, and exercising to play.
As long as players do exercise, addition will not be of a
concern. In what follows, we will give a history to the
introduction of body interaction in games, and then we will
present some recent tools or controllers that are used to
interpret and perceive body motions. In section ??, we will
propose our vision to a tool that could be used to reduce games
addiction by exercising to play, before we state our conclusion.
In 1996, Mandala Gesture Xtreme (GX) System [4] became
the first commercial arcade application using computer vision.
Instead of a projector, the system used a large CRT display,
which changed the players experience where the player could
move with more confidence. In 2001, IntelPlayTM Me2Cam
Virtual Game System [5] was the first home product released.
At the time, when an average PC screen was a 15 CRT
display, it was difficult to play, due to the small screen size. It
was hard to see the action on the screen. The recent commercial
success of Sony PlayStation Eyetoy [6] and Nintendo Wii [7],
which are not a proper full body interactive game, introduced
the idea of a computer body interaction, full body interaction,
and physically interactive games, i.e. games where the main
interaction device is a users body. The users action was
finally moved to take place in front of a large screen (i.e. TV
display), where there was more space available for the physical
Early design projects in full body interaction games such as
those in [8] [9] presented principals for game design.
Labanotation has been used in the interaction design context to
evaluate Eyetoy Sony PlayStation games [10] and it provided a
valuable foundation for the design of movement based
interaction. Work of QuiQui Giant Bounce [11] and Kick Ass
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Kung-fu [12] focused around transforming the user movement
into the gameplay.
Fairly new types of games called massively multiplayer
online role-playing game, (MMORPG), have recently been
developed and became very popular in a short time. A very
large number of players interact with one another within
a virtual game world. Players assume the role of
a character (often in a fantasy world) and take control over
many of that character's actions. MMORPGs are distinguished
by the number of its players, and by the game's persistent
world which continues to exist and evolve while the player
is offline and away from the game. Worldwide revenues for
MMORPGs exceeded half a billion dollars in 2005,[14] and
Western revenues exceeded US$1 billion in 2006, [15]. In
2008, Western consumer spending on subscription MMOGs
grew to $1.4 billion [16]. World of Warcraft, a popular
MMORPG, has more than 10 million subscribers as of
February 2012.[17] Star Wars: The Old Republic, released in
2011, became the world's 'Fastest-Growing MMO Ever' after
gaining 1 million subscribers within the first three days of its
In these games, the movement commands, which are
walking and running, as well as in other similar games such as
Runescape, Tibia, Call of duty, assassin's creed, Starcraft, Prius
Online, Gears of War, Second Life, Legend of Mir, Halo, and
Everquest, are controlled via one of the following methods:
A Mouse click on destination position in an overview
map, such as in Runescape and World of Warcraft
A Keystroke or a joystick to indicate forward,
backward, left and right directions to move, such as in
Call of Duty, Hello, and Assasins creed.
Although, a small background application can be developed
to convert one approach to another, the papers proposal works
with only the second approach in which keystrokes or joysticks
commands dictates the moving direction of the virtual player
within the game.
In this section, we will introduce the most popular off shelf
motion controllers that could be used for playing at home.
PlayStation Move is a motion-sensing game controller platform
for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) video game console by Sony
Computer Entertainment (SCE). Based around a handheld
motion controller wand, PlayStation Move uses the PlayStation
Eye camera to track the wand's position, and inertial sensors in
the wand to detect its motion. It was first revealed on 2 June
2009, [20]. Kinect is another controller but designed for Xbox
360. Kinect is a motion sensing input device by Microsoft for
the Xbox 360 video game console and Windows PCs. Based
around a webcam-style add-on peripheral for the Xbox 360
console, it enables users to control and interact with the Xbox
360 without the need to touch a game controller, through
a natural user interface using gestures and spoken commands,
[21]. It was aimed at broadening the Xbox 360's audience
beyond its typical gamer base. It gives the experience of a
controller-free gaming that involves a full body play.
Wii MotionPlus was developed by Nintendo in
collaboration with game development tool company AiLive,
[22]. The device incorporates a dual-axis [23] tuning fork
gyroscope, [24] and a single-axis gyroscope which can
determine rotational motion. The information captured by the
angular rate sensor can then be used to distinguish true linear
motion from the accelerometer readings. This allows for the
capture of more complex movements.
In a different setup, MSE Weibull [26] offers system
solutions within the sectors of production, test and training in
civilian and military markets. The Virtual Theatre and the
Omnidirectional treadmill link between the Live and Virtual
domains. The Virtual Theatre from MSE is based on an
omnidirectional floor, Figure 1.
It was shown to the public at ITEC 2011 for the first time.
It facilitates omnidirectional unrestricted walking in the infinite
virtual environment, within a finite real world footprint. The
increased immersion is claimed to lead to a giant leap towards
convergence of the real and the virtual world has been taken.
The WIZDISH locomotion platform, [27], is another
controller similar to a treadmill but with no moving parts. It
offers the navigation for Virtual Reality and Immersive
Worlds. The users experienced when using wizdish [27] is
claimed to be similar to a regular treadmill. The player stands
on a slick concave disk, as shown in Figure 2, which minimizes
friction under foot so the player can shuffle along in place,
pretending to walk around.
Fig. 1. Mse Weibull Omnidirectional Treadmill
Although, all these controller or approaches may come
close to satisfy our objective, which is to reduce games
addiction, but not exactly. Players would stop playing their
session once they get bored and not once they get tired. Thus,
this may prevent them from using these controllers again. Our
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proposal aims to get players to sweat while playing. If one puts
more efforts in each move, then the outcome would be different
and shorter durations per session would make players get tired
and have better chance to get back and use the same setup
when play again.
Figure 3 shows another setup where players put greater
efforts in the moves.
Tacx has created a video game to link cycling around the
world and to offer a way to exercise at any time regardless to
the weather situation. Tacx has become a household name for
cyclists all over the world. They offered their customers Virtual
Reality trainers through software programs and cycling films a
unique experience in virtual worlds. They connect the bicycle
to a rotation speed sensor as well as sensors for the left and
right turnings. The cyclist then rides and starts playing or
exercising. However, the main objective behind this is to
exercise rather than play.
Finally, the closest to our proposal is Gamerunner [28]. It
was an attempt to exhaust the player using a treadmill as a
controller which was made available in February 2011. It was
yet another way to blend exercise and gaming. As seen in the
Figure 4, it was mounted by a joystick to control moving
directions and other gamming tools. The Gamerunner is a
person-powered treadmill that features 17 buttons and a
handlebar that can be turned for looking or moving.
Fig. 3. Tacx Virtual Reality Cycling
Fig. 4. Gamerunner
This paper proposes a controller that adopts the idea of
exhausting the player while playing a video game to avoid long
playing sessions; hence, neither reaching a state where the
player may start feeling bored, nor playing for long which may
lead to addiction.
We believe the presented earlier GameRunner is a good
choice; however, keeping the players hands on the mounted
handler all the time, is something that is not preferred by
players. This would unfortunately reduce the feeling of
excitement when playing the game; thus giving players more
reasons for not getting back to the same setup when playing
Considering the Call of Duty game, for instance, this paper
proposes modifications to the GameRunner in order to give the
player more of a feeling to the convergence of the real and the
virtual worlds. Keeping in mind that the player may sweat
while playing, the addiction becomes of a no concern when
playing video games.
The primary modification proposed is to make the fixed
handler portable, or at least to split it into two pieces: one that
is portable and another that is fixed. The portable handler could
be in the form of a wireless joystick or fake machine gun (in
case of a FPS, First Person Shooter, game) that includes few
buttons which are responsible for the most frequent commands,
such as Fire, Crouch, Stand, prone, and Jump as well as
Looking left or right. That way, the player will have his/her
hands off the treadmill and on the device that may resemble the
virtual device being carried in the game.
The proposal classifies the commands offered by the game
into three: Frequent, Motion based, and Optional. It distributes
these commands over three devices. The frequent commands,
such as those mentioned earlier, will be placed on the portable
handler (or machine gun). The treadmill will include the
motion based commands, such as Running, walking, and
moving left or right. While the optional (or least used)
commands such as Equipment and Inventory will be placed on
the fixed handler, or added to the portable handler, if fixed
handler is chosen not to exist. Moreover, the treadmill speed
triggers, such as to increase or reduce as well as to come to a
gradual full stop will be added to the frequent commands.
To implement the four Motion-based commands on the
treadmill, namely: Running, Walking, and Moving left or right,
first the rotation sensor similar to that used by Tacx will be
used to indicate Running and walking.
This will basically translate the motor speed to the
appropriate command based on a preset threshold. Second, for
moving right and left, two concave slim switches are installed
beneath the front sides of the rotating belt of the treadmill: one
under the right-front, and another under the left-front corners,
as shown in the Figure 5. Once a player steps on the center of
any of these two switches, it will indicate moving left or right.
Each right or left switch press will represent a number of
keystrokes used to control left or right movements depending
on its sequence number, up to a specific maximum value. If the
maximum is four, for instance, then the first step on a switch
will represent one keystroke; the second will represent two
keystrokes, and so on till either the switch is not stepped on it
for some time that is long enough to break the sequence or a
maximum of four keystrokes is reached. Breaking the sequence
will result in the sequence reset.
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Fig. 5. Similar to Gamerunner but with portable Handler
The portable handler, in turn, is similar to a wireless
keyboard providing the needed keystrokes to represent both
frequent and optional commands (which also could include the
right and left moving buttons, as alternatives to stepping on the
switches). For the mouse pointer, which is used to look left or
right, there are many ways to connect the portable handler with
a wireless Motion sensing air mouse, such as Measy RC11 [29]
or Flymouse Mouse [30]. We could also provide a webcam
and object motion tracker software to detect motion produced
by the head of the player or the tip of the portable handler. One
example of such software that is available as a freeware is
Camera Mouse 2013 [31]. A snapshot of the software settings
is shown in Figure 6. That way, if the player turns his/her head
left, the mouse will follow which consequently will be
perceived as a look-left command in the Call of Duty game.
Fig. 6. Camera Mouse 2013 setting screen shot
The paper has discussed the issue of games addiction that
many players may be suffering from. Such a phenomenon has
recently been bubbling up to the surface and becoming the
concern of not only parents but also the society. The paper
presented the symptoms that may appear on people who may
be addicted to games or are becoming ones, as well as the
possible injuries. The paper then drives the readers towards
discussing possible solutions to avoid such a problem. It then
focuses on one of these possible solutions by presenting the
available tools and devices that could be used within the
solution category. After discussing the drawback of them, it
proposes one that is believed to have overcome most of these
drawbacks, except one. The proposal of this paper suffers from
the same problem that most of the other pieces of gaming
exercise equipment have suffered: its size. With the advent of
more family friendly consoles, like the 360, that problem
would grow. However, self or parental control would then be
necessary to offer such a proposal as a way to allow players to
play without imposing any time control, yet with the
confidence that such a setup will lead to no addiction.
The author would like to acknowledge the financial support
received from Applied Science University that helped in
accomplishing the work of this article. He also would like to
acknowledge the time and feedback provided by his son,
Adam, who has helped him in verifying many of the issues as
well as the feasibility concerning the proposal.
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Segmentation of Ultrasound Breast Images using
Vector Neighborhood with Vector Sequencing on
KMCG and augmented KMCG algorithms
Senior professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering
Mumbai, India.
Pravin Shrinath
Ph.D. Scholar
Mumbai, India.
Abstract B mode ultrasound (US) imaging is popular and
important modality to examine the range of clinical problems and
also used as complimentary to the mammogram imaging to detect
and diagnose the nature breast tumor. To understand the nature
(benign or malignant) of the tumor most of the radiologists focus
on shape and boundary. Therefore boundary is as important
characteristic of the tumor along with the shape. Tracing the
contour manually is a time consuming and tedious task.
Automated and efficient segmentation method also helps
radiologists to understand and observe the volume of a tumor
(growth or shrinkage). Inherent artifact present in US images,
such as speckle, attenuation and shadows are major hurdles in
achieving proper segmentation. Along with these artifacts,
inhomogeneous texture present in the region of interest is also a
major concern. Most of the algorithms studies in the literature
include noise removal technique as a preprocessing step. Here in
this paper, we are eliminating this step and directly handling the
images with high degree of noise. VQ based clustering technique
is proposed for US image segmentation with KMCG and
augmented KMCG codebook generation algorithms. Using this
algorithm images are divided in to clusters, further these clusters
are merged sequentially. A novel technique of sequential cluster
merging with vector sequencing has been used. We have also
proposed a technique to find out the region of interest from the
selected cluster with seed vector acquisition.
Results obtained by our method are compared with our
earlier method and Marker Controlled Watershed transform.
With the opinion of the expert radiologist, we found that our
method gives better results.
Keywords codebook; seed vector; training set; vector
B-Mode ultrasound (US) imaging is widely used
diagnostic tool to examine the range of clinical problems
because of its real-time image availability, non invasive nature
and low cost of a scan. It has very low health risk to the
patient during examination and image acquisition process
relative to the other imaging modality [1, 2]. In the tissue
characterization of the breast, US imaging is a complimentary
method to the mammogram to distinguish between benign and
malignant solid masses [3, 4]. Usually a malignant tumor has
different characteristics, such as irregular shape, ill defined
margins and heterogeneous echo texture as compare to benign
tumor. Round or oval shape with well defined boundary of a
tumor is the most valuable information in the detection as
benign and can be used to reduce the number of biopsies
performed [5].
Segmentation of US images provides clinically valuable
information for radiologists in terms of shape irregularity,
boundary definition and quantitative measurement of lesion
size. The accurate measurement of a lesion is basically used to
monitor the tumor growth and also helps in treatment and
planning for surgery [6]. Due to the limitation of acquisition
process (dependence on expert radiologist) and technology,
detection and measuring the size of tumor manually is difficult
and time consuming process. However, with the improvement
in the scanning devices (transducers), the inherent artifacts,
such as speckle (which decrease signal-to-noise ratio),
attenuation, shadows and signal dropout degrades the quality
of the US images acquired. Many traditional segmentation
algorithms are not suitable for such poor quality images,
unless preprocessing steps to remove these artifacts has been
used [7]. The artifact such as attenuation, which is causes by
the gradual loss in the intensity of the ultrasound waves,
generates inhomogeneous intensities within the same tissue
type regions (i.e. tumor) and significant overlap between
different class tissues (i.e. at the boundary). Blurred boundary
and presence of tissue intensity variation in the region of
interest are major constraints to achieve accuracy in the
automated intensity based segmentation [8]. Some methods
are discussed in the literature which handles this issue with the
help of multiple images of the same region (sequence of
images), but the processing of multiple images together is
computationally inefficient [9, 10]. Other methods discussed
in the literature for segmentation and classification such as,
texture feature, thresholding [11,12], region growing and
region merging [13,14], neural network, wavelet and
watershed transform [15, 16], clustering [17, 18] etc, are
strongly influenced by these inherent artifacts and involves
steps to remove them to enhance the quality of images. The
most usual artifact in US images is speckle and its degree is
depends on human expertise, acquisition process and devices.
This phenomenon highly affects the accuracy of segmentation
and requires attention, so removal of noise has been
extensively studied by the researchers and provides solutions
[19-22]. Here, in this paper, we are demarking the boundary of
the tumor in high degree noisy and attenuated US images
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without involving any preprocessing (i.e. image enhancement)
step. We are proposing Vector Quantization (VQ) based
clustering with new computationally efficient codebook
generation algorithm [23], i.e. Kekres Median Codebook
Generation (KMCG) and augmented KMCG. Improved
method of cluster merging with vector neighborhood is
proposed on novel method of sequential merging of clusters
[24] and compared with each other.
The other sections of this paper are organized as follows,
in section II, vector quantization is discussed with encoding
technique and its usability in segmentation. In section III,
original VQ based KMCG codebook generation algorithm and
augmented KMCG are discussed along with training set
formation for horizontal and vertical division of the images. A
novel technique of vector neighborhood with vector
sequencing is described in section IV along with new
technique for closing the holes in the clusters. In section V
results are discussed followed by conclusion in section VI.
Vector Quantization (VQ) was initially developed and
implemented for image compression, with the help of many
codebook generation and quantization algorithms [25, 26, 27,
28], but now a days it has been extensively use in other
applications, such as image segmentation [29], speech
recognition [30], pattern recognition and face detection [31,
32], tumor demarcation in MRI and Mammogram images [33,
34], content based image retrieval [35, 36] etc. In this paper,
this method has been used as clustering aid in demarcation of
area of interest (cysts and tumor) in breast ultrasound images.
A two dimensional image I(X, Y) is converted into K
dimensional vector space of size M, V = {V
, V
, V
} (training set). VQ is used as a mapping function to
convert this K dimensional vector space to finite set CB = {C
, C
, C
,.., C
}. CB is a codebook of size N and each
code vector from C
to C
represents the specific set of vectors
of the entire training set of dimensions K and size M. The
codebook size is much smaller than size of the training set and
it can represent entire training set. Here, in this paper, the
work has been done in spatial domain and size of the
codebook is limited to only eight codevectors, which are
further used to forms eight clusters. As discussed in the
section III A and B, KMCG and augmented KMCG are used
as VQ based clustering algorithms and each cluster represents
different regions of the image.
A. Kekres Median Codebook Generation algorithm (KMCG)
This algorithm was proposed for data compression [37, 38,
39], but this VQ based algorithm, proved its potential and
usefulness in various applications, such as segmentation of
mammographic images[35], content based image retrieval,
face recognition etc. Here, in this paper, this iterative
algorithm has been explored for demarcation of tumor from
the breast US images.
Initially, Image I, is divided into M non-overlapping
blocks of size 2x2 and these blocks are further converted into
vectors of dimension 1 x K, (K=4) as shown in the Fig. 1(a).
Let, V be the training set, i.e. V = {V
, V
, V
,.., V
where V
to V
are individual vectors of the training set. This
entire training set (matrix) of dimension M x 4 is considered
as first cluster and become the input to the KMCG algorithm.
To divide this cluster further, during the first iteration of this
algorithm, entire training set has been sorted with respect to
first value of all vectors (i.e. first column) and obtained the
median of this sorted column. This median is consider as first
codevector, and then divide training set into two clusters with
respect to this codevector ,as shown in Fig. 1(b). (i.e upper
part including median is first cluster C1 and lower part is
second cluster C2). In second iteration, clusters C1 and C2 are
sorted separately with respect to second column (i.e. second
value of all the vectors) of the training set and obtain the
medians of C1 and C2. Further, cluster C1 and C2 are divided
into four clusters by using these new medians, as shown in
Fig. 1(c). Same procedure has been repeated till we obtained
the desired number of clusters. In Fig. 1, cluster formations are
shown up to second iteration with k = 4. After acquiring
desired number of clusters, they are merged together
sequentially as discussed in section IV.
. . .
. . .
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 1. Clustering Using KMCG Algoritm (A) Entire Training Set Of Size M
X K (K=4) Obtained From Image. (B) Clusters C1 And C2 Obtained After
First Iteration W.R.T. First Column Shown By Arrow. (C) Four Cluster
Ontainned From C1 And C2 W.R.T. Second Column.
B. Augmented KMCG
KMCG algorithm has been augmented, to decrease the
time require in the clustering process. In this method, vector
size is increased to 6 columns, in which last four columns are
used to store original gray levels obtained from 2 x 2 blocks of
the image. Further, averages of each of these blocks are done
separately and stored at the second column in the respective
vectors. At the first column, sequence number of the
respective vectors has been stored. Eventually, the size of
the entire training set used for this method becomes M x 6.
Therefore, unlike the original KMCG, sorting process is done
only once on the second column and accordingly vectors of
the entire training set are shuffled by keeping vector intact (i.e.
vectors are arranged in the increasing order of their average
values stored at second column). To make clusters, during the
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process median value is obtained from the second column and
entire training set is divided into two clusters. Further, these
two clusters are handled separately and obtained median value
from each of them from the same column. These median
values further divides two clusters into four. This process is
repeated until desired number of cluster has been formed.
Since sorting process is applied only once on the second
column (i.e. column of average gray values of the block), time
require for clustering is drastically reduced as compared to
original KMCG algorithm.
C. Training set formation with vector sequencing
Original KMCG and augmented KMCG algorithms are
used to form clusters from the training set. Here, in this paper,
two separate training sets are formed for each codebook
generation algorithms, Fig. 2 shows training set used for
augmented KMCG algorithm. First training set is created by
dividing image I (X,Y) into 2x2 non overlapping blocks
horizontally and sequence number of these blocks are added at
the first location of respective vectors as the vector number as
shown in Fig. 2, therefore, first column of the training set
contains vector sequence number. Similarly, same image is
divided into non overlapping blocks vertically and forms the
second training set by adding sequence number of blocks at
the first column of the vector. Same procedure has been
followed to create two training sets for original KMCG
algorithm, except calculation of average gray levels.
Therefore, size of these training sets becomes M x 5 and
clusters are created according to the method discussed in
section III. A.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Original image, divided horizontaly into M nonoverlaping blocks
shown by red boxes. i.e. B1, B2, ., BM and stored at Last four column of the
respective vector. (b) Training set generated from Image shown in (a), where,
first column indicates sequence number of the block used as Vector Sequence
Number (VSN), Second column Indicates Average Gray Lavels (AGL)
calculated from Image Gray Levels (IGL) shown in last four column.
A. Sequential cluster merging
As discussed in section III. C, pair of separate training sets
is used for each codebook generation algorithms to make
clusters. Initially, first training set (i.e. formed by horizontal
division of image) from the pair is divided in to eight clusters
using code book generation algorithms, similarly second
training set (i.e. formed by vertical division of image) divided
in to another set of eight clusters by same algorithm. So pair of
similar clusters is obtained for each algorithm. Fig. 4,
shows cluster images obtained using KMCG algorithm. Fig.
5, shows cluster images obtained using augmented KMCG.
These two sets of clusters are handled separately in
segmentation process. Further these clusters are merged
sequentially one-by-one and forms new sets of merged
clusters. As shown in the Fig. 6, first cluster is added with
second, resultant clusters is then added with third and resultant
third cluster added with fourth and so on. Similarly clusters
obtained by augmented KMCG are merged and shown in Fig.
B. Seed vector and exploration of clusters with horizontal
and vertical sequencing
Images are divided horizontally and vertically into blocks
and sequence of these blocks are used as vector sequence
number (VSN) and added to the first column of the training
set. After making eight clusters for these training sets, first
cluster has been sorted by its vector sequence number (i.e. first
column) and accordingly vectors are shuffled. Further median
is acquired from the first column of the training set and vector
which contains this median value is considered as seed vector
as shown in Fig. 3. In most of the ultrasound images, gray
level distribution is inhomogeneous but the pixels with lower
gray value are concentrated at region of interest. Therefore
after clustering, usually these gray levels are components of
the first cluster in the form of vectors. Due to these
characteristics of image, mostly seed vector obtained from the
first cluster falls in the region of interest Therefore sequence
number of the seed vector is used to gather neighboring
vectors in the cluster. All the vectors in the cluster are
searched with respect to sequence values of seed vector.
Searching is done in both, right hand side and left hand side of
the seed vector. Since cluster is in sorted order with respect to
sequence number, it searches vectors only for consecutive
sequence number, if any interlude occurs in between, it stops
searching and marked all searched vectors as found and this
vector line is considered as seed vector line as shown in Fig.
3. Obtained new seed vector by adding sequence number of
the first seed vector with number of vectors present
horizontally in the row (i.e. X/2). To explore other vectors in
the region of interest, first this new vector is checked whether
it is present or not in the cluster by using equation 1. If this
new vector is present in the cluster then second line has been
explored, this process is repeated and lines are explored and
lower region is grown from the region of interest. Same
procedure is repeated to explore the upper part of the original
seed vector line, only difference is, instead of addition,
subtraction is used to obtained new seed vector (sequence
number of the original seed vector is subtracted from number
of vectors present horizontally in the row). Furthermore all
marked vectors from these clusters are preserved and other
vectors are removed. As shown in the Fig. 3 vectors which
are representing noise are removed from the cluster, since they
are not the neighbors of the seed vectors and this new cluster
is converted to the original size image as shown in the Fig. 8
(a). Similar procedure is followed to explore the cluster with
vertical sequencing, except addition and subtraction of value
(i.e. Y/2) is done with the vector sequence number every time
to get the new seed vector. With addition of this value, right
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hand side region is explored and with subtraction left hand
side of the region is explored. This exploration has been stop
similarly when newly generated vector does not present in the
cluster. Cluster image for vertical indexing is shown in Fig.
10 (a). Same procedure is applied for second merged cluster
and third merged cluster after closing the opening as per
discussed in the section IV C and cluster images are formed.
Fig. 3. Image Of First Cluster, Used To Obtain Seed Vector And Generate
Seed Vector Line. This Seed Vector Further Used To Acquire Region Of
Interest (ROI) By Vector Neighborhood With Vector Sequence Number.
C. Closing the opening of clusters
As discussed in the section IV-A, clusters are merged
together one-by-one and sets of eight merged clusters are
obtained for both horizontal and vertical sequencing. From
this set desired merged cluster has been selected for closing
the opening (Break in the sequence number of vector as shown
in the Fig. 3. These vectors are not present in the cluster but
they are part of region of interest). Here in this paper we
proposed new technique to close the opening directly on
cluster rather on cluster images. Here we select the certain
threshold value, which indicates the number of vectors. Then
selected cluster has been sorted with respect to its sequence
number. This sorted cluster has been traversed sequentially
from the first vector, if any consecutive interlude occur with
respect to sequence number and it is less than or equal to
threshold value then that many number of vector are added to
the cluster with zero gray level. Sequence number of first
newly added vector is stared from sequence number of the
vector where the interlude has started plus one. After closing
the opening of these clusters, they are converted into images
of original size as shown in Fig. 8(c) and Fig. 10(c). for
horizontal and vertical sequencing respectively.
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Cluster 5
Cluster 6
Cluster 7
Cluster 8
Fig. 4. Eight Cluster Images Obtained Using Original KMCG Algorithm For
Dimension K= 4. Cluster Images Obtained For Both Horizontal And Vertical
Division Of Image Are Same.
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Cluster 5
Cluster 6
Cluster 7
Cluster 8
Fig. 5. Eight Cluster Images Obtained Using Augmented KMCG Algorithm
For Dimension K= 4. Cluster Images Obtained For Both Horizontal And
Vertical Division Of Image Are Same.
Fig. 6. Eight Sequentialy Merged Clusters Images Obtained From Clusters
Shown In Fig. 4 Using KMCG For Both Horizontal And Vertical Division
Fig. 7. Eight Sequentialy Merged Clusters Images Obtained From Clusters
Shown In Fig. 5 Using Augmented KMCG For Both Horizontal And
Vertical Division
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Fig. 8. Images Obtained From The Merged Clusters For Horizonatl
Direction Shown In Fig. 6 (A) Image Obtained From The First Cluster
Generated By Using Seed Vector. (B) Image Obtained From Second Merged
Cluster Generated By Using Same Seed Vector Acquired From First Cluster.
(C) Image Obtained From Third Merged Cluster After Closing The Holes.
(D) Image Obtained From Third Cluster Shown In Fig. 8(C) By Using
Same Seed Vector
Fig. 9. Resultant Images Obtained By KMCG Algorithm With Horizontal
Division (A) Image Obtained By Merging Cluster Images Shown In Fig. 8
(A),(B) And (D) (B) Segmented Resultant Image (C) Original Breast US
Image With Tumor At The Center, Marked By Radiologist (D) Superimposed
Fig. 10. Images Obtained From The Merged Clusters For Vertical Direction
Shown In Fig. 6 (A) Image Obtained From The First Cluster Generated By
Using Seed Vector. (B) Image Obtained From Second Merged Cluster
Generated By Using Same Seed Vector Aquired From First Cluster. (C)
Image Obtained From Third Merged Cluster After Closing The Holes. (D)
Image Obtained From Third Cluster Shown In Fig. 10(C) By Using Same
Seed Vector.
Fig. 11. Resultant Images Obtained By KMCG Algorithm With Vertical
Division Of Orignal Image. (A) Image Obtained By Merging Cluster Images
Shown In Fig. 10 (A),(B) And (D). (B) Segmented Resultant Image (C)
Original Breast US Image With Tumor At The Center, Marked By Radiologist
(D) Superimposed Image.
Fig. 12. Images Obtained From The Merged Clusters For Horizonatl
Direction Shown In Fig. 7. (A) Image Obtained From The First Cluster
Generated By Using Selected Seed Vector. (B) Image Obtained From Second
Merged Cluster Generated By Using Same Seed Vector Selected From First
Cluster. (C) Image obtained from third merged cluster after closing the holes.
(d) Image obtained from third cluster shown in Fig. 12.(c) by selecting same
seed vector
Fig. 13. Resultant Images Obtained By Augmented KMCG Algorithm With
Horizontal Division Of Orignal Image. (A) Image Obtained By Merging
Cluster Images Shown In Fig. 12 (A),(B) And (D). (B) Segmented
Resultant Image (C) Original Breast US Image With Tumor At The Center,
Marked By Radiologist (D) Superimposed Image
Fig. 14. Images Obtained From The Merged Clusters For Vertical Direction
Shown In Fig. 7. (A) Image Obtained From The First Cluster Generated
By Selecting Seed Vector. (B) Image Obtained From Second Merged Cluster
Generated By Using Same Seed Vector Selected From First Cluster. (C)
Image Obtained From Third Merged Cluster After Closing The Holes. (D)
Image Obtained From Third Cluster Shown In Fig. 14.(C) By Selecting
Same Seed Vector.
Fig. 15. Resultant Images Obtained By Augmented KMCG Algorithm With
Vertical Division Of Orignal Image. (A) Image Obtained By Merging Cluster
Images Shown In Fig. 14 (A),(B) And (D). (B) Segmented Resultant
Image (C) Original Breast US Image With Tumor At The Center, Marked By
Radiologist (D) Superimposed Image
Fig. 16. Segementation Results Obtained By KMCG Algorithm & Augmented
KMCG Algorithm. (A) Image Obtained By Taking INTERSECTION Of
Cluster Images Shown In Fig. 9.(B) With Cluster Image Shown In Fig.
11.(B) (Using KMCG) (B) Segmentation Results Superimposed On
Original Image. (C) Image Obtained By Taking INTERSECTION Of Cluster
Image Shown In Fig. 13.(B) With Cluster Image Shown In Fig. 15.(B)
(Using Augmented KMCG). (D) Superimposed Image.
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Fig. 17. Results Comparison (A) Results Of Marker Controlled Watershed
Algorithm (B) Results By VQ Based Clustering [24] (C) Result By Our
Method Shown In Fig. 16.(B). (D) Results By Our Method Shown In Fig.
Fig. 18. Resultant Images Obtained By KMCG Algorithm With Horizontal
And Vertical Division Of Orignal Image. (A) Segmented Image Obtained By
Horizontal Division. (B) Superimposed Image (C) Segmented Image
Obtained By Vertical Division. (D) Superimposed Image
Fig. 19. Resultant Images Obtained By Augmented KMCG Algorithm With
Horizontal And Vertical Division Of Orignal Image. (A) Segmented Image
Obtained By Horizontal Division. (B) Superimposed Image (C) Segmented
Image Obtained By Vertical Direction. (D) Superimposed Image
Fig. 20. Resultant Images Obtained By Taking INTERSECTION Of Two
Images. (A) Image Obtained By INTERSECTION Of Images Shown In Fig.
18.(A) And 18 (C). (B) Superimposed Image. (C) Image Obtained By
INTERSECTION Of Images Shown In Fig. 19.(A) And 19 (C). (D)
Superimposed Image
Fig. 21. Results Comparison (A) Results Of Marker Controlled Watershed
Transform (B) Results By VQ Based Clustering [24] (C) Result By Our
Method Shown In Fig. 20.(B). (D) Results By Our Method Shown In Fig.
Fig. 22. Resultant Images Obtained By KMCG Algorithm With Horizontal
And Vertical Division Of Orignal Image. (A) Segmented Image Obtained By
Horizontal Division. (B) Superimposed Image (C) Segmented Image
Obtained By Vertical Division. (D) Superimposed Image
Fig. 23. Resultant Images obtained by augmented KMCG algorithm with
Horizontal and Vertical division of orignal image. (a) Segmented image
obtained by Horizontal division. (b) Superimposed image (c) Segmented
image obtained by Vertical division. (d) Superimposed image
Fig. 24. Resultant Images Obtained By Taking INTERSECTION Of Two
Images. (A) Image Obtained By INTERSECTION Of Images Shown In Fig.
22.(A) And 22 (C). (B) Superimposed Image. (C) Image Obtained By
INTERSECTION Of Images Shown In Fig. 23.(A) And 23.(C). (D)
Superimposed Image
Fig. 25. Results comparison (a) Results of Marker Controlled Watershed
transform (b) Results by VQ based clustering [24] (c) Result by our method,
shown in Fig. 24. (b). (d) Results by our method, shown in Fig. 24. (d).
Fig. 26. Resultant Images Obtained By KMCG Algorithm With Horizontal
And Vertical Division Of Orignal Image. (A) Segmented Image Obtained By
Horizontal Division. (B) Superimposed Image (C) Segmented Image
Obtained By Vertical Division. (D) Superimposed Image
Fig. 27. Resultant Images Obtained By Augmented KMCG Algorithm With
Horizontal And Vertical Division Of Orignal Image. (A) Segmented Image
Obtained By Horizontal Division. (B) Superimposed Image (C) Segmented
Image Obtained By Vertical Division. (D) Superimposed Image
Fig. 28. Resultant Images Obtained By Taking INTERSECTION Of Two
Images. (A) Image Obtained By INTERSECTION Of Images Shown In Fig.
26.(A) And 26 (C). (B) Superimposed Image. (C) Image Obtained By
INTERSECTION Of Images Shown In Fig. 27.(A) And 27.(C). (D)
Superimposed Image
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Fig. 29. Results Comparison (A) Results Of Marker Controlled Watershed
Transform (B) Results By VQ Based Clustering [24] (C) Result By Our
Method, Shown In Fig. 28.(B). (D) Results By Our Method, Shown In
Fig. 28.(D).
Here, in this paper, KMCG and augmented KMCG
codebook generation algorithms are implemented for
clustering process and further improved cluster merging
technique is used to get final segmentation results. These
methods are tested on real US images, using MATLAB 7.0
and Intel Core2 Duo 2.20GHz processor with 1 GB RAM.
Results of four different images are shown.
Using these algorithms, sets of clusters and merged
clusters are obtained, for different images. But complete result
(results of each and every stage) is displayed only for one
image shown in Fig. 9(c) and for other original images final
segmented results are shown directly. All the results are
validated by expert radiologists with visual inspection. Final
results are compared with other techniques such as Marker
Controlled Watershed transform and our other method [24].
Our results are compared with other methods results as shown
in the Fig. 17, Fig. 21, Fig. 25 and Fig. 29 and best
results are shown by red box drawn around the image. Marker
controlled watershed transforms gives over segmentation and
other method discussed in [24], boundary is not clear around
the tumor.
VQ based, KMCG and augmented KMCG algorithms are
used for clustering and further it has been used to segment the
ultrasound breast images. Here we used training set of size
Mx5 and Mx6 for KMCG and augmented KMCG
respectively. Since augmented KMCG algorithm requires
sorting only once, it is computationally efficient than KMCG
and on the basis of visual inspection by expert radiologist, it
also having better segmentation results. Here in this paper we
used vector indexing in the cluster formation process, which
further helps to get the seed vector to grow the region of
interest. Some images contains inhomogeneous texture within
the tumor region, due to this openings may exist. This
openings affects the accuracy of the segmentation, therefore
we developed a new technique for closing. This technique is
implemented directly on the clusters rather than cluster
Ultrasound images probably have smooth texture at the
region of interest but course texture at the boundary of the
normal tissue region and defected tissue region. Therefore
tracing the boundary around the area of region is not remains a
trivial task. Here in this paper we use US images with strong
attenuation and high degree of noise without using any
preprocessing task, because during preprocessing step,
important information from the image could be lost. Our
method focused on the computational efficiency as well as
accuracy of the segmentation. Results are compared with the
recently developed marker control watershed transform and
our newly developed method [24]. With the help of visual
inspection and opinion of the expert radiologists, it is found
that our results are improved and accurate
The authors would like to thank Dr. Wrushali More, Dr.
Mushtak and Dr. Anita Sable for their valuable guidance and
suggestions to understand the nature and shape of the tumor in
ultrasound images and validity of the segmentation results
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Dr. H. B. Kekre has received B.E. (Hons.) in Telecomm. Engineering.
from Jabalpur University in 1958, M.Tech (Industrial Electronics) from IIT
Bombay in 1960, M.S.Engg. (Electrical Engg.) from University of Ottawa in
1965 and Ph.D. (System Identification) from IIT Bombay in 1970 He has
worked as Faculty of Electrical Engg. and then HOD Computer Science and
Engg. at IIT Bombay. For 13 years he was working as a professor and head in
the Department of Computer Engg. at Thadomal Shahani Engineering.
College, Mumbai. Now he is Senior Professor at MPSTME, SVKMs NMIMS
University. He has guided 17 Ph.Ds, more than 100 M.E./M.Tech and several
B.E./ B.Tech projects. His areas of interest are Digital Signal processing,
Image Processing and Computer Networking. He has more than 450 papers in
National / International Conferences and Journals to his credit. He was Senior
Member of IEEE. Presently He is Fellow of IETE and Life Member of ISTE.
13 Research Papers published under his guidance have received best paper
awards. Recently 5 research scholars have been conferred Ph. D. by NMIMS
University. Currently 07 research scholars are pursuing Ph.D. program under
his guidance.
Mr. Pravin Shrinath has received B.E. (Computer science and
Engineering) degree from Amravati University in 2000. He has done Masters
in computer Engineering in 2008. Currently pursuing Ph.D. from Mukesh
Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering, NMIMS University,
Vile Parle (w), Mumbai. He has more than 10 years of teaching experience
and currently working as Associate Professor in Computer Engineering
Department, MPSTME.
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100 | P a g e
An Improved Scheme on Morphological Image
Segmentation Using the Gradients
Pinaki Pratim Acharjya
Assistant Professor, CSE dept
BITM, Santiniketan,
Bolpur, West Bengal
Santanu Santra
Assistant Professor, CSE dept
BITM, Santiniketan,
Bolpur, West Bengal
Dibyendu Ghoshal
Associate Professor, ECE dept
National Institute of Technology
Agartala, Tripura
Abstract An improved scheme for contour detection with
better performance measure has been proposed. It is based on
the response of human visual system during visualization of any
type of an image. The scheme consisted of two parts namely to
find the edge of the image by using the modified mask of
Laplacian of Gaussian edge operator and subsequent modulation
of the edge by using watershed algorithm. The method has been
applied to a digital image and better performance measure of
contour detection has been achieved.
Keywords Contour detection; gradients; watershed algorithm.
Contour detection [1-3] in real life images is a major
problem to enable them for subsequent processing by
machines. Contours are salient coarse edge which belongs to
object and image boundaries in the image. Saliency of an edge
is a subjective matter [4] and the perception about the contour
of an image varies from one human being to another one.
Contours are sparser than the edges of an image as detected by
various edge detector operators [2] and following various
lower and upper threshold values for edge detection. Thus, it
can be apprehended that contour map is an efficient
representation of an image as it possesses only salient
information and thus provide more valuable information for
high level computer vision and recognition tasks. Hence
design of improved contour detection scheme is gaining
gradual importance.
To perform image segmentation and edge detection tasks,
there are many detection techniques [13-22]. Among them in
mathematical morphology watershed algorithm using
gradients is a popular one. The initial stage of this
segmentation [4-7] method is to produce a gradient image
from the actual image. It has been observed that the use of
standard 5x5 mask of Laplacian of Gaussian edge detector for
image segmentation does not also solve the main problem
associated with the watershed transform: over-segmentation.
In this paper a modified scheme of Laplacian of Gaussian
operator with 9x9 mask for generating gradient images is
proposed and produces greater accuracy and lesser over
segmentation [5-6] in edge detection with subsequent
modulation of the edge by using watershed algorithm. The
entropy which is a statistical measure of randomness that can
be used to characterize the texture of the input image is
studied along with peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), mean
square ratio (MSE) and execution times are also studied in this
The structure of this work is the following: Section 2
introduces conventional Laplacian of Gaussian edge detection
operator for gradient images. Section 3 presents a brief
description on gradients. Section 4 and 5 is devoted to the
segmentation process for edge detection using watershed
algorithm. Section 6 presents the proposed scheme of
modified Laplacian of Gaussian moderator with9x9 mask. The
results are discussed in section 7 and we nish this paper with
some concluding remarks with section 8.
This detector finds edges by looking for zero crossings
after filtering f(x, y) with a Laplacian of Gaussian filter. In this
method, the Gaussian filtering is combined with Laplacian to
break down the image where the intensity varies to detect the
edges effectively. It finds the correct place of edges and
testing wider area around the pixel. It have been observed and
studied that the standard mask of Laplacian of Gaussian edge
detector of 5x5mask can be modified and the scheme can be
improved for generating masks of arbitrary size for gradient
images for more accurate detections of object edges in a
digital image. A 5x5 mask LOG filter has been shown in
In contrast to classical area based segmentation, the
watershed transform [2] was executed on the gradient image.
A morphological gradient is the difference between the
dilation and the erosion of a given image in mathematical
morphology and digital image processing. It is an image
where each pixel value (typically non- negative) indicates the
contrast intensity in the close neighborhood of that pixel.
The morphological gradient m of a function f is defined
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Where, is the dilation of f at the
point x and is the erosion of f and S
would be the detection of obstacles but the main problem is
structuring element applied on image.
Fig. 1. Watershed segmentation-local minima yield catchment basins; local
maxima define the watershed lines.
Watershed algorithm is a tool for morphological image
segmentation. A gray scale image can be interpreted as the
topographic image of landscape. This is accomplished (the
image intensity) as an altitude. Using the features of these
images, the technique of digital image processing called
Watershed Transform. It consists in placing a water source in
each regional minimum (catchment basins), to flood the relief
from sources, and build barriers when different sources are
meeting. The resulting set of barriers constitutes a watershed
by flooding, i.e., the set of pixels along which the gray levels
changes sharply gives rise to a watershed edge.
Assume, M
where i= 1 to n be the set of coordinates
points in the regional minima (catchment basins), of the
image P(x,y) and C(M
) be the coordinates points of catchment
basins associated with the regional minima M
T[n] = set of points in P(x,y) which are lying below the
plane p(x,y) = n
min, max = minimum or maximum gray level value.
n = stage of flooding varies from min + 1 to max + 1
Let C
) be the set of points in
the catchment basin
associated with M
that are flooded at stage n.
C[n] is the union of flooded catchment basin portions at the
stage n.
If the algorithm keeps on increasing flooding level then
) and T[n] will either remain constant or increase.
Algorithm initializes , and then
precedes recursively by assuming that at step n C [n - 1] has
been constructed.
Let, G is a set of connected components in T[n] and for
each connected component g G[n], there possibilities will
1. g C[n - 1] is empty.
2. g C[n - 1] contains one connected component of C[n
- 1].
3. g C[n - 1] contains more than one connected component
of C[n - 1].
In proposed scheme a modified 9x9 mask of Laplacian of
Gaussian operator has been presented. After large number of
trials using masks of larger dimensions, the size of the optimal
mask was obtained and found to have 9x9 in dimensions. The
modified mask is shown here.
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 3 4 4 4 3 1 0
0 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 0
1 4 2 -8 -14 -8 2 4 1
1 4 2 -14 -30 -14 2 4 1
1 4 2 -8 -14 -8 2 4 1
0 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 0
0 1 3 4 4 4 3 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
The flowchart of the proposed scheme is given in below.
In initial stage a color image is converted into gray scale or
black and white image. The gradient image is accrued from
the grayscale image with the help of proposed modified mask
of Laplacian of Gaussian edge detection operator. Finally the
watershed algorithm is applied to detect the edges of the
different objects within the image.
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Fig. 2. Grayscale image.
Fig. 3. Average.
Fig. 4. Disk.
Fig. 5. Gaussian.
Fig. 6. Laplacian.
Fig. 7. Log.
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Fig. 8. Motion.
Fig. 9. Prewitt.
Fig. 10. Sobel.
The proposed approach is applied on a natural image and
shown in from figure 2 to figure 12 respectively. Figure 2
shows the original image. Figure 3 to figure 11 illustrates the
segmented images with watershed algorithm using different
gradient operators like Average, Disk, Gaussian, Laplacian,
Laplacian of Gaussian , Motion, Prewitt, Sobel and Unsharp.
The segmented image using watershed algorithm with
proposed scheme which is a modified 9x9 mask of Laplacian
of Gaussian operator is shown in figure 12. We obtained
output images that consist of all edge information and
regions about the objects of input image.
Fig. 11. Unsharp.
Fig. 12. Proposed scheme with modified 9x9 mask .
It have been observed by comparing the resultant images
that the segmented images with watershed algorithm using
conventional edge detection operators (figure 3 to figure 11)
produces over segmentation and also the edges in the images
are not very sharp. However the segmented image obtained by
using the proposed scheme produces much better, accurate
and sharp edges of different objects with less over
segmentation. Statistical measurements of different segmented
images are shown in table 1.
The entropies of the final segmented images using
watershed algorithm through different edge detectors with
watershed algorithm using gradients and the proposed scheme
with modified log filter having 9x9 mask have been calculated
and the values have been shown in the table 1.
The present work introduced the concept of edge detection
with gradients and has used it to produce an effective
watershed segmentation technique for natural images. The
resultant image with the proposed scheme produces much
higher accuracy to detect object edges compared with the
other segmented images that is obtained by applying
watershed algorithm using different edge detection operators
for generating gradients images. Additionally, an improved
scheme on morphological image segmentation with gradients
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has been implemented for better and accurate edge detection
counteracts the problem of over-segmentation.
Watershed with average 2.5884 6.4471 14736
Watershed with disk 2.2669 5.7638 17246
Watershed with Gaussian 2.5808 6.8883 1 3312
Watershed with Laplacian 2.5519 7.0469 12835
Watershed with Laplacian of
2.5527 7.2787 12168
Watershed with Motion 2.5506 7.1162 12632
Watershed with Prewitt 2.5752 7.2311 12302
Watershed with Sobel 2.5662 7.2124 12355
Watershed with Unsharp 2.5166 7.9300 10473
Watershed with proposed
modified mask
2.5910 6.8776 13345
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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105 | P a g e
Coordinated Resource Management Models in
Hierarchical Systems
Gabsi Mounir
Department of Computer Sciences,
Higher Institute of Technological
Studies, Nabeul,Tunisia
Rekik Ali
Department of Computer Sciences,
Higher Institute of Technological
Studies, Sfax,Tunisia
Temani Moncef
University of Tunis, LI3 Laboratory,
AbstractIn response to the trend of efficient global
economy, constructing a global logistic model has garnered much
attention from the industry .Location selection is an important
issue for those international companies that are interested in
building a global logistics management system.
Infrastructure in Developing Countries are based on the use of
both classical and modern control technology, for which the most
important components are professional levels of structure
knowledge, dynamics and management processes, threats and
interference and external and internal attacks. The problem of
control flows of energy and materials resources in local and
regional structures in normal and marginal, emergency operation
provoked information attacks or threats on failure flows are
further relevant especially when considering the low level of
professional ,psychological and cognitive training of operational
personnel manager. Logistics Strategies include the business
goals requirements, allowable decisions tactics, and vision
for designing and operating a logistics system .In this paper
described the selection module coordinating flow management
strategies based on the use of resources and logistics systems
Key-words- Strategy models; logistic system; resources
management; optimisation; routing; transport
Large distributed real-time embedded systems [1] are often
designed with static resource management strategies and
tailored for specic goals or missions. These rigid resource
allocation strategies are incapable of adapting to changing
system goals, resource levels and operating environments.
This inability to adapt can cause systems to fail to meet the
end-to-end quality of service requirements when conditions
change. Strategic management [2] often entails identifying the
organizations mission, vision, goals, policies, plans, projects
and programs. It also involves defining and allocating
resources to manage the organization. Strategic management is
also described as an on-going process of assessing, and
managing the business [3],watching competitors; reassessing
each business regularly and determining the best way to make
it succeed.
More effective approach[4], based on the concept of
intelligent control, which includes the following components:
- Receiving and processing data from the objects of
measurement system;
- Recognition situation in the state space object
discrimination and classification;
- Construction of decision tree splitting at the alternative
target of the state space systems under the strategy
achieving ;
- Logic circuit, the team executive management
mechanisms under tactics ;
- Tracking the path system and forecast of possible
- Optimization and adaptation strategies goal-oriented
The Company systems are characterised by central
planning and control methods, which shows a wide range of
weaknesses and cannot fulfil these demands. Conventional
planning and control methods are based on simplified
premises (predictable throughput times, fix processing times
etc.), which lead to an inadequate and unrealistic description
of the production system. In case of disturbances or fluctuating
demand, centralised planning and control methods are
insufficient to deal with the complexity of centralised systems.
And this rises disproportionately to their size and heavily
constrains the fault tolerance and the flexibility of the overall
system. These weaknesses of conventional logistic planning
and control systems require a fundamental reorganisation.
Recently in scientific research the concept of autonomously
controlled logistics systems as an innovative approach of a
decentralised planning and control system is investigated,
which meets the increasing requirements of a flexible and
efficient order processing. To establish the logistic concept of
autonomous control, adequate modelling methods are needed
systematic models optimization strategy, coordination strategy
which allows an exact description of autonomously controlled
logistics processes.
Consider the diagram of the performance criteria process
formation [5] based on the conception of logistics (Fig .1), as a
strategic management function based on logistic criteria,
which they are founded on:
- Growth effect through changing the goals.
- growth effect through optimization strategies;
- changing logistics management structure of production
and transport structure (PTS);
- rational restructuring components of the logistics
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- optimization of logistic functions, processes, method of
action according to plans and tactics of behavior,
terminal time execution of orders;
- Changing management principles, systematic changes
in the structure of production, logistics optimization
procedures, information provision of decision making
based DSS.
- formulate strategies achieving the goal (local and
- decomposition strategies tactics and action plans to
control the flow of resources (material, energy,
- implementation of strategies and tactics through system
control commands;
- Control of facilities management before and after the
control action.
- Prognosis situations scenarios based of events.
- Forming logistics strategic goals.
Fig 1. Scheme of formation of management under quality criteria and
selection strategies
Extension and complexity of hierarchical structures have
created a number of logistical, resource, information,
knowledge training, psychological and cognitive problems that
lead to disorientation commands and false solutions,
respectively, leading to the collapse of the system, crises,
accidents, disasters, technological and managerial nature.
The effectiveness of the system strategies based on:
- optimizing the hierarchical structure according to
- optimization of strategic reserves by local plans and
- Adaptation and optimization algorithms for processing
data streams in the system feedback and hierarchical
levels of data exchange;
- systematic evaluation functions, resources cost
optimization , personnel, information resources;
- formation of coordination strategies on the upper level
and the optimal strategies that connect all levels of the
- synthesis management strategies according to criteria
of quality and minimize costs;
All these approaches to optimal resource management
systems are based on the system analysis of quantitative and
qualitative indicators functioning of all hierarchy levels,
integrating management programs, improving the structure
and management strategy.
Systematic approach to formulate strategies characterized
- main strategy is related with functional all levels of the
- Strategy connects all levels of the hierarchy and all
business sectors;
Accordingly is formed procedure decomposition of global
strategy at local target selection by the management team [5]:
- integration strategy functions processes at all levels of
the hierarchy;
- strategy of consolidating resources;
- strategies to minimize inventory and maximize the
production and services;
- strategy to reduce the production cycle;
- strategy of differentiating service flow of orders;
- strategy cooperation in the logistics chain;
- logistics strategy, research, information and
knowledge oriented innovation;
- Logistics outsourcing strategy.
For specifics transport resource transportation should
consider such as [6]:
- backup strategy and calculation of transportation;
- Strategic logistics planning and supply chain ;
- development of information and telecommunication
systems, navigation routes of control in normal and
emergency situations;
- Strategy to Synchronized Resource Planning or Flow
Planning (MRPIII).
Development of crisis at present, functioning of industrial
and socio-administrative structures indicates poor performance
management strategies in both the global and the local scales.
Information can add value to your products and services.
Improved information flows can improve the quality of
decision making and internal operations. Yet, many managers
do not fully understand the real impact of information - the
cost of a lost opportunity, of a poor product and of a strategic
mistake - all risks that can be reduced using the appropriate
Accordingly, it is necessary to identify components of
influence in decision-making information and cognitive
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- Insufficient training of personnel manager, which leads
to misunderstanding content change scenarios of events
and incorrect actions.
- inability to clearly logically build tactics and action
plans under stress, crisis and conflicting situations;
- global and local goals conflict and strategies for their
- mobilization of intellectual and information resources
through coordination management strategies at all
levels of the hierarchy;
- Ability to identify critical signs of crisis.
Formulation and subsequent implementation of
coordination and sourcing agreement require appropriate
conditions [1, 7], which include:
- Availability of local and global strategy at all levels of
the hierarchy and executions;
- changes in the structure of production and
transportation systems by logistics strategies;
- vertical integration of logistics;
- systematic structuring of resource flows and
assessment of their dynamics and control;
- compliance information systems processing data flow
dynamics and dynamic situations in the system with the
aim of forming correct states of the situations in the
state space, target, terminal;
- compliance management strategies tools and hardware
and software management system processes in MTC;
- Availability of suitably qualified personnel and mental
- presence of a strong base professional and fundamental
- A computer system supporting decision-making ;
- Integration of computer software logistics processes
and automated process control based <MRP, DRP,
EDI> and <CAD, CAM, CIM, ACU>;
- System integration processes for data collection at all
levels of the hierarchy and displayed in 3D-space
multimedia center operational management resource
General functions of logistics information while preparing
control solutions [15]:
- organizing a network of communication between
customers, suppliers and MTC;
- planning operations by tactics and strategy;
- Coordination of logistics;
- monitoring of resource flows;
- control of orders;
- monitoring of external systems and evaluation of
dynamic situations;
Under this approach, provides effective solutions suitable
to the market situations and resources capable of withstanding
crises and information attacks and ground creating information
networks for the exchange of data flows in the hierarchy of the
system and its environment.
To integrate in this, information systems must comply with the
principles of [10]:
- coordination of hardware and software modules;
- synthesis ICS based deployment phases;
- coordination places docking telecommunication and
computer networks;
- providing structural flexibility of the information
system in AMS;
- principle of access to information dialogue rules-based
- harmonization of methods and means of data packets
- Information coordination of local and strategic data
- Openness functioning ICT networks and satellite
navigation systems.
In integrated systems [7] are updated requirements for the
operational management of material resource flows, which
requires support of parallelism in time material and
information flows, the collection, processing and transmission
flow and packets in real time based technologies (EDI) and
identification (AI) .
An important effect of the functioning of the integrated
systems is the ability to manage localized resources stocks
selected according to coordinating strategies.
Openness information system for clusters of customers,
suppliers, and operational agents helps to create an integrated
logistics information system, which is the basis for
management the logistics chain flow of resources and
information flows for economic calculations. Information
Logistics provides the functions of strategic management and
coordination [1-8] resource and information flows in the
hierarchy of the system connects the logistic chain into a
single structure. Accordingly, it is the basis for logistics
information structures (LIS).
SIF System perturbing factors influence (F
) with
stochastic dynamics , (SR
) sources resources, TOM
technological object management , IMS Information
measuring system , ACS Automated control system , SP
Storage products and resources ,UR User resources ,FOsit(
) formation of situation state on time
Phase of separation of the logistics activities systems,
according to the strategic goals, can isolate building blocks [1-
- IACS - Integrated system of automated management;
- block collection and storage of information;
- block data processing and analysis of the content;
- Informative block preparation decisions.
Accordingly, functional blocks of logistics infrastructure
can be represented in the form (Fig .3).
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108 | P a g e
Fig 2. Scheme of structuring logistics information management schemes
active resources.
Coordination strategy is based on the verification of the
situation according to the purpose of the system [8]:
- the situation in the state space;
- the situation in the target area;
- the situation in the terminal area;
- Evaluation and ranking of object trajectory in the state
- Assessment coordinates the route and determine the
distance to the target;
pattern matching situations in state space, target, terminal
and their projection on the route map to determine the degree
of approximation to the area of the target state based
coordination strategy;
Evaluation criteria for effective routes held by strategic
framework of region-based coefficient CV center of mass
(center of influence) [5]:
1 1 1 1
[ ] / [ ]
n m n m
V i i i i i i n
i i i i
opt C D M d S M S C
= = = =
= + +
where D
distance to the i-th client,d
distance to the
source resource, weight coefficient passengers number, S
weight of traffic, C
normative coefficient, T
The optimization of transport cost is based on selected
graph model with n-sources and m-sinks with models
> <
= =
j j
i i
x x
1 1
| |
then [9]:
Fig 3. Formation Strategy Coordination
Fig 4.
I e
e s
) (
j i
x x
i j ij
x x W
Where g
bandwidth arcs, W
bandwidth vertices, ij
flow from x
The itinerary which will win at selected flow management
strategy is evaluated by the formula [9], based on tree routes
[13] :
[ [
e e
F x x B x x
ij ij MR
j i j i
g g S g
) , ( ) , (
/ 1 ) ( (2)
Where F the set of direct arcs, B - set of reverse arcs.
Optimization of transport cost in the integrity cards routing
is based on the procedure of cycle traffic T
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
109 | P a g e
] , .. 1 [ ) , (
1 1
) (
M N j i
B b b x
A a a x
V x C V
i i ij
i i ij
ij ij zi
e =
e =
= =
the performance conditions for volume and cost of each
other operations C
based on the balance of resource
flows[12] :
= =
j i
b a
1 1
To build route systems in cycles {T
(zk) k=1,e
}, route traffic
based matrix and plan transportation problem arising from
strategy traffic flows of resources. Used for that number of
Diagonal, lowest cost, potentials, integer methods [6] and
conditionally optimal by criteria time, screen models, dynamic
linear programming.
Accordingly problem solving scheduling traffic requires
one side coordination sequence operations (logistics) and
coordination time (synchronization) based scheduling with
complete certainty requirements and objectives defined
parameters: execution time of the transport operation, passing,
expectations and delay.
Under the influence of factors, perturbation regime change
and obtain the stochastic nature of the parameters that are
probabilistic. For the duration of the transport, resource
transactions have introduced mitigation strategies in the form:
= e
+ =
i T j i
m ij h Di
t R T t t R Strat
1 ,
)) , ( ( min ] ) , ( [ t t t
t R
) , ( t during the operation with a sequence of
actions D
on the terminal cycle T
according to the plan of
Optimization plan can be performed based on branch and
bound method [14] according to strategy of acceptable choice
D x F x C f C U Strat
Di i TiDi
e -
, min ) , ( : ) | (
) , 0 ( ), ( , , 1 ,
p s D D D D k i G D
p s
i D O i
= = = e c
where D partition into branches sets of plans targeted
functional selection strategies, defined as [11]:
= =
m ni i i Di
optT dt t F t F H t R str I
)) ( )... ( ( ] ) , ( [ ( t
Where F
( ) Local criteria is forming operational
Then, the coordination task of integer programming, while
the chosen management strategy is formed as:
; max ) ... (
1 0
F F H (9)
]; , 1 [ , ) ... (
N m b F F H
m N m
e > (10)
] , 1 [ ), ( N i F Q F
i i
e e (11)
(F) area of optimization functional quality.
We have proposed models which evaluate the effectiveness
of management strategies resource streams in decision making
and internal operations in hierarchical distributed systems.
