Basic Design Report

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Ainaro Same

Timor Sea



Ainaro ● ●

List of Figures & Tables
List of Tables

Table-2-1-1 Summary of Objective Facilities for Rehabilitation in Each District Town

Table-2-1-2 Improvement of Service Ratio

Table-2-2-1-1 Water Demand in Dili (Year 2003)

Table-2-2-1-2 Plant Capacity of Each WTP (Dili)
Table-2-2-1-3 Water Demand in Ermera (Year 2003)
Table-2-2-1-4 Capacity of Each Water Supply System (Ermera)
Table-2-2-1-5 Water Demand in Same (Year 2003)
Table-2-2-1-6 Capacity of Each Water Supply System (Same)
Table-2-2-1-7 Water Demand in Ainaro (Year 2003)
Table-2-2-1-8 Water Demand in Maubisse (Year 2003)
Table-2-2-1-9 Capacity of Each Water Supply System (Maubisse)

Table-2-2-2-1 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Bemos WTP

Table-2-2-2-2 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Lahane WTP
Table-2-2-2-3 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Benamauk WTP
Table-2-2-2-4 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Dili
Table-2-2-2-5 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Haturegas Raitara System
Table-2-2-2-6 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Motabura System
Table-2-2-2-7 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Ersoi System
Table-2-2-2-8 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Ermera
Table-2-2-2-9 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Ersoi System
Table-2-2-2-10 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Darelau System
Table-2-2-2-11 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Kotalala System
Table-2-2-2-12 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Same
Table-2-2-2-13 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Nugupo System
Table-2-2-2-14 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Ainaro
Table-2-2-2-15 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Bucana System
Table-2-2-2-16 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Raikual Ulun System
Table-2-2-2-17 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Erulu System
Table-2-2-2-18 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Maubisse
Table-2-2-2-19 Specifications and Quantity of Bemos WTP Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-20 Specifications and Quantity of Lahane WTP Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-21 Specifications and Quantity of Benamuk WTP Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-22 Specifications and Quantity of Dili Distribution Pipes(Zone 1,5,6,7,8)
Table-2-2-2-23 Specifications and Quantity of Dili Equipment Supply
Table-2-2-2-24 Specifications and Quantity of Haturegas Raitara System Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-25 Specifications and Quantity of Motabura System Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-26 Specifications and Quantity of Ersoi System Proposed Work
Table-2-2-2-27 Specifications and Quantity of Ermera Proposed Distribution
Table-2-2-2-28 Specifications and Quantity of Ermera Equipment Supply
Table-2-2-2-29 Specifications and Quantity of Merbati System Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-30 Specifications and Quantity of Darelau System Proposed Facilities

Table-2-2-2-31 Specifications and Quantity of Kotalala System Proposed Facilities

Table-2-2-2-32 Specifications and Quantity of Same Distribution Pipes
Table-2-2-2-33 Specifications and Quantity of Same Equipment Supply
Table-2-2-2-34 Specifications and Quantity of Nugupo WTP Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-35 Specifications and Quantity of Ainaro Distribution Pipes
Table-2-2-2-36 Specifications and Quantity of Ainaro Equipment Supply
Table-2-2-2-37 Specifications and Quantity of Bucana System Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-38 Specifications and Quantity of Raikuak Ulun System Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-39 Specifications and Quantity of Erulu System Proposed Facilities
Table-2-2-2-40 Specifications and Quantity of Maubisse Distribution Pipes
Table-2-2-2-41 Specifications and Quantity of Maubisse Equipment Supply

Table-2-2-4-1 Staffing Plan
Table-2-2-4-2 Procurement Sources of Major Materials and Equipment
Table-2-2-4-3 Method of Quality Control

Table-2-4-1 Proposed Restructuring Plan for WSS Head Office & Dili Waterworks
Table-2-4-2 Proposed Restructuring Plan for WSS District Offices
Table-2-5-1 Estimated Annual Operation Cost of the Objective Facilities

List of Figures

Figure-2-2-1-1 Layout of New Water Treatment Units (Bemos WTP)

Figure-2-2-1-2 Layout of New Water Treatment Units (Benamauk WTP)

Figure-2-2-4-1 Organization Chart of the Implementation Agency

Figure-2-2-4-2 Implementation Schedule (Phase-1 Project: Dili)
Figure-2-2-4-3 Implementation Schedule (Phase-2 Project : Ainaro & Same)
Figure-2-2-4-4 Implementation Schedule (Phase-3 Project : Ermera & Maubisse)

Figure-2-4-1 Proposed Organization of WSS Head Office and Dili Waterworks

Figure-2-4-2 Proposed Organization of WSS District Offices

ADB – Asian Development Bank
AusAID – Australian Agency for International Development
CEP – Community Empowerment and Local Governance Project
CFA – Central Fiscal Authority
CWS&S – Community water supply & sanitation
CWSSP – (AusAID) Community Water Supply & Sanitation Project
DAO – District Administration Office
DURIDN – Dili Urgent Rehabilitation & Improvement of the Distribution Network
DWSSRP – Dili Water Supply & Sanitation Rehabilitation Project
ECHO – European Community Humanitarian Office
EDTL Electricidade de Timor Leste
ETPA – East Timor Transitional Administration
FY – Fiscal Year
GOI – Government of Indonesia
GOJ – Government of Japan
GOP – Government of Portugal
GTZ – German Technical Cooperation
ICRC – International Committee of the Red Cross
IDA – International Development Association
JICA – Japan International Cooperation Agency
KfW – Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau
MTCPW – Ministry of Transport, Communication and Public Works
MPF – Ministry of Planning and Finace
MIS – Management information system(s)
NGO – Non Government Organization
PKF – Peace Keeping Forces
PMU – Project Management Unit
SSF – Slow sand filter
TA – Technical assistance
TFET – Trust Fund for East Timor
UFW – Unaccounted for water
UN – United Nations
UNDP – United Nations Development Program
UNHCR – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF – United Nations International Children's Fund
UNOPS – United Nations Office of Project Services
UNPKF – United Nations Peacekeeping Force

1- 1
UNTAET – United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
UNV – United Nations Volunteer
USGET – United States Support Group for East Timor
WatSan – Water & sanitation
WB – World Bank
WHO – World Health Organization
WS&S – Water supply & sanitation
WSS – Water and Sanitation Service
(Directorate of Water and Sanitation within the Ministry of Water & Public
WSSRP – Water Supply & Sanitation Rehabilitation Project
WTP – Water treatment plant
WUG – Water User Group

1- 2
Executive Summary
The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste became the world’s newest sovereign on 20 May, 2002
and become a member of the United Nations on 17 September, 2002. The total population is about
800 thousands. The country is situated at 124-127 degrees east longitude and 8-9 degrees south
latitude with 14,000 km2 land size. A core of rugged hills and mountains (2,000 m) divides the
northern part of the country from southern region. The rainfall pattern is varied with the mountains
receiving more rain than the coastal plains. The annual average rainfall is about 1,600 mm.
During the Indonesian time, the water supply systems were inadequate but 47 cities have the
systems, which are mostly like community systems. For example in Dili, the estimated service ratio
by piped supply is said about 40 % with 120,000 people and about 17,000 connections.
Physical damages to the main water supply facilities during the social unrest following the
national election in 1999 were generally limited in the destruction of water supply offices and loss or
stealing of equipment, tools, vehicles, records and data. The most of the facilities have been repaired
through the emergency rehabilitation measures, however, there are some water supply systems,
which still need intensive repair works. The aging facilities, improper maintenance & operation, and
exodus of Indonesian staff cause the shortage of human resources in the fields of operation,
maintenance and management of water works.
Most of the urban water supply systems were constructed during the Portuguese time in 1950 –
1974 or the Indonesian time in 1975-1995 and the facilities constructed during the Portuguese time
are superannuated as a matter of fact.
Water and Sanitation Service (WSS) has been organized since the end of 1999 and established at
the beginning of 2000 under the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
(UNTAET). Under the current Government of Timor-Leste, WSS falls under the jurisdiction of the
Ministry of Transportation, Communication and Public Works (MTCPW). WSS has been entrusted
with the agency responsible for the management of water supply systems of 13 district capitals with
168 staff members. The total population of these district capitals reach at 180,000 approximately
and account for about 25% of the national population of 800,000. The estimated service ratio of the
five (5) cities in the Study is as low as 20 – 60 %.
Meanwhile, the water charge system prevailed during the Indonesian time has been collapsed
completely and water charge is not collected for the water supply systems operated and managed by
WSS. At present, the draft of “Notification of Water Services Tariff” has been submitted to the
Councillors of Ministers for approval and the collection of water charge system will begin in a short
time in Dili.

The draft Water Services Decree submitted to the Councilors of Ministers for the third time in
March 2003 prescribes the functions of the WSS, which are summarized as follows.
Provide adequate, safe and sustainable water supply to Dili and districts towns’ communities
Full cost recovery in long term from users provided by WSS water supply system
Ensure the communities access to adequate, safe and sustainable water through community
owned and managed water facilities.

Generally, WSS has just stared to establish their organization and the water supply systems, just as
East Timor has started to establish new Government by themselves.
The overall plan for improvement & expansion of existing water supply facilities is based on the
National Development Plan (May, 2002). In the plan, WSS’s function is described as follows,
“WSS is responsible for establishing the legal and institutional framework for water utilization
and sanitation controls, managing the integrated activities of water and sanitation engineering, water
quality control, relevant development and maintenance contracts, and establishing support
The objectives in the sector is also described in the plan clearly,
Objective 1 : Provide adequate, safe and sustainable water supply
80 % of urban population with access to safe piped water
80 % of rural population with access to safe local water supply
Objective 2: Provision of adequate, safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation for
village/rural communities through community owned and managed water and sanitation facilities
100 % of areas adjacent to urban center with appropriate access to water
80 % of village and enclaves with access to appropriate self-managed systems

Although the water supply systems in the country have been rehabilitated and reconstructed by the
international assistance groups, WSS still have many problems to overcome. The common issues
and problems among the head office of WSS and district waterworks are no basic data (logbooks,
drawings and documents for management), aging facilities, and inadequate operation management
capability. Obviously, in order to solve these issues, it is essential to formulate the necessary policies
including the mid & long term measures in addition to the short-term measures.
Considering such situation, the Government of Japan conducted the Development Project Study
titled “Study on Urgent Improvement for Water Supply System in East Timor (15 district towns)” in
2000. As a result of the Study, the grant aid project was implemented through UNDP. In addition,
the preliminary study named “The Urgent Rehabilitation Support Program in East Timor” was
conducted to search for the necessity of rehabilitation of water supply facilities.
The Government of Timor-Leste, for the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Public
Works as the implementing agency, requested the bilateral assistance of the Japanese Government
based on the results of a series of the studies and the water supply situation. The request of the
water supply rehabilitation project was made on 27 November 2002.
The objective water supply systems in the request are five (5) district towns including Dili,
Ermera, Same, Ainaro and Maubisse which are regarded to have a higher priority or urgent necessity
for rehabilitation of the facilities. Also, these five(5) district towns are included in the JICA
Development Project Study in 2000, however, except for Dili water supply, there are no donor
countries extending the assistance to the four (4) district towns up to now.
Responding to the request, JICA undertook the Basic Design Study of the project and dispatched
the Study Team to Timor-Leste in two phases from March 22 to May 5 and from July 26 to August 9,

in 2003 for the field surveys and for the explanation of the concepts of the basic design in addition to
the continuous design work to be conducted in Japan during the study period.
The request made by the Government of Timor-Leste did not indicate concrete contents of the
objective facilities. Accordingly, based on the results of field work, the Basic Design Study Team
discussed several times with the Government of Timor-Leste over the rehabilitation plan of the
objective district towns and agreed upon the objective facilities of each town. Basic design study
was carried out in Japan based on the objective facilities and also cost estimation of the Project
considering i) maximum utilization of existing limited water sources, ii) rehabilitation of the existing
facilities, iii) consideration of easy operation and maintenance. Furthermore, there were no maps
of water distribution network in the district towns. Therefore, the Study Team prepared the basic
maps of the water distribution network through the hearing and field investigation in each district
town. These maps were used for the water distribution planning.
Following table presents the list of objective facilities, water demand and capacity of the objective
facilities included in the Basic Design Study.

Objective Facilities for Rehabilitation and Improvement in Each District Towns

Existing Planned Raw Water Service Water Disinfecti

District Capacity Capacity Water Treatment Distribut on
Site Water Reserv ion Equipme
Town (m3/day) (m3/day) Intake Plant
Main oir Network nt
Dili Bemos WTP 1,700*1 2,000 - - 〇 - - 〇
Lahane WTP 1,955 2,600 - 7.3km 〇 - - 〇
350*1 600 - - 〇 - - 〇
Dist. Network
- - - - 19.6km
Ermera 86*2 86 - 〇 - 〇 - 〇
Motabura Sys.
Ersoi Sys. 52*2 52 - - - 〇 - 〇
Raitara Sys. 0(new) 300 〇 2.5km 〇 〇 - 〇
- - - - 5.8km
Same Merbati Sys. 560 560 〇 - - 〇 - 〇
Darelau Sys. 864*2 864 〇 〇 - 〇 - 〇
Kotalala Sys. 〇Total:
130*2 130 - - 〇 - 〇
- - - - 15.5km
Nugupo WTP 1,200*1 1,200 〇 0.8km 〇 〇 - 〇
- - - - 8.3km
Maubis Bukana Sys.
173*2 173 〇 〇 - 〇 - 〇
Raikuak Ulun
69*2 69 〇 〇 - 〇 - 〇
Erulu Sys. 〇Total:
43*2 43 〇 - 〇 - 〇
- - - - 1.5km
*1 : Estimated capacity from filtration area. Not properly operated.
*2 :Existing capacity

In Dili, the target facilities are part of Dili water supply system, namely the existing three (3)
water treatment plants (rehabilitation works) and rehabilitation & upgrading of distribution mains
(zone 1,5,6,7,8 only, total zone number is 10). After the rehabilitation of the three treatment plants,
the total capacity is 5,200 m3/day, which corresponds to about 19 % of maximum supply capacity in
Dili. Dili water treatment plant is just constructed with 6,000 m3/day capacity. The other source of
supply is ten (10) deep wells which are owned by WSS.

