Colloquialism and Its Specific Features
Colloquialism and Its Specific Features
Colloquialism and Its Specific Features
1.1.A brief information about Colloquialism...………….........................................5
1.2.Academic and colloquial language ……....…...….........................………….....8
2.1. Sociolinguistics and language function of colloquialism.......................…......12
2.2.The application of interaction in English classes……..............……..….…….18
2.3. Promoting classroom interaction …………….………………............…........20
LIST ОF USED LITERATURE…….……………………....…….....................27
Look now at the interaction process itself, at the devices the teacher may
use to enhance the success of his efforts. The need for any teacher to know where
the student stands now in his knowledge. The target should always be the growth
of the student. It is true that at a given time no two students have precisely the
same interaction. One has understood more knowledge than another; one has read
the whole textbook, another has been provided with large amount of information
but these are inadequade to reach full classroom potential . Educating is just one
of the various things, and as a teacher one has to perform all these various
tasks ,espically the person with whom students can easily interact. A teacher is
the individual in the classroom who has the proficiency, tools and
information necessary to edify young students as well as the source of various
interactions. In this fast growing world, there are abundant changes in
teaching approaches along with the learning strategies. Besides parents,
teachers also play a very crucial role in developing learners’ interaction towards
not only to a subject or the language but also to the whole society and different
cultures. Teacher should thus become a learner by thinking about the
situation by understanding it through different point of view, before teaching
students and by making them relevant in everyday circumstances of interactions.
Sociolinguistics is studies about language that exist in society which is related each
other that cannot separate from humans in social life. Therefore, Sociolinguistics is
called the study of language and society, and Sociolinguistics is one of branch of
linguistics field the study that is concerned with the interaction of language and setting.
Furthermore, the study that is concerned with investigating the relationship between
language and society with the goal of a better understanding of the structure of language
and of how languages function in communication. Based on the definitions has
mentioned above, Sociolinguistics as a main tool for knowing and understanding a
language in society. The elements provided by study of Sociolinguistics make it as a
support to conduct the research about language in a community. Therefore, in this
current research the researcher wants to look colloquial style words used in a
A variety of conversations are classified as formal or informal. Variation in
formal language is typically based on the standard variety, circumstances, and
context of formal or official matters. Meanwhile, informal language variation
typically occurs in a variety of non-standard languages, the situation, and the context
of an informal or casual matter. Conversations and interactions in society or the
community itself will generate various forms of diversity and variety of languages.
It reflects the different contexts in which they use the language. Language views
differ based on the person's status as a social user, gender, age, ethnicity, and the
type of social networking in which he or she participates. These variations are
usually caused by differences in styles, context register, and politeness. Variations
occur as a result of the language situation in an informal speech context. Slang refers
to one of the variations that can be found in a variety of communities. Language
variation is formed by a convention or agreement among language users, and it is
based on the nature of language as an arbiter. Furthermore, slang employs informal
words and expressions that are not commonly used in the speaker's native language.
In formal situations, most people speak carefully, but in many informal situations, a
more relaxed style of speech makes a better impression. Normal conversation is
referred to as colloquial from the Latin col- "together" and loqui "to speak".
Speaking in colloquial English shows that you are a warm, friendly, and
approachable person who wants to connect with other people on a personal level.
Slang is a topic that elicits strong emotions, and it can even slang
'bitch please' elicits feelings of warmth and loyalty from the members. When uttered
by people outside the group, however, it elicits hostility.
Some people adore slang and make certain that they always use the most upto-date
terms, despite the fact that said slang still exists. Others, on the other hand,
despise it and look down on those who use it. When someone uses slang, it indicates
that they are uneducated, stupid, or hopelessly out of date.
Slang is a special vocabulary used by any group of people of a low or
disreputable character; it is a low and vulgar language (Coleman, 2012). Slang is
used by a speaker to create social dynamics with the people to whom he or she is
speaking. Furthermore, slang defines social spaces, and attitudes toward it aid in the
identification and construction of social groups and identities
Furthermore, there are 26 reasons why people use slangl. It is that
slang can be uttered to reveal their ideas, feelings, and expressions, and it can only
be understood by certain people in a specific area and may not be known by people
outside the group. They use slang words as a secret code and a symbol of solidarity
within groups or between groups.
The virtual world is a world that fosters conversation and intimacy among
groups or communities on the Internet, where slang is developed. Slang establishes
in-groups and out-groups and serves as a symbol of belonging (Coleman, 2012). The
group and the community congregate at various locations, one of which is an
entertainment site. Said site, such as one based on humor, is the most popular among
the young generation these days. is a popular website in Indonesia. It is a
humor-based site with image and video content, similar to This website
is amusing and full of things that might be considered funny, ridiculous, or realistic
in everyday life.
Several posts contain images and text that combine to form a humorous slang.
Unfortunately, some visitors to this site are baffled as to what the slang's function is
and where it came from. In line with that, the primary reason for being
prioritized in this study is that it contains a large number of slang words and
expressions. One of the slang taken from a post in
Furthermore, many researchers has conducted slang analysis in specific studies.
it is investigated slang words used in social media, particularly in the
Alay language variation. The qualitative method was used in this study, and the
researcher chose descriptive techniques consideration regional diversity.
BlackBerry Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Line, and Facebook were
used to collect the information. The researcher used the observation method to
collect data. The researcher discovered that Alay language variation is one of the
slang languages used in teenage conversation. It is understandable to a certain group,
particularly those who use it themselves. In Bahasa, there are many errors in the
Alay language variation for communication. However, in social media, it can be
minimized to avoid misunderstandings in message delivery. Slang is widely used by
people of all disciplines. American slang has been
formed and developed with American history. It has unique features and functions.
American slang sociolinguistic studies help people learn more about American
culture and society. This study is concerned with the characteristics of youth slang
used in modern English. The purpose of this article is to examine the use of slang
expressions among the younger generation. The definition of slang begins to pique
the interest of modern philology. There are now a plethora of slang definitions
available, many of which contradict one another. According to the authors, Russian
slang contains a large number of English borrowings. This article is devoted to the
examination of a concept of modern English youth slang. The importance of our
research is that youth slang is constantly evolving. As an integral part of language,
modern slang in English represents one of the most pressing and contradictory
problems in modern lexicology. This study promotes a solution to the problem of
determining an entity and the main distinguishing characteristics of the studied