550 Soslkmjalop
550 Soslkmjalop
550 Soslkmjalop
Table of Contents
Task 1.........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................3
1.3Research Objective............................................................................................................4
1.7 Conclusion........................................................................................................................9
Task 3.......................................................................................................................................20
Science and Technical Research Methodology
Science and Technical Research Methodology
Task 1
1.1 Introduction
The meaning of research as well as benefits associated with its applications and practices has been explained in the methodology section of
Science and Technical Researches. However, this particular research is important to serve the interests of scientists, practitioners, policymakers,
and other particular members of society. The research functions as the base of their future research and offer a better understanding of the topic.
Previously, multiple researchers have conducted research to shed light on the role of occupational health and safety for increased employee
satisfaction in construction companies of Malaysia. This research tries to shed light on the particular area and offers further insight into the topic.
Problem Statement
The construction industry seems to have significant involvement in the global and economic development of a country. The construction
industry demands a huge workforce to pursue projects, therefore requires the engagement of a large number of employees (Haron et al. 2017).
However, various hazards have been incorporated within the process of construction and cause multiple fatalities every year. However,
Science and Technical Research Methodology
currently, the construction industry of Malaysia is working on employee welfare and provides them safety and facility to decrease the fatality
rates (Othman et al. 2019). This particular initiative on occupational health and safety causes employee satisfaction in the construction industry
of Malaysia. However, various problems related to this topic have generated problem statements for this particular research.
Research Gap
The first health and hazard problem that has been identified in the construction industry of Malaysia is related to major fatality. The construction
industry in Malaysia has been identified as the 4th highest ranking in 2004 in terms of fatality cases, therefore accidents in the construction site
have always been highlighted (Pirotti et al. 2020). Secondly, the management and the employees of the construction industry do not follow a
proper safety manner that increases the rate of accident. Moreover, sometimes they have shown their reluctance to maintain safety measures to
save their resources and avoid legal issues. Thirdly, the pattern of work in the construction industry is very tiring and the working hours are not
flexible too. It causes various health issues, some of which are extremely severe among employees. Finally, employees of the Malaysian
construction industry have faced various mental issues and the rate of mental illness is gradually increasing (Taofeeq et al. 2020). All these have
formed the problem statement for the research and it has initiated a methodological explanation in terms of science and technology.
Science and Technical Research Methodology
1.3Research Objective
The research object defines the aim for studying or doing the research. The research object helps determine if the specific chosen scientific work
will be successful. An object is a broad idea that adds aim to the study and steers in the right direction for its success (Mohajan, 2018). The thing
of the study is
● To determine which way the research will be studied, there is more than one way.
● Knowing the study theme will give light to the whole research that one is studying.
● To explore a larger area of the study that one can explain in a few words.
● To make the right decisions and ask the right questions to process the correct equation.
● To identify the subject that connects the topic with the issue tightly but does not copy it.
• To determine the work load of the construction workers during their job
• To understant the organizations perticipation in maintaining healthy job atmosphere and how workers are satisfied with the job.
• To evaluate the work-health policies are developed in proper way to provide worker’s health support.
Science and Technical Research Methodology
The research questions are one of the most critical aspects of research as it pinpoints the purpose. One can determine what to find out from the
study and give a clear overall view. Questions of the research are about knowing how to solve a particular problem (Ørngreen & Levinsen,
2017). One can find questions about methods and methodology and the timeframe of the work. The questions are as follows:
RQ 1: What is the focus or object of the study, and what are the issues of the study?
RQ 2: What are the timeframe and constraints of the study, and what are the sources?
RQ 3: What are the resources, and if the resources are readily available or scarce?
RQ 4: How can one solve the problems and constraints if the study has one?
RQ 5: What are the methods by which the study will be conducted to be successful?
RQ 2: How much work load is there for the workers in Malaysian construction industry?
RQ 3: What are the aspects of healthy job atmosphere and how workers are satisfied with their job?
RQ 4: Are the work health policies are enough to support work health condition of workers in their job?