The project period is 80 months including detailed design. The estimated total cost is 3,136
million Yen (Japanese side :3,075 million Yen, Timor-Leste side :61 million Yen).

The effect of implementation of the Project, as a whole, is regarded as an upgrading of the water
services to the residents. In Dili, the rehabilitation work is expected to improve the water service
conditions in five (5) zones out of total 10 distribution zones. Meanwhile the rehabilitation works
in the four(4) district towns is expected to contribute to the improvement of water service condition
of the entire service area.
The direct effect of the Project is supposed to restore the function of the water intake facilities,
raw water conveyance facilities, water treatment facilities and water distribution facilities through
the rehabilitation, improvement and new construction works to provide the safe water and stable
water supply facilities as a result of the development of the facilities.
The effect in terms of service ratio is as follows,
Since Dili’s scope of work is part of the entire system, it is difficult to give service ratio for entire
city like other four cities, however, UFW (Unaccounted for Water) for the study area is expected to
be 28 % from 40 %. The service ratio in the other cities is estimated as follows,

Existing After the Project

Item Unit
Ermera Same Ainaro Maubisse Ermera Same Ainaro Maubisse
1. Administration- Pop person 4,300 11,800 4,900 2,700 4,300 11,800 4,900 2,700
2. Served Population person 730 3,208 3,265 864 1,505 5,546 3,577 1,269
3. Service Ratio % 17 27 66 32 35 47 73 47

The indirect effects of the Project in Dili and the four (4) district towns is expected to bring about
the service of sufficient amount of water through the direct house connection and/or the public taps
that are available all the time at convenient distance. As a result, the project will contribute to
decrease the working time of drawing water for female and/or children and materialize the sanitary
and convenient living environment of the residents as the beneficiaries. The supply and use of safe
water will control the outbreak of water-born diseases drastically and improve the public health in
the region simultaneously. On the other hand, for the side of WSS, it is expected that the collection
of water charges due to the upgrading of water service will enable more income which can be spent
on the operation and maintenance costs, thereby contributing to the healthy financial management of
However, it shall be noted herein that several issues need to overcome prior to and in connection
with the implementation of the Project as summarized in the followings.
Budgeting of the allotted works to the Timor-Leste Government under the fragile national
financial conditions.
Collection of water charge for the sustainable management of the waterworks
Securing of operation and maintenance staff sand their capacity building
In addition to the issues above, there is an issue to be emphasized that the installation of service
pipes, connection works and setting of the water meter should be carried out in order to have a good
linkage with the improved facilities/systems by the Project. The works after the service piping is to
be shouldered by the Government of Timor-Leste. The proper planning and implementation of those
works supplied by some equipment is very important for the entire project. Also overcoming the
issue to forward the execution of water charge system will result in the sustainable operation and
maintenance of the objective facilities and establishment of the healthy management of waterworks.
Water supply function in the objective district towns will be restored through implementation of
the proposed Project. The normal operation and maintenance of the water supply facilities will bring
sanitary and convenient living condition to resident beneficiaries. Additionally, the installation of
distribution pipes and public tap stations will reduce the water loss ratio and increase the water
service coverage ratio.
As in above, the Project will respond widely to the BHN for the residents with the restoration of
water supply functions. As the result, improved sanitary condition and convenient life will be
brought to the people with safe and stable water supply. Accordingly, it is ensured herewith the
appropriateness to implement the rehabilitation work of the objective facilities under the Japanese
Grant Aid Scheme.


Letter of Transmittal
Location Map
List of Figures & Tables
Chapter 1 Background of the Project ................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Historical Background of the Project ........................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Objective Facilities for the Study ............................................................................ 1-1
1-2-1 Target Facilities of the Study ................................................................................. 1-1
Chapter 2 Contents of the Project ......................................................................................... 2-1
2-1 Basic Concept of the Project ................................................................................... 2-1
2-2 Basic Design of the Requested Japanese Assistance .............................................. 2-3
2-2-1 Design Policy ........................................................................................................ 2-3
2-2-1-1 Basic Policy .................................................................................................... 2-3
2-2-1-2 Considerations of Natural Conditions for Design .......................................... 2-11
2-2-1-3 Considerations on Social and Economic Conditions...................................... 2-12
2-2-1-4 Considerations on the Conditions for Construction, Procurement,
Special & Conventional Practices in the Construction.................................... 2-12
2-2-1-5 Considerations to Use Local Construction Company and Consultant............ 2-13
2-2-1-6 Considerations on the Capacity of Management & Maintenance
of the Implementation Agency ........................................................................ 2-13
2-2-1-7 Considerations to Determine the Grade of Facilities and Equipment ............ 2-13
2-2-1-8 Considerations on the Construction Methods & Procurement and
Implementation Time Schedule........................................................................ 2-14
2-2-2 Basic Plan (Construction Plan/ Equipment Plan ................................................... 2-15
2-2-2-1 Overall Plan .................................................................................................... 2-15
2-2-2-2 Facility Plan.................................................................................................... 2-23
2-2-3 Basic Design Drawings ....................................................................................... 2-40
2-2-4 Implementation Plan.............................................................................................. 2-90
2-2-4-1 Implementation Policy.................................................................................... 2-90
2-2-4-2 Implementation Conditions ............................................................................ 2-91

2-2-4-3 Scope of Works ............................................................................................. 2-93
2-2-4-4 Consultant Supervision ................................................................................. 2-98
2-2-4-5 Procurement Plan .......................................................................................... 2-100
2-2-4-6 Quality Control Plan....................................................................................... 2-102
2-2-4-7 Implementation Schedule ............................................................................... 2-103
2-3 Obligations of Recipient Country ............................................................................. 2-107
2-4 Project Operation Plan .............................................................................................. 2-108
2-4-1 Operation and Maintenance of the Objective Facilities ........................................ 2-108
2-4-2 Required Numbers of Staff for Operation, Maintenance and Management .......... 2-109
2-4-2-1 Staffing of WSS Head Office for Implementation of
the Development Projects............................................................................... 2-109
2-4-2-2 Staffing for Collection of Water Charge ......................................................... 2-109
2-4-2-3 Staffing for Operation and Maintenance of the Objective Facilities .............. 2-109
2-4-3 Proposed Restructuring of WSS for Operation, Maintenance
and Management .................................................................................................... 2-110
2-4-4 Procurement of Staff and Capacity Building Plan................................................. 2-115
2-4-4-1 Procurement of Staff....................................................................................... 2-115
2-4-4-2 Capacity Building Plan................................................................................... 2-115
2-5 Project Cost Estimates .............................................................................................. 2-116
2-5-1 Estimated Cost of the Objective Facilities ............................................................ 2-116
2-5-2 Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost of the Objective Facilities.................... 2-117
2-6 Other Relevant Issues ............................................................................................... 2-118
2-6-1 Software Component ............................................................................................. 2-118
2-6-1-1 Issues and Necessity to Introduce the Software Component .................................. 2-118
2-6-1-2 Purpose ........................................................................................................... 2-119
2-6-1-3 Expected Outcome.......................................................................................... 2-119
2-6-1-4 Contents of Activities ..................................................................................... 2-120
Chapter 3 Project Evaluation and Recommendation
3-1 Project Effect ............................................................................................................ 3-1
3-1-1 Direct Effect of the Project .............................................................................. 3-1
3-1-2 Indirect Effect of the Project.............................................................................. 3-3
3-2 Recommendations..................................................................................................... 3-3
1. Member List of the Study Team
2. Study Schedule
3. List of Parties Concerned in the Recipient Country
4. Minutes of Discussions
5. Estimated Cost Born by the Recipient Country

Chapter 1

Background of the Project

Chapter 1 Background of the Project
1-1 Historical Background of the Project
The Government of Japan conducted the Development Project Study titled “Study on Urgent
Improvement for Water Supply System in East Timor (15 district towns)” in 2000. As a result of the
Study, the grant aid project was implemented through UNDP. In addition, the preliminary study
named “The Urgent Rehabilitation Support Program in East Timor” was conducted to search for the
necessity of rehabilitation of water supply facilities.
The Government of Timor-Leste on behalf of the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Public
Works as the implementing agency, requested the bilateral assistance of the Japanese Government
based on the results of a series of the studies and the existing water supply situation. The request of
the water supply project was made together with the projects for “Rehabilitation for Road and Bridge”
and “Rehabilitation for Comoro Power Station” in November 2002.
The objective water supply systems in the request are five (5) district towns including Dili, Ermera,
Same, Ainaro and Maubisse which are regarded to have higher priority or urgent necessity for
rehabilitation of the facilities. Also, these five(5) district towns are included in the JICA
Development Project Study in 2000, however, except for Dili water supply, at present there are no
donor countries extending assistance to the four (4) district towns.
Responding to the request, JICA undertook the Basic Design Study of the project and dispatched the
Study Team to Timor-Leste in two phases from March 22 to May 5 and from July 26 to August 9,
2003 for the field surveys and for the explanation of the concepts of the basic design in addition to the
continuous design work conducted in Japan during the study period.
1-2 Objective Facilities for the Study
The request aimed at rehabilitation of water supply facilities of the objective district towns although
the detail contents were not indicated. Accordingly, based on the results of field work, the Basic
Design Study Team discussed several times with the Government of Timor-Leste over the
rehabilitation plan of the objective district towns and agreed about the objective facilities of each town.
Target facilities of the Study are indicated in the following subsection.
1-2-1 Target Facilities of the Study
(1) Dili
Rehabilitation of three existing Water Treatment Plants
Bemos, Lahane and Benamauk WTPs
Rehabilitation and improvement of existing Distribution Network (Zone 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8)
Main target will be Portuguese period pipes and existing Water Treatment Plants
(2) Ermera
New Intake
Haturegas Raitara Stream
New Raw Water Main
From New Intake to the Proposed Water Treatment Plant site
New Water Treatment Plant

Near the Haturegas Raitara
New Service Reservoir
Near the Haturegas Raitara (at the Proposed Water Treatment Plant site)
Rehabilitation of existing Service Reservoir
Mota Bura and Poetete
Rehabilitation of existing Distribution Network
(3) Same
Rehabilitation of existing Intakes
Merbati and Darelau
New Raw Water Mains
Darelau Intake to Hularua Service Reservoir
Kotalala Intake to Posto Elevated Tank
Rehabilitation of existing Service Reservoirs
Merbati, Hularua and Kotarala
Rehabilitation and Improvement of Existing Distribution Network
(4) Ainaro
Rehabilitation of existing Intakes
Rehabilitation of Raw Water Main
From Sarai Intake to Nugupo Water Treatment Plant
Rehbilitation and Improvement of existing Water Treatment Plant
Nugupo WTP
Rehabilitation of existing Service Reservoir
Kamilaran No. 1
New Transmission Line from Nugupo WTP to Kamilaran No.1 Service Reservoir
Rehabilitation and Improvement of existing Distribution Network
(5) Maubisse
Rehabilitation of existing Intakes
Bucana, Raikuak Ulun and Eruru
New Raw Water Mains
From Bucana Intake to Pousada Service Reservoir
From Raikuak Ulun Intake to Leputo Service Reservoir
From Eruru Intake to Erulu Service Reservoir
Rehabilitation of existing Service Reservoir
Pousada, Leputo and Erulu
Rehabilitation of existing Distribution Network, if the necessity is confirmed.

Chapter 2

Contents of the Project

Chapter 2 Contents of the Project
2-1 Basic Concept of the Project
The first National Development Plan, since independent of Timor-Leste in May 2002 ranks higher
priority to the Project concerned with water supply and sanitation. Under the National
Development Plan, water supply is clearly stated in the target (the higher rank target) and is to be
given higher priority.

Higher Rank Target : Supply of safe water to 80 % of urban population through pipeline
The Objectives district towns of the Project, five(5) district towns(Dili, Ermera, Same, Ainaro and
Maubisse), have a population scale (administration population) of about 180,000. The total
population of Timor-Leste is estimated at 800 thousand and the urban population constitute 25% of
total as described in the National Development Plan, the objective population of the Project covers
90% of the urban population. Accordingly, it can be emphasized that the Project is important for
the development and prosperity of Timor-Leste.
The objective facilities of each district town is tabulated as follows in Table-2-1-1.

Table-2-1-1 Summary of Objective Facilities for Rehabilitation in Each District Town

Planned Water Servic Water Disinfecti

District Capacity Water Treatment e Distribut on
Site Water
Town (m3/day) Intake Plant Reserv ion Equipme
Main Network nt
Dili Bemos WTP 2,000 - - 〇 - - 〇
Lahane WTP 2,600 - 7.3km 〇 - - 〇
Benamauk 600
- - 〇 - - 〇
Dist. Network
- - - - 19.6km
Ermera 86 - 〇 - 〇 - 〇
Motabura Sys.
Ersoi Sys. 52 - - - 〇 - 〇
Raitara Sys. 300 〇 2.5km 〇 〇 - 〇
- - - - 5.8km
Same Merbati Sys. 560 〇 - - 〇 - 〇
Darelau Sys. 864 〇 〇 - 〇 - 〇
Kotalala Sys. 130 〇Total:
- - 〇 - 〇
- - - - 15.5km
Ainaro 1,200
Nugupo WTP 〇 0.8km 〇 〇 - 〇
- - - - 8.3km
Maubis Bukana Sys. 173
〇 〇 - 〇 - 〇
Raikuak Ulun 69
〇 〇 - 〇 - 〇
Erulu Sys. 43 〇Total:
〇 - 〇 - 〇
- - - - 1.5km
*1 : Estimated capacity from filtration area. Not properly operated.
*2 :Existing capacity

As it will be described later, the objective facilities and the scope of work for the basic designing
were determined with the purpose to rehabilitate the major existing facilities in order to facilitate the
effective use of water sources and easy operation and maintenance of the systems.
Since the Basic Design Study covers five cities of water supply systems (part of Dili, Same,
Ainaro, Maubisse, and Ermera), it includes many design components as can be seen in the Table
2-1-1. The detailed components are explained in the following Section 2-2 in Chapter 2.
After the execution of the Project for all the five(5) waser supply systems, the following effect of
the Project in terms of improved service ratios is expected to be achieved.

