YourSinclair03 Mar86

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1' 1 1 t

i Iry
ivie . " " ivi
, J o i r Hack Free Zone

Adventures 7

He Loader helps the backless with
his arcade hints n'tips.
News and reviews tor adventure
4 5 ,1 -

Program Po wer Pull-Out Two WIN! WIN! Wil
great games for you to type in — THE ys
Battle Fleet Orion and MegaBert
Swit c h a Can your Spectrum hold
three different programs in memory
at the same time? It can now!
COmpo •
Win games!
!E; I F
I) F Win Posters!
Z oids Are you a match for the Win hardware!
)I E
might of Martech's monster Zolds?
6 0 Win T-shirts!
72 R
And win again!
II *
L tAlltie Como) 5 7
_ You're gonna jus' lurve this
competition from Ocean!
o I •1 (
r Program: Time Travel 5 3
London 2086: a hundred years of
8 capital punishment!
V 1
Fronliines 2
Movie Imagine a I
The Ultimate News — and Ocean's
black'n'white and Melbourne
l House's and US

gangster CILNews
, 6
film in colour Keep up
/ to date with what's
, ng to the Spectrum's big
on your Speccy. brother.
Imagine has! Letters
1 1 3
Write;in to his nibs, the Ed.
4C0 IF' V V " F t Hit List
! 3 5
What's in, what's out, what's up
16 V The Visitors are about to arrive at
what's down? Check the charts,
Task Force 4
Quick code that solves all those

Ocean. We sent a welcoming programming problems.

Screen Shots Ten packed pages committee to meet them... HackingAway 5 4
of games reviews including Cosmic APOKE in your Speccy's ribs,
Microdrivin' 5 5
Wartoad, Sweevo's World, Mikie, Now we re motoring!
Rambo, Vie Ar Kung Fu, Winter MegaBasic Hints 6 9
Games and many more... Help n 'hints for programmers with
the better Basic.
4 3 Back Issues
Hard Facts
It's a hard life for Steve Adams —
solving all your hardware problems,
Sp e cd r u m Cheetah's complete InputiOutput 9 1
drum kit for your Speccy. Can you The free ad forum for all VS readers
beat it? Subscriptions 9 4
VSsold out? Subscribe or be sorry!
67 Backlash 9 6
lobo Davidson starts the count down
to the Spectrum 128K
• I I
Ca Soft Full reviews of four new 1( ' I I )
games. 01431 1433
EDITOR Kevin Cox
75 PUBLISHER Stephen England
01480 0504/631 1433
Wham! The Music Box Pop Robin Of The Wood Its easy to ADVERTISEMENTENQUIRIES
goes your Spectrum with this two lose your way in the greenwood — Neil Dyson
Your Sinclair, Sportscene Specialist
channel sound synth from so follow our complete map of Press, 14 Rathbone Place, London
Melbourne House. Sherwood Forest. WIP IDE
C o v e t I l l u a l tr a tI M M T o m S l I m p l i o n
This is a U trailer for an X rated
product. Satyr Software has lust
released Posthorn for the
Spectrum. Described as a game for
adults it combines the tension of
Strip Poker and the fun of
Postman's Knock. The mind
boggles 'cos there's no sound and
no piccys — not even dirty ones
The whole thing takes place in the
mind, probably a good thing too
, Posthorn is available from Are
Posthorn Despatch Dept. PO Box lov
1, Spennymore, Co Durham priced set
at £15.50 fun
AV prc

Tasman software is to reletzseTasword Three a de!
. success ofTasword Two. Tasveord Three will run on ho
fi e r t h only
e and h uinclude
g e many additional features. Hi, m y na m e ' s M - M - M a x Gr;
There's a sophisticated built-in mail merge, up to 128 char- H e a dr oom , wha t' s y our se
acters per line, tab stops and many print options such as, pr oble m ? I' m t-t-to star in a go
headers, footers and page numbers. You'll be able to get pr(
hold of Tasword Three now — it'll set you back I 6.50. ne w ga m e fr om A r gus pa
called Ma x H e a dr oom . It's en
ba s e d on t he fi lm a nd goe s bir
t hr ough the story of h o w I lh
started, a s m e r e ly a glint in yo
my pr ogr a m m e r ' s e y e . S - s -
s ounds s -s -s e ns a tiona l. st
We ll, it's all a bout m e ! thi




Mmo. I N V O M M
Woul d y ou tur n your nos e up a t £ 3 ? Thought not. Tha t 's
w hy w e Jum ped a t the i de a w h e n Al pha ba t i m c a m e up
w i th a n e x c l us i v e offe r to VS r e a de r s of £ 3 off i ts ga m e
Robot Me s s i a h. The ga m e 's a s upe r i or pl a tfor m s a nd
l a dde r s l ob t ha t got a r a v e r e v i e w i n i ssue I . And now
y ou c a n a c qui r e y our ver y ow n c opy for £ 4 . 9 5 i ns te a d of
the E 7 . 9 5 y ou'd ha v e to c ough up in the s hops . S e nd
y our c he que s or pos ta l or de r s to Al pha ba ti m , 7
S a ndr i ngha m Cl ose, E a s t W i ns t e a d, W S us s e x RI 419 It's Beyond's new game,
4 RW. But be qui c k — s t oc k s ar e l i m i ted. Bounces. Bounces is the

sport of the future that can
eit her be computer or 11115INNRIt PIM% 7111 OMNI
human controlled. You've
got to grab hold of a steel US Gold in its new Ultimate style
ball and ram it through a clothes is bringing out two new
goal slot in the ceiling. And titles for the Spectrum — and
if you're really bad and soon!
suffering from a bout of Cyberun is set in the darkest
reaches of Amoebus Nebula —
depression 'cos of your
appalling score you can and boy is that dark. its an
isolated series of stars and
alw ays go and beat the
planets in the Beta system. And
hell Out of your opponent as they say on Amoebus: Setter
with a special device anywhere than Beta!' These stars
called a ball smasher. are bound together with a lattice
That'll send the ball boys of plasmic energy and the planets
scuttling! Even if it doesn't are composed of anti-element
gain you any more points Cybetron.
Cybetron is pretty rare stuff and

it's certainly great fun!
Bounces is due out in just about everybody in the
cosmos wants to get their mitts
March and it'll set you on some. You've got to control an
b ack a sporting £9.95. enormous carrier spaceship
called the Crystal Ship and
Yabbadabbadoo! Meet the Hintstones. And, stone me, it attempt to fight off all the enemy
your favourite cartoon cavemen aren't to appear in a game ships and secure a cargo of
called Yeb... well you know the rest, from Argus Press Cybetron. Sounds out of this
Software, world!
The fun starts in Bedrock — it's such a nice place that all Pentagram's also on its way but
the Eintstones want to live there. Fred in particular 'cos as yet US Gold has no details,
Wilma won't marry him unless he can keep her in the style Maybe that's because the silent
software house Ultimate is
to which she is accustomed. So the battle is on. Fred must
get to Bedrock and build a house before everyone else. developing the program — mum's
the world.
£7.95 secures you a mortgage on the property.
Pay attention now if you don't
want to miss out on all the
software gossip for the new year
. Out that CRL's bringing
Are you kind, sensitive and home out a game based on a new film
ioving or vibrant, headstrong and But... CRL is taking a leaf out of
selfish? Well, if you don't know your Ultimate's book and keeping its
lunny little ways maybe Hisott's new lips sealed All 11 would say is it's
program, Your Horoscope, will shed an arcade game (no, you don't
alittle light. say?) and "definitely different"
Your Horoscope has been Can't wait!
designed for people who take I've also heard it on the
horoscopes seriously, like Russell grapevine that good ol Maxwells
Grant (Nobody takes Russell Grant Knowing you like we do, te puh-retty well, we thought you'd like the idea of
Mirrorsoft is to publish all
seriously') If you read them for a something for nothing. So. we rang up US Gold to find if it had any freebies just Alphababm's products, the first
good laugh this one ain't for you. The waiting to be snapped up by YS readers. "How about some Goonies maps? The of whichli be a new extended
program is in two sections, the first game 's just about ready and it's gonna be big. Ger-real, we said. - version of Robot Messiah for the
part a birth chart. Here you have to well
R i gput
h t'em
, in the post," they said And did. Brill compo, we thought — ten Spectrum 128K — when it
enter your vital statistics such as, Goonies maps to give away. Maybe even a hundred but we didn't want to get our
actually arrives.
birthday, time of birth and year and it hopes up. Then they arrived — two huge boxes of them. One. two, three, four Mirrorsoft is so wet it's decided
calculates your planetary chart and thousand six hundred and fifty-two. And that's just how far we got before some
smart alec pointed out the number 10.000 on one of the boxes_ to bring out Knightlore under the
the effects each planetl have on
The idea of a compo 'S gone down the dumper 'cos no one wants to judge sea. All I know is that if you
your life, piddle about under the water for
The second section is a newspaper ten thOUSand entries, Just send us in a stamped addressed envelope and we'll

too long you get the bends. I lust
style horoscope that you can try Out send you a Goonies map or two... Pleeeeasel
hope he's got his frog suit on!
on your friends. They'll learn that
S abr em an's team ed up with Talking of the case of the
they're going to fall madly in love missing Spectrum 128, news is
Uncl e Sam. Com puter
with tall, dark handsome strangers softw ar e gi ant US Gold has that Sinclair has plans to bring
(Woo me? Ed) and then get run over taken contr ol of the out three new machines this
bya bus Your Horoscope should be m anufactur i ng, pr om oti on,
m ar keti ng and sales of all year. And no, they're not C10,
out by the time you read this and will C15 and C20's. It looks like the
cost £8.95. Ul ti m ate Play The G am e
pr oducts. Accor di ng to US Spectrum 12811be available very
Gold I ts the 'ul ti m ate new soon. and the CIL Plus looks set
year r esol uti on'.
to be out by the time you read
this. This machine is likely to be
CP/M compatible and sport built-
in disk drives_
The Sinclair portable was
scheduled for the end of April but
alas it's been a be shy and
probably won't appear till we're
singing Auld Lang Syne next
New Year. Rumours are that
Sinclair is having problems with
the flat screen display but it's
pretty likely the machine'll have a
- compatible.
d Absolutely everybody's got
their finger in the 128 pie. Mikro-
iGen is currently converting
Talking of planets, which
we we re n't, Ma rte c h is off s
Three Weeks inP1111111110 for the
into space with its new k128, Audiogenic isproducing an
package called The extended version of its icon
Planets. And by Jupiter, Graphix program and Hewson
rConsultants nearly has its
the progra m's designed to
hundred screen version of Ted II
give you a 'unique insight'
Into the Solar System. Technic°
v ready — well, the
S'a ma zing! The re 's a machine's
e still in Spanish
ma p to s how your craft's remember.
, Wow! New Concepts had so
position, a c ompute r to
land a nd a uto-pilot the u
much success with Soil Champ
craft, a data system tha t s it's following it up with Ski
provides informa tion on Champ
e — the first fruit yoghurt
each planet, a sampler simulation game. Could be the
flavour of the month!
that displays details of the
a tmos phe re and surface P Hello, hello, hello! What 'ave
and a general informa tion / 'ere then? The new game
O m.
option. from
M Mind Games called The
One o clock. two o'clock. three o'clock rock I s this really 1986 The Planets costs £14.95 Force — it doesn't even feature
which is an awful lot of luscious Luke Skywalker either.
9No. its 1955 and we're going Back To The Future with Electric n
Dreams new game based on the Steven Spielburg blockbuster. Mars Bars (Mars ge ddlt?) It's all about those delightful boys
So. what's new? but for tha t you ge t two d blue. the Old Mill You play the
The game's closely based on the film — you play Marty who's cassettes a nd an part
b of a Chief Constable who's
been time-shifted to 1955. But if you think that s a blow wait till you instruction booklet. gotta deploy his PCs to keep the
hear the bad news. Your mum, who's only 15, fancies you like mad crime rate down. But it's stressed
(wahay that you mustn't use too much
in. force — keep ycur truncheon
1 If you don't get your mother to marry your dad you don't exist.
Now get out of that one' where it belongs, The Met's even
) been involved in the
b u t development of the program —
g ra _t h ' maybe it'll improve their image.
Perhaps they should rename it
I t s a t
a s m 7 Brute Force! Mind how you go
s o e a
Fire! Fire! Somebody quick ring 999 and
ask for the Fore Brigade.. Thank goodness
they've arrived Oh no Its like Mrs
Pepoerpot all over again Could this be the
case of The incredible Shrinking Fireman?
No its a case of Mastertrortic's new
arcade adventure game in which you play
the part of the unfortunate fireman who's
shrunk rather suddenly. They left him in
the water too long! Is your lob to try and
A -onea, A-twoa, A-threea get back to a more normal see again. And
Gorgeous Greg lakes it all by the games gonna be real torture too 'cos
one fall, two submissions and you've got to find arack to then stretch
a bang on his funny bone. So
you fancy your chances as yourseff.
Gorgeous Greg? Weil, Mastertronic is also converting the 64
Melbourne House has the (spit, spill version of Specehunter for the
game for you — Spectrum that should be ready in March.
Rock'n Wrestle. Produced by Both games cost E1.99.
the Fist team it's a wrestling
game that promises to pack a
punch 'Seen one of them before! Yes, for all those of you paying
Gorgeous Greg must battle attention bac k in issue 1, this is indeed another Mccy of a
his way through nine Sound Boost from Saga Systems that diverts your Speccy's
opposing musclemen and, sound output to the telly. Plus it has a Save/Load switch
boy c o they sound strange! and cassette connectors. And all for C9.95 Well, that's what
There's Lord Toff, Bad it cost then Now, in an exclusive offer to VS readers, Saga
Barney Trouble. Fly ing Eagle, is offering the Sound Boost (or just E6.95. All you have to do
Vicious Vivien, Mission to save the three sovs is clip out this piece of prose (or use
Breaker, LA Bruce, Angry a photocopy) and send it with your cheque or Postal Order
Abdul, Molotov Nick and to Saga Systems, 2 Eve Road, Woking, Surrey GLJ21 AJT
Redneck McCoy. But as well as saving you £3, Saga is also sending a
RockhWrestle's one of the further E3,04 for every Sound Boost sold. to the Off The
first 3D sports simulations Hook appeal. This new appeal, launched just before
that allows you to make 25 Christmas by Rod Cousens, the man behind the Sofraid
different moves. Eat your tape, is being set up to help young drug addicts A nd very
heart out Giant Haystacks. soon you can expect to see another compilation tape along
R&W costs E8.95 and will be the Sottaid lines on behalf of the new appeal Let's hope it's
available later this month as successful as Softaid

FROMTSARHIP And while we're on the subject of hex loaders,

what the hell do you do with them? That's the
question many of our new readers are asking.
David Ainsworth from Atherton, frinstance,
cant understand how to enter hex code. Well
David, that's why we print (or. as in this case,
forget to print) a hex loader. These loaders are
only tools to be used to gel the code in — after
that they have no further use. Type in the hex Here's something to get your teeth
loader, run it and then you can type in code. When into! Gremlin Graphics is releasing a
text and graphics adventure called The
you're asked for 'Address?' type in the number in Way Of The Tiger, based on the
the first column. When asked for the 'Hex 8 fi ghting fantasy books called, you
bytes?' type in the alphanumerical characters in guessed it, The Way Of The Tiger.
the middle 8 columns. But leave out the spaces. game's set in the mystical world
of Orb where you play an orphan with
Finally, type in the checksum— that's the number a strange crown shaped birthmark on
after the equals sign at the end of each line_ his thigh. Apparently this is all pretty
What's up with this Chopper Mission prog significant according to the various
monks scattered about the land that we
in issue 1? Well, the problem's caused in code line asked!
33268. It looks like the line reads OF 07 5A 48 01
So. you're trained to be a master of
01OC 07 •• 207. Close but not close enough, I'm thc martial arts by the all ancient and
afraid. You forgot the blotch on the film—OC isn't powerful — or is that ancient and all
DCat all, it's OE! OK' powerful? Naipshi, Grandmaster of the
Dawn. Your warm-up consists of three
Now if you've been reading VS as man and boy sections: unarmed combat: pole
(or woman and girl) then you can skip the next bit fi ghting and samurai sword fi ghting.
'cos you've probably already heard it before_ In Everybody go kung fu fighting!
the early days, we used to have a capitalist printer
that insisted on printing pound signs (C) instead of Ocean is certainly keeping busy
hashsymbols (#). Now the printer's got stroppy this month. Apart from the
Ah, come ze day of ze glorious revolution all ze
again and has proceeded to print a sort of curly release of Superbowl, there's V
bugs vill be lined up against the wall. . . zen zey'll (see the preview this issue),
get it right between ze bolsheviks! closed bracket that isn't, if you see what I mean. Hunchback The Adventure and
Besides it's easier to deal with the bugs than So, to get the better of the cursed printer once
Knight Rider_
uncover the real culprits behind the cock-ups. You more here's what you do. Whenever you see a Knight Rider's based on the
never know, one day il may be me. The main character you can't tell from Adam. replace it with popular TV series about super
disaster area from VS2 was in Program Power. ahash sign (0). sleuth and macho man Michael
Both programs were s'posed to include a hex It was easy enough to type in Tony 'Slim' Knight and his Computerised car.
loader. Both looked as though they included hex Samuel's brilliant Maclone program from issue 2 Kitt. Ifs the same old story —
—using :t was a teensy weensy bit more tricky. somebody's out to start World
loaders. Neither did! How it happened I dare not
Okay, we gave you the RANDUSR call address War III and poor DI Mike's gotta
hazard, but my )oily reader, art persons being an stop 'em.
persons, I reckon they thought the hex loader that implements the code but what we didn't let on
There are three sections — the
wasn't pretty enough for them, so they decided to was that you have to press Symbol Shift/Space to first is a map of the terrorist
use part of the end of the Basic loader instead— get it going. When you hear the whining sound centres in the USA, the second a
on both listings! Panic not though— the solution press either 1,2 or 3 depending on which Macione Simulated dhve in your Kin car
to this problem is easy. Just tack what is labelled feature you want. To get back to Basic just press 4. and the third another map that
as the hex loader onto the end of the Basic loader Dasvidanya. comrades! shows the terrorist hiding places.
and then use the hex loader from issue 1. Troubleshoodn' Petrovitch For a cool £7.95 you too can get
your hands on a copy of Knight

Try beating ou pecDrum!
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E s e e n e ntwine s - c onte c i C he e ta h d e e d I
Well, here's the mo men t you've all
been waiting for, a round-up of all our
recent competition winners.

NEWS some machines we could

Star Comp°
Congrats to our top ten stargazers who've spotted (as near as
dammit) all the stare In that compo in that star of yore, Your
Spectrum 20. Star STX-80 printers worth E159 are on their way
Assemble it, edit it, WD Software has just to:
paint it, copy it, released JOSS, 'the human John Boer° of Utrecht. The Netherlands: Graham F. Dunn of Dorchester,
interface for the Sinclair QL.•
debug it. Whatever And you thought you were
Dorset; Gary Lemon of Aldershot. Hants: P.J. Cowe of Arbroath. Scotland:
Nigel Mortimer of Ilkley, West Yorkshire; Mathew Sleightholme of Pontefract,
you want to do with the only human to interlace Yorkshire; B.J. Carter of Bethnal Green, London; Ian M Hillery of Durham;
Er M B loofi eld of Norwich, Norfolk: Jonathan Walters of Bangor, County
your CIL, you'll find with your QL! JOSS is an Down, Northern Ireland.
news of the latest acronym for Joystick
Operated Software System
products here. but you don't need a joystick Capital Book Compo
to operate it — the keyboard What a bunch of capital answers you gave to issue 20's Capital
Hisoft has just launched or a mouse will do. JOSS is Radio comp°. The first 25 to tune to success with the winning
Devpac QL written by our designed to make file- answers a, b, c and win a copy of Interface Publications' Capital
own Andy Pennell. The handling commands less Radio Book of Computers and Simple Programming were:
package is an editor, tedious to use and to Sonia Griffi ths-Glover of Willerby, E York s . Richard @tom of Stockton
assembler and debugger. eradicate the human error Brook. Stoke-on•Trent, Staffs; C. Sumner of Wellingborough, Northam%
Peter Holloway of Carshalton. Surrey; Adrian Ferro of Havant, Hants, Brian
And as the assembler is part that can creep in when you're R. Gordon of Mauchlint. Ayrshire, Scotland. W Arms trong of Aberdeen,
of the editor you don't need copying files. All you have to Scotland; NUM) Paulo Santos of Lisboa, Portugal, C.J A llen of Dartford,
to keep switching between do is move the cursor over Kent; A. Weston of Pontefract, W. Yorks; Richard Hodgson of Orton
Malbome. Peterborough; Evan Mason of Harare, Zimbabwe; Dav id Kerr of
them — just press a key. The your chosen file with the Stewarlon, Ayrshire, Scotland; J. Macnally of HMS Manchester; H.R.J.
debugger is based on the joystick and fire. It's designed Henley of Norwich, Norfolk, Jim Brown of Dreghorn, Ayrshire, Scotland: Liz
standard MonQL. not only to save time but also Baker of Eccieston, St. Helens; Ian Slowey of Mill Hill, London: Steven
The package also to avoid mistakes if you're not Rundle of Myatt.; Field South, London; Martin Wickes of Victoria Farm,
multitasks so even while Coventry: Caroline Giles of West Motesey, Surrey: Darren Blanchard of West
too hot at typing. But if you're Molesey, Surrey: Owen Dunn of Wellingborough. Northants, Lee Fish of
you've got something expecting a screen full of Crarnlingion, Northumberland; Riccardo Tamisan of Aberdeen, Scotland.
assembling you can still edit trendy icons, forget it. A
In another window at the spokesman for WD Software
same time. The editor was said, "There are no funny London Game Compo
designed so that you can use icons to learn with JOSS — Friday Soft's issue 20 London Game comp° was obviously not
it in the same way as it's all done with simple a soft option for these top twenty winners with the answers c, b,
Metacomco's but Hisoft names. After all, words are a. Copies of The London Game are on their way to:
claims it's a whole lot faster the tools of adult thought, Simon Minter of Telford, Shropshire; M. Drummond of Appleby in
and icons belong in the Westmorland, Cumbria; Lennart Jecleblad of Goteborg, Sweden: Nikolel S.
at assembling and editing, In Christenson of Silkeborg, Denmark: A. Dyke of South Woodford, London;
fact, Hisoft claims that it's the nursery." Perhaps someone David Storey of Huron. Merseyside; S. Rowe of Worthing. West Sussex;
fastest available on the should've told the people who Robin H. Powne of Blairgowrie, Perthshire; Brian Wayne Barker of Kings
market and it can make use produced Q L Norton, Birmingham; Liz Coleman of Hatlesion. Norfolk: J. Roberts of
of disk drives and extra RAM - Your own human interface Wootton, Liverpool; J. Champion of Clapham, London: Danie. OMahony ol
Fordingbridge, Hants: Jr Lister of Velges Farm, Exmouth; Sean Meads of
if you have them. Devpac QL will
P a cost
i n t ! you £15 on Oakley, Nr Basingstoke. Hants; Neil Parker of Skelmersdale. Lancs. G.
costs E39.95. microdrive or 57; floppies or Bums of Armadale, W. Lothian; Karen West of Andover. Hants; Ian Mc Vicar
£17 on a't; disks. of Dalmuir, Clydebank. Jan Wikstrom of Mats, Sweden.

released by Sinclair though it Sinclair Research has sent
- us a list of amendments and Fairlight Comp°
Pa originally written and All's fair in the compo war, or at least it Is for the ten winners of
released as G r aphia by the updates to the QL Software
int our Fairlight comp°, who are:
Scottish software house, Guide that we published in
Graham Raistrick of Sprotborough. Doncaster. Matthew Worsdell of
Talent. The new improved issue 1. But first it would like Swindon, Wilts; K. Bradley of Blyth, Northumberland: A. Herron of Blythr
a includes icons and us to point out that the QL Northumberland; Jason Newman of Whittlesford, Cambridge; Mark Duncan
drop-down menus that otter prefix is a Sinclair trade mark of Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland; Callum Yorke of Dunoon. Argyllshire,
s Scotland: Antonis Tsounnakis of Piraeus, Greece; A. Hall of Hill Top,
you control over fifty and can Only be used on Nuneaton, Mr Andrew Harvey of Carnforth, Lancashire
j products that are published
commands. To create your
pictures you can use brushes by Sinclair or endorsed by
sor pen strokes, colour or the company. So, Q . Home Thunderbirds Campo
texture fills and you also have Finance by Buzzz, QL Cash Thunderbirds are GO! — going the way of the following 30
commands for rubber Trader by Quest, QL winners:
banding and mirroring. And Integrated Accounts by Sage Mr L.P. Powell of Leominster, Herefordshire, Mr A. Wheatley of Telford,
e Soft, QL Decision Maker, QL
remember, on the CIL you Shropshire; P. Marshall of Cottenham, Cambridgeshire; Mr lan Jackfin of
don't have those awful Entrepreneur and QL Project Bosley, Nr Macclesfi eld, Cheshire; Nick Lee of Sittingboume. Kent; Jon
Rose of Bognor Regis, West Sussex; K. Woodhouse of Warley. West
problems with attributes like Planner all by Triptych and Midlands; Gareth Barber of Rochdale, Lancs. Paul Serbert of Harrogate, N.
QL Gardener by Gordian Yorkshire; Christopher Thomas of Cannington, Nr Bridgewater, Somerset;
Computing Services are all ME. Homer of Watford, Hens; Christian Lull of Lancing, West Sussex: Neil
published by Sinclair Ogilvie of Watford. Herts. I. Brough of Markel Drayton, Shropshire; Alan Bell
Research. of Basingstoke, Hampshire; Paul Wadsworth of Northfl eet, Kent; Mrs Anita
Howick of Andover Estate, London; Lee Pearson of Bolton-on-Deame,
It also seems that the Rotherham, S. Yorks: Steve Jones of Sutton Coldfi eld. West Midlands: Mr C.
package listed as Small Huckstep of Rochester. Kent: Glen Kerr of Walsall, West Midlands; M.J Ha ll
Business by Sage Soft is of Newcastle, Staffs; Graham Holliday of Chatham, Kent; M.P. Hyne of
Stableford, Harts, Spike Williams of Northwich, Cheshire; Marc Gouda of
really QL Integrated Duston, Northampton: Niall Simpson of Crumlon, Co. Antrim, N Ireland;
Accounts. We'll bring you any Alistair May of Elgin, Moray, Scot/and. Gareth David Roberts of Ballast, N.
other news and amendments Ireland: lain Sinclair of Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. Scotland.
as they come in.
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T H I N K ! S p e c t r u m 4 8 K c a s s e t t e £ 7 . 9 5 . o l d e n oniy Pnces include P&P Please allow 28days tor deftvesy HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAMS
The writer of the Star Letter will receive a fabulous bundle of software.
of continuous ploy and a
countless number of ruthless
killings on Elite's Commando.
If anyone's beaten my score,
rush it to Your Sinclair but be
quick as I've just reached area
12 with 9 lives left....
Robe rt Dunni ng
Mi ddl e s brough,
Even more impressive is the
way you can calmly kill with
your right hand while running
YSEXPOSED! BBCKGB13.9876CIAMI6 chip send it. In the event you've off this letter with your left. The
Dear whoever gets to read this to the RAM pock feels shaky sent an abusive letter make
when I've used 47K of pen is indeed as mighty as the
little winner, sure that your name is an
memory, while writing a anagram of Frank Bruno or sword — and the machine gun
Having seriously and and half a dozen grenades! But
scientifically studied the letters program for my little sister's someone equally fearsome,
Barbi-Doll accessories' is a C Stephanou I don't know what you're telling
that get published in your me all this for — fefl that
monthly organ I'm now in a legitimate question to which Colchester
there must be an answer. Be horrible heap Hex Loader, send
position to announce the PS I must emphasise that your him a piccy and you could be
completion of a - warned, questions such as: letter must have one or two chosen as one of his heroes,
G e t Published In VS" 'What exactly is a ROM? may post-scripts (they don't
not receive proper attention. Now get back to your gunnin'•
blueprint. necessarily have to be Ed.
Y o u r Like any decent YS reader relevant).
The first essential ingredient
of a letter is a catchy first line. you must, of course, claim a PPS More than two post-scripts ARISE-
Boring or polite instructions Trainspotter Award. When may jeopardise your chances. Sir Editor,
such as "Dear YS" or "Dear doing so make absolutely sure I'm sending you this little letter
Ho, you don't stand a chance
Ed" or 'Dear know everything that what you've spotted is of getting this letter published. just to soy that after an
and make everyone else look a original. Here I would like to Ed. evening — and part of the
right twit Pete' ore out of the let you into a little secret that I morning — of solid addictive
question. Boner try the good discovered a couple of days AARDLUCK and challenging playing on my
old trusty originals such as ago. While drinking coffee I Alright you lot, Don't think you faithful Speccy, I finally
"OK!" or 'What's all this accidentally spilled it all over con fool an adult aardvark and completed that superb
about..." or better still 'While my copy of YS and to my his trainer with a boob like the megagame, Rasputin.
I..." (this last one is highly amazement the pages got wet! one in your Rasputin review. "I don't believe your I hear
recommended). Abusive Yes, you've guessed it. The Since when wos 'C' the third you cry. But wait, before you
remarks about the Ed or Pete paper used by VS is not water reach for the shotgun, I'm not
letter of Rasputin?
are of paramount importance. resistant. As I'll not be claiming It is (as the aardvark tells talking about the £7.95
Although rudeness is not an oword for this shocking me) the third letter of Rachael original but the demo version
tolerated, phrases such revelation it's up to you to that starred on the first issue of
expose this inexcusable fact to (who? Well, she's the reviewer) Your Sinclair.
"Dirty Rats" are quite Smith's name. Great new meg
welcomed and may Indeed the wider public. Needless to but don't think the aardvark Rasputin is a first-class
assist your chances. say, if you've spotted 128 computer game and it took rne
won't be round if I don't get on
Problem identification, or in spelling errors in one page award pronto. well into the early hours of the
other wards the reason why you'll not only not get your morning to complete. When
Andy 'hi guy s tol d y ou
you've actually gone to the letter published but it'll I'd fi nd one ' O rc ha rd you jump onto the letter N, the
trouble of writing, is a very probably bring an angry Ed screen lets off a few high
around to your house (and I Kings Lynn
delicate point. First of all you PS Gollum was a JSW fanatic beeps and flashes a few times.
understand that Ed isn't a You're then left to wonder bock
doily wont people.-to realise and deserves whatever he gets!
that the only reason you've pretty sight even when he's ond forth through the four
written is to actually see you, r sober!) (He's not a pretty sight An anteater replies: this is what previous screens until you pull
letter in print, So, Ocium u s j at the best of times! TY.) Note: comes from mixing too closely the plug.
think up a problem that's 4 t h tearing pages from the mag with aardvarks — they're real Now concerning your mark
interesting and unusual. Do not and then claiming an award boneheads. A moment's two VS. I never thought I'd soy
under any circumstances let for missing pages normally thought and ten year's learning this but here goes. What an
yourself indulge in problems does not work. If in absolute Russian would've told you that improvement! (Phew, I didn't
such as " My joystick is simply despair do, by oil means, try it. C is indeed the third letter of know what you were going to
not working' or 'It's been Finally, make sure thot your Rasputin in the silly, sorry say! Ed). When I picked up the
twelve months to the day since name and address ore very Cyrillic, alphabet. mag in my local newsagent and
sent a cheque to a mail order clearly stated in your letter; in flicked through the jam-pocked
software company and I'm still the event you do win the DUMDUM' and colourful pages, I thought
waiting for the game.' These Award it'd be a wise decision I've reached area 13 and to myself, "Robert, 'cos that's
problems are real and o let them know where to scored 303300 after 3 hours my name, you'd be a mug not

obviously no one knows how
to deal with them. It's best if Keep on doodling — it's a doddiel Send your cartoons
you try some unreal ones to to Doodlebugs, YS, 14 Rothbone Noce, London W I P
which you're bound to get one IDE. There's a prize of a new game for each cartoon
or more answers. For example,
try "My disk drive started to
sing The Sound Of Music..." or
"My Speccy doesn't like bacon
for breakfast any more", If you
like to appear technically-
minded you must, and I stress
this point, find a chip with an
unpronouncoble name or long
code number (e.g.
BBCKGB13.9876CIAMI6) and
attach to it a problem with
which the YS staff are only too
familiar. So, 'The inside lining Her e's a strip from Ian Butter fiel d all about Si'n'Clair.
of the cable that connects the
1 W h e r e can you find over 100 FREE software programs a year?

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Telephone No
Telephone: 01-278 3143 Age Micro
o YS 3f86


LETTERS TRAINSPOMR was wrongl Realising I could

get a Trainspotter Award out
'programmed' my Spectrum
to buy this!' So, I did, ond my
of this I picked up a pen and
started to write.
20 LET BANK 5 0
money was certainly not Anyhow, great mag and 30 LET CHANGE —
wasted. Keep up the good how about a review of Back PRIZEMONEY — BANK
work all you busy-bodies at To Skool? (Done master! T.P.) 40 PRINT CHANGE
VS. Adam Featherston and it kept coming up with 200.
Robert Galbraith Swinton, Manchester .1even put a For/Next loop
Hastings, East Sussex PS Why is the picture of Your around it but still 200.
President of the 'I'm o crawler' Sinclair (in the ad in Your Now, either send me:
club, Spectrum 21) different to the 1) The name of Ian's bank, or
PS Notice the 'Sir' at the issue I bought. 2) A free subscription to YS
beginning. I shall put in a good PPS I don't suppose that for 35 years or
word for you(?) entitles me to another 3) A coveted Trainspotter
Troinspotter Award, does it? Award.
Well, I just wish you'd put in a
good word for me with the next No it ruddy well does not. But Otherwise I shall keep posting
(ex) reader. Ed. you will get one and just 'cos you Des O'Connor LPs.
Bob Show
I'm feeling jolly generous so
What a tragedy, what a waste. will our next spotter Ed. Jarrow, Tyne and Wear
MI those extra pages and you I hereby claim a Trainspofter
waste them on trash (sorry, you Award. I was reading through Right, so that's one Trainspott
call them games). Frontlines when I came across First off, I think Your Spectrum Award for Adam and one for
However, I do recognise art article about someone was good but Your Sinclair is Bob which makes, er.,.
your grand strategy. Within the who had won E250 in one of superb value for money 10LET ADAM'S AWARD =1
year you plan to poach oil the the VS competitions. I read on (crawl). 20 LET BOB'S AWARD — I
readers from the Beano and and discovered that 150 went However, (brawl) after 30 LET TOTAL NO. O F
the Dandy. Rest assured, you into his bank account and he reading through for the AWARDS — ADAM'S AWARD
will succeed. spent the other E250 on a umpth' time. (Coo, you give me —BOB'S AWARD
But as for me, I'm going ,Commie 64. The other the umpth'I Ed) I noticed 40 PRINT TOTAL
bock to the Beano and Dandy E250? I thought. So, I went something wrong in That'll be the last time anyone
(as soon as my subscription to and plugged my broin in and Frontlines. I refer to the questions my maths or they'll
Your Don Dare, sorry again, !offer a few calculations I article on Ian Flory collecting get what's coming to 'em — or
Your Sinclair runs out). I find discovered that something his prize money. I immediately rather they won't! Ed.
the content of those comics
more intellectually stimulating
than the juvenile hysterics of iump-and-collect like say within six months there'll be one_However, this brave move
your reviewers. Knightbore. (Hong on, has Fairlight clones and Elite clones does present a couple of
Why not be honest and someone slipped an ad into this all at under three quid. But problems_
disassociate yourselves from letter? Oh, there's more of would Fairlight or Elite have 1) What do we call it? It was
computers. Trust me, you would IL Ed) ever seen the light if all YourSpeccy, now,.. Your Sincy?
retain the some clientele. All of this for a mere E2.99 software was priced at that Yukl
Writing computer games which represents terrific value level? I don't know the answer 2) Don't give up on your
programs is obviously clever, for money when compared so j u s t hove to wait for the brilliant machine code and
playing them and writing about with, for instance, letters from those of you who utilities features — things like
them is moronic. Underwuricie. Pocket money do. Oh, and just one thing, if Samsynthl
So, as I bid you farewell, software has finally become you do send any poison pen Otherwise, it's all great stuff
some advice. Change your better than full price games. letters can you address 'em to —well done (no, that's not a
ways or most certainly go the Let me just point Out before Pete — we've been slipping creep in disguise.)
way of other magazines — the poison pen letters arrive strychnine into his coffee for Oh well, byeeee.
under. from the Ultimate fans that I the last couple of months but it Thomas lEraugs' Smith
Oh, by the way, thanks for have great respect for all doesn't seem to hove any Lewisham
the free cassette. I've used it to software houses, but I think effect_ Ed. Mmmm, I thought it PS I couldn't give a
save a dozen or so useful more highly of firms that con tasted rather better recently. Castlemaine XXXX who Gollum
machine code routines. There produce quality programs for a T.P. is.
wasnothing of importance on low price. Plus, not all budget 1) Call the mog anything as
it was there? software is great. I con name long as it's not Your Stinky.
Les Panselle several games that aren't worth EL M S BACK! 2) Just take a look at Max's
Cardigan, Dyfed 10p let alone E1.99. It's just General congratulations on the Switcha in this issue.
that for every trashy cheap transition from one YS to the new Byeeeeeeeeeee. Ed.
Did I say something wrong? game I con find two good
Still, there's something I'm not ones. After all, a pathetic
quite sure about. If writing
games is such a jolly wheeze
whyis playing them so
game like Great Space Race
can cost the earth but I prefer
to risk under E3 than over Cidi
SMALLPRINT using the ROM routine at address
0, try instead RAND USR 9880.
Now isn't that a lot prettier?
moronic? Does this mean that and I reckon most other people I've been flying about in Elite for Malcolm Atkinson
writing books is clever but would too. a week now and haven't spotted Rochdale, Lams
reading them stupid, o r P Bocil Fialley's Comet yeti
( No comettEd Iclaim this week's Trainspotter
building cars is bright but Normanton, Derby Scott Hill Award because Vyvyan in ish 2
driving 'em a bit dim. I only Cardiff has four stars instead of three on
ask! Ed. Right, no cheap crocks at the his forehead. Make another
end of this letter — well, except PS love and kisses to Teresa
Moughon and good luck for the mistake like that and I'll bash you
for that one1 I agree with you scumbags over the head wiv
CHEAPSKATE about Spellbound — it's a
ne w
- Empson
Let me tell you about great game for the money. My Michael Sellar
Spellbound from Mastertronic. only reservation is this — would l(Mmmmmm,
oo Edinburgh, Scotland
and a big wet
It's a fantastic arcade a budget game like Cylu for k
sloppy one to you too, rzer xxxx) (Troinspotter? Huh! Not only has
adventure that's menu driven. instance, hove ever been (Touch!
m Ed and T.P. ) Vyvyan got four stars on his head
but since when has VS been
Thegraphics are big, clear and produced if it hadn't been fo r a
PPPPS (As you can see this letter weekly? British Roil might be
well drawn and it's truly an that full price pacemaker, had
g . a nasty attack of the getting there but you certainty
adventure not just a Knightlore? You can b e that editorial red pent Ed) When ain't! Ed)
Commander', or 3. 'Exit' pops up. them then dropping them near a Fife were just two of the people that
select '2'. enter your name and the whirlwind until it takes them away. wrote in. Well, for those of you who
'press play on tape' prompt should The trolls are best covered by a haven't finished the game but would
flash up. Don't press play on tape. barrel after killing them by placing like to, here is part one of the
instead press the space bar, and a barrel over the spot you killed solution by my mate Paul Harkin of
the security code for Elite rating them. This prevents them from Manchester'
will be shown. then all that remains reappearing. "The first thing to do is get a
is to press '3' and start playing at "After collecting the hourglass weapon. Go in the down tube on

Elite standard." Simple really. I cross the drawbridge. using the Coma D2 to the Ells level. Then go
should've known it was too ealy in hourglass, and pass the troll. to G2 on this level and get a gun
the life of the Speccy version of ate Follow the walls, and you will find a permit from the supply unit. Take
for someone to blast their way into door hidden in one of the walls. Put the adjacent tube to the Daly level.
'Elite' rating. Well spotted, clever the crown on view, and you'll be Now go to 02 on this level and put

Trevor, but what earthly (ix even able to open the door. Inside the the gun permit in the key unit. You
spacely) use is it? tomb, push the body to one side can now take the power gun from
I'd still like to see some more hints and push one of the slabs oft the locker. If you go to the infomat
for arcade games rather than arcade Dropping down into the next tomb, on F3. you will get a clue as to what
adventures. Okay. so I know there collect the book, go through the makes the cake. The actual items
are a lot of arcade adventures about, door to appear beside the cliff edge are: water (D1), baking tin (A3), and
at the moment°, but really. that's no outside. Use the scroll to get back flour (C2)." Pretty duff cake! Cops.
excuse to play them all the time. A to the courtyard, and head for the "These can be joined by putting
balanced diet is everything, you room with the cross. Collect the them in the factor unit on F3. The
know, and troughing your way cross and potion, and lull the guard cake you receive gives you access
through just one type of game is in the room of the deadly flowers. to the bakery. The dough in the
puh-retty bad for you. You could end The key you will find is the key to bakery can be used later. Now take
up with scirrosis of the joystick, or the Keep, You can Jump past the the charcoal from G1 and then get
summink! first monk, but you'll need to throw down to Elis from G2. Go to C3 and
Ahhhhhhh! Here's one. A good old potion at the next one and the enter the danger room. Take the
shoot 'em up. Jon Langton of cross at the last one. Kill one guard bomb from the supply unit and
Pickering in North Yorkshire writes to and climb the final stairs. Use the shove it down the refuse shute to
say how much he enjoys Starquake barrel from the ground floor. disarm it. You're now in sector H.
and, although he doesn't go into Jumping on it to get you up into the Go to H3, NOT H4, and take the
details about why (although I last room. Give the Book to the down tube to the Joly level. Get the
specifically asked you to do that! wizard, making sure you collect the gauze from the supply unit and
Waaaaah!), he does say that he key first, and he'll change into a take the up tube to laxa level. Go to
knows all 15 teleport codes. Over to monk. When the monk pushes you C4 where the vidtex says 'Danger!
you, Jon "The codes are: VORA, out, you may now leave the castle, Use filter to breathe'. Put the gauze
RAMIX, ULTRA, SONIO. AMAHA, provided you've the crown, and the and charcoal in the factor unit to
AMIGA, QUAKE (near the planet's key for the courtyard gate. That's it! make a gas mask. Enter the danger
core!), ASOIC, ALGOL, EXIAL, Finished! Oh, except can I say room, and the mask will protect
IRAGE, TULSA, DELTA, KYZIA, and thanks to my son Steven Bradley you. Leave it in the locker for
OKTUP." Great Jon that's... "I have for his help?" No you can't. I've further use." He he ne he he he.
mapped all 512 screens, and found been in a bad mood since you That's all your getting for now, my
them to be in a 16 x 32 grid. The mentioned P•K•s... Humph. little hot dog sauces. You'll have to
top 16 show the stars." Okay great Well, it seems that everyone who wait on the back burner until next
Are you a thanks. Jon " T h e screen with the bought a copy of this mag a couple time to hear the rest! Quick! No time
RAMO( teleport in it is the second of months ago has bought and
hexophiliac? You line down from the top, at the tar finishedMarsport. because I got a
left! Er.. my fave games...
Gyroscope, I of the Mask, and Glass
are? Well, now's the right." Shuddup! Thank you Jon, pile of letters, that would choke a Send me letters... or my opticals will
ti m e to join that that was great. (Phew!) I know this is blue whale, telling me how to finish get all cobwebby! You know the
your column as well as mine, but I the game. Paul McLean ot South address... Oh no, the end...! (Click
com puter- like to slide a word in edgeways lust Shields and Stephen Roberts from bzuzzzuzz)
generated, whizzo once in a while
gam es player, Hex
Loader, for som e
hex loaded action.
Keith Bradley and Aynsley Herron
(names to conjure with there) of
Eilyth in Northumberland sent me a
thick wodge of paper about the
amaaazing Fairlight, Look, I know
I've Covered this before, but this is
Wheeeee.., Phut, Phut. Phut, Ahemm. That's better. Ifs great to get those
Such a well documented solution I circuits buzzing again. And without further ado, let me introduce this
had to print it, didn't we printer? months fearsome threesome, starting off with our regular wacky photo —
(Bzzzll Prrrp-p-pp! Roger-dodger, )"know, Mr Lovely Legs, Jonathan Miller in ish 1, Snowy White the
Hex! — Peter the Printer) 'Just snowmanfromrsh2 andnowweve gel Nick Srepastianos ofGreece
writing to inform you that we have pulling off a very convincing Clark Kent look-a-like. Haw Haw! Hang on,
the name, and games is completed Fairtight without the use what d'ya mean that's what he usuatiy looks like? Ooops! Anyway, Clark,
my game. 'Ow you damn'? of any of the POKES in the last er,.. sorry, Nick here has flown in with a rather impressive score of
Blasting away I hope. I'm WHAAT 2,000,000 on Spy Hunter. No problem for a super-man, eh Nick?
Z in a really good mood Phzzzt AAGH!
) How dare you Next in the hexophiliac line up comes weirdo Noel Wallace, yea, the one
t today, so I promise I won't have a go mention that word in my column, who braved the problems of the joysensor in the joystick review last ish.
B uBizzuzzz)
i at anyone No, really. I won't, .okay. Urgh! (Click. (Get on wit/ Noel has achieved great greatness by finishing the Rocky Horror Show.
zmaybe just the one, to keep my .off— Ed.) "We completed the game Janet! Brad! Janet! Dr Scow Rocky! Uughh!
hand... er, tentacle in. on 14th November
T i and were And last, and probably by all means least, comes little Brett Collier,
z rk now I really wish I hadn't greeted by the message, 'You have
n g Straining a smile after scoring a bounty of $999900 in Ghostbusters. All
t mentioned Marsport in this column succeeded in your quest. The too much for you. eh Brett?
! I'm up to my buss in mail about it at wizard is! free. The Quest continues Well. I can't stay 'cos Pete s alter me power point for his scalectrix set.
Hthe moment. Puh-lease, no more! I in A Trail Of Darkness." Any hints at But do remember to send me your photos and high scores — the wackier
ehave all the solutions I really need all? "Oh yeah, plenty IL" Just a the better! Ta ta„. Phizz... Burp...
l and probably enough to give away few, there's not a lot of room left,
as firelighters. (Heh-heh) More on y'know
l this in a minute.
"The items required to complete
0 First in the queue this month is the game are the Scroll, one Cross,
0Trevor Breeds of Welling in Kent. "I two Potions, the Crown, the Book
0am writing to you as I must be one and two Keys. The Wizard is
Lof the first people to reach Elite on entrapped in the Tower which
othe Spectrum..." Just a cotton- you're looking Out of on the loading
picking minute there I don't believe screen. To free him you need to
a collect the scroll and the crown
this There must be a Catch Sorry.
ddo go on "I did this by loading the
from the courtyard. When playing
egame when the title page with New the game," Ahem, I'd like to see you
NickSrepastoanos NodWallace Brett Collier
r Commander YIN' comes up, type do it when you're not playing the
SpyHunter/2000000 RockyHorrorShow( Ghosibusters.1999900
' 'Y'. Then when the menu 1. New game... do go on! "It's always best
sCommander's Name.' 2. 'Save to dispose of all guards. by killing
1 4
4N-N\VtatN1-11"' 4 1 1 1 *
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tarstrike 11 A p , 0 4 '0 moot tve 1 0 ,e c ' \9
7 # e A
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Argonautica (A
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ORYOURRELVEs! 0 0 / 4 ,
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0 , 4 k " . • Otess /0•••*•• * ,0
G w y n Wanted: a hero. Must
Okay, Einstein, gel thisl
you want to cross the road
Purple means power. not
Prince, in the Rygellian
Here's Willy, your cosmic
cursor, all ready al the
have, nerves of steel: accurate of time Meier lake a Time Void. Nodes like this give start to move you one
Tunnel. An unlocked link you a chance to recharge square al a lime towards
marksmanship; goggle eyes, turns white end slays that the batteries of your Con- your goal, the bottom left
green, slimy skin and webbed way, but first youHneed a stant Recoil Alpha-Pellet hand comet_
feet! Yea — who wants to look key -- see! Gun a n d evenRambo
like Harrison Ford when you ain't got one Of those!
can be a Cosmic Wartoad?
And with your Queen trans-
formed into a (Yukl) human
female by the 'orrible Rygellian
Slime Beasts (Boo!), and
chained beneath a descending
buzz saw (Gasp!) then you
have no time to lose.

