How Cells Grow?
How Cells Grow?
How Cells Grow?
Cells Growth
Part nutrients used for energy and part for biosynthesis and product formation;
Substrates + Cells →Extracellular products + more cells
ΣS +X → SP + nX
1 dN
N dt
Batch growth
Cell number concentration
a) hemocytometer (Petroff-Hausser slide)
b) viable cell counts (petri dish)
c) Particle counter
d) Light scattering techniques
Cells Growth
Particle counter
Cells Growth
b) indirect methods
→ measure biomolecule concentration and correlate to dry cell mass concentration.
(DNA, protein, ATP, NADH, product formation)
Example 1. NH4+ utilization during growth releases H+, amount of OH- added is
proportional to growth.
Cells Growth
1. Lag
2. Logarithmic/exponential growth
3. Deceleration
4. Stationary phase
5. Death phase
Cells Growth
Cells Growth
Lag phase
Cell mass may increase slightly without increase in cell number density
Pseudo lag phase sometimes occurs due to small inoculum size or poor
conditions of inoculum
Low concentration of some nutrients and growth factors
Age of inoculum culture has a strong effect on the length of the lag phase
Age refers to the time maintained in a batch culture
Usually the lag period increases with the inoculum age
Sometimes an optimum inoculum age exists
The cellular metabolic control system is set to achieve maximum reproduction rates
Cells Growth
Exponential growth rate is first order and is characterized by a straight line on a semi-
log plot of ln(X) vs time
X- cell conc. at t= t
X0 – cell conc. At t = 0
Cells Growth
Deceleration phase
Deceleration occurs due to
1. depletion of one or more nutrients or
2. accumulation of toxic by products of growth
The molecular mechanisms of repression and induction give rise to these observable
Termination of growith
Factors include:
1. Nutrient exhaustion
2. Toxic product accumulation
Death Phase
This follows the stationary phase and some cell death may start in stationary
Dead cell lyse and intracellular nutrients are used by the living organisms during
stationary phase
Cells Growth
Using an old inoculum may select variants of the original strain having altered
metabolic capabilities
Cells Growth
YX = −
An apparent (or observed) yield is defined at the end of batch growth
True (a constant) and apparent growth yield will be better understood while
discussing continuous culture
YX = − YP = −
O2 O2 S S
Cells Growth
Maintenance coefficient
Describes Cellular Maintenance
dS dt m
During stationary phase where, little external substrate is available endogeneous
metabolism of biomass components are used for maintenance
1 dP
qp = = YP g
X dt X
μg is not the same as μnet since endogeneous metabolism is non-zero
qp = β = constant
E.g. Many secondary metabolites, such as antibiotics (e.g., penicillin) are non-growth
associated products
Cells Growth
Mixed-growth Products:
Formation takes place during Slow Growth and Stationary Phase
qp = αμg + β
Kinetic pattern
μmax doubles for every 100C increase in temperature towards optimal temperature
dX = − k X
= ( ' R − k 'd ) N dt ( d )
μ’ = A e-Ea /RT
k’d = A’e-Ed / RT
Ea – activation energy for growth (10 to 20 kcal/mol)
Ed- activation energy for death (60 to 80 kcal/mol)
Cells Growth
Effect of pH
Optimal pH for growth may be different from product formation
pH range varies by organism
bacteria (most) pH = 3 to 8
yeast pH = 3 to 6
plants pH = 5 to 6
animals pH = 6.5 to 7.5
Microorganism have the ability to control pH inside the cell, but this requires
maintainance energy
When the oxygen transfer is the rate-limiting step, the rate of oxygen
consumption is equal to the rate of oxygen transfer. Moreover, if the maintenance
requirement of oxygen is negligible compared to growth, then
Other factors
1. Redox potential: Complex function of DO, pH, and ion concentration
3. Ionic strength - affects transport of nutrients in and out of cells, and solubility of
1/YH – Metabolic heat evolved per gram of cell mass produced (kJ/g cells)
Cells Growth
Removal of heat?
Metabolic heat released during fermentation can be removed by circulating
cooling water through an external jacket around the reactor vessel or through a
coiled tube within the reactor.
Cells Growth
Modeling of cell growth
The complete description of the growth kinetics of a culture would involve
recognition of the structured nature of each cell and the segregation of culture
into individual cells
Structured Models:
Model divides cell mass into components (by molecule or by element) and predicts
how these components change as a result of growth. These models are very
complex and not used very often.
Unstructured Models:
Model assumes balanced growth where cell components (fixed cell mass) do not
change with time. Much less complex and much more commonly used. Valid for
batch growth during exponential growth stage and also for continuous culture during
steady-state operation. Look at cell macroscopically: skip internal kinetics and
Valid in single-stage, steady-state continuous culture & log phase of batch culture
Monod equation
S>>Ks μ = μmax
S<<KS μ = μmax S/KS
Cells Growth
Cells Growth
This monod equation describes substrate-limited growth only when growth is slow
and population density is low.
The basis of the Monod equation does not really hold true, however, the equation is
used frequently for many bacterial cultures.
max [S]
KS 1 + + [S]
Non-competitive =
[S] KS
1+ 1+
KI [S]
Cells Growth
Boundary condition
X(0) = X0
Cells Growth in continuous culture
Design of Chemostat
CO2 and air out
Substrate Cells
Chemostat or
flow stirred
tank reactor
Air or
Cells Growth in continuous culture
DX 0 + X ( − D − kd )− =
Chemostats are normally operated at steady-state, dX/dt = 0.
Assume a sterile feed (Xo = 0), and kd is so small that is neglected, kd = 0.
Cells Growth
In a chemostat, cells are removed at a rate equal to their growth rate, and the growth
rate of cells is equal to the dilution rate.
S as a function of D
There is an upper limit on D, or the cells will washed out of the bioreactor. i.e. D>>
Cells Growth
How is X affected by D?
When the extracellular product formation is negligible and the system is steady
State i.e qp = 0 and dS/dt = 0
At steady state, μg = D
Cells Growth
X = YX / S (S0 − S)
D + kd
kd is small
X = YX / S (S0 − S)
D + kd kd is not negligible
Cells Growth
Finding the True Yield Coefficient
YMX/S is constant (Maximum yield
coefficient without endogenous
metabolism or maintenance energy)
ms – Maintenance
YA/PX/S = Apparent
Cells Growth
Cells Growth
α = recycle ratio
C = cell concin the
recycle/cell conc in effluent
X1 = cell concentration in
reactor effluent
X2 = cell concentration in
effluent from separator
F- nutrient flow rate
Xo – initial cell concn
Biomass production
Mass balance
VR – culture volume
solving for μ
(11 + α) D = F/V
(1 + α)
Solving for X
D/μ =
Biomass production