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Colloquialism and Its Specific Features

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Colloquialism and its specific features.


1.1.A brief information about Colloquialism...………….........................................5
1.2.Academic and colloquial language ……....…...….........................………….....8
2.1. Sociolinguistics and language function of colloquialism.......................…......12
2.2.The application of interaction in English classes……..............……..….…….18
2.3. Promoting classroom interaction …………….………………............…........20
LIST ОF USED LITERATURE…….……………………....…….....................27

The implications of teacher interactions for educational equality are well

known and controversial. Few studies, however, have been successful in capturing
the interplay between students' discourse style, teacher expectations in particular
classroom tasks and achievement outcomes. The various interactions during the
lessons apparently influence of tracking on the kind of collaborationof students in
the teaching systems. Teacher styles of interaction with students are remaining
controversial in order to improve the teaching process altogether and it is reported
by various researchers face-to-face classroom interaction is one of the most
effective method to boost learning process. In the cоncept оf mоdern develоpment
оf оur cоuntry and оf whоle system оf educatiоn we can say that very special
attentiоn is paid tо the imprоvement оf fоreign language teaching across the
country. Apparently, it is almost impossible to imrove teaching process without
paying a special attention to the classroom interactions between teachers and
students. The imprоvements in the educatiоnal sectоr in the Republic оf
Uzbekistan are visible.

The emphasis is given tо suppоrt by the gоvernment оn the perfectiоn оf fоreign

language learning system and ways оf teaching fоreign languages tо the learners оf
high teaching and learning establishments, academic lyceums and vоcatiоnal
cоllege in the cоuntry. An effective teaching and learning situation occurs when
students and teachers interact by come together for the purpose of developing an
authentic product or a service that is anapplication of their common interest. Not
only should teachers be a rich resource for students but also they are a main
source whom students can communicate and interact in ways that reach far beyond
their content expertise and general classroom experience. As a matter of fact,
solely providing students with decent information is not enough to teach
effectively yet it plays a pivotal role to interact teachers with students. Many
teachers fail to recognize the reason of not improving learning process of studnets
since they considers teachers just as a valuable resource, or information provider,
director but not the source of interaction.

Look now at the interaction process itself, at the devices the teacher may
use to enhance the success of his efforts. The need for any teacher to know where
the student stands now in his knowledge. The target should always be the growth
of the student. It is true that at a given time no two students have precisely the
same interaction. One has understood more knowledge than another; one has read
the whole textbook, another has been provided with large amount of information
but these are inadequade to reach full classroom potential . Educating is just one
of the various things, and as a teacher one has to perform all these various
tasks ,espically the person with whom students can easily interact. A teacher is
the individual in the classroom who has the proficiency, tools and
information necessary to edify young students as well as the source of various
interactions. In this fast growing world, there are abundant changes in
teaching approaches along with the learning strategies. Besides parents,
teachers also play a very crucial role in developing learners’ interaction towards
not only to a subject or the language but also to the whole society and different
cultures. Teacher should thus become a learner by thinking about the
situation by understanding it through different point of view, before teaching
students and by making them relevant in everyday circumstances of interactions.

Actuality of the theme of research is to study on the importance of

interaction between teachers and students and various types of teacher interaction.

The aim of the research to is find solutions of problems of selecting and

evaluating interactions in teaching foreign languages, developing intellectual,
personal and professional abilities by applying interaction methods.

The tasks of the research:

- to investigate the modern ways of interaction in teaching;

- to describe many teacher styles of interaction in the classroom;

- to define the types of interaction;

- to pay attention to the peculiarities of interactive ways of teaching in

modern teaching system

The object of the research is to define the process of teaching effectively in


The subject of the coursework is to research on organizing a good

classroom atmosphere by applying interactive activities.

Theoretical significance of the research is to provide teachers with modern

ways of interaction which can be useful in teaching.

