P & P Ex 4

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ABERDEEN DAILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 P&P EXERCISES NO.4 1. Whatis the definition of a barrier? Ipt a ‘The warning tape around the work ste [] b. Anything that prevents the flow of wellbore fluids oO ¢. Anoverbalanced fluid [J 4. BoPtocking stems [] — &. Amechanical plug 2. Which ofthe following describes the types of barrier? Ipt q a. Positive and negative [Jb Pump open and pump closed Oo c. Mechanical and fluid oO d. Overbalanced and underbalanced [] — e. Primary and secondary ol £. Upper and lower 3. Doaificial lift wells (rod pump, tc.) need the same well contro barriers as those with natural flow? Ipt Oo a. Yes oO b. No 4. What does “positive plug” mean’? ip a. Tt prevents flow from above [] __b. Atprevents flow from below c ¢. Itprevents flow from both dire Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 1 ABEROEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.@ How does a plug stop flow? Ipt a. Itscals off the perfs b. Itseals off the swab valve Itereates a 100psi overbalance 4. Tt seals off at the tubing hanger ce. Ttseals off in the flow path (ea ee) eee) ee Pe) How is a mechanical plug installed? (2 answers) 2pts a, Wellbore pressure closes it b. The flow closes it By the freeze method 4d. By Wireline, Coiled Tubing or Snubt e. Control line pressure closes it (lea eee Gerd Fe Which of the following mechanical barriers can be installed by intervention methods? (6 answers) opts a Wireline plug n Fe 9. Float valve [J] b Pump through plug 7 h. Retainer C]— & Cireutating valve i. Hi-Mis pill [] 4. itteentit valve j. Orifice valve []—& Pump open plug k. Pressure cycle plug []& Brpendabe plug |. Check valve © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 8 Which of the following is a “closeable barrier”? a. Tubing hanger plug Pump out plug e. Bop C6. Pacer fe. Check valve 9. Which of these are true about tubing plugs? (3 answers) [] __& Check that the pressure rating is correct. b. Chey that the pressures are equalised before setting ‘c. Check that the contingency exists if solids might settle on the plug top. d. Check that the plug is to be installed as near the tree as possible. ‘e. Check that the plug is holding pressure after setting, 10. From which direction should a barrier be tested? a. Above b. Below . Tdoesn’t matter 4. Direction of flow 11, What does “inflow test” mean? 4. Applying pressure above a plug . Applying pressure below a plug . Bleeding off pressure above a plug d. Equalising pressure across a plug. Rey. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 3pts ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 12, What are the correct names for the different barriers? Ipt 4, First line, Second line and Third line. First, Second and Third 13. How does a mechanical barrier stop well flow? Ipt a, By diverting the flow down the kill Line b. By applying a small overbalance cc. By closing off the flow path d. By closing the Xmas tree valves 14, Ian inflow test cannot be performed, should the device be pressure tested from above?” Ip 15. What should be pressure tested before starting to rig up intervention equipment? Ipt a, Xmas tee b. Tubing hanger Packer 4. Annulus 16, en is a column of fluid considered a barrier? Ipt a, When the hydrostatic pressure is less than formation pressure 'b, When the hydrostatic pressure is equal to formation pressure ‘c, When the hydrostatic pressure is greater than formation pressure 4 Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 19/11/06 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 17. Awellis tobe killed with 9.5 ppg brine. ‘The MD is 10525 ft. (TVD 10250 ft.) The formation pressure is 4950 psi. Which statement is true? [] a There will be a 250 psi overbalance at the formation b. There will be a 110 psi overbalance at the formation ‘The formation will be balanced [J a. Ther wi be 110 psi underbalance atthe formation ‘There will be a 250 psi underbalance at the formation 18, Which depth i used to calculate volumes? O ato Oo} Mp 19, What docs “underbalance” mean? a, The hydrostatic head of fluid is less than formation pressure b. ‘The hydrostatic head of fluid is equal to formation pressure The hydrostatic head of fluid is greater than formation pressure 20. [] a Thehydrostatic nea offi es than formation pressure 0 b. ‘The hydrostatic