Science and Technical Research Methodology
Scope of the research mostly answers one or more questions of the study and helps the study to progress more in the right direction. One may
have only one primary question of research and multiple secondary questions from the research that relates to the scope of the study (Basias &
Pollalis, 2018). The range of a task indicates the limits to which the study extends and explores the work areas. The scope also explains the
parameters to operate the survey within which the experiment will be successful. This explains how to cover all the research focus and
understand what it will not cover. The scope of the study determines the limitations of the research, generally, and focuses on the sources. One
cannot justify an analysis if they broaden the limits of the scope too much, or the investigation may take way too long to finish (Attia & Edge,
2017). One must consider the practicality of research before conducting it, as the study might be incomplete if one cannot gather enough scope.
One must consider the geographical situation, the population of a sample, resources, general-purpose, and study processes to complete the
research. The research is only successful when the researcher has all the necessary data and procedure to implement it.
Science and Technical Research Methodology
The research is aimed to determine the necessity of work health safety in the construction industry of Malaysia and the various health policies
that companies are providing to their employees. The research has determined various possibilities to enhance the employees’ job satisfaction
and their work health condition. The research has also enabled the necessity of healthy workplace that maintain proper cleanliness and pollution
free atmosphere to the employees. This research will enhance the various path to improve the health condition of the workers in Malaysian
construction industry.
The reserch has observed the secondary thematic method to continue the study for a developed reserach outcome. Secondary thematic method
enhance the valid data outcomes from the source of journal that are developed by the past reserachers.
The research method defines the tools and techniques of a study that one will use to conduct research, whether it belongs to science or other
perspectives. The method includes collecting and defining the data, establishing the data with analysis, statistical or mathematical, and
evaluating the reliability and validity of the collected data with the study. The tools can be an electron microscope and telescope to statistical
information to help the study conduct successfully (Hussaini et al. 2019). A questionnaire is also a tool for a study to obtain data from a sample
survey in a locality among a specific population. Methods include an interview of a group, discussions among them, and observations to conduct
Science and Technical Research Methodology
a particular study. A scientist may use a microscope to gather information about a microscopic organism or telescopes to know more about the
universe. The tools or methods of a study may differ largely in nature with the research and complexity of the survey (Janis et al. 2020).
Research method is a director of the study that researchers may take or adopt to conduct the process. Methodology is the way to study research
systematically with assumptions, hypothesis, logic, and reasons for the study. A methodology seeks to determine why one chooses a particular
research method for a study over others. Methodology speaks about the methods of a particular study and tells one the justification and logic
behind choosing a particular way of conducting it. A methodology aims at various questions such as why one interviews this particular group of
people (Young et al. 2018). The methodology also points to the research problems and how one can answer the questions. Methodology also
indicates the study's hypothesis and what methods one takes to prove the hypothesis, techniques that one relies on for conducting the research.
Methodology also means evidence and whether they are enough to reject or accept the hypothesis.
b) Sampling Techniques
The research has observed the purposive sampling technique in the study that will enhance the maximum possibility in research sample validity.
The research needs multiple stages of experiments, observations, many other results, and finally conclusion if it is a scientific study. One must
apply a different methodology for an investigation and another for another experiment as the analysis requires. Methodology requires using
particular tools for conducting particular research, advanced technology for performing experiments (Begum & Lewison, 2017). A method
describes why one did research, and methodology is what the results mean and what tools one uses for a specific experiment. Research methods
Science and Technical Research Methodology
are tools that one uses to conduct surveys, experiments, tests and utilise the knowledge one has learned using a different methodology. Research
methodology is various techniques and other ways to research and acquire knowledge to conduct experiments, tests, and critical analysis.
Research methods focus on finding solutions to the research problem and research methodology ensure that one uses the proper procedures by
which the researchers can find answers (Bazhanov & Saksonova, 2020).
Research methods are the end of any research, be it scientific or non-scientific, and methodology is the way to choose the correct research
method, so it is the beginning of the research. Methods are the processes for a researcher to complete the test, and methodology is the answer to
how the researcher is conducting the study. Research methods are techniques and tools used to experiment, whether scientific or non-scientific or
other derivatives (Trimmer, 2020). The research methodology explains the justification of tools and techniques that one has chosen to research.
Methods and methodology are two very different things in research, as one can see; the rationale of tools that a researcher chose and the device
is added. Research methods refer to research techniques that one applies while performing an experiment or test.