Shown that the optimization procedures are formed on the basis
of coordination strategies and structuring routes for resource
flows are performed by logistic approach to management tasks.
in the paper, there have been determined components, formulas
and models logistical coordination strategy in optimization of
the transport system company. In our future work, we will try
to integrate these models into the system but trying to change
the weight of each component of these models according to the
strategies chosen by the manager. And we will try to integrate
the intelligent agent which is necessary to manage all these
models. This problem-solution approach of management
resource flows is oriented to the developing countries (Asia,
Africa, especially Tunisia).
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[3] Rumelt, Richard P., "Towards a Strategic Theory of the Firm," in R. B.
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Prentice-Hall, 1984, 556-570.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
110 | P a g e
Modeling and Simulation Multi Motors Web Winding
Hachemi Glaoui, Abdeldjebar Hazzab, Bousmaha Bouchiba, Ismal Khalil Bousserhane
Laboratory of command, Analysis and Optimization of the Electro-Energizing Systems, Faculty of Sciences and
technology, Bchar University B.P. 417 Bchar, 08000, Algeria
Abstract Web winding systems allow the operations of
unwinding and rewinding of various products including plastic
films, sheets of paper, sheets, and fabrics. These operations are
necessary for the development and the treatment of these
products. Web winding systems generally consist of the same
machine elements in spite of the diversity of the transported
products. Due to the wide rang variation of the radius and inertia
of the rollers the system dynamic change considerably during the
winding/ unwinding process. Decentralized PI controller for web
tension control and linear speed control are presented in this
paper. The PI control method can be applied easily and is widely
known, it has an important place in control applications.
Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed linear
speed and tension controller for web winding multi motors
Keywords- Multi motors web winding system; PI controller;
tension control; linear speed control
Many types of materials are manufactured or processed in
the form of a sheet or a web (textile, paper, metal, etc.) which
then couples the processing rolls and the associated motor
drives. The drives are required to work in synchronism to
ensure quality processing and rewinding of the product.
Tension is a very important web manufacturing and process
setting. If severe tension variations occur, rupture of the
materiel during processing or degradation of product quality
can occur, resulting into significant economic losses due to
material loss and reduced production rate. Therefore, in order
to minimize the potential for loss, the need arises to adequately
control the tension within a predefined range in a moving web
processing section.
Henceforth, due to their importance in industry, tension
control problems have drawn the attention of many researchers.
One problem is the establishment of a proper mathematical
model. In [1], a mathematical model of a web span is
developed, but this model does not predict the tension transfer.
This problem was addressed in [2] and [3], with the
assumption that the strain in the web is very small. However,
the form of the nonlinear and coupling terms in the model are
not always convenient for controller design so that other model
structures, with comparable precision, are desirable. Several
control strategies have been suggested to maintain quality and
reduce sensitivity to external disturbances, including
centralized multivariable control schemes for steel mill
applications [4][5] and an H control strategy to decouple web
velocity and tension [3][6]. Also, for tension regulation in a
web transport system, [7] proposed a control method based on
a unique active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) strategy,
which actively compensates for dynamic changes in the system
and unpredictable external disturbances. In [8] and [9], Port-
Controlled Hamiltonian with Dissipation (PCHD) modeling is
considered to develop stabilization strategies with a physical
interpretation and motivation of the control action, interpreted
as the realization of virtual dampers added to the system, which
resulted into a type of dual action controller with velocity
feedback and velocity error feedback terms. Some limited
improvements were obtained in disturbance rejection properties
and robustness with respect to some parameter variations. The
conventional PI control dominates industry, it is simple and
easy to implement [15]. Tuning of PI controllers is intuitive
and is well accepted by practitioners. PIs can at most achieve a
compromise in performance in terms of system response speed
and stability, and this approach becomes insufficient at the
increasingly high web velocities demanded by the industry and
with thin or fragile materials. Nonlinearities that appear at high
velocities, disturbance rejection properties and robustness to
some parameter variations must be accounted for by the
controller. A decentralized nonlinear PI controller is proposed
to respond to this demand. The model of the winding system
and in particular the model of the mechanical coupling are
developed and presented in Section 2. Section 3 shows the
controllers design for winding system. Section 4 shows the
Simulation results using Matlab Simulink. Finally, the
conclusion is drawn in Section 5.
In this system, the motor M1 carries out unreeling and M3
is used to carry out winding, the motor M2 drives two rollers
via gears to grip the band (Fig.1). The stage of pinching off
can make it possible to isolate two zones and to create a buffer
zone [8, 9]. The objective of these systems is to maintain the
linear speed constant and to control the tension in the band.
The used motors are five phase induction motors type
which each one is supplied by an inverter voltage controlled
with Pulse Modulation Width (PWM) techniques. A model
based on circuit equivalent equations is generally sufficient in
order to make control synthesis. The electrical dynamic model
of five-phase Y-connected induction motor can be expressed in
the d-q synchronously rotating frame as [13]:
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
111 | P a g e
( )
( )
( )
+ =
+ +
+ =
+ + + +
+ =
l r
qr ds dr qs
dr r e qs
r m
dr r e dr
r m dr
qs qr 2
r m
r dr
qs r
s ds e s
ds r qr
dr 2
r m
qs e s ds r
T .
. i . i .
J . L
L . P
. i .
R . L
. .
i .
R . L
V .
R . L
. .
i . R .
R i . . L . .
L .
V . .
R . L
i . . L . i . R .
R .
L .
e | |
| | e e
| e e |
| e | e o
e | | e o
is the coefficient of dispersion and is given by:
r s
1 = o (2)
The tension model in web transport systems is based on
Hookes law, Coulombs law, [8, 9] mass conservation law and
the laws of motion for each rotating roll.
A. Hookes law
The tension T of an elastic web is function of the web strain
= = c
Where E is the Young modulus, S is the web section, L is
the web length under stress and L0 is the nominal web length
(when no stress is applied).
B. Coulombs law
The study of a web tension on a roll can be considered as a
problem of friction between solids, see [8] and [9]. On
Fig. 1. Web Tension On The Roll
The roll, the web tension is constant on a sticking zone of
arc length a and varies on a sliding zone of arc length g (cf.
Fig.1, where Vk(t) is the linear velocity of the roll k). The web
tension between the first contact point of a roll and the first
contact point of the following roll is given by:
) ( ) , (
t t x c c =
a x s
) (
) ( ) , (
a x
e t t x
c c
g a x a + s s
) ( ) , (
t t x c c =
L x g a s s +
Where is the friction coefficient, And Lt = a + g
+ L. The tension change occurs on the sliding zone.
The web velocity is equal to the roll velocity on the
sticking zone.
C. Mass conservation law
Consider an element of web of length ) 1 (
c + = L L
With a weight density , under an unidirectional stress. The
cross section is supposed to be constant. According to the mass
conservation law, the mass of the web remains constant
between the state without stress and the state with stress
0 0
D. Tension model between two consecutive rolls.
The equation of continuity, cf. [8], applied to the web gives:
) (
By integrating on the variable x from 0 to Lt (cf. Fig. 1),
taking into account (4), and using the fact that a + g << L, we
1 1 1
c c c +
. ) 1 (
) 1 (
2 2
c c
= V V
This equation can be simplified by using the approximation
1 1
2 1
<< << c c and
) 2 1 )( 1 (
) 1 (
2 1
c c
+ ~
And using Hooks law, we get:
. ) 2 (
) (
1 1 1 1
k k k
k k k k
+ ~
k = 2, 3, 4, 5.
where Lk1 is the web length between roll k1 and roll k,
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112 | P a g e
Tk is the tension on the web between roll k1 and roll k, Vk is
the linear velocity of the web on roll k, k is the rotational
speed of roll k, Rk is the radius of roll k, E is the Young
modulus and S is the web section.
E. Roll velocity calculation
The law of motion can be obtained with a torque balance:
f k k k k
k k
C Cem T T R
J d
+ + =
) (
) (
k k k
R V / = O , is the rotational speed of roll k
is the motor torque (if the roll is driven) and Cf is the
friction torque.
F. Complete model of the five motors system
Fig.2 shows a typical five motors system with winder,
unwinder, and three tractors.
The complete model of this system is given by the
following equations:
. ) (
3 3 2 2 2 3
L + =
. ) (
4 4 3 3 3 4
L + =
. ) (
5 5 4 4 4 5
L + =
1 1
1 2 1 1 1
( ( ) )
( ) ( ) .
d J t
R t T C f t
= + O
. ) ( ) (
) (
2 2 2 2 3 2
2 2
O + =
t f C T T R
J d
. ) ( ) (
) (
3 3 3 3 4 3
3 3
O + =
t f C T T R
J d
. ) ( ) (
) (
4 4 4 4 5 4
4 4
O + =
t f C T T R
J d
Fig. 3. Electrical part of the five drive system
A. Linear speed Controller Design
The speed controller permits to determine the reference
torque, the mechanical equation defined as
s J f
c em
Fig. 2. Simple Web Winding System
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The diagram of speed controller as shown below
The parameters of the PI controller is
= (11)
f J
B. Tension Controller Design
The proposed tension controller in the system permits to get
a linear speed of reference in relation with the strength tension.
Thus, we can use (8) as follows:
| | ) ( ) (
1 1 i i i i
L dt
+ + =
While achieving the linearization
) (
1 1
+ =
The eq (10) become
| | ) (
i i a
L dt
+ =
While introducing the anticipatory term
b a
V U V + = where
) (
i i b
T ES V V =
then we gets
L dt
This equation allows us to define the structure of controller
shows in the Fig 3. Note that this structure contains a
controller, an anticipation term as well as a linearization.
This equation allows us to define the structure of controller
shows in the Fig 5. Note that this structure contains a
controller, an anticipation term as well as a linearization.
Where the parameters of the PI controller are
2 =
2 =
In the sequel, the decentralized structure shown on (Fig.4)
will be considered. The control structure is composed of 5
elementary controllers associated respectively to each motor.
The cascade control configuration uses the tension as
primary measurement and velocity as secondary measurement.
The manipulated variable is the torque applied to the motors.
The winding system we modeled is simulated using
MATLAB SIMULINK software and the simulation is carried
out on 10s. To evaluate system performance we carried out
numerical simulations under the following conditions:
Start with the linear velocity of the web of 5m / s.
The motor M1 has the role of Unwinder a roll radius R1
(R1 = 2.25 m).
The motors M2, M3, M4 are the role is to pinch the tape.
The motor M5 has the role of winding a roll of radius R5.
The aims of the STOP block is to stop at the same time the
different motors of the system when a radius adjust to a desired
value (for example R5 = 0.8 m), by injecting a reference speed
As shown in Fig (5, a b c d e), an improvement of linear
speed, moment of inertia, belt tension, torque, and radius of the
coil, and has follows the reference speed for PI controller after
1 sec, in all motors.
Fig. 4. Linear Speed Controller
) (
* +
Fig. 1. Tension Controller
Figure.4. Control structure of a winding system (PI)
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Fig. 5. a): Simulation results of the first motor
Fig. 5. b): Simulation Results Of The Second Motor
Fig. 5. c): Simulation Results Of The Third motor
Fig. 5. d): Simulation Results Of The Fourth Motor
Fig. 5. e): Simulation Results Of The Fifth Motor
Fig. 6. The Tension Of The Strip
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From the figures (6), we can say that: the tension follows
the reference tension with application of PI controller.
It appears clearly that the classical control with PI
controller in linear speed control and tension control offers
better performances in both of the overshoot control and the
tracking error. However is easy to apply.
The objective of this paper consists in developing a model
of a winding system constituted of five motors that is coupled
mechanically by a strap whose tension is adjustable and to
develop the methods of analysis and synthesis of the
commands robust and their application to synchronize the five
sequences and to maintain a constant mechanical tension
between the rollers of the system.
Computer simulations show the robustness and the
performance of the winding system with the PI controllers,
however PI control dominates industry and it is simple and
easy to implement.
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E 1.6e8 L1= L2= L3[m] 5
S [m
] 2.75e-3 ]n [Hz] 50
R1 [m] 1.25 T1ref = T2ref [N] 4
R2=R3 [m] 0.25 V2ref [m/s] 20
0.022 p 2
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The Visual Web User Interface Design in Augmented
Reality Technology
Chouyin Hsu
Department of Information Management
Overseas Chinese University
Taichung, Taiwan
Haui-Chih Shiau
Department of Information Technology
Overseas Chinese University
Taichung, Taiwan
AbstractUpon the popularity of 3C devices, the visual
creatures are all around us, such the online game, touch pad,
video and animation. Therefore, the text-based web page will no
longer satisfy users. With the popularity of webcam, digital
camera, stereoscopic glasses, or head-mounted display, the user
interface becomes more visual and multi-dimensional. For the
consideration of 3D and visual display in the research of web user
interface design, Augmented Reality technology providing the
convenient tools and impressive effects becomes the hot topic.
Augmented Reality effect enables users to represent parts of the
digital objects on top of the physical surroundings. The easy
operation with webcam greatly improving the visual
representation of web pages becomes the interest of our research.
Therefore, we apply Augmented Reality technology for
developing a city tour web site to collect the opinions of users.
Therefore, the website stickiness is an important measurement.
The major tasks of the work include the exploration of
Augmented Reality technology and the evaluation of the outputs
of Augmented Reality. The feedback opinions of users are
valuable references for improving AR application in the work. As
a result, the AR increasing the visual and interactive effects of
web page encourages users to stay longer and more than 80% of
users are willing to return for visiting the website soon. Moreover,
several valuable conclusions about Augmented Reality
technology in web user interface design are also provided for
further practical references.
Keywords- Visual Represeantion; User I nterface Design;
Augmented Reality; Google SketchUp
With the popularity of webcam, digital camera,
stereoscopic glasses, or head-mounted display, the user
interface becomes more visual and diverse. It's an interesting
time to be working on the visual web user interface now. The
web pages evolved from a text-based system to the current rich
and interactive medium that supports images, 2D graphics,
audio and video. There is no question of the coolness of
Augmented Reality Technology. We have seen many world-
class brands like Lego, Star Wars, and Avengers
commercialize the technology. Many Enterprises start to
pursue developing the web sites based on Augmented Reality
It was in the late 60s that researchers started to describe
how and where people interacted with technology. The term
augmented reality, however, was not coined until the early
90s, when airplane manufacturer Boeing started using
augmented reality goggles to assist engineers in the airplane
assembling process. Recently, Augmented Reality enables you
to represent parts of the digital world on top of the physical
world. Augmented Reality is a hot topic that is growingly
attracting attention of the developers of web user interface.
This is sometimes reinforced by the fact that available tools for
3D UIs are toolkits, interface builders, rendering engines, etc.
Moreover, rendering skill is mostly used in the work for
increasing the visual representation. As a result, the user
interaction and visual design in 3D are becoming more and
more popular.
The research work increases the visual web page design in
Augmented Reality. The purpose is to explore the feasibility of
Augmented Reality in web page design. The web page design
skill with text-based, image-based, flash-based design is no
longer popular. With the extremely increasing new users of
online games, the visual effect becomes an important element
of web page design since the users are used to the visual
representation on the screen. The research work builds a city
tour web site in Augmented Reality tasks. We also do the
evaluation for collecting the opinions of users for modifying
the research direction. Therefore, the research result contains
the skillful comments of Augmented Reality tools as well as
the practical suggestion for further visual web page design.
The webcam and mobile phone and diverse devices have
led to a complete redesign on the traditional User Interface (UI).
There is a new emphasis on intuitive ease of use. Moreover, the
development of 3D User Interfaces (UIs) mostly remains an art
more than a principled-based approach.
Several methods have been introduced to decompose this
life cycle into steps and sub-steps, but these methods rarely
provide the design knowledge that should be typically used for
achieving each step [1][9][17].
A. Visual User Interface Design
User interface design or user interface engineering is the
design of computers, appliances, machines, mobile
communication devices, software applications, and websites
with the focus on the user's experience and interaction. Web
user interface focuses on the web page design to link users and
web content.
Visual user interfaces have been regarded as one of the
most promising routes. They exploit powerful human vision
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and spatial cognition. Carefully designed visual user interfaces
can shift the user's mental load from slow reading to faster
perceptual processes such as visual pattern recognition. Visual
interfaces should support information exploration and bring
users attention [5][8].
Text-based web page is not suitable for the current modern
users. Therefore, visual presentation is an important topic.
More visual and interactive web operations are more crucial for
web pages. With the stimulation of 3D tools, Augmented
Reality tools are used for improving the presentation of web
content. Unlike images or video, the user can operate and
control the display of web objects. Therefore, more relative
research topics become popular.
B. Augmetned Reality
The goal of Augmented Reality is to add information and
meaning to a real object or place. The field of Augmented
Reality (AR) has existed for just over one decade, but the
growth and progress in the past few years has been remarkable.
In 1997, the first author published a survey [1][2] and defined
the field, described many problems, and summarized the
developments up to that point. Since then, the field has grown
Fig. 1. The Explanation Of Augmented Reality Effect
Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality does not create a
simulation of reality. Instead, it takes a real object or space as
the foundation and incorporates technologies that add
contextual data to deepen a persons understanding of the
subject, as shown in Figure 1[26]. Many popular applications
of AR successfully developed in various fields are explained as
Advertising and marketing: Marketers started to use AR
to promote products via interactive AR applications.
From Toyota to Nivea to Disney, a diverse array of
brands has applied AR bandwagon for creating hype
interaction with consumer.
Task support: Complex tasks such as assembly,
maintenance, and surgery can be simplified by inserting
additional and useful information with AR technology.
Some complicated repair works depend on AR
information as well. Moreover, some restaurants
provide the AR-enabled menu for users to see the food
first before they enjoy the food.
Product design: AR can simulate planned products,
including architecture, machine, car and more objects
for better design discussion in advance.
Navigation: AR can create virtual objects in museums
and exhibitions, theme park attractions and books. The
overlay between real and virtual worlds always makes
novel navigation for users.
C. Redering Technique
Rendering is the final process of creating the actual 2D
image or animation from the prepared scene. This can be
compared to taking a photo or filming the scene after the setup
is finished in real life. Several different, and often specialized,
rendering methods have been developed. Rendering (computer
graphics), generating an image from a model by means of
computer programs. Many types of rendering are given as
3D rendering, generating image or motion picture from
virtual 3D models.
High dynamic range rendering allows preservation of
details that may be lost due to limiting contrast ratios.
Non-photorealistic rendering, focuses on enabling a
wide variety of expressive styles for digital art.
Scanline rendering, algorithm for visible surface
Volume rendering, used to display a 2D projection of a
3D discretely sampled data set
Rendering engine has different types. Two major types are
explained as follows.
Game engine, system designed for the creation and
development of video games.
Web browser engine, software that takes information
and displays the formatted content on the screen
D. Evaluation Method
The evaluation for user interface causes many discussions.
From the perspectives of usability, the experts inspect your
interfaces during formative evaluation and widely used in
practice. Three major evaluation strategies which are
considered to be used in the research are explained as follows:
Heuristic Evaluation - Heuristic evaluations were
introduced by Nielsen and Molich in 1990 in the
influential paper "Heuristic Evaluation of User
Interfaces" and later assembled as part of a book
[23][27]. Usability inspection method for computer
software that helps to identify usability problems in the
user interface (UI) design. It specifically involves
evaluators examining the interface and judging its
compliance with recognized usability principles (the
"heuristics"). An additional practical problem is that
multiple usability experts should be used. It can often be
more expensive and difficult to find many usability
Cognitive Walkthroughs - A cognitive walkthrough is
also a usability inspection method like heuristic
evaluation but the emphasis is on tasks. The idea is
basically to identify users' goals, how they attempt them
in the interface, then meticulously identify problems
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users would have as they learn to use an interface. The
method was also introduced at the same conference as
Heuristic Evaluation (Lewis et al 1990). The cognitive
walkthrough was an extension of earlier work by Polson
and Lewis [15].
Pluralistic Walkthroughs - A pluralistic walkthrough is
a usability inspection method whereby representative
users (normally played by the evaluators), developers
and usability experts, step through a scenario,
discussing the usability issues associated with each
scenario step. Also known as storyboarding, the method
involves the development of a series of tasks, presented
to a panel of users in the form of hard-copy panels; the
panelists are then asked to write down the actions they
would take to complete the task [4].
A. Development Flow
The research development flow containing four phases is
explained as follows.
The Concept phase - In the beginning, the concept of
visual representation is the first idea. Then, the subject
of web has to be decided. Not all the pages are suitable
for visual effects. Therefore, the topic of city tour
becomes the interesting work.
The Implementation and Content Development phase
Many web design tools and Augmented Reality tool are
applied in the phase. Building models, rendering
pictures, web page design and Augmented Reality
effects are the major efforts in the phase. Google
SketcUp and 3D Max are the tools for building models.
It is pretty time consuming, but the output is really
inspiring and exciting. The well-constructed models are
helpful for generating good Augmented Reality effects.
The User Interaction Phase With the identification
card of Augmented Reality, the user can control the
representation of Augmented Reality on the screen. The
output of real world and virtual objects combing
together is really interesting for users.
The Evaluation Phase - Heuristic evaluation is the most
popular of the usability inspection methods. Heuristics
Evaluations is done prior to and in addition to user-
testing, not instead of user-testing. The feedback of
evaluation is important for design improvement.
Fig. 2. The research development flow
B. The Augmented Reality Implement and Research Ouput
The index page of the web system is shown in Figure 3. It
is the first image of the web to users. According to the opinions
of users, the 3D-like, colorful and visual image brings lots of
attention and they are attracted to stay on the site. The
rendering technique is well applied for the effect. Rendering is
the process of generating an image from a model, by means of
computer programs. Many rendering software with SketchUp
for rendering purposes are provided for different purposes,
such light, motion or realism. There are Kerkythea, TrueSpace,
Blender, Vue, and Podium are among the most popular
rendering applications for SketchUp [28]. The rendering
images used for the index page is one of successful designs in
the work.
Fig. 3. The index page of the city tour web
Building models and make Augmented Reality effect are
two major tasks. Googld Sketch Up and FLARTookit are used
in the phases. Google SketchUp is a free, fun, easy-to-use 3D
modeling application. Originally created for architects and
designers, SketchUp is also a great tool for teaching geometry.
FLARToolKit recognize the marker from input image, and
calculate its orientation and position in 3D world. FLAToolKit
has support for all major flash 3D graphics engine.
In order to explain the different effects of traditional 2D-
like picture and 3D-like Augmented Reality technology, an
example of the Mid-Lake Pavilion of Taichung Park is given
The picture of the Mid-Lake Pavilion shown in Figure 4
displays the real outlook of the building. In the other hand,
the model of the Pavilion built with Google SketcUp given is
given in Figure 5. According to the users opinions, they spend
more time to look the 3D-like model rather than picture. The
model catches users eyes immediately after they browse the
web. The visual effect works again. We collect many opinions
from users for improving the built models and page design.
Furthermore, the user will like to pay more attention to
operate the Augmented Reality function. Since the webcam is
easy to setup with the PC, the user can easily play with the
Augmented Reality card to view the Pavilion model, as shown
in Figure 6. The user can control the direction of the
identification card to view the model from different angles and
directions. With the Augmented Reality operation, the attached
introduction information will possibly get the attention of users,
as shown in Figure 7. As long as the user read the introduction,
the major function of city tour website is herein fulfilled.
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Fig. 4. The picture of the Mid-Lake Pavilion of Taichung Park
Fig. 5. The built model of the Mid-Lake Pavilion of Taichung Park
Fig. 6. The AR operation of the Mid-Lake Pavilion of Taichung Park
Fig. 7. The complete introduction web page of the Mid-Lake Pavilion of
Taichung Park
Fig. 8. The AR operation of one famous building in Taichung
Fig. 9. The AR operation of the famous department building in Taichung
More famous buildings and parks are introduced with
Augmented Reality effect on the web site, as shown in Figure 8
and Figure9. According to users opinions, the interesting
operation givens they lots of fun. As playing with the
Augmented Reality effect, they read lots of introduction pages
and know more interesting information about the city.
Another visual example is given as follows. The
introduction of famous Taiwan food is also introduced in the
website. The example is given in Figure 10 and Figure11. The
rending design increases the visual effect of the web page.
Most of the users who really like the visual design stay much
longer on the webpage for reading the introduction of local
famous food.
Fig. 10. The visual representtion of famous Taiwn food
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Fig. 11. The AR operation of Taiwan snack
To please users is not an easy job, but it is an important for
keeping the web stickiness. However, a good web page
designer has to rapidly cause the attention of users since web
surfers have so much information available to them that they
often get bored. In order to keep the users attention, new
technology is always a good try. Augmented Reality is such
popular since the webcam and network become more
convenient for PC users. The result is a rich combination of
physical and virtual realities to increase the visual
representation of web pages. The advantage is helpful for
attracting the users attention and interest. Therefore, the user
stays longer on the page and possibly reads the supplied
information on the website.
The first conclusion is that Augmented Reality technology
increasing the visual web page design helps to attract the users
attention and increases the chance for users to read the
information on the web pages. The visual representation in
Augmented Reality is rapidly in progress currently and will
become the main trend of mobile devices in the near future.
The second conclusion is that the 3D models have to be
built closely to the real object. Do not cheat users with
beautiful but fake models. Moreover, the third conclusion is
that the easy operation of Augmented Reality technology is an
important issue. Turn on the webcam automatically and shown
the Augmented Reality effect quickly can help users
continuously to enjoy the Augmented Reality application.
Some users will give up since the system asks them to install
the webcam or software.
During the research, we found the importance of attention
management. Clear and concise graphics are the basic
requirement of the web page design. Rendering design is such
popular. However, some opinions imply that the 3D-like or
visual model is sometimes embellished too much. It is easily
cause the disapproval of users.
With Augmented Reality tasks the view of the real world
behind the graphical annotations, and the interaction between
the graphics and the real world, make Augmented Reality
perception qualitatively different from anything previously
studied. We will focus on the study of Augmented Reality
technology for improving the representation skill. The user
opinions are such important to increasing the opportunities of
operations and business. Moreover, the application of
Augmented Reality with smart phones is also interesting. To
increase the user interactive operations for different
experiences is always the research direction in the future.
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Chouyin Hsu received the M.S. degree in Computer Science in 1993 from
Ohio University, USA and the Ph.D degree in information management in 2006
from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. She is currently an
Associate Professor in the Department of Information Management at Overseas
Chinese University, Taichung, Taiwan. Her current research interests include
Data Mining, Visual User Interface Design, Project Management and
Enterprise Resource Planning.
Haui-Chih Shiau received the M.S. degree in Information Management in
2010 from Overseas Chinese University, Taichung, Taiwan. He is currently a
second-year graduate student in the Department of Information Technology at
Overseas Chinese University Taichung, Taiwan. Her interests include
Augmented Reality, 3D Unity, Mobile phone Application.
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
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E-Government Grid Services Topology
Based On Province And Population In Indonesia
Ummi Azizah Rachmawati
Faculty of Information Technology
Yarsi University
Jakarta Indonesia
Xue Li
School of ITEE
University of Queensland
Brisbane Australia
Heru Suhartanto
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Indonesia
Depok Indonesia
Abstract The e-Government Grid Service Model in
Indonesia is an adjustments based on the framework of existing
e-Government and also the form of government in the country.
Grid-based services for interoperability could be a solution for
resource sharing and interoperability of e-Government systems.
In previous study, we designed and simulated the topology of
Indonesian e-Government Grid services based on function group
from e-Government application solution map to connect the
ministry/agency/department /institution. In this paper we analyse
the result of e-Government services topology simulation based on
the province and population in the country.
Keywords e-Government; Grid Services; e-Government Grid
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has
been pointed out as fundamental paths towards improving
democracy and increasing peoples participation in the
decision-making process. It forces government to make new
management patterns that related to issues of transparency,
accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, service and other
public policies in order to respon the community aspiration.
Public management reform is influenced by management
progress of ICT, called e-Government (e-Gov) which is the use
of information technology to perform activities of government
services to the public. It is a permanent commitment made by
the government to improve the relationship between the private
citizen and the public sector through enhanced, cost-effective,
and efficient delivery of services, information and knowledge
Chen, et al [1] proposed that one needs to consider some
factors such as History and Culture, Technical Staff,
Infrastructures, Citizens and Government officers for studying
e-Government of a country. For Indonesian case, these factors
are provided in Table I.
In Indonesia, e-Government is needed to support the
government change towards a democratic governance practices
and to support the application of authority balances between
central and local government. Indonesian E-Government is
also needed to facilitate communication between central and
local governments, to gain openness and transformation
towards information society era.
History and
Indonesia is a Republic with a presidential
system, and a unitary state with power
concentrated in the national government.
Since 1945, Indonesia has been struggling
with democracy and after reformation in 1998,
Indonesia has been experiencing a democratic
movement generated in a new political
Although there are some problems of poverty,
health and infrastucture, Worldbank reported
as of July 2012, Indonesias economy baseline
outlook for growth is expected to be 6 percent
in 2012 and increase to 6.4 percent in 2013 [2]
Indonesia has a large number of in-house staff
but since there is no policy standard of e-
Government implementation, the current staff
unable to define specific requirements.
Some provinces in Indonesia have an ability
to implement e-Government because of good
financial and staff, but others still face some
problems to implement it.
Since Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands
and 33 provinces, in some areas with high
population like Java island, there are superior
current infrastructure and high internet access
for employees and citizens, but in remote
areas there are inferior current infrasturcture
and low internet access for employees and
In a big city like Jakarta, Surabaya and others,
there are high Internet access and citizens are
trust in online services; many citizens know
how to operate computers, but in a small
town, there are low Internet access and
citizens are reluctant to trust online services;
few citizens know how to operate computers
Since Indonesia has a new experience of
democracy after 1998 reformation, citizens
more actively participate in governmental
policy-making process
Indonesia Government reported that in 2012
the number of Internet users in Indonesia
significantly increased to 55 million, 25% of
population in this country has access to
computer and internet as well.
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Changes are expected to build clean and transparent
government which is capable to respond the changes
effectively, to build a new dimension into organization,
management system and process, and soon to apply the
transformation process towards e-Government.
Since Indonesia have not yet implemented Grid technology
to conduct e-Government services, we propose the e-
Government Grid services topology based on the province and
population. A topology of our scenario is a schematic
description of the arrangement of a network.
Our proposal will give a new perspective to develop e-
Government in Indonesia to achieve a good governance and a
clean government. As developing country, the practice of e-
Government Grid Services in Indonesia is facing some
challenges in particular encountered by government
organizational. The application of e-Government Grid Services
in the public officials needs to be supported by the policy and
employees who understand technology well.
A. E-Government Implementation Strategy
The United States, as the largest developed country, has
one of the most advanced e-Government Infrastructures in the
world that focuses on increasing effectiveness and efficiency of
government work and at the same time, reducing costs [1].
In 2012, US Government launches new Digital
Government strategy, entitled Digital Government: Building a
21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People.
The Digital Government Strategy sets out to accomplish three
things [3]:
1) Enable the American people and an increasingly
mobile workforce to access high-quality digital government
information and services anywhere, anytime, on any device.
For interoperability and openness, modernize our content
publication model, and deliver better, device-agnostic digital
services at a lower cost.
2) Ensure that as the government adjusts to this new
digital world, we seize the opportunity to procure and manage
devices, applications, and data in smart, secure and
affordable ways. Build a sound governance structure for
digital services, and do mobile right from the beginning.
3) Unlock the power of government data to spur
innovation across our Nation and improve the quality of
services for the American people. Enable the public,
entrepreneurs, and our own government programs to better
leverage the rich wealth of federal data to pour into
applications and services by ensuring that data is open and
machine-readable by default.
B. E-Government Development Stages
According to the United Nations E-Government Survey in
2012, Indonesia increased its world e-Government ranking
from 109 in 2010 into 97 in 2012. It showed that Indonesia
have made a tremendous effort to provide e-Government
services to its people, despite the challenges faced by the
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social
Affairs [4] conducted an assessment of e-Government in large
countries by evaluating the information services developed by
the Government such as websites to provide information on
public policy, governance, laws, regulations, relevant
documentation and types of government services provided. It is
expected that the websites have links to ministries, departments
and other branches of government.
The next stage is to asses whether the enhanced
information service is available which is expected that the
government websites deliver enhanced one-way or simple two-
way e-communication between government and citizen.
Citizens can download forms for government services and
applications. The sites also have audio and video capabilities
and are multi-lingual, among others.
The next stage is to asses whether the transactional
services engaged in two-way communication between
government with their citizens, including requesting and
receiving inputs on government policies, programmes,
regulations, etc. In this stage, some form of electronic
authentication of the citizens identity is required to
successfully complete the exchange. Government websites
process financial and non-financial transactions.
And the last stage of e-Government in large countries is
connected service where the government websites have
changed the way governments communicate with their citizens
from a government-centric to a citizen-centric approach.
C. E-Government in Indonesia
The Indonesian Central Government (called the
Government) is the President and its supporting units which
holds the power of the government as defined in the
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 [5]. To
conduct governance, the Government uses the principle of
Desentralisation, Deconsentration and Task Assistance [6].
Government in conducting the government affairs has a
relationship with the local governments. This relationship
includes the authority relationships, finances, public services,
resource utilization, and other resources.
The initiative of e-Government in the country was
introduced through Presidents Instruction No. 6/2001 dated 24
April 2001 on Telematika (Telecommunication, Media, and
Information) which states that government officials should use
the technology of Telematika to support good governance and
to accelerate democracy process. Furthermore, e-Government
should be publicized for different objectives to the
governmental offices. Public administration is one of areas in
which Internet can be used to provide access for citizens who
constitute basic service and to simplify the relations between
citizens and government [7].
The initiative is then enhanced by Presidential Instruction
No.3 Year 2003 on National Policy and Strategy of e-
Government Development. It is an effort to build an electronic-
based governance in order to improve the quality of public
services effectively and efficiently. E-Government
development means that management systems and work
processes are reorganized within governmental agencies to
optimize the utilization of information technology [8].
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Some factors to consider for developing e-Government in
Indonesia were proposed in[8], they are:
1) Consistently approach to the citizens, businesses,
employees and local government in conducting a business
transaction with the central government.
2) Development a shared strategic vision at all levels to
build e-Government, including the technical architectures.
3) The design of standards-based approach to implement
4) Cooperation and collaboration among all parties to
make e-Government policy.
There have been various types and specifications of
technology that was implemented by each government agency.
Determination to apply a particular technology on e-
Government implementation will impact on the investment that
has been expent by each agency. This can lead to enormous
waste and state financial harm for the whole country. Access,
infrastructure and basic applications is the key components to
support the implementation of public services portal by
information management and processing organization.
As the developing country, Indonesia has some strategic
plans to develop e-Government as follows [9]:
1) To develop a good service system with reasonable cost.
The focus are to extend and improve the quality of information
and communication network, to build the information portals
and integrated public services, to build the electronic
document management system, standardization and
information security system;
2) To develop management system of central and local
government. The focus are to improve the quality of services
needed by the community, to manage the changes, to enforce
the leadership and to improve the product of the regulation.
3) To optimize the use of information technology. The
focus are on building the interoperability, standardization and
procedure of electronic document management system,
information security, basic application (e-billing, e-reporting)
and to develop inter government network.
4) To improve the participation of private sector and
information technology industry. The focus are to use the
expertise of the private sector, to encourage participation of
private sector and small industries.
5) To develop manpower capacity in the central and local
government. The objectives are to develop ICT culture in
government institutions, to optimize the use of ICT training
facilities, to extend the use of ICT for distant learning, and to
put ICT as input for school curriculum and to improve the
quality of teaching.
Data and information integration is important among
government agencies in Indonesia. It needs to formulate
methods and technology of collaboration. The requirements of
a broader and comprehensive data interaction among
government agencies, especially in the use of data and
information together should be encouraged.
Interoperability concepts and strategies are crutial agenda
of the national e-Government development to achieve
integrated, safe and efficient utilization of data and
information. Interoperability is defined as system ability to
share and integrate information and work processes using a set
of standards. One of solutions to the interoperability problem is
using Grid technology. Open grid services aim for the
integration of services across distributed and heterogeneous
virtual organizations with disparate resources and relationships
E-Government interoperability can be addressed using a
cross-organizational workflow [11][12][13][14] and semantic
web or semantic driven [15][16][17].
Yang, et al [18] proposed a service-grid-based framework
for Shanghai e-Government interoperability, named eGov
Grid, which targets at facilitating among "horizontal"
organizations and interoperability among "vertical" e-
Government subsystems. Hereinafter, "horizontal" means
cross-organizational application, and "vertical" means
information system within one organization. According to
Yang, et al [18], service grid [19] is a kind of combination of
grid computing [20] and SOA technology, open up a new way
for cross-organizational resources integrating and collaboration
in e-Government. Service grid technologies can be used to
build the platform resource sharing in e-Government system,
and also bring new feature of better reusability, flexibility and
Grid has proven resolve the problem of resources sharing
on information that placed separately and dynamic including
the sharing of data structures, databases, computational
resources, storage resources, and other information using
open-standard protocols. The use of open-source to meet the
requirement of the e-Government that have already designed a
set of middleware to support the E-government applications is
necessary and it can reduce the cost of the government and
fully utilize the IT resources existing in the government [21].
There have been various types and specifications of
technology that was implemented by each government agency.
Determination to apply a particular technology on e-
Government implementation will impact on the investment that
has been expended by each agency. This can lead to enormous
waste and state financial harm for the whole country. Access,
infrastructure and basic application is the key components to
support the implementation of public services portal by
information management and processing organization. We
have proposed a function group based of Indonesian e-
Government services topology as the result of the simulation
using three different types of scenarios to see whether the
effects of the formation or hierarchy of links and router
configurationswhich connect the ministry / agency /
department / institution that have functions to serve the
public/citizens (G2C), business groups (G2B), inter-agencies
(G2G) and services to employees (G2E). Indonesia requires
major infrastructure development hence a great amount of
investment. The separation of basic application and function
application make the interoperability processes easier because
specific services are made in cluster. The division of the
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application also influences the development of e-Government
Grid Services independently and gradually [22].
In this paper, we simulate scenarios based on province and
population in Indonesia. Our topology and scenarios follow
that of Suhartanto, et al [23] with some modification for e-
Government purpose. In our topology, we considered the
government of Indonesia data consisting of 33 provinces, 370
regencies and 95 municipals [24] and also the number of
population of each province based on results of 2010
population cencus by Indonesian Statistics Office [25].
Although the Minister of Internal Affairs of Indonesia said the
moratorium or suspend the expansion area will be in place until
the end of 2012 but in fact, at October 22, the parliament of
Indonesia and the Government agreed for the addition of new
province in Indonesia, that is North Kalimantan which is the
division of the province of East Kalimantan. It will take 3-5
years for the preparation of new province infrastructures, so we
used the number of province that has been in operation and
have an administrative service to the citizens.
These are given details in the Table II.
To evaluate and analyze the performance of a Grid system
topology, the experiment must be repeatable and controlled. It
will be hard to conduct heterogeneous and dynamic Grid
system. In addition developing environment for testing Grid
systems is very limited, expensive and time consuming and it
also should handle administration different policy on each
resource. Thus, it needs a simulation to study the behavior of
Grid system and implement some complex scenarios to see the
behavior of the system. Simulations can be performed on a
single computer so that the cost, time of development and other
barriers can be overcome. As our previous works, In the
simulation, we also used GridSim of Buyya and Murshed [26].
We design the simulation that consists of three scenarios
based on various configurations of the router and link
connections. We use three different types of scenarios to see
whether the effects of the formation or hierarchy of links and
router configurationswhich connect the province grouped by
island and region. Simulations are performed using three
scenarios based on the link connectivity and router
configurations hierarchically to determine the effect of the
configuration of the links and routers that are connected. The
three scenarios will show the shortest processing time in the
grid services. We use FIFO (First In First Out) scheduling
algorithm and SCFQ (Self-cCocked Fair Queuing) scheduling
A. First Scenario
The first scenario divides the country into three region
according to its time division, namely west Indonesia
consisting of Sumatera and Java islands, central Indonesia
consisting of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and Lombok Islands,
and east Indonesia consisting of Maluku and Papua islands.
The scenario involves three types of routers that are configured
hierarchically which consist of leaf routers, edge routers and
core routers. The leaf router is a router that is connected
directly to hosts on the network.
o Province
Nanggroe Aceh
18 5
2 Sumatera Utara
21 7
3 Sumatera Barat
12 7
4 Riau
9 2
5 Jambi
9 1
6 Sumatera Selatan
11 4
7 Bengkulu
8 1
8 Lampung
9 2
Kep. Bangka
6 1
10 Kepulauan Riau
4 2
11 DKI Jakarta
1 5
12 Jawa Barat
17 9
13 Jawa Tengah
29 6
14 Daista Yogyakarta
4 1
15 Jawa Timur
29 9
16 Banten
4 3
17 Bali
8 1
Nusa Tenggara
7 2
Nusa Tenggara
19 1
20 Kalimantan Barat
12 2
13 1
11 2
23 Kalimantan Timur
10 4
24 Sulawesi Utara
9 4
25 Sulawesi Tengah
9 1
26 Sulawesi Selatan 20 3
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27 Sulawesi Tenggara
10 2
28 Gorontalo
5 1
29 Sulawesi Barat
5 -
30 Maluku
7 2
31 Maluku Utara
6 2
32 Papua
20 1
33 Papua Barat 8 1 760,442
A host can be either a user's computer or resources on the
Grid system and the function of the leaf router is to handle
packets movements into or out of the host. The leaf routers are
connected by an edge router that is situated in a central core
router. A central core router is a router in the core network and
serves the whole sub-network into a single large network. A
baud rate for a link that connects a whole host with leaf router
is set at 10 Mbps (megabits per second), while the baud rate for
a link that connects the leaf router with edge router is set at 100
Mbps and the baud rate for the a link that connects all the edge
router with central router is set at 1 Gbps (gigabit per second)
because edge router have a function to forward packets in
between networks. Core routers due to their role as internet
backbone routers, support multiple telecommunication
interfaces with high data throughput. A baud rate for link
among core router is set at 500 Mbps.
Fig. 1 shows the network topology for the first scenario.
Central Core
Sumatera Edge
Sulawesi Edge
Edge Router
Sumatera Leaf
Banda Aceh
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
1 Gbps
10 Mbps
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
Egde Router
Edge Router
Jakarta Server
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
East Java
Edge Router
Edge Router
10 Mbps
Leaf Router
10 Mbps
Maluku Server
10 Mbps
Maluku Utara
Leaf Router
Leaf Router
Sulawesi Leaf
North Sulawesi
Server South Sulawesi
10 Mbps 10
Central Kalimantan
10 Mbps 10
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
Bali Server
NTB Server
NTT Server
100 Mbps
Papua Barat
Leaf Router
100 Mbps
1 Gbps
West Core
East Core
500 Mbps
500 Mbps
500 Mbps
Fig. 1. First Scenario
B. Second Scenario
The second scenario is almost similar to the first scenario.
The difference is that this scenario involve two types of
routers, they are leaf routers and edge routers which configured
hierarchically. The leaf routers are connecting the hosts to edge
router and all the edge routers are connected by high-speed
network between routers. A baud rate for a link that connects
all hosts with leaf router is set at 10 Mbps. A leaf router is
responsible to gather group information. While the baud rate
for link that connects leaf router with edge router is set at 100
Mbps and the baud rate for link that connects edge router is set
at 1 Gbps so that the edge router can forward packets in
between networks faster.
Fig. 2 shows the network topology for the second scenario.
C. Third Scenario
The third scenario represents the whole province of the
government structure. In this scenario, each province group by
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island/archipelago that coordinated by leaf router. The leaf
router will receive the first packets from each province and
gathering information from group. All the leaf routers are
connected by services with high-speed network among routers.
Baud rate for link among leaf router is set at 100 Mbps.
Fig. 3 shows the network topology for the third scenario.
Sumatera Edge
Sulawesi Edge
Edge Router
Sumatera Leaf
Banda Aceh
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
1 Gbps
10 Mbps
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
Egde Router
Edge Router
Jakarta Server
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
East Java
Edge Router
Edge Router
10 Mbps
Leaf Router
10 Mbps
Maluku Server
10 Mbps
Maluku Utara
Leaf Router
Leaf Router
Sulawesi Leaf
North Sulawesi
Server South Sulawesi
10 Mbps
Central Kalimantan
10 Mbps 10
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
Bali Server
NTB Server
NTT Server
100 Mbps
Papua Barat
Leaf Router
100 Mbps
Fig. 2. Second Scenario
Sumatera Leaf
Banda Aceh
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
10 Mbps
Jakarta Server
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
10 Mbps
East Java
10 Mbps
Leaf Router
10 Mbps
Maluku Server
10 Mbps
Maluku Utara
Leaf Router
Leaf Router
Sulawesi Leaf
North Sulawesi
Server South Sulawesi
10 Mbps
Central Kalimantan
10 Mbps 10
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
100 Mbps
Bali Server
NTB Server
NTT Server
100 Mbps
Papua Barat
Leaf Router
100 Mbps
Fig. 3. Third Scenario
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D. Result
We define three samples which based on three types of how
the numbers of users are in each province where the total
number of users in the country is set the same. In the first
simulation, we assume that there is one user in each regency
and municipal in each province and we label the sample as
DS0. In the second simulation sample, DS1, we define the
number of users in each province is proportional with the
number of population in the province, however the total
number of users in the country are the total number of users in
DS0. Thus in each province the number of users is given as:
u = p/t x nd0 (1)
u = number of user in each province
p = number of population in each province
t = total population in the country
nd0 = number of users of DS0
And for the third simulation, DS3, we use same number of
users at each province as:
u = nd0 /np (2)
u = number of user
nd0 = number of users of DS0
np = number of province
We round the number of users in each province in DS0,
DS1 and DS2 to the nearest integer. Fig. 4 describes these
Fig. 4. Number of users in each province based on various sample type
In each simulation using the above three scenarios S1, S2,
and S3, and two algorithms FIFO and SCFQ, we introduce
three Gridlets which define jobs in GridSim sent by each user
successively to a resource and the resource will give a sign
which Gridlet is ready to be processed. The computing time in
each province is defined to be the average of these three
Gridlets response time, and the average computing time in the
country is defined as the average computing time from all
computing time in the provinces. The results are given in the
Table III.
Where S1FIFO indicates the first scenario using FIFO
algorithm, S1SCFQ indicates the first scenario using SCFQ,
the same meaning applies to S2FIFO, S2SCFQ, S3FIFO, and
S3SCFQ. Fig. 5 shows in general that sample DS1 is the most
efficient one compared with DS0 and DS2.
Fig. 5. Result comparison of DS0, DS1, DS2
The results above show that Scenario 1 using SCFQ
algorithm in DS1 gives the best processing time and Scenario 3
using FIFO algorithm in DS2 gives the worst processing time.
Scenario 1 using SCFQ scheduling algorithm in DS1 tends
to make packet lifetime in routers with crowded traffic
becomes shorter. As we see that more than 70% of population
in Indonesia is in Java Island which is use West Core Router.
Packet lifetime shows the difference between the enqueuing
and dequeuing time of packets. This is because there are packet
priority settings where the packets with higher priority will be
served first, so the overall packet lifetime will be reduced.
SCFQ algorithm can provide differentiated services for data
traffics by changing the weight associated with traffic classes.
The higher the weight of a traffic class, the better treatment of
the class. Treatment here means the wider bandwidth allocation
(bandwidth) so that the execution time would be smaller.
Scenario 3 using FIFO algorithm in DS2 gives the worst
processing time because packet lifetime is higher. In FIFO
mechanism, all packets are enqueued at the end of a queue, and
the first packet located in the beginning of the queue will be
dequeued first. The packets are unordered and no differentiated
service will be provided.
The data above can be analyzed that in the development of
e-Government Grid services in Indonesia using FIFO (First In
First Out) scheduling algorithm, then the most suitable is the
topology that allows data packets having a low number of
hops. In this simulation, network with the lowest number of
hops seen in the third scenario of DS1 using the population
comparison as the number of user in each province.
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31
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DS0 252.23357 247.72993 248.76200 252.34099 248.45325 251.00456
DS1 244.60348 237.48944 246.93003 251.68368 237.95047 240.34692
DS2 253.70659 241.51920 247.14717 241.07650 255.08733 253.06667
If using SCFQ (Self-Clocked Fair Queuing) scheduling
algorithm, then the most suitable is the topology that makes the
data packets with the same priority has small possibility to
meet each other in a single router or link. In this simulation,
topology that meet this condition is a topology on the first
scenario of DS1 using the population comparison as the
number of user in each province.
And we can see that DS1 give the best performance. So we
can say that the most suitable for Grid topology in Indonesia is
using the number of population comparison as the number of
user in each province.
The research aim at modelling an e-Government Grid in
Indonesia by performing a simulation using GridSim toolkit
that is based on the Java programming language. Simulations
carried out by testing three different types of topologies in
terms of link and router configuration with FIFO and SCFQ
algorithms and three types of number of users based on the
province, population and same number of users in each
province. The result is the average time processing that is used
to obtain the most effective topology for each scheduling
From the simulation results can be concluded that the
SCFQ scheduling algorithm tends to create packets lifetime in
the router with heavy traffic becomes shorter. Packet lifetime is
the time of packet in the queue or the time difference between
time the packet is enter into the queue and time the packet is
out of the queue. It is due to packet priority setting where high-
priority packet will be prioritized so that the overall packet
lifetime will be reduced.
The proposed Grid arhitecture in this paper will be used as
inputs for providing e-Government services and its
implementation on a Cloud platform for the best performance.
Comparing Grid services to Cloud services, we can see that
Grid is about performance and Cloud is about scalability. In
our next work, we will model the country e-Government Grid
services based on Cloud Computing to test the scalability of
the Grid system driven by economical scale considering some
factors in existing practices done by the government.
Part of this works was done during the first author visit to
School of ITEE-UQ in 2012 under the support of Indonesian
Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of
Higher Educations Sandwich Like grants No.
[1] Y. Chen, HM. Chen, RKH. Ching, WW. Huang, Electronic
Government Implementation: A Comparison between Developed and
Developing Countries, International Journal of Electronic Government
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[2] The World Bank, Indonesia Overview, Retrieved December 10, 2012,
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IEEE Computer Society Press, September 2001, pp. 318-322.
[12] D. Verginadis, D. Gousco, M. Legal, G. Mentzas, An Architecture for
Integrating. Heterogeneous Administrative Services, into One-Stop e-
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An Approach to Offering One-Stop e-Government Services: Available
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and Simulation of Indonesian Education Grid Topology, International
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Ummi Azizah Rachmawati holds B.Sc. from Informatics Engineering,
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology in 2000 and holds M.Sc. from
Magister of Information Technology, University of Indonesia in 2003. She is
currently a student of Doctoral Program, Department of Computer Science,
University of Indonesia and an academic and research staff of Faculty of
Information Technology, Yarsi University, Jakarta, Indonesia. She has won
some research grants on e-Commerce, e-Leaning and e-Government.
Xue Li is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Technology
and Electrical Engineering at the University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia.
He obtained the Ph.D degree in Information Systems from Queensland
University of Technology, Australia in 1997. He is also an Adjunct Professor
of University of Electronic Science and Technology, China and a Guest
Professor of Chongqing University. His major areas of research interest and
expertise include Data Mining, Multimedia Data Security, Database Systems,
and Intelligent Web Information Systems. He is a member of ACM, IEEE, and
Heru Suhartanto is a Professor in Faculty of Computer Science,
Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI). He has been with Fasilkom UI since
1986. Previously he held some positions such as Post doctoral fellow at
Advanced Computational Modelling Centre, the University of Queensland,
Australia in 1998 2000; two periods vice Dean for General Affair at Fasilkom
UI since 2000. He graduated from undergraduate study at Department of
Mathematics, UI in 1986. He holds Master of Science, from Department of
Computer Science, The University of Toronto, Canada since 1990. He also
holds Ph.D in Parallel Computing from Department of Mathematics, The
University of Queensland since 1998. His main research interests are
Numerical, Parallel, Cloud and Grid computing.
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Performance Comparison of DCT and Walsh
Transforms for Watermarking using DWT-SVD
Dr. H. B. Kekre
Senior Professor
Computer Engineering Department
SVKMs NMIMS (Deemed to be
University), Vileparle, Mumbai,
Dr. Tanuja Sarode
Associate Professor
Computer Department,
Thadomal Shahani Engg. College,
Bandra, Mumbai 50, India
Shachi Natu
Assistant Professor,
Information Technology Department
Thadomal Shahani Engg. College
Bandra, Mumbai 50, India
AbstractThis paper presents a DWT-DCT-SVD based
hybrid watermarking method for color images. Robustness is
achieved by applying DCT to specific wavelet sub-bands and then
factorizing each quadrant of frequency sub-band using singular
value decomposition. Watermark is embedded in host image by
modifying singular values of host image. Performance of this
technique is then compared by replacing DCT by Walsh in above
combination. Walsh results in computationally faster method and
acceptable performance. Imperceptibility of method is tested by
embedding watermark in HL2, HH2 and HH1 frequency sub-
bands. Embedding watermark in HH1 proves to be more robust
and imperceptible than using HL2 and HH2 sub-bands.
KeywordsDiscrete Wavelet Transform (DWT); Discrete
Cosine Transform (DCT); Singular Value Decomposition (SVD);
Advancement in technology has resulted in use of digital
data which includes text, images, audio, video and multimedia
data. Technology has also made it easy to
duplicate/manipulate the contents of these data by various
means. Piracy is a very good example of this. Thus
authentication of data becomes obvious requirement before it
is made available as digital data. Authentication includes
information of owner of data within data itself to avoid taking
undue credit as well as to prevent tampering of data. Digital
watermarking is one of the most popular techniques used for
digital data authentication.
Watermark is secret information which is embedded into a
digital signal. Digital signal into which watermark is
embedded is called as host signal or cover signal. Host signal
can be text, image, audio or video data. Depending on the type
of host signal, watermarking is classified as text
watermarking, image watermarking, audio watermarking and
video watermarking[1]. Image watermarking can be further
classified into transform domain watermarking and spatial
domain watermarking based on how the watermark is
embedded into an image. Transform domain watermarking is
one in which image is first transformed using appropriate
transformation technique and then watermark is embedded
into transformed coefficients of image. Spatial domain
watermarking refers to directly modifying pixel values of an
image to embed watermark into it. Transform domain
watermarking is complex as compared to spatial domain
watermarking but it is more robust also. Watermarking
technique is said to be robust with respect to transformations,
if watermark embedded into digital image can be easily
extracted even if any attempts are made to change the data
contents thereby degrading the host image. Discrete Wavelet
Transform[2],[8],[13] and Discrete Cosine
Transform[3],[8],[13] are most popular transforms used for
Transform domain watermarking. Singular Value
Decomposition[4],[8] is yet another popular approach for the
same. In this paper an attempt has been made to exploit
strengths of all these techniques to provide robust and
imperceptible watermarking technique. Other characteristics
of a good watermarking technique are perceptibility and
security. Perceptibility refers to the ability to notice existence
of watermark into image. Low perceptibility is desirable.
Security of watermarking algorithm refers to inability to
extract data contents by unauthorised party even after knowing
embedding and extraction algorithm.
In literature, various approaches have been tried out for
digital watermarking using wavelet transform and singular
value decomposition. Xi-Ping and Qing-Sheng Zhu [5] have
proposed a wavelet based method using sub-blocks of image.
Instead of applying wavelet transform on whole image, it was
applied to local sub-blocks. These sub-blocks were randomly
extracted from original image. Watermark was embedded into
part of frequency coefficients of these sub-bands by
computing their statistical characteristics. A Mansouri, A
Mahmoudi Aznaveh, F Torkamani Azar [6] have proposed a
method using Complex Wavelet Transform (CWT) and
singular value decomposition (SVD). The watermark was
embedded by combining singular values of watermark in LL
band of transformed image. The method proposed by them is
non-blind watermarking because singular values of original
image are required in extraction phase. Rashmi Agarwal and
K. Venugopalan [7] have proposed a SVD based method for
watermarking of color images. Each plane of color image is
separately treated for embedding and extracting process.
Different scaling factors were used to test the robustness of
their method. Satyanarayana Murty. P. and P. Rajesh
Kumar[8] have proposed a hybrid DWT-DCT-SVD based
approach. HL frequency band was selected by them for
embedding purpose. Method proposed in this paper is
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motivated by their work. Satendra Kumar, Ashwini Kumar
Saini, Papendra Kumar[9] have also proposed a watermarking
scheme based on discrete wavelet transform and singular value
decomposition. They have used three level wavelet transform
and then by modifying singular values of cover image,
watermark is embedded into it. Medium frequency bands i.e.
HL3 and LH3 were preferred for embedding. PSNR and
Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) values were used to
measure the effectiveness of the method. Krishnamoorthi and
Sheba Kezia[10] proposed a watermarking technique based on
orthogonal polynomial based transformation for copyright
protection of digital images. A visual model was used to
determine strength of watermarking. This visual model was
used to generate Just Noticeable Difference (JND) by
analyzing low level image characteristics like texture, edges
and luminance of cover image in polynomial based
transformation domain. Ko-Ming-Chan and Long-Wen
Chang[11] have proposed a watermarking system which
embeds two different watermarks robust and fragile into
spatial and frequency domain separately. Robust watermark is
embedded in wavelet coefficients of LL band whereas fragile
watermark is embedded in least significant bits of
watermarked image. Advanced encryption standard- Rijndeal
block cipher was used to make watermarking technique
public. Veysel Atlantas, A Latif Dogan, Serkan Ozturk [12]
proposed a DWT-SVD based watermarking scheme using
Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO). Singular values of each sub-
band of cover image are modified by different scaling factors.
Modifications were further optimized using PSO to obtain
highest possible robustness.
A. Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT)[13]
Wavelets are special mathematical functions that represent
scaled and shifted copies of finite length waveform. DWT is
based on wavelets and analyzes the signal into its frequency
components at multiple resolutions. Applying wavelet
transform on two dimensional images divides image into four
sub-bands LL, LH, HL and HH which consist of low
frequency, middle frequency and high frequency components
of an image. Maximum energy of an image is concentrated in
LL sub-band whereas high frequency components in HH sub-
band correspond to edges and textures [8]. Hence
imperceptible watermarking can be achieved by using these
high frequency components for embedding.
B. Discrete Cosinet Transform(DCT)
Discrete Cosine Transform converts the signal into its
elementary frequency components. After applying DCT, most
of the energy of a signal is concentrated into top left corner of
an image. Due to this property, DCT is widely used in image
compression. This property also helps in watermarking for
selecting appropriate frequency coefficients to embed the
C. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Singular Value Decomposition is a matrix factorization
technique having many applications in image processing.
Since digital image is a two dimensional matrix, SVD can be
applied to it. If I is a digital image of dimension M*N, then
applying SVD on I decomposes it into three matrices U, S and
V with following relationship.
Here U is a M*M unitary matrix, V is a N*N unitary
matrix and S is M*N matrix whose first r diagonal values are
Eigen values of positive definite matrix I
* I. Coefficients of
matrix U, S or V can be appropriately selected and altered for
watermark embedding.
In this paper a hybrid approach for watermark embedding
and extraction has been proposed. Two combinations have
been used to compare their performances. First combination is
of DWT, DCT and SVD, whereas second combination is of
DWT, Walsh and SVD. Thus main aim here is to compare
performance of DCT and Walsh when combined with DWT
and SVD. Further different frequency sub-bands (HL2, HH2
and HH1) of host image are tried for embedding purpose in
order to observe the effect of frequency band selection on
robustness and perceptibility. Experiments are carried out on
10 different color host images of size 256*256*8 by
embedding five different color images / logos of size
128*128*8 into each host image. Let H be the host image and
W be the watermark. WI refers to watermarked image.