head of fluid is equal to formation pressure []—_& ‘Thehydtostai head of fd is greater than formation pressure 24 depth is used to calculate hydrostatic pressure? O «1 [] 6 MD Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Ipt Ipt pt Ipt Ipt ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 2, mmon fluid barriers? (3 answers) pts C1 a Seawater C] 6 Diese [] ©. Brine T1 4 Nitrogen [© Condensate [J] & Driting mud 23. How is kill luid selected? Ipt []—& Bycalculating acy [J © By caleutating yield point [] © Bycateulating viscosity [] 4. By calculating hydrostatic pressure 24, Can a mixture of mechanical and fluid barriers be used? Ip [ave [|b No 25, When opening a valve that has pressure on one side only, which statements are truc? (2 answers) 2pis [] Can cause damage to the valve [] _b Causes tess hydraulic shock [J & Reduces the risk of pressure locking the valve [] 4. Cancause damage to equipment downstream ofthe valve [] ©. Minimises te sk of damage tothe valve 6 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 09 - 15/11/08, ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO4 26, If shutting in a wel atthe tree, which of the following are true? (3 answers) pts [J] @ The UMV will seal around wireline {Jb The LMVis not normally used [J Theswab valve shuts offal flow from the well [] a The valves can be damaged if etosed on wire, pipe, et [© The UMVis normally used 27. Isit considered good practice to always have more than one barrier available? Apt «ve Al ene 28. Which type of barrier isa fluid barvier? Ipt Depa fo [] e-teniary 29. A.gas well has the following information: Total depth 12540 ft. MD (10950 ft. TVD) Packer depth 10180. MD (9245 f. TVD) Annulus fluid 9.0 ppe brine Gas gradient 02 psi. siwue 2000 psi ‘What is the pressure differential between the tubing and the annulus at the underside of the tubing hanger? O rea Heeger eee pts 850 psi, more in the annulus than the tubing 850 psi. more in the tubing than the annulus 1385 psi. more inthe annulus than the tubing 1385 psi. more inthe tubing than the annulus 2000 psi more inthe annulus than the tubing 2000 psi. more in the tubing than the annulus Rey. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 31 22. Why is it necessary to sel ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL, PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 the correct kill fuid? (2 answers) 2pts a, To enable a lower kill pump rate 'b. To minimise formation overpressure ce. To enable a higher kill pump rate 4, To ensure formation fluid compatibility ‘To reduce annulus losses Identify the barrier elements (the envelope) in the drawing that contains the well pressure. (5 answers)(1 point per correct answer) Spits a. Xmas tree ing tne ge Sp », Tubing hanger/spool Tguiior tases oman roti te cc. Tubing spool outlet valves d. Production tubing e. Completion fluid ace f Well fluids ane g. Casing - h, Packer During an intervention operation it becomes necessary to kill the well. Which is the most appropriate kill method? Ipt a Volumettie b, Forward circulation cc. Wait and Weight 4, Bullheading Concurrent ‘© Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Fev. 03 - 15/11/06 33, Well data: Tubing 34, Casing 9%," 47.0 ppt ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 Packer at 9750 ft MD (9120 ft) TVD. From the table below, calculate the total annular volume above the packer. Place your answer in the box provided. Annular volume between 3'/,” tubing and casing or open hole OD Casing | Ibs. per Cu. Ft Lin. Ft] Bbis. Per Lin. Ft, oropenhole | foot pertinft. | perCu.ft. | Lin. Ft per BbI. 9.518 | on 4180 2.9900 0745 193.4400 95 | 29.30 3607 2.7723 osa2 | 18.5763 9.5/8 | 32.30 3546 2.8200 0632 | 15.8228 958 | 3600 | 3468 2.8895 0618 16.1812 9.5/8 | 40.00 3385 2.9542 0603 |_ 16.5897 95/8 43.50 3308 3.0229 0589 16.9779 9.5/8 | 47.00 8237 3.0892 0877 17.3810 9.518 53.50 3100 3.2258 0562 18.1189 eee aoe aa s 958 | 58.40 3008 3.9246 0536 18.6660 9.5/8 61.10 2959 3.9865 0526 19.0198, 958 | 71.80 2728 "3.6658 0486 20.5819 bbls Ipt 34, From the following data ofa gas well, answer the questions below: Well depth 9150 fl. MD (7900 ft. TVD) Formation gradient 0.570 psifft. Gas gradient 0.08 psi. 3. Whats the bottom hole pressure? psi 2pts b. What will be the maximum surface pressure? psi 2pts © Whatis the corect rated working pressure for the wellhead equipment? [1 & 2000 psi [2 3000 psi [3 sooo psi pe 4. twill be required to kill the well. What minimum brine density is required? (J. 105 pe (J2 10pps (13. 