Table-2-1-2 Improvement of Service Ratio

Service Ratio (%)

Towns After the Ratio of Population
Project Increase
Ermera 17 35 206 4,300
Same 27 47 174 11,800
Ainaro 66 73 110 4,900
Maubisse 32 47 147 2,700
Note: The service ratio of Dili is not estimated since the projects covers only a part of Dili,

In line with the formation of a new country on May 20,2002, development of all the
infrastructures in the country has been just started in Timor-Leste. In the field of water supply, the
organization is still young and insufficient in human resources and hence there are many issues to
cope with the superannuated facilities and strengthening of operation and maintenance. On the
base ground of these facts, introduction of an assistance program of soft component is required in
technical assistance activities in addition to the rehabilitation and improvement work of the existing

2-2 Basic Design of the Requested Japanese Assistance
2-2-1 Design Policy
2-2-1-1 Basic Policy
Most of the water supply facilities in Timor-Leste were founded by the Portuguese Government in
the 1960s. Thereafter, the water supply facilities were expanded, operated and maintained by the
Indonesian Government.
The water supply facilities in the cities and towns were damaged and malfunctioned during the
social unrest following the national election in 1999. Further more, the exodus of Indonesian
managerial staff caused the loss of water supply related drawings and document related to
management of waterworks as well as the shortage of skilled staff . All these factors have brought in
the difficulties for normal operation and maintenance of the water supply facilities.
A part of the water supply facilities damaged during the disturbance of the society has been
rehabilitated by the international assistance groups and the NGOs, however, the present situation
shows that all the facilities and the functions are still not restored.
The Study deals with the basic design for rehabilitation and improvement of Dili waterworks
where the facilities and the functions are not wholly restored and the water supply facilities in
Ermera, Ainaro, Same and Maubisse where the rehabilitation through the assistance programs are
not yet implemented. The following basic policies are concerned,
Rehabilitation of existing facilities and maximum utilization of existing limited water
Establishment of basic monitoring system mainly at Water Treatment Plant(including
Basic water quality analysis)
Consideration of easy Operation and Maintenance
Improvement of distribution mains in order to increase service ratio

(1) Dili
In Dili water supply system, there are three existing water treatment plants(WTP), namely; Bemos
WTP, Lahane WTP and Benamauk WTP and the water distribution area is divided into 10 water
service zones. An emergency rehabilitation was made for each WTP. However, the facilities and
equipment are not yet sufficient to satisfy the normal operation of the treatment facilities. With
regard to the water distribution system, rehabilitation work of pipes for the zones 2, 3 4, 9 and 10 are
either underway or completed in several zones.
In view of the present status described above, the basic design for Dili include the restoration of
the malfunctioning water treatment plants of Bemos Lahane and Bemos, and the rehabilitation of
water service zones, 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8 where the rehabilitation work of water distribution networks
have not been started yet.
1) Water Demand
Water demand of Dili is presented in Table-2-2-1-1 as follows.

Table-2-2-1-1 Water Demand in Dili (Year 2003)

Item Unit Quantity

1. Admin. Population Person 159,100
2. Served population Person 114,100
3. Service coverage ratio % 70
4. Max. DWD per capita lit/c/d 249
5. Daily AWD per capita lit/c/d 208
6. Max. daily water demand m3/day 27,785
7. Daily average water demand m3/day 23,154
8. Water loss amount m3/day 9,262
9. Ratio of water loss amount % 40.0
Abbreviations: DWD : Daily Water Demand, AWD : Average Water Demand

Data Source:
JICA Development Project Study “ Study on Urgent Improvement for Water Supply System
in East Timor (15 district towns) in 2001”

2) Water Treatment Plant Capacity

Water treatment capacity of WTPs is unknown due to the loss of the relevant document.
Therefore, the capacity of each WTP has been estimated based on the following procedures and
the capacity is shown in Table-2-2-1-2.
(a) Bemos Water Treatment Plant
The plant capacity of Bemos WTP is determined based on the maximum use of the lot
area of the existing water treatment plant. As indicated in the schematic in
Figure-2-2-1-1, the total plant capacity of 2,000 m /day, 4 series of water treatment plant
units of 500 m3/day each, is proposed.
From the Bemos Water Source

Existing receiving tank

New Distribution
Well Available lot for installation

Disinfection Room
Existing Service Existing

Tank Operation

Note: ①∼④indicate the water treatment unit of 500m3/day each.

Figure-2-2-1-1 Layout of New Water Treatment Units (Bemos WTP)

(b) Lahane Water Treatment Plant
The plant capacity of Lahane WTP is determined based on the capacity of the existing
suspended solid contact clarifier and/or the capacity of existing rapid sand filters. In
accordance with the Japanese standards for the Design Criteria of Water Supply Facility,
the plant capacity is determined at 2,600 m3/day as follows.
Estimated Capacity of Suspended Solid Contact Clarifier

Surface loading V=50mm/min(40∼60mm/min, from the Design Criteria)

Sedimentation Area A=(7.52-3.02) x π÷4=37.1m2
Water Treatment Capacity Q=V x A=0.05m/min x 37.1m2 x 1,440min=
Estimated Capacity of Rapid Sand Filters

Filtration Rate V=120m/day(120∼150m/day, from the Design Criteria)

Filtration Area A=4.85×2.5=12.1m2/filter
Nos. of Filters No.=2 filters(3 filters including 1 stand-by unit)
Water Treatment Capacity Q=V x A x N=120m/day x 12.1m2/filter ×2filters=
(c ) Benamauk Water Treatment Plant
The plant capacity of Benamauk WTP is determined based on maximum utilization of
the lot area where the existing water treatment units are installed. As a result, the total
plant capacity of 600m3/day, 2 series of water treatment plant units of 300m3/day each, is
proposed as shown in Figure-2-2-1-2.

Available lot for installation


(Existing) House

From the Benamauk Water Source

Note: ①∼②indicate the water treatment unit of 300m3/day each.。

Figure-2-2-1-2 Layout of New Water Treatment Units (Benamauk WTP)

The following Table shows each WTP design capacity.

Table-2-2-1-2 Plant Capacity of Each WTP (Dili)

WTP Water Source Water Source Capacity Plant Capacity

1. Bemos WTP Bemos stream 17,020m3/day 2,000m3/day
2. Lahane WTP Bemos stream 1,728m3/day 2,600m3/day
Benamauk stream 2,765m3/day
3. Benamauk WTP Benamauk stream 2,765m3/day 600m3/day
Total 21,513m3/day 5,200m3/day

(d) Water Distribution Network

The network drawing for Dili is inaccurate. In the Study, network information for Zone
1, 5, 6, 7, 8 is gathered through interviews and test diggings. The information is up-dated
and input into GIS system. The distribution pipes plan was made based on the GIS system.
(2) Ermera
There are two water sources in Ermera, namely, Motabura and Ersoi springs, and water is
distributed to the town from these two (2) systems. The basic design for Ermera includes the
rehabilitation of these two systems and water distribution network since any practical rehabilitation
work has not yet begun and the town is facing water shortage problem. In addition, the basic
design includes the new water source development at the Haturegas Raitara stream to construct a
new water supply system for the town to cope with the water shortage problem in dry season.
1) Water Demand
Water demand in Ermera is presented in Table-2-2-1-3 as follows.

Table-2-2-1-3 Water Demand in Ermera (Year 2003)

Item Unit Quantity

1. Admin. Population Person 4,300
2. Served population Person 2,200
3. Service coverage ratio % 50
4. Max. DWD per capita lit/c/d 195
5. Daily AWD per capita lit/c/d 162
6. Max. daily water demand m3/day 428
7. Daily average water demand m3/day 356
8. Water loss amount m3/day 178
9. Ratio of water loss amount % 50.0
Abbreviations: DWD : Daily Water Demand, AWD : Average Water Demand

Data Source:
JICA Development Project Study “ Study on Urgent Improvement for Water Supply System
in East Timor (15 district towns) in 2001”
2) Water Supply Capacity of Each System
The water supply capacity of Ermera is determined based on the capacity of the water
sources and the maximum daily water demand as shown in the Table-2-2-1-4. Since the
capacity of existing water sources is not adequate to fulfill the maximum daily water demand at

428 m3/day, a new water source development plan at the Haturegas Raitra stream has been

Table-2-2-1-4 Capacity of Each Water Supply System (Ermera)

Water Supply System Water Source Water Source System/Plant

Capacity Capacity
1. Haturegas Raitara Haturegas Raitara 397m3/day 300m3/day New
System stream (4.6lit/s)
2. Motabura System Motabura spring 86m3/day 86m3/day
3. Ersoi System Ersoi spring 52m3/day 52m3/day
Total 535m3/day 438m3/day

The water supply capacity of the Haturegas Raitara is determined as described below.

Water Supply Capacity of Haturegas Raitara:q1

Maximum Daily Water Demand :Q=438m3/day
Water Supply Capacity of Motabura System :q2=86m3/day
Water Supply Capacity of Ersoi System:q3=52m3/day
Ratio of Miscellaneous Water Use in the Plant:qa=3%
q1=(Q- q2- q3)×(1+ qa) =(438-86-52)×(1+0.03)≒300m3/day
3) Water Distribution Network
Since there is no network drawing, the Study team carried out interviews and prepared rough
network drawing. The network drawing need to be up-dated at Detailed Design stage. The
distribution pipes are planned based on the Study results.
(3) Same
There are three water sources in Same, namely, Merbati, Dalerau and Kotalala springs, and water
is distributed to the town from these three (3) systems. The basic design for Same include the
rehabilitation of these three systems and water distribution network since any practical rehabilitation
work has not yet begun and the town is facing the water shortage.
1) Water Demand
Water demand in Same is presented in Table-2-2-1-5 as given below.

Table-2-2-1-5 Water Demand in Same (Year 2003)

Item Unit Quantity

1. Admin. Population Person 11,800
2. Served population Person 5,900
3. Service coverage ratio % 50
4. Max. DWD per capita lit/c/d 263
5. Daily AWD per capita lit/c/d 219
6. Max. daily water demand m3/day 1,554
7. Daily average water demand m3/day 1,295
8. Water loss amount m3/day 648
9. Ratio of water loss amount % 50.0
Abbreviations: DWD : Daily Water Demand, AWD : Average Water Demand

Data Source:

JICA Development Project Study “ Study on Urgent Improvement for

Water Supply System in East Timor (15 district towns) in 2001”

2) Water Supply Capacity of Each System

The water supply capacity of Same is determined based on the capacity of the water sources
and the maximum daily water demand as shown in the Table-2-2-1-6.

Table-2-2-1-6 Capacity of Each Water Supply System (Same)

Water Supply System Water Source Water Source System/Plant

Capacity Capacity
1. Merbati System Merbtati spring and 24,192m3/day 560m3/day
stream (280lit/s)
2. Dalerau System Dalerau spring & 864m3/day 864m3/day
stream (10lit/s)
3. Kotalala System Kotalala spring 130m3/day 130m3/day
Total 25,186m3/day 1,554m3/day

The water supply capacities of the Darelau and Kotalala systems are determined based on the
capacity of respective water sources.
The water supply capacity of the Merbati system is determined based on the followings.

Maximum Daily Water Demand in Same:Q=1,554m3/day

Water Supply Capacity of Darelau System:q2=864m3/day
Water Supply Capacity of Kotalala System:q3=130m3/day
Water Supply Capacity of Merbati System:q1
q1=Q- q2- q3=1,554-864-130=560m3/day
3) Water Distribution Network
No network drawing is available for the region, therefore, the Study team carried out
interviews and prepared rough network drawing. The network drawing need to be up-dated at
Detailed Design stage.
The distribution pipes are planned based on the Study results.

(4) Ainaro
There is only one water source in Ainaro, namely the Nugupo stream. The Nugupo WTP system
supplies water to the town. The basic design for Ainaro include the rehabilitation of Nugupo WTP
system and water distribution network since any practical rehabilitation work has not yet been
1) Water Demand
Water demand in Ainaro is presented in Table-2-2-1-7 as given below.

Table-2-2-1-7 Water Demand in Ainaro (Year 2003)

Item Unit Quantity

1. Admin. Population Person 4,900
2. Served population Person 4,400
3. Service coverage ratio % 90
4. Max. DWD per capita lit/c/d 233
5. Daily AWD per capita lit/c/d 194
6. Max. daily water demand m3/day 1,025
7. Daily average water demand m3/day 854
8. Water loss amount m3/day 427
9. Ratio of water loss amount % 50.0
Abbreviations: DWD : Daily Water Demand, AWD : Average Water Demand

Data Source:
JICA Development Project Study “ Study on Urgent Improvement for Water Supply System
in East Timor (15 district towns) in 2001”

2) Water Supply Capacity of the System

The water supply capacity of Ainaro is unknown due to loss of relevant water supply
documents. Because of the said status, the treatment capacity of slow sand filters is
determined in accordance with the Japanese standards for the Design Criteria of Water Supply
Facility as well as the procedures applied for the Lahane WTP. The plant capacity is determined
at 1,200 m3/day as shown below.
Estimated Capacity of Slow Sand Filters

Filtration Rate V=5m/day(4∼5m/day, from the Design Criteria)

Filtration Area A=6.1m×20.0=122.0m2
Nos. of Filters N=2filters
Water Treatment Capacity Q=V x A x N=5.0 x 122.0 x 2≒1,200m3/day
3) Water Distribution Network
In the absence of any network drawing, the Study team again carried out interviews and
prepared rough network drawing. The network drawing need to be up-dated at Detailed Design
stage. The distribution pipes are planned based on the Study results.
(5) Maubisse
There are three water sources in Maubisse, namely Bucana, Raikuak Ulun and Erulu springs and

water is distributed to the town from these three(3) systems. The basic design for Maubisse include
the rehabilitation of these three systems and water distribution network since any practical
rehabilitation work has not yet begun and the town is facing the water shortage.
1) Water Demand
Water demand in Maubisse is presented in Table-2-2-1-8 as follows.

