Characters - World of Darkness - Reloaded - Obsidian Portal
Characters - World of Darkness - Reloaded - Obsidian Portal
Characters - World of Darkness - Reloaded - Obsidian Portal
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Player Characters are standard Mortals:
Just because the mortals have no innate powers, does not mean that they
are helpless. Some mortals fight back and hunt the supernatural beings
that walk among them. The capabilities of these mortal hunters (not to be
mistaken with the Imbued) depend entirely upon their training, skills, and
experience. While individual mortal hunters (or even small, loosely
organized groups) are a minor threat to a supernatural community, there
are large organizations that can be a major threat.
Create your character’s concept:
To help get a handle on your character’s identity and motivations, come
up with a short, two- or three word description of him/her. This usually,
but not always, includes some idea of a career: night-stalking journalist,
stoic mechanic, lost waif, petulant yuppie, angry young man. It is a good
idea for players to consider other player characters to avoid “copies” or
overly-similar characters.
Freebie Costs:
Attribute 5 per dot
Ability 2 per dot
Background 1 per dot
Virtue 2 per dot
Willpower 1 per dot
Numina 7 per dot
Humanity 1 per dot
2-Page Interactive Character Sheet