In this research study the secondary themetic methodology is applied to enhance the improved source of data collection. The research has
preferred the electronic source of journal articles based on the research outcomes of previous reserchers . This method of data collection has
Research methods consist of Case studies, then surveys, data analysis using statistical methods, hypothesis and proofs, Web survey, Managerial
survey, and then in-depth interviews with the population (Panevski, 2019). Research methodologies are the research conducted in the scientific
Science and Technical Research Methodology
way that includes reasons behind the study, risen problems, the object of the study, research questions, hypothesis, research design. Methodology
also includes sampling the data and its plan, developing the right tool for conducting the research, suitable data collection in the proper way and
limitations of the study. One can run the analysis using these steps in an experiment (Baskerville et al. 2018). The methods also include
reviewing the concept and theories that one has chosen to experiment with and reviews on the research findings. Data collection and analysis are
the essential steps to conduct a test successfully. Hypothesis and theory proofs are necessary for complete experiments and interpret them
d) Data analysis
The research study has gathered various information about the work health condition of employees in construction sides and their
health support that various organizartion is providing. The source of electronic databases are used to gather data and this is an
authentic source. The research has analyzed the authentic data from these journals using various news and websites related to those
collected data to enhance the authenticity of data gathered for the study.
Methods and methodology of research have different roles in the process even if they are closely intertwined, and one should treat them
accordingly. Two ways that are most popular for conducting any experiment in science and technology are the investigation design and how one
solves the problem (Uman, 2017). The design of the experiment includes what the experiment is all about and the procedures that one can take to
solve them. Solving the problems include the methods that one has taken to solve the problem, such as data collection, analysis, and conclusion.
Models of an experiment come under process, on the one hand, and the other, technology that one uses and collected data and experiment tools
Science and Technical Research Methodology
come under methodology of a study. One conducts systematic learning by methods and collecting data, and experiments on it, proving them are
research methodologies. A logical way that researchers take and development of skills that one approach is an integral part of a methodology of
research. The outcome of research and solutions to a problem is more than following some process step by step (Lee, Park & Kang, 2018). The
methodology is a long and detailed process of conducting and carrying an experiment for a long or short period. Researchers must collect
enough data for an experiment, but too much data can hamper the investigation, too, so a suitable method is essential to carry out a study.
e) Research Process
introduction Literature review sample collection Research analysis
and methodology
Science and Technical Research Methodology
1.7 Conclusion
The chapter tends to describe various approaches of research methodology and different types of research. Moreover, this particular part
describes steps associated with research methodology and explains its involvement in the entire research framework. The chapter has figured out
the problems related to occupational health issues in the Malaysian construction industry. It further proceeds to figure out research objectives
that are related to the health conditions of employees engaged in the Malaysian construction industry. The chapter discusses the scopes of
research as well as measures how strategic approaches towards the issue increase employee satisfaction. Finally, the chapter draws a brief outline
of scientific and technical methods and methodologies that have been used to develop the research.
Science and Technical Research Methodology
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Science and Technical Research Methodology
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Science and Technical Research Methodology
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Science and Technical Research Methodology
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Task 3
Science and Technical Research Methodology
Journal 1
The research has been given an idea for the impact of health safety for the strategic approach for the works of Malaysia in the hospitality
industry. The research for the introduction to gender studies has been 8used to develop and understand the behaviour of society against gender
studies. It provides the framework for the establishment and understanding of gender studies and a better understanding of the partiality of
society (Trąbka et al. 2017). This is gives all thinking of the society and their partiality behaviour between girls and boys in an environment. It
has been seen that the boys have been played with cars while girls have been played with dolls. There have been many counties that has been
adopted gender studies and their methodology in the enhancement of gender equity in the various spheres. These studies have been dealing with
the most intellectual tradition for the feminine basis classification and based on others masculine. There has been a need to understand the
essential gender vision that has been consistent with the contribution characteristics of the men and women in the society (McGill et al. 2021).
The second steps for the understanding of gender studies that have been associated with society are the rational approach for gender behaviour.
There has been other also steps that have been helpful for gender studies are to recognize the social relationship between m, men, and women.
Science and Technical Research Methodology
Technical specification methodology for an automotive proving ground dedicated to connected and automated vehicles
Journal 2
The research has the details of the Malaysian workers and tier nature for the work and behaviour. The article has been given an idea to
understand all concepts behind the automated vehicle and their technology for the methodology for the growth of information technology (IT).