Table-2-2-1-8 Water Demand in Maubisse (Year 2003)

Item Unit Quantity

1. Admin. Population Person 2,700
2. Served population Person 1,900
3. Service coverage ratio % 70
4. Max. DWD per capita lit/c/d 187
5. Daily AWD per capita lit/c/d 156
6. Max. daily water demand m3/day 356
7. Daily average water demand m3/day 297
8. Water loss amount m3/day 149
9. Ratio of water loss amount % 50.0
Abbreviations: DWD : Daily Water Demand, AWD : Average Water Demand

Data Source:
JICA Development Project Study “ Study on Urgent Improvement for Water Supply System
in East Timor (15 district towns) in 2001”

2) Water Supply Capacity of Each System

The water supply capacity of Maubisse is determined based on the capacity of the water
sources and the maximum daily water demand as shown in the Table-2-2-1-9.

Table-2-2-1-9 Capacity of Each Water Supply System (Maubisse)

Water Supply System Water Source Water Source System/Plant

Capacity Capacity
1. Bucana System Bucana spring 173m3/day 173m3/day
2. Raikuak Ulun Raikuak Ulun spring 69m3/day 69m3/day
System (0.8lit/s)
3. Erulu System Erulu spring 43m3/day 43m3/day
Total 285m3/day 285m3/day

The maximum daily water demand in Maubisse is estimated at 356m3/day. Meanwhile, the
total water supply capacity is 285m3/day and hence the amount of 71m3/day will deficit to the
required maximum daily water demand. However, the water supply ratio 80% (285m3/day÷
356m3/day x 100≒80%) is sufficient for the daily average water demand and the water
shortage under the condition will not be a significant problem in the area. Accordingly, the
Maubisse water supply shall be rehabilitated at 285m3/day for the time being. However, the
development of new sources of water is recommended in future.
3) Water Distribution Network
The Study team carried out interviews and prepared rough network drawing, as no network
drawing is available. The network drawing need to be up-dated at Detailed Design stage.

2 - 10
The distribution pipes are planned based on the Study results.
2-2-1-2 Considerations of Natural Conditions for Design
(1) Air Temperature
Timor-Leste, situated in the equatorial region, experiences two seasons in terms of rainfall and
temperature determined by the monsoon regime. Monthly average air temperature ranges from 24
∼27℃ during 7 months of the dry season from April to October, and about 27℃ during the rainy
season from November to March. In order to prevent evaporation caused by high temperature and
drying, frequent watering is required for curing concrete in dry season.
(2) Rainfall
Precipitation increases in the rainy season from November to March. The maximum monthly
average precipitation occurs at 236mm while the monthly average precipitation is about 141mm.
Number of annual rainy days exceed 160 and 60% of these days concentrate during the five months’
rainy season.
In such conditions, concrete work shall be basically avoided during rainy seasons. In the rainy
season, the work for installation of raw water mains in the mountain area shall also not be
implemented due to the danger of frequent collapse of slopes and land slides.
(3) Earthquake
The seismic activity is low in Timor-Leste and the earthquake-grade due to consider the seismic
load for the design of water supply facilities is not occur. Accordingly, the earthquake-resistant
design is not considered in the basic design.
(4) Geography and Geology
1) Dili
Dili lies along the coastal area and the geological conditions in the area is characterized by an
alluvium consisting of a mixture of deposits such as clay and large gravel to form a firm ground.
Bemos WTP, Lahane WTP and Benamauk WTP are located on hillside where the ground is
strong enough for the direct footing. For installation of pipes, open cut will be practical for
the trenching work.
2) District Towns (Ermera, Same, Ainaro & Maubisse)
The district towns are located in the steep mountain areas. The inter-district roads are
mostly paved but there are many sections having sharp curves and steep slopes. Both road
sides consist of steep slopes and traffic is interrupted from time to time in rainy season due to
landslides caused by stormwater washout.
As a whole, the stratum in the objective district towns formed of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and
Quaternary strata of Cenozoic era, which are consisted of metamorphic rocks, limestone,
sandstone, and fine sedimentary rocks. Boring tests conducted in Ainaro and Ermera revealed
the existence of 2-5 m deep soft soil layer at the WTP sites. In basic design study, this soft
soil layer will be replaced by crushed gravel for the construction of foundation of the structures.
With regard to the installation of raw water mains, there are many sections without roads
along the route of the raw water mains. Exposed piping will be adopted at the sections where

2 - 11
the pipeline routes are selected along the streams and slopes. For underground piping, the
ground is stiff enough for open cut trenching.
2-2-1-3 Considerations on Social and Economic Conditions
Timor-Leste has just become an independent state and has recently started working towards
development of the country. Number of experienced engineers are running short at present.
These engineers will be able to have a basic technical transfer through the implementation of the
Power supply in the district towns is limited from 18:00 to 24:00 hours. Therefore, procurement
of diesel generator(s) is required at the project office(s) and staff quarter(s) during the construction
Water supply condition in the district towns become worse in the dry season due to drop in stream
water level and decrease of spring water. Accordingly, procurement of water tank truck(s) is
2-2-1-4 Considerations on the Conditions for Construction, Procurement, Special &
Conventional Practices in the Construction
Ministry of Development and Environment drafted and submitted the Pollution Control Decree
and Environmental Assessment Decree to the Councilors of Ministers for approval. The draft
Environmental Assessment Decree does not stipulate the necessity of implementation of
environmental assessment for water supply facilities.
In Timor-Leste, Design Guideline was prepared by the MTCPW especially for the building and
civil structures although the design standards and/or criteria have not yet been formulated up to now.
Accordingly, the basic design has been carried out in compliance with the Japanese design standards
“Design Criteria of Water Supply Facility-1998”.
There are about 80 local construction companies and some foreign construction companies of
Australia, Philippines, and Singapore. Most of the local construction companies are small in
business scale and these companies generally do not possess construction equipment and labors but
procure only after they get a construction contract . The foreign construction companies generally
possess several construction machines and skilled labors but there is no foreign construction
companies expanding the business on a large scale, if anything, the scale of business is rather
With regard to the local construction material, concrete blocks, concrete pipes, etc. are produced
in Timor-Leste. Sand and gravel are available from the nearby riverbed such as the down stream
section of the Kasa River in Ainaro, and the Commoro River in Dili, and other rivers in each
construction site. Other construction materials are imported from the neighboring countries such as
Indonesia and Australia.
In Timor-Leste, there is no lease company for construction machines although it is possible to
procure the general construction machines from the local construction company(ies).
It is possible to procure steel benders and plasterers in Dili. But, it might be required to procure
the skilled labors such as plumbers, carpenters for form work, mechanics, electrician, etc. from the
third country(s) such as the Philippines.

2 - 12
2-2-1-5 Considerations to Use Local Construction Company and Consultant
As mentioned earlier under the existing status of construction work, there are two groups of
construction companies, namely the local construction companies and the foreign construction
Local construction companies have problems in the performance of work and keeping a
construction schedule. Only few companies can fulfill guarantee of the work, others may terminate
the contract as the work becomes unprofitable and the deeds become a social problem.
As for the foreign construction companies, because of a shrinking of construction work market,
only a limited numbers of engineers and skilled labors are stationed in Timor-Leste and they
implement the construction work through deployment of the staff and procure/import the
construction machines from their home country as the construction work is awarded to them.
Under such conditions, the opportunities to make use of the subcontractor(s) will be quite limited.
There is no consulting firms in the field of water supply engineering in Timor-Leste.
2-2-1-6 Considerations on the Capacity of Management & Maintenance of the
Implementation Agency
The implementing agency, WSS, does not have district WSS office in Ermera and Maubisse and
the water supply of Ermera is controlled by the Ermera District WSS in Gleno while the water
supply of Maubisse is controlled by the Ainaro District WSS.
Therefore, it is proposed to establish a WSS subdistrict branch office in Ermera and Maubisse
respectively in connection with the implementation of this project.
The budget of WSS has been funded by TFET controlled by ADB and CFET. The funding from
TFET will end by the middle of 2003. About 75% of the budget of CFET is funded by the
assistance agency(ies).
WSS is scheduled to collect water charge from June 2003 and the income from the water charge
will be used for allocating to a part of the WSS budget.
Operation and maintenance staffs of WSS are very few. However, the sufficient number of
operation and maintenance staffs will be deployed and trained in connection with the
implementation of the project.
With regard to the education background of the staffs of WSS, the staffs having senior high school
graduate and less education background account for about 73%. Therefore, the human resource of
higher technical level is running short. Accordingly, it is required to improve the capacity of the
staff through a series of training programs.

2-2-1-7 Considerations to Determine the Grade of Facilities and Equipment

Most of the existing facilities/system in each town is manually controlled. Because of no
monitoring facilities installed, operation and maintenance work of the facilities is often obstructed
and delayed.
The grade of the facilities and the equipment proposed under the basic design is determined to
have the similar level with the existing facilities and the equipment to meet with the appropriate
technology in the country. However, the required equipment for monitoring such as water level

2 - 13
meters and flow meters are installed for upgrading the operation and maintenance of the facilities
and systems procured under the project.

2-2-1-8 Considerations on the Construction Methods & Procurement and Implementation

Time Schedule
(1) Method of Construction and Procurement
Construction work of water supply facilities under the project will be implemented based on the
following courses.
With regard to the method of construction, the construction work shall use general construction
material and machines since the facilities of the project is procured with general water supply
facilities to be constructed on a ground of good geological conditions. Therefore, there is no
special construction method to be applied and the procurement is also planned to be made with a
general practices. Followings are the common facilities procured under the project.

Intake Facilities
Raw Water Mains including aqueduct
Distribution Well, Receiving Tank, Elevated Tank
Office House, Staff Quarter
Water Service Tank
Water Distribution Pipes
(2) Implementation Time Schedule
There are five objective district cities and towns for rehabilitation of the water supply systems
under the project. The project gives priorities to the cities and towns where the WSS District office
is operated. The first phase of the project shall implement the rehabilitation work for Dili. The
projects for Same and Ainaro are proposed in the second phase and finally the rehabilitation works
of two sites, Ermera and Maubisse, are also proposed in the third phase. The first and second phases
shall be implemented in multiple fiscal years and the third phase shall be implemented in a single
fiscal year.

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2-2-2 Basic Plan (Facility Plan & Equipment Plan)
2-2-2-1 Overall Plan
(1) Dili
1) Bemos WTP
Bemos WTP shall have the capacity at 2,000 m3/day through the replacement of water
treatment unit (steel made), rehabilitation of office house, mechanical and electrical equipment,
and other facilities and equipment. The contents of the rehabilitation and improvement works
are presented in Table-2-2-2-1.

Table-2-2-2-1 Proposed Facilities ad Equipment of Bemos WTP

Category of Work Facilities & Equipment Remarks

1. Civil Work Distribution well -1 unit New
Mixing Flume -2 units New
Wash-water Tank -1 tank New
2. Building Work Office House (Rehabilitation)-1 house Rehabilitation
Generator House (Rehabilitation)-1 house Rehabilitation
3. Mechanical Work Water Treatment Unit -4 units Replacement
Chemical Dosing Equipment. -1 system Replacement
Disinfecting Equipment -1 system Replacement
4. Electrical Work Power Distribution System –1 system Replacement
Monitoring Equipment -1 system New
Standby Generator Unit -1 unit Replacement

2) Lahane WTP
Lahane WTP shall have the capacity at 2,600 m3/day through the replacement of raw water
mains, new construction of receiving tank, rehabilitation of office house, mechanical and
electrical equipment, and other facilities and equipment. The contents of the rehabilitation
and improvement works are presented in Table-2-2-2-2.

Table-2-2-2-2 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Lahane WTP

Category of Work Facilities & Equipment Remarks

1. Civil Work Raw Water Mains -2 pipeline New Line
Receiving Tank-1 tank Replacement
2. Building Work Office House –1 house Rehabilitation
3. Mechanical Work Suspended Solid Contacting Clarifier-1 tank Rehabilitation
Rapid Sand Filters -3 filters Rehabilitation
Chemical Dosing Equipment. -1 system Replacement
Disinfection Equipment. -1 system Replacement
4. Electrical Work Incoming Power Receiving Sys.–1 system Replacement
Power Distribution System –1 system Replacement
Monitoring Equipment -1 system New
Standby Generator -1 unit Replacement

3) Benamauk WTP
Benamauk WTP shall have the capacity at 600 m3/day through the replacement of water
treatment unit, rehabilitation of office house, mechanical equipment, and new installation of
electrical equipment. The contents of the rehabilitation and improvement works are presented
in Table-2-2-2-3.