Embedding and Extraction algorithms given below are for
HL2 Frequency sub-band. Same steps are conducted for HH2
and HH1 sub-band. For using HH1 frequency sub-band to
embed watermark single level discrete wavelet transform is
taken instead of two level DWT.
A. Embedding Algorithm
Embedding algorithm further can be subdivided into four
sub-processes: a) Transformation of host image, b)
Transformation of watermark, c) Embedding process and d)
Generating stego image. Each of these are explained below.
a) Transformation of host image
1) Apply two level Discrete wavelet transform on host
image H separately on each plane. This gives us the wavelet
transformed image H of size 64*64*8. We also get an image
which can be distinguished into four different frequency bands
namely LL2, HL2, LH2 and HH2.
2) On HL2 sub-band of individual plane of wavelet
transformed image i.e. H, apply DCT/WALSH transform. This
results into DCT/WALSH transformed image say H.
3) Arrange H in zigzag manner and then form four
quadrants out of it say Q1, Q2, Q3and Q4 of size 32*32*8
b) Transformation of watermark
4) Repeat step 1 and step 2 on watermark image W to
get W of size 32*32*8.
5) Apply Singular Value Decomposition on each
quadrant obtained in step 3. This decomposes each quadrant
into 3 matrices U, S and V. S is the singular value matrix used
for embedding purpose.
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6) Apply Singular Value Decomposition on W obtained
in step 4. This decomposes W into 3 matrices U, S and V.
c) Embedding watermark
7) Scale the S matrix of each quadrant of H by value
say K using Equation (1) to get S. Different values of scaling
factor k have been tried out to observe its effect on robustness
and perceptibility.
d) Generating stego image
8) Using S, reconstruct quadrants of H. i.e. Qi=
9) Rearrange these new quadrants by inversing the
zigzag procedure to get modified H.
10) Take inverse DCT/WALSH of modified H to get H.
11) Take two- level inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform
of H obtained in Step 10 to get watermarked image WI.
B. Extraction Algorithm
Similar to embedding algorithm, extraction algorithm is
divided into three sub-processes: a) Transformation of
watermarked image, b) Extraction of watermark, c)
Reconstruction of watermark. Each of these are explained
a) Transformation of host image
1) Apply two-level Discrete wavelet transform on
watermarked image WI separately on each plane. This gives
us the wavelet transformed image WI of size 64*64*8. This
image can be distinguished into four different frequency bands
namely LL2, HL2, LH2 and HH2.
2) On HL2 sub-band of individual plane of wavelet
transformed image i.e. WI, apply DCT/WALSH transform.
This results into DCT/WALSH transformed image say WI.
3) Arrange WI in zigzag manner and then form four
quadrants out of it say Q1, Q2, Q3and Q4 of size 32*32*8
4) Apply Singular Value Decomposition on each
quadrant obtained in step 3. This decomposes each quadrant
into 3 matrices U, S and V.
b) Extraction of watermark
5) Extract singular values from watermarked image
using modified and original singular values of R G B planes of
host image using Equation (2).
c) Reconstruction of watermark
6) These extracted singular values are then used to
construct DCT/Walsh transform coefficients of watermark say
W from each quadrant.
7) Take inverse DCT/Walsh transform of W to get W.
8) Take inverse wavelet transform of W to get extracted
watermark EW.
Table I below shows host images of size 256*256*8 used
for experimentation. Images from left to right and top to
bottom are Lena, Mandrill, Peppers, Balls, Puppy, Tiger,
Flower, Ganesh, Titanic and Waterlili.
Table II below shows five different logos/images of size
128*128*8 used as watermark. Images from left to right and
top to bottom are NMIMS, Austral, Bear, Logo and CCD.
C. Results for embedding process using DCT and Walsh with
Table III on next page shows host image Lena after
embedding watermark into its HL2, HH2 and HH1 frequency
components using DCT. These results are for K=0.05(except
HH1), 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6. It can be seen that, as scaling
factor is increased (0K1), quality of host image is degraded.
This is due to considerable changes taking place into singular
values of frequency components of host image with increased
value of K. Table IV shows host image Lena after embedding
watermark into its HL2, HH2 and HH1 frequency components
using Walsh. Observations for Walsh are also similar to that of
Comparisons of results obtained for DWT-DCT-SVD and
DWT-Walsh-SVD combinations are shown in following
graphs. Fig. 1 shows comparison of Mean Absolute Error
(MAE) between host image and watermarked image for
different values of scaling factor K, when watermark is
embedded in HL2 sub-band using DCT and Walsh with DWT-
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Fig. 1. Comparison of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between host image
and watermarked image for different values of scaling factor K when
watermark is embedded in HL2 sub-band using DCT and Walsh with DWT-
From Fig.1 it can be observed that Walsh transform shows
more imperceptibility than DCT for all scaling facto values.
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show Mean Absolute Error between host and
watermarked image for different scaling factor K when
watermark is embedded in HH2 and HH1 sub-bands
respectively with DWT-SVD.
Fig. 2. Comparison of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between host image
and watermarked image for different values of scaling factor K when
watermark is embedded in HH2 sub-band using DCT and Walsh with DWT-
Fig. 2 clearly shows that Walsh transform with DWT-SVD
for HH2 sub-band is more imperceptible than DCT with
Fig. 3. Comparison of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between host image
and watermarked image for different values of scaling factor K when
watermark is embedded in HH1 sub-band using DCT and Walsh with DWT-
Difference in imperceptibility for DCT and Walsh is more
significant for HH1 sub-band as shown in Fig. 3.
To summarize, from Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3, it can be
observed that distortion caused in host image due to
embedding watermark is much less for Walsh as compared to
DCT in all three frequency sub- bands, i.e. Walsh shows
higher imperceptibility than DCT. It also indicates that,
embedding watermark into high frequency components leads
to higher imperceptibility which is a requirement for good
watermarking technique. Though higher frequency
components are more susceptible to various image processing
attacks especially image compression, it is affordable in
watermarking. The reason is that, main purpose of
watermarking is to provide authentication of data contents
which makes the image compression issue secondary. MAE
can be directly related to perceptibility because it is the
absolute difference between two images and hence noticeable
by Human Visual System (HVS). Table VI shows result
images for watermark extraction when no attacks are
performed on watermarked image (K=0.6) for HL2, HH2,
HH1 sub-band using DCT.
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ing Factor (K)
Watermarked Images (DWT-DCT-SVD)
RMSE 9.8622 9.5669 -
MAE 5.6053 5.0714 -
RMSE 10.754 9.6301 0.97263
MAE 6.7203 5.1099 0.56891
RMSE 13.755 9.8784 1.9453
MAE 9.6149 5.2676 1.1378
RMSE 21.985 10.814 3.8905
MAE 16.365 5.8456 2.2756
RMSE 31.2 12.214 5.8358
MAE 23.544 6.6577 3.4134
ing Factor (K)
Watermarked Images (DWT-WALSH-SVD)
RMSE 9.6239
MAE 5.2354
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RMSE 9.8549
MAE 5.6192
RMSE 10.729
MAE 6.7407
RMSE 13.678
MAE 9.6179
RMSE 17.522
MAE 12.864
D. Attacks on watermarked images:
Generally attacks on digital image can be categorized into
two groups. Attacks which affect the pixel values of image
and which affect geometry of image [7]. In the work presented
in this paper, five different types of attacks have been
performed. These attacks are contrast stretching, image
cropping, Gaussian noise, histogram equalization and image
resizing. Table V below shows Lena image watermarked with
NMIMS image (K=0.6) after performing various attacks on
it. Images in Fig. 4 from left to right and top to bottom
correspond to contrast stretching, cropping, adding Gaussian
noise (0.1 variance), histogram equalization, and resizing.
Robustness plays an important role here because, watermark
should survive the attacks performed on host image for
successful authentication. Due to space constraints, results of
watermark extraction without any attack are shown in Table
VI only for K=0.6 for HL2, HH2 and HH1 sub-band with
DWT-DCT-SVD. Table VII shows results of watermark
extraction without any attack for K=0.6 for HL2, HH2 and
HH1 sub-band with DWT-Walsh-SVD.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e)
E. Results of watermark extraction from HL2, HH2 and
HH1 sub-bands against various attacks using DCT with
Fig. 4(a), (b), (c) and (d) below show performance
comparison of different sub-bands against various attacks for
K=0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 using DCT.
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Fig. 4. .(a) Mean Absolute Error between original and extracted NMIMS
watermark from HL2, HH2 and HH1 for K=0.1 and DCT
From Fig.4 (a), it can be noticed that for different attacks
performed on watermarked image with K=0.1, HH1 sub-
band gives smaller value of MAE than HL2 and HH2 sub-
bands (except for Gaussian noise attak.). This in turn
indicates more robustness when watermark is embedded in
HH1 sub-band.
Fig. 4. (b) Mean Absolute Error between original and extracted
NMIMS watermark from HL2, HH2 and HH1 for K=0.2 and DCT.
However, from Fig. 4(b) it is observed that with K=0.2,
for all attacks, HH1 gives smallest value of MAE. Also
these MAE values are smaller as compared to MAE values
for K=0.1in previous case.
Fig. 4. (c) Mean Absolute Error between original and extracted
NMIMS watermark from HL2, HH2 and HH1 for K=0.4 and DCT.
From Fig. 4.(c), we can say that HH1 is much better in
robustness than HL2 and HH2 for K=0.4. MAE values are
further reduced with increase in value of K.
Fig. 4. (d) Mean Absolute Error between original and extracted
NMIMS watermark from HL2, HH2 and HH1 for K=0.6 and DCT
This improvement in robustness for HH1 sub-bands
continues for higher value of K(K=0.6) as shown in Fig.4
Thus it can be concluded that as we increase the value of
scaling factor, watermark recovered from attack are closest
to original watermark for HH1 sub-band. Similar results are
observed for Walsh with DWT-SVD.
Further, for each sub-band, robustness of DCT and
Walsh is compared by considering average MAE between
original and extracted watermark for different attacks and
for different values of K. For this, average MAE is
computed over 10 host images for each attack in HL2, HH2
and HH1 sub-band separately. It is observed that robustness
shown by Walsh transform is acceptable with less
computational cost for each sub-band except for Gaussian
noise in HH1 sub-band. This Comparison of robustness
(MAE) for DCT and Walsh with K=0.6 is shown in Fig.
5(a)-(c). Watermarks extracted from each quadrant of HH1
sub-band for various attacks and K=0.6 using DWT-DCT-
SVD and DWT-Walsh-SVD are shown in Table VIII and
Table IX respectively.
Fig. 5. a) Comparison of average MAE for DCT and Walsh for HL2
sub-band (K=0.6, NMIMS Watermark)
From Fig. 5(a), it is observed that MAE between original
and extracted watermark from HL2 sub-band is slightly
more for Walsh as compared to DCT and hence it is
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Fig. 5. (b) Comparison of average MAE for DCT and Walsh for HH2
sub-band (K=0.6, NMIMS Watermark)
From Fig. 5(b), it is observed that MAE between
original and extracted watermark from HH2 sub-band is
slightly increased for Walsh. It is still acceptable because
MAE for embedding process using Walsh is better than
Fig. 5. (c) Comparison of average MAE for DCT and Walsh for HH1
sub-band (K=0.6, NMIMS Watermark)
From Fig.5(c), it can be said that the performance of
Walsh is acceptable for extraction from HH1 sub-band since
MAE values are much smaller as compared to MAE values
for HL2 and HH2 sub-band for watermark extraction
Extracted Watermark
Attacked Image Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
RMSE=31.2 33.391 33.382 33.384 33.395
AME=23.544 19.403 19.37 19.379 19.375
(A) K=0.6, HL2 sub-band
33.198 33.198 33.198 33.199
AME=6.657 18.793 18.792 18.792 18.804
(B) K=0.6, HH2 Sub-band
RMSE=5.835 0.0355 0.1074 0.1322 0.2004
MAE=3.413 0.0012614 0.011536 0.017476 0.04
(C) K=0.6, HH1 sub-band
Extracted Watermark
Attacked Image Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
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33.227 33.232 33.228 33.236
18.977 19 18.981 18.993
(A) K=0.6, HL2 sub band
RMSE=10.279 33.196 33.197 33.197 33.196
AME=5.520 18.782 18.78 18.783 18.782
(B) K=0.6, HH2 sub-band
RMSE=2.917 0.0285 0.0433 0.0251 0.0406
AME=1.678 0.0008138 0.0018717 0.000631 0.00165
(C) K=0.6,HH1 sub-band
Extracted Watermark
Attacked Image Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
RMSE=29.29 5.5803 5.5303 5.983 6.8927
AME=25.048 2.8771 2.8503 3.0178 3.3298
(A) Contrast stretching
RMSE=55.921 0.62653 0.801 0.73025 0.46367
AME=18.936 0.22917 0.32019 0.3264 0.16331
(B) Cropping
RMSE= 10.8816 10.085 9.7701198 8.9896803
AME= 6.05751546 5.61658 5.4804688 5.09706624
(C) Gaussian noise
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RMSE=48.849 7.5344 7.5138 7.8871 8.7403
MAE=41.249 3.4099 3.3394 3.5149 3.8415
(D) Histogram Equalization
RMSE=10.883 10.561 11.349 12.644 15.791
MAE=6.171 4.7369 5.1686 5.8723 7.3549
(E) Resizing
Extracted Watermark
Attacked Image Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
RMSE=29.29 8.4939 8.7267 9.4209 10.946
AME=25.046 4.3429 4.5289 4.9218 5.3963
(A) Contrast stretching
RMSE=55.105 0.65387 0.81651 0.75272 0.55661
AME=18.937 0.24969 0.35659 0.32318 0.24801
(B) Cropping
RMSE=34.397 23.3019 21.934226 21.1316 20.0063
AME=28.388 13.0506 12.1854 11.779 11.2329
(C) Gaussian noise
RMSE=49.067 9.9075 10.48 11.655 12.931
MAE=41.454 4.6353 4.8488 5.468 5.9934
(D) Histogram Equalization
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RMSE=9.032 12.486 14.277 16.595 21.053
MAE=4.992 5.7634 6.8108 8.0143 9.9391
(E) Resizing
Following conclusions can be drawn based on the work
presented in this paper. As value of scaling factor increases,
MAE between host image and watermark becomes significant
thereby reducing imperceptibility. However, loss of
perceptibility is less when watermark is embedded in high
frequency components of host image. Since high frequency
components of an image correspond to edges and borders of
an image, embedding watermark causes distortion in images.
But this distortion is affordable as compared to distortion in
image caused by embedding watermark in HL or LH
frequency components. Frequently, in image processing
attacks, high frequency components are eliminated which
results into loss of watermark information. However, such
elimination is possible or can be of major concern in data
compression. In watermarking, main emphasis is on protecting
copyright information or content identification and not on data
compression. Thus, it is acceptable to embed the watermark
image in high frequency components rather than in low or
medium frequency components. Walsh transform when used
with DWT-SVD results in computationally faster
watermarking scheme. Robustness and imperceptibility
provided by Walsh is acceptable when compared with DWT-
Further work includes use of different orthogonal
transforms like slant, Hartley, Kekres transform and wavelet
transforms obtained from them for watermarking.
[1] Smitha Rao, Jyothsna A. N, Pinaka Pani. R, Digital watermarking:
applications,techniques and attacks, International Journal of Computer
Applications Volume 44, No. 7, pp. 29-34, April 2012.
[2] Chih-chin lai, Cheng-chih Tsai, Digital image watermarking using
discrete wavelet transform and singular value decomposition, IEEE
Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 59, No. 11, pp.
[3] Basia Gunjal, R. Manthalkar,An overview of transform domain robust
digital image watermarking algorithms, Journal of Emerging Trends in
Computing and Information Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010-11, pp.3742.
[4] Harry Andrews,Singular value decompositions and digital image
processing, IEEE Transactions on Acoustic, Speech and Signal
Processing, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1976, pp. 26-53.
[5] Xi-Ping and Qing-Sheng Zhu, A robust wavelet-domain watermarking
algorithm for color image, Proceedings of the Fifth International
Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Dalian, pp.13-16
August 2006.
[6] A Mansouri, A Mahmoudi Aznaveh, F Azar, SVD-based digital image
watermarking using complex wavelet transform, Sadhana, Vol. 34, Part
3, pp. 393-406, June 2009.
[7] Rashmi Agarwal, K. Venugopalan, Digital watermarking of color
images in the singular domain, IJCA Special issue on Computational
Science- New Dimensions & Perspectives, pp. 144-149, 2011.
[8] S. Murty, Dr. Rajesh Kumar, A Robust Digital Image Watermarking
Scheme using Hybrid DWT-DCT-SVD Technique, IJCSNS,
Vol.10,No.10, pp. 185-192, Oct 2010.
[9] Satendra Kumar, Ashwini Saini, Papendra Kumar, SVD based Robust
Digital Image Watermarking using Discrete Wavelet Transform, IJCA,
Vol. 45No. 10, pp.7-11, May 2012.
[10] R. Krishnamoorthi, Sheba Kezia,Image Adaptive Watermarking with
Visual Model in Orthogonal Polynomials based Transformation
Domain,IJICE, 5:2, pp. 146-153, 2009.
[11] Ko-Ming Chan, Long-wen Chang, A Novel Public Watermarking
System based on Advanced Encryption System, IEEE Proc.of 18
International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and
Application, 2004.
[12] Veysel Aslantas, A. Latif Dogan and Serkan Ozturk, DWT-SVD based
image watermarking using particle swarm optimizer, Proc. Of IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2008 pp. 241-244.
[13] Yang Quianli, Cai Yanhong,A digital watermarking algorithm based on
DWT and DCT,IEEE International Symposium on Information
Technology in Medicine and Education, 2012, pp. 1102-1105.
Dr. H. B. Kekre has received B.E. (Hons.) in Telecomm. Engg. from
Jabalpur University in 1958, M.Tech (Industrial Electronics) from IIT
Bombay in 1960, M.S.Engg. (Electrical Engg.) from University of Ottawa in
1965 and Ph.D. (System Identification) from IIT Bombay in 1970. He has
worked Over 35 years as Faculty of Electrical Engineering and then HOD
Computer Science and Engg. at IIT Bombay. After serving IIT for 35 years,
he retired in 1995. After retirement from IIT, for 13 years he was working as a
professor and head in the department of computer engineering and Vice
principal at Thadomal Shahani Engg. College, Mumbai. Now he is senior
professor at MPSTME, SVKMs NMIMS University. He has guided 17
Ph.Ds., more than 100 M.E./M.Tech and several B.E. / B.Tech projects, while
in IIT and TSEC. His areas of interest are Digital Signal processing, Image
Processing and Computer Networking. He has more than 450 papers in
National / International Journals and Conferences to his credit. He was Senior
Member of IEEE. Presently He is Fellow of IETE, Life Member of ISTE and
Senior Member of International Association of Computer Science and
Information Technology (IACSIT). Recently fifteen students working under
his guidance have received best paper awards. Currently eight research
scholars working under his guidance have been awarded Ph. D. by NMIMS
(Deemed to be University). At present seven research scholars are pursuing
Ph.D. program under his guidance.
Dr. Tanuja K. Sarode has received M.E. (Computer Engineering) degree
from Mumbai University in 2004, Ph.D. from Mukesh Patel School of
Technology, Management and Engg. SVKMs NMIMS University, Vile-Parle
(W), Mumbai, INDIA. She has more than 11 years of experience in teaching.
Currently working as Assistant Professor in Dept. of Computer Engineering at
Thadomal Shahani Engineering College, Mumbai. She is member of
International Association of Engineers (IAENG) and International Association
of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT). Her areas of
interest are Image Processing, Signal Processing and Computer Graphics. She
has 137 papers in National /International Conferences/journal to her credit.
Ms. Shachi Natu has received M.E. (Computer Engineering) degree from
Mumbai University in 2010. Currently pursuing Ph.D. from NMIMS
University. She has 08 years of experience in teaching. Currently working as
Assistant Professor in Department of Information Technology at Thadomal
Shahani Engineering College, Mumbai. Her areas of interest are Image
Processing, Database Management Systems and Operating Systems. She has
12 papers in International Conferences/journal to her credit.
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Framework of Designing an Adaptive and Multi-
Regime Prognostics and Health Management for
Wind Turbine Reliability and Efficiency
B.L.Song, J.Lee
National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Intelligent Maintenance System (IMS)
Cincinnati, US
AbstractWind turbine systems are increasing in technical
complexity, and tasked with operating and degrading in highly
dynamic and unpredictable conditions. Sustaining the reliability
of such systems is a complex and difficult task. In spite of
extensive efforts, current prognostics and health management
(PHM) methodologies face many challenges, due to the
complexity of the degradation process and the dynamic operating
conditions of a wind turbine. This research proposed a novel
adaptive and multi-regime prognostics and health management
(PHM) approach with the aim to tackle the challenges of
traditional methods. With this approach, a scientific and
systematic solution is provided for health assessment, diagnosis
and prognosis of critical components of wind turbines under
varying environmental, operational and aging processes. The
system is also capable of adaptively selecting the tools suitable for
a component under a certain health status and a specific
operating condition. The adopted relevant health assessment,
diagnosis and prognosis tools and techniques for wind turbines
are warranted by the intensive research of PHM models by the
IMS center for common rotary machinery components. Some
sub-procedures, such as information reconstruction, regime
clustering approach and the prognostics of rotating elements,
were validated by the best score performance in PHM Data
Challenge 2008 (student group) and 2009 (professional group).
The success of the proposed wind turbine PHM system would
greatly benefit current wind turbine industry.
KeywordsPHM; Adaptive tool selection; Multi-regime
prognostics; Information reconstruction; Holo-coefficient
Wind energy is an unlimited, renewable and clean energy
source and makes it possible to establish a large number of
Megawatts in a relatively short time. Wind energy has become
a progressively more competitive source of energy. The
American wind energy association reported that wind
percentage in all the new capacity added increased from 2% in
2004 to 42% in 2008 (Figure 1). It is remarkable that the
United States and China have now become the leaders in the
wind power market industry in terms of newly installed
capacity, surpassing Germany, the previous leader in wind
power (Figure 2). The US markets new wind energy
converter installations, reaching up to 8.5 GW at the end of
2008, have increased the total wind power generating capacity
by half when compared to the previous year. Such a notable
feat is due in part to the US Department of Energys 2008
report [1] purporting that the power that can be harvested from
the countrys wind resources has the potential to supply 20%
of its domestic demand for electricity.
Fig. 1. Percentage Of New Capacity Additions (Source: AWEA-Annual
Wind Industry Report 2009)[2]
Fig. 2. Total increased wind turbine capacity from 2005 to 2008
The increased reliance on wind energy as an energy source
for the world makes the increased uptime and reliability of
wind turbine systems become more critical issues. The
degradation of wind turbine critical components health in the
dynamic operating conditions could badly impact the wind
energy generation efficiency. In recent years, increasing
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interests have been put on researching the condition
monitoring and health management technologies based on the
fact that the preventing the failure of critical equipments in
advance could result in a significant amount of time and cost
savings, and the overall improved reliability and safety of
Ciang et al. provided a review of fault detection
approaches for wind turbines, such as, acoustic emission
events method, thermal imaging method, ultrasonic methods,
various modal-based approaches, fiber optics method, laser
Doppler vibrometer method, electrical-resistance based
damage detection method, strain memory alloy method, x-
radioscopy method and eddy current method [3]. The
techniques surveyed focus more on physical models for
structural health monitoring. In recent decade, with the spread
of artificial intelligent and machine learning technologies, data
driven methods, which base on the analysis of signals (e.g.
vibration from accelerometers) to assess the assets health
degradation status, diagnose current failure modes, and predict
future health, have gained wide attention for their success in
rotary machines [4][5][6].
In spite of extensive efforts by current prognostics and
health management (PHM) methodologies, based on both
data-driven and physical models, a successful deployment of
these existing techniques to wind turbine applications still
faces many challenges, such as, the complexity of the wind
turbine health degradation and the dynamic operating
conditions of a wind turbine. Wind turbine systems are
increasing in technical complexity, and are tasked with
operating in highly dynamic and unpredictable operating
Each component may degrade to various health statuses
even under a same operating condition. Multi-regime approach
is necessary to be researched to extend traditional health
management techniques to consider the dynamic behavior of
these components by segmenting the component health aging
and operating conditions to various operating regimes.
Moreover, considering the health management models may
not have the same performance on different regimes, the
selection of the proper model for a certain component under a
specific application condition is significant. In practice, health
representative data collected is a complicated and energy
wide-range distributing signal. Only some parts of the signal
related to the particular regime are of interest. In order to
remove or reduce noise, a novel and effective information
reconstruction method is desired to filter and reassemble the
signal components without losing the information of interest.
An investigation of current industrial health management
systems was conducted for the largest wind turbine
manufacturers, namely GE Energy, Vestas and Siemens
[7][8][9]. It is found that GE Energys system provides more
advanced functionalities in diagnosis and fault detection for
drive train components than the others. Nevertheless, some
functions, such as, system degradation assessment and failure
prediction based predictive condition monitoring, adaptive and
multi-regime prognostics for dynamic conditions, are non-
Fig. 3. Survey of critical components of wind turbines[10][11][12]
Numerous surveys conducted on faults experienced by
wind turbine components have revealed that gearbox,
generator and rotor blades have longer downtime once they
fail. (Figure 3). Maintenance costs are estimated to make up
approximately 15% of production costs in many industries. In
the survey of the failure modes and hot spots of the critical
component gearbox conducted by Musial [13], almost 100%
of the 500 to 900 kW gearbox designs have had at least one
retrofit/design change to the high speed bearing arrangement.
More than half change happened on planet bearings and
intermediate shaft locating bearings. A more accurate health
estimation of critical components of wind turbines would be
significant for their reliability improvement and breakdown
cost reduction.
In order to minimize breakdown performance and
associated maintenance and logistics costs, and improve
efficiency of power generation and safety considerations, an
adaptive and multi-regime prognostics and health management
(AMPHM) approach is proposed in this paper. The proposed
wind turbine AMPHM is a data driven method for health
assessment, diagnosis and prognosis through the analysis of
vibration signals from accelerometers. Its key technology was
validated upon the research that resulted in the first place
award in the international PHM Challenge in 2009. The
proposed AMPHM system aims to provide an effective and
systematic solution to improve the uptime and reliability of
wind turbines working under the varying environmental,
operational and aging processes, which will make a
breakthrough for traditional PHMs.
This paper is structured as follows: the architecture of the
adaptive and multi-regime wind turbine PHM system, which
consists of data acquisition, health management, and health
visualization, is firstly presented in section 2. The data
acquisition is introduced in section 2 too. Health management
details, including adaptive tool selection and multi-regime
PHM, are explained in sections 3 and 4 respectively. Section
5 takes gearbox as an example to demonstrate the health
visualization. A conclusion is made at the end section
The architecture of adaptive and multi-regime wind turbine
prognostics and health management system working in remote
and online mode is proposed in Figure 4. Inside Nacelle, the
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up-tower data acquisition sub-system continuously collects
signals, including both the operating conditions and the system
behaviors, from installed sensors, as well as the wind turbine
control system. Data files are transmitted through wind farm
network from the nacelle to the remote health management
database and server, where, the data files are downloaded and
processed for health assessment, diagnosis and prognosis. The
processing result will be visualized in a user-friendly human-
machine interface (HMI) on client computer so that users can
immediately understand and determine the health condition
the critical components, and decision aid actions (e.g.
predictive maintenance) can be taken on wind turbines timely,
and accordingly.
Fig. 4. Architecture of adaptive and multi-regime wind turbine PHM
The proposed instrumentation plan for the up-tower
condition monitoring sensor data acquisition (DAQ) for the
critical components of wind turbine, gearbox and generator, is
demonstrated in Figure 5. One low frequency PCB IEPE
accelerometer, typically with sensitivity 500mV/g and
frequency span 0.2-3000Hz, is placed on the main shaft (blade
passing, main bearing) to collect vibration signals. Five PCB
IEPE accelerometers with sensitivity 100 mv/g and frequency
span of 0.5-15000Hz are positions on the gearbox and
generator which have higher rotational speeds and gear mesh
frequencies. One PCB laser tachometer is used to monitor the
main bearing speed and synchronize the vibration. Three
Compact DAQ NI USB 9234 (4 channels) are adapted for
accelerometers and the tachometer signal collection. An
industrial controller (NI 3110) is sitting in the Nacelle
connected to NI USB 9234 to collect data continuously.
Fig. 5. Data acquisition solution (source: NI)
Figure 6 illustrates the flow of the proposed wind turbine
PHM which is conducted on health management server. As
rotational components of a wind turbine work under dynamic
conditions, an adaptive tool selection agent is designed to
select the proper tool for a certain component under a specific
situation. With the multiple operating regimes segmented, the
health representative features are extracted and fed into the
corresponding health assessment models. After health
assessment, multi-dimensional features will be converted into
a 1-Dimention health index between 0 and 1, with 1 indicating
a perfect health condition and 0 indicating an unacceptable
heath condition. The history of the health index can then be
further processed for fault diagnosis and health prediction.
An illustrative example is presented in the following
sections to demonstrate the procedure of the adaptive tool
selection, multi-regime PHM approach, and the health
visualization at users end as well.
Fig. 6. Flow of adaptive and multi-regime wind turbine PHM
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A. Adaptive Model Selection
Due to constantly changing operating conditions, such as
wind speed and wind direction, as well as slow evolving
environmental conditions such as temperature, the electrical
and mechanical system of a wind turbine actually operates
under highly dynamic conditions (Figure 7a). These operating
conditions will be classified into different regimes in the
following study. On each operating regime, wind turbine will
experience different health statuses during degradation (Figure
7b). The combinations of various regimes and corresponding
health statuses constitute the multiple application conditions.
Considering a wind turbine has multiple components, and the
performance of different PHM models may be sensitive to
application conditions, the selection of the proper model for a
certain component under a specific application condition is
significant. An adaptive tool selection agent (Figure 7c) is
designed for this purpose. This agent self adapts to the input of
the customer requirements (e.g. implementation cost, human
involvement, system knowledge, computation efficiency and
signal sampling frequency, etc.) and application conditions,
and automatically identifies a particular model that is suitable
for that specific condition.
a) Multiple operating regimes
b) Multiple health degradation statuses under a certain operating regime
c) Adaptive Tool Selection
Fig. 7. Operating regime and analyze tool
The expert knowledge of various situations that a
particular model is suitable to use will be structured to
initialize a model selection rules knowledge base.
Taking the customer requirements and applications
conditions as inputs, and the models used in those situations as
outputs, a reinforcement learning model will be trained to
learn the model selection knowledge under different situations
Formally, the basic reinforcement learning model
according to Wikipedia consists of:
1) a set of environment states S (i.e. a set of user
requirements and application conditions);
2) a set of actions A ( i.e. a set of models suitable for that
state); and
3) a set of scalar "rewards" in .
The environment is typically formulated as a finite-state
Markov Decision Process (MDP). At each time t, the
reinforcement learning agent perceives its state and the
set of possible actions . It chooses an action
and receives from the environment the new state and a
reward .
Based on these interactions, the reinforcement learning
agent must develop a policy which maximizes the
quantity for MDPs which have a
terminal state, or the quantity.
The adaptive tool selection agent selects the most
appropriate model for each application condition by choosing
the largest Q-value for all the application condition /model
pairs in the row of that application condition. The Q-value is
determined by the sum of the (maybe discounted)
reinforcements received when performing an action following
a given policy.
Model selection rules will then be updated and structured
into a knowledge base again. The reinforcement learning agent
will iterate when receiving a new state.
B. Multi-regime Prognostics and Health Management
The changing operating conditions have significant
influence on the baseline of a data-driven wind turbine PHM
model. The relationship between the operating conditions and
the model baseline is very hard to be established analytically
or experimentally. To conquer the problem, it is proposed to
use the operating regime approach [15] to employ multiple
simple PHM models developed for static operating conditions
to deal with dynamic operating conditions, which will be
referred to as multi-regime PHM here.
The procedure of multi-regime prognostics is illustrated in
Figure 8. First, the collected data, including those indicating
system operating conditions and those indicating system
behaviors, will be used to identify what regime the system is
operating in. If the new measurement cannot fit to any of the
existing patterns, a new operating regime will be learned.
Once the operating regime is identified, the data will be fed
into the corresponding PHM model that has either been
established, or will have to be created for a newly-learned
) (
s A
1 t
1 t
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operating regime. The PHM models include sub-procedures,
such as feature extraction, health assessment and fault
diagnostics, which have been studied and applied intensively
by the IMS center for common rotary machinery components.
Finally, the health indices obtained from different operating
regimes will be fused together to form a continuous time series
of the system health, which will be used for health prediction.
Fig. 8. Multi-regime Wind Turbines Health Assessment and Prediction
1) Signal Processing
Due to frequent environmental changes and unpredictable
wind turbulence, as well as the frequent stopping and starting
of a wind turbine, recorded raw sensor data are not appropriate
as direct input to various signal processing tools, even though
they are continuous vibration or acoustic time series. In order
to enhance data quality and improve signal processing
efficiency, data preprocessing, such as de-noising and data
segmentation, is a necessary preliminary step for signal
processing. In order to remove or reduce noise and effects
from other unrelated sources, de-noising can be performed by
using noise smoothing filters or band pass filters, based on
knowledge of the frequency distribution of wind turbine
signals. Data segmentation can be performed by using
working condition data to sift and retain the active vibration or
acoustic time series.
To detect changes in the vibration signatures caused by
abnormal behaviors, recorded data can be analyzed in the time
domain. A number of simple signal metrics based on the time
domain waveform, such as peak level, root mean square
(RMS) value and kurtosis, have widespread applications in
condition monitoring and fault detection for wind turbines.
However, in order to gain more comprehensive knowledge
and extract more reliable and effective health indicators for
wind turbines, signals need to be observed in the frequency
domain and time-frequency domain. Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) and cepstral analysis are applied for frequency domain
analysis to decompose a signal into its component frequencies
and amplitudes, and to isolate individual components of a
complex signal for easier pattern identification. Spectral
analysis of the electric power and of accelerations measured in
the wind turbine system is performed effectively for stationary
signal analysis where energy variation over time is
dispensable. For non-stationary, non-linear time series which
can be observed from time to time in wind turbine systems
under varying environmental and operating conditions, more
advanced signal processing tools in time-frequency domain
such as short-time Fourier Transform (STFT), Wigner-Ville
distribution (WVD), Wavelet Transform (WT), and Hilbert-
Huang transform (HHT) are applied. A time-frequency
representation is a view of a signal represented over both time
and frequency. In a wind turbine system, non-stationary, non-
liner time series often appear during the transient period
between different working conditions, and they usually carry
abundant dynamic information of the system. The
aforementioned advanced signal processing tools, especially
WT and HHT methods, are able to capture the transient
characteristics of non-stationery vibration data and are suitable
for impact detection caused by a stroke of lightning, a
collision with a large bird, or wave-induced tower oscillations
of off-shore plants.
2) Feature Selection
After signal processing, various features can be extracted
such as mean, peak, RMS in time domain, characteristic
frequency, amplitude and phase in frequency domain and
energy-time-frequency distribution in time-frequency domain.
There may be, however, a lack of quality features, or there
may be redundant features which increase feature dimension
and affect the efficiency of the prognostics and health
management activity. Feature selection has become the focus
for applications in which tens or hundreds of variables are
available. Appropriate feature selection can improve the data
mining performance, help data visualization and reduce
dimensionality and noise. For wind turbines, feature selection
is further complicated by the fact that a wind turbine system is
usually operating in varying environmental conditions, under
diverse operating conditions and experiencing different aging
processes. To establish an accurate and effective feature set to
facilitate operation regime segmentation and health assessment
of critical rotary components, it is necessary to identify
operating condition parameters and select damage-sensitive
For feature selection, four methods are proposed; principal
component analysis (PCA), fisher criterion, SVM-based
feature selection and GA-based feature selection. PCA
transforms a number of possibly correlated variables into a
smaller number of uncorrelated variables, called principal
components, and usually involves the calculation of the eigen-
value decomposition of a data covariance matrix, or the
singular value decomposition of a data matrix after mean
centering the data for each attribute. Fisher criterion seeks the
features that are efficient for discrimination to minimize the
within-class distance and maximize the between-class
distance. The objective of the SVM-based feature selection
method is to find a subset of size r among d variables (r<d),
which maximizes the performance of the classifier and
predictor. This method is a backward sequential selection
approach. It starts with all the features and removes one
feature at a time until only r features are left, and until the
performance of the classifier and predictor are maximized. In a
GA-based approach, a given feature subset is represented as a
binary string of length d, with a zero or one in position i
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denoting the absence or presence of feature i in the set. A
population of chromosomes is maintained. Each chromosome
is evaluated to determine its fitness. Based on a fitness
threshold setting, an optimized binary string can be obtained to
describe the feature selection result.
3) Information Reconstruction
The mechanical drive-train of a wind turbine is a very
complex system that can generate vibrations from its various
elements, such as gears, shafts, and bearings. Transmission
path effect, signal coupling, and noise contamination can
further induce difficulties in the development of a PHM
system for wind turbines. In practice, vibration data collected
by accelerometer is a complicated and energy wide-range
distributing signal. But only some parts of the signal related to
the particular machine condition are of interest. In order to
remove or reduce noise and effects from other unrelated
sources and further enhance signal components of interest, a
novel information reconstruction method for filtering and
reassembling the signal components to reconstruct signal
without losing the information of interest is introduced. This
method can also work for signal clustering and wind turbine
diagnosis in varying operating conditions.
Fig. 9. Information Reconstruction
Firstly, the signal is transformed from time domain to
frequency domain or time-frequency domain with FFT, WT,
or HHT. Then, reconstruction filters are employed to sift the
frequency components in FFT spectrum, to sift the
decomposed band signals from WT analysis, or to sift the
intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) from empirical mode
decomposition (EMD) process of HHT. Next, sifted signal
components are reassembled together to reconstruct a new
4) Regime Clustering
Energy coefficients are then calculated for the
reconstructed energy index model, in which energy
coefficients are selected to have certain classification power.
The basic idea is to identify and further classify the data with
similar attributes to the same specified group. Moreover,
energy coefficients are also supposed to be comprehensible for
the user or have physical meaning. This is necessary whenever
the classified pattern is to be used for supporting a decision to
be made. Knowledge comprehensibility can be achieved by
using high-level knowledge representations from experts or
historic data resources.
Then, correlation analysis (CA) and distance measurement
(DM) techniques are utilized to cluster signals under diverse
shaft speeds and loads. CA on two energy coefficient vectors
is defined as
where means dot product, || means the largest singular
value of a vector. The result of CA ranges between zero and
one, with higher CA signifying a higher correlation.
DM on two signals is
where |||| is the Euclidean distance, with lower DM
signifying a higher similarity.
5) Diagnosis
Finally, energy coefficients are used as health indicators in
holo-coefficients radar chart for the purpose of health
assessment and prognostics of rotating elements in the wind
turbine mechanical drivetrain. A holo-coefficients radar chart
consists of all the energy coefficients. The multivariate
coefficients are displayed in radar chart starting from the same
point and in different equi-angular spokes, with each spoke
representing one of the variables. The data length of a spoke is
proportional to the magnitude of the variable. In the chart, the
contribution rate of each coefficient can be revealed very
clearly along with its variation with operating conditions.
Figure 10 shows an example of using holo-coefficients radar
chart to identify two patterns. In Pattern A, input shaft
unbalance (radials 1 and 19) and bearing outer defect at input
shaft output side (radial 21) are diagnosed. Figure 10 (b)
shows the holo-coefficients radar chart of another pattern
(Pattern B). It is determined that this pattern contains gear
error defect at idler shaft 2 location (radials 8 and 26).
( ) / ( )
Ei Ej Ei Ej
Ei Ej
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Fig. 10. Holo-coefficients Radar Chart of (a) Pattern A, (b) Pattern B
6) Prognosis
The similarity-based prognostics (SBP) approach is
adopted from The Watchdog Agent toolbox developed by
the IMS Center for predicting future values of health indicator
under dynamic operating conditions [16].
This similarity based prognostic technique was validated in
the 2008 Prognostics and Health Management Society data
challenge in which it produced the best prediction estimates
and achieved number one overall in the competition [17]. By
using multiple SBP models under different regimes, the given
sensor data are fused into a single time series of health indices,
which is then used in multi-regime SBP model.
An illustrative example is taken to demonstrate the
visualization of the detection of mechanical faults and
prediction of future health for a generic gearbox using
accelerometer data and information about bearing geometry.
On the first step (Figure 11), the operating conditions are
classified to different regimes, and the vibration signals
collected from gearbox is segmented to corresponding
The second step in Figure 12 applies the adaptive tool
selection approach and selects the time domain, frequency
domain and wavelet analysis tools to process the raw data in
different regimes and extract corresponding features. The third
step, Figure 13, selects the principle features, reconstructs
signals and generates energy coefficients, which are used as
health indicators in holo-coefficients radar chart for the
purpose of health assessment and diagnosis. A fault of chipped
tooth problem in the first gear, for instance, is diagnosed. Also
higher risk in high speed regime is alarmed. And the last step
as in Figure 14, similarity based Match Matrix method is
chosen to learn the health pattern based on the historical runs
of similar gearboxes, and predict the future health.
The above mentioned information reconstruction and
regime clustering approach, and the prognostics of rotating
elements, were validated by the best score performance in the
PHM Data Challenge Competitions 2008 (student group) and
2009 (professional group)[18].
Fig. 11. Step 1 of wind turbine PHM: regime segmentation
Fig. 12. Step 2 of wind turbine PHM: signal processing and feature
Fig. 13. Step 3 of wind turbine PHM: health diagnosis
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Fig. 14. Step 4 of wind turbine PHM: prognostics
The adaptive and multi-regime PHM system developed in
this paper provides a more accurate health estimation,
diagnosis and prognosis of critical components of wind
turbines. The proposed research advances the understating of
how to adaptively apply PHM to the various situations
composed by dynamic operating conditions of wind turbines
and the health condition of rotary components. This approach
could be used in an intelligent and predictive maintenance
program to minimize the time needed for inspection of
components via on-line inspection, conducting remote site
supervision and remote diagnosis, preventing catastrophic
failures and secondary defects, preventing unnecessary
replacement of components, allowing utility companies to be
confident of power availability, improving designs and
supporting further development of wind turbine. The reduction
of maintenance risks and costs and improvement of reliability
and efficiency will eventually make this green energy sector
more competitive.
Great thanks should be given to research students and stuff
in NSF IMS center, such as F.J. Wu, E.Lapira, H.Atat,
L.X.Liao, T.Y.Wang, M.Abuali, D. Siegel, M. Ghaffari, and
P.Johnson in National Instruments for their sharing and help in
this research work.
[1] U.S. Department of Energy report 20 Percent Wind Energy by 2030,
[2] American wind energy association (AWES),
[3] http://www.awea.org/publications/reports/AWEA-Annual-Wind-Report-
[4] C.C. Ciang, J.R. Lee and H.J. Bang, Structural health monitoring for a
wind turbine system: a review of damage detection methods.
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Prognostics, Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 17, pp.
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[6] J. Lee, J. Ni, D. Djurdjanovic, H. Qiu, and H. Liao, Intelligent
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[8] GE Energy,
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[10] Vestas, http://www.vestas.com/en/wind-power-solutions/scada.aspx.
[11] Siemens, http://www.powergeneration.siemens.com/products-solutions
[12] P. Tavner, J. Xiang and F. Spinato, Reliability analysis for wind
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[15] W. Musial, S. Butterfield, B. McNiff, Improving Wind Turbine Gearbox
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[16] Reinforcement learning,
[17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinforcement_learning
[18] T. Wang, J. Lee, The operating regime approach for prediction health
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Prevention for System Availability, pp. 87-98, 2008.
[19] J. Liu, D. Djurdjanovic, J. Ni, J. Casoetto and J. Lee,
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Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on PHM, pp. 1-6, 2008.
[21] PHM 2009 Data challenge Competition,
[22] http://www.phmsociety.org/competition/09.
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Automatic Detection of Electrocardiogram ST
Segment: Application in Ischemic Disease Diagnosis
Duck Hee Lee
, Jun Woo Park
, Jeasoon Choi
, Ahmed Rabbi
and Reza Fazel-Rezai
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA
Korea Artificial Organ Center, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
Medical Engineering R&D Center, Asan Institute for Life Science, Asan Medical Center and
University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
Abstract The analysis of electrocardiograph (ECG) signal
provides important clinical information for heart disease
diagnosis. The ECG signal consists of the P, QRS complex, and
T-wave. These waves correspond to the fields induced by specific
electric phenomenon on the cardiac surface. Among them, the
detection of ischemia can be achieved by analysis the ST segment.
Ischemia is one of the most serious and prevalent heart diseases.
In this paper, the European database was used for evaluation of
automatic detection of the ST segment. The method comprises
several steps; ECG signal loading from database, signal
preprocessing, detection of QRS complex and R-peak, ST
segment, and other relation parameter measurement. The
developed application displays the results of the analysis.
Keywords-Electrocardiogram (ECG); I schemia; European ST-
T database; QRS complex ; ST segment.
Electrocardiographic (ECG) signals information is derived
from analysis of the information indirectly reflected on the
surface ECG. The ECG signal is able to make of basic
information for heart disease, indisposed of the autonomic
nervous system and stress. The world Health Organization
estimates that 17.5 million people died of cardiovascular
disease. It is representing 30% of all global deaths. Out of
these, 7.6 million were due to coronary artery disease
(CAD)[1]. During the last few years, a lot of research has
provided the solution of analysis and diagnosis in ECG by
adopting new technologies and algorithms. Among them,
ischemic heart disease constitutes one of the most common
fatal diseases in the world. Myocardial ischemia is caused by a
lack of sufficient blood flow to the contractile cells and many
lead to myocardial information with its severe sequel of heart
failure, arrhythmias and death [2]. The ischemic disease is
usually identified in the standard ECG by changes in values of
measured amplitudes, times and durations on the ST-T
complex. The ST-T complex of the ECG reflects the time
period from the end of active ventricular depolarization to the
end of depolarization in the heart cycle [3-4]. Therefore, ST-
segment changes are common ECG signal markers of
important Myocardial ischemia [5]. The several methods for
ischemia parameter detection (T wave and ST complex) have
been proposed. In generally, all of them are based on the
spectral estimation [6] and signal point from the ST segment
better characterizes ischemic patterns [3, 7]. The various
methods have been applied to the ECG for ischemia analysis
and detection: used the First Fourier Transform (FFT) to
analyze the frequency component [8], fuzzy-logic, neural
network, genetic algorithm, support vector machines (SVM),
wavelet transform and many more [9]. However, most of the
algorithms have sensitivity above the 80%. In this study we
consider two applications of the ST segment detection and
display program: Detection of ischemia episodes and
monitoring PC programming. The modifications in the shape
parameters have been used for ST segment measurement.
A. European ST-T Database
The European ST-T database [10-11] is intended to be used
for evaluation of algorithm for analysis of ST and T wave
changes. It consists of three following files: 1) Header file has
the patients information, lead, medication, clinical findings
and recording equipment information. 2) Data file has an ECG
data recording format that is of double-channel 2-hour length,
resolution of 12bits and 250Hz sampling frequency, and data
format of MIT-212 format. 3) Finally, annotation file contains
data information (data beat, ST and T change start-peak-end,
noise, rhythm). It includes numerous ischemic episodes of all
types and thus it is very useful in evaluating ischemic detection
B. Description of the detection system
This system is intelligent computer applications that
provide decision support through acquisition and processing of
human experts knowledge. In order to operate the plotting
signal and detection algorithms through European ST-T
database signal, we used a 2.5GHz Pentium processor, 2Gbyte
of RAM and the Microsoft
Visual C++6.0 programming
tools. Figure 1 show the block diagram of the automatic
detection of ST change and segment system. This system
comprises three separate parts: an ECG data loading and open
from the database, signal parameter detection of ECG signal,
and ST measurement of the ischemia disease.
C. Signal Preprocessing
The infinitesimal ECG signal have included for various
noise. Accordingly, noise has to be reduced before the signal
processing. The source of noise is encountered at every stage
of data acquisition until the data is digitized. Power noise,
muscular contract noise, electrode movement with signal
wandering, and analog-to-digital converter noise all perturb the
ECG signals [12].
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Fig. 1. Automation Detection Of ST-Segment Block Diagram
Therefore, the signal future of detection and analysis need
for noise removal method. Such as, signal filtering, rhythm and
beat wandering canceling. In this paper, we used FIR (Finite
Impulse Response) filter method in order to remove noise,
which is cancelled for low and high frequency in signal. This
filtering frequency default range was set at 5 to 15Hz. We also
used dialog option for perform to control for users
convenience and noise characteristic that it is able to filtering
for variety noise band. The reduced noise signal for filter is as
kT nT x a nT y
) ( ) (
D. QRS complex and R-peak detection
Many algorithms and method have been applied in QRS-
wave detection research. In fact, many systems have already
been designed and implement to perform signal-processing
tasks such as 12-lead off-line ECG analysis, Holter system
analysis, and real-time patient monitoring. All these
applications require an accurate detection of the QRS complex
of the ECG [13]. Therefore, the precision detection of QRS
complex and R-peak in the analysis of the ECG are very
important and first step of signal analyze. The RR-Interval is
the distance between two subsequent QRS complex and
represent the Heart Rate (HR) variability. In our system, we
used a robust real-time QRS detection algorithm popularly
known as Pan-Tompkins algorithm [14] and added searchback
compare method [7].
Pan-Tompkins algorithm has detection sensitivity for
99.3% that it has competence for real-time ECG signal
parameter detection. The algorithm includes a series of six
steps: ECG signal preprocessing, derivative, squaring,
integration, adaptive threshold and searchback. Figure 2 shows
the block diagram for the QRS and R peak detection method.
Fig. 2. QRS complex and R peak detection of block diagram
After filtering, the derivative stage provides the slop
information of the QRS complex and transfer function flows:
)] 4 ( 2 ) 3 ( ) 1 ( ) ( 2 [
) ( + = n x n x n x n x n y (2)
The integration operation intensifies the slope of the
frequency response curve. The output of a derivative-based
operation will exhibit multiple peaks within the duration of a
single QRS complex. The equation 3 is this operation.
)] ( ... )) 2 ( ( )) 1 ( ( [
) ( n x N n x N n x
n d + + + = (3)
QRS complex can be identified using general ECG
parameter detection method. R-peak is easier to distinguish
from noisy component since it has large amplitude [12]. So,
already detected R-peak should pass verification. For deciding
ultimate R-peak position by comparing to the maximum data
value of a datum line in the front and rear each 10 msec range
we have verified this.
The equation 4 shows this operation and figure 3 shows
the detection of the R-peaks.
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)] 1 ( ) ( [
) ( = n x n x
n r (4)
Fig. 3. Decide of the R peak detection
E. Automatic detection of ST segment and measurement
In ECG, the ST segment connects the QRS complex and
the T wave and has duration of 0.08 to 0.12 sec (80 to 120
msec). Abnormal ST segments are occurring by exceptional
ventricular depolarization of myocardial ischemia and acute
myocardial infarction. Consequently, a rising of STs is
appeared myocardial ischemia, acute endocarditis and such like
things. The descent of ST's are appeared subendocardial
ischemia, subendocardial infarction and such like things. That
is a rising or descent of ST segment can be identified clinically
that coronary artery disease. In this study, the main focus was
extracting ST-segment information. Also, the preservation of
the J-point was ensured. The ST-segment position is between
the end of the S-wave and beginning of the T-wave [15], also
the J-point where the QRS ends and the ST segment begins
[16]. The calculation of the ST-segment is follows:
sec int int
140 ) (
m po po segment
R S ST + = (5)
The three parts of ST measurement were taken from each
average beats are 60 msec, 80 msec and ST-integral after the J-
point. They are named ST60 and ST80. Figure 4 is explanation
for ST measurement. A normal ECG does not showing the any
ST 60 and 80 changes. Also, the calculation of the ST- integral
is follows:
) ( ] ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( [ ) ( n a n s n j n r n Si n Si + + + = (6)
where ) (n Si , is the measured ST-integral from the ECG
signals; ) (n r , the R-peak position value; ) (n j , the J-point
position value; ) (n s , the ST-integral start position value;
) (n a , the subtraction of from R-peak position to ST segment
baseline end (between T-wave and P-wave) position value.
Fig. 4. ST segment and measurement
The ECG is a cornerstone in the diagnosis of acute and
chronic ischemic heart disease. The findings depend on several
ischemia disease detection factors: the nature of the process
versus irreversible, the duration (acute versus chronic), extent,
and localization of other underlying abnormalities [17]. Hence,
amplitude of ECG signal is a few mV/V and Table 1 is
explanation for waveform and characteristic normal ECG
Amplitude (mV) Parameter Duration
P Wave 0.25 RR Interval 0.12 0.20
R Wave 1.60 QRS Interval 0.09
Q Wave 25% R wave QT Interval 0.31 0.44
T Wave 0.1 0.5 ST Interval 0.05 0.15
We tested the performance of the detection algorithm and
application program used e0103 data on the European ST-T
segment database. This application program has been
implemented using visual C++6.0 tools. This data was obtained
from the 62 years old patient with angina and one blood vessel
disease. The analysis of the application program consists of
two activities. The activities are main view part and ST
measurement analysis part. Figure 5 shows the application
program. The main view is the original ECG signal read and
operation seven-function user interface icon in Figure 5 (a);
each interface icon is filter, differential, a square, windows,
baseline, signal parameters position and ST measurement. The
signal analysis shows (Figure 5 (b)). The set for the baseline
decision of each beat which is apply to the P and T-wave
(Figure 5 (b) in ); the ST parameter measurement, It is each
ST-integral and ST 60/80 change (Figure 5 (b) in ); the ST
60/80 change graph (Figure 5 (b) in ); the ST-integral graph
(Figure 5 (b) in ); the ST 60/HR and ST 80/HR graph
(Figure 5 (b) in ).
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Fig. 5. Results of the ST measurement and analysis: (a) application main view; (b) signal analysis and measurement view
This paper presents a completely automatic algorithm and
application program for component detection in ECG signal.
The performance and the limitations of this method are
discussed. The method and the various limits and the detection
parameters used were test on just one patients data. The
performance of the method must also be assessed for the value
and position of all marker positions in ECG signal. In this
work, this assessment is limited to the J-point, ST60/80 and
ST-segment. This signal application program experimentation
is an enough successful but we have a few improvement parts
and not real-time signal analysis, such as considering of the
noise reduction, apply to the strong diagnostic algorithm, and
totally measurement of the other physiological signals (e,g.,
Electromyography (EMG), Magnetoencephalography (MEG),
Electroencephalography (EEG)).
Also, we would study real-time ECG signal analysis, using
the algorithm for comparing the normal and abnormal ECG
signals, elevation of environment design of the use interface
system, testing on a long term data set, and system safety for
clinical trials in a variety of conditions. Finally, the developed
PC application can be useful for optimization of the already
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available diagnosis algorithms and would assist of the early
heart disease detection for medical doctors.
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Authors Profile
Duck Hee Lee received the M.Sc degree in biomedical engineering from
the Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea in 2004. From 2005 to 2009, he
worked at the Biomedical Engineering Division of the National Cancer Center
(NCC), South Korea, developing a surgical robot system. In 2010, he was
appointed Researcher of the University of North Dakota, Biomedical Signal
Processing Laboratory, USA. Since 2004, he has worked on biomedical
engineering research fields. His research interests include medical device and
instrument, biomedical signal processing, and surgical robotics. He authored
and co-authored more ten articles journals, conference proceedings and book
chapter. He is a member of Korea Society for Medical and Biological.
Jun Woo Park received the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from
the Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea in 2004. Since 2004, he has
worked on biomedical engineering research fields. In 2009, he was appointed
Research Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of
Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea. His research interests include
medical device and instrument, vision-based force feedback, telesurgery and
surgical robotics. He is a member of Korea Society for Medical and Biological
Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Jaesoon Choi received the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from
the Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea in 2003. Since 2003, he has
worked on biomedical engineering research fields. From 2007 to 2012, he was
appointed Research Professor of the Korea Artificial Organ Center (KAOC),
Seoul, South Korea. Currently, he is Assistant Professor at Medical
Engineering R&D Center, Asan Institute for Life Science, Asan Medical
Center and University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea. He
was responsible for various national and international research projects focused
on key components for surgery robot system. His research interests include
medical device and instrument, medical fusion multi-modal simulation, Vision-
Haptic-Integrated Control Mechanism, and surgical robotics. He authored and
coauthored more than 30 articles and holds ten patents. He is a member of
Korea Society for Medical and Biological, Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and International Society for Pediatric
Mechanical Cardiopulmonary Support
Ahmed Rabbi is currently he a Ph.D. student at the Department of Electrical
Engineering, University of North Dakota, USA. His research interests include
biomedical signal processing and pattern recognition, heart rate monitoring
using ECG, EEG movement artifacts detection and filtering, epileptic seizure
detection and prediction, and human cognitive performance assessment using
EEG/ECG signals, and biomedical instrumentation. He has participated as a
program committee member of an international conference (ICIEV). He has
published over ten articles in refereed journals, conference proceedings and
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co-authored a book chapter. He is an active member of the IEEE and IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS).
Reza Fazel-Rezai received his BSc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and
Biomedical Engineering in 1990 and 1993, respectively. He received his Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering from the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg,
Canada in 1999. From 2000 to 2002, he worked in industry as a senior
research scientist and research team manager. Then, he joined academia at
Sharif University of Technology and later the University of Manitoba as
Assistant Professor in 2002 and 2004, respectively. Currently, he is Assistant
Professor and the Director of Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory at the
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of North Dakota, USA. His
research interests include biomedical engineering, signal and image
processing, brain computer interface, EEG signal processing, seizure
detection and prediction, neuro-feedback, and human performance evaluation
based on EEG signals.
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ZeroX Algorithms with Free crosstalk in Optical
Multistage Interconnection Network
Department of Information Technology,
College of Computer, Qassim University, KSA.
Abstract Multistage interconnection networks (MINs) have
been proposed as interconnecting structures in various types of
communication applications ranging from parallel systems,
switching architectures, to multicore systems and advances.
Optical technologies have drawn the interest for optical
implementation in MINs to achieve high bandwidth capacity at
the rate of terabits per second. Crosstalk is the major problem
with optical interconnections; it not only degrades the
performance of network but also disturbs the path of
communication signals. To avoid crosstalk in Optical MINs many
algorithms have been proposed by many researchers and some of
the researchers suppose some solution to improve Zero
Algorithm. This paper will be illustrated that is no any crosstalk
appears in Zero based algorithms (ZeroX, ZeroY and ZeroXY) in
using refine and unique case functions.
Through simulation modeling, the Zero based algorithm
approach yields the best performance in terms of minimal
routing time in and number of passes comparison to the previous
algorithms tested for comparison in this paper.
Keywords component; Optical multistage interconnection
networks (MI Ns); ZeroX Algorithm; crosstalk in Omega network.
Multistage interconnection networks (MINs) have been
proposed as interconnecting structures in various types of
communication applications ranging from parallel systems [1]
, switching architectures [2], to multicore systems [3].
Advances in optical technologies have drawn the interest for
optical implementation in MINs to achieve high bandwidth
capacity at the rate of terabits per second. Optical MINs
(OMINs) are an attractive solution that offers a combination of
high bandwidth, low error probability, and large transmission
capacity [4].
However, OMINs introduce optical crosstalk, which results
from coupling two signals within a switching element (SE).