These have the idea for the technology and their behaviour that has been used for the Malaysian hospitality sectors (Piselli et al. 2018). The
article has been used to define the automated vehicle that has been designed by the latest technology and has been used in the various hospital
industry. The research I have been supportive of the industry and has been given successful and reliable products for the customers. These
customers have been using these products that have the all latest features with innovative thought. Innovative thought has been responsible for
the development of these automated vehicles in the automobile industry with the help of information technology (IT). The organization has been
dealing with these issues and has been coping with the hospitality management system (Pakpahan, 2018). This article has been playing an
important role in the system of the hospital management system and their behaviour of the workers.
Journal 3
The article has been dealing with all the necessity of the research that has been responsible to understand the facts and factors for the hospital
management system in the Malaysian industry. This has been useful for the growth of workers of Malaysia and their ripple and responsibility in
Science and Technical Research Methodology
the hospital management system (Arriazu, 2018). The research has been associated with all the features and facilities of the hospital management
and has been successfully coped with their management and operation. The operation of the hospital industry in Malaysia has been successfully
achieved with the help of technology and software. These have been associated with the facilities and coordination between the worker of
hospital management. These have been successful for the target achievement of the hospital and effective for the hospital market.
The successive market of the hospital industry has been impacted on the world culture of the workers of Malaysia and their behaviour that has
been useful for the successive effort of the organization (Zandstra, 2019). The hospital industry has been supported by the workers of the
Malaysian construction industry. There has been a successive improvement of the hospital industry with the feature of all possible performance
Journal 4
The hospital industry has been affected by the adaptation and implementation of project management in the Malaysian industry. Malaysia has
been using all possible technology that has been affected the growth of the hospital industry and their associated industry. Malaysia has been
improving its task force in t6he hospital industry and has been made an effective enviro, meant for the working culture (Yasinska, 2018). The
hospitality culture of Malaysia has been improved in the recent few years that has been used to the development in the industry of Malaysia. The
hospital industry has been set up with the help of the workers and their staff performance in the Malaysia industry of the hospital. The industry
has been going successful and effective create a successive business with the patient as the customer. The industry of Malaysia industry has been
Science and Technical Research Methodology
making the strategy that has been using by the higher level of authorities to develop the organization in the Malaysian industry (Pillai & Kaushal,
2020). The development of technology and their improvement has been given unique support to my organization of the hostile management and
their industry that has been creating an effective measurement for the growth of the company. Malaysia hospitality has been associate with the
pharmaceutical department of the organization that has been effective for the business growth of the company and that has been playing an
important role.
Journal 5
The research has been dealing with all facilities from the business perspective and their successful operation in the hospital industry.
The pharmacy department of the hospital has been using a certain approach for improving the business of the hospital industry and that has been
effective for the business growth of the hospital industry (Mitrofanova et al. 2020). The business industry has been associated with the market
planning and strategy that have all features and techniques for the development and improvement of the hospital industry. These have been
creating an effective and successful business market for the business of the hospital industry and have been effective support for the
The Long Way from Science to Innovation–A Research Approach for Creating an Innovation Project Methodology
Journal 6
Science and Technical Research Methodology
There has been a certain way for the innovation of science and technology that has been used for the project methodology and their
implementation. The hospital sectors have been effective implemented all features and certify facts that have been associated with the other
sector. There have been associated with many sectors that have been useful for the hospital management system. Those sectors are the use of
science and technology methods that have been useful for the understanding and growth of organizational behaviours and their cultural activities.