Ninety, real-time minutes is
the limit as you cross the void
of Rygellian Time Nodes via
your Cosmic Willy. Cosmic
Willy? Who but Denton Designs
could provide not a cursor but
a tadpole? The Slime Beasts
ain't glad to see you though
when you arrive at a node
you'll find a welcoming commit-
tee. Defeat this and you can
occupy the node. but blow it
and you lose a life and return
to the previous node. Lose And here are the bits and Here are the keys to taking
three lives (Oh no!) and you're bobs that nO self respect- the Tunnels, and luckily
returned to the start, but the ing Warload could be with- the Slime Beasts have lett
out on a rescue mission. them lying around the
chainsaw is ever nearer your nodes Locale them and
Things like an Intergalactic
prone Princess, Whisk and a Chronosyn- you too Can start the
Don't worry if you don't fully clastic Stanley Knife which parked Car that blocks
understand all this nonsense

are littering the void, your passage
, so rry, wildly exciting plot.
The arcade action element as
you travel between nodes
takes three distinct forms, of
graded difficulty. You'll have to
clear the screen before your It your shooting's up to Handsome beast. aren't One typeof opponent. the
scratch you'll see the bar you Oats an amphibious Slime Master and accom-
arrival is established, though chart indicate a reduction Andrevo Ridgely Gun panying Pawns They're
with Slime Pawns reproducing In Slime power by turning raised you're having a go SmaNand deadly and rep-
and Sludge Slugs falling on at the nestles in an Ordi-

from yellow to white The roduce at a frantic pace to
you its no picnic (Aww, and I real nestles rate red status nary, cyan node. protect their Master and
bought the ants!). though attack you!
Raving reviewers Between bouts of frantic 1
Luke C, Alison blasting comes the strategy
element that sorts out the
Mut, Gwyn Hughes, toads from the tadpoles, Your
Steve Malone, Max path across the eight by eight
Time Grid allows for different
Phillips, Rick courses, and some nodes are
Robson and more useful than others as
Rachaei Smith, are they provide Time Tunnels,
back with this you can find the keys. You'll
need others to recharge your
month's great gun. And all the while you'll be te
games. Even seeking to avoid the worst foes
Troubleshootin' and collect the objects that you
need to free the Queen.
Pete's got in on the With its iris-ing windows and
act! great graphics the game is as Ni4Vrawis, N s S L I M E
stylish and idiosyncratic as

you'd expect from the people
who gave you Franke, and it's
pretty difficult. But who could
resist when the prize for suc- And here theta, the 0
Along with the accompa-
cess is a webbed hand in mar- Queen, the chainsaw out of nyingscore across
0 the
riage — and the price of failure sight above her, Can you way this is how you mea-
is that you get to carry her light through to reach her sure your progress it you
home in two separate bags! before she croaks can get a good enough dif-
(Sorryip tmential you have the
r p o i .
• •PI•y•brilry
• • • c
• tor
Visitro •• • • ••111111•EM•OCIC
• monoy •••1110111
chance to lernporari:y neu-
tralise the oppo with a
Times Ultrasonic Robotic
1 6
0,70Co Ci 0, C r it's

- .15


Audioleek/9.95 than some football games I is struck you get the same view
e 1211:3111MPM[11

of the off or leg side — and ,
Ric k That Golden Boy of Ley- could mention. You give the
tonstone. Graham Gooch often players their batting and bowl- you've no choice of field plac- Macmillan/11.95
looks good but fails to deliver ing averages and must pick a ings. You can control line but R i 'c k Screenplay sets out to
7 o n the cricket field, and I'm wicket keeper. The computer not length or speed when bowl- provide
t not just the technique
rejects too low an average but ing. When batting you have but also the means to make
afraid the same goes for the 1
minimal control over whether your own films. Of course, to
simulation that bears his name. not very high ones, regardless 2
of batting order. so your num- you defend or attack — but you realise such mega-ambition

Gooch is known as Zapata to
his colleagues 'cos of his habit ber 11 can average 100 with only have two shots within that you, need access to a video
the bat. The computer seems mode Technically, you have that'll
2 automatically record the
of taking siestas during a game
—and I think the programmers to completely disregard this more control in the two innings program
1 you've compiled. But
must've dozed off half way anyhow during gameplay — so game — but it still rattles along even without it you can still
create a finished article which
though this one is it all just padding anyway? at the one day rate, and very
The gameplay's really pecu- low scores regularly ensue. you've scripted, plotted, pro-
The game purports to simu- duced music and sound effects

late 40, 55, 60 overs and 2 liar. We all know one day So, if you're a real fan of
games and Gooch in particular, leather on willow this one's for and finally shot and edited.
innings games. You also have
a two player facility as well as zap along, but at 12-15 runs an worth a very cautious look. As in other Macmillan pack-
the trad computer opposition. over? The graphics give you a ages the accompanying book-
You can punch in your own behind the bowler's arm close- let is crucial. It gives a brief
P l ayn t. l i ty E M E 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
team or accept the program of up — good bowling simulation vo l.. tor 1 history of the moving image
here — showing batsman, from the Victorian 'flickers'
current England/Australian # 0 ./ Y

players — more accurate here 'keeper and slip. When the ball L • • • 0 through cartoons to cinema -4 1

1 2 1 and TV.
d 3 0 0 The software has five basic
" 1 3 0
. menus each with its own subs.
Wordshot is the simplest —
S use it for dialogue but perhaps
most usefully for story boards.

. Sound track — is just that. The
Speccy's musical abilities are
limited but this'll let you com-
A F L ASHY PICT URE FO R 0 pose simple tunes in C (bass
or treble), in various time
0 signatures. Don't expect too
INLAY CARD much and you won't be disap-
pointed. Action — the nuts and
bolts of your film. It allows you
to build sprites on a 16 x 24
Arcade Systerns/t 5.95 grid. A two grid sprite will give
S t e ve Indiana Jones has you simple animation. Screen-
been a gift for programmers WH I C H A R T I S T WO U L D Y O U L I K E ? shot l e t s you design the
ever since he burst onto the fixed backdrop and scenery. It
) uses the same grid as Word-
cinema screens so the basic ? ) M A D M A M IA R T WO R K
plot is familiar — visit the shot. It's a simple art package
2 ) P O K Y P A U L . . A MMMMMM
screens and collect the keys. 3) CO ST L Y C H R I D E 7 5 0 with several facilities, including
Each of the screens (or the free hand drawing plus various
ones I managed to get to paint/pencil/colour/shape
anyway) is set in the jungle and options. Finally Take 1 lets you
you have to swing through the Central Solutionsit199 edit your final production,
trees to get your paws on those S t e ve A strategy game based on the software industry can only getting six frames to a shoot
elusive keys mean one thing — someone in the biz has succumbed to the including up to 12 sprites_
overwhelming desire to stare lovingly at his own navel! Your productions with
MMMMM snoop Screenplay won't be on the
The concept of the game is very similar to Software Star,
1 MMMMM 0 0 written by Kevin Whatsisname of Football Manager fame, that Steven Spielberg scale and a
came out about a year ago. You have to hype your product like casual user may soon be frus-
e . mad, for as little as possible, to shift those units. trated and disappointed. But
7 b
d Trouble iS, this game lacks the polish of Software Star, and it's an informative package and
I a could've done with some roadtesting and tightening up before if just one person discovers the
c Y
t M release. That might have removed some of the irritating number magic of the movies through it,
i M
of keypresses required and some of the more obvious decisions then it's worth it.

,wonn000 11
M you're asked to make What's more, the program has the cheek
e 0
to suggest that software P

4 1
ri rp ro ca 1 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 reviewers can be bribed!
(Incidentally lads, my cheque V aiu o lO t 0 0 0 1

E , 1
O never arrived this month). L 4V o

M • • E E 1 o
i 1
1 1 0 0
.r 17
M 0 0 0
M o
M 1

M tn
Tu a a i
I Irma Lir

le for \
Spectrum 48k, CB M 8 , A ll Amstrads, A
48k Ataris, Atari ST, BBC B, MSX


TELEPHONE:11-73 LEX: 295555 LSPG
R06N \f
111=it 11'
Imagine/V.95 4
A liso n Yieaaarrriiiieeeeumphl %4
That's better — there's nothing
like a spot of Kung Fu 1
clobberin' to unclog the tonsils.
Yes, we're back on those well- E
trodden ways of the exploding -
fists with this conversion from
the arcades. 1
You play Oolong as he hops,
skips and punches his way to a 1
grandmastership by defeating
a string of nine deadly 1
opponents, Each adversary is
different in style and approach
and each has a weakness that C
you must discover and use to
your advantage. Take Buchu, 7
the first fighter to face you — a
fat devil who nevertheless flies 7
through the air with the 7
greatest of ease. But a series
of straight punches to the 1
paunch will lay his flabbiness
flat out. Similarly, the rest of s Ultimate/E9.95
'em come tumbling down as G w y n Howdy, pardner, and
soon as you've mastered the look what jest rode into town.
sixteen different possible There wuz a time when the
moves, each of which scores newie from Ultimate meant
you a variety of points, makin' for the saloon but
Vie Ar has the edge over its
nowadays,... well, we's none of
opponents if you're looking for
us too sure if they're goodies or
variety but still want a fairly baddies.
faithful martial arts simulation.
Hey, I think I recognise this
Like Kung Fu, it junks realism particlar varmint. It's that fellah
for spectacular effects but it
still captures the spirit of the Nightshade with a cowboy hat.
Sure is the same technique
sport that lies somewhere
between circus acrobatics and used to draw the western town,
the same animation of the
a Glasgow brawl. By
comparison, Fist looks about central fi g u re _ and durn me, if
the plot ain't mighty similar too.
as dangerous as a Japanese
This time you take the
tea ceremony but it's still the sherriff round the town,
one for the karate purists.
shooting bandits and avoiding
The only problem I found the populace which consists
with Vie Ar is that it's just too mostly of sassy women who
easy. It only took half an hour
scuttle into you and kill you. I'd
to reach the final opponent, the
rather face up to the James
Kung Fu master himself, and I
gang, though don't get gun
was within one blow of toppling
happy with a local lovely or
him Unless you're into
you'll pay fur it out of your
notching up the points you may bounty. That leaves less
lust find that your interest
money to buy bullets, the pace
Starts to wane once you've Nevertheless, a good of which rockets faster than a
faced all the foes, Or perhaps introduction to painless r

I've just played too many punching if you're into Bruce r PI• y• b illtY 1
o /..• Y
V o l t . tO r 1
1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
8 mule that's sat on a cactus.
And talking of quad-ru-peds
similar games. Lee but bruise easily. p r•
L (Ker-spittl KLANG!!) there's a
lo •
o 1 1 1
hoss to be found aroun' town,
tc . E
1 1 1
though as it's of the panto
Control Solutions/E199 .• . E D rather than the pinto variety
Ric k A double-sider of dubious quality from Central Solutions. It ..E
M 1
you'll have to do the runnin'.
might have you in two minds — bin it or swop it! •O Now most of the rogues are
Dungeon Dare's not a bad little mixture of platform and maze M
jest Mexican marauders who
arcade. But a dose of sound effects don't cover up the dearth of I• sit there waiting to be shot, but
imagination involved in the program. Basically you're an explorer •E every so often you'se gonna
trapped in a dungeon, except the graphics prefer to show you as M meet a gen-ew-ine grade A
a green blobby thing. You wander in and out of rooms spread I0
outlaw, and that's when you'll
over sixteen screens collecting the 38 (Or is it 46 — they can't N
need all your quick draw

make up their minds) keys necessary to escape. Along your E
0 marksmanship. Only, durn it, if
merry way mind the monsters and munch the energy pills — I didn't wander fur so long
energy loss is a big enemy. The little buggies have a constant without meeting one
horizontal/vertical motion so it doesn't take long to learn how to i What ah'm tryin' to tell yet is
evade them. Not for the experienced gamer — though I must that despite the mildly
admit games like this can have a mesmeric hold.
And the taped be better without Classroom Chaos — a graphic
rl economic overlay of bullet an'
boss buyin' and bounty
adventure of such monumental boringdomness that any school collecting, this is another
lesson would seem thrilling in comparison. The school's Gold Ultimate repeat and if you
Cup has been stolen (the bell was the only thing that went at our didn't have Nightshade and
school) and the head thinks it was you. you're a fan of shoot 'em ups
The game bears no relationship to the crop of school goodies set among durn purdy pictures
like Skool Daze and Mikie out at the moment — but is designed MI make you whoop with joy.
for goody-goodies, toadies and p m
anoraks, which of course no • 0
rp.,., ....BEMI00
Speccy owner veo•to.moofTEEE•000000
claim to be. People like
that own BBC's.
1 1 "Z
d k'
Yoko& Oor ISO Nby 1 1 . 1 . . . 1 1 0 DO


" e A
. V O
, " n S 1 9
. . o I
" W n C

01 E e
D o
For your home computer. Will allow easy loading of even
the most stubborn program. Features include save
indicalcr. mainsitattery, accepts standard computer
leads and 5 pin DIN connector. Also prcmdes
exceptional audio quality
for fine listening.
(Battenes not included)


Based on an atiophune system. program any
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Now make your Spectrum talk.
Compatible with Interface I
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For 48K S p e a rirn and ZX Spectrum
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1 1
Simply plugs ! IOW the user
port at the rear Of
' Cheetah's 6
the computer and accepts
any Alan style ioystick enables
4 l o n g Spectrum peripherals
including Cheetah t25 Duickshot and Kernoston
Comes without rear e be
x tdistanced
125 JOYSTICK edge connector at n s your
i o computer C 7 . 9 5
Compatible with ZX Spectrum Of with connector which allows other n
Four extremely sensitive fire bunon•;
A built in auto-tire
peripherals to be Slacked
up at £12.75 c
switch provides continuous e
Shooting at the AERIAL SPLITTER

to u ch o f a t
, , Cheetah s neat splitter unit
re complete with self adhesive pad
b u t t o allows you to keep your T V. and
n computer aerial leads plugged in
E without disturbing
8 . the picture
The Cheetah
Remote Action
Transmitter is the most
sophisticated computer
controller avarlable•
HI-STAK FEET Infra red transmission -
These instantly applied stick on feet so there are no leads
for y our ZX 81, Spectrum, New Brain, trailing across the
VIC, I R S etc t ill the computer Irving room. Touc h
and mak e your keys easier to see control. extremely last,
and more entoyable to use. can be used with
SPECDRUM allowing smoother Cheetah RAT/
8 digitally recorded real drum sounds programming Kernpston compatible
Extra sounds can be loaded from tape. software Complet e
creative, educational and sin The most with
excrting peripheral receiver r
ever develr All Cheetah peripherals are ma - • interlace I •
to the highest possible quality standards •c
Latin Kit & kit Editor
and carry a full 12 month warrant •k •
Io c
Prices include VAT. postage & pecking.
De live ry n o rm a lly 1 4 d a ys
Export orders at no extra cost
Dealer e n q u irie s w e lco m e

Cheeian. products available from branches of

4 : 1 3 = 1 ;111P W i l i S M I T I I
wool/MIMI Spectrum dealers
and all good c omputer stores.
IF * t 1 1 1 a - a 4C:=110
% . , ! '


Design Design/E7.95
G w y n Let me make one think ••••••
VAITI 000000
clear — I don't like dogs! And
this game features a dog,
though It's a robotic one so al As captain of the good ship speed as you home in for the
least it doesn't foul the foot- Phoenix, it's your unenviable kill is something you'll get the
paths. Poddy is the pooch ana task to quash the evil Zoltar hang of only after much
in theory he's quite invaluable, who's declared war on the five experience. And something
carrying things for you. block- planetary systems in your else that'll take time is landing
ing enemy robots — all the universe. No problem i f the Phoenix on a planet's
things you'd expect of a K9 you've got a joystick that is — surface, plus negotiating the
clone — only I kept finding he without one, the keyboard hyperspace gates b u t its all
was in my way or not waiting controls turn into a nightmare good fun and if you've got a
with me at a door I wapted• to that'll tie your fingers in knots! spare couple of hours to
go through. With five status screens to practise, very rewarding.
But that said there's a whole keep your eye on, planets to The graphics are fast and
heap here that compensates land on and alien spaceships extremely well-constructed.
for the robotit Rover's to dodge and destroy, you've The screen format looks a bit
presence, not least being the got your work cut out. confusing at first but, like the
plot line. This has the London The idea of the game is to keyboard controls, all becomes
of the future turned into a put up such a good fight familiar after a few games. Just
computing complex. a maze against the invading aliens that don't panic if you don't stay
which gives new meaning to they take the hint and find alive too long on your first time
the phrase tangle of Mikro-Genit9.95 some other universe to Out behind the wheel i t ' l l all
bureaucracy. However, if you L u ke As you've no doubt destroy. But there's oh so come together if you hang on
and Poddy can locate the ROM gathered from the title_ we're much more to it than that! This in there.
card codes scattered around
you can then disable the
tyrannical main computer that's
deep in space for this game
and if you're looking for a quick
comparison. Elite is the
is not your average 'zap 'em
up' game. The alien craft all
have different characteristics,
and judging a spaceship's
r r a p ta r c a
Platottialy •
• • • • • • • 0 0 0
Y r . . formf>ney111111•11111•000 18
busy controlling various robots L

of its own to stop you. It fancies d
another 500 year term of office! i
Probably the neatest feature l
Tourists to the Forbidden
of the game is its graphics, Planet get their kicks from
slightly reminiscent of Marsport , t 44
blasting their way through a

though with depth, so that as 111 multifarious selection of flash

you move into a screen it ••:.• l a u 14 = t 4 t t 4 hi-res A.A. towers, dodging
1 s
scrolls down and partitions dis- 4
= = t t 4
giddy guided missiles and

appear to let you see what lies = Unk nown = = 7_ 4 t
through being knocked off
• 4 4: t t : .
behind them. That could be t
t . course by the Planet's system
= Co d e S t o r e s t

anything from the invaluable I VI P t of formidable force field

and inevitable keys to the more tr-it = P la s ma Guide s t4 „ i t 4 , 4 0 1 networks.

t 4 4 t i I t i 4 t
dubiously useful, though don't 0
A natty accelerate option will
= Dislo ca t io n s 4 1
neglect anything, just in case t 4t 4 t & 1speed up your journey — use it
As you wander round the • 1 4 4 4 /4 t 0
'cos time's in short supply and,
corridors of power you'll come ill' 4 I 0with persistant pelting from
across certain problems that /4 t ' =
S enemy missiles, your energy
are beyond mere picking up. dwindles fast.
= E x i t Li ne a r Ac c e l e r a tor t
Now it's all down to icon But even the most seasoned
control. While the options are Lr i e r gy adventurer is likely to come a
00 0 4 2 1 ( i t i A.A...• t 370
varied it takes a while to get cropper doing his business in a
used to them all and they're not • strange land.
printed in the instructions, just •• , • • • J . So a handy map is provided

via an on-screen Help. There P 0 to show you not only where the
are also several layers of them elusive bits of code are hidden
which can take some flipping or where you can top up your

through, though eventually : : A X A X . energy, but also to point out
they work okay. A . ) the whereabouts of the hazar-
All in all a clever arcade dous heavy defences.
maze adventure with some Forbidden Planets a pace
inal touches, and that 'racing, addictive game —
udes Poddy — even though shame it crashed when I was
nd him a bitch! just beginning to clock up a
Design Design/17.95 Lord's final message from the reasonable score!
getbct ••••111111111110r n A lis o n Hurtling across the snippets scattered around the r
v• b litty E I N E M M EDD 0
lar Moos, • • En • M U M 0 menacing terrain of the Forbid- planet, you're thwarted in your r Playn to llty W O . . . 1 1 1 1 1 :3 0 0
.d e llailve n e s1 • . . . .
1 W O O den Planet in a frenzied mission by the planet's relent- o ,
attempt to suss out the Evil less defence systems. p1 1 1 *
P1 . I t
l# 4 . 21
i4 A
cc b 0
e. . . n
Tour London from your Armchair with...


A Challenging Adventurepor the 48K Spectrum PLUS

Afte r three successful seasons, we kn o w a thing or t wo

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Things like seven p o we rfu l me th o d s o f analysing fo rm.
Like a ma s iv e d a ta b a se a n d e a s y d a t a e n t ry . N o t
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using the racecard fro m your daily paper. No w beat that
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I At last, for the 48K Spectrum, an
C knowledgeable soccer enthusiast!
I T t C g
In 1966 Alt Ramsey proved thet English club soccer players, with intelligent management, could not only dominate European club football, but could take

S the restpof the world
on a n d beat o at International
r t Coul d you do the same in

Tape 1 (Qualifiers)
+ Ta p e 2 (Finals)
s i
+ 2 0 P age Bookl et m u l Qualifiers + Fi nal s
+ 2 0 P age Bookl et
E9.95 t A i WoO R LnD C U P M A N A G E M E N T S I M U L A T I O N £12.95
Summer 1984 and English Internetionel football is at its lowest ebb. We have failed to qualify for the European Nations Cup. and had a string of very poor
Intornetional results. In a few months we will set out on the .
the in their
8 8 world's
W football,
o rbest You uhavep a match in Paris. the USSR at Wembley. end a South American tour, to essemble a team. first to quakfy. and then to beat
l d in Mexico.
q u a l i f y i n g
TAPE 1 (Q uei ffi er ai T A P E 2 (Finale)
t r et Cur
a r ent
i squad
l . of 1 6 players * 2 0 user defined players * Choose a 2 0 man squad to take to the finals.
Y o u in Paris. at Wembley + South American tour
* Friendlies G r o u p of 4 Prelims. 1 8 to final knockout comp.
h • aA N Y teamv formatione you choose. 2 from 5 substitutes. * Extr a Time. PENALTY SHOOT-OUTS. where relevent
b * i en match e tactics: any n no. of individual player adjustments. * For m ation and strength information on oppoeition.
g * Yi our qualification
v egroup: full
n results and table • 2 from 9 substitutes Ithe EA tells us Doi
h e
m o s t
QUAL-SOFT comments
-- i W i t m p o r t a
ht 5
fl e v e l s CI UALS O FT G UARANTE E : W e will send your package by 1st class
l o b • The use of the name
oo f letter poet on the day w e receive your Mexico '86 does not
f order w i th PO, cheque or ACCESS card
pr l ae y , s imply any association
t o r authorisation. Pr ogr am s are I N S TO CK
'1 2n because w e mersdectiore thor n I with FIFA.
i g
dE e p n t g l
QUAL-SOFT T e l : 0438
hi s s h Name:
Dept. VS 7 2 1 9 3 6
18 Hazelmere Rd.,
,s o p h i 48K
Stevenage, Herts SG2 8RX
a Access No. (if applicable)
s t i c a t
i o n .
411 • = a t 11=. 1 1 * •-111 41:Z=>

Meet Sweevo, the world's Here's his Wel task - Problem one: the elevator Gargoyle Games/r7.95
least attractive android collect the Can in case he doesn't slop for canned M i c h a e l Sweevo is a robot.
Marooned here on Anut2 needs it later But as he goods but goes straight to Sweevo is to robotics what
Folly he has to overcome can't leap up he has to get fresh fruit— and I Castle Rathbone is to peace,
close encounters of the onto the catwalk some promised not to mention calm and order. Sweevo is a
most absurd kind to reach
1 1
other way that. Jump. S waevO'
Active Status. walking disaster, Sweevo
makes me laugh.
I don't know quite how
they've done it but Gargoyle,
better known for celtic bovver
boy Cuchulainn and outer
space saviour Commander
John Marsh, have suddenly
demonstrated that not only do
they know what to do with an
Ultimate-style 3D adventure —
they can also do it with great
good humour.
Certainly Sweevo himself
helps. He's the runt of an E T,
litter, possessed of the wide
eyed innocence that made
Stan Laurel so hilarious, Then
there's the nature of his world,
littered as it is with cans, teddy
bears and ton weights on
It he reaches the ten fragile supports. And its
That L. doesn't stand for
appear here in his learner but Pitt, because inhabitants number goose
inventory. The current that's what this panel is stepping dictators, not to be
SOaCia or obje c t is Only II might mean that confused with geese
indicated by a Constanity Sweevodoesn't stand an themselves or horrible little
rotating fl ash. android In 'ell's chance.
girls, But even if fools rush in
where angels fear to tread.
Sweevo has to hold back
because the floors sprout
And this is how you teN Okay, I II tell you about the Any messages appear strange Noddy characters and
your status, A big soppy fruit Here's the revenge of down here They range
from Sweevas status to fingers which are likely to kill
grin indicates airs acey- the pineapples. Bump into the idiot android in a most
deucey, but that's only it four bribes and you're 011iewords at encourage-
tour steps from the skull — officially Dead! ment— such as 'Cor' undignified fashion. And that's

and guess what that not to mention the fruit!
means! The gameplay adds to the vr
charm though, The puzzles t
aren't always too difficult, 1
though some are fiendish, but
solving them calls for delightful -
applications of lateral thinking. '
And if this wasn't all good 1

enough there's the attention to
detail, those little touches that
make even losing your final life
and getting not the message
'Dead' but 'Deader', bearable.
The game is ludicrously

playable — over four
interconnected levels that
should take an age to map —
and highly enjoyable. It also
boasts the silliest scoring
system going, with
percentages, Brownie points,
and bonuses.
Get Sweevo — it proves that

AN. a goose. This means W h a t a dangerousplace even a Gargoyle can smile!
that there's a Boo to be to leave a ton weight.
obtained nearby, and you Moving through the beam M
can use this to stun the below causes it to fall, but 9
o PI
foul fowl and make it lay an it you dash you can just Yakw for litiwwy
egg, it you sneak up On it m
get through in time. L
Global Software/2.95 e
plan collecting games I've
Re c h a e l Excuse me, I think l6 seen. Owing to the eccentric
I'm having a migraine. No, it's v
• layout and odd graphics it can
just the graphics in this game, r1 even be difficult to get from
which are brighter than even o1 one side of a screen to
Jeff Minter's most psychedelic o another.
nightdress. And what's worse. s0 It's all more of the same only
when you lose a life they flash • a bit different this time, if you
through every colour F?' see what I mean. At the price it
combination imaginable. the
1 fifty screens of this lunar may amuse diehard fans of the
Myla di •Kalch turns out to be labyrinth
1 is jam-packed with game-type — but wear your
a space store gone mad, which travelators,
1 lifts, shifting floors shades while playing!
doesn't help your search for and floating nasties.... very
1 M i . .
the twelve spare parts that'll let 1much like my local
your ship leave (though I'd supermarket,
1 in fact. It really is • PV1111
settle for an aspirin). Each of one
1 of the busiest, most open r 01Y: l o
: o CE m .

M 23


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e Please make cheques or money orders payable to Orpheus Ltd
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s Orpheus Ltsd, The Smithy, Unit 1, Church Form,



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All prices in E sterling ' C o m i n g soon!
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Programmers: we are currently seeking to engage an experienced programmer to loin our
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EST' imaginelt7-95

the rest and come to the con-

P e t e I love it, I love it not, I
love it • w e l l , we'll just skip

clusion that I love it. Not Only is

Mikie a masterful conversion
from the arcade original, it's
also an extremely addictive
Our romantic hero, Mikie has
fallen under the spell of
age-old ague. love
m 1

11 .

Watchout for gum fire, 0

teacher gets angry at your
antics, he'll throw his false
1 1

Your message is displayed

here as you coiled the

hearts, Eventually. it'll read

1 .

friend waits by s j i 6 teeth in your direction. OPEN and that's just

gates, Luckily, Iberia no tooth in
. r ch
d l e a d i n g a y while the rumour that he's a
what'll happen to the door
he rush r o u n d the 'school Now
. run Out
good shot!
colle g l O t t e r s to form a love-
Iet 1 0 h e r .
are five sections to the
game each set in a different
room in the school. We start in
the classroom where Mikie has
Gremlin Oraphicstr7.95 to push his classmates off their
chairs to collect the hearts on
R i c k A kinda spaghetti com-
the back. Then whizz off to the
puter game without the par-
mesan or the doi-oing sound locker room, the canteen, the
each time you see Clint East- gym, where they bring on the
wood's boot. West Bank has dancing girls, and finally to the
nothing io do with the middle schoolyard where Mikie's girl's
east and everything to do with waiting. In between there's the
short dash between rooms but
a hot-shot winner. It brings a
bar room brawl into your front fortunately, you won't need to
do any homework on that bit.
room without your getting a
If you love the mad whirl of a
black-eye, or spilling red-eye
good arcade game and aren't
on the carpet yet still letting
you be the quickest dead-eye put off by the sloppy theme of
this one, then Mikie should set
west of Wapping. When you find yourself in a Meet Mikie. Pt's his task to
The screen shows three your heart all a flutter. tight spot blank your bum bump off his classmates
on this seat and teacher but only otf their seats,
saloon doors, each assigned a r m e r o. • 1111111111••• MEDD will ignore you— just make you understand. so that he
key. Any could swing open at Pleyeeelry g E MMMMMM BO sure his dentures don't can get to the heart of the
random. Press the appropriate V eit.. ter Morey M M M M M En
make a dent. matter underneath.
•key and you could blow away L
whatever's behind it. If it's a a

low down, no good sidewinder t
of a bad man than watch your k
bounty money tot up as indi- r
- v

cthe doors. But if you're too i

aquick you might shoot the Mae n
West proportioned bar maid. o
tand that'll cost you, as well as Central So1utionsiE3.99
eher, a life. But before she can •
G w y n Don't judge a book by its cover. Can the same saying be
d whether that's a gun in
.ask applied to computer games? If so this inlay's verdict's pure
byour pocket or are you just amateurism, And when you turn the box over to reveal more of
the same.., Double your displeasure?
yglad to see her another door

swings open. This could be the Antteroo isn't actually that bad, but it's so-000 unimaginative.
tclown with five hats. Shoot 'em Does your collection really need another platforms and ladders
h — but watch it — under the
off variant? If so here's a competent, moderately difficult addition to
e could be money or a
last that teetering pile that threatens to crush you.
d One's a winner — the On the otherside. Prelude turns out to be a graphic adventure
set in WW2, produced with The Quill and Illustrator so it lies

o could cost a life.
The greater your first round outside my domain. Suffice to say,
lsuccess, the less baddies those who like this sort of thing r
lyou'll meet in the second
. p nfind
gain. . it a reasonable
They're = M to want
unlikely bar- w• o• w •. foi
• m•ons,.•••1111111000000
• 0 0 0 4
round, which is marginally o m
Arnie roe too though. Tough! L o
faster than the first. If you're
top u
b drawer here, then shoot
through the final showdown at t
a :7.1-c• • • —•— Automata/M.00
the Pretty OK Computer Game
g l S t e ve : The ten games on
Corral_ Now, instead of doors,
three heavy dudes confront i each of these tapes — ranging
c from arcade jollies to head-
a You can't draw before
t banging adventures —
b — and you don't know
who'll draw first, so your reac- r represent the sort of thing that
o arrives in the post of most soft-
tions have to be razor sharp. v
v • ware houses. Of course, as
then banga-bang-bang and
e r this is Automata, the games
mash all three — the faster you aim at the kind of non-violent
do it the higher your bounty ,
bonus. . amusement the company's
. famed for. Shame they lack the
This one you'll all be gunning bizarre goofiness that made
for — it combines lads with .
• Pimania my favourite adven-
thrills,quick reactions with brains
1r.„ MMMMM00 n •

.„."10(Man.! m
• U U • S U D D
t J
o Value to. Money . . . . M E N D
•I I I 0 1 :1 0 0 0 1 :1

• 1

1 e
0 b


A 11Wrt,A,\INcs)c=,•


TITLE s m u t s
(allows you to paint (and erase!) with shading (lust the job for 3 D world));
FAST HATCH FILL WI TH VERY FAS T RE-HATCH (and you can re-design
hatches i n m i d fill!), I NDE P E NDE NT WALK-O VER CO LO UR CO NTRO L
(allows you to BRIGHTEN up your graphics without affecting the PAPER/INK
you t o P RI NT a n y siz e/any shape/anywhere a n d a t a ny angl e (e v e n
backwards) over a nd over again with the seine string of graphics (certain
companies market l ess powerful pr int utilities a s a complete package!).
1 0 0 %
horizontally a nd venicalty) MAG NI FI CATI O N WI NDO W (allows you to see •
both real a nd magnified irnages as you work!); 2 5 SCROLLS/ROTATES & • =4
MIRRORS (YES 25! and they're all accessed instantly on the curser keys!). -1 1 1 N 1 t
HATCHES. (Machine code programmers will be pleased to know that sprites, 11
graphics and screens can be saved as LINES or CHARACTER SQUARES!), TO I
sprites depends on their size (up to 255 max). Everything's fully automated •
you can STORE/RETRIEVE/ANIMATE (any consecutive sprites at any speed L ANIMATOR 1 comes complete in its own ring bonder well loose ieef
documentation and la recorded on long l
including single stepping )/and CHANGE the size and shape. .
if e h i g h q u a l i t y
a send
s sme e_ ANI
t e R. 1 PACKS at £14.95 each.
ANIMATOR 1 is a completely Omen by pop down menus and no nonsense on I e nclose a ch e q u e r' 0 f o r r
screen prompts and Its been coded to be very fast to work with indeed! AND (UK 81 EUROPE add Et OVERSEAS £2)
IT'S VERY EASY TO DRAW WITH. So many packages oiler a host of features
and neglect this most Important point! IF I T ISN'T EASY TO DRAW WITH, I T NAM E
DRAW WI TH T h a t ' s why w e asked lots of users their opinion and the ADDRESS
result, we think, is the roost controllable free hand draw system around!)


ANIMATOR I will really come into it's own when the 128k machines become Softest Micros,. PO BOX 1% Macclesfiell& Chaehire 81(10394.11
popular enough to code exclusively for - lust think of ANIMATOR 1 's GIANT DEALER ENOURIES WELCOME
SPRITE & LOCATION GRAPHICS capabilities with all that RAM!
41 • = i t

A lis o n A word of warning — if you're a replidroid and your
company offers you early retirement, take care. It may not mean
a cottage in the country and cream teas with the Darby and
Joan. Nope, for replidrolds retirement is just another word for a
one way trip to the tip. One Ford (Harrison) will take you there
and you'll more than likely end up in another (Cortina).
In CRCs Bladerunner, you're the one doling out the pension
scheme to twenty-four renegade replidroids on the run on earth.
The first screen presents you with an aerial view of the city. You
must guide your skimmer car around the streets in pursuit of the
robotic runaways, then hover over the area before landing.
The screen now changes to a side on view of the city street
with a scanner along the bottom that indicates how far you are
from your quarry. As soon as your skimmer's come to rest, start
legging it after the replidroid so that you can explain the benefits
of retirement to him — you'll find your gun a convincing
persuader. But watch Out, the streets are mean and you must
take care not to blast away any passing pedestrians or get run
over by skimmers, The more replidroids you take out, the more 0
money you make for your own retirement.
Now I didn't expect the game to follow the film faithfully — it
says on the inlay that it's a 'video game interpretation of the film
score by Vangelis' — but a bit more variety in the gameplay
wouldn't have gone amiss. Overall the idea for the game's fine
but it feels unfinished. A touch o n
more speed and a bit more o G r w h i c • m m
uo mo l o o
- would've improved it no e l 7
v- r : t As
h it is. I retired early from I
ti1l .

•:1LI o In sI i I, I r •i iEn •n O O D
O i
n g
t IL It

Ocean/V.95 Wizard Computer Games/V.95 For a start there are awful

— and a few things that don't!
A lis o n If only life was like the Only when you've crossed the Ra c h a e l Would I like a Willy attribute problems and what
Wobbler, Ed asked. Tell me, do may have been a rather nice

movies — then no man, no law, banks of the river into the
I look that sort of a girl? Then landscape is less enticing than
no war would've stopped me! enemy's camp does the action he handed me the cassette Burnley on a wet Saturday. It's
As It is, I had a terrible time just start to hot up. There you have and all became obvious. Wil- also the very devil to pick
staying alive let alone securing to locate the hostage and liam Wobbler is the oversized
the release of every Yank north release him before heading things up. calling for ludicrously
sprite hero of an arcade accurate positioning consider-
of Saigon. north again to tree the rest of
adventure that bears Tony ing the size of your Willy. If you
The game begins just after his compatriots_ Crowther's monicker on the
Rambo is best described as miss you bounce around
our muscle-bound megastar cover, but cites two others because fire is also used for
has been dropped into the a thinking man's Commando.
inside — trying to escape the Jump. Reactions seemed slow.
jungle, at the start of his That game starts fast and gets
mission — reconnaissance blame somebody? especially when ducking to
faster until you end up like a
one-man whirlwind. Rambo Well no, to be fair, William avoid the low flying monkeys!
only, you understand, with
orders not to engage the Wobbler, a sort of scrotty In its favour though it does
develops into a solid shoorem looking ET. type with an irritat- look different to the average
enemy. You are armed with an up but it just doesn't seem to
ing habit of nodding his head arcade adventure. There are a
endless supply of grenades be such a drain on the old
up and down, ain't that bad. It's few nice touches, such as the

and knives but if you do adrenalin• Somehow it lacks
the excitement of Elite's just that it looks like what it is necessity to find a disk and
encounter the enemy in the —a conversion that hasn't take it to a terminal before you
first section it's advisable to number one hit — perhaps it's translated too well. can Save the game. And if you
rely only on the,, lattev The the larger playing area, maybe
it's the slower start or could it get bored, pressing Break
noise of the grenades is sure to transports you to a minimal
bring the massed ranks of the just be the amount of strategy
involved? After all, who ever shoot 'em up diversion. But
Red Army into the battle.
You'll find all the weapons heard of Rambo having to while arc-ad addicts may
think? persist in the quest, I just got
you need randomly scattered
around the first part of the possed off.
game — and there are extra Esim
points for collecting them. The
only other way to amass points
r Plo yab lilly
e Vision ' o r We ave • • • 1 0 1 . • • • 1 0 0
8 Plavatoliy • m o n 0 0 0 0
woui tor I o y . . . . . . . O M
p •EE m
E MaEm000 00000 0Ur i l l
is to kill everything that moves Lt i r
Ad m
de d
2 8 Ol d
C• l
t. C
I. b
or I I - 1 1 4111C=310 -

- 1 1_1 1
7 —
7: Irk
1 • r PEN
WicketIvail7.99 T i i. • •
an ma
nothing compared to the
Luke The1cassette inlay card 1 . 4
stunning portrait on the 1 ):(
sets the scene
= by telling you
that 'the war is not going well':
cassette cover — but they are
certainly up to giving you a
1 „.;LIV
And guessi who it's not going good idea of what's going on. 1 A
well for? In most wargames I've played, •
l is a pretty good
Death Wake the instruction booklet

0; I
wargame. It's based around accompanying the package is
t of The
the adventures so daunting that play can be
Undaunted, a destroyer that
can float just about long
enough to avoid patrol boats
forstalled by half an hour while
you keep looking up what you
need to do to win. Death Wake
Ei ,

and dodge the enemy planes. is much more friendly as it 1

Its mission, to destroy the mixes the traditional wargame


research plant, busy in the format with arcade action, so •


development of the atomic that beginners can plough into ,

bomb. the battle and sort Out tactics,
The screens don't look that As wargames go, it's not the
spectacular at first sight — and best in the world.., but, on the
other hand, it does have
enough addictive qualities to
grow on you. And that's coming
from someone who rarely Ocean/0%95 knowing where the magnetic
recommends wargames. L u k e Buy a joystick before walls are, which rooms have
Check it out! attempting this game t h e zero inertia, and which
keyboard combinations must switches control which doors. • -4
be the worst ever devised for a These last few problems can
r Pleyab • • • • • • • • 0 0
a V ele. tot illeeey . . • M M M M M O D
8 Spectrum! That said,
N.O.M.A_D must be one of the
only be dealt with after you've
lost one of your four lives
11• • • • • 11000
h most addictive games ever finding out about them, but the
i written if you're an arcade game's addictive enough to
e enthusiast.
• future city — which looks a lot
keep you coming back for
You control a robot through a more.
Points are awarded for
like a circuit board — in search destroying anything that looks
O of the HQ. Once at the HQ, of faintly like an enemy, but if you
S course, it's 'grievous bodily can pass a particular section of
• harm' time — but don't worry the game without violence then
0 about that too much right now good luck to you. The only
as it'll be ages before you get advantage to devastating the
that far! various screens is that if you
N.O.M.A.D. can be spun lose a life you start from the
* around in either direction, and beginning again — only the
can be thrust forwards and next time through, there's less
backwards. The robot lurches to watch out for. Once you get
around the screen, but can be past a specific section of the
controlled carefully with game and lose a life, you start
experience. And, of course, from the beginning of that
there's the trusty laser gun — section — which is a darned
O PT IMUS P R I M E you never run out of good idea and saves a lot of
ammunition so it's a good plan frustration.
WEAPO NS 11 to spatter anything in sight. Overall a b s o lu t e ly tab!
1 There are all sorts of nestles
SCO RE 0 0 0 2 = 1 0 as you progress through the
T r
Ocean/E7.95 corridors — from heavy guns to o • E E M S O• IN •
4 homing missiles to robot thugs. l V ik a le t Ilettep•••••111111111111110
Ma x They get everywhere these Transformers • don't they?
But there's tactics too — in lp
You've played with the toys, watched the cartoon on the telly and to
eaten the cereal. Now, in case you're feeling deprived, here's the io
computer game. Yes, it's yet another chance to• control the five k
amazing autobots that transform instantly into cars in their c

amazing struggle against the evil Decepticons. c
In Ocean's version, your task is to collect the four pieces of the •e
Energon Cube before the baddies nick them. You control all five •
'bots though only one at once — stop off at a Defense Pod to '•

recuperate and you can then switch to any of the other four — l•
hardly Shadow fire' All the Decepticons are there, too, in minute l•
detail but, unlike the toys, they reproduce at a fantastic rate in •

order to make the game a shoot'em-up more than anything else. •.
It would be a platform and ladders clone with shooting but the 0
ability of Autobots to fly/drive when necessary makes the
platforms a bit redundant.
The game is slick but nothing new, the keyboard controls are
awful and the cassette inlay diabolical; not your usual dashing
Autobot prose at all. Strongly recommended for all remaining
Transformer freaks everywhere. r •
• Gte e lll.• • • • • • • • 0 0 0 n
Personally, I'll stick to the real P i• ym. in y • • • • • 1 1 0 0 0 0
thing I could do with a good V O I ' . k . 6
1 now and again... L a c t i c t i w .
.1 .0• N o m
i. i i • E a g o o 9
1111 1 1 1 P ' 111-111 41=110
777 Macmillan/M.95
1t U.S. Goldill.95
R i c k 'Ere we go, 'ere we go,
'ere we go — get ready for
G w y n The most interesting Mexico '86 with Macmillan's
battle in the Winter Olympics World Cup Soccer, a multi-fea-
has been the race between ture package which should
Electric Dreams and US Gold satisfy, whether you're a
to win the Spectrum owners' Speccy or footy freak.
gold. Electric Dreams was first The tape is double sided (a
to the finish but this is not a game of two halves you might
mere race -- there's scoring say) with a fact file and a game
for style tool simulation — which should

.•,•• Winter Games has only have you over the moon. The
- - - 40.•
4 seven events while Winter simulation starts with a warm
',, Sports had eight But of those up of heading and penalty skills
c -- three were almost identical and
• A• • • C ,
that'll test your arcade abilities.

