IEDC Cell - 100309

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SAL SUBMITTED TO KSIDC To SETUP INCUBATION CENTRE AT DC 7ROPOSCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY, VAGAMON Name of the Collegel University7 7 ysam Institution DC School of Management and Technology LT Name of the Head of the > | fpsitution/College Brig M.C Ashok Kumar (Retd), Group Director Dr. Umesh Neelakantan, Principal {5} Complete contact address with > | mail ID & Phone No DC School of Management and Technology, One School Avenue, Pullikkanam P.O, Tdukki-685503, Kerala Ph; 04869-20210, E-mail: Mobile: Group Director - 9946757820, Email: Mobile: Director - 9745604095, Email: 7 [Name of the coordinating officer ED Cell in college Prof. V. Srinivasan ¥_ | Complete contact address with Email ID & Phone No DC School of Management and Technology, One School Avenue, Pullikkanam P.O, Tdukki-685503, Ph: 04869-202110, Mobile: 9072063027, Email:, E-mail: [6 | Year of Establishment 2002 7] Status /Status of Accreditation NAAC Accredited “A° Grade University (cating) 1S 9001 ~ 2015 8] Whether Government/Private/ ‘Self Financing Aided/Seif financing/Deemed ‘Thrust Areas for the proposed incubator All areas except IT Primarily to encourage current students and Alumni of DCSMAT in their entrepreneurial aspirations, Ata later stage also allow budding entrepreneurs from outside, Space Infrastructure available ‘details L_| for photos Wa with Photographs. Refer Appendix A (Page 6) attached ‘One wing of our Iconic building “Sree Block ‘measuring 1300 sq.ft. with provision for further scope for expansion of another 1300 sq.ft i) Two Closed Cabins with 8 seat capacity each ii) Two Semi-closed Cabins with 7 seat capacity each ili) Two working area with 14 workstations each (total 28 workstations) iv) Reception area v) Conference room vi) Intemet and Wi-Fi connectivity ey vii) Proposed plan is attached as Appendix B. fam | Faculty stength/ Manpower DCSMAT has 33 faculty members of whom six are Ph MH vailable D holders and ron teaching staff strength ig 28. Many Buides/mentors available including the following :~ (a) Dr. Umesh Neelakantan — An entrepreneur himself and guide to student, _ (b) Dr. Dipu Varghese ~ Ph.D, in Entrepreneurship fine | Lab facility available ‘Yes, DCSMAT has a computer lab with 96 PCs and 32 —_ Mbps intemet speed. Also 247 Wifi facilities. [fod | Library facility available Library has one of the largest collections of books numbering over 30,000 books, The | Basic office facilities Fumished Workstation, PCs, Printers Mlemer Connectivity, Video Conferencing 1 Infrastructure / assets proposed in| Basie office fumiture and fixtures along with Reception the current proposal Gita, Conference room along with Intemet and Wi-Fi 12, | Track Record (Specify Major Landscape design consultancy Achievements) /Achievements in | TT software development idea / product / service Digital Marketing development also to be mentioned, 18, | Indicate your R&D strength / Core | Management Financial Services and Marketing Competenc: 14, | Experience in conducting aa ; SRicReReiRTeTeIaey 8. Celebration of Entrepreneurship week programmes / Training b. Visit by entrepreneurs to the campus to share ideas and for student interactions / discussions ¢. DCSMAT conducts Business Plan contests among Students - Ist stage of Basic awareness creation 4. Various small scale incubation activities are encouraged in campus such as “Bake-my Cake”, and Event Management (NOVA) driven by students The college provides platform for successful entrepreneurs who will provide mentoring and support i to our students, Record of alumni as First generation a. Ecoflash Initiative & Sustainable Solution Pvt, Ltd, entrepreneurs assisted Kochi b. SixSquare Technologies Ltd., Trivandrum c. Flyover Digital LY 4. Centree Technologies Pvt. Ltd . Indicate the annual budget of the Rs.1500 Lakhs (Budget of DCSMAT educational Pa Hesitution institutions) - * | five Plan ofthe activities Tor next | In brief to establish an Incubation cell, conduct three years Programmes for startup formalities, ideas generation and ™ to facilitate potential entrepreneurs to incubate their 19 oy iy pt ventures and develop it into a startup Tir, First year, (a) Nurture potential entrepreneurs among, students/alumni to develop their ideas and convert it as a start-up business through incubation centre, (b) Also to provide them services in a) Developing a business plan and b ) Assist in securing finance. Second year. (a) Continue encouraging += new _potential entrepreneurs (b) Extend the services :- (®) Legal advice (i) Accounting Services (iii) Marketing services Third year. Enlarge our services to encompass :- (a) Management advice (b) Export promotion (©) Cost reduction consultancy (@ Assisting in securing ‘Second round Financing’ Total cost (for equipment and other assets) and means of finance for setting up the incubator. ‘Approximately Rs.10 lakh. Funded through financial assistance from KSIDC and balance by us. (Stationery, Printing, Honoraria to outside faculty, [ig blicity, Telephone, Fax, Meetings, Study Tour, etc.) 1,00,000 | _1,20,000| _1,40,000 HI D. | Year wise projected budget of the Incubator/ activities (3 YRS) *Recurring expenditure (on annual basis) First Second Third {yp {Pancuas Year__|Year _| Year 22] Manpower Cost 2,40,000 | 2,76,000| _3,12,000 Overheads tavel Expenses 25,000, 40,000 60,000 Miscellaneous & Contingencies 18,000 24,000 30,000 ‘Total 3,83,000 | __4,60,000 | _5,42,000 Training Facilities/ programmes Sxisting in the College Besides curriculum subjects, we have the following programmes/training facilities: Student Ownership Programme (Mentoring) - Gallop ~ Personality development traning . Evening Presentations . B it interaction wi ae with CEO (An interaction with corporate Training and Certification in Mi oft ies licrosoft Excel / ‘Video Conferencing with Industry Experts 8. Seminars/workshops/conferences on contemporary issues 721. | Give estimate of revenue eneration by the Centre Please see Appendix C attached. Revenue generation is not expected in the initial stage 22, | Indicate time frame and the method to attain self-sufficiency Six to eight years %B, | Support / Assistance sought from KSIDC (a) Technical expertise to occupants of our incubation centre (b) Financial support to set up the Incubation Center (c) Support to source finance for the incubating students and companies 4. | Linkages with other institutions of the region as well as the industries. (a) KMA () Cll (©) Tie Any other points A detailed write-up about the DCSMAT institutions and students’ activities is available at Appendix A. Signature of the Head of Institution/ Principal vse Mar 2017 lice: Vagamon

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