Applications of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (FNIRS) neuroimaging in exercise–cognition science: a systematic, methodology-
focused review
Journal 7
The organization of the marketing and others has been sales associate with the market and their hospital industry that has been useful for the
growth and their behaviours have been suicide for the market growth. The market of the hospital management and labour department are
internally connected to each either and have the good for to completion of their task. The hospital industry has been using many other facilities
for that better infrastructure of the hospital to interact with the customer that has been useful to grow the hospital market. The hospital market
has been effective forth business growth and their association has been successfully achieved with the help of certain strategies and electives for
the business growth (Ainin et al. 2019). The business of the hospital agent is the successful business to get the more profit in the market. there
has been a certain labour law for the workers of the hospital industry that has been defective and followed by workers of the hospital. The
worker of the hospital has the strategy that has been use to make the successive business sin the market and banking the marketing and another
strategy for the business in the hospital industry. The labour and the hospital have been connected with the keratin bond that has been followed
Science and Technical Research Methodology
by the labour laws and regulations of Malaysia. The labour has also been associated with a committee that has been using the facility of the
labourers and decision plan according to the needs. The business of the hospital industry has been given many others facilities to the customers
and their behaviour that agave been effective for the hospitality market. The business that has been dined in the hospital industry has been
successful and effective and has created profit for their business. The market of the hospital industry has been seen many other options for
growth and that has been effective for the labourers. The landers and the hospital management have been given many opportune for estafand
their behaiovoiuur has been successful for the growth. The industry has been effective and many others utilization for the business perspective
Journal 8
Researchers of a specific research project sometimes find the qualitative research analysis is difficult but it is a suitable way to analyse data
based on the real-life experience of research participants. In the case of qualitative data analysis methodology, there is a wide range of data
analytical approaches available that allow the researchers to demonstrate the research findings. As opined by Alase (2017), some of these
approaches can be defined as narrative approach, ethnographic approach, ground theory approach and all of these approaches are justifiably used
in a qualitative research study. As opined by Senyo et al. (2018), the qualitative research study is initiated by creating files of necessary
information that are required for the study of the research effectively. As stated by Apuke (2017), the step further follows the effective reading of
that information to acquire the necessary sense from those files of data. Then a specific sense of the information has been collected from the
analysis. It has been observed that this process of research methodology has resulted in the specification of worker's views on job satisfaction in
Science and Technical Research Methodology
Malaysia. As defined by Bobrovskij (2018), it has also determined the fact that this data collection method of qualitative analysis will have a
positive impact on research findings of worker's health conditions in Malaysia. The journal has identified both the primary data collection
method by organizing interviews and also the secondary data collection method from different journal sources. As opined by Bradbury-Jones et
al. (2017), the qualitative data collection process has played a vital role in the research study on the Malaysian health crisis in the construction
sector. The research gas also enhanced the fact that qualitative data collection is an effective methodology to intensify the various possibilities in
Journal 9
Cloud computing has enhanced a wide range of scope on research methodology using the technology-oriented concept in the collection of
samples. The concept of cloud computing and the various applications used from it can enhance the research findings in the maximum possible
way (Finglas et al. 2017). Cloud computing has developed the security-based approach in the Malaysian industry sectors in modern world
techniques. Workers can get the scientific concept of job satisfaction from the different cloud-based applications that are used in the job sector of
this country (Simon, 2018). It has been also observed that the cloud-based system can generate innovative health care applications that play an
important role in maintaining the health strategy of the workers. As stated by Greenland (2017), the research has found that the cloud-based
systems that are used in the research study are also enhancing the possibility of research outcomes. The country has observed that organizations
have deployed the cloud-based system that is required for the technical advancement of its work (Pierzak, 2018). The primary source of data
collection in the study related to the effect of cloud computing in Malaysia construction sites to improve the workers' health is gathered from the
Science and Technical Research Methodology
electronic media. Different authentic journals, scholars are retrieved to gather the various authors' views on this particular topic (Holzer et al.
2018). Malaysian worker's health conditions in the construction industry are controlled by the various applications that the organizations are
using in their work. Cloud computing has enhanced the research process through various technical resources that are used in modern-day work.
The research methods applying cloud computing applications have enhanced the modern way of research study and its possibility.
Journal 10
Embodied research methodology can enhance the facts of various social research studies in the protection of human rights, culture. This
methodology has also enhanced the fact of cognitive study of the necessary qualitative study and defines the artistic research performance. As
stated by Hua-Cheng (2020), embodied research has incorporated the health system necessity in the workplace and the way it is necessary to
positively determine the work-health condition of the workers in an organization. The embodied research methodology used the process of
intensity and thoroughness in the research (Maier et al. 2018). The research also focused on the systematic investigation process that has affected
the research result in a positive way. As opined by Ilyés (2019), this research study has also incorporated the fact of the requirement of balance
in a general and systematic research study. As opined by Spatz (2017), the embodied research analysis in the work health sector of Malaysia has
focused on gathering more authentic data collection from the research study. It has also enhanced the scope of the research possibility to gather
authentic information about the health crisis in Malaysian workers (Kuritsyna et al. 2020). The study has also analyzed the fact that the
systematic and detailed embodied research on this topic has enhanced the suggested way of betterment of the worker’s life in the construction
sector of Malaysia.