2 - 15
Table-2-2-2-3 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Benamauk WTP

Category of Work Facilities & Equipment Remarks

1. Civil Work Distribution Well –1 unit New
Wash-water Elevated Water Tank -1 tank New
2. Building Work Office House-1 house Rehabilitation
Staff House -1house New
3. Mechanical Work Water Treatment Unit -2 units Replacement
Chemical Dosing Equipment -1 system Replacement
Disinfection Equipment-1 system Replacement
4. Electrical Work Incoming Power Receiving Sys. -1 system Replacement
Power Distribution System –1 system Replacement
Monitoring Equipment -1 system New
Standby Generator Unit -1 unit Replacement

4) Water Distribution Network

Rehabilitation work of water distribution network shall be carried out for the pipes having
more water leaks and the non-served areas in the zones, 1,5,6,7, and 8 and the pipe laying
distance are listed in the following Table-2-2-2-4.

Table-2-2-2-4 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Dili

Size (mm) Length (m)

φ80 2,618
φ100 6,841
φ150 8,415
φ200 1,729
Total 19,603

(2) Ermera
1) Haturegas Raitara System
The maximum daily water demand amounts to around 438m3/day in Ermera. However, the
existing water supply capacity is estimated at only 138m3/day and the supplied water amount
falls short of demand by 300m3/day. Therefore, the new water source, Haturegas Raitara
system, shall be developed with the capacity of 300m3/day. The contents of the rehabilitation
and improvement work of the Haturegas Raitara system are summarized in Table-2-2-2-5.

Table-2-2-2-5 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Haturegas Raitara System

Category of Work Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Civil Work Intake Facilities-1 unit New System
Raw Water Mains-1 pipeline
Receiving Tank-1 tank
Water Service Tank-1 tank with 2 chambers
2. Building Work Office House-1 house New System
Staff House-1house
3. Mechanical Work Water Treatment Unit-1 units New System
Chemical Dosing Equipment-1 system
Disinfecting Equipment. -1 system
4. Electrical Work Incoming Power Receiving Sys. -1 system New System
Power Distribution Sys. -1 system

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Monitoring Equipment -1 system
Standby Generator Unit -1 unit

2) Motabura System
Water supply capacity of the Motabura System is 86m3/day. There are water leaks at more
than 20 places on the raw water mains of Motabura System, which will be repaired. Motabura
System is not equipped with a flow meter and the water distribution amount is not measured.
Installation of flow meter is required accordingly. From the result of the water quality test,
Ecoli. Bacteria count exceeds the drinking water standard. Therefore, disinfection is necessary.
All the rehabilitation and improvement work of Motabura System is summarized in

Table-2-2-2-6 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Motabura System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Raw Water Mains φ50∼φ100 –1 lot Repair of leaks
2. Water Service Station Flow Meter -1 unit New
Disinfecting Equipment-1 system Replacement

3) Ersoi System
Water supply capacity of the Ersoi System is 52m3/day. Poetete service tank is not
equipped with flow meter and the water distribution amount is not measured. Installation of
flow meter is required accordingly. As the result of the water quality test show Ecoli. Bacteria
count exceeding the drinking water standard, disinfection of water before supply is necessary.
All the rehabilitation and improvement work of Ersoi System is summarized in Table-2-2-2-7.

Table-2-2-2-7 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Ersoi System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

Water Service Station Flow Meter –2 unit New
Disinfection Equipment-1 system Rehabilitation

4) Water Distribution Network

Rehabilitation work of water distribution network in Ermera is planned to be carried out for
the replacement of the pipes having higher degree of water leaks and installation of pipes in the
non-served areas with the pipe laying distance shown in the following Table-2-2-2-8.

Table-2-2-2-8 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Ermera

Size(mm) Length(m)
φ80 5,298
φ100 470
Total 5,768

5) Public Tap
Rehabilitation: 6 places
Newly constructed public tap stations : 17 places

2 - 17
(3) Same
1) Merbati System
Water supply capacity of the Merbati System is 560m3/day. The Merbati spring intake
water decreases in dry season and withdraws surface water from the adjacent stream through
temporary intake facilities. It is required to improve the temporary intake facilities for the
permanent facilities.
The total water retention time of the service tanks in Same is only 2 hours and expansion is
necessary to increase the storage volume. The total storage volume shall be equivalent to the
water demand of 8 hours in accordance with the former Japanese design standards of “Design
Criteria for Water Supply Facility”. Flow meter is not installed at the Merbati water service
tank and water distribution amount is not measured. Installation of flow meter is required
accordingly. As the result of the water quality test show Ecoli. Bacteria count exceeding the
drinking water standard, disinfection is necessary before water supply is made. All the
rehabilitation and improvement work of Merbati System is summarized in Table-2-2-2-9.

Table-2-2-2-9 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Ersoi System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Water Intake Facilities Infiltration pipe gallery -1 unit New
2. Water Service Station Water Service Reservoir -1 tank with 2 chambers Expansion
Flow Meter - 1 unit New
Disinfection Equipment - 1 system New

2) Darelau System
Water supply capacity of the Darelau System is 864m3/day. In the Darelau water intake
system, spring water decrease in dry season and, further, water permeate through the bottom of
the intake weir, consequently leading to ireduced water level and insufficient withdrawal of
water intake. Accordingly, it is required to construct underground weir for improvement of the
Water leaks at several sections of the raw water mains due to aging and the illegal and
improper connections, which have been made by the resident people. Therefore enough water
is not stored at the Holarua water service tank due to the said water loss. Installation of new
raw water mains is necessary in order to convey the rated amount of water to the water service
tank. In addition, the total storage amount in the service tank is not sufficient for the standard
retention time of water service tank and expansion of storage capacity is required. Flow meter
is not installed at the Holarua water service tank and water distribution amount is not measured.
Installation of flow meter is required accordingly. The result of the water quality test of
Darelau water source shows Ecoli. Bacteria count exceeding the drinking water standard, hence
disinfection is necessary. All the rehabilitation and improvement work of Dalerau System is
summarized in Table-2-2-2-10 as follows.

Table-2-2-2-10 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Darelau System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Water Intake Underground weir -1 unit Rehabilitation
2. Raw Water Mains Raw Water Mains -1 pipeline New
3. Water Distribution Station Water Service Reservoir - 1 tank with Expansion

2 - 18
2 chambers
Flow Meter -1 unit New
Disinfecting Equipment -1 system New

3) Kotalala System
Water supply capacity of the Kotalala System is 130m3/day. Water leaks at several sections
of the raw water mains due to aging and in addition illegal and improper connections, which
have been made by the resident people. Hence, enough water is not conveyed to the Posto
elevated tank due to the said water loss. Installation of new raw water mains is necessary to
overcome this problem.
Flow meter is not installed at the Posto elevated tank and the water distribution amount is not
measured. Installation of flow meter is required accordingly. As the result of the water
quality test of raw water of Kotalala water source show Ecoli. Bacteria count exceeding the
drinking water standard, disinfection is necessary. All the rehabilitation and improvement
work of Kotalala System is summarized in Table-2-2-2-11.

Table-2-2-2-11 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Kotalala System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Water Intake Disinfection Equipment -1 unit New
2. Raw Water Mains Raw Water Mains -1pipeline New
3. Water Service Station Flow Meter -2 units New

4) Water Distribution Network

Rehabilitation work of water distribution network in Same is essential to be carried out for
the replacement of the pipes having much water leaks and installation of pipes in the
non-served areas with the pipe laying distance shown in the following Table-2-2-2-12.

Table-2-2-2-12 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Same

Size(mm) Length(m)
φ80 3,380
φ100 12,135
Total 15,515

5) Public Tap
Rehabilitation: 15 places
Newly constructed public tap stations: 32 places
(4) Ainaro
1) Nugupo Water Treatment Plant
The designed capacity of Nugupo WTP is determined to be 1,200m3/day. Raw water
conveyance rectangular channel from the Sarai water source to the Nugupo WTP is installed
with concrete cover, however the cover is damaged and lost at many sections. Water
pollutants such as excrement and urine of wild animals and pastured domestic animals in
addition to the soil and sand from storm water runoff enter into the conduit during rainfall. To
prevent this, pipes as a closed conduit is required for the raw water mains.

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Existing slow sand filters of Nugupo WTP is not capable to meet the requirements for higher
turbid water during and after rain, it is required to construct sedimentation facilities to reduce
loading of turbidity to the filters.
Total storage volume of the existing water service tanks is insufficient, only 4.4 hours in
terms of retention time, and require expansion of water service tank. The total storage volume
shall have 8 hours in terms of the retention times as well as the storage capacity proposed for
Ainaro. Flow meter is not installed in Ainaro water supply system and the water distribution
amount is not being measured. Installation of flow meter is required to facilitate flow
Construction of office house and staff quarter are necessary to have continuous 24 hours’
operation and maintenance for the Nugupo WTP. All the rehabilitation and improvement
work of Nugupo System is summarized in Table-2-2-2-13.

Table-2-2-2-13 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Nugupo System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Water Intake Intake Weir -1 lot Repair
Intake Facilities - 1 nit
2. Raw Water Mains Raw Water Mains- 1 pipeline Replacement
3. Water Treatment Sedimentation Tank(Renovation of existing slow Renovation
Plant sand filters)-2 tanks
Slow Sand Filters -4 filters New
Water Service Reservoir -1tank with 2 chambers Expansion
Office House - 1 house New
Staff House -1 house New
Disinfection Equipment - 1 system New
Incoming Power Receiving Sys. -1 lot New
Power Distribution Equipment - 1 lot New
Monitoring Equipment – 1 lot New
Standby Generator Unit –1 unit New
2) Water Distribution Network
Rehabilitation work of water distribution network in Ainaro is needed to be carried out for
the replacement of the pipes having more water leaks and installation of pipes in the non-served
areas with the pipe laying distance is shown in the following Table-2-2-2-14.

Table-2-2-2-14 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Ainaro

Size(mm) Length(m)
φ100 6,095
φ150 2,245
Total 8,340

3) Public Tap
Rehabilitation: 18 Places
Newly constructed public tap : 2 Places
(5) Maubisse
1) Bucana System
Water supply capacity of the Bucana System is 173m3/day. The water in Bucana spring
2 - 20
decreases in the dry season and, further, water permeate through the bottom of the intake
structure, thereby it reduces water level and causes insufficient withdrawal of water intake. As a
remedy, it is required to construct underground weir for improvement of the facilities.
Water leaks at several sections of the raw water mains due to aging and the illegal and
improper connections made by the resident people are also observed. Water is not stored in
sufficient amount at the Pousada water service tank due to the said water loss. Installation of
new raw water mains is necessary to convey the rated amount of water to the water service
Flow meter is not installed at the Pousada water service tank and water distribution amount is
not being measured. Installation of flow meter is required to monitor waterflow. The result
of the water quality test of raw water of Bucana water source shows Ecoli. Bacteria count
exceeding the drinking water standard and disinfection is necessary to supply the water in
portable form. All the rehabilitation and improvement work of Bucana System is summarized
in Table-2-2-2-15.

Table-2-2-2-15 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Bucana System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Water Intake Underground weir -1 lot Rehabilitation
2. Raw Water Mains Raw Water Mains -1 pipeline New
3. Water Service Station Flow Meter – 1 unit New
Disinfection Equipment - 1 system New

2) Raikuak Ulun System

Water supply capacity of the Raikuak Ulun System is 69m3/day. The intake facility is
constructed with structurally poor weir embanked by earth and stones and the facility do not
have sufficient function of water intake. Accordingly, overall rehabilitation is required for the
water intake facilities.
Water leaks at several sections of the raw water mains due to aging and the illegal and
improper connections made by the resident people are also observed at many locations.
Therefore, enough water is not stored in the Leputo water service tank. Installation of new
raw water mains is necessary in order to convey the designed amount of water to the water
service tank.
Total storage volume of the existing water service tanks in Maubisse is insufficient, only 4.5
hours in terms of retention time, and requires expansion of water service tank. The total
storage volume shall have 8 hours in terms of the retention times as well as the storage capacity
proposed for the Merbati System in Same. Presently, flow meter is not installed and the water
distribution amount is not being measured. Installation of flow meter is required for proper
flow monitoring.
As the result of the water quality test of raw water of Raikuak Ulun water source shows Ecoli.
Bacteria count exceeding the drinking water standard, therefore disinfection is necessary. All
the rehabilitation and improvement work of Raikuak Ulun System is summarized in

2 - 21
Table-2-2-2-16 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Raikual Ulun System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Water Intake Water Intake Weir -1 lot New
2. Raw Water Mains Raw Water Mains-1 pipeline New
3. Water Service Station Water Service Reservoir -1 tank Expansion
Flow Meter -1 unit New
Disinfection Equipment –1 system New

3) Erulu System
Water supply capacity of the Erulu System is 43m3/day. The Erulu spring water yields less
water in dry season and further, water permeation through the bottom of the intake chamber
reduces water level and causes insufficient amount of water withdrawal at the intake.
Accordingly, it is required to construct underground weir for improvement of the facilities.
One line of the raw water mains is disconnected on the way and water dose not reach the
water service tank. The other one has a leakage and illegal and improper connections made by
the resident people. Therefore enough water is not stored in the Erulu water service tank.
Installation of new raw water mains is necessary in order to convey the rated amount of water
to the water service tank.
Flow meter is not installed at the Erulu water service tank and the water distribution amount
is not measured. Installation of flow meter is essential to monitor water flow.
As for result of the water quality test of raw water of Erulu water source, Ecoli. Bacteria
count exceed the drinking water standard and so disinfection is necessary. All the
rehabilitation and improvement work of Erulu System is summarized in Table-2-2-2-17.

Table-2-2-2-17 Proposed Facilities and Equipment of Erulu System

Category of Facilities Facilities and Equipment Remarks

1. Water Intake Underground Weir -1 lot Rehabilitation
2. Raw Water Mains Raw Water Mains-1 pipeline New
3. Water Service Station Flow Meter -1 unit New
Disinfecting Equipment –1 system New

4) Water Distribution Network

Rehabilitation works of water distribution network in Maubisse are the replacement of the
pipes having much water leaks and installation of pipes in the non-served areas. The pipe
laying distance is shown in the following Table-2-2-2-18.