., two of the new ones give me a Good graphics here. You then
• C
feeling of deja vu as well. Both move on to management. Pick
• . Jtc4 need to be loaded in parts, but which country you wish to be,
- •
Winter Games keeps this down then select a squad or accept

• to two and on the whole it's fair
I the programmed one. I can
r A
. to say they manage better understand the computer might
: t graphics. struggle to give you the Cam.'
The first side contains some eroons squad, but if you

• great music but the four

program second section is
silent — a pity because the
instructions refer to Free
choose to be England you'll be
given an all-time greats squad
of multi-nationals. If only Pele
really was English!

• Skating to music. There are

options to practice and
compete in single events as
The computer will now pit
you against another nation in
your section. The first half is
well as all together and multi- unseen — but injuries and

Fur ther down the slippery slope of sports simulation softwar e player options.
but make sure you jump at the right moment if you want to scores with times are flashed
each the second screen wher e aerial bal anci ng is all- Both programs compete in up. In the second half you can
i mpor tant. the Ski Jump and Biathlon compensate for any program
events. While Electric Dreams' failings by using the heading

, versions are more

sophisticated I preferred the
latest two screen jump. The
and penalty skills first seen al
warm up
But what's this? Kuwait and
Biathlon is rather simplistic but New Zealand seem to do
at least it doesn't take an age. uncommonly well for soccer
There's also the obligatory minnows and the Great Shilts
joystick-wrecking Speed has become goal scorer as
Skating about which what can I well as goal keeper. Still, this
say except 'Ouch, I've sprained ought to keep you happy until
my wrist!' Bobsled appears in the real thing in June.
both Games and Sports and
the American team provide
much less of a challenge than
the English, who make you
steer a proper course instead
of just compensating for
centrifugal force.
The other three events are
unique to Winter Games, Hot
Dog Aerials isn't flying
Want to know why the skier looks so happy? He's just done a frankfurters but a ski lump with
Back Flip, Forward Flip, • Daffy Swan (shoul dn't that be Daffy stunts — looks like a good way r r sp h ics 111111•0111•11101DEJ
Duck?) and a Mule Kick — and he l anded standi ng. Hot Dow to break your neck in reality! P inattlety
V ., .lo . 1
• . . . . . • . 0 0 8n
Its closest to the diving events io n
in more summery athletics. L
Figure and Free Skating are c
very similar, with one and two l
1 1 1 •
1 • 1 1
minute time limits to perform i
1 • 1 1
AiMmons ...1100EAA
certain specified moves without c
1 1 1 1
going over on the ice. t
1 1 1 0
Attempting a Double Lutz when i
skating forward will only prove n
Ot ITE TI E IT T T t 1 D T L'ED that you're a total Idutz! Though e
EP 1 In the John Curry stakes these .
7 are more Mild Korma than •

1 Madras. I rather liked them. •
: In the end those all important 1
7 EIMINO Allt.
AIMEANd A M A M I % A1 1 .1 1 0 • 1 1 . Allo • .• 0 1 1 .1 • 1 1 b A l n i a l l b A E A = style points go to Winter 1
: 1
Games, mainly for the graphics 1
; ? and music, a n d if you must 1
. • have yet another excuse for 1
• SPEED not going out and getting some 1
1 : 7 4 3 Ei real exercise, then this is §
7 •
probably the one 0
Ready, steady G o l Ars the Joystick manufactur er s of Britain
really sponsor i ng events like this. The pace skater at the top
goes so fast you'll destroy a stick every time you want to beat
P *M billtY
• . . . . . . 0 0 D
I ,
H m 1
I A 1
I d 1
T d 0
30 T k .
" .
. T
E .
With over four years experience of providing practical
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Use this program for storing all types of This is a full and comprehensive cash book Consists of invaluable routines to allow the
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You set up a computerised 'card index' system manual ledger entirely. It will take you from the Its usefulness lies in its ability to produce
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Mailist Final Accounts
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11--• —
Lethiorienit9.119 1 1 1 luck
1 with the dice.
SteveMoststrategy — Great idea, but what about
wargames feel as though

the game? For starters, the
they're written by and for those strategy map suffers from the
armchair generals who can reel same nursery school tanks and
off the names and addresses landscape that marred Battle
of the entire French army at Of The Bulge. What's more,
Waterloo, Many a lesser

the programmers have fallen
mortal, having spent three foul of the latest fad of icon
weeks reading the rules, only driven commands. Okay, but
to see his defences salamied the idea of icons is to make the
by the computer, has wailed, "If game easier to play, not to fill
only I could do something!" screen space, And some of the
Well. Lothlorien claims to have icons will have you frantically
the answer — Arena. leafing through the manual to
Take one standard platoon find which ink blot does what.
commander type game. But Still, when you've got it
instead of the usual statistical sussed, this game's great fun,
analysis that tells you whether But it just goes to show that
you've turned the enemy tanks smart-alec strategy still can't
into so much scorched scrap, beat a well-oiled joystick!
you throw in Battlezone
instead. Now you do the = 1 . 1 1

M p h . . I I I I M E1 1 0 0 0 0 0
fighting so you can wave p t •ym
goodbye to the traditional Value
1 1 1 tor Money • • • • • • • 0 0 0
excuse that you had a lousy Y

• I
E 1
1 0
CenturyCommenicationsit9.95 rush through the 'boring' bits,' 0 0
Ma x Nehvah. in the field of and take more care over the 0 0
Spectrum wargaming, has so crucial battles. •
much been put into so little. The game's high on realism
Century surprised everyone — the lads even get tired and
with the flash icons and ease of careless if you leave 'err up
play of its Fourth Protocol and too long. You've got to spread
its used many of the same the load throughout your forces
techniques to make its Battle of and make sure those in the
Britain simulation one of the front line are getting their fair
most playable and realistic share of rest, repairs and •
wargames ever. Unlike the bulk support from other squadro
of the genre. Their Finest Hour But the simulation is scaled -,
plays smoothly and is all down from history — you've
action. There's little of the only got Spits and Hurricane
tedious taking turns to alter As it is, you're gonna have to
this, allocate that, update the play loads of one-day games
other and whatever. until you've got the map fixed

You play in 'real time', the in your head and don't have to
action only stopping so that think about which dot is where
you can read reports and the before you can attempt the real
constant stream of mostly thing.
abusive memos from the It may not have 3D graphics,
Commander-in-Chief or the rattle of machine guns and
respond to questions such as thunder of ack-ack guns. But it Mastedronictil.99 phews! and cors! here. You
the way you want to handle does have the claustrophobia R i c k Big Brother — might groan at the jokes, folks,
particular dogfights. The speed and almost impossible odds of presumably of 1984 fame — but at C1.99 everyone can
of play is adjustable by setting 1940. I lost again and again: I has been overthrown but afford a smile even if the
a pulse rate — set it slow and still can't beat off the might of crucial nuclear plasma has whole program is massed on
you get more time to consider the Luftwaffe. And I still don't been stored away on four the action. The music for
your options than they did in know how they did it in 1940. other planets. Your mission in instance slows down
1940, set it fast and it all your frail craft is to seek out whenever a gratuitous
happens so quickly, it's almost the plasma and return it to
r n ip a ilt s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E M EC U M spaceship flies past, and the
an arcade game. Even better, PmrollitY • • • • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 save the world.
v•h.• ommo. screens character, not pixel,
holding down the S key hurries Sounds familiar — even if
0 • M • • N I S E D :I scroll, One to get your cosmic
the game along so you can L o o m ".."
7 not too much like Orwell' L-plates on.
1 1 1 1 1 this
, Wisea lversion
l of the arcade
1 1 1 0 Gravitar In fact it starts oft like
M E M O Lunar Lander in reverse — the
first skill to learn is how to take
off. You have thrust power but
your left and right controls
make the craft rotate — and
extremely hard to manage.
Suss this central control and
half the fascination of the

game is gone.
Once going you have six
screens of caverns and
landscapes to negotiate — the
take off screen, four plasma
pick up planets and the tricky
fusion core finale. Lots of

vow ihoiwy nos n o m =
riv o ic • o m o s a m o o n o L T I
1 1 :
6 ,
1 1
"• •
• rel 4

N s

' ' N , . .
Now, the kind of qualityN you've
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Kohn& Computer Products is a trading name of Konix Computer Products, Unit 13, Sirhowy Industrial Estate.
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What's in and what's out? Find out from the Hit
List. Plus all the latest chart chat'n'stats from 1 •
Knightiore /
Steve Cotwill. Ultimate
2 • Unde rwuride /
C har t C h a t 3 Ultimate
For the Chris tma s c ha rt i ts 'all c ha nge ' from last m onth's faves. Only 3 • Daley Thomps on's
Da le y Th o mp s o n 's S u p e r Te st and M o n t y O n Th e Ru n h a ve s u rv iv e d t h e De c a thlon/
assault from C o m m a n d o a nd Co. E v e n Monty Mol e di ppe d out for a , Ocean
short time be tw e e n last m o n th s c ha rt a nd this.
We s a y farewell to thre e l ong-runni ng, bone -c r unc hi ng classics Wa y 4 • T i r No Nog/
Of The E x p lo d in g Fist, F ig h t in g Wa rrio r and F ra n k B ru n o ' s B o x in g o n ly to - Gargoyle
see the m re pla c e d in the Hi t Li s t by V ie Ar Kung Fu a nd Inte rna tiona l 5 • Doomda rk 's Re v e nge /
Karate. The s e s oftwa re hous e s k now a good ma rk e t w he n it c ome s up Beyond
and hits gem! Apa r t from the s e tw o martial a rts entries, the c ha rt ha s a 6 I Backpackers Guide/
military air a bout it this month. Elite 's C o m m a n d o takes the ba ttle Fantasy
honours from the c hoppe r flight s imula tor, T o m a h a w k a nd the burnt cork
7 • Cyclone/
and r ubbe r soles ga me , S a bote ur. Vortex
The s oftwa re bus ine s s s e e ms to be ge tting m or e like the mus ic biz
every da y . T h e Chri s tma s a l bum c ha rts s e e m positively s tuffe d with 8 I Py ha na ra ma /
singles c ompila tion a lbums . Y o u k now the s ort of thing — N o w Tha t's Mikro-Gen
What I Ca ll A Fa s t B u c k 3. T h e y S o ld A Millio n is a se le ct io n o f ra v e s Shool Daze/
from the gra v e , re pa c k a ge d for thos e S pe c c y ow ne rs w ho mis s e d out on Microsphere
the titles first time round. 10 • Eureka/
This Month's Top Ten Titles
saki in 8 Months Ago
meth Dart • tilisiPoSlistet Position • TiesrPublishe
1 2 • Commando/Elite ,1 • Sabre Watt/
1 • Yie ArKungRs/Imagine 2 • Ps y troni
3 4 • Back To Skool/Microsphere 3 • Codenarne Ma t/
4 2 • Tomahawk/Digital Integration 4 S Muggy /
Melbourne House
5 4 • Elite/Firebird 5 • Tra s hma n/
6 3 12 • Daley Thompson'sSuper Test/Ocean 6 •
Now Generation
Fighte r Pilot/
7 Wow 2 • They SoldA Million/Hit Squad Digital Integration
7 • Jost Set Willy/
,8 3 • International Karate/System 3 Software Projects
8 • Ni ght Cl Uni tati
91 5 • MontyOnThe Run/Gremlin Graphics Digital Integration
9 • A t e Ata c i
10 4 • Saboteur/D urelI ±.111a-
10 • Diode Ailey/
1985's Nu mb e r Ones
As a n e n d - o f - y e a r r o u n d - u p , w e ' v e b e e n b a c k t h r o u g h t h e
Mi c r o S c ope c h a r t s f or 1 9 8 5 a n d c o m p i l e d o u r o w n l i s t of n u m b e r T h e Weekly Daley
o n e g a m e s f or t h e S p e c c y - T h e y ' r e a r r a n g e d i n o r d e r of t h e n u m b e r D a l e y T h o m p s o n ' s S u p e r T e s t is
of w e e k s t h e y s p e n t a t t h e c o v e t e d p o l e p o s i t i o n - T h e S o n a l d o n e of t h e f e w c o n s i s t e n t b e s t -
c o m p i l a t i o n , p u t t o g e t h e r t o r a i s e m o n e y f or t h e E t h i o p i a n f a m i n e sel l er s l eft in a m u c h c h a n g e d
a ppe a l , e a s i l y r uns a w a y w i t h t he ti tl e c ha r t . Y o u c a n f ol l ow Da l e y ' s
t r a c k r e c or d be l ow s i nc e he
e nt e r e d t he c ha r t t w e l v e w e e k s
? a g o a t n u m b e r 1.
I• .
5no 5
t .
9 8
,11 1I •

fan a Ai

I D I; •e •
, •
This chart is based on the Mic roSc ope chart as c ompiled by Gallup.


1 display the latest MicroScOpe chart, ask the manager to call Mark Salmon on 0 1
MicroScope Is the weekly trade paper of the microcomputer industry. It your computer store
doesn't 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I E i 10 11 12
- send a copy every week. Wa nt
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universe. Zoids were the
fiercest war machines ever
known to civilisation. Carrying
W the Zoidaryans into battle from L

h desolate planet. Zoldstar, they
e all known worlds ... until. with
imperial domination secured, Zoid turned T
n Zotd.
f Only when threatened by a new, more
formidable fighting force from the Blue Moon
— r the Red Zoids, led by the audacious Red-
horn the Terhble — did the Blue Zoids on
Zoidstar unite under their new leader, Alison ifi ut boosts her brain power by merging minds with I
uInto this turmoil came Earthman with a plan the ultimate fighting machine. Dare to go where no
tonmerge minds with Zoidzilla. infiltrate the humanoid has been before with our paranormal review of
l Zoid city complex and destroy the Martech's Zoids- It'll blow your mind!
e Redhom once and for all. But an
enemy spacecraft destroyed his spacecraft,
shattering Zoidzilla into six pieces, which the Slithe r zoid
s Zolds buried under different cities. The
Red This oily sycophant taxis
h of the Blue Zonis seemed sealed, unless be twe e n Mines, Powe r
Plants and City Domes,
e could be rebuilt and the wretched
delivering raw materials p.

d destroyed ... and Zoidar powe r pods.
On N T H E M O V E
H e llr unne r
Long-legged and s wift of
foot, this Red Zoid
messenger has no means
of a tta c k so it'll wa nde r
around importa nt
locations, hurtling off to
ge t help whe n the enemy

Earthman has survived and has merged minds with a small

Spidenoid. Thus, he nol only controls the Zold — he is the
hi d. Stranded in the heart of Red laid lerrilory, you. as
the Zei t must set forth on your mission to recover the six
pieces of Zoidzilla, merge minds with this mega machine
and annihilate Redhorn The Terrible once and for all.
Your task is a lough one. The pieces could lie within any
of the eight City Networks spread across Red Zold
teMiory• %
Starting off in a valley, embedded between two impass-
able mountain ranges, you can use the cross on the map to
trace out the route you want the Zoid to follow.

The biggest baddy of 'e m
all — the Red Zoid Imperial
Leader and the Blue Zolds'
ultima te ta rge t.
By moving the cross over your target, you've opled to Fax Boxn
destroy one of the city network's eight City Domes, the Game T Z o i d s
powerful defensive lorce fields where androids slave Publisher N a r t e o h
away, building new Red Zoids_ Price hE 7 . 9 5
Each city network also contains a Power Plant which e
provides Red laid nosh. Zoidar Power: a Mine, to provide ,
the essentials lo build Red bids; and a Beacon to alert T ,
arch Zoids. Redhom the Terrible and Mammoth the e •
Destroyer. of impending Blue Zold attack.
r 1
r &
3 6
i -
The fi rst lelot- golastic
s oloe d. TV d i e ? Napo ZOID'S E V E V I E W T IIIIIIre ap e !o o h in g o p -
or O tte . deptedrog
— t t i a scannas I triter the Tool's slate el mind
tot ot goer since 1111 Tins s e w e r ! line repre-
, the immediate we e for sents holdlesought
m crucial objects such as tartOrlidel
e Int. of lo.diitla — whe e l
e •
minds votrged as one l o
reconstruction is. a tte r periods
I a r i dof calm, it 'II 1121
Ill. the mom meson ler &Wog
M s hist. Nam. the too-
Ill M a traipsing about im sloe mounts — see
Stromlo ports. Z e s
d ' s
Thu Is poor Zesst's tO I t s ite lio ve i t o r o i l , M I .
A m am i used to Idaably enemy MINH elsout looluag blob
Ned /oils Whe n ieWcted
represents y e w ge m
you timely need to moire which a r t smell to sheet
the curse, provided over down oniony missiles
the hood you we b to when you're Linden
mmml, idenitly end pH will be attack
rit reeled. Now Ittere's
comforting thought
, Hit seeking entleaula! Al
Mammoth The Every Witc h way h i t l e a ome
lest a t o the w
VOW melte as you use
— d i r e c t i o n Im ilm
Destroyer volt tot you plot yow those weapons to sop
ga m y lords and other
s e e m O r plod your
Roaming be twe e n the city coning since. lodging by
1111Wil inc h as Poorer
PUMA, M mes. Ihrecons
networks, this Blue Zold trot rata at which the cur
wort City dooms.
defector has ultra-sonic ,sor m o n s , IOW'S hardly
hungry for a mere of the
ears to de te c t signals
transmitted from the

Gait up bete an useful

yOn re e l th e u rg e t, .
h e m I l o u t m a o e e tth
— E arthman call l i m e IT
you•to yearlong to P ow •
trioodly r t a l l e
Every sell e aspic tial • l e c olle c t home
i ts ouch as Plow much • xible one p e w y Die m a i m , aV e ri al l earthman needs a stokes base- Tem cart either auk
ammo or Linder power surroundrags mere savan t at th e ce n tre . A l symbol U s e Ihrs one la your males la launch a
IOU en ;K t loft al your closety. use tins Ken la le an t T au 1•0111 g e t wwg • d i tc h up Or your ammo to n g ran g e le tte e tla
disposal roues in S i m e th , laid admiring liss scenery darnel* end progress — ag ai n st a S al l e te d targ e t
obieclis — i t' t dulL dull, dull, the member of loodrilla er to m od a spocecrett lo
except for the volusto SO Maces collected. pick up tout- nits Wince.
views woken fe e gel tella

0 (

Guide your short range missiles, equipped with natty
Spineback cameras, through the hills to your selected target —
A merciless creature, hell- indicated by the red square on the horizon. But watch your
bend on killing, the Spine- step! The menacing mountains must be the enemy's most
back hangs around inside powertul weapon — you'll need to be a whin at obstacle
City Domes, wa iting to be courses to avoid rushing headlong into them and thus
altered by Hellrunners. disappearing in a putt ol smoke




%1 •

Serpent -•
This re pugna nt, yet irre- NI"
placable, reptile patrols a t
random, looking for
intruders to satisfy its

When warned of a pos

- — pick them up and use them to shoot down
, J ul e Red bi d missiles, using this 30 grid to help
you shoot straight.
a t t a c k , But be sure to zap the lot 'cos any
missiles you lail to hit will backfire,
d o n ' t
j u s t
y Graphics El11111111111ENINE
L Pleyebility
Value for Money 1111111MEISMIED
g EM M E N °

./)1/ 11**....
N. , . .
-.....;'--- . . .
" • %-.

. ..
d 37
„, i
„: . . . .
We've brought together all your
favourite software houses and
persuaded them to cut their profits for
another year by giving away lots'n'Iots
of lovely goodies. There are five Zipids.
enough T-shirts to keep you clothed

IS ,
for a whole year and simply squillions

of games.
So what's the scam? Simple. Just
write the answer to each compo on the
coupon against the appropriate

number. You can enter as many or as
few of the compos as you please. And
even if you win one prize that's not the

end of it. Back goes your entry ready
for another go. Now that's what I call
ge-ne-rous! Now cut Out the coupon
(Or use a photocopy). stick it to the Games, games, posters, T-shirts, games, Konix
back of a postcard or sealed envelope Liberators, games, South American nose flutes,
and send it to the Ocean/Martech/
games, Zoids, games, games and, er, games. And you

CRL/Ouicksil e r , on second
thoughts, just send it to 'That can win them all. (Well, all except for the South
ginormously big compo in issue 3', American nose flutes 'cos that was a fib.)
Your Sinclair, 14 Rathbone Place,
London W*1 P

HowId you like to win a copy of

2 1 I 2 AD or Forbidden Pla ne t? Well
read this way, m'boy (It you re a d
tha t way you'll go blind! Ed) 'cos
Design 'so good they named it twic e '
Design is offering a copy of each to
the first ten readers who come up
with the answer to the ultima te

question. And no, 42 lust w on't do.
All we w a nt to know is the password
a t the end of Dark Star. Is it:
a) Everyone's a Wally?
b) Everyone's a nervous wreck?
c) Everley Brothers? (Who they? Ed)

Gargoyle Games great new game's gonna

have you going ga-ga. Sweevo's World is all
about a tin-pot robot who's more than a little
accident prone. Rather like the comedian
who was the inspiration for his antics. What
Gargoyle wants to know is who you reckon
LE, Zounds, itza Zoicil Yes, m
Martech's offering five amazi o l d
models to the five lucky winners of
this simple competition. All you've
gotta do to be the envy (and enemy)

that funny man is, (If you need a clue, take E
look at the drawing in Gargoyle's ad for the of your friends is answer this simple
game.) So, is it: question. Redhorn The Terrible is
a) Oliver Hardy the evil baddy but who is his goodly
b) Stan Laurel counterpart? Is it:
c) Stan Andeliver
/ ) Troubleshootin' Pete?

Oh, and the prize? Twenty copies of said 2) The Mighty Zoidzilia?
madcap mayhem — that's the game to you'
Sweeeeeeeevol 3) The Mighty Wurtitzer?

Okay snweethearts• rt's Humph here -

you know, the one Bogey that doesn't

F-low d'you like to adorn your manly, or get right up your nose. Oceans asked
womanly, torso with a stylish T-shirt to welcome me to give away twenty copies of No
new game Movie that's based on the
the spring months? You would? Lucky then thot exploits of a dick like me, Private dick.
we've got five Bubble Bus T-shirts up for grabs smarms!!! But It you wanna win one
and all you've got to do is onswer one measly you're gonna have to do a bit of
question, And even if you don't cart off the detective work yourself. Jusht tell me
which of these black and while
clothing, there are still ten copies of Storquake Saturday afternoon BBC2 films I

to be won. Just tell us which star is nearest to
appeared In and then jot It down next
the Earth? Is it: to the number 5 on the coupon.
Here's lo o kin g a t you kid i
I) Alpha Centauri?
2) The Sun? 2)
3) The Mirror? ) The AtrOmn M i e n
3) Alenkelybtanta
3 8 l
Did tiou haw i'isuors over Chrimble? Well. Ocean did and it wasn't lust Auntie How's this sound for a spec? An interface that
Vera and Uncle frank turning up to polish off the he br a ndy and natter on odds a full ten functions to your Speccy —
through the big film. O h no. Ocean was visited by aliens from the outer Centronics port, R5232 port, sound through the
cosmos, horrid slimy green things that ate Harry the Hamster for breakfast and
drank Domestos cocktails. I n fact, so entertaining was the company that telly, slow mode, video port, oil joystick
Ocean 's put the visitors trim its new game V based on she TV series of the same protocols, reset button, through port, Save/
name. To win one of the twenty copies of the game that Ocean's putting up for Load and a power indicator. Okay, now name
grabs lust sell us whether these aliens are really: the price? E150? M O ? Nope, to you John,
C34•95. Sounds incredible, doesn't it? (Souncis
1) Distant relations of the Ed?
like you took the info straight from the adl Ed).
2) Lizard type creatures?
3) Armadillos wearing rain hats? Might've done, might've done. But although we
hoven't seen Konix's miracle Liberator yet, we
still reckon it's worth answering the following
doddie of a question? Who's the leader of the
Liberal party? (Liberator/Liberal, geddit?i Is it?
I) Terry Wagon?
2) David Steel?
3) Stainless Steel?
Puff, puff, pant, pant. No, it's not a
1 1 1 1 4 dirty compo entry up to a spot of
heavy bre a thing but Silversoft
, 1 1 . arriving in the nick of time — mind
1 1 1 you, have you played its spoof
1 adventure, Robin O f Sherlock?
Hope, well it's giving away fi fte e n
copies plus twe nty -fi v e posters. All
you have to do w e l l y ou know
Well, it was along time coming but for Dungeons and w ha t you've got to do by now. Wha t
was the na me of the fa t guy in the
Dragons freaks it was worth the wait — PSS's Swords And cassock who knocked around with
Sorcery has arrived. And to prove that it's not so much a Robin Hood? Was it:
game. more a way of strife, PSS is offering ten S&S T-
shirts and twenty S&S posters to VS readers. So, now for it 1 ) Friar Tuck?

- .the question. A long time ago there was this geezer called 2) Cyril Smith?
3) Dolly Parton (again)?
Arthur who had a modest country dwelling called Camelot.
•And he had a magical sword called . . . well, what was it
. I) Wilkinson?
2) Excalibur?
42) Damocles?

And finally, Fairlight. Imagine what the-inlay card

might look like to an ant. Now think how big a full-

size, lull colour poster of the same piccy would look.
Meg-aah! To win one of ten copies of such a poster,
tell us the name of the game's hero?
I) Istvan?
2) Igor?
3) Another name beginning with 1?
Hello sailors. Oh, a life on the ocean waves. r
Take an exotic cruise, travel to distant
shores and blow the hell out of other
battleships, Perhaps we forgot to mention O Usual set of boring old rules. The Ed won't talk to anyone about the compo
that were talking about Ouicksilva's new W though what's so bad about the Ed not talking to you is way beyond us. You
game Death Wake. It's a war game in which M
can't enter if you work for any of the participating companies or if you work herc
you play the commander of The Undaunted M and if you work here knock three times on the pipes and we can form an escape
in his mission to blow up lots of things, M committee. All entries must be in by March 31st — a day late and you'll feel a
preferably those belonging to the enemy M right fool.
unless you liberate them by answering this M
simple question. Sailors who pop their M
socks at sea can't be said to push up the O
daisies, so where do they end up? is it in: m Here are my answers to your easy-peasy questions. Next time youW have to make
them harder if you want to beat me.
1) Davy Jones's Locker? M
2) Mother Hubbard's Cupboard? E
M Name
3) Doily Parton's Chest? B
I Address
Brrrrr. Cold? You don'l l ow what cold is. M P o s t c o d e
It's like a zoo in here, there are so many brass I
monkeys. Lucky I've giii len Bladentnner T- =
shirts from CRL to keep me warm. Course the =
Ed wants me to giVe 'cm away to you lot but = Question 1 Question4 Question 7. Question 10
what the heck, my need ts greater than yours. =
(No, it ruddy well Isnot (land 'em over! Ed). Question 2 Question 5... ...... Question 8 Question 11
Oh. alright but only on , ine condition, You 1
mustsend me all your spare winter clothing. 1 Question 3 Question I Question 9 Question 12
No? Oh well answer this question instead. 1
Who was the star of the film Bladerunner? 1
Was it: 1 Now cut the coupon or use a photocopy and stick it to a postcard or the back of a
E sealed envelope. Send it to That ginormously big compo in issue 3, Your Sinclair.
I) Sting? n 14 Rathbone Place. London W1P IDE. Meg-aah!
2) Model T Ford? —
3) Harrison Ford? ,
111 M I M E 111111=1 1 1 • 1 IMP I = IMP M E MO M E = I M i l OM M E I = M B M I M E M EER M E a

This programmer uses ZX Basic. This programmer uses YS

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I1 Address I
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I P h o O t iN1 t I III
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i to 28 days for delivery.
I Ple a se allow up
P o
s iweemieelimmomomilomilmimimimilmiummimeietwinsimemenell
t c
o d I
SEED so beware if you use As you can see, there are took less time to read a DATA
random numbers several interesting ideas. statement than access a
How to make a string contain DIMensioned variable. Well I
20 LD H L , (5 C 7 6 1 4 ) its own print position info and wonder who's right? Why
30 ID C, (HL> how to compress two five and don't you devise a program to
four letter words into 2 bytes act as a benchmark and send
50 LD 1 3 , (H L )
60 RET for starters. it in with your results.
70 END

Joseph Otten from J ohn Why te of Dunfermline

Use this Basic routine to get Manchester has the perfect and Nicholas White of
the double peek at address p way of confounding all those Newhaven both came up with
into the variable 's'. The types who like to break into ways to make your messages
machine code is relocatable your programs. Use this more interesting. John's
so I've called its address when you next save a routine will spit out your
'any'. Just load it in wherever program but do save an message one letter at a time
FORCE convenient — it's only 7 bytes
unprotected copy first.
POKE 23613,0: SAVE 'name
CODE 23613,PEEK 23627
with or without sound. You'll
need to decide what to put in
line 9020 or whether to leave
USR (any) +256 *PEEK 23628-23613: it out altogether if you don't
Come on, become GOTO 0 want sound.
one of the elite and Here's a brill way of creating The system variable EAR
join the false headers from Basic SP is at 23613/4 so altering it 1 0 L E T 8 . 9 0 0 0 8 L E T lin e - 0 2 0 L
will make all sorts of fun Is t o p s . " ' 0 0 SUB n
programmers Task from Malco lm Goodman
things happen if the program 30 REM r e s t o f pr ogr a m
Force with Ian of Leeds. I've altered it 8999 ST OP
hits an error. This routine by
slightly 'cos I like meddling in 9000 FOR x l T O L EN a . -
Hoare. You never other people's programs and Andrew Cope of Exeter 9 0 1 0 P R I N T A T lin e , 0 1 8 8 1 8 (
provides an ON ERROR GO TO x )
know — you might so it'll work with the Interface
TO function. This routine isn't 9020 BE E P 0 .0 5 .C O D E a l l ( x
1connected. I've also used 48 R E M V a r i a b l e s o u n d
learn something. relocatable but can be OR
the routine above to get the
start address of the Basic assembled to any convenient 1 0 2 0 B E E P 0 . 0 5 , 0 8 R E M fi e
•d so u n d .
First off is Paul R ober ts address. Andrew uses 64400
program. so don't forget to to allow room for some
1 0 3 0 I F x . L E N a t T H EN
from Yeovil who sent in a put the code in. Use the code redefined characters,
BEEP 0 . 1 , 3 0 1 B E E P 0 . 1 , 2 0
1 0 4 0 N EXT 8
piece of relocatable code in Your Spectrum 21 to split 1050 L ET l i n e 1 1 n e + 1
that'll do some amusing the number into high and low 0000 O R O 64400
9 0 6 0 R ET U R N

things on-screen. bytes. What you don't have 0010 I D DF, ERR_ M
it? Shame on you. Well, just 0020 I D HL, (2 3 6 1 3 ) Nicholas's routine is
0000 ORO A N Y this once then: 0030 L D ( KL ) , E designed to do a similar thing
0010 El 0040 I N C HI
0020 LD 8 , 1 0 0 0050 I D <HL), D
but the message must be 32
prr FN h(e )oI NT (8 / 2 5 6 )
0030 LOOP P U S H B C 0060 R E T characters long. Why not try
0040 1:
LD H L , 2 2 5 2 8
4 0 0 7 0 ER R _ M I D A, ( 2 3 6 1 0 ) them both?
0050 ID D E , 2 2 5 2 9 4 0080 I N C A.
0060 E 0 I N P U T "H o w m a n y b y t e e 7
ID BC, 7 6 7 0090 L D 8 C, (2 3 7 2 8 )
F $0 LE T S•1F-"Y
0070 ID A , R !20
F RANDOMIZE 2 3 6 3 5 1 L E T a . 0100 L D ( 2 3 6 6 2 ) , BC 'I S T OP OR O P UR
.' R 1
0080 AND 6 3 AM 0110 X O R A
0090 ID ( 8 1 1 .) , A N R any 0120 D E C A
20 L E T l i n e e 0 8 L E T n e 1 0 0 0
'3 0 L E T s t m s + n 30 G O S U B n
0100 LDI R 1 0130 I D
4 0 P O KE 2 3 6 4 1 , , F N 1 ( m t ) (23610), A 4 0 R EM r u t o f p r o g r a m
0110 H ALT
5 0 P O KE 2 3 6 4 2 , F N h ( s t ) 1 0140 I N C A 999 ST O P
0120 LD A , R 60 D I M n e ( 1 0 ) 0150 L D (23664),A 1000 LE T ° A n * ( 3 2 s p a c e s )
0130 AND 7 ) *
70 I N PU T ' S a v e n a m e ? 0160 L D H L, (2 3 6 4 1 )
0140 OUT ( 2 5 4 ) , A e
0170 L D D C , 2 1010 L ET be wbe + a e
0150 POP B C 4- 1 1 0180 C A L L 1652H 1020 FOR i c l T O L EN b e - 3 1
0160 DJNZ L O O P i2 0190 E X D E , H L
0170 RET The
85 A V program will ask you how 0200 L D
1030 PR I N T A T l i n e
TO .A3 1S ) O
0180 END many
E6 bytes you want to 0
. 210 I N C H I 0 4 0 N E X T )1 P
n4 your header to load ( 2H
0 20 L L ) , D ( H L ) , 1 4 . 0 5 0 R ET U R N
i l 14
To use this, start the 0
2 2 330 P
2 T E S T C AL L 1 F 5 4 H 1
0240 J P C, 1 2 CEH 1
And while were feeling flashy, tape
8 recorder on Record as 0250 B T E S T 1
A d • Sh a w from Plymouth And finally. T im D ouit on
1 as the message 0260 E N D 1
from Horsham has a tip for
sent in several tips — try this (
appears and stop when
when your Speccy's feeling 8
you've saved the header. Et To use this you'll need to set saving protected versions of
bored: )
voila! up the line that you want the your programs. First do
10 FOR n- 1 TO 250: OUT ON ERROR routine to jump PEEK 23635 and make a
14,0: NEXT n to. This can be in a note of the result. lf you've
Ade also sent in an improved On the subject of headers, subroutine so you can alter it got Interface 1 variables
Gary Pr o c t o r from the Isle as required. To set up the present you'll get the answer
routine to toggle printing Of Man sent in a method of
between screen and printer. routine you'll only need to call five, if not you'll get 203. Don't
To turn on the printer: making program names more the code once. After that all attempt to save a protected
OPEN# 2,"p" interesting. Gary was curious errors will be trapped version if Interface
and to turn it off and return how the title 'FLASH LOAD' variables are present. Right.
automatically. Andrew
printing to the screen: could come up instead of the suggests the following: to save a protected version of
CLOSE# 2 boring message 'program: your program enter this as a
Cheers Mel By the way your rhubarb' or whatever. Try this: 10 RANDOMIZE USR 6 4 . 1 1 0 0 1 P direct command:
'better' input routine isn't! If
20 L ET e r l e l t n e n u m b e r t e POKE 23635,n: SAVE -
'10 LE T • S . " be j u m p e d t o g 0 0 S U B 9 0 0 0
you do a PAUSE 0 in a ,20 LE T 011•11111-1-CHRS 2 2 4 R o st o f p r o g r a m Where
namn e is
" any number below
subroutine and leave your , 1•CHRS 04CHRS 219+CHRS 2 3 8 0 0 0 R EM s u b r o u t i n e 203. To load the protected
finger on a key a fraction too CH. 0 program enter:
2 0 P O KE 2 3 7 2 9 F N h ( e r l >
long you'll find you've entered Mind you it could've been 3 0 R ET U R N POKE 23635.n:LOAD"•
the wrong thing. even better if he'd included a 1 Then all you've got to do is:
couple of extra CHR$s in the 1
Andrew also makes an POKE 23635,203
Clive Sead en from title — what about this then:
P suggestion. If you
Basingstoke sent in a can
spare the space it saves
2 0 L E T se o se + C H R e 1 8 + C H R $ time to READ all DATA into Send your programs to Ian
megashort piece of machine 1+CHRS 1 9 + C H R S 1 + C H R S 2 2 + E Hoare, Task Force, Your
code that'll do a double peek CHRS 1.-CHRS 0.0.CHRS 2 1 9 an
2 array before the program Sinclair, 14 Rathbone Place.
at any address (except 0). It RS
4 239 starts. He reckons it'll halve
3 London W1P
uses the System variable CH 'Access
time'. And I thought it
F 41
t o Bum 711 AUTOMATA U.K. Ha l d f f o l a i l

The Piman's Software House

ALL SPECTRUM owne rs need r c 7 • - o u r ip a cu slE t ip s
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set 2 O - 2 V. o
b".S P C pN .AeeB c.A -Mltt h. e * n o s i e r . " b o o k l e t s h o p i n s h o p R I M A N I A w o o n o n
sei°LERM, e t aDEe P Tr CR, 1 0 BRUNS WI CK GDNS. oS
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r u mwA . .
. 9
m ms Irr e A c i d r e ls e
r N O R THANTS NN1 8 9ER 3 X e. t a .i . .
ief o r etl
4 S 9
a n
t --- cC i l l1
tne a c
1 p 1

idh o 11 eS
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e c A
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. . L
g a r r
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o E

MOJA • P I t
s Aa t t
n Q L
a R
d f - U O
Ii i C
r z /D
1 l
P - PE
1 I
O r i 0P
0 O
. .
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Meese a pr ogr a m , s a w it a nd restart fr om M e s a m e point ne x t tine ,. P eelvaicise fa c ility a nd OK RlA M Tidy a l i b i m o i l ° 'Ifm % i n . i i r t h r Sour COts 110a:PC• • wite llt
a n' J u s t a ls o
I are p d eua l toe
s shtudy ing, m odify
• b
ing da v iiioping u prt ogrt a m o
s n vs u e
v l!N OW FOR s m s ta s s
t o ai r
* M a n a • * * y e n with pr om pts & one to u c h c om m a nds i t P ush b u tto n 2 ) S elect iunc tion s a tt,
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* E x tr e m e ly P owerful & e ttic ie nt c om pr e s s ing fo r la s t r e - loa ding & us ing m inim a l r oom On c a r tr idge s ta p e s wa te r s . disks
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A 7 K screen c a n De compressed to f e w hundr e d by te s th e whole R A M into a k m K tc le pa nding* on a pr ogr a m ) . dMf

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r excellent
w prawnsatiou. e rror trapp h e l p f u l
er veryspmi fe
A s s ionaicteneatad
l piece o( p Irn °mue s wa m ir i:m
a nd.1 1 n4 ;y to to w
oprompts f you're
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a M
A a T I 1 1 / • 1 1 1 0 ? 7 7 Dyne Road Lqndon NW6 70R 2 v U
14 S
6 I
1 2 4 h r s C
o r d e r s

Wha t's got long greasy hair,

makes nasty smalls in the
corner and c r e a te s one hell of
a din laying into his kit? A
A s s o o n a s t h e p ro g ra m • s l o a d e d y o u ' r e p r e s e n t e d w f t h
th e fol l ow i ng s e rie s of m e n u s — p r o v i d e d S pe c D r u m 's
co n n n ect ed , o f c o u rs e !