15 pps Ipt Rev. 08 - 15/11/08 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 10 34. (cont) 36. ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 Given the following additional data, answer the questions below. Casing capacity 0.04049 bof Tubing capacity (0.00829 bot. “Tubing disp. (closed end) 0.01190 bbVt Pump displacement 0.0899 bbl/stroke ‘Tubing shoe at 90008. MD 78008. TVD How many strokes to displace the tubing string? (Jt 1245 strokes []2 sx0swokes —[]3. 2860strokes apts How many strokes to displace the entire wellbore? 1.2860 strokes 2.3200 strokes 3. 3600 strokes Opts 0 O a In a planned well kill operation, which is the most appropriate kill method? 0 o feed Ipt a. Concurrent b. Reverse circulation cc. Wait and Weight 4. Forward circulation e. Volumetric In an emergency situation where itis not possible to bullhead, what would be the most appropriate kill method? 0 o eee eot Ipt a. Volumetric b. Forward circulation cc. Wait and Weight 4d. Lubricate and bleed e. Concurrent © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 15/11/06, ABERDEEN ORILLING SCHOOL ‘PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.¢ 37. Which of the following are the main advantages of a reverse circulation kill? (4 answers) 38. Whi 39, In @ b Apts Surface pressures remain lower Less risk of formation damage Iis slow Wireline work is involved Debris can plug the formation ‘The tubing and annulus end up with clean kill Quid All wells jormally be killed with this method. ich of the following determine whether itis possible to bullhead? (2 answers) which of the following would bullhy answers) 2pts Rated working pressure of the surface equipment Completion tubing collapse pressure Blind ram position Formation permeability ‘Type of toolstring in use ing be more likely to be used than bleed and lubricate? 2pts ‘A well that has stopped flowing because of sand and scale in the wellbore A well with a packer setting plug stuck in the tailpipe -- A well with an SSD that is stuck closed ‘A.well with the DHSV stuck in the open position A well with severely collapsed casing just above the perforations Rey. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 " ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 40, Inwhchof the following sittin is ulheading mossy to ews kil he wel? Ganswers) aos [] A well witha fated DHSV that cannot be pulled b. Where spss imporan cc, Where there is not enough information to calculate a reverse circulation kill 4d, Where there isa risk of formation damage ooo 8 A well with a packer setting plug stuck in the tailpipe 41. Which ofthe following statements about bulheading are ruc? (2 answers) 2pss Co b. Can be done before the intervention work starts when there is ‘Two Way Check Valve in the tubing hanger ‘c. Can possibly plug the formation 4. Is normally done in preference to opening the SSD . Is more difficult to perform than the bleed and lubricate method Eee Eereeerreeeee eee 42. Given the following data: Tubing depth 8750 ft. MD (8125 ft. TVD) ‘Tubing capacity 0.00387 boVf. Annular capacity 0.00970 bof Pump rate 1.25 bpm a Calculate the time to pump bottoms up for reverse circulation mins Ipt b. Calculate the time for a complete circulation mins Ipt 2 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 43, Which of the following best describes the bleed and lubricate method of well killing? Ipt o ‘a. Is performed by bleeding off the wellhead pressure to zero and circulating the tubing to kill uid [Jb tsperformed by bleeding of the welhead pressure to zero and topping up the tubing with kill fuid [J & tsperformed by pumping a tubing volume of kill fd and then bleeding off the wellhead pressure to zer0 [] 4. ts performed by repeatedly bleeding off a small amount of pressure and then pumping a small amount of kill fluid 44, The kill graph below shows the pressures during a reverse circulation kill, ‘The tubing and casing IDs and ODs do not vary. The kill fluid being pumped is lighter than the completion fluid in the annulus. ‘There is oil and gas inside the completion, 2500. Surface Pressure (psi) ic - 400 600 Volume Pumped ( bbls } Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 13 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 