The practical significance of the research is that these interesting and

stimulating ways and means of studying the styles of teaching interactions of
English lessons can be used in seminars, courseworks and scientific articles in
higher education institutions of our country.
The structure of the research. The coursework consists of introduction, main
part, conclusion and the list of used literature. Introduction has information about
view the theme and reveals aims, duties and practical value of the coursework.
Main part consists of two chapters which include some famous suggestion and
useful information. Conclusion combines the main and significant results of our
investigation. The last part of our coursework shows the list of used literatures.
1.1. Colloquial Language; expressions, professional environment
Colloquialism- is the use of informal, everyday language in writing. The word derives
from the Latin colloquium, meaning “speaking together” or “conversation.”
Colloquialisms often evolve from specific dialects, or language variants spoken by
native speakers in certain regions [1, 21].
Language generally represents a means of communications in society, a complex
reality that may be conceptualized in various ways as it is differently approached. Due
to the current explosive development of science and technology to satisfy the multi-
folded demands and desires of people worldwide as well as the increase of inter-cultural
changes, many words belonging to the “terminological bank” have passed into the
common literary or even colloquial vocabulary. When we speak about professionalisms
we refer to the lexical units used in a definite trade, profession or calling by people
connected by common interests both at work and at home. Language is a very complex
phenomenon that continuously develops and its various instances are due the internal
evolution of the socio-economic system as well as of the influences of other languages
along the years. The changes do not take place suddenly and entirely since the new
forms of linguistic expression coexist with the old ones for a while, hence the
communication between generations is possible. As for the special languages,
regardless the professional field, they develop from the colloquial language using its
structure mainly through terminologies especially created denotative and mono-
semantical ones)to properly denote the concepts. The interference area of the colloquial
language and the special ones is currently extending through bidirectional lexical
Professionalisms are the words used in a definite trade, profession or calling by
people connected by common interests both at work and at home. Professionalisms are
correlated to terms. Terms, as has already been indicated, are coined to nominate new
concepts that appear in the process of, and as a result of, technical progress and the
development of science. In distinction from slang, professionalisms cover a narrow
semantic field, for example connected with the technical side of some profession.
Professional words, denoting already-existing concepts, are well-organised lexical units,
usually mono-referential and mono-semantic, and therefore independent of context.
These distinctive features make them different from the colloquial words with various
meanings according to the specific context. Professionalisms, with their technicality,
belong to the non-literary layer of the English language and therefore they are barely
used in casual conversation. B. Dialectal words When we refer to the dialectal words
there should be considered the process of integration of the English national language
and its on-going change beyond the literary style. They are normative lexical units used
in a particular area devoid of stylistic references in regional dialects. However their
distinctive flavour of the region they belong to narrows the area of their usage to certain
people or to specific communicative circumstances. Colloquial coinages - words and
meanings Colloquial coinages - nonce words, apart from being dependent on the
context, are more emotionally coloured than the words in the literary style, they are
spontaneous and elusive. Some of the colloquial nonce words are neither recorded in
dictionaries nor may they occur in the written works with the view to their temporary