Table-2-2-2-18 Proposed Length of Pipe Laying in Maubisse

Size (mm) Length(m)

φ80 1,503
Total 1,503

5) Public Tap
Rehabilitation: 3 Places
Newly constructed public tap stations: 1 place

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2-2-2-2 Facility Plan
(1) Dili
1) Bemos WTP
(a) Facility
Four(4) series of factory made steel made water treatment unit with the capacity of 500
m3/day each will be installed. For the purpose to distribute raw water equally to each
unit, a distribution well will be constructed.
A tank is installed to store water for back wash, chemical dosing, and for water use
within the plant.
Rehabilitation work is required for the entrance road since the pavement is damaged
severely and the slope is very steep for heavy trucks.
(b) Building Work

Office House (existing rehabilitation)

The rehabilitation work will be carried out to add a office room and a storage room
for chemicals.

Generator House (existing rehabilitation)

Rehabilitation work is required to house a new generator unit.
(c ) Mechanical Equipment

Water Treatment Unit

Design capacity : 2,000m3/day As mentioned earlier, the Japanese design criteria
is applied for designing of the water treatment unit.

Chemical Dosing Equipment

The equipment is designed based on the following assumption.
Design Turbidity Dosing Rate
Max. 200 60 ppm
Mean. 20 20 ppm
Min. 5 15 ppm

Chlorination equipment is designed based on the following dosing rate.
Design Pre-chlorination Post-chlorination
Max. 5 ppm 2 ppm
Min. 2 ppm 1 ppm

(a) Electrical Equipment

To cope with the new mechanical equipment, distribution power panels and water level
monitoring equipment will be installed. A generator unit is also installed.

2 - 23
(b) Equipment Supply
Since there is no water analysis equipment at Bemos WTP, a basic standard water
analysis set is to be supplied. The following items shall be tested at the WTP
- PH, - Color, - Turbidity, - Temperature, - Total Iron, - Manganese, - NH3-N,
- E.Coli., - Residual Chlorine
Table-2-2-2-19 Specifications and Quantity of Bemos WTP Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

WTP Distribution Well RC structures, W=2.15m, L=3.00m, Hw=1.50m, C=10.0m3, No.=1
Mixing Flume RC structures, Cascade Type, W=1.00m, L=0.30m, No.=2 series
Tank RC structures, W=3.50m, L=3.50m, Hw=1.60m, C=20.0m3 N=1
Building Office house Rehabilitation, W=9.60m, L=15.36m, A=147.0m2, No.=1(single story)
Facility (Existing)
Generator Rehabilitation, W=6.00m, L=6.00m, A=36.0m2, No.=1(single story)
Mechanical Coagulation Steel made, W=2.10m, L=2.10m, Hw=2.27 m, C=10.0m3, No.=4 units
Equipment Sedimentation Steel Made, Inclined plate, W=2.30m, L=5.50m, Hw=2.30m, C=29.0m3, ,
No.=4 units
Rapid sand filter Steel made, W=1.50m L=1.60mA=2.4m2 N=8 Units(1unit standby)
Gravel T=150mm, Sand T=600mm
Flocculation Vertical type, P=0.75kW No.=4
Sludge Collector P=0.2kW No.=2×4 series =8
Pump 0.40m3/min. H=15.00m P=2.20kW No.=2 (1 standby)
Flow Meter Impeller type Inlet φ200 No.=1
Outlet φ250 No.=1
Chemical Tank for PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made, W=1.09m L=1.09m H=1.30m
Dosing Aluminum C=1.0m3 N=2 Tanks
Equipment Sulfate
Mixer for Propeller size = 250mm single, Shaft Length=1,000mm P=0.20kW
Aluminum No. =2
Pump for high Diaphragm pump C=400mL/min H=20m P=0.043kW No.=2(1
turbidity standby)
Pump for low Diaphragm pump C=400mL/min H=20m P=0.043kW No.=2(1
turbidity standby)
Chlorination Tank for PCB made, W=1.09m L=1.09m H=1.30m C=1.0m3 No.=2 tanks
Mixer for Propeller size=250mm single, Shaft Length=1,000mm P=0.20kW
hypochlorite No. =2
Pump for Diaphragm pump C=150mL/min. H=100.00m P=0.02kW
pre-chlorination No.=3 (1 standby)
Pump for Diaphragm pump C=100mL/min. H=40m P=0.02kW
post-chlorination N=3 (1 standby)
Electrical Power Control 1 unit (3 panels)
Equipment Panel
Distribution For office house, generator house, staff house, 3 panels
Water Level At Distribution well 1 unit
Meter At reservoir(existing) 2 units
Generator Unit Diesel Engine, Package Type, 3 phase 3 wire, 220V, 50Hz, 50KVA,

2 - 24
2) Lahane WTP
(a) Facility
The existing raw water mains have two lines; Bemori line (φ150) and Benamouk line
(φ150), and the two lines are combined into single line (φ200). After the couple of
trials for flow measurement and survey, it was revealed that the water loss of the two lines
is high due to water leakage and many branching pipes and the lines have lost an
appropriate function to convey raw water to the WTP. Accordingly, installation of two
pipelines are required to ensure conveying the designed raw water flow to the plant. The
diameters of the new pipelines are the same with that of the existing pipes.
The existing receiving well was constructed in 1993 to feed coagulants, however the
existing facility is not designed properly and the size of receiving well is too small for
performing a good coagulation effect. Therefore, RC structures new receiving well shall
be constructed with proper design.
(b) Building Work

Office House (existing rehabilitation)

The rehabilitation work will be carried out to add a office room and a generator
(c ) Mechanical Equipment

Water Treatment Plant (Suspended Solid Contact Clarifier: Existing Facility)

The drive unit of the clarifier has oil leakage and the cooling fan is broken and the
driving unit shall be replaced. The steel made equipment in the clarifier has not
been painted for long time, therefore anti-corrosion painting is required.
The underdrain nozzles of rapid sand filters are damaged and all the nozzles shall
be replaced.
The depth of filter sand layer has reduced. The sand layer will be removed at the
time of replacement of the underdrain nozzles. Due to the difficulties to reuse the
filter sand, the sand layer shall be replaced by new filter sand.
Flow control equipment is out of order and new system will be installed.
The roots blower for air wash has oil leakage and the specification is unknown,
therefore, the equipment including one(1) standby unit shall be replaced.

Chemical Dosing Equipment

The existing equipment does not match with the design capacity, therefore, new
equipment will be installed with the following design conditions as well as the
equipment to be installed at Bemos WTP.
Design Turbidity Rate
Max. 200 60 ppm
Mean. 20 20 ppm
Min. 5 15 ppm

2 - 25
Chlorination equipment is designed based on the following same conditions
applied for the equipment to be installed at Bemos WTP.
Design Pre-chlorination Post-chlorination
Max. 5 ppm 2 ppm
Min. 2 ppm 1 ppm

(d) Electrical Equipment

High voltage receiving panels, distribution panel, water level equipment, and generator
unit are installed under the category of electrical work.
(e) Equipment Supply
There is no water analysis equipment at Lahane WTP, a basic standard water analysis set
is provided as well as the Bemos WTP.

Table-2-2-2-20 Specifications and Quantity of Lahane WTP Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Raw Water Raw Water Main DIP φ150 L=6,795m
Main φ200 L= 484m
Total 7,279m
Building Office House Rehabilitation, W=7.26m, L=13.16m, A=95.5m2 (Single Story)
Water Receiving Well RC structures, W=2.50m, L=3.95m, Hw=1.50m, C=15.0m3, No.=1
Mechanical Suspended Solid Drive Unit P=1.5 kW N=1
Equipment Contact Clarifier Anti-corrosion painting for inner side of the tank : 1 unit
Rapid Sand Filter Nozzles :φ13 mm, for 3 filter basins
(existing) Gravel:use the existing gravel layer
Filter sand:Depth=600 mm, for 3 filter basins
Flow Control Unit:for 3 filter basins
Compressor Unit:Non-oil Type, Air Tank=30 lit., C=45 lit./m,
P=0.4kW, No.=2 units(1 unit standby)
Blower for Air wash:C=11m3/min., H=4m, P=15 kW, No.=2 (1
Back Wash Pump:Volute type, C=8.3m3/min., H=15m, P=30 kW,
No.=2 (1 standby)
Pump for Internal Volute type: C=0.1m3/min., H=15m, P=0.4 kW, No.=2(1 standby)
Flow Meter Impeller Type
For Lahane WTP Inlet φ200 No.=1, Outlet φ150 No.=1
For Lahane Reservoir Outlet φ250 No.=1, Outlet φ150 No.=1
Chemical Tank for Use Existing One W=1.00m L=1.40m H=1.68m C=2.0m3 No.=2
Dosing Aluminum
Equipment Sulfate
Mixer for Propeller size, 250 mm, single, Shaft Length=1,000 mm, P=0.20kW,
Aluminum No.=2
Pump for high Diaphragm pump: C=733m. lit./min., H=100m, P=0.2 kW, No.=2(1
turbidity standby)
Pump for low Diaphragm pump: C=400m. lit./min, H=20m, P=0.043 kW, No.=2(1
turbidity standby)

2 - 26
Chlorination Tank for Use the existing tank, W=1.00m, L=1.40m, H=1.00m, C=1.0m3, No.=2
Mixer for Propeller size :250 mm, single, Shaft Length=1,000 mm, P=0.2 kW,
Hypochlorite No.=2
Pump for Diaphragm pump: C=400m. lit./min, H=20m, P=0.043 kW, No.=1
Pump for Diaphragm pump: C=110m. lit./min, H=100m, P=0.043 kW, No.=2(1
post-chlorination standby)
Electrical Receiving Panel 1 panel
Equipment Transformer 3 phase dry system, 150kVA, 20KV/440V, 50Hz, No.=1
Power Control N=1 unit (4 panels)
Distribution For administrative Building, Staff House, No.=2 panels
Generator Unit Diesel Engine, Package Type, 3 phase 3 wire, 440V, 50Hz, 150KVA,
Water Level AT Receiving Well No.=1 unit
Meter Clear Water Reservoir (existing) No.=1unit
For Lahane Reservoir (existing) No.=2 unit

3) Benamouk WTP
(a) Facility
The existing site area is fit only for two (2) series of the treatment units with the
capacity of 600 m3/day in total. Distribution well is needed to split raw water flow
equally into the two units.
An elevated tank is required to store back wash water, water for mixing chemicals and
water use in the WTP site.
(b) Building Work

Office House
Staff House
Staff house is required for the operation & maintenance staff. The area is designed at
50m2(w=5.0m, L=10.0m) in consideration of the following conditions.

• Existing staff house at Lahane is about 50 m2.

• The average number of people in a house is 5 people in Dili.
The structure of the house is RC structures with concrete block wall and steel made roof.

Generator Building (existing)

This house is renovated to have the office, laboratory, and machine rooms.

Generator Room (New)

A new generator room is planned.

(a) Mechanical Equipment

Water Treatment Plant

The design capacity is 600 m3/day with 2 series. The design condition of the
mechanical equipment is same as the Bemos WTP.

2 - 27
Chemical Dosing Equipment (same as Bemos WTP method).
The existing equipment does not match with the design capacity, therefore, new
equipment will be installed with the following design conditions as well as the
equipment to be installed at Bemos WTP.
Design Turbidity Dosing Rate
Max. 200 60 ppm
Mean. 20 20 ppm
Min. 5 15 ppm

Chlorination equipment is designed based on the following same conditions
applied for the equipment of Bemos WTP.
Design Pre-chlorination Post-chlorination
Max. 5 ppm 2 ppm
Min. 2 ppm 1 ppm

(c ) Electrical Equipment
High voltage receiving panels, distribution panel, water level equipment, and generator
unit installed under the electrical work..
(d) Equipment Supply
The basic water quality analysis set and jar-tester will be provided.

Table-2-2-2-21 Specifications and Quantity of Benamuk WTP Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

WTP Distribution Well RC W=2.30m L=2.00m Hw=1.00m C=5.0m3 No.=1
Elevated Tank RC W=2.50m L=2.50m Hw=1.60m C=10.0m3 No.=1
Building Office House Rehabilitation W=5.00m L=12.00m A=60.0m2 No.=1(single story)
Facility (existing)
Staff House Concrete Block W=3.00m L=4.70m A=14.1m2 No.=1 (Single
Pumping Room Concrete Block W=2.00m L=2.50m A=5.0m2 No.=1 (Single Story)
Generator House Concrete Block W=2.00m L=2.50m A=5.0.m2 No.=1 (Single Story)
Mechanical Mixing Well Steel Made W=0.50m L=0.50m H=1.75m C=0.4m3 No.=2
Equipment Coagulation Steel Made W=1.80m L=1.80m Hw=1.75m C=5.0m3 No.=2
Sedimentation Steel Made, Inclined Plate W=1.80m L=3.80m Hw=1.75m C=11.0m3
No.=2 units
Rapid Sand Filter Steel Made W=0.60m L=1.66m A=1.0m2 No.=6 unit (1 unit
standby) Gravel Depth=150 mm, Filter Sand Depth=600 mm
Rapid Mixing Propeller P=0.1 kW No.=2
Flocculator P=0.20 kW No.=2
Sludge Collector P=0.2 kW No.=2×2 series =4
Pump 0.20m3 H=15m P=1.50 kW No.=2 (1 standby)
Flow Meter Impeller type Inlet φ100 No.=2
Outlet φ150 No.=1
Outlet φ100 No.=1
Chemical Tank for PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made W=0.90m L=0.90m H=1.20m
Dosing Aluminum Sulfate C=1.0m3 No.=2
Equipment Mixer for Propeller size = 200 mm, Single, Shaft Length=800 mm, P=0.10 kW,
Aluminum Sulfate No.=2

2 - 28
Pump for high Diaphragm pump, C=150 m.lit./min., H=70m, P=0.043 kW, No.=2(1
turbidity standby)
Pump for low Diaphragm pump C=100m. lit./min. H=40m P=0.02 kW No.=2 (1
turbidity standby)
Chlorination Tank for PCB made W=0.85m L=0.85m H=1.15m C=0.8m3 No.=2
Mixer for Propeller size=200 mm single, Shaft Length=800 mm P=0.10 kW
Hypochlorite No.=2
Pump for Diaphragm pump, C=40m. lit/min., H=40.0m, P=0.02 kW, No.=1
Pump for Diaphragm pump, C=28 m. lit./min., H=100m, P=0.02 kW, No.=3 (1
Post-chlorination standby)
Electrical Receiving Panel No.=1 panel
Equipment Transformer 3 phase dry system, 30 kVA, 20 kv/220v, 50 Hz, No.=1
Power Control No.=1 unit(3 panels)
Distribution Panel Office Room, Staff House, No.=2 panels
Water level Meter At distribution Well No.=1 unit
At existing reservoir No.= 2 units
Generator Unit Diesel Engine, Package Type, 3 phase 3 wire, 220V, 50Hz, 37.5 kVA,

4)Dili Distribution Pipes (Zone 1,5,6,7,8)

The old distribution pipes in the Portuguese time and the pipelines having much water
leakages shall be replaced. Also, new distribution pipes will be installed in the non-served
For the material of pipes, Ductile Cast Iron (T type) shall be used for main routes and PVC
be used for the branch lies. Instead of concrete thrust block, anchor joint is proposed against
the thrust force at the bending sections for the purpose to avoid the influence of rainfall and
faster installation work compared with the concrete thrust blocks.