Optical crosstalk degrades the performance of OMINs in terms
of reduced signal-to-noise ratio and limits the size of the
network [5]. Limited by the properties of optical signals, it is
not possible to route more than one message simultaneously,
without optical crosstalk, over a switching element in an
OMIN. Reducing the effect of optical crosstalk has been a
challenging issue considering trade-offs between aspects i.e.
performance, hardware and software complexity.
There are three main approaches for solving optical
crosstalk in OMINs namely the space [6], time [7] and
wavelength [8][9] dilation approach. In this paper, the interest
is on the time dilation approach to solve the optical crosstalk
problem in the omega networks, a class of self-routable
networks, which is topologically equivalent to the baseline,
butterfly, cube networks et[10]. The time dilation approach
solves the crosstalk problem by ensuring that only one signal is
allowed to pass through each switching element at a given time
in the network [11][12]. Typical MINs consist of N inputs, N
outputs and n stages with n=log N. Each stage is numbered
from 0 to (n-1), from left to right and has N/2 Switching
Elements (SE). Each SE has two inputs and two outputs
connected in a certain pattern.
The critical challenges with optical multistage
interconnections are optical loss, path dependent loss and
optical crosstalk [13] [14]. Optical crosstalk is caused by
coupling two signals within a switching element.
In this paper, the focus is illustrated that is no any crosstalk
in ZeroX, ZeroY and ZeroXY if the refine and unique case apply
in the given networks. And illustrate that is Fast ZeroX
depends for that is some crosstalk still occurs in ZeroX without
author used refine and unique case in ZeroX [15][16].
There are various approaches available to reduce the
problem of crosstalk like space domain, time domain and
wavelength domain approach. In the present paper, our
consideration is time domain approach [7]. Crosstalk is
considered as a conflict in this approach. It is a good approach
because it can make a balance between the electronic processor
and Optical MINs [16][17]. It is not possible to send all the
source addresses at the same time to their corresponding
destination because it will create the switch and link conflict
problem. Therefore, to route the data packets, Permutation and
Semi-permutation is applied on the message groups. So that a
conflict free route can be obtained for each group [4]. The
source and destination address is combined to build
combination matrix. On the basis of combination matrix
message partitioning is performed so that some specific
message should get their destination in the first pass and
network remains crosstalk free. There are various techniques
for message partitioning like Window Method [4][18],
Improved Window Method[19] and Heuristic Routing
Algorithms [19]. In this paper, the focus is to provide best
message partitioning scheme so that a switch and link conflict
free network can be obtained. Before describing our algorithms
just have a look on the Window Method and Improved
Window Method and Heuristic Routing Algorithm.
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A. Window Method
This method [4] [20] basically separates the messages,
which have the same bit pattern so that crosstalk can be
removed. If we consider the network size N x N, it shows that
there are N source and N destination address. To get a
combination matrix, it is required to combine the
corresponding source and destination address. This matrix
shows that the optical window size is M-1, where M=log2N
and N is the size of the network. The first and last columns of
the combination matrix are not considered in this method and
all the processing is performed on the remaining columns. If
the two messages having the same bit pattern then they will be
routed in the different passes.
In our example, the window size will be two and the
number of window will be three W0, W1 and W2 as shown in
Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Three Optical Windows in an 88 OON
Then, we take the second and third columns as a matrix,
where example messages 000 and 100 in this window have the
same bit pattern of 00 inside the window and have a conflict.
The bit patterns can be any of the four combinations of 00, 01,
10, and 11.
B. Conflict Matrix
A conflict matrix is the new proposed method proposed in
this research, it is a square matrix with N
N entry, where N is
the size of the network, it consist of the output of the window
method , the propose definition of Conflict Matrix is the matrix
Mij with size N
conflict if
0 ij
Where Mij is the entries of the Conflict Matrix.
Conflict matrix can be formed by assigning the value 1
when there is a conflict between the source and destination;
otherwise the value 0 is assigned [4][20].
To avoid the crosstalk problem in omega network a new
algorithm called Zero Based Algorithm is proposed and named
it ZeroX algorithm, ZeroY algorithm and ZeroXY algorithm.
The following sections explain these algorithms.
A. ZeroX algorithm
This algorithm depends on taking the zero values from the
row N+1(axis X) in conflict matrix and putting it in a new
group. Then, the entries of this group are considered as having
zero value in the matrix. After that, anew summation for the
other entries of the matrix it will be done and collecting the
zero values on row N+1 as a new group. These steps are to be
repeated until the whole matrix becomes Zero. That means, all
the entries of matrix are found to be in separate groups. Figure
2 illustrates the general flowchart of ZeroX algorithm [4] [20].
A: Matrix N*N,
N: no. of the nodes, S: current node
AR: Reduced matrix contains the currently rows ri and columns, i G[k]
ri ,cj are the i
row and j
column where 0 i N-1, 0 j N-1
G: List of groups; k: group index
Input : conflict matrix A with size N*N
Output: (K and G[k]), k is the color number and G[k] is nodes at the color k
K: = 0; S: = 0 AR :=A;
While S < N do
For i = 1 to N do
For j = 1 to N do
Sum [i] = Sum [i] + AR [i,j];
// Sum [i] is the sum for all columns in matrix AR
For j: = 0 to N-1 do
// this loop to clustered the entries element in Current group called G[k]
If Sum[j] = 0 Then
Color[j]:= k; G[k]:= G[k] +j; S: = S+1;
End if
End for
If S = 1 then
// s =1 this mean the current group G[k] have only one entry equal zero
Call Unique_Case (AR, j, G[k], S) // function for Unique case
Call Refine (AR, G [k], S) // function for enhance the group
AR: = AR with rows rj and columns cj where j G[k]
K: = k+1
End While
Return (k, G[k])
Fig. 2. Pseudo Code of ZeroX Algorithm
To avoiding the crosstalk the algorithm must implement the
refine Function and Unique Case Function. The refine function
illustrated in Figure 3 is used to enhance the current groups by
adding one or more entries in Matrix M the intersection with
current group G equal to zero.
The unique function illustrated in figure 4 is only used to
check whether the current group G consists of only one entry
equals zero in order for the successor entry equals to zero to be
added in the same row of the G and return for the main
Authors' are use ZeroX algorithm without apply refine
function and Unique case Function and decided that are some
crosstalk still occur in ZeroX algorithm in papers [12][15] [16]
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Function Refine (AR ,G[k],S) // rows of AR which only in G[k]
Begin //The Function Refine is used to add new elements to the current group.
For i = 1 to N do
For j = 1 to N do
Sum [i] = Sum [i]+ AR [i,j];
// Sum [i] is the summation for all columns in matrix AR
For j: = 0 to N-1 do
If Sum[j] =0 and (j G[k] ) Then
Color[j]:= k;
G[k]:= G[k] +m;
S: = S+1;
End if
End For
Return (G[k], S)
End Refine
Fig. 3. Refine Function in ZeroX Algorithm
Function Unique_Case (AR , j, G[k], S) // function for Unique
For m: = j+1 to N-1 do
If AR [j, m] = 0 then
G[k]:= G[k] +m;
S: = S+1;
Exit For
End if
End For
Return (G[k], S);
End Unique_Case
Fig. 4. Unique Case in ZeroX Algorithm
B. ZeroY Algorithm
ZeroY algorithm is another new algorithm proposed
to avoid the crosstalk problem in Omega Network. It has the
same steps of ZeroX algorithm, but with a difference in the first
step where it considers the summation of rows instead of
columns. The rest of the algorithm operates in the same way
ZeroX algorithm does. In addition, the columns will be
changed to rows an vice versa [ 4][20].
C. ZeroXY Algorithm
The ZeroXY algorithm is another new algorithm proposed
to avoid the crosstalk problem in Omega network. The
minimum number of passes between ZeroX and ZeroY
algorithms is the output of the ZeroXY algorithm [20].
The unique case is only used to check whether the current
group consists of only one entry equal zero in ZeroY algorithm
then the previous entry equal to zero is added in the same
column of the current group and the next step of the algorithm
is continued. That also happened in ZeroX for the same reason,
but in ZeroX the successor entry equal to zero is added in the
same row of current group and the next steps of the algorithm
is continued. This section provides an illustrate example that
show how the unique case happens and explain that no any
crosstalk occur in ZeroX or ZeroY algorithms.
Assuming that the source and the destination are randomly
generated and the size of the network is 8
8, the shuffle
exchange in Omega network for the unique case would be as
shown in Table I.
Node No. Source Destination
The first column in Table 1 shows the node number of the
network while, the second and third columns present the
sources and the destinations. Using the Window method, the
generated conflict matrix would be as it is shown in Table II.
Message 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
000 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
001 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
010 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
100 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
From Table II, upon completing the first step of the ZeroY
algorithm, the results would be as it is presented in Table III.
Table III shows that only one summation appears to be
zero, which is the row (message) 111. If this unique case
happened, the solution would be adding the previous entry
equal to zero in the same column of the current group and then
continuing the next step of the algorithm. As observed from
this example, the only one entry which satisfies this condition
Message 000 001 010 011 100 101 110
000 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2
001 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2
010 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
100 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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is entry 100. By adding this entry to the current group, the
group will be including 2 entries 100, and 111, and then
continue with the normal steps to get the rest of the nodes in
the first group. Figure 5 illustrates the two passes (colors),
acquired from the example after finishing the implementation
of the whole ZeroY algorithm steps. The first color includes the
nodes 000, 101, 011, and 110, and the second color includes
the nodes 010, 001, 100 and 111.
Fig. 5. Two Colors in Unique Case
The Figure 5 illustrate that is no any crosstalk in this
network like the authors says in papers [12] [15] [16][18].
The comparison in this section is between the ZeroX
algorithm with include refine and Unique Case functions and
the routing algorithms, which includes the four heuristic
algorithms namely; the Sequential up (Seq), the Sequential
down (SeqDn), the Degree Ascending (Ascend), the Degree
Descend (Descend), and the SA algorithm. The comparison
depends on two parameters which are the average number of
passes parameter and the execution time parameter using
different values of the network size.
The average number of passes is shown in figures 6, and
execution time shown in figures 7 respectively.
Fig. 6. Average number of Passes
From the results elaborated in figure 6 it is observed that
the Degree-Ascending algorithm performs the worst in terms of
the average number of passes. However, the Descend
algorithm and ZeroX algorithm have the better performance.
Seq algorithm and SeqDn algorithm perform better than
Ascend algorithm and poorer than Descend. The Figure 6
illustrate that the SA Algorithm has been the best. The results
obtained by ZeroX algorithms match closely those obtained by
the Degree-Descending Algorithm. Therefore, the simulated
annealing is still considered to be more appropriate for finding
the average number of passes for a given network.
In the execution time terms, the results of the different
heuristic algorithms, SA algorithm and ZeroX algorithm are
shown figure 7.
Fig. 7. Execution Time for ZeroX and Routing Algorithms
It is illustrated in figures 7 that the algorithms SA,
Degree Ascend and Degree Descend perform the worst in
terms of the execution time. Sequential and Sequential
algorithm Down SeqDn algorithm perform better than SA,
Ascend and Descend algorithms, but poorer than ZeroX
algorithm. In addition, all the five routing algorithm in Figure 7
take the longest time to compute a solution compared the
ZeroX algorithm in terms of the execution time. Therefore, the
ZeroX algorithm can be considered more appropriate for
finding the execution time for a given network. And finally the
ZeroX algorithm includes refine and unique case function is
free crosstalk for any given network.
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[3] M. A. Al-Shabi and M. Othman, A New Algorithm for Routing and
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[7] C. Qiao and R. Melhem, A Time Domain Approach for Avoiding
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Assignment for Optical Multistage Interconnection Networks,
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1 2 3 4 5
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Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel Processing
(ICPP 04), 2004.
[9] C. L. Wu, and T. Y. Feng, On a Class of Multistage Interconnection
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[11] X. Shen, F. Yang, and Y. Pan, Equivalent Permutation Capabilities
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[12] T. D. Shahida, M. Othman, M. Khazani, Routing Algorithms in Optical
Multistage Interconnection Networks: Revisited, World Engineering
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[13] V.P. Bhardwaj, Nitin and V. Tyagi, An Algorithmic Approach to
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[14] V.P. Bhardwaj, Nitin and V. Tyagi, Minimizing the Switch and Link
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[15] T. Shahida, M. Othman, M. Khazani, " A Fast and Efficient Crosstalk-
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[20] M. A. Al-Shabi, Zero Algorithms to avoid Crosstalk in Optical
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Dr. M. A. Al-Shabi received his Bachelor degree
(B.Sc. Computer Science) from Technology
University at Iraq (1997). Post graduate Master (M.
Sc. Computer Science from Putra Malaysia
University at 2002) and PhD (Computer Network)
from Putra Malaysia University, Malaysia (2006). He
is currently an assistant professor of College of
Computer at Qassim University. Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. Prior to joining Qassim University he worked
in the Faculty of computer at Sanaa University, Yemen. His research interests
include: wireless security, cryptography, UML, Stenography Multistage
interconnection network, parallel computing and Apply Mathematic.
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161 | P a g e
A Mixed Finite Element Method for Elasticity
A. Elakkad
Department of mathematics
Regional Centre for Professions of Education and
Training, Fes, B.P: 243 Sefrou Morocco
M.A. Bennani, J. EL Mekkaoui and A.Elkhalfi
Mechanical engineering laboratory
Faculty of sciences and techniques-B.P. 2202 Route
Imouzzer Fes
AbstractThis paper describes a numerical solution for plane
elasticity problem. It includes algorithms for discretization by
mixed finite element methods. The discrete scheme allows the
utilization of Brezzi - Douglas - Marini element (BDM
) for the
stress tensor and piecewise constant elements for the
displacement. The numerical results are compared with some
previously published works or with others coming from
commercial code like ABAQUS.
keywordsElasticity problem; Mixed Finite element method;
approximation; ABAQUS
Mixed finite element methods for linear elasticity are
based on approximations of a stress- displacement system
derived from the Hellinger-Reissner variational principle
[7], in which both displacements and stresses were
approximated simultaneously.
The mathematical analysis and applications of mixed
finite element methods have been widely developed since
the seventies. A general analysis for this kind of methods
was first developed by Brezzi [8]. We also have to mention
the papers by Babuska [14] and by Crouzeix and Raviart
[15] which, although for particular problems, introduced
some of the fundamental ideas for the analysis of mixed
We also refer the reader to [16][17], where general
results were obtained, and to the books [6][18][19].
Many mixed finite element methods have been
developed for plane elasticity, and generally speaking,
they can be grouped into two categories: methods that
enforce the symmetry of the stress weakly, and methods that
enforce the symmetry exactly (strongly). In the former
category, the stress tensor is not necessarily symmetric, but
rather orthogonal to anti-symmetric tensors up to certain
moments. Weakly imposed stress symmetry methods also
introduce a new variable into the formulation that
approximates the anti-symmetric part of the gradient of
u; see for example [2][3].On other hand, exactly symmetric
stress methods have been much more difficult to construct.
The first class of
inf_sup stable methods was the so called composite
elements [4][5].
Section II presents the model problem used in this
paper. The discretization by mixed finite elements
described is in section III. Numerical experiments carried
out within the framework of this publication and their
comparisons with other results are shown in section IV.
The equilibrium equations and boundary conditions are
Where n is the unit outward normal. In the above, is
the Cauchy stress, and f is the body force per unit volume.
The constitutive relation is given by Hookes law:
Where C is the Hooke tensor, C is assumed here to
have constant coefficients. Its inverse (compliance tensor)
will be denoted by E. Hence
We consider small strains and displacements. The
kinematics equations therefore consist of the strain-
displacement relation
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Fig. 1. Body With Internal Boundary Subjected To Loads.
We set
Then the standard weak formulation of the equilibrium
equations is the following:
such that:
One can see that (12)-(13) practically coincide with the
variational formulation of the Hellinger-Reissner principle.
The use of this principle in the framework of finite elements
can be traced Back to the pioneering work of Herrmann [9]
and Hellan [10]. The interest in using the stress field as an
independent variable is questionable in as simple a case as the
present one, but it is clear in more general and more
complicated problems involving nonlinearities, plasticity, and
so on.
Let the bilinear forms a and b, and the linear forms l
and s such that:
The underlying weak formulation (12)-(13) may be
restated as:
such that:
THEOREM 1. Let E and be real Hilbert spaces,
Then for every l
E and l
there exist a unique
of the problem
REMARK 1. If problem (21)-(22) has a unique solution
for every
On the subspace of E,
And the formulation (23)-(24) corresponds to the
introduction in (25)-(26) of the Lagrange multiplier
, be a family of rectangulations of .
The edges of elements will be denoted
(i=1, 2, 3 or
i=1, 2, 3, 4) in the two-dimensional case. Let us deal first
with the abstract framework (23)-(24). Assume that we are
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given two sequences
of subspaces E
and , respectively.
We set
We have the following approximation theorem
THEOREM 2. Assume that
Then for every l
E and l
, and for every h > 0,
the discrete problem
Has a unique solution. Moreover, there exists a
such that
The dependence of
independent of h, then (32) holds with a constant
independent of h.
We define in general, for m integer 0,
These derivatives being taken in the sense of
distributions. On this space, we shall use the semi-norm
and the norm
We are now ready for the error estimates.
THEOREM 3. If (, u) is the solution of (12)-(13) and
, u
) is the solution of (30)-(31), there exist a constant C
> 0 such that:
Discretization of the mixed formulations, for linear
elliptic operators, many examples of successful
discretization of (12)-(13) are known. The first ones were
introduced by Raviart and Thomas in [11] and then re-
elaborated and extended to more general cases by Nedelec
[12]. Other families of possible discretization were
introduced years later by Brezzi, Douglas, and Marini
To give a more precise definition of our mixed finite
element approximation we shall need a few definitions. Let
us define on an element K.
: the space of polynomials of degree k.
We shall also need polynomial spaces on the edges of
the elements
In the two-dimensional, for the triangular elements we
, but having
essentially the same properties, that we denote
The dimension of
is thus
For the triangular case we thus have the following
inclusions between the spaces just defined
We consider the space obtained basically from the
space of Brezzi-Douglas-Marini.
We have
= 6 (46)
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Fig. 2. . Brezzi - Douglas - Marini element, the element diagrams for the
stress and displacement elements.
The discrete scheme allows the utilization of BDM
the stress tensor and piecewise constant elements for the
We define, for choice of BDM
(K), a space
We chose finite dimensional subspace
(div, ).
A mixed finite element approximation of (12)-(13) is defined
such that
. (50)
We obtain a system of linear equations
The matrix associated for the system (51) is symmetric
indefinite. We use the iterative methods Minimum
Residual Method (MINRES) for solving the symmetric
Example 1. Circular Void in a Finite Plate
Here a void of radius 0.3 is placed in the center of a
plate of size 3 3 which is subjected to a unit stress in the
The stress plot for
s is in excellent agreement with
the expected 3 stress concentration at the edges of the
Fig. 3. Stress Solution xx By Mixed Finite Element Method (Left) And
Stress Solution (Right) Computed By ABAQUS.
Fig. 4. Stress xy By Mixed Finite Element Method (Left) And Stress
Solution (Right) Computed By ABAQUS.
Fig. 5. Stress yy By Mixed Finite Element Method (Left) And Stress
Solution (Right) Computed By ABAQUS.
Fig. 6. Curve Of The Displacement Ux And Uy Along Hole In A Finite
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Example 2. Circular Inclusion in a Finite Plate
Here an inclusion with E = 70gpa and and
radius 0.5 is placed in the center of a plate of size 6 x 10
with E = 50gpa and which is subjected to a unit
tension in the y-direction.
Fig. 7. Stress xx By Mixed Finite Element Method (Left) And Stress
Solution (Right) Computed By ABAQUS.
Fig. 8. Stress xy By Mixed Finite Element Method (Left) And Stress
Solution (Right) Computed By ABAQUS.
Fig. 9. Stress yy By Mixed Finite Element Method (Left) And Stress
Solution (Right) Computed By ABAQUS.
Fig. 10. Curve Of Displacement Ux And Curve Of Displacement Uy Along
Inclusion In A Finite Plate.
We were interested in this work in the numeric solution
for equilibrium equations. It includes algorithms for
discretization by mixed finite element methods. The
discrete scheme allows the utilization of BDM
for the
stress tensor and piecewise constant elements for the
displacement. Our results agree with ABAQUS.
Numerical results are presented to see the performance
of the method, and seem to be interesting by comparing
them with other recent results.
The authors would like to express their sincere thanks
for the referee for his/her helpful suggestions.
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Omega Model for Human Detection and Counting for
application in Smart Surveillance System
Subra mukherjee
Assam Don Bosco University
Guwahati, India
Karen Das
Assam Don Bosco University
Guwahati, India
Abstract Driven by the significant advancements in
technology and social issues such as security management, there
is a strong need for Smart Surveillance System in our society
today. One of the key features of a Smart Surveillance System is
efficient human detection and counting such that the system can
decide and label events on its own. In this paper we propose a
new, novel and robust model: The Omega Model, for detecting
and counting human beings present in the scene. The proposed
model employs a set of four distinct descriptors for identifying
the unique features of the head, neck and shoulder regions of a
person. This unique head-neck-shoulder signature given by the
Omega Model exploits the challenges such as inter person
variations in size and shape of peoples head, neck and shoulder
regions to achieve robust detection of human beings even under
partial occlusion, dynamically changing background and varying
illumination conditions. After experimentation we observe and
analyze the influences of each of the four descriptors on the
system performance and computation speed and conclude that a
weight based decision making system produces the best results.
Evaluation results on a number of images indicate the validation
of our method in actual situation.
Keywords - Omega Model; Human Detection; Surveillance;
Back ground Subtraction; Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM);
Mixture of Gaussians (MOG).
The state-of-art of surveillance has made a quantum jump
in recent years. However with the increase amount of video
data to be processed it is becoming more and more
unmanageable for human beings to monitor continuously. So
if we could develop a surveillance system which could detect
and classify objects, take decisions and label events
autonomously, then a complete revolution can be brought in
the current surveillance system. Vision based Human detection
and counting is currently one of the most challenging tasks in
the field of computer vision. The general surveillance cameras
are like machines that can only see, but cannot decide or
identify things or events on its own. So, keeping in mind the
present day scenarios, it is important that we make our
surveillance system intelligent and smart. Therefore, we
propose to design a new framework to robustly and efficiently
detect and count human beings, for application in surveillance.
The proposed system would consist of: Background
subtraction, boundary extraction, Head-neck-shoulder
detection and, finally human/non-human classification and
based on that, counting the number of human present in a
scene. For these, we first intend to subtract the background
and extract the foreground of any real time video. There are a
lot of techniques available for background subtraction. And
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is found to be more efficient
in the literature. So we intend to use GMM for this purpose.
Moreover some of the commonly faced problems in
background subtraction are sudden changes in illumination,
dynamic background, camouflage, etc. Hence we intend to
design a robust adaptive GMM algorithm which can
effectively deal with all these problems and produce a
foreground mask. Secondly we intend to detect human
presence in the scene by detecting the head and shoulder
portion by using the Omega Model. We propose this model
because the head-shoulder portion is the most unvarying part
of human body. Based on the number of human beings
detected we shall count the total number of human present in
the scene. And hence the entire system could be used for
application in an effective surveillance system.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In section II
we discuss some of the related work in this field; in section III
we give an overview of the method adopted for our work. In
section IV our human detection and counting system is
discussed giving a detailed description of our proposed Omega
model explaining each of the descriptors and the algorithm. In
section V we have explained results followed by conclusion
and our future work in section VI.
There is an extensive literature on shape classification.
Various approaches for shape based classification are
discussed in [1-10].However different moving objects like
bird, vehicle, etc may be present in the scene, so it is very
important that we correctly distinguish humans from other
moving objects. There are mainly two methods for classifying
a moving object: shaped based detection and motion based
detection [11]. In former one, human can be detected with the
help of their shape information. This kind of a work was done
in [12-14] where they used an SVM classifier to detect human
beings based on finding peoples head by searching for
circular patterns through a 2D correlation using a bank of
annular patterns. Also it is a general fact that non articulated
human motion exhibits certain periodicity. This property was
used by many researchers to detect human beings based on
their motion. In [14] based on the color objects moving and
background subtraction method, a color classifier based on the
HS thresholds was proposed to detect moving object. In [15]
edge-based features combined along with color and texture
information was used for efficient human detection. In [16]
human had been detected by detecting skin like pixels and
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locating each face like region. Also some researchers have
employed model based human detection [17,18].In [17] such
kind of work was done wherein they proposed a method for
human detection by modeling human as flexible assemblies of
parts represented by co-occurrence of local features. In [18]
part detectors were learned by boosting a number of weak
classifiers based on edgelet features. Recently in 2013 authors
[19] have presented a method for human detection in range
images captured from a vertically oriented camera by analysis
of 3D range data.
This section gives an overview of the method adopted in
our Human detection and Counting system. One of the major
challenges in the field of object recognition is the ability to
detect human beings irrespective of the variations in pose,
body shape, clothing, illumination, moving cameras and
changing background. So in this work we have developed the
Omega model that could detect human beings under all this
challenging scenarios. The methodology or the general flow
diagram of our work is shown below:
Fig. 1. General Flow Diagram Of Our Human Detection And Counting
The various steps involved are:
Acquiring real time video input from any video
acquisation device
Background modelling using adaptive GMM
Background subtraction and shadow detection
Human detection and counting using the Omega
In this work, we first perform adaptive background
modeling to extract the foreground region from a real time
Surveillance video. Then we acquire a set of these foreground
images from a surveillance video. As we know that the human
head shoulder portion is the most unvarying part of human
body, so we have used this dominant feature as the key
information and developed the Omega Model for human
A. Foreground Extraction
A good surveillance system requires an accurate
segmentation of moving objects from a video sequence.
Foreground extraction is generally done by using background
subtraction, optical flow and frame differencing. However,
Background subtraction is one of the most efficient and widely
used methods for segmenting dynamic scene in a video. The
most common paradigm for background subtraction is to use
an explicit model of the background. Background is generally
modeled based on some regular statistical characteristics.
Intruding objects are then detected by comparing the statistical
parameters of the modeled background with that of the current
frame. However this method does not work well in
surveillance scenarios where the background is generally
subjected to challenges like dynamic lightning conditions,
long term scene changes, bimodal background, repetitive
flickering motions etc. So, for application in surveillance it is
important that the parameters of the background are also
adaptive. Hence we have employed the adaptive GMM
method proposed in [20] for modeling the background.
a) Gaussian mixture Model:
A Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is a parametric
probability density function represented as a weighted sum of
Gaussian component densities. GMMs are commonly used as
a parametric model of the probability distribution of
continuous measurements or features in a biometric system,
such as vocal-tract related spectral features in a speaker
recognition system. GMM parameters are estimated from
training data using the iterative Expectation Maximization
(EM) algorithm or Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation
from a well-trained prior model.
A Gaussian mixture model is a weighted sum of M
component Gaussian densities as given by the equation,
where x is a D-dimensional continuous-valued data vector
(i.e. measurement or features), w
, i=1, . . . ,M, are the mixture
weights, and g(x|
), i = 1, . . . ,M, are the component
Gaussian densities. Each component density is a D-variate
Gaussian function of the form,
with mean vector
and covariance matrix
. The mixture
weights satisfy the constraint that
b) Parameter updates
The new pixel value Z
is checked against each Gaussian.
A Gaussian is labeled as matched if
Then its parameters may be updated as follows:
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Where is the learning rate for the weights.
If a Gaussian is labeled as unmatched only its weight is
decreased as
If none of the Gaussians match, the one with the lowest
weight is replaced with Z
as mean and a high initial standard
The rank of a Gaussian is defined as w/. This value gets
higher if the distribution has low standard deviation and it has
matched many times. When the Gaussians are sorted in a list
by decreasing value of rank, the first is more likely to be
background. The first B Gaussians that satisfy (1) are thought
to represent the background.
The Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is adaptive; it can
incorporate slow illumination changes and the removal and
addition of objects into the background. Further it can handle
repetitive background changes like swaying branches, a
flickering computer monitor etc. The higher the value of T in
(1), the higher is the probability of a multi-modal background.
In our work we have modeled the background as a mixture of
three Gaussians.
B. Omega Model for Human Detection
Significant research has been devoted to detecting people
in images and videos. Human detection is a challenging
classification problem which has many potential applications
in the field of machine vision. The main problems in detecting
human beings are due to the variations in pose, body shape,
clothing, illumination, moving cameras and changing
Therefore the main challenge is to find a set of unique
features that characterizes human being in a scene, while
remaining resistant to the above mentioned problems.
Thus in this work a new algorithm is presented to detect
human beings in still images using a set of four descriptors.
After the foreground extraction, the human beings have been
detected by studying some of their invariant features like the
head-neck- shoulder signature.
a) Outline of approach for Human Detection system:
The block diagram of the proposed Human detection
system is as shown below in Fig2.
This approach uses a shape based representation of the
extracted foreground contour for human detection. The
advantages of this approach are:
It can detect human beings even in partial occlusion
(when legs are partially occluded).
It is tolerant to varying human pose.
It can detect human beings even if the person is not
facing the camera directly.
The final decision is weight based and depends on
multiple evidences obtained from descriptors.
Fig. 2. Flow chart for Omega model for human detection
In this approach, the boundary of the contour of the
extracted foreground object has been examined experimentally
to obtain some of the invariant features of human beings from
the shape of the contour. Four descriptors have been designed
to specifically analyze these invariant features and thereafter
take a weight based decision to detect the presence of human
beings in the scene.
b) Descriptors for Human Detection:
The choice of the distinguishing features for classification
is a critical design step and depends on the characteristics of
the problem domain. Having extracted the contour of the
foreground objects, a set of invariant features have been
chosen to detect the presence of human being in the scene. In
this work we have developed four descriptors to classify the
human beings from other non- human objects by using distinct
features that are simple to extract as well as invariant to
irrelevant transformations.
From the set of boundary points obtained, by processing
the contour of the segmented objects, the main aim here is to
develop descriptors that describe the Omega shape (i.e. the
shape of upper portion of human body) in the best possible
The four Descriptors we use are as follows:
Descriptor 1 (
) :( Head-neck- shoulder dimensions of
This shape based descriptor is firstly defined by its
dimension given as shown in figure (3(b)):
- Y
, X
- X
A bounding box is designed to include the object of
interest and whose axes are aligned with the image axes
as shown in figure (d)
Based on the set of boundary points obtained, co-
ordinates of the centroid are calculated.
From this obtained centroid, data for width of shoulder
and neck is obtained.
The data obtained is then experimentally analyzed with
a number of training images to obtain a threshold for
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describing the optimum ratio of these width and
compare with the testing images.
Fig. 3. (a) original image, (b) image after background subtraction(c)
dimensions of the image (d) Bounding box for the contour.
Based on this threshold (obtained experimentally) a
decision is made if a human being is present in the scene or
Descriptor 2 (
): (Radial Feature of )
This descriptor particularly defines the radial feature of
the human head.
Based on experimental analysis the upper (head)
portion of the contour is extracted and a point (S)
lying somewhere between the neck and tip of head is
The radial distance between each of the points in the
boundary and point S is calculated.
The pattern of occurrence of these distances is
observed for human contours.
Based on the pattern a decision is taken if the extracted
contour is that of human head or not.
Descriptor 3 (
): (Curvature of )
This descriptor classifies human based on the
information of curvature of human head-neck-shoulder
At each point in the boundary of the contour, curvature
is estimated which is an indicator of the amount of
bending of the curve that occurs at that position.
Based on the set of curvature values obtained for each
of the boundaries of the contour, the patterns have been
Analysis of these pattern shows that a specific number
of local minimas occur if the contour under observation
is that of human being.
Based on this experimental analysis, a threshold is
obtained and decision is taken whether a human being
is present in the scene or not.
Descriptor 4 (
): (Convexity of )
Here shape description is based upon the convex hulls
of the set of boundary points obtained from the
extracted contour.
The convex hull of the set of boundary points of the
contour is the enclosing convex polygon with the
smallest possible area.
So here we analyze the convexity of the head-shoulder
portion of human body. We define convexity (R
) as:
The ratio obtained above have been analyzed for a
number of test image and based on experimentation
a threshold have been obtained to detect the
presence of human being in the scene.
Weights are assigned to each of the descriptor based on the
experimental analysis. Finally based on the decisions obtained
from the four descriptors, a weight based decision is taken and
if outcome is above a certain threshold than a human being is
said to be present in the scene.
The complete algorithm for detecting human beings
employing these four descriptors is given in the next sub-
c) Algorithm for Human Detection: The algorithm, that
have been designed for human detection is as described
Each of the extracted contour present in an image is
processed to find human beings based on the descriptors. Each
of the descriptors has been assigned a weight depending on
their performance analysis. Finally a weight based decision is
taken and compared with a standard threshold (
) obtained
from experimental analysis and accordingly the human beings
present in the scene is detected and counted.
The results obtained for human detection and counting are
very satisfactory. Here after background subtraction, the
contours present in the segmented foreground image is
processed using the developed algorithm for Omega model.
The resolution of the camera used in the work is 120X160,
running in a 32 bit operating system, 2.00 GHz processor, and
2 GB RAM. The achieved speed of execution for foreground
extraction is 21 fps. The developed algorithm was then tested
on 100 frames, each consisting one or more number of human
beings (including frames where the human is partially
occluded i.e legs are occluded) and 50 frames that did not
contain human beings. We have achieved a success rate of
95%. The time required to detect human in a frame is
18ms.Certain error arouse due to complete occlusion of the
head shoulder portion. However our method is tolerant to
changing background and also effectively deals with different
poses of head- shoulder shape taken from different camera
angles. A Matlab based tool with Graphical User Interface
(GUI) has been developed for the ease of use by anyone to
detect the number of human being present at a scene.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
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When the tool is started, the user can browse and select
any image containing contours of foreground object. The GUI
shows the user a bounding box for each of the object present
in the original image. Then the segmented contour for each of
the object is also shown in the window and then using the
algorithm it automatically generates the count of the number
of human beings present in the image. A screen shot of the
developed GUI is as shown below.
(i) Human count=3
Algorithm for Omega model for human detection:
Descriptor 1(
) (Neck shoulder dimensions of )
1. Get the boundary points {x
} for each contour
obtained from background subtraction.
2. Find Y
, Y
, X
, X
values for each of the
boundaries obtained in step1.( refer fig.3(c) )
3. Obtain the height (h) and width (w) of the contour.
4. Find the co-ordinates of centroid (C
, C
) of the
5. Find distance, d= 1/3 of h and d =1/2 of d.
6. Obtain the following points:
(a) X
, X
< C
(b) X
> C
7. Define two variables
(neck width) and
width) such that:
= X
- X
= X
- X
8. Take a decision, [
= 1 if
= T
=0 otherwise].
Descritor2 (
): (Radial feature of )
9. Obtain a point S (from experimentation) lying
between nose and neck in the y direction from C
to Y
10. Find the distance S between S and Y
11. Define a set of points {S
, S
, S
=0 otherwise].
Descriptor 3(
): (Curvature of )
13. Calculate the absolute values of curvatures {C
} for
the segmented boundary (1/3 of h) given as
14. Find the number of local minima for the segmented
upper contour.
15. Take a decision:
= 1, if a
<C< a
= 0 otherwise], where a
and a
are the thresholds for number of local minima.
Descriptor 4(
) (Convexity of )
16. Find the convex hull of the upper segmented boundary
of the contour.
17. Find the area (A
) of the convex hull.
18. Find the area (A
) of the rectangle bounding the upper
segmented contour.
19. Find the ratio: R
/ A
20. Take a decision:
= 1, if r
< R
< r
= 0 otherwise],
where r
and r
are the thresholds values for R
21. Finally take a weight based decision.
Define a function H () such that:
H() = S
+ S
+ S
+ S
d ,
, S
, S
are the respective weights of
An extracted contour is said to be that of human if
H () >=
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(ii) Human count=5
(iii) Human count=0
Fig. 4. GUI shown for human count in images using the developed
A method for human detection and counting has been
presented in this paper. The key feature of our work is, we
have employed four descriptors to detect four invariant and
significant feature of human head-shoulder region to achieve
our goal. We studied the influence of various descriptor
parameters and conclude that none of them can individually
detect human, hence we employed a weight based decision
system for a good performance. Experiments performed on
several images validate the effectiveness of our approach.
In our future work we shall focus on implementing the
Omega Model in video, and hence develop a Real-time Smart
Surveillance Systems that can decide and label events and give
threat alerts for security conscious venues.
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Integration of Automated Decision Support Systems
with Data Mining Abstract: A Client Perspective
Abdullah Saad AL-Malaise
Chairman of Information Systems Department
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
ABSTRACTCustomers behavior and satisfaction are
always play important role to increase organizations growth and
market value. Customers are on top priority for the growing
organization to build up their businesses. In this paper presents
the architecture of Decision Support Systems (DSS) in connection
to deal with the customers enquiries and requests. Main purpose
behind the proposed model is to enhance the customers
satisfaction and behavior using DSS. We proposed model by
extension in traditional DSS concepts with integration of Data
Mining (DM) abstract. The model presented in this paper shows
the comprehensive architecture to work on the customer requests
using DSS and knowledge management (KM) for improving the
customers behavior and satisfaction. Furthermore, DM abstract
provides more methods and techniques; to understand the
contacted customers data, to classify the replied answers in
number of classes, and to generate association between the same
type of queries, and finally to maintain the KM for future
KeywordsDecision Support Systems; Knowledge
Management; Data Mining; Customers Satisfaction.
Customers are regularly in contact with the organizations
through telephone lines, online website portal, or through
customer care centers directly. The organizations keen to learn
their employees about how to deal with the customers in
efficient manner. Customers satisfaction and to improve in
their behavior with the company is the main aim for every
organization. As customers are supposed large stakeholders;
those can increase and decrease the profit ratio of the company.
Abdullah et al. [9] described that customers feedback and
satisfaction level is the major performance indicators to
improve customers behavior which a customer leaves behind
of his/her every visit to the company. In this paper we
presented the model of automated decision support systems for
dealing with the customers queries for increase the customers
satisfaction ration. For this, we integrated the model with DM
abstract to build a KM database in connection with automated
DSS database. Ruey [3] discussed the connection of DM
technique with customers data that, the systemic applications
of DM strengthens the KM process and allows marketing
personnel to know their customers well to provide better
services. Figure. 1 by [13] showed the working of traditional
hot-line customer service center which representing the long
process of customer dealing via telephone line and advisory
system. Which shows that in current days we cannot relied
upon dealing with the customers in traditional manner. There is
a need to focus on current trends and technology to improve the
performance and growth of the organization.
Before discussing the proposed model in this paper, the
subsequent sections discussing the introduction of DSS and
DM approaches using literature are reviewed to understand
more about the subject matter. Therefore, in the next section
the discussion about the DSS configuration and components is
presented. Followed by discussion on DM tasks to provide
some background of it too.
Fig. 1. Traditional Hot-Line Service Center [13]
A. Decision Support System
Currently, business environment is more complex than ever
before. The reason behind is the rapid growth and involvement
of the technology in the businesses. Modern technology is
managing the cause of increasing business pressure on the
business men. Furthermore, the businesses are need to be
updated using current technology to defend their selves from
competitors attack timely. The computerized support and
automated decision support systems are becoming the
fundamental elements for almost every organization to stay in
the market safe and healthy.
DSS provides the environment to apply many tools for all
kind of business environmental factors such as; markets,
technology, customer demand, and societal & environmental
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factors to generate several choices and in the end to be selected
optimal solution [2]. A DSS can have several phases to analyze
the problem and take the decision. As Turban described a DSS
must consider four phases for complete decision making
process such as; Intelligent, Design, Choice and
Implementation [2].
Industries build DSS for making themselves proactive and
anticipative. The configuration of DSS can be based on data or
model. The major classification of DSS are based on (i) Data
Oriented DSS, (ii) Model Oriented DSS [2]. While some other
scholars also categorized DSS into several categories such as;
individual and group DSS, spreadsheet DSS, solver oriented
DSS, etc.
Figure-2 [2] showed the basic model of DSS including
linkages with its components. In this figure showing the four
parts of DSS are; data, models, knowledge and user interface.
In this paper we are applying the same concept with some
integration in the model, discussed later in methodology
In the succeeding section presented the most common DM
approaches and tasks which will describe more about the DM
Fig. 2. Components of DSS [2]
B. Data Mining Approaches
Data Mining, which also known as Knowledge Discovery
in Databases (KDD), refers to the significant extraction of
hidden, previously unknown and potentially useful information
from data in databases. While DM and knowledge discovery in
databases (or KDD) are frequently treated as synonyms, DM is
actually part of the knowledge discovery process [5, 8].
Furthermore, Abdullah et. Al described the DM concept in
connection with decision support systems (DSS), in decision
support management terminology, DM can be consider as a
decision support process in which decision maker is searching
to generate rule for the help in decision making process [9, 7,
16]. There are several other fields where data mining
techniques has been applied by researchers such as, medical
database and ERP database [1, 14].
Mainly, DM tasks has been divided into descriptive and
predictive methods. Classification, clustering and rule
association mining are most common techniques use for
predictive and descriptive analysis [10]. Therefore, mainly
scholars describe DM in three major tasks. As Zaine [5] stated
in his book chapter about major techniques of DM as follows:
a) Classification: Classification analysis is the organization
of data in given classes. Also known as supervised
classification, the classification uses given class labels to order
the objects in the data collection
Classification consider as an important task of DM. Using
this approach data must be already defined a class label (target)
attribute. Firstly we divide the classified data into two sets;
training and testing data [11]. Where each datasets contains
others atrributes also but one of the attributed must be defined
as class lable attribute. Jiawei Han [11] described classification
task in two steps process; first is model construction and the
second is model usage. The main target of this task is to build
the model by using training dataset and then assign unseen
records into a class by using the trained model as accurately as
possible. While training data set is use to build the model on
the other hand testing data set is use to validate the model [10].
b) Clustering: Similar to classification, clustering is the
organization of data in classes. However, unlike classification,
in clustering, class labels are unknown and it is up to the
clustering algorithm to discover acceptable classes. Clustering
is also called unsupervised classification.
Clustering is one of the major task has been applying for
DM, work on unsupervised data (no predefined classes) [12].
Clustering is a collection of data objects, clustered by taking
similar object to one another within the same cluster, and
dissimilar to the objects related in other clusters. Cluster
differentiate by using similarities between data according to the
characteristics found in the data and grouping similar data
objects into clusters [11].
c) Association: Association analysis is the discovery of
what are commonly called association rules. It studies the
frequency of items occurring together in transactional
databases, and based on a threshold called support, identifies
the frequent item sets.
Data can be use to find association between several
attributes, generate rules from data sets, this task is known as
association rule mining [12]. Given a set of transactions, find
rules that will predict the occurrence of an item based on the
occurrences of other items in the transaction. The goal of
association rule mining is to find all rules having support
minsup (minimum support) threshold and confidence
minconf (minimum confidence) threshold [10].
Moreover, association rule mining can be viewed as a two-
step process, first, find all frequent itemsets: items satisfying
minimum support. Second, generate strong association rules
from the frequent itemsets: these rules must satisfy minimum
support and minimum confidence [11].
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The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the
enhancement of traditional customers dealing process by using
current technology. Figure.1 presented above describe the
traditionally customers dealing process. We presented the DSS
model in this paper including DM abstract to generate new
rules and patterns to maintain the KM. In order to reply on the
customer requests, it will connect directly with KM which have
managed all the previous given replies to the customers.
In addition, [15] presented the similar concept of combining
the DSS and DM applications together to build joint
application to solve evaluation and classification problem.
Specially they presented hierarchical multi-attribute decision
model which are generally use in decision analysis [17,18].
Basically, this concept attract our research presented in this
paper where this research is not taking one techniques into
consideration but we have designed a model which can work
broadly with any kind of data mining in different phases of
decision support system.
Therefore, this paper presents the extended model of the
figure. 2 with the integration of DM abstract. The
implementation of that model is from customers point of view
which also known as customer relationship management
(CRM). The major purpose of the CRM is to build good
relations with the customer in the form customer satisfaction
and behavior. Moreover, CRM will provide the facility to
understand the customer by evaluating customer behavior,
profile, customer segmentation, loyalty and profitability [3].
A. Explanation of the Proposed Model (Figure-3)
Proposed model in figure. 3 is the extended model of DSS
components model (figure. 2) presented above. According to
figure. 2 the broad view of four components in the DSS
connected to fulfill the requirements of DSS. The components
are; data, model, KM, and user interface. Our model in figure.3
is covering all the four major components of DSS with some
integration of DM abstract and customer enquiry systems.
Therefore, according to our proposed model we can divide
them into four major parts again as per the requirements of
DSS. The division is also described in table.1. The complete
description of each part of the proposed model discussed in the
a) Part 1. Data: In the perspective of proposed model we
are merging the DSS database with the DM abstraction. As DM
tasks are more commonly use for data understanding and
extraction new information from the data. In this scenario,
firstly the queries will be asked from KM about suitable reply.
If the decision is not available from KM, then it will proceed to
DM abstract through DSS interface with selected data required
for DM process. Afterwards, we can suppose that selected data
is enough to produce some new patterns and rules.
Simultaneously, the extracted information and rules will be
saved in KM. Moreover, the DSS part 1. (DM) has some more
methods to find and generate more alternatives for selecting
best solution. As selecting the optimal solution is the major
concern of DSS.
b) Part 2. Models: This part of DSS is to maintain the
models generated while looking for new solutions. The
proposed model has presented another aspect of the model
generation which are known as DM models. Whenever DM
tasks such as; Classification, clustering and association applied
on the data, the tasks need to first build the model for data
understanding and train the data. In addition of DSS own
models, DM models will also be work and save in KM. These
model can be available for the same type of request in future
correspondence with the customer.
c) Part 3. Knowledge Management: This part considerably
has more importance for improving customers behaviour and
satisfaction with fast process of customer enquiries and
complaints. KM is one of the types of database but the major
purpose of building KM is to provide the facility to reply
directly on customer queries (in current scenario) by using
experienced data without contacting with DSS database.
While replying on customer queries, the DM models, rules
& patterns, and DSS models will place in the KM for future
correspondence with the customers. Those type of data placed
in KM is also known as experienced data. As presented in the
model firstly all customers request are connected with the
decision box. Whereas decision box search the decision using
KM to find the proper answer from experienced data
DSS Components According to DSS Model (Figure. 2) According to Proposed Model (Figure.3)
Part 1:
Data related with DSS Database DM Abstract; will provide more tasks to do on the saved
Part 2:
DSS Model with Choices DM and DSS models; Association, Classification, and
Clustering models
Part 3: Knowledge Management Only maintain DSS models, and Choices Maintained both DM and DSS models, patterns and rules
Part 4:
User Interface
Any DSS Interface Customer Inquiry Interface
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(knowledge base data). If the decision will not available
through KM then let the query will drag towards the DSS
interface. At last if DSS need more understanding and some
other operations to apply on data then it will be forwarded to
the DM abstract. DM cannot initiate the working on customer
queries directly. According to the model, DM abstract will
work only if DSS abstract will forward any query with suitable
data to apply any of the DM task. The solution/models
generated either by DSS abstract or DM abstract will be
transmitted to KM. Finally, the KM is only channel from where
the answer will be post back to the asked customer.
d) Part 4. User Interface: In the model the user interface
delegated for receiving and sending the customer requests
online. According to the scenario detailed in the model a
customer is the general term we use in this paper. Whereas a
customer may be a type of user, purchaser, seller, influencer, or
enquirer etc. Therefore, the raised query may also have several
type such as; suggestions, requisitions, questionnaires, sales
enquiries, and reclamations depend on the customer type. The
major task of this model is to improve customers satisfaction
and behavior. Therefore, we need to build a interface which can
support both DSS and DM abstracts. Finally, both abstract
must connect with same KM.
Fig. 3. Integrated Model of DSS with Data Mining Abstract [Proposed by
In conclusion, we proposed the extended version of the
DSS model with new perspective of DM and KM. Working on
customers query using DM and DSS abstract may work better
than before. The concept of the model can also help to increase
customers satisfaction, behavior and ultimately the growth of
the organization. As customers plays significant role for
making organization good will in the market. Therefore, the
model may provide help for dealing with the customers in more
efficient manner.
In future, the practical implementation of the proposed
model with different attributed data may provide some fruitful
results. Actually, each DM tasks deal with special attributed
data. Model Implementation on real world data will guide more
about the applicability of the model. Our future concerns is to
apply this model using medical or student data for taking
decision on student/patient online queries.
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Automatic Image Registration Technique of Remote
Sensing Images
M. Wahed, Gh.S. El-tawel
Computer Science Department
Suez Canal University
Ismailia, Egypt
A. Gad El-karim
Mathematics Department
Suez Canal University
Alarish, Egypt
Abstract Image registration is a crucial step in most image
processing tasks for which the final result is achieved from a
combination of various resources. Automatic registration of
remote-sensing images is a difficult task as it must deal with the
intensity changes and variation of scale, rotation and
illumination of the images. This paper proposes image
registration technique of multi-view, multi- temporal and multi-
spectral remote sensing images. Firstly, a preprocessing step is
performed by applying median filtering to enhance the images.
Secondly, the Steerable Pyramid Transform is adopted to
produce multi-resolution levels of reference and sensed images;
then, the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is utilized
for extracting feature points that can deal with the large
variations of scale, rotation and illumination between images
.Thirdly, matching the features points by using the Euclidian
distance ratio; then removing the false matching pairs using the
RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm. Finally, the
mapping function is obtained by the affine transformation.
Quantitative comparisons of our technique with the related
techniques show a significant improvement in the presence of
large scale, rotation changes, and the intensity changes. The
effectiveness of the proposed technique is demonstrated by the
experimental results.
Keywords Imageregistration; Steerable Pyramid Transform;
Image registration is a fundamental task in image
processing used to match two or more images which are taken
at different time, from different sensors or different
viewpoints [1]. The present image registration methods can be
generally divided into two broad categories: area-based and
feature-based methods [2]. Area-based methods deal with the
images without detecting salient features, and adopt
optimization algorithms. These methods are substantial to the
intensity distribution. The feature-based methods do not
directly work with image intensity values, but, instead, use
salient features extracted from two images, which has been
shown to be more suitable for such situations that intensity
changes and complicated geometric deformations are
encountered. Therefore, these feature-based methods have
been widely used in remote-sensing image registration.
Feature-based image registration consists of five steps:
preprocessing, feature selection, feature correspondence,
transformation and resampling. Among them, feature
selection, correspondence and transformation require
numerous manipulation techniques, where in the most difficult
one is the feature correspondence. If some correspondences
are incorrect, they will produce an incorrect transformation
function, which could yield totally wrong results, so a highly
robust matching algorithm is needed. The process of image
registration intersects with the following research areas:
computer vision, pattern recognition, and remotely sensed data
processing. In general, its applications can be divided into
multi-view analysis, multi-temporal analysis and multimodal
analysis according to the manner of the image acquisition.
In literature, there are several image registration
techniques have been proposed, Xiangzeng and al. [3]
Proposed multi-scale image registration technique based on
steerable pyramid transform and Scale Invariant Feature
Transform (SIFT) of remote sensing image. Nagham and al.
[4] presented wavelet-based image registration technique that
combined Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) with
Mutual-Information (MI). Haidawati and al. [5] developed
image registration approach based on a combination of Scale
Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Belief Propagation (BP)
for matching features and Random Sampling Consensus
(RANSAC) adopted to filter out the mismatched points. Sang
[6] introduced automatic coarse-to-fine image registration
algorithm for satellite images, based on Haar Wavelet
Transform (HWT) and the Speeded Up Robust Features
(SURF) algorithm in the coarse registration, the normalized
cross-correlation and RANdom SAmple Consensus
(RANSAC) algorithm to achieve the fine registration.
Mahmudul and al. [7] proposed a method to improve SIFT-
based matching for multispectral image registration. Fatiha
and al. [8] presented an efficient image registration algorithm
that used the genetic algorithms and the cross-correlation
similarity measure for matching within a multi-resolution
framework based on the Non-Subsampled Contourlet
Transform (NSCT).Yi and al. [9] presented an enhanced SIFT
method for multi-spectral remote sensing image registration.
Le and al. [10] developed a fully automatic and fast non-rigid
image registration technique that coarsely aligned the input
image to the reference image by automatically detecting their
matching points by using the scale invariant feature transform
(SIFT) method and an affine transformation model. Gang and
Yun [11] introduced image registration technique, which is
based on wavelet-based feature extraction technique, a
normalized cross-correlation matching and relaxation-based
image matching techniques. Leila and al. [12] presented
efficient image registration algorithm of multi-temporal
images with similar spectral responses based on modulus
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maxima of wavelet transform for point features extraction and
a correlation based matching measure used in the matching
process. Shirin and Kasaei [13] developed image registration
method based on Contourlet Transform for extracting edge
features from panchromatic satellite images and matching
features by normalized cross-correlation.
In this paper we present automatic image registration
technique of remote sensing image based on the Steerable
Pyramid Transform and SIFT descriptors. This paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 presents the proposed image
registration technique. Experimental results and conclusions
are given in Sections 3 and 4, respectively.
In this section, we describe the proposed image
registration technique which consists of six steps:
preprocessing, decomposition by steerable pyramid transform,
extract feature points using the Scale Invariant Feature
Transform (SIFT), Find all matching pairs between two
images ,remove false matching pairs, perform affine
transformation and resampling to perform image registration.
The work flow of the proposed technique is shown in Fig.1.
A. Preprocessing
Given two input images (the reference image and the
sensed image), applying median filtering to the reference
image and the sensed image in order to enhance the two input
B. Steerable Pyramid Transform
The steerable pyramid transform is a linear multi-scale,
multi-orientation image decomposition that provides a useful
front-end for image processing and computer vision
applications [14]. It has been developed in order to overcome
the limitations of orthogonal separable wavelet
decompositions that were popular for image processing. The
steerable filter refers to a class of filters, in which a filter of
arbitrary orientation can be synthesized as a linear
combination of a set of basis filters. For any function
is constrained as:
The recursive construction of a pyramid is achieved by
inserting a copy of the shaded portion of the System diagram
in Fig.2 at the location of the solid circle. The steerable
pyramid performs a polar-separable decomposition in the
frequency domain, thus allowing independent representation
of scale and orientation. In order to cascade the system
recursively, there should be
In the proposed technique we apply the steerable pyramid
transform to the two input images to level three with one
orientation band-pass component. Fig.3 shows three level of
steerable pyramid decomposition with one orientation band-
pass filter for the reference image and the sensed image,
C. SIFT Feature Point Extraction Algorithm
SIFT algorithm was proposed in [15] as a method to
extract and describe feature points, which is robust to scale,
rotation and change in illumination. There are four steps to
implement the SIFT algorithm:
1) Scale-space Extrema Detection: The first stage
searches over scale space using a Difference of Gaussian
(DoG) function to identify potential interest points that are
invariant to scale and orientation. The scale space of an
image is defined as a function , which is produced
from the convolution of a variable-scale Gaussian
with an input image :
To efficiently detect stable key-point locations in scale
space using scale-space extrema in the difference-of-Gaussian
function convolved with the image, which can be
computed from the difference of two nearby scales separated
by a constant multiplicative factor :
. (6)
2) Feature Point Localization: The location and the scale
of each candidate point are determined and the feature points
are selected based on measures of stability this information
allows points to be rejected that have low contrast (and are
therefore sensitive to noise) or are poorly localized along an
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Fig. 1. Work Flow of the Proposed Technique
Reference image
Image enhancement using
median filtering
Decomposition by Steerable
Pyramid Transform
Feature point extraction at
every decomposition level
using SIFT
Find all matching pairs between two
images by calculating the ratio of the
Euclidian distance of descriptor vector from
closest neighbor to the distance of second
Remove false matching pairs using
RANSAC algorithm
Using refined matching pairs, perform
affine transformation
Resample sensed image according to
transformation parameters and perform
image registration
Sensed image
Image enhancement using
median filtering
Decomposition by Steerable
Pyramid Transform
Feature point extraction at
every decomposition level
using SIFT
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Fig. 2. System diagram for first derivative Steerable Pyramid
Fig. 3. Steerable Pyramid decomposition (l=3) for (a) reference image and (b) sensed image
3) Orientation Assignment: One or more orientations are
assigned to each feature point location based on local image
gradient directions. For each image sample at this
scale , the gradient magnitude and orientation
are precomputed using pixel differences:
4) Feature Point Descriptor: A feature descriptor is
created by first computing the gradient magnitude and
orientation at each image sample point in a region around the
feature point location, as shown on the left of Fig.4.These are
weighted by a Gaussian window, indicated by the overlaid
circle. These samples are then accumulated into orientation
histograms summarizing the contents over 4x4 sub-regions,
with 8 orientation bins. So each feature point has a 128-
element feature as shown on the right, with the length of each
arrow corresponding to the sum of the gradient magnitudes
near that direction within the region. The SIFT feature point
extraction for the reference image and the sensed image is
shown in Fig.5 and Fig.6.
D. The proposed Feature Points Matching Using Structural
SIFT algorithm at first detects feature points in scale-
space, feature points with low contrast and located at edges
are discarded. Then a 128-element feature descriptor is
generated for each feature point using statistics of the gradient
directions which are scale and rotation invariant. These
descriptors are used to find the corresponding feature points
by calculating the ratio of the Euclidian distance of descriptor
vector from closest neighbor to the distance of second closest.
To illustrate the issue, we show an example in Fig.7. SIFT
matching is applied to images A and B. The bold line shows a
pair of matched featured points in the two images. The
dotted line shows the best match of another feature point
in image A, while the correct match should be point . In the
proposed technique is not selected as a matched feature
point for because the spatial distance between points and
is too large. Feature points and are matched while the
counterpart for neighboring feature point cannot be decided
because the SIFT descriptors for points and are almost
equally different from the SIFT descriptor of point . This
problem is made worse by the fact that a lot of similar
descriptors can be found in typical remote sensing images.
The idea to solve this problem is as follows. Still considering
the example in Fig.7, assume points and are already
matched with high confidence that the match is correct. We
can predict that the feature points around (shown in the
circular window) can be found around . So, for point we
only search the neighborhood of point for a matching
descriptor, which results in a correct match at point . For
better matching accuracy we suggest modifications to SIFT
matching by imposing a threshold on the Euclidian distance
ratio as follows: A descriptor of feature point in
image (reference image) is matched to a descriptor
in image (sensed image) only if
the Euclidian distance multiplied by threshold (set
(a) (b)
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to 1.5) is not greater than the distance of to all other
descriptors. SIFT matching result between the feature points
of the reference image and the sensed image is shown in Fig.8.
Fig. 4. Feature descriptor creation
Fig. 5. Feature points returned by SIFT for reference image
Fig. 6. Feature points returned by SIFT for sensed image
Fig. 7. a) Feature point matching results to points as correct match but no match found for b. (b) Euclidian distance of the descriptors of
all the feature point on image B for the feature point on image .
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Fig. 8. Matching result between the reference image and sensed image in steerable domain.
E. RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) Algorithm
In general there are all kinds of photometric and geometric
transformations that can occur between two views of a scene.
This means normalized cross-correlation will sometimes
generate spurious correspondences. To robustly fit a model to
the correspondences, we need to overcome the effect of these
outliers. The RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC)
algorithm proposed by Martin and Robert [16] is a general
parameter estimation approach designed to cope with a large
proportion of outliers in the input data. There are two types of
samples: contaminated, those that contain at least one outlier,
and uncontaminated (all-inlier or outlier-free) samples. Only
the latter ones are of interest, as the model parameters
computed from data points including outliers are arbitrary.