Ma in M e nu
Fr om t he m ai n m e nu y ou c a n a c c e s s fur the r faci l i ti es as w el l as all the othe r m e nus

Here's the list at songs

you're working on, The
LoadISave menu has
options for individual
titles or dumps for up to
lb tracks.
You gel the chance to
hear your track as it

ot v / e l e a T 4
0 e •0 c l e o e s E

.6 r e n s . '
U e e tY

M eeCA
OP LoM P L A Y •



S e o 0 i
WINP OWNE : C e m o
Tempo e v e 2 5 0
To start you'll need to
know how to divide each
beat. Though 32 parts are
available. you're unlikely
to need more than 12
unless you're getting into
very complex rhythms.

stands at any stage of the Clever this. II you have

dr um m e r , tha t's wha t! N ow proceedings. Set around g U M A IN IS M . multi-track recording
Rachael Sm ith r e c k ons she's 125 the tempo is a rockin' :t
=LOAD...sieve teddies youcam use
beat, but boot it up to 999 SpecOrom to sync to Hull
found a m or e refi ned and your snare will sound 411.100eAv s o n . 46110eLE TE S o n e . via a pulse track output
from the mic socket.
a lte r na tiv e — C he e ta h's like a pneumatic drill! s ong 1 e m P o . a
Spec Drum. 540
Dr um m e r s a re a re a l pa in for a
ne w ba nd. Wh e n y ou'r e s ta rti ng Pa tte r n M e nu
out y ou c a n ne v e r fi nd o n e — a n d P r e s s i ng •P• ta k e s y ou to the fi r st s ta ge of c r e a ti on — t he pa t t e r n m e nu.
if y ou m a k e it big the y 'r e a lwa y s
the one s w h o driv e the s por ts 01 course you may prefer
Here's your drum kit. Note
cars i nto the s w i m m i ng pool ! that It's divided into three
D v , Den. a I S E A T , D o s p . ,
P e a k tim e
lapping Out the track to
Well. S pe c D r u m ma y pr ov e the groups, so you can't play M g 0
typing il in. This calls a
sub menu which allows
answer. F o r thirty qui d y ou ge t a the Mid and Low Toms 1 Or ium P L A Y . you to specify the sound.
c om pl e te dr um k it in the s ha pe of simultaneously, tor o
CAO.I O f f ' Then beat out that Mythrn
example. P
a small box to c lip to y our I on a ISpec)Drum
S pe c c y 's be hi nd, pl us a ta pe . And this is where the P
T e tt 0
1 1 1 S t_ F A S T
The ha r dw a r e c onta i ns the drums are played and E Tempo.format chooses
. P ILE the time signature and
e le c tronic w i za rdry tha t giv e s y ou displayed. by number
The three channels are I Cj P E A L T X M E this blue line shows
thre e c ha nne l s of pe rc us s i on. O where the beats and bar
clearly illustrated, and
And a s n o b o d y in his ri ght m i nd you can easily make
U lines corn,. Closed Hi Hal
w oul d w a nt all tha t m a y he m alterations under the and. or bass can be
be e ping th r o u g h the i nbui l t black cursor. Above and E automatically added to
below are the bars you're L help you keep time. A nice
speaker, y ou'l l l us t ha v e to L touch.
c onne c t it to a hi -fi or othe r a m p riot currently working an.
via the a tta c he d phone , pos s i bl y
us ing a n a da ptor .
Mi nd y ou, the really c le v e r s tuff Edit Me nu
is on the ta pe . He r e y ou'll fi nd Y ou'v e got your bar s of be a ts so i t's ti m e to put the m toge the r w i th the e di t m enu.
y our k it of e i ght digita lly s a m pl e d
,...And this is the number
s ounds . Y ou c a n us e a ny thr e e of
O I L ot limes it plays, irom 110
the m s i mul ta ne ous l y — w i thi n There are the individual , 255. which could be
c e rta in limita tions . S pe c D r u m patterns. To hear them A S rather repetitive/ 3 and 4
c ome s w i th a s ta nda r d roc k kit, again just insert them in E A control this, and once
plus hi gh to m or rim s ubs ti tute s . the black window below you're satisfied you just
and press D tor Drum — scroll it to the left with
The v e rs a tility d o e s n 't s top a t tha t S
you can heat them in
— the re 's e v e n the pr om i s e of context and take them out Pa i
P Use Shift 9 to insert, Shift
fur the r kits to c ome , s uc h a s a
a it
It you don't like the effect. l
T LE .
0 to delete, and
latin one . This is the numbet of the •
_ 'A L T I m E .
. K O I X C eventually you'll get it
But ba c k to the pre s e nt. O nc e pattern you've chosen, 0 e right, Then it's back to the

M O L O O m m L
C & A A A main menu for one last
y ou'v e lis te ne d to the e le v e n increased or decreased by OM r e v P A TT. K A T T E T T A
e x a mpl e s y ou'll be dy i ng to pressing 1 and 2 Z O O L 5 lime where F tidies the
respectively data and stores it as
c re a te y our ow n tra c k s , bui l di ng
with r hy thm i c bloc k s , c re a ti ng
P e l t TE M P O 121.
A c m e T M P O 1 2 5
economically as possible.
Simple. eh?
y our pa tte r ns the n link ing a nd
l oopi ng the m i nto c om pl e te d
s ongs . A n d a s the i ns tr uc ti ons
are pr oba bl y the w or s t pa r t of the DRUMMIN' UP.
pa c k a ge y ou c a n ta k e a l ook a t
how this pr oc e s s w ork s he re . Ra t S c a bi e s of T h e D a m n e d onc e s a i d t ha t he t ook u p d r u m m i n g
The re 's a l ot of m e m o r y for ' c o s h e l i k e d hi t t i ng t h i n g s . F o r al l o f y o u w h o ' v e n e v e r t h r a s h e d a
ki t h e r e ' s a q u i c k r u n d o w n o f w h a t y o u ge t .
s toring y our tra c k s . Y ou'l l s oon
fi nd tha t us i ng the s y s te m B a s s Th e o n e yo u p a in t the b a n d ' s n a me o n . It h it s yo u in t h e p it o f
be c ome s s e c ond na tur e to y ou. the s t o ma c h so u se it t o a cce n t u a t e th e b e a t.
But the i mpre s s i v e fe a tur e is tha t S n a re ' To p p y ' so u n Din g , it ca n b e u s e d f o r sizzlin g ro lls. F o u n d in
qua lity of the s o u n d — i t'd easily mo s t s o rt s o f mu s ic , a n o p t io n a l vo ice a llo ws f o r st rikin g th e ' Rim' .
do for d e m o ta pe s . Tha t's w hy
the re 's a s y nc hr o fa c ility — I T o m s Mid a n d L o w a re st a n d a rd wit h a n o p t io n a l Hig h . O v e r-u s e
re c k on a full MI DI i nte rfa c e t h e se t u n e d d r u m s a n d yo u 'll so u n d like a b a d d is c o mix b u t mo v in g
w oul d'v e pr ov e d fa r too c os tly . b e t we e n p it c h e s ca n wo rk we ll.
As it Is. S pe c D r u m is unbe l i e v a bl y HI
c he a p a nd gr e a t fun to us e . A Op
- e n . U s e s p a rin g ly u n le s s yo u ' re in t o H M O (He a v y Me t a l o ve rkill).
de fi nite hit.
H o w b e l l G o e s g re a t wit h yo d e llin g . No t o n e f o r th e ro c k e rs b u t it ca n
a t n ic e ly f u n ky if it a lt e rn a t e s wit h y o u r c y mb a l.
Nam e S p e c Dr um C
Y l a p s A n o t h e r d is c o o n e in t h e c y mb a l se ct io n . U s e it f o r st e a d y,
S uppl i e r C h e e t a h re
o p e t it ive rh y t h ms .
Pr i ce E 2 9 . 9 5
r 4 3

by II K McDonald
This one's really hot. It' s a forty screen shoot ' em up that's w rit t en
in Basic but it's as t ricky as any m ach in e code equivalent.
Your mission is to dest roy an en em y planet ' s life forms before
they reach Eart h and destroy you. To h ave a crack at it, you'll have
to t ravel b ackw ard s through t im e by disappearing up a b lack hole.
Naaaast y!
As soon as you've en t ered the g am e — and you can leave out the
intructions o n ce you've read t h em — save it with SAVE "Orion" LINE
7000 and then st art it with RUN 7000.
a• 1 DE F EN m $ ( 0 , x ) e ( " S pe c t r a l " 10=1
4 AND E N m ( s , m ) = 0 ) .
1100 L E T xm=01 P R I N T A T 0 , 1 4 ; B R
1 N m ( s , m ) = 1 ) s ( " G o l d " AND E N m ( s , m I GHT l e s c
0. ( )"=S2 i) sl 1v"eDir a" m ond" AND E N m ( s , ) = 3 ) 1110 BEEP . 0 1 , 1 v I e RE TURN
o EN m ( s , x ) =I NT ( ( s - I N T ( s / m 2010 LE T s h = s h - l e P R I N T AT 0 , 2 9 ;
2F ) BRI GHT I ; I N K 1. 1-(6 A N D s h > 1 ) s s
A 45 0 L E T b = b s I I N K E Y S = • 8 " AND b < 3
4 0 x ) 2 0 2 0 FO R a = 0 T O - 1 0 S TE P - . 5 s B E
-s.• )6 0 P R I N T A T 2 1 , b - 1 ; " EP . 0 1 , a 1 N E X T a
(• I /6N 5 I F xm THE N P R I N T A l xm, yme 2 0 2 5 I F s h > 0 AND C 1 0 = - 2 THE N G O
E" " TO 3 0 0 0
K E(
Y2 S7 0 I F NO T mat AND I NKE Y S e " 0 " T H 2 0 3 0 I F s h > 0 THE N L E T cles=011 G O
o• E N L E T mm=21e L E T ym=b1 BE E P . 0 TO 5 0
• 3 ,5- 2 0
1 "5
2 0 4 0 GO TO 7 6 0 0
2" 84 0 I F k f r >. X A N D sc>=xm-3 THE N 3 0 0 3 L E T c r 4 = 0 1 P R I N T A T t e , y e di t
A m y<=ym AND y m < = y s s - 1 T H E N I F 3005 LE T 1 v 1 = I v I s 1
N a) S ( y m - y s 3 ) < > " " THE N G O S UB 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 FO R a = 0 TO 7 1 BO RDE R a s B E E
D ) P . 1 , a + I v 1 - 2 0 e N E X T a s BORDER 0
b 90 I F mm THE N L E T x m =x m - 3 e I F 3 0 1 5 I N P U T " " e G O S UB 8 9 9 0 + 1 v I e l
> mm THE N P R I N T A T x m , y m s " 0
110 P R I N T A T m , y e d$ 1 L E T m=x+EIG 3 0 2 0 L E T s = LE N a 0 - 2 e P R I N T A T 0 ,
N ( R N D - . 5 ) e L E T y =y +S G N ( R N D - . 5 ) 14; BRI G HT I p s o
) 120 I F m =0 THE N L E T x = 1 3030 LE T dS = "
122 I F y < 0 THE N L E T y = 0 "( TO s )
124 I F yss>4132 THE N L E T y = 3 2 - 0 3040 LE T c l s = 0 8 G O TO 0
128 I F m >=2 1 T H E N G O S UB 6 0 0 0
4 0 1 0 BE E P . 0 5 , - 1 0 1 L E T 4 0 = gl i
129 P R I N T A T m , y e a S 4 0 2 0 L E T mf=ms L E T y f = y
130 I F R N D < . 0 5 AND NO T m f THE N 4 0 3 0 RE TURN
GO S UB 4 0 0 0
5 0 1 0 I F y f < = b AND b < y f s s THE N I t h e e ne m y s h i p s fi r e b u t kame
150 I F x 4 T H E N P R I N T A T m f , y 4 ; F fi e ( b - y f s 3 ) < > " " THE N L E T c i s - kaz e a t t a c k s ( w hi c hdue t o phot on
s hi e l di ng c a nnot b e h i t ) c oul d
" ( T O LE N f 0 - 2 / 1 L E T mf=x4. 0. 2e 1 5 0 2 0 L E T s e f O s RE TURN wel l o c c u r . "
F m 4 ) = 2 1 T H E N G O S UB 5 0 0 0
170 I F x f THE N P R I N T A T x 4 , y 4 1
6005 LE T c l 0 = 1
6 0 1 0 I F y < = b AND b < y s s THE N I F
7 0 4 5 I NP UT " P r e s s " " E n t e r " " t o c
ont i nue " ; L I N E aSe CLS 1
a S ( b- y - 1 - 3 ) <>" " THE N L E T c l s = - 2 7 0 5 0 CLS
175 I F NO T c l s THE N G O TO 0 6 0 2 0 P R I N T A T 2 1 , y e d i s RE TURN 7060 P RI NT I N K 6 1 " Y our s h i e l d s
IGO I F c l a = - 1 O R c l s = - 2 THE N G 7001 RESTORE s F O R a = 0 TO 1 3 5 1 R
0 TO 2 0 0 0 can s u r v i v e 3 h i t u b s f o r e y o u r s
EAD b t P O KE US R " a " s a , b e N E X T a hi p 0 m pl oda s . T h e c o m p u t e r r i sco
190 I F c l s = 1 O R c l u e - 2 THE N G O 7 0 0 5 PAPER Os BORDER 0 1 I N K 7 : C
TO 3 0 0 0 r d o f y o u r a t t a c k i s s um m a r i s e d
2 0 0 GO TO 5 0 as a b a t t l e r a t i n g , w h i c h i s d i ,
7007 DI M h $ ( 1 0 , 2 0 ) , D I M h( 1 0 ) pl a y e d o n - s c r e e n . "
•1005 P R I N T A T m , y m ; B R I G H T I I " 7010 P RI NT AT 0 , 5 ; BRI G HT 1 1 " B a t 7 0 6 5 P RI NT I N K 6 1 " T h e r a t i n g v
t l e fl e t e t O r i o n ; A T 0 , 5 s O V E R I ; al ums w i l l b e " , " d i s p l a y s d a t t h e
1010 LE T s s = y 0 - y + l e L E T a S ( s e s 2 ) I . K. Mc D
"s L E T g$ ( 1 1 0 + 2 ) = " " : L E T s c = s bot t om o f t h e s c r e e n . "
ona l d"
c + s c a t BE E P . 0 1 , 1 v 1 7070 P RI NT I N K 4 1 " I n b l a c k h o l
1015 I F c r f T H E N G O TO 1 0 8 0 7020 P RI NT I N K 4 ; A T 3 , 0 ; " Y ou h • s , s h o o t dow n t h e m a t e r i a l t r a p
ave be e n c hos e n t o a t t e m p t * p e n i pe d i n t h e f o r c e w a l l , a n d i f t
1020 L E T s s = s s - l e I F s s = 0 THE N
30 T O 1 0 4 0 l o u s a t t a c k o n t h e e ne m y fl e e t he w a l l a p p r o a c h e s y o u , d o d g e t h e
at t h e he a r t o f t h e O r l on ne bul a mater i al t r a ppe d i n s i d e t he f o
1030 I F a $ ( s e t s 2 ) = " " THE N G O T O
1040 r c e w a l l t o &t i t e r t h e b l a c k h o l
7 0 3 0 P RI NT I N K 6 1 " Y o u m us t p e n e. A v o i d a n y m a t t a r t h a t y o u o v e r
1 0 3 5 L E T • $ ( 4 0 4 . 2 ) = " " e L E T ge l ( s s e t r a t • t h e O r i on d o f e n c e s a nd
+ 2 ) = " " e L E T s c = s c + s c a e BE E P . 0 1 t a k e w he n e n t e r i n g t h e b l a c k h o l
t he s t or m s o f a s t e r o i d s a nd •- due t o an opt i Am l i l l us i on i t w
, I v l i G O TO 1 0 2 0
a c hi e v e c a u s a l i t y v i o l a t i o n I t i i l l a ppe a r t o be l e a v i n g t h e h
1 0 4 0 LE T s s = y m - y s l me t r a v e l ) s e v e r a l t i m e s i n o r d e cle."
1050 LE T s s = s s + l e I F s s > s THE N r t o de s t r oy t h e O r i o n s be f or e
GO T O 1 0 8 0 7 0 7 5 P R I N T I N K 4 1 " Whe n a t t a c k i
t h e y be c om e a t h r o a t t o E a r ng s p a c e s t a t i o n s r e m e m b e r t h a t
1060 I F a $ ( s s + 2 ) = " " T H E N G O T O
1080 t h . T h i s i s d o n e b y • t e r i n g ser ve I h i t w i l l b e s u f fi c e n t t o
r al b l a c k h o l e s I n t h e c our s e o f de s t r oy t h e s t a t i o n i n a s ub- a t om
107n I E T a t e ( s s i 2 ) = " " I L E T g S ( s s y our a t t a c k . U s e t h e c o n t r o l s
s 2 ) = " " s L E I s c = s c + s c a s BE E P . u l ic c ha i n r e a c t i on. "
mar ked 5 , 8 a n d 0 t o s t e e r a n d fi r 7080 I NP UT " P r o s . " " E n t a r " " t o c
, I v l e G O TO 1 0 5 0 e."
1080 I F a $ ( 3 T O ) = d $ THE N L E T c o n t i n u e " ; L I N E afte C L S
7040 P R I N T I N K 5 1 " N o t o n l y d o 7 0 9 3 P R I N T I N K 5 ; " Whe n t h e O n
7 7 3 8 I F h ( a ) < 1 8 0 0 0 AND h ( a ) > 1 2 0
0 0 THE N P R I N T F N m S ( h ( a ) , 6 0 0 0 ) ;
" Star"
7 7 5 0 I F h ( a ) < 2 4 0 0 0 AND h ( a ) > = 1 8 0
0 0 THE N P R I N T F M m S ( h ( a ) , 6 0 0 0 ) ;
" Cl us t e r "
7 7 6 0 I F h ( a ) < 3 6 0 0 0 AND h ( a ) › . . 2 4 0
00 THE N P R I N T F N m $ C h ( a ) , 1 2 0 0 0 )
S upe r c l us t e r "
7 7 7 0 I F h ( a ) › . . 3 6 0 0 0 THE N P R I N T
" Honor a r y G e n e r a l s h i p "
7 8 0 0 NE X T a l BE E P . 8 , 0 s BE E P . 4 .
Os BE E P . 4 , 0 s BE E P . 8 , 2 ' BE E P . 8
7900 I NP UT " P r e s . " " e n t e r " " f o r
a n o t h e r g a m e ' ; L I N E a l * S O TO 7 5
8 0 0 5 FO R a 0 TO 7 s BO RDE R a s B E E
P . 1 , a * 2 1 NE X T a t L E T s h s h + 1 1 P
RI NT A T 0 , 2 9 ; B R I G H T 1 ; s h l BO RDE
9 0 0 3 L E T a * C H R S 1 6 +CHRS 2 + "
": L E T
s c a . q0 0 s L E T g* . . CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 5 + "

9007 P RI NT ) 1 r T y p e 1 O r i o n V 1 pe
r s - 1 0 0 br pm 1 L E T x l e l t L E T y = 6 s R
9 0 1 0 L E T a S =CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 6 + "
"s L
ET s e a . q 0 ' L E T ; ; S CHRI P 1 6 +CHRS 7

9015 P RI NT ) 1 g " O r i o n S p a c e s t a t i o
n - 1 7 0 b r p " : L E T x = 1 1 L E T yw21 R E
9 0 2 0 LE T• a S • CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 6 + "

LET s c a l 0 1 1 L E T gS =CHRS 1 6 +CHR

I 6+"
9025 P RI NT ) 1 1 " A s t o r i o d s - 1 0 t o 3
0 6 r p " I L E T sca. . . 30: L E T x = 1 0 i L E
T y . . 3 1 RE TURN
9 0 3 0 L E T aSm.CHRS 1 7 +CHRS 1 + "

"I L E T gS =CHRS 1 6 + CH
RS 1 . "

9035 P RI NT ) 1 1 " 8 l a c k h o l e e v e n t
h o r i z o n " ' P AUS E 1 0 0 1 I N P U T " " s P
RI NT ) 1 1 " T r a p p e d m a t t e r - 5 t o 1 0
br p"t L E T s c a 5 s L E T x • 1 0 s L E T y
9040 LE T a l
on hom e p l a n e t i s r e a c h e d , t h e s 00
- ": L E T g $ *
hi p w i l l e j e c t c a n i s t e r s o f 7 6 2 0 FO R a m l T O 1 0 i I F • c > h ( a ) T CHRS
t ox i c c r y s t a l s i n t o t h e p l a n e t s a C U R 1S9 +CHRS I * "
HEN G O TO 7 6 4 0
t m os phe r e . A s t h e m e t h o d o f T i m 7 6 3 0 NE X T a 1 6 + C
9H0 4R 5 PSR I N T ) 1 ; " A s t e r o i d s - 1 0 t o 2
e t r a v e l u s e d I s v e r y a ppr ox i m 7 6 4 0 FO R a • 1 0 TO a + 1 S TE P - 1 0 br p"1 L E T s c i
a t e , ha z a r ds due t o s t m pl e O r i on 7650 LE T h ( a ) h ( a - 1 ) 1 L E T h * ( a ) = 1
y..08 RE+ TURN
s t a r fi g h t e r s o r t h e O r i o n e t a -
11S(a-1) "
950: 5 0 L P REI N TT ) 1 ; " D r a g o n s t a r fi g h t s !
r system s t i l l " , " f o r m i n g a r e pa s s 7 6 6 0 NE X T a rx s - 2 l0 0 bsr p " 1 L E T atP. CHRS 1 6 +CHRS
i bl e . " 7665 LE T h ( a ) - s c 4+"
7100 P R I N T I N K 5 1 " I f f o r w a r d T 7670 P RI NT I N K 2 1 AT 1 5 , 0 ; " Y o u h L E T
"t L E T g * C H R S 1 6 +CHRS 1 + "
ime T r a v e l b e c o m e s n e c c sssss y oi o a v e m a de i t i n t o t h e h i g h s c o r e
u w i l l b e pl a c e d i ns us pe nde d a ni t a b l e ! " i F O R b = 1 T O 3 2 S TE P 2 1 9055 LE T sca=200s L E T x l t L E T y
s t a t i on u n t i l t h e d e s i r e d t i m e BEEP . 0 5 , b s BE E P . 0 5 , b - 2 s N E X T =51 RE TURN
i s r e a c he d. "
9060 P RI NT ) 1 1 " Ba c k up O r i o n V i p e
7110 P R I N T I N K 4 ; B R I G H T l o " E V 7 6 8 0 I N P U T " Na m e 7 " ; L I N E a S t 1 r s - 1 0 0 b r p " s L E T a 4 P <HRS 1 6 * CHRS
EN NORMALLY P L A C I D OBJECTS C O U F L E N • S > 2 0 THE N P R I N T ) 1 ; " S o r r 2+"
LD E J E CT RADI ATI O N O R COSMI C P AR y-max l e n g t h 2 0 l e t t e r s " : BE E P 1 "I L E T g * C H R * 164. CHRS 54. "

ON FORCES. " 1 I N K 6 ' " E X T R E M E C 706 9 0 L E T 114)(a)wal t

AUTI ON ADV I S E D. " 9065 LE T s c a . . 1 0 0 : L E T x l e L E T y
717 0 5 PAPER i t BORDER l s C L S P R RETURN
7120 I N P U T " P r e s s E n t e r " " t o c IPNT T A B 1 0 0 H a l l o f F a m e " " 9070 P RI NT ) 1 1 " Cos m i c D u s t - 2 0 t o
ont i nue "; L I N E a s 7 7 1 0 FO R a l T O 1 0 e I N K 8 - a + ( a - 5 6 0 b r p " : L E T a S =CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 5 + "
7505 L E T x 4 = 0 a L E T c r 4 . . 0 1 L E T y f AND a > 5 ) m P R I N T W A S 2 0 ) ) * ( a ) ; "
(:)3 L E T b l O s L E T I v I l i L E T U" l h ( a ) o BE E P . 1 , 4
"e L E T gS - . CI RS 164-CHR* 54. "
31 L E T x m O t P AP E R Os I N K 7 : B O R 7S7 2 0 P R I N T " D e c o r a t i o n s " 1
DER Os I N P U T " " . C L S 7E7 3 0 I F h ( a ) < 3 0 0 0 THE N P R I N T " N
o0 n . " 9075 LE T s c a =2 0 s L E T x =1 1 L E T y. •
7510 LE T s c 0 1 P R I N T A T 0 , 0 ; B R ! 31 RE TURN
GMT I ; " B a t t l e R a t i n g 0 S h i e 7: 7 3 2 I F h ( a ) < 6 0 0 0 AND h ( a ) > * 3 0 0 0
I ds 3 9080 P RI NT ) 1 ; " O r i o n p r o b e s - 4 0 o
7520 0 0 TO 3 0 1 0 GTHEN P R I N T FM m $ ( 1 1 ( a ) . 3 0 0 0 ) 1 " r m o r e b r p " s L E T al o-CHRS 1 6 +CHRS
S pa r k " 4+" " I
76on PAPER 7 : I N K 9 : C L S B D R D F 7O7 3 4 I F h ( a ) < 9 0 0 0 AND h ( a ) > = 6 0 0 0 LET g S C H R S 1 6 +CHRS 5 + "
R 7m I NP U1 " " s C L 6 P R I N T A l L O TTHEN P R I N T F M m S ( h ( a ) , 3 0 0 0 ) ; "
1 HOe a r t "
TO 9 0 8 5 L E T s c a = 4 0 1 L E T x = 1 : L E T l on
1 5 0 S TE P S i BE E P . 0 1 , a 1 N E X T a 777 3 6 I F h ( a ) < 1 2 0 0 0 AND h ( a ) > 9 0 0 7t RE TURN
0 I F s c < = 4 , ( 1 0 ) T H E N S O TO 7 7 06 THE N P R I N T FM m I l l ( h ( a ) , 3 0 0 0 ) ; " 9 0 9 0 P RI NT ) 1 ; " O r i o n s p a c e s t a t i o
; 8
I 0

n s - 4 5 0 p l u s b r p " 8 L E T me=CHR$ 1 6 = 1 0 1 RE TURN
-0-CHRS 5 + " 9 1 4 5 L E T bpr =1 0 0 m L E T x = 1 0 8 L E T
9 2 1 0 P RI NT ) 1 ; " W a r n i n g s n o c o r r a l
v =5 : RE TURN a t i o n b e t w e e n " : P AUS E Os I N P U T
"s L E T gS =CHR$ 1 5 +CHRS 7 + " 9150 P RI NT ) 1 1 " B l a c k h o l e - m a t t e r "e P R I N T ) 1 1 " r a d a r a n d v i s u a l i n
5 b r p " : L E T 80=CHRAP 1 7 + CHR$ p u t . " , P AUS E Os I N P U T
9 2 1 3 GO TO 9 2 9 0
9095 LE T s c a =5 0 8 L E T x=11 L E T y = "8 L E T ge = CHR$ 1 5 + C 9 2 2 3 P RI NT ) 1 ; " D r a g o n s t a r fi g h t e
Os RE TURN HRS 1 + "
r e - 2 0 0 b r p " s L E T a S =CHR$ 1 5 +CHRS
9 1 0 0 GO S UB 8 0 0 0 t P R I N T ) 1 ; " O r i o 4 +"
n p r o b e s - 4 0 b r p " . L E T as8=CHRS 1 6 9155 LE T s c a =5 : L E T x=108 L E T y = "s L E T gS =CHRS 1 5 + CHR$ 1 + "
+CHRS 4 + " Os RE TURN l•

"s L E T g 9160 P RI NT 1 1 ; " O r t o n d e t e c t o r p r 9225 LE T s c a =2 0 0 1 L E T x =1 0 8 L E T

$=CHRS 1 5 +CHRS 5 + " o b e - 2 0 0 b p r " 8 L E T a S =CHR$ 1 5 + CHR y=51 RE TURN
$ 2+" " 8 L E T gS = C 9230 P RI NT ) 1 ; " O r i o n p r o b e s - 1 0 b
SS HMS 1 5 +CHRS 5 + "
r p"s L E T a S =CHR$ 1 5 +CHRS 5 + "
9105 LE T s c a =4 0 8 L E T s t l s L E T y = 9165 LE T sca=251 L E T x=5s LE T y - "I L E T g$ =CHRS
Os RE TURN 10: R E TU R N 15+CHR$ 7 + "
9 1 1 0 P R I N T ) 1 1 " O r i o n " " B a t fi g h t e 9170 PRI NT ) I ; " M k 2 Orion Vipers 9235 LE T x =1 1 L E T y = 5 * L E T s c a = 2
r s " " - 6 0 0 b r p " s L E T a $ = CHR$ 1 5 + C - 2 0 0 b p r " s L E T a e = CHRS 1 5 +CHR$ 6 . 5 : RE TURN
HR$ 6 + " 9240 P RI NT ) 1 ; " O r i o n v i p e r s i n d
"s L E T g$ = CHRS 1 "s L E T gS =CHRS 1 5 + CHR$ 5 + . e f e n s i v e " s P AUS E Os I N P U T " " 8 P R
5+CHRS 5 + • I NT ) 1 ; " 4 o r m a t i o n - " 1 P AUS E Os I N

PUT " " : P R I N T ) 1 1 " M k 1 O r i o n V i p
9115 LE T • c a =2 0 0 1 L E T x = 1 . L E T y 9175 LE T s c a =2 0 0 8 L E T x =1 8 L E T y e r e - 1 0 0 b p r " 8 L E T c r fl t L E T x = 1
LET y . . 5
9120 P RI NT ) 1 1 " B 1 a c k h o l e - m a t t e r 9180 P RI NT ) 1 ; " F o r c e F i e l d - 1 0 0 b p 9 2 4 5 L E T s c a = 1 0 0 8 1 L E T ese=CHPS 1
5 b r p " i L E T a S =CHR$ 1 7 +CHRS 1 + " r per p a rt "' L E T a lP . CHRS 1 7 4 -CHRS 5+CHR$ 5 + "
34." "s L E T gS =CHRS 1 5 + CHR$ 5 + "
"I L E T gS=CHRI S "t L E T gS =CHRS 1 5 +CHRS 1 + " "s RE TURN
16+CHRS 9250 P RI NT ) 1 s " C r u i s e r s w i t h c l o
a k i n g d e v i c • s ! " t P AUS E 5 0 s I N P U T
9 1 2 5 L E T s c a = 5 s L E T m=108 L E T y • . 9185 LE T c r f = 1 8 L E T x =1 5 s L E T y = ""s P R I N T ) 1 ; " I n v i s i b l e c r u i s e r
Os RE TURN 0: L E T s c a = 1 0 0 : RE TURN s - v a r i a b l e b r p " : L E T a$=CHI RS 1 5 +
9 1 3 0 P R I N T ) 1 1 " U n i d e n t i fi e d S t a r 9190 P RI NT ) 1 ; " 0 r i o n p r o b e s - 2 0 0 b CURS 0 + " a a a a a a a a a a
c r e a t u r e " : P AUS E 2 0 0 8 I N P U T " " : pr "8 L E T a S =CHRS 1 5 +CHRS 6 + " a " ; L E T gS =CHRS 1 5 +CHRS 5 + "
PRI NT ) 1 1 " S t a r c r e a t u r e - 1 0 0 0 b r p "
8 L E T a S =CHR$ 1 6 +CHRS 4 + " LET gS =CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 9255 LE T s c a =4 0 0 1 L E T x =1 8 L E T y
11 . 5 +" - 3 1 RE TURN
LET g$ - . CHR$ 1 7 +CHRS 3 + " 9260 P RI NT ) 1 1 " B l a c k h o l e - m a t t e r
9195 L E T s c a . 2 0 0 : L E T x =13m L E T 5 b p r " 1 L E T asS-CURS 1 7 +CHR$ 1 + "
y =0 : RE J URN
9135 LE T s c a =5 0 0 8 L E T x =5 1 L E T y 9 2 0 0 (5 0 S U B B O (iO : P R I N T ) 1 : " O r i o ". L E T g$ =CHRS 1
=Os RE TURN n r e s e a r c h l a b - 5 0 0 b p r " : LE T aS=C 6+CHRS 1 + "
9140 P RI NT ) 1 ; " A s t e r o i d s - 1 0 0 b p r HR$ 1 6 +CHRS 6 + "
or m o r e " : L E T a s - C U R S 151-CHRS 6 LET gS =CHRS 1 5 +CHRS 5 + " 9 2 6 5 L E T l i c a • 5 1 L E T s1. 11 L E T y = 0
": L E T gI S=CHRS 2 1 + CHR$ 0 + " 9205 LE T sca=501 L E T x =1 0 8 L E T y 9270 P RI NT ) 1 1 " 8 1 a c k h o l e - m a t t e r
5 bpr " s L E T aS * CHRS 17+CHRS 14. "

"1 L E
I gS * CHRS 1 6 + CHRS 1 + "

9275 LE T s c a * 5 1 L E T * * 1 1 L E T y * 0
9280 I F R N D > . 7 THE N L E T l v 1 * 1 0 1
-11 G O T O 9 2 7 0
9 2 8 3 P R I N T fl p " O r i o n C r u i s e r s i n
Am bus h-8 0 0 P r o " : L E T a S * CHRS 1 6
"e L E
T gS * CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 2 + '

"I L E T o r f * 1
9285 LE T x * 1 7 1 L E T v ol m L E T s c a *
1001 R E T U R N
9290 P R I N T ) I ; " O r i o n C r u i s e r s - 6 0
0 b r p " : L E T a l s * CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 5 + "

1 6 +CHRS 2 +t "
L 1

I L E T c r i * 1E 1

9 2 9 5 L E T o cTl e L E T y * I s L E T s c a * 1
00; RE TURN g
9 3 0 0 I F I v I ** 3 1 T H E N G O S U B 8 0 0 0
9340 I F R N D > . 2 THE N G O TO 9 1 0 0 +
10* I NT ( R N D * 4 )
9 3 5 1 P R I N T H) 1 : " A s t e r o i d s - 2 0 b p r "
mL E T 1 0 * C HRR S 1 6 + C H R I S 6 + "
"i L E T N * 1
71 L E T y * I s L E T s c a * 2 0
9353 LE T aS * CHRS 16+CHRS 3 : FO R by Chris Gresty
a*1 T O 2 9 1 L E T a l * a $ + " " ( Chris G rest y' s Meg a- B ert l s a cunning conversion of the arcad e fa-
I NT ( R N D * 5 ) + 1 ) s N E X T a t R E T U R N Bert Into Basic — and It's Vasily equal to its mach in e code equiva-
9360 P RI NT ) 1 1 " O r i o n hom e S t a r s y lents. Yo u (or Bert!) can pirouet t e over the pyramids, slip-along-a-
stem e n t e r e d " t P A U S E O s I N P U T " "
Sly Simon or mix it with Mash er the Marb le — Mash er by name,
t PRINT ) I ; " O r i o n S a t t e 1 i t e s - 1 0 0
br p": L E T aS * CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 2 + "
Mash er by nature.
"i This w ell- st ru ct u red program has plenty of REM st at em en t s so it
LE T 9 S * C H R S 1 6 + C H R S 2 + " w on' t be hard to change things around to suit your own t ast es.
": L E T • l e FO R f . U S R " a " T O US R N V I F I V I V I V 1 r-
ca*100t L E T x * 1 0 8 L E T y * 5 1 RE TUR 2 0 P E RO a P O K E f . a N E X T f 2 6 0 R E S TO R E 9 5 0 0
25 GO 51/5 4 0 0 0 2 7 0 P AP E R 1 - F O R f . 1 T O 4 9 P E A
9370 P RI NT ) 1 C a n i s t e r s l a u n c h , 3 0 P AP E R 0 - e l oRoe R 0 : I N K 0 5 0 u , v . P RI NT AT Lf,
d"I L E T a S * CHRS 1 7 + CHRS 2 + " R I G, H T 1 C L 5 3 0 0 INK 7
"1 L E - f3 P,4 LG OO TTO 5 010 , 3 0 . 0 DRAW 1 , - 1 DRAW 0 , - 3 7 DRAW -
T gS * CHRS 1 6 +CHRS 2 + " D '0 - 5 RR-E M A N WE X T 2 5 f 3 1 , - 1 ., O R P W - 2 5 3 , 0 D R A W - 1 , 1 , D R
DRAu G AM E S C R E E N f f . ( AU 0 , 3 7

320 P RI NT A T 1 6 , 1 ,
9 3 7 5 P AUS E O t I N P U T " " t P R I N T 1 1 1 3 8 P AP E R p l I N K 0 - 0, 1LE V E L»)", AT 1 6 , 1 5 ,
1 "Atom i c M i s s i l e L a u n c h e r - 3 2 0 0 b 4 0 PRI NT AT 1 , 1 9 ; " r 1 " »-S) C . O R E )
pr "s L E T o r f * l t L E T x * I 1 L E T y * 0 i - 4
L 9i 0v R
e Es M
, 5 0 PRI NT AT 3 , 1 0 ; " F 1
I RE TURN G e PRI NT AT 5 , 5 , ; )A ))/ UARI ABLE S ff,
9- 3 8 0 P R I N T ) 1 1 " O r i o n M k 1 V i s m e r i l . 7 0 PRI NT AT 7 , 6 ; " , T-
2.4 A
-P1 0 0 b o r n s L E T a S * C H R S 1 6 + C H R S 2 l ' 9 9T R E T U R N
0 00 LE T p 1 . 5 L E T p 2 . 7 L E T p 3 .
r 1 ' , 6 0 P R I N T A T 9 , 4 ; " r 5
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- . P AP E R CO LO
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"I L E T x * 1 0 t L E T y * 2 i L E 501 LE T x . 1 3 L E T y . 1 3 R E M
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100 P RI NT ' l r , X +BE P T's c o
9390 P RI NT ) 1 1 " S u c c e s s ,
1 -502 LE T d . 1
1 TO 7 S TE P . 5 : B E E P . 1 , a t B E E P -
0 l l e I N K- 3 o5r1d0 sL E T s = 0 L E T s x . 1 L E T s y . 1
". ,1 , a F O R C
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a- Os I N * P U T " " : G O S UB 8 0 0 0 ; L E T I H
120 P RI NT A T 2 , 1 2 ; " k 4 - - 520 LE T b . l . L E T b x . 1 3 L E T b y .
21 1 . 1 1 G O T O 9 0 0 0 A
130 P RI NT R T 1 , 1 1 , " 1 r " o rR dE eML . B A L L C o - o r d s
B 8 0 0 G O S U B 9 0 0 0 s R E T U R N 140 P R I N T A T 4 , 1 0 , k A L A " N5 4 0 L E T 3 -c m 0 R E M , 5 C 0 R E
9O9 0 3 D A T A 2 4 , 6 0 , 1 8 9 , 1 8 9 , 2 5 5 , 1 8 9 , 150 P R I N T A T 5 . 9 , . G5 5 0 L E T 1 . 3 R E M . L I V E S <
R126,126 160
1 P RINT AT 6 , 0 , E5 6 0 L E T 1 e v . 1 R E M ) L E V E L
9D9 0 5 D A T A 8 , 1 6 , 8 , 1 6 , 8 , 1 6 , 8 , 1 6 , 2 4 1 T5 7 0 L E T P . 1 R E M , F L Y I N G S AUCE
-1 7 r0 1P Rr I N T A T 7 , 7 ;
,E 0 , 0 , 2 4 , 0 , 2 4 , 2 4 , 0 , 3 6 , 6 0 , 6 0 , 2 4 , 2 4 -1
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9 - . ) , M A I N LO O P c c
a910 DATA 2 4 , 2 4 , 0 , 2 4 , 0 , 0 , 2 4 , 0 , 1 6 -
,s 2 , 6 4 , 1 6 , 1 3 6 , 0 , 1 7 , 6 4 190 P RI NT A T 9 , 5 , "
N9 2 0 D A T A 0 , 2 4 , 6 0 , 1 2 6 , 1 5 3 , 1 2 9 , 6 6 1 - SOD G O 5 U 5 3 5
126,66,195,66,195,66,126 501 P RI NT A T 2 0 . 2 5 . P AP E R p 2 . I
E 200 P RI NT AT 1 0 , 4 l l s s l i k A L A
9925 DATA 0 , 2 3 1 , 2 1 9 , 9 0 , 9 0 , 1 0 2 , 6 0 b, A" 0 Nh 3, 16 4
,24 210 P RI NT A T 1 1 , 3 , " 1 V 1 1 " 1 " - AT 2 1 , 2 5 , P A P E R 0 , I N K 3 ,
9930 DATA 0 , 2 8 , 3 4 , 2 0 , 3 4 , 7 3 , 1 5 4 , 1 . 1 r . A
AT - T2 1 . 2 6 P A P E R 1 . " 1
a0 0 , 0 , 1 1 2 , 1 3 8 , 1 5 1 , 1 0 1 , 7 , 9 6 , 8 , 6 0 , 6
220 P RI NT AT 1 2 , 2 ; 1 1 , 4 1 " 4 1 " 4 1 5
1 095 r.P R-2 I .U T A T 1 1 . 2 6 , I N K 4 , P A R E
l6 , 1 2 9 , 6 6 , 1 4 8 , 1 3 0 , 1 0 0 , 2 4
16.4kAL P 0. , " ,
B9940 DATA 0 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 5 , 1 , 1 , 2 230 P RI NT A T 1 3 , 1 i -I 5 1 0 NP R I N T A T y , . - 1 , P A P E R p 2 , I
O9950 DATA 0 , 1 2 6 , 3 6 , 1 8 9 , 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 , 1 1 r 1 r I r
- I fl i r l F UK. 8, -ror. AT
K1 1 ) "
R53,24,0,60,66,129,129,129,66,60 240 P RINT AT 1 4 , 0 ; 6 2T0 L
0 , ET b. 1 G O 5o5 1000 RE M'
1 1 -6 4 k A k A k BALL RouT/NE
"1 2 ,
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& 4 1 L 4 L 4 2
R0,2 - "1 1 1
1 r
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. NEXT n TO 2 0 : B E E P . 0 1 , 1 B E E P .01,-".
8 5 0 I F I N K E Y S ( ) " " T H E N L E T 4 1 1 (. 1 3030 LE T x z 1 3 . L E T y = 1 3
NKE Y . : P R I N T A T I N K a; PA 3040 LE T s x = 1 : L E T s y = 1 3
PER 6 1
31 0 5 0 L E T b . l . L E T b x . 1 3 . L E T b y =
;1F AND ( 8 1 1 =
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1 - "G
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SAUCER ( t (
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REM ) » D E A T H « (
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LTHE N 0 0 S UB 2 5 0 8 3511
E P R I•N T A T 5 , 4 ; - . . . .
690 I F x s bx AND v • b y AND bi l l TM
EN G O 5 U 8 2 5 0 8 : R E M ) 1 ) ) D E P T H ( 4 1 3512 P RI NT AT 6 , 4 ; - .
700 I F ATTR ( 8 8
TRy ,( x ) . 3513 P RI NT AT 7 , 4
y4451'1)1 6 7 + 8 T4H E p N1 L E T 1 c . . c 4 1 0 , L E T d u 2030 LE T P = 0 : RE TURN 8 888 -
, + O1 : B E ERP . 0 1 , 0 . I F d . 2 8 T H E N 0 0 2 5 0 0 RE M 3514 P RI NT AT 4-
TO 3 0 0 0
x A ) . T 8 8
5 , 41 1
6 758 0 P R I N T A T 1 5 , 9 . 4 6 . 0 4 M 2 0 , 9 ; 1 . 4 »)D E A T 1 3 5 1 5 P R I N T A, T; 9M, 4
4 : 5P R I N T A T 1 1 1 , 2 4 . " " ; . F O R f . 1 - ; N
4 p L , P R I N T I N K 3 ; P AP E R O . 3520 I N K 3 -
2 5 0 5 P R I N( T( «A T w , x ; I N K 3 , P A P E R -
-1: BOO
N E X T ( 2 P R I N T P AP E R O .
GO TO 6 1 0 8 , - - " " ; R T y + 1 , x . " 0 " : FO R f z l . TO 38 582 81 8P R I N T• A1T 1 1 1
.1000 " M EI M O "
O " ; 20 N E X T f ,M4 , " I •I
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REM > B A L L R O U T I N E ' 2506 P RI NT P T y + 1 , x ; I N K 3 ; RAP E
R 8 ;I
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4 3; 283 P R I m N T P eT 1 3 , 4 ; . . . M .
1T0 2 0 L E T b y = b y + 2 ;0 "6 , I n
2F5; 1- 0 I F ONR K f m l T O 1 0 , BO RDE R 2 3524 P RI NT AT 1 4 , 4 ;
1R0 2 5 P R I N T A T b y x • 0-
-3O -B . "0; 1E , - 1 8 : B O R D E R 0 : B E E P . 0 1 , - -
PER 5. 15. N E X T f 35 5 2 $ M PRI NT AT 1 5 , 4 ; - . . . .
1w0, 3-103 Ix F; 4 ( . 5 T H E N L E T b x . b x - 2
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;I, 0A4 0N
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b3x0 5y0 I; F b y ) 1 3 T H E N L E T b Y = 1 : L E T . NE X T f
. 5 2R5 P R I N T A T y , x - 1 . I N K 8 ; RAPE
-P) b x
1 = 1 3 : AL E T b . O . R E T U R N 1 3501 GO TO 2 5
R eE , - , 111-;AT A -
, • b0 P R I N T A T b y , b X ; I N K 0 ; P A R E
0 8 T f 4 0 0 0 RE M
Rx6 5 ., - 2M5 2. 6 P R I N T A T s y , S x - 1 ; I N K 8 ; PR
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1500 RE M PER T
2 :
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2-/N 540 LE T s x z l - L E T 1 y z 1 3 4 0 0 5 F O R ( . 1 L TEO 1 0 0 •P A P E R 0 P L
+ I
1, 5 0b1 I F L e v i s T H E N R E T U R N 21E 5 5 e0 L E T b m l ! L E T 6 z z l 3 LE T b y . CT I N K I N T ( R( N ( 0434. 5), RND4255, AND
:, X , * 1 7 5 . I F I N K E
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1505 LE T s x 4 . s x : L E T s y 4 . 1 (4 O N URN
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3b0 0 0f R E M .005,40
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1 y »)FI NI S HE D SCREEN«( 4 0 3 1 I F I NKE Y S . CHR4 1 3 THE N RE TU
A5 3 8 I F 4 ; . r n d T H E N L E T s y m s y - ( 2
1 + RN
T y . s y ) 4. ( 2 A N D y ) s y ) : L E T s x . 4040 PRI NT AT
sSx -o4 2 A N D x ) s x ; - ( 2 A N D x ' . s x ) : G 310 0 5, P R I N T A T W , X - 1 ; I N K 8 ; P A R E f,37-
0 TO 1 5 6 8 Rb p 2 ; " I F 1 f;
9 4045 I N K 3
1+5 4 0 L E T a =RND : L E T b . R N D : L E T s 1x011"0- ; LAETT s = s + 1 0 0 . L E T p 5 = p 1 : L E T
3 -
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y1a = 5 y 4 . ) ( 2 A N D 4 Ty- p.4k= p 5 mn T O 2 0 S T E P 2 ": B E E P . 0 0 5 , 4 0
), . 5 ) - ( 2 1 . 1 , x
304 2 0 FO R f . - 2 0 TO 2 0 : B E E P . 0 1 . , 4 0 E 1 I F I N K E Y O = !O H R 6 1 3 T H E N R E T U
As5 5 0NL E TD S x a . t x a 4 . ( 2 A N D 6 ( . 5 ) - ( 2 - BEEP
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15 5 5 5 I F S y 4 ( . 1 3 A N D s y 4 ) . 1 A N D S ET n
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) X 2 9 S TE P 4 . F O R
" LAS H 1 ; " S A U C E R B O N U S " : F O R ( = 1 4080 FO R n . 1 1 TO
4 T Sx.sX4: LE T sy.Sy4
f = n T O 1 9 S T E P 2T - B E E P . 0 0 5 , 4 0
4560 P R I N T A T $Y AI X
4 0 8 1 I F I NKE Y S z CHRO l a THE N RE TU
R:1 8 , " 1 1 - . A T s y + 1 , 1 . X . " 8 - RN
1570 RE TURN
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. =n T O 1 9 S T E P 2 . B E E P . 0 0 5 , 4 0
2W 801 I F p c ) 1 THE N P RI NT A T 1 1 , 2 5
4 111 I F / NKE Y S =CHR$ 1 3 THE N RE TU
; aI N K 0 ; P A P E R 0 ; RN
- 4 " . GO R T S UB 2 5 0 0 . RE TURN
4120 P RI NT AT f
21-0 0 8 2 P ,R I N2T A6 T 1 ; 1 , 2 6 ; O V E R 1. -/ :718 1
" . AT 1 2 ; 2 6 ; " MI LV - , 3 0
4, 1 3 0 N E X T f : N E X T n
1 + n - f ; " 1 1
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fl l T O 2 : P R I N T P A P E R 0 ; I N K 4 ; A F-0 N F N F 1 "
A ; A T
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N f 1 5 0 Ft O R n.z g T O 2 1 S T E P 4 , F O R f
;"LPM .. n T O 2 1 S T E P 2 : B E E P . 0 8 5 , 4 0 : P
•- 4D; - ( : 1 1 1 C ; A T 1 + 1 , 1 5 . PnI N T A T f , 3 1 4 n - f , P A P E R 1 ,
1 s. ; "
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21 y
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0 4f 1 5 1 N E X T f : N E X T n
T+ 1 4P0 1A
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.1 1 >
1 - 1 , " • % AT f . 1 , 1 8 4 . f "
5 + " : BE r"z n T O 2 0 S T E P 2 : B E E P . 0 0 5 , 4 0 :
EP=, 5.
:4 f ;B E E P P4R I N T A T f , 3 1 4 n - f ; P A P E R 1 .
0 0162 0 L E T x = 1 3 : L E T y = 1
-I F I N K E Y 3 = C H R S 1 3 T H E N R E T U R N
0A40 4 "1 6 1 N E X T I " : N E X T n
5r --
, . s2
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4200 P AP E R 0 ; I N K 0 : P R I N T A T O .
0, OVER 1 ;1 6 , A AMF AMk A f t
AMF A f t AMFMLAMM •r•mmr
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MM M MI • • I l k • • • •
M I M M I M M E M O M M • •
• O 1 MF 1 1 1 1 k
1 I '
4210 FO R n . 0 T O 5 : F O R f = n T O 5 :
1P R I N T A T 1 , 0 ; P A P E R 8 ; O V E R 1 ;
I NK (1 4 . 1 . ;"
M BEEP . 0 2 , f 4 4 1
4215 I F I NKE Y S =CHRS 1 3 THE N RE TU
4220 NE X T ff N E X T n
4230 P RI NT AT 5 , 0 ; I N K 7 ; P AP E R
0 , "CO NTRO LS . . . "
4240 P RI NT I N K 5 ; P AP E R 0 , i -