Science and Technical Research Methodology
Science and Technical Research Methodology
Multiple significant theories have been used in this particular part of the research to explain the matter elaborately with a better insight. These
theories help the researcher to figure out factors that have impacted occupational health issues in the Malaysian construction industry (Ayob et
al. 2018). On the other hand, it has highlighted how a strategic approach towards the issue can increase employee satisfaction in this particular
The theory has hypothesized that there are two different sets of a theory that serve as governing factors to figure out job satisfaction and job
dissatisfaction. "Hygiene Factors," or Extrinsic Motivators and "Motivation factors," or intrinsic motivators are two different sets that have
Science and Technical Research Methodology
engaged to determine the health and safety issues among employees of Malaysian industry (Jaafar et al. 2018). The theory further recommends
how a scientific and technical approach can improve employee health as well as can improve job satisfaction.
Hygiene factors, or extrinsic motivators, represent more primary needs or basic employment rights of an employee. It includes job status,
security, salary, and other benefits. It is important for the management of the Malaysian construction industry to realize that not providing
necessary and expected facilities can lead to employee or labour dissatisfaction and cause harm to employee motivation.
Motivation factors, or intrinsic motivators, usually represent emotional needs that are related to "relatedness" and "growth" of needs. Intrinsic
motivators are associated with challenging work, recognition, relationships, along growth potential. Managers must be aware that these
particular needs may belong outside that traditional scope of workplace facility that can affect individual or team performance.
Theory X & Y:
The theory has been generated on the basis of managerial attitude towards an employee and its basic needs. Apart from their basic needs, the
management requires to consider employee's mental health and treat them in a sensible way. However, the theory has initiated a proposal that
guides the management to shape its behaviour towards subordinates on the basis of various assumptions.
According to Theory X, human beings used to have a general dislike for work and a tendency to avoid it. The management of the Malaysian
construction industry must consider this factor to manage the workforce. Health issues and occupational hazards are the dominated one that
Science and Technical Research Methodology
causes a serious headache to the Malaysian construction industry. The theory guides the industry to overcome this particular issue while
As portrayed by Theory Y, mental issues in a workplace are as common as physical issues. The mental illness of employees in a Malaysian
construction company is not only caused by their personal internal factors, but also excessive work pressure and other external threats related to
their workplace. The management must take care of their employees and provide them scopes to recover in order to have better employee health
Task 4 is missing for task 4.can you provide presentation.slide .at least 10 slide to summary this research proposl.
quality evidence and quality evidence but research findings; evidence and
specifically analyzes the does not adequately relies heavily on a few resources presented
research conducted by analyze the research studies and uses poor
describing the individual findings; simply reports quality resources for
studies and findings that on the literature. information gathering
support the thesis and
focused problem.
CLO Problem 1.5 Clearly posed statement Fairly well posed Statement of the Lack/No statement of No problem 6
3 Statement & of the problem and statement of the problem and research problem and research statement
Research research gap and problem and research gap is not clearly gap. provided.
Gap supported with high gap that provides stated and/or lacks
quality (strong) evidence but the quality evidence to
evidence. evidence is not as support the problem.
strong as it could be.
CLO Research 1 Clearly stated purpose Fairly well stated Purpose of the study is Lacks a purpose of the No research 4
3 Objectives & of the study that purpose of the study not clearly stated study statement or objectives
Research connects very well to the that connects well to and/or does not does not pertain to the provided.
Questions introduction and the the introduction and connect well with the introduction and/or the
statement of the the statement of the introduction and the statement of the
problem. problem. statement of the problem.
CLO Scope of 0.5 Clearly described scope Fairly well described Described scope of Poorly described No scope of 2
3 Research of research that is scope of research that research that is scope of research that research
realistic and is realistic and realistic and is realistic and provided.
manageable within the manageable within the manageable within the manageable within the
stipulated time of the stipulated time of the stipulated time of the stipulated time of the
research undertaking. research undertaking. research undertaking. research undertaking.