usage in a language and to the fact that they most likely disappear thus being soon
obviated. As for the means of enriching the vocabulary, colloquial coinages do not
undergo any morphemic changes (purification or affixation), yet there might be certain
semantic changes according to a specific context or to certain communicative reasons.
D. Colloquial Words Expressions Colloquial words, used in everyday communication
instances, are semantically flexible, preferential polysomic lexical units, adding more
figurative meanings and entailing the occurrence of semantically ambiguous situations.
At the same time, the connotative meanings of the colloquial words may strengthen
their “everlastingness” in language, enabling their movement towards different
functional styles. Samuel Johnson thought colloquial words inconsistent with good
usage and, thinking it his duty to reform the English language, he advised “to clear it
from colloquial barbarisms." 1 It was noted that by the end of the 19th century, the
colloquial language was in depth studied as it particularly referred to the vocabulary
actually used in casual communication with no connection to a special activity field.
The current term colloquial is mistaken for ‘slangy or ‘vulgar, as the latter two represent
only subsets of colloquial speech for particular groups of people. Considering the term
literary colloquial, we notice that it is used for written or oral communication purposes
by educated people, such as well-known authors. For a modern reader it represents the
speech of the elder generations. The younger generation of writers adheres to familiar
colloquial. Thus it seems in a way to be a differentiation of generations.
Familiar colloquial is more emotional and much freer and more careless than literary
colloquial. It is also characterized by a great number of jocular expressions or ironical
expressions and nonce-words. The term low colloquial regards the category of illiterate
people's speech. There cannot be found a clear cut between the low colloquial and
dialectal speech as they are both used in ordinary communication intercourse. Taking
into account fiction it is even harder to make a proper speech characterization, so the
social aspects are to clearly distinguish the low colloquial speech from the two other
types of colloquial. The main peculiarities of low colloquial grammar and pronunciation
are obvious, as to the vocabulary, it goes beyond the colloquial resorting to more vulgar
words, and frequently to dialectal elements. A worth-mentioning example is G.B.
Shaw's Pygmalion where the problem of speech as a mark of one's social position and
of social inequalities is one of the main issues. Besides the low colloquial, we may also
mention the so-called slang and argot as other language sub segments, situated below
the level of standard educated speech. The term argot differs from slang since it denotes
a particular vocabulary and idiom, its usage is confined to the speech of a specific group
of people, of a restricted age, to the underworld gangs and criminals. It is a special code
of communication among people (with an evident purpose to be unintelligible for the
others) who break the law and resort to illegitimate actions. If we realize that gesture,
tone and voice and situation are almost as important in an informal act of
communication as words are, we shall be able to understand why a careful choice of
words in everyday conversation plays a minor part as compared with public speech or
literature, and consequently the vocabulary is much less variegated. The same pronouns,
prop-words, auxiliaries, post positives and the same most frequent and generic terms are
used again and again, each conveying a great number of different meanings. Only a
small fraction of English vocabulary is put to use, so that some words are definitely
overworked. Words like: thing, business, do, get, go, fix, nice, really, well and other
words characterized by a very high rank of frequency are used in all types of informal
intercourse conveying a great variety of denotative meanings and emotional meanings
and fulfilling no end of different functions. The utterances abound in imaginative
phraseology, ready-made formulas of politeness and tags, standard expressions of
assent, dissent, surprise, pleasure, gratitude, and apology.

