04-03-23 Lesson Plan - Using Parallel Structures

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April 03, 2023



(Practice Teacher)



Teacher III, English Department
(Cooperating Teacher)

Head Teacher VI, English Department


Principal IV, Tarlac National High School
S.Y. 2022-2023

I. Learner Objectives or Learning Targets:

By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to
A) Define Parallel Structures;
B) Identify errors in Parallel Structures; and
C) Write sentence using parallel structures correctly.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Using Parallel Structures

B. Materials:

Materials Needed by the Teacher Materials Needed by the Students

Laptop Ballpen
PowerPoint Presentation Notebook

C. Reference:

CO-Q3-English8-Module 6 Textbook

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

Let us Pray first, anyone who wants to lead (One student will raise his/her hand to lead
the Prayer? the prayer)

Okay, please go in front Ms./Mr. for the Okay, ma’am


We give thanks to the Lord for this day and

all the blessings we have experienced. We
pray for your blessing on the work we
accomplish in class and for the endurance,
fortitude, and patience to overcome any
obstacles that may arise. Give insight to our
instructors and students so they can benefit
from one another.

2. Greetings *Good morning, ma’am, good morning

Good morning, class. classmates, we’re glad to see you!

*(All) Yes, ma’am

Before you sit, please pick all the pieces of
paper under you chair and please clear all
your table and fasten your seatbelts!

3. Checking the attendance

Ms. Secretary, may I know who are the *Ma’am, no one is absent today
absentees for today?

4. Monitoring their
*Yes, ma’am
Did you read in advance our

*Thank you, ma’am

Very good!

A. Review
(One student will raise his/her hand)
For today, we will be having a new topic.
But, first let us recall what is our lesson last
meeting. Please raise your hand if you still *Ma’am, our last topic was all about the
remember what was our last topic? Anyone? Cohesive devices, the Use and its types.

*Ma’am, one of those are the Additive

Very good! But can you tell me what are the
types of Cohesive devices?
*Ma’am, the Causative and Conditional

Good Job! How about the other types?

*The Sequential and Clarifying cohesive

Very Good, one another? devices

Very good class I am glad to know that you

still remember all of our topics last meeting. *Thank you, Ma’am.
Very good students!

B. Motivation

As for today, I want you to analyze/observe *Yes, Ma’am.

what are the errors you may see in the screen

*Yes, Ma’am!
Now, are you ready for the first one?

(Student follows)

Okay, so now please listen to our mechanics.

All you have to do is to raise your hand if
you know the answer. I will show set of
*Yes, we are!
sentences and words and you will just
identify which is the correct one. Are you

*Okay, Ma’am!
And now, may we start to our exciting

The first one is this! (The teacher shows two

sentences and the student will guess which
one is correct)

1. “It is better to give than receiving.” *The correct one Ma’am is “It is better to
give than to receive.
2. “It is better to give than to receive.”

That is correct. Next, how about this?

1. “Simple is beauty” *The correct one Ma’am is “Simplicity is

2. “Simplicity is beauty”

Very good everyone!

Now, you have to guess which of the

following has a different grammatical form.

Are you ready? *Yes, Ma’am!

Let’s continue!
*Singing, Ma’am
dig, cook, dance, singing

That is correct because it must be “sing”

Last, which of the following has a different

grammatical form? *Ma’am the word that has a different
grammatical form is the word “waits
Locked, ate, look, looked, waits, ran

Very good, because it must be “waited”

C. Presentation of the lesson *Ma’am. I observed that, the constructed

words are important to analyze it is an error
Now, what did you observed about the words or not.
given in our activity earlier?

*Ma’am, I noticed that in every area, the

most observable form of a sentence is the
grammatical formation of a words or a
That’s a good observation! Another? sentence.

*It tells us to choose wisely in the words we

Yes, Very Good, how about the

*I think it’s about our vocabulary that

matters. in the given text I noticed some
Very good observation! Any additional pattern, that’s why I basically noticed the
answer or observation? error. You will technically notice the error if
the statement lacks with rhythm.

Another very good observation! Please a (Applause)

round of applause for those creative and
authentic ideas!

1. Unlocking difficulties

Using the objectives, you are now having an *Yes, Ma’am!

idea about our topic for today. So, now let us
proceed to our discussion

D. Discussion (Student raise her hand to answers)

What comes to your mind when you hear the
word parallel?
For me ma’am, it is lying or moving in the
same direction but always the same distance
Yes Mr./Ms.
Thank you, ma’am,

Very good idea, please take your seat.

*taking or extending in the same direction,

One more? Ma’am.

*Thank you, ma’am!

Very good! Thank you, please be

Parallelism refers to using similar

words, clauses, phrases, sentence
structure, or other grammatical
elements to emphasize similar ideas
in a sentence. It makes the sentence
concise, clear, and easy to read.