4 3 0 0 R E S TO R E 9 8 0 0 ; F O R 1 ' 4 1 T O 1 3
. RE AD a , b : BE E P a / 4 , b 4 1 4 : I F I N
KE Y S . CMRS 1 3 T H E N R E T U R N
4301 NE X T f
4500 FO R 1 . 1 TO 1 0 0 I F I N K E Y S . 0
MR S 1 3 T H E N R E T U R N
4501 NE X T f
4510 FO P f . 7 TO 1 9 S TE P 2 P R I N T
AT f , 3 8 - f ; I N K 2 ; P A P E R 8 ;
T- f + 1 , 3 8 - f ;
- 1. 10 1
P " , 3A4 : B E E P . 0 1 , 3 7 : B E E P . 0 1 ,
- -E 1 1 I F I N K E Y S . C H R S 1 3 T H E N R E T U
P 5 1 5 I .F f . 1 9 T H E N G O T O 4 5 2 1 D. TURNI NG L E F T A N D R I G H T . . . 9030 DATA 1 , 3 , 7 , 1 5 , 3 1 , 5 3 , 1 2 7 , 2 5 5
0 5 2 01 P R , I NT AT 1 , 3 8 - 1 ; I N K 3 , P AP THE 5 N A K E , 5 L Y 5 I M O N , M 0 9040 DATA 0 , 0 , 0 . 0 , 2 4 , 1 2 5 , 2 0 1 , 2 1 9
3 80 . : YES I N A N Y D I R E C T I O N , M A K I N G H I M
9 0 5 0 DATA 1 2 9 , 1 9 3 , 2 2 4 , 2 4 0 , 2 4 0 , 2 6
-B5 2 1 L E T a l l = " S L Y S I M O N . . . MORE DANG E RO US . HE I S A L S O S E M I - I 2,254,255
-"f . 1, T O 1 2 : P R I N T I N K 7 ; P A P E R 0 , NTE LLI G E NT. S AY N O M O R E . . .
E 9 0 6 0 DATA 2
:A T1F 9 ,O4 4 R
AT . 4 . a S i fl : B E E P • 0 1 , - 1 0 : F
E 5, 722 , 1 0 6
1 +n . 1 T O 5 N E X T n : N E X T f 4620 LE T AS . AS . 1
, 070 DATA 9 7 ,
1 5 2, 2 RE S TO RE 9 7 0 0 F O R f m l T O 5 , 'By T H E S I D E O F T H E P Y R A M I D W I L
R 2
L 2 79, 21 5,5 1 5 9 ,
3 READ0 a , b B E E P a / 4 , b: NEXT ( " TTH
1 098 06 D
4 , A1 T2A7 1, 2 4 , 2 2 2 , 2 4 7 , 3 , 5 9 , 1 2 3 , 1
4- 5 340 F O R f . 9 T O 1 7 S T E P 2 : P R I N T E
N. AG N E U S A U C E R W I L L R A P E 02.125
AR 7
6 0 , 1 5 1 , 1 1 1 ,
. AT " f , 3 5 - 1 , I N K 3 ; P AP E R 1 9 S IA F Y OUU AC R E S Q UAS HE D O P E A T E N
3 019 0, 5D 3
A T, A1 6 1 , 3 , 5 9 , 1 2 3 , 2 2 7 , 2 3 1 , 1 2
T" ( f" + 44.";A OR
E I F YOU FI NI S H A P Y RAMI D. . . 6,61
1EP , 3 BE RT W I L L O N L Y T R A U E
: . 0 2 , - . 5 BE E P . 0 2 , - 1 . FO R n=1 9100 DATA e , 1 4 , 2 0 , 4 4 , 4 4 , 0 8 , 8 8 , 1 5 e
7NTO - 2 0 . I F I NKE Y S . CHRS 1 3 THE N R L DI AG O NALLY . . . B O N U S
9 1 1 0 DATA 9
1E , " FOR U N U S E D S A U C E R S ( t ( « 4 4 4 4 "
4 4624 LE T a t t a i l f
1X503 1 9 NE X T n 9
, 120 DATA 0
4 - P RO G RAM M E R. . . C. G RE S TY
1T " . I F 1 . 1 7 T H E N G O T O 4 5 4 1
8 3 5 ,11 09 51 , 1 1 0 ,
R A Pe
H /0C 5
B 540 P R I N T A T 1 , 3 8 - f ; I N K 3 ; A A A )m R. .e. Ce. GARTE S( T Y R E J E C T E D
19 , 11, 4080 ,,D05A T,8A5, 0
30 , 7 , 2 4 , 3 2 , 5 4 , 5 4 . 1 2 8 , 1 3
f BO UNCI NG B A N A N A I D E A . . . C . G R E S T Y
E B. ,052 ,5 55
O RI G I NAL P Y R A M I D S . . . E G Y P T I
-E 19, 125 26 D - A3 T2A . 1 2 6 , 1 5 9 , 3 1 0 1 5 , 1 5 , 1 5 , 1 5
4" 5 4 1 LE T a l 1 = AN5 A D A P T E D P Y R A M I D . . . C . G R E
P . 120 154 9 35 ,
-A (. = 1T T O 1 2 P R I N T I N K 7 ; P A R E R 0 ; STY B R A I N B E H I N D T H E S T U P I D
I DE A F O R T H E S E C R E D I T S . . . C . G R E S , 1 6 0 DATA 0 , 2 2 4 , 2 4 8 0 2 8 2 , 2 5 4 , 2 8 4 ,
RT f0 E 1G7 A , 5* 4B E R T 2
OR TY 5 C . G R E S T Y M CM LX X X V 1 823 ,52 4 9
,.+ . 1 . n". 2 T O 5 : N E X T n . N E X T f
2 5 0 BE E P . 2 , 1 8 P A U S E 1 0 . B E E P 9
, 170 DATA 1 5 9 , 1 9 1 , 1 2 7 , 1 2 7 , 5 3 , 3 1
,F, ,5 a S i Of ) 7
,. 1 2 5 , 1 4 : B E E P . 5 5 7 , 2 1 4 , 00 ,
B E 4625 LE T a s . a s . . "
3 7
05 6 0 F O R f . g T O 1 7 S T E P 2 . P R I N T 9
0 1,5 00 D A T A 2 4
-: 5
1 ,2490125
4628 LET as.a$4"›mEGAEIERT( , 4 2 4 0 0 2 4
.f AT 1 . 3 8 - f ; I N K 0 ; P AP E R 5 ; " , s " ; A 9 1 ,9 002 4
B (; + 1 , 3 5 - f ; " 0 4 D A0 T,A2 242 8 0 1 • 2 , 2 4 4 • 2 4 , 2 2 4 , 0
T P RO G RAM M E R. . . C. G RE S TY 0
0- 1 9
0200 DATA 2 0 0 5 0 , 1 3 9 ; 2 5 8 0 1 4 3 , 5 2 , 3
1 E RAP HI C5 . . . C. G RE S TY R E J E C T E D
,k n . 2 - T 1O 2 0 . I F I N K E Y S . C H A S 1 3 T M 5,108
.0 " :R:E T U R N BO UNCI NG B A N A N A I D E R . . . C . G R E S T Y
45 5E1 NEE X P 92 540 0 D A T A 3 0 1 3 0 4 0 1 3 0 5 0 1 1 0 8 0 1 5 0 0 0
B T n O RI G I NAL P Y R A M I D S . . . E G Y A T I
-. 5 6 5 I F f = 1 7 T H E N G O T O 4 5 7 1 1 1 , 5
4 ANS A D A P T E D P Y R A M / D . . . C . G R E
00 1 7
4, 5 7 20 P ,R I N
0 5 T A T 1 , 3 8 - fi I N K 0 ; P A P STY B R A I N B E H I N D T H E S T U P I D
91 581 0 D A T A 9 0 7 0 9 0 1 1 0 9 4 1 5 , 9 0 1 9
0N 5: , " " , R T f 4 1 , 3 5 - f ; " N E X T f I DE A F O P T H E S E C R E D I T S . . . C . G R E t
T Y ' S C . G R E 5 T Y M CM LX X X V 9520
, DATA 1 0 , 7 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 0 , 1 5 , 1 0 , 1 9
FE5 7 1 F O R f . 1 T O 1 0 . B O R D E R 2 : B E 97 5 3 0 D A T A 2
EP X . 0 1 , - 1 0 : BO RDE R 0 B E E P . 0 1 , -
O 1
10 1, 5 , 1 1 , 9
T NEXT f 4630 P RI NT S l ; I N K 7 ; P AP E R 0 ,
R 0
,2 8 4 0 D A T A 1
4578 L E T a l k . "MAS HE R M A R B L E . . . " . -) ), P R E S S E N T E R T O S T A R T G A H E « « 1 2 , 281 , 1 2 , 9
1, 10
2 1 , 1 3 , 1
FOR f e l T O 1 6 . P R I N T I N K 7 ; P A P E 4- 5 4 0 F O R F e l T O 1 5 0 I F I N K E Y S . 0
MRS 1 3 T H E N R E T U R N 9
,17 8,8 10 7D A, T A 1 3 0 3 0 1 3 4 7 0 1 3 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 1 5 .
P 0;AT 1 7 . 2 4 4 , a S (f) 1
10 32 01 9,13023
O 4550 NE X T f 1 30 1 3 4 1
. FBO R E n E . 1P T O . 5 N E X T n : N E X T f 9 5
20 0 6 01 D 7 ATA 1 4 0 3 0 1 4 4 7 4 1 4 4 1 1 , 1 4 , 1 5 0
0 1 , T- a S
6 0 0 L E 1e 4 5 5 0 FO R 1 = 1 T O 1 1 3 9 P R I N T A T 1
1 47/ 10 9 0 1 4 , 2 3
-» . » ) » M E G A B E R T - m E G A H E R O O F T H E 1, 7, I N K 5 , P AP E R 0 01 7 . 8
9570 DATA 1 5 0 1 0 1 8 , 8 , 1 8 4 9 0 1 5 , 1 3 4 1
FUTURE<4«(«(c M E G A B E R T 40 5 6 5 B E E P . 0 0 5 , 0 54 09 1, 5
MUST CHANG E T H E CO LO UR O F T H E D E 4a5S7 0( f F O P T n . 1O T O 3 : I F I N K E Y S = C H R 9, 7 0 0 R E M
ADLY P Y R A M I D . T O D O T H I S H E J U M P 5 ' 1 43 T 1
S H E N6 R E) T U R N 01 13 80
ONTO T H E V A R I O U S B LO C K S O F T H E 4 5 7 1 NE X T n
00 2 1) ) ) S N A K E M U S I C D A T A 4 4 4
0 1 5
THE NE W CO LO UR ( S H O W N B E L O u T H E 4853 P RI NT A T 1 1 , 8 ; P ARE R e l ( 2
• 72 180 D A T A 3 0 . • 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 2 0 7 0 2 , 1 0 0
E O N LY , G I V I N G THRE E L I V E S ALTDG E 4590 GO TO 4 5 4 0
THEP." - 8 0 0 RE M
9 0 0 0 DATA 2 5 5 , 2 5 4 , 2 5 2 , 2 4 8 , 2 4 0 , 2 2 3
4 6 1 0 L E T AS = A1 1 4 "THE P E A R E , O F C O U 4,192,128 D
RS E , HAZARD5 . . . T H E HAAB 9010 DATA 2 5 5 , 1 2 7 , 6 3 , 3 1 , 1 5 , 7 , 3 , 1 I
LE ( H A S H E R B Y N A M E . M A S H E R B Y N A T 9020 DATA 1 2 8 , 1 9 2 , 2 2 4 , 2 4 0 , 2 4 5 , 2 5 9 0 1 0 D A T A 1 0 1 4 1T0 4 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0
URE) U I L L T R A V E L DO WN T H E P Y R A M I 2,254,255
5 , 1 , 5 , 1 , 5 , 1 • 8 • 1T , 5 , 1 , 9 , 1 , 1 1 , 1 , 1 3
• -• ••••
• bi t. -
•-•—• • . 0
- .-106021.41, •

, - - ••••
• : f t •
•• • •

r d i.; Jr . • • •

: E":"-


Have you written a program recently? And how many people have 11
played it? Ten? Five? Two? What, just your mum? Isn 't it about
time you sent it in to YS? He re w e can offer you not just tens, not I
l ook I 'm doing meself out of pocket — thousands and thousands o f
potential players! And what's mo re we'll pay you very well. After
v h o w much did your mum last give you for writing a program?
e So, fi ll in th e form below and send it with your megaprogram on
cassette to Gavin Monk, Yo u r Sinclair, 1 4 Rathbone Place, London
P o s t c o d e
Te le phone N um be r
b pr ogr a m 's c a lle d
ha ppe n to m e ...
I tSigne d

d j
i u
t s
••• m • • • • •
••••••• • • • •

•at .7.1c SJ
r •2
7 .-. 79
.Z • • • • M ila • • • • •

, i
0 1 •I t
-ur-•••••— — • • • • • •• • • • • )
• d • oi
••• C
r a .
• •
Fancy a bit of a hack with Chris Wood? Weil, here's your ch an ce. Get cracking!

Hi there all you hackers. I'm POKE 26035,91 the systems in use provide checksum if pos-s —
back with your P0KEs and RANDOMISE USA 26030 nowadays your troubles are you don't need anything
my jokes, so slop groaning. only just starting. And flash, just a total of all the
start with an apology. Maybe our coal-driven
before all you puritanical bytes to make it easier for
Sorry. I assumed that all VS typesetting machine should hackers out there start
be put out to pasture. people to spot their typing
readers were more screaming it would only mistakes.
Intelligent than other (Maybe you should be put take about two minutes to
beings. Why? 'Cos they read out to pasture! Ed) construct a false header BOOTY
YS, of course. And in and making the Basic
Apparently the Booty POKE
making that assumption i GHOSTBUSTERS merge proof is not really in issue 19 doesn't work
gave you rather short This isn't so much of a hack any protection. Chris's
instructions for the Fairlight properly — well, that's what
but more of an undis- program does at least make David Burns says anyway.
program. So for all those covered feature. When things easier. Help is here in the form of
who're still having problems you're asked which car you Chris Bell from Australia
here goes again. want select 0 and see what PYJAMARAMA
Type in and save the who sent in a working
happens. Philip Sym from Okay here they are at last, version:
appropriate program Scotland didn't actually let the correct POKES for
depending on whether 10 C L EAR 2 6 0 0 0 :L O AD
on what happens then or Pyjamaramal I knew I could CODE: L O AD " C O D E 2 6 8 8 0
you've got a Kempston RANDOM IZE U SR 2 6 0 8 0
which version of the game rely on you finding out what
joystick Option or not. Put he has but whatever it is, it
20 P O KE 5 8 2 7 4 , 0 :P AN D O M I
your fully rewound tape in was wrong. There are two -
has to be better than versions of this game — the USR 5 2 1 1 1 1 4 •
the cassette recorder, run .
playing the game. latter one has a demo •
the program and start the JASON'S GEM
tape. If you're using the mode, and plays a different
MANIC MINER tune so you need different I've never heard of this
second program (VS /) wind routines.
the tape past the piracy game before but I'm told it's
Here's a well-useful tip from
message. You won't get the Owen Dunn of Northants. For the first version you by Mastertronic. Ian
He's found a connection need to use the program Battock from Kent has
loading screen but never
fear Fairlight will eventually that was in issue 14. Yep, I sent in this little tip. Load
between POKES in the Bug know it crashes, but David
load with all the added Byte version of Manic Miner the game as normal and
features you left in the data Burns from Midlothian says then press the keys W. A
and Software Projects' that you'll also need to add and S a t the same time and
statements at the end of the version. Nearly all the
program. addresses for the POKEs POKE 48680,50 to the end you should hear a BEEP
of it. Then do RANDOMIZE and find you have infinite
Hope that helps M are six bytes higher in lives.
Weston from Devon, Chris Software P's version — it USR 63524. If you've got the
version with a demo T
Baker of Peterborough. therefore follows that if you
Majo r J Beard w ell from add or subtract six from the Saggo from Birmingham MONKEY BUSINESS
Somerset, M n i c k from POKEs for either version it has provided you with this
little proggypoo (Ugh! Ed): Now I've never heard of this
Nottingham (any relation to should work on the other either but Paul Whitby
F Tuck of Sherwood Forest?) one. Neat eh? Owen from Hull has, so i f you
10 F O R 1 =2 3 2 9 7 T O 2 3 3 7 6
and M Larkin from assures me that this works 20 READ A:poEE 10734mExr 1 have too here's a small
40 PR I N T ' P L A Y T A P E '
Canterbury who all had for nearly all the POKEs on 5 0 P R I N T A T 1 0 .1 0 1 :R AN D O M tip for infinite
problems. And while we're both versions. I'd like to 1 ZE L1SR 2 3 2
690 D AT A 1 7 5 . 5 5 , 2 2 1 0 3 , 9 6 ,
on the subject of Fairlight, if know just what 'nearly' 7' 3 4 . 1 7 . 1 7 , 0 . 2 0 5 . 0 6 . 5 . 4 8 . 2
4 2 Load the first part of the
you've got a Mirage means — maybe you'd 0 .
microdriver try this little bit better write and tell me.
'1 9T
program and when you get
of code: V4 .3 4721, 7. 22 4. 13 2. 48 9, 1. 0, 2, 03 ,13. 03 :21 36 76 ,, 19 73 6,
the message 'Program
9 .37 , 6 3 , 9 1 , 3 4 , 6 1 , 1 2 0 , 1 9 5 , 2
0 Loading' stop the tape and
POKE 65460, x (where x is GYROSCOPE 7
,, 1 .1 2 8 .3 3 , 7 2 , 9 1 .3 4 .2 2 9 .1 9 0 press Break. List line 2000
the room start you want.) . 129 5 . 3 6 , 2 4 0
Yup, as if last month's 3 74
and change 'LET G=0' to
You may have noticed, if .2 .
you had your trainspotter POKE's aren't enough, J 4,1 2 the number of lives you
Gavin from St Helens has 41IT4'I
1 92 .1701 DNUM AT A 6
want then type 'GOTO 800'
glasses on, that last month provided: .1
715 5t X 6 5 0 . 1 7 5 , 5 0 , 1 8 . 1 9 8 . O
76 0 D AT A
the final POKE for 5 • 0 8 , 1 3 0 .0 :R EN O R U S E T H I S
9 FOR 5 .1 I N F I N I T E L I V E S
and restart the tape.
POKE 59149,0
Nightshade didn't have a 7 0,0 1•
to jam a screwdriver in the 6 ,5 21. 07 1 o 1
number after it. Oops sorry! clock mechanism and stick BRUCE LEE
The complete POKE As155 you 2. can see there are
It at 59 seconds. two 3.6 0
line 170's — one is for x Here's a megahack for
should've read: 02 5
POKE 52900,0:POKE 8 Wynd wants to know number
:2 , of lives and the Bruce Lee sent in by Lady
52901,0: POKE 52902,0 how to get to look at the other
R 1 8 is for plain ol' infinite Penelope (no not of Thun-
code of certain protection E
lives. . 6
The program doesn't derbirds fame but Pene-
I'm gonna have to get haveM 3,
a chesksum so I
systems. Well obviously I lope D ' g a u l l e
used to all this grovelling. can't tell you exactly what
R 35
Haken Strom from suggest
E . . you save it before from
- Herne Bay, Kent actu-
to do. But you'll need to you 2 4 run it — you wouldn't ally)
B e n n e t give
that'll you infinite
Sweden says we messed up L0 0 t
use Chris Pile's program want to type it all in again lives. It operates in the
his Jumping Jack POKEs — from the last issue to A 3,
sorry Haken! The POKEs would
C you? And talking of same way as my Alien 8
should be: demerge the Basic so you checksums
E I'd like to make program — well, they do say
can at least look at the a little
X request (The Sound imitation is the sincerest
POKE 26034,0 code, though with most of Of Music? Ed). Please form of flattery.

11! 5 REM B R A M HACK I

10 LE T t e t • O s FO R r 1 5 0 0
00 TO 5 0 0 0 4 s RE AD a s L E T
t e t • t o t + a s POKE nos s NE X T

20 I F t o t < > 1 0 3 7 6 THE N

PRINT AT 10, 101"E RRO R I N
30 P RI NT AT 1 0 , 1 0 s " I N 8 E
Moping over your microdrive? Cheer up! A l l your problems are
E UOR 5 0 0 0 0
100 DATA 6 2 , 2 5 5 , 5 5 , 1 7 , 1 4 solved with Andy PenneWs merry Microdrivin' column.
101 DATA 2 0 1 . 9 2 , 2 0 5 . 0 6 , 5 Hello you microdrivin' out there who uses one in
600,241,33 command.
102 DATA 8 6 , 1 7 6 , 3 4 , 2 3 3 , 9 maniacs, I'm back again. To conjunction with the
start with I'd like to thank all Interface 1. 10 REM A u t o LOAD •"110111
6,50,202,96 i na e r t b y D. A. H
103 DATA 2 3 0 , 1 9 4 , 5 0 , 2 0 2 , of you who are still writing in Tim Parsons, Harlington . 1 5 CLEAR 651991 L E T O l e
104 DATA 1 7 , 2 9 . 2 3 0 0 , 3 2 , claiming you have a new /ckaumw0
20 FOR a • 6 5 2 0 0 TO 6 5 3 1 7
0,237.176 Interface 1 ROM thanks to •••••• Ummm, errr, oops. Sorry,
30 READ b
105 DATA 2 4 3 , 2 3 7 , 9 4 , 3 3 , 4 my numerous cock-ups. But •••• t o be totally frank I don't 1 4 0 LE T checksum w chockau
1,236,229,235 know. Sinclair doesn't 1
106 DATA 3 3 , 1 3 7 . 9 7 , 2 2 9 please no more letters about 1
1 ', 5 1 , 1 , 2 4 2 the new ROMs. And now actually say you should 1
0 6 0 POKE a . b s NE X T a
107 DATA 1 . 3 3 , 2 5 3 , 9 4 , 6 2 , we've sorted that Out on with demagnetise and clean it but !4 7 0 I F c he c k s ue <>1 1 0 2 2 T
50 , 2 3 7 , 7 9 'HEN P R I N T F L A S H 11"ERRO
your microdrive moans. then that doesn't actually bOt•s STO P
LOB DATA 1 5 mean a lot. If you're having ' 0 0 POKE 2 3 7 3 5 , 1 7 6 s POKE
75 1, 5 0 , 0 0 , 2 0 2 23736,254
109 DATA 6 2 , 9 6 , 5 0 . 8 1 , 2 0 2 I would like to get a problems have a go at 90 P RI NT "Now t o t e s t e
. 652,. 2
1 0317, 5. 09 7 cleaning the heads but if
. 6 2DATA
110 , 1 200.21E1095,0,2 •••• w h o le catalogue of a , n t e r LE T command G A V E
26 microdrive cartridge in a everything is working leave v ""CO DE 6 5 2 0 0 , 2 0 0 '

string. I know there is a very well along! If anyone out 100 DATA 2 1 5 , 2 4 , 0 , 2 5 4 , 2 4
After you type it in RUN it, complicated method where there does have a Tandy four 215,32,0,205,101.5,215.20
and if you get an error mes you make a file, write it to colour printer and would like 0,254,201,1,102,92,62,0.2
sage check your data. I f you microdrive then read it to get in touch with Tim drop 00,17,10,0,33,200,7,50,
him a line cto VS. 11,92,111,205,101,3,42,17
get 'Insert tape a n d 'Stop', back. But is there an easier 0,92.54,62,43,24903,43,3
remove the Stop statement and faster way?
in line 30 and then Save the PWPA van Dyke, Holland I've got a cartridge with t .205.129,15,62,42,205,129
•••• a CAT of 114K, is this 05,62,34,205,129,15,62,1
program (you wouldn't wan 4
to type it in twice would As you point out, one normal? I'm afraid my ,2 9 . 1 5 , 6 2 , 5 9 , 2 0 5 , 1 2 9 , 1 5 , 6 2
you?) When you've done • • way of doing it is to open Speccy might be sick. 609.205,,205,
a write file of some form such Dave Lamb, Warley 11A0299, 2, 10 5 , 61 2 ,91. 4
15, 2, 6
021 , 31 42 ,92, 01 15,, 16
that put your Bruce Lee j, 2 , 3 4 , 2 0 5 , 1 2 9 , 1 5 , 6 2 , 0 , 2 0 5 ,
tape in, play i t a nd enter as, OPEN #4; "M"; 1; 'dir", 414605.195.172.10
'GOTO 3 0 : Penelope warns then CAT #4,1: CLOSE #4, Well, cartridge capacity 9
that she thinks there are a then open it and read the . " depends on two things. 2 Before entering the
few different versions of the files. Although it works, it's First, the length of the tape program
. you must've paged
inside the case determines the2 Interface 1 at least once
game and so it may not very slow. An easier way is to
CAT directly into a string. the maximum number of to 0 create the system
work with all of them. Let variables: Once the code is
And it just so happens there's sectors. The software can 5
me know l i l t doesn't and saved on microdrive the
a routine to do this in a handle 256 sectors or 128K. ,
better still send in any paging will have already
alternative POKE& certain microdrive book, Secondly, the quality of the 1
tape is very important. The been
7 done.
Mastering Your ZX
more faulty sections of the 6 To modify these
THREE WEEKS IN Microdrive, by yours truly and
published by Sunshine tape that fail the Format test commands
, do the following:
PARADISE Books. the more the capacity is to 2 SAVE, POKE 65261,248,

Wow rm even getting hacks reduced, I must admit 114 is to 2 MERGE. POKE 65261,213

for brand new games. so rather a lot and it's possible and, to ERASE POKE
•.:.. I bought an interface 1
keep it up' This tip's from that the tape has stretched. If 65261,210.
•••• i n Scotland but a power POKE
2 65265 to 65269 with O.
P a ul Co a s t of London. surge caused it to crash. that's the case it won't be
Wait until Wally has been reliable once in regular use, Once
, the code has been
Can you tell me where I can 2
saved to microdrive CLEAR
killed for the first time and get it repaired? I live in 3
than press Symbol Shift, D Both my Interface 1 and 65199, LOAD •
Ireland by the way. 9
"name" CODE and POKE
and P simultaneously Kieran Bell, Dublin microdrive were faulty
while Wally Is sitting on the so I returned them to 23735,176: POKE 23736,254.
floor. You'll then get a Two companies that Sinclair. I received Now simply enter LET (K
fanfare and Infinite lives are •••• advertise Interlace 1 replacements within ten mode — L and ENTER) and
set up. repairs are TV Services of days and I'd just like to say the line appears ready for
Well, that's it for now, I Cambridge on (0223) 31171 how pleased I am with its the file name to be entered.
must say the POKEs have and PEAK Electronics on after sales service. David Hawkins, Plymouth
been a bit light on the (0429) 72739. I can't Malcolm Astie, Derby
personally recommend either ...., Thanks David. It's great
ground this month but %-- t o get a few tips from the
as I've never had anything I'm amazed. Well, I must
hope you're all gonna get readers. I mean I can't know
down to some concerted repaired, so I suggest you •
a▪ satisfied customer for a everything.
hacking from now on. give them a ring. There And finally I'm going to
shouldn't be a problem 'cos change.
• Sinclair's after sales make this column even more
Send your megahacks you live in Ireland. service has definitely

improved over the last couple appealing, I know it's nearly
to Chris Wood, Hacking impossible but I'm gonna try.
Away, Your Sinclair, 14 s years.
In a bit of a quandary. I shall be including
Rathbone Place, •••• A m I supposed to clean a
London W1P 1DE. information about the other
and demagnetise my •y H e r e ' s a program to mass-storage devices for the
Put pen to paper and microdrive heads in the ••••
i simplify the use of ZX Spectrum. I'll start off with the
write to Andrew same way as our now microdrive commands. The
t Wafadrive and Opus
Pennell, Microdrivin', redundant tape recorders? code'll produce a pre-
Your Sinclair, 14 ' Discovery disk drive but I'll
I've got a Tandy four colour formed line LOAD *"m";1;" need your help too, so keep
Rathbone Place, s
London W1P printer and would like to get (LCURSOR)" in the editing those letters coming. See you
in touch with anyone else n by entering the LET
area next month.
5 5





IBuyI with
' QUICKSHOT II complete for only E l l .
, •
Spin& Synthower min 1.01.001 . . . W i n • Jonsnct
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . dr•MNIOn S WIM • Bouts the m od hem forget

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Never having to buy your
ove the classroom so he can fall into the reserved for someone special — oh,
own candlelit dinner for arms of his cheer-leading girlfriend who okay, you can take your Mum if you
waits by the school gates drooling at the must!
two 'cos you can win one thought of their ultimate sloppy wet kiss
with Your Sinclair. Stop throwing up into your frosties —
— Os that what they mean by breathless if you think that's slushy you haven't
prose? Ed) let's all say arrrrrrrr. heard what you've gotta do yet!_
Bit of a gooey subject this love thing, And that's no easy task — Mikie more The famous on-screen lovers below
ain't it? All those choccy boxes, often ends up in a ruck with the head are getting a bit bored with their usual
hearts'n'flowers, pet worms (Well, that's than in the arms of his beloved. But he partners and fancy a bit of
what gav e my first girlfriend. Ed). battles on, for true love runs deep wife-swapping. Who do you think would
Y'know the feeling — you can't get (Yeeerrracckkk!!!!) and 'cos his girlfriend have the most fun with who on a blind
your Readybrek down in the morning, can punch harder than he can. date. Just draw a love-line between the
your knees go weak at the mention of Imagine has come up with a few love- two love-sick characters and if your
your loved one's name and you go all ly prizes for all you love birds and all entry matches up with that of Imagine's
sloppy when your mum starts quizzing because Your Sinclair thought a own expert in love, programmer
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now spends all his time avoiding his live in London that's the Ritz!). And the love story, especially if it's got a happy
irate teachers in his attempt to escape extra space at the table is obviously ending.
* * * *



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HEARTTO AGAIN" and then sends you
back to 10 for another input.
The C language SWITCH/
CASE command has an
action called 'Default' that it

HARTNELL processes on any input for

which it does not have a
specific reply. In SuperBasic
on the CIL 'Remainder' is the
equivalent of 'Default'. In our
second program, the +50 at
the end of the line acts as the
Tim Hartn eirs the Barbara Cartiand of computer books. He default/remainder, being the
must have written far more than anybody else! Now he's action the computer is told to
joined the YS t e a m to pass on some of his experience to you. undertake if the first two
conditions tested — (A-9)
He kicks off this month by playing Boole! and (A-6,5) — are false and
You don't have to just go for come across them. It's the therefore given a value of zero.
probe too deeply into how direct comparisons like the command that in the Now if you make any
turn of the century clergy- ones I've given above. Try language C is SWITCH/CASE startling discoveries while
men amused themselves things like PRINT (9-3-3) or and in OL SuperBasic is you're playing around with
I I late at night in the privacy PRINT ("a"—CHR$ 97) to see SELect ON. With these Boolean Variables, let me
tof their attics. But one such what happens. commands, you don't simply know. You can get in touch
Now, all that's fair enough. have to live with values 1. 2, 3 with me here at Your Sinclair,
sgentleman. working almost a 14 Rathbone Place, London
century before the first But how do we make practical and so on to trigger a GO TO
p use of it? In their infinite. or GO SUB. Instead, you can W1P 10E. Next month I'll be
computer worthy of the name
ewas built, single-handedly Metalabic wisdom, the lads choose any values you like, looking at random numbers in
rdevised the entire theory and who invented Spectrum Basic and they don't even have to depth but after that it's up to
hmethod that present-day decided that an ON G O be in order. You can see this you. If there's any subject you
TO or an ON . G O SUB in action with this brief haven't got the hang of yet, let
acomputers use to make statement was an me know and I'll do my best to
decisions. program:
p And this extraordinary unnecessary luxury. An ON throw light on the inner
sachievement isn't just of • G O TO line is of the type 2 0 GO TO 5 0 4 * I A 9 I 4 - 1 5 0 * ( workings — and chuck in a
uhistorical interest You can ON X GO TO 200.330, 490
which sends action to line 200
30 G I O P 4 few spanners as well!
nuse what our clergyman, the 50 P RI NT " I R V AO AI N's a
if X equals 1; to line 330 if X Tim Hartnell first discovered
wReverend George Boole, equals 2: and to 490 it X
0 TO 1 0
100 P RI NT ' 1 0 0 " o S TO P computers when he bought a
developed to compress parts
i of your Spectrum programs in equals 3. 200 P RI NT " 2 0 0 " t S TO P ZX80. He started the very first
ssome pretty flash ways. They With this program, the ZX Users' Club. and has
It's obvious you can get
round the lack of this written more books than he
ecan also make your programs computer goes to line 100 if cares to remember on the
t look nice and impenetrable so command on the Speccy with you enter 9 in line 10, and to Thlit. Spectrum and 01_
those who wouldn't know a a clumsy set of IF X-1 THEN line 200 if you enter —6.5_ Any He now spends part at each
oBoolean Variable if it kicked GO TO 200, IF X=2 THEN GO other value causes the year in his home country of
them in their booleans will TO 330 lines, but this won't Spectrum to go to line 50 Australia and the balance of
look at your complex wow anyone. Have a go at this where it prints out "TRY his time in the UK.
programs with open simple program:
admiration and mouths! 10 I NP UI A PLAYING BOOLE
Boolean Variables are 20 GO 1 0 9 9 0 ( 4 . 1 ) + 2 6 0 f t
Cw2/ Okay, so we can use Boolean Variables to clean up a whole mess
variables that can only hold a of IF/THEN/Go TO or IF/THEN GO SUB lines, But is that all'?
99 P RI NT " 9 9 " 1 S TO P
value of one or zero and that Course not. As you'll discover when you start experimenting with
260 P RI NT " 2 6 0 " ; S TO P
value tells you whether a the Spectrum's internal true/false Boolean Variables, many parts
statement is true or false. When you run this, enter of your program can be cleaned up. For example:
Sounds complex? Hang either 1 or 2. If you enter 1, the
10 I N P U T "DO Y O U W ANT I N S T R U C T I O N A S
around and all will become Spectrum will come to line 20,
clear. evaluate the (A-1) as 'true' 20 GO TO G 970* ((ASC1i .
and the (A-2) as 'false' and 3 0 . . . . r e0s t o f p r o g r a m . . .
TRUE OR FALSE? GO TO line 99. If you enter 2, "1" O R
Let's start by looking at how it'll do the opposite. But how 9 0 0 0 % t a r4 t $ o1f i1 n s/ t r" u c t i o n s . . . .
your Speccy knows whether does this 'true' or 'false' y " / /
Here, as with the+ above examples. you can cater for many more
something's true or false. decision send the computer to possible Inputs.
Believe it or not, it has its own the right line? It's simply
internal Boolean& Test it Out because, as I pointed out As well as GO TO and GO SUB you can use Boolean Variables to
by typing in a true statement. earlier, if you enter 1 when ensure, for example, that when one of your programs asks for the
Say you enter PRINT (8=8) you run the program. 'true' player's name, it can change your name into, say, 'Superstar' and
you'll see a 1 appear at the top equals 1 (so the first part of anybody else's name into something Insulting — I'm sure you
of the screen. PRINT line 20 becomes "GO TO can come up with something suitable!
To show you how flexible it can be, you could even use
("this"="this") will produce the 99.1") and 'false' equals 0 (so Boolean Variables to change the colours, and shapes, of playing
same result. the second part of the line pieces in a board game. And you can dolt with lust one line. as
This suggests that if a becomes "+ 2600") with the I
statement is true, the result that the Spectrum goes , 10 L E T a
Spectrum holds this to 99+260. The opposite
f ,
information as a "1". Try it with occurs, of course, if you enter 20 LE T . 1 . tCHR5 1 6 + CHRt a +
a few falsies such as, PRINT i -I NT
a 2 when you run the program.
(7-9) or PRINT n C( HRR * N( 7 9 * ( a w 1 / + E I G * ( a = 2 1 + 1 4 3 * ( a = 3 ) )
("this"="that"). This time MICRO MIMICRY e D * 3
you'll get a "0" printed on the You can even make use of the + 1 )
2 ZO P R I N T a i ;
screen. Now you can see that Boolean true/false condition 0 40 GO TO 1 0
the Spectrum holds the to imitate a command found
s1'When you run this, you'll see that the Spectrum's magic
condition "false" as a zero. on few Basic-using
hBooleans have produced a string of blue O's, red X's and
Try these true/false tests microcomputers — the OL
has it, and perhaps some omagenta solid blobs. How many lines would it have taken without
with various inputs, to see if it L
holds true in all conditions. others as well but I've not w111.
h 59
But the a lie n s aren't just going to sit
there and let you d e stro y th e m. Yo u 'll
need yo u r tru sty la se r and th a t's The Story So Far...
going to need re ch a rg in g e ve ry so
often fro m the p o we r points you'll find
scattered around. Fin e — yo u 're
happily blasting liza rd s and ma yb e
even taking p o t-sh o ts at robots,
(though they ma y be in vu ln e ra b le in
the fi n a l ve rsio n ,) a n d it's all getting
you a nice high sco re . Bu t u n le ss
yo u r lu ck's re a lly in it wo n 't find those
two cru cia l areas. An d th a t's wh e re a
bit o f stra te g y co me s in.
The fi rst thing that yo u 'll realise
about the liza rd s is that they don't They came from the skies and at First the Visitoto
talka da lingo. Th is me a n s that before seesied sociable enough. No-one minded having
you ca n use yo u r co mmu n ica t o r them as intergalactic neighbours. 'The Visitors
device, wh ich a p p e a rs at the b o tto m Are Our Friends was the motto as their huge
of the scre e n and is tapped d ire ctly ships docked in the shies above earth's major
into th e sh ip 's Co mmu n ip u t e r cities. They began to integrate with the humans,
working side by side on scientific projects.
(dontcha ju st lu rve that jargon?), Then came the revelation that beneath their
you'll need to use a bit of b ra in p o we r human appearance lay something much MOS
Once you g e t the hang of it though sinister. The Visitors had spoken with forked
you'll be able to use it for things like longues — they were lizards!
opening se cu rity d o o rs wh ich Than earth's population turned against them.
requires a bit of p a tte rn -ma tch in g And it wasn't just because a dinner appointment
meant eating live refs. The Visitors e w e cold-
brainteasing. blooded killers. Well, they would be — they were
Your tra ve ls will a lso bring yo u in t o reptiles. And when they said they wanted to
contact with se ve ra l la b o ra to rie s
siphon off ow water supply they weren't just
wh e re you ca n find p a rts of the taking the Foss!
fo rmu la for the d re a d e d Re d Dust. A s Using the superior science that all alien
well a s ma kin g a me ss of white enemies seem to possess, the scaly fiends
carpets, th is slo ws the a lie n s down — declared a state of martial law. But resistance
so me wh a t te rmin a lly! S o you ma y grew. Again and again the propaganda posters
were defaced with a chevron of red paint. V no
choose to co mp le te the fo rmu la and longer stood for Visitors — it meant Victory.
then fi n d the a ir purifi cation plant. The earth had many heroes, but none greater
V-Day will soon be here. Here you can tap into the sh ip 's U m Michael Donovan, who pitted himself
glorified ZX81 a n d get it to against the amphibian who'd boon the Visitors'
The day the reptiles arrive ma n u fa ctu re the d e a d ly p o wd e r and ambassador, Diane, Note was a man who would
— but only in Ocean's new put It into the a ir conditioning. P re tty dare enter the visitors' ships- And so earth
Moloch bask
d u mb of it, huh? We ll, ye s and no,
megagame. Rachael because as its fl e sh y ma ste rs die it
Smith risks life and limb to will step up robot activity. It all ready and wa itin g and all ashore
depends wh o you like blasting best. that's going a sh o re — though it's
pay the programmers a If you get tired of the endless hoped that the finale will hold a n a sty
visit... co rrid o rs, the o u te r le ve ls have su rp rise to wip e the grin off yo u r face!
a irlo cks into space. O u t there you This is just the b a re st outline of the
blast yourself a ro u n d with an o xyg e n gameplay. Wh e n I sa w the g a me it
wimp y sixtie s singer, b u t cylinder, re me mb e rin g that a push to wa s still fa r fro m finished. Oth e r
Mich a e l Donovan, th e only the left will send you right! Th e re are details ma y include the co mp u te r
person wh o can sa ve the two ma jo r h o u sin g s on the outside of switching off the lights in a ce rta in
y earth in th is fre e adaptation the ship, the wa te r inlet and section. Th e n you'll have to re ly on a
ofo the TV se rie s, V. Th e missio n is co mmu n ica tio n s centre, a n d wh ile torch that'll sh o w the wa y ahead but
u le — locate a n d d e stro y the their destruction isn't cru cia l It'll Only just enough behind you to let you
e an e my ship by b lo win g u p its ce n tra l ce rta in ly ra ck up th e old score. see wh a t hits you! Do n o va n is
co mp u te r and re a cto r. Wh a t ma ke s it Right, yo u 've located yo u r targets e xtre me ly we ll animated and if his
r e a sy is the size of the ship. It's a and se t the b o mb s. Eve n that's no
less ju mp and roll and so me of the plot
mae ze of co rrid o rs and b lo cke d easy task b e ca u se it lo o ks like yo u 'll details re min d you of Imp o ssib le
D sixte e n scre e n s a cro ss, have t o syn ch ro n ise the two Mission, we ll the sa me people we re
o scre e n s d o wn and fi ve la ye rs explosions exactly. Fa ilu re me a n s responsible for the S p e ctru m version.
deep — a grand total of 640 scre e n s that if the re a cto r goes fi rst the But V has a d d e d to that g a me 's
n wo u ld take yo u se ve ra l h o u rs to su cce ss with its co mb in a tio n of
that co mp u te r will still be able to defend
cross. An d th a t's with o u t the itself. And with o u t the co mp u te r the blasting fo r high sco re s and stra te g y
uvn we lco me attentions of the liza rd s re a cto r will ru n wild. Th e n it's b a ck to to co mp le te the task — a n d it's not
a th e ir robot guards. the d o ckin g b a y wh e re yo u r craft is only vast but different fo r e ve ry game!
NE ne e nomonnommoommoommummonms ommonnome monommoomme noommononommonom m o o n
o OlOMOMMMIl000llIMIIIMINOIMMIMMIIIIIIIIMOMMOOMMIO•1111111111•111111MII•IIIIIII• m o w s • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • a m • E • N • •
M I M I I M O M M I I I I I I I I I M I O S O M M O M I I I I I I I I I I I I I M E I M M O M M M O I r n a MI m •I I MMI l l i ol l i fi l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N M I I I I I I I I •I I I MI O
, •I I I I I I I I I I I MMm o E a t O M M E M M M I I I I I I I O M M I I O N I M I I M I I M M O M I I I I I I I I I M I W O O • • • • • • • . . . . • . . . • • • o E m m o n s • o • • • • •
M E N E M • mmmmmm • I M I I I I I I I M M O M M O M M O I I I I I I I I • • • • • • • M • • O • • • O M • M O • M • • M O M
n • • • l i • n m m • m m E m o l o o M O I M M M I I I I • • • • O • • H • • no I I MI I I I I I I I I I MO MO m M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M M O O M O Moe n•
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o o m oMMUMME MO MMMO I MI l m l i l l • M • O M • N • l l • • 0 0 0 m o • • • OIIIIIIMOMOIMIIIIIIII MO o o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
e n M E M E M N O M M E 11111111111•1110 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O i l l E MO I S I MI S I S I MMI N M . M o i l • . • 1 .
t OM M O I I I I I I • g m o n moo • • • • • • m o n nuommenown m a m a • • m o o o n
t no ooMMUMMMOMIIMMIII•MIII @ WM M O ounsestomm NE m o o n s s•inmonomm m a m m a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • no
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SO • E S • I S I . E s s O I S I I I S I N • • • • • • I O • I S • E l a s s . 1 0 . 1 1 1 E S S I NS I I I I E S S S . I I S • N I S . s ol l S O MM•MI S I S I O S E E S W s s i l • a l s
W E S • E E S S M E E S S I . • • • • • S • • • • • • S • N E • E M E S • • S S I I I I S • E • E s •• a s s m s s e s s e s s m s s e nos . m a m m a

