C. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Worksheets D. Values Integration: Flexibility

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I. Objectives
Towards the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
 define the different Literary Devices;
 site the importance of Literary Devices in real-life scenario;
 search for words, phrases, or sentences that use different
literary devices.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Literary Devices
B. References: A Journey through Anglo-American Literature
Learner`s Material, pp.293-295
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Worksheets
D. Values Integration: flexibility
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
a. Opening Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Class Reminders
e. Simple Recall
Ø Before proceeding to the next topic, ask the following questions
 What was the lesson last meeting?
 Can anyone recall the important things about that particular
f. Motivation

 Have you tried writing a poem, story, or essay before, using

unfamiliar and highfalutin words?
 How about reading a piece of poem/story with some words
that you don’t understand?

B. Lesson Proper

Instruction: The students will be grouped into five, and they will then
be given a paper for them to arrange the jumbled letters to form a word
and they will post it on the chalkboard.

1. HYRPBLOEE- HYPERBOLE (exaggeration and overstatement)

2. OMOROYXN- OXYMORON (contradictory terms)
3. AULLISON- ALLUSION (implied/indirect reference to a
person, event, or thing to a part of another text.)
4. JOGRAN- JARGON (special words or expressions that are
used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to
5. SMYBLISOM- SYMBOLISM (uses symbols be they people,
marks, locations, or abstract ideas)

1. What have you observed in the activity?
2. What do you think is our lesson for today?
Literary Devices- it is a writing technique that writers use to
express ideas, convey meaning, and highlight important themes
in a piece of text.
-Writers use literary devices to enhance various elements such
as setting, style, plot, and characterization.
1. Hyperbole- is a literary device used to draw emphasis through
extreme exaggeration. It should not be taken literally, but rather as
a means of communicating something specific.
I can eat a horse.
It’s raining cats and dogs.

2. Oxymoron- is a figure of speech that places contradictory terms

next to each other in a word or phrase. As a literary device, it is
used to make certain word combinations more thought-provoking
to stand out.

He is awfully good.
She had a bittersweet childhood.

3. Allusion- It is implied or indirect reference to a person, event, or

thing or to a part of another text.

Chocolate is his Kryptonite.

I’ll turn into a pumpkin if I’m not home on time!

4. Jargon- special words or expressions that are used by a particular

profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.


MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: Tachycardia- Fast heart rate
5. Symbolism- is the use of words or images to symbolize specific
concepts, people, objects, or events.
DOVE- Purity, Peace, Holy Spirit
HEART- Love, Life

Instructions: Work in pair and create a sentence based on the given
picture and assigned literary device.
1. . 2. 3.

IV. Evaluation (1/4)

Instruction: Write S for simile, M for metaphor, O for oxymoron, RP for
repetition, RH for rhyme, and F for foreshadowing.
1. Ms. Cruz will be your permanent substitute in English. -O
2. Life is a journey. -M
3. It’s okay, not to be okay. -RP
4. You are as brave as a lion. -S
5. He jumps so high, thinking he could reach the sky. – RH
6. The act they play is seriously funny. -O
7. You came, you saw, you conquered. -RP
8. The internet is a library of information. -M
9. A small crowd gathers in an event. O
10. She talks like an angel. -S
Assignment: (1/2 sheet)
Instructions: Search for other five literary devices. Write their
definition and three examples for each device.

Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher

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