Answer the following questions. a, Whats the total volume of the well? b. What is the tubing pressure a the start of the kill? c. what is the tubing pressure after pumping 200 bbls? (Epeaee d what is the annulus pressure after pumpling 200 bbls? At what point does the Mud in the tubing overbalance the formation pressure? A B c D E F £ At what point does the kill fluid fill the annulus? A B c D F 45. Which of the following statements are true? (2 answers) Gee (ene Pe eee) cs a. Losses always occur in the lowest formation zone bb. Losses always occur in the highest formation zone ce. Losses can occur in any formation zone 4. Losses can occur in one zone whilst another is producing, . Pumping a heavy fluid will cure losses, 46. Which of the following actions can help prevent or remove hydrates? (3 answers) oO “4 a Bleeding gas quickly from surface equipment b. Using a water/glycol mix for pressure testing cc. Pressure testing to no more than shut in pressure . Raising the temperature of the affected equipment e. Inj ting methanol into the affected equipment bbls. psi psi psi Apt Ipt Ipt Int Ipt Ipt 2pts, 3pts © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL. PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 47. Who shuts in the well and makes the job sale if there is a problem during an intervention operation? Ipt fe a, The Operator rep. (Co. man) b. The Well Services Supervisor The Production Supervisor fee Ere HEE 4d. The intervention crew supervisor cc. The intervention equipment operator 48, Answerd Ins 8 [JFatse b. —Hiydates only form if there is ree water present [Jtme [ate ©. HYycates are es ikely to form injecting Glycol [Je [ase ortho same pressure, hydrates mel at the same temperature as they formed [te [raise ©. Hydrates are common downstream of chokes [Je Fase f.—Hydrates will form at low rater than high pressures [Jtme Lp atse & ——_Hydrates ean cause damage i they become loose [Jt []Fatse 49. Which of the following actions can help remove hydrates ater they have formed? (3 answers) pts a. Pull out of the hole and fill the surface equipment with diesel b. Check for external ice to find the location of the hydrates and clear the hydrates [1] © Close tne lowest BOP, bleed off pressure above i open the connection above the BOP [] inject Methanot . Try to warm up the equipment [1 & Work ne pie o wire up ad down whilst bleeding surface resue Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006. 15 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 50. Which of the following are required for the smooth and safe running of a job? (3 answers) Spits a. Use the Xmas tree as the primary barrier at all times Hold pre-job meetings with all persons involved in the work Always call the Well Servi +s Supervisor before shutting in . Ensure the Well Services Supervisor stays at the well site at all times insure crews underst tand what to do in the evento ‘problem Use tested, inspected and properly ma tained equipment only 51. During a well control incident, which one of the following is correct? a. The intervention crew, the operator rep. and the Well Servi es Supervisor have a meeting during the incident to decide how best to bring the well back under control bb, The intervention crew, the operator rep. And the Well Services Supervisor have had a pre-job meeting to decide roles and responsibilities for shutting in and controlling the well if an incident occurs. cc. The intervention crew, the operator rep. and the Well Services Supervisor have a ing during the incident to learn from the office management response team how they wish the problem solved. 4d. The intervention crew, the operator ‘mecting during the incident with the mud engineer to seek advice on the best well kill ‘method. and the Well Services Supervisor have a 52. Which of the following best describes a good toolbox meeting? apts a, Get all those involved in the work to attend the meeting before the work starts and explain to them exactly what will happen during the job. b. Getall those involved in the work (o attend the meeting before the work starts and go through the plan, encourage feedback, adjust the plan if required and ensure everyone understands properly Get all those involved in the work to attend the meeting before the work starts and read them the office management team plan. Explain that there can be no deviations