The number of iterations is chosen high enough to ensure
that the probability (usually set to 0.99) that at least one of
the sets of random samples does not include an outlier. Let
represent the probability that any selected data point is an
inlier and the probability of observing an outlier,
iterations of the minimum number of points denoted are
required, where
, and thus with some manipulation,
A RANSAC algorithm provides a general technique for
model fitting in the presence of outliers and consists of the
following steps:
1) Choose a model.
2) Determine the minimal number of points needed to
specify the model.
3) Define a threshold on the inlier count.
4) Fit the model to a randomly selected minimal subset
5) Apply the transformation to the complete set of
points and count inliers.
6) If the number of inliers exceeds the threshold, flag
the fit as good and stop.
7) Otherwise repeat steps 4 to 6.
In our technique we apply RANSAC algorithm to the
putative correspondences to remove false matching point
pairs, which are consistent with this estimate because many of
the putative correspondences obtained in the previous step are
F. Perform Affine Transformation and Resampling
Given the refined matching point pairs, build the mapping
function and get the affine transformation parameters to
resample the sensed image and perform image registration.
A. Data Sets
The proposed technique is tested for ten different sets of
remote sensing images. We present three different sets of
images. The first set of images is Landsat TM images from
different bands (12-band 0 and 8) (Fig. 9(a) and (b)) with large
rotation variation, which are used to show the implementation
and accuracy of our algorithm. Images of the second set are
Agricultural images from Landsat TM (band 5) of Amazon
region acquired at different times (Fig.10 (a) and Fig. 10(b))
.The third data set are QuickBird panchromatic and near-
infrared band images (Fig.11 (a) and (b)) with large scale
difference derived from Digital Globe, Inc; acquired on Jul. 4,
2005 over Boulder, USA .The near-infrared band has been
shown to be effective for estimating moisture content and
plant biomass in the 760900 nm wavelength range. In
addition, the panchromatic and multispectral images have 0.6
m and 2.4 m spatial resolution at nadir, respectively. Here, the
near infrared band image of low spatial resolution is registered
to the high resolution panchromatic image. The feature points
information of the three data sets are shown in Table 1.
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Fig. 9. Reference image, sensed image, matching results, and registration results (Landsat TM images). (a) The reference image (Landsat TM
12-Band 0, 512 by 512); (b) the sensed image (Landsat TM 12 -Band 8, 512 by 512); (c) the matching results of (a) and (b); (d) the registration
results of (a) and (b).
Fig. 10. Agricultural images from Landsat TM (band 5). (a) The reference image (Landsat TM 400 by 400 acquired on September 9, 1990);
(b) the sensed image (Landsat TM 400 by 400 acquired on July 18, 1994.); (c) the matching results of (a) and (b); (d) the registration results of
(a) and (b).
(a) (b) (c)
(a) (b) (c)
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Fig. 11. Reference image ,sensed image, matching results, and registration results of QuickBird panchromatic and near-infrared images (Image
courtesy of Digital Globe) (a) The reference image (QuickBird panchromatic, 2048 by 2048); (b) the sensed image (QuickBird near-infrared,
937 by 915); (c) the matching results of (a) and (b); (d) the registration results of (a) and (b).
Data sets
Feature points information
Level no. Image size(pixels) Number of feature points Number of initial
matched pairs
Number of refined
matched pairs using
Reference image Sensed image
Fig .9
1 512x512 6571 7502 244 161
2 256x256 3285 3498 420 270
Fig .10
1 400x400 4313 4192 174 108
2 200x200 1581 1519 169 102
Fig .11
1 2048x2048
19091 13261 578 505
2 1024x1024
465x 457
16538 10137 1630 1553
B. Evaluation
In order to evaluate the proposed image registration
technique; First we apply the proposed technique to the three
sets of images. Second, we compare our technique with other
two related techniques on the accuracy of matching and
registration. To evaluate the matching result between the two
input images, Assume that the transformation between the
point (
Where means the total number of matching points;
are affine transformation parameters. The
transformation parameters between the two input images of
the three data sets and their root mean square error ()
are shown in Table 2.
The test three sets of images include large rotation,
translation, scale, and intensity changes. We use Fig.9 (a) as
the reference image and Fig.9 (b) as the sensed image. Fig.9
(a) (b) (c)
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(c) and (d) shows the matching results and the registration
results, respectively. In the second data set we use two
Landsat TM (band5) images with translation differences;
Fig.10 (a) and Fig.10 (b), are used as the reference image and
the sensed image, respectively. Fig.10 (c) shows the matching
results and Fig. 10 (d) shows the registration results .Fig.11 (a)
and (b) are QuickBird panchromatic and near-infrared band
images with large scale variations and intensity changes,
which is used as the reference image and the sensed image,
respectively. The matching results and registration results are
shown in Fig.11 (c) and (d), respectively. To compare the
registration accuracy, we consider the root mean square error
of intensity ( ),the correlation (corr) between the
overlapping areas of registered image pairs and Peak Signal to
Noise Ratio(PSNR), which are defined as follows:
Where is the reference image, is the registered image,
is the overlapping area between and , and is the number
of pixels in . The accuracy of matching results and
registration results for Fig.9, Fig.10, and Fig.11 are shown in
Table3. Fig.12 shows the registration accuracy in four
resolution levels for Fig.9.
Experiment have been carried out on the first set of images
(Landsat TM images) in order to compare the registration
accuracy of the proposed technique against other image
registration techniques (Xiangzeng and al. [3]) and (Le and al.
[10]); we consider is smaller
and the is the larger which shows higher accuracy of
registration. The comparisons of accuracy of matching results
and registration results for Fig.9 are shown in Fig.13. From
Fig.13, we can see both that and of the
proposed technique are the smallest and of the proposed
technique is the largest. From the above experimental results,
we can see that the proposed technique performs better than
the other two techniques when large scale variations, rotation,
translation, and intensity changes exist between the two input
Data sets
Transformation Parameters and RMSE
Fig .9 0.9626 -0.2551 -10.7779 0.2650 0.9757 264.9061 0.11
Fig .10 0.9872 -0.0006 69.6568 0.0005 1.0077 -60.8548 0.33
Fig .11 0.9914 -0.0001 -17.7040 0.0002 1.0276 -93.5854 0.17
Data sets
Matching error, Registration error,
Correlation and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio
Fig.9 0.11 11.12 0.99 32.47
Fig.10 0.33 4.08 0.87 35.91
Fig.11 0.17 2.71 0.89 39.47
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Fig. 12. Registration accuracy ( in different resolution levels, (l=4) for Fig.9.
Fig. 13. Comparisons of the registration accuracy of the Proposed Technique against the two related Registration
Techniques for Fig.9.
1 2 3 4
Processing Level
Matching Error
1 2 3 4
Processing Level
Registration Error
1 2 3 4
Processing Level
1 2 3 4
Processing Level
Peak Signal to Noise Ratio
Matching Error
Registration Error
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In this paper we have presented an automatic registration
technique of multi-view, multi-temporal, and multi-spectral
remote sensing images based on the Steerable Pyramid
Transform and SIFT features that can deal with the large
variations of scale, rotation and illumination between images.
The median filtering is applied in order to enhance the two
input images. The advantage of the proposed technique lies in
its ability to increase the number of matched points using the
developed SIFT neighborhood matching method and to
overcome the outliers introduced in the matching using
RANSAC algorithm and hence correctly estimate the
transformation matrix. The experimental results show that the
proposed technique returns better performance for large scale
variations, rotation and intensity changes as compared to the
two other related image registration techniques.
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Indian Sign Language Recognition Using Eigen
Value Weighted Euclidean Distance Based
Classification Technique
Joyeeta Singha
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Assam Don Bosco University
Guwahati, India
Karen Das
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Assam Don Bosco University
Guwahati, India
AbstractSign Language Recognition is one of the most
growing fields of research today. Many new techniques have been
developed recently in these fields. Here in this paper, we have
proposed a system using Eigen value weighted Euclidean distance
as a classification technique for recognition of various Sign
Languages of India. The system comprises of four parts: Skin
Filtering, Hand Cropping, Feature Extraction and Classification.
24 signs were considered in this paper, each having 10 samples,
thus a total of 240 images was considered for which recognition
rate obtained was 97%.
KeywordsHand Gesture Recognition; Skin Filtering; Human
Computer I nteraction; Euclidean Distance (E.D.); Eigen value;
Eigen vector.
Sign Language is a well-structured code gesture, every
gesture has meaning assigned to it. Sign Language is the only
means of communication for deaf people. With the
advancement of science and technology many techniques have
been developed not only to minimize the problem of deaf
people but also to implement it in different fields. Many
research works related to Sign languages have been done as for
example the American Sign Language, the British Sign
Language, the Japanese Sign Language, and so on. But very
few works has been done in Indian Sign Language recognition
till date.
Finding an experienced and qualified interpreters every
time is a very difficult task and also unaffordable. Moreover,
people who are not deaf, never try to learn the sign language
for interacting with the deaf people. This becomes a cause of
isolation of the deaf people. But if the computer can be
programmed in such a way that it can translate sign language to
text format, the difference between the normal people and the
deaf community can be minimized.
We have proposed a system which is able to recognize the
various alphabets of Indian Sign Language for Human-
Computer interaction giving more accurate results at least
possible time. It will not only benefit the deaf and dumb people
of India but also could be used in various applications in the
technology field.
Different approaches have been used by different
researchers for recognition of various hand gestures which
were implemented in different fields. Some of the approaches
were vision based approaches, data glove based approaches,
soft computing approaches like Artificial Neural Network,
Fuzzy logic, Genetic Algorithm and others like PCA,
Canonical Analysis, etc. The whole approaches could be
divided into three broad categories- Hand segmentation
approaches, Feature extraction approaches and Gesture
recognition approaches. Few of the works have been discussed
in this paper.
Many researchers [1-11] used skin filtering technique for
segmentation of hand. This technique separated the skin
colored pixels from the non-skin colored pixels, thus extracting
the hand from the background. Fang [12] used Adaptive Boost
algorithm which could not only detect single hand but also the
overlapped hands. In [13-15] external aid like data gloves,
color gloves were used by the researchers for segmentation
Saengsri [13] in his paper Thai Sign Language Recognition
used 5DT Data Glove 14 Ultra data glove which was attached
with 14 sensors- 10 sensors on fingers and rest 4 sensors
between the fingers which measures flexures and abductions
respectively. But accuracy rate was 94%. Kim [14] used
KHU-1 data glove which comprises of 3 accelerometer
sensor, a Bluetooth and a controller which extracted features
like joints of hand. He performed the experiment for only 3
gestures and the process was very slow. Weissmann [15] used
Cyberglove which measured features like thumb rotation, angle
made between the neighboring fingers and wrist pitch.
Limitations were that the system could recognize only single
hand gestures.
There have been wide approaches for feature extraction like
PCA, Hit-Miss Transform, Principle Curvature Based Region
detector (PCBR), 2-D Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD)
etc. In [1][16-18] Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was
used for extracting features for recognition of various hand
gestures. Kong [16] segmented the 3-D images into lines and
curves and then PCA was used to determine features like
direction of motion, shape, position and size.
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Lamar [17] in his paper for American and Japanese
alphabet recognition used PCA for extracting features like
position of the finger, shape of the finger and direction of the
image described by the mean, Eigen values and Eigen vectors
respectively. The limitations were accuracy rate obtained was
93% which was low and the system could recognize gestures of
only single hand. Kapuscinski [2] proposed Hit-Miss transform
for extracting features like orientation, hand size by computing
the central moments. Accuracy rate obtained was 98% but it
lacks proper Skin filtering with changes in illumination.
Generic Fourier descriptor and Generic Cosine Descriptor is
used [19] for feature extraction as it is rotation invariant,
translation invariant and scale invariant. Rotation of the input
hand image leads to shifting of hand in polar space. Rotation
invariance is obtained by only considering the magnitude of the
Fourier coefficient. While using centroid as the origin
translational invariance is achieved and finally ratio of
magnitude to area scale invariance is obtained. Only 15
different hand gestures were considered in this paper. Rekha
[9] extracted the texture, shape, finger features of hand in the
form of edges and lines by PCBR detector which otherwise is a
very difficult task because of change in illumination, color and
scale. Accuracy rate obtained was 91.3%.
After the features were extracted, proper classifier were
used to recognize the gestures. There are various gesture
recognition approaches used by different researchers like
Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Network (ANN),
Genetic Algorithm (GA), Fuzzy Logic, Euclidean distance,
Hidden Markov Model (HMM), etc. [13][17] used ANN for
recognizing gestures. Saengsri [13] used Elman Back
Propagation Neural Network (ENN) algorithm which consisted
of input layer with 14 nodes similar to the sensors in the data
glove, output layer with 16 nodes equal to the number of
symbols and hidden layer with 30 nodes which is just the total
of input and output nodes. Gesture was recognized by
identifying the maximum value class from ENN. Recognition
rate obtained was 94.44%. Difficulty faced in this paper was it
considered only single gestured signs. Lamar [17] used ANN
which comprises of input layer with 20 neurons, hidden and
output layer each with 42 neurons. Back propagation algorithm
was used and after the training of the neural network one
output neuron was achieved, thus giving the proper recognized
gesture. Gopalan [1] used Support Vector Machine for
classification purpose. The linearly non separable data becomes
separable when SVM was used as the data was projected to
higher dimensional space, thus reducing error. Kim [20] in his
paper of Recognition of Korean Sign Language used Fuzzy
logic. Fuzzy sets were considered where each set were the
various speeds of the moving hand. They were mathematically
given by ranges like small, medium, negative medium, large,
positive large, etc. Accuracy rate obtained was 94% and
difficulty faced by them was heavy computation.
We have thus proposed a system that could overcome the
difficulties faced by various. Our proposed system was able to
recognize two hand gestures with an improved accuracy rate of
97%. Moreover, experiment was carried out with bare hands
and computational time was also less thus removing the
difficulties faced by use of the hand gloves with sensors.
A. Eigen value and Eigen vector
Eigen values and Eigen vectors are a part of linear
transformations. Eigen vectors are the directions along which
the linear transformation acts by stretching, compressing or
flipping and Eigen values gives the factor by which the
compression or stretching occurs. In case of analysis of data,
the Eigen vectors of the covariance are being found out.
Eigenvectors are set of basis function which describes
variability of data. And Eigen vectors are also a kind of
coordinate system for which the covariance matrix becomes
diagonal for which the new coordinate system is uncorrelated.
The more the Eigen vectors the better the information obtained
from the linear transformation. Eigen values measures the
variance of data of new coordinate system. For compression of
the data only few significant Eigen values are being selected
which reduces the dimension of the data allowing the data to
get compressed. Mathematically, it is explained in (1).
If x is a one column vector with n rows and A is a square
matrix with n rows and columns, then the matrix product Ax
will result in vector y. When these two vectors are parallel,
Ax = x, ( being any real number) then x is an eigenvector of A
and the scaling factor is the respective eigenvalue.
The block diagram of the proposed system is given in Fig.
1 which comprises of mainly four phases: Skin filtering, Hand
cropping, Feature Extraction and Classification.
Fig. 1. Block Diagram Of The Proposed System
In our proposed system, we have considered 24 alphabets
of Indian sign language, each with 10 samples thus a total of
240 images captured by camera. Some of the database images
have been shown for each alphabet in Fig. 2.
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Fig. 2. Some of the database images considered for the proposed system
A. Skin Filtering
The first phase for our proposed system is the skin filtering
of the input image which extracts out the skin colored pixels
from the non-skin colored pixels. This method is very much
useful for detection of hand, face etc. The steps carried out for
performing skin filtering is given in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Basic Block diagram of Skin Filtering
The input RGB image is first converted to the HSV image.
The motive of performing this step is RGB image is very
sensitive to change in illumination condition. The HSV color
space separates three components: Hue which means the set of
pure colors within a color space, Saturation describing the
grade of purity of a color image and Value giving relative
lightness or darkness of a color. The following Fig. 4 shows the
different components of HSV color model.
Fig. 4. HSV color model
In our proposed system, the RGB is converted to HSV color
model by the following mathematical calculations:
where MAX = max(R, G, B) and MIN =
min(R, G, B).
Then the HSV image is filtered and smoothened and finally
we get an image which comprises of only skin colored pixels.
Now, along with the hand other objects in the surroundings
may also have skin-color like shadows, wood, dress etc. Thus
to eliminate these, we take the biggest binary linked object
(BLOB) which considers only the region comprising of biggest
linked skin-colored pixels. Results obtained after performing
skin filtering is given in Fig. 5.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 5. a) RGB image, b) HSV image, c) Filtered image, d) Smoothened
image, e) Binary image in grayscale, f) Biggest BLOB.
B. Hand Cropping
Next phase is the cropping of hand. For recognition of
different gestures, only hand portion till wrist is required, thus
the unnecessary part is clipped off using this hand cropping
technique. Significance of using this hand cropping is we can
detect the wrist and hence eliminate the undesired region. And
once the wrist is found the fingers can easily be located as it
will lie in the opposite region of wrist. The steps involved in
this technique are as follows.
RGB to
HSV color
image in
Filtered image
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The skin filtered image is scanned from all direction
left, right, top, bottom to detect the wrist of the hand.
Once the wrist is detected its position can be easily
found out.
Then the minimum and maximum positions of the
white pixels in the image are found out in all other
directions. Thus we obtain X
, Y
, X
, Y
, one
of which is the wrist position.
Then the image is cropped along these coordinates as
used in [5].
Few images have been shown in Fig. 6 after performing
hand cropping.
(a) (c)
(b) (d)
Fig. 6. Hand cropping: (a) and (b) showing the input image, (c) and (d)
showing cropped image respectively.
C. Feature Extraction
After the desired portion of the image is being cropped,
feature extraction phase is carried out. Here, Eigen values and
Eigen vectors are found out from the cropped image. The
mathematical steps for finding out Eigen values and Eigen
vectors in our proposed system are:
The input data is assumed to be X. Here, in our paper
cropped image has been taken as the input image
having a dimension 50 by 50.
The mean of the above vector X is found out as
Then the covariance matrix C of the above input vector
X was found out. Mathematically, it was given by
The Eigen vectors and the Eigen values are computed
from the covariance matrix C.
Finally the Eigen vectors are arranged in such a way
that the corresponding Eigen values is in the decreasing
In our project, only five significant Eigen vectors out of 50
has been considered because the Eigen values were very small
after this and so can be neglected. This provides advantages
like data compression, data dimension reduction without much
loss of information, reducing the original variables into a lower
number of orthogonal or non-correlated synthesized variables.
D. Classifier
Classifier was needed in order to recognize various hand
gestures. In our paper, we have designed a new classification
technique that is Eigen value weighted Euclidean distance
between Eigen vectors which involved two levels of
Classification based on Euclidean Distance: Euclidean
distance was found out between the Eigen vectors of
the test image and the corresponding Eigen vectors of
the database image. As five Eigen vectors were
considered, we get five Euclidean distances for each
database image and then the minimum of each was
found out. Mathematically,
where EV1 represents the Eigen vectors of the test
image and EV2 represents the Eigen vectors of the
database image.
Classification based on Eigen value weighted
Euclidean distance: The difference of Eigen values of
the test image and the Eigen values of the database
image was found out. Then, it was multiplied with the
Euclidean Distance obtained in the first level of
classification given as C2 in equation below. Then sum
of results obtained for each image were added and
minimum of them was considered to be the recognized
symbol. Mathematically,
where E1 and E2 are the Eigen values of the test
images and database images respectively.
Different images were tested and found that the new
technique of classification was found to show 97% accuracy.
Some images tested with other database images are given in the
following table where 2 levels of classification were used to
identify the gestures. Table I shows the Level 1 classification
experimented for different test images and Table II shows the
level 2 classification.
A comparison between the first level and second level of
classification is being made in Table III and it is seen that the
success rate has improved from 87% to 97% with the use of the
Eigen value weighted Euclidean distance between Eigen
vectors as a classification technique.
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Test image Image in
distance with
distance with
distance with
distance with
distance with
1.5691 1.2558
0.4792 0.8158
B 0.5533 0.5956 1.7043 1.4447 1.4507
C 0.7618 0.7394 1.0156 1.3916 1.3854
D 0.9854 1.2047 0.9849 1.5242 1.6026
E 0.5963 0.7418 1.6339 1.5727 1.6066
F 0.9521 1.0793 1.4544 1.5081 1.2504
G 1.1609 1.6549 1.7979 1.3987 1.7241
I 0.8485 0.8528 0.8169 1.2077 1.3014
K 0.9268 0.9928 0.5444 1.2782 1.0812
L 0.6364 1.9378 0.6811 0.8108 1.6678
M 0.3860 1.6395 1.4842 1.7437 1.3255
N 0.4770 1.1493 1.4225 1.7111 1.4469
O 0.6612 0.8577 1.4895 1.5931 1.3063
P 1.0740 1.0917 1.0965 1.3409 1.1151
Q 1.3458 1.4588 0.8631 1.7031 1.3686
R 1.1635 1.2585 1.1592 1.0778 1.6516
S 1.5031 1.1822 1.7871 0.8983 1.6370
T 0.9091 1.0428 0.8999 1.1844 1.2316
U 0.4152 1.0505 1.0741 1.1402 1.2867
V 0.4867 1.1147 1.3363 1.0399 1.4031
W 1.5046 1.2852 1.2904 1.6789 1.3340
X 1.4303 1.4346 1.6386 1.6693 1.3324
Y 1.5174 1.4646 1.1740 1.4543 1.5043
Z 1.4874 1.3243 0.9958 1.3852 1.4072
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Test image Image in
Eigen value
E.D. (1
Eigen values)
Eigen value
E.D. (2
Eigen values)
Eigen value
E.D. (3
Eigen values)
Eigen value
E.D. (4
Eigen values)
Eigen value
E.D. (5
Eigen values)
Sum Recognized
A 0.0536 2.6397 0.1272 0.2379 0.1277
B 2.0381 1.2870 0.4815 0.8599 0.2717 4.9382
C 0.9585 1.4476 0.0278 1.5120 0.0891 4.0350
D 2.4494 0.6792 0.0666 1.3786 0.0126 4.5864
E 0.7930 1.7588 1.3505 2.1545 0.0951 6.1519
F 1.5441 1.3513 1.2021 1.5735 0.0472 5.7182
G 0.6581 4.8827 3.2120 1.9195 0.3106 10.9829
I 3.5201 0.3021 0.2475 0.2014 1.0829 5.3540
K 7.0507 0.2316 0.3913 1.4674 0.0889 9.2299
L 2.6877 1.3673 0.1965 0.5769 0.5458 5.3742
M 0.4923 5.9935 0.3323 2.3351 0.0834 9.2366
N 0.6266 3.4768 0.2533 2.2766 0.0606 6.6939
O 1.2939 1.9144 1.2720 1.4887 0.3475 6.3165
P 0.8887 1.4092 1.8448 1.0864 0.3796 5.6087
Q 2.4164 0.1453 0.2031 0.5231 0.0593 3.3472
R 2.3273 2.4424 0.1145 0.8104 0.1669 5.8615
S 0.2087 0.9724 2.6583 0.3222 0.1852 4.3468
T 3.0581 0.3526 1.3615 1.7494 0.1140 6.6356
U 0.8202 2.0471 0.0857 0.3893 0.4308 3.7731
V 0.2843 2.6518 1.1536 0.2339 0.2783 4.6019
W 4.0941 0.8412 0.6467 2.4152 0.1949 8.1921
X 4.5624 0.4257 0.8330 2.8831 0.1120 8.8162
Y 1.8397 0.0949 0.5030 0.9159 0.6398 3.9933
Z 3.1385 2.5160 0.2507 1.4153 0.0757 7.3962
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Number of
Success rate
of Euclidean
Success rate of
Eigen value
A 10 100% 100%
B 10 90% 100%
C 10 100% 100%
D 10 70% 90%
E 10 90% 100%
F 10 90% 90%
G 10 100% 100%
I 10 90% 100%
K 10 90% 100%
L 10 90% 100%
M 10 70% 80%
N 10 70% 90%
O 10 100% 100%
P 10 80% 90%
Q 10 90% 100%
R 10 90% 100%
S 10 100% 100%
T 10 100% 100%
U 10 70% 90%
V 10 70% 90%
W 10 80% 100%
X 10 80% 100%
Y 10 80% 100%
Z 10 100% 100%
From the above experiments, we can say that we have
designed a system that was able to recognize different
alphabets of Indian Sign Language and we have removed
difficulties faced by the previous works with improved
recognition rate of 97%. The time taken to process an image
was 0.0384 seconds. Table IV describes a brief comparative
study between our works with the other related works.
The proposed system was implemented with MATLAB
version 7.6 (R2008a) and supporting hardware was Intel
Pentium CPU B950 @ 2.10GHz processor machine,
Windows 7 Home basic (64 bit), 4GB RAM and an external 2
MP camera. A system was designed for Indian Sign Language
Recognition. It was able to handle different static alphabets of
Indian Sign Languages by using Eigen value weighted
Euclidean distance between Eigen vectors as a classification
technique. We have tried to improve the recognition rate
compared to the previous works and achieved a success rate of
97%. Moreover, we have considered both hands in our paper.
As we have performed the experiments with only the static
images so out of the 26 alphabets H and J were not
considered as they were dynamic gestures. We hope to deal
with dynamic gestures in future. Moreover only 240 images
were considered in this paper so in future we hope to extend it
Name of the
technique used
Success Rate Difficulties faced
Hit-Miss Operation,
HMM [2]
Weak skin color
PCA, Gabor Filter and
SVM [3]
Single hand gesture
Perceptual color space
Dealt with only 5
hand gestures
Contour based [8] 91%
Use of hand
Single hand
ANN based [13] 94%
Use of data gloves
with 13 sensors
Kinematic Chain
Theory based [14]
3 simple hand
Use of Data
Reduction in
computation time
Our Work Success rate Advantages
Eigen value weighted
Euclidean Distance
Less computation
Can recognize 2
hand gestures
Performed with
bare hands, thus
difficulties of
using gloves
Can recognize 24
different gestures
with high success.
[1] R. Gopalan and B. Dariush, Towards a Vision Based Hand Gesture
Interface for Robotic Grasping, The IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 11-15, 2009, St.
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[2] T. Kapuscinski and M. Wysocki, Hand Gesture Recognition for Man-
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[3] D. Y. Huang, W. C. Hu, and S. H. Chang, Vision-based Hand Gesture
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Multimedia Signal Processing, 2010, pp. 543-546.
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[7] A. S. Ghotkar, R. Khatal, S. Khupase, S. Asati, and M. Hadap, Hand
Gesture Recognition for Indian Sign Language, IEEE International
Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Jan.
10-12, 2012, Coimbatore, India.
[8] I. G. Incertis, J. G. G. Bermejo, and E.Z. Casanova, Hand Gesture
Recognition for Deaf People Interfacing, The 18
Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2006.
[9] J. Rekha, J. Bhattacharya, and S. Majumder, Shape, Texture and Local
Movement Hand Gesture Features for Indian Sign Language
Recognition, IEEE, 2011, pp. 30-35.
[10] L. K. Lee, S. Y. An, and S. Y. Oh, Robust Fingertip Extraction with
Improved Skin Color Segmentation for Finger Gesture Recognition in
Human-Robot Interaction, WCCI 2012 IEEE World Congress on
Computational Intelligence, June, 10-15, 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
[11] S. K. Yewale and P. K. Bharne, Hand Gesture Recognition Using
Different Algorithms Based on Artificial Neural Network, IEEE, 2011,
pp. 287-292.
[12] Y. Fang, K. Wang, J. Cheng, and H. Lu, A Real-Time Hand Gesture
Recognition Method, IEEE ICME, 2007, pp. 995-998.
[13] S. Saengsri, V. Niennattrakul, and C.A. Ratanamahatana, TFRS: Thai
Finger-Spelling Sign Language Recognition System, IEEE, 2012, pp.
[14] J. H. Kim, N. D. Thang, and T. S. Kim, 3-D Hand Motion Tracking and
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[15] J. Weissmann and R. Salomon, Gesture Recognition for Virtual Reality
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[16] W. W. Kong and S. Ranganath, Sign Language Phoneme Transcription
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[17] M. V. Lamar, S. Bhuiyan, and A. Iwata, Hand Alphabet Recognition
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[18] O. B. Henia and S. Bouakaz, 3D Hand Model Animation with a New
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Recognition of Facial Expression Using Eigenvector
Based Distributed Features and Euclidean Distance
Based Decision Making Technique
Jeemoni Kalita
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Assam Don Bosco University
Guwahati, India
Karen Das
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Assam Don Bosco University
Guwahati, India
AbstractIn this paper, an Eigenvector based system has
been presented to recognize facial expressions from digital facial
images. In the approach, firstly the images were acquired and
cropping of five significant portions from the image was
performed to extract and store the Eigenvectors specific to the
expressions. The Eigenvectors for the test images were also
computed, and finally the input facial image was recognized
when similarity was obtained by calculating the minimum
Euclidean distance between the test image and the different
KeywordsFacial expression recognition; facial expressions;
Eigenvectors; Eigenvalues
A human face carries a lot of important information while
interacting to one another. In social interaction, the most
common communicative hint is given by ones facial
expression. Mainly in psychology, the expressions of facial
features have been largely considered. As per the study of
Mehrabian [1], amongst the human communication, facial
expressions comprises 55% of the message transmitted in
comparison to the 7% of the communication information
conveyed by linguistic language and 38% by paralanguage.
This shows that the facial expression forms the major
mode of interaction between the man and machine. Since for
communicating the non-verbal messages the face forms the
basis, the ability to read the facial emotions becomes an
important part of emotional intelligence [2].
In recent years, a lot of work has been done on the
affective recognition of expressions which holds the major key
in the human-machine interaction. The research on the facial
emotions across different cultures points out that the
recognition of expressions is universal and established as
constant across cultures. The first suggestion of expression of
emotions as universal was given by Charles Darwin in his
contriving work build from his theory of evolution. Then the
psychologist Ekman and Friesen showed in their cross culture
studies that the six emotions happiness, sadness, anger,
surprise, disgust and fear are interpreted in the same way and
are universal across cultures, which are known as the six basic
expressions [3] [12].
In this paper, a method has been presented to design an
Eigenvector based facial expression recognition system.
Eigenvector based features are extracted from the images. In
the training phase, a set of 10 images for each basic expression
is processed and Eigenvectors specific to the expressions are
stored. In the testing phase, the Eigenvector of the testing
image is computed and the Euclidean distance of the
Eigenvector of the testing image and all the stored Eigenvector
is computed. The testing image is classified as a particular
facial expression if the Euclidean distance between the
Eigenvectors of that expression and the Eigenvectors of the
testing image is obtained minimum compared to the
Eigenvectors of the other expressions. To make the system
more efficient instead of the whole image being considered,
segments of the image is processed. The detail of
segmentation is discussed in section IV.
In 1977, Ekman and Friesen developed a famous and
successful facial action coding system [4]. The Facial Action
Coding System (FACS) identifies the facial muscles that cause
changes in the facial expression thus enabling facial
expression analysis. This system consists of 46 Action Units
describing the facial behaviors. Gao, Leung, Hui, and
Tananda [5] used the line based caricature of the facial
expression for the line edge map (LEM) descriptor, measuring
the line segment Hausdorff distance between the line
caricature of the expression and the LEM of the test face. They
achieved an optimal value of 86.6%, showing that the average
recognition rate of females was 7.8% higher than that of
males. In view of the color features, Lajevardi and Wu [6]
presented a tensor based representation of the static color
images. They achieved 68.8% accuracy at recognizing
expression with different resolutions in CIEluv color space. A
neural network is proposed in [7] that compresses the entire
face region with 2-D discrete cosine transform. Ma and
Khorasani [8] extended this image compression with the
constructive one hidden layer neural network with the optimal
block size to be 12 and the maximum number of hidden units
to be 6, thus achieving the accuracy rate of nearly 93.75%.
Researchers have also used the MPEG-4 standard to
provide the facial action parameters (FAPs) to represent the
facial expressions. Aleksic and Katsaggelos [9] developed a
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facial expression recognition system utilizing these facial
action parameters basically describing the eyebrow and the
outer lip features, and classifying up to 93.66% of the test
expressions by calculating the maximum likelihoods generated
by the multistream hidden markov model (MS-HMM). Huang
and He [10] presented a super resolution method to improve
the face recognition of low resolution images. They applied
canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to obtain the coherent
features of the high resolution (HR) and low resolution (LR)
images, and employed radial basis functions (RBFs) based
non-linear mapping favoring the nearest neighbor (NN)
classifier for recognition of single input low resolution image.
The recognition rate of their method tested on the Facial
Recognition Technology (FERET) face database was 84.4%,
93% for the University of Manchester Institute of Science and
Technology (UMIST) database, and 95% for the Olivetti
Research Laboratory (ORL) database.The approach of
Eigenface method was given by Turk and Pentland [11].
Murthy and Jadon [12] enhanced this method to recognize the
expression from the front view of the face, tested for the
Cohn-Kanade (CK) Facial Expression database and Japanese
female facial expression (JAFFE) database. Zhi, Flierl, Ruan,
and Kleijn [13] applied the projected gradient method and
developed the graph-preserving sparse non-negative matrix
factorization (GSNMF) for extraction of feature verified on
different databases. They achieved accuracy of 93.3%
recognition for eyes occlusion, 94.0% for nose occlusion,
90.1% for mouth occlusion and 96.6% for images of
spontaneous facial expression.
In recent years, automated recognition of facial expression
has also gained popularity. Mase and Pentland [14] estimated
the activity of the facial muscles using dense optical flow. In
[15] this approach was extended combined with the face
model, using recursive estimation and achieved an accuracy of
98%. Keith Anderson and Peter W. McOwan [16] used an
enhanced ratio template algorithm to detect the frontal view of
the face, and chose the multichannel gradient model (MCGM)
for the motion of the face. They analyzed their recognition
system using support vector machine classifier (SVM) and
noted a recognition rate of 81.82%.In [17], the elastic graph
matching (EGM) algorithm has been proposed and the
analysis conducted for the feature extraction was a novel 2-
class kernel discriminant analysis to improve the performance
for the facial expression recognition. The recognition accuracy
achieved for the Gabor-based elastic graph matching method
was 90.5% whereas for the normalized morphological based
elastic graph matching method was 91.8%. Facial expression
recognition has been analyzed on visible light images, but [18]
constructed a database for recognition of expression from both
visible and infrared images. Gabor wavelets were also useful
for recognition as it shows the enticing properties of specific
spatial location and sparse object representation. Liu and
Wechsler [19] presented a Gabor-Fisher based classification
for face recognition using the Enhanced Fisher linear
discriminant Model (EFM) along with the augmented Gabor
feature, tested on 200 subjects. Zhang and Tjondronegoro [20]
presented patch-based Gabor feature extraction from the
automatically cropped images, in the form of patches. They
matched the patches of the input image with the trained
images by comparing the distance metrics and classification
carried out by four different kernels SVM. The results were
seen for two databases, obtaining correct recognition rate of
92.93% for JAFFE database and 94.8% for CK database. Two
novel methods were proposed in [21], first detecting the
dynamic facial expressions directly and second, the facial
action units based detection. The classification was performed
using SVMs. The recognition rate of 99.7% and 95.1% were
achieved for both the methods respectively.
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues are dependent on the
concept of orthogonal linear transformation. An Eigenvector is
basically a non-zero vector. The dominant Eigenvector of a
matrix is the one corresponding to the largest Eigenvalue of
that matrix. This dominant Eigenvector is important for many
real world applications.
Steps used to find the features for expressions.
Organizing the data set- Consider the data having a set
of M variables that are arranged as a set of N data
vectors. Thus the whole data is put into a single matrix
X of dimensions M x N.
Calculating the mean-
The new matrix X comprises of the mean-subtracted
data. The subtraction of mean is important, since it
ensures that the first principal component indicates the
direction of maximum variance.
Calculating the covariance matrix-
Covariance has the same formula as that of the
variance. Assume we have a 3-dimensional data set (p,
q, r), then we can measure the covariance either
between p and q, q and r or r and p dimensions. But
measuring the covariance between p and p, q and q, r
and r dimensions gives the value of variance of the
respective p, q, r dimension. Variance is measured on a
single dimension whereas covariance on multi-
For 1-dimension,
where Var is the variance matrix;
For 2-dimension say (x, y),
where Cov(x, y) is the covariance matrix;
is the
mean of another matrix Y.
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Calculating the Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of the
covariance matrix- For computing the matrix of
Eigenvectors that diagonalizes the covariance matrix C
where Cov is the covariance matrix; E is the matrix of
all the Eigenvectors of Cov, one Eigenvector per column; D is
the diagonal matrix of all the Eigenvalues of Cov along its
main diagonal, and which is zero for the rest of the elements.
The Eigenvector associated with the largest Eigenvalue
displays the greatest variance in the image while the
Eigenvector associated with the smallest Eigenvalue displays
the least variance.
The block diagram for the proposed system is represented
in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Block Diagram For The Expression Recognition System
A. Image acquisition-
Images are acquired using a digital camera. First all the
images are converted into gray-scale images before going for
further processing.
Fig. 2. Top row-Surprise, happy, fear. Bottom row-Anger, sad, disgust
B. Cropping-
Eyes, nose and lip take different shapes for different
expressions and significant information is carried by them. So
instead of processing the entire face, eyes, nose and lip are
processed. Before going for further processing, five significant
portions are cropped from the image as shown in Fig. 3 and it
shall be called as feature image.
C. Feature extraction-
The cropped images are resized to give the value size 40
by 40 for the left and the right eye, 70 by 60 for the nose, 60
by 90 for the lip and 110 by 95 for the cropped nose and lip
together. Eigenvectors are computed from these cropped
Fig. 3. Cropped images
In this work, the universal expressions are set into six
classes as the training images. Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
of five different individual segments of the image is computed
and stored. For a single class, after the selection of a particular
feature, a matrix is obtained which is stored as, say L of
dimension P x Q. Similarly for the rest of the features also,
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues are computed and stored as a
First the mean centered feature image vectors is obtained
by subtracting the mean from the feature image. This image
vectors are depicted as matrix only. Then the covariance
matrix of each individual feature image is obtained by
calculating the covariance of the matrix of each mean centered
image vectors, and from each covariance matrix, the
associated eigenvectors and Eigenvalues for the individually
extracted features are computed.
Five significant Eigenvectors are considered for further
processing which are sorted in the decreasing order of the
associated Eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. With the
available eigenvectors of expressions, separate subspaces for
all the six universal expressions are created. With the available
expression subspaces, the input image could be identified by
incorporating a decision making system.
D. Classifier-
The classifier based on the Euclidean distance has been
used which is obtained by calculating the distance between the
image which are to be tested and the already available images
used as the training images. Then the minimum distance is
observed from the set of values.
In testing, the Euclidean distance (ED) has been computed
between the new (testing) image Eigenvector and the Eigen
subspaces for each expression, and minimum Euclidean
distance based classification is done to recognize the
expression of the input image. The formula for the Euclidean
distance is given by
The testing process for the expression Sad with the left
eye being considered is summarized in table I. The
Eigenvectors are obtained from the input image, then EDs
between each Eigenvectors and the reference Eigenvectors of
each trained expressions are obtained. If two expressions are
same, then ED will be minimum. From minimum ED, a
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decision can be made of certain expression (in this case it is
sad). Since five principal vectors are being considered, there
will be five selections. In this case, out of the five vectors, the
expression sad has been shown by two Eigenvectors and the
expression fear has been shown by another two Eigenvectors.
In table II, the testing process for the expression Sad,
with the right eye being considered is summarized. The
Eigenvectors are computed from the input image and the EDs
are calculated for the Eigenvectors of the input image and the
Eigenvectors of the trained images. For the similar two
expressions, their Euclidean distance will be minimum.
Considering that, the particular expression can be decided.
Since five significant vectors are taken into account, five
selections are made and from table II, it is seen that the
expression sad and disgust are selected most.
In table III, the testing process for the expression Sad, in
view of the nose is summarized. The Eigenvectors of the input
image are attained. The EDs of each Eigenvectors in reference
to the trained expressions Eigenvectors are obtained. The ED
of the same two expressions will be minimum of all the EDs.
The particular expression can be determined from the
minimum ED. In this case, since five principal vectors have
been considered, there will be five alternatives. From table III,
it has been observed that expression sad and anger has been
selected the most number of times.
In table IV, the testing process for the expression sad, the
lip being considered is summarized. From the input image, the
Eigenvectors are accomplished. The EDs are estimated for
each Eigenvectors in relation to the Eigenvectors for the
trained images. The minimum ED is obtained for the same two
expressions and from this minimum ED, the specific
expression can be accomplished. In this case, since five
principal vectors have been considered, there will be five
selections and from table IV, it is observed that expression sad
is selected thrice of all the five EDs; hence the decided
expression is Sad.
In table V, the testing process for the expression Sad is
summarized. The Eigenvectors are procured from the input
image. Then EDs of each Eigenvectors are procured from the
reference Eigenvectors of each trained expressions. The two
expressions which are same, the value of their ED will be
minimum and the preference of specific expression can be
made. As five principal vectors are being considered, there
will be five selections. And final decision is attained out of all
the five selections. Taken into consideration the nose and the
lip together, two of the Eigenvectors has exhibited the
expression sad and the other two has exhibited the expression
The testing for the six basic expressions has been
performed. Finally, the summarization of the values of the
lowest Euclidean distance measured for the different features
for the particular expression is given in table VI. The
expression that gets selected more number of times is
considered as the decided expression. From this table, it has
been observed that the expression sad has been selected the
maximum number of times. Thus, a decision can be taken that
the expression in the testing image is Sad.
Sad Fear Sad Anger Fear
minimum ED
Disgust Disgust Fear Sad Sad
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Sad Disgust Anger Anger Sad
Sad Fear Sad Sad
Surprise Disgust Sad Surprise Sad
In table VII, the success rate has been calculated and found
to be 95% with the use of Euclidean distance based
classification for 60 samples with various expressions. The
time taken to process a set of image was obtained to be 0.0295
A comparative study of our proposed work with few of the
previous works performed for the recognition of facial
expression has been shown in table VIII.
The former work on Eigen face features considered the
Eigen space of the whole face. In this paper, the objective was
to amend the facial expression recognition system using the
Eigenvector method, creating different Eigen subspace for a
distinct expression. The system has been proposed using
MATLAB version (R2008a) and Intel(R) Core(TM)
i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20 GHz processor machine, Windows 7
Ultimate (32 bit), 2 GB RAM and a 14 MP camera
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Test image
Number of votes for the selected features
Left eye
Surprise Happy Fear Anger Sad Disgust
0 0 2 1 2 0
Right eye 0 0 1 0 2 2
Nose 0 0 0 2 2 1
Lip 1 0 1 0 3 0
Nose and lip
2 0 0 0 2 1
Total votes 3 0 4 3 11 4
Expression Number of
Number of
Success rate
Surprise 10 10 100%
Happy 10 10 100%
Fear 10 8 80%
Anger 10 10 100%
Sad 10 9 90%
Disgust 10 10 100%
Expression Tensor
Anger 62.08% 70% 70.6% 87.1% 100%
Disgust 57.54% 67% 97.3% 90.2% 100%
Fear 62.89% 77% 88.2% 92% 80%
Happy 75.13% 83% 98.4% 98.07% 100%
Sad 67.79% 73% 96.2% 91.47% 90%
Surprise 84.24% 80% 100% 100% 100%
The performance results show the efficacy of our
suggested method, primarily used to recognize the six basic
expressions. The recognition rate obtained for the proposed
system is 95%.
As the humans can effortlessly recognize the facial
expressions, the effectiveness of the machine doing the same
performance without any delay is still a challenging job. Our
future work is to develop a system to perform the same in real
time videos.
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Expensive Optimisation: A Metaheuristics
Maumita Bhattacharya
School of Computing & Mathematics
Charles Sturt University
NSW, Australia - 2640
AbstractStochastic, iterative search methods such as
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are proven to be efficient
optimizers. However, they require evaluation of the candidate
solutions which may be prohibitively expensive in many real
world optimization problems. Use of approximate models or
surrogates is being explored as a way to reduce the number of
such evaluations. In this paper we investigated three such
methods. The first method (DAFHEA) partially replaces an
expensive function evaluation by its approximate model. The
approximation is realized with support vector machine (SVM)
regression models. The second method (DAFHEA II) is an
enhancement on DAFHEA to accommodate for uncertain
environments. The third one uses surrogate ranking with
preference learning or ordinal regression. The fitness of the
candidates is estimated by modeling their rank. The techniques
performances on some of the benchmark numerical optimization
problems have been reported. The comparative benefits and
shortcomings of both techniques have been identified.
KeywordsEvolutionary Algorithm; Preference Learning;
Surrogate Modeling; Surrogate Ranking
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are biologically inspired
iterative processes where a population of candidate solutions is
evolved generation after generation. In a typical EA a number
of new offspring candidate solutions are produced through
mutation, recombination and selection. Individuals for
producing offspring are chosen using a selection strategy after
evaluating the fitness value of each individual in the selection
pool. In many real world optimization problems this fitness
evaluation can be very expensive.
The use of surrogates to reduce the expensive function
evaluation is found to be orders of magnitude cheaper
computationally [21, 9, and 18]. Incorporation of approximate
models may be one of the most promising approaches to
realistically use EA to solve complex real life problems,
especially where: (i). Fitness computation is highly time-
consuming, (ii). Explicit model for fitness computation is
absent, (iii). Environment of the evolutionary algorithm is
noisy etc. However, considering the obvious risk involved in
such approach, an EA with efficient control strategy for the
approximate model and robust performance is welcome.
There are different ways, in which a surrogate or
approximation model can be incorporated in an EA [15]; some
of which are as follows:
Problem level approximation. In this approach, the
statement of the problem itself is replaced by a reduced one
that is easier to solve. See [15] for some examples on this.
Functional approximation. As the name suggests, in this
approach, an alternate and explicit expression is constructed for
the objective function, for the purpose of reducing the cost of
evaluation. A set of evaluated points are used to build the
approximate fitness model. This model is used to predict the
fitness of candidate solutions. Usually a fraction of individuals
in the population are selected and evaluated within each
generation or over a number of generations to generate training
points and are added to the training set to update the surrogates
to maintain a reliable surrogate during evolution. See [13, 14,
and 15] for examples on this technique.
EA specific approximation. This approach is specific for
evolutionary algorithms and utilizes the algorithms structural
and functional aspects.
For a detailed review on use of approximation in EA, see
[15].In this paper we investigate three different methods which
use surrogates to reduce the number of actual function
evaluations in EA [4].
In the first one, namely, Dynamic Approximate Fitness
based Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm (DAFHEA),
Bhattacharya et. al [2, 3] use both functional approximation
and EA specific approximation. It uses an approximation
model to partially replace expensive fitness evaluations in
evolutionary algorithm. DAFHEA uses an explicit control
strategy (a cluster-based on-line learning technique) to
improve reliability of using such approximate models to reduce
expensive function evaluations. Also the approximate
knowledge thus generated is exploited to avoid premature
convergence (one of the major impediments of using
evolutionary algorithm to solve complex real life optimization
The second method, DAFHEA II [5] is an enhancement on
DAFHEA to cover situations, where information from variable
input dimensions and noisy data is involved. DAFHEA-II uses
a multi-model regression approach. The multiple models are
estimated by successive application of the SVM regression
algorithm. Retraining of the model is done in a periodic
In the third method, Runersson [22] makes use of the EA
feature that unlike classical optimization techniques, in rank
based selection, selection of the best candidates requires only
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the rank or partial rank of the candidates. Here, the fitness of
individuals is indirectly estimated by modeling their rank using
surrogate. Preference learning or ordinal regression is used to
implement a kernel-defined feature space.
The features and effectiveness of the above two surrogate-
based methods have been investigated in this work. The above
two methods have been selected for comparison as they are
based on very different concepts and may reveal important
characteristics which may be useful for specific problem cases.
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
presents a brief review on use of surrogates in evolutionary
computing. Section III outlines the features of the surrogate-
based EA methods which we have investigated in this research.
Section IV presents the experiment details and discussions on
the findings. Finally, concluding remarks are summarized in
Section V.
The use of an approximate model to speed up optimization
dates all the way back to the sixties [8]. The most widely used
models being Response Surface Methodology [17], Krieging
models [23] and artificial neural network models [6]. As has
been mentioned in Section 1, the concept of using approximate
model varies in levels of approximation (Problem
approximation, Functional approximation, and Evolutionary
approximation), model incorporation mechanism and model
management techniques [15].
In the multidisciplinary optimization (MDO) community,
primarily response surface analysis and polynomial fitting
techniques are used to build the approximate models [11, 27].
These models work well when single point traditional gradient-
based optimization methods are used. However, they are not
well suited for high dimensional multimodal problems as they
generally carry out approximation using simple quadratic
In another approach, multilevel search strategies are
developed using special relationship between the approximate
and the actual model. An interesting class of such models
focuses on having many islands using low accuracy/cheap
evaluation models with small number of finite elements that
progressively propagate individuals to fewer islands using
more accurate/expensive evaluations [29]. This approach may
suffer from lower complexity/cheap islands having false
optima whose fitness values are higher than those in the higher
complexity/expensive islands. Rasheed et al. in [19, 20], uses a
method of maintaining a large sample of points divided into
clusters. Least square quadratic approximations are periodically
formed of the entire sample as well as the big clusters. Problem
of unevaluable points was taken into account as a design
aspect. However, it is only logical to accept that true evaluation
should be used along with approximation for reliable results in
most practical situations. Another approach using population
clustering is that of fitness imitation [15]. Here, the population
is clustered into several groups and true evaluation is done only
for the cluster representative [16]. The fitness value of other
members of the same cluster is estimated by a distance
measure. The method may be too simplistic to be reliable,
where the population landscape is a complex, multimodal one.
Jin et al. in [13, 14] analyzed the convergence property of
approximate fitness based evolutionary algorithm. It has been
observed that incorrect convergence can occur due to false
optima introduced by the approximate model. Two controlled
evolution strategies have been introduced. In this approach,
new solutions (offspring) can be (pre)-evaluated by the model.
The (pre)-evaluation can be used to indicate promising
solutions. It is not clear however, how to decide on the optimal
fraction of the new individuals for which true evaluation should
be done [1]. In an alternative approach, the optimum is first
searched on the model. The obtained optimum is then
evaluated on the objective function and added to the training
data of the model [19, 26, and 1]. Yet another approach as
proposed in [14], a regularization technique is used to eliminate
false minima.
The main features of the three techniques investigated in
this work, DAFHEA, DAFHEA II and the preference learning
based EA are outlined below.
A. The DAFHEA Technique
The primary objectives of the proposed algorithm and their
realization are as below.
1) The main objective of DAFHEA is to reduce the
number of actual fitness function evaluations to speed up the
search process. The proposed algorithm achieves this by
partially replacing actual function evaluation (as is required
in traditional genetic algorithm) by SVM based estimation.
The DAFHEA framework includes a global model of genetic
algorithm (GA), hybridized with support vector machine
(SVM) [28] as the approximation tool.
2) The related major objective is to minimize the
adverse effect of estimation. To this end explicit control
strategies are used for evolution control, leading to
considerable speedup without compromising heavily on
solution accuracy.
The controlled use of estimation is the primary reason why
the proposed algorithm should be successful in reducing actual
fitness function evaluation without heavily compromising on
solution accuracy. The basic algorithm is as below.
Step One: Create a random population of
N individuals,
a c
N N * 5 = and =
N actual initial population size.
Step Two: Evaluate
N individual using actual expensive
function evaluation. Build the SVM approximate model using
normalized expensive function evaluation values as training set
for off-line training. (Use of normalized values in the training
set appears to improve performance of meta-model, reducing
effects of unnaturally high or low values). SVM hyper-
parameters are initially tuned based on this training set.
Step Three: Select
N best individual out of
evaluated individuals to form the initial GA population.
Remarks: The idea behind using five times the actual EA
population size (as explained in Step One) is to make the
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approximation model sufficiently representative at least
initially. Since initial EA population is formed with
N best
individuals out of these
N individuals, with high
recombination and low mutation rates, the EA population in
first few generations is unlikely to drift much from its initial
locality. Thus it is expected that large number of samples used
in building the approximation model will facilitate better
performance at this stage. Also using the higher fitness
individuals, chosen out of a larger set should give an initial
boost to the evolutionary process.
Step Four: Select parents using suitable selection operator
and apply genetic operators namely recombination and
mutation to create a new generation.
Step Five: Use SVM approximation model to compute
fitness of new generation individuals based on approximate
evaluation. Form m distance-based (considering spatial
distribution of individuals) clusters in the new population
space. If for some n clusters, the standard deviation > o
Predefined Threshold, rearrange solution space into n m+
clusters. Compute a merit function ) (x f
as below:
f x
2 1
) ( ) ( o =
In the equation (1), ) (x f
is the predicted fitness function
o is standard deviation (in terms of objective value) for
i cluster and
d is the normalized minimum Euclidean
distance of
j point of
i cluster from the all truly evaluated
points so far [22].
s is the sparseness of the
i cluster.
are scaling factors for
o ,
d and
s respectively.
individual of Dimension
i cluster in s individual f o No
Step Six: Dynamically update the approximate model as
1) Identify the cluster containing the optimum based on
2) Perform expensive evaluation for the approximate
optimum and its k nearest neighbors.
3) Also perform expensive evaluation for the centroid of
all other data clusters and their k nearest neighbors.
4) Expand neighborhood for true evaluation until a
point is found in each space dimension such that percentage
error s o Predefined threshold.
= o
ip it
a a
In the equation (3),
a =True value of the
i neighbor and
a =Predicted value of the
i neighbor and max k i = .
Add the newly evaluated points to approximate model
training set to update model.
Step Seven: When termination/evolution control criteria
are not met, repeat Step Four to Step Seven.
Remarks: It must be noted, the optimum is considered
based on the original predicted value ) (x f
. For all other
purposes fitness based on the merit function ) (x f
considered. Periodic parameter tuning of the SVM
approximation model was incorporated, though no specific
criterion was used.
Further details on the above method can be found in [2, 3].
B. The DAFHEA II Technique
As in the original DAFHEA framework, DAFHEA-II [5]
includes a global model of genetic algorithm (GA), hybridised
with support vector machine (SVM) as the approximation tool.
Expensive fitness evaluation of individuals as required in
traditional evolutionary algorithm is partially replaced by SVM
approximation models (unlike the original DAFHEA, multi-
model regression is used). Evolution control is implemented by
periodic true evaluations, leading to considerable speedup
without compromising heavily on solution accuracy. Also the
approximate knowledge about the solution space generated is
used to maintain population diversity to avoid premature
5) Functional Details
The operational detail of DAFHEA-II [15] framework is as
described below:
Step One: Create a random population of
N individuals,
a c
N N - = 5 and =
N actual initial population size.
Step Two: Evaluate
N individual using actual expensive
function evaluation. Build the SVM approximate models using
the candidate solutions as input and the actual fitness
(expensive function evaluation values) as targets forming the
training set for off-line training.
Step Three: Select
N best individual out of
evaluated individuals to form the initial GA population.
Remarks: The idea behind using five times the actual EA
population size (as explained in Step One) is to make the
approximation model sufficiently representative at least
initially. Since initial EA population is formed with
N best
individuals out of these
N individuals, with high
recombination and low mutation rates, the EA population in
first few generations is unlikely to drift much from its initial
locality. Thus it is expected that large number of samples used
in building the approximation model will facilitate better
performance at this stage. Also using the higher fitness
individuals, chosen out of a larger set should give an initial
boost to the evolutionary process.
Step Four: Rank the candidate solutions based on their
fitness value.
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Step Five: Preserve the elite by carrying over the best
candidate solution to the next generation.
Step Six: Select parents using suitable selection operator
and apply genetic operators namely recombination and
mutation to create children (new candidate solutions) for the
next generation.
Step Seven: The SVM regression models created in Step
two are applied to estimate the fitness of the children (new
candidate solutions) created in Step six. This involves
assignment of most likely or appropriate models to each
candidate solution.
Step Eight: The set of newly created candidate solutions is
ranked based on their approximate fitness values.
Step Nine: The best performing newly created candidate
solution and the elite selected in Step five are carried to the
population of the next generation.
Step Ten: New candidate solutions or children are created
as described in Step six.
Step Eleven: Repeat Step seven to Step ten until either of
the following condition is reached:
1. The predetermined maximum number of generations
has been reached; or
2. The periodic retraining of the SVM regression
models is due.
Step Twelve: If the periodic retraining of the SVM
regression models is due, this will involve actual evaluation of
the candidate solutions in the current population. Based on this
training data new regression models are formed. The algorithm
then proceeds to execute Step four to Step eleven.
Remarks: The idea behind using periodic retraining of the
SVM regression models is to ensure that the models continue
to be representatives of the progressive search areas in the
solution space.
C. The Preference Learning Based EA
The second method is directly based on preference learning
or ordinal regression based technique proposed by Runersson
in [22] with the variation that we have used a genetic algorithm
implementation instead of CMA-ES. This method is based on
the assumption that in a stochastic and direct search method
such as EA, ordinal regression should be able to offer adequate
surrogates as only full or even partial ranking of the individuals
or search points is sufficient for the selection process.
Accordingly, the surrogate approach is considered as a
preference learning task, where a candidate point
x is preferred
x if
x has a higher fitness than
x . The training set for
the surrogate model is thus composed of pairs of points ( )
j i
x x ,
and a corresponding label | | 1 , 1 e
r , taking the value +1 or -1
depending on whether
x has a higher fitness than
x or vice
The technique used for preferential learning or ordinal
regression is kernel based. See [Runersson] for details on the
method of ordinal regression using kernel defined features.
Model selection in surrogate ranking involves appropriately
choosing a suitable kernel and its parameters as well as the
regulation parameter C which controls the balance between
model complexities and training errors. Choice of a suitable
kernel is problem specific.
As the search progresses, different regions of the search
space are sampled and the original surrogate ranking model
may be insufficiently accurate for new regions of the search
space. It is therefore extremely important to update the
surrogate during evolution. We have followed the surrogate
update method suggested by Runersson in [22]. The strategy
involves estimating the ranking of a population of points using
the current surrogate and identifying the highest ranking point.
The point is then evaluated using the true fitness function and
its rank is calculated. Accuracy of the surrogate is evaluated by
comparing the estimated rank with the true rank. The point
evaluated with true fitness function is added to the training set.
A. Experiment Details for DAFHEA
It may be noted that the target problem domain for our
proposed algorithm involves time consuming actual fitness
function evaluation. This property or characteristic of the
fitness function is external to the EA process. Hence, to verify
DAFHEAs effectiveness, it is sufficient to verify if DAFHEA
can effectively reduce the number of actual function
evaluations without compromising on accuracy for any set of
standard test functions. Considering this, the performance of
the proposed algorithm has been tested on five classical
benchmark test functions: namely, Spherical, Ellipsoidal,
Schwefel, Rosenbrock, and Rastrigin. Description of the test
functions are as given in [3]. These benchmark functions in the
test suit are scalable and are commonly used to assess the
performance of optimization algorithms [30]. For Spherical and
Rastrigin the global minimum is ( ) 0 = x f at { } 0 =
x .
Rosenbrock has a global minimum of ( ) 0 = x f at { } 1 =
x .
All simulations were carried out using the following
assumptions: The population size of n 10 was used for all the
simulations, where n is the number of variables for the
problem; for comparison purposes three sets of input
dimensions are considered; namely, = n 5, 10 and 20. For all
cases, tenfold validation was done with the number of
generations being 1000; the SVM regression models [8] were
trained with five times the real GA population size initially.
All the simulation processes were executed using a
4, 2.4GHz CPU processor for both DAFHEA and the
Preference Learning based EA.
B. Experiment Details for DAFHEA II
Both non-noisy and noisy versions of the chosen
benchmark functions have been used to test DAFHEA II. The
noisy versions of the functions have been obtained as follows.
