Canecreek DB Air Shock - Update
Canecreek DB Air Shock - Update
Canecreek DB Air Shock - Update
Damper development and testing is one of the main interests of this year. With
the recent acquisition of the Roehrig Engineering 2VS Shock Dyno, testing will be much
easier than in the past. The 2VS is a very valuable tool and incredibly easy to use. This
shock dyno is crank dyno run by an electric motor. Because it is a crank dyno, the stroke
is fixed at either 1” or 2”. In order to change the maximum velocity of each test the
frequency is changed. Several different measurements are taking during a dyno test. A
load cell measures the force generated by the damper, an infrared thermocouple measures
the temperature of the shock body, a linear potentiometer measures the shaft
displacement and a velocity sensor measures the speed at which the shaft moves.
Based on these measurements the dyno produces force versus velocity and force
versus displacement plots. Both of these plots display the characteristics of the damper
being tested. This dyno is capable of two different types of testing, continuous velocity
plot (CVP) and peak velocity plot (PVP). Continuous velocity plots collects data over a
total revolution of the crank while the peak velocity plot runs the damper at several
different peak speeds and only collects the maximum force at each speed. The PVP tests
are mainly used by mass manufacturers when general behavior of a damper is more than
enough information. CVP tests contain much more information and are much more
beneficial when true damper performance is of interest. All of the tests run in house are
The tests seen in the following four figures were by Cane Creek and run on a
Roehrig dyno using the same Shock6.0 software that is used in-house. They are CVP
tests although they only show one half revolution of the crank. One total revolution of
the crank is divided into four sections which can be seen on a plot of a whole CVP test.
Starting with the crank at bottom dead center, the first 90 degrees of crank rotation is the
compression open phase, the next 90 degrees is the compression closed phase. During
the compression open phase the shock is accelerated from 0ips at bottom dead center to
the max speed specified for the test, and during the compression closed the damper
velocity goes to from max speed to 0ips at top dead center. The rebound open phase is
the next 90 degrees where the shock accelerated from 0ips at top dead center to the max
speed of the test. The final 90 degrees is the rebound closed phase where the shock
decelerates to 0ips.
Figure 1. High Speed Compression Adjustment Sweep
Force (lbs)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Velocity (in/sec)
Once the Roehrig dyno arrived on November 16th, in house testing was able to
start. On November 16th, the dampers setup at Haas were run on the dyno. The purpose
of this testing was to become familiar with the operations of the dyno as well as rerun the
dampers to compare with the plots from Haas. Several different tests were run in order to
become accustomed to designing tests and using the dyno. The results from these tests
did not seem to match the curves received from Haas. The following plot compares the
right rear (RR) shock data from Haas versus the same shock data from the first set of in
house testing. The curve from the in house testing looks much better than the Haas
curve. This example is representative of each shock. The testing from November 16th
shows the dampers generating less compressive force and more rebound force than the
Haas plots. This could be because the tests at Haas did not measure the gas pressure
which will affect the forces throughout the range tested. Based on the many unknown
variables from the Haas testing, those results will be ignored and the 11/16 tests will be
the current baseline for the dampers.
Haas_RR_3_7_10.MCR - 600
3.00 in/sec
2 - 10.00 in/sec 500
OHLINS2.5WT-10ips.CVP 400
Force (lbs)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Velocity (in/sec)
Figure 6. Comparison FV plot of RR shock tested at Haas and RR shock tested in house.
One of the features of the dyno that was not explored during the 11/16 tests was
the seal drag test. As stated earlier the seal drag test measures the friction force acting
upon the damper in a quasi-steady-state test. This is best done with a damper with the
shims and any other flow obstructions removed in order to accurately measure the drag
created by the seals around the piston and shaft. The spare damper from Rooster was
disassembled and the shims on the piston and foot valve were removed for this testing.
Several different shock fluids were looked into using this damper setup. The fluids
involved were the Ohlins 2.5wt, Penske 2.5wt, Honda 5wt and Honda 7.5wt. The results
for this testing are documented in the design binder under 11/28, 11/29 and 11/30 testing.
Another observation from this testing is the consistency of the shock curves.
Although the shock curves are not close to ideal by any means, they are somewhat
repeatable. Qualitatively, the shocks are very similar to each other for each different set
of testing. The following plot illustrates the consistency of the left front (LF) damper.
One of the curves was taken from the 11/16 testing, one from 11/28 and the last from
11/29. The rebound curves slightly vary, but the compression curve are almost identical.
Each of the shocks behaves similarly to this plot. Based on these observations, given a
shock that is not changed, the performance of it can be assumed to be the same as its last
dyno test. Eliminating the variable of inconsistency greatly simplifies the testing process
and design of experiments because the results from previous tests become valid
Haas_LF_3_7_10.MCR - 3.00 600
2 - 10.00 in/sec 500
LF_1_3_7_10.MCR - 1.00
in/sec 400
3 - 10.00 in/sec
Force (lbs)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Velocity (in/sec)
The main purpose of this testing is to aid in the production of better dampers.
There are several ways to improve the performance of these dampers. The following plot
is an example of how simple changes will improve the performance of the damper. This
shows two separate tests of the LF damper still in the same setup as when it left Haas.
The first test was one of the first tests run after the dyno arrived here. The second test
was run after changing the oil in the damper and slightly lowering the rebound
adjustment. The second curve exhibits much less cavitation and the damping curves are
more linear than the first curve. This small improvement on the dyno can translate into a
much greater feel of the car during driving. This improvement was done without
adjusting the internals of the damper to any extent. Without the dyno this type of
improvement would not be easily recognized. This testing lays the groundwork for future
research and development with all that has been learned about these dampers during the
course of testing this far.
LF_haas_setup_150_test_1.CVP 600
- 1.00 in/sec 500
3 - 10.00 in/sec
Force (lbs)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Velocity (in/sec)
Figure 8. Comparison of LF damper before and after oil change and adjustment.
The Cane Creek Double Barrel dampers arrived at the beginning of January and
were tested the following week. The plots gathered in-house match the plots previously
provided by Cane Creek. Dyno plots of each individual damper were also provided. The
following plots show the low-speed and high-speed adjustment range of the Double
5047_test_1.MCR - 1.00 172.7
1 - 3.00 in/sec 150
5047_test_2.MCR - 1.00
1 - 3.00 in/sec
5047_test_3.MCR - 1.00 100
1 - 3.00 in/sec
5047_test_4.MCR - 1.00
in/sec 50
1 - 3.00 in/sec
5047_test_5.MCR - 1.00
1 - 3.00 in/sec
Force (lbs)
5047_test_6.MCR - 1.00 0
1 - 3.00 in/sec
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
0.00 3.30
Velocity (in/sec)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Velocity (in/sec)
As can be seen in the previous two plots, the adjustability of these dampers is very
well defined. Based on previous calculations and simulation the adjustment range of
these dampers places them in the ideal range for the planned spring rates and suspension
setup. This will allow much better fine tuning of the suspension and much better
transient handling of the car. It is very exciting to be using these dampers for the 2006