Worker Cl eaner S ensor S ecuri ty

T h e r o b o t s a re a n a d d it io n An o t h e r lo w g ra d e ro b o t , N o w t he y ge t r eal l y na s ty . F irst a m o n g yo u r f a n clu b
f ro m t h e T V se rie s b u t t h e y C le a n e rs h o ve r t h ro u g h t h e M o o t o n e o f t h e se a n d h e ' ll w i l l b e t h e s e d e a d l y t in c a n s
p la y a n I m p o r t a n t p a rt a s a ir , h o o v e r i n g t h o fl o o r s . I n f o rm t h e m a in co m p u t e r o f w h o ' ll t h in k n o t h in g o f
t h e y scu t t le a ro u n d th e T h i s m e a n s t h a t y o u r o n ly yo u r w h e re a b o u t s. So o n bl ow i ng y ou a w a y . But w he n
c o r r i d o r * . T h is W o r k e r h e r e w a y r ound t he m is to di v e y o u ' l l fi n d o t h e r r o b o t s a r o • liz a rd m a r o b o t it
m a y lu st b e e a rn in g a n a n d ro ll u n d e r n e a t h . J u s t b e Ju st c r o w d i n g t o m e e t y o u fr e e z e s i t for a fe w s e c onds .
h o n e s t c r ue t but he'l l fi r e a t ca re f u l t h a t yo u 're n o t b u t I r a t he s or t of s oc i a l S o, if y ou c a n s hoot t he
yo u no * co n a s h . se e s yo u . m ist a ke n for so m e d u st a nti s u c c e s s yo u ' d ra t h e r a vo id . liz a rd yo u c a n slip b y t h e
f r ie d w i t h a la se r! r obot unha r m e d.

6 0
There was still a lot of work to be done on V, whe n we infiltrated the alien ship to bring back these
photographs. At the top Michael Donovan finds himself trapped in a corridor, while below him the
c ommunic a tor provides status information. You'll never actually see a screen like the second one in the game
it shows a selection of corridors and fe a ture s tha t you'll me e t In your search for the two ta rge ts . Get a good
look now w h e n you're being chased by the robots and half a dozen accompanying lizards they w on't give
you time to admire the scenery n o lounge lizards, these!

Ilichael DoWein, itertect in Weis were talkingabout

Wel lel pink runs androds irn numbers here's the
molt athletically, all vie the communicator'sveryown
pystick. Lett andright we en : - N , calcuWor. you solve the
obvious but up mein he
• - N %N Ci
- •••-• - A \ \. tindery ot the Vision' mita
youcanissoit to toedthorn
jumpanoImmemorial with

downhandingover cent* to
I I • , -,• - . . • — • --dr wrongInformationabout your
the sWus panel. 0:' ( g a A./7 r whereabouhLhehhuh

r ( m a . dr i 11 r._ • •
•l t i
1111-41h,a deadand, Donovw,
Ludity the snow hes Iwo -
- -
1 •••t
6 , 1 1 • ei. l l i...._ e l
re s not. discardedpiste of
spaghetti. d'i a Ilft to beim 1
, 4 . -
, • t
ii_4011iiiiiiIIIMMIKOMIllowwoor w

himdownto die corridor r wy " I I I • -_ - N _ ‘ C I ..-- _ - Al thothird leak the time

. • \ o c- i e m i t i m N \ 7il0e• ; . • — — whir?Nobeghands ord
S .4 .' ,
bleor wilt kat one labon the
- •N r Rao hoots toglizatts ooboy
Ottyslick t : L i t i n i l d . _ r - - . 4, _ j I iirr,:,•._ Ii_-:
• • IN• , „ e have iix drills on lbw's and
-P i a t t (A t A , •..• - - - - • work to a bias sixnumber
• f.k •1 l synem. Slit, the brainy among
d r* I m •I ,3r
• . - - youwill bo ado to we this

Itto Mellege woe of the m o t' •1, -af. ) j

ai6ier\'') dock to won out Nat %urn
Cconinuivuter. Normally a - MO P
conitint successionof a
. C R =i r T O Nt 0 • :
k-1114. .1. I Yt , • /1111111111EN I , t e g i 11_,P
brosdcans will fool through .
ACIA'ne rdi1r a

asthe lizard, discos the Wu
dry But hers Donovanhes L, o••r
07 r - • cb 3 ) ( 7 ) te
managedtogm informationon
: t e- O P O1 S 1 - 7
- s o I S ea thio is the meincorrimunicatcw
device. complete with on
' I C O e 1 - -
r ' map turevone all or which
. 1 ' +7 aro eat:emir useful. Only the
17 7 .
t ltwds howl markod ton
11 l1 . 1
upas'Extremely Usehil and
You; score This isn't inlizard
you've forgolin your Lots
'7 A 7
r1 - whichis fuel eswell
Hotel Ms low power supply Youa oxygen ,Isn't soIniportiod SpookLizard pilaw-boa
Ifyoufmda transporter lift like wondering the confusion II
Everygoodherohasalmostas bir Al fest you've got a lot - m but•i once youslop
Inside Looks like Mal anderror ant
rainy Wes s w a t Vitae at 0 , this, without anaccompwying wouldcause whentypesetting Sohere, innopartici:1uorder,
mustbe usingthose nice through
* an Ct airlock you'll mod Onebeiow I. ti mews that high * We t
lieit one of these is fleshing W I W I with de gold tops - those1 " 1of trothair to
movemontis up Take it and
arething' you'll be able to do
see but oftee alow mowers with hostNwound ; 4Keep aneye on - and don't inet thatsome
the Moos you'll be wonting to - r2you
thiskunless . want to got
the WNW will flp toWow the
Another cross level door, but
turictioni lead to oub-
marooned correde Oda you'll inlet
recharge. -7 i 1 'unction Arrcyril
this timetowards yourather
t l . thellteedthe sa w .
0 • Open deer.To to Vufoe II be
i l - presentedOle tin biroofteed
c0 - t q t i.o r.l w e re * omen of
' - re Wee Using lids *mulch die
o: b p i youtan pm mutt eelgo
, Through.
This is a 000r between dines mj "
at Ivo ship If you've got line s
of ono16 alevetthin find r • Ceettrect wad mod
SM ot Moto and tie worldwill t J fiedissege,wont the of*ceittee
rashby as youfind youtell In m• r roucan col AI some melt btu)
Goodbuddy.remFein rove be
comeiss of OWildort aq ' wowed on wa ling We d =
olooldp pets in re inedio
nm , nelow tobesoserribedinto
- , ohms' to he bet.
IWe's a power point - r
Mechlin?the War by pushing Wc • • &Reese legation. M out is
Ato Zyou soybe eatingleal
the ioyekk up If you le •i — ,eelssellgm you ge perk Idol
leillebric hors - but if yoused eresector.Ofcevrw weiswin
Intoa battle it couldteed to t7 wo use untilyou've in We cdthe
Kite frock seedling i ' the •eefOot
M e m charge andtire t
• MwodocuoraPlodDu1 rei
canedecode togs he poem wild
n, reeve °blared re Somme,but
you've r e decoend eel
This iswhere you'll start the (4 owed oochMeet Ne n in We I
DOOk, Ill. lisx9 d creme

41 I t s m
Wery game Tie row • Ley ezelewelveYou're Fog
irtol-loadrig washing nonoes I ll ot he extCd
irds is, n bet &Swot .7 modemond toworkout he Vire
. shuttle'. dont 1 I two you, Weft I lam
4 •we / Oen Iego gm, le yeta
ko-ongI tool
r .
ADobo-wree !whine Pia, a Here's, aft wit a dilemma H i r e ' s your croft - achieve • Oft twee-CND re igicting
electronicrisme hide is oft
I . sum Owls
generator to mitt FoundorSyonthe outer layer y o u r missionand you'll be fifth - otP4r thy de Sestina
I FAX BOX deem enoughpower tokeep h i is the exit in airlock into fl y i n g oll in this it al goes to Oute'Use Seitogel wit toseen
Game V . =trot
t Publisher ..• your Ni t biseang. wpm But then's no mom p l a n tits progrwnwit indult* a
Ocean because thoshipis t u n e r Viie through the
,Price £7.95 M surroundedby anenergy band w i n d s c r e w of the towde
e Ind re truing withrobots W O N Mei
s outdid§
w 61
Add a new dimension
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1 ir S-O U N D
m r r POOM
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S T I L L HAv E Ny 'r
TO (-0 M E W H A T
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NO T M U C H 1 0 l a t - 1 - . rlr1
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he Western Centre, Bracknell, Berkshire
Tel: 0344 427317
Intelligence supplied by Daniel Murphy, Maidstone.
Hey.1 tar OutAmazingin SanFranciscothey'd
Asfor ply oldEngland beinga country oi
$1111roily diganoldautographed &oriel album
Comm. 1— amateur photographs. they dlike a 35mn
4 Camera.

The.Japanese spies acceptany oldhonorable 3k

IngoyPuree they just resist w e l l girth, yes
collecting dust
youmighthave lyingaround — - b u t inthis casethey re theOnlypeople who
oil Me your plaindirty oldmoney

Downir Chma glesshopper. whatthey wantis
Egyptianspies are okays on the lookout tor a
stocks andbonds Chinn° why. I thought they'd
go lot the Beatlesalbum goodcheapchronograph. I think thismeans
- * * h . bul I gyegsst couldbe BigBenTower.
kabala is the lest site, you get disconnectedri
yougohere, due to 'remote leaks oi goo-
thrall NtergY IWITet * pent/ Will it soundS InTurley they II really gobble upa stauette ol
Ike Nil! That's yougoing up insmoke) Is this l i t Onlyofits a gold one though
anyuse?Well yet youcanlogonwithAustralis
at the beginning of the game. savingall that The spy inIndio sat can'tsay no toanemerald
hassle withsystem tests.
- scarab Whocould, though?

Brazil, es youprobably know, isn't knownfor its

Jadecarvings so that mustbewhythey wait Security Setelitesghe youSecurity tests it they
some. - pass over you. Tits answers an, 1 Magma Ltd
2.MO413104793_HydraulicA. natal&

Hints and tips sent in by Pete Piper of Wigan

The bestway to deal withthese ominous

The tarter there are twowaysyoucanpass oMo spacemenis to hold the fire buttondownand
the nest levet Either clear rt of aliens or hold - t o t them towalk into the boron You'll have to
them oil until the tone runs out - youscoremore beverypersistent 'cos they take aIca of shots
Forhithmgthem though. before they blow up.

Nukesare only usedwhenyoublast your way to

The shots prove that youresat hove got the alen capitol city. Shamereaay, cos youcould
somethingto lose inthis game. If youwant to reallyusethem in the maingame_Ah sell
mike it to the endyoureally mustpreserve your , c ut l a
shuts at all cost Avoidthe monoliths dont
shoot the spaceships dish mamma'and, as on
INS screenblast the noshes Wort the ant-
matter blobs they lob al youbreak downyour tht directionfinoer scope lets youknow when
shields. venous bashes are creepinguponyou. Keepan
- eye or it but don't rely on it toe heavily or you'll
findthat the nosties MI have shot youbefore
youmehadtune to lire

4 1 N r F t (CO C Z ) IP'
Intelligence by Cosmo McKinley, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.

Thisscreenis the map( stumblingblock to

anyonewhoactually wants to finah the game
ifliikla , P i c i
i s. 4 . . i i , . . . - - 4 6 . - - . . - - . . 4111s. 4
jAim Thesages of the screenare like the burnpea on
before they startdrawmgtheir pension To slat _ pinball mKtunes. HitMOM .id youbounce on
with, don't move the loysticit of aduntil you've
.1 0 . - - / S I S
,P4 p lager thanyou Mt Youcanwork this very
Pileddownthis slope You wit over compensate .1.
4 a annoying. andSOrnetiMOS termini, characteristic
1" W " : 1 8 0 tOyour advantage. Youcanbounce oft this wall
andcrashinto the wallOr toll over the edge 1..,116.1
74 r a p , 4 0 . , 4 t. . . 4 8 1 . 1 6 0 . / I s 0 anddownthe slope onto the nestscreenYou
.IN 4 4 Iw haye totone it psi right or you'll endupgoing
.4"1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 . I I- 4
-1 E.
1 0 e over the edge. (Agesti
Gettig past this Ittle twistinthe flow isn't as 7
-Ir1s . i 3
herdas I sews. Its practically a straight line, in i14 1 0
fact andsojust the tiniestflockof the pysbck W .O
g 1 I4 I Z 1 1
easeyouaround it Don I doanythingelse yet. ..l•74 1 I III- I 1 4
iIi1I1fn e s M IP
r 4 :4 1
rustroll until youget to the Plateau
lE •e1. .
MI e4l t10 6 41
Thiswaylies the bigsurpnse spokenoi Or'the
lA 0.W
7 i l l s i n s s ills . 4
Art sale Welt youcanreverse thrust intime to Iw
•4 We 1 1 111 sleeveor the garne To get to it, rinda little black
iM .
s0 r 6 0 1 1 4 . square ona raisedplatform_roe over rtand . .
stabilise your gyroscope until youcangather pP ,1 1 1•
your energies and rani to climbthe nett slope 4 — I t ' s sal empty lifftny-ling' Its agreat
i1 .*.
*1 s1i i.1. f ir1 s
Toe is tickingmay, though, soeaseSLOWLY .4 big I t s a great _As, blow rt, do it yoursed
1 1- e . l e0 f T
upthe neat section oi track keepingcontrol so 4140 • I I I d g o

youcanpick the best point onthe well to Incra, w 1

'14 l i k :
7I1 'I 1;11 171 1; I N
1 I I I I I 1 4 :
I-I I rI I i d 0 . I
1.1. I 11 l . f : :
-iI/ s 1 / T I
5S1I- 1 1 : 1 :
4l e
Il:,I , s4•
I1 - * 4 1 ,
1 4
In2S s . IE : 1 4 :
e 5 t
ll1P . l4 4 1 1 1 1 66
l1 0
4l4 wl1 : 1 0 -
,1 7 1 1
n 1
iea.7 . e4 4 . 4 1 I
Microdeall 1 9 .
Counted among the many
talents I don't possess is the
ability to fly a plane. But I
have flown many a flight
simulator and this seems to

be one of the most accurate
Here's Andy Penneft's round-up of the as well as being a great deal
latest games for the CAL. The ideas of fun to play. I tried to get off
behind them may not be that new but the the ground immediately
programming's well up to standard. without reading the
Instructions and couldn't get
It to go anywhere, despite a

KNIGHT FLIGHT maximum amount of welly on
OL FICTIONARy time), it can be a lot of fun. the throttle, Well, so accurate
Rea'time Software1E14.95 Sinclairle12.95 is the simulation that you
Isn't this a version of the Now this game's not for
I was more than mildly young children. Apart from have to turn the ignition on
arcade game Joust? I'm amazed when I read the back first!
afraid I never squandered my of the packet. What? the advanced vocabulary,
there are certain words that You look through the front
20p's on this one so I'm not Sinclair's releasing of the cockpit at the 3D wire
altogether sure how similar youngsters might start asking
something as simple as a all sorts of strange questions graphics that give a very

the two play. You're a knight word game for the OL? Now good representation of the
on a horse flying around a about — I leave them to your
I've played I reckon I know imagination. outside world. Even better,
screen populated with why. they're flicker free though
platforms. But you are not Altogether there are 1200
The CIL has three big different words so repetitions that's not too surprising as
alone. The skies are full of they Only get drawn once a
advantages over the Speccy are few and far between.
unfriendly knights just dying when ft comes to games — it second. Still, the playing
for a joust — it's your job to Even if you do get the same
has a better screen display, a word twice, the possible area's large with loads of
make sure they do die. When lot more memory, and objects to look at and fly into
you meet one of them for a solutions are changed each •

microdrives as standard. time, so it's still tricky to — or should that be past! It's
spot of knuckle dusting, the ! Except for that screen remember the correct one. a shame that the other
winner is the highest player display, Fictionary makes As a bonus, there's graphics such as the cockpit
so it pays to hang around the good use of the memory and dials are not that imagina-
another game called
top of the screen. If you come microdrives to store the tively represented —
out on top, the rider of the Wordhoard thrown in, It puts
vocabulary. a word on the screen and just
t h eshown
y ' r e as simple digits.
defeated horse falls to The main game's similar to then gives you three minutes There is tar more to the
ground and there are bonus that old telly favourite, Can game than the first Speccy
points if the horse bites the in which to think of as many i flight simulators — it's

My Bluff. You're given a smaller words that you can ! f f certainly a lot harder which
dust as well. From time to bizarre word with four d
make Out of it. About as
time, the dragons get possible meanings. You have interesting as waiting for more than likely means that
dragged on but they're best to guess which one's correct. snow in the Sahara. it's more realistic, It doesn't
avoided 'cos they always Now with one player this is have the speed and the
Cheat, colour of the later simulators
dullsville pretty quickly but if r
The game's graphics are there's a group of you (up to
u PlaY•bdity
Va f
• OPE • 1111•11000
7 though.
very neat, the sound less so. four can play at the same L
, All in all a good simulation
but for a while it had me

d 4 0
even if I never got the
d o o
opportunity of landing again
i r
— well, apart from nose-
r B
diving into the earth at great
n B
o I r
t1 M r P t•Y •batv • • • • • • • • 0 3
o Vows for Money • • • • • • 1 3 0 0 0

• B
1 p
I O t
M to
E u
D _ IT
•P-.Ekammimitair ••

1 t•
1 •d
r •0 •d
r N or th' • • • • • • • • • 0 0 •c

o %Woo lor hionoy I l • B E 1 0 0 0 0 0 •l
111•111E • M ODEM 0
p 0 •i
i 0 •v

t •o
i o
c 0
m 0
Sinclair/E9. 95 of bags of money from fifty- they're somewhat more •
M nine different locations each doubt the best of its type on

Now why wasn't this called

M audible and they don't the C/L.

M of which is stocked with interrupt the game at all.

01_ JSItif? After all, it's a pretty
I baddies and obstacles Plus, a great deal of r•
straight-forward platform

K injurious to the player's imagination has gone into the f S Poryabiley • •
Votraa lor Mono"
• • • • • • • 1 0
• • • • • • • • 0 0
game_ But then again,
= health. Not very original, I l I 8

platform games are still a graphics — just take a IL M

grant you, but it's been butchers at those vicious fE
rare breed on the C I and implemented extremely well
o D
looking lawnmowers and rf O
even though I've played and just goes to show that io
millions on my Speccy. I still mousetraps, though there are ,c
OL games can be better than some less original ideas like t,
enjoyed OL Sounder. their Speccy equivalents. i
bouncing boots. Certain M .
So, what's the plot? Well, The sound effects are a bit
Smith-type features are o

you're a very neatly animated thin — just a lot of beeps that E
missing altogether — no •
man who, surprise surprise, sound little better than o
stairs — but altogether the •
has to collect a large number Speccy originals though game is excellent. Without a n

• 67
WiththeGraphicsSuitefromPrintn Plotter
If you're interested in producing great graphics with your Spectrum.
then these programs are designed with you in mind.

And you don't have to be an expert. Even with no programming
knowledge the programs will enable you to produce fantastic graphics
to use in every piece of software you write.
Or you can use them just for the fun of producing computer art.
Each of the programs are inter-active and together they form the moor c ,
most accomplished graphics toolkit you will find on the market today. d
But you can also use each of them separately, as each arc self- t• • . 1 0 . . . . M I ,

contained and cover a specific area of graphics programming. i

With Print 11 Plotter's 'GRAPHICS SUITE', ,
everything is made so simple you won't believe it.

' 4 a
4 1 1 , E f I N

. am
0 !r
4 .;:
0 ir

Justafew of the things youcando


PP -

If you want to produce fantastic screen
A R T - O - M A T I C ( G R A P H I C S S U I TE 3 )
Ever wanted to produce screen graphics for
graphics or UDG's on your Spectrum. then you Adventure Games, Educational. Training. or
will fi nd PAIN TPLUS not only a complete
graphics toolkit __ b u t also the simplest to use
Al every level.
Facilities include: DRAW. PLOT. ARC.
Scientific programs and run out of memory
because the graphics handling consumed too
much memory'?
If so. you need ART-O-MAT/C, Print •n' Plint er
- new graphics compiler
OVER MODE, DRAW RADIALLY, ARC With ARTO-MATIC you can draw. define and fp
RADIALLY. ENLARGE TO EDIT, PAPER WASH, store an incredible number of screens or parts C
BOX DRAW and so on of screen in your programs as compiled instant i
As well as drawing, PAINTPLUS has a machine code which is usable from BASIC or WC A
tremendous UDG section. It also has I:DG The exact amount of compression possible t
"grabbing depends on your graphics, but up to 99% is
- defining. saving and loading UDG sets. possible and an average of 85%-90% is usual , O R D E R NOW OR ASK YOUR
The Organiser section of the prtigram • ARTO-MATIC is a complete graphics
f r o m
enables you to automatically store multiple drawing program, so you can produce your 1 L O C A L COMPUTER SHOP! I
s c rgraphics or multiple II DG banks_
screen works olart and compile at the same time. Sendto DeptVSPrint 'n' Plotter Products Ltd,
e n comes with a demo of screens, The instruction hook and demo that comes 19Borough High Street,London5E19SE
a and alternative character sets, plus a wit h the program show you everything you Credit Cardphone orders: 01403 3622.
copy of Print 'n' Plotter PICTURE BOOK - need to know about cramming great graphics
s into your Spectrum Pleasesend me the following.
100 pages of instructions, hints, tips, listings
w related graphics information.
and ......Paintplus a 69.95 ScreenMachinediE8.25
e l S P R I T E M A C H I N E ( G R A P H I C S S U I TE 4 )
S C R E E N M A C H I N E ( G R A P H I C S S U I TE 2 )
l There have been a number of programs ......Art•OiMatic E8,25 S p rit e Machine69_95
SCREEN MACHINE Is the graphics called Sprite Generators Most of these are sell
manipulator. contained and not a great deal of use to people Ienclose remittance in full
s Use it when you want to take your graphics who want to use Sprites in their own programs Please bill my AccessiBarclaycardaisa No
f turn them into professional machine SPRITE MACHINE is different. This program
coded data for use in BASIC or MiCode programs. was written wit h you in mind - whet her you
u For instance: are a professional. amateur or beginner
l SCREEN MACHINE will compress the There's never been a simpler Sprite program r
l ciansumption of your graphics to cram to use. All you have to do is draw your Sprite iName
even more into the computer's memory - and then choose from a fantastic range of
f a I
As well as memory compression, SCREEN options to get it doing what _you want.
MACHINE i allows you to put your graphics You can animate your Sprites, choose any e
l i a series of highly-sophisticated direction and starting position, adjust speed, n
graphics manipulations. adjust height. choose running time, decide on
t i c
These include ENLARGE. REDUCE, edge actions such as bounce, wraparound,
e s
RELOCATE TO OTHER PARTS OF THE reflect or stop, make intelligent decisions like l
SCREEN. STEP AND REPEAT. BLEND SCREENS strike and collision actions. colour your Sprites o P r os inclvde post t• Patting tct UK
delmtri °versus NEWS pins * add 20%
TOGETHER, RECOLOUR SELECTIVELY OR or take colour from the screen, trace or non-
GLOBALLY, FLIP SCREEN, etc. trace, etc. s addddmilhandintaAnd post

And SCREEN MACHINE also has a dedicated The program comes complete wit h a cursor- e
Text Compiler - ideal for anyone who uses operated Sprite drawing board and catalogue/ l
lots of text for Instruct ions or menus on
store function
i Pri
SCREEN MACHINE also comes wit h a copy
Instruction booklet and demo are included
wit h the program_ p oc
of PICTURE BOOK and a demo that's so good Now you can have pmfessional Sprites in s ,p
you can't believe it. every program you write. t
to the beginning and enter — he wants to use them in 20 READ B:POKE A,B
CLEAR 39999: LO AD" his own programs. For 30 NEXT A
CODE. Now start your tape starters, what I'd like to know 40 DATA 255, 129. 129, 129,
recorder and you'll load is why on earth you're writing 129, 129, 129, 255
MegaBasic into memory. programs that aren't in

Now this sub-routine reads
Right, it's time for the measly MegaBasic?Herumph! Just
bit of hard work you've got to the data for the graphics and
this once though I'll tell you. POKEs it into the correct
do — type in the following The Amstrad type font starts
program. at 45000 and the BBC one area of memory. It also takes
four lines of Basic! With VS
starts at 48000. They're both
10 R E M WAFADRI V E CO NV MegaBasic you can do

ERS ION 768 bytes long, so say you exactly the same in one line,
20 R E M PROGRAM 2 4 - 9 — wanted to save the BBC
85 so here goes:
character set to tape, you'd
00 RE M use SAVE "Beeb" CODE DEFG_"a", 255, 129, 129,
40 L E T c O s F O R z m 5 8 0 6
48000,768. Now d'you see 129, 129, 129, 129, 255

4 TO 58092
5 0 R E A D bo P O K E z , b s why they call me the font of The DEFG command takes
LE T c m c + b all knowledge! nine parameters. The first
60 N E X T z Now for the complaints parameter is a string and
70 I F v . 2 3 1 9 T H E N P R
I NT "BLO CK 1 I S O K ! " . G O
department. Lots of you have shows which graphic is to be
TO 9 0 been moaning about the fact defined and then this is
8 0 P R I N T "E RRO R I N L I N that every time you power up followed by the numeric data
E 9 0 0 0 OR 9 0 1 0 ". S T O P your MegaSpectrum, you for the graphic.
The Mike Leaman 9 0 L E T C. . 0 4 F O R 2 m 4 7 0 have to use the KEY
00 T O 4 7 0 6 1 command to define the user- Now for a moan. S G Wylie
Mega Basic mailbag 100 R E A D 131 P U K E z of Ramsgate doesn't like the
is almost as mighty LET
t c. . c. ft defined keys. So, is there a three overlapping windows.
110 N E X T z way of saving the key What you have to do is tell
as his program. So, ba
120 I F c . . 7 0 1 8 T H E N P R definitions so that they can
this month he's I NT "BLO CK 2 I S O K " . G O the system that you want to
TO 7 9 9 9 be loaded in. all in one go? use the same window for all
here to help with 100 P R I N T "E RRO R I N L I N E Ha, there is a way! The output. And to do this, you
definitions for the user
some o f your prob- 8 9 0 2 0 T O 9 0 4 0 " t S TO P have to use the FX command
9000 D A T A 5 8 , 0 , 0 . 2 5 4 , 2 4 3 defined keys are stored — the command used to
lems and perplexit- '40. 21. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 starting at 59956 and there control the MegaBasic
ies, as well as 9010 D A T A 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
are 256 bytes for each key. system. The command is
sharing some pro- ,2 0 1 , 2 1 3 That means that if you want followed by two parameters
gramming hints you 9020 D A T A 2 4 5 , 2 5 4 , 1 0 , 3 2 , to save all ten keys, you just — the first indicates the
10,58,207,92,254,79,32,3, have to use SAVE "KEYS"
may not have come 205,74 function you require and the
CODE 59956,2560,
9030 D A T A 2 0 , 3 3 , 0 , 0 , 2 5 3 , second is the data required
across — yet! 116,55,253,116,38,34,11,9 And now a hint for all you by that function. Have a look
2,215,176,22,193,4,33,205 who indulge in the strange at this:
•1 0
9040 D A T A 0 5 , 2 0 0 , 1 2 6 , 4 0 ,
habit of hacking — I mean, FX_O,n defi nes which
MegaBasic has been 251,16,249,126,205,104,12 why should Chris Wood have
window is used for input.
so huge that it's 05.203,126,40,247,237,12 a monopoly on the subject! FX_1,n defi nes which
about time I had a 3,61,92,51,51,33,248,209, Here's how you can window is used for automatic
T chance to answer 9999 P O K E 4 7 2 7 8 . 0 t P O K E
personalise your copy of VS listings.
h of your queries on the 4 7 2 7 9 , 0 . MegaBasic by redefining the FX_2,n defi nes which
inner workings of the error messages. They start at
e C'mon that didn't take too 52987 and finish at 53164 window is used for program
r So, if you have any output.
problems or there's anything long, did it? Now RUN it and and the end of the message
e don't understand and save the new MegaBasic FX_3,n defi nes which
you is signaled by adding 128 to
code to Wafa by entering the ASCII code of the last window is used by the
you'd like me to clear it up for MONitor
you, SAVE# "MB", 45000. 20368. character. So, here's a little
p drop me a line here at All we need now is a new
VS program that'll print out each Say you wanted to use one
o and I'll do my best. But loader program for the error message and its window for all tour functions,
don't only see me as an
n Watadrive, so enter NEW starting address: then you'd use something
agony aunt (Could be
s and that'll clear out the along these lines:
difficult, Mike! Ed), but send 10 LET P-52987
e any of your own
in conversion program. Finally, 20 PRINT P FX_0.2:FX_1,2:FX_2,2
Megahints'n'tips so that we enter and save this loader
t 30 LET Z-PEEK P: LET P :FX_3,2
can all share them_ program:
o - IF Z.127 THE 1/011_(Z128):
40 Now only the output window
There's one problem that's 10POKE 23737,152 PRINT
V P fl (window two) is used and
cropped up over and over 20POKE 23738,183 'P:GO TO 30 bang goes the problem of
again in my postbag. I'll just 30CLEAR 44999 50 1/DU_Z:GO TO 30 overlapping windows.
mention the Computer 40 LOAD-"Pil8"
Now all you have to do is And if you want to set the
Department of Friends 50RUN USR 56100
School, Saffron Walden and POKE the ASCII values of the copy cursor to use yellow ink
A Rav en of Basildon who've message you want into the then try this:
So, if any of you have been correct locations. It's even
written to me, asking when putting off getting hold of a CURRENT_1:INK 6
I'm going to get around to copy of MegaBasic 'cos you more fun if you can get your
mitts on a friend's copy of When you've got version of
converting MegaBasic onto couldn't convert it to VS MegaBasic that you're
the Rotronic's Wafadrive. Wafadrive, well that excuse MegaBasic.
Now G Gapper of Glos isn't happy with, all you have to do
They've all had a go, but doesn't wash any longer. And is save it together with a
without much success. Well, too sure about the DEFG
I don't know why all you Opus command and would like me loader. Bingo, your own
the waiting is over — I've disk drive owners are looking customised MegaBasicl
come up with the code, so so smug — as soon as I can to do a quick run through on
you'll no longer have to wait it for him. Well, the DEFG
get my hands on one of those
an age for the tape to load. command is a quicker way of if you're having trouble with
natty devices, I'll be doing a
Here are the simple steps conversion routine for that defining user defined YS MegaBasic or if you
you should follow. Turn your too! graphics. In normal Sinclair reckon you've come up with
Speccy on with the Wafadrive Basic you'd define the UDG a hint that even Mike won't
St ev en Po r t has written
connected — pretty sensible in from Greenwhich to ask 'a' using the following lines: have sussed, write to
really! Enter NEW- and then me where he can find the 10 FOR A—USR "A" TO USA MegaMike, YS 14 Rathbone
rewind your MegaBasic tape Place, London W1P 1DE,
other two fonts in MegaBasic

Disk Interface SPECTRUM
has a unique
feature - the
It transfers tape based
programs to disk system
with speed, simply by
one touch of the
\ M A G I C BUTTON. Other Single Drive
\ n e w features include:
40r a
disk drive NOOK)
• A u t o Check on t c k double 5lded
disk drive (800K)
Disk Drive 80 track double sided £2
Twin Drive 2
• A u t o Boot 9
Nc•:, 3'4 d isk drive
80 track double (1•814)
sided t s 3 2 9
• Random Access File Handling
o • Reset Button
+ • ••0
0 0,
45 Technology Research Limited
,4 Unit 18
° \ 5Middlesex TW18 4XE Tel: 0784 63541
G \ Te l e x : 896691 TLXIR G
u Ce
co My Timex 2040 printer telexes far and wide. But 2i7i.L.PRINT III uses interface
and Spectrum are I've got two problems. First, 'El codes that must be sent
having a slight personality is it possible to do screen before you can send control
clash. They just don't get dumps of the information to codes like ESC (CODE 27),
on, even though I've tried my Alphacom printer? And These can be entered into
changing the printer for secondly, I would like to Tasword, when changing the
another one. is it print outgoing messages graphics codes, by
compatible with the but I'm having problems answering 'yes' to the
Spectrum? sending them out with the question, 'Change interface
J Allen, Ne e dha m Ma rk e t 'T' function. codes?' Once you've done

James Dunbar, Inverness this you can set up the
: 0 is compatible 'cos I've graphics characters to print
: % You can do the screen
% got one, and it works with all the ESC sequence of codes
dumps, no trouble, by
W models. Maybe the edge exiting to Basic and using you want. Save a new copy
e dirty or its the COPY command. The 1' of Tasword to keep the
possible that the connector is function will only work if changes in_
loose. If cleaning it doesn't Easylink supports XMODEM
lsolve the problem I suggest i t 1 would like some
,you get your Spectrum protocol. If you want to send advice on what joystick
messages from a buffer you'll and joystick interface to
Irepaired. need Specnet Ill 'cos that'll buy. There isn't a great
c allow you to create text files selection over here in
aV D o you know of a using Tas word and send Australia and I'm not sure
circuit That allows you them as if they were typed
nto POKE the Spectrum of the best Can you help?
from the keyboard. There's Graham Ung, Australia
cROM? I know VS 2 featured even a version that'll do 64
oan article that told you how characters per line. Good eh? :
nto do this but unfortunately 61
I can't get hold of a copy as % .Your Sinclair (issue 2) you'll
fit's sold out. V O h, I've got a little bug, see
iBruce Phipps, Hatfield or rather my Spectrum W 6 a review of the top ten
version 2 has. First it started joysticks — that should give
r Have you got a e
you 1 some guidance. The
The SoftROM appears to to fail on the arrow keys
m and then the delete and hard luck story to c'
Quickshot is a pretty good
.11 b e the answer and, yes one with two buttons for a
tyou're right, it did appear in graphics keys. I soldered tell us? For hard e c
the 2K resistor in across headed hardware quick response. As for the

hVS 2. And, just for you Bruce. a
rinterface I reckon the
a send you a photocopy. R68, as suggested, but still advice Steve n
tKempston Compatible is
nothing. I finally solved the ag
t problem by tightening the Adam's your man. probably the best for the sort
iV I' ve got a trTX, wafa- of i e software you mention.
clamp inside the keyboard TV Services of Cambridge.
drive and Cambridge that joins all the bits There
nt are plenty about, just
tjoystick interface. Fine, you It's free but it would be a look for the cheapest and
may think. Well, that's just
together. Try it if you've good idea to include some lh
most rugged.
problems. postage for the tape. yo
it, it isn't! When I've got the Tora te n Dahlkvist, Sweden
1/1X and wale-drive clc? Help! My rubber
connected the picture rolls, Thanks Torsten. Its nice V I'm having trouble with ad keyboard is so rubbery I
though it's okay if only one to see readers providing my ZX printer. It runs
no get all the keys to
is connected. Why? all the answers. At least it lets okay for about 100 lines and register. I've been driven to
John Thurborn, me put my feet up for a little then it gets slower and .f
Chleelhurst slower and makes terrible pressing
a them very hard
while. If more of you write in Iwith a pencil to get it to
maybe I can retire early. squeaking noises. I took my fc
It sounds like your power life in my hands and pulled work. Will a replacement
supply may be at fault it all to bits but I still yo
Speccy Plus keyboard fit,
'cos both peripherals use and if not can it be
V W e would like to add a couldn't find what was op
quite a bit of power. Try reset switch to the repaired?
wrong. Any ideas? uy
David Savage, Canterbury
swopping it with another Spectrum, not an on/off Phil Purle, Gloucester o
power supply to check if this switch, can you tell us what . . W e l l , it could be 'cos the
is the case. If not send it to a connections to make? rfiii.And now for the answer!
OS Phelan and Pe te balance of the weight in Get a new keyboard
repair shop to get it looked at. underlay (membrane) from a
Taylor, Cheshire the paper reel is wrong. It's
Sinclair repair centre. It'll cost

possible that the paper is
V Hey Steve! I've gotta Easy! If you can solder. scraping one side of the you about C9.00.
new colour television. El t hat is. The big 40 pin IC printer as it turns, Try a bit of
But the colours are all near the edge connector is I'm writing to give a
wrong. Red gives green and Pin 26 of the CPU, This is the violence — bang the end of warning to all Speccy
the reel on a table top to get
green gives red. It's alright reset pin on the Z80A CPU. it back in line. owners as I've had to learn
on my friend's version 3 Connect a switch between the hard way. Don't pull the
Spectrum but not on my this and Pin 29 of the CPU, plug to reset your machine
press the switch and release —Tasword
I' ve got aII,Speccy
version 2. Why? 'cos, as I found to my cost,
Trevor Harris it. Hey presto! It resets. printer and LPR1NT111
Interlace. How do I send the it causes a voltage
Are you sure you're not discharge that can cause
ESC codes to operate the
colour blind? No, cl My Spectrum has the printer? expensive damage. Either
seriously there are two brown XK system fitted to it allow a lapse of several
Jack Colbourne, Cornwall
variable resistors inside the and I'm now having trouble seconds or, even better,

Spectrum issue 2 that can be loading games like incorporate a switch
Knightiore and Atic Atac. between the transformer
adjusted to give the correct and set.
red/green balance. Try Where can I get a loading
device that'll solve this HP Macdonald, Devon

twiddling with the lower one
and that should sort you Out_ problem?
Reg Crawley, Hitchin : T h a n k s HP. It's always a

c? I've got Termel software : switch
l as it's a lot cheaper
from Modem House and
•Er than having your Speccy

I'm connected up to from i
a • the place you repaired should it go wrong
Easylink so I can send purchased your XK system — f
'cos of voltage discharge.
•t g
- a
o 71
il o
% k
all Mike Hammer, call
E Sam Spade.... but when
T you want the best you
E call me — Jake Monkey-
Wrench. I tool around
and get the job done.
T The voice on the
I phone said, ''Jake, rve
Vgot a problem. I'm the Ed." "That's
some problem." I agreed. Ignoring
Eme, he continued, "I want you to find
a cassette tape. It contains enough
evidence to send Mr Big down the
river for a very long time." Pausing
only to wonder why the Ed should
want to send a gangster on a boat
tour, I asked, "Tell me where I might
find it." "That's the problem," he told
me, It ' s hidden in a computer game!"
And so it was. I sat in my East Side
office, in front of a computer monitor,
the whole of New York to search and
I'd never have to leave the building.
Luckily the city was no stranger to me
— the same 3D view that seems to
turn up everywhere nowadays.
However, I was pleased to find that
could choose between upiclown,
right movement or rotation and
forward techniques. And what was
this — 10 On'? A neat touch means
that if I walk into an object the
computer can take control and guide
me past it.
10.32 pm: I'd found a gun andi was
going to need it. In the very next room
some hood began taking pot shots at
me but I was quick on the draw. I
transferred to the icon menu and
fired, filling him full of holes and he
faded away. No room to be trigger
happy though — the city may be a
jungle but not everyone's an animal.
Soon alter I'd plugged the punk
another slouched figure approached.
stopped but his speech bubble
appeared. But what did he mean by,
"I'll see you later"?
1.03 am: I'd lost count of how many
rooms and alleys my nicely animated
figure had trudged down, but there
were lots, filled with hazards of the
most unexpected types, like animated
suits of armour. Something strange
was afoot I'd had to use my wits to
push the furniture around and shift
Of all the objects and I wasn't sure I was getting
Spectrums in all anywhere. Then I met her t he dame.
the world, The Ed had warned me that there
Imagine's new were two sisters tied up in the case —
identical twins but while one was
game Movie had to
walk into ours. good, real good, the other was evil
incarnate! I hoped I'd made the right
Settle into your choice as I followed her. Perhaps she
back row seats, could lead me to the gang boss....
forget the Pearl 1.07 am: You win some, lose some.
and Deans and Like a kid, I'd followed her straight
read Gwyn
Hughes's review of
WAS into a trap. I'd dodged the bouncing
bombs, the suits of armour and the
dIFAIM11.1 low down rats who'd hoped to fill me
this gangsters and , full of lead. But I'd always been a
gumshoe mega- sucker for a frail and now I'd paid the
game. Play it, price. This game is as cool as a
Sam._ trench coat and as atmospheric as a
misty street. Here's looking at a VDU,
i l l ustr ati on: Da v i d E l l i ot t
10.48 pm: And in the naked city I don't feel clothed without some sort Of
11.59 pm; Down these machine code streets a sprite must go. a sprite who is
equalizer. Luckily there's a gun to be found near the office, and a few others
nor himself mean. You can never be too careful in the Big Apple but if the
carelessly lying around for when I run out of slugs don't shoot first chances are they're friendly.