1.2. Academic and colloquial language

Academic writing demands a formal tone characterized by careful language choices
to convey ideas to readers as precisely and unambiguously as possible. Colloquial
language, defined as language that is “normally restricted to informal (especially
spoken) English”, does not satisfy this need for exactness of expression. Instead, as said
of colloquialisms, they “undermine the serious effect you want to have on the reader.
Writers should not appear casual, imprecise or gloss over details. Therefore, to create
the best impression when writing academically, it is recommended to find formal
equivalents for any colloquialisms you may otherwise be tempted to use. Some types of
colloquial language are obviously inappropriate for use in academic writing, such as
slang like “till” instead of “until” or vulgar expressions. However, less obviously, you
should also avoid the following. Between using Google search and consulting a good
dictionary, a suitable formal equivalent to any colloquial expression will always be to
hand. For example, to find a formal equivalent of “to hand,” a simple search of Google
search for “define to hand” produces the definition of “within easy reach.” Likewise,
using the online Macquarie Dictionary, a search for “hand” returns a result with a list of
idioms that use the word hand. Number 95 in the list gives the definition of “to hand” as
within reach.
‘Colloquial’ suggests ‘informal’ and as academic writing is considered formal the use
of idiomatic language and colloquialisms would be considered a lapse from the
accepted standards.
This is not an area in which bucking the trend is going to earn you any brownie
This convention may seem limiting but it exists for a reason: to maintain clarity and
focus in the work. Also perhaps to help make it accessible, especially to other
academics whose first language is not English - I’m thinking here primarily in an
English-language context. In fact, it could be argued that many academics whose first
language is English are not sufficiently rigorous at weeding out idiomatic language and
what they assume to be common expressions. The habits of thought and speech of
everyday life naturally intrude into the work environment if not checked.
The only time colloquial language would be expected to appear in an academic work
is when colloquial language is the subject of the work. Colloquial language is used
locally or within a limited region. Anyone outwith the area will probably be unfamiliar
with the language, especially the verbs, nouns and adjectives. If colloquial language is
used most people will find it difficult to understand and the essence of the paper will be
Academic papers are written for a global audience and therefor require formal
English which is universally understood. This general rule is one reason novels are so
interesting in comparison to academic works. Authors can use colloquial language
freely, although when translated into other languages the real richness of the language
can be lost. The novel ‘ Trainspotting’ by Irvine Welsh is a good example. The story is
based in Edinburgh, Scotland It used so many colloquialisms that the film version had
sub titles even for English audiences. Some of the other answers to your question were
rather rude and condescending. I wonder why they took the time to reply.
 it takes some experience, but a sort of ‘litmus test’ might be, when you look at a
word, phrase or sentence, ask yourself:
“Is this the kind of language that would be appropriate to use when speaking to a
Let’s try a few - answer yes or no to the above question applied to the following:
1. The purpose of this essay is to examine some causes of sleep deprivation.
2. The teacher was all over the place with her explanation.
3. According to the author’s conclusions, people should be more mindful of
their tone in multicultural settings.
4. The current leadership sucks so bad I want to emigrate.
5. There are limits on what can be interpreted as social activism.
6. Nobody gets what the author is saying in the conclusion.
7. The metaphors of the poem remind me of the time I got dumped by someone
I didn’t even really like.
8. With regard to some of the decisions Mao made in the 60s, it’s clear that he
was a sadistic, crazy son of a bitch.
Use of the first person doesn’t automatically make something colloquial, of course,
but academic writing, especially the hard sciences, would never have allowed this a
decade or so ago: always the third person. PhD students are still taught to write in a
rigid, formal way, but that doesn’t stop them adopting a more conversational tone
sometimes in science papers once they are let loose into the wilderness as fully-fledged
You’re not going to see ‘fo’shizzle’ in a physics paper any time soon, but you will
still see the occasional colloquialism wriggle through. Scientists like to pretend they are
cold, objective entities who use language at its most robotic. Don’t believe them - they
have blood flowing through their veins and enjoy the occasional flowery
I once edited an epic paper on the physics of food. Enjoy: Soft matter food physics:
the physics of food and cooking. I’ll never forget this one (the link goes to an older
version of the paper - the published version is behind a paywall I’m afraid, but it still
retains the author’s wonderful writing style as quoted below, just tidied up a little). The
opening paragraph alone…
‘Food and physics: at first sight, such a combination seems strange. Food is
considered often as a daily need, and is frequently consumed without thought in order to
satisfy hunger. The objects that are put into the mouth, chewed and masticated before
being swallowed seem remote from physical systems, which require investigations by
physical methods. Even a closer look at bread rolls, sausages, cheese, milk or breakfast
cereals does not suggest their close relationship to soft matter physics. Nevertheless,
food can be bitten with the teeth, crushed between tongue and palate, and lubricated
with saliva to form a bolus, which finally can be swallowed. The oral processing of food
requires relatively small forces and thus suggests that food is soft matter.
2.1. Sociolinguistics and language function of colloquialism.