from this plan, 16 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 $9. All contol problem hs occured. The well as en sh in, Wha the next course of ation? pts [J Deegate he problem to the operator rep. (Co, ma) and wal forthe shit to nish bb. Read the plan from the office management response team and call them to seek directions, cc. Monitor the well while evacuating the crew Eee feat 4d. Contact the local emergency services and get them on standby oO . Hold a meeting with all those involved in the work and form a plan. Invite comment from the office management team. 54. A producing oil well has been shut in and the SSD is to be opened before killing the well. Calculate the differential pressure that exists across the sleeve before it is opened. ‘Tubing shoe 11350 MD 8750. TVD Completion id density 2.0 pps Packer depth 11000. MD 8600. TVD. Oil density 68 pa SSD depth 10950. MD 85508. TVD SIWHP 1000 ps [] & —Thetubing and annulus are in balance aps b. ‘There is 23 psi more in the tubing than the annulus There is 23 psi more in the annulus than the tubing, ‘There is 253 psi more in the tubing than the annulus ‘There is 253 psi more in the annulus than the tubing ‘There is 300 psi more in the tubing than the annulus ‘There is 300 psi more in the annulus than the tubing 55, So that a Xmas tree can be changed out on a producing well, adeep-set positive plug has been set inthe nipple below the packer. A second plug will be set in the tubing hanger before removing the tree. After setting the first plug, what is the correct first action to test it? 2pts Pressure up on the annulus Pressure up on the tubing, Bleed down tubing pressure If the wellhead pressure is static, atest is not required. Rev, 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 7 31. 38, 18 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 A newly completed well has a sliding sleeve (SSD) just above the packer. ‘The sleeve has just been closed with the tubing full of di cel. and thy nulus full of brine. The tubing is open to the perforations. How should the SSD be tested to ensure itis closed? A 2pts Flow the well Pressure up the annulus Bleed down the annulus Bleed down the tubing production well is to be shut in after pulling out of the hole with the intervention tool string. Which is the first correct action? Ipt Close the LMV. Close the LMV while counting turns Close the Swab valve Close the Swab valve while counting tens Close the DHSV Close the DHSV while measuring returns closed gate valve has a differential of 2500 psi. across it. Which of these statements are true about opening this valve? (2 answers) 2pts ‘The mechanical force required to turn the handle can damage or break the stem ‘The high differential pressure assists the gate movement when opening Pressure on only one side of the valve reduces the chance of it being pressure locked ‘The equalising poppet in the gate equalises the pressure as the gate starts to move ‘The sudden pressure surge on opening can damage piping and equipment down stream, © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 15/11/06. 59 60, ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL, PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 A string of 2.3/8" pipe has been run into a live producing well. Fluid will be pumped down the pipe and returns taken, via a choke, through the tree kill wing. Which of the following statements are true about the pump rate to be used? (4 answers) (1 point per correct answer) Apts a, The annular pressure loss (annular friction loss) will not be affected by an increase in pump rate bb. The annular pressure Joss (annular friction loss) will increase with an increase in pump rate ] © The bottom hole circulating pressure (BCP) will not be affected by an increase in pump rate d. The bottom hole circu ing pressure (BHP) will Increase with an increase in par rate [J & Doubling the pump rate wil double the tubing head pressure (THP) £, Doubling the pump rate will more than double the tubing head pressure (THP) 8. Increasing the pump rate should not cause losses Cb. Anereasing te pump rte may cause losses ‘A live well is to be killed by bullheading. Which of these factors limit the maximum allowable surface pressure? (3 answers) 3pts [] Completion size b, Maximum pump speed c. SIWHP 4, Maximum safe working pressure of the surface equipment u [J & Completion bus inits £. DHSV operating pressure 'g. Possible formation fracture. Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 19 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 G1. Which of the following indicates that gas cap may be forming in a live well that has just been shut in atthe ree? 2pts []—& Initial SIWHP stowity falls b. itil SIWHP slowly rises ¢. Initial SIWHP remains steady 4. Annutus pressure slowly falls cc. Annulus pressure slowly rises £. Annulus pressure remains steady 62. A live production well has a lot of sand and scale in the casing below the perforations. ‘There are several hhundred feet of open perforations and some zones are at a much lower pressure than the others are. A workstring is to be run through the completion to clean out the well to TD. Which of the following statements is true? (2 answers) 2pis 1. The thief zone(s) may stop proper circulation back to surface bb. Reverse circulation is best when there isa thief zone €. A high pump rate will be required to overcome any losses into the thief zone(s) 4. Temay be necessary (0 use a fluid containing LCM (lost circulation material), such as sized salt particles, to stop the losses into the thief zone(s) , The circulation system will have to permit pumping down the workstring/completion annulus and the completion/casing annulus atthe same time to have enough flow rate to overcome any losses into the thief zone(s) 63. The flow rate from a naturally flowing production well has been slowly and steadily reducing. It has been checked that the tree valves and the DHSV are all fully open. I is thought that there may be a blockage forming in the well bore. What is the first correct action to take? 2pis Pressure up on the well (0 try to clear any blockage b. Bleed down the well to try 10 move the blockage cc. Ruma gauge cutter on wireline to look for the blockage [J 4. Pressure up onthe annus wo ty and fosen the blockage Bleed down the annulus to try and loosen the blockage 20 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 18/11/06. ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL 64. PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.¢ In the prosiuction well in the schematic below, the completions components and fluids have each been identified with aleter. Answer the questions on the page following the schematic by placing aletter in each of the boxes provided. Xmas Tree Tubing Hanger Hanger Spoot 1 [Sua'SGa— Tubing Spool Outtet Valves Production Tubing xt Down Hole Safety Valve —— Completion Fluid (overbalanced) Casing 4 — Well Fluids — Pestorations Xmas Tree ‘Tubing Hanger/Hanger Spool ‘Tubing Spool Outlet Valves Production Tubing DHSV Overbalanced Completion Fluid Well Fluids Production Casing Packer mmoumoamee Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 a ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO4 64a. Pressure has been observed in the completion annulus. If the DHSV is closed and the ‘wellhead pressure bled off, the annulus pressure falls with it. A leak at which two barrier elements, could cause this? 2pts 64. ‘There isa leak at the flange between the tubing hanger spool and the Xmas tree. What can be closed to mininnise this leak? Ipt Apts 64e. There is a leak at the packer. What initially prevents the wellbore fluids from reaching the production casing? Ipt sl 22 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 15/11/08 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 1) b 25) ad 26) b,dande aa a7) a a 28) a 4 oc i 2) 5) e 30) bandd 6) candd 31) abdgh 7) abet kt 2) d ea 33) 562.575 bbls 9° ace 34) a) 4508 psi 10 4 b) 9871 psi 1 e : 23 12) b . a 2 1 3) rar 4) a ) 3 15) a 35) b 16) 38) d 7 37) a.b,tandg 1) ob 38) ad 19) a 39) cand 20) 6 40) abe 2) a 41) aande 22) act 42) a) 27.09 mins 2) 4 ») 95 mins 24) a Rev. 03 - 15/11/06 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 23 ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOL PRODUCTION WELL KILL EXERCISES NO.4 P&P EXERCISES NO.4 - ANSWERS 43) 4 53) 44) a) 1200bbIs 54) b b) 1650 psi 85) c ©) 650 psi 56) b ao 87) d e) point b 58) aande f) point & 59) bd f,h 45) candd 60) d,eandg 46) b,dande 61) b 47) 62) ad 48) a) f 63) ¢ bt 64) a) bandd ot b) pointe at ©) point f et 4) point f of t 49) b,dande 50) bye andt st) b 52) 28 © Aberdeen Drilling Schools 2006 Rev. 03 - 15/11/06

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