HI wasn't so busy mth the

case I might try to solve Just an innocent citizen
the puzzle of the date -
You•re the magnum I want Well, here lam, trench coat going about his business
television sets and wind up - i s he? Maybe he
Just need to line myself up and hat brim pulled down gramophones together?
and lei the icons do the No time to survey the knows something that may Type in your greetings or
The game still ha$ a
rest, then the rod will lump prove useful as he questions and they'll
scenery though - I've got fantastic atmosphere
into my hand. to get that gal. wanders along the main appear here. If you're lucky
though. alley. you'll even get an answer.

guess these trench coats Here's a handy symbol. With a city this size you'll Talking is done in the
come equipped with four Choosing this function If you need time to ponder
spend most of your time in finest comic book style. a cryptic answer consult
pockets because that's picks things up - and it this default movement speech bubbles, so
how many Hems the doesn't take Philip your map - Of Mtn pour
mode. Now you know why choose this option to make yourself a slug of bourbon
Inventory indicator allows Marlowe to guess that its they call us 'flai-foot. The polite conversation
you to hold - this is the icon for you.
neighbour means. drop. walking sound makes me . Hold the front page I ' m
suspect that the gumshoe taking time oft
wears gumboots.

00.043 am: I felt like I was getting nowhere fast and it was giving me the bird.
Then I stumbled on a room with a heavily guarded door and knew that I must 00.54 am: By f owl was in need of a stiff drink but this guy didn't want to sit
down and pour me one. It was easy enough to sidestep this line of fire as
be onto something. The question was, what? Perhaps if I'd got a map. Hey, any
cartographers out there like to help a private eye who can't afford an A to Z7 entered the room, but then I'd have to waste him before he targettet1 me.

Ae a hard drinking private Luckily most of the

Strange to find so many
dick there's always the Anybody who thinks a underworld lackeys aren't
suits of armour scattered No time to listen to the
danger youll walk into a parrot Is just a leathered around, but avoid them exactly hot shots. though
music Just yet f a c t , no there are occasions when
door frame but use the IC echo, think again. Nally because collisions we music, but at least the luke you walk through a door to
option and your auto-pilot here may well give you a deadly. This one's very box here iiggies around
will save you from be greeted by a truly warm
clue how to pass through nastily placed, making like it was playing a Bill
embarrassing black eyes the door. welcome of accurately
your passage impossible. Haley platter. aimed lead

Throwing things can Suddenly everything went

sometimes shift the All ready for business. Providing you've Oth of ammunition? You
red I t was the end Somewhere I'd picked up a selected the gun this is the must have a punch like a
armour, though not In this That's what happens when brief case. As somebody fire icon, but ammunition
case. Perhaps you'd feel you select the Abed mule because your right
had asked me for the which appears above is hook can knock an
better if you threw a option, which is protected money, I wondered if this limited. You need to be Opponent into another
tantrum or plugged the with a double check is shore it was stashed_
parrot! pretty nifty to change back dimension
to movement, at times.

Game M ov i e
r • • • • • • • • • 1 0 Publisher I m a gi ne
r P i rri b i l try 111•1111•11111•MO Price £ 7 . 9 5
a the M o n e y • • • • • • • • • •
p Joystick
h ••••1111111111••0 k e m p a t o n , I nte r l a c e II
i T, oCp u
Rowr s—o Fir r e, S e c o n d Row — Up, T h i r d Row — Dow n, Bot t om Row
c (Al te r na te Ka y s ) — L e t t / R i g h t
e 7 3

1p z r
• Th is program comes with
five of the faberoony Wham?
mega-smashes stored in the
Mu sk Box's tune memory.
Don't ask me what their
squillions of fans would make
of a Speccy cover version of
Young Guns, though!
If you ever tire of the
Dynamic Duo's ditties you can
erase them and compose your
own, or key in tunes from
sheet music. This is what the
program's really about so
serious musicians or
Duranees need not be put off
by the Wham! label.
Besides the music editor,
with its easy method of
on-screen composition, this
program gives your Spectrum
an extra sound channel. That
means you can play two
different notes simultaneously,
for two part harmony or
simple chords. You'll want
some method of amplification
to get the most from this
program, as no software can
cure the innately feeble
Speccy beeper.
Once you've composed your
hit (or pinched someone
else's), you can save it to tape
or microdrive, complete with
the machine code routine that
plays it, as a block of code for
inclusion in your own W h a m ! M a k e it M us ic a l! You'll find Boma
programs. No mention is
knowledge ot music
made of the copyright
it you want longer notes n o t a t i o n may be helpful
situation on the inlay, though, than a quaver then use w h e n keying in a tune on
so I've no idea what'd happen Rests are shown as an more quavers. Two t h e editor. I say 'may'
if you wanted to use this 'R'. However there's no quavers give you a b e c a u s e the MUSE BO) There are always aught
music in a program for crotchet, four makes a u s e s an abbreviated quavers to the bar. You can
indication of sound effects write in other time
commercial resale. or even that the tune has minim, and so on. Try to s y s t e m at notation that'll
ended signatures - but the bar
Terry Bulfib's had a quick forget about semi-quavers, a n n o y real composers.
lines will be in the wrong
hack and informs us that there place.
is 4K of Basic inside, and Sharps are indicated,
more importantly, that the but hats are notated as
loading and saving of tunes is sharps of the note below. During replay, the effect
done in Basic. This means Sharps or flats are played on the longer notes is a
soil of Little Richard
that the microdrive Save and on the second keyboard
row. You can Only write in keyboard hammering - or
Load options will also work on what we flautists call
C moor.
other drives that use vibrato!
microdrive syntax, like the
Opus disk or Wafadrives. Notes for the two
What makes it all a doddle channels are shown in
The music scrolls
to use, and cancels all my different colours. They're
reminiscent of the Mad smoothly to the left Curing
previous quibbles is the easy Piano in Manic Miner - but editing or play. Back
editing. You can play in notes at least this keyboard's spacing causes an empty
by ear, seeing each key tuned screen to scroll in from the
you've pressed marked on
both the screen's piano To enter notes into the There ace tour Octaves, Youhave to key in the
keyboard and the stave, You'll score, you simply play ivhich is more than can be two channels separately,
hear it as well and by them in, using the bottom accommodated on the which means switching
backspacing you can remove rows of keys on the keyboard. so you have to between channels.
Spectrum as a piano switch tram one to
mistakes. You can go through another, losing your way
the score note by note, or fast on the keyboard in the
forward through it. Otherwise, process
lust play the tune, all the time
with a continual display on the
piano keyboard and staves.
Plus yo u can listen to the
sound of the notes. Wham! makes Waves!
Besides the organ like twin Everyone knows that the Spectrum has only a single. rather pathetic,
voices, you get a 'bass drum' sound channel, so how is it possible to play two channel music?
and three somewhat Consider, for comparison, a piano. Pressing two keys causes two
notes to sound, and unless you're tone deaf, you hear them as two
programmable sound effects separate notes.
based on white noise. You Your eardrum is vibrated by a waveform made up of a combination
can also alter the playing of the two original notes. The peaks and troughs of all three individual
speed. What you can't do is vibrations mix together in the air, cancelling Out or augmenting each
obtain a printout of the other, until a complex series of high and low pressure waves is
musical score — but since the formed. You only hear this waveform as two separate notes because
the human brain is equipped to unravel complex waveforms into their
notation is so weird, you won't component parts.
want to.
What the Music Box software does is to compare ti:s waveforms of
First they gave the two separate notes in software, before sending then, •hrough the
programmers the pop star single output channel. By vibrating the Beeper in a complex
treatment, now the customers waveform, the program imitates what would happen to separate itotes FAX BOX
get to be pop stars. I hope all mixing in the air. The effect upon the ear is similar to that of playing Title Wham! The Music Box
the two notes.
this music doesn't lead you to Pubasher Melbourne House
throw your TV Out the hotel P E9.95
window. ,


° 4 4 4 C IS IC LA 4 4 4 WAN A NAN C 4 1 3 4 4 3 4

S 01.
D. 9 0


is extra information available day or night whilst television With the Volex Adaptor it is possible to send received pages to
transmitters are on air and without any charge and can now be your printer or to Microdrive for storage and later recovery.
enjoyed without the need of having a special TeletextT.V.set. All
you need is to plug in yourVOLEXTTX2000S Adaptor to receive
4-Tel from Channel 4, CEEFAX orORACLEservices. THEVOLD( 1IX2000S
is the name for computer programs which are broadcast as
Teletext. Thus they may be loaded "OFF-AIR" into your Spectrum
Simply mile out yuur order and post to
instead of being loaded from, say, tape or microdrive. 4-Tel is VOLD< ELECTRONICS, STOWELL TECHNICAL PARK,
Channel Fours Teletext magazine and they are now broadcasting ECCLES NEW ROAD. SALFORD, M5 2)(1-I. TEL 061-736 5822.
FREEtelesoftware. Because of the special nature of teletext these I enclose cheque/PO. payable to VOLD( ELECTRONICS
programs are frequently updated—so you will not see the same OR charge my ACCESS/BARCLAYCARDNISA number
thing each time you run the program. EMEMIEME1111111111111•Ell
As simple procedure tunes the VOLD( Adaptor to your local
teletext channels. All loading of Telesoftware is via an index page
on 4-Tel which the Adaptor will automatically find and display for VOLEX
you. Absolutely no modification is necessary to TV. or computer. ELECTRONICS
Acomprehensive manual being supplied_

%o k
• t
T k•A
Dopou keep suffering ?Doti) bp misanenture? Elle Orin( to p e r Ns
the skeleton kep to all pour games. j u s t bop itm a tine at Death's
I Door,22§5, 14 Zathbone Vine, lonbonW I P 1DC.
First through Death's Door this guisher, take this down the with Luxor, Morkin or Tarithel.
month is !Alan Green of Preston
gone and kissed the snake in
chimney and put the fire out. If Rothron can do it if he uses the Colossal Cave and I've got to
who's stuck fast in his Pyjama- you don't want to be flattened by Runes of Finorn. Thanks Cohn, snatch them away from the land
ramas. "Please help me!" he cries,
"How do)you get to climb the
a large ball take the square key I'm sure there's enough clues of the living. Oh goody!
that opens the billiard room. there to last a lifetime.
rope in the conveyor belt room?" 6. To stop the man-eating My heart bleeds for Mr .1 IONGSOFTHECASTLE.
help you?,Let me tell you that
And you really think I'm gonna plants, fill the bucket at the bath- Weston from Wiltshire who's hav- Pypimarama, Doomdark's Revenge.
room tap and place it near the BP ing loads of problems with Never- Lords of Midnight
many a proud adventurer has can. ending Story. "How do you get Cohn Read, 80 Beech Gardens. Rain.

sentence s
ended up facing the death 7. Once you've opened the box past Morro in the Swamps of Sad- ford, Si Helens, Merseyside WA I I
in trying to solve this 8DN
in the kitchen with the box key, ness?" he cries! I don't think you
game. Okay, I take pity on you — take the magnet and return to the should even bother to do so — the Forest on Worlds End, Red Moon,

, Colin Read.
just this once — and refer you to
Castle King,
moon where you left the raygun.
Go next door and jump at the
only thing Morla's good for, as far
as I can see, is giving advice. You
Emerald Isle, Twin Kingdom Valley,
The Hobbit, Pyjamarama, Sub-Sunk,
Urban Upstart
writing in blood!" says lock, swop the magnet for the certainly don't need to get past Kevin McIntosh, 419 Great Western
Cohn, t o offer help to your loyal clock key and return home to him to get into the second game. Road, Aberdeen AB1 6N.1
subjects. I've got heaps of clues Wally's bedroom where you'll find And make sure you don't go
for Pyjamarama. . the alarm clock. l'hen comes walking in the swamp with Artax, The Hobbit, l'elnors Lair, Sherlock.
I Playing through all the November 5 th ...." Gremlins
unless of course you want to pay Ian MacMillan. 276 Kiveton Lane.
screens in the video gamesroom Well, how's that for a list of me a visit!
Kiveton Park, Rotherham, S Yorks
will gain you an extra life. timely tips! If you want to escape Richard Weaver from Ply- 531 8NL.
2. When attempting to get the my evil clutches. Alan, write to mouth writes in with some tips for
box key make sure that 'Help' is
switched 'On' — then you'll be
Cohn at the address in the Kings The Hobbit — yes, people are still ONMEMDEATHBEDS.
Of The Castle. I'm sure he'll help having problems. 'To get out of Pylamarama — How do I climb the
able to get onto the tea box. you but do remember to enclose the dungeon try attacking Morin"
an sae. rope in the room where the conveyor
3. The raygun can only be That's a move that'll have you out belt is? How do you smash the glass in
loaded in the billiard room and Colin's got even more clues for of the dungeon, out of the game the room with lights and numbers
you'll need the power pack to do that brill game Doorndark's and into my deathly den before underneath? Help!!!
it. You must then leave it on the Revenge. Maybe he's after the title you can say 'meat cleaver'. Richard A D Green, 56 Thurnham Road,
moon. of 'El Supremo'! Larches, Preston, Lancashire
is also having a few problems with
4. To get the crash helmet, first 1. Remember if Morkin uses the bulbous eyes. The answer is to Neverending Story — Help!
use the driving licence to get the the Crown of Carudrium, Luxor 'Wait' twice before moving. J Weston, Westwinds, The Ley, Boa,
ignition keys. Once in the con- and all his armies are summoned Wiltshire
Well, that's it for this month.
veyor belt room, jump via the to Morkin's present spot. I've really enjoyed reading all Aural Quest — I'm stuck in Australial
rope Onto the bannister to collect 2. If Tarithel uses the spell of your letters, especially the pleas Stewart Kinnen, 34 Broadlie Drive,
your prize. Glasgow G I 3 3AP
Mangorn, she'll be taken to for help, I just can't get enough,
5. To gain access to the billiard Morkin too. though. Keep those hints'n'tips Gremlins — I've had quite a hit of
room, take the hammer out of the 3. If any other character uses its success, but how do you finish the
flowing in — after all somebody's game?
toilet — you'll need the penny to own weapon its energy and gotta help those poor lost souls
get in — and put it in the lift. despondency levels are fully res- and it sure as hell ain't gonna be Jason Morrison, 151 Princess Way,
You'll then get the fire extin- Portadown, Co Arrnagh, N Ireland
tored, though this doesn't work me. Oh, I must dash some idiot's BT63 5EL

THE SNOW QUEEN Snow Queen, a cross between BEATLE QUEST The aim of the game is to
A top of the morning to yers Marilyn Monroe and a deep Hey man e r l i k e collect as many original
all. Well, I've been hearing the freeze. Gerda must sally forth, this is quite a groovy number, artefacts as possible and return
oddest things concerning those what ho! and find her beloved. dig? Like, er, if you fancy the them to the start location.
young ladies who attend that who seems to have forgotten lyrics of John Lennon, sucking
illu trious school, St Brides. she exists. Sounds pretty trendy eh? You
a sugar cube, and digging the might enjoy the graphics and
Fir t they brought us The The Snow Queen comes in psychedelic sixties, then this the redefined character set but
Secret Of Si Brides, a quilled two parts but you'll need a trip is for you, maaan!
text adventure, and now Death almost ended up in the
password to play the second From the far-off future grave with the terminal hippy
(Gasp Gasp) the girls have game on the reverse side of you've made your way, via a hippy shakes. Steer clear
come up with The Snow the cassette. St Brides has provoking Fantasy Dome, unless you've got Beatles
Queen, a quilled graphics thoughtfully included a back to the Swinging Sixties
version of the Hans Christian corning out of your ears.
'dummy password' that'll and into an amazing advnture
Anderson fairy tale. enable you to have a stab at based on the lyrics of the
What d'you mean you don't the second game even when Beatles.
like fairy tales? This one's a you haven't finished the first. I know The Grim Reaper's
traditional blend of witches Although The Snow Queen as old as the hills but I had
and innocent young ladies. suffers from slowish response difficulty remembering half
Just like the ladies in St and rather limited vocabulary
Brides. the lyrics of some of the songs.
it's nicely written with some Unless you're an ageing hippy
Young Gerda has lost her long location descriptions and you may well have difficulty
true love Kay, who is held enough atmosphere to send a getting into this game.
under evil enchantment by the chill up your spine. Beatle Quest was written by
Gary Marsh again using The
FAX BOX Quill. But there're all sorts of FAX BOX
Game T h e Snow Queen funny little quirks — when the Game B e a t l e Quest
Publisher ....St Brides School program doesn't understand Publisher Number 9 Software
Price E 7 . 9 5 you it comes up with the Price E 9 . 9 5
response Goo Goo K'Joob(!)
from that well-known Lennon
M p h . • • • • 1 .0 O E M
P l ayab i ti l y
• . . . . 0 DO O M
5ml ditty. And trying to go in the
wrong direction gets you a
r r a p
i sVO W. l e
M M M •M M
• M• M
• E
1 . 0 DD O
OD —

I 1 1 L1
v ,
d U
'Hey! No way man!' L Me .f 1

c . : l
l 1 s •
4 1
d •
c 0
t r i • 77
i 1 c •
. 1
z t


ONLY E 3 9 . 9 5 i n c P&P
* NE W even faster loaning from cartridge.
a NE W optional saving al screen display.
a NE W copy lunotron for screen dumps to ZX printer.
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N o e Teas unot is inte nde d fo r s o ftw a r e owne r s to tr a ns fe r pr ogr a m s on t o T IME X 2214
moo °wove cartridges for Speed and ease of access. Programs saved using the
Sewage M ocrodriver a te unr e a da ble unless th e M icrodrover is DreS enl. WITHPAINTERS T T CAN'COP' GAPPHICS),
N ow e v e itoble ' K I M y our loc a l c om pute r s tov e o f i n c a s e o f diffi c ulty or de r
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I I = M B I I = E N I = I = = I N M M O O M M O O M EllE . . . . . . . Y MB MN I M M I ..1 111.1 S E M EI
n ros Poo 1 Cea a m s . ? rer w a n e
Aldo r Nnor E d 0 M o n a r* P C M 1 0 1 7 lIes

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Lew Serge
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Cam &MI k b , Amoy NU
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475 7.15 JeI se motto S u l a m 525 tmfortattas tbrM
Mandm 1 7 1 Immact m ara Mosn i m L i l a M
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MPpm* C l e Two pISgemt• o usil L I A O 111 S w a m Mont C u a l COI MCiuraio S e a n Las SAGAEMPERORAlYBOARD C P I
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rIPrommParaded U M 4 1 11 e w e ledge Swy D e a n Tannopa I m a m 1.11 SPEC UONTWRITER 1 1 1 1
oI N M OM a s I t M o m s M oor C C P UN Impel t r e e . 111 - I lilt INOIDDRIVECAAIRIDGE D M
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M priceskoludepostage,packingandVATMean ordwstating, 1)ProgramRequired game tickgainesrequired)2)AmountEndasact3)NamesadAddress.4)Typoofamputee
*N U
Creditcardorderpleasestate alp date Nome • An d d r e s s N N
I. t



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NAME Send order to:

whatever. Switcha works while the program is


running — when you come back to it, it will
restart exactly where it left off. You can even
NEW the program in the current partition.
you do this, you'll have to re-connect Switcha

by entering:
The other two programs you had loaded
will have survived the NEW and you can
switch back to them! If you happen to run any
other routine that disables interrupts, this
RANDOMIZE should always restore Switcha,
Probably the only way to gel rid of Switcha is
the trusty old RANDOMIZE USR 0 — but
remember to save everything (don't forget
your inactive programs) before you do it!
You can't switch during I/O operations
such as cassette loading or microdrive
access but Switcha will be back the moment
they've finished. Switcha works with all
known peripherals (including those damn
Kempstons) but it might not be a good idea
to switch when, for example, a program is
driving a music box. In any event, Switcha
won't let you switch if an add-on has got its
own ROM where the Speccy's should be —
you'll just have to wait a few microseconds
and try again...


Of course. you rarely get something for
nothing in this world even if the Ed seems to
think so. So, what happens when you divide
a 481< machine into three pieces? You get
three 16K machines. Take away the memory
for the display and system variables and a bit
for Switcha and you're left with just under 8K
for each Switcha program. So Switcha only
lets you run small programs. This will be a
shock to many but not so much a problem for
those of us who had 161< Spectrums or
ZX81s in the past.
You can't use Switcha with any program
that uses interrupts without modifying ii first
4 ,.•••
• • • • •.• • • . . n fl
. . , ". . , M 1 1 • • • • , • . • •
• ••••••••••
• ••••••• . • •
and you can't use it with commercial
•••1 •••••
% M r _ Ad b
programs — well, I can't think of any that
= would work. However, you can run a
o 1; o
4 machine code program in a partition
1 4,
A4 provided it loads below address 32053. Go
. V• on, reassemble that 4K Space Invaders you
;O wrote years ago! A Basic program that uses
le a machine code subroutine will work if it
. installs it by looking at the value of RAMTOP,
Ever felt you need 1 a spare Speccy to save you from
1 lowering it and loading its code at the new
d RAMTOR Those that waltz in and plonk their
all that SAVEing and LOADing? Save your money — Max
code at 65000 or thereabouts should be
Phillips lets you run three programs at once with
1 easily adapted.
Switcha has all sorts of possibilities. What
Roll up. roll up, see amazing feats never main program and so on. It's brilliant for Blue
Peter demonstrations — here's one I wrote about a program that looked at the saved
before attempted on a Spectrum. Yes, ladies
earlier and so on. Switcha isn't really multi- programs in either partition? You could stop
and gentleman, I'm not just going to saw your a program at any point and then get the next
Spectrum in half but into thirds and then load tasking — the three partitions don't actually program to look at its variables, alter their
and run a program in each of the pieces! Yes run at once (the Speccy ain't quick as it is). contents, change the display or whatever. To
sir, yes you, would you mind lending me your But what it does give you, if you want the do this, just calculate a couple of addresses:
machine a moment? Of course you'll get it technospeak, is interruptability or context-
back in one piece! switching. LET nextoff—PEEK 65014+PEEK
Well not quite. What I am going to do is So nip off for a moment and type in and 65015.256-16384
give you a machine code utility that divides save the Basic Loader. Next, get the Switcha LET lastoff.-49152-nextoff
your 481< memory into three 16K chunks and code into memory using either the hex loader
lets you switch at any time between them. or by assembling the source code with your POKE X-i-nextoff is equivalent to POKE X on
Each 'partition' is a fully working Spectrum so own assembler. This should be saved just a standard Soeccy but the POKE will affect
you can have three programs loaded at once after the Basic Loader on your tape or onto the partition that will be switched in next.
and can edit and run them as normal. At any the same microdrive cartridge. Similarly, POKE X-Hastoff is the same as
time, pressing Symbol-Shift and Space will To start. LO AD POKE X only it affects the partition just
put the current program away and switch to message
— with instructions while the code switched out_ So, for example, POKE
the next one. loads 23609-1-lastolf,100 would set the key beep on
Y o uthen
and ' l lSwitches flashy green or
. border
This trick is nicked from business blue while it installs itself. The the program just switched out to 100. By
machines where people might want to flit s e finishes
program e with 0 OK, 70:1 and returns using a lower Ramtop with Switcha, you
between a database, a word processor and. a
you to Basic as normal_ Just to convince could even create a data buffer where three
don't tell the boss, a Space Invaders. Of yourself
b r it'si working, enter CLS:PRINT different programs could exchange
"Partition information with each other. Suppose your
course, they do have a bit more memory to e f 1". Now press Symbol-Shift and
play with — half a megabyte or so — and Space -- the border flashes and you'll get database program could read the results just
they do have more formal operating systems another copy of the 'OK' message. Enter produced by your calculator program!
so that it's possible to switch between almost CLS:PRINTI-lere's number 2", press And if you're feeling ambitious, there's a
any group of programs. Symbol-Shift/Space and you'll get the third hundred different things you could do to
Switcha for the Spectrum is more limited partition. Enter CLS:PRINT"And here's the Switcha. The actual switching is a bit bonng
but it's not just a pretty lace. It's great for other one''. Now by repeatedly pressing —the nicest way to do it would be to scroll
messing about with — you can have several Symbol-Shift/Space, you'll flick through the the current screen off as the next one scrolls
versions of the program you're writing on partitions. Convinced? on o r you could clo a configurable Swifche
hand and you can doodle new routines and You can LOAD a program into the current that lets you have two or three partitions
make calculations without disturbing your partition as normal and edit it or RUN it or each with different sizes. Over to youl PP.

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,w B . 1 1
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I 6384 12766 49152 65535

ZBOStack 780Stack Z80 Stack

Saved SP

Saved SP
voth registers with registers

Active Part/don Saved Partitions

Switcha divides memory into three Interrupt register holds FEh and there's a snapshots the current partition and
partitions — the current one is a standard table of vectors from FE0Oh to FF00h, exchanges It for one of the two saved
16K Spectrum from l o c a t i o n s each byte being set to RM. At FDFDh, ones. The border colour is reset from the
- and the other two are at 32768 to &yacha stores a jump to its actual handler. system variable BORDCR. The 16-bit value
1 6 3 8 4 49152
and t o to 65535. Each partition is This is horribly cumbersome but it ensures EXBASE (address 65014) is the address of
a 'snapshot of a running 16K machine and that the interrupt works correctly no matter the partition to switch to next — by alter-
contains everything needed to restore it to what's stuck on the back of the Spectrum! nating it between 32768 and 49152, the
working order. There's a copy of Switcha in Next, it checks to see if the Spectrum three partitions are exchanged In sequence.
each partition so that when the 49162 to ROM is present and exits if it isn't This Switcha exits by jumping to location 38H
65535 partition is exchanged. the Switcha might cause a slight pause before so that the Spectrums normal interrupt
at 64842 is overwritten with itself and there- switching if the Interface 1 is fitted but it processing, updating the clock and reading
fore remains intact! means that ROM-based add-ons will never the keyboard. happens as normal. You
Interrupt mode 2 is used so that the cause a crash. Next Switcha checks for the could alter the exit jump to tack on an
routine is called fifty times a second; the Symbol-Shift/Space combination; if so, it interrupt routine of your own.

Basic Loader 15 CLE AR 3 2 0 5 3 40 P R I N T I P R I N T 8 P R I N T

2 0 BORDER 5 . P AP E R S i I N K Os C ANDOMISE US R 6 4 8 4 2
S ave thi s a t the s ta r t of your S w i tc ha
t a pe w i th S AV E "S w i t c ha " LI NE 1 0 . All LB 1 P R I N T A T 4 , 6 8 " I n e t a l l i n g Elw ' c o n n e c t s a f t e r NE W w i t h
you r eal l y ne e d to s ta r t S w f t c h a ar e the i t c h a " i P L D T 4 4 , 1 3 2 1 DRAW 1 5 2 , 0 s na c ti v e pa r t i t i ons i n t a c t . "
CLEAR, LO AD a nd RANDO MI ZE c om m a nds DRAW 0 , 1 6 3 DRAW - 1 5 2 , 0 8 DRAW 0 , 45 P R I N T 1 P R I N T
but this is m uch m or e civilised... -16 5 0 L O A D ""CO DE
30 P RI NT t P R I N T P R I N T 8 P R I 60 BORDER 7 e P AP E R 7 e I N K O s
10 REM S w i t c h a L o a d e r NT " S Y M B O L LB
11 RE M M a x , X m a s 8 5 - i tc he s t o n e x t p a r t i t i o n . '
w 70 RANDO MI ZE LIBR 6 4 9 4 2
S H I F T /
H e itLoa de r O PS PP2 0A CCLE6 "i ' P
RI oi r " E n t e r e a c h l i n TO 3 0
He r e 's the nasty bit — if you ha v e n't got an e o f he m s A d d r e s s 8 Oa
assem bl er , r un thi s and enter the hex 80 L E T mwVAL i a $ 1 1 . i i e 1 6 + V A L I l l
La 1 c he c k s um S p a c e s a r e o p t a B ( p + 1 ) . : L E T pni . . - 2
dum p to ge t the Sw i tcha code i nto
9 0 POKE a d o l L E T a dw a d+ 1
m em or y and the n save it l ust past the tona l 3
0INPUT L I N E a S s I F a l . . . ' T N 9 5 LE T z ...z .Hts I F 2 ) 2 5 5 THE N L
Basic Loa de r w i th SAVE "S W I TCHCO DE "
EN P R I N T " N ow S AV E i t ! ' . S TO P ET z z - 2 5 6
CODE 6 4 8 4 2 , 1 7 7 . Don't try r unni ng 40 LE T a d. V A L (a $ (1 ))8 8 1 6 0 2 5 6 +V 100 L E T i w a d 8 L E T j e j + 1 1 I F j < e
Sw i tcha fi rst be c a us e you c a n't save an
0 -AL i a S ( 2 / / . . 2 5 6 8 - V A L ( a S i 3 / ) 4 1 6 4 7 THE N G O TO 7 0
i nstal l abl e copy once i t's be e n i nstal l ed, if
you s o. w ha t I m ean. ,• L ( a 1 ( 4 / ) 105 I F a 5 1 p i w " " THE N L E T p e p s
5 0 I F ad>1. 1. 8 THE N P R I N T . P R I le G O TO 1 0 5
NT " H a v e y o u l o s t y o u r p l a c e ? " 110 L E T e l V A L i a 1 1 1 p i ) * 1 6 8
10 REM Hem L o a d e r 60 LE T 8 ) 3 1 L E T 1 . 0 1 L E T J w 0 s -e ( p s i ) 1 . I F ce<>a TH E N P R I N T " 0
12 CLE AR 3 2 0 5 3 70 I F • s ( p ) w " " A N D p ( L E N a * T ppV ,A L- t rry t h a t o n e a g a i n ! " 1 G O I
15 L E T 8 6 4 8 4 2 f L E T a w 1 0 0 L E T HEN L E T ;:ect-e-1 8 0 TO 7 0 0 30
1:8111 L E T c. . . 121 L E r El 13s1 L E T 7 5 I F p› . . LE N a 1 - 1 TH E N P R I N T 115 P R I N T a S : P O KE 2 3 6 9 2 , 2 5 5
141 L E T 4 . . 1 5 120 G O TO 3 0
F FD3 A 3 E 7 7 7 7 2 8 3 E C 3 7 7
Hex D um p I I E0 F D A A F9 7D 3A F8 70 4F ED 5B BC
A w hol e he a p of hex for you I f you'r e i F D 6 2 4 A 7D 2 1 4 A F D 0 1 8 5
1 02 E7 F 0 8 2 F6 FD 21 00 40 31 01 0 3 66
using the hes l oader gi ven her e, enter n FD6 A E D BO 3 9 7 F 3 2 7 C 5 C 07 68 F D 8 A FE IA 46 EB 70 CS 79 20 ID
each line as s how n bel ow — each one has k FD7 2 E D 47 E D 5 E C 9 F 5 3 A F8 6F F D C 2 01 12 EB 13 23 3E 04 03 49
an addr ess a nd a c he c k s um so m essi ng it y FD7A 7 0 A l 2 8 O C 3 C 3 2 F 8 70 38 F D C A FE CB 7C 28 E8 7A E6 40 F5
up is pr etty har d. FD8 2 2 0 18 3 2 F 8 F D 3 2 F 8 BD 46 F D D 2 F6 80 32 F7 FD 3A 48 5C 7A
00 0 0 F E F 3 2 0 0 8 3E 91 F D D A CS 3F CO 3F CS 3F 0 3 -FE EF
u FD9 2 7 F DB F E E 6 0 3 2 8 0 3
FDAA 2 1 0 0 F F 0 1 F D 0 0 7 1 2 9 B A Fl SD F D E 2 ED 78 F9 70 CI DI El Fl 42
' FD9 A 1 8 5 7 E S D 5 C S D D E S

F0 5 2 1 0 F C 7 1 2 8 3 E F D 7 7 2 8 9 5 FD AD F D E A 09 FD El DO El Cl DI El ES
v FDA2 E S 0 9 F 5 E S D 5 C S E D 73 92 F D F 2 Fl C3 38 00 00 CO FD 0 0 A9
Source Listing i d inc , 004-dh de c h l
i1 1 oc ip Id (I11),c
Thi s is the sour ce to Switch& — you can I d a , e n t e r MO D 2 5 6
assem bl e it with your ow n assem bl er End s de c M I Id (111),a
then save it with SAVE "SWITCHCODE" s de c h i
dj nz l o o p
CODE 6 4 8 4 2 , 1 7 7 . I f you m ake any bi g
changes, dr op the ORO addr ess a nd
d (N1 ) Id a, 0c5h
id i ni / s a
Ram top to m ake r oom — the vector ta bl e
fr om FOFITh to FFO O h ha te s bei ng a8elsvinersuptveCtorleis
over w r i tten! b PeiJPinstmctiento tender at FMK
dec h i
or g 6 4 8 4 2 Id a , e nte r DI V 256 I d cle,hook
hook 1 d h1,04.60Qh -I d ( 1 1 1 ) , a I d hl . hook
. 83
Id bc, 65535-hoo) pop a f Id a , 4
I di r Jr e x i t out ( O f a h ) , a
Copy Swftcha IJOGs into lowl6K. R e s t o r e registers/I exit Make the border green,

o4 1 t P us h 1 bi t 7 , h
Id a , I 2 7
pus h d e 1 ir z o o p
• I d ( 23676 ) , a
p u s h I nc 0 done the whole161(
Loop until
Adjust UDG pointer pus h i
x Id a , d

pus h i y
exx a nd 4 0 h
r I ca
pus h a f or 8 0 h
Id i ,a
m 2 pus h h i Id (exbase+1) ,a
r et pus h d e Switch the value of EXBASE
pus h ti c
Start interrupts & return to Basic.114th, Id l s p s a Y d a , (23624)
- sri a
pus h a f sr I a
Save the no registers 3 2 7 6 8 ) , s
Id e, (count-32768) sri a
a nd a i d a, (count-32760) out ( O f e h ) ,
Jr t , c h e c k e y Id c, a II
Restore the border colour.
n Gel the Ind count in C. i d sp , ( s p s a v - 3 2 7 6 8 )
t Are we initing?

" P oP c
e id deoexbase) pop de
i ncl a
r Id h1, 4000h pop h
Id (c ount-3 2 7 6 8 ), a
pop f

Jr n z o n o 4 i t Set up pointers for exchange. exx
II yes, go and do a copy PoP y
. Pt1 u u p Id a ,1 P op i x
Id ( c ount ) , a

o u t ( 04 eh ) ,
Id (c ount-1 6 3 8 4 ), a P op t i t
Make the border blue. P OP de
Kill the mit counter in all the partitions. pop h
I d a , (de )

c he c k e y I d a , ( 0 0 0 0 ) pop e 4
I d Li , i h i ) e :- :i t )p 3 8 h
cp O f 3 h
• de . hi
Jr n z , s k i p i t
id ( hi ) ,b Restore at the registers and exit via the normal interrupt
Check the Spectrum ROM is there. It not. return straight)! b i t .
Jr n z , dont ex b a se d a f b 0 0 h , O t Oh
Id a,7fh
id (de ) ,a c o u n t d e f b O f dh
in a,Ofeh
• de , h1 , spsaye d e f s 2
an d 3
I nc d e
Jr z , go4 i t e nd
i nt h i • A S
Data space. EXBASE= partition to switch next COUNT= init
Look for Symbol-Shift/Space and do a switch lilt's pressed, Exchange2bytes Just,copy up II were kitting. count (F0h to Marty SPSAV.• space for stadi pointer.