Table-2-2-2-22 Specifications and Quantity of Distribution Pipes(Zone 1,5,6,7,8)

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Distribution Distribution Pipes PVC
φ80 L=2,618m
φ100 L= 6,841m
φ150 L=8,415m
φ200 L=1,729m
Total= 19,603m

5) Equipment Supply
Table-2-2-2-23 summarize equipment supply list for Dili.

Table-2-2-2-23 Specifications and Quantity of Dili Equipment Supply

Item Specifications/Quantity Remarks

Basic Water Quality No.=3 sets ・Bemos WTP
Analysis Set ・Lahane WTP
・Benamaouk WTP
Jar – Tester No.=1 ・Benamaouk WTP
Saddle For PVCφ80×φ13,25,50, No.=381 sets For zones 1,5,6,7,8

2 - 29
Saddle For PVCφ100×φ13,25,50, No.=927 sets For zones 1,5,6,7,8
Saddle For DIPφ150×φ13,25,50, No.=522 sets For zones 1,5,6,7,8
Saddle For DIPφ200×φ13,50, No.=168 sets For zones 1,5,6,7,8
Drill Manual Operation For zones 1,5,6,7,8
For φ13∼φ25 No.=8 sets
Drill Motor Drive For zones 1,5,6,7,8
φ45∼φ70 用 No.=2 sets
Spare Bits φ13 N=50 pieces For zones 1,5,6,7,8
φ25 N=2 pieces
φ25 N=2 pieces

1) Haturegas Raitara System
(a) Facility
The design capacity is determined at 300m3/day. Intake structure is RC structures
designed to facilitate easy operation and maintenance.
The length of raw water main is about 2.5km with 26m difference in elevation. The
diameter is φ100mm. Since the raw water main route is hilly up-down area, steel pipe
is planned to meet these conditions.
The capacity of the service reservoir constructed at the site of new treatment plant is
designed at 100m3, which is equivalent to 8 hours of the plant capacity (300m3/day). The
reservoir is RC structures with two chambers for easy maintenance.
(b) Building Work

Office House
Office house has a room for office & monitoring, chemical dosing room, storage,
laboratory, and generator room. The structures and the designing criteria are the
same conditions with that of Benamouk WTP (RC, Concrete block wall, Steel made
corrugated sheet roofing).

Staff House
Same as the design of Benamouk WTP(A=50m2).
(c ) Mechanical Equipment
New water treatment plants is a unit type ( capacity : 300m3/day) designed by the same
conditions with the unit of Benamouk WTP type in Dili(Steel made unit plant).
(d) Electrical Equipment
Distribution panel, water level meter, and generator will be installed. Low voltage
receiving panel is also planned.

Table-2-2-2-24 Specifications and Quantity of Haturegas Raitara System Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Intake Intake Weir RC W=4.00m L=7.20m No.=1
Sludge Drain RC W=1.00m L=1.85m H=1.00m No.=1

2 - 30
Raw Water Pipe SP φ100 L=2,524m
WTP Receiving Well RC W=1.00m L=2.70m Hw=1.00m C=3.0m3 No.=1
Reservoir RC W=8.00m L=5.00m Hw=3.00m C=100.0m3 No.=1(separate
Building Office House Concrete Block W=5.00m L=10.00m A=50.0m2 No.=1(Single
Facility Story)
Staff House Concrete Block W=5.00m L=10.00m A=50.0m2 No.=1(Single
Mechanical Mixing Well Steel Made W=0.50m L=0.50m H=1.75m C=0.4m3 No.=1
Equipment Coagulation Steel Made W=1.80m L=1.80m Hw=1.75m C=5.0m3 No.=1
Sedimentation Steel Made, Inclined Plate W=1.80m L=3.80m Hw=1.75m
C=11.0m3 No.=1 unit
Rapid Sand Filter Steel Made W=0.60m L=1.66m A=1.0m2 No.=3 units (1 unit
standby) Gravel T=150 mm, Filter Sand T=600 mm
Water Tank Steel Made W=1.80m L=4.20m H=0.70m C=5.0m3 No.=1
Back Wash Pump C=0.75m3/min. H=10.0m P=2.2 kW No.=3
Flow Meter Impeller Type Inlet φ100 No.=1, Outlet φ100 No.=1
Rapid Mixing P=0.1 kW N=1
Flocculator Vertical type, P=0.20 kW No.=2
Sludge Collector P=0.2 kW No.=2×1 series=2
Pump C=0.1m3/min. H=15m P=0.40 kW No.=2
Chemical Tank for Aluminum PCB Made, W=0.70m L=0.70m H=0.85m C=0.4m3 No.=2
Dosing Sulfate
Equipment Mixer for P=0.10 kW No.=2
Aluminum Sulfate
Pump for high Diaphragm pump, C=100 m. lit./min., H=40m, P=0.043 kW, No.=2(1
turbidity standby)
Pump for low Diaphragm pump, C=40 m.lit./min., H=70m, P=0.02 kW, No.=2(1
turbidity standby)
Chlorination Tank for PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made W=0.70m L=0.70m H=0.85m
Hypochlorite C=0.4m3 No.=2
Mixer for P=0.10 kW No.=2
Pump for Diaphragm pump C=40 m.lit./min. H=70.0m P=0.02 kW No.=1
Pump for Diaphragm pump C=28 m. lit./min. H=70m P=0.015 kW No.=2 (1
Post-chlorination standby)
Electrical Power Control No.=1 unit (3 panels)
Equipment Panel
Distribution Panel For Office House & Staff House, Closed indoor wall mount type,
No.=2 panels
Water Level Meter At receiving well No.=1 unit
For existing reservoirs No.=2 units
Generator Diesel Engine 3 phase 3 wire system 220v 50Hz 50kVA No.=1

2) Motabura System
(a) Facility
The existing raw water mains have many visual leakages and the leakages shall be

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Table-2-2-2-25 Specifications and Quantity of Motabura System Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Raw Water Pipe Leakage Repair(22 points), φ50 SP No.=19 points, φ80 SP No.=1 point
Main φ100 SP No.=2 point
Motabura Chlorination Wooden made W=2.00m L=2.00m A=4.0m2 No.=1 unit
Reservoir Cover
Mechanical Flow Meter : Impeller Type, φ100 No.=1
Equipment Sluice Valve Inlet φ100 No.=1
Outlet φ100 No.=1
Chlorination Mixing Tank for Hypochlorite 200 lit No.=1 unit
Dosing Tank : PCB made 100 lit. , No.=1 unit

3) Ersoi System

Table-2-2-2-26 Specifications and Quantity of Ersoi System Proposed Work

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Poetete Chlorinator Wooden made, W=2.00m, L=2.00m, A=4.0m2, No.=1
Reservoir Cover
Mechanical Flow Meter : Impeller Type, φ80, No.=2
Equipment Sluice Valve: Inlet φ50, No.=3, Outlet φ80, No.=2
Chlorination Mixing Tank for Hypochlorite : PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl)
made, 200 lit., No.=1
Dosing Tank and Equipment :
PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made, 100 lit., No.=1 unit

4) Ermera Distribution Pipes

Distribution pipes laid in Portuguese Time and having leakage will be replaced. Also, new
distribution pipes are planned accordingly.
For the material of pipes, Ductile Cast Iron (T type) shall be used for main routes and PVC
be used for the branch lines. Instead of concrete thrust block, anchor joint is proposed against
the thrust force at the bending sections for the purpose to avoid the influence of rainfall and
faster installation work compared with the concrete thrust blocks.
Broken public taps shall be repaired and the public taps shall be installed newly at the poor
water service area(s).

Table-2-2-2-27 Specifications and Quantity of Ermera Proposed Distribution

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Distribution Pipe PVC φ80 L= 314m
main DIP φ80 L= 4,984m
φ100 L= 470m, Total=5,768m
Service Tap Public Tap RC structures W=1.70m, H=1.60m
No.=17-new, 6-rehabilitation

5) Ermera Equipment Supply

① Basic Water Quality Analysis Set, same type as that of the Benamauk WTP, Dili
② Jar –Tester

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Table-2-2-2-28 Specifications and Quantity of Ermera Equipment Supply

Item Quantity Remarks

Basic Water Quality Analysis Set No.=1 At new WTP
Jar –Tester No.=1 ditto

(3) Same
1) Merbati System
(a) Facility
Merbati intake water amount decrease in dry season. A temporary small intake was
constructed to withdraw water from the stream nearby, however, an adequate water
amount is not withdrawn from the temporary intake. Therefore, a new intake for the
stream shall be constructed based on the appropriate engineering design. The structure
shall be RC structures and an infiltration gallery made of perforated pipes shall be installed
in the riverbed to withdraw enough amount of low turbidity water.
Total detention time of the water service reservoirs in Same is only two (2) hours and so
a new RC structures service reservoir with 300m3 storage volume is planned at the
adjacent area of the existing Merbati service reservoir.

Table-2-2-2-29 Specifications and Quantity of Merbati System Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Intake Intake Pipe Channel Perforated Concrete Pipe: φ500 No.=1 line
Sand Pit: RC, W=1.20m, L=1.20m, H=1.40m, No.=1
Reservoir Reservoir RC structures, W=8.00m, L=13.00m, Hw=3.00m, C=300m3, No.=1
(with two chambers)
Chlorination Cover Concrete Block, W=2.00m, L=2.00m, A=4.0m2, No.=1
Mechanical Flow Meter: φ150, No.=1
Chlorination Mixing Tank for Hypochlorite: PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made
200lit., No.=1
Dosing Tank and Equipment: PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made 100lit.,
No.=1 unit

2) Darelau System
(a) Facility
Intake water amount decrease in dry season. Underground RC weir is planned to
enclose the existing intake chamber to secure sufficient water intake amount in dry season.
Water leaks at several sections of raw water mains due to aging and illegal and improper
connections made by the resident people. Therefore, new raw water main is necessary to
convey the designed water amount.
The total storage capacity of the service reservoirs in Same is lacking as mentioned
earlier. Accordingly, considering the available site area, a new service reservoir of the
capacity at 90 m3 shall be constructed at the site of Hularua service reservoir. The same
structural design concept is applied for the service reservoir of the Mebati System.

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Table-2-2-2-30 Specifications and Quantity of Darelau System Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Intake Intake Weir (existing) Underground Weir RC H=2.35m L=16.00m No.=1
Raw Water Pipe SP φ100 L=2,720m No.=1
Reservoir Reservoir RC W=8.00m L=4.0m Hw=3.00m C=90.0m3 No.=1(separation
Wall installed for maintenance purpose)
Chlorination Concrete Block W=2.00m L=2.00m A=4.0m2 No.=1
Mechanical Equipment Flow Meter: φ100, No.=1
Chlorination Mixing Tank for Hypochlorite : PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made,
200 lit. No.=1
Dosing Tank PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made, 100 lit. , No.=1

3)Kotalala System
(a) Facility
Due to the similar situation with the Darelau System, the raw water mains are installed
with the diameter of φ80 mm SP.