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( ) ( ) ( )
,o N x f x f
+ =
Here, ( )
,o N = Standard Normal (or Gaussian)
distribution with mean, = 0 and variance,
o = 1. The
probability density function ( )
, ; o x f is defined as
( )
( )
, ;
t o
x f
All simulations were carried out using the following
experiment setup: The population size of n 10 was used for all
the simulations, where n is the number of variables for the
problem; for comparison purposes three sets of input
dimensions are considered; namely, 10 , 5 = n and 20. For all
three cases, tenfold validation was done with the number of
iterations being 1000 for all non-noisy versions of the test
problems; the SVM regression models were trained with five
times the real EA (GA in this case) population size initially.
However, in case of the noisy versions of the test functions
much larger number of iterations has been used to obtain
acceptable level of accuracy of results. All the simulation
processes were executed using a Pentium
4, 2.4GHz CPU
C. Experiment Details for Performance Learning Based EA
Following Runerssons [22] method a 2-norm soft margin
support vector machine (SVM) has been used and the
technique has been implemented using a classical genetic
algorithm. As mentioned earlier, choice of appropriate kernel is
an important factor in the performance learning based EA.
Runersson [22] has tried ordinal regression with different
kernels and concluded that 4
order polynomial kernel
produces the best results for the Rosenbrocks function. For the
sake of fair comparison we have used the same kernel for this
test function. For the Spherical function, the 2
polynomial kernel performed best. Gaussian distribution with
variance 0.1
has been used for the Rastrigins function.
Training points have been generated using a standard
normal distribution centered about the origins (global minima)
of the respective test functions. 1000 testing points were
generated in the same manner. Using 60 randomly sampled
training points the surrogate model has been estimated by
ordinal regression. The regulation parameter C
has been
chosen as 1.0E6.
As the search zooms in on a local minimum, the search will
benefit from use of different kernel [22]. As suggested by
Runersson in [22] a Gaussian distribution with variance 0.1
was used in case of the Rosenbrocks and the Spherical
functions in similar situations.
The surrogate has been validated and updated as explained
in Section 3.2, every second generation.
D. Results and Discussions
Performances of the three investigated methods on non-
noisy versions of Spherical, Ellipsoidal, Schwefel, Rosenbrock,
and Rastrigin functions with = n 5, 10 and 20 have been
demonstrated in Table I. We have not reported any information
on the number of actual function evaluations required for
DAFHEA II in Table I as by design this technique employs
additional function evaluations to achieve better performance
in noisy environment. To give an idea about its efficacy in the
noisy environment, Table II presents the comparative
performances of the canonical Genetic Algorithm, DAFHEA
and DAFHEA II in terms of number of actual function
evaluations required when tested on the noisy versions of the
test functions.
As can be observed from these results, Preference Learning
based EA seems to have an advantage in terms of number of
actual function evaluations over DAFHEA. However, its
performance in terms of mean fitness is just not comparable
to that of DAFHEA in all nine test cases. Both methods found
the classical Spherical function easier to tackle as compared to
the Rosenbrocks and the Rastrigins functions. For both
algorithms the mean function values for the spherical functions
were better than their Rosenbrock counterparts. However, it
may appear that based on the number of function evaluations,
the spherical function was much harder for DAFHEA to solve
than its Rosenbrock counterpart of the same dimension. It must
be noted that increase in number of iterations and thus increase
in the number of actual function evaluation showed no
improvement in case of the Rosenbrocks function. In
general, both models gained on performance with increase in
training set size.
As can be anticipated, performances of both techniques
deteriorated with increase in problem dimensions. However,
this deterioration is much higher in case of the Preference
Learning based EA, where the results are practically unusable
except in case of Spherical function. Increase in the number of
true function evaluations does not seem to improve the
Other general observations are as below:
Both DAFHEA and Preference Learning based EA are
applicable to situations where no explicit or computable fitness
function is available. However, the concept of using preference
learning based surrogate ranking may show more flexibility in
such scenarios.
In the Preference Learning based EA, surrogate ranking has
been realized using kernel based ordinal regression. That
means the method is easily adaptable to any data types as long
as a suitable kernel can be defined for the specific problem at
hand. However, this is both an advantage and a disadvantage as
this means, sufficient knowledge of the characteristics of the
problem is required which may be difficult in real world
The preference learning based EA benefits from selection
of different kernel while the search zooms in on a local
minimum. However, this switch may impose some additional
computational as well as decisional overhead.
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Surrogate ranking with RBF kernel tended to suffer from
overfitting and get stuck in local minima. Second order
polynomial performed better in case of higher order
Rosenbrocks function.
The major drawback of the preference learning based
surrogate ranking seems to be its inefficiency in handing higher
dimensional problems, which is a common situation for most
real world optimization problems.
Function Mean
No of
No of
Rosenbrock(5) 1.789E-
7015 1200
Rosenbrock(10) 1.991E-
1.0005 6990 4000
Rosenbrock(20) 2.313E-
2.1108 21170 17000
Spherical(5) 1.138E-
21210 375
Spherical(10) 1.152E-
77520 1200
Spherical(20) 1.58E-
110420 2750
Ellipsoidal(5) 3.220E-
18500 400
Ellipsoidal(10) 3.271E-
65700 1500
Ellipsoidal(20) 2.209E-
95510 2900
Schwefel(5) 1.198E-
11500 2700
Schwefel(10) 1.199E-
0.9000 15000 5000
Schwefel(20) 1.023E-
2.0002 25100 18000
Rastrigin(5) 3.285E-
4550 1700
Rastrigin(10) 3.089E-
0.9899 7175 5000
Rastrigin(20) 1.324E-
10.032 3.0011 28010 15000
Use of surrogates may be the most realistic answer to
problems an iterative, stochastic search process like EA faces
while dealing with situations, where, true fitness computation is
highly expensive, or explicit model for fitness computation is
absent, or environment of the evolutionary algorithm is noisy
and so on. In this research, we have investigated three
surrogate-based EA methods which aim at addressing some of
these problems. While the first two methods, DAFHEA and
DAFHEA II are based on functional approximation and EA
specific approximation (see Section I), the second method
uses surrogate ranking by ordinal regression or preference
learning. Experiment results have shown, while Preference
Learning based EA has some cost advantage in terms of
number of true function evaluations, DAFHEA clearly should
be the choice where accuracy (mean fitness value) is of
paramount importance. DAFHEA II that uses multi-model
regression for surrogate generation, shows some advantage
over original DAFHEA and Canonical GA when applied to
noisy functions, in terms of solution accuracy (results have not
been shown in this article). However, this comes at the expense
of some extra overhead in terms of number of actual function
Function No of
No of
No of
Rosenbrock(5) 35,000 9500 9000
Rosenbrock(10) 100,000 71250 71000
Rosenbrock(20) 500,000 290,500 290,000
Spherical(5) 100,000 59000 58000
Spherical(10) 100,000 76000 75000
Spherical(20) 500,000 300,500 300,000
Ellipsoidal(5) 100,000 59000 58000
Ellipsoidal(10) 100,000 85000 84500
Ellipsoidal(20) 250,000 81550 81500
Schwefel(5) 100,000 69000 68000
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Rastrigin(5) 100,000 5500 5100
Rastrigin(10) 100,000 20500 20000
Rastrigin(20) 500,000 410,500 410,000
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GASolver-A Solution to Resource Constrained
Project Scheduling by Genetic Algorithm
Dr Mamta Madan
Professor(Comp science)
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies,
Affiliated to GGSIPU AU-Block Pitam PuraDelhi, India
Mr Rajneesh Madan
NIIT Technologies Ltd., Gurgaon-11
Abstract-The Resource Constrained Scheduling Problem
(RCSP) represents an important research area. Not only exact
solution but also many heuristic methods have been proposed to
solve RCPSP (Resource Constrained Project Scheduling
Problem). I t is an NP hard problem. Heuristic methods are
designed to solve large and highly Resource Constrained software
projects. We have solved the problem of resource constrained
scheduling problem and named as GASolver. I t is implemented
in C#using .net platform. We have used Dependency I njection to
make the problem loosely coupled, so that other arena of
scheduling like Time Cost Tradeoff (CT), Payment Scheduling
(PS) etc can be merged with same solution in the future. We have
implemented GASolver using Genetic Algorithm (GA).
Keywords-Genetic Algorithm; Dependency I njection;
GASolver.Core; Resource Constrained Scheduling.
The Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
represents an important research problem. Not only exact
solution but also many heuristic methods have been proposed
to solve RCPSP. It being an NP hard problem, Alcaraz and
Maroto [5] mentioned that the optimal solution can only be
achieved by exact solution procedures in small software
projects, usually with less than 60 activities, which are not
highly resource constrained.
Therefore heuristic methods are designed to solve large and
highly Resource Constrained software projects. Mohring [6]
mentioned that RCPSP is one of the most intractable problems
in operations research and many latest optimization techniques
and local search were applied to solve it. We have solved the
problem of resource constrained scheduling problem and
named as GASolver. It is implemented in C# using .net
platform. We have used Dependency Injection (DI) to make
the problem loosely coupled, so that other arena of scheduling
like Time Cost Tradeoff, Payment Scheduling etc can be
merged with same solution in the future. We have implemented
GASolver using Genetic Algorithm. The problemstatement is
explained in the following section. Problem Statement for
RCPSP (Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem)
What is the best way to assign the resources to the activities
at specific times such that all of the constraints are satisfied and
the best objective measures are produced?
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are search algorithms that are
conceptually based on the methods that living organisms adapt
to their environment. These methods, known as natural
selection or evolution, combine the concept of survival of the
fittest among string structures with a structured yet randomized
information exchange to form a search algorithm with some of
the innovative flair of human search. In each generation, a new
set of string structures is created from (bits and pieces of) the
fittest strings fromthe previous generation and occasionally a
randomly altered new part. This process of exploiting historical
data allows the GA to speculate on new search points that will
improve performance thus producing better solutions. Genetic
algorithms were initially developed by JohnH.Holland, a
professor of psychology and computer science at the University
of Michigan. As an optimization tool, the Genetic Algorithm
attempts to improve performance leading to an optimal
In this process, there are two distinct steps, (1) the process
of improvement and (2) reaching the optimum itself. Of these
two steps, the most important is the process of improvement. In
complex systems, due to the potential high costs involved,
reaching the optimumsolution may not be justified as long as
continuous improvement is being made and an optimal
(desirable) solution can be found.
Genetic algorithm(GA) [1][2][3] is a pioneering method of
metaheuristic optimization which originated fromthe studies of
cellular automata of Holland in the 1970s. It is also known as
an evolutionary algorithmand a search technique that copies
from biological evolution. In Genetic Algorithm, a population
of candidate solutions called individuals evolves toward better
solutions fromgeneration to generation.
GA can quickly scan a vast solution set. Bad proposals
do not affect the endSolution negatively as they are
simply discarded.
The inductive nature of the GA means that it doesnt
have to know any rules of the problem - it works by its
own internal rules. This is very useful for complex or
loosely defined problems.
They efficiently search the model space, so they are
more likely (than local optimization techniques) to
converge toward a global minima.
There is no need of linearization of the problem.
There is no need to compute partial derivatives.
More probable models are sampled more frequently
than less probable ones
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In 1978, Stinson et al.[9] formulated the multiple resource-
constrained scheduling problem as an integer programming
problem and advanced a branch-and-bound algorithm for
solving it. The algorithmthey developed was similar to branch-
and-bound algorithm with differences in the node selection
heuristics employed and the number of resources handled
(Johnson's algorithm allows for a single resource). In their
algorithm, branching corresponds to creating new partial
feasible schedules from given partial feasible schedules.
An experimental investigation was completed in 1988 by
Dumond and Mabert[4]. They studied RCPSP in an
environment where new software projects arrive continuously
or randomly to a system in which software projects share
common resources and receive completion deadlines. Dumond
and Mabert tested the performance of four due date procedures
and five scheduling heuristics with full control on the due date
assignment. A second test was conducted to examine the
performance of the due date procedures when deadlines were
set externally. Their experimental results failed to indicate a
rule that uniformly outperformed the others.
In 2006 an improved Particle SwarmOptimization (PSO)
algorithm[10] for resource-constrained software project
scheduling problem was proposed. Improvements based on the
basic PSO include: the particle swarmis initialized by heuristic
rule to improve the quality of particles; inertia weight was self-
adapted with iteration of the algorithm to decelerate the speed
of particles; crossover mechanismof genetic algorithm were
applied to particle swarm to enable the exchange of good
characteristics between two particles.
Computational results for software project instances of
PSPLIB demonstrate that this improved PSO was effective as
compared with other mataheuristic approaches
In 2007 YanLiu presented a fuzzy genetic algorithmfor
software project scheduling problem with resource constraints
and uncertain activity duration [11]. The objective of this
research was to minimize the fuzzy software project make
span. Firstly, fuzzy set was used to represent the uncertainty of
activity duration and the corresponding comparison method of
fuzzy number called integral value approach was introduced.
Second, three genetic operators were used to search for an
approximate shortest software project make span. Therefore,
this study provided another metaheuristic method for solving
resource-constraint software project scheduling problem with
uncertain activity duration.
In 2009 itself Mohammad Amin Rigi, Shahriar
Mohammadi K. N. Toosi [8] proposed a new evolutionary
approach to resource constrained software project scheduling
problem. Hybrid genetic algorithm (GA)-constraint satisfaction
problem (CSP) has been applied to solve resource constrained
software project scheduling (RCPS). GAs task was to find the
best schedule. Their approach has used CSP in order to
overcome the existing inconsistencies in activities precedence
and resources conflicts. A full state CSP with min-conflict
heuristic has been used for solving precedence conflicts and a
simple iterative CSP is used to resolve the resource conflicts.
A more realistic resource-constrained software project-
scheduling was solved in 2010[7]. A model that is applicable to
real-world software projects, with discounted cash flows and
generalized precedence relations is investigated under inflation
factor such that a bonuspenalty structure at the deadline of the
software project is imposed to force the software project not to
be finished beyond the deadline. The goal was to find activity
schedules and resource requirement levels that maximized the
net present value of the software project cash flows. A Genetic
Algorithm (GA) is designed using a new three-stage process
that utilizes design of experiments and response surface
methodology. The results of the performance analysis of the
proposed methodology showed an effective solution approach
to the problem.
To implement RCPSP using GA we need to address the
following objectives:-
A. method of specifying the relationships between the tasks.
B. description of resources, skill, salary to performthe tasks.
C. The representation of the chromosome.
D. Implementation of selection, crossover and mutation
E. Calculation of an objective function to evaluate the best
schedule and optimal cost.
F. Class Diagramand Implementation Details of RCPSP.
A. A method of specifying the relationships between the tasks
A project is best represented as a Task Precedence Graph
(TPG).A TPG is an acyclic directed graph consisting of a set of
tasks and a set of precedence relationships. With the help of
Task Precedence Graph we will be able to set the precedence
for each task. The Task Precedence graph is shown below in
the formof Table.
The task precedence graph describes that Task T1 and T2
are not dependent on any task although for task T3 to finish,
Task T1 should be completely finished. Similarly for task T4 to
complete, Task T1 and T3 should finish and so on. Thus Task
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12
T1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
T5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
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Precedence Graph enables us to set the precedence for various
tasks and maintains the order of execution of tasks.
B. Description of resources, skills, salary to performthe tasks
Fig. 1. Data Descriptions for RCPSP
Figure 1 above demonstrates the description of relationship
for Resource Constrained database.
C. Representation of the chromosome for RCPSP
Before Implementation any application with genetic
algorithm, the most important part of genetic algorithmis to
decide the structure for a genome. The genome is an essential
part of genetic algorithmas it will be generated randomly. The
genome for our problemis a two-dimensional array consisting
of employees and tasks. We will randomly generate the
employees who can work on these tasks as the random
numbers generated between 0 and 1. The chromosome
structure is shown below.
D. Design of operators for Genetic Algorithm
The three critical functions of genetic algorithm are
selection, crossover and mutation. These are to be designed for
a specific problem. We have designed these operators for
RCPSP and they are explained below.
We initially generate a 2 dimensional array of the above
mentioned genome of employee who can work on various
tasks. First we check the validity of genome by checking the
1) Have obeyed the task precedence relationship
2) Have fitness better than death fitness variable
3) Obeys employee skill matrix
Here the death fitness variable signifies the fitness of the
genome. If the fitness of the genome is -1 , (value of death
fitness) then the genome is an invalid genome. We calculate the
fitness of the genome. We select only those genome which are
good reproducers i.e. which can reproduce. If the fitness is
better, only then it will reproduce otherwise it is removed from
the genome list and if it is able to reproduce it will be added to
the list of genomes which will be further utilized for crossover
and mutation. This way we will be able to select the genomes
which have the capability to reproduce further.
The crossover operator mimics the way in which bisexual
reproduction passes along each parents good genes to the next
generation. Normally, two parents Genomes create two new
offspring Genomes by combining their genes using one point
crossover. Lets take an example of two genomes which are
successfully randomly generated and passed the first operator
of genetic algorithm.
Before crossover
Randomly we have chosen two genomes from the list of
selected genomes which can reproduce well. They are
represented as Genome1 and Genome2.
The crossover can be performed row wise as well as
column wise. Lets take we have randomly generated the row
wise crossover point as 2. So we will swap genome 1 and
genome2 after T2, the two baby genomes will be as follows:
After Crossover
T1 T2 T3 T4
Emp1 0 1 0 1
Emp2 1 0 1 0
Emp3 1 0 0 1
Emp4 0 0 1 1
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
T1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
T3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
T4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T5 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T6 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
T1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
T3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
T4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T5 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T6 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
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We have thus four genomes after crossover. They are
Genome1, Genome2 and two 2 baby genomes. They will be
sorted according to the fitness values and best of the two are
stored in the list of genomes. We have used row wise
crossover, we will also perform column wise crossover. We
will generate a random number and based on that random we
will decide for row wise or column wise crossover operator.
Following the crossover operator the offspring may be
mutated by the mutation operator. Mutation is basically to get
some variation in the result. Similar to randommutation in the
biological world, this function is intended to preserve the
diversity of the population, thereby expanding the search space
into regions that may contain better solutions. Here for problem
of Resource Constrained Project Scheduling, we have a two
dimensional array of genome.
We randomly pick a genome. We randomly generate an
index value, pick any array value randomly, e.g. (4, 3).
Presently the array value of this cell is one. We flip this value
to zero. And index (5,4) which is 0 is flipped to 1. This way we
can have variation in the genome results. After mutation we
again calculate their fitness and put it in the final list of
E. Calculation of an objective function to evaluate the best
Our objective is to find a schedule which should finish in
minimumduration and should have an optimal cost. Another
important objective is that no task should be undone. Our
project will not be complete if any of the tasks is left
incomplete, so we have maintained a check that no task is left,
it should be managed by at least one of the employee. We have
made functions like calculate project duration () that is to
calculate the duration of the entire project which is shown
below with the help of an example. Let say we have chosen this
genome to calculate the project duration and project cost which
is mentioned below.
As mentioned earlier the task and Estimated man days are
also stored in the above Table. Based on the Task and Estimate
days, we have calculated the Task Duration of Genome as
shown in Table 11.
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
T1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
T3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
T4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T5 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T6 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
T1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
T3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
T4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T5 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T6 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
T1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
T3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
T4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T5 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T6 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
T1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
T3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
T4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
T5 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
T6 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
T1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
T2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
T3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
T4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T5 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T6 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
20 10 15 25 7 10
On the basis
d shown in Ta
Thus the pro
ased on the sal
the summation
Fitness Func
Genetic Alg
inciple of natu
turally suitab
oblems are us
some suitabl
x) is first de
ccessive genet
ness function c
jective functio
nction and f(x)
inimization pro
F(x)=1/( 1+f
In our case
jective functi
scribed in the
E1 E2
1 1 0
2 0 0
3 1 0
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 1 1
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
of Table 11,
able 12.
oject Duration
lary of variou
n of these enti
gorithm mimi
ure to make a s
le for maxim
ually transform
le transformat
erived from o
tic operations.
can be
on F(x) =f
) is the ob
for RCPSP,
ion ,the fitne
above equatio
E3 E4
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
10 7.
t2 t3
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
10 27
the project du
comes out to
s skills, Projec
ire task cost.
ics the survi
search process
mization probl
med into max
tion. In gener
objective fun
. For maximiz
considered t
f(x). Where F
bjective fun
Since we hav
ess function
E5 E6 E
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
6.25 1.7
t4 t5
1 0
0 1
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
33.75 11.7
uration is calcu
o be 36.25 Ma
ct cost is calcu
ival of the
s. Therefore, G
lems, minimi
ximization pro
ral fitness fun
nction and us
zation problem
to be the sam
F(x) is the f
ve to minimiz
will be sam
7 Task
75 2.5
75 36.25
(IJ ACSA) Intern
GAs is
sed in
ms, the
me as
ze the
me as
national J ourna
Where w1 a
ration and proj
re crucial for
n decide the w
ration, the wei
cost also and
So we comp
vious genera
nerate various
achieved. Th
nsole applicatio
GASolver .Co
ponsible for i
ection, crosso
o provides a
ferent genome
ir problem.
entially is coll
2. Class diagram
ntract IGenom
rry about actua
Hence with t
sely coupled
al of Advanced C
and w2 are t
ject cost respe
our organizat
weights. If w
ght of duration
vice versa.
pare the fitn
ated genome
generation an
he best fit gen
ore is the main
over and muta
contract IGe
es who wish t
It has a popu
lection of simi
mfor GASolver
me, as shown
al implementa
the use of int
and there i
Computer Scien
n v
the weights a
ectively. Depe
tion whether c
e have to giv
n will be incre
ness of this g
and iterate
nd looks for b
nome will be
n component o
all the three
ation on vario
enome to b
to use GASol
g is the c
ulation (gener
ilar genomes.
me impleme
in Figure 2 b
ation of genom
terface IGenom
is no direct
and population
nce and Applica
Vol. 4, No. 2,
214 | P a
attached to pr
ending on whi
cost or duratio
ve more weig
eased and sim
genome, with
this process
best fitness tha
e displayed by
of the solution
e operators na
ous generation
be implemente
lver for optim
class diagram
ration) class w
ents a com
below, it doe
me, the soluti
coupling bet
n class.
, 2013
ich is
on we
ght to
h the
at can
y the
n. It is
ns. It
ed in
m of
es not
ion is
g. 3. RCProjectS
eating collectio
tual imp
tual genome o
ass to that gen
uld not be
pendency inje
ercome this pr
g. 4. GASolvers
Genome. This
ethods for mu
nome. RCPSP
e connection
CPSP database
Above diagra
ection contain
ore populatio
on of genome
object since it
nome impleme
used for oth
ection object o
s Dependencies D
class is repr
utation, cross
to database a
am is depende
me Class
on class is a
s objects, it m
. But we can
will tightly co
entation and t
her Genomes
oriented progra
class imp
resentation of
sover and cal
tion class is r
and fetching d
ency graph of
using u
also responsib
must know abo
nnot instantiat
ouple the popu
the population
s. We have
amming princi
on of Res
ng pro
plements int
f genome an
lculating fitne
responsible m
different data
GASolver sol
unity depen
(IJ ACSA) Intern
le for
out the
te the
n class
iple to
nd has
ess of
national J ourna
Test Case 1
Find a valid
duration of th
This is the fir
e had two va
anged the weig
de to zero i.e.
Project Cost
h or low. The
5. RCPSP-Cost
The above Fi
e can analyze
creasing during
rying between
Project Cost i
Test Case 2
Find a vali
espective of the
This is the tes
e had two va
anged the weig
de to zero i.e.
ration is fully
e results are sh
al of Advanced C
schedule that
he Project.
rst test case in
ariables in the
ght factor of c
the total focus
is fully optim
results are sho
Project Du
t Optimization
igure 5 shows
from the grap
g higher gener
higher and lo
is kept one.
id schedule
e cost of the p
st case in whic
ariables in the
ght factor of d
the total focu
y optimized wh
hown below in
1 3 61
Computer Scien
has lowest (P
which, we wis
e code, cost
cost to one an
s is on project
mized while d
own below in T
s the graph of
ph that Project
rations while
ower values as
that has op
ch, we wish to
e code, cost
duration to on
us is on Projec
hile Cost may
n Table 14
66 73
nce and Applica
Vol. 4, No. 2,
215 | P a
PC), irrespecti
sh to optimize
and duration
nd for duration
duration may
Table 13.
Project cost
f cost optimiza
t Cost is const
Project Durati
s the weight f
ptimized dura
o optimize dura
and duration
ne and for cost
ct Duration. Pr
y vary high or
, 2013
ive of
e cost.
. We
n it is
ion is
. We
t it is
r low.
(IJ ACSA) International J ournal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
216 | P age
Generation Duration Cost
1 53.83 3153140
2 50.5 3109650
44 47.5 2758670
190 44.14 2589405
194 40.14 2565615
210 37.08 2702700
308 33 2667710
The Figure 6 below shows the graph of Duration
Optimization. We can analyze from the graph that Project
Duration is constantly decreasing during higher generations
while Project Cost is varying between higher and lower values
as the weight factor for Project duration is kept one and project
cost is kept at zero.
Fig. 6. RCPSP Duration Optimization
C. Test Case 3
Find the optimum valid schedule, satisfying a composite
function including cost and duration.
This is the test case in which, we wish to optimize Cost and
Duration both. We had two variables in the code, Cost and
We changed the weight factor of cost to 0.5 and for
Duration it is made to 0.5 i.e. focus is on optimizing both Cost
and Duration. The results are shown below in Table 15.
The Figure 7 shows the graph of Cost and Duration
Optimization. We can analyze from the graph that Project
Duration and well as Project Cost both are constantly
decreasing during higher generations as the weight factor for
Project duration is kept at 0.5 and Project Cost is also kept at
Duration Project Cost
1 72 3038030
5 68 3013045
8 73.75 3012420
13 73 2946170
127 41.67 2614705
137 40 2507620
157 44.17 2347185
Fig. 7. RCPSP- Duration and Cost Optimization
Resource Constrained Project scheduling is an important
problem as studied in literature survey. We have implemented
this with Genetic Algorithm using C#.net. Most of the
solutions that existed earlier for RCPSP were not extendable.
We have implemented GASolver .core using which any
specific problem domain genome can be constructed. The
fitness function is only to be specified by the project manager
for their own specific domain. The same GASolver .core can
be extended to other important research areas like Time Cost
trade off, Payment Scheduling problem etc. Once all these
areas will be part of GASolver, it will be the complete solution
to project scheduling problems.
List of abbreviation:
RCSP - Resource Constrained Scheduling Problem
PS - Payment Scheduling
DI - Dependency Injection
CT - Cost Trade off
GA - Genetic Algorithm
PC - Project Cost
1 2 44 190 194 210 308
1 5 8 13 127 137 157
(IJ ACSA) International J ournal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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217 | P age
[1] Chambers LD (ed.) (1999) Practical handbook of genetic algorithms:
complex coding
systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton
[2] David E. Goldberg Genetic Algorithm, in search Optimisation and
Macine Learning
[3] Davis L (1991) Handbook of genetic algorithms. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York
[4] Dumond, J . and Mabert, V.A., "Evaluating Software project Scheduling
and Due Date Assignment Procedures: An Experimental Analysis",
Management Science, Vol. 34 No. 1, 1988, pp. 101-18
[5] J .Alcaraz, C.Moroto, A Robust Genetic Algorithm for resource
allocation in software project scheduling, Annals of operations Research
102(2001) 83-109.
[6] R.Mohring, A.Schulz, F.Stork, M.Uetz, Solving Software project
scheduling problems by minimum cut computations, Management
science 49 (3) (2003) 330-335
[7] MoslemShahsavar a,1, Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki b,*, Amir Abbas
Najafi c,2 An efficient Genetic Algorithmto maximize net present
value of software project payments under inflation and bonuspenalty
policy in resource investment problem, 2010 Elsevier
[8] Mohammad Amin Rigi, Shahriar Mohammadi K. N. Toosi Finding a
Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-ConstraintSatisfaction Problem
basedSolution for ResourceConstrained Software project Scheduling
University of Technology, Industrial faculty, IT group Tehran, Iran,
2009 International Conference on Emerging Technologies.
[9] Stinson, J .P., Davis, E.W. and Khumawala, B.M., "Multiple Resource-
constrained Scheduling Using Branch-and-Bound", AIIE Transactions,
Vol. 10 No. 3, 1978, pp. 252
[10] Xinggang Luo 1,2, Dingwei Wang 2, Jiafu Tang 2, Yiliu Tu 3Resource-
Constrained Software project Scheduling Problem, Proceedings of the
6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, J une 21 23,
2006, Dalian, China.
[11] Yan Liu1,2,Sheng-Li zharo2, Xi-Ping Zhang2, Guang-Qiandu2, A GA-
Based Approach for solving fuzzy siftware project scheduling
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning
and Cybernetics, Hong Kong, 19-22 August 2007.
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
218 | P a g e
Method for Image Portion Retrieval and Display for
Comparatively Large Scale of Imagery Data onto
Relatively Small Size of Screen Which is Suitable to
Block Coding of Image Data Compression
Satellite image (and/or High Definition TV image) retrieval and display for mobile phones
Kohei Arai 1
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Saga University
Saga City, Japan
Abstract Method for image portion retrieval and display for
the relatively large scale of imagery data onto comparatively
small size of display is proposed. The method is suitable to the
data compression methods based on block coding. Through
experiments with satellite imagery data, it is found that the
proposed method is useful for the display onto small sized screen
such as mobile phone display and so on.
Keywords-data compression; image retrieval; block coding
There is a strong demand for displaying remote sensing
satellite images onto mobile phone screen. Pixel size of the
remote sensing satellite images, in general, is much greater
than that of mobile phone screen. The pixel size of mobile
phone is less than one million pixels while that of remote
sensing satellite images is more than 10 million pixels, in
general. On the other hands, the pixel size of High Definition
of Television: HDTV
is 1125 by 1080 pixels. Therefore, it is
impossible to display HDTV image onto mobile phone screen.
Thus scrolling or roaming of the displayed HDTV image or
remote sensing satellite image on the mobile phone screen is
required. It is obvious that it takes time or a time consumable
processes are required to search and display most preferable
portion of images on the mobile phone display.
On the other hands, data compression is desirable to reduce
the time required for transmission and receiving relatively large
size of HDTV images and remote sensing satellite images. One
of the image data compression methods is block coding. JPEG
data compression method is one of the well known and widely
used block coding methods. JPEG is based on Discrete Cosine
Transformation: DCT
for the block which is composed with 8
by 8 pixels. Namely, images are divided with 8 by 8 pixels of
block and DCT is applied to the block by block. DCT allows
conversion from image space or time component to frequency
component. By eliminating high frequency components, data
compression can be done. Image portion retrieval and display
method proposed here is to search the most preferable portion
of images by block by block. Therefore, the proposed search
and display method is suitable to block coding of data
compression method. The examples of image portion search
and display with remote sensing satellite images of Advanced
Very High Resolution of Radiometer: AVHRR which onboard
NOAA satellites
is demonstrated.
There are a plenty of previous research works on the image
retrieval methods. The first microcomputer-based image
database retrieval system was developed [1]. Also, survey
article documented progresses after 2007 [2]. The authors
concentrate efficiency of image retrievals by using geophysical
and spatial information of queries [3]-[5]. Also image portion
retrieval method is proposed [6].
The following section describes proposed method for image
portion retrieval and display method followed by some
examples of image portion retrievals and display onto mobile
phone screen. Then conclusion with some discussions is
A. Process Flow of the Proposed Method
Process flow of the proposed image portion retrieval and
display onto mobile phone screen is shown in Figure 1.
First, the relatively large scale of images such as HDTV,
remote sensing satellite images are divided into blocks with 8
by 8 pixels of block. In this process, there two sets of divided
blocks of images. The first block of the first divided sub-image
starts from the first line/pixel coordinate of the original images
while that of the second divided sub-image starts from fourth
line/pixel coordinate of the original images as shown in Figure
This image division is replaced and then sub-sub-images,
and sub-sub-sub-images are created results in hierarchical
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structure of the image database as shown in Figure 3. It looks
like the well known coarse to fine retrieval method. Thus
image portion can be retrieved fast as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 5 shows examples of portion image retrievals with
sub-image and sub-sub-image. Namely, image portion
retrievals can be done through the layer range from the bottom
to the top which is shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 1. Process flow of the proposed image portion retrieval and display
onto mobile phone screen
Fig. 2. Original image is divided into two sub-images which are composed
with 8 by 8 pixel blocks (the first block of the first sub-image starts from the
first line/pixel coordinate while the first block of the second sub-image starts
from the fourth line/pixel coordinate)
The specific feature of the proposed image portion
retrievals is to use the 50% overlapped area covers between
two sub-image in the same layer. If the area of interest is
situated in between two blocks, two adjacent blocks have to be
retrieved for the conventional image portion retrievals method
while only thing user has to do is to select one of two sub-
image when they would like to search the areas for the
proposed image portion retrieval method.
It makes retrievals based on the proposed method much
faster than that for the conventional method.
Fig. 3. Hierarchical representation of image database for acceleration of
image portion retrievals
Fig. 4. Examples of sub-sub-images (portion of sub-images)
B. Data Compression and Database
Second, DCT based JPEG data compression is applied to
two sub-images by block by block which composed with 8 by 8
pixels. Then the compressed image data is saved in the image
Also, all the blocks in the sub-images are indexed. The
blocks in two sub-images are overlapped with 50 %. Thus it is
possible to retrieve potion of image much faster than the
conventional retrieval method with single sub-image.
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Fig. 5. Examples of portion image retrievals with sub-image and sub-sub-
A. Data Used
Figure 6 shows the remote sensing satellite images of
NOAA/AVHRR derived Sea Surface Temperature: SST which
is acquired at 16:45 on November 30 2004 and at 17:11 on
May 20 2002.
B. Portion Image Retrieval and Display onto Mobile Phone
Figure 7 shows two sub-images, A and B sub-images with
the meshes. Users can display low resolution (top layer of
image of Figure 3) of whole image onto mobile phone screen at
first. Then user goes to search the area of interest through going
down to the bottom direction of layer.
After that, users select one of two sub-images depends on
their preference. Users can select one of those two sub-image
by referencing the area of interest.
Figure 8 (a) shows main menu image of the proposed image
portion retrieval system which is displayed onto mobile phone
screen while Figure 8 (b) shows retrieved image portion of
retrieved result. Users may input retrieval parameters, data
product, acquisition time and date.
After that the proposed image portion retrieval system
provides the top layered low resolution of whole image. Then
users may go down the layer to the bottom layer of a small
portion of image in accordance with users guidance with
referencing to the area of interest. When users find out the area
of interest is situated in between two adjacent blocks, users
have to switch the sub-image from A to B, or B to A.
(a) SST at 16:45 on November 30 2004
(b) SST at 17:11 JST on May 20 2002
Fig. 6. Remote sensing satellite images used for experiments
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(a)A sub-image
(b)B sub-image
Fig. 7. shows two sub-images with the meshes.
Method for image portion retrieval and display for the
relatively large scale of imagery data onto comparatively small
size of display is proposed. The method is suitable to the data
compression methods based on block coding. Through
experiments with satellite imagery data, it is found that the
proposed method is useful for the display onto small sized
screen such as mobile phone display and so on
It is found that the proposed image portion retrieval and
display method and system works well in terms of the time
required for retrievals. This is caused by using 50%
overlapping two sub-images.
The author would like to thank Mr. Kazuo Kojima for his
effort to conduct image portion retrieval experiments.
(a)Main menu of the proposed image portion retrieval system
(b)Displayed SST image as retrieved result
Fig. 8. Displayed image onto mobile phone screen.
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222 | P a g e
[1] Prasad, B E; A Gupta, H-M Toong, S.E. Madnick, A microcomputer-
based image database management system, IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics IE-34, 1, 838, 1987.
[2] Datta, Ritendra; Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li, James Z. Wang, Image Retrieval:
Ideas, Influences, and Trends of the New Age, ACM Computing Surveys
40, 2, 160, 2008.
[3] K. Arai, H. Eto, T. Nishiyama, Remote sensing satellite image database
system which alolows retrievals with fuzzy queries, Journal of Japan
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 38, 4, 47-52, 1999.
[4] K. Arai, M. Arakawa, H. Eto, Fuzzy retrievals of remote sensing satellite
image database based on fuzzy theory utilizing geophysical and spatial
information related queries, Journal of Japan Society of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, 38, 4, 17-25, 1999.
[5] H. Eto, T.Yamamoto, K.Arai, Image indexing for image retrievals
utilizing spatial information of queries, Journal of Japan Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 39, 3, 14-20, 2000.
[6] K. Arai, Image portion retrieval and display large size of images onto
small size of display, Report from the Science and Engineering Faculty,
Saga University, 32, 2, 7-14, 2007.
Kohei Arai, He received BS, MS and PhD degrees in 1972, 1974 and
1982, respectively. He was with The Institute for Industrial Science, and
Technology of the University of Tokyo from 1974 to 1978 also was with
National Space Development Agency of Japan (current JAXA) from 1979 to
1990. During from 1985 to 1987, he was with Canada Centre for Remote
Sensing as a Post Doctoral Fellow of National Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada. He was appointed professor at Department of
Information Science, Saga University in 1990. He was appointed councilor for
the Aeronautics and Space related to the Technology Committee of the
Ministry of Science and Technology during from 1998 to 2000. He was also
appointed councilor of Saga University from 2002 and 2003 followed by an
executive councilor of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan for 2003 to 2005.
He is an adjunct professor of University of Arizona, USA since 1998. He also
was appointed vice chairman of the Commission A of ICSU/COSPAR in
2008. He wrote 30 books and published 332 journal papers.
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223 | P a g e
E-governance justified
William Akotam Agangiba
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Mines and Technology
Tarkwa, Ghana
Millicent Akotam Agangiba
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Mines and Technology
Tarkwa, Ghana
AbstractInformation and Communication Technology today
has become an indispensable part in our lives, gaining wide
application in human activities. This is due to the fact that, its use
is less expensive, more secure, and allows speedy information
transmission and access. It serves as a good base for the
development and success of todays relatively young technologies.
It has relieved people of manual day-to-day activities in such
areas as businesses organizations, transport industry, teaching
and research, banking, broadcasting, entertainment amongst
other. This paper takes an overview study of e-governance, one of
the most demanding applications of information and
communication technology for public services. The paper
summarizes the concept of e-governance, its major essence and
some ongoing e-governance activities in some parts of the world.
KeywordsE-governance; Government; Human activities;
I nformation Technology (I T); Service delivery; citizen.
E-Governance is the application of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) for delivering
governments services, exchange of information
communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone
systems and services between Government-to-citizens (G2C),
Government-to-Business (G2B), Government-to-Government
(G2G) as well as back office processes and interactions within
the entire government frame work.
Through e-Governance,
government services are made available to the citizens in a
convenient, efficient and transparent manner. Three main
target groups that can be distinguished in governance concepts
are governments, citizens and businesses/interest groups [5].
Three notable aspects to e-governance are (a) automation of
government routine functions (b) Web-enabling government
functions for access of the citizenry (c) Achievement of
openness, accountability, effectiveness
and efficiency through improvement of government
processes. E-governance promotes efficiency, reduces time
delays, enforces accountability and brings transparency in the
working of the governmental system. As a result, it
has become an integral part of democracy. All
important government policies, acts, rules, regulations,
notifications that are useful to the general public including
land records, examination results, crime records, vehicle
registration, birth and death registration, training and
education, employment information, policies and
legislation, telephone directory, etc. are made available on
the Internet and can be accessed by the public free of cost. It
is beneficial to the citizens as they can enjoy faster,
effective and timely government services and also to the
government as it can become more integrated into the
community and can focus its resources where they are
needed the most. E-governance that involves technology,
policies, infrastructure, training and funds is becoming
popular around the world including India and other
European and Western countries. E-Governance is not just
about government web sites and e-mails. Neither is it just
about service delivery over the Internet or digital access to
government information or electronic payments. E-governance
aims at changing how citizens relate to governments as well as
how citizens relate to each other. It brings forth new concepts
of citizenship, both in terms of needs and responsibilities
The term e-governance emerged in the late 1990s and has
become a viable concept as a result of the advancement and
proven reliability of ICT. E-government is widely understood
as the use of the information and communication technology
(ICT) to achieve:
improved information and service delivery;
citizen participation in decision making process;
more accountable government;
effective and transparent governments.
E-governance means using ICTs as servants to the master
of good governance, enabled route to
achieving good governance [9]. In its most ideal sense, e-
governance is a practical concept meant to achieve all aspects
of citizen-oriented governance; bringing the citizenry closer to
the government and decision making process. Commitment to
e-governance tends to transform how public servants work,
relate to each other, do business, and engage citizens and
others. E-government is a process that requires a sustained
commitment of political will, resources and engagement
among the government, private and public sectors [8].
The concept also seeks to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of service delivery between Government-to-citizens
(G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B), Government-to-
Government (G2G) as well as back office processes and
interactions within the entire government frame work.
Governments all over the world are faced with the
common challenge of improving their quality of services and
gaining the confidence of their citizens. Citizen-centric service
delivery has been identified as a key method to establish
greater connections with the citizenry and build trust with
them. This is to enable governments deliver better services to
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citizens more cost effectively. E-governance has been at the
center of governments success in many developed countries
today. Such countries benefit from cheaper and more effective
delivery of public services resulting in efficient public
administration which is a backbone of retrieving the maximum
responsibility owed by citizens to government. Governments
services, policies and strategies are availed at the door step of
citizens while citizens responsibility to the government is
duly fulfilled, hence maximizing the enforcement of
governments power in the state with high monitoring of
affairs. Countries with well established system of e-
governance correspondingly have a relatively better public
service delivery [6],[7]. In the sections that follow, we take an
overview study on the role of e-governance to development
A. E-governance as a means for effective citizen-government
relationship and corruption reduction tool
[14], researching under the hypothesis e-Governance
initiatives are positively related to governmentcitizen
relationships and corruption reduction the authors used a
structured questionnaire, to explore the perceived role of e-
Governance in reducing corruption amongst 400 respondents
each from Fiji and Ethiopia. By their findings, e-Governance
is positively related to improved governmentcitizen
relationships and corruption reduction. The authors suggest
e-governance initiatives can make important contributions
to improving public services improving overall relationships
between governments and the citizenry. The authors however
state that, even though e-Governance initiatives cannot cure all
the structural factors that breed corruption in states and
societies, its strategic implementation can help improve the
critical variable in combating corruptiongovernment-citizen
Roumeen, Islam (2003) showed that there is a strong
relationship between good information flow and good
governance. The authors explored: i) The role of existence and
free flow of information in good governance and ii) how often
economic data is made accessible in countries around the
world. Both indicators showed a positive relationship between
better information and better quality of governance.
Regions with higher information accessibility had better
knowledge concerning the available political choices and
made better decisions in their votes. The citizenry need
information concerning governments activity, on how
decisions are being implemented.
B. E-governance as an effective managerial and
administrative tool through board portals in organizations.
[10], The role of board portals; online software-service
solutions in the successful running and governance of business
bodies is significant as it allows board members to store and
retrieve information as well as connect with each other in real
time. The wide range of board portals have a common aim of
providing boards of directors a platform for achieving good,
efficient and transparent governance through document
sharing, communication, and collaboration online through a
web-based interface.
[11], the number of companies using board portals grew
from 12 percent in 2005 to roughly 26 percent in 2007. More
nonprofits are beginning to take notice of e-governance and to
investigate the options available [12]. Even though e-
governance is new in the nonprofit sector, organizations are
testifying to the impact on their boards ability to govern well
[10]. The implementation of board portals in the Enterprise
Center (TEC) [10] has produced a number of positive effects
Saving of staff time and subsequent profitable
reorganization of administrative staffing structure;
Elimination of costs for express delivery of documents,
paper, and publishing.
Management estimate a 660 percent return on the
annual investment.
Increase in organizations transparency and ability to
manage knowledge transfer
C. E-governance as an effective service delivery tool
Gradually, the positive influences of e-governance are
being identified and enacted by governments all over the
world with the aim of providing the best for their citizens.
Advanced and developed countries like United States of
America, Canada, United Kingdom and the Netherlands
among others have taken the lead in e-governance and are
doing really great in terms of public service delivery [13].
The developing countries on the other hand are putting up
the necessary strategies to climb to achieve better status in e-
governance in order to develop faster. [14], The governments
of Ghana, India and South Africa for example have developed
e-governance plans in which the provision of public services
through local e-content is the main aim. Ghana and south
Africa have prioritized the implementation of ICT
infrastructure and processes for effective government-to-
government governance while the government of India is
simultaneously implementing government-to-government
infrastructure and providing public services to citizens.
[15],Promotion of e-government applications and government
communication is one of the major aims of the e-Ghana
project. The main concentration of this component of e-Ghana
project is information sharing, communication and
government database security. Other objectives like speedy
delivery of government services, training of technical and
information officers, development of interoperability standards
are expected to be effected shared portal infrastructure to
reduce costs. The Ministry of Communications has been
charged with the responsibility of implementing the project.
The expected results of the e-Ghana project includes
among others:
1) increase in ICT-based jobs by 200% over five years
with equal opportunities for women,
2) an increase in export-led revenues generated by
ICT/ITES industry by about US$90 million,
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3) an increase by 25% in satisfaction of users with
selected government services taken up for electronic delivery,
4) an increase by 10% in number of ICT SMEs
reporting increased revenues.
E-governance is a medium meant to provide better services
to the citizenry. A way of involving the people in policy
making and gaining their confidence. With e-governance, a
different paradigm of leadership is introduced. The attitude of
leaders and government officials is citizen oriented. The
concept of e-governance is not limited to be implemented in
managing the affairs of countries only. The same concept can
be used for the administrative purposes of organization and
institutions. The base of good leadership is information. The
more the flow of information, the easier the involvement of
the citizens in policy making. The citizenry being up to date
with policies in the country lays more solid foundation for
good governance. We identify ICT as the most reliable
medium to closing the bridge between the citizenry and the
government by enhancing quicker and more reliable
information access.
This paper is a summary of e-governance, its essence and
e-governance recent activities in some parts of the world. We
have made a modest effort to present e-governance as a
concept and explore the most fundamental of its aims and
objectives. We see that the good effects of e-governance can
be applied in any organized body where people have to be
managed through, information sharing and communication
using the internet as a medium. We have also realized that, e-
governance is the provision of more effective, efficient and
transparent public services economically.
[1] Zhiyuan Fang, E-Government in Digital Era: Concept, Practice, and
Development, School of Public Administration, National Institute of
Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand.
[2] Preeti Mahajan, E-governance initiatives in India with special
Reference to Punjab, Asia-Pacific Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN
0975-5942, Vol(1) January-June 2009, pp.142-155
[3] e-Governance Solutions and its importance. [online] Available at
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Encyclopedia of Digital Government, Ideagroup,USA, 2006 (PDF).
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[6] Accenture, Leadership in customer service: Delivering on promise,
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[7] The 2007 e-readiness rankings. A white paper from the Economist
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[8] Gurmeet Singh, R.D. Pathak, Rafia Naz, Rakesh Belwal, "E-governance
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International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 23 Iss: 3,
pp.254 275. 2010
[9] N. S. Kalsi, Ravi Kiran and S. C. Vaidya. Effective e-Governance for
Good Governance in India, International Review of Business Research
Papers Vol.5 No. 1 January 2009 Pp. 212229.
[10] Ted Hart, James M. Greenfield, Steve MacLaughLin and Philip H. Geier
Jnr, Internet for nonprofits Management, reprinted with permission by
John Wiley & Sons Publishers, March 2011. Pp. 45-61.
[11] Matt Perkin, Board Portals: No Assembly Required, BusinessWeek,
[12] Linda Dixon, Doing Board on the Web. Board, Member 17, no. 2,
2008; John DiConsiglio, Robo-Board, Board Member 13, no. 7
[13] United Nations Global E-government survey 2012. Available online at:
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Method for Estimation of Aerosol Parameters Based
on Ground Based Atmospheric Polarization
Irradiance Measurements
Kohei Arai 1
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Saga University
Saga City, Japan
Abstract Method for aerosol refractive index estimation
with ground based polarization measurement data is proposed.
The proposed method uses a dependency of refractive index on p
and s polarized down welling solar diffuse irradiance. It is much
easy to measure p and s polarized irradiance on the ground with
a portable measuring instrument rather than solar direct, diffuse
and aureole measurements. Through theoretical and simulation
studies, it is found that the proposed method show a good
estimation accuracy of refractive index using measured down
welling p and s polarized irradiance data with a measuring
instrument pointing to the direction which is perpendicular to the
sun in the principal plane. Field experimental results also show a
validity of the proposed method in comparison to the estimated
results from the conventional method with solar direct, diffuse
and aureole measurement data.
Keywords- Degree of Polarization; aerosol refractive index; size
The largest uncertainty in estimation of the effects of
atmospheric aerosols on climate stems comes from
uncertainties in the determination of their microphysical
properties, including the aerosol complex index of refraction,
which in turn determines their optical properties. The methods
that allow estimation of refractive indices have being proposed
so far (Shaw, G.E. 1976, Hoppel W.A., et al., 1990, Holben
B.N. et al., 1991). Most of the methods use ground based
direct, diffuse and aureole measurement data such as
AERONET (Holben B.N. et al., 1998) and SKYNET Aoki, K.
et al., 2005). The methodology for estimation of a complete
set of vertically resolved aerosol size distribution and
refractive index data, yielding the vertical distribution of
aerosol optical properties required for the determination of
aerosol-induced radiative flux changes is proposed
(Reddemann, J. et al., 2000). The method based on the optical
constants determined from the radiative transfer models of the
Jovian atmosphere is also proposed (Clapp M.L. et al., 1996).
Laboratory based refractive indices estimation methods with
spectral extinction measurements are proposed (Eiden R.,
1971, Thomas G.E., et al., 2005). Refractive index and size
distribution as well as single scattering albedo, Angstrome
exponent, volume spectrum are, in general, estimated with
ground based solar direct, diffuse and aureole data together
with measured optical depth. Instrument that allows
measurement is, in general, comparatively heavy and
relatively large in comparison to the sun-photometer and
polarized irradiance measuring instruments. They are not
portable so that it is difficult to measure solar direct, aureole
and diffuse irradiance at anywhere.
Measuring instrument for Degree of Polarization: DP, in
turn, is portable and relatively light as well as comparatively
small in comparison to the instrument. From optical depth
measurement data in several atmospheric transparent
wavelength channels, aerosol optical depth, and refractive
index and size distribution are estimated. For instance, Junge
parameter is estimated from Angstrome exponent derived
from the optical depth measurement. DP, meanwhile, depends
on molecule scattering (phase function of Rayleigh scattering)
which is determined from atmospheric pressure and so on,
aerosol scattering (phase function of Mie scattering) which is
determined from refractive index and so on. Furthermore, it
depends on surface reflectance so that surface reflectance,
optical depth of molecule, aerosol and the other atmospheric
components have to be known, then it might be possible to
estimate DP results in estimation of refractive index and size
A. Default Parameters
The proposed method utilizes a scattering angle
dependency of DP on aerosol parameters, refractive index
(Real: Re and Imaginary: Im) and size distribution. Junge
parameter: Jp is chosen for size distribution model of which
there are a variety of models, Junge, logarithmic normal,
power of low, etc. (only one parameter is enough to represent
size distribution). Obviously, scattering angle dependency of
DP is highly related to the aerosol parameters so that it is
possible to estimate the aerosol parameters with the measured
DP of different scattering (observation) angle characteristics.
In the principal plane composed with sun and the test site
location, p and s polarized solar diffuse irradiance is measured
with several different observation angles. Observation angle
dependency of DP which is calculated with the measured p
and s polarized irradiance is then compared to a previously
calculated scattering angle dependency of DP with the
possible parameters of Re, Im, and Jp which is shown in Table
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Re 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65
Im 0.0001 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
Jp 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6
In this case, step size of Re is 0.05 while that of Im is
0.005 and that of Jp is 0.2. After finding an initial parameter
set of a combination of Re, Im, and Jp, More accurate
solution estimation is tried to find out a best-fit scattering
angle dependency by using golden section method. Thus best-
fit scattering dependency of DP in a least square mean is
determined results in find out a most appropriate set of
parameters, Re, Im, and Jp.
B. Sensitivity Analysis
In order to determine most appropriate observation angles, a
sensitivity analysis is conducted. Let (DP/x) be sensitivity of x
to DP where x denotes Re, Im and Jp. Sensitivity for all the
possible combinations of aforementioned parameters are
estimated with the calculated DP derived from MODTRAN
Mie code. Estimated sensitivities for Re, Im, and DP are
shown in Figure 1.
(a) Real part of refractive index
(b) Imaginary part of refractive index
(c) Junge parameter
Fig. 1. Sensitivity Of Refractive Index: Re And Im And Junge Parameter:
Jp To Degree Of Polarization: DP
There two peaks in the sensitivity characteristics for Re,
Im, and DP at around 90 and 170 degrees of scattering angles.
The peak at 90 degree is relatively stable in comparison to that
at 170 degree so that 90 degree of observation (scattering)
angle (perpendicular to the sun) is more recommendable.
C. Single Scattering Albedo
In this calculation, single scattering albedo is also
calculated. Figure 2 shows the single scattering albedo with
the possible parameters. Obviously, single scattering albedo
decreases in accordance with increasing of imaginary part.
Also single scattering albedo increases in accordance with
increasing of real part of refractive index.
Fig. 2. Single scattering albedo as functions of real and imaginary parts of
refractive index
D. DP Dependency on Aerosol Optical Depth, and Surface
DP decreases in accordance with increasing of aerosol
optical depth due to the fact that multiple scattering increases
with increasing of aerosol optical depth results in decreasing
of DP. Meanwhile, DP decreases in accordance with
increasing of surface reflectance due to the almost same
reason for aerosol optical depth. Averaged DP sensitivity of
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aerosol optical depth and surface reflectance shows two peaks
at 20 and 90 degrees for aerosol optical depth while at 35 and
90 degrees for surface reflectance so that it would be better to
measure DP at the second peak at 90degree which is much
sensitive to DP rather than 20 and or 35 degrees.
DP as function of aerosol optical depth and surface
reflectance as well as DP sensitivity of aerosol optical depth
and surface reflectance are shown in Figure 3.
(a) DP as a function of aerosol optical depth
(b) DP sensitivity of aerosol optical depth
(c) DP as a function of surface reflectance
(d) DP sensitivity of surface reflectance
Fig. 3. DP as function of aerosol optical depth and surface reflectance as
well as DP sensitivity of aerosol optical depth and surface reflectance.
E. Phase Function, DP and Sensitivity
Phase function of p and s polarized irradiance, DP as
functions of aerosol refractive index and Junge parameter, and
DP sensitivity of refractive index and Junge parameter are
estimated. It is found that the sensitivities of real and
imaginary parts of refractive index are greater than that of
Junge parameter as is shown in Figure 4. Also it is found that
there are two peaks in sensitivity at around 20 and 90 degrees
of scattering angle. Therefore, it would be better to measure
DP at the scattering angle of 90 degree for refractive index and
Junge parameter estimation.
(a) Phase function of p polarized irradiance (real part)
(b) Phase function of s polarized irradiance
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(c) DP as a function of real part of refractive index
(d) DP sensitivity of real part of refractive index
(e) Phase function of p polarized irradiance (imaginary)
(f) Phase function of s polarized irradiance (imaginary)
(g) DP as a function of imaginary part of refractive index
(h) DP sensitivity of imaginary part of refractive index
(i) Phase function of p polarized irradiance (Junge parameter)
(j) Phase function of s polarized irradiance (Junge parameter)
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(k) DP as a function of Junge parameter
(l) DP sensitivity of Junge parameter
Fig. 4. Estimated phase function of p and s polarized irradiance, DP as
functions of aerosol refractive index and Junge parameter, and DP sensitivity
of refractive index and Junge parameter.
F. Estimation of refractive index and size distribution
Figure 5 shows the flowchart for refractive index and size
distribution estimation. Using assumed Re, Im and Jp, p and s
polarized phase function is estimated based on mie2new of
software code included in MODTRAN. Then DP at 60, 70, 80,
90, 100, 110, and 120 degrees of scattering angles is
calculated. On the other hand, measured DP that is acquired at
the corresponding scattering angles in the principal plane is
compared to the calculated DP. To minimize the difference
between both, Re, Im and Jp is changed by using golden
section method. It is obvious that the golden section method of
optimization cannot reach to a global optimum so that there is
possibility to reach one of local minima.
A. Test Sites
In order to validate the proposed method for refractive
index and Junge parameter estimation with DP measurements,
field campaigns were conducted at the test sites, Roach Lake
in Nevada (35:38N, 115:22W) during from 8:00-8:20 on 3
December 2008 and Coyote Lake in California (35:04N,
116:45W) during 9:50-10:10 on 10 December 2008. Major
characteristics of aerosol optical depth, molecule optical depth,
surface reflectance (p and s polarizations), and solar zenith
angle for both test sites are shown in Table 2.
(a) Roach Lake playa
Wave aero mol Refp Refs Sun
500nm 0.055 0.1630 0.364 0.354 63
675nm 0.026 0.0534 0.494 0.442 63
870nm 0.042 0.0127 0.580 0.549 63
(b) Coyote Lake playa
Wave aero mol Refp Refs Sun
500nm 0.033 0.135 0.309 0.249 63
675nm 0.011 0.0399 0.443 0.368 63
870nm 0.017 0.0143 0.430 0.309 63
Measured p and s polarized solar diffuse irradiance for the
test site at Roach Lake and calculated DP are shown in Figure
6 (a), (b), and (c) while those for Coyote Lake are also shown
in Figure 6 (d), (e), and (f), respectively.
Fig. 5. Flowchart of the proposed method for refractive index and size distribution estimation process
DP for the scattering angle ranged from 60 to 120 at the
wavelength of 500nm shows specific feature while that of
scattering angle ranged from 0 to 60 and that of 870nm show
unclear feature so that seven scattering angles of DP are used
for aerosol refractive index and Junge parameter estimations.
B. Measured and Estimated DP
Figure 7 also shows the measured and the simulated DP.
The simulated DP is calculated by means of MODTRAN with
all the possible combination of refractive index and Junge
parameters. The numbers of parameters of real and imaginary
parts of refractive index as well as Junge parameter are seven
so that the number of combinations is 343. DP that is shown in
Figure 7 is the most resemble, or most appropriate curve in
least square means. From these measured DP, DP
corresponding to the scattering angles from 60 to 120 is
selected with 10-degree step for estimation of refractive index
and Junge parameter more precisely.
p and s
irradiance, DP
Phase function
Compare Measured DP
Change Re,Im and Jp
Least square method minimizing seven
DP (60 to 120 deg. of scattering angles
with 10 deg. step) estimation errors
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There are seven DP data for each wavelength while
unknown variables are three, real (Re) and imaginary (Im)
parts of refractive index as well as Junge parameter (Jp) so
that it is well posed problem. Least square method is applied,
and then used for unknown variables estimation.
(a) Measured p polarized solar diffuse irradiance
(b) Measured s polarized solar diffuse irradiance
(c) Calculated DP
(d) Measured p polarized solar diffuse irradiance
(e) Measured s polarized solar diffuse irradiance
(f) Calculated DP
Fig. 6. Measured solar diffuse irradiance and calculated DP for the test
site of Roach Lake (a), (b), and (c) and Coyote Lake (d), (e), and (f) on
December 3 and 10 2008, respectively.