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In all U.K. with
attitude" AUG 85,
While-u-Walt repairs! R E p A I R S t o
advice and a helpful
with INTERNATIONAL repair servicel FOR HONESTY - We let you
watch your compu r being repaired and if there
to charge LOW PRICES for the smaller repairs! is nothing wrong with it. we will tell you!!!
(e.g.E9 for keyboard faults) THIS IS WHY Spectrum users from London. Cornwall.
FOR SPEED - One firm at least can effect any Scotland. Birmingham. Liverpool. Coventry. Leicester,
necessary repairs over the counter in 45 Glossop. LO.M., etc. AUSTRALIA. AUSTRIA, BELGIUM.
minutes. Based in Manchester. MANCOMP can EGYPT EIRE, GERMANY. HOLLAND. KuwArr, NORWAY
offer what is arguably the FASTEST turnaround PAKISTAN. PAPUA NEW GUINEA, SAUDI ARABIA.
in the business to personal callers" CRASH SWEDEN. SWITZERLAND and ZIMBABWE - send their
Magazine JUNE 1985. Spectrums to MANCOMP for repalrl
y it to MANCOMP, who fixed it in 8 minutes! EXTRA-SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR EDUC INST,
and for less than £10! They are local, *clued up H.M. FORCES. CHARITIES, HOSPITALS. ETC!
S p e c t r u m
and blindingly efficientr 4 HEATONS DIGEST.
b l e w W H Y D E L A Y ? For FREE no-obligation estimate PHONE OR
rcome e across
c ea firm
n that will be more than willing PAANCAMIP FOR TH E FASTEST
tot advise
l y you . as to how to remedy your problems. AND CHEAPEST REPAIR
They are called MANCOMP and as well as SERVICE AROUNDI

repairing faulty Spectrums, are also quite M A N C O M P LTD

willing to discuss your problems with you (Dept. vsase ) mom.
and offer reasonably cheap and more Priritworks Lane.Levenshulme,
Importantly CORRECT CURES" Phil Rogers Manchester M 1 9 3JP
POPULAR COMPUTING WEEKLY JAN 85. P h o n e 061.22-41888
41pFOR PROFESSIONALISM - "Of all the repair O Pe N T O
companies 'Sinclair User' spoke to, MANCOMP W E AL-50RIAIRAPPLES.1.13Ms,
seemed the MOST PROFESSIONAL when it came i
N - S A T 9 A m t O
\'t LANE

p m M e is choke
Outputsbest A andassays
inte rn enelyticel if,abwNis*
I grapits
Prinisteem tom comparison
CI O C15 C20
Assentsend pints reverseveryweek
R i t i
TeetsMI KC011111o1reedoseekgamesend
10 3.80 4.00 4.15
4IS A Better Deal from Micro-World
20 7.00 7.20 7.35 7.50
cuip matches betweenmmeMeganteems. 50 15.00 15.20 8 15.35 15 50
Pmenetiortniegarion won.n dICenheEusedP
Iron 5 - IOU
) N27 00 28.00 2900
meson to meson.) 29,00
C U V E T TFully inclusive
Easyto um. motor beginners
I IC.0.0. 659 atira)
Give emir mount ni predictor's if 'squired
Ful backsipservice 5 POWER SUPPLIES (Spectrum/Plus/ZX81) 10.95
53 wins 034 thociendstreceived byauthor so KEYBOARD - REPLACEMENT
Inv 1 t 14 00 inc. PLASTIC CASE
10FOR 111

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Fatima 1Item tom ALL OTHER FAULTS 17.95
- - M Computer r club' t ISIICTRUM ONLY]
ara•sttatetts have n id e "- Mr 0.1.8 " FITTED SEND EONDETAILS'
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Nokia* SAGA EMPEROR ONE inc. fi tting 39.95
rw woul
s .dkka taco militate aoufla raw D US NOW 007831 595034
a wawa - it c i 'ale thong th•so dors" S CHURCHWARD AVE, 1648K UPGRADE (12 months Warranty) 25.95
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r'Thula gewAft clam atryperteassiumatandmat :
Anne* a m vere utiafikd with a'• M s ti
D 17.95
ma ny touse predictor. by tie same author. log
e RAI Recoupmeson.
Ifenowiedge et racing remeg.d. I
Spectrum/plus • Prices fully inclusive of VAT & Return P&P
inpputmdernotion tram any11/01ynostiporar. C19.95
o d iii 00 Mew adverting'endpound Spectrum
S KI8 faults £12.95
u los 31 &nub cousin interlace 1 & 2 • 48hr turn round on most machines
Sle i ttam h i n g re o p e n is 1111•00111111-014ara. C64Nic K 2 0 f r o m £14.95 £12.95 • 3 months warranty on repairs
a moorsvan ot upto 330 BrandSnew Spectrum
Asky tot power supply units C9 95 • Send SPECTRUM ONLY suitably packed clearly stating
LBRITISHPOOLS @ I 1_95 fault, your name & address, cheque or postal order to:
Above prices include parts.
post & packing. All repairs are
tFLATRACAIG @ f 11.95
guaranteed 3 m onth
o den for &everyCheques, Pee payee*
toaRINAREST, et amp
s in or phone for more
Micro-World Computers (YS)
ArzmiturocardIMpollreard Maw details. 25 Hill Top Road Sl atthw al l e Hudder sfi el d HD7 SES
t .
&M OWC10110/1•11 plum add Fl log p&p Tel ephone I Da y 1 0484-846117 ( E v e ni ng) 0484-845587
b 2 Welland Craft. Master SOOTHENaESSEX TEt 03702I 1006/1010 Manchester Road Li nthw al te Hudder sfi el d HD? 5 0 0
a OMNI OX6 860 52033615809 Open 9 to 5.30. 6 days
Apologia tor 48 Spoon= Botish Poohalso
t o u ri al i a 101 C0101110(10111 6 4

• Wa n t e d , Ponler for Spectrum In good
condibon C a sh given. Write to J Davies, 6
kepooch Street. Road', Cardiff.
• Wa n t e d . Spectrum Manual as Supplied

gvit -7 • • —• • • ,
with the early Spectrums entitled Ba sic
Programming by Steven Vickers, added b y
Robin Bardbeer, published b y Leagrave
Press. Good condition only. Sta le price
asked T e l 407091 6769t4 and a sk for

t* • Spectrum programmable koystick interface

with Ouickshot Il de-kixe roystice H a rd ly
used at all £ 2 5 Te l Ste e p le Mordern
652023 and ask for Jason after 4.15 pm
• Wa n t e d Issue I t o f Your Spectrum Will
pay E2 Dr swop h y effaue 1 and CI Se n d to
Guy Shahac 75 York Avenue, Fincrifield,
Wolverhampton WV3 R M .

t • Cassette recorder computer compatible 111C h e e t a h Spectrum plus instructione

Never used. St ill Boxed Ingersol XK 696. wanted, Cash or exchange software. Paul
Cost £40 - see for £25 Te l. 10611 790 Noonan, 75 Woodoew, Cimia. Nealh, W e i
Glamorgan SAl l 3 8 X,
• Mirage Micro driver Tra n sfe rs all

n Programs to microdeve with one press. Mire

condition R e a and guarantee E30 in c.
restage and packing. Te l (0772)22011
• z x onntor paper, four rolls - E7.50. Write
• D o Speccy owners over 24 still play
garrets on t h e m
to Alex Black, 4 Rockbum Drive, Clarkston, embarrassing
, I d o - write and reassure me

e Glasgow 0 7 8 7PE.
• 48K Spectrum for sale. Excellent
condition Complete with explanatory book
and Cassette. Bought toe £100 Willin g to sell
a nWells,
i t
d 14 Whilewaye Drive, Sheffield $4
n d
• Fe m a le Sp e ccy owner wanted to
correspond with wally computer freak aged
for £55 Writ e to Micheee Wynne, 21 f12-15_
a Write
i n to Dominic (male!) Bunn. 3

f Blealarn Road. Heaviley. Sloceport SKI

• Will swop Currah MicroSpeech plus demo
tape and manual for ZX printer (with some
l y Road, Ashmanhaugh, Wrexham,
Norwich NR12 t i n
• D e n pal approx 12 wanted to swop
games. P0 KEs and lip s I have over 120
paper it possibhel Pe a se ring Walsingharn games to swop and most of the latest titles.
285 after 4 and a sk for Simon.
Jacob Lomax. 10 Moss Deice Lane.
• Transform professional keyboard lo t sale Aughion, N r Ormsturk, Lance L39 5 0 1
A high quality product £ 5 0 Te l Holyhead • a m a 13 year old boy and like to play
• Dale' Electronics sound sampler. In any so n of games. Would like pen pal, boy
or gul Contact Henrik Bromley, I Monroe
perfect condition Ha rd ly used. Will sell tor Drive, London s w i a 7AR.
only £ 4 0 . Once only bargain Te l. Ch ris on • En g lish pen pal, male/female, wanted
(0785) 43640,
• For sele ZX Interface I. Boxed with manual 414-17) to swop programming tips
(Basfcim c) and homemade programs. Haig'
and leads £30 ono. Te l. 01-886 8036 after
6 30 and ask for Ronan Happorison, Ellondulakki it . 1019 Reylearik,
• ZX printer parts for sale arid a be of
• P e n pal wanted to swop games hints
Parer. Te l. Luton K i t 102 and ask for
Freddie. and tips. Writ e to Raymond Frede. Ode
Battens g 42. 68100 Xestirehamn, Sweden
• 48K Spectrum + Interface 1 plus • I ' m a ten-year-old boy who would like a
microdrive, Kempsion Interlace and male pen pal to Swop tips and games Se n d
Quickshot 2 plus light pen £ 2 0 0 of games. a sae to Steven Mann, Church Farm, Little
50 computer magazines including Your Eversden C o m b s C113 7 H0
Spectrum end Crash. 12 microdrive
• Sp o c c y owner. 14, wants a pen pal to
cartridges plus reset button plus five books Swop games and tip s with. I have over 200
worth C500 -- se ll for £300. Te l. Flimwell games Ple a se write to Mikael Severn,
535 arid ask for M a ll after 8 Svangalan 8 0 , 5-803 59 Ga vle Sweden.
• L o n e ly male hacker needs Semite pen
W A N T E D Pal. M y interests include; Spectrums, Rugby,
Soccer, gels. Please write to Andrew H , 34
• Wa n t e d - educational software.
Abbot Croft, Westhoughton Bonon, Greater
especially WevIdivise, Countries Of The Manchester BLS 2 ET
World, M a p Of The U K. Geography etc. Tat. • Wa n t e d , pen pal for POKEs, hacking,
t03851 719768 and ask for M rs L Murphy Mc Bo y o f girl age 12 to 13 Writ e to Simon
• Wa n t e d MCoder I ll or VS M egaBasic
Where's da cash then? Da boys and I have given you a Will swop lo t any three of Fruit 2000.
Grey. 4 9 Chapel Street, Newhaven, Susses
6119 901)
month to think about it and now we've come to collect our Flatting, Minber. Gla ss. Dambusters.
• W e t no la d ie s'
Technician T d o r Sko o i Daze Te l (0970)
protection money. Dat's right — the money you pay us to 81680 afier flpm and in k for Neil.
, I a m males, remises, letters.
o l inland or overseas, sane of loony
protect your copy of Your Sinclair and poisonally deliver it • H a v e much hardware, utilities for swop d
write now D a ve Burns, 46 Old Heath,
( 3 0
to your door every month. £15 is all it takes to put you in Inckiteng SottROM Alphacom printer Swo p
for keyboard, large printer + interesting
Heathgates, Shrews. Shropshire
the Family way, though dis is one Godfather who ain't peripherals. Send your list for mine. Please )
attending no christenings! write to N Oughton, Lower Rye Farm, MESSAG ES,
a n d
Morelon-InMarsh Glo s
• Wa n t e d - Understanding Your
C LU B S &
l o r
Spectrum b y Dr Ian Logan. Tel. (0765)

I m m m NEI m a n ow i m M M M M M m e mil • F o r sale! VS issues 4, 8 . 7, 8, 9, 10 and

• Wa n t e d ; Nightshade. Will swop for Gif t
SUBSCRIPTIONS: From The Gods and Softaic Orig in a ls only
Must live near Rochdale Te l. (0706)848736
II_ All In excellent condition - M a rs please
to J Freeman, 29 Ferndale Road.
and ask for Paul. Summersdale. Chichester, W Sussex P0 1 9
1 PRIORITY ORDER FORM • H e lp ! Has anyone got a circuit diagram
or oonstruction details for an R5232 to
• Sp e ct ru m owners l o r e ' Do you want
• I would like to subscribe to Your Sinclair. Please start my Centronics convenor for either Spectrum Of to learn machine code easay? It so then
OL, Please phone M ick on (0268) 417861, send an sae to P Davies. Victoria Inn,
subscription from the i s s u e . 111Wa llo r d printer interlace with cable and Bradwea Village, Milton Keynes, Bu cks
MK13 9 A0
software, newt E25 ono. AGF Protocol 4 joy
stick mterface A cards £15 ono Te l. Havant • F o r Sale, Yo u r Spectrum issues 3, 4, 5,
I u O n e year EIS UK and Eke (Hants) 453299 6, 7, 8 . 9 and 10. Offers please to Paul
• S w o p any two of Chequered Flag, Wells, 14 Whiteways Drive, Sheffield S4 BET
I 0 O n e year E20 Europe Survival or Make A Chip for one of Jet Set • 4 8 e User is a great Spectrum review
l• ID O n e year E25 Rest of known cosmos (please add 50p for Wily or An t Attack. Tel (0 2 2 4 ) 733842 and magazine F o r a copy of the most recent
ask for Richard edition. send SOp and a stamp to sca n
e1 u n k n o w n cosmos). • Sh a d o w Of The Unicorn. Thompson, 481< User Magazine, 40 Downe
a SorderonS Shadow - • a n y two wanted Will AVanua, Curthem. Kent IN14 7 0 X.
• I enclose my cheque/ postal order payable to Sportscene swop for The Darn Tower, electronic • S w o p hints tips and POKE' - also pay
s computerised adventure board game, Coat for VS back issues 2 3 . 4, 8, 7 and 11 Te l
• Specialist Press Ltd for t
e £38 new. Interested? Write to M Sm ith . 20 (0703) 735104 and a sk for Alan, Tuesday's
• Fl Please charge my Access/Visa/American Express/ Pinewood Avenue, Flanahavr Wakefield alter apm
t • Wa n t e d ! " Gu ll or Mustrator Can swop • Fa re w e ll Kay, Tea Raybobs Th e evil hag
Ii Mastercharge card number I for 100 programs Also want to swop other from the north has 'malty got her way
software Se n d letter o r tape Co Arian u d, goodbye you old fruit Eva n o vilch .
• (Del ete where applicable)
c I Linden, Narcisstraat 5, 2201 C O Noordwijk, • V T X user wishes to contact other
k 1 Holland. illu k:k answer guarameed! fanatics Ha ve user to user software, but
I Signature • H e lp ! I'm a 32 year old computer virgin have no inslruclions (downloaded it Ple a se
• (credit card orders cannot be accepted without a signature) I who got a Speccy + Alphacorn printer for write lo Paul &WW1... 89 Glenacre Road,
p Crente along with some drongo software. N Carbrain, Cumbernauld, Glasgow,
I I What I realty need are adventures. war Scotland 0137 2111. M BX 236724480.
1 Name I games and simulations. Also . • E v e r y back issue o l Your Spectrum on
r correspondence especially from nimble otter! What is your price? Contact Ian
I Address I young maidens So if you've got anything Carroll, 4 Trentbrooke Avenue, Hartlep001,
o you don't want send it to me I have arcade Cleveland 1525 5JN
Ip I games to swop (Th e rest of this teller is • F o r sale. I have every issue of VS All In
Ir I unprintable! Ed) Nev, 6 D e it y Street excellent condition. Including the map trom
Moseley. Astoo-U-Lyne. Teneside issue 2 . M e r e please on (0707) 329435 and
ask for Gavin
iI SSinclair
end the completed form with payment or credit card number to: Your I
Subs, 14, Rathbone Place, London WI P IDE. i f you don't want
• Wa n t e d Co p ie s of Minder and
Hypersports Will swop for Planet ot Death, • U n e m p lo ye d Users Group Al l Wits free;
I to cut up your magazine. use a photocopy of this coupon.
a I I Vegas Jackpot' and Jewels or Babylon. A l Software exchanges. legal advice and
tIII I I I originals Te l, 01-699 0838 and ask for Tom membership free too! Send sae to H a w n
after 5pre.
e m o t o n o n = m o o = mon o n m n o o = = = = = m m m m n i
86 Crewe Street. Derby 0 E3 8 0 P

b 9 1
L _ 1

* 6, 19
available direct for ES.95 £35.95 S P E C - M A T E 1 3 5 . 9 5

• y
seeraJ o ntscreenlinstmcbons • airbrush (with features and combinations
Automatic one touch transfer to
h • Microdrive compatible
fill yi ° w t th Tape version L5.95 p l u s * M i C R O D R I VE * W A F E R D R I V E *B ET A - D 1 SC
t or load your own favourite UDCs us Cartridge E 7 . 9 5 4 0 p P+P
•l text insertf at pixel lines • stipple effects ONLY AVAILABLE * T A P E * TAPE DOUBLE-SPEED * O PU S losebelow)
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h merging • er e mocks (instant) • Fast and eas to use • CountiCountlessF
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t and speeds • tape and miciriw
Black Mountain Software. 1. EXPANSION PORT INCLUDED (you can
screen load/we ...and comities' P.O.Box 207, Mumbles.Swansea
combi enati on' of your choice. SA3 4DW. keep SPEC-MATE attached if you want but
t you do not have to).
At last an Ar t System at a realistic price!

r DI SCOUNTS be used as save-game opt.).
u Monthly handbooks for SPECTRUM
TNG6d611 GT
comkuum 00001,
l 7706.1TWOOD . . . . . . _ .... .1GNP
d owners. Hundreds of game playing CASE.

Grw w
e tips i n each edition, plus
,C N C
R S a
tlynompoorrs T A ; competitions and special software

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56767766 a Handbook E L S °
. W) T hl E 515061
7 - . G I G 4

w o r r y O N TNT NUN G 70
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Spectrum Games
•G INA t S T IC aSp ill? . . . . . . . . . 6 1 0
I5 2
s G P O
FOGIGNATC01 d. . - • • • • 7 i n 3 , 0 Adventurers Handbook 1 1 1 0 software required charged at £2. Please contact us for details)
1 s . 1 1 3 T O
Orders to:
Send cheque or P.O. to:
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I1 1 1 1
0 i 1338 Ashton Old Road 35 VILLA ROAD, LONDON SW9 7NY
TEURENIO STAIDTPINI4411 INT N IL 0003 M IS T) Higher Openehew
M s MANCHESTER M11 1JG Information: Tel: 01-733 6175 or send s.a.e.
S n
.,7 e TEL: 0 6 1 56 Fully inc. price: E35.95 (Opus E37.95) Overseas:
6 s
I e , Europe +f..2 Others+ E4)
IN y
0 s 370

1 h 5 6 6
6 P R E M I E R L E A G U E and
We d expertly repair Spectrums for C l 7

inclusive of parts and labour and return
Spectrums upgraded 4 8 K for f 34.

a Training, Team Selection, Substitutes, Half-Time Scores, Full
R.A. ELECTRONICS Squad Details, Named Goal Scorers, Team Styles, Save Game,
133 London Road Financial Problems, Five-skill Levels, PLUS MANY, MANY MORE.
s South Lowe s toft, Suffolk EUROPEAN TROPHY
t Tel: ( 0 5 0 2 ) 6 6 2 8 9

i THESE GENUINE FEATURES: Home & Away Legs, Away Goals
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Match Penalties, PLUS MANY, MANY MORE!
C * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
r The essential Microdrive utility. Transfer your PREMIER LEAGUE winning side into EUROPEAN
• Find, e load, repair and rewrite bad sectors, a nd hence TROPHY
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
loadsdamaged files • Full status reports pinpoint faults
quickly • Monitor-type s e c tor e diting • Full printe r
support d 0 " Fi l te r da ta " option for TasworO T w o files Both these quality games use the Full Memory of your Spectrum
and can be played separately or as companies games – STOP
• Separatee program makes corrupted BASIC programs SPECTATING – S TART MANAGI NG.
editable n • O nl y E6.95
Both ga m e s ar e available b y MAI L O RDE R O NLY a t t he
Spectrum t 48k or Plus, Fast mail order (UK postfree, Europa add E l , UNBEATABLE VALUE of f 5.25 each or send SAE for full details.
overseas u add £2 airmeill with s e v e n SPECIAL T W I N PRESENTATI ON P ACK O F BO TH G AME S
computer s shops end Micronet (dealers phone FAR Distribution on 0977 AVAI LABLE AT ONLY ['BBB
-da y " m
7955441. e C-Doc o nupgrade e y £2 Price includes postage & packing (add C1, 00 outside UK).
g u a r
b. ar c k
a n t e
0 ( fp l e STARS a s e
Seven Stars Publishing, Dept S.
34 Squirrel Rise. Marlow. E at J SOFTWARE (Room2)
nr e o t u rt n Bucks SL7 3PN. Tel : 0 6 2 8 4 3 4 4 5
( s t 34 Lordship Road, Cheshunt, Harts EN? SDP
ac t anu s t s i e t t a t i
a y
t o r
o n l y )
SPECIAL S p e c t r u m 1 6k/48k or +
FREE WATCH 'Incredibly frustrating!' • that's the verdict on
Cassette•50's FROGGER Satisfied users tell
OFFER... us its one of the most challenging you'll find
its almost as good as the arcade version!
CARGO his you trying desperately to
complete your helicopter mission under
attack. Plus 48 other tactical, logical and
adventure games featuring multi-coloured end
user-defined graphics, scrolling and full use of
the Spectrum sound capabilities.

1Moocher 1 9 Ski Ron 3 1 . Drageold

1 Ski Jima 1 9 Tanks 3 1 Specs Smirch
3 Basketball 1 0 Solar Ship 3 1 Interne
4, Hugger 2 1 I n Pins 3 9 . Nor
5, Breahoui 2 2 . Cers I t Yam s'
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9, Boggles 7 7 , Allen D i a m o n d s
CASSETTE 5 0 IS AVAILABLE ON 111. Alien Attack 2 8 . Cargo 4 5 . Gately Balance
including FR EE Wa tch and Postage II, Littler Landing 2 9 . The Race 4 1 . Cypher
OC H 3 A )8 ATARI DRAGON ELECTRON 11. Mate Ester 3 0 The Skull 4 7 - Jelmobile
13. Microns, 3 1 . Orbit 4 1 . Barrel Jump
IflOgti!) ORIC 111. Motorway a i . Munch 4 9 Attacker
15. Labyrinth 3 3 Bowls 5 0 . Space Mi nna
-Spectrum c o m m o d o r e 64 AMSTRAD 15 Skittles 3 4 Raiders
17. Race Track 3 5 Field

20 KEY, MULTI FUNCTI O N 1 Z A ,Vames a nd games ma y va ry foe each type of computer

• M N M M O M O O EM a m i m
CALCULATOR WAT CH - Postage FREE in U .K Ad d C l 0 0 for overseas rodent.
With e ve ry o rd e r Free wa tch and tripe will be despatched within 1 4 da ys.
for a Cassette 50 8 1 F R E E calculatorw
50 enclose ch e q u e .
postal e nte r l o t C
a s
m a d e payable to
c a d e Ga m e s L
• Normal 12 and c p iordraroogrO any Acor orikb by TeeNSC4St4 oGite MO 655 IOW

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24 hour time ?macaw Vtea use ear 24 haw service N a r a W i n
ê a
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Address COMMODORE64 alael OPIC BBC a s
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Cascade Ga me s Ltd 1 3 H a ywre C re sce nt
Harrogate N o rt h Yorkshire , HG1 5 8 0 . England,
Telephone 104211504663 Itsgarwse lieu 'neer 255554 j

U M W .• ma mma . 1 0 1 1 . 4 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 4 4 1 . 1 . 1 L . fl U . 2 4 4 . 0
r4 . e • .14 . C O W . S M . . fl j fl fl fl 4 1 1 1 1 .0 I
.,4 • 4 . 4 I N ,
010 y S i
U0 .•44 1. 4

. 1 4 . 4 V O W . *
wC a .y

. 4 . 1
•4 1 1 .
4 .
f t S
U I t
4 4 .
The Ba ck-U p u n it so ld wo rld wid e a n re comme nda tion a lone
M ICRODRIVE. N o w you C AN tra nsfe r t w o full 4 8 K progra ms onto a ca rtridge
areahad on r 1a.• - , ( 5
4 . 9
1 1Previous purcha se rs se nd f o r 0 0 7 N EWS le a fle t),
. .
. 6
WAFAD R I VE. Interface 0 0 7 1 . the ONLY unit wh ich ca n transfer even a genuine '
4 8 K program to a W e e . Othe rs lose one Byte l iPle a se order Wa te dnve ve rsion
as I nte rfa ce 0 0 7 W 0 ) . 1 your
sanity when
time, energy and
you load direct
i 1 I
r POKE or MESSAGES can be easily added in, (Reed 007 NEWS).

Does N OT re quire a ny a dditiona l softwa re , but if you purcha se a D isc syste m
later, a M odifie r ta pe ca n be supplie d FREE,
from Were cassette, this 1 1 /
month'sprprogram listings (as
1 1
O D I SC marked/
Can a lso co n ve rt ta pe s t o loa d a t one o f five se le cte d spe e ds
VeRryI use
V r frie ndly. Compre he nsive instructions include d N o t e tha t it doe s not og
Create your own collection of . . . l o i
. E ,
simply dump out comple te me mory, o n ly the progra m Byt e s a re Sa ve d out games and utilities which will i >
T r
a n
E 2 9 . 9 5 p o st fre e ra
prove invaluable for years to
come and will look superb A
. Ove rse a s posta ge ; Europe • E2 , e lse whe re + E4
s f
e r G A Bo b ke r
when m s ! own - !
libraryadded to your -7
s l
i g
29 Chatiderton Drive. Unswor th. Bury. Lam s BLS BNI
Te l 0 6 1 7 6 6 5 7 1 2 ld o n o t n h o n e w h e n St a rt re k is o n )
This uni-que service, provided
aby Deep in conjunction with
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0YOINtSIMLA is to increase the ..onrirmoannorm nontwolleimmonownom
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S O F T W A R E Decathlon and Owe for Knight Lore, also
over 50 recent teem to swag Writ e to Alex
• Swop Daley's Supenest or Starstrike for Lockwood 76 Woodside Green. South
or 007 Sp y or Tie Na No g . o r if you like . Norwood SE2 5 SEU. Te l. 01-656 3138.
direct two for tn e swop T e l Ga r y on Su lle n • Swop Alie n 6 for Nodes OT Yesod and
Elms 283342 after 6 thanks. Cyclone for Monty On The Run and TLL for
• Wanted Aka n 8 and Pa lly Driver for either
Super Gra n . Hustler. Un d e rwro t e or Reese
Fighting Warrior. WIN swop separately T e l
• incitey 55633 alter 4 pim and a sk for
That - must be boxed and complete. James. 11
• Have ten games to swop inc St ra n g e loop, • Swop White Lightning and Trig-a-
JSW, Kn ig h t Lore, Chequered Flag. Will Command jo yslick for Currah M icro Speech
swap three tor Wh it t Lightning and would or any good Sp e ccy software ii interested
like World Baseball, Nodes 01 Yesod and
Ekte T e l Rich a rd on Colchester 392043.
please ring Scunthorpe 720479 and a sk for
• Got 100-150 programs to swop. Eve ry • Will swop Ghostbusters, Knight Onver, 1
letter answered Writ e to C. Ttoperlu & K W M r Wimpy, Scram ble. Jaws, Robot et•o'g"
Cadelesr, Dr KE12IM Lakey sok., Zsrynep apt Root, W Of Firefop Mountain, Trashman, '
• C if t e h a vu zla r. Istanbul. Turkey. 131030 Scuba Dive, Alie n Attack lo t VTX 5000
The name is Tughan Demirbilett. PenpaIs
ale0 wanted!!
Modem Writ e to Jonathan Cooke 28 Percy
Rd, Hampton, Middx.
• M ! swop an original Tasword Two for an • Swop Bru ce Lee, Matchoomr,
original R o o t Daze or So r sa * * . Te l Akin Hunchback, and An t Attack for any Iwo 01
02136 2177, Bryn Gwyn, St Davide Road, Knight Lore. Sabeewutf. lin d e rwu id e Te l. Are you on the hunt for hardware,
C a e rn a rv o n G w y n e d d (0280) 812529 asking for MaL
• Hello UK! Swop new super games with • Glass, Du n Detach and m any more to searching for a software swop or
tee. I have 500 titles, Write to Dario Zeno, swop. M . Hooper, 30 Lieleheate Charlton.
Abylundsgatan I B. 58236, iin ko p in , London SE7 . pursuing a pen pal? Well look no longer -
Sweden. • Swop Re d Moon tor Emerald Isle. Paul
• Got all Ultimate M a n sio n , Nodes. Renfrew, I I Meiklebin, Brae, Lennoxtowe, put your message in VS and get your
Exploding Fist plus 180 more - swag for
Tappet, Dun Detach e t c. Write to Mike
Glasgow G65 76U
• I have over 500 games to swop. name in the mag for free!
Renshaw, 74 L a irs Street, Warrington, Guaranteed answer. EOM Ryan 3 2
Cheshire WAZ 7 1 4 . Te l. (0925) 58187. Ardpatrick Road, Dublin 7. Eire • I have over 500 titles to swap - titles in c. • For sale - two 1 M Byte Tendon disc
II Swop S t a r • Swop software - Nightshade etc., write Fainight. Torrormolinos, Pope ye and lots drives C a n be used with Beta d isc Interface
-Rac er s , s u r v i v e H u n te r K ,nee tot K n i g h t to Laurent Dire ick 2 6 Rue Du Vieux Haire's!. more. Write to Juan Espineira, Travesia de Absolute bargain at £70 each ono. Te l. R ick
T r a dAlie e rn 8 or Underwuride Te l. Po la r on 6-4000, L e g o , Belgique Vigo I n 5 0 „ Vigo - 7 (Pentevedire) on (0782) 311471 after 5
1061) • t w ill swap all m y &sickle User magazines
G a 442l a 51208
c Espana. • Following hardware to swap se ll Ta p e
• Swop Adventure Quest Tor Na Nog, plus Sin cla ir Programs for issues 1-13 and • Offering Knoghbore, Lindenvunde. Alie n recorder, Pro le * jo yslIck. Currah
t i c 14-17 a l Your Spectrum w i l l also swop
Backpacker's Guide for Vatliatla, The Jasper, Bouiderdash, Pyiamarama, At ic Merospeach. Also tales! software to swop
P a t r T.G. 's Race lo t two originals. Ring Damian Alec, Decathlon. Pool. Strangeloop, Bria n eg F ist and all Ultimate games Phone
Hobbit. ()toast for Holy, fo yslick Will swap
o l ,
separalety Te l Nicholas Cr, Malden 0621 on Bradford 679153 Elloodave. Looking tor Shadowfore, W a r d ' s (0484) 3540. AM for Nic
828433 Af t e r school hours please. • Will swop Wa y Of The Exploding Fist and Lair, Franicia, Dynamite Dan, Dun De t a ch • Spectrum ZX 48K computer with tape
•M Swop Voyage into Unknown, M e n Kit t Hypersports far suitable games. Tel, Patrice Tel Karl, 01-311 6693. recorder, games, instrucbons. manual
Rifle Range. BM X Pacers, Apoao 2 for Raid
X On 10761) 52289 after 6 • Many lop originals to swag inc. Nodes Of books VGC bargain £130 T e l Ad ria n ,
Over Moscow, Matchpoint, and either • Wilt swop many programs for Spectrum, Yosod, Knoghtlore. Be a ch Head, Technician Bronent 294
Krirghtlore. Alie n 8. At ic M ac, Sabre M a le . OL. IBM -PC - I want Elite end Macadam Ted. Fu ll Throttle and more T e l C ra ig • ZX printer, three roes Paper, manual Cl I .
(Indervitorlde w i l l swop separately T e l Bumper for Spectrum. Have Pascal, C, L isp . between 6-9(055) 92371 Unused Spectrum keyboard £2.50 Unused
Gary on Northwich 47140. Devpac T e l Jo se ! on Pa ris 43322390 • Swop 16 games - JSW e t c . for Currah Widadrive plus two wafers, manuals £46.
• Swop Dun Derach for Erik The Viking. • Lots of games to swop Se n d your list AM Speech o r ZX printer of OK light pen plus 14 Z,X81 Memotech 64K RAM plus manual £8
Paul Rorarow. 11 Morkleben Brae. Milers answered L e o Gargan 1OF Belmar (Rocco. Sp y H. etc.) tor RD Digital Trace or Tel d ive , (0256)21822 alter 7.30
lennomown. Glasgow G65 7 6 V Court, Linwood. Rentrewshire, Scotland VTX 5000 Modem or micrectrive plus • Spectrum 48K, OK I ro n ie s sound synth,
• 1 e ll swop Cookie, Papedes, Wa rlo ck 01 PA3 381. Interface 1 . Everything complete M r L o p e s. Currah speech eynth t a p e recorder. over
Frelop Mountain. Wee tabix and the ra sh e s • Will swop Finders Keepers, Wizards Urban° de Mouta. 201-31, 4400 Gala 200 games worth E500. Se ll for E200 or
lot Monty Mote and Monty On The Run. Te l. Warriors, Vo lca n ic Dungeon Hu m p t y in M s Portugal swop for CBOA 64. Te l. Langhougleon 977
Robert on (0430213515. Garden f o r Drool Daze. Sp y v Sp y or • I have Bu g g y West, Go t h a and Aorwoll 644 and as* for Neit
• I'm a software swapper with over 300 Highway Encounter Writ e to Conan, M in iy• Will swop lo t Paws, Protect Future or • Expandable mother board plus OK
games to exchange. Wnte to Matthew Hook, don. Bu sh Drive. Liesingham. Norwich, Trashrnan. All three for the Je t Set Wray Tromes light pen interface, tape and manual.
5 Rocky Lane. Bournhealh, Bromsgrove, Norfolk Nelle12 03F editor T e l Ja m ie on 0 1 Will swop for good games progs. o r se ll for
Wogcs. B61 9 HP • Hello you folks down there in Britain Wa n t - E20. Write to M r K . Manna, 1 Sco tt Drive,
Ormsterk. Lance. 139 1PP
• Vell swop Space Shuttle, Flight
&mutation. Cooker. Pssst, for good condition
to swop games with me? rve lots of the very
latest software Se n d your list to Miettlei H A R D W A R E
748 9 0 7 6
• For sale - light pen and interface
original Hobbot Writ e to Conn lattane. Heinen Aca cia 2 P. U631 OA, Hoogerheele. programmable poystick interface. Jo ysticks
Lissecreasig P O.. Macroorn, Co Cerk, Eee Holland • Trojan light pen worth t 19.95 - will sell and a game Of your choice Eg . Booty. M r
• I have over 500 progrems to swop Ple a se • Software to steep M a n y recent titles for £10. Ta t 302 0100 and a sk tot Paul alter Attack, etc. E45 ono. Tel, (0902) 892098.
write to Edmund Behrendorf. thielheimer including Maisporr Station. WOTEF. 4 We e kd a ys. • VTX Modem for sale Go o d condition, only
Wag 14, 5401 St Sebastian, West Germany Frankre, Hypersports. Sp y Hunter. C. • Will swag 100 tog games lot VTX 5000 or E35. Te l. (021) 449 0648 and ask for Josh
• Swop Marehrsay or Shadowfire for Bowler. 5 Beaumont Close, Barrow on Tre n t microdnve end Interface I 5 0 -7 0 games for Mier 4 pm please
Arnhem OTD, ADC M a c. Slonkers, Ora cle Derby D E7 1 H0 . Will answer a ll letters. printers. Many top games including all • 48K Spectrum a s hew Cassette recorder.
Cave Te l An t o n y on (0802) 384291 after 5. • Software to swop? I need Moon Croats Ultimate and US Gold plus Exploding Fist Kempslon Interface. Joystick speech
• Swop MCocter. Trib a l Trouble. Je lp a ce Write to D Wild , 22 Lenstery Road. end The Quilt I have most of Me current top synthesizer, books. mags, extra leads.
and C a m e (' far working DK Tronies light Edvonstowe, Notts N321 9 0 J. 30 and many pest no. I ' s. Write to Liam • ower p a ck. Ove r £300 software Ple a se
pen T e l Da rre n on (09931882439 • Will swop M r Wimpy, Chiller end Zip Zap Connelly. Cleghertown Clorialtry. Co make often Te l, Crayford 527849 abler 5
• I have Planetoid and Reversi, both brand Dublin. Eire .
for Match Day Writ e to T M at 20 • Spectrum. to profile keyboard, jo ystick.
new and unused, will swop tor Bo o t y Hyncieweed, Bernell:in Road, London • For sate Spectrum P r o l e k interlace, interface, light pen. Currah speech, cassette
Hungry Horace. Cyiu or Action Bike r Te l. SE23 2BH Alan p yst ick, maps, and top games like Wa y recorder re -se t button. software pH mags,
(03021 21504 - a s* for M arc • About 200 programs to swop Writ e to Luc Of The Exploding Fist, Decathlon and M a tch worth E500 Bargain at E2S0 Te l
• Many new titles to swop. We t s to E Bolikerink, Tenorstraat 7, 6524 KA, Day worth over El ID. All this for only E200 Northalleflon 7413308 and ask for Paul
Gerritsen Multres. Baankamp, 18, 7462 I D, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Simon Pa y. 86 New Street, Andover, • Broken doom 48K Spectrum lot la te
Reesen. Holland • Got Frienk Bruno's, Dynamite Dan. Hampshire, SPI O i OR Could b e repaired for E20. Offers welcome
• Swap Huh] and Runes Of Zendos and Tripods, Sir Lancelot. Ce ti, Archon, • For sale - Spectrum 48K. Atphacom 32 For details, write to Julian Acitard, 300
M e t Also Grew) for Ouicksilva Games Fairaght, Spectrum Sprees for Nodes Of printer and paper. Kempsion interlace and Mortimer Road, So u le Shields. Tyne and
Designer. Te l. M arlin 01-735 2043 Mon to Yesoct, Highway Encounter, OragonforC, joystick, over E275 of original software and Wear NNE34 OOL
Fri a lta r S. One On One w r i t e 10 Ivan 1 3 8 Sullivan over 50 magazines, worth over £350. • Spectrum to profile keyboard. cas, OK
• Swop Franke. Delay Thompson's Road, Coventry CU6 7 J5 at £225 T e l a l -4-64 6372 As k for Andy Trones dual port joystick interface t ID,
• C u rra h speech synth E20, Curran slot e l 0,
• • D e t a il Electronics joyseck interlace Eli) Al l

•• • B O O K YOLIFt F R E E AID H E R E • n e a rly new. Te l 701622

• • 48K and Interface II, jo yst ick and lots of
•• so f t w a re . Mac's. OK Tronics keyboard
• I f y ou'd l i ke to a dv e r ti s e in I nput / O ut put , pl e a s e w r i te in BLO CK CAP I TALS be l ow a nd s e nd • slig h t ly damaged N o tape recorder. E180
• t h e c oupon to I nput / O ut put Y our Si ncl ai r , 1 4 R a t hbone P l ace, London W1P I D E - oh, a nd • o n o Bu ye r collects Te l. M ark on (021) 440
•• d o n ' t for ge t your a ddr e s s a nd phone num be r . We c a n't a c c e pt a ny s oftw a r e sal es, a nd thi s • 1696
• s e r v i c e is onl y avai l abl e to pr i v a te a dv e r ti s e r s . •• VTX 5000 Modem for sale o r sweet On ly
• •• E 8 0 - perhaps swop lof Alphecom 32 o r
•• P l e a s e e nte r my advert under the following classification: • m icro d rive without interface T e l . (0502)
• L i H a r d w a r e E l S o f t w a r e E W a n t e d E Me s s a g e s & Events 0 P e n Pals • 6 0 9 6 4 and ask tor James
• •• • 48K Spectrum, Saga keyboard, Interface
• • I, interlace II, microdrive. rune cartridges.
• N e m • t w o ROM cartridges. over £100 worth of

• • so ftwa re , books, magazines, a ll boxed, good
• Ad d r e ss •• co n d it io n . El a5. Te l. Dave, Blackpool 51544

i Your Spectrum plus assorted computer
• m a g a zin e s. Worth E250 - se ll for £170 one
o Tel 10532) 577456.
•r M I 481‹ Spectrum plus keyboard overlays.
•S m a g a zin e s and two games. Lee ROCSand
• Ko ko to ro i WON 1:60 Te l (0 2 7 7 ) 222573 alles
: 5 30
• • For s ale. Qu i c k S h o t It loy s tic k - eS and
D • K OM I:1810h Com patible R A M inter lac e - E 5
e• Wr it e to M Whitmore, 4 Spring Gardens,
l•• Gilb e rt Road, Smothwick. Warley 666 4CIA.
c• • Complete Spectrum diec System T B
MA GA ZIN E HEALTH WARNING: 7• Be t e -p lu s interface with magic button a
153 • double•sided, double-density 5 i, " happy
e• d i s k drive and a monochrome monitor a ll far
Think before you snip - most people use a photocopy instead. 1 1
C 1 6 0 T e l Am p t h ilt 404572
9 4 m
After adding our products to your Spectrum, DUSICOVERS Black with SSL logo, available for all
your Spectrum will not merely become a superior keyboards. E4.95
computer but a more complete computer system. STYLE Realise your graphic expectations. Comprises
The SAGA keyboards, culminating in the new Kempston compatible interlace and Software.
SAGA 3 ELITE, provide your Spectrum with the sheer E29.95
elegance that it deserves. The SAGA 3 ELITE SAGA GP G ra ph ics Tablet—su per improve STYLE,
incorporates the most recent technology in keyboard plug it in and see. E79.95 (read the reviews!)
design which provides 27 single entry functions. NEW LETTER QUALITY PRINTER The first in a new
If you would likegraphics with real Style, then range of printers to be available shortly. SPEED: 12
they are yours with our latest graphics package, while CPS. PRINT: Ink on ordinary A4 paper. INTERFACE:
letter quality print can be produced for less than Centronics & RS232. For print sample and further
E120 from our new printer. information, write or call now, only E119.95
Just cut out the Coupon below for any of the SOLINDBOOST Puts music in your ears(and
following products: television) E9.95
SAGA 1 EMPEROR 67 keys enable easy access to
every function, making obsolete the "Stretch FLEXICABLE Extend your capabilities with two more
requirement" of other keyboards. Now only E39.95 ports! E11.95
SAGA 2 PROFILE A re-design of the popular Lo Profile TURBO INTERFACE with custom chip, ROM slot and
with number pad, 52 keys. E49.95 2 joystick sockets the TURBO out-performs at her
SAGA 3 ELITE recently developed, the SAGA 3 ELITE joystick interfaces. E21.95
is the finest available keyboard for your Spectrum. We invite your enquiries on (04862)22977.
The keyboard and number pad has 87 keys in total, a more descriptive literature is freely available for each
massive 27 keys are auto-shifted. E79.95 product (please send stamp).


(04862)22977 UP TO DATE

QUANTITY P&P SEND YOUR ORDER TO: Dept YS10 Order Desk Saga Systems
SAGA1 EMPEROR *E39.95 E 1 . 5 0 Limited. 2 Eve Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 CT.
SAGA 2 PROFILE *E49.95 E 1 . 5 0 Mr/Mrs/Miss
SAGA 3 ELITE *09.05 E 1 . 8 5 Address
STYLE *E29.95 F R E E Amount enclosed E
SAGA GP *E79.95 E 1 . 5 0 My Access Card No. is I 1 I I
SOUNDBOOST *E9,95 F R E E Plea se tick method of payment: POE Cheque El Draft: 3 Access:I
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VATis included TOTAL Signature Date
Overseasorders, please deduct 15% VAT add E3 for postageexcess. Please allow 28days for delivery
Limited quantities of the original low pnatile keyboard,are available at only E 39.95 inc. VAT-I-EIS° P&P
lobo Davidson on the new Spectrum — is its number up?

I do hope the prospect of a the numbers had become software for the new on form if that's your thing.
new and 'bigger Spectrum, inflated and confusing, but computer that won't run on You won't get the
on the lines of the Iberian because other buzzwords the several million 48K improvements without
variant, coming in the new had arisen, like FM, AFC, Spectrums that have already problems, either. The new
year did not put anyone off and IC. No ones impressed been sold. You might as well computer will suffer from
buying a proper British by transistors anymore. write programs for the hardware incompatibility with
Standard version at The Spectrum 128 (the Enterprise. some of the add-ons made
Christmas. Unfortunately, its Spanish one — I haven't seen Certainly Tasman will patch for the old machines. Is it
inevitable that some potential a British one yet) has a few their word-processor to be worth junking your Centronics
purchasers were mesmerised new features that are able to use the new built in interface or maybe even a
by the numbers 128 and genuinely useful, but the RS232 port, and someone disk set-up just to get some
became hysterically unable bigger memory is just a else will produce a program extra memory that you aren't
to get their hands into their marketing ploy. The idea is to using the Midi output. These going to use? How much will
wallet pockets. After all, kid new buyers who don't are specialist applications it cost you to replace your
everyone knows that a 125cc know any better, that the new that have a limited market VTX500 modem with
motorbike is much more Spectrum is comparable to anyway, so the software something that doesn't get
powerful than a 49cc moped, the Commodore 128, or the houses don't expect to sell to tangled up in the 128's
so obviously a 128K Beeb 128, or the Amstrad everyone. Besides, such paging hardware? The more I
computer is nearly three 128, and that it's not being programs are already think about it, the more I
times as good as a 48K one. left behind. They can, accustomed to providing a reckon that the best thing
Hee, heel therefore, make their variety of add-on interfaces. about the 128, when it
It's a long time now since I momentous decision on the However, I predict that both comes, is going to be the
saw a transistor radio that basis that "both computers RS232 and Midi will be consequent big drop in price
had the number of transistors on my shortlist are 128K, but frustratingly non-standard for the old models.
it used emblazoned across the Spectrum has more and tricky to use, a la Maybe it is impossible to
the front of its escutcheon, software' Interface 1. upgrade the Spectrum
but radio manufacturers used . It's only after they've got it Putting the sound through usefully and still have
to do that. It was a way of home that they'll find Out that the TV is a big improvement, Spectrum compatibility. Still,
impressing people who were most of that memory is and one that'll work with all there are improvements I'd
ignorant of any aspect of switched off whenever they're the old software. The three have rather had than extra
radio circuitry that one tranny actually running any of the channel sound chip is memory, like a built in disk, or
was better than another. This programs in the enormous something else. If it's really if you must, a microdrive. And
made a little bit of sense Spectrum software base. But only available in 128K mode, why still no joystick port?
because more sophisticated don't worry, the same thing is then no one will use it for Why, above all, treat us to a
receiver circuits generally true of the expanded games. If it can be accessed calculator keypad on the end
required more bits to make Commodore and bumped up in 48K mode then some of a bit of curly cable? No
them up, though no one ever Beeb. The extra memory is games may have two sets of one, even in Barcelona, could
advertised a radio as having not there to be used, it's just sound routines and test possibly believe that two
22 resistors and 9 electrolytic been chucked into the box so which computer is being used nasty, tacky keyboards is an
capacitors. that '128K' can be stamped before selecting the form of improvement on one nasty,
Part of the reason this on the front. It costs sound output. tacky keyboard. Surely the
emphasis on semi-conductor practically nothing to include We won't be able to tell if extra resources would have
content faded away was that it and it does allow the it's worth buying the 128K for been better spent on a real
the price of transistors anxious punter to buy the the improved sound, colour keyboard at long last?
dropped to the point where it computer he wants without monitor output (how many No doubt the 'new improved'
was cheaper to design a feeling that he has made can afford a monitor?) and an Spectrum will sell, but if
circuit to use lots of some kind of techoological RS232 that, I predict, won't you're serious about
transistors rather than lots of, faux pas. And thdse extra K work with a full duplex upgrading to an advanced
say, coils. Some radios were are even connected into the modern, until we know the computer, the time will
even produced that had extra circuit — no cheating here! price. It can't be worth much probably come when you just
transistors soldered into any Those of us with older extra, as you can already get have to abandon your
spare corner without even Spectrums needn't worry, these things in add-on form Speccy and its plentiful
being connected to the either. No sane software quite cheaply if you want software. Not yet awhile, but
circuit! But the real reason writer (yes, I know they're not them. In fact, you can have someday. Maybe when they
the practice died was not that all sane) is going to produce extra paging memory in add- get the 01_ sorted out.

Edit or Kevin CA3x. Art Edit or Martin Dixon; Deput y Edit or Teresa Maughan. Produc t ion Edit or Sara Biggs, Des igner Caroline Clayton; Tec hnic al
Cons ult ant Peter Shaw. Edit orial Cons ult ant Andrew Pennell: G e h r i n g Cons ult ant Gavin Monk. Cont ribut ors Stephen Adams, Dougle Bern. Luke C.,
Steve Cotwill, Stove Cooke, lot° Davidson, Tim Hartnett, Alison Hlui, Ian Hoare, Gwyn Hughes Steve Malone. Max Phillips, Rick Robson, Rachael Smith, Phil South,
Chris Wood: Adver ti sement 't a na ge r David Baskerville; Adver ti sement Executi ve Neil Dyson
.Adver ti sement Manager Chris Talbot. Managi ng Editor Roger Munford, Art Director Jimmy Egerton, Publisher Stephen England'. Published by
Sportscene Specialist Press Ltd, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P 1 DE Te l e p h o n e lail deparbmint s 1 01-631 1433, Teiex 8954139 BurichG. Company
P r o in d England,
u c t i oTynpes etM t er*aCarlinpoint.
n a London;
g e Reproduc
r S o
t ion Graphic nIdeas, iLondon,
a Print ed by Chase Web Onset, St Austell, Cornwall;
H u ion Seymour
Dis t ribut n tPress. 334
, Brixton Road,GLondon SW9. r o
Telephone u
01-733 4444.p All material In Your SIncOsir 0 1986 Felden Productions. and may not be
reproduced in whole or part without the written consent ol the publishers. Your Sinclair is a monthly publication.

• : .1 0

WY N I K O 10101.


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