Preparation of Sandwich: Guidelines in Sandwich Preparation: Select The Right Bread

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Preparation of Sandwich

Guidelines in Sandwich Preparation:

 Select the right bread. 

o Choose bread appropriate to the sandwich you’re making. As a general rule, the
moister the filling the drier and denser the bread should be. A good, thick crust
helps, too. Swap in large flour tortillas, if you like, for moist fillings. 

 Select the right type of spread and spread out

o Sandwich spreads add flavor but also perform the essential task of lending
moisture and sometimes creaminess to sandwiches.

 Avoid Sogginess
o Spread mayo, butter or cream cheese all the way to the edges of each slice of
bread to create a seal against wet sandwich fillings. Also, try packing high
moisture ingredients, like tomatoes, pickles, and cucumbers, separately. Just add
them to the sandwich when you’re ready to eat. Toasting the bread can help, too.


A station setup depends on the menu and on the available equipment and space, so
there is no single correct way to set up.

Any setup involves two elements: ingredients and


This phase of the setup has two parts:
1. Prepare ingredients.
Mix fillings, prepare spreads, slice sandwich meats
and cheeses, separate lettuce leaves, slice
tomatoes, prepare garnishes, and so on. In other
words, have everything ready.
ahead of time, so nothing is left to do but assemble
the ingredients.

2. Arrange or store ingredients for maximum efficiency.

To reduce your movements to a minimum, the ideal setup has everything you need.
within easy reach of both hands. Depending on the kitchen layout, this may not be possible,
especially if the sandwich menu is large. But try to get as close to it as possible. Arrange
ingredients so you can use both hands. For example, while the left hand reaches for the bread,
the right hand reaches for the butter spreader. Then, while the right hand puts the spreader
back, the left reaches for the sliced ham. The right hand, on its way back from the butter, picks
up a slice of cheese and so on. On a busy sandwich station, every second counts.
Two other considerations are important while we’re talking about ingredients:
1. Sanitation.
Because cold sandwiches are subjected to a lot of handling and are not cooked, it is especially
important that ingredients be properly refrigerated and always protected. A refrigerated table—
sort of a cold version of a steam table—is usually used. Refrigerated drawers or under-the-
counter reach-ins are used for less frequently needed items. Wash hands carefully and
thoroughly before beginning work. In addition, be aware of local sanitation requirements. In
some places, laws require that workers wear gloves when handling ready-to-eat foods.
2. Portion control.
Sliced items are portioned by the count and by weight. If portioning is by the
count, you must take care, during pre-prep,to slice to the proper thickness. If done
by weight, each portion can be placed on squares of waxed paper and stacked in a
The equipment needed for a sandwich station depends, of course, on the menu and the
size of the operation.
1. Storage equipment for ingredients includes refrigeration equipment for cold ingredients and a
steam table for hot ingredients, such as roasted meats.
2. Hand tools are basic requirements for sandwich making and are often the only
tools necessary. These include spreaders, spatulas, and knives, including a serrated knife and a
sharp chef’s knife for cutting the finished sandwich. A cutting board, of course, is also required.
A power slicer may be necessary for any slicing not done ahead.
3. Portion control equipment includes scoops for fillings and a portion scale for other
4. Cooking equipment is necessary for most hot sandwiches. Griddles, grills, broilers, and deep
fryers are all used for cooking sandwich ingredients to order. Microwave ovens are sometimes
used to heat ingredients or finished sandwiches.

Answer the following questions on a ½ crosswise:

1. Why it is important to prepare all the needed ingredients ahead of time before starting to
assemble the sandwich?
2. What are the different kitchen tools and equipment used in prepared to order

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