Table 3 shows the estimated Re, Im, and Jp for both test
sites based on the proposed method with measured DP
together with calculated Re, Im and Jp derived from
skyradiometer data, solar direct, diffuse and aureole based on
skyradpack which allows estimations of refractive index and
size distribution (volume spectrum). Estimation error of
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imaginary part of refractive index is greater than the other two
parameters due to the fact that imaginary part is essentially
(c) DP measured at Roach Lake on 3 December 2008
(d) DP measured at Coyote Lake on 10 December 2008
Fig. 7. Satellite images of the test sites, Roach Lake and Coyote Lake and
measured (REAL) and simulated (SIM) DP.
Roach Lake on 3 December 2008 Coyote Lake on 10 December 2008
Re 1.5459 1.474
Re 1.5428 1.582
Im 0.00031 0.000
Im 0.00645
Jp 3.3718 3.365
3.653 Jp 5.2128 5.213
It is found that the measured DP and calculated DP derived
from MODTRAN show a good coincidence with below 10%
of discrepancy. Also it is found that the estimated aerosol
refractive index and size distribution (Junge parameter) based
on the proposed method and those derived from the
skyradiometer data of solar direct, diffuse, and aureole based
on skyradpack with below 6% of discrepancy. It is concluded
that the proposed method is validated.
The estimated refractive index and size distribution using
the proposed DP based method shows a good coincidence with
the estimated those by the conventional skyradiometer (POM-
01 which is manufactured by Prede Co.Ltd.), or aureole meter
based method so that the proposed method does work well.
The Junge parameter estimated by skyradiometer based
method is derived from Angstrome exponent that is calculated
with aerosol optical depth measured with skyradiometer while
that by the proposed DP based method is derived from
Angstrome exponent that is calculated with aerosol optical
depth measured with polarized irradiance measuring
instrument (MS720 which is manufactured by EKO Co.Ltd.).
The difference between both is caused by the difference of
gain/offset of the two instruments, POM-1 and MS720. On the
other hand, the differences of estimated refractive index
between skyradiometer based and the proposed DP based
methods are mainly caused by the estimation methods,
inversion of radiance to refractive index for skyradiometer
based method while least square method minimizing the
discrepancy between the actual and simulated DP at the seven
different scattering angles based on MODTRAN.
It is obvious that skyradiometer and aureole meter is
typically large and heavy in comparison to the polarized
irradiance measuring instruments. It is possible to bring the
polarized irradiance measuring instrument at anywhere easily.
p and s polarized irradiance measurement at the seven
different scattering angle takes around three minutes so that it
has to be assumed that the atmosphere is stable for more than
three minutes. p and s polarized irradiance is sensitive to the
surface reflectance so that it is recommendable to use the
proposed method for widely homogeneous ground cover
The author would like to thank Mis. Yui Nishimura for her
effort to conduct simulation
[1] Aoki, K., T. Takamura, and T. Nakajima, Aerosol optical properties
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[2] Clapp M.L., and R.E.Miller, Complex Refractive Indices of Crystalline
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Ferrare, E. V. Browell, Retrieving the vertical structure of the effective
aerosol complex index of refraction from a combination of aerosol in
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situ and remote sensing measurements during TARFOX, J. Geophys.
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[8] Shaw, G.E., Error analysis of multi-wavelength sunphotometry. Pure
Appl. Geophys., 114, 1, 1976.
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Kohei Arai, He received BS, MS and PhD degrees in 1972, 1974 and
1982, respectively. He was with The Institute for Industrial Science, and
Technology of the University of Tokyo from 1974 to 1978 also was with
National Space Development Agency of Japan (current JAXA) from 1979 to
1990. During from 1985 to 1987, he was with Canada Centre for Remote
Sensing as a Post Doctoral Fellow of National Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada. He was appointed professor at Department of
Information Science, Saga University in 1990. He was appointed councilor for
the Aeronautics and Space related to the Technology Committee of the
Ministry of Science and Technology during from 1998 to 2000. He was also
appointed councilor of Saga University from 2002 and 2003 followed by an
executive councilor of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan for 2003 to 2005.
He is an adjunct professor of University of Arizona, USA since 1998. He also
was appointed vice chairman of the Commission A of ICSU/COSPAR in
2008. He wrote 30 books and published 332 journal papers
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234 | P a g e
Visualization of Learning Processes for Back
Propagation Neural Network Clustering
Kohei Arai 1
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Saga University
Saga City, Japan
AbstractMethod for visualization of learning processes for
back propagation neural network is proposed. The proposed
method allows monitor spatial correlations among the nodes as
an image and also check a convergence status. The proposed
method is attempted to monitor the correlation and check the
status for spatially correlated satellite imagery data of AVHRR
derived sea surface temperature data. It is found that the
proposed method is useful to check the convergence status and
also effective to monitor the spatial correlations among the nodes
in hidden layer.
Keywords-neural network; error back propagation;
convergence process; spatial correlation
Back Propagation Neural Network: BPNN is widely used
method for machine learning and optimization method. One of
the problems of BPNN is that it cannot ensure to find global
optimum solution and can find one of local minima. Also it is
difficult to check convergence status; residual error can be
monitored though. Method for visualization of convergence
processes and spatial correlation of nodes in hidden layer of
BPNN is proposed.
A. Back Propagation Neural Network
The activation is differentiable function of total input, given
by equation (1) and (2),
where W
can be known as the weight of the connection
from unit j to unit k. It is convenient to represent the pattern of
connectivity in the network by a weight matrix whose elements
are the weights W
. In addition, the unit calculates the activity
by using some function of the total weighted input. Typically
we use the sigmoid function:
The error measure E
is defined as the total quadratic error
for pattern p at the output units:
where is the desired output for unit o when pattern
p is clamped. We further set as the sum square error.
The error derivative of the weights is computed to
recognize that how the error changes as each weight is
increased or decreased slightly. We can write as equation (6),
Thus, the error signal for an output unit can be written as
equation (7),
Also the error signal for a hidden unit is determined
recursively in term of error signals of the units to which it
directly connects and the weights of those connections which is
shown in equation (8),
Therefore, the weights could be modified by using the past
weights as follows,
The back propagation process can be explained as: when a
set of desired input data and desired output data are ready,
spare weights matrix which represent for the connection
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between input layer and hidden layer or hidden layer and
output layer, will be created in random real numbers. While
these matrixes are creating, the desired weights are also given
define values.
When the preparation is finished, we will start learning
process. In the beginning, the all actual input data will be given
to equation (2), these results can be called the nets. The nets
now can be used to figure out the actual output of the input
nodes or actual input of hidden nodes through sigmoid equation
(3) which is mentioned before. Equation (4) is useful for
computing the error E
which is the different between the
actual output and the desired output. Follow the function is
presented before; the error signal is able to calculate with
equation (7) and (8). Thus then we have enough data to move
to the next step which the weights can be changed by using
equation (9).
The total error is able to compute by equation (5) above
during the learning process. After the weights in neural
network are changed, the total error will be compared with the
value which is decided before. Therefore, if the total error is
acceptable, the training process can be stopped. However,
almost all the neural network can not finish its learning process
after only several times. Thus, maybe it requires that we should
train the network with a big enough number of times, and then
the total error might be small enough to be acceptable.
B. Proposed All Node Linked Neural Network: ANLNN
In back propagation algorithms, an important consideration
is the learning rate. If the learning rate is too small, it will take
a long time to converge. However, when the learning rate is too
large, we may end up bouncing around the error surface out of
control, the algorithms diverges. This often ends with an
overflow error.
Beside the learning rate, momentum also plays an important
role in back propagation process. Adding the momentum, is
one of the ways to avoid oscillation at large learning process
and when no momentum term is used, it properly takes a long
time before the global minimum has been reached with a low
learning rate. Moreover, the number of hidden units is one of
the reasons which cause effect on the network.
A large number of hidden units lead to a small error on the
training set. However, even if increasing the number of hidden
units can help the neural network escape from a trap at local
minimum but it will not guarantee that neural network again
can find the global minimum, when number of hidden units is
over the demand. As the network trains, the weights can be
adjusted to very large values. The total input of a hidden unit or
output unit can therefore reach very high (positive or negative
either) values and because of the activation function which we
use in this research, is sigmoid function, the unit will have an
activation very close to zero or very close to one. Thus, in the
back-ward stage the error signal will be close to zero and the
learning process can come to a virtual standstill. The answer
for this problem is that the suitable momentum maybe select in
order to support the process becomes normal.
We also use the other neural network which has a structure
different from a typical one, with the purpose is able to clearly
recognize the trend following weights images. A new structure
is described as: normally in typical structure neural network, all
the nodes from one layer will completely link to all the other
nodes of connected layer. The neural network which will be
call All Nodes Linked Neural Network: ANLNN hereafter,
does not have the same structure like a typical one, each node
on a layer will only link to a specify node or specify nodes on
connected layer. The nodes of a layer on the ANLNN is sorted
like a matrix, from this matrix a smaller matrix will be picked
up and linked to other specify nodes on the other layer whose
nodes are also sorted in the same way.
The ANLNN and typical structure neural network will be
tried to apply in recognizing integer numbers. Firstly, the
desired input and desired output are selected from a set of
integer numbers. The same problem happens like before, when
the data is fed into neural network, nothing is done, neural
network becomes virtual standstill. Thus, the data obviously
has to normalize before it is given to a network. We know that
all the integer numbers are 2 bytes digits, from this indication
we can normalize the data by the same way which is mentioned
above, like when we carried out the experiments with Multi
Channel Sea Surface Temperature; MCSST data. All of the
integer numbers will be divided into 1023 before they are
brought to the neural network. The weights values are adjusted
after each step is taken during the training process. Using these
results, an image which displays how different the new
weights values are, can be drawn. The initial values are
absolutely free to choose between [-1, +1].
As we know, the highly correlated data which can be
referred to AVHRR MCSST data or a set of integer numbers in
turn from 0 until 9, might be used in order to lead the
weights images to the same trend if a global minimum is
found when we keep changing the initial weights values for
several times. Therefore, we can work out whether neural
network converges at the local minimum or not by comparing
the characteristic of the image.
We also use the other neural network which has a structure
different from a typical one, with the purpose is able to clearly
recognize the trend following weights images. A new structure
is described as: normally in typical structure neural network, all
the nodes from one layer will completely link to all the other
nodes of connected layer. The neural network which will be
call ANLNN neural network from now, does not have the same
structure like a typical one, each node on a layer will only link
to a specify node or specify nodes on connected layer. The
nodes of a layer on the SL neural network are sorted like a
matrix, from this matrix a smaller matrix will be picked up and
linked to other specify nodes on the other layer whose nodes
are also sorted in the same way.
The ANLNN neural network and typical structure neural
network will be tried to apply in recognizing integer numbers.
Firstly, the desired input and desired output are selected from a
set of integer numbers. The same problem happens like before,
when the data is fed into neural network, nothing is done,
neural network becomes virtual standstill. Thus, the data
obviously has to normalize before it is given to a network. We
know that all the integer numbers are 2 bytes digits, from this
indication we can normalize the data by the same way which is
mentioned above, like when we carried out the experiments
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with MCSST data. All of the integer numbers will be divided
into 1023 before they are brought to the neural network.
C. Visualization of Weighting Coefficients as an Image for
Layered structure of the proposed ANLNN is shown in
Figure 1. Because all the input nodes are linked to the hidden
layer nodes and the hidden layer nodes are linked to the output
layer nodes, the number of weighting coefficients is n
where n
is the number of input layer nodes as well as the number of
output layer nodes. Then weighting coefficients between input
and hidden layers and those between hidden and output layers
can be displayed as an image. AVHRR band 4 imagery data is
assumed to be input data of the ANLNN while MCSST of
imagery data is also assumed to be desired output for the output
layer. Then learning process begins.
Although it is possible to take a look at residual error, it is
still difficult to decide convergence situations. Because BPNN
utilizes steepest descent method for learning process, it is not
possible to reach a global optimum for weighting coefficients.
Because the aforementioned reason, input data of neighboring
nodes are highly correlated and output data of neighboring
nodes are also highly correlated. That is same thing for
weighting coefficients image. The weighting coefficients
between input and hidden layers of neighboring nodes are
highly correlated while the weighting coefficients between
hidden and output layers of neighboring nodes are also highly
correlated. Therefore, if we take a look at correlation among
weighting coefficients, then it is possible to decide the
convergence status.
Fig. 1. Layered structure of the proposed ANLNN
A. Data Used
The AVHRR MCSST data is given to the process in
order to figure out the essence of neural network which is
acquired the back propagation algorithms. The data from band
4 and corresponding MCSST data are used this time.
MCSST can be estimated through regressive analysis with
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer: AVHRR of
Band 4 and 5 of thermal infrared images.
MCSST=a DN4 + b DN5 + c (1)
where MCSST, DN4 and DN5 denotes SST, Digital
Number: DN of Band 4 and 5. Also a, b and c are regressive
coefficients. If training samples, sets of MCSST, DN4 and
DN5 are available, then a, b and c can be estimated. After that
SST can be estimated with the regressive equation for another
DN4 and DN5. Figure 2 and 3 show an example of AVHRR
Band 4 and 5 and estimated MCSST images.
(a)AVHRR Band
(b) Band 5
Input Hidden Output
Layer Layer Layer
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Fig. 2. An example of AVHRR Band 4 and 5 images of Kyushu which are
acquired on 20 May 2002
Fig. 3. SST estimated through a regressive analysis with sets of SST, DN4
and DN5 of training data
B. Node Images Derived from the Proposed Method
In the beginning, the experiment showed that there is no
remarkable change in average errors value or weights values
either. The neural network becomes virtual standstill. After
checking carefully all the steps, we realize that because the
value of AVHRR MCSST data is quite big, thus it is necessary
to normalize the data otherwise nothing will be done because
almost all the results which are an output of hidden nodes or
output nodes, error signal, will close to 0 or close to 1. As we
know MCSST data is 10 bit data, therefore when we prepare a
set of desired input and desired output, MCSST data can be
normalized by dividing each MCSST data into 1023 which is
means that totally there are 1024 elements, from 0 until 1023
We start to display weight images in order to confirm
whether the initial image is different from the result image after
learning process or not. As the images are shown below, we see
that the initial image does not have anything special, it does not
show any characteristic but the result image does. It is not
difficult to recognize that through the training process, weights
values are adjusted and they are modified with a remarkable
amount because of shape and also the dark, bright color on the
result image.
C. Experimental Resuts
Figure 4 shows weight coefficients image for between input
and hidden layers at initial stage and convergence stages.
Because the number of input nodes is 3 by 3 of AVHRR band 4
of data, the number of weighting coefficients is 81 by 81.
Therefore, the weighting coefficients image of Figure 4
consists of 81 by 81, accordingly.
At the initial stage, all the weighting coefficients are
determined with the random numbers derived from Mersenne
Twister random number generator. This is referred as
comparatively isolated weighting coefficients. By using
averaging filter, relatively correlated initial conditions of
weighting coefficients are also determined. There is an initial
condition dependency for convergence processes. That is
because of preparation of two sets of initial weighting
coefficients, relatively isolated and comparatively correlated
initial conditions. The weights initial values of this network
are in turn given -1, 0, 1 and random numbers while a set of
desired input, output data also is tried with integer numbers and
MCSST data. We suppose that if the network converges at the
global minimum, all the weights images will show the same
trend even the initial images or initial weights values are
different. In addition, the momentum plays an important role in
effecting weights values while desired input and desired
output also decide the value of average error, the speed of
neural network when it converges. These doubtful questions
are proved when an experiment above is conducted.
Initial Stage Convergence stage
(a)ANLNN with relatively isolated initial condition
Initial Stage Convergence stage
(b)ANLNN with comparatively correlated initial condition
Fig. 4. Weight coefficients image of ANLNN with the different initial
conditions for weighting coefficients between input and hidden layers for 9
input nodes
Figure 5 shows example of convergence processes with
residual error while Figure 6 shows the average correlation
coefficient for all the weighting coefficients which situate in
between input and hidden layers. In accordance with increasing
of the iteration number, residual error goes down together with
increasing of the averaged correlation coefficient. This is
because there are high correlations among the input nodes.
Therefore, it is possible to determine convergence of learning
processes with referencing the averaged correlation coefficient
rather than referring to the residual error. Furthermore, it is also
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possible to monitor convergence processes by looking at the
weighting coefficients image.
Fig. 5. Residual errors in convergence process of the ANLNN
Fig. 6. Averaged correlation coefficient among the weighting coefficients
between input and hidden layer.
Method for visualization of learning processes for back
propagation neural network is proposed. The proposed method
allows monitor spatial correlations among the nodes as an
image and also check a convergence status. The proposed
method is attempted to monitor the correlation and check the
status for spatially correlated satellite imagery data of AVHRR
derived sea surface temperature data. It is found that the
proposed method is useful to check the convergence status and
also effective to monitor the spatial correlations among the
nodes in hidden layer
The author would like to thank Mr. Son Nguyen Xuan for
his effort to conduct experiments.
[1] Ben Krose, Patric Van Der Smagt, An introduction to neural network
Eighth edition, November 1996.
[2] Colin Fyfe, Artificial neural network Department of computing and
information systems, the University of Paisley, Edition 1.1, 1996.
[3] Dave Anderson and George McNeill, Kaman, Artificial neural network
technology A Dacs state of the air report, August 20, 1992 - Sciences
[5] G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, On certain integrals of
Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions, Phil.
Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529551, April 1955.
[6] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol.
2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.6873.
[7] I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, Fine particles, thin films and exchange
anisotropy, in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New
York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271350.
[8] K. Elissa, Title of paper if known, unpublished.
[9] R. Nicole, Title of paper with only first word capitalized, J. Name
Stand. Abbrev., in press.
[10] Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, Electron spectroscopy
studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface, IEEE
Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740741, August 1987 [Digests 9th
Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].
[11] M. Young, The Technical Writer's Handbook. Mill Valley, CA:
University Science, 1989.
Kohei Arai, He received BS, MS and PhD degrees in 1972, 1974 and
1982, respectively. He was with The Institute for Industrial Science and
Technology of the University of Tokyo from April 1974 to December 1978
also was with National Space Development Agency of Japan from January,
1979 to March, 1990. During from 1985 to 1987, he was with Canada Centre
for Remote Sensing as a Post Doctoral Fellow of National Science and
Engineering Research Council of Canada. He moved to Saga University as a
Professor in Department of Information Science on April 1990. He was a
councilor for the Aeronautics and Space related to the Technology Committee
of the Ministry of Science and Technology during from 1998 to 2000. He was a
councilor of Saga University for 2002 and 2003. He also was an executive
councilor for the Remote Sensing Society of Japan for 2003 to 2005. He is an
Adjunct Professor of University of Arizona, USA since 1998. He also is Vice
Chairman of the Commission A of ICSU/COSPAR since 2008. He wrote 30
books and published 322 journal papers.
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Data Fusion Between Microwave and Thermal
Infrared Radiometer Data and Its Application to Skin
Sea Surface Temperature, Wind Speed and Salinity
Kohei Arai 1
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Saga University
Saga City, Japan
AbstractMethod for data fusion between Microwave
Scanning Radiometer: MSR and Thermal Infrared Radiometer:
TIR derived skin sea surface temperature: SSST, wind speed:
WS and salinity is proposed. SSST can be estimated with MSR
and TIR radiometer data. Although the contribution ocean depth
to MSR and TIR radiometer data are different each other, SSST
estimation can be refined through comparisons between MSR
and TIR derived SSST. Also WS and salinity can be estimated
with MSR data under the condition of the refined SSST.
Simulation study results support the idea of the proposed data
fusion method.
Keywords-data fusion; simulataneous estimation
Microwave Scanning Radiometer: MSR onboard remote
sensing satellites allow estimations of salinity, soil moisture,
ocean wind speed, precipitable water, rainfall rate, air
temperature (profile), atmospheric pressure, and Skin Sea
Surface Temperature: SSST. On the other hands, Thermal
Infrared Radiometer: TIR onboard remote sensing satellites
allow estimations of SSST [1]. There are remote sensing
satellites which carries both MSR and TIR radiometers such as
Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission: TRMM/VIRS
(Visible to Thermal Infrared radiometer) and TMI (TRMM
Microwave Imager) [2]. It is possible to improve estimation
accuracy by using both radiometer data which is known as
data fusion.
There are some atmospheric and ocean surface models in
the microwave wavelength region. Therefore, it is possible to
estimate at sensor brightness temperature (microwave
radiometer) with the geophysical parameters. The real and the
imaginary part of dielectric constant of the calm ocean surface
is modeled with the SST, salinity (conductivity). From the
dielectric constant, reflectance of the ocean surface is
estimated together with the emissivity (Debue, 1929 [3]; Cole
and Cole, 1941 [4]). There are some geometric optics ocean
surface models (Cox and Munk, 1954 [5]; Wilheit and Chang,
1980 [6]). According to the Wilheit model, the slant angle
against the averaged ocean surface is expressed by Gaussian
distribution function.
There is a relation between ocean wind speed and the
variance of the Gaussian distribution function as a function of
the observation frequency. Meanwhile the influence due to
foams, white caps on the emissivity estimation is expressed
with the wind speed and the observation frequency so that the
emissivity of the ocean surface and wind speed is estimated
with the observation frequency simultaneously. Meanwhile,
the atmospheric absorptions due to oxygen, water vapor and
liquid water were well modeled (Waters, 1976 [7]). Then
atmospheric attenuation and the radiation from the atmosphere
can be estimated using the models. Thus the at-sensor-
brightness temperature is estimated with the assumed
geophysical parameters.
Sea surface temperature estimation methods with AMSR
data are proposed and published [8] while ocean wind retrieval
methods with AMSR data are also proposed and investigated
[9]. Furthermore, water vapor and cloud liquid estimation
methods with AMSR data are proposed and studied [10]. The
conventional geophysical parameter estimation method is
based on regressive analysis with a plenty of truth data and the
corresponding microwave radiometer data [11].
Both radiometers observe same sea surface through same
atmosphere. Also atmospheric model and sea surface model
for both thermal infrared wavelength region and microwave
wavelength region are known. Therefore, both radiometer data
can be used for improvement of the estimation accuracy. One
of the well known week points is sea surface emissivity model.
As is mentioned above, surface emissivity depends on
dielectric constant of the sea water as functions of sea surface
temperature, salinity, etc., ocean wave shape distribution,
foams (white caps appears when ocean wind is greater than 7
m/s), and so on.
The proposed method of data fusion between thermal
infrared and microwave radiometers is eliminate influences
due to emissivity changes by ocean winds based on the
aforementioned models. Through simulation studies using
Community Radiative Transfer Model: CRTM [12] of
atmospheric code which covers from visible to microwave
wavelength regions, it is found that the proposed data fusion is
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The following section describes the proposed data fusion
method followed by simulation studies. Then conclusion is
described together with some discussion.
A. Process Flow of the Proposed Data Fusion Method
Process flow of the proposed data fusion method is shown
in Figure 1. Assuming both of TIR and MSR radiometers are
onboard same remote sensing satellite and observe the same
sea surface through the same atmosphere.
Fig. 1. Process flow of the proposed data fusion method
B. Basic Idea of the Proposed Data Fusion Method
SSST is estimated with both TIR and MSR data separately.
There is discrepancy between both SSST_TIR and
SSST_MSR due to the fact that influences on emissivity due
to ocean wind speed are difference between both. Emissivity
in TIR wavelength region is affected by wind speed a little
while that in microwave wavelength region is changed so
much. Moreover emissivity in MSR wavelength region may
change SSST and salinity (in relatively lower frequency below
10 GHz in particular). Therefore, such these influence might
be possible to estimate by using the discrepancy between
SSST_TIR and SSST_MSR. On the other hands, ocean wind
speed can also be estimated with MSR data together with
SSST. Therefore, wind speed can be refined using the
discrepancy iteratively. Furthermore, salinity is estimated with
estimated SSST as well as the refined wind speed.
C. Theoretical Background
Radiative transfer equation of MSR is expressed in
equation (1).
The first term of equation (1) represent the contribution
from the sea surface while the second term expressed the
contribution from the atmosphere. The third term is the
contribution from the reflected atmosphere and extraterrestrial
contribution at the sea surface. In general, the first term is
largest contribution followed by the second and the third term.
Sea surface reflectance for vertical and horizontal
polarizations is expressed in equation (2) and (3), respectively.
where denotes observation angle, or incident angle. The
sea surface reflectance is illustrated in Figure 2 as a function
of incident angle. Meanwhile, sea surface emissivity in
vertical and horizontal polarizations is represented in equation
denotes dielectric constant of sea water.
Fig. 2. Sea surface reflectance as a function of incident angle
A. Radiance
Simulation parameters are set as follows,
1) Wavelength: 11 micrometer for TIR, 5GHz for MSR
2) Atmospheric condition: US standard atmosphere 1976
3) Observation target: sea surface with 272K, 282K, 330K
4) Observation zenith angle: 30 degree
Figure 3 shows calculated radiance using CRTM
atmospheric software code while Figure 4 shows the radiance
as a function of observation zenith angle.
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Fig. 3. Calculated radiance for TIR and MSR wavelength regions as a
function of wind speed
Fig. 4. Calculated radiance for TIR and MSR wavelength region as a
function of observation zenith angle
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TIR radiance at large observation zenith angle, limb
darkening appears. Meanwhile, Figure 5 shows calculated
radiance with the parameters of wind speed ranged from 0 to
Fig. 5. Calculated radiance for TIR and MSR as parameters of wind speed
ranged from 0 to 16 m/s
There is quite small difference among the calculated
radiance for the different wind speed for TIR while that for
MSR differ from each other, in particular for the 330K of sea
surface temperature (Figure 5 (c)). The relations between
observation zenith angle and radiance depend on SSST.
Figure 6 shows the calculated radiance for nadir viewing
of observation zenith angle as a function of wind speed. The
relations between wind speed and radiance depend on SSST.
Fig. 6. Calculated radiance for nadir viewing of observation zenith angle as
a function of wind speed
Meanwhile, Figure 7 shows calculated radiance as a
function of salinity. It is obvious that there is no change of the
calculated radiance for TIR while there is a relatively large
change for MSR, in particular for vertical polarization.
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(b)Vertical polarization
(c)Horizontal polarization
Fig. 7. Calculated radiance as a function of salinity
In more detail, calculated radiance for the salinity ranged
from 2 to 4 % is shown in Figure 8.
(a)Vertical polarization for 273 and 283K of SSST
(b)Vertical polarization for 273, 283, and 330 K of SSST
(c)Horizontal polarization for 273, 283K of SSST
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(d)Horizontal polarization for 273, 283, 330K of SSST
Fig. 8. Calculated radiance as a function of salinity
From these figure, it is found that salinity estimation is
possible if the calculated radiance difference between
horizontal and vertical polarization. Also it is promising that
salinity is estimated for relatively large SSST, much greater
than 330K.
Method for data fusion between Microwave Scanning
Radiometer: MSR and Thermal Infrared Radiometer: TIR
derived skin sea surface temperature: SSST, wind speed: WS
and salinity is proposed. SSST can be estimated with MSR
and TIR radiometer data. Although the contribution ocean
depth to MSR and TIR radiometer data are different each other,
SSST estimation can be refined through comparisons between
MSR and TIR derived SSST. Also WS and salinity can be
estimated with MSR data under the condition of the refined
SSST. Simulation study results support the idea of the
proposed data fusion method. In particular, SSST and WS can
be estimated with refined SSST. Furthermore, it also is
promising that salinity estimation with MSR data.
The author would like to thank Mr.Choyo Taura for his
simulation studies.
[1] K.Arai, Fundamental Theory on Remote Sensing, Gakujutu Tosho
Publishing Co., Ltd.,
[2] K.Arai, Lecture Note on Remote Sensing, Morikita Publishing Co. Ltd.,
[3] Debue, R. Polar Molecules, Chemical Catalog, New York, 1929.
[4] Cole, K.S., Cole, R.H. Dispersion and absorption in dielectrics. J. Chem.
Phys. 9, 341351, 1941.
[5] Cox, C.S., Munk, W.H. Measurement of the roughness of the sea surface
from photographs of the sun_s glitter. J. Opt. Sci. Am. 44, 838850,
[6] Wilheit, T.T., Chang, A.T.C. An algorithm for retrieval of ocean surface
and atmospheric parameters from the observations of the Scanning
Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR). Radio Sci. 15, 525544,
[7] Waters, J.R. Absorption and emission by atmospheric gasses. in: Meeks,
M.L. (Ed.), Methods of Experimental Physics, vol. 12B.Academic,
Orland, 1976 (Chapter 2.3).
[8] Dong, SF; Sprintall, J; Gille, ST, Location of the antarctic polar front
from AMSR-E satellite sea surface temperature measurements,
[9] Konda, M., A. Shibata, N. Ebuchi, and K. Arai, An evaluation of the
effect of the relative wind direction on the measurement of the wind and
the instantaneous latent heat flux by Advanced Microwave Scanning
Radiometer, J. Oceanogr., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 395-404, 2006.
[10] Cosh, M. H., T. J. Jackson, R. Bindlish, J. Famiglietti, and D. Ryu, A
comparison of an impedance probe for estimation of surface soil water
content over large region, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 311, pp. 49-58,
[11] Wentz, F. AMSR Ocean Algorithm, second version of ATBD,
NASA/GSFC, 2000.
[12] Yong Han, Paul van Delst1, Quanhua Liu1, Fuzhong Weng, Banghua
Yan, Russ Treadon and John Derber, JCSDA Community Radiative
Transfer Model (CRTM) - Version 1, NOAA Technical Report NESDIS
Kohei Arai, He received BS, MS and PhD degrees in 1972, 1974 and
1982, respectively. He was with The Institute for Industrial Science, and
Technology of the University of Tokyo from 1974 to 1978 also was with
National Space Development Agency of Japan (current JAXA) from 1979 to
1990. During from 1985 to 1987, he was with Canada Centre for Remote
Sensing as a Post Doctoral Fellow of National Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada. He was appointed professor at Department of
Information Science, Saga University in 1990. He was appointed councilor for
the Aeronautics and Space related to the Technology Committee of the
Ministry of Science and Technology during from 1998 to 2000. He was also
appointed councilor of Saga University from 2002 and 2003 followed by an
executive councilor of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan for 2003 to 2005.
He is an adjunct professor of University of Arizona, USA since 1998. He also
was appointed vice chairman of the Commission A of ICSU/COSPAR in
2008. He wrote 30 books
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A Gaps Approach to Access the Efficiency and
Effectiveness of IT-Initiatives In Rural Areas: case
study of Samalta, a village in the central Himalayan
Region of India
Kamal Kumar Ghanshala
Chairman,Graphic Era University
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Durgesh Pant
Director, School of
ComputerScience & IT,
Uttarakhand Open University,
Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India
Jatin Pandey
J.R.F., Graphic Era University,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Abstract:-This paper focuses on the effectiveness and
efficiency of IT initiatives in rural areas where topology creates
isolation to developmental activities. A village is selected for the
study and information is gathered through interviews of village
dwellers. These collected responses are then analyzed and a gaps
model is proposed.
Keywords: KDJ -Gaps Model; Efficiency; Effectiveness; I T-
I nitiatives
It is now an all accepted fact that computers have the
potential of changing the world in a big way. The latter half of
the previous century i.e. 20
century saw an upsurge in the
adoption of computing technologies. The countries which
embarked on the computing technologies and applications
forged ahead in bringing about efficiency and effectiveness in
their developmental programmes. All around the world what
we witness today are technological interventions. The impact
has been so overpowering that the world we are living in has
become a techno-world. Information has become the most
powerful tool and therefore, Information Technology has
acquired unprecedented dimensions. We need technology to
get the information as per our needs and requirement.
Over the years, it has blended seamlessly into our psyche,
and there are hundreds of tasks that we do every day but do
not think about it likewise making a simple phone call,
answering an email, video chatting with someone from across
the globe, paying bills, automating tasks, and finding
information [1].
IT initiatives play an important role in formulating
development strategies for a state, organization or country.
The involvement of these initiatives in development is crucial.
It may be for economic development, job-creation, rural
development and poverty-alleviation etc. These initiatives
have great potential to bring in the desired social
transformation by enhancing its access to people, services,
information and other technologies. Opportunities for the
people can be enhanced by introducing IT applications by
improving their access. Similarly citizens can be empowered
by these initiatives through reaching out to them ensuring
social and financial inclusion [2]. These initiatives can elevate
living standards in remote and rural areas by providing
important commercial, social and educational benefits [3].
We wanted to study the level of IT at grass root level and
identify what constraints the monsoon of IT to enter rural
India and flourish it. We started with identification of the
village and then using interviews to assess the factors.
The selection of village was done after a careful evaluation of
many factors.
1) Proximity to the technological hub: The village
should be near the capital Dehradun which is a thriving city of
educational institutes; the hub of policy making and a very
developed city of Uttarakhand. We wanted to see the
conditions in a nearby village and then move towards other
2) The hilly state: Uttarakhand being a hilly state the
choice of our village should reflect the difficult geographical
terrain as is the case with other villages of the state.
3) Agro based: The village should be agro based
Samalta satisfied all these conditions and hence was an ideal
choice for the study.
a) The study is carried out in Samalta Village
b) It uses the qualitative method of research
To identify the impact of Information technology in rural
1) What is the level of awareness with regards to IT?
2) What is the role of IT in Rural Areas?
3) Identification of Rural Needs for bottom up solutions
through IT
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4) Identifying possible visibility measures for rural
Individual residents of the village were interviewed.
The village Samalta is a mixed populated village with a
population of about 1500. It is located about 75 K.m. away
from Dehradun in the tehsil of Kalsi. In most of the cases, one
or two male members from each family work outside the
village for gainful employment. Agriculture and livestock are
the traditional prime occupations. Contracting has been
another common occupation usually carried out by the males.
Initially we visited the Gram Pradhan to know about the
village and conduct a preliminary study.
Keeping the social, political, interpersonal and economic
aspects in mind the interview method was followed where
descriptive answers were received. With the dimensions
identified by interviews with many experts, few factors were
shortlisted to carry out the study in this remote village to
measure the influence of the IT on village folk.
A principle of full disclosure was followed in order to
make them feel comfortable and put them at ease to answer
the questions. Each person spent about 15 minutes of their
time to share their experience on their transition prior to and
after IT initiatives. A personal narrative method of qualitative
study was carried out with interview being semi structured and
open ended.
The elements of the research were to:
a) Identify the shared experience.
b) Explore the nature of the experience.
c) Examine the essence and the perspective of the
All the villagers shared their experience on the same
phenomenon expressing their emotional, cognitive and gut
feelings. The open-ended responses permit one to understand
the world as seen by the respondents. We focused on use of
open ended interviews to build up through personal narratives
to determine if and how villagers see the role of IT. They were
asked a series of questions about themselves, IT, their family
and their household. In order to capture the actual words of the
person being interviewed, their responses were recorded over
the cell phone, Video camera and a few written notes. The
recorded voice files enabled to give full attention to the
respondents, build up eye contact and rapport and also be
reflexive in terms of framing and reframing the questions in
accordance with the responses. The villagers slowly shared
their experiences, views and opinions and gradually revealed
some of their innermost anguishes and aspirations in the
course of the interviews.
Firstly, the recorded interviews which were in the local
dialect of Hindi were transcribed and then translated into
English and typed out. There were a few responses which
were not translatable and hence the words and phrases were
retained along with the translated version, to give a full
flavour to the responses. The responses were grouped into
categories best captured and to which they could fit into. The
repetitive phrases or words in the responses were identified by
the themes culled out by knowing what, which, where and
how of the data. Textural description giving an idea of what
they experienced and a structural description of how they
experienced totally depicting the essence of the phenomena
was identified.
The important outcomes of the interviews are summarized
in different headings
We found that none of them could totality define IT the
closest one dealt with information exchange. They were
though of the view that IT is and could be beneficial.
IT is all about information exchange-Resp. 2
They had very little information about IT and its uses.
They were of a notion that IT is all about transferring
information from one person to another.
We found that people especially above 25 years are not
aware about many IT tools and Govt. initiatives. This factor
sprang up through many respondents
Here people are not aware about IT Resp. 1
They admitted the lack of awareness among people about
IT and related issues. Many referred to themselves and the
other village folk when acknowledging the unawareness to IT
initiatives and tools.
We lack in awareness here-Resp. 2
They were highly unaware about IT and its various
I dont have any knowledge about computer-Resp. 4
They were of the view that there might be many tools and
initiatives but also knew that the information would not reach
People are not aware of the projects initiated by the
Govt.-Resp. 9
They had no idea about the various projects and schemes
launched by the Government. Also they were of the view that
the schemes only benefit and reach to the urban population.
Financing is a major problem to adopt IT. Even mobile is
seen as convenient but expensive.
Use of mobile can be a costly affair-Resp. 7
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They all had a common notion that usability of mobile is a
costly affair. The comparative wealth of village is perceived to
be lower than the urban setup.
Financial status of the people is not up to the mark here-
Resp. 9
Computer is still perceived to be a costly machine and its
usage in nearer to nil.
Computer is a costly affair-Resp. 8
Villagers are not in a condition to afford computers-
Resp. 9
Financial status of the people is not up to the mark in
Samalta. Therefore they were of the view that they cannot
afford computer and its maintenance.
The connectivity wired and wireless is very poor and one
of the major factor for stopping the free flow of information.
There is a problem of internet connectivity here-Resp. 2
Connectivity is very poor here-Resp. 9
They were of the view that connectivity is the major
problem here and it hampers the free flow of communication.
Straddling a population of 740 million that logs in a GDP
of over Rs. 600,000 cores, rural India presents enormous
potential in thrusting India at the forefront of the most
powerful nations of the 21st century. Connectivity is the key
to harnessing the potential of its enormous human resources
We found that people of the village though being so close
to the state capital find themselves isolated and deserted.
We represent one of the remotest parts of Uttarakhand-
Resp. 1
A certain dissonance can be seen in people when they
compare themselves to their urban counterparts, thus
Geography has also induced this inferiority complex among
We are still far behind when we compare ourselves to the
metro cities and urban part of India - Resp. 1
Because of the adverse geographical conditions, they are
still forced to live in the absence of basic amenities. The pace
of development has been slogging due to the difficult terrain
and connectivity to this area.
I think due to the geographical conditions of this region,
the speed of IT revolution is very slow here - Resp. 1
They also admitted that the geographical conditions of the
area create an obstacle in the way to IT and related
India is a land of geographical diversities, WiMAX
connectivity could play major role in improving the quality of
public services and could bring substantial improvement in
rural areas [5].
They are of the view that IT has the capability to change
their lives and thus help in personal and societal progress.
People are more enthusiastic here-Resp. 2
Even elders have an urge to learn and share the benefits of
Yes why not, I would like to learn computers-Resp. 3
They were passionate about learning computers. Elders
showed the great interest in learning new technologies. They
see IT education and benefits to be pervasive and for
I think everybody should have knowledge of computers-
Resp. 5
They were of the view that the knowledge of computer is
of utmost importance.
Yes I would like to use computers-Resp. 7
They are willing to undergo training to be at par with their
urban counterparts.
We would like to be a part of any training initiative-
Resp. 8
They really wanted to learn computers. They were of the
view that training programmes must be conducted for them.
They realise that IT has the potential to change and elevate
their living standards.
The use of tech will definitely help us; people are
passionate about learning new things -Resp. 9
IT is very beneficial - Resp. 1
They agreed upon the importance and advantages of IT.
They also acknowledged the power of IT as a change agent.
The initial fear of using a new technology was evident in
some cases.
Before, I uses to be afraid of using mobile-Resp. 4
The fear lowered after prolonged exposure to the IT
I had to struggle a lot about its (computer) handling and I
was scared at that time-Resp. 5
Further research is recommended to provide a more
holistic view of rural communities and their needs and of ways
to develop ICT in these areas. Given the impact on attitudes to
school and engagement with it as a result of the projects,
research is also called for to explore how deep-seated
antipathy to formal learning can be changed by community-
based initiatives [6].
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Mobile is seen as a portable source of communication and
Yes, Mobile saves time-Resp. 3
They agreed upon the view that mobile is a time saving
Computer saves time and we can watch movies Resp. 4
Now we can talk to our relatives and dear ones through
mobile and it saves lot of time-Resp. 7
Those who use ATM see it as an easy and quick access to
ATM saves lot of my time -Resp. 9
It helps us a lot .It saves our time it is beneficial in out
day to day activities-Resp. 5
Technology can help you save time, especially when you
use the right technology and take the time to learn how to use
People of the area are mostly farmers and even though they
are not using IT they are hopeful that it will aid in their
professional development.
We can spread awareness about our products through
computers-Resp. 4
The knowledge of computer can prove to be an aid in their
It can be of great use in agricultural field also, in this
hilly region most of us are dependent on agriculture as our
livelihood - Resp. 1
They believe that if they are connected to their customers
they can eliminate middlemen who suck up a lot of chunk of
the profit.
Connectivity will add to our business prospects -Resp. 9
They were of the view that proper connectivity will
enhance their business prospects.
And it will also add to their economic status. They look
forward to training from the Govt. to improve and re-engineer
their work practices.
Govt. should provide proper training to upgrade our
business-Resp. 3
They were of the view that Government should take
initiative to conduct training programmes for their
professional elevation and socio-economic development. The
main profession being agriculture in village IT for fields could
be the need of the grass roots.
IT will create awareness about various innovative
techniques in agricultural development - Resp. 1
The application of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in agriculture is increasingly important-
Agriculture is an emerging field focusing on the enhancement
of agricultural and rural development through improved
information and communication processes. More specifically,
e-Agriculture involves the conceptualization, design,
development, evaluation and application of innovative ways to
use information and communication technologies (IT) in the
rural domain, with a primary focus on agriculture. E-
Agriculture is a relatively new term and we fully expect its
scope to change and evolve as our understanding of the area
The Veterinary Department of Malaysia's Ministry of
Agriculture introduced a livestock-tracking program in 2009
to track the estimated 80,000 cattles all across the country.
Each cattle is tagged with the use of RFID technology for
easier identification, providing access to relevant data such as:
bearer's location, name of breeder, origin of livestock, sex, and
dates of movement. This program is the first of its kind in
Asia, and is expected to increase the competitiveness of
Malaysian livestock industry in international markets by
satisfying the regulatory requirements of importing countries
like United States, Europe and Middle East. Tracking by RFID
will also help producers meet the dietary standards by the halal
market. The program will also provide improvements in
controlling disease outbreaks in livestock [7].
They believe that if IT enables them to get visibility they
would love to stay in the village instead of moving out to the
If we get better opportunities here then I dont think
people will migrate to cities - Resp. 1
The main reason of migration is lack of awareness and
proper opportunities. They were of the view that people
migrate in the absence of job prospects and better
By 2030, Indias urban population is set to reach 590
million, an addition of approximately 300 million to Indias
current urban population. Much of this growth will be due to
rural-urban migration. The success of the Indian urbanization
agenda will be hugely dependent on the poor migrants
integration as urban citizens [8].
The villagers are aware and disgruntled with the fact that
lack of resources has kept them away from taking benefits of
many IT tools and initiatives
We lack in practical implementation of IT, we dont have
sufficient resources here - Resp. 1
Electricity, Mobile coverage, roads etc. are major
resources which are needed for IT to flourish but these are in
deficiency here.
No I have never made my reservation done here, there is a
problem of electricity here - Resp. 1
We had to struggle for even basic necessities like
electricity and transport-Resp. 4
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They were of the notion that we had to even struggle for
basic facilities like electricity, proper transportation facilities
Despite several policy initiatives by the Government of
India (GoI) and progress in extending the National grid, 56 %
of rural households still do not have access to electricity. And
even When they do, many have opted not to connect because
of poor reliability and inadequate supply [9].
Here we dont have good facilities-Resp. 9
Resource, knowledge, status and technology are important
factors for the development of Rural India. Rural folk have
largely been ignorant to this fact as they were either confined
to their immediate livelihood incomes they have been gaining
through manual labour [10].
Creating awareness and then usability could be seen as key
challenges for Govt.; Good policy-making is only half of the
solution. In the absence of proper execution or enforcement, it
becomes mere eyewash, failing to help the most excluded.
Govt. should help, motivate and make people aware here
- Resp. 1
Capacity building can be done through providing training
to few who could impart it to others.
There should a specialist to teach computers in schools
- Resp. 1
An important aspect of maintainability of a measure taken
by Govt. is highlighted.
I think proper implementation of policies is very
important, after framing policy it must be maintained
properly - Resp. 1
They were of the view that there should be proper
implementation of the policies designed by the Government.
Uniformity in implementation of policies will plug in the
Policies framed by the govt. must be implemented
uniformly and properly. Facilities must reach villages-Resp.
Subsidised training and IT equipment can be very
Govt. should do something for BPL families-Resp. 3
We should be equipped with computer-Resp. 4
Govt. must educate us about new trends in technological
developments-Resp. 5
Govt. should frame good policies for the development of
villages-Resp. 6
YesGovt. should train us-Resp. 7
The need of the training is quite visible. They had ample of
enthusiasm about learning new things. Also they were of the
view that good training programmes must be conducted for
We want proper connectivity here -Resp. 9
The need for training sprang up in many interviews; the
bottom up demand from the grass roots can be cited as training
and education.
YesI see lots of benefits of training programmes and I
think govt. must train villagers about new technologies and its
use.-Resp. 2
We should be trained in IT and its use-Resp. 3
Training is linked to the level of awareness and thus
prospect of use.
Yeswhy not, Govt. must focus on training people here
as it leads to awareness - Resp. 1
Govt. must educate and train us towards this-Resp. 5
Yes the Govt. must train us, it would be beneficial for
us-Resp. 6
They see training as an important enabler for IT to touch
their lives.
We cant brush aside the importance of training-Resp. 7
Govt. should take initiative to start training program for
us -Resp. 9
We identified many gaps between Govt and Public which
are summarised below in the form of Gaps. A gap is evident
only there is a mismatch between sending and receiving end.
If there is a perfect match there will be no gap.
-Gaps model
We find that there is a huge gap between the expected
policy by Govt. and how it is perceived by Public. Govt.
expects a policy like Aadhar for social inclusion of the
deprived but we found many of them see it as just substitute to
Ration card.
KDJ refers to the authors initials
Expected Policy by Govt.
Perceived Policy by Public
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Public expects policies to be tailored to their needs but
Govt. due to lack of research perceives the need differently
and designs mismatching policies which dont benefit public
at large.eg. Computers were provided at the village Samalta
but no training on computers was provided either to villagers
or teachers.
The conceptualization of a policy may be best but the
execution makes it worst. The execution kills the essence of a
The poor maintenance of the policy eventually leads to
non-execution of the policy. We found in our study that the
computers for the village school were dumped because they
were not being maintained.
The distortion in communication or sometimes no
communication has been major cause of low awareness
towards IT initiatives.
We can conclude that the Govt.s pull of policies towards
public is not equal to the demand or pull by public and hence
the cause of discrepancies.
Govt Push !=Public Pull
We thank all the villagers of Samalta Village for their
support during the course of the study.
[1] Smith R,. Digit, July 2012, Page 1
[2] Cecchini, Simone and Christopher S. (2003). Can information and
communications technology applications contribute to poverty
reduction? Lessons from rural India, Information Technology for
Development, 10(2) (2003): 73 84.
[3] Share, P. (1993). Telecommunication and rural remote development,
Rural Society 3: 16.
[4] Jhunjhunwala, A. (2002). Challenges in rural connectivity for India.
journal.asci.org.in/Vol.31 (2002)/08. Jhunjhunwala.pdf
[5] Chaudhari, K., Dalal, U., & Rakesh, J. (2011). E-governance in rural
India: Need of broadband connectivity using wireless technology.
Wireless Engineering and Technology, Retrieved from
[6] Martin, L., Halstead, A., & Taylor, J. (2001).Learning in rural
communities: fear of information communications technology leading to
lifelong learning? Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 6(3),
Retrieved from
[7] Malaysia-begins-rfid-enabled-livestock-tracking-program. (2009, April
06). RFID news. Retrieved from
[8] India in transition: Urban migration and exclusion. (2012, July 31).
Business Line. Retrieved from
[9] Empowering rural India: Expanding electricity access by mobilizing
local resources. (2010). Retrieved from
[10] Rural resources: Decentralized development. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Prof. K.K. Ghanshala is the chairman of Graphic Era
University, Dehardun, the capital of Uttarakhand, India. He
founded Graphic Era in the year 1993 as one of his bold
ventures towards providing quality educational inclusion to
the society at large and people living in difficult geographies
in particular.
Dr. Durgesh Pant is Professor of Computer Science,
Department of computer science at Kumaun University,
Nainital, Uttarakhand which he founded way back in 1989.
Presently, he is working as Professor and Director of the
School of Computer Science & IT at Uttarakhand Open
University, Campus Dehradun, India. To Prof. Pants credit
goes the distinction of taking computing & informatics to its
present level in this part of the world.
Jatin Pandey is working as J.R.F. in Graphic Era
University, Dehradun. His research areas are multidisciplinary
research in Management, Computer Science and Total Quality
Public Policy Expectation
Govt.s perception of Public Expectation
Govt. Policy Conceptualization
Govt. Policy Execution
Policy Execution
Policy Maintenance
Govt. policy
Communication of Policy Public
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013
251 | P a g e
An Efficient Algorithm for Resource Allocation in
Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
S. F. El-Zoghdy
Computer Science Dep.,
College of Computers &
Information Technology,
Taif University, Taif, KSA
M. Nofal
Computer Engineering Dep.,
College of Computers &
Information Technology,
Taif University, Taif, KSA
M. A. Shohla
Computer Engineering Dep.,
College of Computers &
Information Technology,
Taif University, Taif, KSA
A. El-sawy
Computer Science Dep.,
College of Computers &
Information Technology,
Taif University, Taif, KSA
Abstract Resource allocation in heterogeneous parallel and
distributed computing systems is the process of allocating user
tasks to processing elements for execution such that some
performance objective is optimized. In this paper, a new resource
allocation algorithm for the computing grid environment is
proposed. It takes into account the heterogeneity of the
computational resources. It resolves the single point of failure
problem which many of the current algorithms suffer from. In
this algorithm, any site manager receives two kinds of tasks
namely, remote tasks arriving from its associated local grid
manager, and local tasks submitted directly to the site manager
by local users in its domain. It allocates the grid workload based
on the resources occupation ratio and the communication cost.
The grid overall mean task response time is considered as the
main performance metric that need to be minimized. The
simulation results show that the proposed resource allocation
algorithm improves the grid overall mean task response time.
Keywords-grid computing; resource management; load
balancing; performance evaluation; queuing theory; simulation
models (key words)
As a result of advances in wide-area network technologies
and the low-cost of computing resources, currently, a wide
variety of parallel and distributed computing systems are
available to the user community. These varieties range from
the traditional multiprocessor vector systems to clusters or
networks of workstations and even the geographically
dispersed meta-systems connected by high-speed Internet
connections (Computing Grid). Computing Grid is hardware and
software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent,
pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational
capabilities. It enables coordinated resource sharing within
dynamic organizations consisting of individuals, institutions,
and resources, for solving computationally intensive
applications. Such applications include, but not limited to
meteorological simulations, data intensive applications,
research of DNA sequences, and nanomaterials. It supports the
sharing and coordinated use of resources, independently of
their physical type and location, in dynamic virtual
organizations that share the same goal. Thus computing grid
is designed so that users won't have to worry about where
computations are being performed [1-4].
Basically, grid resources are geographically distributed
computers or clusters (sites), which are logically aggregated to
serve as a unified computing resource. The primary motivation
of grid computing system is to provide users and applications
with pervasive and seamless access to vast high performance
computing resources by creating an illusion of a single system
image [1, 3, 5-7]. Grid Computing is becoming a generic
platform for high performance and distributed computing due
to the variety of services it offers such as computation
services, application services, data services, information
services, and knowledge services. These services are provided
by the servers or processing elements in the grid computing
system. The servers and the processing elements are typically
heterogeneous in the sense that they have different processor
speeds, memory capacities, and I/O bandwidths [5,8].
The recent development of grid computing technologies
has provided us a means of using and sharing heterogeneous
resources over local/wide area networks, and geographically
dispersed locations. However, the Grid dynamic framework
nature where resources are subjected to changes due to system
performance degradation, node failure, allocation of new
nodes in the infrastructure, etc. Hence, a grid resource
management system (RMS) should be capable of adapting to
these changes and take appropriate decisions to improve
performance of users computing applications. A resource
consumer is defined as an agent that controls the consumer. A
RMS is defined as a service that is provided by a distributed
computing system that manages a pool of named resources
that is available for computing such that a system- or job-
centric performance metric is optimized.
At the same time, the decisions for resource sharing should
be made while maintaining the autonomy of their
environments and geographical locations. Thus, the RMS
should provide a highly scalable and configurable approach
for sharing and securely accessing the resources [9].
To increase the system throughput, it is desired to allocate
the tasks of a distributed (parallel) application program to the
PEs to some objectives, ranging from the minimization of task
execution time and communication cost [1013], to the
maximization of system reliability and safety [14-16].
Moreover, the system components (PEs and communication
links) may be capacitated with limited amount of resources
which constrains the demand of the allocated modules.
Resource allocation in heterogeneous parallel and
distributed computing systems is the process of assigning
(scheduling) tasks to processing elements (computers or
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processors) for execution such that some performance
objective is optimized. For example, a common objective in
resource allocation is to minimize the total response time
required to complete a set of tasks [11, 12, 16, 17].
Basically, a Grid scheduler (GS) receives applications
from Grid users, selects feasible resources for these
applications according to acquired information from the Grid
Information Service Module (GISM), and finally generates
application-to-resource mappings, based on certain objective
functions and predicted resource performance [18]. Unlike
what happens in traditional parallel and distributed systems,
GS usually cannot control Grid resources directly, but work
like brokers. They are not necessarily located in the same
domain with the resources which are visible to them.
In this paper, we propose a new resource allocation
algorithm that would allow users to carry out their tasks by
transparently accessing autonomous, distributed, and
heterogeneous resources and improves the Grid computing
performance in terms of mean task response time. The
proposed algorithm takes into account the heterogeneity of the
grid computational resources. It distributes the workload based
on the resources occupation ratio and the communication cost.
As in [19], we focus on the steady-state mode, where the
number of tasks submitted to the grid is sufficiently large and
the arrival rate of tasks does not exceed the grid overall
processing capacity. The class of problems addressed by the
proposed policy is the computation-intensive and totally
independent tasks with no communication between them. A
simulation model is built to evaluate the performance of the
proposed policy. Through simulation, the performance of the
proposed resource allocation algorithm is evaluated and
compared with that of similar algorithms.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
presents related work. Section III describes the Grid
computing model and assumptions. Section IV introduces the
proposed resource allocation algorithm. Section V presents the
simulation environment and results. Finally, Section VI
summarizes this paper.
Related works and motivations
Resource allocation problem has been studied intensively
in the traditional distributed systems literature for more than
two decades. Various policies and algorithms have been
proposed, analyzed, and implemented in a number of studies
[20-22]. It is more difficult to achieve resource allocation in
Grid computing systems than in traditional distributed
computing ones because of the heterogeneity and the complex
dynamic nature of the Grid systems [18--23].
Many papers have been published recently to address the
problem of resource allocation in Grid computing
environments. Some of the proposed algorithms for the Grid
computing environments are modifications or extensions to
the traditional distributed systems resource allocation
algorithms. In [24], a decentralized model for heterogeneous
grid has been proposed as a collection of clusters. In [17], the
authors presented a tree-based model to represent any Grid
architecture into a tree structure. The model takes into account
the heterogeneity of resources and it is completely
independent from any physical Grid architecture. However,
they did not provide any task allocation procedure. Their
resource management policy is based on a periodic collection
of resource information by a central entity, which might be
communication consuming and also a bottleneck for the
system. In [18], the authors proposed a ring topology for the
Grid managers which are responsible for managing a dynamic
pool of processing elements (computers or processors).The
resource allocation algorithm was based on the real computers
workload. In [25], the authors proposed a hierarchical
structure for grid managers rather than ring topology to
improve scalability of the grid computing system. They also
proposed a task allocation policy which automatically
regulates the job flow rate directed to a given grid manager. In
[26], Aram proposes a resource allocation policy using
reinforcement learning by creating multiple agents. In [27], the
author presents dynamic resource allocation mechanisms by
using service level agreement, best fit algorithm and process
migration. In [28], Tibor introduces a resource allocation
protocol for providing quality of service by using probability
tree modeled as an AND/OR tree and the execution of a
process is carried out through a search of a solution tree. In
[29], Manpreet presents a resource oriented ant algorithm
using ant colony as its key allocation strategy. In [30],
Rouhollah and Hadi proposed an Analytic hierarchy process
(ARA) by using Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM),
static and dynamic methods. In [31], Adil et al. proposed a
bidding-based grid resource selection by applying a single
reservation mechanism. In [32], Dawei, introduces an
optimizing grid resource allocation by combining fuzzy
clustering with application preference. He applied a novel
heuristic, min-min algorithm and ACO (Ant Colony)
In this paper, we developed a distributed task resource
allocation algorithm that can cater for the following unique
characteristics of practical Grid Computing environment:
Large-scale: As a grid can encompass a large number
of high performance computing resources that are
located across different domains and continents, it is
difficult for centralized model to address
communication overhead and administration of remote
Heterogeneous grid resources: The Grid resources are
heterogeneous in nature, they may have different
hardware architectures, operating systems, computing
power, resource capacity, and network bandwidth
between them.
Effects from considerable transfer delay: The
communication overhead involved in capturing load
information of local grid managers before making a
dispatching decision can be a major issue negating the
advantages of task migration. We should not ignore the
considerable dynamic transfer delay in disseminating
load updates on the Internet.
Tasks are non-preemptable: Their execution on a grid
resource can't be suspended until completion.
Tasks are independent: There is no communication
between tasks.
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Tasks are computation intensive (CPU-bounded):
Tasks spend more time doing computations.
We consider a computing grid model which is based on a
hierarchical geographical decomposition structure. It consists
of a set of clusters or sites present in different administrative
domains. For every local domain, there is a Local Grid
Manager (LGM) which controls and manages a local set of
sites (clusters). Every site owns a set of processing elements
(PEs) and a Site Manager (SM) which controls and manages
the PEs in that site. Resources within the site are
interconnected together by a Local Area Network (LAN). The
LGMs communicate with the sites in their local domains via
the corresponding SMs using a High-Speed network. LGMs
all over the world are connected to the global network or
WAN by switches.
Grid users can submit their tasks for remote processing
(remote tasks) through the available websites browsers using
the Grid Computing Service (GCS) to the LGMs. This makes
the job submission process easy and accessible to any number
of clients. The Global Scheduler (GS) at the LGMs distributes
the arriving tasks to the SMs according to a task allocation
policy which is based on the available information about the
SMs. Also, any local site or cluster user can submit his
computing tasks (local tasks) directly to the SM in his domain.
Hence, any SM will have two kinds of arriving tasks namely,
remote tasks arriving from its associated LGM and local tasks
submitted directly to the SM by the local users. We assume
that local tasks must be executed at the site in which they have
been submitted (i.e., they are not transferred to any other site).
The Local Scheduler at the SM in turn distributes the arriving
tasks on the PEs in its pool according to a task allocation
policy which is based on the PE's load information. When the
execution of the tasks is finished, the GCS notify the users by
the results of their tasks.
A top-down three level view of the considered computing
grid model is shown in Fig. 1. It can be explained as follows:
Level 0: Local Grid Manager (LGM)
Every node in this level, called Local Grid Manager
(LGM), is associated with a set of SMs. It realizes the
following functions:
1) It manages a pool of Site Managers (SMs) in its
geographical area (domain).
2) It collects information about its corresponding SMs.
3) New SMs can join the GCS by sending a join request
to register themselves at the nearest parent LGM.