CLO Research 1.5 Identifies appropriate Identifies appropriate Identifies appropriate The methodologies No research 6
2 Design, methodologies and methodologies and methodologies and described are poorly design and
Methodology research techniques research techniques research techniques suited. The methodology
and Process (e.g., justifies the but some details are but many details are methodology is under- provided.
sample, procedures, missing or vague. missing or vague. The developed and/or is
and measures). methodology is largely not feasible.
Provides appropriate
Science and Technical Research Methodology
TOTAL 10 40
2 CLO Literature 5 Excellent literature Good literature review The literature review Poor literature review No literature 20
Science and Technical Research Methodology
2 Review Matrix review matrix that very matrix that easily spot matrix quite hardly to matrix that very hard to review
easily spot differences differences and spot differences and spot differences and provided.
and similarities in similarities between in similarities in research similarities in research
research process research process process between process between
between journal articles journal articles about a journal articles about a journal articles about a
about a given research given research topic. given research topic. given research topic.
TOTAL 5 20
3 CLO Literature 5 All materials are Most materials are Some materials are Very few materials are Fail to provide 20
1 Review relevant to the relevant to the relevant to the relevant to the relevant
objectives of the study; objectives of the study; objectives of the study; objectives of the study; literature and
shows in-depth shows sufficient shows some shows very limited its relation to
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the the current
mechanisms described mechanisms described mechanisms described mechanisms described study.
in the reading materials; in the reading in the in the reading
provide excellent materials; provide reading materials; materials; provides
synthesis and analysis sufficient synthesis provide some very limited synthesis
of previous research and analysis of synthesis and analysis and analysis of
and its relation to the previous research and of previous research previous research and
current study. its relation to the and its relation to the its relation to the
current study. current study. current study.
CLO Theoretical 2.5 Provide the most related Provide some related Provide a few related Provide insufficient Fail to provide 10
1 Framework theory (or theories) that theory (or theories) theory (or theories) theory (or theories) of selected
undergirds thinking with that undergirds that undergirds that undergirds theory (or
regards to understand thinking with regards thinking with regards thinking with regards theories) and
that are relevant to the to understand that are to understand that are to understand that are the relevant
research problem and relevant to the relevant to the relevant to the variables to be
includes the most research problem and research problem and research problem and measured.
Science and Technical Research Methodology
relevant variables to be includes the variables includes quite relevant includes less relevant
measured. to be measured. variables to be variables to be
measured. measured.
TOTAL 7.5 30
4 CLO Presentation Expertly presented; the Information, Information, Information, Difficult to
3 Design and presentation is logical, arguments and arguments and arguments and understand for
Ideas persuasive, and well evidence are very well evidence are well evidence are audience, no
supported by evidence, presented; the presented, mostly presented in a way logical/clear
demonstrating a clear presentation is logical, clear flow of ideas and that is not always clear structure, poor
1 4
flow of ideas and clear and well arguments. Line of and logical. Line of flow of ideas,
arguments. supported by reasoning is easy to reasoning is often argument
evidence. follow. difficult to follow. lacks
CLO Slides Slides are clear, Slides are generally Slides are consistent Slides are inconsistent Slides are
3 succinct and clear, succinct and in clarity and quality. and poorly designed unclear and
0.5 2
demonstrate demonstrate adequate and confused. not
professional quality. quality. appropriate.
CLO Delivery Presenter has Presenter has Presenter has good Presenter has poor Presenter is
3 professional appearance professional appearance. Strong appearance and poorly unprepared.
and well prepared appearance and dependence on notes prepared. Poor voice
without depending too prepared. Appropriate and hesitation. Good volume, tone and
much on notes. Volume, voice volume, tone voice volume, tone pacing. Inappropriate
0.5 2
pacing and gestures and pacing. Gestures and pacing. Some gestures which
contribute maximally to supported the overall appropriate gestures detracted from the
the presentation. presentation. that supported the presentation.
Duration 0.5 Presented in 3.00 Presented in 2.00 Presented in 1.00 Presented between Presented 2
minutes. minutes. minutes 3.01 – 4.00 minutes more than
4.01 minutes
or less than
Science and Technical Research Methodology
1.00 minute
TOTAL 2.5 10
OVERALL 25 100
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