Table-2-2-2-31 Specifications and Quantity of Kotalala System Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Intake Chlorination Wooden made, W=2.00m, L=2.00m, A=4.0m2, No.=1
Chlorination Mixing Tank for Hypochlorite : PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made, 200 lit.,
Dosing Tank : PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made 100 lit. , No.=1 unit
Raw Water Main Pipe SP, φ80, L=4,042m, No.=1 line
Posto Elevated Mechanical Flow Meter φ80 No.=1
Tank Equipment Sluice Valve Inlet φ80 No.=1, Outlet φ80 No.=1

4) Same Distribution Pipes

Table-2-2-2-32 Specifications and Quantity of Same Distribution Pipees

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity Remarks

Distribution Pipe SP φ80 L= 103m Steep area
DIP φ80 L= 3,277m
φ100 L= 12,135m, Total=15,515m
Service Tap Public Tap RC structures, W=1.70m, H=1.60m
No.=32-new, 15-rehabilitation

5) Same Equipment Supply

① Basic Water Quality Analysis Set, same type as that of the Benamauk WTP, Dili
② Procurement of saddles and a drill set

2 - 34
Table-2-2-2-33 Specifications and Quantity of Same Equipment Supply

Item Specifications/Quantity Remarks

Basic Water Quality No.=1 set WSS Same Office
Analysis Set
Saddle For DIP φ100×φ13 No.=190
Drill Manual Operation
For φ13∼φ25 No.=2
Spare Bits No.=7

(4) Ainaro
1) Nugupo WTP
(a) Facility
The design capacity of Nugupo WTP is determined as 1,200m3/day. Raw water
conveyance rectangular channel from the Sarai water source to the Nugupo WTP is
installed with concrete cover, however the cover is damaged and lost at many sections.
Water pollutants such as excrements of wild animals and pastured animals in addition to
soil and sand caused by storm water runoff enter into the conduit during rainfall.
Accordingly, pipeline, as a closed conduit, is required for the raw water mains.
Existing slow sand filters of Nugupo WTP is not capable to meet the requirements of
higher turbid water during and after rain and it is required to construct sedimentation
facilities to reduce loading of turbidity to the filters.
The total storage volume shall have 8 hours in terms of the retention times as well as the
storage capacity, thus, 300m3 reservoir is planned at WTP site, consequently, the Ainaro
water supply system will have an adequate storage amount of the service reservoir.
Flow meter is not installed in Ainaro water supply system and the water distribution
amount is not measured. Installation of flow meter is required accordingly.
Construction of office house and staff house are necessary to have continuous 24 hours’
operation and maintenance for the Nugupo WTP.
(b) Building Work

Office House
Office house is planned with the same design concept with that of the Ermera

Staff House
Staff house is planned with the same design concept with that of the Benamouk
(c ) Mechanical Equipment
Chlorination system is designed same as Bemos WTP in Dili.
(d) Electrical Equipment
Distribution panel, water level meter, and a generator unit will be installed. High
voltage receiving panel is also planned.

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Table-2-2-2-34 Specifications and Quantity of Nugupo WTP Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Intake Intake Weir (existing) Rehabilitation of a part of the crest concrete wall : 1 unit
Intake Mouth RC structures, W=1.00m, L=2.10m, H=1.00m, No.=1
Raw Water Main Pipe SP φ150, L=778m
WTP Sedimentation Renovation of the existing Slow Sand Filter, W=6.10m, L=20.00m,
H=3.06m No.=2 series
Slow Sand Filters RC structures, W=7.00m, L=11.50m, H=2.90m, No.= 4 (1 standby)
Clear Water Reservoir RC structures, W=8.00m, L=13.00m, Hw=3.00m, C=300m3, No.=1 (with
two chambers)
Building Facility Office House Concrete Block W=3.00m L=11.00m A=33.0m2 No.=1 (Single Story)
Staff House Concrete Block W=5.00m L=10.00m A=50.0m2 No.=1 (Single Story)
Mechanical Pump Volute Type C=0.1m3/min. H.=15.0m P=0.4kW No.=1
Equipment Flow Meter Outlet φ150 No.=1
Chlorination Tank for PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made W=0.85m L=0.85m H=1.15m
Hypochlorite C=0.8m3 No.=2
Mixer for Propeller size = 200mm single Shaft Length = 800mm No.=2
Pump for chlorination Diaphragm pump C=100mL/min. H=40.0m P=0.02kW No.=2(1
Electrical Receiving Panel No.=1 panel
Equipment Transformer 3 phase dry system, 50KVA, 20kV/220V, 50Hz, No.=1
Power Control Panel No.=1 unit(2 panels)
Distribution Panel For Office House & Staff House, No.=2 panels
Water Level Meter No.=2 units
Generator Diesel Engine, Package Type, 3 phase 3 wire, 220V, 50Hz, 50kVA, No.=1

2) Ainaro Distribution Pipes

Table-2-2-2-35 Specifications and Quantity of Ainaro Distribution Pipes

Facility item Specifications/Quantity

Distribution Pipe DIP φ100 L=6,095m
φ150 L=2,245m
Total = 8,340m
Service Pipe Public Tap RC structures, W=1.70m H=1.60m
No.=2-new, 18 –rehabilitation

3) Ainaro Equipment Supply

① Basic Water Quality Analysis Set, same type as that of the Benamauk WTP, Dili
② Procurement of saddles and a drill set
Table-2-2-2-36 Specifications and Quantity of Ainaro Equipment Supply

Item Specifications/Quantity Remarks

Basic Water Quality Analysis Set No.=1 set Nugupo WTP
Saddle DIP φ100×φ13 No.=138
DIP φ100×φ25 No.=2
DIP φ150×φ13 No.=50
Drill Manual Operation
φ13∼φ25 No.=2
Spare Bits φ13 No.=7
Spare Bits φ25 No.=1

2 - 36
(5) Maubisse
1) Bucana System
(a) Facility
Similar to the intake chamber of Darelau in Same, the intake chamber of Bucana System
shall be rehabilitated with the underground weir of the similar type of structures.
The raw water main will be installed newly using SP and the size ofφ80 mm determined
with the intake flow at 173m3/day. All the rehabilitation and improvement work of
Bucana system is summarized in Table-2-2-2-37.

Table-2-2-2-37 Specifications and Quantity of Bucana System Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Intake Intake Chamber Underground weir RC H=2.00m L=24.5m No.=1
Raw Water Pipe SP φ100 L=1,700m No.=1 line
Pousada Chlorination Cover Wooden made W=2.00m L=2.0m A=4.0m2 No.=1 unit
Reservoir Mechanical Flow Meter φ100 No.=1
Equipment Sluice Valve Inlet φ100 No.=1
Outlet φ100 No.=1
Chlorination Mixing Tank for Hypochlorite PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made, 200 lit.
Dosing Tank for Hyprochlorite PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made
100 lit., No.=1 unit

2) Raikuak Ulun System

(a) Facility
Water supply capacity of the Raikuak Ulun System is designed 69m3/day. The intake
facility is constructed with structurally poor weir embanked by earth and stones and the
facility do not have sufficient function of water intake. Accordingly, overall
rehabilitation is required for the water intake facilities.
Water leaks at several sections of the raw water mains due to aging and the illegal and
improper connections made by the resident people. Water is not stored enough at the
Leputo water service tank due to the said water loss. Installation of new raw water mains
is necessary accordingly to convey the design amount of water to the water service tank.
Total storage volume of the existing water service tanks in Maubisse is insufficient, only
4.5 hours in terms of retention time, and requires expansion of water service tank.
Presently, flow meter is not installed and the water distribution amount is not measured.
Installation of flow meter is required accordingly.
As the result of water quality test at Raikuak Ulun source, raw water show Ecoli.
Bacteria count exceeding the drinking water standard and disinfection is necessary
accordingly. All the rehabilitation and improvement work of Raikuak Ulun System is
summarized in the following Table-2-2-2-38.

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Table-2-2-2-38 Specifications and Quantity of Raikuak Ulun System Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Intake Weir RC structures, D=1,500 mm No.=1
Underground RC structures, H=1.65m L=26.5m No.=1
Raw Water Pipe SP φ80 L=3,331 m No.=1line
Leputo Reservoir RC structures, W=3.00m, L=3.50m, Hw=3.00m, C=30.0m3, No.=1
Reserivoir (with two chambers)
Chlorination Cover Concrete Block, W=2.00m, L=2.0m, A=4.0m2, No.=1 unit
Mechanical Flow Meter : φ80, No.=1
Chlorination Mixing Tank for Hypochlorite: PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made
200 lit., No.=1
Dosing Tank PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made
100 lit., No.=1 unit

3) Erulu System
(a) Facility
Water supply capacity of the Erulu System is designed at 43m3/day. The Erulu spring
water yields less water in dry season. Furthermore, water permeation through the bottom
of the intake chamber reduce water level and cause insufficient withdrawal of raw water
amount at the intake. Accordingly, it is required to construct a underground weir for
improvement of the facilities.
Raw Water main has leakages and illegal and improper connections made by the
resident people. Installation of new raw water mains is necessary accordingly to convey
the designed flow to the water service reservoir.
Flow meter is not installed at the Erulu water service reservoir and the water distribution
amount is not measured. Installation of flow meter is required accordingly.
The result of water quality test at Erulu raw water shows Ecoli. Bacteria count
exceeding the drinking water standard. Therefore, installation of disinfection equipment
is necessary. All the rehabilitation and improvement work of Erulu System is
summarized in the following Table.

Table-2-2-2-39 Specifications and Quantity of Erulu System Proposed Facilities

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity

Intake Intake(existing) Underground weir RC structures, H=2.00m L=17.0m No.=1
Raw Water Pipe SP φ100 L=151m No.=1 line
Reservoir Chlorination Cover Wooden made W=2.00m L=2.0m A=4.0m2 No.=1 棟
Mechanical Flow Meter φ100 No.=1
Equipment Sluice Valve Inlet φ100 No.=1
Outlet φ50 No.=1, φ100 No.=1
Chlorination Mixing Tank for Hypochlorite PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) 200 lit.
Dosing Tank PCB (Polychlorobiphenyl) made 100 lit. No.=1 unit

2 - 38
4) Maubisse Distribution Pipes
The Table below summarizes the plan of distribution facilities for Maubisse.

Table-2-2-2-40 Specifications and Quantity of Maubisse Distribution Pipes

Facility Item Specifications/Quantity Remarks

Distribution Pipe PVC φ80 L=654m
SP φ80 L=181m Steep area
DIP φ80 L=668m
Total 1,503m
Service Public Tap RC structures, W=1.70m, H=1.60m,
No.=1-new, 3-rehabilitation

5) Maubisse Equipment Supply

① Basic water Quality Analysis Set same as Dili
② Saddle and drill for pipes
Table-2-2-2-41 Specifications and Quantity of Maubisse Equipment Supply

Item Specifications/Quantity Remarks

Basic water Quality No.=1 set Maubisse Sub-district Office
Analysis Set s
Saddle For DIP φ80×φ13 No.=9
For DIP φ80×φ25 No.=1
For DIP φ100×φ13 No.=61
Drill Manual Operation
φ13∼φ25 No.=2
Spare Bits φ13 No.=3
Spare Bits φ25 No.=1

2 - 39
2-2-3 Basic Design Drawings
Followings are the list of drawings prepared in the course of the the Basic Design for the objective
five(5) district towns.
(1) Dili
1) Dili
DWG-No.1. Dili general plan

2) Bemos WTP
DWG-No.2. Water treatment plant general plan/Bemos WTP
DWG-No.3. Water treatment plant flow sheet/Bemos WTP
DWG-No.4. Water purification unit/Bemos WTP
DWG-No.5. Single line diagram/Bemos WTP

3) Lahane WTP
DWG-No.6. Raw water main plan and profile
DWG-No.7. Water treatment plant general plan/Lahane WTP
DWG-No.8. Water treatment plant flow sheet/Lahane WTP
DWG-No.9. Single line diagram/Lahane WTP

4) Benamauk WTP
DWG-No.10. Water treatment plant general plan/Benamauk WTP
DWG-No.11. Water treatment plant flow sheet/Benamauk WTP
DWG-No.12. Water purification unit/Benamauk WTP
DWG-No.13. Single line diagram/Benamauk WTP

5) Dili distribution pipeline plan

DWG-No.14. Distribution pipeline/Zone 1
DWG-No.15. Distribution pipeline/Zone 5,6,7and 8

(2) Ermera
1) Ermera
DWG-No.16. Ermera general plan
2) Hatulegas Raitara
DWG-No.17. Intake station general plan/Hatulegastara
DWG-No.18. Raw water main plan and profile
DWG-No.19. Water treatment plant general plan/Hatulegas Raitara
DWG-No.20. Water treatment plant flow sheet/New WTP
DWG-No.21. Water purification unit/New WTP
DWG-No.22. Single line diagram/New WTP

3) Ermera Distribution Pipeline
DWG-No.23. Distribution pipeline plan

(3) Same
1) Same
DWG-No.24. Same general plan

2) Merbati
DWG-No.25. Intake station general plan/Merbati
DWG-No.26. Distribution station general plan/Merbati

3) Darelau
DWG-No.27. Intake station general plan/Darelau
DWG-No.28. Raw water main plan and profile
DWG-No.29. Distribution station general plan/Holalua

4) Kotalala
DWG-No.30. Raw water main plan and profile

5) Same Distribution Pipeline

DWG-No.31. Distribution pipeline plan

(4) Ainaro
1) Ainaro
DWG-No.32. Ainaro general plan
DWG-No.33. Intake station general plan/Sarai
DWG-No.34. Raw water main plan and profile
DWG-No.35. Water treatment plant general plan/Nugupo WTP
DWG-No.36. Water treatment plant flow sheet/Nugupo WTP
DWG-No.37. Single line diagram/Nugupo WTP

2) Ainaro Distribution Pipeline

DWG-No.38. Distribution pipeline plan/Ainaro

(5) Maubisse
1) Maubisse
DWG-No.39. Maubisse general plan

2) Bucana
DWG-No.40. Intake station general plan/Bucana
DWG-No.41. Raw water main plan and profile

3) Raikuak Ulun
DWG-No.42. Intake station general plan/ Raikuak Ulun
DWG-No.43. Raw water main plan and profile
DWG-No.44. Distribution station general plan/Leputo

4) Erulu
DWG-No.45. Intake station general plan/Erulu
DWG-No.46. Raw water main plan and profile

5) Maubisse
DWG-No.47. Distribution pipeline plan

Bidaumasau Res.
Bidau 3 Res.
Bidaumasau 2 Res.


Comoro Res. Carregatiro Res.


Central Res. Bedoisi Res.

Aspel Goreng Res. Becusi Res.
DILI WTP Becora Res.
Lahane WTP
Project Zones (JICA) Benamauk WTP
Project Zones (UNOPS)
Project Zones (ADB)
Benamauk Intake
Existing Intake
Bemos WTP Bemori Intake
Existing WPT
Existing Reservoir
Existing Well
Rehabilitated WPT (UNOPS)
Rehabilitated Reservoir (UNOPS)
Dili general plan

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