Parallelism is the matching of the

forms of words, phrases, or clauses
within a sentence. Editing your work
for parallel construction improves *yes, ma’am!
clarity and emphasizes your points.
*Since it is called parallel. It is simaler to
Did you get it?
the term mirroring? Repetition using a
grammatical form.

*Thank you, ma’am.

Exactly, yes. Very good!

*Yes, ma’am.
When a series is composed of verbs,
do not mix forms. Are you getting my

Since I had already introduced to you our

topic for today, let us proceed now to the
Rules to consider when checking for parallel 1. Parallel structure should be used when
structure in your writing. We have three checking elements are joined by
rules, can you please read the first one, all of coordinating conjunction.

(Student raised his hand)

Now, how can you interpret the text given?

Yes, Mr. Cholo? *I think in the first rule of the parallel

structure needs the presence of coordinating
conjunction. I remember those FANBOYS.

Yes, What about the Fanboys? Can you tell (all Students recites in chorus)
me what FANBOYS stands for?
Very good, can you give yourselves a round
of applause? (Applaud)

In using parallel construction when a

sentence contains a pair of connected ideas.
Pairs can be connected by coordinating
conjunction as we discussed which includes

In the given example, it indicates here which

are is correct and not. Can you analyze the
grammatical form used?

*from these examples it is important to

identify the noun phrase and the verb phrase.
For us we know, noun is a name of a place,
things or an event. And verb is and action

Thank you for another insight! Now *” or”, Ma’am.

can you tell me what coordinating

Okay, for the next step can you identify the *as I have observed, the first one isn’t in a
proper and improper for used in the given proper form. It is obviously incorrect
example? because the noun phrase and the verb phrase
aren’t compatible to use.

How about the second example sentence? *for me, ma’am. The sentence used were in
a good form due to its phrases which were
verb phrases.

And for the third one?

*as for me, the same with the second
example. They’re in a proper form, because
the sentence was constructed in a noun
phrase. Always remember the mirroring

Those answer of yours are exactly correct!

Thank you for a good observation and
(Student read the text)
For the next rule, can you please read all of
*Parallel structure should be used when
writing elements in the form of a list or a
*In the given example it is obviously a listed
series which where the given example shows
the differences on how it is constructed both.
Respect and honesty is in a basic form but
the last underlined words error due to its
phrase that aren’t suitable with noun phrase.

Exactly, thank you Ms. Princess. Did you get

my point, class?

3. Parallel structure should be used when

And for the last rules in parallelism structure, comparing and contrasting elements. (A is
please read again. better than B or x is less that y)

*As I observed, it says there that the third

Now, how can you interpret the examples? rule uses a comparing and contrast in a
phrases. For example the first one, they used
the term “better than” as the rule but in
terms of the phrases it is not in a good for
due to the noun phrase which is to dive and
the verb Phrase which is swimming. They’re
not compatible to be in one clause.
The availability heuristic is a type
of cognitive bias that helps us make fast, but
sometimes incorrect, assessments. It
involves relying on information that comes
to mind quickly or is most available to us.

Very good! Sine you know what is the third

rule. Now can you tell me what are the *incorrect
possible answer in letter A?
* correct!
How about the letter B?
And for the letter C?

Therefore you are now familiar and ready to *Thank you, ma’am!
apply the rules in constructing a sentence!
Good job, class!

Do you have any questions or

clarifications?? None, ma’am!
(Student read the text)
E. Application

As we discussed the topic earlier. Since you

now know how to identify the rules of
parallel structures we had discussed. I want
(Students understands)
you to write an example or any king of
scenario that shows parallelism.

Did you get it?

*yes, Ma’am!

Okay! you may start now!

(students moves)

F. Generalization

I know all of you learned about our

topic for today, is there anyone here
can summarize all of the discussion
about the use of Parallel structures? *When you write a sentence with a series of
clauses, make sure that they start and end the
same way. If you don’t, you destroy the
rhythm you’ve tried to establish. More
important, if you use parallel structures,
your readers will have a more enjoyable
time absorbing and understanding your
facts, ideas, and concepts.

Any addition?
Parallel structure (also called parallelism) is
the repetition of a chosen grammatical form
within a sentence. by making each compared
item or idea in your sentence follow the
same grammatical pattern, you create a
What a very good answer, a round of
parallel construction.
applause for everyone!

And now, for the last part kindly

bring out one whole sheet of paper
and answer the following question.

*Yes, ma’am

(Students will get their papers to answer)

III. Evaluation

Writing a sentence

How are you going to value the use of Parallelism structure as a student in your
daily life?

IV. Assignment
1. Give your own idea on how the rules of Parallelism may be used.
2. Advance reading about Facts and opinion.

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