Sociolinguistics is studies about language that exist in society which is related each
other that cannot separate from humans in social life. Therefore, Sociolinguistics is
called the study of language and society, and Sociolinguistics is one of branch of
linguistics field the study that is concerned with the interaction of language and setting.
Furthermore, the study that is concerned with investigating the relationship between
language and society with the goal of a better understanding of the structure of language
and of how languages function in communication. Based on the definitions has
mentioned above, Sociolinguistics as a main tool for knowing and understanding a
language in society. The elements provided by study of Sociolinguistics make it as a
support to conduct the research about language in a community. Therefore, in this
current research the researcher wants to look colloquial style words used in a
A variety of conversations are classified as formal or informal. Variation in
formal language is typically based on the standard variety, circumstances, and
context of formal or official matters. Meanwhile, informal language variation
typically occurs in a variety of non-standard languages, the situation, and the context
of an informal or casual matter. Conversations and interactions in society or the
community itself will generate various forms of diversity and variety of languages.
It reflects the different contexts in which they use the language. Language views
differ based on the person's status as a social user, gender, age, ethnicity, and the
type of social networking in which he or she participates. These variations are
usually caused by differences in styles, context register, and politeness. Variations
occur as a result of the language situation in an informal speech context. Slang refers
to one of the variations that can be found in a variety of communities. Language
variation is formed by a convention or agreement among language users, and it is
based on the nature of language as an arbiter. Furthermore, slang employs informal
words and expressions that are not commonly used in the speaker's native language.
In formal situations, most people speak carefully, but in many informal situations, a
more relaxed style of speech makes a better impression. Normal conversation is
referred to as colloquial from the Latin col- "together" and loqui "to speak".
Speaking in colloquial English shows that you are a warm, friendly, and
approachable person who wants to connect with other people on a personal level.
Slang is a topic that elicits strong emotions, and it can even slang
'bitch please' elicits feelings of warmth and loyalty from the members. When uttered
by people outside the group, however, it elicits hostility.
Some people adore slang and make certain that they always use the most upto-date
terms, despite the fact that said slang still exists. Others, on the other hand,
despise it and look down on those who use it. When someone uses slang, it indicates
that they are uneducated, stupid, or hopelessly out of date.
Slang is a special vocabulary used by any group of people of a low or
disreputable character; it is a low and vulgar language (Coleman, 2012). Slang is
used by a speaker to create social dynamics with the people to whom he or she is
speaking. Furthermore, slang defines social spaces, and attitudes toward it aid in the
identification and construction of social groups and identities
Furthermore, there are 26 reasons why people use slangl. It is that
slang can be uttered to reveal their ideas, feelings, and expressions, and it can only
be understood by certain people in a specific area and may not be known by people
outside the group. They use slang words as a secret code and a symbol of solidarity
within groups or between groups.
The virtual world is a world that fosters conversation and intimacy among
groups or communities on the Internet, where slang is developed. Slang establishes
in-groups and out-groups and serves as a symbol of belonging (Coleman, 2012). The
group and the community congregate at various locations, one of which is an
entertainment site. Said site, such as one based on humor, is the most popular among
the young generation these days. 1cak.com is a popular website in Indonesia. It is a
humor-based site with image and video content, similar to 9gag.com. This website
is amusing and full of things that might be considered funny, ridiculous, or realistic
in everyday life.
Several posts contain images and text that combine to form a humorous slang.
Unfortunately, some visitors to this site are baffled as to what the slang's function is
and where it came from. In line with that, the primary reason for 1cak.com being
prioritized in this study is that it contains a large number of slang words and
expressions. One of the slang taken from a post in 1cak.com
Furthermore, many researchers has conducted slang analysis in specific studies.
it is investigated slang words used in social media, particularly in the
Alay language variation. The qualitative method was used in this study, and the
researcher chose descriptive techniques consideration regional diversity.
BlackBerry Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Line, and Facebook were
used to collect the information. The researcher used the observation method to
collect data. The researcher discovered that Alay language variation is one of the
slang languages used in teenage conversation. It is understandable to a certain group,
particularly those who use it themselves. In Bahasa, there are many errors in the
Alay language variation for communication. However, in social media, it can be
minimized to avoid misunderstandings in message delivery. Slang is widely used by
people of all disciplines. American slang has been
formed and developed with American history. It has unique features and functions.
American slang sociolinguistic studies help people learn more about American
culture and society. This study is concerned with the characteristics of youth slang
used in modern English. The purpose of this article is to examine the use of slang
expressions among the younger generation. The definition of slang begins to pique
the interest of modern philology. There are now a plethora of slang definitions
available, many of which contradict one another. According to the authors, Russian
slang contains a large number of English borrowings. This article is devoted to the
examination of a concept of modern English youth slang. The importance of our
research is that youth slang is constantly evolving. As an integral part of language,
modern slang in English represents one of the most pressing and contradictory
problems in modern lexicology. This study promotes a solution to the problem of
determining an entity and the main distinguishing characteristics of the studied

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