801 Voltage Doubler

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Warning - The following procedure involves high

and should be approached with caution.

My screen is too large.

Fixing your XY monitor blooming problem

This problem, called the blooming effect, is when the monitor

screen keeps growing after power up. It fills the
screen making it seem
like you have the monitor set to magnify. After complete warm up you will
only be able
to see the center of the image in very large size. The adjusting
pots will not help in this case. It is most likely
caused by a bad high
voltage (HV) diode. On the Electrohome G05-802 or Wells Gardner 19V2000
the problem lies with the HV diode (D904). This diode is located
in the HV cage. It is in-line with the HV
transformer T900 and the suction
cup attached to the monitor. Make sure to install the new diodes cathode
(usually marked with a line) towards the suction cup. This diode cannot
be checked with a normal diode

In the Electrohome G05-801 monitor there is no D904 diode

in-line with the suction cup. The 801 uses a part
called VD900,. This is
a voltage doubler. This part is no longer available; but thanks to some
creative thinking,
it has been duplicated in the form of 2 HV diodes and
HV cap. See diagram below for simple set up and parts

Parts and repairs are available here.


Here is the rear of an Electrohome G05-801 monitor. It is commonly found

in games from Atari like Lunar Lander, early
Asteroids and some full size
upright BZ games.

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Step 1 - Remove the HV cage from the monitor.

Here is a picture of the HV cage from a G05-801 monitor with the shield

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Step 2 - Remove VD900

Remove the VD900 part. Make sure to cut the cable going to the VD900
as close as possible to the VD900 leaving as much
cable as possible on the
HV transformer and the cable going to the suction cup. Notice I removed
the board from the metal
surround making it easier to work with. Make sure
you mark the 2 transistors located on the side of the metal case so you
know which order they go back (Q903=TIP31B and Q902=MJE51T):

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Step 3 - Install the 2 HV diodes and 10pf (102) 10K capacitor. The HV diode leads are very fragile and brake off
easily, use caution
when assembling. Here we have the 2 HV diodes and 10K cap attached
to the cage board.
(Addition: To avoid arching from the underside of the
board to the chassis, first build a base on the board with silicone Goop
before assembling the parts. Make sure to cover up 2 of the 3 small holes
on the board with Goop.)

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Step 4 - Seal the parts with silicone

In this step get some silicone sealing called "Goop" for automotive
application (available in most hardware stores) or
something similar, here
is their link: "Goop". Apply about 4 layers to cover the parts you
just installed completely plus the
base you build earlier in step #3. You
need to wait about a day between each layer to allow for the silicone to
completely. If you don't allow enough time for drying between layers
you won't get a good seal from the HV that will pass
through these parts
and you may have problem with arcing after power up. If you do get some
arching turn off power, wait
longer for your silicone to dry and/or add
more silicone. You may also want to check your 90V by hooking up your positive
lead of your volt meter to the D903 cathode (white line) and your black
lead from your meter to ground (the metal case
works fine). Adjust R912
to 90VDC:

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Here is a diagram of the parts added to replace the VD900:

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Warning - The above procedure involves high voltage

should be approached with caution.

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