4) LGMs are also involved in the task allocation and
load balancing process not only in their local domains but
also in the whole grid.
5) It is responsible for balancing the accepted workload
between its SMs by using the GS.
6) It sends the task allocation decisions to the nodes in
the level 1 (SMs).
Level 1: Site Manager (SM)
Every node in this level, called Site Manager (SM), is
associated with a grid site (cluster). It is responsible for:
1) Managing a pool of processing elements (computers
or processors) which is dynamically configured (i.e.,
processing elements may join or leave the pool at any time).
2) Registering a new joining computing element to the
3) Collecting information such as CPU speed, Memory
size, available software and other hardware specifications
about active processing elements in its pool and forwarding it
to its associated LGM.
4) Allocating the incoming tasks to any processing
element in its pool according to a specified task allocation
Level 2: Processing Elements (PE)
At this level, we find the worker nodes (processing
elements) of the grid linked to their SMs. Any private or
public PC or workstation can join the grid system by
registering within the nearest parent SM and offer its
computing resources to be used by the grid users. When a
computing element joins the grid, it starts the GCS system
which will report to the SM some information about its
resources such as CPU speed, memory size, available software
and other hardware specifications.
Every PE is responsible for:
1) Maintaining its workload information.
2) Sending instantaneously its workload information to
its SM upon any change.
3) Executing its load share decided by the associated
SM based on a specified task allocation policy
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Fig. 1. Computing Grid Model Architecture
As it could be seen from this decomposition, adding or
removing SMs or PEs becomes very easy, flexible and serves
both the openness and the scalability of proposed grid
computing model. Also, the proposed model is a completely
distributed model. It overcomes the bottleneck of the
hierarchal models presented in [1, 33] by removing the Grid
Manager or Global node which centralizes the global load
information of the entire grid. The Grid manager node can be a
bottleneck and therefore a point of failure in their models. The
proposed model aims to reduce the overall mean response time
of tasks and to minimize the communication costs.
Any LGM acts as a web server for the grid model. Clients
(users) submit their computing tasks to the associated LGM
using the web browser. Upon a remote task arrival, according
to the available load information, the LGM accepts the
incoming task for proceeding at any of its sites or immediately
forwards it to the fastest available LGM. The accepted rate of
tasks will be passed to the appropriate SM based on the
proposed task allocation algorithm. The SM in turn distributes
these computing tasks according to the available PEs load
information to the fastest available processing element for
A. System parameters
For each resource participating in the grid the following
parameters are defined which will be used later in the task
allocation process.
1) Task parameters: Every Task is represented by a task
Id, number of task instructions NTI, and a task size in bytes
2) PEs parameters: CPU speed, available memory,
workload index which can be calculated using the total
number of jobs queued on a given PE and its speed.
3) Processing Element Capacity (PEC): Number of
tasks per second a PE can process. It can be calculated using
the CPU speed and an average number of instructions per
4) Total Site Manager Processing Capacity (TSMPC):
Number of tasks per second the site can process. It can be
calculated as the sum of the PECs of all the processing
elements of that site.
5) Total Local Grid Manager Processing Capacity
(LGMPC): Number of tasks that can be executed under the
responsibility of the LGM per second. The LGMPC can be
calculated by summing all the TSMPCs for all the sites
managed by the LGM.
6) Total Grid Processing Capacity (TGPC): Number of
tasks executed by the whole grid per second. The TGPC can
be calculated by summing all the LGMPCs for all the LGMs in
the grid.
7) Network Parameter: Bandwidth size
8) Performance Parameters: The overall mean task
response time is used as the performance parameter.
A two-level task resource allocation algorithm for the
multi-cluster grid computing environment, where clusters are
located in different local area networks, is proposed. This
algorithm takes into account the heterogeneity of the
computational resources. It distributes the system workload
based on the fastest available processing elements load
balancing policy. We assume that the tasks submitted to the
grid system are totally independent tasks with no inter-process
communication between them, and that they are computation
intensive tasks. The FCFS scheduling policy is applied for
tasks waiting in queues, both at Global scheduler and Local
scheduler. FCFS ensures certain kind of fairness, does not
require advance information about the task execution time, do
not require much computational effort, and is easy to
implement. Since the SMs and their PEs resources in a site are
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connected using a LAN (very fast), only the communication
cost between the LGMs and the SMs is considered.
The proposed task allocation algorithm is explained at each
level of the grid architecture as follows:
A. Local Grid Manager Level
A LGM is responsible of managing a group of SMs as well
as exchanging its load information with the other LGMs. It has
Global Information System (GIS) which consists of two
information modules: Local Grid Managers Information
Module (LGMIM) and the Sites Managers Information
Module (SMIM). The LGMIM contains all the needed
information about the other LGMs such as load information
and communication bandwidth size. The LGMIM is updated
periodically by the LGMs. Similarly, the SMIM has all the
information about the local SMs managed by that LGM such
as load information, memory size, communication bandwidth,
and available software and hardware specifications. Also, the
SMIM is periodically updated by the SMs managed by that
LGM. Since the LGMs communicate using the global network
or the WAN (slow internet links) while the LGM
communicates with its SMs using a High Speed network (fast
communication links), the periodical interval for updating
is set to be greater than the periodical interval for
updating the SMIM (t
i.e., t
> t
) to minimize the
communication overhead. The GS uses the information
available in these two modules in taking the task allocation
When an external (remote) task arrives at i
LGM, its GS
does the following steps:
Step 1: Workload Estimation
1) To minimize the communication overhead, based on
the information available at its SMIM which is more
frequently updated than the LGMIM (since T
), the GS
accepts the task for local processing at the current LGM
that LGM is in the steady state (i.e.,
<1) and goto step 2
begin {else}
a) Check the task size S in MB.
b) Based on the information available at the LGMIM,
for every LGM
, Ki compute the following:
) , (
k i
LGM LGM LinkSpeed
R C ,
, where N is the total number of processed
A. Simulation Tool and Environment
Even though there are many available tools for simulating
scheduling algorithms in Grid computing environments such
as Bricks, OptorSim, SimGrid, GangSim, Arena, Alea, and
GridSim, see [34] for more details, the simulation was carried
out using the GridSim v4.0 simulator [35]. It provides
facilities for modeling and simulating entities in grid
computing environments such as heterogeneous resources,
system users, applications, and resource load balancers which
are used in designing and evaluating load balancing
algorithms. In order to evaluate the performance of the
proposed task allocation algorithm, a heterogeneous grid
environment was built using different resource specifications.
The resources differ in their operating systems, RAM, and
CPU speed. In GridSim, tasks are modeled as Gridlet objects
which contain all the information related to the task and the
execution management details. All the needed information
about the available grid resources can be obtained from the
Grid Information Service (GIS) entity that keeps track of all
resources available in the grid environment.
B. Simulation Tool and Environment
Even though there are many available tools for simulating
scheduling algorithms in Grid computing environments such
as Bricks, OptorSim, SimGrid, GangSim, Arena, Alea, and
GridSim, see [34] for more details, the simulation was carried
out using the GridSim v4.0 simulator [35]. It provides
facilities for modeling and simulating entities in grid
computing environments such as heterogeneous resources,
system users, applications, and resource load balancers which
are used in designing and evaluating the task allocation
algorithms. In order to evaluate the performance of the
proposed algorithm, a heterogeneous grid environment was
built using different resource specifications. The resources
differ in their operating systems, RAM, and CPU speed. In
GridSim, tasks are modeled as Gridlet objects which contain
all the information related to the task and the execution
management details. All the needed information about the
available grid resources can be obtained from the Grid
Information Service (GIS) entity that keeps track of all
resources available in the grid environment.
All simulations experiments have been performed on a PC
(Dual Core Processor, 3.2 GHz, 2GB RAM) running on
Windows xp OS. The bandwidth speed between LGMs (low
capacity link) was set to 10Mbps, and the bandwidth speed
between LGMs and SMs (high capacity link) varies from
50Mbps to 100Mbps. All time units are in seconds.
C. Performance evaluation and Analysis
Both of the external (remote) tasks and local tasks arrive
sequentially to the LGMs and the SMs respectively with inter-
arrival times which are independent, identically, and
exponentially distributed. Simultaneous arrivals are excluded.
The service times of LGMs are independent and exponentially
distributed. Task parameters (size and service demand) are
generated randomly. Each result presented is the average
value obtained from 5 simulation runs with different random
numbers seeds.
Experiments 1:
On a heterogeneous grid model consisting of 3 LGMs
having 4, 2, 1, 5 SMs respectively. The total grid processing
capacity is set to 1000 task/second (t/s). For this model to be
stable, total task arrival rate (remote arrivals plus local
arrivals) must be less than 1000 t/s.
During experiments explanation, task allocation and load
balancing are used interchangeably. In this experiment, we
focused on the results related to objective parameter (i.e.,
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overall mean task response time) according to various
numbers of tasks. During the experiment, 20 % from the total
tasks arrived to the SMs are local tasks. In Fig. 3, we compare
between the grid overall mean task response time obtained
under the proposed load balancing (task allocation) policies
(PLBPs) and that obtained without using any load balancing
policies at all (No. LB). From that figure, we can see that as
the number of tasks increases the overall mean task response
time increases. The increase of grid overall mean task
response time is less in PLBPs as compared to the increase in
the grid overall mean task response time without using any
load balancing policies.
Fig. 3. Grid Overall Mean Task Response Time Of Plbps Vs. No. LB
To evaluate how much improvement is obtained in the grid
overall mean task response time as a result of applying the
PLBPs, we computed the improvement ratio
T / ) T (T ,
T is the grid overall mean task response time without
using any balancing polices, and
T is the grid overall mean
task response time under PLBPs, see Fig. 4. From that figure,
one can see that the improvement ratio gradually decreases as
the grid workload increases, and it decreases rapidly as the
grid workload approaches the saturation point (i.e., traffic
intensity (/)1). The maximum improvement ratio is about
73% and is obtained when the grid workload is low. This
result was anticipated since the PLBPs distribute the grid
workload based on the resources occupation ratio and the
communication cost which leads to maximizing grid resources
utilization and as a result the grid overall mean task response
time is minimized. In contrast, the distribution of the grid
workload on the resources without using any loads balancing
policies (No. LB.) leads to unbalanced workload distribution
on the resources, which leads to poor resources utilization and
hence, the grid performance is affected.
Experiments 2:
In this experiment, the performance of the PLBPs is
compared with that of Random_GS and Random_LS policies
described in [33], and Min_load and Min_cost policies
described in [36]. Our model is limited to approach their
models by reducing the number of LGMs to 1 and setting the
Local Tasks Arrival Rate (LTAR) to 0 (i.e., no local arrivals is
allowed). In this case the LGM represent the Grid Manager
(GM) or Global Scheduler (GS) in their models. During the
experiment, we set the number of SMs to 4 with total
processing capacity of 550 t/s.
Fig. 4. Grid overall mean task response time improvement ratio
For this model to be stable, external arrival rate must be
less than 550 t/s. Each simulation ends after 550,000 tasks are
completed. Fig. 5 shows the overall mean task response time
obtained under the Random_GS and Random_LS, Min_Load and
Min_Cost, and the proposed load balancing policies. From that
figure, we can see that the grid overall mean task response
time obtained by all policies increases as the total arrival rate
increases. Also from that figure, we can see that the PLBPs
outperforms the Random_GS and Random_LS, and Min_Load and
Min_Cost policies in terms of grid overall mean task response
Fig. 5. Grid overall mean task response time of Random_GS and
Random_LS, Min_Load and Min_Cost, and the proposed load balancing
To evaluate how much improvement is obtained in the grid
overall mean task response time as a result of applying the
PLBPs over the other policies, we computed the improvement
T / ) T (T , and
T / ) T (T where
T ,
T , and
T are the grid overall mean task response time obtained
using the Random_GS and Random_LS, Min_Load and
Min_Cost, and the PLBPs, see Fig. 6. From that figure, one
can see that the PLBPs outperforms the Random_GS and
Random_LS, and Min_Load and Min_Cost policies in terms
of grid overall mean task response time and the maximum
improvement is bout 50% and 30% respectively. The
improvement ratio gradually increases as the grid workload
increases until the workload becomes moderate where the
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Total Task Arrival Rate
No. LB. Proposed
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Total Task Arrival Rate
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Total Task Arrival Rate
Random Min Proposed
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maximum improvement ratio is obtained and after that the
improvement ratio decreases gradually as the grid workload
increases approaching the saturation point (i.e., traffic
intensity (/)1).
This result was anticipated since the PLBPs distribute the
grid workload based on the resources occupation ratio which
leads to maximizing the resources utilization and as a result,
the grid overall mean response time is minimized. In contrast,
the Random_GS and Random_LS load distribution policies
distribute the workload on the resources randomly without
putting any performance metric in mind which may lead to
unbalanced workload distribution.
This situation leads to poor resources utilization and hence,
the grid performance is degraded. Also, Min_Load and
Min_Cost load balancing policies suffer from higher
communication cost compared to the PLBPs. Notice that in the
PLBPs, once a task is accepted by a LGM, it will be processed
by any of its sites and it will not be further transferred to any
other LGM. In contrast to the Min_Load and Min_Cost load
balancing policies where a task may circulate between the grid
resources leading to higher communication overhead. To be
fair, we must say that according to the obtained simulation
results, the performance of the Min_Load and Min_Cost load
balancing policies is much better than that of the Random_GS
and Random_LS distribution policies.
Fig. 6. Improvement ratio obtained by the proposed load balancing policies
over Random_GS and Random_LS, and Min_Load and Min_Cost policies.
Experiments 3:
This experiment is done to study the effect of the local
arrival rate on the performance of the PLBPS. During the
experiment, the same grid parameters setting of the second
experiment is used, and we set the ratio of the LTAR=0% ,
LTAR=10% and 25% form the TTAR to the grid. As it can be
seen form Fig. 7, the overall mean task response time
decreases as the LTAR ratio from the TTAR increases. This
result is obvious since the LTAR arrives directly to the SMs
and don't suffer from any transmission delay at all.
Fig. 7. Grid overall mean task response obtained for different ratios of
In this paper, we proposed a decentralized two-level task
allocation algorithm for allocating the workload in a multi-
cluster grid environment where clusters are located at
administrative domains. The proposed algorithm takes into
account the heterogeneity of the grid computational resources,
and it resolves the single point of failure problem which many
of the current policies suffer from. The task allocation
decisions in this policy are taken at the local grid manager and
at the site manager levels. The proposed policy allows to any
site manager to receive two kinds of tasks namely, remote
tasks arriving from its associated local grid manager, and
local tasks submitted directly to the site manager by the local
users in its domain, which makes this policy closer to reality
and distinguishes it from any other similar policy. It allocates
the workload based on the resources occupation ratio and the
communication cost which leads to minimize the grid overall
mean task response time. To evaluate the performance of the
proposed task allocation policy a simulation model is built. In
this model, the grid overall mean task response time is
considered as the main performance metric that need to be
minimized. The simulation results show that the proposed
algorithm improves the grid performance in terms of overall
mean task response time.
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Reliable Global Navigation System using Flower
Daniele Mortari
, Jeremy J. Davis
, Ashraf Owis
VectorNav Technologies,
LLC, Richardson, TX 75081,
E-mail jeremy.davis@tamu.edu
= N
mod (2).
The rst item guarantees that the trajectory in the rotating
frame is closed (loop completed by the repetition period,
= N
= N
a b
c d
mod (2)
The four integer parameters in these equations (a, b, c, d)
give a new meaningful matrix associated with the FC. The
number of orbits N
= 2
However, designing an 3D Lattice Flower Constellation
(3D-LFC) requires more than selecting the six integer param-
eters in Eq. (1). The semi-major axis (a), eccentricity (e), and
inclination (i) that are in common to all satellites must be
selected. Additionally, the RAAN (
), argument of perigee
), and mean anomaly (M
) of the rst reference satellite
can also be selected arbitrarily without affecting the relative
phasing within the constellation.
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Thus, an 3D-LFC requires six integer parameters and six
continuous parameters. Essentially, the six continuous param-
eters dene the orbit elements of the rst satellite, and the
six integer parameters phase all other satellites relative to that
one. Each of the continuous parameters is subject to particular
considerations as described in the following sections.
A. Semi-major axis and eccentricity
The orbit semi-major axis and eccentricity are common
among all satellites in the constellation, and are typically
bounded by some minimum and maximum altitudes. Typically
these bounds are a result of sensor or antennae limitations.
Requiring hardware that can operate at varying altitudes is a
signicant limitation on the use of elliptic orbits.
The semi-major axis can also be chosen to provide repeating
ground-tracks as in the Walker or in the 2D-LFC theories.
Satellites with the same argument of perigee can also be placed
on the same repeating ground-track through judicious selection
of the parameters (N
, N
B. Inclination
The inclination of the orbits has signicant impact on
the coverage provided by a 3D-LFC. Even in circular orbit
constellations, certain inclinations result in satellites colliding,
whereas others permit near perfect phasing as a satellite from
one plane passes directly between two satellites from another
Considering two satellites in circular orbits with the same
altitude, the closest approach between the two satellites,
can be analytically computed from the equations [26]
F = M 2 arctan [tan(/2) cos i]
cos = cos
i + sin
i cos
= 2
1 + cos
where M and are the difference in orbit elements of
the two satellites and i is the inclination angle common to
both. Note that
must be scaled by the orbit radius to
nd the physical approach distance. The minimum distance
encountered within a constellation of circular orbits can be
computed by calculating this approach distance for all pairs
of satellites. Perfect juggling requires that no two satellites
are ever closer than half the distance between two consecutive
satellites in the same orbit. We can scale the minimum ap-
proach distance such that zero corresponds to collision and one
corresponds to perfect juggling. Using this scaling, the results
for the 27/3/1 Walker constellation are plotted in Fig. 2 as a
function of inclination angle. Note the peak near an inclination
of 56
, N
, N
, N
All 3D-LFC can be described by values within these ranges
due to their uniform, symmetric nature. For general 3D-
LFC with a global coverage mission, the design parameters
, M
) can simply be taken as zero. When zonal or
regional coverage is required, these variables signicantly
effect coverage. Clearly,
is signicant for critically inclined
orbits, even when global coverage is considered, but has no
meaning when dealing with circular orbits.
If one is considering global coverage, these ranges may
not only be used for design purposes, they can also be
used as limits on orbit propagations, thereby substantially
reducing computation time. This is especially important given
the rotation of the apsidal lines requires signicantly more
propagation than required for circular orbits. The optimal
bounds can reduce the computation time by a factor of N
and a factor of N
= 9). The
150 3D-LFC with 25 satellites and 5 orbital planes improve
propagation times by a factor of 13.5 on average, with a
few improving by a factor of 125 (N
= 5, N
= 5)!
To complete the picture with respect to other design meth-
ods, Walkers phasing parameter in Ref. [3] is equivalent
to our M
. Dufour includes an
in his elliptical Walker
constellations that is a multiple of another integer parameter
he introduces, but the range of
is limited to [/2, /2]
rather than the full allowable range of [, ] [24], [25]. The
continuous parameter used here clearly includes the discrete
values of Ref. [24], [25].
To examine the effectiveness of the 3D-LFC framework
for designing a global coverage constellation, we rst use
the example of global navigation. Flower Constellations were
rst studied for use in GNSS by Park [19], who found
improvements over the Galileo GNSS constellation by using
a combination of two Harmonic Flower Constellations found
by trial and error. Tonetti [22] ran a Genetic Algorithm
(GA) to improve upon Parks results. Both of these Flower
Constellations were designed for 30 satellites and utilized
large numbers of orbital planes (15 and 30 respectively),
which is unattractive from a launch and operational standpoint.
Alternatively, Bruccoleri [21] found a Harmonic Flower Con-
stellation with 24 satellites that showed improved performance
over the GPS constellation. All three studies considered only
circular orbits rather than be restricted to a critically inclined
Flower Constellation with elliptic orbits. In this paper, in order
to validate the proposed design methodology, we consider
both 27 and 25 satellite 3D-LFC. We have not considered
the combination of two or more 3D-LFC into the same
constellation, as was done in Ref. [19], but this may yield
additional improved results.
A. Cost Function
As a cost function to drive these design studies, we consider
the Geometric Dilution Of Precision (GDOP), a measure of the
accuracy of a GNSS solution. The lower the value of GDOP,
the more accurate is the GNSS solution. GDOP is dependent
entirely on the geometry of the satellites within view of a
specic ground site and relies on the visibility matrix, given
1 1 1
where r
is the unit vector from ground site to the i-th
satellite and n is the number of visible satellites. We dened
a minimum elevation angle of 10
to determine satellite
visibility in this simulation. We dene the matrix H = A
GDOP can then be calculated
tr (H
). (5)
This compact equation is simple, but requires a matrix
inverse for every point (in time and space) that needs to
be evaluated, so here we derive a new equation with faster
computation. Since the trace of a matrix is the sum of its
eigenvalues, and the eigenvalues of a matrix inverse are the
inverses of the original matrix eigenvalues, we can rewrite the
computation of GDOP as
are the eigenvalues of H. Note that
= 2n. This
alternate form of GDOP calculation reduced computation time
in MATLAB by more than a factor of two.
To evaluate the accuracy of a given GNSS constellation,
1,000 points were distributed uniformly around a spherical
Earth using an iterative electrostatic repulsion method (also
known as the Thomson problem). The constellation was propa-
gated using an initial argument of perigee of zero with 5
in mean anomaly, and GDOP was calculated for all ground
sites at each of those times. The initial argument of perigee
was then rotated in 5
, N
, N
, N
} and permits eccentricity to vary in addition
to the inclination angle. Additionally, elliptic orbits are cheaper
to launch into than circular orbits of the same semi-major axis,
so holding launch cost constant allows 3D-LFC with higher
altitudes. Thus, the search space is signicantly expanded, yet
still contains the original Galileo constellation design.
Preliminary analysis to reduce the design space consisted
of evaluating all 117 3D-LFC over four values of eccentricity
and eleven values of inclination:
e [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], and i [45
, 47
, , 65
Circular orbits were not considered because they all collapse
to C-LFC/Walker constellations. The inclination range was
chosen to place the Galileo optimal inclination of 56
in the
middle. The semi-major axis was held xed at 29,655 km,
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corresponding to a repetition time of 17 orbits in 10 days. A
satellite was considered in view if it was at least 10
the horizon (grazing angle).
The constellations were evaluated for both mean GDOP and
maximum GDOP encountered throughout the propagation. As
a rst cut, only solutions with a maximum GDOP below 6
were accepted (corresponding to the original requirements for
the GPS constellation [29], [30]). There were 9 3D-LFC out
of the original 117 that satised this requirement at a variety
of inclinations and eccentricities, all of the form
0 0
3 0 0
9 0
0 1
All of the minima for mean GDOP occurred in the inclination
range i [53
, 59
, 53
, , 60
3 0 0
2 9 0
0 0 1
As expected, the best performance occurred at the maximum
altitude with a = 34, 161 km and e = 0.177. The optimal
inclination was the same as that of Galileo: 56
. The mean
GDOP of Galileo was calculated to be 2.32, whereas the mean
GDOP of this 3D-LFC designed constellation is 2.24 - an
improvement of 3.5%. Given an inclination of only 56
opposed to 60
0 0
0 0 1
where N
, N
, and N
are the parameters of the associated
The results of this study indicate that the Galileo constel-
lation, at a semi-major axis of almost 30,000 km and 27
satellites, is very nearly optimal. The original designers chose
a design point near the knee of the curve where increasing
number of satellites or altitude met with diminishing returns
[27], which is why the 3D-LFC design could only slightly
improve upon the original Galileo design.
C. Design Study: 25 Satellites
The ultimate goal of a constellation designer is a con-
stellation that maximizes performance while minimizing total
system cost. Toward that end, reducing the number of satellites
in a constellation, thereby eliminating its hardware and launch
vehicle costs is one of the most effective means of reducing
costs. We consider here the problem of designing an 3D-LFC
with 25 satellites, divided into 5 orbital planes, to see what
performance can be achieved while reducing the number of
satellites by two.
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The design approach is the same as in the previous section.
For the 25 satellite, 5 plane case, there exist 150 unique 3D-
LFC, and these were all studied over a range of eccentricities
and inclinations at the original Galileo altitude. The maximum
GDOPs encountered by the 25 satellite constellations were
signicantly higher than the original 27 satellite study, so the
initial results were pared down by requiring the mean GDOP
to be less than 3 and the maximum GDOP to be less than
16. This left 8 different 3D-LFC which were effective at a
variety of eccentricities and inclinations. Table II shows the
conguration parameters for these 8 3D-LFC, all of which
had N
= 5.
0 2 3
3 2 2
4 2 2
3 3 4
4 3 3
3 4 3
4 4 2
4 4 4
When the altitude was allowed to vary as in the previous
section (with e = e
), the maximum altitude was again the
most effective. Unlike the 27 satellite case, however, there was
signicant variation in GDOP as a function of eccentricity,
so each of the 8 3D-LFC were analyzed over a range of
eccentricities at the maximum altitude.
The best 25 satellite constellation was found to be inclined
at 55
5 0 0
4 5 0
4 4 1
The mean GDOP experienced with this constellation was
2.49, compared to the 2.24 of the 27 satellite 3D-LFC in
the previous section. This 10% reduction in mean accuracy
is signicant, but may be warranted given the reduced costs
of a 25 satellite constellation. Of course, if the spare satellite
strategy employed is to place one spare satellite in every orbital
plane, then both the 27 satellite, 3 plane constellation and this
25 satellite, 5 plane constellation require 30 total satellites on
orbit. The major shortcoming of the 25 satellite constellation
is its maximum GDOP of 9.11, compared to a maximum
GDOP of 3.87 for the 27 satellite 3D-LFC. A value above
6 is considered unusable [29], so there are times at which
users would be unable to get a x using this system.
This project was supported nancially by the Sci-
ence and Technology Development Fund (STDF),
Egypt, Grant No 666.
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Algorithm Selection for Constraint Optimization Domains
Avi Rosenfeld
Department of Industrial Engineering
Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel 9116001
Email: rosenfa@jct.ac.il
AbstractIn this paper we investigate methods for selecting
the best algorithms in classic distributed constraint optimization
problems. While these are NP-complete problems, many heuris-
tics have nonetheless been proposed. We found that the best
method to use can change radically based on the specics of
a given problem instance. Thus, dynamic methods are needed
that can choose the best approach for a given problem. We
found that large differences typically exist in the expected utility
between algorithms, allowing for a clear policy. We present a
dynamic algorithm selection approach based on this realization.
As support for this approach, we describe the results from
thousands of trials from Distributed Constraint Optimization
problems that demonstrates the strong statistical improvement
of this dynamic approach over the static methods they are based
When multiple agents operate within a joint envi-
ronment, inter-agent constraints typically exist be-
tween group members. Assuming these agents oper-
ate within a cooperative environment, the team must
decide how to coordinate satisfying as many of these
constraints as possible [21]. Instances of such prob-
lems are classic distributed planning and schedul-
ing domains including specic applications such as
supply chain management, disaster rescue manage-
ment, Personal Data Assistant (PDA) scheduling,
and military conict planning [9], [19]. However,
solving these real-world problems are challenging
as they are known to be of NP-complete, or worse,
complexities [10], [12], [19].
Despite the computational complexity inherent
in these problems, a variety of algorithms have
been suggested [4], [10], [11], [12], [15], [17],
[21]. These algorithms differ in what and how
agents communicate to attempt to nd an optimal
assignment. Each of these approaches have different
resource cost requirements (e.g., time, number of
messages), and are often useful in different problem
classes. Thus, an important task for designers of
these planning and scheduling systems is to nd the
algorithm that will work best for a given problem
In this paper we claim that an algorithm selection
approach is helpful in dictating which type of ap-
proach to use. The key to this approach is that differ-
ences between algorithms are typically quite large,
and can be locally measured. This allows agents to
locally control what information to transfer to group
members. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this
approach we study a general Distributed Constraint
Optimization Problem (DCOP) domain [10], [11],
[21]. We performed thousands of trials involving
a variety team sizes and problem parameters and
found that the described algorithm selection ap-
proach was effective in signicantly outperforming
the static methods they were based on.
In this section, we formally present a general Dis-
tributed Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization
Problem domain (DCSP and DCOP respectively).
The goal within a DCSP or DCOP problem is
for distributed agents, each with control of some
variables, to either satisfy (in DCSP) or to optimize
(in DCOP) a global utility function. DCOP is a
generalization of the DCSP problem as the goal is
to minimize the number of non-fullled constraints,
and is thus more suitable for most real-world prob-
lems [9]. The DCOP problem has been previously
dened as follows [4], [10]:
A set of N agents A = A
, A
. . . , A
A set of n variables V = x
, x
. . . , x
A set of domains D = D
, D
. . . , D
the value of x
is taken from D
. Each D
assumed nite and discrete.
A set of cost function f = f
, f
. . . , f
each f
is a function f
: D
. . . D
N . Cost functions represent what must
be optimized and are typically referred to as
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A distribution mapping Q : V A assigning
each variable to an agent. Q(x
) = A
that A
is responsible for choosing a value for
. A
is given knowledge of x
, D
and all f
involving x
An objective function F dened as an aggrega-
tion over the set of cost functions. Summation
is typically used.
DCOP problems are often represented as con-
nected graphs where nodes must be assigned one of
k colors. For simplicity, the assumption is typically
made that one assigns an agent to every node within
the graph to decide how these nodes should be
colored. Thus, the notation A
and x
can be used
interchangeably [4]. In the DCSP variation the goal
of the problems is for every node be assigned a
color such that no connected node (often referred
to as a neighbor within the graph) has the same
color. There is a cost function of for having
two connected nodes with the same color, or in
other words, the DCSP contains a hard constraint
between nodes (agents). The DCOP problem is a
relaxation of this problem. Here the groups utility
is based on minimizing the number of constraints
that have not been satised. According to the DCOP
formalization this referred to as F [11].
A range of algorithms exist for solving DCSP
and DCOP problems. Well-known algorithms in-
clude distributed breakout (DBO) [21], asyn-
chronous backtracking (ABT) [20], asynchronous
weak-commitment (AWC) [20] and the Optimal
Asynchronous Partial Overlay (OptAPO) [10]. In
general, the DBO, ABT, and AWC algorithms are
fully distributed algorithms. As such, each algorithm
focuses on nding a solution without sending con-
straint information beyond the local agents (nodes
in the graph) with which they have direct commu-
nication. These algorithms differ in what local in-
formation should be communicated between neigh-
boring nodes, and how neighboring nodes should
be prioritized to rst attempt a solution. In con-
trast, the OptAPO requires merging semi-centralized
solutions. This algorithm has a mediator stage
where agents are allowed to directly communicate
constraint information of non-local agents. This me-
diator agent can recommend a potential solution to
a set of agents for which it mediates
, allowing for a
solution to be found much more quickly [10]. Thus,
these algorithms not only differ in what constrain
information is communicated, but also as the degree
of problem centralization is used [4].
As the degree of centralization between OptAPO
and other DCOP algorithms differs, debate exists
how performance should be measured. The most
common performance measure, which we based our
experiments on, is how many cycles were needed
to solve a given problem instance [20]. Within this
measure, one unit of time is taken as the series
of actions where agents process all incoming mes-
sages, process those messages, and send a response.
In our experiments, we chose the more accepted
cycle based measure to evaluation performance
For example, Figure 1 provides an example of
a simple DSCP (or DCOP) problem with 6 agents
(nodes) and binary constraints (either black or white
colors). At left, one nds the original problem state,
and the right side provides a solution (or in the
DCOP variation F = 0, or no constraints are broken).
We expected that different algorithms perform
best in different problem and domain attributes.
These attributes can include factors relating to the
structure of the problem instance such as the number
of nodes (agents), the total number of allowed
node colors, and the density of connections between
nodes (forming the problem constraints). Addition-
ally, attributes that are external to the graph structure
but are domain factors are also likely to be important
in deciding which algorithm to use. These factors
include the cost of communication between agents,
if non-local communication is allowed and if so at
what cost, and the time to nd a solution.
Note that this set of agents is typically of some size between the number
of local agents and the total number of agents [4]. Thus, while OptAPO does
not constitute a distributed, local solution, it does not constitute a classic
centralized solution either.
Other measures besides cycles have been proposed to evaluate the DCOPs
performance. Meisel et al. [7] have argued that performance should be
measured based in terms of the number of computations each distributed
agent performs and proposed a concurrent constraint checks measure (ccc) to
quantify this amount. A hybrid measure, proposed by Davin and Modi [4],
suggest using a Cycle-Based Runtime (CBR) measure that is parameterized
between latency between cycles and computation speed as measured by the
concurrent constraint checks measure. In their opinion, this measure between
accounts for differences in centralization in DCOP algorithms. Note that if one
chooses the ccc or CBR measures, or if new DCOP algorithms are found with
better performance within the cycle based measure, they can be substituted
to study the relative performance of the algorithms under consideration.
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Fig. 1. A sample DCSP problem with 6 nodes (N=6) and 2 colors. The original problem state is at left, with one possible solution at right.
This paper focuses on developing an algorithm
selection approach for constraint optimization prob-
lems. Previously, Rice generally dened the algo-
rithm selection problem as the process of choosing
the best algorithm for any given instance of a prob-
lem from a given set of potential algorithms [16].
We dene the constraint optimization coordination
selection process used in this paper as follows:
Let GR = {a
, . . . , a
} be a group on N agents
engaged in some cooperative behavior. Each agent,
a, can choose out of a library of coordination al-
gorithms, {CA
. . . CA
}. We denote this selection
, where 1 a
Using CA
affects the groups utility by a certain
value, UT
). UT
) is composed of a
gain, G(CA
), that the group will realize by using
algorithm CA
, and the agents cost, C(CA
), by
using that same algorithm. As this paper assumes
the agents within these problems are cooperative,
the goal is to maximize
). To
achieve this, each agent must select the algorithm
from the k possible algorithms in the library
whose value G(CA
) - C(CA
) is highest.
One possible solution involves performing no
learning in advance and instead attempts to identify
the best algorithm exclusively during run-time. For
example, Allen and Minton [1] suggest running
all algorithms {CA
. . . CA
} in the portfolio for
a short period of time on the specic problem
instance. Secondary performance characteristics are
then compiled from this preliminary trial to select
the best algorithm. Gomes and Selman [5] suggest
running several algorithms (or randomized instances
of the same algorithm) in parallel creating an al-
gorithm portfolio. However, assuming running each
algorithm incurs costs C(CA
) . . . C(CA
), these
approaches are likely to be inefcient as the cu-
mulative costs of running all algorithms are likely
to be higher than the potential gain of nding even
the optimal choice.
Instead, we claim that the best algorithm within
these problems can be quickly identied based
on nding phase transitions within these types of
problem instances. The basis of this claim is the
previous ndings that NP-complete problems are
not all equally difcult to solve [3], [13]. Many
instances of NP-complete problems can still be
quickly solved, while other similar instances of
problems from the same domain cannot. They found
that phase transitions are a well known phenomenon
across which problems display dramatic changes in
the computational difculty and solution character
The concept of phase transitions has been ap-
plied to differentiate classes of these easy and
hard NP-complete problem instances [13]. Within
distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DCSP),
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these problems can typically be broken into an easy-
hard-easy pattern [11], [13]. The rst set of easy
problems represent a category of under-constrained
problems. All DCSP algorithms typically nd an
optimal solution quickly for these instances. At
the other extreme, the second easy category of
problems are those that are over-constrained. Within
these problems, the same algorithms can typically
demonstrate that no solution exist, and thus these al-
gorithms end in failure. The hardest DCSP problems
to solve are those within the phase transition going
from under to over-constrained problems, a category
of problems also called critically constrained.
These problems are the hardest to solve, with no
solution often being found [13].
One may view the DCOP problem as a generaliza-
tion of the more basic DCSP decision form of the
problem. Again, in problems where there are few
cost constraints, the optimization requirements are
low, and an optimal solution can be quickly found.
The hard problems exist where optimization re-
quirements are high. However, debate exists if a
third set of problems exist similar to the third easy
problem set where DSCP problems can be quickly
shown to have no solution. It would seem that even
over-constrained DCOP instances cannot be easily
optimized and still comprise hard problems [22].
Consequently, DCOP problems should be divided
only into Easy-Hard categories (instead of Easy-
Hard-Easy) or those easy problems to solve before
the problems phase transition, and hard problems
after this point [14], [22]. Others have claimed
[14] that certain optimization problems may in fact
follow an easy-hard-easy distribution. However, this
debate is not central to our thesis. According to
both opinions, problem clusters do exist, and the
difference of opinion revolves around the number of
these clusters. If we follow the easy-hard model we
should expect to see two clusters of problems with a
transitionary phase between the two, but following
the easy-hard-easy model should yield three such
clusters with two transitionary phases.
Despite the computation complexity in solving all
but trivial DCOP problems, a variety of algorithms
can be used for attempting a solution in this do-
main. These algorithms impact when constraints are
communicated between agents, thus impacting how
the agents attempt to minimize F. We can formally
expand the classic DCOP model into an algorithm
selection based model by modeling the selection
of algorithms {CA
. . . CA
} that each agent can
choose in deciding what and how to communicate
while attempting a solution. The intrinsically differ-
ent approaches used by algorithms {CA
. . . CA
makes them best suited for problems of differing
levels of complexity.
This realization signicantly simplies the pro-
cess of nding those problems instances where a
given DCOP algorithm, CA
, will be superior to
other algorithms within {CA
. . . CA
}. Based on
this knowledge, we expect to nd attributes that
separate between fundamentally different types of
problems. Assuming each algorithm is best suited
for different clusters of problems, a clear policy
will be evident as to which algorithm to select,
even when agents are conned to using only lo-
cally available information. Instead of viewing all
domain problems as an enormous state space where
we must map the relative effectiveness of algo-
rithms {CA
. . . CA
}, we instead focus on nd-
ing the problem attributes that differentiate these
algorithms, signicantly reducing the state space.
After these attributes have been found, we expect
to be able to further cluster problems as easy or
hard types of interactions. One type of algorithm
will then be dominant within the easy problems,
followed by phase shift(s)
where differences be-
tween algorithms are smaller and less apparent,
followed by another large problem cluster where a
second algorithm becomes dominant. As a result,
our research focuses on two important questions: 1.
What are the attributes that differentiate between
algorithms {CA
. . . CA
}? 2. At what attribute
values should one switch between algorithms?
Our rst step was to implement the algorithm li-
brary of the ABT, AWC, DBO, and OptAPO within
the previously dened DCOP domain. To do this,
we used the Farm simulation environment [6] to
create randomized instances of 3-color optimization
We refer to differences in problem instance clusters as phase shifts instead
of phase transitions. This follows the distinction made by Brueckner and
Parunak [2] who reserve the term phase transition to clusters that have been
analytically derived and refer to phase shifts to describe problem clusters
that have been emperically found. As this work derives these problem sets
based on emperical observation, we use the second term.
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Fig. 2. Graph coloring performance with ABT, AWC, DBO, and OptAPO algorithms with random graphs with 5-100 nodes (X-axis) and edges = 2.0n (left)
and 2.7n (right). Each datapoint represents averaged results from 30 runs with 100 cycles per run.
Fig. 3. Graph coloring performance with ABT, AWC, DBO, and OptAPO algorithms with random graphs with 5-100 nodes (X-axis) and edges = 2.0n (left)
and 2.7n (right). Each datapoint represents averaged results from 30 runs with 10 cycles per run.
problems. We rst varied parameters such as the
number of nodes (agents) and edges (which control
the number of constraints) within these problems.
Specically, we studied sparse coloring graph
problems where the number of edges (m), is two
times the number of nodes (n), and dense graph
problems with 2.7 times the number of edges (m)
to nodes (n). Traditionally, these parameters were
thought to control if a problem instance would be
easy or hard [10].
Figure 2 represents the performance results of the
ABT, AWC, DBO, and OptAPO within problem
instances. We measured the number of non-fullled
constraints (F) after 100 cycles. The agents using
each of the algorithms did not know in advance how
much time would be available to reach a solution.
As a result, after each cycle, the system would
check if the global utility (F) had improved. If
it had, it created a snapshot of this solution, so
that the process could be interrupted at any time,
and still return the best solution yet found. This
allows for creating an interruptible anytime version
of these algorithms as per previous denitions of
anytime algorithms [23]. Note that in the easiest
problems (with 30 or less nodes in both problem
sets), no signicant differences existed between
algorithms as all algorithms were able to solve these
problems equally (with the notable exception of
ABT). Beyond this point, the OptAPO algorithm
on average outperformed all other algorithms. This
result is consistent with previous nding demon-
strating the effectiveness of the OptAPO algorithm
in solving challenging DCOP problems regardless
of the number of nodes or constraints (edges) within
the problem [10].
However, we found that the best algorithm to use
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also differed radically based on parameters such as
the time allotted to solve a problem instance. In
Figure 3 we again ran the ABT, AWC, DBO, and
OptAPO algorithms but allotted only 10 cycles of
runtime. Note how the APO algorithm performs
signicantly worse than the other algorithms (in
problems with > 40 nodes) with the DBO algorithm
performing signicantly better, especially in dense
graphs with more than 60 nodes. This result is not
surprising as the OptAPO is fundamentally different
from other algorithms in the amount of problem
centralization used. Evidently, this algorithms needs
an initialization period in order that its mediator
nodes have enough information about non-local
nodes in order to attempt an effective solution. As
such, in these cases this algorithm underperformed
that of other purely localized algorithms that had no
such overhead.
Communication costs can also radically affect
which algorithm we should select. Recall that the
goal of our algorithm selection model is to maxi-
) where UT
) is the
gain G(CA
) the group achieves by using that
algorithm minus the cost, C(CA
), paid by using
the same algorithm. Again, the OptAPO algorithm
is fundamentally different from other algorithms in
that it uses non-local communication, giving this
algorithm a potential cost C(CA
) not existent in
other algorithms. Assuming such cost is signicant
say because of privacy concerns or communication
link cost, the OptAPO algorithm should also be
avoided even if unlimited time exist to solve these
problems. Indeed we found that the best of the breed
of the localized algorithms, (such as the DBO or
AWC algorithms), clearly outperforms OptAPO in
these types of problem instances.
Figure 4 demonstrates the impact of non-local
communication cost on algorithm selection. In this
graph we compared the performance of the OptAPO
and DBO algorithms in dense graph problems with
100 cycles allotted. When communication was free
the APO algorithm (APO-100 Cost 0) did signi-
cantly outperform DBO. However, once non-local
communication had a cost of 0.02 quality units per
communication link, the DBO algorithm outperform
OptAPO (APO-100 Cost 0.2)
Because of the radically different performance
of these algorithms, the selection policy is often
Fig. 4. The impact of non-local communication cost on algorithms studied
quite clear. Let us assume that agents are aware
of performance limitations such as the time to
complete the task, or the cost of non-local links. A
clear policy typically becomes immediately evident.
For example, assume there is no communication
cost and agents need to nd the best DCOP solution
given a relative long period of time (e.g. 100 cycles
or more). OptAPO is then clearly the best choice.
Conversely, assuming communication is costly (e.g.
cost of 0.02 or more), or only a very short period
of time is allocated (e.g. time of 10 cycles or less),
the best of the local algorithms, e.g. DBO, was
selected. In cases with problem attributes between
those with a clearly dened policy (e.g. 50 cycles
of time to solve the problem), we considered two
possibilities. In the rst possibility, a random selec-
tion is taken between the borderline algorithms. A
second possibility is to calculate the midpoint within
the attribute space between these algorithms and to
choose the rst algorithm for instances before the
midpoint and use the second algorithm after this
point. While random selection or midpoint heuris-
tics will not likely form the optimal choice in many
of these instances, we hypothesized the difference
between algorithms in these cases is not large as
this the transitional range for this attribute. Thus, the
difference between optimal and non-optimal choices
within these types of problems was not expected to
deviate signicantly from the optional choice.
Figure 5 demonstrates the effectiveness of the
Selection algorithm just described. For comparison,
we also display the average group utility (F) as taken
from the the static DBO and OptAPO algorithms.
We also created an Optimal group could run all
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Fig. 5. Comparing the effectiveness of the Selection algorithm policy versus
the static DBO and OptAPO algorithms
static algorithms without cost, and then accept the
algorithm that returned the highest utility. The re-
sults in Figure 5 were generated from a total of
100 DCOP 3-color graph problems with random
problem attributes in the time to solve the problem,
the number of nodes and edge constraints, and
non-local communication costs. As these problems
instances were randomly selected, many of these
problems had problem attributes fell within the
problem space where a clear policy existed. Such
instances included: instances with long times to
solve the problem, very short times, or where non-
local communication had a signicant cost. In order
to strengthen the signicance of this experiment, we
ensured that at least 25 percent of the problem in-
stances were taken from the category when no clear
policy existed. Notice that the Selection approach
closely approximated the optimal choice, and sig-
nicantly outperformed statically choosing either
DBO or OptAPO. In order to evaluate the statistical
signicance of these ndings, we performed a two-
tailed t-test to compare the Selection approach to the
static DBO and OptAPO methods. The resulting p-
score was well below 0.05 (0.02), supporting the
signicance of the presented approach. Similarly,
we compared the dynamic approach with the opti-
mal selection policy and found only an insignicant
difference (p-score greater than 0.8) between these
values. This supports the claim that randomly se-
lecting between algorithms in borderline cases does
not signicantly hurt performance.
In this work we present an algorithm selection
approach for solving constraint optimization prob-
lems. We focused on two factors: what attributes
differentiate between the algorithms and how can
we build a selection policy based on those attributes.
We present strong empirical evidence of the success
of this approach in a general DCOP domain, sug-
gesting the generality of this work.
For future work, several directions are possible.
In this work, we manually found the attributes that
differentiated the coordination algorithms within
the domains we studied. We hope to study how
algorithms can be created to automate this process
so that novel interaction measures may be learned
for quantifying coordination in other domains.
The success of our coordination selection ap-
proach was rooted in the realization that different
clusters of problems can be created based on the
hardness of different agent interactions. We drew
upon the phase transition concept used to de-
scribe some constraint satisfaction problems [13].
However, following Brueckner and Parunak [2] we
reserve the term phase transition to refer to a term
used by physicists for mathematically describable
behavior within the system, and instead term the
clusters of problems we empirically observed as
phase shifts. We hope to study in the future what
formal models can be created that can predict where
and when these transitions should occur. We believe
this study could strengthen the theoretical basis of
the work we present.
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2 | P a g e
Reliable Network Trafc Collection for Network
Characterization and User Behavior
Ali Ismail Awad
Electrical Engineering Dept.,
Al Azhar University
Qena, Egypt
Email: aawad@ieee.org
Hanafy Mahmud Ali
Electrical Engineering Dept.,
Minia University
Minia, Egypt
Email: hanafy mh@yahoo.com
Heshasm F. A. Hamed
Electrical Engineering Dept.,
Minia University
Minia, Egypt
Email: hfah66@yahoo.com
AbstractThis paper presents a reliable and complete trafc
collection facility as a rst and crucial step toward accurate
trafc analysis for network characterization and user behavior.
The key contribution is to produce an accurate, reliable and
high delity trafc traces as the valuable source of information
in the passive trafc analysis approach. In order to guarantee the
traces reliability, we rst detect the bottlenecks of the collection
facility, and then propose different monitoring probes starting
from the ethernet network interface and ending at the packet
trace. The proposed facility can run without stop for long time
instead of one-shot periods, therefore, it can be used to draw
a complete picture of network trafc that fully characterize the
network and user behavior. The laboratory experiments conclude
that the system is highly reliable, stable and produces reliable
traces attached with different statistics reports that come from
the installed monitoring probes.
Presently, Internet supports wide variety of applications via
many protocol architecture instead of just data transfer. For
example, data, voice signals, images and videos are supported
by the same network infrastructure [1]. Due to the mixing
nature of network trafc with targeted high speed connections,
the understanding of the trafc behavior has become a difcult
task. Trafc collection and analysis is considered as the right
way for the network understanding and management [2].
Passively collected trafc traces include huge amount of
information that is useful for the measuring of almost all net-
work related activities. The analysis of packet traces provides
information from user, network and service perspectives. It
allows the identication and measurement of general trends
of many different metrics useful for engineering, management
and provisioning of the gigabit ethernet networks. The accu-
racy and reliability of the collected trafc traces have a direct
impact on the outcome of different trace-based operations
such as network characterization, trafc engineering [3], trafc
modeling and user behavior estimation [4].
The accuracy and the reliability are two key issues of pas-
sive trafc collection. Collecting reliable packet traces without
packet loss can be a difcult operation on gigabit ethernet
networks under the usage of commodity based hardware and
software. Conducting trafc analysis over incomplete and
unreliable trafc traces leads to inaccurate results unless data
losses are explicitly considered before the analysis process [5].
According to the resource constrains, the available collec-
tion facilities collect only one-shot of the network trafc that
does not contain enough amount of information that reexes
the accurate characterization of the network. Additionally,
these collection systems do not provide any reliability reports
about the collected traces, and hence, the analysis results
of these traces may be inaccurate and unreliable. A reliable
packet capturing facility must be equipped with a mechanism
to accurately report the time and amount of packet loss during
the trace collection operation [6].
The usage of on-the-shelf hardware and software for packet
capturing on a high-speed (1 Gbps or higher) is sensible
to packet losses. Most of the carried out researches with
the commodity equipments is directed toward enhancing the
performance of packet capturing with respect to software [7],
and hardware [8] in order to cope the network line speed [9].
Data Acquisition and Generation (DAG) [10] is a dedicated
hardware solution for reliable packet capturing on high-speed
networks with high cost compared to the commodity solutions.
This paper focuses on the reliability of the collection
facility, and presents a reliable and complete trafc col-
lection facility using commodity hardware and softwares.
The efcient usage of the produced facility provides a very
useful information for different network users [4]. Network
users be categorized into Internet Service Providers (ISPs),
devices and hardware manufacturers, network administrations
and network researchers. ISPs use trafc analysis results for
billing their customers, identifying the dominant applications,
and hence they can build an accurate Service Level Agree-
ment (SLA)[11]. Moreover, ISPs can use the trafc analysis
for network management, provisioning and troubleshooting
recovery. Hardware providers use trafc analysis results for
measuring devices behavior under different conditions, and
hence they can make decisions to enhance or redesign the
current network devices. Trafc analysis will be useful for
network administrators to detect the up normal behavior of
the network trafc. Researchers use network trafc analysis
to understand and developing different trafc models.
The reminder part of this paper is organized as follows.
Section II demonstrates the structure of the generic collection
facility with bottleneck points, and emphasising the proposed
network interface monitoring approach. Section III explains
the implementation of the network interface monitoring ap-
proach. Section IV shows the exhaustive evaluation of the
reliable facility in terms of resources overhead and accuracy.
Conclusions and future work are reported in section V.
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Fig. 1. A Complete trafc collection facility with bottleneck points marked in circles. The bottlenecks diffuse in almost all system spaces.
This research focuses on the passive trafc measurement
methodology to address the trafc collection and analysis
problem in the residential networks. However, it is not easy
to do continuous passive measurement, but on the other
hand, passive measurement provides a complete picture about
network trafc. Moreover, different trafc analysis phases can
be conducted on the trafc traces from different perspec-
tives. The performance metric of any passive collection is
the lossless packet capturing at link speed. Dropped packet
will produce problem in the next processes (anonymization,
analysis, etc.). Each component in the collection facility has
its own characteristics and limitations. Therefore, the bottle-
necks are distributed over all components. Fig. 1 shows the
bottlenecks through the packet journey through all collection
facility components.
A closed look at Fig. 1 shows that the trafc collection
facility suffers from many bottleneck points starting from
network interface, passing though kernel space, and ends with
the packet capturing applications in the user space. Every
system bottleneck point can lead to packet drops without
any feedback information to the system operator. Unreported
packet drops deteriorates the reliability of the trafc collection
facility especially at the 1 Gbps link speed.
The available solutions of the collection bottlenecks are
designed to overcome one point to enhance the collection
performance in terms of packet loss and scalability to link
speed. Those solutions can be divided into software-based such
as Driverdump [12] and Interrupt Coalescence (IC) technique
[13], kernel patching [14] and hardware-based solutions such
as Network Processor (NP) [8], [15], [16], and special purpose
DAG card [10]. Some solutions try to build special purpose
facilities, but those solutions are cost inefcient. The problem
with the previous solutions is that they have been designed for
special purpose or enhancing a particular point. Additionally,
the implementations of those solutions may become difcult
due to some coding problems or the high cost. We have built a
new solution for bottlenecks and insure the system reliability
by installing monitoring probe for each system bottleneck
using commodity based hardware and software. The most
important probe is the network interface monitoring approach.
A. Network Interface Monitoring Approach
Network interface card is the rst contact point inside
the collection machine that can hold all packets including
the correct and the erroneous ones at 1 Gbps link speed.
Network interface monitoring approach uses network interface
capability to monitor all coming in and out packets to the
collection machine before its pumping up to the upper levels.
We could correlate the produced report with the trace le in
the post processing to detect the packet loss, and judging the
packet trace reliability for the collection session.
The idea behind monitoring the ethernet network interface
is considered as two folded process: (1) Open a socket for
direct communication with the network interface drivers, and
(2) Information exchange between network interface drivers
and the monitoring tool agent in the user interface. In order
to retrieve statistics directly from hardware, the proposed
monitoring approach takes advantage of the support provided
by the Ethtool Linux utility [17]. Ethtool is a GNU/Linux
tool that allows obtaining information and diagnostics about
ethernet card settings related to media, link status, and more.
Precisely, the ethtool_stats data structure provided by its
API enables dumping the network interface specic statistics
to the user space, and store them in a statistics le.
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The proposed monitoring approach has been fully imple-
mented with the C programming language and under Linux
environment. Beside different additional functions, the imple-
mented core function is do_gstats() which is responsible
for consulting the network interface hardware via its drivers,
open a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket and retrieving
back the available statistics.
The simplied interconnections diagram of the implemented
functions is shown in Fig. 2. The main() function has a
direct connection to the do_metatrace() which is re-
sponsible for creating the output le name, print le headers
and arrange the spaces between columns. The time stamp
is calculated using delta_time() before each hardware
check. The delta_time() has a time stamp sensitivity up
to 1 microsecond, therefore, the proposed approach is able to
read the network interface hardware statistics values every 1
microsecond. The function do_print() is used for printing
the output results to a statistics le or directly to the screen
based on the way of its call and the passed parameters. The
function main() can also directly call do_gstats() and
print the results directly to the screen instead of writing it to
an output le.
A. The Function do_gstats()
The function do_gstats()is the most important one
inside the implementation structure, and it is declared as
ifname, int s_order). While
ifname is a pointer to the network interface name, and
s_order is the order of the statistic indicator inside the data
array. The do_gstats() function returns an unsigned
long long statistic values depend on the input parame-
ter s_order. The sequence of do_gstats() instructions
starts with setting all parameters and access all data structures,
then open a UDP data socket through network interface drivers
to access hardware statistics. Through the opened socket,
the hardware statistics are dumped to an array, then the
do_gstats() returns the selected element to be recorded
in the statistics le. Fig. 2 shows the calling methods of
do_gstats() and its relation with the other functions. As
a general remark, in order to implement the method out-
lined in this section, the implementation code should include
<linux/netdevice.h>, <linux/etherdevice.h>,
and <linux/ethtool.h> Linux headers les.
Fig. 2. Functions interconnection diagram of the monitoring approach
The presented results in this section have been obtained
from experiments that have been conducted in a controlled
environment constructed from one PC and one Laptop. The PC
works as a trafc collector and equipped with Intel Pentium
4 Processor 3 GHz, 1 GB of RAM, Intel gigabit ethernet
card, and 160 GB hard disk. The Laptop works as trafc
generator and equipped with Intel Core 2 Due
2.5 GHz
Processor, 4 GB of RAM, and Intel Gigabit Ethernet card.
The two computers are directly connected through a gigabit
ethernet cards via special type UDP cable. Both machines
have been equipped with an implementation of the network
interface monitoring approach.
The collector machine has been installed with Ubuntu
Linux kernel, PF RING patched kernel [14],
Tcpdump version 3.9.4 with Libpcap version 0.9.4 [18]. It
is worth noticing that Libpcap has been recompiled with the
PF RING toolkit modications, also the Tcpdump has been
recompiled against the PF RING modied by Libpcap. The
generator machine has been installed with the same Ubuntu
Linux kernel. The trafc is generated with the open source
PackETH as a packet generator toolkit [19].
A. Monitoring Approach Overhead Test
We rst considered the CPU overhead introduced by the
periodical (1 second) monitoring granularity. We have run
two independent tests: (I) Tcpdump packet capturing with
monitoring approach enabled, and (II) Tcpdump capturing
with proposed loss monitoring enabled. We have sent a xed
amount of generated packets, (2 millions packets), into the
collector machine. Fig.3 shows the CPU utilization of both
experimental scenarios. From that gure, running the moni-
toring technique in parallel with Tcpdump does not introduce
high extra CPU overhead, and hence, the proposed monitoring
approach does not provide a resource limitation at the network
interface saturation point.
B. Facility Overall Accuracy Test
This test is carried out to check the facility performance
with enhanced Linux kernel using PF RING explained in
[14]. Fig. 4 shows the generated packet rates for each packet
Fig. 3. CPU utilizations for one collection session with monitoring approach.
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Fig. 4. Packet generation rates measured in generator side.
sizes. The plotted data have been taken from the statistics le
produce by the monitoring approach in the trafc generator
side. Additionally, from the collector point of view, Fig. 5
shows the percentage of the collected packets for each packet
size. The gure proves the high packet losses at short packet
sizes. The overall accuracy can be predicted by nding the
difference between the generated and the collected packets.
Of course, the packet trace reliability is determined according
to the amount of dropped packets compared to the generated
ones. The dropped packets are directly reported by the moni-
toring approach (values in the statistic les). While the kernel
drops are measured as the difference between captured packets
and packets received by the network interface (deduced from
statistics information). From Fig. 6, the proposed monitor-
ing approach is always reporting the total generated packets
(received + erroneous) with 100% accuracy, and hence, the
reliability of the packet trace can be measured by correlating
the reported packets by the proposed approach and the actual
collected packets in the trace le.
C. Discussion
Although the related work shows many special purpose
hardware and software solutions for packet drop problem,
the presented results in this section prove the superiority of
using commodity based hardware and software in the proposed
solution with invented monitoring probes at every bottleneck
in the collection facility. The statistic les produced by each
monitoring probe can be correlated with the actual recorded
packets in the trace le, and hence, we get knowledge about
where and when the packet was dropped. The actual packet
trace is then sanitated further to remove the gaps of the
dropped packets which nally produces a reliable packet trace.
Fig. 5. Packet collection percentage (%) measured in collector side.
Fig. 6. The accuracy of the collection facility in terms of packet loss.
Once we got a reliable and accurate passively collected packet
trace with attached monitoring reports, the trafc analysis for
network characterization and user behavior will be the next
phase of this research.
This paper was directed toward enhancing the reliability of
trafc collection facility. It has presented a new network inter-
face monitoring approach in order to increase the reliability of
the collected packet trace. The evaluation results have proved
that the proposed mechanism is non-intrusive for the trafc
trace collection with respect to CPU consumption, packet
generation and packet collection. The experimental works
conclude that purposed monitoring approach is a feasible and
practical tool for reliable packet trace collection. As a future
work, the proposed approach can be extended for different
ethernet cards and implemented for wire and wireless network
interfaces on different Linux platforms.
The initial design and implementation of this work has been
conducted in the laboratory of NetCom, Universitat Pompeu
Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. I would like to thank Professor
Dolors Sala for her advices during building the initial phase
of this research.
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